医学护理论文英文摘要(本站推荐)第一篇:医学护理论文英文摘要(本站推荐)The application of nursing safety management in rooming-inFengliPeople's Hospital of Obstetrics and GynecologyGuangchang County Jiangxi province 344900Abstract:purpose Objective to avoid the ridden risks of rooming-in safety nursing effectively, reduce rooming-in nursing defects and ensure safety.method Strengthening nursing safety management in the application of rooming-in.Strengthening nursing safety education and training.Firmly establish consciousness of nursing security.Strengthen the rooming-in ward safety facilities.Improve the implementation of the system.Identify and evaluate the potential safety hazard in rooming-in clinical nursing work and timely put forward corresponding improvement measures to ensure the safety of nursing care.Through regular nursing safety inspection, timely detect problems and timely rectify and reform to avoid the potential safety hazard of rooming-in safety nursing, ensure safety.result By strengthening the safety education and training for nursing staff to firmly establish consciousness of nursing security, strengthen the rooming-in ward security settings, perfect and implement each system and promptly recognize the potential safety hazard of rooming-in.Then put forward the corresponding preventive measures to make the incidence of nursing errors significantly reduced.In 2 years, there are no serious mistakes and nursing disputes.General error by 8 in 2009 dropped to 2 in 2011.Hospital maternal and their families are satisfied, the inpatient satisfaction rate is more than98%.conclusion Nursing safety management application to rooming in ward can effectively reduce the rooming-in ward nursing defects, ensure the rooming-in ward nursing quality.Key words:Nursing safety management;direct rooming-in;application第二篇:英文论文摘要大规模灾害下应急物流运作的动态救灾需求管理(2010年)摘要:本文提出了一种在大规模自然灾害中,不完全信息条件下应急物流运作的动态救援需求管理模式。
英文标题的写作-注意事项 英文标题的写作 注意事项
2.尽量选用特指词和关键词 尽量选用特指词和关键词 一个含意常有多种表达方式 肝癌:hepatocarcinoma, liver cancer/ carcinoma, 肝癌: hepatic cancer/ carcinoma, liver/ hepatic neoplasm 望文生义 :congenital skin webbed fingers syndactyly of fingers
A postmortem study of 64 vagus nerves from 32 children up to 1 year of age was done to determine the incidence of ectopic parathyroid tissue. The segments of nerve (average length, 2.6 cm), including the entire ganglion nodosum, were examined using a combination of step and serial sectioning. Discrete solitary collections of ectopic parathyroid chief cells were seen in 6% of vagus nerves and ranged in diameter from 162 to 360 micron. Confirmation of the nature of the cells was based on the presence of abundant glycogen and positive immunoreactivity for chromogranin and parathormone. The possible significance of intravagal parathyroid tissue is briefly discussed.
IL13). Although the proteins encoded in these loci are
准确 清楚 简洁 规范
用词,表达 句子表达意思一定要足够清楚,避免复杂的长句 减少一切不必要的描述
背景 目的 方法
一般现在时 过去时态 过去时态 过去时态 一般现在时
国内期刊多使用第三人称,被动语态 Clonogenic survival assay is employed to assess radiosensitivity of the cells after different doses of irradiation exposure. Flow cytometry was used to detect the changes in the cell cycle and cell apoptosis after the exposure. 国外鼓励多使用第一人称和主动语态 We investigated the secretion and cell surface expression of PDI … in the FRTL5 thyroid cell line. In this study, we infected a murine osteoprogenitor cell line with a retroviral vector containing the human bone morphogenic protein 2 (BMP2) gene.
