英语国家概况 英国 UK
Wales 威尔士地区
位于大不列颠岛西南,东接英格兰,西濒爱尔兰海 2万多平方公里 人口:277.5 万 主要城市:Cardiff 加迪夫,首府 主要农牧区:羊业、乳牛、园艺业 主要工业:采煤和钢铁 其他工业:机械制造、航空、化学、炼油 Milford 米尔福德港,欧洲最大油港之一和炼油中心
不给他人添麻烦的绅士,讲究卫生,尊重女性,注重仪表, 绅士情结——晚礼服;绅士情结—牛津鞋;绅士与帽子; 最大特征:保守,礼貌,尊敬女士
骑士——马术运动 骑士精 Beef(烤牛肉) Yorkshire Pudding(约克郡布丁) Steak(牛排) Kidney Pie (牛腰馅饼). curry(咖喱). 煎培根
三权分立 立法权:议会 行政权:政府 司法权:法院 是资本主义国家标榜“民主”制度的一大特征
英国议会 The Parliament
政治的中心舞台,是英国的最高立法机关。 议会大厦:威斯敏斯特宫 上院——贵族院 下院——平民院
选举产生,任届五年,期满全 部改选。 选举权:没有被法律取消选举 资格年满18岁公民 被选举权:年满21岁以上的公 民 议员:在650个议席中,保守
中世纪早期,本有茂密树林,工业发展与战争,森林严重破坏。 现森林总面积约为308万公顷,占本土面积12.6% 。 英国森林资源仅能满足全国对木材及木材制品需求的10%, 以来进口 木材,政府鼓励植树造林,减少进口依赖。
欧盟中能源资源最丰富的国家 ,主要有煤、石油、天然气、核能和 水力等 。 能源产业在英经济中占有重要地位 。 2010年天然气产量为664百万兆瓦时,原油产量6300万吨,煤炭产量 1780万吨,总发电量达381万亿瓦时,2/3发电量来自煤和天然气。英 国现有10座核电站,其发电量在2010年占英国总发电量的16%,根据 现有计划,到2025年,英国40%的电力供应将来自核能。
英国概况英格兰面积最大苏格兰,爱丁堡为首府威尔士,加的夫,Cardiff为首府北爱尔兰,贝尔法斯特Belfast为首府伦敦,UK首都,皇家法庭royal courts of justice 及圣保罗大教堂st paul’s cathedral在这里。
威斯敏斯特westminster,伦敦市的一个行政区,也叫西敏寺,这里有议会houses of parliament,包含大钟楼big ben,白厅whitehall即英国政府,白金汉宫buckingham palace即英国皇宫,还有st james’hall 圣詹姆斯宫。
The great charter in 1215,1215年大宪章,亦称the great charter or Magna Charta,确保一些平民的政治权利与自由,保障教会不受国王的控制,改革了法律和司法,限制国王及王室官员的行为。
议会雏形,1265年,Simon de Montford 召集the Great Council在西敏寺开会,就是最早的议会,后来发展了House of Lords上议院,House of Commons下议院。
玫瑰战争和英国宗教改革:Richard 三世和Henry Tudor都铎(duduo)打了玫瑰战争,都铎胜利,终成五代都铎王朝。
宗教改革的真正进行是在亨利八世的儿子爱德华时期,新教是Protestant,即基督教,改革叫做“The Reformation”。
文艺复兴运动The English Renaissance文艺复兴是中世纪到现代的过渡时期,从1350-1650,有300年,从意大利发起,达芬奇等人为代表。
The United KingdomStep1 The Country & People1、Geographical locationThe UK is an island country.The UK is located in the northwestern Europe.The UK is a country of island surrounded by North sea to its east, Atlantic ocean to its north, Irish sea to its west and between Great Britain and Ireland, English Channel英吉利海峡and Strait of Dover多佛尔海峡to its south.2、Common-sense knowledgeNational Anthem:上帝保佑女王"god save the queen"男性君主为"god save the king"National Flower:RoseThe Capital: London3、Area and populationArea: 244, 820 sqkmPopulation: million2008The most densely populated area: England 84%The least densely populated area: ScotlandThe least populated area: Northern Ireland less than 3%4、British Commonwealth 1931 P9 expressing in EnglishBritish Commonwealth —Also known as the Commonwealth of Nations, it is an association comprising the United Kingdom and fifty or so former British colonies that are now sovereign states with a common allegiance to the British Crown, including Canada, Australia, India, and many countries in the West Indies and Africa. It was formally established by the Statute of Westminster in 1931. Among the members of the Commonwealth, sixteen sovereign states separately recognize Queen Elizabeth Ⅱas their monarch and are named the Commonwealth Realms. It includes the UK itself, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, among others.英联邦Commonwealth of Nations,是以英国为主导的国家联合体,由英国及其自治领和其他已独立的前殖民地、附属国组成,由54个主权国家含属地所组成,成员大多为前大英帝国的殖民地或附属国;各自治领地地位平等,彼此的内政和外交完全独立;共同效忠于英王,皆为自由结合的英联邦的成员;该组织元首为英国女王伊丽莎白二世,同时身兼英联邦王国内的16国的国家元首;英联邦成员国及其附属国占据了全球五分之一的土地及四分之一的人口;成员国在许多领域进行商讨和合作,包括贸易、金融、国防、教育、技术、科研、法律、医药和农业;英联邦不是一个国家,而是一个松散的组织;英联邦是英国对联邦其他成员国在政治、军事、财政经济和文化上施加影响的组织;5、Capital city —LondonLondon is in the Southeast of the nation and is situated on the Thames River near its mouth.London is the largest city and largest port in the UK.The political center: Buckingham palace白金汉宫,英国皇宫, Palace of Westminster/ House of parliament 国会大厦, Downing street唐宁街The financial center: One of the three major international financial centers in the world. Paris and New York The heart of arts and culture: The University of London the largest university in the UK, British museum大英博物馆City of Fog雾都London is divided into the City of London 金融城and the County of London includes all the suburbs and part of the countryside around London, is divided into 32 boroughs 区,自治市镇,城区.6、Tourist Attractions in LondonThames River泰晤士河Tower Bridge伦敦塔桥Palace of Westminster/House of parliament威斯敏斯特宫/国会大厦威斯敏斯特宫Palace of Westminster,又称国会大厦Houses of Parliament是英国国会包括上议院和下议院的所在地;威斯敏斯特宫是哥德复兴式建筑的代表作之一;Westminster Abbey威斯敏斯特教堂Political significance:Royal wedding ceremony & Royal tombCommemoratory significance:Tombs of many famous people “Poet’s corner”诗人之角Who was the first literary figure buried here ----Chaucer father of English historyWho was the last royal family member buried here ---Diana Rose of EnglandIn the right picture, whose tomb is it ---NewtonWho built it ----Edward the confessor忏悔者Swiss Re Tower瑞士再保险塔London Eye伦敦眼Millennium Bridge千禧桥Greenwich observatory格林威治天文台Canary Wharf金丝雀码头Millennium Dome千年穹顶St Paul’s Cathedral圣保罗大教堂London Tower伦敦塔Canary Wharf Tower金丝雀码头塔One Canada Square第一加拿大广场HSBC Tower汇丰银行塔8 Canada Square第八加拿大广场Citigroup Centre 花旗集团中心Buckingham Palace白金汉宫—the residence of the queen女王住处7、Different names for Britain and its parts8、Topography地形①Rising in North-West cause highlands there;②Sinking in South-East cause lowlands.9、Filling in the blanks1The British Isles — a geographic term which includes two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland island, and 5,000 small islands.2Great Britain comprises only England , Scotland and Wales.3Ireland island includes Northern Ireland and southern Ireland. Northern Ireland is a part of the UK, while southern Ireland became an independent country — Republic of Ireland.4The UK is made up of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland is made up of England, Scotland and Wales.5Three termsBritish Isles不列颠群岛:Two large islands and hundreds of small onesBritain:Great Britain and Northern IrelandGreat Britain:England, Wales and ScotlandThe longest river: the Severn塞汶河The 2nd but most important river: Thames泰晤士河The largest lake in the UK: Lough Neagh内伊湖,英国最大的淡水湖Lough Lomond洛蒙德湖, on the southwestern edge of the High-lands of Scotland, is the largest on the island of Great Britain.12、Climate & Weather①Changeable ②Mild temperature ③Abundant rain fall1. mid-latitude oceanic climate中纬海洋性气候a. Favorable one, winters are mild not too cold and summers are cool not too hot;b. Steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole year;c. Small range of temperature.2. Factorsa. The surrounding waters tend to balance the seasonal季节性的differences by heating up the land in winter and cooling it off in summer;b. The Westerlies盛行西风带blow over the country all the year round bringing warm and wet air in winter and keeping the temperatures moderate;c. The North Atlantic Drift北大西洋暖流, which is a warm current, passes the western coast of the British Isles and warms them.3. Rainfalla. General: Britain has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole year. The average annual rainfall in Britain is over 1,000 mm;b. Character: ①Water surplus in north and west; ②Water deficit in south and east;c. Reservoirs水库have to be built in highland areas such as Central Wales, the Lake District and the Scottish Highlands苏格兰高地.Step2 History of the United Kingdom13、A brief timeline of British history0. Early history史前~.1. Roman years 罗马人占领时期:55BC~410AD Early2. Anglo-Saxon Britain and Anglo-Saxon Heptarch盎格鲁—撒克逊时期Britain与Danish invasion丹麦统治时期:449年~1066年3. Norman Britain 诺曼底王朝1066~11544. House of Plantagenet 雀花王朝1154~9 Medieval5. House of Lancaster 兰开斯特王朝9~1461 Britain6. House of York 约克王朝1461~14857. House of Tudors都铎王朝1485~1603 Religious reformation8. The House of Stuart斯图亚特王朝1603~1714 British Bourgeois Revolutionof Hanover汉诺威王朝1714~1917 Industrial revolution Victorian Britain World War One of Windsor温莎王朝1917~ World War Two14、The earliest known settlers on the British Isles were Iberian.英国土着居民是利比亚人15、The Normans were the last invaders in history to conquer the British Isles.诺曼底入侵是历史上最后一次外族入侵16、1.