下面这个单词接龙游戏也一样,是分小组竞赛的形式进行,举个例子,我们可以从apple 这个单词开始,续接eye,elephant,tear等等。
三、参赛对象全体学生四、活动时间和地点[具体时间]、[具体地点]五、活动内容1. 初赛笔试形式,考试范围为[指定教材]的单词。
2. 决赛个人赛形式,每位参赛选手需在规定时间内完成单词拼写、词义匹配、听力理解等任务。
六、奖项设置1. 个人奖:根据决赛成绩,评选出一等奖[X]名、二等奖[X]名、三等奖[X]名。
2. 团体奖:根据班级初赛的平均分,评选出优秀组织奖[X]名。
七、活动预算1. 宣传费用:海报制作、宣传单页等,预计费用[X]元。
2. 奖品费用:一等奖[X]元,二等奖[X]元,三等奖[X]元,共计[X]元。
3. 其他费用:如饮用水、证书制作等,预计费用[X]元。
八、活动组织与宣传1. 成立活动筹备小组,负责活动的策划、组织和实施。
2. 制作宣传海报,张贴在学校宣传栏、教学楼等显著位置。
3. 利用学校广播、公众号等渠道进行宣传,扩大活动影响力。
4. 在班级内发放活动宣传单页,鼓励同学们积极参与。
九、注意事项1. 确保试卷的保密性和公平性,避免泄题。
2. 决赛环节要确保比赛的公正性和秩序性,避免作弊行为。
[策划人][策划定稿日期]篇二《单词比赛活动方案策划书》一、活动主题“词”海拾贝,“英”你精彩二、活动目的三、活动对象[具体的活动对象]四、活动时间和地点1. 活动时间:[具体的活动时间]2. 活动地点:[具体的活动地点]五、活动宣传1. 在学校宣传栏张贴活动海报,介绍活动内容和报名方式。
2. 利用学校官方网站、公众号等平台发布活动通知和报名信息。
初一上第4单元——第七单元单词竞赛班级:_____姓名_______1.家庭作业_______________2.早餐__________________3.有时候________________4.总是________________5.通常地_______________6.总是_______________7.傍晚_______________8.早餐_______________9.从不_______________ 10.容易的_______________ 11.动物_______________ 12.中国_______________ 13.有趣的_______________ 14.举起_______________ 15.头发_______________ 16.赶紧_______________ 17.面条_______________ 18.穿衣_______________ 19.淋浴_______________ 20.洗澡_______________ 21.开始_______________ 22.睡着的_______________ 23.忘记_______________ 24.鼓_______________ 25.父母_______________ 26.祖父_______________ 27.祖母_______________ 28.二者_______________ 29.眼镜_______________ 30.在傍边_______________ 31.生活_______________ 32.银行_______________ 33.旅馆_______________ 34.钱_______________ 35.睡觉_______________ 36.假期_______________ 37.在……期间____________ 38.医生_______________ 39.厨师_______________ 40.职员_______________ 41.在……傍_____________ 42.商店_______________ 43.开车_______________ 44.碗_______________ 45.黄油_______________ 46.盘,碟_______________ 47.气球_______________ 48.相机_______________ 49.地毯_______________ 50.灯,光_______________ 51.牛奶_______________ 52.树叶_______________ 53.地板,楼层____________ 54.墙_______________ 55.微波炉_______________ 56.照片_______________ 57.炉子_______________ 58.洗涤槽_______________ 59.柜橱_______________ 60.冰箱_______________ 61.长沙发_______________ 62.阳台_______________ 63.卧室_______________ 64.浴室_______________ 65.旅行_______________ 66.工作_______________ 67.关于……____________ 68.故事______________ 69.在那里_______________ 70.忙_______________ 71.观看_______________ 72.喝_______________ 73.电影_______________ 74.电视_______________ 75.读_______________ 76.厨房______________ 77.清扫_______________ 78.晚餐_______________ 79.复习_______________ 80.完成______________ 81.吃_______________ 82.棕色的_______________ 83.梳_______________ 84.迟到的____________ 85.人们_______________ 86.为……_______________ 87.开始_______________ 88.刷洗______________ 89.好adv. _______________ 90.她(宾格)______________ 91.他们(宾)_____________ 92.他(宾)___________ 93.我(宾)_______________ 94.你(宾)_______________ 95.我们(宾)_____________ 96.也(句末)___________ 97.也(句中)______________ 98.也(否定)______________ 99.在……上_____________ 100.在……下__________初一上第一单元——第三单元单词竞赛班级:_____姓名:_____ 1.定冠词_______________ 2.第一的________________ 3.数学________________ 4.排球________________5.中文_______________6.足球_______________7.最喜欢的_____________8.数字_______________9.篮球_______________ 10.中间的_______________ 11.科目_______________ 12.喜欢_______________ 13.玩_______________ 14.学习_______________ 15.确实地_______________ 16.一年级的___________17.学生_______________ 18.在哪里_______________ 19.语言_______________ 20.成员_______________ 21.俱乐部_______________ 22.实践,练习_____________ 23.骑_______________ 24.背包_______________ 25.钢琴_______________ 26.每人_______________ 27.高兴的_______________ 28.机器人_____________29.相见_______________ 30.运动_______________ 31.牙齿(复)______________ 32.科学_______________ 33.美味的_______________ 34.巧克力_______________ 35.乐趣_______________ 36.饥饿的_____________ 37.功课____________ 38.热爱_______________ 39.音乐_______________ 40.棒球______________41.小提琴_____________ 42.强壮的_______________ 43.队_______________ 44.唯一的_____________ 45.星期二_______________ 46.使用_______________ 47.星期三______________ 48.猜_______________ 49.星期一_______________ 50.叉_______________ 51.准备好的____________ 52.在……之后_________ 53.星期六____________ 54.在……之前____________ 55.能_______________ 56.每一的____________57.腿_______________ 58.手指_______________ 59.然后_______________ 60.较年少的__________ 61.较年长的_____________ 62.快_______________ 63.小昆虫_______________ 64.有趣的____________ 65.告诉_______________ 66.步行_______________ 67.笑话____________ 68.……比……________ 69.不同的______________ 70.像_______________ 71.羞怯的_______________ 72.更好的_____________ 73.经常_______________ 74.谈话_______________ 75.周末_______________ 76.帮助______________ 77.糖果_______________ 78.用……_______________ 79.事情_______________ 80.东西______________ 81.在……一起__________ 82.聪明的_______________ 83.蝴蝶_______________ 84.更加____________85.早_______________ 86.意大利饼______________ 87.漂亮的_______________ 88.或者______________ 89.更强壮的____________ 90.更早地______________ 91.蝴蝶(复)_____________ 92.学习(单三)__________ 93.男人_______________ 94.组,小组_______________ 95.人_____________ 96.驾驶员___________ 97.茶______________ 98.餐厅______________ 99.英语_____________ 100.有(单三)__________。
单词比赛策划书模板3篇篇一《单词比赛策划书模板》一、活动主题激发单词热情,展现词汇魅力二、活动目的1. 提升学生对英语单词的学习兴趣和积极性。
2. 增强学生的单词记忆能力和词汇量。
