
英语作文评语大全英语作文评语1简单交待时间,地点和结果…a brief introduction of the time, place and results ...语言简练,规范,开篇吸引人.Concise language, norms, begins to attract people.…以…开头,较有新意.前因后果娓娓道来.... In order to ... First, a new, Weiweidaolai antecedents and consequences.开篇简明扼要,精炼有序;重点描述…给人留下深刻印象.The opening be concise and to the point, refining orderly; key description ... Very impressive.以景喻情,开头颇有新意;倒叙开头,渲染意境.To view the metaphor, beginning quite new; flashback beginning, rendering the mood.开头直奔主题,也是一种写法.At the beginning of straight to the subject, is also a kind of way.开头很活泼.拟人化手法的运用使开头显得活泼,Beginning very lively. Personification makes beginning is lively,反问句开头,吸引读者.Asked at the beginning of a sentence, to attract readers.开头直奔主题,让人一目了然.At the beginning of straight to the subject, let people stick out a mile.开头点题,用词很吸引人.At the beginning of the theme, with the word is very attractive.场面和气氛描写为文章增色不少;scene and the atmosphere for the description of grace;将…改成…更合适些,Will be ... Change into ... Some more appropriate,自然承上启下,细节描写突出人物品质,令人感动.Natural bridge, details of outstanding character, moving.叙事中夹写景,以已度人,将心比心.In his narration clip, Yiyiduren, feel for others.拟人化语言使文章更显得生动活泼.Anthropomorphic language make the article more appear to be lively and vivid.外形描写十分有趣,突出了…的可爱.介绍中融入了自己的思想,有感染力.…对精彩地方进行简单描述;点面结合... On the exciting place for a simple description; Dianmianjiege简单介绍情况,自然过渡到下一段;Brief introduction of situation, natural transition to the next paragraph;情境描写调动起悬念;Situation description arouse suspense;充分运用语言,动作,心理描写,使事情具体,生动.Make full use of the language, action, psychological description, make something specific, vivid.简要叙述前因,进行铺垫.Brief description of antecedents, to pave the way.英语作文评语21、You are an honest and hardworking girl. You leave me a very deep impression. No pains, no gains. I hope you will make more progress in English study in the future.2、You are an excellent boy. I appreciate what you have done in your handwriting and believe you will be successful on your study.3、You are a handsome boy. I enjoy your activeness on class. Wish you a glorious future.4、You are an earnest girl and dutiful on your job. Thank you very much for your assistance on my teaching. I hope you can make more progress in your handwriting. Wish you a splendid future.5、You are an active and passionate girl. I appreciate your participance in class activities. Wish you a happy life.6、You are a very careful girl. Your handwriting is a marvel of neatness and order. I am sure there is nothing difficult for you to overcome.7、You are a clever girl. I appreciate your handwriting so much. Wish you make more improvement on your study.8、You are a humorous boy. You may have some difficults on English, I hope you will make more progress in later day.9、You are a sunny boy. You are very active on class. Pay more attention on English grammar. Work harder and you will make more progress.10、You are an open-minded boy. I enjoy your activeness on class. Wish you make more improvement on English study.11、You are a hardworking girl. You have a gift for English study. Where there is a will, there is a way. Wish you a fantastic future.12、You are a straight-forward boy. I appreciate your creativeness on class. I hope you can make more improvement on your handwriting in later day.13、You are an earnest and hardworking girl. Your English isvery good. I hope you can take part in more class activities. Wish you a terrific future.14、You are a shy but hardworking girl. Try to be more active on class. Be confident, you are the best.15、You are an honest boy. You are good at running and jumping. Wish you be a superstar in the near future on Olympics.。

