
Unit 1 Shopping and Banking OlinePart I Getting readyB. Keys:1: drop 2: shopping 3: mouse 4: feet 5: retailing 6: street 7: get 8: down 9: third-party 10: online 11:30% 12: malls 13: Britain 14: gift-buying 15:50% 16: net 17: peroidC. Keys:1 : the site2 : merchant, addresses/phone numbers/call up3 : strict safety measuresPart II Net shopping under fireA. Keys:1 : delivery, delivery2 : delivery charges3 : personal information, 87%4 : returning goods, 47%5 : order, 35%, dispatch, 87%6 : money back, twoB. Keys:1 : convenience2 : choice3 : obstacles4 : complete trust5 : build consummers' trust6 : mature7 : payment8 : servicePart III Banking at homeA. Keys:1 : limited opening hours2 : Online banking services3 : getting current information on products4 : e-mailing questions to the bank5 : competing for customers6 : having no computers at homeB. Keys:1 : It is banking through the Internet.2 : 'Online banking' offers convenience which appeals to the kind of customer banks want to keep.3 : Banks most want to keep people who are young, well-educated, and have good incomes.Part IV More about the topic: Secret of Good Customer ServiceB. Keys:English Good Customer Service(Harrods)1 : in a pleasant environment2 : Second to none3 : different customers, take a look at everything, alternatives, come to sales assistants4 : first contact with the customerAmerican Good Customer Service(Saks)1 : human side, family, occasions in life, a partnership2 : repeat business, salesPart V Do you know…?Keys:1 : c2 : a、b、c3 : a、b、c4 : c5 : c6 : bTape scriptPart I Getting readyC.Consumers who want to shop online are suggested to bear the following things in mind:Evaluate the site. Always buy goods from well-known and trustworthy companies. Deal with companies which offer customer service, a complaints procedure and have a refund policy.Talk to merchant. E-mail and wait for reponses. Take down the addresses and phone numbers of those companies and make sure they are real by calling them up before buying any products and services.Ensure secure connection. Since buyers must submit personal information like number and expiry date of the card there are fears over security. Deal with sites that apply strict safety measures that require shoppers to give specific data known only to card holders before making the transaction.Be extra careful at a cybercafe or other public connection.Part II Net shopping under fireThere is an urgent need for e-commerce rules to boost confidence in buying online. Consumers International, a federation of 245 consumer organizations —including the UK's Consumers Association —said its survey showed that there were still obatacles to shopping online with complete trust.The study, funded by the European Union, involved buying more than 150 items from 17 countries. Each consumer organization taking part tried to find one site in its own country and one abroad to buy a selection of items. These included a dictionary, a doll, jeans, a hairdryer, computer software and hardware, chocolates and champagne.The key findings were:Eight of the items ordered took more than a month to reach their destination and at least 11 (eight percent) never arrived.Many sites did not give clear information about delivery charges.Only 13% of the sites promised that they would not sell customers' personal information on to a third party.Only 53% of the companies had a policy on returning goods.Only 65% of the sites provided confirmation of the order and only 13% told customers when their goods had been dispatched.In two cases,customers are still waiting for their money back more than four months after returning their goods.Louis Sylvan, vice-president of Consumers International, said, "This study shows that, although buying items over the Internet can benefit the consumer by offering convenience and choice, there are still many obstacles that need to be overcome before consumers can shop in cyberspace with complete trust."Chris Philips, Marketing Manager at a London based e-commerce security company commented, "This study confirms the difficulties of establishing consumers' trust in the Internet as a shopping experience. With statistics like these and Visa claiming 47% of disputes and fraud cases were Internet-related, it is little wonder that Internet commerce is not producing the profits predicted two or three years ago. Trust takes time to build, and the Internet will not mature as a retail channel until trusted brands, like the banks for example, start to offer ways of supporting trust relationships with guarantees payment and service."In September, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development will hold a meeting to discuss a set of international guidelines for electronic commerce.Part III Banking at homeMany people dislike walking to the bank, standing in long lines, and running out of checks. They are dissatisfied with their bank's limited hours, too. They want to do some banking at night, and on weekends. For such people, their problems may soon be over. Before long, they may be able to do their banking from the comfort of their own home, any hour of the day, any day of the week. Many banks are preparing "online branches," or Internet offices, which means that people will be able to take care of much of their banking business through their home computers. This process is called interactive banking. At these online branches, customers will be able to view all their accounts, move money between their accounts, apply for a loan, and get current information on products such as credit cards. Customers will also be able to pay their bills electronically, and even e-mail questions to the bank.Banks are creating online services for several reasons. One reason is that banks must compete for customers, who will switch to another bank if they are dissatisfied with the service they receive. The convenience of online banking appeals to the kind of customer banks most want to keep —people who are young, well-educated, and have good incomes. Banks also want to take advantage of modern technology as they move into the twenty-first century.Online banking may not be appropriate for everyone. For instance, many people do not have computers at home. Other people prefer to go to the bank and handle their accounts the traditional way. Even though online banking may never completely replace a walk-in bank, it is a service that many customers are going to want to use.Part IV More about the topic: Secret of Good Customer ServiceIn Britain they ask you, "Are you being served?" Whilst in America they tell you to "Have a nice day." But what is the secret of good customer service? From Harrods in London and Saks New York, we're going to find out the dos and don'ts of selling protocol.The reason that Harrods has been so successful over a hundred and fifty years is two fold. First of all they've offered their customers the products they want to buy in a pleasant environment. But secondly and more importantly, the level of customer service that they've given their customers, before sale, during sale and after sale, has been second to none. I think it's fair to say that if you compare the British with our cousins elsewhere in the world that we are actually quite a reserved lot. To a certain extent there are a lot of shrinking violets in this country who would rather just do their own thing. They'd rather wander around and browse and if they do need any help eventually, ask for it. So I think the way that we approach our own U.K. based customers is actually slightly different to the way we know we need to approach. For example, an American customer, or indeed a Japanese customer, or a Middle Eastern customer, who all have different ways of doing things. Well in serving different, I guess, nationalities, you do take very different approaches. With Europeans, for example, you do kind of let them take a look at everything. See what's being on offer and then ask them if they need any help. I think they'd probably much more prefer to come to you, rather than you so much to go to them. The American customer very much expects you to go to them, approach them, show them alternatives. Well I think maybe the more European or British customer can be almost turned off by that if someone is seen to be too aggressive, maybe too anxious to make a sale.It's most important that the first contact, the first initial meeting with the customer is a good and successful one because on that basis, the customer will make up their mind what they want to do next.I quite like the English sales assistants because they definitely have better thing to do than talk to you, which I like. It's very terrifying when you go to America. "Can I help you?" they're like licking you. You're just like, "No, I'm fine. I just want to look." That puts me off. I love the English sales assistant.So where have you experienced the very best in customer service?Umm, probably America. In terms of best as in, they give you so much attention it's almost embarrassing. They treat you, you know, the "have a nice day" thing. They' want to help you. They want you to buy, 'cause they often work on a commission basis. That's if you like best. But I prefer the ... like, being ignored.Tamara:I think England's still way behind in terms of, like America for example. I can call in Americafrom London and they'll track the item down. It's not like, "Sorry madam we don't have that in your size." I just got the Gucci boots, which mine had actually broken. And in England they said, "Sorry" you know, that's it. So this woman in Los Angeles tracked them down and, in fact got them for me. That's because they work on commission. And the sooner we learn that, the better the service will get.So what do the Americans have to say? They may speak with a different accent. But is the sales pitch a foreign language to the rest of the world?I think part of the reason Americans are known as experts is that we tend to focus a lot more in the human side of selling, not the mechanical side, which is the register and knowing about the product. We really want to know about your lifestyle. We want to know about your family. We want to know about your income. We want to know about your occasions in your life. And that's very different outside of the United States. Our consumer actually is comfortable with forming a partnership with a sales associate and giving up that information, very personal information, very personal information. I think that best part about Saks sales associate training that we actually develop customers, five different types of customers and we videotape them and put them up in front of every new sales associate and say, "This is our customers." They're very different. Each one of them is a top customer at Saks but they shop in a very different way. A lot of stores in this industry really measure selling effectiveness by sales and quite frankly that's not what Saks is about. I think the way you measure good quality staff is by repeat business. Obviously if you have someone on your selling floor that has a clientele, that is the measure of a good sales associate. Part V Do you know…?"Everybody loves a bargain, "this is a common American saying. A bargain is something you buy for less than its true vale. It is something you might not buy if it costs more.One person's useless ugly object can be another person's bargain. So many Americans put it outside with a "for sale" sign on it and they have a yard sale.Just about anything can be sold at a yard sale: clothing, cooking equipment, old toys, tools, books and chairs, even objects you think are extremely ugly or useless. You may have an electric light shaped like a fish. You may greatly dislike its looks, but it may be beautiful to someone else. Usually the seller puts a price on each object. But the price can almost always be negotiated. The price of a table, for example, might be marked $10. But the seller may accept 8. If the table has not been sold by the end of the day, the seller probably will take much less.Some people go to yard sales because it is part of their job. They earn their livings by buying old things at low prices then selling them at higher prices. Many others, however, go to yard sales just to have fun. They say it is like going on a treasure hunt. Sometimes they really do find the treasure.Ned Jaudere did. The Boston Globe newspaper says Mr. Jaudere has been collecting native American Indian objects since he was a young man. Last year, he stopped at a yard sale in the northeastern city of Worcester, Massachusertts. He paid $125 for what everyone thought was an old wooden club. Mr. Jaudere thought it was something else. Two days later, he confirmed that the club had been used by the Wampanoag Indian leader known as King Philip. King Philip used it during his war with the white settlers at eastern Massachusetts in 1675. The historic weapon had been stolen from a museum in 1970 and had been missing ever since. Mr. Jardere learnt the war club was valued at about $150 000 but he did not sell it or keep it. Mr. Jaudere returned the club to the museum near Boston Massachusetts from which it was stolen.Questions:1. Which of the following is a common American saying?2. What can be sold at a yard sale?3. Why do people go to a yard sale?4. When was the old wooden club stolen?5. What was the real value of the club?6. Why was the club at a great value?Unit 2 Hotel or B&BPart I Getting readyB. Keys:1 : 35%, 60%2 : 45%, 20%3 : 60%, 80%4 : 30%, 15%5 : 50%, 70%6 : 30%, 20%C. Keys:(1)1 : £30/single; £60/double, children under 12 2 : £29/full board3 : £28/double+bath, excluded(2) 1 : hot food, fried egg 2 : coffee, tea, jam, cooked 3 : dinner, bed and breakfast 4 : the room plus all meals 5 : Value Added TaxPart II A touch of homeOutline I : bed and breakfast, 15 000, advantages over big hotels II : meeting different people III : features, 1883, guests IV : B&Bs not suitable for some peoplePart III Renting a carA. Keys: 1 : three 2 : Mon. July 10th 3 : station wagon 4 : $79.95 5 : $59.95 6 : 4 p.m. 7 : 10 a.m.8 : ' free 9 : 12 cents 10 : $10 11 : 8% 12 : '$100B. Keys: a compact car/a station wagon/ automatic transmission/ current models/ pick up/return the car/special weekend rate/regular rate/ unlimited mileage/ insurance/ sales tax/ a full tank of gas/ deposit/ lowest rates.Part IV More about the topic: What Type of Room Do You Want?A. Keys: 1: 5 2: 2 3: 6 4: 4 5: 3 6: 1B. Keys: 1 : £40, all grades 2 : £55, Sales 3 : £150, Managerial, entertaining private guest, the lake 4: £220, privacy, country-side, kitchenPart V Do you know…?A. Keys: (France)Italy, (2)3, (3)2, (4)8 (Loudon,UK)Paris,France, (8)4B. Keys: 1 : F 2 : T 3 : F 4 : F 5 : TTape scriptPart I Getting readyB.A: Good morning. I'd like some information about tourist figures, please. First, about accommodation. What proportion of tourists stay in hotels? B: Well, in an average year 60% of tourists stay in hotels, but this year 35% are staying in hotels. A: What proportion of tourists stay in holiday camps? B: Well, in an average year 20% of tourists stay in holiday camps, but this year 45% are staying in holiday camps. A: Now, about places visited. What proportion of tourists visit Europe? B: Well, in an average year 80% of tourists visit Europe, but this year 60% are visiting Europe. A: And what proportion of tourists visit the U.S.A.? B: Well, in an average year 15% of tourists visit the U.S.A., but this year 30% are visiting the U.S.A.. A: Now, about methods of transport. What proportion of tourists go byplane? B: Well,in an average year about 70% of tourists go by plane, but this year about 50% are going by plane. A: What proportion of tourists take their own car? B: Well, in an average year about 20% of tourists take their own car, but this year about 30% are taking their own car. A: Thank you very much for your help.C.C:… so here's a brochure with the hotels in Midford. It gives you all the rates …T:I'm sorry, my English isn't so good. Can you explain this to me?C:Yes, of course. First of all we have the Castle Inn …here …it's the cheapest. It will cost you only £12 for a single room and £15 for a double. The price includes continental breakfast. If you want a full English breakfast you'll have to pay extra …T:What is this "English breakfast"?C:Oh, you know, hot food: fried egg, fried bacon, porridge … w hereas the continental breakfast is coffee, tea, rolls, jam and honey — nothing cooked, you see.T:I think I would prefer the continental breakfast.C:Well, yes, that's included. And then we have the Dalton Hotel, more expensive, but very nice, a bathroom attached to every room. The Dalton charges £30 for a single room and £60 for a double. But there is no charge for children under 12 who stay in the same room as their parents.T:I won't have my children with me. But maybe my husband will come a little later …C:Well, the Park Hotel is very reasonably priced. £16 per person. Every room has a bath. There's a special rate of £25 which includes dinner, bed and breakfast —what we call half board. Or you can have full board, that's the room plus all meals for £29 per person per night.T:We would only want breakfast.C:I see. Mm …you could try the fourth hotel here, the Phoenix. It will cost you £28 for a double room with bath. Breakfast is £5 per person.T:Yes. But what about the extra money, what do you call it in English, the service...C:All these rates include a service charge of 10%. They also include VAT - that's Value Added Tax.T:If we come later in the year will it be cheaper?C:Yes. These are the rates for June to September. You would pay less at other times of the year.T:I'll talk about it with my husband. Thank you for explaining everything to me.C:You're very welcome.Part II A touch of homeBev Rose is a very good hostess. She tells the guests in her home there are sodas in the refrigerator, snacks in the kitchen, and videos next to the TV.But Rose's guests aren't out-of-town family or friends. Her guests are from all over the world. Rose's house is like a small hotel. It is called a bed and breakfast or B&B for short. The name of Rose's B&B is Suits Us.Rose and her husband have joined a growing number of people who are operating B&Bs in their homes. B&Bs offer the charm, comfort, and hospitality that is often missing in big hotels. That's why there are many people who would rather stay at a B&B than a hotel when they travel.There are about 15 000 B&Bs across the U.S. Each year they welcome millions of visitors. And the number is increasing. "I think guests are looking for the personal touch," said Pat Hardy,the director of the American Bed and Breakfast Association. "In a B&B, you don't have a room number. The owner knows who you are and helps you enjoy your trip," Hardy said. Travelers often want more than just a place to sleep. They like B&Bs because the owner takes a personal interest in them.Rose said one of the best things about owning a B&B is meeting all the different people. She loves watching the guests meet each other for the first time at breakfast. "It's really fun to stand in the kitchen and talk with my guests. Even though most of them have just met for the first time, the conversations at the breakfast table are really interesting and lively."Many B&Bs are older homes with interesting histories. Suits Us was built in 1883. The rooms are filled with antiques and 19th-century decorations. The Roses rent three of the upstairs bedrooms to guests. Every room at Suits Us has its own personality. The Roses have named several of the rooms for previous guests. For example, one of the rooms is named the Woodrow Wilson Room because the former U.S. President stayed there. Another room is called the Annie Oakley Room because the famous cowgirl was once a guest there.Bed and breakfasts aren't for everyone. Some people aren't comfortable staying in someone else's home. And other people don't care for the personal interaction. But for a quiet, romantic place to stay, many people are checking into bed and breakfasts instead of hotels. Once people have stayed in a B&B, they often find it hard to go back to hotels.Part III Renting a carA:Good afternoon. U-Drive-It rentals. May I help you?C:Hi, yeah. I'm interested in, uh, renting a car for the weekend, and I'm wondering if you have a special weekend rate?A:Yes, we do. [Mm-hmm.] Uh … what sort of car were you i nterested in?C:Well, we're a family of three and we have camping equipment. Now, I'm used to driving a small car, but I might need something a little larger because of the family and, uh … all the equipment that we have. A:Well, um … I could suggest a compact car for/to you. [Mm-hmm.] Some of our compacts have … have large trunks, [OK.] or, uh … Oh, better yet, why not a small station wagon? [Oh, good.] Um … all our cars are current models and, uh, have automatic transmission.C:Oh, well, I'm used to driving a standard, but I guess there's no problem with automatic transmission.A:No, no. If you can drive a standard you can drive an automatic. [Mh-hmm.] Uh, now, listen, when were you … uh … interested in … in renting this?C:Uh, well, we'll be leaving on a Friday, that's the … let's see, that's Friday, July 7th, and then returning on the Monday. That would be the tenth.A:Mm-hmm. Well, let's see … uh … we have … uh … Oh! We have a Pinto station wagon for those dates. [Mm-hmm. Good.] Um … yeah, I think … I think that's your best bet.C:OK. Uh … well, then when would we have to pick up the car and when would we have to return the car to get that special weekend rate?A:Well, for the weekend rate you have to pick up the car after four o'clock on Friday afternoon [Uh-huh.] and then return it by ten o'clock on Monday morning.C:After four on Friday and returning by ten o'clock on Monday morning. [Mm-hmm.] OK. What … uh … uh, what would be the price for that?A:OK, now, our … our regular rate is seventy-nine ninety-five. [Ooh!] but the special weekend rate w… you can get that for fifty-nine ninety-five. [Oh, Great.] Um … now the first threehundred miles are free, [Mm-hmm…] after that it's twelve cents per mile.C:Oh, so it's twelve cents a mile extra after the first three hundred miles?A:That's right.C:OK. Uh … do you have any … um … rentals with unlimited mileage?A:Well, we do, but you can't get that special weekend rate.C:Uh-huh. OK. Well, then does the fifty-nine ninety-five - that was the rate, right? [Mm-hmm.] —does that include insurance?A:No … um … the insurance is ten dollars more, but I really recommend it.C:Yeah.A:OK, now there's a … there's a sales tax of eight percent, [Mm-hmm…] and … um … you have to return the car with a full tank of gas. [Uh-huh.] Also, we require a deposit of a hundred dollars.C:Oh boy. It sure adds up!A:Well, our rates are still the lowest in town.C:Uh-huh. OK. Well, I tell you what. I'd like to think about it, if that's right, and then I'll call you back…uh…A:Sure, that's fine. Uh, listen, when you … when you do call back, ask for Doug. That's me.C:OK. Well, thanks a lot. Doug. Goodbye.A:Take care.Part IV More about the topic: What Type of Room Do You Want?S: If the terms are favorable, we could come to an arrangement for regular accommodation. Now, I wanted to discuss the types of room with you, and rates for their use.M:Certainly. The rates I’ll quote to you first of all are what we call "rack rates" , that is the normal rates quoted to the public. But obviously we would discuss a discount rate for you. Now, as regards the rooms, they are all of a very high standard. All our rooms have central heating. Most of them are with bathroom, and they all have a washbasin and a toilet.S:That sounds fine. Can you tell me about your single rooms?M:Yes. Our single rooms are very comfortable, and the rates are very reasonable. I think you'd find them suitable for visiting staff of all grades. The rack rate is £40 a night.S: £40 a night …M:Yes. Or for real economy, let's suppose you have a sales conference. You could double up your sales staff and put them into twin rooms. That would work out very cheaply. The normal rate is £55 per twin or double room per night.S: Well, we might consider that possibility. But we also have some quite important visitors sometimes. Have you any really special accommodation we can offer them?M: Well, suppose you have visiting managerial staff. For something more luxurious, we can offer our Delphos Suite. It's delightful, and convenient for entertaining private guests. It has its own private terrace where guests can sit outside and enjoy the view over the lake …S: That sou nds most attractive …M: The normal rate is £150 per night …S: £150.M: … but for total luxury, the finest accommodation of any hotel in this area, I can recommend our Bella Vista Penthouse. From the balcony, there's a magnificent view over the whole countryside.S: Oh, lovely.M: It has a bedroom connecting to a large sitting room, with a separate study, a bathroom, and a fully-fitted kitchen. It combines total luxury with total privacy. For example, if your Company Director and his wife wanted to stay for a few days it would be ideal.S: And the rate?M: The normal rate would be £220 a night.Part V Do you know…?Five U.S. hotels were voted among the world's top ten, with the Halekulani in Honolulu ranking first, a survey of Gourmet magazine readers released last Friday said.Coming in second was the Oriental, in Bangkok, Thailand, followed by Villa d'Este, Cernobbio, Italy; The Regent Hong Kong, and Hotel Ritz, Paris.The Greenbriar, in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia ranked No. 8. The 10th-ranked hotel was the Four Seasons Resort Nevis, in Charlestown, Nevis, West Indies.More than 150 hotels, resorts and inns in 27 countries and regions were ranked in general and specific categories that rated such things as dining, bars, pools, workout centers and romantic atmosphere. This is the third year that Gourmet, which has more than 5 million readers, has conducted the survey.Another U.S. hotel, the Mansion on Turtle Creek in Dallas, topped the list for restaurant dining, beating out the Connaught in London, Italy's Villa d'Este and Bangkok's the Oriental. The Four Seasons in Philadelphia was No. 5.In the specific category of best business hotels, the Regent Hong Kong ranked first as it has for the past three years. In other categories, Paris' Hotel Ritz with its Roman thermal baths was voted to have the best pools and The Green- briar in West Virginia was found to have the best workout center, golf and tennis.Unit 3 “Planting” MoneyPart I Getting readyC. Keys:1 : Sincere; Y 2 : Doubtful; N 3 : Sarcastic; N 4 : Doubtful; N 5 : Sincere; Y 6 : Skeptical; N 7 : Surprised; Y 8 : Sincere; Y 9 : Emphatic; Y 10 : Sarcastic; NPart II National teach children to save dayA. Keys: 1 : Thursday, April 17 2 : teaching children how to save money 3 : 2 500 4 : 5 000 presentationsB. Keys:1: 4; 2: 3; 3: 2; 4: 1Part III Credit cardsKeys: 1 : importance 2 : later 3 : The potential disadvantages 4 : lots of purchases 5 : interest 6 : The benefits 7 : emergencies 8 : travelPart IV More about the topic: Gulf Between the Rich and PoorA. Keys: 1 : 3 2 : 1 3 : 2 4 : so much of their income 5 : ever larger houses and cars 6 : social programs or infrastructure repairs 7 : happier 8 : fewer disputes of work 9 : lower levels of stress hormones 10 : less often 11 : at an older ageB. Keys: 1 : vice president 2 : Myths of Rich and Poor 3 : positive side 4 : increased prosperity 5 : better off 6 : 30 years ago 7 : hundreds of gadgets 8 : easier 9 : more pleasurable 10 : cellular and cordless phones 11 : computers 12 : answering machines 13 : microwave ovens 14 : 3/4 15 : washing machines 16 : half 17 : clothes dryers 18 : 97% 19 : color televisions 20 : 3/4 21 : VCRs 22 : 2/3 23 : microwaves and air conditioners 24 : 3/4 25 : automobile 26 : 40% 27: home 28 :。