三、活动主体[具体参与活动的学生群体]四、活动时间[具体活动时间,包括开始时间和结束时间]五、活动地点[详细活动地点]六、活动准备1. 确定比赛规则和流程,包括单词范围、题型设置、评分标准等。
2. 准备比赛所需的单词卡片、奖品、计分工具等物资。
3. 宣传活动,通过班级通知、海报等方式让学生了解比赛详情并积极报名。
4. 安排工作人员,如主持人、评委、计时员、计分员等。
七、活动流程1. 开场致辞由主持人介绍活动目的、规则和评委等,激发学生的参与热情。
2. 单词热身进行简单的单词热身环节,如单词接龙、快速拼写等,活跃现场气氛。
3. 正式比赛(1)个人赛单词拼写:给出单词,学生在规定时间内正确拼写出来。
4. 颁奖环节根据比赛成绩,评选出个人一、二、三等奖和团队优胜奖,颁发奖品和证书。
八、活动预算1. 奖品费用:[具体金额]2. 物资费用:[具体金额]3. 其他费用:[如宣传费用等,具体金额]总预算:[具体金额]九、注意事项1. 确保比赛规则清晰易懂,让学生充分理解。
2. 保证比赛过程的公平、公正、公开,评委要严格按照评分标准打分。
4. 工作人员要提前做好准备,确保活动顺利进行。
篇二《单词比赛策划书模板》一、活动主题激发词汇潜能,展现英语风采二、活动目的1. 提升学生对英语单词的学习兴趣和积极性,增强词汇积累。
1.姓氏last name2.电话号码telephone number3.身份证ID card4.他的直尺his ruler5.对不起,劳驾excuse me6.铅笔盒pencil box7.电脑游戏computer game8.失物招领lost and found9.一套,一串a set of10谢谢thanks/thank you11.为…而感谢你thank you for...12.非常very much13.我的父母my mother14.在沙发上on the sofa15.在桌子下面under the table16在包里in the bag17.我不知道I don’t know18.在哪儿where19.一本数学书a math book20.磁带播放器tape player21.把某物带给某人take sth. to sb.22.把…拿来bring sth. to sb.23.在床上on the bed24.乒乓球ping-pong ball25 听起来很好sound good26.网球tennis ball27.打排球play volleyball28.做运动play sports/ do sports 29.看电视watch TV30.每天every day31. 多大岁数how old32.体育明星sports star33.吃中饭have lunch34.许多a lot of/ lots of35.冰淇淋ice cream36.健康食品healthy food37.法式薯条French fries38.多少钱how much39.给你。
Here you are40.不用谢you are welcome41.什么颜色what color42.降价销售on sale43.为某人买东西buy sth. for sb.44.把某物卖给某人sell sth. to sb.45.三美元两双three dollars for two pairs46.以很高的价格at a high price47.的确如此that’s for sure48.用英语in English49.生日聚会birthday party50 .篮球比赛basketball game51.本学期this term52.一节两小时的美术课an art class for 2 hours53.我最喜欢的科目my favorite subject54. 对...合适be OK with四.写出下列单词的反义词或词组1.boy_______2.this_______3.mother_________4.son_________5.brother_________6.these________7.no________8.long__________9.new________ 10.tall_______ 11.aunt______ 12.old(年长的)_______13.there________ 14.first_______ 15.he______ 16.her_______ 17.easy______ 18.black_______ 19.take(带走)_______ 20.buy_____五.人称代词主格:(单数)(复数)宾格:(单数)(复数)六.数词基数词one two three four five six seven eight nine序数词基数词eleven twelve thirteen twenty twenty-one thirty序数词基数词forty fifty eighty ninety-two序数词七.月份和季节一月二月三月四月五月六月七月八月九月十月十一月十二月月日年季节春夏秋冬八.学科归类语文数学英语物理科学历史地理体育美术音乐九.家庭成员。
I believe I can fly
为了提高学生学习英语的兴趣,检查学生的单词掌握情况, 扩大学生的词汇量, 丰富学生的英语学习生活, 促进学生主动学习英语,特举办此次单词比赛。
第二轮:任意挑选十个新单词,最先记住并默写的记10分,其他依次是7、 5 、2 分。
备注:评委在核算分数期间请大家认真学习英文歌曲You are my sunshine为下次的歌唱比赛做准备。
初中英语单词游戏----变换字母,扩词比赛1、变换字母(Change a Letter of a Word)活动目的:总结词语记忆规律,扩大和巩固英语词汇适用对象:初学者及以上活动时间:10分钟左右材料或工具:卡片(一)活动过程1、教师事先制作一些卡片,每张卡片上写一个英语单词。
例如:foot(可变为food)、from(可变成frog)、glass (可变为grass)等。
活动时,教师拿出一张卡片,说道:Can we change each of them into another word by changing one letter?接着在黑板上逐个写出所改变的字母和新的单词。
教师不断展示新的卡片,同时说道:“What’s the other word?”全班学生举手说出所加的字母和新词。
初一年英语单词听写大赛活动方案活动名称:初一年英语单词听写大赛活动目的:1. 提高初一年学生的英语单词听写水平,增强他们的英语词汇能力。
2. 激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,培养他们的自信心和竞争意识。
3. 通过比赛形式,营造积极、轻松、愉快的英语学习氛围。
活动时间:1小时活动地点:教室或学校多功能厅参赛对象:初一年全体学生活动准备:1. 准备单词列表:精选初一年英语课本中的常用单词,包括各个单元的重点词汇。
2. 准备听写卡片:将单词列表的每个单词写在卡片上。
3. 准备奖品:根据活动需要准备一些小奖品,例如小礼品、奖状等。
4. 准备计分表:用于记录参赛选手的成绩和比赛结果。
5. 准备邀请函:向初一年学生发放邀请函,宣传活动并告知比赛时间、地点等。
活动流程:1. 开场仪式:a. 主持人介绍活动目的、规则和流程。
b. 学生代表宣读比赛誓词,激发比赛热情。
c. 主持人介绍评委、裁判等工作人员,并感谢他们的参与。
2. 第一轮比赛:a. 将参赛选手分成若干小组,每组人数不超过10人。
b. 发放听写卡片给每位选手。
c. 主持人从单词列表中随机选择单词进行口头读出。
d. 参赛选手听到单词后立即在听写卡片上书写,并尽量用正确的拼写。
3. 第二轮比赛:a. 根据第一轮比赛的成绩,选出每个小组的前三名进入第二轮比赛。
b. 第二轮比赛要求选手在规定的时间内背诵和拼写尽可能多的单词。
4. 决赛环节:a. 选出每个小组的前三名进入决赛。
b. 决赛环节根据难度逐渐提高,要求选手拼写更多的单词。
c. 最后,评委对决赛选手进行评分,并公布比赛结果。
5. 颁奖仪式:a. 主持人宣布比赛结果,并介绍获奖选手。
b. 为获奖选手颁发奖品和奖状,鼓励他们继续努力学习英语。
c. 同时,对所有参与比赛的选手表示感谢,为他们颁发参与奖。
注意事项:1. 在比赛过程中,应注意尊重每位选手的努力和成绩,在评分中公正、公平、客观。
2. 活动结束后,可以组织英语角或其他形式的交流活动,让学生有机会继续练习英语听写。
初一年级英语单词听写大赛活动方案全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Activity Proposal: First Grade English Spelling BeeIntroduction:The First Grade English Spelling Bee is a fun and interactive way to help students improve their spelling and English language skills. This activity will not only help students learn new words but also build their confidence in speaking and writing in English.Objectives:1. To improve students' spelling skills in English.2. To enrich students' vocabulary.3. To enhance students' confidence in speaking and writing in English.Activity Details:1. Date and Time: The First Grade English Spelling Bee will take place on [insert date] from [insert time].2. Participants: All first-grade students are encouraged to participate in the spelling bee.3. Format:- The spelling bee will consist of three rounds: written test, oral test, and final round.- The written test will include a list of 50 words that students need to spell correctly.- The top scorers from the written test will move on to the oral test, where they will spell words out loud.