什么是诺曼底征服封建社会的开始When Edward the confessor died in 1066 without a male heir, Harold claimed the throne, but 3 days later, Duke of Normandy, William, crossed the Channel, killed Harold and defeated the English army at the battle of Hastings. Weeks later, he was crowned as William at Westminster Abbey in London on Christmas Day 1066.2. William, duke of Normandy Northwest of France, close to British Channel位于法国西北部3. The Battle of Hastings黑斯廷斯战役4. FactsThe Battle of Hastings in 1066 made William, the Conqueror the first Anglo-Norman king of England.5. SignificanceIt is the last invasion of England by foreigners while English history regards it as a hidden blessing.6. In 1067, William started building the Tower of London, the great fortress 要塞,堡垒which demonstrated his power and dominated the city of London.17、1. HenryⅡ在位期间三大事件:在位国王: HenryⅡ三大事件:①HenryⅡfounded the Plantagenet Dynasty;②The jury of 12 sworn men system12人陪审团制度were introduced;③The royal/common law普遍法replaced the feudal law封建法.2. King John and “The Great Charter”①King John was defeated in a war with France and lost Normandy in 1204.②The lords got angry and forced him to sign a long document on June 17th, 1215.③This document is known as The Great Charter also named Magna Carta, later regarded as the basis of the modern English constitution.④Contents:略看—no tax should be made without the approval of the council—no freeman should be arrested or imprisoned except by the law of the land—If the king attempted to free himself from law, the vassals封臣had the right to force the king to obey it.⑤Significance:略看—The Great Charter was made in the interest of the feudal lords, great and small. It had a progress significance.—It granted to the towns people freedom of trade and self-government. The merchants and craftsmen in England appeared for the first time as a new political force.3. Beginning of Parliament①Henry Ⅲson of King John heavily taxed the lords to pay tributes贡品to the Pope罗马教皇to defeat the lords.②Simon de Montfort蒙特福德爵士, defender守护者of the Great Charter, reformed the Great Council with two knights each county郡,县and two representatives each town城镇.It later developed into the House of Lords上议院and the House of Commons下议院.③The Earliest English Parliament All Estates Parliament各等级议会was summoned in 1265 in Westminster after the capture捕获,俘虏of Henry Ⅲ.4. In 1295, King EdwardⅠsummoned the “All Estates Parliament”— more than 400 hundred members in all. As that parliament was followed as a model, it became known in history as the “Model Parliament模范国会”.18、Hundred Years’ War百年战争①A series of war waged from 1337 to 1453 by France and England. France won eventually.②It was the longest war in the world. 1337-145319、The Black Death黑死病P21名词解释Black Death —Also known as the Black Plague, it was a devastating pandemic that first struck Europe in the mid-14th century, killing between a third and two-thirds of Europe’s population, including about one-third of England’s population.①1348 -1350/ in mid-14th century②Cause: the deadly bubonic plague鼠疫③Consequence--The lords was in shortage of the labor about one half of the population in England died of this disease.--Wage labor demanded higher wages and greater freedom.20、Wat Tyler's Uprising 1 瓦特泰勒起义It marked the beginning of the end of Serfdom农奴制in medieval England.21、Wars of the Roses 1455—1485玫瑰之战The name "Wars of the Roses" has its origins in the badges associated with the two royal houses, the Red Rose of Lancaster and the White Rose of York.The Wars of the Roses 1455—1485 were a series of civil wars fought over the throne of England between adherents of the House of Lancaster feudal landowner and the House of York commercial-minded. Both houses were branches of the Plantagenet royal house, tracing descent from King Edward Ⅲ.金雀花王朝的两分支兰开斯特&约克为争夺王位,均为爱德华三世的后裔It marked the ending of the Middle Ages in European history and the beginning of modern world.22、Religious reformation①Immediate cause: Henry Ⅷ’s divorce Henry Ⅷwas not permitted to divorce Catherine, a Spanish princess.②Henry's elder daughter Mary was a Catholic and a militant好斗的Catholic at that. Her efforts as queen to restore Catholicism to England made her the most unpopular queen in British historyand the means that she used to pursue her aims earned her the nickname "bloody Mary"血腥玛丽.③ElizabethⅠ伊丽莎白一世7 September 1533 –24 March 1603 was Queen of England and Queen of Ireland from 17 November 1558 until her death在位时间.She is the greatest Queen in Britain and the Virgin QueenThe British colony Virginia was named for her honor.Elizabeth's reign brought in one of the most glorious eras of British history.The Arts flourished, this was the age of Shakespeare and Bacon.④The Golden AgeElizabethⅠ为什么好Under ElizabethⅠ's rule, England advanced in such areas as foreign trade, exploration, literature and the arts.The English navy defeated the Spanish Armada西班牙无敌舰队.During her reign, the age of exploration began with the explorers such as Francis Drake claiming new lands for England and introducing new materials and foods. The American State, Virginia, is named after the virginQueen.In government, Elizabeth was more moderate than her father and siblings. One of her mottoes was video et taceo: "I see, and say nothing". 我已经嫁给了英格兰;我是妇道人家,但我有囊括四海的帝王胸怀,一个英格兰国王所应该有的胸怀;——伊丽莎白一世23、The “Glorious Revolution” 1688①什么是“光荣革命”The revolution was glorious because it was bloodless. Prince William of Orange, ruler of the Netherlands, and his wife Mary accepted the invitation to become king and queen. It was established that a monarch could rule only with the support of Parliament.②By that time, the Ca valiers and Roundheads had settled down to become England’s first political parties: the Tories and the Whigs保守党和自由党.24、The Industry revolution took place mainly in England.The Industrial Revolution began in the age-old wooltextile industry.Advantages for industrial revolution:1. peace at home2. a climate that encouraged inventors and inventions3. surplus labor4. increasing demand in the market25、Victorian Britain①Queen Victoria reigned 1837 - 1901Britain became the most powerful and richest country in the world日不落帝国.②From the late 1850s onwards, the Whigs became the Liberal Party.1900-1906③Charles Darwin's达尔文on the Origin of Species物种起源was published in 1859.④By 1850, a nation-wide railway system had been constructed.⑤The London Underground was the world's first underground railway with its first line opened in 1863.⑥In 1882, incandescent electric lights白炽灯were introduced to London streets.⑦The Opium War started.鸦片战争26、British Empire大英帝国The British Empire began with the founding of Newfoundland纽芬兰in 1583 and fell after the end of the Second World War.两次世界大战后英受挫,虽为战胜国27、Major events in the two World WarsWomen staged a movement that led to a limited voting franchise for them in 1918, and full equality with men in 1928.Step3 British Government and PoliticsConstitution features1. No written form2. Changes in constitution can be more easily3. Constitutional monarchy君主立宪制4. Parliamentary sovereign议会制5. Representative democracy代表共和制度6. The rule of law29、The monarchy君主制King/ Queen/ Crown①The monarchy is supposed to reign but not rule;②the Crown mainly performs ceremonial duties whose work consists largely of signing papers;③the monarch formally summons and dismisses Parliament and the ministers of the Cabinet;④serves as head of the judiciary, commander in chief of the armed forces, and Supreme Governor of the Church of England and the Church of Scotland;⑤gives the royal assent御准to bills before they become law;⑥presides over the State Opening of Parliament;⑦has the right to be informed and consulted on every aspect of national life and review all important government documents;⑧regularly she chairs the Privy Council and meets with the Prime Minister in the Buckingham Palace to be advised and to advise about state affairs;⑨also attends numerous artistic, industrial, scientific and charitable events of national and local interest.31、The Legislature立法机构The parliament is the Britain's supreme legislature. It has the power to make, unmake, or change any law.Functions of ParliamentThe maximum duration of Parliament is five years and is dissolved by the Crown on the advice of the Prime Minister.最长任期五年1. passes bills that are proposed by the gov.;2. votes the taxation and expenditures of the gov.;3. scrutinizes/examines government policies and administration;4. debates the major issues of the day.Head: Lord Chancellor上议院院长/大法官Main function: bring the wide experience of its members into the process of lawmaking.