A Blind Zone in Childr-Nutrition(97 FATMD)This article reveals a mistaken idea in child-raising which deserves correcting. Most parents take it for granted that children should eat more animal foods such as chicken, meat and fish than grain food because the former are far more expensive and the more expensive the food is the more nutritious it is. However, this is, in fact, a mistaken idea which has lead to malnutrition among many city kids. This is indicated in a survey recently made in Shanghai.What parents don’t know is that carbohydrate in grains, starch and sugar, the main and most inexpensive nutrient for energy supply, is of equal importance in metabolism. The energy it supplies is the main source of calories in human bodies, about 60% of the total amount of calories. If there is a lack of calories provided by carbohydrate, protein and fat will be used up to provide the heat and thus can’t play their original roles in the body. Consequently, it results in a retarded development in the children and even malnutrition.Apparently, the solution to the problem is to provide kids with a well-balanced food containing protein, carbohydrate and many other nutrients, none of which can be done without.Writing Drill 4(98 FATMD)In the past several years, many Chinese college students have come to accept psychological consultation(PC) they used to reject. In 1994, many students didn’t care to think about the consultation while in 1996, over 90% of 2132 students in a survey answered the related questionnaires carefully. PC is now gradually accepted by college students in China.Surveys indicate that 70-80% college students have psychological problems and % have such obstacles. There have been reports on many severe cases resulting from misunderstanding and lack of PC. In view of this, many universities in Nanjing have set up psychological healthcare service for students. Many students have corrected their misunderstanding about PC and bravely asked the consultants for help, which has greatly helped them overcome their mental obstacles. Even some military cadets have begun to consult experts for advice. Experts point out that prompt consultation can prevent mental problems from developing into obstacles, mental illnesses and even suicide.University psychological consultation, young as it is, has made remarkable progress and grown into a unique course in universities. Though it contributed to students’ healthy growth, it still has a long way to go to be fully understood and appreciated by both students and faculties.Writing Drill 5 老年健康饮食为先Aging usually brings about recession in many bodily functions such indigestion, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, and other metabolic dysfunctions. However, scientists find that these hypo functions are actually caused by irrational diets or eating habits. This article discusses this problem and the solution to it.First, balanced diet with more vegetables than animal food is especially good for the old people. Second, less staple food and less salt in food should be suggested for the aged because over consumption of these two can lead to cardiovascular diseases. Third, more bean food can replace proteins such as eggs and fat as sources of protein. Fourth, light food should be taken in instead of fat and oily foods which usually contribute to cardiovascular diseases. Fifth, doctors always advise people eat more fruit to regulate their digestion, metabolism and cardiovascular balance.In a word, a balanced diet, more vegetable food instead of fat food are of the first significance to the health of the aged and a long life.Writing Drill 6Recently, more attention has been paid to a behavioral prescription for various and physical diseases. It includes laughter, sports, dancing and even crying. These methods have different functions.Laughter activates over 80 