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MultiConnect Conduit 快速入门指南说明书

MultiConnect ®Conduit™Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.MultiConnect ®Conduit™Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.MultiConnect ®Conduit™Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.MultiConnect ®Conduit™Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.MultiConnect ®Conduit™Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.Quick Start Guide Quick Start GuideQuick Start Guide Quick Start Guide Quick Start Guide WelcomeWhat’s in the boxThank you for purchasing a MultiConnect ®Conduit™. The Conduit™ is a programmable gateway that uses an open Linux development environment to enable machine-to-machine (M2M) connectivity using various wireless interfaces. It also provides an onlineapplication store for industrial things as a platform for developers to provision and manage their gateway and associated sensors and devices.Your Developer Kit includes the following:Developer Board1 - MTCDT-Conduit Developer Board Power Supply1 - 100-240V 9V-1.7A Power Supply with removable blades1 - NAM blade/plug 1 - EURO blade/plug 1 - UK blade/plugCables 1 - Micro USB Cable1 - Ethernet Cable RJ45 6-ft.Antennas Varies with Conduit model Customer NoticesQuick Start Registration CardInstalling the SIM CardInstalling the SD Card You need:• Phillips screwdriver • SIM cardTo install or replace the SIM Card:1. Disconnect power to the Conduit, if it is connected.2. At the front of the Conduit housing, remove the screwthat secures the nameplate to the housing and remove the nameplate.3. At the upper right side of the opening, locate the SIM and its sleeve. If a SIM card is installed and needs to be removed, slide it out of the sleeve.4. Gently push the new or replacement SIM card into the sleeve face up with the cut corner to the right and the SIM contacts facing toward the interior of the housing.5. Reattach the nameplate to the housing using the screw removed in step 2.You need:• Phillips screwdriver • SD memory cardTo install or replace the SIM Card:1. Disconnect power to the Conduit, if it is connected.2. At the front of the Conduit housing, remove the screwthat secures the nameplate to the housing and remove the nameplate.3. Locate the SD card at the left side of the opening on the underside of the PC board. If an SD card is already installed, gently push on the card to release it from its setting and remove it from the housing with your fingers.4. With the new SD card contacts facing up and toward the interior of the housing, gently push the card into the slot to secure it in place.5. Reattach the nameplate to the housing using the screw removed in step 2.Application Enablement model LEDsmLinux model LEDsMultiConnect ®Conduit™Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.MultiConnect ®Conduit™Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.MultiConnect ®Conduit™Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.Quick Start GuideQuick Start GuideKnowledge Base/kb.goSupport Portalhttps://MultiConnect ® Conduit™ Quick Start Guide82101450LCopyrightThis publication may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the specific and express prior written permission signed by an executive officer of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.All rights reserved. Copyright © 2015 by Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. makes no representations or warranties, whether express, implied or by estoppels, with respect to the content, information, material and recommendations herein and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose and non-infringement.Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. to notify any person or organization of such revisions or changes.TrademarksMultiTech, MultiConnect, and the MultiTech logo are registered trademarks ofMulti-Tech Systems, Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.2205 Woodale DriveMounds View, Minnesota 55112 U.S.A.Phone: 763-785-3500 or 800-328-9717Fax: 763-785-9874SupportBusiness Hours: M-F, 9am to 5pm CTEurope, Middle East, Africa:********************.uk +(44) 118 959 7774U.S., Canada, all others:*********************(800) 972-2439 or (763) 717-5863MultiConnect ® Conduit™MTCDT Quick StartBack Panel ConnectorsRegulatory InformationAdditional InformationFor additional regulatory information see 47 CFR Part 15 Regulation Class B DevicesThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Additional information for the MultiConnect ®Conduit™ can be found at /developer/products/conduitYou need:• Phillips screwdriver• Non-metal tweezers or similar object • CR1632 standard coin lithium battery The battery is located in the Conduit housing.To install or replace the battery:1. Disconnect power to the Conduit, if it is connected.2. At the front of the Conduit housing, remove the screwthat secures the nameplate to the housing and remove the nameplate.3. The battery holder is located at the right side of the opening on the underside of the PC board. Use non-metal tweezers as necessary to remove an existing battery.4. Orient the new battery so that the positive (+) pole is facing down. Use your fingers or non-metal tweezers to insert the battery into the holder.5. Reattach the MultiT ech nameplate to the housing using the screw removed in step 2.Replacing the Battery。
Multi 三轴手持便携相机 稳定器快速入门V1.0说明书

动相机,点击“相机”进入;安装手机拍摄用户,点击“手机”进入) *安装手机使用时也可连接手机蓝牙:进入手机蓝牙设置——搜索蓝牙设备“Smatphone Gimbal”——点击连接,连接成功后稳定器可控制手机原生相机拍照&录像 *【常见问题】手机蓝牙能连上,APP蓝牙连不上? 1.还原(初始化)手机网络设置;2.关闭wifi或断开蓝牙设备“Smar tphone Gimbal"的连接;3.重新连接操作
Q: 开机后电机为什么抖动/震动? A: 确认是否把相机装上再开机,稳定器螺丝是否拧紧,开机前是否调平,确认相机是否过轻,电机扭力过大。 解决解决方案:安装好相机再开机;固定螺丝拧紧;开启稳定器前先调平(具体参照第6页调平); 稳定器出厂默认的电机力度较大,在使用重量较轻的相机时,可能会出现震动的情况。通过APP调小电机扭力 (Hohem Gimbal——设置——电机选项)。
APP其他功能 1. 云台参数设置:(可保存个性化的情景参数/应用场景) A.跟随速度设置(可调整航向/俯仰/横滚三轴的跟随速度快/慢) B.摇杆速度设置(调整摇杆控制转动速度快/慢) C.跟随死区区间(死区范围内,稳定器不跟随) D.微调(可对横滚&俯仰轴进行强制性小角度调整,如为达到理想水平状态强制调整角度) E.摇杆控制方向切换(摇杆方向与轴的转动方向一致/相反) F.电机选项:扭力设置(可调整航向/俯仰/横滚三个电机的扭力大小。如手机过轻导致的云