⼤学英语听⼒4答案⼤学英语听⼒4 答案Lesson1Part AI. 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.T 7.F 8.T 9.T 10.FII. 1.a 2.b 3.c 4.d 5.cPart BPassage 1What Is an Ideal Teacher Like?The ideal teacher may be young or old, tall or short, fat or thin. He should know his subject, but he can make mistakes if he is willing to learn. His personality is as important as1. 1)a 2)d 3)a 4)b 5)b2. 1)T 2)F 3)F 4)T 5)F 6) T 7)F 8)T 9)F 10)TPassage 21. 1)a 2)c 3)a 4)d 5)c2. 1)television, radio, correspondence courses 3) social sciences, arts, mathematics 4)farm workers, teachers, policemen 5)cheapest and most far-reachingLesson 2Part ACross: 1, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17,Tick: 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, 18, 19, 20,Part BPassage 11. 1) -5) d, a, d, d, c,2. Teacher’s Complaints1) Students don’t do their homework properly2) Students constantly arrive at school red-eyed and yawning.Two Explanations1) stay up late to watch television2) take up part-time jobsPassage 21. 1)-3): b, a, c2. 1) early childhood2) elementary/ arithmetic, social studies, music, physical education3) secondary/ a. to prepare students for college b. to prepare students for jobs4) higher/ a. engineering, businessLesson 3Part A1)2 2)11 3)6 4)455 5)8 6)New York 7)318 8)12 9)Madrid 10)641 11)9 12)Paris 13)814 14)4 15)Athens 16)260 17)2 18)Boston 19)74 20)24Part BPassage 11. 1)b 2)c 3)a 4)d 5)a2. 1)T 2)F 3)F 4)T 5)T 6)T 7)T 8)FPassage 21.1)c 2)a 3)d 4)b 5)c2.1.)sports 2.)two basketball games3.)Friday night and Saturday night4.)skiing5.)music6.)concert7.)Saturday night8.)museun exhibits 9.)American Indian pottery and sand painting 10.)10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday and SundayLesson 4Part AI. 1. At 12:30. 2. 10:00 train to Edinburgh. 3. Platform 16. 4. The one to Chicago.5. At 17:00.6. The 16: 14 train to Boston.7. Platform8. The 7:10 train to Washington D.C9. At 10:15 10. To board the train immediately.II. his close friend Andrew was leaving for Boston. / long before the departure time for Andrew’s plane. / a lot of things to say to his friend. / he didn’t know what to say. /Just a postcard will do.Part BPassage 11. 1) – 5): b, d, a, a, d2. ticks: 1, 6, 7, 8, 9,1. 1) – 5): a, c, b, d, c2. ticks: 1, 4, 5, 7, 9.Lesson 5Part A1.At 8:552. In the hospital3. Ti pick up her children from school4. Call again after 55.She had to stay home to take care of her sick father. 6. Invite some friends over for a drink. 7.He got inured in the football match. 8. She’s going abroad to visit her daughter.9.Close all the windows. 10. He’s come across many unfamiliar words and has to consult the dictionary all the time.Part BPassage 11. 1)b 2)c 3)a 4)d 5)d2.1) T 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) F 6) F 7) T 8) T 9) F 10) TPassage 21. 1)a 2)c 3)b 4)c 5)d2. 1)T 2)F 3)T 4)T 5)F 6)F 7)T 8)F 9)F 10)TLesson 6Part A1 – 5: a, c, a, b, c, 6 – 10: d, c, d, c, c.II. she lost her sight and hearing. / until the arrival of / who was to change Helen’s life./ March 3, 1887 / It was 3 months before Helen’s 7th birthday. / worked closely with Miss Sullivan’s efforts were rewarded. / communicate with others.Part BPassage 11. 1) – 5): a, b, b, d, a.2. 1) laugh at people in trouble.2) be kind to3) take your turn4) older people, women and disabled people on the bus.5) tell them they are fat.6) ask people their age.7) smoke unless allowed.8) be on time.9) “Please”/ “Thank you”10) stand up when speaking to elder peoplePassage 21. 1) – 5): d, b, c, b, c2. 1) Flowers, old porcelain tea sets, traditional paintings, calligraphy, national costumes.2) Tea and small cakes.3) The most distinguished guest.4) Sip bit by bit.5) Constantly make bows and show appreciation of the designs of the tea sets.Quiz 1Part A 1. 1) – 5): d b c d a 6) – 10): a b d b dPart B 11.Do you mind if I sit here?12.of course not.13.I’m going to New York.14.I’m on sort of business trip.15.to study a graduate program for a year.16.I’ll study electric engineering.17.but I’m also a little worried.18.I’ve heared that it’s a dangerous place.19.crimes there in the newspapers.20.actually it’s a very exciting place.Part C 21) – 25): d b d d c 26~30:a b c d cLesson 7Part A1.a2.c3.c4.a5.b6.c7.d8.a9.c 10.aPart B1. 1)a 2)d 3)c 4)b 5)c2. the third of March, exciting day, girls, 3 and 7, dolls, the royal family, the court, May5th, armour, male rolePassage 21. 1)c 2)d 3)a 4)c 5)d2. the United States, European, tiny, over 200, National, January 26th, 1788, British, first settlement, SydneyLesson 8Part A1 – 5: b, c, c, a, c 6 – 10: d, d, b, d, bPart BPassage 11. 1) – 5): c, a, c, a, b,2. 1) Milkmen and newspaper boys.2) It derives from the old custom of giving servants and tradesmen a Christmas box orgift.Passage 21. 1) – 5): a, b, a, d, b.2. cross: 2, 3, 5,8, 10.Lesson 9Part A1.d2.d3.d4.b5.a6.c7.d8.d9.b 10.bPart BPassage 11. 1)b 2)b 3)d 4)c 5)b2.1)F 2)T 3)F 4)T 5)T 6)F 7)F 8)F 9)T 10)TPassage 21. 1)c 2)b 3)d 4)d 5)a2. 1)T 2)T 3)T 4)F 5)F 6)T 7)T 8)F 9)F 10)FLesson 10Part A1 – 5: b, d, c, b, a. 6 – 10: b, a, c, b, c,Part BPassage 11. 1) -5): b, d, c, a, c.2. cross: 2, 5, 7, 8, 10.Passage 21. 1) – 5): a, b, b, b, d.2. cross: 1, 3, 5, 6, 9,Lesson 11Part A1.d2.c3.b4.a5.d6.c7.d8.c9.b 10.cPart BPassage 11.1)a 2)c 3)a 4)a 5)c2.1)Rome 2)700’s 3)the first printed newspaper 4)Germany 5)the first newspaper in Europe 6) Amsterdam 7)London 8)Boston 9)the first American newspaper 10)the first daily newspaper in the American coloniesPassage 21.1)b 2)c 3)c 4)d 5)b2.1)popular music 2)20 hours 3)light music 4)sports events 5)17 hours 6)classical music7)theater plays 8)works of educational, artistic and intellectual interests 9)news and information 10)broadcasts to schoolsLesson 12Part A1 – 5: d, b, c, c, a. 6 – 10: d, c, b, c, d.Part B Passage1. 1) – 5): d, c, a, b, d.2. 1) should be the audience? / to attract people of different social groups? / to put the advertisement / When / how often /2) a. checking / savings accountsb. investment plansc. ATM bankingDialogue1. 1) – 5): c, c, c, a, b.2. cross: 1) a, c, 2) b, e, g.Lesson 13Part A1.a2.d3.c4.d5.b6.a7.d8.c1.b2.aPart BDialogue 11.1)c 2)b 3)a 4)d 5)bDialogue 21.1)b 2)b2.1)should be banned in all public places, including the streets 2)non-smokers 3)partly agrees 4)the smoker himself 5)disagrees 6)useless 7)fully agrees 8)dirty habit and dangerous to one’s healthLesson 14Part A1 – 5: b, b, a, c, d. 6 – 10: d, a, d, c, dPart BDialogue 11. 1) She wants to be a lawyer.2) Her lecturer advised her to change to a more suitable course.3) She was shocked to hear that and she thought it was the lecturer who should change his job if he didn’t want to teach her.2. 1) to study law2) agrees3) a waste of time / good wives and mothers at home4) to succeed in her career and to be a good mother at the same time.5) agrees6) interfering in people’s family life.7) housework is a woman’s job.Dialogue 21. 1) Where to live, in a city or in a village?2) He is a writer and he lives in London.3) Mary is an actress and her husband is a farmer. They live in a village.4) Jenny prefers to live in a village, but she is now living in a small town near London.5) Jenny seems to be quite satisfied with the place she is living in, because she enjoysthe best of both world, a small town which is within easy reach of London and close to the country.2. 1) fresh air2) close to nature3) peace and quiet4) less crime and less traffic (safer)5) more pleasant6) much cheaper7) more going on8) more entertainment9) more open- minded people10) better stores and shopsLesson 15Part A1.c2.c3.d4.b5.b6.b7.d8.a9.d10.dPart BPassage 11.1)b 2)c 3)a 4)b 5)d2.1)b.the restaurants serve ‘foreign’ foodc.they don’t want to spend the necessary time and effort needed to cook good mealsd.they don’t come specially for English food2)a.simpleb.easy to cookd.just needs heating up before eating3)a.is far away from large townsb.life is slowc.people are not in a great hurryPassage 21.1)b 2)c 3)d 4)b 5)a2.1)b.fried chickensd. ice cream2)b. Mexican restaurantsc. Italian restaurantsd. Chinese restaurants3)a. quick serviceb. cheap pricesc. carry-out service4)a. quick meals for people in a hurryb. inexpensive meals for people on a budgetLesson 16Part A1 – 5: b, b, c, a, c. 6 – 10: d, d, d, b,b.Part BPassage 11. 1) – 5): b, d, c, c, d.2. 1) a. wines. b. beers c. carbonated drinks2) a. water with carbon dioxide in it b. sugar c. flavoring3) a. supermarkets b. gas stations c. schools d. movie theaters e. fast food restaurants.f. barsg. large elegant restaurants4) a. classes b. meetings c. meals d. sports games.5) a. Coca-Cola. b. Pepsi-Cola c. 7- Up,Passage 21. 1) – 5): a, c, c, d, d,2. 1) green vegetables of all kinds // peas, cabbages, lettuces,2) fruits // peaches, bananas3) beets, / carrots, tomatoes,4) meat of all kinds, fish and eggs5) milk and food made from milk// cheese / ice cream6) bread or cereal // riceLesson 17Part A1.c2.d3.b4.d5.d6.a7.b8.d9.b 10.cPart BPassage 11.1)b 2)d 3)c 4)c 5)c2.1)Put a coin 2)Push a button 3)pull a lever 4)open a doorPassage 21.1)b 2)c 3)d 4)c 5)b2.1)Its reply comes back at once or within hours2)It can create friendship3)It is far cheaper than a long-distance call4)It can help revive the almost lost art of letter writing5)It can bring people together and make the world even smallerLesson 18Part A1- 5: b, d, b, c, b 6- 10: c, a, b, c, b.Part BPassage 11. 1)- 5) : d, a, c, d, b2. 1) An ordinary record2) Reproducing pictures and sound.3) Plastic.4) Since Dec. 1978.5) As popular as records and record players.Passage 21. 1) – 5): c, c, a, d, c,2. 1) an effect on the central nervous system2) a chemical change in the body’s fluids3) an unknown system of energy / under the skinLesson 19Part AI.1.Because Mary was busy typing a report in her office.2.In New York3.Photography. Because he finds it a lot of fun.4.They will have a picnic, take some pictures and have a swim.5.She doesn’t play any sports but she watches all kinds of games. II. first brought to America from Africa as slavesfreewas not completely done away withthe black people make up nearly 12%used to livetwo millionmore than three times as many as in 1940an increase of close to one million in 20 yearsPassage 11.1)c 2)d 3)a 4)b 5)c2.1)F 2)T 3)F 4)T 5)TPassage 21.1)b 2)a 3)c 4)c 5)d2.1)shapeless mass of color, colors2)perfect roundness, artificial3)strange shapes4)real, taste5)surface, in every detail, touchLesson 20Part AI. 1 – 5: d, a, a, c, b. II. 1 – 5: b, c, c, b, b.Part BPassage1- 5: d, d, c, c, c, 6 – 10: a, c, c, d, b.。
新发展大学英语听力教程4 (全新修订版)Unit 8 Education in Western Countries

Part II. Task I.
News Item I
1. A. Scientists have named a new village on the earth as “Moon village”. B. Scientists have discovered some rare minerals on the moon. C. Scientists have sent humans to the moon. D. Scientists decide to build a base on the moon.
• 2. Once students arrive home, weekday time seems to revolve around schoolwork, television, computer, friends, family and chores.
• 3. Extracurricular activities are believed to play multiple roles for students: they stimulate interest, occupy leisure time, provide opportunities for social interaction and enhance college application.

大学英语听说教程第4册答案Unit 1Part B TextExercise 1: 1. b 2. c 3.aExercise 2: 1. F 2. T 3. F 4.F 5. F. 6.F 7.T 8.F 9.T 10.TPart C 1. c 2. d 3. c 4. a 5. bUnit 2Part B TextExercise 1: 1. d 2. b 3. d 4. c 5. d 6. aExercise 2: (omitted)Part CAmericans move about a great deal at parties....as soon as there are more people than chairs in a room...you will see first one and then another make some excuse to get to his feet sitting becomes staticintroduce themselvesdrift around a roomyou are expected to reply by giving your name and introducing the person with youmerely nod and smileshe extends itjust nods and greets heUnit 3Part B Text Exercise 1:radio/TVcelebrations/worlda weekly column/Daily Starcan't affordcouple/hundredeighteen/age/accepted/adult/vote/buy wines/drive a carconsidered/mature/boysTurkey, Egypt, Indonesia, and Senegal.Exercise 2: 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.F 7.F 8.TPart C 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.T 7.T 8.F 9.T 10.FUnit 4Part B Text Exercise 1:put the OHP on the tablepress the buttons in and lift this part up until it snaps into placeturn the OHP round so the head is facing towards the screen or a white wall plug it inswitch it onplace the transparency on the stagemove the flap up or down to raise or lower the imageturn the wheel to make the image sharpExercise 2:place the OHP about 2 meters from the wall or screena screen works better than a wallleave the OHP switched on when using it and place a piece of paper over the glassPart Cin the address book or contact list"CCs" stands for copies of a message. when you want other people to get copies of the same email message, you send them "CCs".you can copy sentences and paste them in other placesyou can run the spell checkeryou double click the word an type the new word over it.Unit 5 Part B Text Exercise 1: 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. CExercise 2:Firstly, it is a fact that some people were born with better memories. Secondly, different things are kept in different parts of the brain. Ideas, words and numbers are stored in the left-hand side and images, sounds and smells in the right-hand side.Thirdly, unusual experiences can produce chemicals such as adrenaline in our body which can boost memory.Fourthly, how well we remember something is also affected by the context in which we learn about it.Finally, the more often you recall a memory, the more likely you are to remember it. If you don't, you lose it.Part C FourBecause Australia is shaped a bit like a dog.Break it into smaller ones and then think of what the numbers remind us of. Try to follow the directions in our mind.Try to build them into a story.Unit 6Part B TextExercise 1: 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. BExercise 2:if a man with a fortune cannot make himself easier and freer than those who are not, he gains nothing. Nothing except glittering baggage that must be attended to.the larger a man's roof, the more snow it collects.the lust for comfort is a stealthy thing that enters the house a guest, and then becomes a host, and then a master.things are in the saddle, and ride mankind.Part C Exercise: 1.c 2.d 3.a 4.b 5.bUNIT7Excrcise 11.Smoking in public places is being restricted more and more in the U.S.2.The speaker is neutral about it.3.People's homes.4.It was classified as a drug like cocaine in 1996.5.The United States is the country where tobacco originated.Exercise21. Throughout the United States, the number of places where people are allowed to smoke has gradually dwindled .2. In fact, smoking in parks and recreation centers is already banned in California.3. Since January 12002 , all parks in California have become smoke-free to safeguard children from the harmful effects of secondhand tobacco smoke and dangerous tobacco waste.4. Scientists all over the world agree that exposure to secondhand smoke poses a serious health risk and there is no safe level of exposure .5. It is especially dangerous for children because when they are exposed to tobacco smoke, they have much higher rates of lung diseases.。

