ipmitool 中文 帮助 文档




ipmitool命令的执行流程1.概述i p mi to ol是一种在服务器管理中常用的命令行工具,它允许管理员通过IP MI(I nt el li g en tP la tf or mM ana g em en tI nt er fa ce)接口来监控和管理服务器。

本文将介绍ip mi to ol命令的执行流程,以帮助读者更好地理解和使用这一工具。

2.安装ipm itool在开始使用i pm it oo l之前,首先需要确保已经安装了该工具。

i p mi to ol可以通过包管理器在各种操作系统上进行安装,如下所示:在U b u n t u上安装i p m i t o o ls u do ap t-ge ti ns tal l ip mi to ol在C e n t O S上安装i p m i t o o ls u do yu mi ns ta ll ipm i to ol3.连接到远程服务器要使用i pm it oo l命令,首先需要连接到远程服务器。

使用以下命令连接到具有I PM I功能的服务器:i p mi to ol-H<I P地址>-U<用户名>-P<密码>l an se t1ip add r<新IP地址>其中,`<I P地址>`是服务器的I P地址,`<用户名>`和`<密码>`是使用I PM I访问服务器所需的凭据。

4.执行ipm itool命令一旦连接到服务器,就可以执行各种i pmi t oo l命令来管理服务器。

以下是一些常用的示例:获取服务器信息i p mi to ol fr u此命令将显示服务器的F RU(F ie ld Re pla c ea bl eU ni t)信息,包括制造商、型号和序列号等。