- The final round will include challenging words that will determine the winner of the spelling bee.4. Prizes: Prizes will be awarded to the top three winners of the spelling bee, encouraging students to do their best.5. Judges: Teachers and language experts will serve as judges for the spelling bee, ensuring fairness and accuracy in scoring.Benefits:1. Improves spelling skills: By participating in the spelling bee, students will practice spelling words correctly and develop a better understanding of English language rules.2. Enriches vocabulary: The spelling bee will introduce students to new and challenging words, expanding their vocabulary and language knowledge.3. Builds confidence: The spelling bee will give students the opportunity to showcase their language skills and boost their confidence in speaking and writing in English.Conclusion:The First Grade English Spelling Bee is a great way to engage students in learning English and help them improve their language skills. By participating in this activity, students will not only enhance their spelling and vocabulary but also build their confidence in using English in everyday communication. Let's make learning English fun and exciting for our first-grade students through the spelling bee!篇2Title: Plan for the First Grade English Spelling CompetitionIntroduction:The First Grade English Spelling Competition is an exciting event that aims to improve students' English spelling skills in a fun and competitive way. Students will have the opportunity toshowcase their knowledge of English vocabulary, improve their pronunciation, and boost their confidence in using the English language. This event will be a great way to promote English language learning and foster a spirit of healthy competition among students.Event Details:Date: [Insert Date]Venue: [Insert Venue]Participants: First-grade studentsFormat:1. The spelling competition will consist of three rounds: a written round, an oral round, and a final round.2. In the written round, students will be given a list of words to spell on paper. They will have a set amount of time to complete this round.3. In the oral round, students will take turns spelling words out loud in front of the judges. This round will test students' pronunciation and confidence in spelling words correctly.4. The final round will consist of a series of challenging words that will test students' spelling abilities to the fullest.Prizes:1. First Prize: [Insert Prize]2. Second Prize: [Insert Prize]3. Third Prize: [Insert Prize]4. Participation certificates for all participantsJudging Criteria:1. Correct spelling of words2. Pronunciation and enunciation of words3. Confidence and composure during the competition4. Overall performance and attitudePreparation:1. Teachers will provide students with a list of words to study in advance of the competition.2. Students will have the opportunity to practice spelling and pronunciation in class.3. Mock spelling bees may be held to help students prepare for the competition.Conclusion:The First Grade English Spelling Competition is an exciting event that will help students improve their English spelling skills and increase their confidence in using the English language. By participating in this competition, students will have the opportunity to showcase their knowledge and talent, as well as develop important skills that will benefit them in their future English language learning. We look forward to a successful and enjoyable event!篇3Title: Plan for the First Year English Word Dictation ContestIntroduction:The Year One English Word Dictation Contest is a fun and engaging activity designed to help students improve their English listening and spelling skills. This document outlines the objectives, rules, and procedures for conducting the contest.Objectives:1. To enhance students' English listening skills.2. To improve students' spelling abilities.3. To promote friendly competition among students.4. To create a fun and engaging learning experience for students.Rules:1. The contest will be open to all Year One students.2. Each student will be given a list of 50 English words to study.3. The contest will consist of three rounds: the preliminary round, semi-final round, and final round.4. In each round, students will listen to a native English speaker pronounce the words and write them down.5. Points will be awarded for each correctly spelled word.6. The top three students with the highest scores will be awarded prizes.Procedures:1. The contest will be announced to students two weeks in advance.2. Students will be given study materials and encouraged to practice regularly.3. The preliminary round will take place in the school auditorium, where each student will be called to the stage to participate.4. The semi-final round will be held in classrooms, with the top ten students qualifying for the final round.5. The final round will be a grand event, with students, teachers, and parents invited to attend.6. The winners will be announced and awarded prizes at the end of the contest.Conclusion:The Year One English Word Dictation Contest is a valuable learning opportunity for students to improve their English skills and build confidence. By participating in this contest, students will develop important language abilities and have fun in the process. We hope that this activity will inspire students to continue learning and growing in their English language proficiency.。