各位老师:学生反映在网络教学平台胡“大学英语资源”下载到的《听力教程4》答案为老版本,现在这里有新版本的答案,请参考如下:Unit One Urban Life or Rural LifeⅠ. Pre-listening ActivitiesPart 1略Part 2There are positive effects and negative effects of living in the suburbs.●Positive effects:1. The air might be cleaner.2. There are more trees and less traffic congestion.3. You’ll probably have a garden.●Negative effects:1. Most people drive more and walk less.2. You’ll have little time for cooking and thus rely heavily on junk food.■ ScriptIn the suburbs the air might be cleaner, as there are more trees and less traffic congestion. Better still you’ll probably have a garden, which most inner-city dwellers don’t. Gardening is a healthy activity for you, and your children have the chance to play outside every day. This is a lot better for them than playing computer games all day because there is nowhere to go.The disadvantages of living in the suburbs are the flip side of the city advantages. Most people living in the suburbs end up driving more and walking less, as nothing is particularly close. This leads to weight gain and general lack of fitness. Those medium sized journeys that suburb dwellers need to do could be done on a bicycle, although this is not always practical or even possible.A less obvious effect of having to commute is little time for cooking. If a considerable portion of your time is spent getting to and from work, it is tempting to rely heavily on junk food, ready meals and takeaways. None of these is very healthy and too many can lead to obesity and the associated health problems.Ⅱ. Listening TasksTask 1 Understanding Short Conversations1. C2. B3. C4. C5. A6. C7. A8. C9. D 10. B■ Script1. W: Did you watch the 7 o’clock program on channel 2 yesterday even ing? I was aboutto watch it when someone came to see me.M: Yeah! It reported some major breakthrough in cancer research. People over 40 would find the program worth watching.Q: What do we learn from the conversation about the TV program?2. W: Don’t wolf down your lunch. I t’s not good for you.M: OK, Mom, but the boys will be here any minute, and I don’t want to miss the game.Q: What did the woman ask her son not to do?3. M: Is that optional course as hard as everybody says?W: It’s actually even worse, believe it or not.Q: What does the woman say about the course?4. M: I haven’t got my scores on the GRE test yet. Do you think I should call to make inquiries?W: There is no hurry. The test scores are released at least eight weeks after the test.Q: What does the woman advise the man to do?5. M: Hurry, there is a bus coming.W: Why run? There will be another one in two or three minutes.Q: What does the woman mean?6. M: The taxi is waiting downstairs. Let’s hurry.W: Wait a minute. I’ll take some food with us. I don’t like the meal served on the train.Q: What are the speakers probably going to do?7. W: Are you still teaching at the junior high school?M: Not since July. My brother and I opened a restaurant as soon as he got out of the army.Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?8. M: Hi, Susan! Have you finished reading the book Professor Johnson recommended?W: Oh, I haven’t read it through the way I read a novel. I just read a few chapters which interested me.Q: What does the woman mean?9. W: Good afternoon, I’m calling to inquire about the four-bedroom house youadvertised in the newspaper.M: I am sorry, but it’s already sold.Q: What do we learn about the house from the conversation?10. M: I hear you drive a long way to work everyday.W: Oh, yes. It’s about sixty miles. But it doesn’t seem that far. The road is not bad, and there’s not much traffic.Q: How does the woman feel about driving to work?Task 2 Understanding a Long Conversation1. A2. C3. C4. B5. A■ ScriptW: Hello. I’m calling about the apartment you advertised.M: Yes. What kind of apartment are you interested in?W: I’m interested in a one-bed room. Do you have any available?M: Yes. I have one. When do you need it?W: Sometime around next week. What can you tell me about this apartment?M: Well, it’s a one-bedroom apartment. The monthly rent is $650, with a $300 security deposit. You pay electricity only. Gas and water is included. Both the heat and stove are gas. Let me see, what else... Oh! You’ll be assigned a sheltered parking space at no extra charge. And that’s probably it.W: Sounds good. May I come over tomorrow to take a look?M: Sure. What time would you like to come?W: How about 10 a.m.?M: Good. May I have your name, please?W: My name is Blanca.M: Thanks for calling, Blanca. I’ll see you tomorrow.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. What kind of apartment is the woman interested in?2. When does the woman need the apartment?3. How much is the rent per month?4. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the conversation?5. What time will the woman come to have a look at the apartment?Task 3 Understanding PassagesPassage OneListening for general comprehension1. Two2. B; AListening for specific information1. B2. D3. C4. D5. C■ ScriptListening for general comprehensionSam and Mabel Brown wish they lived on a farm. If they had a farm, they could raise animals and produce their own food. It is hard work, but Mr. and Mrs. Brown would enjoy the peace and quiet of living in the country. And they could spend more time with their children. Linda could have her own horse, and Jimmy could go hunting and fishing with his father. On the other hand, if the Browns left the city, Jimmy and Linda would miss their friends. The Browns almost bought a farm several months ago, but it wasn’t what they expected. Nowadays, it’s hard to find a good piece of farmland at a reasonable price.Elmer and Sarah Barton have lived on a farm all their lives, and it hasn’t been easy. In 1998 their house burned down. That year they had lost most of their corn and wheat crops because of bad weather. Sarah Barton thinks it would be better if they moved to the city. Elmer could get a job working in his brother’s supermarket, and she could open a bakery. She makes wonderful cakes and pies. If Elmer and Sarah moved to the city, they would make new friends and go out more often. But they would probably miss their farm. After all, it’s the only life they have ever known.Listening for specific information1. What is Sam and Mabel’s wish?2. What would Jimmy do if the Browns realized their dream?3. What happened to Elmer and Sarah Barton in 1998?4. What do we know about Elmer and Sarah Barton according to the passage?5. What is the purpose of using the stories of two families in the passage?Passage TwoListening for general comprehension1. A C D H2. B E F GListening for specific information1. A2. C3. B4. C5. B■ ScriptListening for general comprehensionAmerican houses usually have private kitchens, a living room and sometimes separate areas for eating and watching television. A house usually has its own mailbox, a yard with plants or perhaps a lawn, and a place to store garbage out of sight.An apartment is usually one living space within a building. Several apartments can be in the same building, with a shared yard and parking spaces. A town house is a two-floor apartment. The kitchen, living room and dining room are usually on the first floor and the bedrooms are on the second floor.Most Americans are happy to talk about their homes. And if they’ve done anything special in their home, they’ll let you know what it was, and maybe tell you what it cost. Most Americans live in cities, but nearly as many live in the suburbs. Suburban America has shopping centers called malls. Most of the houses in the suburbs are one or two storeys tall, with private yards and gardens and garages. There are few tall buildings in th e suburbs. Cities have neighborhoods, “warehouse” stores, and public transportation is usually pretty good. Private houses might only have a back yard, and if there is a garage it probably is small. Cities have a lot of apartment buildings and some tall bu ildings may seem to “scrape the sky”, so they are called “skyscraper s”.Listening for specific information1. What does an American house usually have according to the passage?2. What are the characteristics of a town house?3. What is most Americans’ attitude towards talking about their homes?4. What do we know about the houses in the suburbs according to the passage?5. According to the passage, what do we know about the tall buildings in the cities?Passage ThreeListening for general comprehension1. opportunities2. lifestylesListening for specific information1. C2. B3. B4. D5. C■ ScriptListening for general comprehensionNowadays, more and more people, especially the young people, decide to live in large cities. The main factor is that cities offer many opportunities. First of all, young people can attend the best universities there and get good education which increases their chances to find employment in good companies. Besides, large modern cities provide limitless sources of entertainment. Young people can socialize in cafes, pubs, clubs or discos. Moreover, they can enjoy shopping in large shopping centers or department stores. All of these charms and attractions of the city are appealing to young people, however, when they start their own families they usually start missing peacefulness of country life. As they become older, people are tired with the stressful city life and often decide to move outside the city.Obviously, living in the country has many advantages. First of all, countryside is not polluted, therefore, you can breathe fresh air. Besides, there is hardly any road traffic, thus you can enjoy silence. You can also relax and go for a nice walk in the forest or in the meadows. What is more important, people can grow their own fruit and vegetables which are healthier than those you can buy in the greengrocer’s in the city.All things considered, it is obvious that the two lifestyles have their advantages and disadvantages. Some people find cities more exciting and appealing than the countryside but others prefer the beauty and peace of the countryside. The choice where to live depends on every person’s character and preferences.Listening for specific information1. What can young people get from the best universities in the cities?2. According to the passage, where can young people socialize?3. When do people begin missing peacefulness of country life according to the passage?4. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT mentioned asan advantage of living in the countryside?5. How do people decide where to live according to the passage?Task 4 Compound Dictation1. changed2. estimate3. experts4. quality5. released6.settlements7. permanent 8.surrounding9. The report talks about some successful efforts by local governments and community groups10.the report says has helped reduce air pollution and improve quality of life11. He agrees that the link between urban poverty and the environment is serious ■ ScriptFifty years ago, most people lived in rural areas. But the world has changed. By some point next year, more than half of all people will live in cities, for the first time in history. So says the most recent estimate from the United Nations.City life is not always a bad thing, but many experts worry about this processof urbanization. A new report from the Worldwatch Institute says it is having a huge effect on human health and the quality of the environment. The environmental research group in Washington released its 2007State of the World report last week.Of the three billion people who live in cities now, the report says, about one billion live in unplanned settlements. These are areas of poverty, slums that generally lack basic services like clean water, or even permanent housing. The report says that more than sixty million people are added to cities and surrounding areas each year, mostly in slums in developing countries.The report talks about some successful efforts by local governments and community groups. For example, it says Freetown, Sierra Leone, has established farming within the city limits to meet much of its growing food demands. In Colombia, engineers have created a bus system in Bogota that the report says has helped reduce air pollution and improve quality of life.Olav Kjorven heads the Environment and Energy Group at the United Nations Development Program. He agrees that the link between urban poverty and the environment is serious.But he says governments also need to consider why people are moving out of rural areas. Climate change, drought, floods there are many reasons forcing people to leave, he says.Ⅳ. Listening Skills for Long Conversations (Ⅰ)19. D 20. C 21. B 22. C■ ScriptW: Good evening, and welcome to this week’s Business World, the program for and about business people. Tonight, we have Mr. Steven Kayne, who has just taken over and established a bicycle shop. Tell us, Mr. Kayne, what made you want to run your own store?M: Well, I always loved racing bikes and fixing them. When I was working full-time as a salesman for a big company, I seldom had time to enjoy my hobby. I knew then that as soon as I had enough money to get my own business going, I’ll do it. I had my heart set on it and I didn’t let anything stand in my way. When I went down to the bank and got a business loan, I knew I’d love being my own boss. Now my time is my own. I open the store when I want and leave when I want.W: You mean you don’t keep regular hours?M: Well, the sign on my store says the hours are ten to six, but if business is slower than usual, I can just lock up and take off early.W: Have you hired any employees to work with you yet?M: Yeah, a couple of friends of mine who love biking as much as I do. They help me out a few days a week. It’s great because we play cards or just sit around and talk when there are no customers.W: Thank you, Mr. Kayne. We wish you success in your new business.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. What is the woman doing?20. What did Mr. Kayne do before he took over the bicycle shop?21. Why did the man take over a bicycle shop?22. What do we learn about the people working in the shop?Ⅴ. Learn English Through a Radio Program1. global society2. Since ancient times3. because of them4. take advantage of5. takes readers on a world tour6. on average7. make people poor 8. some of them9. less driving 10. even more people move to cities■ Script略Ⅵ. Learn English Through Songs1. leaving2. longing3. heap4. never5. gonna■ Script略Unit Two Two Kinds of LoveⅠ. Pre-listening ActivitiesPart 1略Part 21. commit; rosy2. negative; failed3. considerate; criticize■ ScriptIn a proactive-love situation, you commit to keeping the fires of love burning, not expecting them to burn of their own accord. You know it will not be easy. But because you care, you are ready to go the extra mile and do whatever it takes. You believe in your partner, and you believe in love. You know that love is not the rosy feeling, which comes and goes without notice. It is a commitment, through thick and thin, independent of your feelings. Rather than wait to receive love, you give it first. And in selfless sowing you reap a harvest bigger than your seed.However, if reactive love is your style, your negative seeds will grow in every relationship you have, possibly causing a cycle of failed relationships.Regarding relationships, we could restate this law thus: Your relationship isthe harvest of the seeds YOU have sown. Therefore, to change your relationship, you must start by changing YOU, not your partner! If you want it better, become a better person. Be more considerate. Be more tolerant. Listen more. Criticize less. Give only what you would like to receive.Ⅱ. Listening TasksTask 1 Understanding Short Conversations1. C2. C3. D4. B5. C6. D7. D8. C9. C 10. B■ Script1. W: For years, I’ve tried to teach you that the most important thing in life is love, not money.M: I don’t think I’ve ever listened to you or Dad much. I only cared about what my friends thought.Q: What’s the relationship between the man and woman?2. W: Hey! I’ve heard that you’ve built your own house in your spare time. Is thatright?M: I’m still working on it. Every day I do a little bit more. It’s a way to show I love my family.Q: How does the man feel about his activity outside of work?3. W: Bill, are you still planning to buy that nice red sports car you looked at last week?M: I’m afraid that’s impossible because I haven’t been able to come up with the cash, and someone else has already made a down payment on it.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?4. M: Do you have your Christmas shopping done yet?W: Almost. I got a watch for my husband, but can’t seem to find anything for my Dad. He would probably like a book or a case for his coin collection.Q: What did the woman buy her husband for Christmas?5. M: Mary, why isn’t the trainer named Jane teaching here this term?W: She can’t. She was fi red.Q: What reason was given for Jane’s not teaching?6. W: Do you have an address where I can write to you?M: No, I’ll be hiking in the mountains most of the time. But if you write to me at my aunt’s house, she’ll hold my mail until I get there.Q: Where should the woman write to her friend?7. W: Here’s a ten-dollar bill. Give me two tickets for tonight’s show, please.M: Sure. Two tickets and here’s a dollar and forty cents change.Q: How much does one ticket cost?8. M: Did you say you were going to take a vacation next month?W: Yes, my family and I are going to New York for a week.Q: Where is the woman going to take a vacation?9. W: You should give up smoking. It’s a bad habit and it’s harmful to your health. M: Stop talking like my mother. That’s what she keeps saying.Q: What does the man’s mother always do?10. M: If you give me a hand, I can get this work done in about thirty minutes. W: I would love to help, but Mr. Miller told me to type these letters before I go home.Q: What is the woman going to do?Task 2 Understanding a Long Conversation1. B2. D3. D4. D5. D■ ScriptW: What kind of qualities do you look for in your friends?M: I like people who are open and friendly. Those people are usually more active and fun to be with. I like spending time with my friends. We go to bars together or play sports together.W: I don’t like to make friends with people who aren’t honest. Honesty is very important to me.M: I think it is important to most people. The problem is that you can only find out if someone is honest by getting to know them.W: You can find out from their friends.M: If you know any of their friends. You can’t rely on your friends to introduce people to you all the time. You have to go out and make the first move sometimes.I also like funny people.W: Oh, I don’t. They don’t seem to take anything seriously. You never know when they are joking and when they are being serious.M: Sometimes it can be hard to tell, but if you know the person fairly well, you can usually see from their expressions what they are really thinking.W: It seems that we generally like different kinds of people. How is it that we are such good friends?M: Maybe people don’t like to have friends that are all the same. Most people likea little variety in their lives—including a variety of characteristics in theirfriends.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. What kind of friends does the man like?2. Why are the man and the woman good friends?3. What kind of friends does the woman dislike?4. Why do most people like to make friends with someone different from themselves?5. Which of the following statements is true?Task 3 Understanding PassagesPassage OneListening for general comprehension1. This passage is mainly about how to love yourself2. Three waysListening for specific information1. C2. A3. D4. B5. C■ ScriptListening for general comprehensionMost of us long for relationships in which we are loved and accepted just the way we are. However, we can have such relationships with some others, but only when we first have them with ourselves—and, strangely, this is often the hardest relationship of all.Do you love yourself? There’s only one way to find out—by taking a close look at what you think, say, and do. If you’re really loving yourself, you can use this insight to do some positive inner work.Here are three ways for gaining greater personal insight for deeper love. Firstly, listen closely to your thoughts. Your thoughts will determine your actions. A journal or a notebook can help record various insights you gain as you go about your life. It will help you know what’s in your heart. Secondly, be honest with yourself. Actions speak louder than words, and they always tell the truth. By being honest with yourself, you will act according to truth instead of just what you tell yourself. Thirdly, take quiet time to listen to your inner voice. Sometimes you may want to use your quiet time to think deeply. The key is to shut out all of the noise around you by focusing deep within yourself. It’s hard to find quiet ti me during a particularly busy day, but it’s so important. Quiet time can really make a difference in your life.Despite what your mind may be telling you, you can have love with no limits. The key is to unconditionally love yourself first.Listening for specific information1. Which of the following is the hardest relationship of all?2. What will determine your actions according to the passage?3. What can make a difference in your life?4. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?5. Which of the following is the key to having love with no limits?Passage TwoListening for general comprehensionThis passage is about showing our brotherly loveListening for specific information1. B2. D3. B4. D5. D■ ScriptListening for general comprehensionMost of us participate in some activities and organizations and give our time and money to help others. We are showing our brotherly love for others, but it is not quite the same as giving the love in person. Ways that we can share brotherly love in person are varied. When I see young people holding the door for an elderly person, or someone helping a lady put her groceries in the car, or even a scout who helps a woman cross the street, I realize that they are taking their time to share brotherly love personally. Many people collect food and clothing for the poor. Otherpeople participate in some programs where Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners are provided for those in need, as well as Christmas presents for the less fortunate.This famous quotation “Though we can give without loving, it is almost impossible to love without giving.” was said by a French philosopher. When we do good deeds that help our fellow man, we are showing love. We are often told to “love our neighbors”. We should neither feel indifferent to those who need help nor let our egos stand in the way of helping them. There are many occasions when we can sympathize with those less fortunate and we are capable of giving them our generosity. Philadelphia is known as the city of brotherly love but every town that has people who care and help those less fortunate is also “cities of brotherly love”. Listening for specific information1. According to the passage, which is NOT the way to share brotherly love in person?2. Which of the following program of showing brotherly love is NOT mentioned in thepassage?3. Which of the following is NOT true about the quotation “Though we can give withoutloving, it is almost impossible to love without giving.”?4. Which of the following deeds should be forbidden according to the passage?5. Which city is known as the city of brotherly love?Passage ThreeListening for general comprehension1. This passage is mainly about the influence of parents’ love to children’s development2. The importance of mothers’ love seems to drop out altogether in some of the analyses Listening for specific information1. A2. B3. D4. D5. D■ ScriptListening for general comprehensionA father’s love—or the lack of it—contributes as much to the development of a child’s personality and behavior as the love of a mother, according to researchers. In some respects, they add, a father’s love is even more influential.Probably the most important and most surprising finding of all is that the importance of mothers’ love seems to drop out altogether in some of the analyses.The researchers reviewed almost 100 U.S. and European studies investigating the effects of parenting on the psychology and behavior of children as they grew older. The earliest study was conducted in 1949, and the most recent was completed in 2001.They report that the degree of acceptance or rejection a child receives—and perceives—from his or her father appears to affect his or her development as deeply as the presence or absence of a mother’s love.They note that the withholding of love by either the mother or the father is equally connected to a child’s lack of self-esteem, emotional instability, withdrawal, depression and anxiety. And the risk of developing problems with aggression, drug and alcohol abuse was equally related to a child’s rejection or acceptance by either parent.The investigators also found that having the love and nurturing of either parent has an equally positive effect on a child’s happiness, well-being and social and academic success from early childhood through young adulthood.Listening for specific information1. According to the researchers, whose love is even more influential in some respects?2. How many U.S. and European studies have investigated the effects of parenting onthe psychology and behavior of children?3. When was the earliest study on the effect of parenting conducted?4. If a child is rejected by either parent, which of the following problems is NOTmentioned in this passage?5. In which aspect can love from either parent have equally positive effect onchildren?Task 4 Compound Dictation1. golden2. meaning3. sense4. Owing5. pressures6. supposed7. humanity8. grasp9. campus love is just to find a partner to get rid of loneliness and boredom and enjoy happiness10. Therefore, “love passionately today, break up tomorrow” is understandable11. we come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfectperson perfectly■ ScriptCollege years are considered to be the golden time for love. But I wonder whether college students know the true meaning of love. Many students don’t, they believe that happiness is just a sense of loving and being loved.Each love course can be unique as each person is unique. Owing to different family backgrounds and pressures, everyone has his own history and future, and personal character. And love is supposed to find our weakness, deficiencies and the true colors of humanity, to grow mature by learning, to grasp the true meaning of life, and to learn to free ourselves and requite others’ love in the process of courting.However, the majority of college students believe that campus love is just to find a partner to get rid of loneliness and boredom and enjoy happiness. Yes, if both of the two are of mature mentality and strong willingness to love, love can be raised to a higher level─to enjoy happiness. Yet, many college students do not treasure the happiness from love, instead, they are favor of nit-picking their boyfriend or girlfriend and demanding more and more things. Therefore, “love passionately today, break up tomorrow” is und erstandable. In my eyes, these students totally misunderstand the true meaning of love. After all, we come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Love is to cultivate ourselves. It is only when we have seen through and perfected ourselves that our love is worthy.Ⅳ. Listening Skills for Long Conversations (Ⅱ)。