②The House of CommonsHead: The speaker of the Lower house下议院议长Three main functions of the house of commons:⑴to pass laws, bills and acts of Parliament;⑵to examine, criticize and restrain the actions of the government;⑶to influence the future government policy.35、The Executive立法机构①Components: The Cabinet内阁is composed of the heads of the most important departments. It is the Prime Minister首相who decides which minister will be included.②Functions: as the nucleus of the government, performs a pivotal关键的role in the English government. Most of the important bills under the debate in the Parliament originate in the Cabinet. It controls a majority of the seats in Parliament and policies proposed by the Cabinet can often win the approval of Parliament.③Official residence办公地点: The Cabinet meets regularly, usually once a week, in one of the rooms in the Prime Minister’s official residence, No. 10 Downing street.36、Functions of the Prime Minister & the Cabinet①can select cabinet;②hand out departmental positions, dismiss ministers;③amalgamate合并or split government departments;④decide the agenda for cabinet meetings.37、The Judiciary司法机构了解Head: Lord chancellorProceedings:All criminal trials刑事审判are held in open court because the criminal law presumes the innocence of the accused until he has been approved guilty beyond reasonable doubtIn criminal trials by jury, the judge passes sentence but the jury decides the issue of guilt and innocence.39、Who can vote in the British general election1. Anyone who is a citizen of the UK, the Republic of Ireland, or of a Commonwealth country;2. over the age of 18;3. People who have been convicted of corrupt or illegal practices in connection within the previous five years;4. People who have to live in a constituency for at least 3 months;5. UK citizens who have moved abroad remain eligible to vote for 15 years thereafter.。
一、英国(United Kingdom)英国是英语的发源地,也是英语国家中最重要的一个。
二、美国(United States)美国是世界上最大的英语国家之一,也是世界上最强大的国家之一。
五、新西兰(New Zealand)新西兰是一个位于南太平洋的岛国,也是一个英语国家。
Introduction to English-speaking Countries第一章英国●Full NameThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,简称“UK(联合王国)”。
●Geography位于欧洲大陆西北部的Great Britain Island(大不列颠岛)上,东濒North Sea(北海),西临Atlantic(大西洋),南与European Continent(欧洲大陆)以English Channel(英吉利海峡)、Denver Channel(多佛海峡)相隔。
由Great Britain(包括England、Scotland、Wales和Ireland东北部)和附近大约5500多个小岛组成。
陆界与Republic of Ireland (爱尔兰共和国)接壤。
市里有University of Glasgow(格拉斯哥大学)、St Monger(圣蒙戈)大教堂和Hampton Court Park(汉普登公园)。
Edinburgh(爱丁堡)——第二大城市,为苏格兰自治政府所在地,历史悠久,素有“Northern Athens(北方雅典)”之美誉。
城区以Princes Street(王子大街)为界,一边是New Town,一边是Old Town。
著名古迹有:Edinburgh Castle(爱丁堡城堡)、St Giles′Cathedral(圣吉尔教堂)、National Gallery of Scotland(苏格兰国立美术馆)、Scott Monument(司各特纪念碑)、Palace of Holyroodhouse(圣十字架宫)等。
英语国家概况精讲:第一章英国的国土与人民Chapter 1: Land and People 英国的国土与人民I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts 英国的不同名称及其各组成部分1.Geographical names: the British Isles, Great Britain and England.地理名称:不列颠群岛,大不列颠和英格兰。
2.Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.官方正式名称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。
3.The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and Ireland, and hundreds of small ones.不列颠群岛由两个大岛—大不列颠岛(较大的一个)和爱尔兰岛,及成千上万个小岛组成。
4.Three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wales.大不列颠岛上有三个政治区:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。
(1) England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the largest, most populous section.英格兰位于大不列颠岛南部,是最大,人口最稠密的地区。
(2) Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. It has three natural zones (the Highlands in the north; the Central lowlands; the south Uplands) Capital: Edinburgh苏格兰位于大不列颠的北部。
Chapter 1 The Land and History英国全称大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士及北爱尔兰构成,位于大西洋东部的不列颠群岛,是个岛屿国家,由大不列颠岛,爱尔兰岛北部和众多小岛组成。
I. General IntroductionMap of British Isles1. Location and the Four NationsThe full name of the UK is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is made up of four nations: England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales. It is located to the northwest of continental Europe, separated by the English Channel. Geographically, it is an island country, covering an area of about 244,019 km2, and consists of Great Britain and northeastern part of Ireland, together with many small islands of British Isles.Great Britain accounts for over 90% of the country’s tota l landmass. It is the largest island off the northwestern coast of mainland Europe with England, Scotland and Wales on it. Ireland is the second largest island of British Isles located to the northwest of Great Britain. It is divided into two parts: Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland (an independent country).England is the largest part of the UK and occupies most of the southern two thirds of Great Britain. The total area of England is 130,410 km2 with a population of around 53.9 million (Mid-2013 estimated), which covers more than 84% of the total UK population. It is the most populous and highly urbanized part of the UK. London, the capital of the UK and England, as well as the seat of government, is located in its southeastern part.Scotland is the second largest and most mountainous part of the UK in the north of Great Britain. Compared with that of England, the population density is quite low. There are only 5.3 million people with an area of 78,789 km2. Edinburgh, its largest city, is the capital of Scotland. Scotland is famous for its beautiful natural scenery, such as Scottish Highlands1and Loch Ness2, as well as many historical places, like the Edinburgh Castles.Wales is on the western side of central southern Great Britain. The total area of Wales is 20,779 km2, which accounts for 1/4 parts of the UK. It is also a mountainous part of Great Britain, particularly in the north and central regions. The southeast region is the most built up region of Wales, and the majority of its population live there and a large proportion of its industry is based there. Its capital city, Cardiff, is also in this region.Northern Ireland lies in the northeast of the island of Ireland, covering14,139 km2, which constitutes 1/6 of the island. It is the smallest part among the four nations of the UK, as well as the second sparsely populated part after Scotland. The capital is Belfast, the largest city in Northern Ireland both in population and in area. It is the center for government, economic, arts, higher education, business, law of Northern Ireland. Additionally, it is the birthplace of Titanic, and voted one of the world’s top destinations.2. ClimateThe overall climate in the UK is temperate maritime, which means that it is mild with temperatures neither much lower than 0℃in winter nor much higher 32℃in summer. Generally, the UK has warm summers and cool winters, with July and August as the warmest month, and January and February as the coldest. However, due to the influence of Gulf Stream3, the summers are cooler than those in continent while the winters are milder. Normally, the temperature in summer is around 20℃,with the high rarely going above 30℃. The average temperature in winter is around 0℃and seldom go below -10℃even in the most northern part of the country.Meanwhile, since Britain is an island country and surrounded by the sea, the climate is considerably changeable compared with other countries. Since the variable climate changing day to day, it is hard for people to predict what the weather will be like the next day. Additionally, the unique geographical position is also the reason for the dampness of the climate. The rainfall is fairly distributed throughout the year. Although it does not rain every day, it is always advisable for people to bring an umbrella or waterproof clothing every day.II. History1. The Founding of the NationThe recorded history of the UK begins with the Roman invasion in 55BC. In 55 and 54BC, Britain was twice invaded by Julius Caesar and his Roman troops. However, it was not until 43AD that the Roman led by Claudius I finally successfully invaded and Britain became part of the Roman Empire. The native Celtic were driven to the mountain regions of Scotland and Wales, which remained unconquered by the Romans.The Romans have great impact on many aspects of the British culture. The Roman civilization was introduced to the Britain during this period. For example, Roman style baths and temples were built, cities like London and towns were constructed, and the system of government was also introduced. With the decline of the Roman Empire, when the Germanic troops attacked Rome in 410 A.D., the Romans had to withdraw in order to protect their own nation, which led to the end of Roman occupation.After the leave of the Romans, three groups of Germanic tribes called the Jutes, the Angles and the Saxons came to Britain from the European continent in the mid-4th century. They conquered different regions of Britain:1Scottish Highlands:苏格兰高地,是对苏格兰高地边界断层以西和以北的山地的称,被认为是欧洲风景最优美的地区。