以下是一些常见的评语大全,希望对你有所帮助:1. Organization and Structure:Your essay demonstrates a clear and logical structure, with each paragraph flowing smoothly into the next.The organization of your essay effectively supports your main argument, making it easy for the reader to follow your train of thought.Consider varying your sentence structure to add more dynamism to your writing and to keep the reader engaged throughout.2. Content and Relevance:Your essay effectively addresses the prompt, providing relevant examples and evidence to support your arguments.You demonstrate a deep understanding of the topic and present insightful perspectives that enrich the discussion.Make sure to stay focused on the main topic and avoid including irrelevant information that could distract from your main argument.3. Clarity and Coherence:Your writing is clear and concise, making it easy for the reader to understand your ideas.Each paragraph is well-developed, with coherent transitions that guide the reader from one point to the next.Consider revising any ambiguous or convolutedsentences to ensure that your meaning is communicated clearly.4. Language and Vocabulary:Your use of language is sophisticated and demonstrates a strong command of vocabulary and grammar.You effectively vary your vocabulary and employ precise language to convey your ideas with nuance.Pay attention to word choice and consider using synonyms or alternative phrasing to avoid repetition and keep your writing fresh.5. Argumentation and Persuasiveness:Your arguments are persuasive and well-supported, backed up by relevant evidence and reasoning.You anticipate counterarguments and address them effectively, strengthening your overall argument.Consider including more persuasive techniques, such as rhetorical questions or appeals to emotion, to further engage the reader and strengthen your argument.6. Conclusion:Your conclusion effectively summarizes your main points and reinforces the significance of your argument.Consider ending with a thought-provoking statementor a call to action to leave a lasting impression on the reader.Make sure your conclusion is consistent with therest of your essay and does not introduce any newinformation or arguments.7. Mechanics and Style:Your essay is free from grammatical errors and typos, demonstrating careful proofreading and attention to detail.Consider varying your sentence structure and incorporating rhetorical devices to add flair to your writing.Pay attention to punctuation and sentence mechanics to ensure clarity and readability.8. Originality and Creativity:Your essay presents original insights and perspectives that distinguish it from conventional responses.You demonstrate creativity in your approach to the topic, offering fresh ideas and innovative solutions.Consider thinking outside the box and exploring unconventional angles to make your essay stand out from the crowd.Remember, these are just general guidelines, and thespecific feedback you receive will depend on the unique strengths and weaknesses of your individual essay. Keep practicing and seeking feedback to continue improving your writing skills!。

点评作文的英文评语英文:When it comes to commenting on an essay, it's important to provide constructive feedback that will help the writer improve. Here are some phrases that can be used:1. "I appreciate the effort you put into this essay, but I feel that it could benefit from more clarity and organization."2. "Your use of language is impressive, but there are some grammatical errors that need to be addressed."3. "I like how you incorporated personal anecdotes into your essay, but I think it would be stronger if you provided more evidence to support your arguments."4. "Your introduction is engaging and sets up the rest of the essay nicely."5. "Overall, I think you have a good grasp of the topic, but there are areas where you could expand on your ideasand provide more detail."中文:在点评一篇文章时,提供有益的反馈对于帮助作者提高非常重要。

高中英语评语高中英语评语(精选13篇)高中英语评语篇11. 特写镜头别开生面,情趣盎然。
2. 文章能过清新有趣的语言,描写的事。
3. 详略得当,虚实相生,是本文的两大特色,内容更丰富更生动。
4. 全文清新秀逸,亲切委婉,朴素而不落俗淘,值得借见。
5. 全文语言生动准确,情节精彩曲折,仿佛将读者带进开心乐园,令人眉开眼笑。
6. 一些精妙词语的使用,无形中为文章增添不少情趣。
7. 文章清逸婉丽流畅连贯,尤其人物语言幽默风趣8. 文章想象合情合理,9. 通过生动形象的语言的描绘,使读者仿佛置身于梦境一般。
10. 文章线索明朗,主题突出,紧紧围绕进行。
高中英语评语篇21. 观察仔细,叙述时井然有序2. 朴实自然的童心体现在文中,使文章散发着清新活泼的气息3. 除了上课就是下课,学校生活似乎平淡乏味,但本文却善于从平凡中发现不平凡,而且表现得津津有味:紧张的早晨,战斗的中午,疲劳的晚上,每个时段都选取了极富生活情趣的镜头加以点染。
4. 本文无论是思想性还是艺术性都是很高的,读后让人久久回味。
5. 文中对父亲的介绍是全面的:从外貌到内心,从工作到生活;对父亲的介绍又是有重点的:重在写父亲的感情。
为这样的父亲自豪吧,再努力,不要辜负父亲的期望!6. 文中描绘的清新活泼,欢快明朗字里行间跳动着的童心,使文章也有了生命力7. 文章凭着丰富的想象,凭着多彩的语言,将呈现读者面前8. 文章简洁明了,语言平淡朴实9. 虽为一件事,但却描述得有声有色,结尾处不可或缺的点晴之笔,较好地突现文章主题。