muscles. In laughing, smooth muscles in organs contract and help improve digestion. Crying can give vent to harmful chemicalsin the body accumulated by stress. Sports and dancing can relieve chronic illness such as bronchitis, back pain, diabetes, etc. that medication alone can’t do.Many diseases of today are caused by bad mental conditions, work and stress, family problems, etc. Medication doesn’t usually effect in these cases because it doesn’t treat the cause of the ailments. Behavioral prescription, with its physical and mental massage like sports and dancing, can help patients stay off the cause of their diseases. Therefore, it is advocated by many doctors and health experts.It is expected that behavioral prescription will applied more widely as an effective therapy in the nearWriting Drill 7 Smoking and HealthIt is not until recently that smoking has been firmly proved to be hazardous to health. It irritates the throat and respiratory passages. It sometimes leads to poor appetite, nausea, short breath, and irregular heartbeat. More importantly, smoking is associated with chronic and fatal diseases of respiratory tract. Evidence shows that smokers are more likely than nonsmokers to develop cancer of the lungs, throat, tongue, and jaw, emphysema and bronchitis as well. As a result, many nations have made enormous efforts to warn people of the dangers of smoking.While smoking, particles of tobacco tar and smoke slow down the work of cilia. The tar collected in the lungs can cause cancer. Moreover, nicotine intobacco can be simulating by affecting various centers on the medulla oblongata region of the brain. It can affect other physiological process that in turn affect the respiratory center in the brain. It can also influence other centers that slow down the action of the heart, constrict the arteries, and cause vomiting.In brief, smoking does nothing but harm to people’s health. Therefore, smokers of any age or kind should try to give it up.这篇短文的主旨是说明吸烟对健康危害及造成危害的原因,通读全文,根据其要点可以分为四个部分:1)吸烟有害;2)吸烟有哪些具体的害处;3)为什么吸烟会有害,亦即其致害机理是什么;4)总结:吸烟有害要戒烟。
医学英文摘要写作How to write a medical English abstract第一章概述一、摘要的定义、用途、和长度二、摘要的内容三、摘要的类型四、摘要的写作格式五、摘要写作的注意事项What is an abstract?An abstract is a brief summary of the most important points in a scientific paper.摘要是作者研究过程、研究目的、研究方法和研究结果的简要陈述和概括。
Purposes for AbstractsAbstracts typically serve five main goals:Help readers decide if they should read an entire article Help readers and researchers remember key findings on a topicHelp readers understand a text by acting as a pre-reading outline of key pointsIndex articles for quick recovery and cross-referencing Allow supervisors to review technical work without becoming bogged down in details二、摘要的内容Contents1. Title2. Name of the author3. Unit of the author/address4. Text of the abstract5. Keywords1)目的2)方法3)结果4)结果的分析、比较、评价以及应用,提出的问题以及建议5)其他三、摘要的类型1. descriptive abstract ——描述性摘要2. informative abstract——资料性摘要3. descriptive-informative abstract——描述-资料性摘要1. Non-structured abstract (非结构式摘要)2. Structured abstract (结构式摘要)full-structuredsemi-structured1.描述性摘要Descriptive Abstract/ Indicative AbstractThe descriptive abstracts tell what topics are taken up in the paper. They contain indicative information on purpose, scope, ormethodology in the original documents, but mention little or nothing about details of results, conclusions or recommendations. The advantages of a descriptive abstract are that it is easy to write and is usually short; a serious disadvantage is that it contains little information.一般只用两三句话概括论文或报道的主题,而不涉及具体的数据和结论,通常用于综述、会议报告等。
含义清楚、结构简明、用语规范、表达客观、重点突出3.完整的摘要应包括什么?标题(title)作者姓名(name)作者单位和地址(unit of the author and address)摘要正文(text of the abstract)关键词(keywords)4.摘要的字数要求?一般来说,医学论文的英文摘要紧随其相应的中文摘要之后,字数不应超过250个字。