Chapt e r 1 The Land and Histo r y英国全称大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士及北爱尔兰构成,位于大西洋东部的不列颠群岛,是个岛屿国家,由大不列颠岛,爱尔兰岛北部和众多小岛组成。
I. Gener a l Intro d ucti o n1. Locat i on and the Four Natio n s The full name of the UK is the Unite d Kingd o m of Great Brita i n and North e rn Irela n d. It is made up of four natio n s: Engla n d, Scotl a nd, North e rn Irela n d, and Wales . It is locat e d to the north w est of conti n enta l Europ e , separ a ted by the Engli s h Chann e l. Geogr a phic a lly, it is an islan d count r y, cover i ng an area of about 244,019 km 2, and consi s ts of Great Brita i n and north e aste r n part of Irela n d, toget h er with many small islan d s of Briti s h Isles . Great Brita i n accou n ts for over 90% of the count r y’stotal landm a ss. It is the large s t islan d off the north w este r n coast of mainl a nd Europ e with Engla n d, Scotl a nd and Wales on it. Irela n d is the secon d large s t islan d of Briti s h Isles locat e d to the north w est of Great Brita i n. It is divid e d into two parts : North e rn Irela n d and the Repub l ic of Irela n d (an indep e nden t count r y).Engla n d is the large s t part of the UK and occup i es most of the south e rn two third s of Great Brita i n. The total area of Engla n d is 130,410 km 2 with a popul a tion of aroun d 53.9 milli o n (Mid-2013 estim a ted), which cover s morethan 84% of the total UK popul a tion . It is the most popul o us and highl y urban i zed part of the UK . Londo n , the capit a l of the UK and Engla n d, as well as the seat of gover n ment , is locat e d in its south e aste rn part.Map of Briti s h Isles Scotla nd is the second larges t and most mounta inous part of the UK in the northof GreatBritai n. Compar ed with that of Englan d, the popula tiondensit y is quitelow. Thereare only 5.3 millio n people with an area of 78,789 km2. Edinbu rgh, its larges t city, is the capita l of Scotla nd. Scotla nd is famous for its beauti ful natura l scener y, such as Scotti s h Highla nds1and Loch Ness2, as well as many histor icalplaces, like the Edinbu rgh Castle s.Walesis on the wester n side of centra l southe rn GreatBritai n. The totalarea of Walesis 20,779 km2, whichaccoun ts for 1/4 partsof the UK. It is also a mounta inous part of GreatBritai n, partic ularl y in the northand centra l region s. The southe ast region is the most builtup region of Wales, and the majori ty of its popula tionlive thereand a largepropor tionof its indust ry is basedthere. Its capita l city, Cardif f, is also in this region.Northe rn Irelan d lies in the northe ast of the island of Irelan d, coveri ng14,139 km2, whichconsti tutes 1/6 of the island. It is the smalle st part amongthe four nation s of the UK, as well as the second sparse ly popula ted part afterScotla nd. The capita l is Belfas t, the larges t city in Northe rn Irelan d both in popula tionand in area. It is the center for govern ment,econom ic, arts, higher educat ion, busine ss, law of Northe rn Irelan d. Additi onall y, it is the birthp laceof Titani c, and votedone of the world’stopdestin ation s.2. Climat eThe overal l climat e in the UK is temper ate mariti me, whichmeansthat it is mild with temper ature s neithe r much lowerthan 0℃ in winter nor much higher 32℃ in summer. Genera lly, the UK has warm summer s and cool winter s, with July and August as the warmes t month, and Januar y and Februa ry as the coldes t. Howeve r, due to the influe nce of Gulf Stream3, the summer s are cooler than thosein contin ent whilethe winter s are milder. Normal ly, the temper ature in summer is around20℃,with the high rarely goingabove30℃. The averag e temper ature in winter is around 0℃ and seldom go below-10℃ even in the most northe rn part of the countr y.Meanwh ile, sinceBritai n is an island countr y and surrou ndedby the sea, the climat e is consid erabl y change ablecompar ed with othercountr ies. Sincethe variab le climat e changi ng day to day, it is hard for people to predic t what the weathe r will be like the next day. Additi onall y, the unique geogra phica l positi on is also the reason for the dampne ss of the climat e. The rainfa ll is fairly distri buted throug houtthe year. Althou gh it does not rain everyday, it is always advisa ble for people to bringan umbrel la or waterp roofclothi ng everyday.II. Histor y1. The Foundi ng of the NationThe record ed histor y of the UK begins with the Romaninvasi on in 55BC. In 55 and 54BC, Britai n was twiceinvade d by Julius Caesar and his Romantroops. Howeve r, it was not until43AD that the Romanled by Claudi us I finall y succes sfull y invade d and Britai n became part of the RomanEmpire. The native Celtic were driven to the mounta in region s of Scotla nd and Wales, whichremain ed unconq uered by the Romans.The Romans have greatimpact on many aspect s of the Britis h cultur e. The Romancivili zatio n was introd ucedto the Britai n during this period. For exampl e, Romanstylebathsand temple s were built, cities like London and townswere constr ucted, and the system of govern mentwas also introd uced. With the declin e of the RomanEmpire, when the German ic troops attack ed Rome in 410 A.D., the Romans had to withdr aw in orderto protec t theirown nation, whichled to the end of Romanoccupa tion.Afterthe leaveof the Romans, threegroups of German ic tribes called the Jutes, the Angles and the Saxons came to Britai n from the Europe an contin ent in the mid-4th centur y. They conque red differ ent region s of Britai n:1Scotti sh Highla nds:苏格兰高地,是对苏格兰高地边界断层以西和以北的山地的称,被认为是欧洲风景最优美的地区。
Traditions like the Royal Christmas Message, the FA Cup Final, and the Pancake Race are an integral part of British culture. These traditions have been passed down through generations and are a source of pride for the British people.
Education system
Preschool education
Preschool education in the UK is available to all children from the age of 3 to 5 years old. It is not compulsory, but it is highly recommended.
The UK has a rich literary history, with writers such as Shakespeare, Austen, and Dickens. Their works explore themes of love, loss, and social commentary.
Brexit has created uncertainty and division within the UK and its relationship with Europe. This has led to political instability, economic uncertainty, and social unrest.
英语国家概况(An Overview ofEnglishSpeaking Countries)一、英国(United Kingdom)1. 地理位置:英国位于欧洲大陆的西北边缘,由大不列颠岛、北爱尔兰和若干小岛组成。
2. 首都:伦敦(London),是英国的政治、经济、文化和交通中心。
3. 官方语言:英语4. 人口:约6600万,其中英格兰占最大比例。
5. 国旗:英国国旗被称为“米字旗”,由蓝、白、红三种颜色组成。
6. 经济:英国是世界上发达国家之一,拥有强大的金融、工业和科技实力。
7. 教育体系:英国教育体系享誉世界,牛津、剑桥等世界知名学府坐落于此。
8. 文化特色:英国有着丰富的历史文化底蕴,如莎士比亚、牛顿、披头士乐队等均诞生于此。
二、美国(United States of America)1. 地理位置:美国位于北美洲,东临大西洋,西濒太平洋,南接墨西哥湾和加勒比海,北邻加拿大。
2. 首都:华盛顿特区(Washington, D.C.),是美国政治中心。
3. 官方语言:英语4. 人口:约3.3亿,是世界上第三人口大国。
5. 国旗:美国国旗被称为“星条旗”,由红、白、蓝三种颜色组成。
6. 经济:美国是全球最大的经济体,拥有强大的科技创新能力和金融市场。
7. 教育体系:美国教育资源丰富,世界顶尖大学如哈佛、斯坦福等均位于此。
8. 文化特色:美国文化多元化,涵盖了欧洲、亚洲、非洲等多种文化元素。
三、加拿大(Canada)1. 地理位置:加拿大位于北美洲北部,东临大西洋,西濒太平洋,北接北冰洋,南邻美国。
2. 首都:渥太华(Ottawa),是加拿大的政治中心。
3. 官方语言:英语和法语4. 人口:约3800万,是世界上面积第二大国家。
5. 国旗:加拿大国旗被称为“枫叶旗”,由红、白两色组成。
6. 经济:加拿大经济发达,资源丰富,特别是石油、天然气和矿产资源。
countries Unit3history1 (uk)
• Background of British History • The evolution of the British political system • The Development History of the British
Expansion of trade
Britain's economy became increasingly integrated with the global economy, with the country exporting manufactured goods and importing raw materials from around the world.