英语作文评语大全Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT英语作文激励性评语大全一、宏观性评价1.整体印象类评语Super!Excellent!Perfect!Wonderful!Fantastic!Marvelous!采用整体印象类评语对于起始阶段的学生有较好的激励作用,但若千篇一律使用此类评语,就会使学生无法正确认识自己的写作水平,最终导致教师的评语失去应有的作用。
2.规范导知类评语. hand-writing.You’re careful of using pronunciation.Glad to see your improvement in handwriting.I’m expecting clearer/more beautiful hand-writing from you next time. You’d better pay more attention to word order.Better be more careful of your spelling.It’s important to compose a graft beforehand.3.情感调控类评语I appreciate your handwriting.You have a good knowledge of English proverbs.You are quite aware of making meaningful sentences.You are richer than others in collecting and using typical sentences and idioms.I’m expecting greater progress from you in writing .Come on.If you need my help,never hesitate to come to me.警句:Hard work leads to success.Not to advance is to go back.No one is without faults.Keeping is harder than it up.二、微观写作技能方面的评语1.专项点拨类评语It’s proper to use the proverb in quite clever.You are good at using attributive clauses in your writing.The “struck” sentence is perfectly used.You’d better use “third person” in the first para.It’s good to use the past tense in your writing.2.佳句欣赏类评语教师可以在句尾统一标注赞美性的符号(如E—Excellent)或标识不同星级等。

英语作文评语大全1. Well done! Your essay is well-structured and your ideas are clearly expressed.2. Your essay demonstrates a good understanding of the topic.3. Your introduction is engaging and effectively sets the tone for the rest of the essay.4. You have provided strong evidence and examples to support your arguments.5. Your use of language is impressive, with a wide range of vocabulary and well-constructed sentences.6. Your essay flows smoothly from one point to another, making it easy to follow your line of reasoning.7. You have effectively addressed the counterargumentsand refuted them convincingly.8. Your conclusion effectively summarizes your main points and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.9. Your essay shows a high level of critical thinking and analysis.10. Your essay is well-researched, with credible sources cited throughout.11. Your writing style is engaging and captures the reader's attention.12. Your essay demonstrates a strong command of grammar and punctuation.13. Your essay effectively explores the complexities of the topic and offers insightful perspectives.14. Your essay is thought-provoking and encourages the reader to consider different viewpoints.15. You have effectively used rhetorical devices to enhance the persuasiveness of your arguments.16. Your essay shows a good balance between providing evidence and expressing your own opinions.17. Your essay is well-organized, with each paragraph focusing on a specific aspect of the topic.18. Your essay displays a strong sense of coherence and unity.19. Your essay is well-supported by relevant examples and anecdotes.20. Your essay effectively addresses the ethical implications of the topic.21. Your essay demonstrates a mature and sophisticated writing style.22. Your essay effectively engages with the reader by asking thought-provoking questions.23. Your essay shows a strong understanding of the cultural and historical context of the topic.24. Your essay effectively integrates different perspectives and presents a well-rounded argument.25. Your essay demonstrates originality and creativity in your approach to the topic.请注意,这些评语是一般性的评价,具体评语应根据作文的内容和要求进行调整和补充。