第一学期初一年级英语单词竞赛一、汉译英1、名字;名称2、遇见;相逢3、零4、电话;电话机5、号码;数字6、朋友7、中国8、中间的9、学校10、姐;妹11、母亲;妈妈12、父亲;爸爸13、父(母)亲14、兄;弟15、家;家庭16、堂兄(弟、姊、妹);表兄(弟、姊、妹)17、舅父;叔父;伯父18、女儿19、照片20、照片;图画21、铅笔22、橡皮23、书包24、词典;字典25、原谅;宽恕26、感谢;谢谢27、老师;教师28、计算机;电脑29、笔记本30、图书馆31、找到;发现32、一些;某些33、教室34、必须35、在哪里;到哪里36、桌子37、椅子38、认为;想;思考39、头40、知道;了解41、收音机;无线电广播42、时钟43、播放机44、模型45、飞机46、处处;到处;各个地方47、总是48、网球49、足球50、排球51、篮球52、迟到53、美妙的;伟大的54、听起来好像55、有趣的56、没趣的;令人厌倦的57、困难的58、轻松的;令人放松的59、注视;观看60、体育运动61、只;仅62、容易的;不费力的63、班级;课64、同班同学65、汉堡包66、西红柿67、冰激凌68、沙拉69、草莓70、生日71、(中午或晚上吃的)正餐72、蔬菜73、水果74、正确的;适当的75、那么76、胡萝卜77、鸡肉78、早餐;早饭79、午餐80、明星;星星81、习惯82、健康的83、真正地84、问题85、需要;想要86、许多;大量;多少87、短裤88、毛衣89、裤子90、元(美国、加拿大等国的货币单位,符号为$)91、小的;小号的92、短的;矮的93、需要94、一双;一对95、买下;拿;取96、衣服;服装97、商店98、购买;买99、特价销售;出售100、出售;销售;卖101、价格102、什么时候103、月;月份104、一月105、二月106、三月107、四月108、五月109、六月110、七月111、八月112、九月113、十月114、十一月115、十二月116、愉快的;高兴的117、聚会;晚会118、测验;检查119、旅游;旅行120、会演节;节日121、亲爱的122、学生123、东西;事情124、学期125、忙碌的;无暇的126、时间二、英译汉127、Have a good time!128、See you!129、How old…?130、Happy birthday!131、a pair of132、Here you are.133、Can I help you?134、How much…?135、How about…?136、think about137、watch TV138、Let’s=let us139、come on140、a set of141、ask…for…142、You’re welcome.143、thank you for…144、What about…?145、excuse me146、Have a good day!三、写出下列词的序数词147、one148、two149、three150、four151、five152、six153、seven154、eight155、nine156、twelve四、完成表格五、词形变换178、this——(对应词)179、those——(对应词)180、is——(复数)181、men——(单数)182、child——(复数)183、sheep——(复数)184、their——(同音词)185、photo——(复数)186、Mike——(所有格)187、parents——(所有格)188、health——(形容词)189、good——(副词)190、tomato——(复数)191、strawberry——(复数)192、easy——(反义词)193、have——(三单)194、watch——(三单)195、fun——(同义词)196、big——(反义词)197、short——(反义词)198、woman——(复数)199、sell——(名词)200、pear——(同音词)。
初一英语单词竞赛试题一、单词拼写(每题2分,共20分)1. 这是一个_______(形容词,表示“快乐的”)的一天。
2. 我_______(动词,表示“喜欢”) 阅读科幻小说。
3. 请把这本书_______(动词,表示“递给我”)。
4. 我的_______(名词,表示“朋友”) 来自不同的国家。
5. 他_______(动词,表示“想要”) 学习如何弹吉他。
6. 她_______(动词,表示“尝试”) 做一道新菜。
7. 我们_______(动词,表示“决定”) 去公园野餐。
8. 我_______(动词,表示“忘记”) 带我的钥匙。
9. 他们_______(动词,表示“帮助”) 老人过马路。
10. 他_______(动词,表示“记得”) 我们的生日。
二、单词填空(每题2分,共20分)11. The _______ (名词,表示“学生”) are listening to the teacher carefully.12. I usually _______ (动词,表示“起床”) at 7:00 in the morning.13. Can you _______ (动词,表示“唱”) this song in English?14. She _______ (动词,表示“开始”) to learn Chinese last year.15. The _______ (名词,表示“孩子”) are playing in the garden.16. They _______ (动词,表示“计划”) to visit the museum next week.17. He _______ (动词,表示“完成”) his homework before dinner.18. My sister _______ (动词,表示“喜欢”) to draw pictures.19. The cat _______ (动词,表示“睡觉”) under the table.20. We _______ (动词,表示“学习”) English at school.三、英汉互译(每题2分,共20分)21. 我有一个梦想。
初一下年英语单词接龙一等奖702班陈建城二等奖701班王静茹702班孙庭芳702班陈欣茹三等奖701班陈建龙702班陈颖701班陈姗婷702班孙垚熠702班黄雅婷702班黄河慧婷优胜奖701 苏泽楷702班张奕702班郑意如701 陈佳欣英语单词接龙比赛活动方案郑细兰活动目的:为了增强学生学习英语的兴趣和自信心,培养良好的英语书写习惯,提高记忆单词水平,让学生在学习中享受记忆单词的快乐,为个人以后学习英语打下一个坚实的基础。
评委:全体英语老师七年级下英语单词接龙比赛小结郑细兰为了积极配合学校领导对英语学习的重视,响应英语爱好者的要求,我校于2 016年6月10日下午1:00在学校多媒体教室举行了一次英语单词接龙比赛.此次比赛在学校领导的大力支持与配合下,取得了圆满的成功.现就此次比赛总结如下:(一)准备工作做得相当充分,使比赛进行的非常顺利。
篮球比赛英语作文50个单词七年级全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Basketball Game Day!It was the most exciting day of the year - the championship basketball game for my school's 7th grade team! I had been looking forward to this game for months. Our team, the Thunderbolts, had worked so hard all season. We practiced every day after school, doing drills and scrimmaging until we could dribble, pass, and shoot with our eyes closed. Our coach, Mr. Jameson, pushed us hard but it paid off as we won game after game to make it to the finals.On the morning of the big game, I could barely eat breakfast I was so nervous and excited. I got to the school gym extra early to warm up and get loose. The bleachers were already starting to fill up with rowdy fans and the atmosphere was electric! Soon the other team, the Lincoln Lions, arrived looking confident in their bright red uniforms. They were the defending champions and had beaten us twice in the regular season. I tried not to let their swagger intimidate me.When it was time to start, the referee blew his whistle and we lined up to shake hands. As soon as the ball went up for the opening jump ball, the game was on! The Lions scored first but we came roaring back with a three-pointer from our star player Marcus. Back and forth the lead changed as we traded baskets. Neither team could pull ahead by more than a few points.At halftime, the score was tied 28-28. Mr. Jameson gave us an inspiring speech, telling us to keep up our intensity and crash the boards for rebounds. We took the court again fired up and determined. It turned into a defensive battle in the third quarter. Our team clamped down, not allowing the Lions to get any easy looks. We forced several turnovers that led to fast break layups to take a slim 38-35 lead.In the final quarter, the Lions would not go away. With three minutes left, they hit a huge three to tie it up 45-45. My hands were shaking with adrenaline and my heart was pounding out of my chest. Thanks to Mr. Jameson's