二中医科技论文英文摘要写作的总体原则1 在撰写中医论文英文摘要时,作者既要以中文摘要的意思为基础进行英文摘要的撰写,但同时也要尽量避免按照中文的内容逐字逐句地生搬硬译的倾向性2 要注意到中、西方文化的差异性对国外读者可能造成的阅读障碍,必要时在撰写摘要的过程中应适当地加以注 4 在遵循英语的写作规范和习惯表达的基础上,通过英文摘要这个媒介把一篇中医论文的主要内容和其所体现出的中医文化传递给国外读者和说明3 应从中医专业英语的角度并结合摘要上下文灵活地选取恰当的词语表达某一特定的概念,并且用准确明晰的语句表达文章的内容三中医科技论文英文摘要题目的写作医学论文英文题目一般由名词性短语(noun phrase)构成,即一篇论文的题目由一个或者多个名词加上其前置定语和(或)后置定语构成。
浅议马钱子研究进展活血降纤汤对肝纤维化指标的影响针药配合治疗带状疱疹后遗神经痛22例浅议马钱子研究进展Research Progress of Nux V omica活血降纤汤对肝纤维化指标的影响Effect of Huoxue Jiangxian Decoction on Indexes of Liver Fibrosis针药配合治疗带状疱疹后遗神经痛22例Acupuncture Combined with Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Post-herpetic Neuralgia: An Analysis of 22 Cases1 在中文题目的写作中,有的作者出于谦虚,经常使用如“浅谈……”、“试论……”等这样表示自谦的词汇;还有的作者为了使得自己的论文增加学术性和理论性,题目中常含有“……的研究”、“……的探讨”等这样的词汇英文题目中不要出现The (Preliminary) Study of…Research on…The Discussion about…Observation on…An Investigation of等类似这样的词语,因为上述表达不符合医学论文英文题目的写作习惯。
医学英语是ESP的一个分支,已积累形成了数量庞大的术语体系,语意丰富,表达精确,是医学英语独有的特点[ 1], 有其独特的文体特征。
(任如意,2009)二、医学英语论文摘要写作要求目前大多数刊物倡导结构式摘要( structured abstract),即报道性摘要的结构化表达,在内容上大致包括目的(Objective)、设计( Design)、地点( Setting)、对象( Patients, participants or subjects)、处理(Interventions)、主要测定项目(Main outcome measures)、结果( Results)、结论( Conclusion)等主要方面,强调论文摘要应含有较多的信息量。
医学论文英语摘要的写作及难句翻译【摘要】Medical research papers are an essential part of the academic world, and writing abstracts in English can be a challenging task for many researchers. This article covers the key points to consider when writing a medical research paper abstract, including the necessary structural elements and tips for translating complex sentences. Common translation techniques for complex sentences are also discussed, along with case studies to illustrate these techniques. The importance of writing a clear and concise medical research paper abstract is emphasized in the conclusion, along with suggestions for improving translation skills and future research directions. This article serves as a guide for researchers looking to enhance their abstract writing and translation abilities in the field of medicine.【关键词】医学论文英语摘要、写作、注意事项、结构要素、翻译、难句、技巧、案例分析、重要性、提高、建议、未来研究方向1. 引言1.1 医学论文英语摘要的写作及难句翻译Introduction:Writing an abstract for a medical paper in English can be a challenging task for many researchers and authors. This is because the abstract plays a crucial role in communicating the key findings and implications of a study to a wide audience, including scientists, clinicians, and policymakers. In addition, translating complex medical concepts and technical terms into English can sometimes pose difficulties, especially for non-native English speakers. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to both the content and language of the abstract to ensure that it effectively conveys the significance of the research.2. 正文2.1 写作医学论文英语摘要的注意事项Another important aspect to consider is the language and writing style of the abstract. It should be clear, concise, and free of jargon or technical terms that may be difficult for non-experts to understand. The abstract should also be written in a formal tone and follow the appropriate format and structure for a scientific paper.2.2 医学论文英语摘要的结构要素The structure of a medical paper abstract is crucial in conveying the key points of the research effectively. Awell-structured abstract should typically include the following elements:2.3 如何翻译医学论文英语摘要中的难句When translating difficult sentences in medical paper abstracts, it is important to first understand the meaning of the original sentence. Here are some tips on how to effectively translate complex sentences in medical paper abstracts:2.4 常见难句翻译技巧Common Techniques for Translating Difficult Sentences in Medical Research Paper AbstractsTranslating medical research paper abstracts can be challenging, especially when dealing with complex or technical language. Here are some common techniques to help you tackle difficult sentences in a medical context:2.5 案例分析Case Study:In order to better illustrate the process of translating difficult sentences in medical research abstracts, we will analyze a specificexample taken from a recent study on the efficacy of a new drug for treating cardiovascular disease.Translation: 该研究进行了一项随机临床试验,评估了这种药物对重症冠状动脉疾病患者群体的影响,采用了双盲方法和安慰剂对照设计。