MULTIPROG快速上手指南版本: 1.0日期: 13/01/06作者: KW-Software1MULTIPROG简介MULTIPROG是科维软件公司针对中大型控制应用场合开发的通用PLC编程系统,被广泛应用于机械制造、汽车和过程自动化行业。
该编程工具既可以和科维软件推出的运行时系统(ProConOS eCLR)配套使用,也可以运用于现有的控制系统,并且能对多个分布式PLC控制器进行统一配置、编程和下载程序。
2.1 安装与启动MULTIPROG2.1.1 安装与启动将MULTIPROG的安装压缩文件解压缩,会产生一个名为“MULTIPROGX.XXBuildYYY”的文件夹,文件夹名中的“X”和“Y”都是数字,表示该安装包的版本号。
图2.1 MULTIPROG安装文件夹内容双击“setup.exe”即可安装,在安装过程中可以自定义安装的根目录路径,安装完成后会在桌面上出现如图所示的图标。
图2.2 MULTIPROG桌面快捷方式图标双击该图标即可启动MULTIPROG。

Multi-Languages QIG in Driver CD================================================== Český:Českého průvodce rychlou instalací naleznete na přiloženém CD sovladačiDeutsch: Finden Sie bitte das deutsche QIG beiliegend in der Treiber CD Español: Incluido en el CD el QIG en EspañolFrançais:Veuillez trouver l‟français QIG ci-joint dans le CDItaliano: Incluso nel CD il QIG in ItalianoMagyar: A magyar telepítési útmutató megtalálható a mellékelt CD-n Nederlands: De nederlandse QIG treft u aan op de bijgesloten CDPolski: Skrócona instrukcja instalacji w języku polskim znajduje się na załączonej płycie CDPortuguês: Incluído no CD o QIG em PortuguesРусский: Найдите QIG на pусскoм языке на приложеном CD Romana: Cd-ul cuprinde Ghid de instalare rapida in limba romanaSlovensky: Anglického sprievodcu rýchlou inštaláciou nájdete na priloženom CD s ovládačmi.Türkçe: Ürün ile beraber gelen CD içinde Türkçe Hızlı Kurulum Kılavuzu'nu bulabilirsinizCopyright by Edimax Technology Co, LTD. all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without the prior written permission of this Company.This company makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any warranties, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Any software described in this manual is sold or licensed "as is". Should the programs prove defective following their purchase, the buyer (and not this company, its distributor, or its dealer) assumes the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair, and any incidental or consequential damages resulting from any defect in the software. Further, this company reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the contents hereof without obligation to notify any person of such revision or changes.The product you have purchased and the setup screen may appear slightly different from those shown in this QIG. For more detailed information about this product, please refer to the User's Manual on the CD-ROM. The software and specifications could be subjected to change without notice. Please visit our web site for the update. All right reserved including all brand and product names mentioned in this manual are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective holders .Content1.Product Information (1)2.Check your package contents (1)3.System Requirement (1)4.Hardware Installation (2)4.1.LED and Focusing (2)4.2.Camera Ports (3)4.3.Installation Procedure (4)5.Locate the IP Address (5)6.Web Management Interface (9)7.Software Installation (12)work Configuration (18)work Setting (19)8.1.2.Wireless Settings (IC-1510Wg Only) (21)9.Firmware Upgrade (24)1. Product Information⏹Complies with IEEE802.3, 802.3u standards⏹Complies with Wireless 802.11b/g standards with WEP, WPA and WPA2encryption (IC-1510Wg only)⏹Supports high speed hardware-based Motion-JPEG compression⏹Supports video resolution :640x480 (VGA), 320x240 (CIF) and160x120(QCIF)⏹Supports Snapshot-to-Email on events and predetermined schedulerecordings in AVI format⏹Supports Auto Brightness/Contrast/Hue Control⏹Built-in manual focus lens2. Check your package contents⏹One Internet Camera⏹One Power Adapter⏹One Camera Stand⏹One 100cm Category 5 Ethernet Cable⏹One Quick Installation Guide⏹One CD (Including User‟s Manual/ Multi-Language QIG/ Utility & Viewer) ⏹One Antenna(* IC-1510Wg Only)If any of the above items are missing, please contact your supplier.3. System RequirementSystem requirement for PC, MAC or Notebook PC to access the Internet Camera as following:⏹OS System: Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP + SP2, Server 2003⏹CPU: Intel Pentium III 750MHz above or Intel Celeron 1GHz above⏹Memory Size: 128MB (256MB recommended)⏹VGA Card Resolution: 800 x 600 or above4.Hardware Installation4.1.LED and FocusingThe Camera head and its focus ring allow you to modify the aim and focus of the Camera. To adjust the Camera‟s focus, rotate the dark focus ring.There are three LEDs indicating the camera status and networking status. • PowerWhen the camera is power on and ready for access, the LED will light. • LANWhen the Internet Camera is linking to wired network, the LED is lighting. The LED is flashing when video is transmitted or received through wired network. • WLANWhen the Internet Camera is linking to wireless network, the LED islighting. The LED is flashing when video is transmitted or received through wireless network.4.2. Camera PortsThe Camera features two ports and a Reset button. • Antenna connectorThe Standard reverse SMA connector is for any antennas with reverseSMA connector can connect to the Internet Camera.•PowerThe Power port is where you can connect the power adapter. •LANThe LAN port is where you can connect the Ethernet network cable. •Reset1. If problems occur with your Internet Camera, press the reset buttonwith a pencil tip (for less than 2 seconds) and the Internet Camera will reboot itself with your configurations.2. If problems persist or you experience extreme problems or you forgotyour password, press the reset button for longer than 5 seconds. The Internet Camera will reset itself to the factory default settings (warning: your original configurations will be replaced with the factorydefault settings).4.3. Installation Procedure1. Unpack the Internet Camera package and verify that all the items listed inthe Chapter 1 are provided.2. Connect the Internet Camera to your network by attached the networkcable from the switch/router to the LAN port of the Internet Camera.3. Connect the power adapter to the Internet Camera and plug the poweradapter to power outlet. The Internet Camera will be powered on. When the Internet Camera is ready, the Ready LED will light.Note: It is highly recommended to use the power adapter shipped with the Internet Camera, do NOT use any other power adapter from any sources.5. Locate the IP AddressDefault IP address of this IP camera is If you wish to assign another IP address to this IP camera, you have to log onto the web configuration interface of the camera first.If the left three fields of the IP address of your computer is not 192.168.2.XXX , you‟ll have to change the IP address of your computer first:1. Click …Start‟ -> …Control Panel‟2. Double-click …Network Connections‟ icon.3. Right-click …Local Area Connection‟, and click …Properties‟.4. Select …Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)‟, and then click …Properties‟.5. In …IP address‟ field, please fill in any IP address begins with …192.168.2‟,and ends with a value greater than 2 and less than 254 (You can use the example in the picture …‟). In Subnet mask field, please fill …‟. Please keep all other fields empty, and click …OK‟.If you changed the IP address of this IP camera and you forget it, there‟re 2 methods to recover it:a. Press and hold the …Reset‟ button located at the bottom of this IPcamera, to clear all settings of the IP camera and reset the IP address back to You‟ll lose all settings in the IP camera.b. Ask network administrator to check the DHCP release table, if thecamera was set to obtain the IP address by DHCP, a new record will be added to DHCP release table on DHCP server when the IP camera isconnected