重启服务器i p mi to ol po we rr ese t此命令将重新启动服务器。

监控传感器数据i p mi to ol se ns or此命令将显示服务器上各种传感器的当前状态,如温度、电压、风扇速度等。

ipmitool fru write

ipmitool fru write

ipmitool fru write

其中,FRU(Field Replaceable Unit)命令允许用户对服务器的特定硬件组件进行配置和更新。

使用ipmitool fru write命令,用户可以修改FRU的特定参数。

ipmitool fru write [OPTIONS] fru-number data











SMCIPMITool User GuideRelease 1.0aDocument SMCIPMITool_Guide_1.0aSuper Micro IPMITool User GuideRelease: 1.0aDocument: SMICIPMITool_Guide_1.0aDocument status: StandardDocument release date: 1/28/2011Copyright © 2011 Super MicroAll Rights Reserved.This document is protected by copyright laws and international treaties. All information, copyrights and any other intellectual property rights contained in this document are the property of Super Micro. Except as expressly authorized in writing by Super Micro, the holder is granted no rights to use the information contained herein and this document shall not be published, copied, produced or reproduced, modified, translated, compiled, distributed, displayed or transmitted, in whole or part, in any form or media.Contents1 Introduction (10)1.1 Purpose (10)1.2 Set Up (10)1.3 Key Conventions (11)1.3.1 Keyboard Shortcuts (11)1.4 Third Party Software (11)1.4.1 JLine (11)2 Usage and Command (11)2.2 Document Conventions (12)3 Commands (12)3.1 system (12)3.2 failure (14)3.3 blade (14)3.3.1 blade status (14)3.3.2 blade index(es) (15) status (15) power (16) kvm (16) uid (16) sensor (16) bmc (17) ip (17) dhcp (17) vlan (17) ipmb (17) config (17)3.4 gigabit (18)3.4.1 gigabit status (18)3.4.2 gigabit index(es) (18) status (18) power (19) ip (19) netmask (19) gateway (19) datetime (19) username (19) password (19) ipmode (20) boot (20) restart (20) fd (20)3.5 power (20)3.5.1 power status (20)3.5.2 power index(es) (21) status (21) power (21) fan (21)3.6 ib (21)3.6.1 ib status (21)3.6.2 ib index(es) (22) status (22) power (22)3.7 cmm (22)3.7.1 cmm status (22)3.7.2 cmm index (23) status (23) dtime (23) ntp (23) reset (23) flash (23) ver (24) ip (24) gateway (24) netmask (24) syncfg (24) opmode (24) dhcp (25)3.8 listtemp (25)3.9 sel (27)3.9.1 info (27)3.9.2 list (27)3.9.3 csv (27)3.9.4 clear (27)3.10 allsel (28)3.11 user (28)3.11.1 add (28)3.11.2 list (28)3.11.3 delete (28)3.11.4 level (28)3.11.5 test (29)3.12 vm (29)3.12.1 status (29)3.12.2 stop (29)3.12.3 floppy (30)3.12.4 iso (30)3.13 ipmi (30)3.13.1 sensor (30)3.13.2 power (31) up (32) down (32) softshutdown (32) reset (32) cycle (32)3.13.3 acpi (32)3.13.4 lan (32) ip (32) mac (33) gateway (33) netmask (33) snmp (33) snmpcomm (34) arp (34) dhcp (34) vlan (34)3.13.5 fru (34)3.13.6 oem (35) clrint (35) id (35) uid (35) backup (35) restore (35) lani (36)3.13.7 reset (36)3.13.8 ver (36)3.13.9 flash (36)3.13.10 flashw (36)3.13.11 raw (36)3.13.12 ipmb (37)3.13.13 ipmboem (37)3.13.14 delsdr (37)3.14 shell (37)3.15 ver (38)3.16 ch (38)3.17 list (38)3.19 found (38)3.20 exec (38)3.21 host (39)3.21.1 list (39)3.21.2 reload (39)3.21.3 add (40)3.21.4 remove (40)3.21.5 rename (40)3.21.6 group (40) add (40) remove (40) rename (40) addhost (40) removehost (40)3.22 hostrun (41)3.23 sc (41)3.24 pminfo (41)3.25 nm (43)3.25.1 detect (43)3.25.2 ver (43)3.25.3 cap (43)3.25.4 status (44)3.25.5 stat (44)3.25.6 resetStat (44)3.25.7 pstate (44)3.25.8 tstate (45)3.25.9 ptstate (45)3.25.10 alert (45)3.25.11 scanPolicy (46)3.25.12 addPolicy (47)3.25.13 delPolicy (47)3.25.15 enablePolicy (47)3.25.16 disablePolicy (48)3.26 deploy (48)3.26.1 one (48)3.26.2 all (48)3.26.3 check (48)3.26.4 status (48)3.26.5 clear (48)3.27 kvmwa (48)3.28 ukvm (49)3.29 vmwa (49)3.29.1 dev1list (49)3.29.2 dev1drv (49)3.29.3 dev1stop (49)3.29.4 dev2list (49)3.29.5 dev2cd (50)3.29.6 dev2iso (50)3.29.7 dev2stop (50)3.29.8 allstatus (50)3.29.9 status (50)3.29.10 log (50)3.30 dcmi (50)3.30.1 find (50)3.30.2 cap (51)3.31 dr (52)3.31.1 list (53)3.31.2 iso (53)3.31.3 drv (53)3.32 kvm (54)3.33 kvmw (54)3.34 vmw (54)3.34.2 vmw usbkey (54)3.34.3 vmw iso (54)3.34.4 vmw cd (54)3.34.5 vmw stopFloppy (54)3.34.6 vmw stopUsbkey (55)3.34.7 vmw stopISO (55)3.34.8 vmw stopCD (55)3.34.9 vmw status (55)3.35 sol (55)3.35.1 sol activate (55)3.35.2 sol deactivate (55)3.35.3 sol window (56)3.35.4 sol key (56)3.35.5 bitrate (56)Appendix A Command Categories (57)Appendix B VM Command Examples (59)B.1 AMI IPMI Firmware (59)B.2 ATEN IPMI Firmware (60)B.3 Peppercon IPMI Firmware (63)Appendix C Trap Receiver (66)1 Introduction1.1 PurposeIPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) is an Intel-defined standard to allow a user to interface with a computer system to monitor the health of and manage the system.The SMCIPMITool is a Supermicro utility that allows a user to interface with SuperBlade systems and IPMI devices via a CLI (Command Line Interface).1.2 Set UpThis utility requires Sun JRE 1.5.x or above. Please install Java on your platform in advance of initiating SMCIPMITool. To download, please go to the following link:/javase/downloads/index.jspThere are two executable files in the SMCIPMITool utility:∙SMCIPMITool.jar: A jar file only.∙SMCIPMITool.exe : A windows executable wrapper for SMCIPMITool.jarUsers can choose either the jar or a native executable file. For Linux environments, an extra setting to the environment is required, as shown below.Add jre to your PATH line in the .bashrc file: PATH=/usr/java/jre1.5.0_12/bin:$PATHThe "jre1.5.0_12" folder may change depending on your version of Java.1.3 Key Conventions1.3.1 Keyboard Shortcuts1.4 Third Party Software1.4.1 JLineSMCIPMITool uses JLine for command history and tab-completion. JLine is a Java library used to handle console input and is similar in functionality to BSD editline and GNU readline. People familiar with the readline/editline capabilities for modern shells (such as bash and tcsh) will find most of the command editing features of JLine to be familiar.Please refer to /index.html for more information.2 Usage and CommandEnter the console mode and run the following command to start (online help is included): Usage:java -jar SMCIPMITool.jar <IP> <username> <password> [commands ... ]orSMCIPMITool <IP> <username> <password> [commands ... ]2.2 Document Conventions∙The syntax of the CLI command is given in Courier New 11 bold.∙Elements in (< >) indicate the field required as input along with a CLI command, for example < integer (100-1000)>.∙Elements in square brackets ([ ]) indicate optional fields for a command.∙Both “ * “ and “ , ” may be used to specify the numbers for the blade/gigabit/power/ib index(es) commands. For example:CMM> blade 1,2,3 statusCMM> gigabit * status3 CommandsThis section lists the commands available with SMCIPMITool. You must follow the usage protocol as described in the previous section.3.1 systemThe system command displays the system information. In a blade system, this command will also list the modules present (CMM modules, Gb switches, power supplies, etc.).Usage: systemExample Output:Blade Module (20/20)--------------------Blade | Power | KVM | UID | Error | BMC | Watt | MB----- | ----- | --- | --- | ----- | --- | ---- | --Blade 1 | Off | Selected | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 2 | Off | | | | Yes | 400W | B8DTTBlade 3 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 4 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 5 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 6 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 7 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 8 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 9 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 10 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 11 | Off | | | | Yes | 400W | B8DTTBlade 12 | Off | | | | Yes | 400W | B8DTTBlade 13 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 14 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 15 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 16 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 17 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 18 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 19 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 20 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTGigabit Switch Module (1/2)------------------------GBSW | Power | Error | Init | Switch | 2.5V | 1.25V | Type---- | ----- | ----- | ---- | ------ | ---- | ----- | ----------GBSW 1 | On | | Not | 61C/142F | 2.48V | 1.192V | L3 SwitchPower Supply Module (4/4)--------------------------PS | Power | Fan 1 | Fan 2 | Temp. | Watts | DC | AC | F/W | FRU -- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | -- | -- | --- | --- PS 1 | On | 5152 | 5152 | 56C/133F | 2000 | N/A | N/A | 2.6 | 01 PS 2 | On | 5381 | 5381 | 54C/129F | 2000 | N/A | N/A | 2.6 | 01 PS 3 | On | 5267 | 5152 | 57C/135F | 2000 | N/A | N/A | 2.6 | 01 PS 4 | On | 7328 | 7099 | 54C/129F | 2000 | N/A | N/A | 2.6 | 01IBQDR Module (1/2)------------------------IBQDR | Power | Temp. Switch | Temp. Board | 3.3V | 1.25V----- | ----- | ------------ | ----------- | ---- | -----IBQDR 1 | On | 57C/135F | 56C/133F | 3.24V | 1.18VCMM Module(1/2)----------------CMM | M/S | Status--- | --- | ------CMM 1 | Master | OKCMM 1 is being managed now3.2 failureThe failure command brings up a failure report, which lists all failure messages from the system.Usage: failure3.3 bladeThe blade command will bring up the following subcommands.3.3.1 blade statusThis command will display the status of all the blade units in the system.Usage: blade statusExample Output:Blade Module (20/20)--------------------Blade | Power | KVM | UID | Error | BMC | Watt | MB----- | ----- | --- | --- | ----- | --- | ---- | --Blade 1 | Off | Selected | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 2 | Off | | | | Yes | 400W | B8DTTBlade 3 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 4 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 5 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 6 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 7 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 8 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 9 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 10 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 11 | Off | | | | Yes | 400W | B8DTTBlade 12 | Off | | | | Yes | 400W | B8DTTBlade 13 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 14 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 15 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 16 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 17 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 18 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 19 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTTBlade 20 | On | | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTT3.3.2 blade index(es)This command is used to check the individual blades in the system. The following subcommands may be used for a specific blade. statusUsed to check the status of the individual blade specified.Usage: blade <blade number> statusExample Output:[ 1]:Blade | Power | KVM | UID | Error | BMC | Watt | MB----- | ----- | --- | --- | ----- | --- | ---- | --Blade 1 | Off | Selected | | | Yes | 350W | B8DTT[ 2]:Blade | Power | KVM | UID | Error | BMC | Watt | MB----- | ----- | --- | --- | ----- | --- | ---- | --Blade 2 | Off | | | | Yes | 400W | B8DTT3.3.2.2 powerUsed to access power control for the individual blade specified.Usage: blade <blade number> power [up|down|softshutdown|reset] Example Output:[ 1]:Power: OffAvailable commands: up, down, softshutdown, reset[ 2]:Power: OffAvailable commands: up, down, softshutdown, reset3.3.2.3 kvmRequests a kvm switch for the individual blade specified.Usage: blade <blade number> kvm3.3.2.4 uidUsed to turn a UID LED on or off as specified on an individual blade.Usage: blade <blade number> uid <on/off> sensorUsed to get sensor readings from the individual blade specified.Usage: blade <blade number> sensorExample Output:Status | Sensor | Reading | Low Limit | High Limit | ------ | ------ | ------- | --------- | ---------- | OK | CPU1 Temp | 1C/ 34F | N/A | 80C/176F | OK | CPU2 Temp | 1C/ 34F | N/A | 80C/176F | OK | System Temp | 64C/147F | N/A | 80C/176F | OK | CPU1 Vcore | 0.95 V | 0.6 V | 1.38 V |OK | CPU2 Vcore | 0.96 V | 0.6 V | 1.38 V |OK | CPU1 DIMM | 1.53 V | 1.2 V | 1.65 V |OK | CPU2 DIMM | 1.53 V | 1.2 V | 1.65 V |OK | 1.5V | 1.52 V | 1.34 V | 1.65 V |OK | 3.3V | 3.16 V | 2.96 V | 3.63 V |OK | 3.3VSB | 3.36 V | 2.96 V | 3.63 V |OK | 5V | 5.06 V | 4.49 V | 5.5 V |OK | 12V | 12.19 V | 10.75 V | 13.25 V |OK | VBAT | 3.36 V | 2.96 V | 3.63 V | bmcThis command will bring up the following subcommands related to the BMC of an individual blade. ipUsed to