如何撰写医学论文英文摘要全1. Start with a brief introduction: Begin by providing a concise overview of the topic and its significance. Clearlystate the research question or objective that is the focus of your study.2. Describe the research methodology: Explain the study design, sample size, population characteristics, data collection methods, and statistical analysis techniques employed in your research. Provide enough details to allow readers to understand how the study was conducted.5. Discuss limitations and potential biases: Acknowledge any limitations or weaknesses in your study design or methodology that may affect the validity or generalizability of your findings. Additionally, discuss potential biases and how they might have influenced the results.7. Address the clinical implications: Discuss the practical implications of your findings in terms of patient care, healthcare policies, or medical practice. Identify how your research contributes to the existing body of knowledge or can guide decision-making in the medical field.8. Conclude with a summary: Restate the main findings and briefly summarize the key points discussed in the abstract.Offer a concluding statement that emphasizes the significanceand potential impact of your research.9. Proofread and edit: A well-written abstract is free from grammatical errors and has a clear and concise language. Make sure to proofread your abstract thoroughly and revise anypoorly-formed sentences or unclear statements.写一篇超过1200字的全面医学研究论文摘要可能会有一定的挑战,但只要遵循一定的结构方法,就可以做到。
Informative Abstracts The informative abstracts give the gist, or essence, of a piece of writing: they include the most significant material in the original writing. It is the original document in miniature. Important information on purpose, scope and method of the research are included in this type of abstracts. They also contain key results, conclusions, or recommendations. The advantage of an informative abstracts is that it provides much more information than does a descriptive abstract. But it is usually longer than the descriptive type.
full-structured semi-structured
Descriptive Abstract/ Indicative Abstract The descriptive abstracts tell what topics are taken up in the paper. They contain indicative information on purpose, scope, or methodology in the original documents, but mention little or nothing about details of results, conclusions or recommendations. The advantages of a descriptive abstract are that it is easy to write and is usually short; a serious disadvantage is that it contains little information. 一般只用两三句话概括论文或报道的主题,而不涉及 具体的数据和结论,通常用于综述、会议报告等。
• Clinical Observation on Longkeshuan Capsule in Treatment of Stroke
• 动名词、介词短语参见教材P35
• (2) 句式
• 陈述式(无句号) • 学龄儿童反复腹痛与不能耐受乳糖有关
• Recurrent Abdominal Pain in School-aged Children Is Related to Lactose Intolerance
• 简介 • A brief introduction to… • 进展 • Development / Advancement of… • 评述 • A review of… • 回顾 • A retrospective study of… • 比较 • Comparison between…
• Pancreatitis in SLE: A Case Report and Literature Review
• e. 提问或选择时 • 听诊器是潜在的医院感染源吗? • Is stethoscope a potential source of hospital infection? • Stethoscope: A Potential Source of Hospital Infection?
• a. 突出病例数时 • 对急诊室170例腹痛病例的回顾性研究 • A Retrospective Study on 170 Cases of Abdominal Pain in
Emergency Room • Abdominal Pain in Emergency Room: Retrospective Study of
不够简练、也不够清楚。four serum markers, 未说明是哪一方面的markers。health应当是healthy. suffering后面应当用from而不是with. 另外这里的 others没有必要,因为重点显然是chronic hepatitis 。因此,可改为:
BAO Xin-hua, PEI Zhu-ying, QIN Jiong, WU Xi-ru.
YANG Ming, YANG Yong-hong, Alexander Dmitriev, SHEN A-dong, TONG Yue-juan, SHEN Xu-zhuang, FAN Xun-mei.