to the local area network6. Web Management InterfaceMake sure the IP camera is correctly powered (Power LED is on), and then launch Internet Explorer and type the IP address of the IP camera in address bar of Internet Explorer. You should be prompted to input the user name and password:Default user name is …admin‟ (in lower case) and password is …1234‟. Click …OK‟ to continue after user name and password has entered.If you‟re rejected, maybe the password has been modified previously. This should not happen if this is a newly-purchased camera, however, if you get the camera from someone else, the password would be changed. Please try to obtain the correct user name / password, or you‟ll have to reset the ca mera. After logged on, you should see the following messages at the top of Internet Explorer:This IP camera requires a special ActiveX control (A.K.A. …Plugin‟) to work. Please click on the message, and select …Install ActiveX Control…‟:When y ou‟re prompted, click …Install‟ to continue.You should be able to see the image from camera now:Note: If you see one of these messages (or both):ORYour computer may not have the display capability that this IP camera requires, or you don’t have Microsoft DirectX® installed. Please download Microsoft DirectX® from Microsoft’s website (), and try again. In some cases, your computer is able to display the image from IP camera correctly, but you’ll still see these messages. If this happens, just ignore them.7. Software InstallationFollow the simple steps below to run the Install Wizard to guide you quickly through the Installation process. The following installation is implemented in Windows XP. The installation procedures in Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003 /Vista are similar.1. Insert the CD shipped along with the Internet Camera into your CD-ROMdrive. The “Autorun.exe” program should be executed automatically. If not, run “Autorun.exe” manually from “Autorun” folder in the CD.2. The Install Wizard will show four selections, select the program you want toinstall or click “Exit” to install the program later. The following installation steps are the demonstration of “Setup Utility”3. The system will start the installation procedures. Click “Next” to continueinstallation.4. If you wish to install the software program in an alternate location, click“Change”; otherwise click “Next” to move on to the next step.5. Click “Install” to start installing the program.6. The system will install the program automatically.7. Click “Finish” to complete the software installation.8. When the installation is completed. The system will auto run ”Administrator Utility “. On the Internet Camera first page, the cameras found in thenetwork are listed in the left window. Choose the one you want to configure and click “Setting Wizard” to precede.If the camera is new and is not configured with your network, please go to next section “8 Network configurations”to set up the configuration9. Please enter the default password “1234” and click “OK” to login to the IPsetup page.10. Internet Camera is working through the network (TCP/IP Protocol). The IPaddress setting must be correct, or you cannot access to the camera. The wizard program will detect the IP address status of your networkautomatically and suggest a free IP address for the Camera. You canaccept the suggested value or enter the value manually. If you enter the value manually, please be aware that the “Subnet Mask” must be the same for both the camera and the PC. Click “Finish” to apply the configuration.11. This wizard will pop up a window to ask you if you want to run the “CameraViewer” and see the video of the Camera immediately. Select “OK” to run “Camera Viewer”.12. The “Camera Viewer” will show the video automatically. Congratulations,you can use the camera through the network to view the video from now on.8. Network ConfigurationsWhen you click the “Detail Setting”, a screen will pop up for you to enter the “Administrator Name” and “Password”. The default value is as follows. Name: “Admin”Password: “1234”If the name and password you enter are correct, you can start to setup the network configuration of this IP camera.8.1.1.Network SettingInternet Camera Name recommended to name a meaningful name for the camera.IP Address Enter an unused IP Address within the IP address range used on your LAN. If the IP Address of your LAN is from the to, you can set an unused IP Address from the range for the camera, for example: Mask The Subnet Mask field must match the subnet setting on your LAN. For example: The Gateway is used to forward frames to destinations in a different subnet on the Internet. The Gateway setting must be the same with the gateway used by the PCs on your LAN.DNS Server DNS Server (Domain Name Server) that translates names to IP addresses. Set the same DNS Server as the PCs on your LAN.Video Port video streaming in the network. The default port setting is “4321”. If you want to view the video from the camera, the port setting should be correct.Web Port This camera support web connection, the default web port is 80. Since the web server may use port 80, you can use a different port for the camera. If you change the web port from 80 to 8080, you must type to connect the camera through the web browser.8.1.2. Wireless Settings (IC-1510Wg Only)You must configure the wireless settings from wired environment. Then you can remove the wired cable and start wireless connection.Utility will site survey automatically or you can press “Refresh” button to survey the AP router manually.After site survey procedure, there will show existing AP SSID.Then press “Connect” to connect AP router or press “Add to Profile” to configure the Wireless WEP and WPA encryption.There are WEP (Open System/Shared Key) ,WPA-PSK,WPA2-PSK and WPANone encryption settings. You can choose one to match AP router wireless settings.After set the profile, Please remove the LAN cable then IP Camera will connect to AP router automatically.LED Status DiagramWired Setting EnvironmentWireless Setting Environment9. Firmware UpgradeHere provides several tools to upgrade the firmware of this IP camera, clear all settings, or switch LED notification off.The descriptions of every setting in this menu will be given below:After all settings are completed, click …OK‟ to save settings, or click …Cancel‟ to abort and discard changes.R&TTE Compliance StatementThis equipment complies with all the requirements of DIRECTIVE 1999/5/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL of March 9, 1999 on radio equipment and telecommunication terminal Equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity (R&TTE)The R&TTE Directive repeals and replaces in the directive 98/13/EEC (Telecommunications Terminal Equipment and Satellite Earth Station Equipment) As of April 8, 2000.SafetyThis equipment is designed with the utmost care for the safety of those who install and use it. However, special attention must be paid to the dangers of electric shock and static electricity when working with electrical equipment. All guidelines of this and of the computer manufacture must therefore be allowed at all times to ensure the safe use of the equipment.EU Countries Intended for UseThe ETSI version of this device is intended for home and office use in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.The ETSI version of this device is also authorized for use in EFTA member states: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland.EU Countries not intended for useNonePlease check the declaration of conformity on 。