coaching, we didn't panic but worked for a good shot. Marcus got the ball at the top of the key, pump faked, and drained an ice cold jumper to put us ahead47-45 with 90 seconds left.The Lions called timeout and set up a play to tie it. I was guarding their shooter who got free for just a second. I sprintedto contest the shot, hand up, and got a fingertip on the ball to alter it just enough that it clanked off the rim! Our center Tyrone outmuscled their big guy for the huge rebound, got fouled, and coolly sank both free throws for a 49-45 lead with 30 ticks left.We managed to play great defense and run out the clock for a heart-stopping 49-47 victory! When the final buzzer sounded, pure euphoria and joy exploded from our bench. We had won the championship! I'll never forget my teammates mobbing together in a giant group hug, jumping up and down screaming "We did it! We did it!" Our families rushed the court to congratulate us as the crowd roared. Mr. Jameson had the biggest smile on his face as he accepted the first place trophy to present to our team. What an incredible feeling of accomplishment after all our hard work and sacrifice.For years to come, I'll cherish the memories of that unforgettable game. The thrill of competition, teamwork, grit, and triumph all came together in one glorious day. I've never felt happier, more proud, or closer to my teammates and coaches than in those final moments of celebration as 7th grade basketball champions!篇2Basketball GameWow, what an amazing basketball game that was! I'm still buzzing with excitement just thinking about it. Let me tell you all about the epic battle that took place on the court last Saturday.It was the championship game for our middle school league. Our team, the Lions, was taking on our biggest rivals, the Eagles. These two teams have been going at it all season long, splitting the games one-to-one so far. This final matchup would decide who was the best team once and for all.I could barely sleep the night before, I was so hyped up. When I arrived at the gym, it was totally packed! The bleachers were overflowing with rowdy fans, all decked out in their team colors and waving signs. The atmosphere was electric!As the players took the court for warmups, you could cut the tension with a knife. Both teams knew this was it - championship or bust. Our star player Kevin drained a couple of warm-up threes which really fired up the crowd.Finally, it was time for tip-off. The ref tossed the ball up...and we won the tip! Fast start for the Lions. We wasted no time getting out to an early lead. Kevin was unconscious, buryingjumpers from everywhere. The passing was crisp and the defense was swarming. We were playing as a real team.The Eagles weren't going to just roll over though. They're a proud, talented squad and they slowly battled their way back. It went back-and-forth like that all game long - we'd go up by 8, they'd climb back within 2. The lead was constantly changing hands and the fans were going nuts.Down the stretch, it was nip-and-tuck. With two minutes left, we were clinging to a 1-point advantage. The tension was unbearable! Every possession was critically important. After a couple empty trips, the Eagles struck with a huge three to take the lead. The air got sucked out of the gym on our side.But we didn't panic. We kept running our stuff and finally Kevin got a wide open look from the top of the key...BANG! Drain-o! The place exploded as we regained the lead in the final minute. Some crazy scrambles happened after that, but we were able to pull it off and win by 3 points!What. A. Game. I've never experienced an atmosphere quite like that championship battle. The energy in the building was out of this world. And seeing all my buddies on the team dogpile at midcourt after the final buzzer went off...pure pandemonium!I'll never forget that evening as long as I live.Shoutout to Coach Williams for getting us prepped all season. Shoutout to Kevin for going off and leading us to glory. And shoutout to all my teammates - we did it together as a unit, playing unselfish ball. Bringing that championship trophy back to our school is a memory I'll cherish forever.Man, I love this game of basketball! The drive, the passion, the teamwork, the competition - it's all just so incredible. I'm going to be reliving the highlights from that finals thriller over and over again all summer long. But for now, I'm just going to bask in the glory of being a champion. What an amazing feeling!