大学英语听力教程4答案【篇一:全新版大学英语听说教程4(第二版)答案doc】 part b 1. what is one world?a radio or tv program. 2. what is the topic of the program? birthday celebrations around the world. 3. what do shaheen hag and pat cane do? they run a weekly column in the toronto daily star. 4. why don’t some people in india celebrate their birthdays? because they can’t afford the cost. 5. why is the eighteenth birthday so important in finland? because eighteen is the age when one is accepted as an adult with the right to vote, buy wines and drive a car. 6. why can girls in some countries get to vote at an earlier age than boys? because girls are considered to be more mature than boys of the same age. 7. which of the countries mentioned in the conversation are muslim countries? turkey, egypt, indonesia, and senegal. 1. the program is broadcast in canada every day.( f ) 2. people everywhere in the world celebrate theirbirthdays.( f ) 3. many muslims do not celebrate their birthdays for religious reasons.( t )4. in england, the twenty-first birthday is very important, which is unusual in the west.( f ) 5. the twenty-first birthday is very important in japan. ( f ) 6. in norway, young men and women usually get married before 30 to avoid having pepper thrown at them.( f ) 7. eighteen is a very lucky number in japan.( f ) 8. it can be concluded that our world is made more colorful by the many different ways birthdays are observed in different countries.( t ) part c 1) unique 2) globe3) simultaneously 4) terrorist5) remembrance 6) appropriate 7) sharing. 8) the material can be submitted to the project organizers in scotland 9) it will allow a voice to all people regardless of nationality, religion, race, political viewpoint, gender or age. 10) contributors will be invited to attend the first public performance of the film in their respective countries unit 2 part b d c b a a 1 non-smokers seem to have won the battle because smoking is bannednot only in public places like theaters and airports but also in all workplaces. 2. they have banned smoking in parks and recreation centers. in los angeles, for example, they have implemented a smoke-free park policy, officially designating smoke-free zones in all 375 parks and recreation centers in thecity. and since january 1, 2002 all parks in california have become smoke-free to safeguard children from the harmful effects of secondhand tobacco smoke and dangerous tobacco waste. part c d d a aunit 3 part b ex.1 on p24-25 d c a c ex.2 on 25 firstly, it is a fact that some people were born with better memories. secondly, different things are kept in different parts of the brain. ideas, words and numbers are stored in the left-hand side and images, sounds and smells in the right-hand side. thirdly, unusual experiences can produce chemicals such as adrenaline in our body which can boost memory.fourthly, how well we remember something is also affected by the context in which we learn about it.finally, the more often you recall a memory, the morelikely you are to remember it. if you don’t, you’ll lose it. part cadb unit 4 part b. exercise 1 d b d cd apart c c db unit 5 part b. exercise 1 bc a exercise 2f t f f f f t f t t part c c dc a b unit 6 part b. exercise 1 ad d bdd exercise 2exercise 2(原文)listen to the passage again and complete the table below.its the universal cry of parents,generally heard by the second day of college summer breaks: get a job!omar solimans mother joined the chorus.you have to do something, she told him.solimans friends had obtained prestigious internshipsin his hometown of washington, d.c.but he couldnt imagine himself sitting at a desk all day.after years of delivering furniture for his mothers store,he remembered that a lot of people had stuff they wanted to get rid of.if he borrowed his moms van,he could make a little money hauling their trash away for them. that night, soliman came up with a name for his new business: college hunks hauling junk.he distributed flyers the next day,and within hours, his phone was ringing.he asked his friend nick friedman to help out.they made $220 in three hours cleaning out a womans garage. soliman and friedman pocketed $10,000 that summer.but the two werent ready to become full-time trashmen after graduation.we were trained to finish college and get a good job, says soliman.he graduated with a business degree from the university of miamiand first went into marketing at a research firm.friedman, who had an economics degree from pomona college in california,became an economic analyst for a consulting company.months later, they quit their jobs and started their junk business full time.at first they had trouble finding a bank willing to lend them moneyas they didnt have much of a credit rating.after five turndowns, one bank decided to gamble $50,000 on their idea.they put together another $60,000 from their parents and their own savings.they bought a truck, hired a graphic artist to design a logo,ran newspaper and radio ads and recruited haulers on campuses.wearing bright orange hats and green polosand khakis these college hunks will haul awayeverything from construction materials to old couches.to cut down the cost of unloading at landfills,they have learned to recycle metals and electronicsand donate to charities over 60 percent of what they collect.they also give away a portion of their earningsfrom each job to local college scholarship programs.and now, just four years later,they run a nationwide company that pulled in $3 million in 2008.they employ 130 people and have 16 franchises in 10 states and d.c.and plan to expand to 80 franchises by 2012.part c b c b a unit 7 wealth part b. exercise 1 d c b b a b exercise 2 1. with a fortune, easier and freer, gainsnothing,glittering baggage, attended to 2. the more snow it collects 3. comfort, enters the house a guest , becomes ahost , a master 4. and ride mankind match: 1. d2. a 3. b 4. c part c c a b bunit 8 war part b exercise 1 b c b a d exercise 2 1. he was only 20 years old. 2. there are 75 british cemeteries 3. the name of 55,000 missing soldiers are engraved on its walls. 4. there are no headstones, no flowers, only slabs in the grass. the whole place is dark and dank. 5. it was created by an explosion. 6. it dates from medieval times part c b d c d c bunit 9 aging part b exercise 1c c d c d exercise 2 diana female alzheimer’s disease 53, four memory 1. recognize familiar buildings husband’s workplace 2. no idea how to get home 3. recognize her cousin 4. her way round her office building made mistakes part c 1) opportunities 2) services 3) longevity 4) specialty 5) structure 6) existences 7) complicated 8) the elderly must rely on a fixed income 9) while some live with their children, many more live by themselves, with a friend or in a nursing home 10) they have formed organizations to voice their own needs and concerns to local, state and federal agencies. unit 10 home schooling part b exercise 1. b d a c exercise2 1. 41-foot sailing boat 2. dining table 3. devised their own curriculum 4. a shuttle launch, the kennedy space center museums. 5. use a library 6. writing, science experiments,. artwork, projects 7. the world around them 8. a rain forest, a coral reef, historic ruins, foreign markets, local festivals part ca b c c unit 11 opinion polls part b exercise 1 a c b b c exercise 2 1. they are too high 2. so that people can be discouraged from using cars 3. she suggests that they use a graded charging system depending on how far they are from the city centre.【篇二:全新版大学英语听说教程4听力答案】ass=txt>unit 1 one worldpart b: exercise 1:1. a radio or tv program.2. birthday celebrations around the world.3. they run a weekly column in the toronto daily star.4. because they can’t afford it.5. a couple of hundred years ago.6. because eighteen is the age when one is accepted as an adult with the right to vote, buy winesand drive a car.7. because girls are considered to be more mature than boys.8. turkey, egypt, indonesia, and senegal.exercise 2: 1.f 2.f 3.t 4.f 5.f 6.f 7.f 8.t part c1) unique2) globe3) simultaneously4) terrorist5) remembrance 6) appropriate 7) sharing. 8) the material can be submitted to the project organizers in scotland 9) it will allow a voice to all people regardless of nationality, religion, race, political viewpoint, gender or age.10) contributors will be invited to attend the first public performance of the film in their respective countriesunit 2 anti--smokingpart b:exercise 1: 1.d 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.a exercise 2:1. smoking is bannedpublic placestheaters and airportsall workplaces.2. have banned smoking parks and recreation centers a smoke-free park smoke-free zones375 january 1, 2002 harmful effects of secondhand tobacco smokedangerous tobacco waste part c1.d2.d3.a4.aunit 3memorypart b:exercise 1: 1.d 2.c 3.d 4.c exercise 2:firstly, it is a fact that some people were born with better memories.secondly, different things are kept in different parts of the brain. ideas, words and numbers arestored in the left-hand side and images, sounds and smells in the right-hand side.thirdly, unusual experiences can produce chemicals such as adrenaline in our body which can boost memory.fourthly, how well we remember something is also affected by the context in which we learn about it.finally, the more often you recall a memory, the more likely you are to remember it. if you don’t, you’l l lose it. part c1.a 2.d 3.bunit 4dealing with cultural differencespart b:exercise 1: 1.d 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.d 6.a1.c2.d3.bunit 5friendshippart bexercise 1: 1. b 2. c3.aexercise 2: 1. f 2. t 3. f 4.f 5. f.6.f 7.t 8.f 9.t 10.t part c1. c2. d3. c4. a5. bunit 6sucesspart bexercise 1: 1. a 2. d3.d 4.b 5.c 6.d1.b2.c3.b4.aunit 7 wealthpart b.exercise 1 1.d 2.c 3.b 4.b 5.a 6.b exercise 21. with a fortune, easier and freer, gains nothing,glittering baggage, attended to2. the more snow it collects3. comfort, enters the house a guest , becomes a host , a master4. and ride mankindmatch: 1.d2.a 3.b 4.c part c1.c2.a3.b4.bunit 8 warpart bexercise 1 1.b 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.d exercise 21. he was only 20 years old.2. there are 75 british cemeteries3. the name of 55,000 missing soldiers are engraved on its walls.4. there are no headstones, no flowers, only slabs in the grass. the whole place is dark anddank.5. it was created by an explosion.6. it dates from medieval times part c1.b2.d3.c4.d5.c6.bunit 9 agingpart bexercise 1 1.c 2.c 3.d 4.c 5.d exercise 2 diana female alzheimer’s disease 53, four memory1. recognize familiar buildings husband’s workplace2. noidea how to get home 3. recognize her cousin4. her way round her office building made mistakes part c1) opportunities 2) services 3) longevity 4) specialty 5) structure 6) existences 7)complicated8) the elderly must rely on a fixed income9) while some live with their children, many more live by themselves, with a friend or in anursing home10) they have formed organizations to voice their own needs and concerns to local, state andfederal agencies.unit 10 home schoolingpart bexercise 1. 1.b 2.d 3.a 4.c exercise21. 41-foot sailing boat2. dining table3. devised their own curriculum4. a shuttle launch, the kennedy space center museums.5. use a library6. writing, science experiments,. artwork, projects7. the world around them8. a rain forest, a coral reef, historic ruins, foreign markets, local festivals part c1.a2.b3.c4.cunit 11 opinion pollspart bexercise 1 1.a 2.c 3.b 4.b 5.c exercise 21. they are too high2. so that people can be discouraged from using cars3. she suggests that they use a graded charging system depending on how far they are fromthe city centre.4. because they pollute the city center.5. use the bus or tram service. part c 1.a 2.c 3.c 4.aunit 12 reality tvpart bexercise 1. 1.c 2.b 3.d 4.d 5.d 6.d exercise 2.1. in sweden in 1997.2. on a south pacific island in may 2000.3. they had to find and cook their own food. sometimes they even had to eat rats and worms.4. nine volunteers. they were filmed 24 hours a day for 100 days.5. on new year’s eve 19996. $1 million for the winner of survivor and $500,000 for the winner of big brother.7. big brother. part c1.a2.b3.b4.d5.dunit 13 that’s lifepart b exercise 1.1. in an expensive restaurant in london.2. no, he was brought up in england but now lives in south africa. 3. with his sister and brother-in-law.exercise 2. 1.c 2.a 3.c 4.c 5.a 6.a part c1.d2.c3.b4.dunit14 crime and punishmentpart bexercise 1.1.b 2.d 3.d 4.c 5.c exercise 2.1. he wanted to buy some undetectable poison from the druggist.【篇三:英语听力教程4答案】nlinepart 1 getting readybdetailsc: major points3. 4.part 2 net shopping under firea.b. summary: part 3 banking at homea: outline1.2.3. 4.b2. part 4 more about the topicb: english good customer serviceamerican good customer serviceexample:…ow …?1. c2. b3. c4. c5. c6. bunit 2 hotel or bb?part 1 getting readypart 2 a touch of home1. bb2 b. …part3 renting a cara. information about the customer leaving on fir., july 7th th … best choice regular rate special weekend ratemileage rate other costssales tax deposit part 4. more about the topica: 1. suite: a large room with a partition to separate the bedroom area from the sitting room area 2. twin room: a room with two single beds for two people3. penthouse: a well-furnished and luxurious suite at the topof the building4. lounge or sitting room: a room not used as bedroom, where guests may read, watchtelevision, etc.5. single room: a room occupied by one person6. double room: a room with one large bed for two peoplepart 4 do you know…?b: 1. f2. t3. f4. f5. tunit 3 “planting” moneypart 1 getting readyb: 这部分没有给答案part 2 national teach children to save daya: time purpose way of teaching b: 1. making savings visible and real: building up savings in a piggy bank/ opening children’sown bank savings account.2. encouraging children to save as much as they can: putting 25 cents away for every dollarthe children earn3. a first step toward learning to budget: giving children an allowance and part of it goinginto their own savings.4. making savings and investing fun: giving children play money to “invest” in s tocks theycan track in local newspaperspart 3 credit cardsa: 1. 2. naturea. “charge” —b: “limit”—expensive part 4 more about the topica: exercise 1column a1.2 3column b 3 1 2。

A:Hi,may I take your order?B:Yes,I’ll have a cup of coffee.A:Cream and sugar?B:Oh,yes,please.A:And you,sir?C:I’d like a chicken sandwich and I’ll have some chips,Oh,you call them French fries here.Right,I’ll have some French fries please.A:Alright.One coffee with cream and sugar and a chicken sandwich with French fries,Uh,well,anything else?C:Yes,I’d like an iced tea please.A:One iced tea,thank you.B:Oh,wait a minute.What kind of desserts do you have?A:Well,we have pie,cake,ice cream,chocolate mousse......B:What kind of pie do you have?A:I think today we have apple,cherry,lemon.B:Hmm,I think I’ll have a piece of apple pie with my coffee.How aboutyou,Tom?C:Oh,maybe I’ll have a piece later,or I’ll have some of yours.A:Then it’s one coffee,one apple pie,one chicken sandwich and an order of French fries and an iced tea,right?B:yes,thank you.以下是在有第4个人的时候的对话B:Hi,Mike.Here,here!D:Hi,it’s lucky to meet you here.B(C):Yeah,so am I.B:Give this man a menu,please.Thank you.A:OK.A:Have you decided on an appetizer yet?D:Yes,I’ll have bacon and eggs with buttered toast,and a glass of tomato juice,please.A:Um,bacon and eggs with buttered toast and a glass of tomato juice,right?D:Yes.以下3个人对话形式A:OK.Please wait a moment.C:Oh,here comes our waiter.B(D):Yeah,I wondered what took so long.A:Here you are.B:Uh,I ordered French fries with my chicken sandwich and you broughtme,oh,mashed potatoes with gravy.A:Oh,you ordered French fries?B:Yes.A:Well,then,OK.C:Uh,and could I have the apple pie I ordered?A:What apple pie?Did you order apple pie?C:Yeah,I did.With my coffee,remember?A:Really?Gee,how did I forget that?B(D):Ah,can I ask you a question?A:Yes?B(D):How long have you been a waiter?A:Who?Me?Oh,um,today is my first day.Well,I’ll get your apple pie and French fries right away.Sorry about that.C:Oh,that’s ok.B:Yes,thanks,good luck.至于动作什么的每个人自己想吧。

