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第18课时九年级上册 Modules 9~10


(2016·山东淄博中考)Death Valley is a huge place. It is more than 225 kilometres across the southern part of the state of California, and across the border(边界) with the state of Nevada.

1. It can be dangerously cold during the winter months. The air temperature during the summer can be as high as 57℃. The heat of Death Valley has killed people in the past. It will continue to kill those who do not honour the climate. Death Valley does not forgive(原谅) those who are not careful.

Death Valley was named by a woman in 1849. 2. Thousands of people from other parts of the country travelled to the gold mining(开采) areas in California. They were in a hurry to get there before other people did.

Many people were not careful. They made bad choices or wrong decisions. One group of people had reached Death Valley by December. They avoided the terrible heat of summer, but there was not enough water. There were few plants for their work animals to eat. The people could not find a pass through the tall mountains to the west of the valley. 3. They had to kill their work animals for food and began to walk out of the valley.

As they left, one woman looked back and said,“Good­bye, death valley.”


根据短文内容,从下列选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项,选项中有一项为多余选项。A.Slowly, they ran out of food.

B.Death Valley has a long history.

C.The name has never been changed.

D.Death Valley is a beautiful but dangerous place.

E.That was the year after gold was discovered in California.


(2018·广东梅州梅江第二次质检)When we talk about inventions, we often mention the great inventors like Thomas Edison. However, some 1 things weren't invented by those famous inventors, but by some common people. Now, I'd like to tell you an interesting story about the ice lolly(冰棒). Do you know 2 the ice lolly is? It's a kind of frozen sweet thing—many kids' favourite in summer.

Sometimes accidents may lead to great 3 . And it can take years before you realize you've invented 4 really good. In 1905, 11­year­old Frank Epperson mixed a glass of powered sod a with water. 5 mistake, he left the drink outside all night with a stick in it. It was a very 6 night. The next morning, Frank saw the drink had frozen to the stick. He tried to have the special drink. To his surprise, it 7 delicious.

Eighteen years later, Frank 8 remembered the frozen stick. He started to produce the frozen stick and he 9 . At first, he called it Epsicle. Then he had a family and 10 of his own and they didn't like the name. So they changed it into popsicle(冰棍). Now it has the name ice lolly.

1.A.careful B.helpful

C.harmful D.thankful

2.A.who B.how C.what D.where

3.A.jobs B.ideas

C.stories D.problems

4.A.everything B.something

C.anything D.nothing

5.A.By B.At C.For D.With

6.A.hot B.cool C.warm D.cold

7.A.felt B.smelt C.tasted D.looked

8.A.nearly B.hardly

C.usually D.suddenly

9.A.lost B.failed

C.forgot D.succeeded

10.A.parents B.friends

C.children D.teachers



(2014·山东潍坊中考改编)It is reported that a law has been approved(通过) in Spain. Spain children may soon 1.(require) to help out with housework by law.

The law would be part of a wider child protection, and children under the age of 18 have to 2.(join) in all areas of family life. That 3.(include) housework and other work in the family.