篇3Basketball Game Excitement!Wow, what an amazing basketball game we had last night! My heart is still racing just thinking about all the action. Let me tell you all about it.It was the championship game of our middle school league. Our team, the Lions, was taking on our biggest rivals, the Tigers. We've battled them so many times over the years, splitting wins and losses. But this game would decide who was the true champion. The gym was absolutely packed with fans from bothschools, cheering wildly and waving their team's colors. The atmosphere was electric!Right from the jump ball, you could feel the intensity in the air. Both teams came out firing, trading baskets back and forth. The Lions struck first with a couple of quick layups. But the Tigers answered with a trio of three-pointers to take an early lead. The defenses were swarming and the passing was crisp. No one wanted to make a mistake.In the second quarter, our point guard Tommy caught fire. He was raining down jumpers from all over the court. His outside shooting allowed our big guys to operate down low. We regained the lead, but the Tigers wouldn't go away. Their center was a beast on the boards, grabbing every rebound in sight. He kept giving them second and third chances. The half ended with us up by just two points, 34-32.At halftime, our coach got us refocused. He reminded us to stay composed and keep making the extra pass to find the open man. He had faith that our unselfish team play would pay off in the end. As we ran back onto the court, I could sense we were all locked in and ready for a battle.The third quarter is sort of a blur. It was some of the most intense, high-level basketball I've ever been part of. Players werediving for loose balls, charges were being taken, the crowd was deafening. We traded buckets and defensive stops, with neither team pulling away. The lead seemed to change hands every couple of minutes. The score was knotted at 52-52 heading to the fourth.Those final eight minutes were absolutely bonkers! With the championship on the line, everyone left it all out on the floor. The Tigers grabbed a four point lead, only for us to score six straight. Then they hit back-to-back threes to go back up by four. My teammate Jordan answered with a couple of driving layups to knot it up again at 68 with three minutes left.Down the stretch, the game turned into an absolute free throw shooting contest. The refs were calling everythingticky-tack. Players were fouling out left and right. At one point, there were eight guys lined up to shoot free throws. The Lions hit 7 of 8 to take a one point lead. After a Tiger free throw tied it, there were only 30 seconds left.We called timeout to set up our final play. Coach designed a double screen for me to catch and shoot a three if open. As I motioned around the picks, their defense followed me out toward the arc. That left Tommy wide open slashing toward thehoop. I zipped him the pass and he went up for a layup...and scored! The place went nuts!But there were still 11 seconds left. The Tigers inbounded and raced down for one final shot at tying it. As their best player caught the ball at the top of the key, he pump faked, leaned in, and let a three-pointer fly...no good! The shot clanged off the rim as the final buzzer sounded. We had won the championship in dramatic fashion, 72-70!The entire team mobbed Tommy at half court, jumping in a heaping pile of ecstasy. After all of our hard work and close games against the Tigers, it felt so rewarding and fulfilling to come out on top. Our school's championship drought was over! The crowd rushed the court, hats and streamers were flying, and the celebration carried on for hours. That gritty 72-70 win is a night I'll never forget. What a game! What a night! The memories of that battle will stick with me forever.篇4My Basketball GameLast weekend, I had the biggest basketball game of my life so far. It was the championship game for our city's youth league. My team, the Thunderbolts, was playing against our biggestrivals, the Lightning Bolts. We had beaten them twice during the regular season, but they had been talking a lot of trash and saying they would get revenge in the finals. I was really nervous before the game.When we arrived at the gym, there were a ton of people already there saving seats in the bleachers. The place was going to be packed! As we went into the locker room to get changed and do our pre-game warm-ups, I could feel the butterflies going crazy in my stomach. This was such a huge game. Our coach gave us a pep talk about playing with heart and leaving it all on the court. Then it was time to head out for warm-ups.The Lightning Bolts were already out shooting around when we came onto the court. Their star player, Marcus, gave me an evil look and mouthed something at me that I couldn't make out. Whatever it was, it just made me more determined to win. We did our stretches and shooting drills, then lined up to be introduced to the crowd.When they announced the starters, the place went crazy! I was announced as the starting point guard. My heart felt like it was going to explode out of my chest. But as soon as that jump ball went up, it was all business. I managed to tip it to one of my teammates and we were off and running.The game was incredibly intense from the opening minute. We traded baskets back and forth, with neither team taking more than a 4 point lead. Marcus blocked two of my shots in the first quarter in a really aggressive way, but I blocked one of his too. It was very physical under the