新发展大学英语听力教程(4)参考答案Unit 1 Urban Life or Rural LifePre-listening Activitiesapartment;contractListening TasksTask One Understanding Short Conversations1. C2. B3. C4. C5. A6. C7. A8. C9.D 10. BTask Two Understanding a Long Conversation1. A2. C3. C4. B5. ATask Three Understanding PassagesPassage One1. B2. D3. C4. D5. CPassage Two1. A2. C3. B4. C5. BPassage Three1. C2. B3. B4. D5. CTask Four Compound Dictation1. drawbacks2. education3. facilities4. studying5. widespread6. develop7. attend8. serious9. There are no companies or factories that would offer people employment10. who have to work very hard in the fields to earn their living11. Another bad side of country life is the lack of entertainmentListening and SpeakingTask 11. Most of Canada’s happiest cities are on the East Coast.2. She can withstand brutal winters by fo cusing on“the warmth and the friendliness of people”.3. Knowing your neighbors and trusting those around you is a key reason.Task 2(略)Listening Skills for Long Conversations19. A 20. D 21. DLearn English Through Songssomeone;alone;hide;storm;cares;heaven;getting;promiseUnit 2 Different Kinds of LovePre-listening Activitiesdifferent kinds of loveListening TasksTask One Understanding Short Conversations1. C2. C3. D4. B5. C6. D7. D8. C9.C 10. BTask Two Understanding a Long Conversation1. B2. D3. D4. D5. BTask Three Understanding PassagesPassage One1. C2. A3. D4. B5. APassage Two1. B2. D3. B4. D5. DPassage Three1. A2. B3. D4. D5. DTask Four Compound Dictation1. golden2. meaning3. sense4. Owing5. pressures6. supposed7. humanity8. grasp9. campus love is just to find a partner to get rid of loneliness and boredom and enjoy happiness10. Therefore,“love passionately today,break up tomorrow”is understandable11. we come to love not by finding a perfect person,but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectlyListening and SpeakingTask 11. Because their love helps the children feel more secure emotionally,spiritually,and intellectually.2. They will live longer and happier lives.3. There will be an imbalance in the family,thus it will increase the risk of childhood rebellion.Task 2(略)Listening Skills for Long Conversations23. A 24. D 25. BLearn English Through Moviesmusic;light;friend;hearing;inside;find;family;knock;fairy;nightUnit 3 Job and Job SatisfactionPre-listening Activitiesinquisitive and curiousListening TasksTask One Understanding Short Conversations1. A2. C3. D4. B5. D6. C7. A8. A9. B 10. CTask Two Understanding a Long Conversation1. B2. A3. B4. D5. CTask Three Understanding PassagesPassage One1. C2. B3. A4. D5. DPassage Two1. C2. A3. C4. A5. DPassage Three1. B2. A3. D4. C5. CTask Four Compound Dictation1. competitive2. particular3. perform4. efficiency5. technique6. area7. demand8. extra9. You can apply this technique to any aspect of your job10. you are better at something or know more about it than the average person11. you will become someone employers want to hireListening and SpeakingTask 11. Too much stress can cause major health drama,including heart disease,depression,headaches,overeating,and so on.2. We could try a 10-minute stretch every hour.3. It will invariably poison the workday,since that’s where most of us spend the majority of our time.Task 2(略)Listening Skills for Long Conversations23. C 24. D 25. BLearn English Through Moviesdemonstrate;arrested;painting;determined;business;apparently;tie;Twelve;Navy;interviewUnit 4 Husband and WifePre-listening Activitiesa serious businessListening TasksTask One Understanding Short Conversations1. C2. B3. B4. D5. C6. D7. B8. C9.B 10. CTask Two Understanding a Long Conversation1. B2. A3. D4. C5. DTask Three Understanding PassagesPassage One1. B2. D3. D4. C5. DPassage Two1. B2. C3. A4. C5. DPassage Three1. C2. D3. D4. C5. DTask Four Compound Dictation1. worst2. serve3. process4. honestly5. appreciate6. selfishness7. granted8. supporters9. nobody cares more about us than the members of our families10. When we can count on each other and lean on each other,then family works11. When we support our families we find ourselves supportedListening and SpeakingTask 11. Modern transportation and well-organized societies.2. For modern people,home means a place where they can have privacy.3. The role of the father is to provide for his family while the mother takes care of the children.Task 2(略)Listening Skills for Compound Dictation36. alarming 37. increased 38. sheer 39. disturbing40. comparison 41. proportion 42. workforce 43. reverse44. The percentage of people living in cities is much higher than the percentageworking in industry45. There is not enough money to build adequate houses for the people that live there,let alone the new arrivals46. So the figures for the growth of towns and cities represent proportional growth of unemployment and underemploymentLearn English Through Songschance;forever;lives;faith;voices;dream;hearts;togetherUnit 5 Pets and Human BeingsPre-listening Activitiesspecial show dogsListening TasksTask One Understanding Short Conversations1. D2. A3. B4. B5. C6. D7. C8. D9.C 10. ATask Two Understanding a Long Conversation1. B2. D3. C4. B5. DTask Three Understanding PassagesPassage One1. B2. B3. A4. C5. DPassage Two1. D2. D3. C4. D5. BPassage Three1. C2. C3. A4. D5. BTask Four Compound Dictation1. well-being2. happier3. stroking4. fetch5. calming6. rate7. physical8. stroll9. many find it to be a relaxing way while at the same time enjoying the great outdoors10. their gift to allow us to relax and for a little while,free our mind from stressful situations or thoughts11. walking him or her is a fun activity that is relaxing and above all enjoyableListening and SpeakingTask 11. Pets teach them about love,improving their emotional and physical health,and provide them with unconditional affection and friendship.2. They help people learn about responsibility,loyalty,sharing,and unconditional love.3. Specially trained assistance dogs are allowed in public places where pets are prohibited.Task 2 (略)36. labor 37. ingredients 38. vital 39. individuals40. engage 41. figures 42. generating 43. Currently44. will be making decisions in such areas as product development,quality control,and customer satisfaction.45. to acquire new skills that will help you keep up with improved technologies and procedures46. Don’t expect the companies to provide you with a clearly-defined career path Learn English Through Moviesfence;deal;fool;trying;empty;laying;hill;imagine;count;fantasticUnit 6 A Balanced LifePre-listening Activitiesto stay out of the sunListening TasksTask One Understanding Short Conversations1. A2. B3. C4. D5. C6. C7. D8. D9.A 10. BTask Two Understanding a Long Conversation1. A2. C3. B4. D5. BTask Three Understanding PassagesPassage One1. A2. C3. D4. A5. CPassage Two1. B2. C3. D4. A5. BPassage Three1. A2. C3. D4. A5. DTask Four Compound Dictation1. pursuit2. achieve3. simply4. Schedule5. disorganized6. realistic7. stick8. stressed9. It’s simpler said than done,but learn to let things go once in a while10. It seems human nature for just about everyone to take on too many tasks and responsibilities11. Life is a process,and so is striving for balance in your lifeListening and SpeakingTask 11. It can result from everyday situations or major problems.2. The Type B personality.3. Studies have shown that men and women deal with stress differently.Task 2(略)36. trend 37. phenomenon 38. scene 39. offenses 40. murder 41. particularly 42. explosion 43. associated 44. changing national borders,greater economic growth,and the lack of accepted social ideas of right and wrong45. are now facing the sort of cultural variety that has been common in America for most of its history46. failure to recognize and plan for such diversity can lead to serious crime problemsLearn English Through Moviesworth;embarrassed;suppose;sending;press;act;device;criticism;critical;doubtsUnit 7 Stories in Our LivesPre-listening Activitieswriter and humoristListening TasksTask One Understanding Short Conversations1. D2. A3. A4. D5. B6. C7. A8. B9.D 10. CTask Two Understanding a Long Conversation1. A2. C3. B4. B5. DTask Three Understanding PassagesPassage One1. B2. A3. B4. D5. BPassage Two1. A2. B3. D4. C5. BPassage Three1. C2. D3. B4. C5. ATask Four Compound Dictation1. survivor2. island3. rescue4. horizon5. Exhausted6. protect7. searching8. smoke9. he was awakened by the sound of a ship that was approaching the island10. It is easy to get discouraged when things are going bad11. For all the negative things we have to say to ourselves,life has a positive answer for itListening and SpeakingTask 11. She was sewing a quilt.2. Because love can hardly be seen anywhere or anytime,but it’s really there. Loveis inside.3. The daughter’s father.Task 2(略)Learn English Through Moviesway;opportunity;season;except;personal;told;note;immediately;nationals;doorsUnit 8 Education in Western CountriesPre-listening ActivitiesadmissionsListening TasksTask One Understanding Short Conversations1. C2. C3. B4. C5. C6. D7. A8. A9.D 10. CTask Two Understanding a Long Conversation1. D2. C3. A4. C5. BTask Three Understanding PassagesPassage One1. C2. D3. D4. A5. BPassage Two1. C2. C3. A4. D5. APassage Three1. D2. D3. A4. A5. CTask Four Compound Dictation1. oldest2. globe3. advantages4. community5. basis6. environment7. worldwide8. prior9. It concentrates on teaching the principles behind current technology10. give students the opportunity to follow their own interest11. so students are much in demand from the financial sector and other areas outside ITListening and SpeakingTask 11. Students who want to excel in the virtual business world.2. It provides students with the information and skills to make informed business decisions.3. It typically depends on the amount of preparation the student has prior to entering the college.Task 2(略)Learn English Through Moviesdeserves;stage;points;conscience;closed;fault;problem;affects;focused;bothUnit 9 Sports and SportsmenPre-listening ActivitiesGuangzhouListening TasksTask One Understanding Short Conversations1. C2. B3. B4. C5. A6. C7. A8. D9.A 10. CTask Two Understanding a Long Conversation1. D2. D3. D4. B5. BTask Three Understanding PassagesPassage One1. B2. B 4. D 5. DPassage Two1. D2. B3. D4. B5. BPassage Three1. B2. B3. A4. C5. ATask Four Compound Dictation1. Association2. professional3. Western4. training5. series6. November7. celebrate8. throughout9. After the NBA season concludes in April,a total of 16 teams qualify for the playoffs10. The playoffs start with the first teams with better records playing the teams with worse records in a best-of-five series11. The champions from the Eastern and Western conferences then meet in a best-of-seven series to determine the NBA championListening and SpeakingTask 11. The ancient Olympic Games began around the year 776 BC in Greece.2. 300.3. Faster,Higher,Stronger.Task 2(略)Learn English Through Songspretty;miles;Disappear;lonely;tonight;leave;better;takeUnit 10 Travel Around the WorldPre-listening ActivitiesassociationListening TasksTask One Understanding Short Conversations1. B2. A3. D4. C5. A6. B7. A8. B9.A 10. BTask Two Understanding a Long Conversation1. C2. B3. C4. D5. BTask Three Understanding PassagesPassage One1. C2. A3. D4. C5. BPassage Two1. C2. D3. A4. B5. CPassage Three1. C2. A3. B4. B5. ATask Four Compound Dictation1. especially2. travel3. fresh4. impressive5. historical6. construction7. empire8. tourists9. The Pyramids are a living legacy of the Egyptian civilization10. The pyramids were massive structures;some took 400 years to build11. It is also a popular wedding and honeymoon destinationListening and SpeakingTask 11. During the festive seasons.2. Tasting the delicious food is also another way of exploring Europe culture.3. Using e-services to book travel tickets and hotels.Task 2(略)Learn English Through Songselse;tonight;start;young;begun;belong;next;brand。

全新版大学英语听说教程4答案Unit 1Part BExercise11.A radio or TV program.2.Birthday celebrations around the world.3.They run a weekly column in the Toronto Daily Star.4.Because they can’t afford the cost.5.Because eighteen is the age when one is a ccepted as an adult with the right to vote, buy wines and drive a car.6.Because girls are considered to be more mature than boys of the same age.7.Turkey ,Egypt, Indonesia, Senegal.Exercise 2 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.F 7.F 8.TPart C 1)unique 2)globe 3)simultaneously 4)terrorist 5)remembrance 6)appropriate 7)sharing 8)The material can be submitted to the project organizers in Scotland. 9)It will allow a voice to all people regardless of nationality, religion, race, political viewpoint, gender or age. 10)Contributors will be invited to attend the first public performance of the film in their respective countries.Unit 2Part BExercise 1 d c b a aExercise 2 1.smoking is banned...public places...theaters and airports...all workplaces 2.have banned smoking...parks and recreation centers...a smoke-free park...smoke-free zones...375...January 1,2002...harmful effects of secondhand tobacco smoke...dangerous tobacco wastePart C d d a aUnit 3Part BExercise 1 d c a cExercise 2 were born with better memories….in different parts of the brain….Ideas, words...numbers...left-hand side….images, sounds...smells...right-hand side….chemicals such as adrenaline...boost memory...context…recall...to remember it...l ose it.Part C a d bUnit 4Part BExercise 1 d b d c d aExercise 2 Go round , everyone individually Hello , everyone , sat down everyone in the group Goodbye , left firmly quite gently your left hand , your pocket her left hand in her pocket first , invited to , titles first name , invited to own name , a stranger How do you do Part C c d bUnit 5Part BExercise 1 b c aExercise 2 F T F F F F T F T TPart C c d c a bUnit 6Part BExercise 1 a d d b c dExercise 2 business , economics had years of experience in , stuff they wanted to get rid of $110000 construction materials , old couches metals and electronics,over 60 percent , charities $ 3 million 130 16 , 80 , 2012Part C b c b aUnit 7Part B.Exercise 1 d c b b a bExercise 2 1. with a fortune, easier and freer, gains nothing, glittering baggage, attended to 2. the more snow it collects 3. comfort, enters the house a guest , becomes a host , a master 4. and ride mankind Match: 1. d 2. a 3. b 4. cPart C c a b bUnit 8Part BExercise 1 b c b a dExercise 2 1. He was only 20 years old. 2. There are 75 British cemeteries 3. The name of 55,000 missing soldiers are engraved on its walls. 4. There are no headstones, no flowers, only slabs in the grass. The whole place is dark and dank. 5. It was created by an explosion. 6. It dates from medieval timesPart C b d c d c bUnit 9Part BExercise 1 c c d c dExercise 2 Diana, Female ,Alzheimer’s disease ,53, four ,Memory 1. recognize familiar buildings husband’s workplace 2. no idea how to get home 3. recognize her cousin 4. her way round her office building made mistakesPart C 1) opportunities 2) services 3) longevity 4) specialty 5) structure 6) existences 7) complicated 8) the elderly must rely on a fixed income 9) while some live with their children, many more live by themselves, with a friend or in a nursing home 10) They have formed organizations to voice their own needs and concerns to local, state and federal agencies.Unit 10Part BExercise 1. b d a cExercise2 1. 41-foot sailing boat 2. dining table 3. devised their own curriculum 4. a shuttle launch, the Kennedy Space Center museums. 5. use a library 6. writing, science experiments,. artwork, projects 7. the world around them 8. a rain forest, a coral reef, historic ruins, foreign markets, local festivalsPart C a b c cUnit 11Part BExercise 1 a c b b cExercise 2 1. They are too high 2. So that people can be discouraged from using cars 3. She suggests that they use a graded charging system depending on how far they are from the city center. 4. Because they pollute the city center. 5. Use the bus or tram service.Part C a c c aUnit 12Part BExercise 1. c b d d d dExercise 2. 1. In Sweden in 1997. 2. On a South Pacific island in May 2000. 3. They had to find and cook their own food. Sometimes they even had to eat rats and worms. 4. Nine volunteers. They were filmed 24 hoursa day for 100 days. 5. On New Year’s Eve 1999 6. $1 million for the winner of Survivor an d $500,000 for the winner of Big Brother. 7. Big brother. Part C ab b d dUnit 13Part BExercise 1. 1. In an expensive restaurant in London. 2. No, he was brought up in England but now lives in South Africa. 3. With his sister and brother-in-law.Exercise 2. c a c c a aPart C d c b dUnit14Part BExercise 1. b d d c cExercise 2. 1. He wanted to buy some undetectable poison from the druggist. 2. A cup of coffee. 3. A pistol 4. A confession of his intention to poison his wife. 5. One thousand dollars. 6. He would mail it to a friend.7. Preventing murders.Part C c b b aTest 1.Part A 1. a 2. c 3.b 4.c 5.a 6.b 7. c 8.dPart B 9. c 10.d 11.a 12.b 13.d 14.b 15 cPart C 16). warned 17). cigarette !8). disease !9) extremely 20) kick 21) attempt 22)quit 23) They hope this will eventually enable many people to permanently kill the habit. 24) Smoking also can call a special telephone number to hear recorded messages by doctors. 25) Americans who do not smoke are being asked to help just one person quit smoking during the 24- hour campaign.Part D 26. a 27.d 28.a 29.b 30. d 31.a 32. c 33.a 34. c 35.dTest 2Part A 1. b 2.b 3.d 4.d 5.d 6. d 7.c 8. bPart B 9.d 10.d 11.c 12.a 3.d 14.a 15.bPart C 16) regularly 17) measure 18) range 19) media 20) preferences 21) appeal 22) strategies 23) polls are used to obtain information about voters’ attitudes toward issue s and candidates. 24) it is often possible to determine the probable winner even before the voting booths close. 25) The public’s attitude toward various social, economic, and international issues is also considered newsworthy.Part D 26. c 27.d 28. b 29.b 30. c 31.d 32. a 33. c 34. d 35. c。

新发展大学英语听力教程第4册课后练习题含答案课后练习第一部分:听力理解听力材料一1.What is the man looking for?2.What is the relationship between the man and the woman?3.What does the woman suggest the man should do?听力材料二1.What does the man think about the food?2.What is the woman’s opinion about the same food?3.What is the man’s suggestion for the meal?听力材料三1.Why does the woman need help?2.What is the man’s occupation?3.What will the woman get out of the man’s help?第二部分:听力填空听力材料一I went shopping for a new cell phone with my friend yesterday. She is so picky though. She spent over two hours looking at the different models and comparing them. She finally ________ (1) on the new iPhone model. I told her that she should have gotten the Samsung instead. Butshe sd that her friend had one and it had problems with the battery life.I hope she doesn’t have the same problem with her new phone.听力材料二My girlfriend and I went to a fancy restaurant for our anniversary.I ordered the fish, but it turned out to be very ________ (1). My girlfriend had the steak, and she loved it. After dinner, the wter asked if we wanted dessert. I suggested we share a piece of chocolate cake,but my girlfriend wanted the cheesecake. We ended up getting both, and they were delicious.听力材料三My neighbor asked me to help fix his bicycle. He sd the chn keeps falling off and he doesn’t have time to take it to a repr shop. I’mnot really a bike mechanic, but I offered to help. I work as an engineer, so I know a little bit about how things work. I’m sure I can fix thechn for him and make sure it doesn’t fall off agn in the future.答案第一部分:听力理解听力材料一1.A new cell phone.2.Friends.3.Purchase the new iPhone model.听力材料二1.Disappointed.2.Satisfied.3.Share a chocolate cake and a cheesecake.听力材料三1.To fix his bicycle chn.2.An engineer.3.The bicycle chn can be fixed and won’t fall off agn.第二部分:听力填空听力材料一1.Settled.听力材料二1.Delicious.听力材料三无填空。

《新发展大学英语听力-教程》答案————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:Unit 1 Modern LifeTask 1 Understanding Short ConversationsBAACA BBDCATask 2 Understanding a Long ConversationCBCDBTask 3 Understanding Passages(1)Industry, home DBCCA(2)ABDBBCC(3)Income worry, loneliness, CBDABTask 4 Compound Dictation1.grow2. diseases3. secrets4. human5. despite6. issues7. Identification8. Blood9. DNA testing has proven to be invaluable in investigating criminal cases10. DNA testing has come a long way from being used just for purposes of identification11. DNA testing might be our one existing hope to help humankind find the means in achieving a balanceUnit 2 What do you know about loveTask 1 Understanding Short ConversationsCBBBD DDCCBTask 2 Understanding a Long ConversationBCBDCTask 3 Understanding Passages(1)Love, Get rid of him or her as soon as possibleCBBCD(2)No, it isn’t.PsychologicallyBBDAD(3)This passage is about how to search and give love.Experiencing the flow of awareness.CBDCDTask 4 Compound Dictation1. relationships2. financial3. important4. simple5. based6. succeed7. respect8. engaging9. showing financial decisions with them, and the list goes on.10. And always remember, you can’t keep turning on then turning off doing the simple things.11. When you do, you will be surprised at how well this simple notion works.Unit 3 Job and Job SatisfactionTask 1 Understanding Short ConversationsACDBD CAABCTask 2 Understanding a Long ConversationBABDCTask 3 Understanding Passages(1)Job, career CBADD(2)A “1” career suggests you feel totally miserable about your career.Two.CACAD(3)Americans hate their jobs more than ever before in the past 20 years.The passage is about job dissatisfaction.CACDCTask 4 Compound Dictationpetitive2. Train3. Tasks4. Technique5. Area6. demand7. Aspect8. Practice9. You can apply this technique to any aspect of your job10. you are better at something or know more about it than the average person11. you will become someone employers want to hireUnit 4 Parents and ChildrenTask 1 Understanding Short ConversationsBACDA DACACTask 2 Understanding a Long ConversationDBACATask 3 Understanding Passages(1)His father is special and very understandingIn the same way his dad raised himCDDBA(2)Division eldersDABBA(3)They will always be there for usIt’s cruel.CDDDATask 4 Compound Dictation1.Positive2. Maintaining3. Ensure4. Upbringing5. Strengthening6. honestly7. Create8. Simple9. It doesn’t matter what you play, just enjoy each other10. parents can help to foster those decision-making skills by being supportive and even looking the other way on occasion11. your children need to know that you believe they are apriority in your lifeUnit 5 Pet OwnershipTask 1 Understanding Short ConversationsBDCBA CDDABTask 2 Understanding a Long ConversationDBDCATask 3 Understanding Passages(1)Americans spent more money on their pets.AABBC(2)Choosing a petThere are four types of pets mentioned in the passageCCBBD(3)Focus regularCBCADTask 4 Compound Dictation1.Grief2. Companion3. Shock4. Impact5. Uncontrolled6. sense7. Treated8. Depressed9. the fact that the pet lived becomes more important than the fact that the pet died10. it is important to remember that no loved pet is ever “replaced”11. but a new puppy or kitten will help to remind you of all the good things about your previous petUnit 6 Keeping FitTask 1 Understanding Short ConversationsCBBBB DBABCTask 2 Understanding a Long ConversationBDACCTask 3 Understanding Passages(1)This passage is about a study on breakfast.People will probably lose more weight if they reduce other meals instead of breakfast.CDBCA(2)Three.China, Russia and IndiaDCBAD(3)SleepThreeBCADDTask 4 Compound Dictation1.Movement2. Vessels3. Strengthening4. Weights5. Describes6. Outcomes7. Additional8. Intensity9. Most health benefits occur with at least 150 minutes a week of moderate intensity physical activity10. Both aerobic and muscle-strengthening physical activities are beneficial11. The health benefits of physical activity occur for people with disabilitiesUnit 7 Fables and Fairy TalesTask 1 Understanding Short ConversationsCCACD BADBATask 2 Understanding a Long ConversationACBDDTask 3 Understanding Passages(1)The story is mainly about an old woman who used her wisdom to punish thegreedy physician.At the old woman’s home.CBADC(2)The King wanted to teach people to help others.OneDBBCA(3)Paid any attentionTrapCBCADTask 4 Compound Dictation1.Collection2. Story-teller3. Remain4. Education5. Throughout6. Origin7. Independently8. Dating9. This is when the name Aesop first appeared.10. Generally, fables use animals or objects as part of the story, but the message is designed to refer to human beings.11. In more modern times fables have become a tool of helping children to understand moral concepts.Unit 8 Learning on CampusTask 1 Understanding Short ConversationsABCBB BDDADTask 2 Understanding a Long ConversationDBAAATask 3 Understanding Passages(1)A group of people organized for one purposeOne area of studyCBAAC(2)This passage is mainly about the value of a college educationFive benefits of a college education are mentionedADCDD(3)This passage is about the relationship between memory and learningCharles Dickens is mentioned to show that he has a very good memoryDBCACTask 4 Compound Dictationparing2.Curious3.Reality4.Embrace5.Barrier6.Experiment7.Urging8.Patient9.He can tolerate uncertainty and failure, and will keep trying until he gets ananswer10.He does not want to be told how to do the problem or solve the puzzle he hasstruggled with11.An unanswered question is not a challenge or an opportunity; but a threatUnit 9 Fascinating SportsTask 1 Understanding Short ConversationsCACDA BACDCTask 2 Understanding a Long ConversationCDDBBTask 3 Understanding Passages(1)TwoRunning/Long distance runningDABCB(2)Lifestyle sportsTrainingABDCA(3)This passage is mainly about the origin of an expression in the sport of baseballand its usageThe expression is mainly used in business and politicsBBACDTask 4 Compound Dictation1.Games2.Teamspete4.Exciting5.Cheering6.Club7.Cheerleaders8.Special9.They practice for many hours to learn the special jumping and cheering moves10.From elementary to high school, students start each day by standing up andshowing respect to the flag11.This is a promise to the country, which was written by people who came to the USover 200 years agoUnit 10 Preparations for a Wonderful TripTask 1 Understanding Short ConversationsCACDC ADBACTask 2 Understanding a Long ConversationCAACDTask 3 Understanding Passages(1)Travel guides /a travel guideA personADBDC(2)How to have a wonderful summer trip in EuropeThere are four suggestions mentioned in the passageCBDCC(3)There are six people in the familyThe speaker is an actress and her husband, Joe, is a lighting designerBDACCTask 4 Compound Dictation1.Essential2.Experience3.Wherever4.Condition5.Control6.Rainstorm7.Bothered8.Switch9.So always keep your phone on hand, and fully charged ready for any emergencies10.Remember to always keep your personal belongings safe while travelling11.Then you should be able to enjoy a stress free break。

