英语国家概况(修订版)Chapter 15

The Conservative Party
-- the merger of the Canadian Alliance and the Progressive Conservative Party -- form the government of Canada since 2006
The New Democratic Party
What are the main characteristics of Canada's electoral democracy?
-- Participation, fairness and transparency -- Secrecy and privacy -- Adaptability
---the Senate (105 members)
What are the functions of the parliament?
(Page192-193, the textbook)
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
A Guide to English-Speaking Countries
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
A Guide to English-Speaking Countries
Structure of the government of Canada
Government of Canada
(Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II )
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
英语国家概况 Chapter_4

宫廷总顾问塞西尔劝伊丽 莎白暂时抛开儿女情长, 把精力放到处理国事上。当时英 国国力单薄,没有 军队,周边国家对它存有领土野心。而 伊丽莎白在 宫廷内部也有政敌。为首的是诺福克公爵。 塞西尔 建议她尽快结婚,选择 对象主要是法国的昂如公爵 和玛丽的 丈夫西班牙国王菲利普二世。伊丽莎白虽 然表面上同意接 见求婚使节,但私下里芳心早已暗 属达德利。 她面临的第一个真正的危机来自于法国 的玛丽女王。 这位热衷于用武的女王在苏格兰边境 集结大量部队,准备伺机进犯。英国朝廷为开战或 媾和展 开了激烈争论。最后伊丽莎白屈于诺福克公 爵的压力,未 听从情报大臣沃尔辛厄姆的意见, 仓 促同意开战。结果英国惨败。倍尝屈辱滋味的伊 丽莎白意 识到,如果她要真正行使国王权利,必须 树立自己的威信。
a. Edward VI Under his rule, real religious change to Protestant theology.
b. Bloody Mary On account of her mother and her husband (Philip II of Spain), Mary persecuted the Protestants to forcibly convert England to Roman Catholicism. At least 300 Protestants were burned as heretics.
A fleet of 130 vessels was sent to conquer England. The Armada sailed up the English Channel but proved no match for the more maneuverable and smaller British ships and dispersed by a strong gale.

目前( 1991年) ,英联邦有50个成员国。
英语国家概况 Chapter_3

significance of the war
It was a blessing to both countries: France and Britain could be more concentrating on their own interior affairs and make more development independently.
IV. Henry III and the beginning of Parliament 1. Conflicts between the King and the barons a. Loss of the King’s favor b. Loss of land and money c. Rebelling under Simon de Montfort, and taking the King prisoner 2. The beginning of Parliament
Chapter 3
The Shaping of the Nation
I. William’s Rule 1.feudalism king Barons
all the land large estates
less land
lesser nobles
(knights and freemen) Villeins and serfs
亨利五世身为王子时沉湎于声色犬马,不思进取, 后来在父亲的病榻前立誓痛改前非,誓要重振祖宗 疆业。年轻的亨利五世长于谋略且善于用兵,更能 鼓舞士气,赢得部属的爱戴。1415年时,由于英国 国王亨利五世受到大臣与主教的鼓动,以及来自法 国王子和侮辱,决定出兵法国远征艾吉宫战场。凭 着过人的勇气,他率领王公贵族及市井小民勇往直 前。其时英国兵力远在法军之下,英军主力为轻装 步兵,而且老弱病残、良莠不齐。经过一番远途跋 涉后,粮草告罄,士气更是低迷。而对手则重甲骑 兵,又有火炮助阵,兵强马壮,粮秣充沛,斗志十 足。 在天时、地利、人和尽失的恶劣局面下,如何 战胜强大的敌人成为亨利五世面临的最大挑战。生 死存亡之际,亨利五世积极面对眼前的天大逆境, 显示出作为一代雄主的智慧与霸气,以其三寸不烂 之舌与气吞天下的领袖魅力,终于一振士气。

Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
A Guide to English-Speaking Countries
The River Thames (泰晤士河)
the longest river in England and the second longest in the United Kingdom (332 kilometers long) a historical landmark in the city of London. A boat ride along the Thames is also something that every visitor should experience. Several boat races and activities take place along or at the river each year.
The Republic of Ireland
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
A Guide to English-Speaking Countries
The official title of the UK
the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Location and territory
Location of the UK:
The mainland areas lie between latitudes 49°N W to 2°E
Total territory: about 243,000 square kilometers
英语国家概况Chapter 3