1.Excellent Composition Your essay is wellstructured and demonstrates a deep understanding of the topic.The vocabulary and grammar are used proficiently,making it a pleasure to read.2.Wellarticulated Ideas Your ability to express complex ideas clearly is commendable. The logical flow of your arguments is evident,and the supporting evidence is wellpresented.3.Strong Vocabulary Usage The range of vocabulary youve used is impressive,and it has been applied effectively to convey your thoughts with precision.4.Coherent and Logical Your essay maintains a clear and logical progression of ideas, making it easy for the reader to follow your train of thought.5.Engaging Introduction and Conclusion The introduction grabs the readers attention, and the conclusion effectively summarizes your main points,leaving a lasting impression.6.Effective Use of Transitions Your essay benefits from smooth transitions that guide the reader through your arguments without any abrupt shifts.7.Wellresearched Content Its clear that youve invested time in researching the topic,and your essay reflects a thorough understanding of the subject matter.8.Creative Approach Your unique perspective on the topic is refreshing and adds depth to your essay.9.Punctuality and Grammar Your essay is free from grammatical errors and is punctuated correctly,which contributes to its overall clarity and professionalism.10.Captivating Narrative If your essay tells a story,it does so in a captivating manner, drawing the reader in and holding their interest throughout.11.Appropriate Tone The tone youve chosen for your essay is fitting for the subject and audience,enhancing the impact of your message.12.Strong Argumentative Skills Your ability to construct and defend a thesis is commendable.The counterarguments are addressed effectively,strengthening your position.13.Impressive Depth of Analysis Youve delved deeply into the topic,providing anuanced understanding that goes beyond surfacelevel observations.14.Effective Use of Examples The examples youve chosen are relevant and enhance your arguments,making your points more tangible for the reader.15.Wellorganized Paragraphs Each paragraph in your essay is focused and contributes to the overall argument,demonstrating a strong organizational skill.16.Innovative Insights Your essay offers fresh insights that challenge conventional thinking,which is highly valued in academic writing.17.Appropriate Length Your essay is of an appropriate length,providing a comprehensive discussion without unnecessary verbosity.18.Adherence to Instructions Its clear that youve followed the instructions carefully, addressing all aspects of the prompt.19.Polished Writing Style Your writing style is polished and engaging,making your essay enjoyable to read.20.Room for Improvement While your essay is strong overall,there are areas where further development could enhance the quality of your work.Consider expanding on certain points or providing more detailed analysis.21.Needs More Specificity To strengthen your essay,consider providing more specific examples or evidence to support your claims.22.Varied Sentence Structure While your essay is wellwritten,experimenting with sentence structure could add variety and keep the reader engaged.23.Clarity in Expression Some parts of your essay could benefit from clearer expression to ensure that your ideas are fully understood.24.Avoidance of Jargon While specialized language can be appropriate,consider simplifying some terms to make your essay accessible to a wider audience.25.Enhanced Critical Thinking Encourage further critical thinking by questioning assumptions and exploring multiple perspectives on the topic.26.Better Thesis Statement A stronger thesis statement could provide a clearer focus foryour essay and guide your argument more effectively.27.Improved Citation Ensuring proper citation of sources will strengthen the credibility of your essay and avoid any issues with plagiarism.28.More Emotional Appeal Incorporating an emotional appeal could make your essay more persuasive and connect with readers on a deeper level.29.Avoidance of Repetition Reducing repetition will make your essay more concise and focused,allowing each point to stand out.30.Final Proofreading A final proofreading pass could eliminate minor errors and improve the overall presentation of your work.。

2.规范导知类评语Beautiful.clear.wonderful.Goodhand-writing.You'ercarefulofusingpronounciation. Gladtoseeyourimprovementinhandwriting.i'mexpectingclearer/morebeautifulhand-writingfromyounexttime. You'dbetterpaymoreattentiontowordorder. Betterbemorecarefulofyourspelling.it'simportanttocomposeadraftbeforhand.3.情感调控类评语iappreciateyourhandwriting. YouhaveagoodknowledgeofEnglishproverbs.Youarequiteawareofmakingmeaningfulsentences. Youarericherthanothersincollectingandusingtypicalsentencesandidioms. i'eon. ifyouneedmyhelp,neverhesitatetocometome.警句:Hardworkleadstosuccess.nottoadvanceistogoback.nooneiswithoutfaults.Keepingisharderthanwinning.Keepitup.二、微观写作技能方面的评语1.专项点拨类评语it'spropertousetheproverbinPara.2Quiteclever. Youaregoodatusingattributiveclausesinyourwriting.The”struck”sentenceisperfectlyused.You'dbetteruse”thirdperson”inthefirstpara.it'sgoodtousethepasttenseinyourwriting.2.佳句欣赏类评语教师可以在句尾统一标注赞美性的符号(如E--Excellent)或标识不同星级等。

老师批改英文作文评语简短1. "Pomptus in scripta, your pen speaks volumes. Your errors, like a game of hide-and-seek, need a brushstroke of correction. Grammar, oh so grammatical, needs a little polish, like a diamond in the rough."2. "Style, my dear, is a wardrobe. Your writing, though colorful, could use a wardrobe change. Sentences, like a dance, need a rhythm, not a rehearsed routine."3. "Your thoughts, a symphony, but the notes need tuning. Spelling, a melody, needs harmonizing, not a monotonous tune."4. "Vocabulary, a treasure trove, but a bit rusty.Let's uncover the richness, like unearthing a long-lost treasure."5. "Your ideas, a firework display, but the syntax, a bit chaotic. Let's ignite clarity, like a sudden burst oflight."6. "Your writing, a journey, but the transitions, a bit hazy. Let's clarify your path, like a clear map."7. "Your language, a canvas, but the brushstrokes, abit uneven. Let's make it a masterpiece, like a work of art."8. "Your words, a story, but the plot, a bit convoluted. Simplify, like a clear narrative, and let the story unfold."9. "Your voice, a whisper, but it echoes loud. Strengthen your message, like a shout from the mountaintop."10. "Your writing, a puzzle, but the pieces, a bit misplaced. Rearrange them, like a jigsaw, and see thepicture come alive."。