get or set the IP address of a blade’s BMC.Usage (to get): blade <blade number> bmc ipUsage (to set): blade <blade number> bmc ip <IP> dhcpUsed to enable or disable the DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) of a blade. Usage: blade <blade number> bmc dhcp [enable|disable] vlanUsed to display or enable or d isable an individual blade’s VLAN (Virtual LAN).Usage: blade <blade number> bmc vlan [<enable|disable> >tag>] ipmbUsed to send a raw IPMI command to an individual blade.Usage: blade <blade number> bmc ipmb <netFn> <cmd> [data] configUsed to get the configuration of the individual blade specified.Usage: blade <blade number> configExample Output:MB ID = BDPwr Consumption = 350WCPUs = 2CPU Type = undefinedCPU Speed = 2.90GhzDIMMs = 2Memory Size = 8192MBMemory Speed = 1066MhzLANs = 2LAN 1 MAC = 00:30:48:F7:65:CCLAN 2 MAC = 00:30:48:F7:65:CDMB SN = ????????????????3.4 gigabitEntering the gigabit command will bring up the following subcommands.3.4.1 gigabit statusThis command will display the status of all the Gb switch units in the system.Usage: gigabit statusExample Output:Gigabit Switch Module (1/2)------------------------GBSW | Power | Error | Init | Switch | 2.5V | 1.25V | Type---- | ----- | ----- | ---- | ------ | ---- | ----- | ----------GBSW 1 | On | | Not | 61C/142F | 2.496V | 1.192V | L3 Switch3.4.2 gigabit index(es)This command brings up the following commands related to an individual Gb switch in the system as specified. statusUsed to display the status of the gigabit switch specified.Usage: gigabit <gigabit number> statusExample Output:GBSW | Power | Error | Init | Switch | 2.5V | 1.25V | Type---- | ----- | ----- | ---- | ------ | ---- | ----- | ----------GBSW 1 | On | | Not | 61C/142F | 2.48V | 1.192V | L3 Switch3.4.2.2 powerUsed to access power control for the gigabit switch specified.Usage: gigabit <gigabit number> power <on|off|reset> wssUsed to access WSS (WebSuperSmart) web configuration control for the gigabit switch specified. ipUsed to get or set the IP address of a gigabit switch.Usage: gigabit <gigabit number> wss ip [IP] netmaskUsed to get or set the netmask address of a gigabit switch.Usage: gigabit <gigabit number> wss netmask [netmask] gatewayUsed to get or set the gateway address of a gigabit switch.Usage: gigabit <gigabit number> wss gateway [gateway] datetimeUsed to get or set the date and time settings for a gigabit switch.Usage: gigabit <gigabit number> wss datetime [datetime]Example Output:12/29/2010 02:56: usernameUsed to get or set the username of WSS web for a gigabit switch.Usage: gigabit <gigabit number> wss username [username] passwordUsed to get or set the password of WSS web for a gigabit switch.Usage: gigabit <gigabit number> wss password [password] ipmodeUsed to get or set the IP mode of the gigabit switch specified.Usage (to get): gigabit <gigabit number> ipmodeUsage (to set): gigabit <gigabit number> ipmode <mode> bootUsed to get or set the boot image of the gigabit switch specified.Usage: gigabit <gigabit number> boot [image number] restartUsed to soft restart the gigabit switch specified.Usage: gigabit <gigabit number> restart3.4.2.7 fdUsed to reset to factory default for the gigabit switch specified.Usage: gigabit <gigabit number> fd3.5 powerEntering the power command will bring up the following subcommands.3.5.1 power statusThis command will display the status of all the power supply units in the blade system.Usage: power statusExample Output:Power Supply Module (4/4)--------------------------PS | Power | Fan 1 | Fan 2 | Temp. | Watts | DC | AC | F/W | FRU -- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | -- | -- | --- | --- PS 1 | On | 5152 | 5152 | 57C/135F | 2000 | N/A | N/A | 2.6 | 01 PS 2 | On | 5381 | 5381 | 54C/129F | 2000 | N/A | N/A | 2.6 | 01 PS 3 | On | 5152 | 5152 | 58C/136F | 2000 | N/A | N/A | 2.6 | 01 PS 4 | On | 7328 | 7213 | 54C/129F | 2000 | N/A | N/A | 2.6 | 013.5.2 power index(es)This command is used to check the individual power supplies in the blade system and brings up the following commands: statusUsed to display the status of the power supply specified.Usage: power <power number> statusExample Output:PS | Power | Fan 1 | Fan 2 | Temp. | Watts | DC | AC | F/W | FRU -- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | -- | -- | --- | --- PS 1 | On | 5152 | 5152 | 56C/133F | 2000 | N/A | N/A | 2.6 | powerUsed to access power control for the power supply specified.Usage: power <power number> <on|off> fanUsed to access fan control for the power supply specified.Usage: power <power number> fan <1|2|3|4|auto>3.6 ibEntering the ib command will bring up the following subcommands.3.6.1 ib statusThis command will display the status of all the InfiniBand switches in the system.Usage: ib statusExample Output:IBQDR Module (1/2)------------------------IBQDR | Power | Temp. Switch | Temp. Board | 3.3V | 1.25V----- | ----- | ------------ | ----------- | ---- | -----IBQDR 1 | On | 57C/135F | 56C/133F | 3.24V | 1.18V3.6.2 ib index(es)This command is used to check the individual InfiniBand switches in the system and will bring up the following subcommands: statusUsed to display the status of the InfiniBand switch specified.Usage: ib <ib number> statusExample Output:IB | Power | Init | VVDD | 3.3V Aux | 1.2V | 1.8V | 3.3V | Temp.-- | ----- | ---- | ---- | -------- | ---- | ---- | ---- | -----IB 1 | Off | OK | 1.92V | 2.85V | 0.78V | 1.48V | 2.85V | 0C/32F3.6.2.2 powerUsed to access power control for the InfiniBand switch specified.Usage: ib <ib number> power <on|off|reset>3.7 cmmEntering the cmm command will bring up the following subcommands.3.7.1 cmm statusThis command will display the status of all the CMM in the system.Usage: cmm statusExample Output:CMM Module(1/2)----------------CMM | M/S | Status--- | --- | ------CMM 1 | Master | OKCMM 1 is being managed nowCMM IP address:---------------CMM 1 IP: cmm indexThis command is used to check the individual CMM in the system and will bring up the following subcommands: statusUsed to display the status of the CMM specified.Usage: cmm <cmm number> statusExample Output:CMM | M/S | Status--- | --- | ------CMM 1 | Master | OKCMM 1 is being managed now3.7.2.2 dtimeUsed to get or set CMM date and time.Usage: cmm <cmm number> dtime [datetime]Example Output:12/29/2010 02:56:02(Data time format for setting: "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss") ntpUsed to synch the time with the NTP servers.Usage: cmm <cmm number> ntp <UTC offset> <NTP1> [NTP2] resetUsed to reset the CMM specified.Usage: cmm <cmm number> reset3.7.2.5 flashUsed to flash CMM firmware to the CMM specified with the filename of the flash upgrade noted..Usage: cmm <cmm number> flash <filename> verUsed to display the firmware version in the CMM specified. Usage: cmm verExample Output:Version:2.2.64 build 54203.7.2.7 ipUsed to get or set the IP address of the CMM specified. Usage: cmm <cmm number> ip [IP address]IP address format: ###.###.###.### macUsed to get or set the MAC address of the CMM specified. Usage: cmm <cmm number> mac [mac address]MAC address format: ###.###.###.### gatewayUsed to get or set the Gateway address of the CMM specified. Usage: cmm <cmm number> gateway [gateway address] Gateway address format: ###.###.###.### netmaskUsed to get or set the Netmask IP address of the CMM specified. Usage: cmm <cmm number> netmask [netmask address] Netmask address format: ###.###.###.### syncfgUsed to sych the configuration to the slave CMM specified. opmodeUsed to get or set the operational mode for the CMM specified. Usage: cmm <cmm number> opmode [mode]Mode Choices: 0 = Enterprise 1 = Office3.7.2.13 dhcpUsed to enable or disable the DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) of the CMM.Usage: cmm <cmm number> dhcp [enable|disable]3.8 listtempEntering the listtemp command will display the temperatures of all the modules in the blade system.Usage: listtempExample Output:Status | Module | Sensor | Reading | High Limit |------ | ------ | ------ | ------- | ---------- |OK | Blade 3 | CPU1 Temp | Low | N/A |OK | Blade 3 | CPU2 Temp | Low | N/A |OK | Blade 3 | System Temp | 56C/133F | 80C/176F |OK | Blade 4 | CPU1 Temp | Low | N/A |OK | Blade 4 | CPU2 Temp | Low | N/A |OK | Blade 4 | System Temp | 57C/135F | 80C/176F |OK | Blade 5 | CPU1 Temp | Low | N/A |OK | Blade 5 | CPU2 Temp | Low | N/A |OK | Blade 5 | System Temp | 63C/145F | 80C/176F |OK | Blade 6 | CPU1 Temp | Low | N/A |OK | Blade 6 | CPU2 Temp | Low | N/A |OK | Blade 6 | System Temp | 64C/147F | 80C/176F |OK | Blade 7 | CPU1 Temp | Medium | N/A |OK | Blade 7 | CPU2 Temp | Low | N/A |OK | Blade 7 | System Temp | 62C/144F | 80C/176F |OK | Blade 8 | CPU1 Temp | Low | N/A |OK | Blade 8 | CPU2 Temp | Low | N/A |OK | Blade 8 | System Temp | 63C/145F | 80C/176F |OK | Blade 9 | CPU1 Temp | Medium | N/A |OK | Blade 9 | CPU2 Temp | Low | N/A | OK | Blade 9 | System Temp | 62C/144F | 80C/176F | | Blade 10 | CPU1 Temp | N/A | N/A | OK | Blade 10 | CPU2 Temp | Low | N/A | OK | Blade 10 | System Temp | 59C/138F | 80C/176F | OK | Blade 13 | CPU1 Temp | Low | N/A | OK | Blade 13 | CPU2 Temp | Low | N/A | OK | Blade 13 | System Temp | 60C/140F | 80C/176F | OK | Blade 14 | CPU1 Temp | Low | N/A | OK | Blade 14 | CPU2 Temp | Low | N/A | OK | Blade 14 | System Temp | 60C/140F | 80C/176F | OK | Blade 15 | CPU1 Temp | Medium | N/A | OK | Blade 15 | CPU2 Temp | Low | N/A | OK | Blade 15 | System Temp | 63C/145F | 80C/176F | OK | Blade 16 | CPU1 Temp | Low | N/A | OK | Blade 16 | CPU2 Temp | Low | N/A | OK | Blade 16 | System Temp | 61C/142F | 80C/176F | OK | Blade 17 | CPU1 Temp | Low | N/A | OK | Blade 17 | CPU2 Temp | Low | N/A | OK | Blade 17 | System Temp | 63C/145F | 80C/176F | OK | Blade 18 | CPU1 Temp | Medium | N/A | OK | Blade 18 | CPU2 Temp | Medium | N/A | OK | Blade 18 | System Temp | 65C/149F | 80C/176F | OK | Blade 19 | CPU1 Temp | Low | N/A | OK | Blade 19 | CPU2 Temp | Medium | N/A | OK | Blade 19 | System Temp | 62C/144F | 80C/176F | | Blade 20 | CPU1 Temp | N/A | N/A | OK | Blade 20 | CPU2 Temp | Low | N/A | OK | Blade 20 | System Temp | 62C/144F | 80C/176F | OK | Power 1 | Temp. | 56C/133F | 85C/185F |OK | Power 2 | Temp. | 54C/129F | 85C/185F |OK | Power 3 | Temp. | 57C/135F | 85C/185F |OK | Power 4 | Temp. | 54C/129F | 85C/185F |OK | GBSW 1 | Switch | 61C/142F | 80C/176F |OK | InfiniBand 1 | Temp. | 0C/ 32F | 80C/176F |3.9 selEntering the sel command will bring up the following subcommands for the system event log.3.9.1 infoThis command gives the information on the system event log.Usage: sel infoExample Output:Total Entries: 2SEL Version: 1.5Free Space: 9180bytesRecent Entry Added: 12/20/2010 22:37:33Recent Entry Erased: Pre-Init 00:00:003.9.2 listThis command will display the list of entries to the system event log.Usage: sel list3.9.3 csvThis subcommand will save the system event log as a csv file with the name specified in the filename.Usage: sel csv <filename>3.9.4 clearThis command will clear the system event log.Usage: sel clear3.10 allselEntering the allsel command will save all blade system event logs as a csv file with the name specified in the filename.Usage: allsel <filename>3.11 userEntering the user command will list the following user management subcommands.3.11.1 addUse this command to enter the name of a new user.Usage: user add <user ID> <user name> <password> <privilege>3.11.2 listEntering the list command will display the users.Usage: user listExample Output:Maximum number of Users : 10Count of currently enabled Users : 2User ID | User Name | Privilege Level | Enable------- | --------- | --------------- | ------2 | ADMIN | Administrator | Yes3.11.3 deleteEntering the delete command allows you to delete a user.Usage: user delete <user ID>3.11.4 levelEntering the level command allows you to update the level of a user.Usage: user level <user ID> <privilege>The following levels may be assigned:4: Administrator level∙3: Operator level∙2: User level∙1: Callback3.11.5 testEntering the test command allows you to test logging in as a specific user.Usage: user test <user ID> <password>3.12 vmEntering the vm command will list the following virtual media management subcommands. Refer to Appendix B for more on VM commands.3.12.1 statusUsing the status command lists the status of the drives present in the system.Usage: vm statusExample Output:Drive 1Device Status = CD-ROM image on Windows share setImage Size = 522766336 (bytes)Access Mode = Read-OnlyImage source = // 2Device Status = CD-ROM image on Windows share setImage Size = 522766336 (byte)Access Mode = Read-OnlyImage source = // stopUsing the stop command allows you to stop the specified drive.Usage: vm stop <drive ID>。




