(新教材)【人教版】20版英语新素养导学必修一Unit 1 Reading for Writing(英语)

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(3)I believe that if you follow my advice, you’ll get along well with your classmates. 我相信, 如果你听从我的建议, 你会和同学们相处好 的。
【典题演练】 假如你是李华, 最近收到了你的美国朋友
Jenny的来信。她在信中说: 由于刚进入高中还不能 适应新环境, 她不知道如何去结交新朋友, 因而情绪 低落。请你回信, 内容如下:
new there and facing the same problem
(3)你不需要过多担心。 ______________________________________ You(4d)o许n’多t学h生av还e 不to习w惯or。ry too much about it. _________________________________
There is also something that you can do to this scihtauna_gt_ei_o_n_.___F_i_r_s_t_,___t_r_y__t_o__i_n_v_i_t_e__s_o_m_e________ of_c_ly_ao_su_sr_m_a_t_e_s__t_o__t_a_k_e__p_a_r_t__i_n__s_o_m_e__a_c_t_i_v_i_t_ies af_tt_oe_gr_e_ts_hc_eh_ro_o_l_.___T_h_i_s__w_i_l_l__h_e_l_p__y_o_u__u_n_d_e_r_s_t_a_n_d_ each otb_he_et_rt_e_r__b_y__c_o_m_m_u_n_i_c_a_t_i_n_g__w_i_t_h__o_t_h_e_r_s_.___T_h_e_n_,_____ oth_he_el_rp_s__w_h_e_n__t_h_e_y__a_r_e__i_n__t_r_o_u_b_l_e_,___a_n_d__a_s_k__t_h_em to he_l_p___y_o_u__w_h_e_n__y_o_u__h_a_v_e__________________________
every subject well.
【成篇】 D_e_a_r__J_e_n_n_y_,_ I am_r_e_a_l_l_y__s_o_r_r_y__t_o__h_e_a_r__t_h_a_t__y_o_u__f_e_e_l__b_a_d__a_fter ente_r_i_n_g__t_h_e__h_i_g_h__s_c_h_o_o_l_.___Y_o_u__s_h_o_u_l_d__r_e_m_e_m_b_e_r__t_hat your__c_l_a_s_s_m_a_t_e_s__a_r_e__a_l_s_o__n_e_w__t_h_e_r_e__a_n_d__f_a_c_i_n_g__the same__p_r_o_b_l_e_m_,___s_o__y_o_u__d_o_n_’__t__h_a_v_e__t_o__w_o_r_r_y__t_o_o__m_uch a_b_o_u_t__i_t_.
1. 向Jenny表示问候和安慰; 2. 针对她的问题提出以下建议:
(1)放学后邀请同学一起参加活动; (2)遇到困难时, 互相帮助; 3. 你对友谊的理解。 注意: 词数100左右, 可适当增加细节。
【遣词】 1. 相同问题 2. 担心 3. 改变 4. 参加 5. 交流
________________ t_h_e__s_a_m_e__p_r_oblem w__o__r__r__y____a__b_o_u_t_ _c_h_a_n_g_e__________
take part in
communicate with
6. 7.
处于困境 就……而言
8. 交许多新朋a友s f_a_r__a_s__.__.__.___c_o_n_c_e_r_n_ed
make many new friends
5. 6.
7.atltarnagcutage _____(焦点)
8. 9.
darnu_g_______f_(o_成c_u年(s吸的毒)成an瘾im的a人l )
【造句】 1. 完成句子 (1)你进入高中情绪低落。 You feel bad after _____________________.
entering the high school
(2)你应该记得你的同班同学也是那里的新人, 面对着 相同的问题。 You should remember that _____________________ ______________________y_o_u_r__c_l_a_s_s_m_a_t.es are also
Ⅱ. 选词填空
1. The boys dropped ___________ and went to work. out of school
2s.evHewena.s__a_t_t_r_a_c_t_e_d__t_o_the game at the tender age of 3. Why don’t you _________the basketball team? Y4o.uIhfayvoeundootnh’inttgryctooomueltotsfoeo.rclass regularly, you wil ______ in your studies.
答案: 1. A 2. Paragraph 1: Why Ms Luo wrote this letter. Paragraph 2: What’s the advice of Ms Luo?
Ⅱ. 文本细节理解: 关注特色表达 1. What is Worried Friend’s trouble? A. He became addicted to playing computer games. B. He was anxious because he has no time to play. C. His friend often spent too much time online. D. His friend cannot concentrate on schoolwork.
Ⅲ. 文本梳理
【写作指导】 【文本剖析】
建议信是高考常考作文形式之一, 作者就有关的 问题进行分析并针对这些问题提出自己的建议和忠告 。写信时要写明写信的原因、建议的内容、提出建议 的理由。提出的理由要合情合理, 语气一定要委婉和 缓。
【话题词汇】 1. make friends with sb. 2. in my opinion 3. have a talk with sb. 4. join sb. in. . . 动 5. share happiness
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
答案: 1. C 2. C 3. ①I recommend that you talk to your friend about his behaviour. ②I think you should encourage your friend to try new hobbies. ③Why not discuss the problem together?
have to worry too much about it.
(7)用表示转折意义的并列结构连接(4)(5)句 ________________________________________ any _s_t_u_d_e_n_t_s__h_a_v_e_n_’__t__g_o_t__u_s_e_d__t_o__i_t_,___b_u_t__I__a_m__ eter_m_i_n_e_d__t_o__o_v_e_r_c_o_me all the difficulties and learn
(3)You should share your happiness and sadness with her. 你应该与她分享你的喜怒哀乐。
2. 提出建议: (1)It is helpful for you to do this thing. 做这件事对你有益。 (2)As far as I am concerned/In my opinion, you should help each other. 就我而言/在我看来, 你们应该互相帮助。
2. Which one is Ms Luo’s advice? A. To make new friend. B. To ask parents for help. C. To talk to the friend. D. Don’t care too much.
3. 从文中找出至少3个表达建议的句子。
any students haven’t got used to it.
(5)我决心克服所有困难, 学好每门功课。 _________________________________________and amledaertneremvienreyd stuobjoevcetrcwoemlel.all the difficulties
Unit 1 Teenage Life Reading for Writing
Ⅰ. 单词拼写
1. _________(冒险)stories
2.adavecnotmuprueter ______(专家)
3. 4.
与某人交朋友 依我看 与某人谈心 参加某人……活
6. go out for a walk
7. get along with
与……相处; 进

8. get tired of
9. disagree with
10. have a lot in common 有许多共同之处
【话题句式】 1. 表达感情: (1)It is a pity that I hear the bad news. 很遗憾听到这个坏消息。 (2)I’m grateful to you if you come to help me. 如果你来帮忙, 我非常感激。
8. He has recently ___m_a_k_e__a__f_i_r_e____Chinese
literature. become addicted to
9. It took an preparing his
10. It’s my pleasure to help other people
learn about
Ⅰ. 文本整体理解: 快速浏览文章
1. What is the letter’s main purpose?
A. To give advice.
2. 句式升级 (6)用因果关系结构连接(2)(3)句 _____________________________________________ You____s__h__o__u__l__d____r__e__m__e__m__b__e__r____t__h__a__t____y__o__u__r____c_l_a_s_s_m_a_t_e_s__a_r_e__a_l_s_o ew there and facing the same problem, so you don’t
5. 6.
He If
discuss it withwoornreieodf ahbiosutteachers.
7. It took us a long time to __________with
B. To ask for
C. To make a promise.
D. To keep a
2. Find out the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph 1: ___________________________ Paragraph 2: ___________________________