弗朗西斯·斯 科特·菲茨杰 拉德:美国 小说家代表 作有《了不 起的盖茨比》
圣诞节:12月 25日庆祝耶稣 诞生家庭团聚
复活节:春分 月圆后的第一 个星期日庆祝 耶稣复活彩蛋、 兔子、复活节
感恩节:11月 的第四个星期 四感谢上帝赐 予的丰收家庭 团聚火鸡、南
美国:二战后美国成为世界超级大国经济、科技、文化等方面都处于 领先地位
澳大利亚:二战后澳大利亚逐渐发展成为发达国家经济、文化等方面 都有所发展
加拿大:二战后加拿大逐渐发展成为发达国家经济、文化等方面都有 所发展
新西兰:二战后新西兰逐渐发展成为发达国家经济、文化等方面都有 所发展
教育体系:分为小学、中学、 大学三个阶段
家庭教育的重要性:家庭教育是儿童成长过程中不可或缺的一部分对儿童的性格、价值 观和行为习惯有着深远的影响。
家庭教育的方式:家庭教育的方式多种多样包括父母对孩子的言传身教、家庭环境的影 响、家庭教育的规划和实施等。
家庭教育的内容:家庭教育的内容涉及儿童的身心健康、道德品质、知识技能、社交能 力等多个方面。
情人节:2月 14日情侣互赠 礼物表达爱意 玫瑰花、巧克
英语国家概况(修订版)Chapter 4

• made the Bank of England independent • emphasized on the minimum wage and supplementing low incomes • emphasized individual responsibility
Britain’s economic growth surpassed other major European countries
A Guide to English-Speaking Countries
Policies (1979-1997)
“In politics if you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman.”
—Margaret Thatcher
a forum for the governments of the world's eight wealthiest countries that originated in 1975 Before Russia was added to the group in 1997, it was known as the G7. Members: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and Russia Leaders of the G8 discuss major economic issues in an informal setting. The agenda has changed depending on international circumstances—e.g., the oil crises in the 1970s.

than North and Mid-Wales.
Northern Ireland: It’s mostly hilly.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
Total territory: about 243,000 square kilometers
Interesting Fact: No one in the UK lives more than 120 km (75 miles) from the sea.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
A Guide to English-Speaking
England: It consists of lowland terrain, with some mountainous
terrain in the northwest, north and southwest.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
A Guide to English-Speaking
Location and territory
Location of the UK:
The mainland areas lie between ▪ latitudes 49°N and 61°N and ▪ longitudes 8°W to 2°E
❖ 1. Geographical Features ❖ 2. Climate ❖ 3. Major Cities
英语国家概况 Chapter 1

The United Kingdom
The Multicultural UK
1. A multiracial society
Roots: • A history of invasion --- being invaded and invading
aboriginals: ancient Celts
Confusing Terms
Separate nations make up the country
England Wales
The United Kingdom
Northern Ireland
England—the largest region
The United Kingdom
Confusing Terms
Difference between UK, England, Great Britain and the British Isles
Great Britain
The British Isles
The United Kingdom
The United Kingdom
Geography of the UK
Influence of geography Influence-Climate: • temperate maritime --- warmed by the Mexico Gulf stream • Warmer in winter and cooler in summer • Mild, chilly and often wet
1.What are the features of British geography? 2. What is the relationship between its geography and its culture ?
英语国家概况(修订版)Chapter 14

Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
A Guide to English-Speaking Countries
1.3 Major Cities—Montreal
the second largest city in Canada the largest city in the Canadian province of Quebec used to be the largest city in Canada and industrial and financial centre of Canada The official language of Montreal is French. the largest French-speaking city in North America, and second in the world after Paris humid continental climate Montreal's Underground City the largest underground complex in the world
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
Chinese New Year Parade
A Guide to English-Speaking Countries
1.3 Major Cities—Vancouver
Second largest Chinatown Canada Vancouver's Chinatown is the largest in Canada, and the second largest in North America, after San Francisco. Today the Chinese are the largest ethnic group in Vancouver. Since the 1980s, immigration has dramatically increased, making the city more ethnically and linguistically diverse and almost 30% of the city's inhabitants are of Chinese heritage.
英语国家概况(修订版)Chapter 5

Better funded Better teachers Better facilities Better chance to enter famous universities
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Hale Waihona Puke A Guide to English-Speaking Countries
Eton college
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A Guide to English-Speaking Countries
Primary and Secondary Education
Winchester College
one of the oldest of the great public schools of England (dating from 1382)
—for universities admittances
GNVQs (General National Vocational Qualifications)
—for vocational training
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
A Guide to English-Speaking Countries
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
A Guide to English-Speaking Countries
Education in Britain is divided into four stages: primary secondary further education higher education

• The Irish people were also Celtic in origin • immigrants
The English Language
French replaced English as the official language, and English became the Language of lower class
• pig — pork • sheep — mutton • cattle — beef
The Canterbury Tales
British Isles
The United Kingdom(联合王国)
• The “United Kingdom of Great Britain” was formed in 1707 by the Act of Union that created a single kingdom with a single parliament.
• England • Scotland • Wales • Northern Ireland
Union Flag of U.K.
Royal Coat of Arms
Royal Coat of Arms (Scotland)
Main characteristics: Temperate, with warm summers, cold winters and plenty rainfall
• the island northwest of France and east of Ireland • comprises the main territory of the United Kingdom • a political term describes the combination of England,