Development of constitutional monarchy
Over time, the power of the monarchy was gradually limited by laws and customs, leading to the emergence of constitutional monarchy.
Land ownership
Under feudalism, land was owned by the king and granted to noblemen in return for their loyalty and military service.
Rights and obligations
Modern Britain
• Industrial Revolution: The Industrial Revolution began in Britain in the late 18th century, transforming the country from an agrarian society to an industrialized nation.
1.英国(United Kingdom):英国是英语的发源地,也是世界上第一个大规模使用英语的国家。
2.美国(United States):美国是世界上最大的英语国家,也是全球最强大的经济实体之一。
5.新西兰(New Zealand):新西兰是一个位于南太平洋的国家,也
7.南非(South Africa):南非是非洲最发达的国家之一,也是一
英语国家概况(汉英对照)Isles consist of two large islands and several hundred small islands。
The two large XXX larger and is the home of England。
XXX is also part of the United Kingdom and is locatedin the northern part of XXX。
the official name of the country isthe United Kingdom of Great XXX。
due to its length。
people often refer to it as Britain。
the United Kingdom。
or simply the UK。
The UK is a country located on the island of Great Britain。
with its capital in London。
Another country。
the Republic of Ireland or simply Ireland。
is also located on the island of Ireland。
It occupies the rest of the island。
in the south。
It gained independence in 1949 and its capital is Dublin.Ⅱ.英国的地理和气候2.Geography and Climate of the UK英国位于欧洲西北部,是一个由四个国家组成的岛国。
第一章国土与人民英国的正式国名是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(So the official name of the United Kingdom is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland),简称“联合王国”(simply U.K),由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士、北爱尔兰及数百个岛屿组成,首都为伦敦。
大不列颠Great Britain大不列颠群岛British Isles爱尔兰岛Ireland英国河流为不冻河,最长的是赛文河(the Severn River),次长的也是最重要的是泰晤士河(the Thames River),尤适于航运。
Knowledge Points✧Britain lies in the North Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of Europe.✧The north and west of Britain are mainly highlands.✧Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in Britain (1343m) is located in Scotland.✧The British Empire was replaced by the British Commonwealth or the Commonwealth of Nations in 1931.✧The Republic of Ireland gained its independence in 1949.✧Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.✧Cardiff/加的夫is the capital of Wales.✧Belfast/贝尔法斯is the capital of North Ireland.✧There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wales.✧During the Ice Age great ice covered Great Britain.✧Immigrants to Britain are mainly from the West Indies, India, and Pakistan.名词解释:1.The Thames River/泰晤士河(流经牛津,伦敦等)∙The Thames River is the second largest and most important river in Britain. It is 336 kilometers long, rising in southwest England and flowing through England and out into the North Sea. It flows rather slowly, which is very favorable for water transportation.2.The High Landers∙They are the Scots who live in the mountainous regions of the Highlands in Northern Scotland. They are a proud, independent and hardy people who maintain their strong cultural identity. They mainly live by farming sheep in mountain areas or fishing on the coasts and islands.3.The British Commonwealth/英联邦∙The British Empire was replaced by the British Commonwealth or the Commonwealth of nations in 1931. It is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. Member nations are joined together economically and have certain trading arrangements. The Commonwealth has no special powers. The decision to become a member of the Commonwealth is left to each nation. At present there are 50 member countries within the Commonwealth.4.The Chunnel/英吉利海峡隧道(铁路),水底铁路隧道∙In 1985 the British go vernment and French government decided to build a channel tunnel, which is called “Chunnel”, under the Straits of Dover so that England and France could be joined together by road. The Chunnel was open to traffic in May 1994.问答题:1.What are the three natural zones/自然带in Scotland?∙The three natural zones in Scotland are: the Highlands in the north, the central Lowlands and the southern Uplands. 2.What are the three factors which influence the climate in Britain?1)The surrounding waters.2)The prevailing southwest winds or the Westerly blow over the country all the year round.3)The North Atlantic Drift.3.Describe the geographical position of Britain.∙Britain is an island country, which lies off the west coast of the European continent in the Atlantic Ocean. Or to be more exact, it lies between latitude 50 to 60 degrees north. It is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south and the North Sea in the east.4.Where about in Great Britain are mostly highland and lowland?∙The north and west of Britain are mainly highlands, and the east and southeast are mostly lowlands.第二章英国的起源新石器时代不列颠就有了最早的居民---伊比利亚人(Iberians)。
The UKUnit 11.The official name:The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Since 1927)national flag:The Union Flag OR popularly known as the Union Jacknational anthem(国歌):GOD SAVE THE QUEENnational capital of the country :London:Greater London大伦敦都市区: the City of London + 32 boroughs[ˈbʌrə](自治的市镇)The City of London伦敦城: at the center of the metropolitan-the financial center of the countryInner London: the City of London + its 12 boroughsOuter London: 20 boroughs [ˈbʌrə](自治的市镇)surrounding Inner London2. The location and size of the country (了解)3. The terrain [təˈreɪn](地形), rivers and mountains of the countryRoughly two kinds of terrain---highland and lowland.The highland area --- in the northern part of the country, comprising the mountainous regions of Scotland, Northern Ireland, northern England and north Wales.The lowland area --- especially in the Midland, southern and eastern England.The longest river in the UK is River Severn(塞文河).Among the most important rivers is the Thames(泰晤士河), which is second longest but is the deepest river in the county.Ben Nevis(本·尼维斯)is the highest peak of the UK.(大不列颠境内的最高山峰,海拔1,343.8米,位于苏格兰西部的格兰扁山脉)Lough Neagh (396km2)(內伊湖): the largest lake in the whole country4. The natural resources of the countryCoal 煤●Britain has a rich deposit of coal with major coal mines in central and southwest of England.●For the last decades, there has been a steady decline in both coal production and number of coal mines.Petroleum [pəˈtrəuliəm] 石油●1965 saw discovery of big oil and oil fields under the North Sea, east of Britain.5. The climate of the countryTemperate maritime climate(温带海洋性气候)What are the characteristics of the climate in Great Britain?FoggyRainyUncertain and changeable6. Major citiesLondon ;Edinburgh [ˈednˌbɜ:rə] 爱丁堡;Cardiff [ˈkɑ:dɪf] 加地夫(威尔士的主要海港);Belfast [ˈbelˌfæst] 贝尔法斯特(北爱尔兰首府);Birmingham ['bɜ:mɪŋˌhæm] 伯明翰市(英国中部城市,第二大城市)Manchester: the Guardian(卫报)Glasgow:[ˈɡlɑ:sɡəu] 格拉斯哥(苏格兰最大城市,第三大城市)7. Population Density and Population Distribution⏹Population density: 248 persons per square kilometer.The Population of the UK is the 3rd largest in Europe.⏹Population distribution: high urbanization (7 conurbations)7 conurbations:Greater London大伦敦区, W. Midlands西密德兰都市郡, South Yorkshire 南约克都市郡, W. Yorkshire西约克郡都市郡, Greater Manchester大曼切斯特都市郡, Merseyside默西赛德都市郡(England), Tyne& Wear泰恩及威尔都市郡(Scotland) (了解)8. Nations and the Languages Spoken1) Nations: English, Scottish, Welsh and IrishEnglish (80%): descendants [dɪ'sendənts] 后裔of Anglo-SaxonsWelsh, Irish & Scottish::descendants of Celts2)Languages:A) English (official language):B) Gaelic [ˈgælɪk] 盖尔语: Scotland & Northern IrelandC) Welsh [welʃ] 威尔士语: Wales [weɪlz]3) T he history and development of the English language(p.7)⏹Old English (450AD-1100 AD) influenced by Old Norse (古斯堪的纳维亚语) spoken by Vikings (北欧海盗) and was closely related to the German and Dutch (荷兰) languages. The introduction of Christianity added the first wave of Latin and Greek words to the language and ended with the Norman Conquest.