Clinical study of purulent meningitis complicated with subdural effusion
简捷,但欠明确,临床研究主要是 在哪个方面?诊断?治疗?都有?文章 内容主要是临床特点。因此不如改为: Clinical characteristics of purulent meningitis
简(字数<18,<2行) 明(清楚,不模糊) 准(不夸大、具体)
Prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance among children and adolescents with marked obesity
(N Engl J Med 2002, 346:802-810)
Device Investigation to Lower Late Angioplasty Complications) trial
CASE HISTORY (1)Patient CPR,a salesman of 35,married, was admitted on September 25,1998,complaining of anorexia and pain in RUQ for 5 days,and yellowish discoloration for 3 days. He started with a “flu-like illness” in the afternoon of September 18, 1998, during which he fell chilly, dizzy, and lack of strength, then, he was confined to bed, In the evening, his temperature was 38.6℃. He vomitted once with food previously ingested.On Sept, 19, he did’nt take his breakfast because he had a persistent nausea. He rejected all sorts of greasy food and could only eat a few table- spoonfuls of porridge with some presevered vegetable and ginger.On Sept, 20, he had no sooner vomitted out whatever he took. Meantime, he noticeed abdominal dull aching in RUQ with gaseous distension and flatus, Bowel was moved every 2~3 days with dark brown formed stools.Urine was scanty and highly colored. He was told by his wife that his eyes and skin were yellowish tinged. On Sept, 23, but since then. his appetite improved, nausea and vomiting disappeared and abdominal pain and distension alleviated.No previous history of jaundice, anorexia or general malaise. Never received blood transfusion or percutancous injection. None of the family members intimate friends, or colleagues was known to have Liver disease.Physical Examination T 37℃. P 72/min, R 20/min, BP 15/10Kpa, W.D ﹠W.N. Mentality clear and cooperative. Skin and sclerae moderately jaundiced,A suggestive spider angiome is seen in the left postauricular region. Tongue coated. No general glandular enlargement. Lungs clear. Heart normal.. Liver is palpable about 2cm below costal margin and tender, Spleen is just palpable. No shifting dullness was found. Spine and extremities are normal. Knee jerks are present.Questions: 1.What is the most possible diagnosis?2.How to treat this case?CASE HISTORY (2)Patient CJW, a farmer of 25 years old, unmarried, was admitted on November 13 2001, Complainning of persistent high fever for 20 day and mental dullness for 3 days.He started with low grade fever on October 23, 2001, during which he felt discomfort, malaise, dizzyiness, and myalgia, 5 days later, his tempraturer rised to 39~40℃. He began to feel sever headache, general bodyaching, anorexia, nausea and vomitting. He was treated with some tablet drug , 2. Tablets twice a day for 5 days in local clinic. But had no effect. The high fever persist and accompanied with diarrhea passing loose stool 1~2 times a day. Three days ago, patient had mild non-productive cough but passed dark stool ,then he became unconsiousness and delirium but no convulsion.No previous history of fever except “measles” and “malaria” in childhood. Never received any vaccine innocalation ,had no traveling history before the illness. One month ago. His brother was ill with same disorder but the diagnosis had no confirmed. P.E. T 39℃. P 144/min, R 30/min, BP 112/75mmHg well devlopment but nutrition was poor, unconsciousness. No jaundice,no eruption, and no general glandular enlargment.Pupils equal on both sides and reactive to light. Neck soft. Lungs clear. Techgcardia with normal heart sound abdominal soft and of distention. No tenderness. Liver is 1cm and spleen 3cm below costal margin. Spine and extremities are normal, Knee jerks are present. Kernig’s signs and Brudxinski’s signs negative, no pathological reflexes.Lab. Finding: blood: WBC 4.7×109/L, N 0.75, L 0.25ALT: 60u/LUrine: protien(+)Stool: dark, OB(++)Serological test: HBsAg(+) eAg(+) Anti-HBc(+)Questions: 1. What is the most possible diagnosis? Why?2. How to treat the patient?Medical Record of COPDName:Liang Ya jun Occupation: driverSex:male Date of admission: Jan ,17,2007Age: 70 years old Date of record: Jan,17,2007Nationality: Han Narrator of history: HimselfBirth place: Beijing Level of history: reliableChief complaint: Cough with productive of sputum for 30 years, wheeze for 10 years, and got worse for 3 days.History of present illness: 30 years ago after exposure to cold weather, the patient suffered from a cough, with purulent sputum, without fever、fatigue、night sweats、hemoptysis. With theanti-infection therapy, He was cured. Since then he was often recurrent 2-3 times every year after catching a cold or having pulmonary infection. 