basket. With 30 seconds left in the first quarter, I drove the lane, drew the defense, and dished it to our center Derek for an easy layup. We were up 18-16 after one.In the second quarter, they came out in a trapping zone defense, trying to force turnovers. It worked a little bit and they were able to take a small lead midway through the period. But our coach made some good adjustments, and we started breaking the trap with long outlet passes for some easy transition buckets. My teammate Jacob hit a three right at the buzzer, and we went into halftime down just 31-30. It was still anyone's game.The coaches must have really lit a fire under both teams at halftime, because the second half was even more intense than the first. The scoring went back and forth again, with the lead changing hands constantly. With about two minutes left in the third quarter, Marcus and I collided going for a loose ball. We both went down hard, and the refs had to step in and separate our teams because we started shoving each other. I ended upgetting a technical foul for pushing Marcus, which was probably fair. But I thought he flopped a little to try and get me kicked out of the game. Luckily, the refs didn't go that far. At the end of the third, we were up 47-45.That set the stage for an epic fourth quarter battle. With about five minutes left, Derek went down with an ankle injury after scoring on a powerful dunk over two defenders. That put our back-up center Keith into the game - a huge mismatch since Keith is about 5 inches shorter than their center. They started pounding it inside to their big guy, and we had a real hard time stopping him. Things were getting tense.With 2:26 left, we were down 59-55. Marcus hit a three over my outstretched hand to make it 62-55 Lightning Bolts. It was not looking good. But we didn't give up. On our next possession, I passed to Jacob in the corner. His three rimmed out, but Keith went up with the put-back tip-in while getting fouled. He completed the 3-point play at the line. 62-58. We quickly fouled them, they missed one of the free throws. 63-58. On our next trip, I drove and kicked it out to Jacob again in the corner. This time his three found nothing but net! It was suddenly a 2-point game with 1:18 left. The crowd was going insane.We had to start intentionally fouling them, hoping they would miss free throws. They made a couple, but then missed two big ones. Down 65-63 with 23 seconds left, I had the ball on the wing being face-guarded tenaciously by Marcus. I tried篇5The Big GameBasketball is my favorite sport and I love playing on my school's team. We had been practicing really hard all season and our big game against our rivals, Oakwood Middle School, was coming up. I could barely sleep the night before because I was so excited and nervous!The day of the game finally arrived. I woke up early, put on my lucky jersey and sneakers, and tried to eat a good breakfast even though my stomach was doing flips. My parents drove me to school where the rest of the team was already in the locker room getting ready."You ready for this, Danny?" My best friend and point guard, Marcus, asked as I walked in."You know it! We've been waiting all year for this game," I replied, giving him a high five.Soon it was time to take the court for warmups. The bleachers were already packed with fans from both schools cheering loudly. I spotted my parents and little sister in the crowd waving a big sign with my name on it. That calmed my nerves a bit.Finally, the game was about to begin. The ref blew his whistle and we lined up across from Oakwood as the announcer introduced the starting lineups. When my name was called, the cheers from our side of the gym made my heart swell with Panther pride. This was it, the moment we had been waiting for.The jump ball went up and just like that, the game was underway. The first few minutes were a blur as both teams raced back and forth, battling for every loose ball and trying to get that first score on the board. I took a hard foul driving to the hoop but shook it off, nailing both my free throws.We took an early lead thanks to Marcus draining a couple of three-pointers from way downtown. But Oakwood wasn't going away easily. Their big center started muscling his way inside for some tough buckets in the paint. Every time we tried to pull ahead, they would catch right back up.It was an intense back-and-forth battle all the way into the fourth quarter. With only a minute left, we were tied and youcould have heard a pin drop in that gym. Marcus drove hard to the hoop and dished it to me open on the wing. I let thethree-ball fly just as the defender rushed out to contest. The whole court seemed to hold its breath as the ball rotated through the air...and swished through the net!Pandemonium erupted from our side as I was mobbed by teammates. We still had to play tough defense to hold the lead, but those final seconds felt like an eternity. When that final buzzer sounded, we had shocked Oakwood on their home court! The celebration was incredible as we hoisted the trophy amid a swarm of fans storming the court.That game-winning shot is a memory I'll never forget. All the long practices, running drills, lifting weights...it had all paid off in that one shining moment of glory. My teammates and I were champions and it felt absolutely amazing. I can't wait for next season so we can go out and do it all over again!