MultiMAN 游戏管理程序安装及使用教程文档版本 VerChange DateAuthor1.0 1st release20101101 1.1 重新组织,去除编辑密码,转载去保留文档版本 20101101 ContentsMultiMAN 游戏管理程序安装及使用教程 .......................................................................... 1 引言及功能介绍 ............................................................................................................... 1 更新记录 .......................................................................................................................... 2 使用介绍 .......................................................................................................................... 2 文件管理器操作说明 ....................................................................................................... 4 默认选项全解释 ............................................................................................................... 5 附 .. (9)引言及功能介绍 的deanrr 已经更新multiMAN 到1.08.5 (原AVCHD 和Game Manager )。

以下是关于Multifwn的使用手册:1. 安装和设置,首先,你需要从官方网站或其他可信渠道下载Multifwn软件。
2. 基本功能,Multifwn提供了多种基本功能,包括文件管理、数据备份、系统优化等。
3. 文件管理,Multifwn可以帮助你管理设备上的文件,包括查看、复制、移动、删除文件等操作。
4. 数据备份,软件还提供了数据备份功能,可以帮助你将重要数据备份到外部存储设备或云端,以防止数据丢失或损坏。
5. 系统优化,Multifwn还提供了一些系统优化工具,可以帮助你清理设备上的垃圾文件、优化内存、加速手机运行速度等。
6. 安全保护,软件还提供了一些安全保护功能,包括隐私保护、应用程序锁定等,可以帮助你保护个人隐私和设备安全。
7. 更新和支持,为了保持软件的正常运行,你需要定期检查软件是否有更新版本,并及时进行更新。

[/color]If your PS3 has an old firmware, for example to keep OtherOS, you can download multiMAN v01.16.11 (latest compatible version as of this writing).
[color=red]Multiman 是一个由multiAVCHD (用于为ps3创建兼容视频文件)的作者Dean Kasabow 开发的PS3自制程序,来自。[/color]
On his first release, the Homebrew was called "AVCHD/Game manager/File manager" and included both an AVCHD Video folder mounter to be read on PS3 video menu and a Games Manager.
[/color]Previous multiMAN versions were also compatible with older PS3 firmwares, like 3.10 or 3.15.
[color=red]如果你的ps3 是一个旧的固件,例如你想保留其他的os,你可以下载multiMAN v01.16.11(在写这篇教程时最新的兼容版本)
[/color]MultiMAN distribution can be found in different formats:

然后,在弹出的窗口中选择"Energy",再选择"Energy difference between two fragments"。
在multiwfn软件中,选择"Input & Output"菜单下的"Input"选项,然后选择"Load Cartesian Coordinate"。
在multiwfn软件中,选择"Define Fragment"菜单下的"Input"选项。
ffirefox multi-account containers使用方法

ffirefox multi-account containers使用方法1. 引言1.1 概述在如今数字化时代,隐私和安全问题越来越受到人们的关注。
作为广泛使用的网页浏览器之一,火狐浏览器(Firefox)也提供了一种称为"Multi-Account Containers" 的插件,该插件能够帮助用户更好地管理他们的网络账户和信息,实现对个人数据的隔离和保护。
1.2 文章结构本文将详细介绍Firefox Multi-Account Containers 插件的使用方法,并探讨如何利用这一功能隔离和保护我们的浏览行为。
文章包括以下几个部分:2. Firefox Multi-Account Containers 使用方法:在本节中,我们将深入了解Multi-Account Containers 插件的工作原理,并学习如何正确安装和配置该插件。
3. 使用多个容器进行隔离浏览行为:这一部分将探讨如何使用不同容器来分离工作和个人活动。
4. 与其他扩展和功能的集成使用方法:结合加密密码管理工具、代理服务器或VPN 等工具,我们可以进一步增强容器功能的隐私保护能力。
5. 结论:在本节中,我们将对文章内容进行总结,并强调重点观点。
同时,还将提供进一步学习和探索Firefox Multi-Account Containers 的资源指引,以便读者深入了解该插件并从中受益。
1.3 目的本文旨在帮助读者了解并掌握Firefox Multi-Account Containers 插件的使用方法。