2.规范导知类评语Beautiful.Clear. Wonderful.Good hand-writing.You’re careful of using pronunciation.Glad to see your improvement in handwriting.I’m expecting clearer/more beautiful hand-writing from you next time. You’d better pay more attention to word order.Better be more careful of your spelling.It’s important to compose a graft beforehand.3.情感调控类评语I appreciate your handwriting.You have a good knowledge of English proverbs.You are quite aware of making meaningful sentences.You are richer than others in collecting and using typical sentences and idioms.I’m expecting greater progress from you in writing .Come on.If you need my help,never hesitate to come to me.警句:Hard work leads to success.Not to advance is to go back.No one is without faults.Keeping is harder than winning.Keep it up.二、微观写作技能方面的评语1.专项点拨类评语It’s proper to use the proverb in Para.2 quite clever.You are good at using attributive clauses in your writing.The “struck” sentence is perfectly used.You’d better use “third person” in the first para.It’s good to use the past tense in your writing.2.佳句欣赏类评语教师可以在句尾统一标注赞美性的符号(如E—Excellent)或标识不同星级等。

英语作文评语经典批注1. Great job on this essay! Your ideas are clear and well-developed, making it easy for the reader to follow along with your argument.2. I appreciate the way you incorporated personal anecdotes to support your points. It adds a nice touch of authenticity to your writing.3. Your use of descriptive language really brings your topic to life. I felt like I was right there experiencing everything you were describing.4. The structure of your essay is effective, with each paragraph serving a distinct purpose and contributing to the overall flow of the piece.5. Your conclusion ties everything together nicely, leaving the reader with a sense of closure and a clear understanding of your main points.6. One suggestion for improvement would be to vary your sentence structure more. Adding in some shorter, punchier sentences could help keep the reader engaged.7. I also noticed a few minor grammar errors throughout the essay. Be sure to proofread carefully to catch any mistakes before submitting your final draft.8. Overall, this is a strong piece of writing that showcases your ability to communicate effectively and persuasively. Keep up the good work!。

英语作文的评语大全1. Well done! Your essay is well-organized and clearly expresses your ideas. 。
2. Your writing style is engaging and makes the reader want to keep reading. 。
3. You've done an excellent job of supporting your arguments with evidence and examples. 。
4. Your use of vocabulary is impressive and adds depth to your writing. 。
5. You have a strong grasp of grammar and punctuation, making your essay easy to read. 。
6. Your conclusion effectively summarizes your main points and leaves a lasting impression on the reader. 。
7. Your essay shows a great deal of creativity andoriginality in your approach to the topic. 。
8. Your writing is persuasive and convincing, making a compelling case for your argument. 。
9. Your essay is well-researched and demonstrates a thorough understanding of the subject matter. 。

英语作文评语经典批注1. Excellent Vocabulary Usage: Your essay demonstrates a rich and varied vocabulary, which enhances the readability and sophistication of your writing.2. Strong Argumentative Skills: You have effectively presented your arguments with clear reasoning and supporting evidence.3. Well-Organized Structure: Your essay flows logically from one point to the next, making it easy for readers to follow your train of thought.4. Effective Use of Transitions: The transitions between paragraphs and ideas are smooth, which helps to maintain the coherence of your essay.5. Good Grammar and Punctuation: Your command of English grammar and punctuation is commendable and contributes to the clarity of your writing.6. Creative Thinking: Your essay shows originality and creativity in the way you approached the topic.7. Engaging Introduction and Conclusion: Both your introduction and conclusion are compelling, capturing the reader's interest and leaving a lasting impression.8. Appropriate Tone and Style: The tone and style of your writing are well-suited to the subject matter and audience.9. Thorough Research: It is evident that you have conducted thorough research to support your points.10. Clear Thesis Statement: Your thesis statement is clear and concise, setting the stage for the rest of your essay.11. Effective Use of Examples: You have used examples effectively to illustrate your points and make your arguments more persuasive.12. Good Paragraph Development: Each paragraph in your essay is well-developed and contributes to the overall argument.13. Impressive Depth of Analysis: You have shown a deep understanding of the topic and have analyzed it from multiple perspectives.14. Correct Citation: Your citations are accurate and properly formatted, demonstrating your respect for academic integrity.15. Room for Improvement: While your essay is well-written, there is always room for improvement. Consider revising for conciseness and ensuring that every sentence contributes to your main argument.16. Engaging Narrative: Your narrative is engaging and draws the reader in, making your essay a pleasure to read.17. Effective Use of Language: You have used language effectively to convey your message, with a good balance of description and analysis.18. Well-Supported Claims: Each claim you make is well-supported with evidence, which strengthens your argument.19. Appropriate Word Choice: Your word choice is appropriate and contributes to the tone and style of your writing.20. Polished Final Draft: Your final draft is polished and free from errors, showing attention to detail and commitment to quality.。