篇6My Basketball GameLast Saturday was the biggest basketball game of the season for my middle school team. We were playing against our biggestrivals, the Oakwood Eagles. My teammates and I had been practicing really hard and we were ready to take them on.When we arrived at the gym, it was totally packed! There must have been at least 500 people there to watch the game. The crowds were cheering and the atmosphere was electric. I got butterflies in my stomach from the excitement and nerves. This was such a huge game for us.As we warmed up and did our stretches, I looked over at the Oakwood team. They looked confident and ready for battle. Their star player, Marcus Johnson, was there and he's one of the best players in the league. He's super tall and can make baskets from practically anywhere on the court. We were going to have to play our absolute best to beat them.Finally, it was time for the jump ball to start the game. The referee threw the ball straight up and our center, Billy Watson, tipped it perfectly to our point guard, Danny Rhodes. Danny dribbled down the court and we were off!The first quarter was an intense back-and-forth battle. We scored a few baskets, but so did they. The Oakwood Eagles played awesome defense and we struggled a bit on offense. At the end of the first quarter, we were down by 4 points with the score 18-14.In the second quarter, we came out more aggressive on both ends of the court. Our defense created several turnovers that led to easy fast break points. Our shooting also heated up and we drained a bunch of three-pointers. By halftime, we had taken a 6 point lead at 32-26.The Eagles made some adjustments at halftime though and came blazing out of the gates in the third quarter. They went on an 8-0 run to start the half and regained the lead. We had to call a timeout to regroup. Coach gave us an inspirational speech about believing in ourselves and not giving up. We went back out there more determined than ever.The fourth quarter is when the game turned into an absolute nail-biter. The lead went back-and-forth several times. With two minutes left, we were down by 1 point. Danny Rhodes drove to the basket, got fouled, and made both free throws to put us ahead 56-55. The Eagles came right back down and scored to regain the 1 point lead. There was only 30 seconds left in the game when I got the ball in the corner. I shot athree-pointer...and drained it! We were now up by 2 with only 15 seconds remaining.Oakwood called a timeout to draw up one last play. When they inbounded the ball, we put on a furious full court press.They struggled to get a good shot off and Marcus Johnson had to force up a very difficult three at the buzzer. It clanked off the rim and we had won! The crowd went absolutely wild as my teammates and I celebrated an amazing 59-57 victory.It was such an incredible game that I'll never forget. The atmosphere, the pressure, the big plays down the stretch - it was all just exhilarating. We showed so much heart, determination, and teamwork to pull out that win against a great Oakwood team. I'm so proud of my teammates and that moment will live on as one of the most dramatic and exciting sporting events I've ever been a part of. What a game!。
初一英语单词竞赛班级姓名得分一、汉译英1、家庭2、最喜爱的3、水果4、橡皮5、发现6、忘记7不同的8、花朵9、例如10、困难的11、昂贵的12、便宜的13、练习14、美元15孩子16、小心的17、责任18、电子邮件19、扛20、椅子21、胡萝卜22、颜色23、朋友24、花园25、年级26、年龄27、回答28、大约29、再;又30、香蕉31、上午32下午33、晚上34、美丽的35、卧室36、忙碌的37、在…旁边38、黑板39、无聊的40、面包41、扫帚42、因为43、蛋糕44、能;会45、在…之间46、借来47、身体48、猜49、手套50、健康51、帮助52、香港53澳门54、伦敦55、键盘56、离开57、语言58、长的59、短的60、高的61、胖的62、瘦的63、圆的64、大的65、小的66、新的67、旧的68、年轻的69、医学70、晚会71、办公室72、音乐73、铅笔74、比赛75、中间的76、牛奶77、分钟78、请79、人们80、雨衣81、秘密82、问题83、学校84、餐馆85、房间86、礼物87、四分之一88、故事89、运动90、学科91、游泳92、超市93、电话94、迅速地95、照片96、感谢97、睡觉98、理解99、蔬菜100、这些101、那些102、对的103、错的104、火车105、认为106、双胞胎107、遇见108、窗户109、男人110、妇女111、午夜112、加113、减114、一定115、经过116、电影117、鼠标118、医院119、吃120、喝121、振奋人心的122、唱歌123、跳舞124、字典125、一半126、高兴的127、风筝128、教室129、同学130、俱乐部131、发现132、发现133、中国134、日本135、美国136、德国137、法国138、加拿大139、澳大利亚140、十二141、二十142、四十143、第一144、第二145、第三146、第九147、百148、千149、百万150、十亿151、星期日152、星期二153、星期三154、星期四155、星期五156、星期六157、星期158、月份159、一月160二月161、三月162、四月163、五月164、六月165、七月166、八月167、九月168、十月169、十一月170、十二月171、工作172、学生173、教师174、工人175、农民176、医生177、护士178、司机179、父母双亲180、父亲181、母亲182、爷爷183、外婆184、姑姑185、舅舅186、兄弟187、姐妹188、儿子189、女儿190、外孙二、英译汉191、all day 192、all kinds of 193 have breakfast194 guitar 159 interesting 196 family tree197 cream 198 dark 199 mouth200 yourselves 201 usually 202 maths203 physics 204 biology 205 sweater206 skirt 207 blouse 208 shirt209 black 210 purpleGOOD LUCK !STUDY HARD, AND YOU’LL BE SUCCESSFUL !。
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