二、Ittools3功能详细说明(一)超级后台设置1、系统参设的设置的实际应用①学校名称修改②网盘设置③工作模式设置④文件过滤设置⑤图标和媒体展示设置⑥软件参设设置⑦学生作品、学生站点设置⑧学期维护设置⑨作品课后补交设置⑩代理控制⑾web编辑器切换管理⑿绑定教师设置2、数据库的删除、备份和还原3、教师、学生和课堂教学模块的管理(添加、删除、重置、模块模板)4、机房IP和模型的建立和设置①机房IP的批量导入②机房模型的建立③机房模型的使用(分组模型和班级绑定)5、教师和超级用户的建立6、学生的管理①学生名单批量导入②添加、删除和修改学生③重新分班和批量改名、批量改学籍号④学生毕业设置⑤学生头像采集(二)教师模块的使用(由林超琴老师撰写)1、课堂教学的使用①分组模型的管理②课堂教学的初始化③学习情况的评价2、课程管理①课程的添加、删除②课程的编辑简③课程的打包和导入3、教案管理①教案的添加、删除②教案的编辑③教案的打包和导入4、课程表管理5、课后作业管理①添加、编辑课后作业②课后作业批改③课后作业成绩查询6、课后阅读资料管理7、作业课后批改管理8、成绩查询管理①成绩查询②成绩综合查询③作品打包9、教师网盘和学生网盘管理10、作品评价量规的设计11、固定学生座位设置12、【异常】强制下课处理(三)学生模块的使用(由梁智老师撰写)1、登入平台2、修改个人信息3、登入当前课堂4、查漏补缺(错题集锦)5、课后作业补交6、课后学习心得的使用7、学生个人站定的使用8、查看学习记录(课堂、作品、测验记录)(四)课堂教学模块的使用帮助1、课程的基本属性设置2、课程栏目的添加、删除和编辑3、课程作业的设置4、引用已有模块的使用5、课程模块的应用和介绍⑴首页的使用⑵文本页面⑶调查的使用⑷学生作业提交及互评的使用⑸评价量规的使用⑹课堂测验的使用⑺引用外部页⑻座位表的使用⑼MHT模块的使用⑽课堂学习情况监控⑾自由分组的使用⑿组长的推选的使用⒀分组讨论的使用⒁作品循环展播的使用⒂菜单管理的使用⒃小组合作的使用⒄课内BBS的使用⒅操作题阅卷模块使用教程⒈Flash操作题阅卷详解⒉Access操作题阅卷详解⒊WAVE操作题阅卷详解⒋VB操作题阅卷详解⒌FrontPage操作题阅卷详解 6.阅卷后成绩分析7.学生课后操作题成绩查询三、常见问题集锦1、平台的升级方式2、班级被死锁解决方案3、平台无故退出的解决方案4、文件类型转换失败的原因,及解决方案5、阅卷失败的原因,及解决方案6、学生作品展异常解决方案7、功能模块异常及解决方案8、平台使用中的一些小技巧9、服务器安全设置建议ITtools3.0版权声明(返回)系统开发:ITtools3.0信息技术教学辅助平台| 温岭二中陈斌原创开发功能模块辅助开发:广西宜州一中罗毅(592163950) 浙江黄岩东浦中学池广祥(847893032)技术支持:温岭中学-陈良夫之江高中-林仁蛟网友-温州水乡(QQ33112897)乐清中学-李署强黑龙江-陈战美工设计:温岭信息教研员-安维琪系统测试:温岭二中-林超温岭二中-梁智-------------------------------------------------------------------------------软件授权:免费、半开源、自由传播前提条件:1.操作系统:推荐window2003服务器版2.IIS6.0或以上2.0+AJAX2.04.SqlServer Express2005(兼容sql2000)5.内存512MB或以上(如开启阅卷服务,内存至少1G)常见问题:请看ITtools3故障解决流程.swf免责申明:仅供个人研究与学习使用,任何由使用本软件引起的纠纷一律与开发作者无关。