⏹Middle English (1100AD-1500AD) French replaced English as the official language in England. Numerous French words came into the English vocabulary and ended with the Black Death (黑死病).⏹Modern English (1500AD- present) Assimilating(吸收) words from Latin and Greek words throughout the Renaissance (文艺复兴) such as William Shakespeare and the King James Bible.⏹Standard English= the Queen’s Englis h= BBC English⏹Explanation of Standard EnglishStandard English is based on the speech of the upper class of the southeastern England.It is preferred by the educated andit is widely used in media and taught at schools. Is has developed and has been promoted as a model for the correct British English. It is also the norm(标准)carried overseas. Today, Standard English is codified to the extent that the grammar and vocabulary are much the same everywhere in the world where English is taught and used.9. Religion⏹ 1. Britain is a multi-faith society in which everyone has the right to religious freedom.⏹ 2. Christianity is the dominant religion of the country. Most of citizens are eitherProtestant ['prɒtɪstənt]新教徒or Catholic.⏹ 3. English nation: The church of England(英格兰圣公会)is the established church of theEnglish nation.⏹ 4. The major non-Christian communities in Britain are the Jews, the Moslems and theBuddhists.10. Character and manners of British people⏹Conservatism⏹Talking about the Weather⏹Punctuality11. Traditions and custom●Trooping the Color英国皇家军队阅兵仪式around the Bucking Place in London(P.62)to celebrate the Queen’s Birthday Parade. (The Changing Guard ceremony)●Religious FestivalsChristmas ( Three Christmas Traditions )①Christmas pantomime [ˈpæntəmaɪm] (童话剧)②Queen's Christmas message③Boxing Day(节礼日)Easter纪念耶稣复活Halloween12. MediaNewspaperTraditionally British newspapers have been divided into "quality", serious-minded newspapers (usually referred to as "broadsheets宽幅印刷品" because of their large size) and the more populist ['pɒpjəlɪst] 平民化, "tabloid" varieties.Quality Press: The Times(泰晤士报), The Guardian(卫报), The Daily Telegraph(每日电讯报)Tabloid [ˈtæblɔɪd] 通俗小报: The Sun on SundayTelevision and BroadcastBBC(the British Broadcasting Corporation), ITV(Independent Television) 英国独立电视台, BSkyB(the British Sky Broadcasting Group PLC)英国天空广播集团TV programs done well by the BBC (P.60)Unit 4. British Economy1. The Relative Decline of British Economy (Why?)⏹1) The country suffered a great loss in the two World Wars.⏹2) The era[ˈɪərə]时代of the British Empire was over.⏹3) Britain was still forced to maintain a substantial and expensive military presence.⏹4) Britain failed to invest in industry after WWII.₤However, the decline is not an absolute one. The UK is not poorer than before. In fact, it iswealthier and more productive than before. The only thing is that other countries develop faster than the UK. So, the UK has experienced a relative decline.2. Recent History of British Economy⏹1970 - high Inflation rate, strikes⏹1979 - Reformation Program(改革方案)by Thatcher government→去国有化privatization [ˌpraɪvətaɪ'zeɪʃn]⏹What was the content of the program?Thatcherism [ˈθætʃə(r)zəm] 撒切尔主义:Throughout the 1980s an extensive program of privatization was carried out.---Denationalization [ˌdi:ˌnæʃnəlaɪ'zeɪʃn] 非国有化①Government expenditure [ɪkˈspendɪtʃə(r)] 花费was reduced;②Taxation reformed;③Foreign exchange controls lifted外汇管制解除④Rules governing banks loosened;⑤Worker strikes restricted.⏹What was the long-term results?①Inflation(通货膨胀) has been controlled②Unemployment rate falling③Encouraged by low interest rates, investment has increased. It is second only to the US as a destination for international direct investment. It is also itself a major source of international investment --- it is the second biggest international investor in the world.⏹Policies of Blair Government & Results (P.45)Policies: ①Blair made the Bank of England independent.②In social policy, the Blair government changed the old Labor Party’s practice of usingtax system, public expenditure[ɪkˈspendɪtʃə(r)] 花费and price controls to reduce inequality and put an emphasis on the minimum wage and supplementing low incomes. It also emphasized individual responsibility.Results:①limit government spending②keep inflation under control③reduce unemploymentBy the end of the 20th century, British economic growth surpassed that of other major European countries.3. The Current British Economy⏹1) Primary Industries⏹AgricultureA. Features: small population, high mechanization[ˌmekənaɪ'zeɪʃn]机械化and highefficiency; but can not satisfy its domestic needsB. Chief agricultural products:wheat(小麦),barley [ˈbɑ:li]大麦,sugar beet(甜菜) and potatoes⏹Energy production (5% of national wealth).Main energy resources: coal (Rio Tinto Group力拓集团),oil (Shell 壳牌, British Petroleum and British Gas)⏹ 2) Secondary Industries:P .47⏹ 3) Tertiary Industries: 65% of national wealth1. (P .50)Foreign Trade ---- Lifeline. Britain is both an importer and exporter in the world.2. FinanceThe position of London in the world economyCentral Bank----Bank of EnglandThe Big Four: Lloyds 劳埃德, Barclays 巴克莱银行, Midland 米德兰,the National Westminster Bank Group 国民西敏寺银行3. Currency :Pound Sterling [paund ˈst ə:li ŋ] 英镑Unit 3 Political System1. Political System : Constitutional Monarchy [ ˌk ɔnst ɪˈtu:ʃən əl ˈm ɔn əki ] 君主立宪制What does it mean by Constitutional Monarchy?⏹ The King or Queen reigns [re ɪn]君主统治and is the head of the country, but dose notrule the country. The country is governed, in the name the Sovereign [ ˈs ɒvr ɪn ] 君主, but by His or Her Majesty ’s [ ˈmæd ʒəsti ]陛下government---- a body of ministers who are responsible to Parliament [ ˈp ɑ:ləm ənt ]议会.2. Parliament议会(最高立法机关)、立法 政府、行政部门 司法机关 [ d ʒuˈd ɪʃəri ]上议院 下议院 君主Parliament:⏹The UK is a unitary [ ˈju:nətri ]中央集权country.⏹The British Parliament is often referred to assupreme legislative authority(最高立法机关)of the UK.⏹The Main functions are making laws and supervising(监督)government and finance.⏹The life of Parliament is fixed at five years.Sovereign: Theoretically[ ˌθɪə'retɪklɪ ]理论上, the Queen has all the power. In reality, she does everything on the advice of the Prime Minister.The significance of the Queen? P.32It represents the continuity and adaptability of the whole political system and is a symbol of British unity, an indissoluble [ ˌɪndɪˈsɒljəbl ] (牢不可破的) bond among people who retain many regional and cultural difference.( 它代表了整个政治体系的连续性和适应性,是英国团结的象征,人们保留了许多地区和文化差异的不解之缘。
加拿大 Canada (英语法语)
• 主要城市排名:Toronto, Montreal (Quebec), Vancouver, Ottawa 渥太பைடு நூலகம்(capital), Quebec City (Q’s capital) • Constitutional monarchy: head of state = Elizabeth II, representated by Governor-General • Parliamentarian democracy: House of Commons (election every 5 years) + the Senate (appointed) • Head of gov’t: Prime Minister (Cabinet)(5 years term) • Major political parties: Conservative (现执政), Liberal Party (主要在野党), New Democratic Party, Partie Quebeçois • Federation: 10 provinces, 3 territories • Earliest inhabitants: 原称为Indians,现称为the First Nations. • Major religion: Christianity • National sports: hockey in winter, lacrosse 长曲棍球in summer
• 1642: the republican Roundheads, Oliver Cromwell处死Charles I。 • 1660: restoration复辟Charles II • 1689,the Bill of Rights: the king would never be able to ignore the parliament.
2021 Britain
The first men and women came to Britain over two and a half million years ago. They were hunters and gatherers of food who used simple stone tools and weapons.