英语作文激励性评语一、宏观性评价1. 整体印象类评语Super! Excellent! Perfect!Wonderful. Fantastic. Marvelous.采用整体印象类评语对于高中起始阶段的学生有较好的激励作用,但若千篇一律德使用此类评语,就会使学生无法正确认识自己的写作水平,最终导致教师的评语失去应有的作用。
2. 规范导知类评语Beautiful. Clear. Wonderful. Good hand-writing.You’re careful of using pronunciation.Glad to see your improvement in handwriting.I'm expecting clearer/more beautiful hand-writing from you next time.You’d better pay more attention to word order.Better be more careful of your spelling.It's important to compose a draft beforehand.3. 情感调控类评语I appreciate your handwriting.You have a good knowledge of English proverbs.You are quite aware of making meaningful sentences.You are richer than others in collecting and using typical sentences an idiom.I'm expecting greater progress from you in writing. Come on. If you need my help, never hesitate to come to me.警句:Hard work leads to success.Not to advance is to go back.No one is without faults.Keeping is harder than winning. Keep it up.二、微观写作技能方面的评语1. 专项点拨类评语It's proper to use the proverb in Para.2 Quite clever.You are good at using attributive clauses in your writing. The "struck" sentence is perfectly used.You'd better use "third person" in the first Para.It's good to use the past tense in your writing.2. 佳句欣赏类评语教师可以在句尾统一标注赞美性的符号(如E--Excellent)或标识不同星级等。
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如“Youcandobetternowthanyoudidbefore.”“Thecontentofyourwritingisgreat,butIhopeyoucanpayattentiontotheuseofpunctuations.”“Youareasmartgirl/boy.Ifyouputallyourheartintostud y,youwillsucceed.”“Youareaboy/girlfullofambitions,soIhopeyoucanhaveabrightfuture.”因此教师要充分利用作业评语,加深师生情感交流。
如,同样的第一点、第二点,学生可以用firstly、secondly,也可以用firstly、besides或whatsmore 等等。
篇三:高中英语写作课堂实录及点评高中英语写作课堂实录及点评stepIgreetingandLeading-in:T:classbegins!ss:goodafternoon,teacher!T:goodafternoon,everybody.sitdown,please!ss:Thankyou.T:nicetohavethisenglishclasswithyou.Firstofall,plea selookatthelearningaimsofthisperiod.1.writeaparagraphgivingtheoppositeview.2.Developagoodwritinghabit—read,discussandwrite.3.LearntostudyontheInternetinaproperway.【评:首先出示本节课学习目标,而且学习目标设定具体,明确:会写表达自己观点的小文章;课型:写作课;写作过程:读→讨论→写。
】T:ThinkaboutasmanythingswecandoontheInternetaspossi bletorelaxoneself,tocommunicate,toworkorstudyandsoo n.whatcanwedoontheInternet?Thinkaboutasmanythingsas possible.A.torelaxoneself:①②③…b.tocommunicate:①②③…c.towork/study:①②③…D.______________________________s1:wecanlistentomusicandwatchvideosormoviesonline.s2:wecanplaycomputergamesandchatonlinewithfriends.s3:wecansende-mailstoourfamilyandfriendsaswell.s4:wecandoonlineshopping,whichisbothconvenientandch eap.s5:wecansearchforallkindsofinformationeasilyandquic klyontheInternet.s6:wecanalsostudyonline,forexample,listentoenglishlisteningmaterials.s7:wecanlearnnewsathomeandabroad.【评:通过开放性问题激活学生已有知识。
】T:welldone.Yes,wecandoanumberofthingsontheInternet. sosomestudentsthinkwecanlearnallweneedontheInternet.Doyouagreewiththisopinion?ss:Yes!/no.T:Differentpeoplehavedifferentopinions.Let’sreadashortessayfirst.【评:引导学生通过阅读了解他人对某事的看法和观点,从而导入本课阅读文章。