ipmitool协议IPMITool协议模板1. 引言本文档旨在规范IPMITool协议的使用和交流。

IPMITool协议是一种用于管理和监控远程服务器硬件的开放性协议,通过IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface)实现对服务器的远程管理。


2. 定义在本协议中,以下定义适用:•IPMITool协议:指用于管理和监控远程服务器硬件的开放性协议,通过IPMI实现对服务器的远程管理。

•IPMI:指Intelligent Platform Management Interface,一种硬件管理和监控接口,提供了对服务器硬件的远程管理功能。


3. 目标IPMITool协议的目标如下:•提供一种开放、标准的协议,用于远程管理和监控服务器硬件。



4. 主要功能IPMITool协议提供以下主要功能:•远程服务器管理:通过IPMI命令实现对远程服务器的开关机、重启和电源状态监控等功能。



5. 协议规范使用IPMITool协议时,需遵守以下规范:•安全性:保护远程服务器的安全访问,包括使用安全的认证机制和加密数据传输。




6. 安全措施为确保IPMITool协议的安全使用,推荐以下安全措施:•强密码:设置强密码来保护IPMI远程管理接口的访问。


# /etc/init.d/ipmi start # ipmitool lan print 1 //打印当前 BMC 配置,其它命令在后面将详细解绍.
三,配置远程终端重定向 1. 系统启动,安 F2 进入 BIOS 设置, 设置重定向到 com2
IT 运维专家网

4) LAN User Configuration—选项配置设置连接管理账号 root 用户的密码
确认没有问题,按一下 ESC 键,出来一个小对话框,让选择,此时选择 Save Changes and Exit 选项进行存盘退
如果你重启,你将可以在 这台机器上看到相关启动的全部画面:
…….. 2009-11-3
IT 终端重定向配置完成,你也可以为你的老板每台服务器省掉上千元,不用去够买 DELL 的远程控制卡了。利用 ipmitool 这个工具命令行下即可以搞定一切,用他来处理你工作中遇到的一些故障 而不用直接跑到机房。
ipmitool lan set 1 access on
ipmitool lan set 1 defgw ipaddr //配置网关
ipmitool user list 1 ipmitool user set password 2 “52linuxtone”
//列出当前用户列表 //其中 2 为要设置密原的用户 ID 号,设置密码为 52linuxtone



戴尔IPMI默认用户名:root 密码:calvin曙光IPMI默认用户名:admin 密码:admin浪潮IPMI默认用户名:admin 密码:adminH3CIPMI默认用户名:admin 密码:Password@_安装: yum install ipmitool启动服务: service ipmi startlanplus是操作远程机器, 如果要操作本地机器,需要把lanplus换成 open1. 查看开关机状态:ipmitool -H (BMC的管理IP地址) -I lanplus -U (BMC登录用户名) -P (BMC 登录用户名的密码) power status2. 开机:ipmitool -H (BMC的管理IP地址) -I lanplus -U (BMC登录用户名) -P (BMC 登录用户名的密码) power on3. 关机:ipmitool -H (BMC的管理IP地址) -I lanplus -U (BMC登录用户名) -P (BMC 登录用户名的密码) power off4. 重启:ipmitool -H (BMC的管理IP地址) -I lanplus -U (BMC登录用户名) -P (BMC 登录用户名的密码) power reset二、IP网络设置说明:[ChannelNo] 字段是可选的,ChannoNo为1(Share Nic网络)或者8(BMC独立管理网络);设置网络参数,必须首先设置IP为静态,然后再进行其他设置;1. 查看网络信息:ipmitool -H (BMC的管理IP地址) -I lanplus -U (BMC登录用户名) -P (BMC 登录用户名的密码) lan print [ChannelNo]2. 修改IP为静态还是DHCP模式:ipmitool -H (BMC的管理IP地址) -I lanplus -U (BMC登录用户名) -P (BMC 登录用户名的密码) lan set <ChannelNo> ipsrc <static/dhcp>3. 修改IP地址:ipmitool -H (BMC的管理IP地址) -I lanplus -U (BMC登录用户名) -P (BMC 登录用户名的密码) lan set <ChannelNo> ipaddr <IPAddress>4. 修改子网掩码:ipmitool -H (BMC的管理IP地址) -I lanplus -U (BMC登录用户名) -P (BMC 登录用户名的密码) lan set <ChannelNo> netmask <NetMask>5. 修改默认网关:ipmitool -H (BMC的管理IP地址) -I lanplus -U (BMC登录用户名) -P (BMC 登录用户名的密码) lan set <ChannelNo> defgw ipaddr <默认网关>1. 查看FRU信息:ipmitool -H (BMC的管理IP地址) -I lanplus -U (BMC登录用户名) -P (BMC 登录用户名的密码) fru list2. 重启动BMC:ipmitool -H (BMC的管理IP地址) -I lanplus -U (BMC登录用户名) -P (BMC 登录用户名的密码) mc reset <warm/cold>3. 查看SDR Sensor信息:ipmitool -H (BMC的管理IP地址) -I lanplus -U (BMC登录用户名) -P (BMC 登录用户名的密码) sdr4. 查看Sensor信息:ipmitool -H (BMC的管理IP地址) -I lanplus -U (BMC登录用户名) -P (BMC 登录用户名的密码) sensor list。

ipmitool 中文 帮助 文档

ipmitool 中文 帮助 文档

ipmitool 中文帮助文档Name(名字)Ipmitool ——对于控制支持IPMI的设备有效.Synopsis(概要)ipmitool [-c|-h|-v|-V] -I open <command>ipmitool [-c|-h|-v|-V] -I lan -H <hostname>[-p <port>][-U <username>][-A <authtype>][-L <privlvl>][-a|-E|-P|-f <password>][-o <oemtype>]<command>ipmitool [-c|-h|-v|-V] -I lanplus -H <hostname>[-p <port>][-U <username>][-L <privlvl>][-a|-E|-P|-f <password>][-o <oemtype>][-C <ciphersuite>]<command>Description(描述)这个程序能够使你通过一个kernel设备驱动或者一个远程系统,利用IPMI v1.5或IPMIv2.0 来管理本地系统的任何一个智能平台管理接口(IPMI)功能。

这些功能包括打印FRU(现场可替换装置)信息、LAN 配置、传感器读数、以及远程机架电源控制。



在Solaris系统中,这个驱动叫做BMC,他被包括在了Solaris 10中。





ipmitool手册ipmitool是一个用于管理和配置支持IPMI(Intelligent Platform Management Interface)规范的系统的命令行工具。

以下是ipmitool的使用手册:一、安装1. 查找安装包:在Linux系统上,可以使用yum命令查找ipmitool的安装包。

例如,运行以下命令可以查看ipmitool属于哪个安装包:```yum provides /ipmitool```2. 安装:使用yum命令安装ipmitool。

例如,运行以下命令可以安装ipmitool:```sqlyum install ipmitool –y```3. 检测安装是否成功:安装完成后,可以使用rpm命令查询ipmitool是否已成功安装。

例如,运行以下命令可以查看ipmitool的安装状态:```cssrpm -qa ipmitool```二、使用命令及参数以下是ipmitool的一些常用命令和参数:1. 列出支持的子系统:运行以下命令可以列出ipmitool支持的子系统:```phpipmitool -H <IP地址> -U <用户名> -P <密码> subsystem list```2. 获取系统信息:运行以下命令可以获取系统的基本信息:```phpipmitool -H <IP地址> -U <用户名> -P <密码> system info```3. 获取传感器读数:运行以下命令可以获取指定传感器的读数:```phpipmitool -H <IP地址> -U <用户名> -P <密码> sensor read <传感器类型> <传感器号>```4. 设置BIOS参数:运行以下命令可以设置BIOS参数:```phpipmitool -H <IP地址> -U <用户名> -P <密码> chassis set <参数名称> <参数值>```5. 获取BIOS参数:运行以下命令可以获取BIOS参数:```phpipmitool -H <IP地址> -U <用户名> -P <密码> chassis get <参数名称> ```6. 重启系统:运行以下命令可以重启系统:```phpipmitool -H <IP地址> -U <用户名> -P <密码> power reset```。






准备工作:1. 安装GCC编译器和Make工具。

2. 下载IPMI工具的源码包。

3. 为了使用IPMI工具,您需要有管理控制器访问权限。

编译过程:1. 解压源码包。

2. 进入源码目录。

3. 使用以下命令进行编译:./configuremakemake install4. 编译完成后,您可以使用以下命令查看安装了哪些文件:make installcheck使用方法:IPMI工具可以在命令行中使用。

以下是一些常用命令:1. ipmitool -I lanplus -H [管理控制器IP] -U [用户名] -P [密码] power status这个命令可以检查服务器的电源状态。

2. ipmitool -I lanplus -H [管理控制器IP] -U [用户名] -P [密码] power on这个命令可以打开服务器的电源。

3. ipmitool -I lanplus -H [管理控制器IP] -U [用户名] -P [密码] chassis power cycle这个命令可以重启服务器。

4. ipmitool -I lanplus -H [管理控制器IP] -U [用户名] -P [密码] sensor list这个命令可以列出服务器的传感器信息。