新发展大学英语听力4(全新修订版)Unit10TravelAroundtheWorldU10 Travel Around the WorldPart 21.How many guidelines are listed in the passage for listeners to follow when giving tips?______________________________________2.Is it necessary to tip your housekeeper or maid, even if you are not satisfied with their service?_________________________________3.Is money the only way to show your gratitude for hotel staff’s service? _______________Part II. Task I. Understanding News ReportsVocabularycommand n. 军区,司令部(I1)cyberattack n. 网络攻击Air Force General 空军将军trafficking n. 非法交易(尤指毒品买卖)Northern Command (NORTHCOM)北方司令部Islamic State 伊斯兰国(极端恐怖组织)(I2)North American Aerospace Defense Command seductive a. 诱惑的(NORAD) 北美防空司令部Deir Ezzor 代尔祖尔(叙利亚东北部城市)Colorado Springs 科罗拉多泉市(美国城市)escort v. 护卫,护送Navy Admiral 海军上将Mediterranean Sea 地中海(I3)Pacific Air Forces (美国)空军太平洋司令部World Travel and Tourism Council世界旅行Defense Department 国防部及旅游理事会Defense Secretary 国防部长Euromonitor 欧睿公司(欧洲商情市场调研公司)News Item I1. A. Lori Robinson. B. Bill Gortney. C. Ash Carter. D. Notmentioned.2. A. Home-grown violent extremism. B. Military conflicts.C. Cyberattack.D. Trafficking of drugs and other illegal products. News Item 21. A. Islamic State tightened dress codes for women.B. Two women were arrested in the eastern Syrian city of Deir Ezzor.C. IS gained control of large areas of territory in Syrian and Iraq.D. U.S.-led international coalition stepped up its bombing campaign.2. A. Women can’t speak to men in public places.B. Women must wear black only.C. Women can’t hang laundry outside.D. Women can’t visit someone without a male escort.News Item 31. A. Terrorism has not been found to be the cause of the crash yet.B. Recovery teams continue the search for wreckage of flight 804.C. The crash of flight 804 is another blow to Egypt’s tourism industry.D. Egypt economy is highly dependent on tourism.2. A. On Tuesday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Thursday. D. On Friday.3. A. Russia. B. Britain. C. Germany. D. France.Task 2. Understanding Long Conversations.Vocabularyunderground a. 地下的,地面下的(C1)landmark n. 路标,地标(C2)Conversation One1. A. The bus has broken down. B. The bus goes directly to Brooklyn.C. The bus comes only every 30 to 45 minutes.D. The bus is very crowded at this time of day.2. A. He suggests that she take another bus. B. He suggests that she take the subway.C. He suggests that she wait for the bus.D. He suggests that she walk to the Museum.3. A. About eight stops down. B. Near Eastern Parkway.C. About a block down from the bus stop.D. About several blocks down from here.4. A. The woman doesn’t know much about New York subway system.B. The woman will follow the man to the nearest subway station.C. The woman wants to take a bus to the Brooklyn Museum at first.D. The woman is heading for Eastern Parkway to meet someone.5. A. Tourist and tour guide. B. T ourist and passer-by.C. Teacher and student.D. Wife and husband.Conversation Two1. A. Getting a map at the information center at the airport.B. Asking for a map of the area in the hotel.C. Learning the local language before traveling.D. Writing the destination in the local language.2. A. To keep asking different people for directions along theway.B. To ask one person and follow the directions.C. To follow the directions which you think is good.D. To ignore the directions which you think is wrong.3. A. A tourist. B. A delivery man.C. Someone passing through.D. A shop assistant.4. A. A tall building or a river is a good landmark.B. Landmarks can be seen easily.C. Tourists should always check for landmarks.D. Tourists don’t need to find landmarks if they have a map.Task 3 Understanding PassagesVocabularydine v. 吃饭,进餐(P1)heritage n.遗产theme n. 主题compass n. 指南针ride n. 乘坐装置cuisine n. 烹饪course n. 球场,跑道perfume n. 香水civilization n. 文明,文化(P2)Passage One1. A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.2. A. Euro Disney was set up in Paris in 1992.B. Euro Disney was set up in Japan in 1983.C. Euro Disney was set up in Florida in 1971.D. Euro Disney was set up in California in 1954.3. A. You can find the information from books.4.。

新发展大学英语听力教程新发展大学英语听力教程新发展大学英语听力教程新发展大学英语听力教程((((一一一一))))参考答案参考答案参考答案参考答案Unit 1 New Campus,,,,New Life Pre-listening Activities shapes;ages;characters Listening Tasks Task One Understanding Short Conversations 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. C 9. A10. B Task Two Understanding a Long Conversation 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B Task Three Understanding Passages Passage One 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C Passage Two 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A Passage Three 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C Task Four Compound Dictation 1. wandering 2. granted 3. natural 4. advocate 5. assume 6. sophomores 7. rare 8. disposal 9. some change dating“partner s”frequently,holding an opinion that they could show off their charm or accumulated experience 10. Last,the proportion of successfully married couples is too low 11. So,look before you leap,discard campus love and make a wiser decision after graduation Listening and Speaking Task 1 1. Y ou have become independent. 2. They may feel excited,but they may also have their fears and worries. 3. It means to have an opportunity to do something. Task 2 (略)Learn English through Movies romances;common;shooting;heavens;flash;desperate;unanswered;silence;farewell;packedUnit 2 Tales of Friendship Pre-listening Activities cards and flowers Listening Tasks Task One Understanding Short Conversations 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. D 10. B Task Two Understanding a Long Conversation 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A Task Three Understanding Passages Passage One 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. D Passage Two 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. B Passage Three 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C Task Four Compound Dictation 1. animals 2. nothing 3. happiness 4. Orange 5. shouted 6. full 7. wisdom 8. balance 9. Y ou foolish colors,don’t you know that you were each made for a special purpose,unique and different 10. each of you will stretch across the sky in a great bow of color as a reminder that you can all live in peace 11. whenever a good rain washes the world,a rainbow appears in the sky Listening and Speaking Task One 1. She felt homesick. 2. Y es,Sara also has the same problem. 3. She will go to the kitchen with Sara. Task Two (略)Learn English through Songs million;tell;chances;earth;pretendUnit 3 Lifestyles in Different Cultures Pre-listening Activities teenager;independent Listening Tasks Task One Understanding Short Conversations 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. A7. A8. D 9. D 10. B Task Two Understanding a Long Conversation 1. C 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A Task Three Understanding Passages Passage One 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. C Passage Two 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. C Passage Three 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C Task Four Compound Dictation 1. common 2. genuine 3. positive 4. interpreted 5. reflects 6. occupation 7. conveys 8. request 9. It is very common that the Chinese greet their friends by stating something obvious 10. Rather it is just a simple way of making contact 11. On most occasions,the above-mentioned are the common greeting methods among Chinese themselves Listening and Speaking Task One 1. Only three months ago. 2. He went to a very small village somewhere in southwestern China. 3. Their optimistic attitude towards life. Task Two (略)Learn English through TV Series blew;party;inside;obvious;better;crush;Anyway;worth;loved;cleaningUnit 4 Brief History of the Internet Pre-listening Activities 1998 Listening Tasks Task One Understanding Short Conversations 1. B 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. B Task Two Understanding a Long Conversation 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. B Task Three Understanding Passages Passage One 1. C 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. C Passage Two 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A Passage Three 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. D Task Four Compound Dictation 1. aspects 2. share 3. opportunity 4. vote 5. countless 6. glowing 7. passive 8. jam 9. some children have access to the scenes of violence and sex 10. meanwhile we should exploit its potential as well 11. people ought to experience more fruits of the information revolution Listening and Speaking Task One 1. Because she never knows who she is talking to. 2. It is convenient and can save time. 3. Writing a letter is safer than e-mail. Task Two (略)Learn English through Songs heaven;Life;memories;eyes;remindsUnit 5 Music,,,,Sweet Music Pre-listening Activities 1958;February Listening Tasks Task One Understanding Short Conversations 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. A8. D 9. B 10. C Task Two Understanding a Long Conversation 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B Task Three Understanding Passages Passage One 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C Passage Two 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C Passage Three 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. D5. A Task Four Compound Dictation 1. device 2. stores 3. designed 4. sales 5. upcoming6. gaining7. financially8. revolution9. that has served as a treat to music fans 10. The sound quality is excellent 11. having an ipod is a must not just among the music lovers Listening and Speaking Task One 1. Pop songs/music. 2. Because music makes her happy,especially when she’s in a bad mood. 3. Because the words of the song sound nice,which naturally can arouse their feelings. What’s more,it’s very emotional and the rhythms are full of energy and hope. Task Two (略)Learn English through Movies lift;thought;weddings;empty-handed;dead;bridesmaid;beating;abide;livings;arrivalUnit 6 Foreign Food Cultures Pre-listening Activities 15 Listening Tasks Task One Understanding Short Conversations 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. A10. D Task Two Understanding a Long Conversation 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B Task Three Understanding Passages Passage One 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C Passage Two 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. D Passage Three 1. B 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. C Task Four Compound Dictation 1. item 2. optional 3. manners 4. capable 5. temperature 6. stretch 7. even 8. napkin 9. By no means should pizza ever be eaten in as a whole uncut pie 10. it is all right to serve salads and other greens 11. Pizza should always be the main course Listening and Speaking Task One 1. Because the restaurant has a good selection and the prices are moderate. 2. They would like a booth in the nonsmoking section and sit by the window. 3. Medium. Task Two (略)Learn English through Songs different;feel;say;around;timeUnit 7 Celebrities and Their Stories Pre-listening Activities George Washington;Thomas Jefferson;Theodore Roosevelt;Abraham Lincoln Listening Tasks Task One Understanding Short Conversations 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. A10. B Task Two Understanding a Long Conversation 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. A Task Three Understanding Passages Passage One 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C Passage Two 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. CPassage Three 1. D 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C Task Four Compound Dictation 1. audience 2. graceful 3. dancing 4. Indian 5. athlete 6. challenging 7. talent 8. teenager 9. Maria Tallchief loved dancing,and people loved to watch her dance 10. Maria Tallchief continued to travel and dance,but she did not like being away from her family 11. Later,Maria Tallchief started a ballet school to help other talented youngsters develop their dance skills Listening and Speaking Task One 1. He is talkative and cheerful all the time. 2. She was always patient and generous. 3. His wife and kids. Task Two (略)Learn English through TV Series deathly;sullen;cuisine;signs;paint;grief;message;threatening;domestic;responded Unit 8 Wonderful Movies Pre-listening Activities 1935 Listening Tasks Task One Understanding Short Conversations 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A7. B 8. A9. A10. C Task Two Understanding a Long Conversation 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. A Task Three Understanding Passages Passage One 1. B 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. D Passage Two 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. C Passage Three 1. B 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. D Task Four Compound Dictation 1. term 2. field 3. industry 4. images 5. effects 6. created 7. affect 8. entertainment 9. give motion pictures a universal power of communication 10. had historically been the primary medium for recording and displaying motion pictures 11. the big screen,the silver screen,the cinema,and the movies Listening and Speaking Task One 1. The new movie,Spiderman. 2. Tom suggests she watch the movie right away. 3. Two more. Task Two (略)Learn English through Songs show;projector;lips;cartoon;liUnit 9 Y ou are What Y ou Wear Pre-listening Activities a fashion house Listening Tasks Task One Understanding Short Conversations 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. B Task Two Understanding a Long Conversation 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B Task Three Understanding Passages Passage One 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. D Passage Two 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C Passage Three 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. D Task Four Compound Dictation 1. statement 2. misconception 3. slim 4. perfect 5. possesses 6. plus-sized 7. patterns 8. currently 9. It matches the bold attitude of the youth today,who care about what others think 10. as every other outfit is different and has something unique and attractive 11. So investing a little time and money in them is surely worth it any day Listening and Speaking Task One 1. More than two billion T-shirts are sold worldwide in a year. 2. T-shirts give a different kind of expression to one’s professional image. 3. The three themes are protecting the environment,human rights and saving whales. Task Two (略)Learn English through Movies departure;blonde;breaking;alone;dramatic;cast;bolt;decision;choose;fictionUnit 10 Western Holidays Pre-listening Activities Christmas trees;lights;mistletoes Listening Tasks Task One Understanding Short Conversations 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. A9. B 10. A Task Two Understanding a Long Conversation 1. C 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. C Task Three Understanding Passages Passage One 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. B Passage Two 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C Passage Three 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D Task Four Compound Dictation 1. non-foolish 2. identified 3. tradition 4. prior 5. reform 6. traveled 7. celebrate 8. backward 9. Over time,this became a tradition on the first day of April 10. Nobody is expected to buy gifts or to take their“significant other”out to eatin a fancy restaurant 11. but a holiday on which one must remain forever alert,for he may be the next April Fool Listening and Speaking Task One 1. Children honor their mothers with cards,gifts and flowers. 2. From 1907. 3. In 1914. Task Two (略)Learn English through Songs light;troubles;golden;together;shini。