500,000 6500
2,100 2,000 750
People migrate to Britain from Europe. The land bridge joining Britain to Europe is flooded as the sea level rises. Britain becomes an Island.
Roman Britain
The Romans were the first to invade Britain and came to Britain nearly 2000 years ago. Even today, the ruins of Roman buildings, forts, roads, and baths can be found all over Britain.
An Introduction to EnglishSpeaking Countries
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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
英语国家概况期末内容总结Introduction:The United Kingdom (UK) is a country located off the northwestern coast of mainland Europe. It is made up of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The UK has a rich history, diverse culture, and strong economy. This overview will delve into various aspects of the UK, including its geography, history, economy, politics, education, and cultural heritage.I. Geography:The UK is composed of the island of Great Britain, the northeastern part of the island of Ireland, and many smaller islands. It has a temperate maritime climate, characterized by mild winters and cool summers. The landscape is diverse, ranging from rolling hills and fertile farmlands to rugged mountains, such as the Scottish Highlands. Major rivers include the Thames and the Severn.II. History:The UK has a fascinating history that spans thousands of years. It was once part of the Roman Empire and later saw the arrival of Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, and Normans. It became a major global power during the colonial era and played a central role in both World Wars. The British Empire at its height spanned territories across the globe. The UK experienced industrialization in the 18th and 19th centuries, which led to significant social and economic changes.III. Economy:The UK has one of the world's largest economies, with a strong service sector that includes finance, healthcare, education, and creative industries. It is renowned for its financial hub in London, known as the City. Other important sectors include manufacturing, agriculture, and tourism. The UK is a member of the European Union, although in 2016, it voted to leave the EU, a process commonly referred to as Brexit.IV. Politics:The UK is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy. The monarch, currently Queen Elizabeth II, serves as the head of state, while the Prime Minister is the head of government. The UK Parliament consists of two houses: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The political landscape is dominated by two major political parties: the Conservative Party and the Labour Party.V. Education:The UK is renowned for its prestigious universities, including Oxford and Cambridge. It has a highly regarded education system, offering a wide range of options from primary totertiary education. The UK is home to numerous cultural institutions and museums, enriching the overall educational experience. The country also promotes lifelong learning, with various adult education programs available.VI. Cultural Heritage:The UK has a rich cultural heritage that encompasses literature, music, art, and sport. It has produced renowned authors like William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and J.K. Rowling. The music scene has also thrived, with iconic bands and artists such as The Beatles, Queen, and Adele. The UK's art galleries, museums, and theaters are renowned worldwide. Additionally, sport, particularly football, plays a central role in British culture.Conclusion:The United Kingdom is a country of immense historical, cultural, and economic significance. It has played a pivotal role in shaping world history and has contributed significantly to various fields of knowledge and art. With its diverse landscapes, rich heritage, and strong economy, the UK continues to be a prominent nation on the global stage.。
英语国家概况复习笔记 The UK
![英语国家概况复习笔记 The UK](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4e26806bfe4733687e21aa5b.png)
The UKUnit 11.The official name:The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Since 1927)national flag:The Union Flag OR popularly known as the Union Jacknational anthem(国歌):GOD SAVE THE QUEENnational capital of the country :London:Greater London大伦敦都市区: the City of London + 32 boroughs[ˈbʌrə](自治的市镇)The City of London伦敦城: at the center of the metropolitan-the financial center of thecountryInner London: the City of London + its 12 boroughsOuter London: 20 boroughs [ˈbʌrə](自治的市镇)surrounding Inner London2. The location and size of the country (了解)3. The terrain [təˈreɪn](地形), rivers and mountains of the countryRoughly two kinds of terrain---highland and lowland.The highland area --- in the northern part of the country, comprising the mountainousregions of Scotland, Northern Ireland, northern England and north Wales.The lowland area --- especially in the Midland, southern and eastern England.The longest river in the UK is River Severn(塞文河).Among the most important rivers is the Thames(泰晤士河), which is second longest but is the deepest river in the county.Ben Nevis(本·尼维斯)is the highest peak of the UK.(大不列颠境内的最高山峰,海拔1,343.8米,位于苏格兰西部的格兰扁山脉)Lough Neagh (396km2)(內伊湖): the largest lake in the whole country4. The natural resources of the countryCoal 煤●Britain has a rich deposit of coal with major coal mines in central and southwest of England.●For the last decades, there has been a steady decline in both coal production and number of coal mines.Petroleum [pəˈtrəuliəm] 石油●1965 saw discovery of big oil and oil fields under the North Sea, east of Britain.5. The climate of the countryTemperate maritime climate(温带海洋性气候)What are the characteristics of the climate in Great Britain?FoggyRainyUncertain and changeable6. Major citiesLondon ;Edinburgh [ˈednˌbɜ:rə] 爱丁堡;Cardiff [ˈkɑ:dɪf] 加地夫(威尔士的主要海港);Belfast [ˈbelˌfæst] 贝尔法斯特(北爱尔兰首府);Birmingham ['bɜ:mɪŋˌhæm] 伯明翰市(英国中部城市,第二大城市)Manchester: the Guardian(卫报)Glasgow:[ˈɡlɑ:sɡəu] 格拉斯哥(苏格兰最大城市,第三大城市)7. Population Density and Population Distribution⏹Population density: 248 persons per square kilometer.The Population of the UK is the 3rd largest in Europe.⏹Population distribution: high urbanization (7 conurbations)7 conurbations:Greater London大伦敦区, W. Midlands西密德兰都市郡, South Yorkshire 南约克都市郡, W. Yorkshire西约克郡都市郡, Greater Manchester大曼切斯特都市郡, Merseyside默西赛德都市郡(England), Tyne& Wear泰恩及威尔都市郡(Scotland) (了解)8. Nations and the Languages Spoken1) Nations: English, Scottish, Welsh and IrishEnglish (80%): descendants [dɪ'sendənts] 后裔of Anglo-SaxonsWelsh, Irish & Scottish::descendants of Celts2)Languages:A) English (official language):B) Gaelic [ˈgælɪk] 盖尔语: Scotland & Northern IrelandC) Welsh [welʃ] 威尔士语: Wales [weɪlz]3) T he history and development of the English language(p.7)⏹Old English (450AD-1100 AD) influenced by Old Norse (古斯堪的纳维亚语) spoken by Vikings (北欧海盗) and was closely related to the German and Dutch (荷兰) languages. The introduction of Christianity added the first wave of Latin and Greek words to the language and ended with the Norman Conquest.⏹Middle English (1100AD-1500AD) French replaced English as the official language in England. Numerous French words came into the English vocabulary and ended with the Black Death (黑死病).⏹Modern English (1500AD- present) Assimilating(吸收) words from Latin and Greek words throughout the Renaissance (文艺复兴) such as William Shakespeare and the King James Bible.⏹Standard English= the Queen’s Englis h= BBC English⏹Explanation of Standard EnglishStandard English is based on the speech of the upper class of the southeastern England.It is preferred by the educated andit is widely used in media and taught at schools. Is has developed and has been promoted as a model for the correct British English. It is also the norm(标准)carried overseas. Today, Standard English is codified to the extent that the grammar and vocabulary are much the same everywhere in the world where English is taught and used.9. Religion⏹ 1. Britain is a multi-faith society in which everyone has the right to religious freedom.⏹ 2. Christianity is the dominant religion of the country. Most of citizens are eitherProtestant ['prɒtɪstənt]新教徒or Catholic.⏹ 3. English nation: The church of England(英格兰圣公会)is the established church of theEnglish nation.