使用Multiwfn绘制NBO及相关轨道文/Sobereva First release: 2012-Apr-4 Last update:2012-Apr-161 前言NBO程序输出的轨道包括NBO(自然键轨道)、NHO(自然杂化轨道)、NAO(自然原子轨道)、NLMO(自然定域化分子轨道),以及前头带P的类型,如PNBO(初自然键轨道)。
(4)用Zork编写的NBO2molden程序将NBO plot文件转换为Molden的输入文件,然后用Molden程序去看。
Multiwfn是一款免费、开源的波函数分析程序,很早就开始支持读入NBO plot文件来绘制前述各种类型轨道,可以很方便地显示等值面图,也能绘制出各种各样漂亮的截面图,操作很方便,可以从下载。
2 输入文件这一节介绍一下怎样产生能够让Multiwfn显示NBO及相关轨道的输入文件。
Gaussian的fch 文件和NBO plot文件都可以用作Multiwfn的输入文件。
对于Gaussian用户,可以在route section里写上pop=saveNBO或pop=saveNLMO,这样NBO 轨道和NLMO就会分别代替分子轨道储存在chk文件里。

提示 表示如果在操作及设定变频器前预先了解就会带来极大方便的参考事项。 表示参照的内容。
第1部分 概要
第1章 关于「FRENIC-Multi」 1.1 特长 ........................................................................... 1-1 1.2 控制方式 ...................................................................... 1-11 1.3 推荐结构 ...................................................................... 1-12
电机的热特性不同,请将电子热继电器的「热时常数」和电机配合,设定在较 小值。
如果是带有并联式制动器的电机,必须将制动器电源连接在变频器的输入一侧 (1 次侧)。如果连接到变频器的输出一侧(2 次侧),电源不能给制动器供电, 制动器可能会不运转。
■ 使用注意事项
400V 系列通用电机的 变频器驱动
变频器驱动 400V 系列的通用电机时,有时会损坏电机的绝缘。请向电机厂家 进行确认后,根据需要使用输出电路滤波器(OFL)。使用富士电机公司的产品 时,绝缘已被强化,因此不必使用滤波器。
电机的 运转
采用变频器驱动通用电动机,会比商用电源下运行的温度略高。在低速范围内 冷却效果会下降,因此请在使用之前降低输出转矩。若必须在低速范围内进行 恒转矩运转时,请使用「富士变频器电机」或安装有「外力通风风扇」的电机。
multibrush 操作手册

multibrush 操作手册
1. 安全操作,在使用Multibrush之前,请务必阅读操作手册
2. 组装和安装,操作手册应该包括有关如何组装和安装Multibrush的详细说明。
3. 操作指南,操作手册应该提供Multibrush的基本操作指南,包括开关机、调节速度、更换刷头等内容。
4. 维护和保养,操作手册中可能包括有关Multibrush的维护
5. 故障排除,操作手册中通常还包括一些常见故障的排除方法,以及应该如何处理一些常见问题的解决方案。

Toolbars:显示或隐藏Standard Toolbar(标准工具条)、Component Toolbar(元件工具条)、Graphic Annotation Toolbar(图形注释工具条)、Instruments Toolbar(仪表工具条)、Simulation Switch(仿真开关)、Project Bar(项目栏)、Spreadsheet View(电路元件属性视窗)、Virtual Toolbar(虚拟工具条)、Customize(用户自定义栏)等工具栏。
Title Block:放置标题栏。
1)层次项目栏(Toggle Project Bar):显示工程文件管理窗口,用于层次项目栏的开启。
2)电路元件属性视窗(Toggle Spreadsheet View):用于开关当前电路的电子数据表,位于电路工作区下方,可以显示当前工作区所有元件的细节并可进行管理。

1. 首先,你需要准备好你要分析的体系的波函数或电子密度文件。
2. 打开Multiwfn程序,并载入你的波函数或电子密度文件。
3. 选择“5. Population analysis”菜单下的“25. Calculate electrostatic potential (ESP) based on electron density”选项。
4. 接下来,根据程序提示输入一些必要的参数,比如网格的大小和其他计算参数。
5. 完成上述步骤后,Multiwfn将会进行计算,并生成计算结果,包括静电势分布图和相关的数据文件。

如果碰到一些审稿人、编辑特别矫情非让你引,那么这些东西随便引用一本介绍了它们的经典的量化专著就行了,比如Levine的Quantum Chemistry或Szabo的Modern Quantum Chemisty(注:这本对DFT只字未提),或者引相关的高质量的综述也行,而没必要去引古老的原文。
如果文章投的不是专业的刊物(如JCTC、PCCP、JCC、JPC 等),考虑到一些读者对理论计算可能是外行,即便是HF、MP2、DFT 这些也可以主动引一下。