2.2 Writers of Fiction
Washington Irving James Fennimore Cooper Ralph Waldo Emerson Nathaniel Hawthorne Edgar Allan Poe Herman Melville
Discussion: Compare the American Puritanism with Chinese Confucianism.
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1.2 The Revolutionary Period
❖representative work—Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence.
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2.2.3 Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
❖ chief spokesman of New England Transcendentalism—summit of American Romanticism.
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II The Romantic Period (1790-1865)
2.1 Feature 2.2 Writers of Fiction 2.3 Writers of Poetry 2.4 Questions
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英语国家概况(修订版)Chapter 17

Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
A Guide to English-Speaking Countries
Population: about 22.9 million in 2013 Multicultural Society:
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A Guide to English-Speaking Countries
3.1 General Review
3.2 Natural Resources
3.3 Tourism
3.4 Plants and Animals
A Guide to English-Speaking Countries
Australian Aborigines
people whose ancestors were indigenous to the
Australian continent before British colonization of the continent began in 1788 The origin of Aboriginal peoples in Australia has been the subject of intense speculation since the nineteenth century. Until recently, no theory of migration had gained wide acceptance. About 20% of land in Northern Australia is now Aboriginal-owned
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introduced in the 1960s. The purpose of the comprehensive school is to
democratize education and provide equal opportunity for all children.
Higher Education
❖ Recruitment base on: ▪ A-levels ▪ School references ▪ Interview
❖ All British universities are partially funded by central government grants. ▪ Except Buckingham University and BPP University College
A Guide to English-Speaking Countries
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Chapter Five
Education, Media and Holiday
英 语 国 家 概 况
▪ Better funded ▪ Better teachers ▪ Better facilities ▪ Better chance to enter famous universities
Primary and Secondary Education
❖ Eton College
▪ Eton College, often informally referred to as Eton, is the largest public school (independent secondary school) in England and one of the highest in prestige.
▪ Certifying that the students have achieved the standard expected after 11 years of compulsory education
Primary and Secondary Education
State System (Cont.)
A-levels (General Certificate of Education—Advanced)
—for universities admittances
▪ GNVQs (General National Vocational Qualifications)
—for vocational training
▪Independent system—Public schools 7%
•(Parents pay for their children's education)
❖ National curriculum:
▪Compulsory in state school ▪Optional in independent school
❖ National Curriculum was introduced in 1988.
❖ Subjects include mathematics, English, science, geography, history, technology, music, arts, physical education and a foreign language.
Primary and Secondary Education
❖ Two parallel school system:
▪State system—local authority maintained 93%
•(Free to all children between the ages of 5—16)
❖ “sixth form” (2 years)
(English education system) the final two years of secondary schooling during which students are about sixteen to eighteen years of age.
apart from the Scholars, lives in a boarding house. ▪ Each house also had a set of house colours, which adorned the ribbon worn around boys' "strats" (straw hats).
3 to 5 years
Famous Universities
Famous Universities
❖ Oxford University and Cambridge University are sometimes referred to collectively as Oxbridge.
Primary and Secondary Education
❖ A-levels
▪ The A-level, or “Advanced Level” is a grade of education that is offered by educational institutions such as schools and colleges and is an accepted form of qualification.
less-poor students receiving only a partial grant. ▪ Having been abolished in 1998 by the Labor
government and a tuition plan for university education was implemented
(most are comprehensive schools) GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education)
Primary and Secondary Education
❖ The General Certificate of Secondary Education(GCSE) (普通中等教育证书)
III Holidays and Festivals
Educational Policy Educational System
Educational Policy
❖ Compulsory education for all children between the ages of 5 and 16 (17 from 2013)
Higher Education
❖Maintenance grant
▪ Received by students from poor families ▪ Financial aid based on need, from the central
government ▪ Very poor students receiving the full grant and
Hale Waihona Puke Primary and Secondary Education
State System
❖ state system—11-year compulsory education ▪ 5-11: primary schools (co-educational/ mixed schools) ▪ 11-16: secondary schools
Primary and Secondary Education
Independent System ❖ the most famous — Eton, Harrow and Winchester ❖ over 2500 independent schools across Britain ❖ Over 7% percent of all British children ❖ A privilege for the rich
▪ An academic qualification generally taken in a number of subjects by students aged 14–16 in secondary education in England, Wales and Northern Ireland
▪ Grammar schools
offers an academic course in preparation for university entrance and for the professions.
▪ Vocational schools
It may be obtained either formally in trade schools, technical secondary schools, or in on-the-job training programs or, more informally, by picking up the necessary skills on the job.
▪ It educates over 1,300 pupils, aged between 13 to 18 years and was founded in 1440 by King Henry VI as "The King's College of Our Lady of Eton besides Wyndsor".