启动服务: service ipmi start
lanplus是操作远程机器, 如果要操作本地机器,需要把lanplus换成 open
1. 查看开关机状态:
ipmitool -H (BMC的管理IP地址) -I lanplus -U (BMC登录用户名) -P (BMC 登录用户名的密码) power status
戴尔IPMI默认用户名:root 密码:calvin
曙光IPMI默认用户名:admin 密码:admin
H3CIPMI默认用户名:admin 密码:Password@_
安装:yum install ipmitool
1. 查看网络信息:
ipmitool -H (BMC的管理IP地址) -I lanplus -U (BMC登录用户名) -P (BMC 登录用户名的密码) lan print [ChannelNo]
2. 修改IP为静态还是DHCP模式:
ipmitool -H (BMC的管理IP地址) -I lanplus -U (BMC登录用户名) -P (BMC 登录用户名的密码) lan set <ChannelNo> ipsrc <static/dhcp>
2. 开机:
ipmitool -H (BMC的管理IP地址) -I lanplus -U (BMC登录用户名) -P (BMC 登录用户名的密码) power on
3. 关机:
ipmitool -H (BMC的管理IP地址) -I lanplus -U (BMC登录用户名) -P (BMC 登录用户名的密码) power off



IPMITOOL操作指南1.ipmitool 常用命令介绍利用ipmitool 实现对服务器的ipmi 管理有两种方式:①通过操作系统监控本地服务器;②通过网络监控远程服务器。



其中open是指的是OpenIPMI 和BMC通信,Lan是通过Ethernet LAN用IPV4的UDP协议和BMC通信。

UDP 的数据段包含了IPMI request/resoponse消息,消息具备一个IPMI session 头和RMCP 头。

IPMI使用Remote Management Control Protocol (RMCP) 版本1支持操作系统关闭(pre-OS和OS-absent),RMCP把把数据发送到UDP的623端口。

与LAN接口相同,lanplus同样使用Ethernet LAN 的UDP协议和BMC通信,但是lanplus使用RMCP+协议(在IPMIV2.0中描述)来通信,RMCP+允许使用改进的认证方式和数据完整性检查。

2.1 ipmitool命令格式本地监控命令:ipmitool [-c|-h|-v|-V]-I open <command>远程监控命令:ipmitool [-c|-h|-v|-V]-I lan/lanplus -H <hostname> [-p <port>][-U <username>][-A <authtype>][-L <privlvl>][-a|-E|-P|-f <password>][-o <oemtype>]<command>命令选项说明:-c使输出格式为CSV(逗号分隔的变量)格式。


ipmitool 格式

ipmitool 格式

ipmitool 格式IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface)是一种用于管理和监控远程服务器的标准接口。




IPMITool的命令格式为:ipmitool \[选项\] \[命令\]。


以下是IPMITool常用命令的格式和使用方法:1. ipmitool chassis power status:获取服务器电源状态的命令,使用它可以判断服务器电源是开启还是关闭。