Virtual Switch Ignore AC In this lesson you will learn how you can set up a Multi to selectively ignore the grid toprioritise solar energy over the grid. This feature is called AC ignore. The system will run in off-grid mode most of the time and will only let grid in when thebatteries are empty or when the AC load is too big.IntroductionIn this lesson you will learn how you can set up a Multi* to selectively ignore the grid. This feature can be used to prioritize solar energy over the grid. This feature is called AC ignore.The AC ignore function can be set up so that the Multi will disconnect from the grid when the batteries are full enough and/or the AC load is not too big. The Multi will disconnect from the grid most of the time. It will only let the grid in when the batteries are empty or when you are running a big AC load. You now can use the grid like you would use a back-up generator.The mechanism behind the AC ignore function is the opening or closing the Multi’s internal AC input relay.This feature in not enabled by default. To set it up you will need to change settings in the Multi. This is done by connecting a computer to the Multi and using VE.Configure 3 software.* In this lesson Multi can mean any of our inverter/chargers like the Multiplus, MultiGrid, Quattro and EasySolarThe AC input relayHow can a Multi ignore the grid?If you look at the internal wiring diagram of a Multi you will see that it has a relay on the ACinput. This relay is called “AC input relay”. In some of our documentation the relay is calledthe “back-feed relay”.The normal function of this relay is to open as soon as the grid or generator is not there. For example, during a blackout or when a generator is off. This is a safety action. The relay prevents energy feeding into the grid during a blackout or when the generator is off.This relay can also be setup to purposefully ignore the grid. It will still perform its normal safety action but it can open and disconnect from the grid under more situations. It can ignore the grid when the batteries are still full enough. Now DC solar power can be prioritized and the grid will be used like a backup generatorWhen can the grid be ignored ?The AC input relay can be programmed to selectively ignore the grid, while looking at two parameters:It can look at battery voltage and/or at AC load parameters. (Further in this lesson we will explain these parameters in more detail.)The grid is ignored when the batteries are full enough. The grid is let in when the batteries are empty•This setting can be used to charge the batteries from the grid should the batteries get too empty. This can occur, for example, at night or during a long period of bad weather.•In this scenario the Multi will look at the battery voltage. It will let the grid in when the battery voltage is too low, for a certain amount of time. It will ignore the grid as soon as the battery voltage has increased above a certain level, for a certain amount of time.•The multi can also disconnect the grid on battery state of charge.The grid is ignored when the AC loads are low. The grid is let in when the AC loads are high•This setting can be used to allow grid in when the AC load is higher than the Multi rating . This will prevent the Multi going into overload. This setting can also be used for large loads that you do not want to run from the battery.•In this scenario the Multi will look at the AC load. As soon as it sees that the load is above a certain level, for a certain amount of time, the Multi will let the grid in. The multi will stop letting the grid in as soon as it sees that the AC load has dropped below a certain level, for a certain amount of time.Installing and running VE.Configure 3In a Multi the “Ignore AC” feature is not enabled by default. This feature can only be enabled with a software program called VE.Configure 3. VE.Configure* is part of the VE Configuration tools package. This package is available free of charge from our website.Instructions:•Download the VE Configuration tools package from https:///support-and-downloads/software •Install the VE Configuration package on your Windows computer•The package will install a number of software programs on your computer. One of these software files is the VE.Configure software program.* In the rest of this lesson we will use the terminology VE.Configure instead of VE.Configure 3The next step is to connect your computer to the Multi. For this you will need hardware, like a cable and an interface. Please follow below instructions on how to do that.Please note, that it is also possible to run VE.Configure in demo mode. Demo mode can be used if you don’t have an actual Multi to connect to. For demo mode instructions see page 8.Required items:• A MK3-USB interface (The older MK2-USB can also still be used)See: https:///accessories/interface-mk3-usb• A RJ45 UTP cableSee: https:///cables/rj45-utp-cableTo connect a Multi to a computer:•Disconnect the CCGX or Venus GX from the Multi (if present)•Connect the MK3-USB interface to a USB port on your computer•Connect the MK3-USB interface to a RJ45 UTP cable•Connect the other side of the RJ45 UTP cable to one of the RJ45 connectors in the Multiplus. It does not matter which one of the connectors you use.RJ45connectorsNow you need to make VE.Configure connect to the Multi. This is how to do that: Instructions•Open VE.Configure on your computer•Click on the [Port Selection] menu•Select [Com port]•Then select [Auto detect]•VE.Configure finds the Multi, connects to it and will retrieve the settingsYou can also run VE.Configure in “demo mode”. Demo mode allows you to practice configuration without the need to connect to an actual Multi. This is especially handy if you want to follow this lesson and you don’t have an actual Multi nearby. Use the demo mode to configure a “virtual” unit.To enter “demo mode”:•Click on the [Port Selection] menu•Select [Fake target with full options].•Select the unit of your choiceIt is also possible to view and/or make changes to a previously saved VE.Configure file.In that case:•Click on the [Port Selection]menu•Select [Fake target from file]TIP:To change the VE Configure language:•Click on the [Options] menu•Select [Language]•Select [check online for language]•Choose your preferred language.It is good practice to always save the Multis existing settings before making any changes to the settings.Thi s useful in case you need the initial configuration.Instructions:•Click on the [Get settings] button•Wait for the settings to be retrieved•Then click on the [File]menu•Select [Save settings]• A file containing the settings will be savedIt is also possible to load settings from an earlier saved file. Instructions:•Click on the [File] menu•Select [Load settings]•You will be asked which file you want to load•Click on the [Send settings]buttonProgramming AC ignore settings To program the AC ignore settings you will have to go to the “Virtual switch” tab in VE. Configure.Virtual switch (VS) is the part of VE.Configure where youcan make advanced settings. Like driving the programmable relay or set up Ignore AC.First you need to select what function you want Virtual switch to perform. In this case you want to choose “Ignore AC.”Instructions:•Go to the [Virtual switch]tab•Go to the [Usage] tab•Select the [dedicated ignore AC input] optionIn the “Ignore AC” tab you can specify the battery voltageInstructions:•Go to the [Ignore AC input] tabHint:When a time of -1 second is chosen, the condition isdeactivated. The text is grey.Accepting grid on AC load conditionsThis setting can be used to allow grid in