Unit 1 Shopping and Banking OlinePart I Getting readyB. Keys:1: drop 2: shopping 3: mouse 4: feet 5: retailing 6: street 7: get 8: down 9: third-party 10: online 11:30% 12: malls 13: Britain 14: gift-buying 15:50% 16: net 17: peroidC. Keys:1 : the site2 : merchant, addresses/phone numbers/call up3 : strict safety measuresPart II Net shopping under fireA. Keys:1 : delivery, delivery2 : delivery charges3 : personal information, 87%4 : returning goods, 47%5 : order, 35%, dispatch, 87%6 : money back, twoB. Keys:1 : convenience2 : choice3 : obstacles4 : complete trust5 : build consummers' trust6 : mature7 : payment8 : service Part III Banking at homeA. Keys:1 : limited opening hours2 : Online banking services3 : getting current information on products4 : e-mailing questions to the bank5 : competing for customers6 : having no computers at homeB. Keys:1 : It is banking through the Internet.2 : 'Online banking' offers convenience which appeals to the kind of customer banks want to keep.3 : Banks most want to keep people who are young, well-educated, and have good incomes.Part IV More about the topic: Secret of Good Customer ServiceB. Keys:English Good Customer Service(Harrods)1 : in a pleasant environment2 : Second to none3 : different customers, take a look at everything, alternatives, come to sales assistants4 : first contact with the customerAmerican Good Customer Service(Saks)1 : human side, family, occasions in life, a partnership2 : repeat business, salesPart V Do you know…?Keys:1 : c2 : a、b、c3 : a、b、c4 : c5 : c6 : bTape scriptPart I Getting readyC.Consumers who want to shop online are suggested to bear the following things in mind:Evaluate the site. Always buy goods from well-known and trustworthy companies. Deal with companies which offer customer service, a complaints procedure and have a refund policy.Talk to merchant. E-mail and wait for reponses. Take down the addresses and phone numbers of those companies and make sure they are real by calling them up before buying any products and services.Ensure secure connection. Since buyers must submit personal information like number and expiry date of the card there are fears over security. Deal with sites that apply strict safety measures that require shoppers to give specific data known only to card holders before making the transaction.Be extra careful at a cybercafe or other public connection.Part II Net shopping under fireThere is an urgent need for e-commerce rules to boost confidence in buying online. Consumers International, a federation of 245consumer organizations — including the UK's Consumers Association —said its survey showed that there were still obatacles to shopping online with complete trust.The study, funded by the European Union, involved buying more than 150 items from 17 countries. Each consumer organization taking part tried to find one site in its own country and one abroad to buy a selection of items. These included a dictionary, a doll, jeans, a hairdryer, computer software and hardware, chocolates and champagne.The key findings were:Eight of the items ordered took more than a month to reach their destination and at least 11 (eight percent) never arrived.Many sites did not give clear information about delivery charges.Only 13% of the sites promised that they would not sell customers' personal information on to a third party.Only 53% of the companies had a policy on returning goods.Only 65% of the sites provided confirmation of the order and only 13% told customers when their goods had been dispatched.In two cases,customers are still waiting for their money back more than four months after returning their goods.Louis Sylvan, vice-president of Consumers International, said, "This study shows that, although buying items over the Internet can benefit the consumer by offering convenience and choice, there are still many obstacles that need to be overcome before consumers can shop in cyberspace with complete trust."Chris Philips, Marketing Manager at a London based e-commerce security company commented, "This study confirms the difficulties of establishing consumers' trust in the Internet as a shopping experience. With statistics like these and Visa claiming 47% of disputes and fraud cases were Internet-related, it is little wonder that Internetcommerce is not producing the profits predicted two or three years ago. Trust takes time to build, and the Internet will not mature as a retail channel until trusted brands, like the banks for example, start to offer ways of supporting trust relationships with guarantees payment and service."In September, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development will hold a meeting to discuss a set of international guidelines for electronic commerce.Part III Banking at homeMany people dislike walking to the bank, standing in long lines, and running out of checks. They are dissatisfied with their bank's limited hours, too. They want to do some banking at night, and on weekends. For such people, their problems may soon be over. Before long, they may be able to do their banking from the comfort of their own home, any hour of the day, any day of the week.Many banks are preparing "online branches," or Internet offices, which means that people will be able to take care of much of their banking business through their home computers. This process is called interactive banking. At these online branches, customers will be able to view all their accounts, move money between their accounts, apply for a loan, and get current information on products such as credit cards. Customers will also be able to pay their bills electronically, and even e-mail questions to the bank.Banks are creating online services for several reasons. One reason is that banks must compete for customers, who will switch to another bank if they are dissatisfied with the service they receive. The convenience of online banking appeals to the kind of customer banks most want to keep —people who are young, well-educated, and have good incomes. Banks also want to take advantage of modern technology asthey move into the twenty-first century.Online banking may not be appropriate for everyone. For instance, many people do not have computers at home. Other people prefer to go to the bank and handle their accounts the traditional way. Even though online banking may never completely replace a walk-in bank, it is a service that many customers are going to want to use.Part IV More about the topic: Secret of Good Customer Service In Britain they ask you, "Are you being served?" Whilst in America they tell you to "Have a nice day." But what is the secret of good customer service? From Harrods in London and Saks New York, we're going to find out the dos and don'ts of selling protocol.The reason that Harrods has been so successful over a hundred and fifty years is two fold. First of all they've offered their customers the products they want to buy in a pleasant environment. But secondly and more importantly, the level of customer service that they've given their customers, before sale, during sale and after sale, has been second to none. I think it's fair to say that if you compare the British with our cousins elsewhere in the world that we are actually quite a reserved lot. To a certain extent there are a lot of shrinking violets in this country who would rather just do their own thing. They'd rather wander around and browse and if they do need any help eventually, ask for it. So I think the way that we approach our own U.K. based customers is actually slightly different to the way we know we need to approach. For example, an American customer, or indeed a Japanese customer, or a Middle Eastern customer, who all have different ways of doing things.Well in serving different, I guess, nationalities, you do take very different approaches. With Europeans, for example, you do kind of let them take a look at everything. See what's being on offer and then ask them if they need any help. I think they'd probably much moreprefer to come to you, rather than you so much to go to them. The American customer very much expects you to go to them, approach them, show them alternatives. Well I think maybe the more European or British customer can be almost turned off by that if someone is seen to be too aggressive, maybe too anxious to make a sale.It's most important that the first contact, the first initial meeting with the customer is a good and successful one because on that basis, the customer will make up their mind what they want to do next.I quite like the English sales assistants because they definitely have better thing to do than talk to you, which I like. It's very terrifying when you go to America. "Can I help you?" they're like licking you. You're just like, "No, I'm fine. I just want to look." That puts me off. I love the English sales assistant.So where have you experienced the very best in customer service?Umm, probably America. In terms of best as in, they give you so much attention it's almost embarrassing. They treat you, you know, the "have a nice day" thing. They' want to help you. They want you to buy, 'cause they often work on a commission basis. That's if you like best. But I prefer the ... like, being ignored.Tamara:I think England's still way behind in terms of, like America for example. I can call in America from London and they'll track the item down. It's not like, "Sorry madam we don't have that in your size."I just got the Gucci boots, which mine had actually broken. And in England they said, "Sorry" you know, that's it. So this woman in Los Angeles tracked them down and, in fact got them for me. That's because they work on commission. And the sooner we learn that, the better the service will get.So what do the Americans have to say? They may speak with adifferent accent. But is the sales pitch a foreign language to the rest of the world?I think part of the reason Americans are known as experts is that we tend to focus a lot more in the human side of selling, not the mechanical side, which is the register and knowing about the product. We really want to know about your lifestyle. We want to know about your family. We want to know about your income. We want to know about your occasions in your life. And that's very different outside of the United States. Our consumer actually is comfortable with forming a partnership with a sales associate and giving up that information, very personal information, very personal information. I think that best part about Saks sales associate training that we actually develop customers, five different types of customers and we videotape them and put them up in front of every new sales associate and say, "This is our customers." They're very different. Each one of them is a top customer at Saks but they shop in a very different way. A lot of stores in this industry really measure selling effectiveness by sales and quite frankly that's not what Saks is about. I think the way you measure good quality staff is by repeat business. Obviously if you have someone on your selling floor that has a clientele, that is the measure of a good sales associate.Part V Do you know…?"Everybody loves a bargain, "this is a common American saying.A bargain is something you buy for less than its true vale. It is something you might not buy if it costs more.One person's useless ugly object can be another person's bargain. So many Americans put it outside with a "for sale" sign on it and they have a yard sale.Just about anything can be sold at a yard sale: clothing, cooking equipment, old toys, tools, books and chairs, even objects you thinkare extremely ugly or useless. You may have an electric light shaped like a fish. You may greatly dislike its looks, but it may be beautiful to someone else. Usually the seller puts a price on each object. But the price can almost always be negotiated. The price of a table, for example, might be marked $10. But the seller may accept 8. If the table has not been sold by the end of the day, the seller probably will take much less.Some people go to yard sales because it is part of their job. They earn their livings by buying old things at low prices then selling them at higher prices. Many others, however, go to yard sales just to have fun. They say it is like going on a treasure hunt. Sometimes they really do find the treasure.Ned Jaudere did. The Boston Globe newspaper says Mr. Jaudere has been collecting native American Indian objects since he was a young man. Last year, he stopped at a yard sale in the northeastern city of Worcester, Massachusertts. He paid $125 for what everyone thought was an old wooden club. Mr. Jaudere thought it was something else. Two days later, he confirmed that the club had been used by the Wampanoag Indian leader known as King Philip. King Philip used it during his war with the white settlers at eastern Massachusetts in 1675. The historic weapon had been stolen from a museum in 1970 and had been missing ever since. Mr. Jardere learnt the war club was valued at about $150 000 but he did not sell it or keep it. Mr. Jaudere returned the club to the museum near Boston Massachusetts from which it was stolen.Questions:1. Which of the following is a common American saying?2. What can be sold at a yard sale?3. Why do people go to a yard sale?4. When was the old wooden club stolen?5. What was the real value of the club?6. Why was the club at a great value?Unit 2 Hotel or B&BPart I Getting readyB. Keys:1 : 35%, 60%2 : 45%, 20%3 : 60%, 80%4 : 30%, 15%5 : 50%, 70%6 : 30%, 20%C. Keys:(1)1 : £30/single; £60/double, children under 12 2 : £29/full board3 : £28/double+bath, excluded(2) 1 : hot food, fried egg 2 : coffee, tea, jam, cooked 3 : dinner, bed and breakfast 4 : the room plus all meals 5 : Value Added Tax Part II A touch of homeOutline I : bed and breakfast, 15 000, advantages over big hotels II : meeting different people III : features, 1883, guests IV : B&Bs not suitable for some peoplePart III Renting a carA. Keys: 1 : three 2 : Mon. July 10th 3 : station wagon 4 : $79.955 : $59.956 : 4 p.m.7 : 10 a.m.8 : ' free9: 12 cents 10 : $1011 : 8% 12 : '$100B. Keys: a compact car/a station wagon/ automatic transmission/ current models/ pick up/return the car/special weekend rate/regular rate/ unlimited mileage/ insurance/ sales tax/ a full tank of gas/ deposit/ lowest rates.Part IV More about the topic: What Type of Room Do You Want?A. Keys: 1: 5 2: 2 3: 6 4: 4 5: 3 6: 1B. Keys: 1 : £40, all grades 2 : £55, Sales 3 : £150, Managerial, entertaining private guest, the lake 4: £220, privacy,country-side, kitchenPart V Do you know…?A. Keys: (France)Italy, (2)3, (3)2, (4)8(Loudon,UK)Paris,France, (8)4 B. Keys: 1 : F 2 : T 3 : F 4 : F 5 : TTape scriptPart I Getting readyB.A: Good morning. I'd like some information about tourist figures, please. First, about accommodation. What proportion of tourists stay in hotels? B: Well, in an average year 60% of tourists stay in hotels, but this year 35% are staying in hotels. A: What proportion of tourists stay in holiday camps? B: Well, in an average year 20% of tourists stay in holiday camps, but this year 45% are staying in holiday camps. A: Now, about places visited. What proportion of tourists visit Europe? B: Well, in an average year 80% of tourists visit Europe, but this year 60% are visiting Europe. A: And what proportion of tourists visit the U.S.A.? B: Well, in an average year 15% of tourists visit the U.S.A., but this year 30% are visiting the U.S.A.. A: Now, about methods of transport. What proportion of tourists go by plane? B: Well,in an average year about 70% of tourists go by plane, but this year about 50% are going by plane. A: What proportion of tourists take their own car?B: Well, in an average year about 20% of tourists take their own car, but this year about 30% are taking their own car. A: Thank you very much for your help.C.C:… so here's a brochure with the hotels in Midford. It gives you all the rates …T:I'm sorry, my English isn't so good. Can you explain this to me?C:Yes, of course. First of all we have the Castle Inn … here …it's the cheapest. It will cost you only £12 for a single room and £15 for a double. The price includes continental breakfast. If you want a full English breakfast you'll have to pay extra …T:What is this "English breakfast"?C:Oh, you know, hot food: fried egg, fried bacon, porridge …whereas the continental breakfast is coffee, tea, rolls, jam and honey — nothing cooked, you see.T:I think I would prefer the continental breakfast.C:Well, yes, that's included. And then we have the Dalton Hotel, more expensive, but very nice, a bathroom attached to every room. The Dalton charges £30 for a single room and £60 for a double. But there is no charge for children under 12 who stay in the same room as their parents.T:I won't have my children with me. But maybe my husband will come a little later …C:Well, the Park Hotel is very reasonably priced. £16 per person. Every room has a bath. There's a special rate of £25 which includes dinner, bed and breakfast — what we call half board. Or you can have full board, that's the room plus all meals for £29 per person per night.T:We would only want breakfast.C:I see. Mm … you could try the fourth hotel here, the Phoenix. It will cost you £28 for a double room with bath. Breakfast is £5 per person.T:Yes. But what about the extra money, what do you call it in English, the service...C:All these rates include a service charge of 10%. They also include VAT - that's Value Added Tax.T:If we come later in the year will it be cheaper?C:Yes. These are the rates for June to September. You would pay less at other times of the year.T:I'll talk about it with my husband. Thank you for explaining everything to me.C:You're very welcome.Part II A touch of homeBev Rose is a very good hostess. She tells the guests in her home there are sodas in the refrigerator, snacks in the kitchen, and videos next to the TV.But Rose's guests aren't out-of-town family or friends. Her guests are from all over the world. Rose's house is like a small hotel. It is called a bed and breakfast or B&B for short. The name of Rose's B&B is Suits Us.Rose and her husband have joined a growing number of people who are operating B&Bs in their homes. B&Bs offer the charm, comfort, and hospitality that is often missing in big hotels. That's why there are many people who would rather stay at a B&B than a hotel when they travel.There are about 15 000 B&Bs across the U.S. Each year they welcome millions of visitors. And the number is increasing. "I think guests are looking for the personal touch," said Pat Hardy, the director of the American Bed and Breakfast Association. "In a B&B, you don't have a room number. The owner knows who you are and helps you enjoy your trip," Hardy said. Travelers often want more than just a place to sleep. They like B&Bs because the owner takes a personal interest in them.Rose said one of the best things about owning a B&B is meetingall the different people. She loves watching the guests meet each other for the first time at breakfast. "It's really fun to stand in the kitchen and talk with my guests. Even though most of them have just met for the first time, the conversations at the breakfast table are really interesting and lively."Many B&Bs are older homes with interesting histories. Suits Us was built in 1883. The rooms are filled with antiques and 19th-century decorations. The Roses rent three of the upstairs bedrooms to guests. Every room at Suits Us has its own personality. The Roses have named several of the rooms for previous guests. For example, one of the rooms is named the Woodrow Wilson Room because the former U.S. President stayed there. Another room is called the Annie Oakley Room because the famous cowgirl was once a guest there.Bed and breakfasts aren't for everyone. Some people aren't comfortable staying in someone else's home. And other people don't care for the personal interaction. But for a quiet, romantic place to stay, many people are checking into bed and breakfasts instead of hotels. Once people have stayed in a B&B, they often find it hard to go back to hotels.Part III Renting a carA:Good afternoon. U-Drive-It rentals. May I help you?C:Hi, yeah. I'm interested in, uh, renting a car for the weekend, and I'm wondering if you have a special weekend rate?A:Yes, we do. [Mm-hmm.] Uh …what sort of car were you interested in?C:Well, we're a family of three and we have camping equipment. Now, I'm used to driving a small car, but I might need something a little larger because of the family and, uh …all the equipment that we have. A:Well, um … I could suggest a compact car for/to you.[Mm-hmm.] Some of our compacts have … have large trunks, [OK.] or, uh …Oh, better yet, why not a small station wagon? [Oh, good.] Um …all our cars are current models and, uh, have automatic transmission.C:Oh, well, I'm used to driving a standard, but I guess there's no problem with automatic transmission.A:No, no. If you can drive a standard you can drive an automatic. [Mh-hmm.] Uh, now, listen, when were you … uh … interested in …in renting this?C:Uh, well, we'll be leaving on a Friday, that's the …let's see, that's Friday, July 7th, and then returning on the Monday. That would be the tenth.A:Mm-hmm. Well, let's see … uh … we have … uh … Oh! We have a Pinto station wagon for those dates. [Mm-hmm. Good.] Um … yeah, I think … I think that's your best bet.C:OK. Uh … well, then when would we have to pick up the car and when would we have to return the car to get that special weekend rate?A:Well, for the weekend rate you have to pick up the car after four o'clock on Friday afternoon [Uh-huh.] and then return it by ten o'clock on Monday morning.C:After four on Friday and returning by ten o'clock on Monday morning. [Mm-hmm.] OK. What … uh … uh, what would be the price for that?A:OK, now, our … our regular rate is seventy-nine ninety-five. [Ooh!] but the special weekend rate w…you can get that for fifty-nine ninety-five. [Oh, Great.] Um …now the first three hundred miles are free, [Mm-hmm…] after that it's twelve cents per mile.C:Oh, so it's twelve cents a mile extra after the first three hundred miles?A:That's right.C:OK. Uh …do you have any …um …rentals with unlimited mileage?A:Well, we do, but you can't get that special weekend rate.C:Uh-huh. OK. Well, then does the fifty-nine ninety-five - that was the rate, right? [Mm-hmm.] — does that include insurance?A:No … um … the insurance is ten dollars more, but I really recommend it.C:Yeah.A:OK, now there's a … there's a sales tax of eight percent, [Mm-hmm…] and … um … you have to return the car with a full tank of gas. [Uh-huh.] Also, we require a deposit of a hundred dollars.C:Oh boy. It sure adds up!A:Well, our rates are still the lowest in town.C:Uh-huh. OK. Well, I tell you what. I'd like to think about it, if that's right, and then I'll call you back…uh…A:Sure, that's fine. Uh, listen, when you …when you do call back, ask for Doug. That's me.C:OK. Well, thanks a lot. Doug. Goodbye.A:Take care.Part IV More about the topic: What Type of Room Do You Want?S: If the terms are favorable, we could come to an arrangement for regular accommodation. Now, I wanted to discuss the types of room with you, and rates for their use.M:Certainly. The rates I’ll quote to you first of all are what we call "rack rates" , that is the normal rates quoted to the public. But obviously we would discuss a discount rate for you. Now, as regards the rooms, they are all of a very high standard. All our rooms have central heating. Most of them are with bathroom, and they all have a washbasin and a toilet.S:That sounds fine. Can you tell me about your single rooms?M:Yes. Our single rooms are very comfortable, and the rates are very reasonable. I think you'd find them suitable for visiting staff of all grades. The rack rate is £40 a night.S: £40 a night …M:Yes. Or for real economy, let's suppose you have a sales conference. You could double up your sales staff and put them into twin rooms. That would work out very cheaply. The normal rate is £55 per twin or double room per night.S: Well, we might consider that possibility. But we also have some quite important visitors sometimes. Have you any really special accommodation we can offer them?M: Well, suppose you have visiting managerial staff. For something more luxurious, we can offer our Delphos Suite. It's delightful, and convenient for entertaining private guests. It has its own private terrace where guests can sit outside and enjoy the view over the lake …S: That sounds most attractive …M: The normal rate is £150 per night …S: £150.M: …but for total luxury, the finest accommodation of any hotel in this area, I can recommend our Bella Vista Penthouse. From the balcony, there's a magnificent view over the whole countryside.S: Oh, lovely.M: It has a bedroom connecting to a large sitting room, with a separate study, a bathroom, and a fully-fitted kitchen. It combines total luxury with total privacy. For example, if your Company Director and his wife wanted to stay for a few days it would be ideal.S: And the rate?M: The normal rate would be £220 a night.Part V Do you know…?Five U.S. hotels were voted among the world's top ten, with the Halekulani in Honolulu ranking first, a survey of Gourmet magazine readers released last Friday said.Coming in second was the Oriental, in Bangkok, Thailand, followed by Villa d'Este, Cernobbio, Italy; The Regent Hong Kong, and Hotel Ritz, Paris.The Greenbriar, in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia ranked No. 8. The 10th-ranked hotel was the Four Seasons Resort Nevis, in Charlestown, Nevis, West Indies.More than 150 hotels, resorts and inns in 27 countries and regions were ranked in general and specific categories that rated such things as dining, bars, pools, workout centers and romantic atmosphere. This is the third year that Gourmet, which has more than 5 million readers, has conducted the survey.Another U.S. hotel, the Mansion on Turtle Creek in Dallas, topped the list for restaurant dining, beating out the Connaught in London, Italy's Villa d'Este and Bangkok's the Oriental. The Four Seasons in Philadelphia was No. 5.In the specific category of best business hotels, the Regent Hong Kong ranked first as it has for the past three years. In other categories, Paris' Hotel Ritz with its Roman thermal baths was voted to have the best pools and The Green- briar in West Virginia was found to have the best workout center, golf and tennis.Unit 3 “Planting” MoneyPart I Getting readyC. Keys:1 : Sincere; Y 2 : Doubtful; N 3 : Sarcastic; N 4 : Doubtful; N 5 : Sincere; Y 6 : Skeptical; N 7 : Surprised; Y 8 : Sincere; Y 9 : Emphatic; Y 10 : Sarcastic; NPart II National teach children to save day。
新发展大学英语听力教程4 (全新修订版)Unit 8 Education in Western Countries