2. ipmitool chassis power on:开启服务器电源的命令,使用它可以远程开启一个关机的服务器。

3. ipmitool chassis power off:关闭服务器电源的命令,使用它可以远程关机一个开启的服务器。

4. ipmitool chassis power reset:重启服务器的命令,使用它可以远程重启一个服务器。

5. ipmitool sensor list:列出服务器上的传感器信息的命令,使用它可以查看服务器的温度、风扇转速、电压等信息。

6. ipmitool sdr list:也是列出服务器传感器信息的命令,效果与上一个命令相似。

7. ipmitool sensor reading \<sensor name\>:查询特定传感器的当前读数的命令,使用它可以查看某个传感器的具体数值。

8. ipmitool event list:列出服务器上的事件日志的命令,使用它可以查看服务器的历史事件。

9. ipmitool sel list:也是列出服务器事件日志的命令,效果与上一个命令相似。



ipmitool工具常用命令汇总审批稿i p m i t o o l工具常用命令汇总YKK standardization office【 YKK5AB- YKK08- YKK2C- YKK18】ipmitool工具常用命令汇总目录1.工具的安装yum install -y OpenIPMI ipmitool开启服务/etc/ipmi status/etc/ipmi start[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -Vipmitool version 命令的help明细的命令参考man ipmitool或者附件[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -hipmitool version ipmitool [options...]-h This help-V Show version information-v Verbose (can use multiple times)-c Display output in comma separated format-d N Specify a /dev/ipmiN device to use (default=0)-I intf Interface to use-H hostname Remote host name for LAN interface-p port Remote RMCP port [default=623]-U username Remote session username-f file Read remote session password from file-z size Change Size of Communication Channel (OEM)-S sdr Use local file for remote SDR cache-D tty:b[:s] Specify the serial device, baud rate to useand, optionally, specify that interface is the system one-4 Use only IPv4-6 Use only IPv6-a Prompt for remote password-Y Prompt for the Kg key for IPMIv2 authentication-e char Set SOL escape character-C ciphersuite Cipher suite to be used by lanplus interface -k key Use Kg key for IPMIv2 authentication-y hex_key Use hexadecimal-encoded Kg key for IPMIv2 authentication-L level Remote session privilege level [default=ADMINISTRATOR] Append a '+' to use name/privilege lookup in RAKP1-A authtype Force use of auth type NONE, PASSWORD, MD2, MD5 or OEM-P password Remote session password-E Read password from IPMI_PASSWORD environment variable -K Read kgkey from IPMI_KGKEY environment variable -m address Set local IPMB address-b channel Set destination channel for bridged request-t address Bridge request to remote target address-B channel Set transit channel for bridged request (dual bridge) -T address Set transit address for bridge request (dual bridge)-l lun Set destination lun for raw commands-o oemtype Setup for OEM (use 'list' to see available OEM types) -O seloem Use file for OEM SEL event descriptions -N seconds Specify timeout for lan [default=2] / lanplus[default=1] interface-R retry Set the number of retries for lan/lanplus interface[default=4]Interfaces:open Linux OpenIPMI Interface [default]imb Intel IMB Interfacelan IPMI LAN Interfacelanplus IPMI RMCP+ LAN Interfaceserial-terminal Serial Interface, Terminal Modeserial-basic Serial Interface, Basic Modeusb IPMI USB Interface(OEM Interface for AMI Devices)Commands:raw Send a RAW IPMI request and print responsei2c Send an I2C Master Write-Read command and print responsespd Print SPD info from remote I2C devicelan Configure LAN Channelschassis Get chassis status and set power statepower Shortcut to chassis power commandsevent Send pre-defined events to MCmc Management Controller status and global enablessdr Print Sensor Data Repository entries and readingssensor Print detailed sensor informationfru Print built-in FRU and scan SDR for FRU locatorsgendev Read/Write Device associated with Generic Device locators sdrsel Print System Event Log (SEL)pef Configure Platform Event Filtering (PEF)sol Configure and connect Serial-over-LANtsol Configure and connect with Tyan Serial-over-LANisol Configure Serial-over-LANuser Configure Management Controller userschannel Configure Management Controller channelssession Print session informationdcmi Data Center Management Interfacenm Node Manager Interfacesunoem OEM Commands for Sun serverskontronoem OEM Commands for Kontron devicespicmg Run a PICMG/ATCA extended cmdfwum Update IPMC using Kontron OEM Firmware Update Manager firewall Configure Firmware Firewalldelloem OEM Commands for Dell systemsshell Launch interactive IPMI shellexec Run list of commands from fileset Set runtime variable for shell and exechpm Update HPM components using PICMG fileekanalyzer run FRU-Ekeying analyzer using FRU filesime Update Intel Manageability Engine Firmwarevita Run a VITA extended cmdlan6 Configure IPv6 LAN Channels3.查看管理口的IP地址[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open lan print[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open lan print | grep IPIP Address Source : Static AddressIP Address : Header : TTL=0x40 Flags=0x40 Precedence=0x00 TOS=0x10Default Gateway IP : Gateway IP : 管理底盘chassis配置[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open chassis helpChassis Commands: status, power, identify, policy, restart_cause, poh, bootdev, bootparam, selftest查看底盘配置汇总[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open chassis statusSystem Power : onPower Overload : falsePower Interlock : inactiveMain Power Fault : falsePower Control Fault : falsePower Restore Policy : previousLast Power Event :Chassis Intrusion : inactiveFront-Panel Lockout : inactiveDrive Fault : falseCooling/Fan Fault : falseSleep Button Disable : not allowedDiag Button Disable : allowedReset Button Disable : not allowedPower Button Disable : allowedSleep Button Disabled: falseDiag Button Disabled : trueReset Button Disabled: falsePower Button Disabled: false管理电源查看当前电源状态[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open chassis power status Chassis Power is on打开电源ipmitool -I open chassis power on关闭电源ipmitool -I open chassis power off重启电源ipmitool -I open chassis power cycle重置电源ipmitool -I open chassis power reset其他配置ipmitool -I open chassis power diagipmitool -I open chassis power soft管理时间间隔查询时间间隔:[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open chassis identifyChassis identify interval: default (15 seconds)设置时间间隔:[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open chassis identify helpchassis identifydefault is 15 seconds0 to turn offforce to turn on indefinitely管理电源恢复策略[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open chassis policy helpchassis policylist : return supported policiesalways-on : turn on when power is restoredprevious : return to previous state when power is restored always-off : stay off after power is restored查看上次重启原因[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open chassis restart_causeSystem restart cause: unknown查询上电时间[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open chassis pohGet Chassis Power-On-Hours failed: Invalid command管理启动项[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open chassis bootdev helpbootdev [clear-cmos=yes|no]bootdev [options=help,...]none : Do not change boot device orderpxe : Force PXE bootdisk : Force boot from default Hard-drivesafe : Force boot from default Hard-drive, request Safe Mode diag : Force boot from Diagnostic Partitioncdrom : Force boot from CD/DVDbios : Force boot into BIOS Setupfloppy: Force boot from Floppy/primary removable media设置启动项的参数[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open chassis bootparam help bootparam getbootparam set bootflag [options=...]Legal devices are:none : No overrideforce_pxe : Force PXE bootforce_disk : Force boot from default Hard-driveforce_safe : Force boot from default Hard-drive, request Safe Modeforce_diag : Force boot from Diagnostic Partitionforce_cdrom : Force boot from CD/DVDforce_bios : Force boot into BIOS SetupLegal options are:help : print this messagePEF : Clear valid bit on reset/power cycle cause by PEFtimeout : Automatically clear boot flag valid bit on timeout watchdog: Clear valid bit on reset/power cycle cause by watchdogreset : Clear valid bit on push button reset/soft resetpower : Clear valid bit on power up via power push button orwake event Any Option may be prepended with no- to invert sense of operation5.使用delloem进行管理查看帮助[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open delloem helpusage: delloem [option...]commands:lcdmaclansetledpowermonitorvFlashFor help on individual commands type:delloem help配置lcd[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open delloem lcd helpGeneric DELL HW:lcd set {none}|{default}|{custom }Set LCD text displayed during non-fault conditionsiDRAC 11g or iDRAC 12g or iDRAC 13g :lcd set {mode}|{lcdqualifier}|{errordisplay}Allows you to set the LCD mode and user-defined string.lcd set mode {none}|{modelname}|{ipv4address}|{macaddress}|{systemname}|{servicetag}|{ipv6address}|{ambienttemp}{systemwatt }|{assettag}|{userdefined}Allows you to set the LCD display mode to any of the preceding parameterslcd set lcdqualifier {watt}|{btuphr}|{celsius}|{fahrenheit}Allows you to set the unit for the system ambient temperature mode.lcd set errordisplay {sel}|{simple}Allows you to set the error display.lcd infoShow LCD text that is displayed during non-fault conditions lcd set vkvm{active}|{inactive}Set vKVM active and inactive, message will be displayed on lcdwhen vKVM is active and vKVM session is in progresslcd set frontpanelaccess {viewandmodify}|{viewonly}|{disabled}Set LCD mode to view and modify, view only or disabledlcd statusShow LCD Status for vKVM displayand Front Panel access mode {viewandmodify}|{viewonly}|{disabled}查看MAC地址[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open delloem mac helpmac listLists the MAC address of LOMsmac getShows the MAC address of specified LOM. 0-7 System LOM, 8- DRAC/iDRAC. [root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open delloem mac listSystem LOMsNIC Number MAC Address Status0 b8:2a:72:db:56:2a Enabled1 b8:2a:72:db:56:2b Enabled2 b8:2a:72:db:56:28 Enabled3 b8:2a:72:db:56:29 EnablediDRAC7 MAC Address b0:83:fe:c9:6d:31设置lan的模式[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open delloem lan helplan setsets the NIC Selection Mode :on iDRAC12g OR iDRAC13g :dedicated, shared with lom1, shared with lom2,shared with lom3,sharedwith lom4,shared with failover lom1,shared with failoverlom2,sharedwith failover lom3,shared with failover lom4,shared with Failover allloms, shared with Failover None).on other systems :dedicated, shared, shared with failover lom2,shared with Failover all loms.lan geton iDRAC12g or iDRAC13g :returns the current NIC Selection Mode (dedicated, shared with lom1, sharedwith lom2, shared with lom3, shared with lom4,shared with failover lom1,shared with failover lom2,shared with failover lom3,shared with failoverlom4,shared with Failover all loms,shared with Failover None). on other systems :dedicated, shared, shared with failover,lom2, shared with Failover all loms.lan get activereturns the current active NIC (dedicated, LOM1, LOM2, LOM3, LOM4).设置背板led的状态[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open delloem setled helpsetledSet backplane LED stateb: = PCI Bus: of drive (lspci format)state = present|online|hotspare|identify|rebuilding|fault|predict|critical|failed管理电源监控[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open delloem powermonitor helppowermonitorShows power tracking statisticspowermonitor clear cumulativepowerReset cumulative power readingpowermonitor clear peakpowerReset peak power readingpowermonitor powerconsumptionDisplays power consumption inpowermonitor powerconsumptionhistoryDisplays power consumption historypowermonitor getpowerbudgetDisplays power cap inpowermonitor setpowerbudgetAllows user to set the power cap inpowermonitor enablepowercapTo enable set power cappowermonitor disablepowercapTo disable set power cap6.查看传感器数据sensor[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open sensor helpSensor Commands: list thresh get reading查看当前系统所有的传感器数据[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open sensor list设置传感器的告警阈值[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open sensor thresh helpsensor threshid : name of the sensor for which threshold is to be set threshold : which threshold to setunr = upper non-recoverableucr = upper criticalunc = upper non-criticallnc = lower non-criticallcr = lower criticallnr = lower non-recoverablesetting : the value to set the threshold tosensor thresh lowerSet all lower thresholds at the same timesensor thresh upperSet all upper thresholds at the same time查看某一传感器的状态信息[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open sensor get helpsensor get ... [id]id : name of desired sensor查看温度传感器[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open sensor get TempLocating sensor record...Sensor ID : Temp (0xe)Entity ID :Sensor Type (Threshold) : TemperatureSensor Reading : 48 (+/- 1) degrees CStatus : okLower Non-Recoverable : naLower Critical :Lower Non-Critical :Upper Non-Critical :Upper Critical :Upper Non-Recoverable : naPositive Hysteresis :Negative Hysteresis :Assertion Events :Assertions Enabled :查看某一个传感器的当前值[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open sensor reading help sensor reading ... [id]id : name of desired sensor查看温度传感器[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open sensor reading Temp Temp | 477.管理传感器仓库sdr[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open sdr helpusage: sdr [options]list | elist [option]all All SDR Recordsfull Full Sensor Recordcompact Compact Sensor Recordevent Event-Only Sensor Recordmcloc Management Controller Locator Recordfru FRU Locator Recordgeneric Generic Device Locator Recordtype [option]Retrieve the state of specified sensor. Sensor_Type can be specified either as a string or a hex value.list Get a list of available sensor typesgetRetrieve state of the first sensor matched bySensor_IDinfoDisplay information about the repository itselfentity [.]Display all sensors associated with an entitydumpDump raw SDR data to a filefillsensors Creates the SDR repository for the currentconfigurationnosat Creates the SDR repository for the currentconfiguration, without satellite scanfile Load SDR repository from a filerange Load SDR repository from a provided list or range. Use ',' for list or '-' forrange, eg. 0x28,0x32,0x40-0x44查看传感器仓库中的信息列表[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open sdr elist helpusage: sdr elist [all|full|compact|event|mcloc|fru|generic]=>查看仓库中所有的信息:elist和list的格式内容上略有不同[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open sdr elist all[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open sdr list all=>查看传感器的数据[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open sdr elist fullFan1 RPM | 30h | ok | | 6240 RPMFan2 RPM | 31h | ok | | 6240 RPMFan3 RPM | 32h | ok | | 6240 RPMFan4 RPM | 33h | ok | | 6120 RPMFan5 RPM | 34h | ok | | 6240 RPMFan6 RPM | 35h | ok | | 6240 RPMInlet Temp | 04h | ok | | 35 degrees CExhaust Temp | 01h | ok | | 40 degrees CTemp | 0Eh | ok | | 47 degrees CTemp | 0Fh | ok | | 46 degrees CCurrent 1 | 6Ah | ok | | AmpsCurrent 2 | 6Bh | ns | | No ReadingVoltage 1 | 6Ch | ok | | 236 VoltsVoltage 2 | 6Dh | ns | | No ReadingPwr Consumption | 77h | ok | | 168 Watts说明:Fan ----表示风扇Inlet Temp ----进口温度Exhaust Temp ----出口温度Temp ----CPU的温度Current --电流Voltage ---电压Pwr Consumption ----功率查看传感器的类型和指定类型的数据查看传感器有哪些类型[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open sdr type listSensor Types:Temperature (0x01) Voltage (0x02) Current (0x03) Fan (0x04) Physical Security (0x05) Platform Security (0x06) Processor (0x07)Power Supply (0x08) Power Unit (0x09) Cooling Device (0x0a) Other (0x0b) Memory (0x0c) Drive Slot / Bay (0x0d) POST Memory Resize (0x0e) System Firmwares (0x0f) Event Logging Disabled (0x10) Watchdog1 (0x11) System Event (0x12) Critical Interrupt (0x13) Button (0x14) Module / Board (0x15) Microcontroller (0x16) Add-in Card (0x17) Chassis (0x18) Chip Set (0x19) Other FRU (0x1a) Cable / Interconnect (0x1b) Terminator (0x1c) System Boot Initiated (0x1d) Boot Error (0x1e) OS Boot (0x1f) OS Critical Stop (0x20) Slot / Connector (0x21) System ACPI Power State (0x22) Watchdog2 (0x23) Platform Alert (0x24) Entity Presence (0x25) Monitor ASIC (0x26)LAN (0x27) Management Subsys Health (0x28) Battery (0x29) Session Audit (0x2a) Version Change (0x2b) FRU State (0x2c) 查看指定传感器的数据如查看温度:[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open sdr type TemperatureInlet Temp | 04h | ok | | 35 degrees CExhaust Temp | 01h | ok | | 40 degrees CTemp | 0Eh | ok | | 46 degrees CTemp | 0Fh | ok | | 47 degrees C如查看电源的个数1:有一个电源[root@cell83 dvd]# ipmitool -I open sdr type "Power Supply"PS Redundancy | 74h | ns | | No ReadingStatus | 62h | ok | | Presence detectedStatus | 63h | ns | | Disabled如查看电源的个数2:有四个电源[root@db04 ~]# ipmitool -I open sdr type "Power Supply"PS Redundancy | 74h | ok | | Redundancy LostStatus | 62h | ok | | Presence detectedStatus | 63h | ok | | Presence detected, Power Supply AC lostStatus | 52h | ok | | Presence detected, Config Error, Power Supply InactiveStatus | 53h | ok | | Presence detected, Config Error, Power Supply Inactive查看指定传感器的配置信息[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open sdr get TempSensor ID : Temp (0xe)Entity ID : (Processor)Sensor Type (Threshold) : Temperature (0x01)Sensor Reading : 47 (+/- 1) degrees CStatus : okNominal Reading :Normal Minimum :Normal Maximum :Upper critical :Upper non-critical :Lower critical :Lower non-critical :Positive Hysteresis :Negative Hysteresis :Minimum sensor range : UnspecifiedMaximum sensor range : UnspecifiedEvent Message Control : Per-thresholdReadable Thresholds : No ThresholdsSettable Thresholds : No ThresholdsAssertion Events :Assertions Enabled :查看传感器仓库sdr的配置信息[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open sdr infoSDR Version : 0x51Record Count : 170Free Space : 1836 bytesMost recent Addition : 02/07/2106 06:28:15Most recent Erase : 02/07/2106 06:28:15SDR overflow : noSDR Repository Update Support : modalDelete SDR supported : noPartial Add SDR supported : noReserve SDR repository supported : yesSDR Repository Alloc info supported : no8.查看系统事件sel日志[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open sel helpSEL Commands: info clear delete list elist get add time save readraw writeraw interpret查看sel的状态信息[root@cell83 ~]# ipmitool -I open sel info helpSEL InformationVersion : , v2 compliant)Entries : 740Free Space : 4544 bytes。