when the AC load is higher than the Multi rating. This will prevent the Multi going into overload. This setting can also be used for large loads that you do not want to run from the battery.In this example the grid will not be ignored when the load exceeds 4000 Watt for more than 30 seconds.Do not ignore AC input means that the grid is accepted because the AC input relay is closedThe grid will be ignored when the load drops below 2999 W for more then 2 minutes.Ignore AC means that the grid is ignored because the AC input relay is open.It is important to leave a significant time interval between connecting to and disconnecting from the grid. This is so the AC input relay does not open and close to frequently.Accepting grid on battery voltage conditionsThis setting can be used to charge the batteries from the grid shouldthe batteries get too empty. This can occur, for example, at night orduring a long period of bad weather.In this example, the grid is not ignored when the battery voltage isless than 47 Volt for 60 seconds.Do not ignore AC input means that the grid is accepted because theAC input relay is closed.The grid will be ignored again when the battery voltage exceeds 51 Volt for more than 3 minutes.Ignore AC means that the grid is ignored because the AC input relay is open.Apart from “battery voltage”, there are two other options to choose from: “bulk finished” or “absorption” finished”. Choosing “absorption finished” is a good way to ensure the batteries are getting a full charge every now and then. But it can lead to a higher electricity bill. The absorption charge stage of a lead-acid battery is much less efficient than the bulk stage. This could be a reason to choose the “bulk finished” option. At the end of the bulk charge stage a lead-acid battery is about 85% full.For more information about bulk and absorption please see the Victron Energy book “Energy Unlimited”, page 25. Follow this link: https://.au/orderbookAccepting grid on state of chargeIt is also possible to let grid in when the batteries fall below a certain state of charge.IMPORTANTIn a DC coupled solar system the “state of charge” option should only be used if you have a Color Control GX or Venus GX in the system. And the Color Control GX or Venus GX is connected to both the Multi and the MPPT solar charger(s) and/or a BMV battery monitor. In addition to this a setting needs to be made in the Color Control GX or Venus GX . See this link for more information:https:///live/ccgx:start#battery_state_of_charge_soc Instructions:•Go to the [General] tab in VE.Configure•Tick the [Enable battery monitor] tick box•Fill in the battery capacity•Fill in the charge efficiency. This should be around 0.8 for lead-acid batteries •Then go to the [Virtual switch] tab•Go to the [Ignore AC input] tab•F ill in state of charge lower than 50% (for lead acid batteries)100% self-consumption by disabling the charge functionality of the MultiIt can be quite expensive to charge the batteries from the grid. Lead-acid batteries have a low charge efficiency. About 20% of the energy used to charge the batteries is lost in the form of heat. Some installers therefore prefer to disable the charger functionality of the Multi.When the charger functionality is disabled and the Multi is accepting the grid, it will supply the loads with grid power, but will not charge the batteries. The batteries will only receive charge from the MPPT charge controllers. In this type of system it is very important to have a large enough solar array. It also important that the Ignore AC battery voltage settings are set higher than you would do normally. This is to make sure that the battery has some extra charge left should there be blackout.Instructions:•Go To the [charger] tab•Untick the [Enable charger] tick box•Go to the [Virtual switch] tab•Go to the [Ignore AC input] tab•Increase the [when Udc lower than] valueWARNINGIncorrect system design can cause battery damageDisabling the charger is only recommended in systems thathave excess solar power.If the batteries get empty during the night, the systemcannot be recovered unless you connect an external batterycharger.Low battery voltage inverter shutdownThe “DC input low shut-down voltage” parameter is the battery bank voltage at which below the inverter will stop operating. This feature protects the battery bank from becoming to deeply discharged. If this value is set too low, the batteries will get discharged too deeply and they will get damaged. This will reduce the lifetime of the batteries.By default the Multi is set at a very low “DC input low shut-down” voltage. You should this value in VE.Configure. This so the batteries are better protected. We advice to set this voltage to 44V (for a 48V battery bank*). When you change the “DC input low shut-down” voltage, the “DC input low restart” voltage will automatically increase. T herefore you will need to reduce this voltage again. Set the “DC input low restart” voltage to 4V above the shut down voltage.Instructions:•Go to the [Inverter] tab•Set [DC input low shut-down] to 44V•Set [DC input low restart] to 48V•Set [DC input low pre-alarm] to 45V* For a 24V system divide these voltages by 2 and for a 12V system divide these by 4.Finished programmingWhen you have completed the VE configure settings, you will need to send those settings to the Multi. You can do this byclicking the “send settings” button.It is good practice, to also save a copy of the setting to your computer. This way you will always have a record of the settings you have made for your customer.To save the s ettings on your computer:•Go to the [File] menu•Click on [Save Settings]VE Configure 3 tutorialShould you want to learn more about VE. Configure, we have an instruction video available from our website. The video is in English, but subtitles are available for many other languages.This is the link: -Advanced AC ignore functionalityIt is also possible to use “Assistants” to program advanced AC ignore situations. For example AC ignore by looking at state of charge values from a BMV battery monitor. However, in this lesson we purposefully decided to just explain the AC ignore settings via Virtual switch to be used in simple systems.“Assistants” are more complex to set up or to program. For example “Assistants” are only possible after a firmware update of the Multi. For those of you that want to find out more about ‘Assistants” please contact you Victron Distributor. Warning and disclaimerThe only aim of this lesson is to help you to understand the basic principles of a Victron Energy system that selectively connects to the grid. We will not be held responsible in case of damages caused by inappropriate installation of our products.•Please be aware that incorrect grid ignore settings can discharge batteries too far and can cause irreparably battery damage.•Read and understand the safety warnings published in the product manuals.•Professional advice and instruction should always be sought before commencing any electrical work.•Electrical installations and installation work must always be compliant with the local standards and authority requirements.SummaryIn this lesson you have learned how you can set up a Multi to selectively ignore the grid, so solar energy will be prioritised over the grid. This feature is called “AC ignore”.The following was explained:•The mechanics behind the AC ignore feature•The criteria when to ignore the grid•How to download, setup and connect VE.Configure•How to program the AC ignore settings into the Multi by using VE.ConfigureEnergy. Anytime. Anywhere.。
使用Multiwfn绘制NBO及相关轨道 (2)