20 years ago, he was diagnosed the chronic bronchitis, and he had to be admitted 1-2 times 1 year for the therapy. 10 years ago, he felt shortness of breath, particularly after sports ,and 5 years ago, he began edema in his legs and feet.3 days ago, he felt worse without any reson. He coughed all night, couldn’t lie down during sleep, sometimes with dyspnea. The sputa was sticky and purulent. But no fever. He took the oral ampicillin and aminophylline by himself ,but they didn’t work. Then he came to emergency department of TianTan Hospital. The results of blood routine was: WBC:12500/mm3, N:82.3%. The X-ray of lung: The veins of 2 pumonarys are coarse and irregular, right-lower pulmonary arterial trunk >15mmHg, cardiac apex being globular appearance and more elevated and emphysema. He was given some drugs of anti-infection, but the effect is not good. To be well treated, he was incharged of acute episode of COPD.These days, he felt weakness, poor of appetite, the urine and stool are normal, his weight did not change.Past history:He has had Hypertension for 30 years, DM for 4-5 years . 1986: myocardial infarction, full recovery / No subsequent investigation.Social History: Smoking for 50 years ,the amount is about half a cigarette case per day. Never drink. Born and lives in Beijing, Never been to area of pestilence. Married for 45 years with 2 children and both of them are healthy.Family history: No family history of chronic disease and genetic disease.Review of SystemsRespiratory system: Same as the history of present illness.Gastrointestinal tract: No current indigestion. No vomiting/ dysphagia/ diarrhea/ constipation/ abdominal pain.Cardiovascular system: No current chest pain. No palpitation/loss of consciousness.Genitourinary system: No urinary systems.Nervous System: No headache/ syncope/ vertigo/ balance problem. No dizziness/ limb weakness/ sensory loss. No disturbance of vision/ hearing/ smell/ speech.Musculoskeletal system: No joint pain/ stiffness/ extremity pain/ decreased range of motion. No disability.Allergies History: penicillin-skin rashPhysical examinationT: 37.2℃R: 24bpm P: 101bpm BP: 110/60mmHgGeneral: well. No anemic looking. consciousness is clear. His action is free .Skin: No petechiae, purpura, Anlcteric. No cutaneas Lesions or rashes. His feet is Ⅱdegree edema .Nodes: Surface nodes unpalpable.Eyes: conjunctive normal.No icterus, hemorrhage. Lids without lesions. Pupils equal, round and react to light and accommodation.Neck: Supple, Trachea midline. Thyroid not enlarged and without nodules. Jugular veins flat. Venous pulses normal.Chest: Tubbish chest contour. No catfale, pain.Lungs: Inspection:respiration equal,24bpm,rhythm regular.Palpation:with symmetrical full expansion.No thrills.Percussion:No percussion dullness.Auscultation: coarse. Sometimes there are moist and dry rales in both lungs. There is no sounds of pleural friction.Heart: Inspection: No visible lifts.Palpation:rate:101bpm. Rhythm is regular. No lifts thrills,heaves.Percussion: Heart border normal as follows:Right(cm) Rib Left(cm)2 Ⅱ 22 Ⅲ 4.53 Ⅳ 6Ⅴ8MCL=8cmAuscultation: rate:101bpm,rhythm is irregular, P 2> A 2. No splitting of heart sound.No cardiac murmurs or pericardial sound.Abdomen: Inspection:No scars or visible masses.Venous pattern normal.Palpation: Soft, no pain, mass, thill or fluid wave. Liver and spleen not palpable.Percussion:Liver sonant normal.Auscultation:Bowel sound 3bpm.No bruit.Nerve: Higher function normal.Cranial nervesⅰ-Ⅻ: normal.Upper and lower limbs: power, tone, coordination, sensation all normal.Laboratory and diagnostic testsBlood routing: WBC 12500/mm3, N 82.2%.Arterial blood-gas : PH 7.35 PO2 58mmHg PCO2 70mmHg