⏹ 4. The major non-Christian communities in Britain are the Jews, the Moslems and theBuddhists.10. Character and manners of British people⏹Conservatism⏹Talking about the Weather⏹Punctuality11. Traditions and custom●Trooping the Color英国皇家军队阅兵仪式around the Bucking Place in London(P.62)to celebrate the Queen’s Birthday Parade. (The Changing Guard ceremony)●Religious FestivalsChristmas ( Three Christmas Traditions )①Christmas pantomime [ˈpæntəmaɪm] (童话剧)②Queen's Christmas message③Boxing Day(节礼日)Easter纪念耶稣复活Halloween12. MediaNewspaperTraditionally British newspapers have been divided into "quality", serious-minded newspapers (usually referred to as "broadsheets宽幅印刷品" because of their large size) and the more populist ['pɒpjəlɪst] 平民化, "tabloid" varieties.Quality Press: The Times(泰晤士报), The Guardian(卫报), The Daily Telegraph(每日电讯报)Tabloid [ˈtæblɔɪd] 通俗小报: The Sun on SundayTelevision and BroadcastBBC(the British Broadcasting Corporation), ITV(Independent Television) 英国独立电视台, BSkyB(the British Sky Broadcasting Group PLC)英国天空广播集团TV programs done well by the BBC (P.60)Unit 4. British Economy1. The Relative Decline of British Economy (Why?)⏹1) The country suffered a great loss in the two World Wars.⏹2) The era[ˈɪərə]时代of the British Empire was over.⏹3) Britain was still forced to maintain a substantial and expensive military presence.⏹4) Britain failed to invest in industry after WWII.₤However, the decline is not an absolute one. The UK is not poorer than before. In fact, it iswealthier and more productive than before. The only thing is that other countries develop faster than the UK. So, the UK has experienced a relative decline.2. Recent History of British Economy⏹1970 - high Inflation rate, strikes⏹1979 - Reformation Program(改革方案)by Thatcher government→去国有化privatization [ˌpraɪvətaɪ'zeɪʃn]⏹What was the content of the program?Thatcherism [ˈθætʃə(r)zəm] 撒切尔主义:Throughout the 1980s an extensive program of privatization was carried out.---Denationalization [ˌdi:ˌnæʃnəlaɪ'zeɪʃn] 非国有化①Government expenditure [ɪkˈspendɪtʃə(r)] 花费was reduced;②Taxation reformed;③Foreign exchange controls lifted外汇管制解除④Rules governing banks loosened;⑤Worker strikes restricted.⏹What was the long-term results?①Inflation(通货膨胀) has been controlled②Unemployment rate falling③Encouraged by low interest rates, investment has increased. It is second only to the US as a destination for international direct investment. It is also itself a major source of international investment --- it is the second biggest international investor in the world.⏹Policies of Blair Government & Results (P.45)Policies: ①Blair made the Bank of England independent.②In social policy, the Blair government changed the old Labor Party’s practice of usingtax system, public expenditure[ɪkˈspendɪtʃə(r)] 花费and price controls to reduce inequality and put an emphasis on the minimum wage and supplementing low incomes. It also emphasized individual responsibility.Results:①limit government spending②keep inflation under control③reduce unemploymentBy the end of the 20th century, British economic growth surpassed that of other major European countries.3. The Current British Economy⏹1) Primary Industries⏹AgricultureA. Features: small population, high mechanization[ˌmekənaɪ'zeɪʃn]机械化and highefficiency; but can not satisfy its domestic needsB. Chief agricultural products:wheat(小麦),barley [ˈbɑ:li]大麦,sugar beet(甜菜) and potatoes⏹Energy production (5% of national wealth).Main energy resources: coal (Rio Tinto Group力拓集团),oil (Shell 壳牌, British Petroleum and British Gas)⏹ 2) Secondary Industries:P .47⏹ 3) Tertiary Industries: 65% of national wealth1. (P .50)Foreign Trade ---- Lifeline. Britain is both an importer and exporter in the world.2. FinanceThe position of London in the world economyCentral Bank----Bank of EnglandThe Big Four: Lloyds 劳埃德, Barclays 巴克莱银行, Midland 米德兰,the National Westminster Bank Group 国民西敏寺银行3. Currency :Pound Sterling [paund ˈst ə:li ŋ] 英镑Unit 3 Political System1. Political System : Constitutional Monarchy [ ˌk ɔnst ɪˈtu:ʃən əl ˈm ɔn əki ] 君主立宪制What does it mean by Constitutional Monarchy?⏹ The King or Queen reigns [re ɪn]君主统治and is the head of the country, but dose notrule the country. The country is governed, in the name the Sovereign [ ˈs ɒvr ɪn ] 君主, but by His or Her Majesty ’s [ ˈmæd ʒəsti ]陛下government---- a body of ministers who are responsible to Parliament [ ˈp ɑ:ləm ənt ]议会.2. Parliament议会(最高立法机关)、立法 政府、行政部门 司法机关 [ d ʒuˈd ɪʃəri ]上议院 下议院 君主Parliament:⏹The UK is a unitary [ ˈju:nətri ]中央集权country.⏹The British Parliament is often referred to assupreme legislative authority(最高立法机关)of the UK.⏹The Main functions are making laws and supervising(监督)government and finance.⏹The life of Parliament is fixed at five years.Sovereign: Theoretically[ ˌθɪə'retɪklɪ ]理论上, the Queen has all the power. In reality, she does everything on the advice of the Prime Minister.The significance of the Queen? P.32It represents the continuity and adaptability of the whole political system and is a symbol of British unity, an indissoluble [ ˌɪndɪˈsɒljəbl ] (牢不可破的) bond among people who retain many regional and cultural difference.( 它代表了整个政治体系的连续性和适应性,是英国团结的象征,人们保留了许多地区和文化差异的不解之缘。
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2 The Guardian was designed in the Berliner format.
3 The size of Berliner format is between broadsheet’s(对开大 报) and tabloid’s(四开小报)
---Three major newspapers
The Times (1785) 《泰晤士报》
The Guardian(1821) 《卫报》
The Daily Telegraph(1855) 《每日电讯报》
The Sunday Telegraph 《星期日电讯报》
The Five is a itish crime drama television series.
Channel 4 is a British public-service television broadcaster that began transmission on 2 November 1982.
A music website, founded in the United Kingdom in 2002.
Independent Television
ITV is a commercial TV network in the United Kingdom. Launched in 1955 as Independent Television under the auspices of the Independent Television Authority
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is a British public service broadcaster.
It is headquartered at Broadcasting House in London, and is the world's oldest national broadcasting organisationand the largest broadcaster in the world by number of employees.
Media and Holidays
CONTENT 1 Media 2 Holidays
1 Broadcast 2 Television 3 Newspaper
BBC Radio is an operational business division and service of the British Broadcasting Corporation .
The Guardian publishes different themes everyday.
Tuesday -education
Wednesday -society and environment
Tuesday –science and technology
C.P.Scott became its owner,bought it from the estate of Taylor's son.
The title was changed from the Manchester Guardian to the Guardian.
1872 C.P.Scott became the editor
S4C is (after BBC One, ITV, and BBC Two) the fourth-oldest television channel in the United Kingdom
Broadsheet is the largest -format newspaper , mainly reporting political and economical events.
Guy Fawkes Night
Gunpowder Plot(火药阴谋)
Its history begins with the events of 5 November 1605, when Guy Fawkes, a member of the Gunpowder Plot, was arrested while guarding explosives the plotters had placed beneath the House of Lords.
1907 1959
C. P. Scott's son ,JR Scott abandoned the right of inheritance and set up the Scott Trust, the Manchester Guardian is run as a completely independent newspaper.
Celebrating the fact that King James I had survived the attempt on his life, people lit bonfires around London, and months later the introduction of the Observance of 5th November Act enforced an annual public day of thanksgiving for the plot's failure.
Friday -film and music
Saturday –literature review, food, travel, family and job
1 Christmas Day 2 Easter
3 Guy Fawkes Night (Fireworks Night) 4 Queen’s Birthday
the world.
Christmas Day
Easter also called Pascha or Resurrection Sunday, is a festival and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.
Mostly intellectual, politicians and white-collar workers,most of them are aged over 21.In the European intelligentsia, the Guardian is more influential than any other newspaper.
Burning the puppet of Guy Fawkes
Bonfires and fireworks
Guy Fawkes mask
A stylised portrayal of a face with an oversized smile and red cheeks, a wide moustache upturned at both ends, and a thin vertical pointed beard, designed by illustrator David Lloyd.
Channel 4
S4C is a Welsh-language public-service television channel based in Cardiff and broadcast throughout Wales.
The first television channel to be aimed specifically at a Welsh-speaking audience
The Independent 《独立报》
The Observer 《观察家报》
Times 《金融时报》
Daily Mail《每日邮报》 The Sun《太阳报》
Daily Mirror《每日镜报》 Metro《地铁报》
The Guardian
✓ A British national daily newspaper, owned by the Guardian Media Group.
A radio network of 21 adult contemporary local radio stations operated by Global Radio in the United Kingdom.
The largest national commercial radio station in the UK.
The service provides national radio stations covering the majority of musical genres, as well as local radio stations covering local news, affairs and interests. It also oversees online audio content.
1959— present
1 1961 The Manchester Guardian moved to London due to drastic changes in society.
2 1995 Alan Rusbridger , the current editor , was appointed —— only the eighth editor in 130 years .