使用Multiwfn绘制NBO及相关轨道文/SoberevaFirst release: 2012-Apr-4 Last update: 2013-Feb-191 前言NBO程序输出的轨道包括NBO(自然键轨道)、NHO(自然杂化轨道)、NAO(自然原子轨道)、NLMO(自然定域化分子轨道),以及前头带P的类型,如PNBO (初自然键轨道)。
(4)用Zork编写的NBO2molden程序将NBO plot文件转换为Molden的输入文件,然后用Molden程序去看。
Multiwfn是一款免费、开源的波函数分析程序,很早就开始支持读入NBO plot 文件来绘制前述各种类型轨道,可以很方便地显示等值面图,也能绘制出各种各样漂亮的截面图,操作很方便,可以从下载。
2 输入文件这一节介绍一下怎样产生能够让Multiwfn显示NBO及相关轨道的输入文件。
Gaussian的fch文件和NBO plot文件都可以用作Multiwfn的输入文件。
2.1 使用fch文件对于Gaussian用户,可以在route section里写上pop=saveNBO或pop=saveNLMO,这样NBO轨道和NLMO就会分别代替分子轨道储存在chk文件里。

减少运行风险Welcome to Roc-Master2009.04.14减少运行风险Multitrend 软件简介∙对电脑硬件的要求∙电脑操作系统Windows 98/NT SP6 和浏览器IE 5 以上∙CPU 600MHz 和64MB 内存以上∙硬盘50MB 剩余空间以上∙显示器分辨率600*800以上,带RS232串口减少运行风险Multitrend 软件简介∙软件安装步骤∙软件安装光盘放进电脑,安装程序将自动开始安装,按照提示向导进行安装。
∙如果安装程序不能自动开始安装,手动打开SETUP.EXE 程序,按照提示向导进行安装。
∙软件卸载步骤∙在控制面板中打开添加和删除文件,选择Multitrend 软件,点击删除,系统自动开始删除软件。
减少运行风险Multitrend 软件简介∙软件的主要功能∙组态MultiCorr 仪器∙从MultiCorr 上传送数据到电脑的硬盘∙从连接的仪器和探针上控制和下载数据∙在趋势图上分析腐蚀和侵蚀数据∙利用侵蚀数据来计算砂蚀率和砂蚀趋势图∙控制和组态FSM 站参数∙控制和组态FSM IT 仪器参数∙从FSM 站上读取FSM 数据∙从FSM IT 上读取FSM 数据∙FSM 过程和测试数据显示在X 和Y 坐标图或者3-D 平面坐标图减少运行风险Multitrend 软件简介∙软件支持的仪器∙SandLog ∙MultiLog ∙MultiCorr∙FSM Station G2∙FSM Station G4∙FSM IT ∙FSMLog减少运行风险Multitrend 软件窗口介绍∙软件主要窗口减少运行风险Multitrend 软件窗口介绍∙标题栏∙位置在窗口的最上边。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Multiwfn入门tips文/Sobereva 2012-Nov-7Multiwfn是一个功能广泛、高效、易用的量子化学波函数分析程序。
本文内容对应的是Multiwfn 2.6版。
1 对使用者的要求对于量化初学者,Multiwfn当成一个工具作为黑箱来用也可以,但是我还是建议使用者具备一些最基本的理论知识,这样才能避免犯低级错误,才能更透彻地理解程序原理和输出信息的物理意义。
使用者只要仔细读过Levine的Quantum chem istry第五版或第六版(或具有相同级别的知识),就已经足够了,结合手册中对各个功能的理论的讲解,就完全能够理解Multiwfn涉及的全部功能的原理了。
2 程序的下载、安装、执行和引用Multiwfn最新版本的可执行文件、源代码和手册pdf文档在 的首页上点击相应链接即可下载,老版本可以点击download标签然后下载。
文件名上带bin 或binary的表明是已编译好的可执行文件,src代表源代码文件包。
在首页的Recent update history栏目中可以看到最新版本更新了哪些内容。
如果是第一次使用Multiwfn,强烈建议使用Windows版,有多个原因:1 Multiwfn的开发、测试环境都在Windows下完成,所以Windows版比Linux版更可靠(运算结果应该不会有差别,因为都是相同的编译器和编译参数)。
2 Linux版Multiwfn的个别功能有限制,见手册Linux users must read部分的说明。
3 Linux版本使用时需要对系统进行一些配置,有可能需要安装缺失的库文件(见手册2.1.2节),而不像Windows版那样直接用就行,故略微麻烦。
如果程序在研究文章中被使用,应引用Tian Lu, Feiwu Chen, J. Comp. Chem. 33, 580 (2012),如果把Multiwfn网站的地址也一并引用则更好(但不要只引用网址)。
这篇文献实际上是对Multiwfn 2.1.2版的一个全面性的介绍,并包含一些应用实例。
但是Multiwfn 2.1.2版之后还加入了很多非常重要的功能,如定量分子表面分析、AdNDP分析、电荷分解分析等等,都没有在其中介绍。
3 程序手册Multiwfn的各种功能涉及到的基本原理、选项的含义在程序手册里都有详尽描述。
手册第二页的内容是All users must read。
第三页是Linux users must read,这是使用Linux版Multiwfn的用户一定要读的。
比如3.10 Orbital composition analysis (8),这一节介绍的就是轨道成分分析功能,也就是Multiwfn的主功能8。
特别注意第三章的每个章节末尾会看到类似这样的信息(以3.9节布居分析为例)Information needed: Basis functions (MPA, Lowdin, MMPA), GTFs (Hirshfeld, VDD, Becke, ADCH, CHELPG, MK), atom coordinates这就代表,如果要计算原子电荷,必须首先拥有原子坐标信息。
若是计算MPA, Lowdin, MMPA 这三种原子电荷,还需要基函数信息。
若计算Hirshfeld, VDD, Becke, ADCH, CHELPG, MK 这些电荷,则需要GTF(原始高斯函数)信息。
从手册2.5节的表格可以看到,.wfn、.fch 等格式包含了原子坐标和GTF信息,因此计算Hirshfeld, VDD, Becke, ADCH, CHELPG, MK 这些原子电荷时既可以用.wfn也可以用.fch文件作为一开始的输入文件,只要产生二者的条件相同,则结果是一样的。
从表格中也看到,由于只有.fch文件同时具备基函数和原子坐标信息,所以想计算MPA, Lowdin, MMPA原子电荷的话,就必须得用.fch格式作为输入文件。
因此,使用Multiwfn 的功能时如果不确定应该用什么类型输入文件,应当查看相应章节末尾的Information needed,看看这个功能需要什么信息,结合2.5节的表格来决定应该用什么输入文件。
之后是教程,包含了约50个精心撰写例子,覆盖了Multiwfn 的大部分重要的功能。