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Notice and Announcement
To give a brief introduction to what is a notice
To enable Ss to become aware of main content of notice
To enable Ss to familiarize themselves with the samples given
失启事)、Found(招领启事)等。 ➢ 2.启事的日期放在右上方,署名放在右下方。但有时文中
已讲明启示者,亦可不署。 ➢ 3.启事一般不用称呼,如有确切的对象,也可以用。
Your Try
为庆祝本公司成立六十周年,兹定于2009年12月31 日(星期六)晚8:30至10:00在东方大厦举行招待会。
启事 (Announcement)

启事是一种公告性的应用文。机关、团体或个人如有 事需要向公众说明或者请求什么帮助等,都可以把要说的 事情简要地写成启示张贴出去。如特别重要的,或涉及范 围较广的,还可以登报。
➢ 启事的种类很多,最常用的有遗失启事,招领启事、招 聘启事、征稿启事、寻人启事等。
➢ 启事的写法: ➢ 1.通常是把启示的内容作为标题写在上方正中,如Lost(遗
To read and practice using some of the important words and expressions for notice writing
To do exercises
What is a notice?
As an effective means of written communication, notices are intended to publicize social events; to report on matters of general interest to staff; to inform staff of instructions, change of plan, new systems and regulations; and make the staff conform to certain arrangements, etc.
General Manager’s Office
Task 1
There is a store of Hebei Senming Wire Mesh Co. Ltd. in Yongxing Road, Anping, which sells retails to individual customers. Due to the development of the business, Mr. Jiang has planed to move it to a larger premise, that is No. 18 Jianshe Street, Shijiazhuang from May 18, 2011. So, Qiu Lin is asked to write a notice to inform the customers the news of removal and .the price cutting as we8 ll.
敬请所有职员光临。 总经理办公室
6Fra Baidu bibliotek
Your Try
Notice To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of our company, we sincerely invite all the staff members to the reception on Sunday, Dec. 31st, 2009, in Dongfang Building from 8:30 to 10:00 p.m.
Notices are aimed to reach a comparatively large number of audience, i.e., to be sent to reach a lot of people.
通知 (Notice)
➢ 通知有两种,一种是书信方式,寄出或发送,通知有关 人员;另一种是布告形式,张贴通知。究竟采用哪种形式, 视实际需要而定。如通知的对象为集中的较大范围的人员, 例如学生、教师、会员以及读者、观众等,宜采用布告的 形式。这里所讲的“通知”正是这一种。
Senming Wire Mesh Store Removal Notice
➢ Please kindly notice that our Senming Wire Mesh Store in Yongxing Road will be relocated to the following address with effect from May 18, 2011.
➢ Announcement for establishing a new business
➢ Notice of removal ➢ Announcement for seasonal reduction in
price ➢ Announcement for the change of director ➢ Announcement for rent and sale ➢ Announcement about a lecture ➢ Meeting announcement ➢ Announcement of cha. nging residence 4
➢ 英文通知格式由标题、正文、落款(或时间)三部分组 成。

这种通知一般在上方居中处写上“Notice” 或“NOTICE” 一词作为标志,正文的下面靠右下角写出通知的单位名称 或人名。但也可放在正文上面。有时出通知的单位名称用 在本文的开头,这样就不需要另外注明。 ➢ 出通知的日期写在正文的左下角。如有单位负责人署名, 可写在右下角。 ➢ 出通知的单位以及被通知的对象一般都用第三人称。如果 正文前用了称呼用语,则用第二人称表示通知对象。