Unit 8 Education in Western CountriesPart II P1021、Considerable variation existed to the degree in which communities and schools providedthe ______ to help adolescents make productive use of their time.2、Once students arrive home, weekday time seems to revolve around schoolwork,television, ________.3、Extracurricular activities are believed to play multiple roles for students: they stimulateinterest, occupy leisure time, provide opportunities for ____________, and _________.Part II. Task I.VocabularyAmerican Space Agency 美国空间局II defection n 背叛,变节collaborative a. 协作的,合作的propaganda n 政治宣传Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lure v. 吸引,引诱(美国)疾病控制与预防中心News Item I1. A. Scientists have named a new village on the earth as “Moon village”.B. Scientists have discovered some rare minerals on the moon.C. Scientists have sent humans to the moon.D. Scientists decide to build a base on the moon.2. A. In the 2020s. B. In the 2030s.C. In the 2040s.D. In the 2050s.News Item 21. A. The spreading of a disease in the United States.B. The growth of population in the United States.C. The recession of economy in the United States.D. The influence of terrorism in the United States.2. A. Women aged between 43 and 75.B. Women aged between 43 and 64.C. Women aged between 45 and 75.D. Women aged between 43 and 64.News Item 31. A. To be cautious about being stolen.B. To be cautious about being kidnapped.C. To be cautious about being cheated.D. To be cautious about being infected with diseases.2. A. Forbidding North Koreans to enter South Korea.B. Providing job opportunities to North Koreans.C. Killing North Koreans in foreign countries.D. Kidnapping 13 female North Koreans.3. A. They were killed.B. They were put into prison.C. They were trained to be spies.D. They were refused to return to their motherland.Task 2. Understanding Long ConversationsVocabularytechnician n. 技术人员(CI) herb medicine 草药(C2)brush up 提高first aid 急救Conversation One1. A. Computer science.B. Comparative science.C. Selling computer software.D. Selling computer hardware.2. A. Being a teacher at a school of computer science.B. Dealing with computer problems in Britain.C. Going back home and practice in his country.D. Doing a lot of useful work in different countries.3. A. English. B. Spanish.C. French.D. German.4. A. English and computer. B. Art and music.C. Mathematics and physics.D. Design and programming.5. A. Because Britain has some of the best techniques of computer science in the world.B. Because Britain has some of the best schools of computer science in the world.C. Because Britain has some of the best equipment of computer science in the world.D. Because Britain has some of the best experts of computer science in the world. Conversation Two1. A. Preliminary education in the United States.B. High school education in the United States.C. College education in the United States.D. Adult education in the United States.2. A. On weekends or at night. B. Only on weekends.C. Only at nights.D. Only on weekdays.3. A. A training certificate. B. A proficiency certificate.C. A professional certificate.D. A participation certificate.4. A. Language and arts. B. First aid and arts.C. Language and dance.D. Arts and dance.Task III. Understanding PassagesVocabularycompulsory a. 义务的(P1)counterpart n. 对应的人或物bachelor n. 学士coddled a. 娇惯的entitled a. 有资格的flatten v. 变平syllabus n. 教学大纲bully v. 恐吓(P3)inspector n. 检查人员charity n. 慈善团体idealistic a. 有理想的(P2)shun v. 躲避Passage One1. A. At the age of five. B. At the age of six.C. At the age of seven.D. At the age of eight.2. A. Two years. B. Two and a half.C. Three years.D. Four years.3. A. Sixteen. B. Seventeen.C. Eighteen.D. Nineteen.4. A. A 3-year Bachelor’s Degree. B. A 4-year Bachelor’s Degree.C. Master’s Degree.D. Doctor of Philosophy.5. A. In England, full-time education is compulsory for all children aged between 5 and 16.B. In England, there is also a tradition of independent schooling.C. The state controls syllabuses as well as admission procedures.D. The state still has control over teacher training courses.Passage Two1. A. Business. B. The social sciences.C. Education.D. Psychology.2. A. Today’s students have become more idealistic.B. Today’s students believe that business as a major will give them a stable income.C. Today’s stud ents want to change the lifestyle they grew up with.D. Today’s students believe that business as major will help them go into service profession.3. A. Statistics.B. Education.C. Psychology.D. The social sciences.4. A. Because the students have no other choices.B. Because the students have grown up more coddled than past generations.C. Because the students want to live in other countries.D. Because the world flattens and students see more opportunities.5. A. By nearly 10,000.B. By nearly 35,000.C. By nearly 54,400.D. By nearly 64,400.Passage Three1. A. Because they cannot afford the increasing tuition in school.B. Because there are so many pupils and schools are not enough.C. Because parents want to teach their children at home.D. Because parents are concerned about religions or increased testing and bullying inschool.2. A. Dozens of families are contacting them every week.B. Parents no longer want their children in the classroom.C. The leading charities are the Home Education Advisory Service and EducationOtherwise.D. The number of parents approaching them is rising.3. A. 140,000.B. 15 percent of the school population.C. As high as the school population.D. 1.5 percent of the U.K. population.4. A. Children are not allowed to go to school at age of six.B. Children are not allowed to go to school at age of five.C. The European countries start formal school at the age of six or seven.D. Britain start formal school at five or even earlier.5. A. Some parents educate their children only for the period of primary schooling.B. The Government shows concern over the rising trend of home education.C. The Government recognized the right of parents to educate their children at home.D. There are concerns over the long-term social effect of withdrawing children fromschool.。

Exercise 2: 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.F 7.F 8.T
Part C
1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.T 7.T 8.F 9.T 10.F
Part C
1. c 2. d 3. c 4. a 5. b
Part D
green: sign of life and of hope
blue: color of the sky and the sea
orange: color of health and strength
things are in the saddle, and ride mankind.
Part C
Exercise: 1.c 2.d 3.a 4.b 5.b
Part D
He is CEO and co-founder of John Paul Mitchell Systems
Hair care products.
Part D
The reasons why boundaries between countries are fading.
fading of boundaries of class and caste in societies/relaxation of immigration laws in many counties/freedom for people to convert to other religions/birth of the Internet
Part B
Exercise 1: 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. C

全新版大学英语听说教程4答案Unit 1Part BExercise11.A radio or TV program.2.Birthday celebrations around the world.3.They run a weekly column in the Toronto Daily Star.4.Because they can’t afford the cost.5.Because eighteen is the age when one is accepted as an adult with the right to vote, buy wines and drive a car.6.Because girls are considered to be more mature than boys of the same age.7.Turkey ,Egypt, Indonesia, Senegal.Exercise 21.F2.F3.T4.F5.F6.F7.F8.TPart C1)unique2)globe3)simultaneously4)terrorist5)remembrance6)appropriate7)sharing8)The material can be submitted to the project organizers in Scotland.9)It will allow a voice to all people regardless of nationality, religion, race, political viewpoint, gender or age.10)Contributors will be invited to attend the first public performance of the film in their respective countries.Unit 2Part BExercise 1d c b a aExercise 21.smoking is banned...public places...theaters and airports...all workplaces2.have banned smoking...parks and recreation centers...a smoke-free park...smoke-free zones...375...January 1,2002...harmful effects of secondhand tobacco smoke...dangerous tobacco wastePart Cd d a aUnit 3Part BExercise 1d c a cPart Ca d bUnit 4Part BExercise 1d b d c d aPart Cc d bUnit 5Part BExercise 1b c aExercise 2F T F F F F T F T TPart Cc d c a bUnit 6Part BExercise 1a d dbc dExercise 2business , economicshad years of experience in , stuff they wanted to get rid of $110000construction materials , old couchesmetals and electronics , over 60 percent , charities$ 3 million13016 , 80 , 2012Part Cb c b aUnit 7Part B.Exercise 1d c b b a bExercise 21.with a fortune, easier and freer, gains nothing, glittering baggage, attended to2.the more snow it collectsfort, enters the house a guest , becomes a host , a master4.and ride mankindMatch: 1. d 2. a 3. b 4. cPart Cc a b bUnit 8Part BExercise 1b c b a dExercise 21.He was only 20 years old.2.There are 75 British cemeteries3.The name of 55,000 missing soldiers are engraved on its walls.4.There are no headstones, no flowers, only slabs in the grass. The whole place is dark and dank.5. It was created by an explosion.6.It dates from medieval timesPart Cb dcd c bUnit 9Part BExercise 1c cd c dExercise 2Diana, Female ,Alzheimer’s disease ,53, four ,Memory1.recognize familiar buildings husband’s workplace2.no idea how to get home3.recognize her cousin4. her way round her office building made mistakesPart C1)opportunities 2) services 3) longevity 4) specialty 5) structure 6) existences 7) complicated 8) the elderly must rely on a fixed income 9) while some live with their children, many more live by themselves, with a friend or in a nursing home 10) They have formed organizations to voice their own needs and concerns to local, state and federal agencies.Unit 10Part BExercise 1.b d a cExercise21. 41-foot sailing boat2. dining table3. devised their own curriculum4. a shuttle launch, the Kennedy Space Center museums.5. use a library6. writing, science experiments,. artwork, projects7. the world around them8. a rain forest, a coral reef, historic ruins, foreign markets, local festivalsPart Ca b c cUnit 11Part BExercise 1a cb b cExercise 21.They are too high2.So that people can be discouraged from using cars3.She suggests that they use a graded charging system depending on how far they are from the city center.4. Because they pollute the city center.5. Use the bus or tram service.Part Ca c c aUnit 12Part BExercise 1.c bd d d dPart Ca b b d dUnit 13Part BExercise 2.c a c c a aPart Cd c b dUnit14Part BExercise 1.b d dc cExercise 2.1.He wanted to buy some undetectable poison from the druggist.2.A cup of coffee.3.A pistol4.A confession of his intention to poison his wife.5.One thousand dollars.6.He would mail it to a friend.7.Preventing murders.Part Cc b b aTest 1.Part A1. a2. c3.b4.c5.a6.b7. c8.dPart B9.c 10.d 11.a 12.b 13.d 14.b 15 cPart C16). warned 17). cigarette !8). disease !9) extremely 20) kick 21) attempt 22)quit 23) They hope this will eventually enable many people to permanently kill the habit. 24) Smoking also can call a special telephone number to hear recorded messages by doctors. 25) Americans who do not smoke are being asked to help just one person quit smoking during the 24- hour campaign.Part D26.a 27.d 28.a 29.b 30. d 31.a 32. c 33.a 34. c 35.dTest 2Part A1.b2.b3.d4.d5.d6. d7.c8. bPart B9.d 10.d 11.c 12.a 3.d 14.a 15.bPart C16)regularly 17) measure 18) range 19) media 20) preferences 21) appeal 22) strategies 23) polls are used to obtain information about voters’ attitudes toward issues and candidates. 24) it is often possible to determine the probable winner even before the voting booths close.25) The public’s attitude toward various social, economic, and international issues is also considered newsworthy.Part D26. c 27.d 28. b 29.b 30. c 31.d 32. a 33. c 34. d 35. c。
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新发展大学英语听力教程(4)参考答案Unit 1 Urban Life or Rural LifePre-listening Activitiesapartment;contractListening TasksTask One Understanding Short Conversations1. C2. B3. C4. C5. A6. C7. A8. C9.D 10. BTask Two Understanding a Long Conversation1. A2. C3. C4. B5. ATask Three Understanding PassagesPassage One1. B2. D3. C4. D5. CPassage Two1. A2. C3. B4. C5. BPassage Three1. C2. B3. B4. D5. CTask Four Compound Dictation1. drawbacks2. education3. facilities4. studying5. widespread6. develop7. attend8. serious9. There are no companies or factories that would offer people employment10. who have to work very hard in the fields to earn their living11. Another bad side of country life is the lack of entertainmentListening and SpeakingTask 11. Most of Canada’s happiest cities are on the East Coast.2. She can withstand brutal winters by fo cusing on“the warmth and the friendliness of people”.3. Knowing your neighbors and trusting those around you is a key reason.Task 2(略)Listening Skills for Long Conversations19. A 20. D 21. DLearn English Through Songssomeone;alone;hide;storm;cares;heaven;getting;promiseUnit 2 Different Kinds of LovePre-listening Activitiesdifferent kinds of loveListening TasksTask One Understanding Short Conversations1. C2. C3. D4. B5. C6. D7. D8. C9.C 10. BTask Two Understanding a Long Conversation1. B2. D3. D4. D5. BTask Three Understanding PassagesPassage One1. C2. A3. D4. B5. APassage Two1. B2. D3. B4. D5. DPassage Three1. A2. B3. D4. D5. DTask Four Compound Dictation1. golden2. meaning3. sense4. Owing5. pressures6. supposed7. humanity8. grasp9. campus love is just to find a partner to get rid of loneliness and boredom and enjoy happiness10. Therefore,“love passionately today,break up tomorrow”is understandable11. we come to love not by finding a perfect person,but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectlyListening and SpeakingTask 11. Because their love helps the children feel more secure emotionally,spiritually,and intellectually.2. They will live longer and happier lives.3. There will be an imbalance in the family,thus it will increase the risk of childhood rebellion.Task 2(略)Listening Skills for Long Conversations23. A 24. D 25. BLearn English Through Moviesmusic;light;friend;hearing;inside;find;family;knock;fairy;nightUnit 3 Job and Job SatisfactionPre-listening Activitiesinquisitive and curiousListening TasksTask One Understanding Short Conversations1. A2. C3. D4. B5. D6. C7. A8. A9. B 10. CTask Two Understanding a Long Conversation1. B2. A3. B4. D5. CTask Three Understanding PassagesPassage One1. C2. B3. A4. D5. DPassage Two1. C2. A3. C4. A5. DPassage Three1. B2. A3. D4. C5. CTask Four Compound Dictation1. competitive2. particular3. perform4. efficiency5. technique6. area7. demand8. extra9. You can apply this technique to any aspect of your job10. you are better at something or know more about it than the average person11. you will become someone employers want to hireListening and SpeakingTask 11. Too much stress can cause major health drama,including heart disease,depression,headaches,overeating,and so on.2. We could try a 10-minute stretch every hour.3. It will invariably poison the workday,since that’s where most of us spend the majority of our time.Task 2(略)Listening Skills for Long Conversations23. C 24. D 25. BLearn English Through Moviesdemonstrate;arrested;painting;determined;business;apparently;tie;Twelve;Navy;interviewUnit 4 Husband and WifePre-listening Activitiesa serious businessListening TasksTask One Understanding Short Conversations1. C2. B3. B4. D5. C6. D7. B8. C9.B 10. CTask Two Understanding a Long Conversation1. B2. A3. D4. C5. DTask Three Understanding PassagesPassage One1. B2. D3. D4. C5. DPassage Two1. B2. C3. A4. C5. DPassage Three1. C2. D3. D4. C5. DTask Four Compound Dictation1. worst2. serve3. process4. honestly5. appreciate6. selfishness7. granted8. supporters9. nobody cares more about us than the members of our families10. When we can count on each other and lean on each other,then family works11. When we support our families we find ourselves supportedListening and SpeakingTask 11. Modern transportation and well-organized societies.2. For modern people,home means a place where they can have privacy.3. The role of the father is to provide for his family while the mother takes care of the children.Task 2(略)Listening Skills for Compound Dictation36. alarming 37. increased 38. sheer 39. disturbing40. comparison 41. proportion 42. workforce 43. reverse 44. The percentage of people living in cities is much higher than the percentageworking in industry45. There is not enough money to build adequate houses for the people that live there,let alone the new arrivals46. So the figures for the growth of towns and cities represent proportional growth of unemployment and underemploymentLearn English Through Songschance;forever;lives;faith;voices;dream;hearts;togetherUnit 5 Pets and Human BeingsPre-listening Activitiesspecial show dogsListening TasksTask One Understanding Short Conversations1. D2. A3. B4. B5. C6. D7. C8. D9.C 10. ATask Two Understanding a Long Conversation1. B2. D3. C4. B5. DTask Three Understanding PassagesPassage One1. B2. B3. A4. C5. DPassage Two1. D2. D3. C4. D5. BPassage Three1. C2. C3. A4. D5. BTask Four Compound Dictation1. well-being2. happier3. stroking4. fetch5. calming6. rate7. physical8. stroll9. many find it to be a relaxing way while at the same time enjoying the great outdoors10. their gift to allow us to relax and for a little while,free our mind from stressful situations or thoughts11. walking him or her is a fun activity that is relaxing and above all enjoyableListening and SpeakingTask 11. Pets teach them about love,improving their emotional and physical health,and provide them with unconditional affection and friendship.2. They help people learn about responsibility,loyalty,sharing,and unconditional love.3. Specially trained assistance dogs are allowed in public places where pets are prohibited.Task 2 (略)36. labor 37. ingredients 38. vital 39. individuals40. engage 41. figures 42. generating 43. Currently44. will be making decisions in such areas as product development,quality control,and customer satisfaction.45. to acquire new skills that will help you keep up with improved technologies and procedures46. Don’t expect the companies to provide you with a clearly-defined career path Learn English Through Moviesfence;deal;fool;trying;empty;laying;hill;imagine;count;fantasticUnit 6 A Balanced LifePre-listening Activitiesto stay out of the sunListening TasksTask One Understanding Short Conversations1. A2. B3. C4. D5. C6. C7. D8. D9.A 10. BTask Two Understanding a Long Conversation1. A2. C3. B4. D5. BTask Three Understanding PassagesPassage One1. A2. C3. D4. A5. CPassage Two1. B2. C3. D4. A5. BPassage Three1. A2. C3. D4. A5. DTask Four Compound Dictation1. pursuit2. achieve3. simply4. Schedule5. disorganized6. realistic7. stick8. stressed9. It’s simpler said than done,but learn to let things go once in a while10. It seems human nature for just about everyone to take on too many tasks and responsibilities11. Life is a process,and so is striving for balance in your lifeListening and SpeakingTask 11. It can result from everyday situations or major problems.2. The Type B personality.3. Studies have shown that men and women deal with stress differently.Task 2(略)36. trend 37. phenomenon 38. scene 39. offenses 40. murder 41. particularly 42. explosion 43. associated 44. changing national borders,greater economic growth,and the lack of accepted social ideas of right and wrong45. are now facing the sort of cultural variety that has been common in America for most of its history46. failure to recognize and plan for such diversity can lead to serious crime problemsLearn English Through Moviesworth;embarrassed;suppose;sending;press;act;device;criticism;critical;doubtsUnit 7 Stories in Our LivesPre-listening Activitieswriter and humoristListening TasksTask One Understanding Short Conversations1. D2. A3. A4. D5. B6. C7. A8. B9.D 10. CTask Two Understanding a Long Conversation1. A2. C3. B4. B5. DTask Three Understanding PassagesPassage One1. B2. A3. B4. D5. BPassage Two1. A2. B3. D4. C5. BPassage Three1. C2. D3. B4. C5. ATask Four Compound Dictation1. survivor2. island3. rescue4. horizon5. Exhausted6. protect7. searching8. smoke9. he was awakened by the sound of a ship that was approaching the island10. It is easy to get discouraged when things are going bad11. For all the negative things we have to say to ourselves,life has a positive answer for itListening and SpeakingTask 11. She was sewing a quilt.2. Because love can hardly be seen anywhere or anytime,but it’s really there. Loveis inside.3. The daughter’s father.Task 2(略)Learn English Through Moviesway;opportunity;season;except;personal;told;note;immediately;nationals;doorsUnit 8 Education in Western CountriesPre-listening ActivitiesadmissionsListening TasksTask One Understanding Short Conversations1. C2. C3. B4. C5. C6. D7. A8. A9.D 10. CTask Two Understanding a Long Conversation1. D2. C3. A4. C5. BTask Three Understanding PassagesPassage One1. C2. D3. D4. A5. BPassage Two1. C2. C3. A4. D5. APassage Three1. D2. D3. A4. A5. CTask Four Compound Dictation1. oldest2. globe3. advantages4. community5. basis6. environment7. worldwide8. prior9. It concentrates on teaching the principles behind current technology10. give students the opportunity to follow their own interest11. so students are much in demand from the financial sector and other areas outside ITListening and SpeakingTask 11. Students who want to excel in the virtual business world.2. It provides students with the information and skills to make informed business decisions.3. It typically depends on the amount of preparation the student has prior to entering the college.Task 2(略)Learn English Through Moviesdeserves;stage;points;conscience;closed;fault;problem;affects;focused;bothUnit 9 Sports and SportsmenPre-listening ActivitiesGuangzhouListening TasksTask One Understanding Short Conversations1. C2. B3. B4. C5. A6. C7. A8. D9.A 10. CTask Two Understanding a Long Conversation1. D2. D3. D4. B5. BTask Three Understanding PassagesPassage One1. B2. B3.C4. D5. DPassage Two1. D2. B3. D4. B5. BPassage Three1. B2. B3. A4. C5. ATask Four Compound Dictation1. Association2. professional3. Western4. training5. series6. November7. celebrate8. throughout9. After the NBA season concludes in April,a total of 16 teams qualify for the playoffs10. The playoffs start with the first teams with better records playing the teams with worse records in a best-of-five series11. The champions from the Eastern and Western conferences then meet in a best-of-seven series to determine the NBA championListening and SpeakingTask 11. The ancient Olympic Games began around the year 776 BC in Greece.2. 300.3. Faster,Higher,Stronger.Task 2(略)Learn English Through Songspretty;miles;Disappear;lonely;tonight;leave;better;takeUnit 10 Travel Around the WorldPre-listening ActivitiesassociationListening TasksTask One Understanding Short Conversations1. B2. A3. D4. C5. A6. B7. A8. B9.A 10. BTask Two Understanding a Long Conversation1. C2. B3. C4. D5. BTask Three Understanding PassagesPassage One1. C2. A3. D4. C5. BPassage Two1. C2. D3. A4. B5. CPassage Three1. C2. A3. B4. B5. ATask Four Compound Dictation1. especially2. travel3. fresh4. impressive..5. historical6. construction7. empire8. tourists9. The Pyramids are a living legacy of the Egyptian civilization10. The pyramids were massive structures;some took 400 years to build11. It is also a popular wedding and honeymoon destinationListening and SpeakingTask 11. During the festive seasons.2. Tasting the delicious food is also another way of exploring Europe culture.3. Using e-services to book travel tickets and hotels.Task 2(略)Learn English Through Songselse;tonight;start;young;begun;belong;next;brand.. .。