BE 5mmol/L.X-RAY: The veins of 2 pumonarys are coarse and irregular, right-lower pulmonary arterialtrunk >15mmHg, cardiac apex being globular appearance and more elevated and emphysema. Summary70-year-old male smoker with a family history and previous history of chronic bronchitis, presents with 20-year history of cough, sputum, wheeze and got worse for 3-day, which is unrelieved by ampicillin and aminophylline. On examination, there are moist and dry rales in both lungs.Blood routing: WBC 12500/mm3, N 82.2%.X-RAY: The veins of 2 pumonarys are coarse and irregular, right-lower pulmonary arterial trunk >15mmHg, cardiac apex being globular appearance and more elevated and emphysema.The most likely diagnosis is an acute episode of COPD(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).Diagnosis: Acute episode stage of COPD(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)Chronic bronchitisObstructive emphysemaChronic pulmonary heart diseaseDecompensation stage of cardiac and lung functionsType 2 respiratory failureCoronary heart diseaseOld myocardial infarctionSinus heart rateHeart border normalCardiac function 2 classicHypertension 3 classic2 type Diabetes mellitusDr. XXA Sample of Complete HistoryPATIENT'S NAME: Mary SwanCHART NUMBER: 660518DATE OF BIRTH:10-5-1993SEX: FemaleDATE OF ADMISSION: 10-12-2000DATE OF DISCHARGE: 10-15-2000Final Discharge SummaryChief Complaint:Coughing, wheezing with difficult respirations.Present Illness:This is the first John Hopkins Hospital admission for this seven-year-old female with a history of asthma since the age of 3 who had never been hospitalized for asthma before and had been perfectly well until three days prior to admission when the patient development shortness of breath and was unresponsive to Tedral or cough medicine.The wheezing progressed and the child was taken to John Hopkins Hospital Emergency Room where the child was given epinephrine and oxygen. She was sent home. The patient was brought back to the ER three hours later was admitted.Past History:The child was a product of an 8.5-month gestation. The mother had toxemia of pregnancy. Immunizations: All. Feeding: Good. Allergies: Chocolate, dog hair, tomatoes.Family History:The mother is 37, alive and well. The father is 45, alive and well. Two sibs, one brother and one sister, alive and well. The family was not positive for asthma, diabetes, etc.Review of Systems:Negative except for occasional conjunctivitis and asthma.Physical Examination on Admission:The physical examination revealed a well-developed and well-nourished female, age 7, with a pulse of 96, respiratory rate of 42 and temperature of 101.0℉. She wasin a mist tent at the time of examination.Funduscopic examination revealed normal fundi with flat discs. Nose and throat were somewhat injected, particularly the posterior pharynx. The carotids were palpable and equal. Ears were clear. Thyroid not palpable. The examination of the chest revealed bilateral inspiratory and expiratory wheezes. Breath sounds were decreased in the left anterior lung field. The heart was normal. Abdomen was soft and symmetrical, no palpable liver, kidney, or spleen. The bowel sounds were normal. Pelvic: Normal female child. Rectal deferred. Extremities negative.Impression:Bronchial asthma, and pharyngitis.Laboratory Data:The white count on admission was 13,600 with hgb of 13.0. Differential revealed 64 segs and 35 lymphs with 3 Eos. Adequate platelets. Sputum culture and sensitivity revealed Alpha hemolytic streptococcus sensitive to Penicillin. Chest x-ray on admission showed hyperaeration and prominent bronchovascular markings. The child was started on procaine Penicillin 600,000 unites IM q.d in accordance with the culture and sensitivity of the sputum.Hospital Course:The child was given Penicillin IM as stated above. Ten drops of Isuprel were added to the respirator every 2 hours. The patient improved steadily. She took her diet well. She was discharged on 10-15-2000 in good condition.Operation procedure: noneCondition on discharge: ImprovedDiagnosis: Asthma. Pharyngitis. Possible right upper lobs pneumonia.。
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