IPMItool远程管理HMC的配置方法本文主要讲述如何配置HMC(Hardware Management Console) 的BMC(Baseboard Management Controller) 与OS(Operating System) 内核参数, 激活SOL(Serial-over-LAN) 功能, 以实现运用IPMItool 远程管理HMC。

运用IPMItool 进行HMC 远程管理是一种非常有效的系统管理方法;它充分利用了当前HMC 都带有BMC 的硬件优势,可以不必关心HMC 操作系统是否处于停机,而远程进行HMC 开关机与查看其开机后的启动过程;这将不仅大大地减少管理人员奔赴机房的次数,而且更重要的是在很大程度上加强了硬件设备被远程控制的能力。

一般来说,带有BMC 硬件控制器的设备都可以采用了IPMItool 进行远程管理。

本文将重点介绍IPMItool 远程管理HMC 的配置方法,希望对读者能起到一些抛砖引玉的作用。

几个关键概念HMC、BMC、SOL、IPMI 与IPMItool 是当前基于x86 架构的服务器中经常遇到几个非常重要概念,应该说要想很好地知道system p 服务器是如何被管理的,理解这几个概念是必不可少的,现在就让我对它们进行逐一地介绍:HMCHMC 硬件控制台(Hardware Management Console for pSeries)是基于Intel 芯片的工作站,它安装了Linux 的操作系统和i5 的管理软件。

每一台HMC 除了有内存、硬盘、DVD-RAM、以太网口等,还可以选择不同的显示器、键盘等设备。

它提供的一系列功能用来管理Power System 系列服务器以及服务器上LPAR 分区的配置。

BMCBMC(Baseboard Management Controller) 是一种专用芯片/ 控制器( 叫做服务器处理器或基板管理控制器(BMC)),是基于IPMI 系统的心脏;在IPMI 管理平台中,系统管理软件对各个被管理器件的管理,都是通过与BMC 通信来实现的.BMC 并不依赖于服务器的处理器、BIOS 或操作系统来工作,它有自己的固件、电源、MAC 地址与网络接口,可谓非常地独立,是一个单独在系统内运行的无代理管理子系统。

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ipmitool 中文帮助文档Name(名字)Ipmitool ——对于控制支持IPMI的设备有效.Synopsis(概要)ipmitool [-c|-h|-v|-V] -I open <command>ipmitool [-c|-h|-v|-V] -I lan -H <hostname>[-p <port>][-U <username>][-A <authtype>][-L <privlvl>][-a|-E|-P|-f <password>][-o <oemtype>]<command>ipmitool [-c|-h|-v|-V] -I lanplus -H <hostname>[-p <port>][-U <username>][-L <privlvl>][-a|-E|-P|-f <password>][-o <oemtype>][-C <ciphersuite>]<command>Description(描述)这个程序能够使你通过一个kernel设备驱动或者一个远程系统,利用IPMI v1.5或IPMIv2.0 来管理本地系统的任何一个智能平台管理接口(IPMI)功能。

这些功能包括打印FRU(现场可替换装置)信息、LAN 配置、传感器读数、以及远程机架电源控制。



在Solaris系统中,这个驱动叫做BMC,他被包括在了Solaris 10中。



Options(选项)-a 提示输入远程服务器的密码-A <authtype>当IPMIv1.5会话激活时,指定使用一个认证类型。

-c 使输出格式为CSV(逗号分隔的变量)格式。


-C <ciphersuite>为IPMIv2 lanplus连接使用远程服务器身份验证、完整性和加密算法。

请看IPMIv2说明书中的表格22 -19。


-E 远程服务密码通过环境变量IPMI_PASSWORD来指定。

-f <password_file>指定一个文件,而这个文件中包含了远程服务密码。


-h 获取基本帮助-H <address>远程服务地址,可以为ip地址或者是主机名。


-I <interface>选择使用的IPMI接口。


-L <privlvl>力量会话特权级别。



-m <local_address>设置本地IPMB(智能平台管理总线)地址。



-o <oemtype>选择支持的OEM(原始设备制造商)类型。


使用命令“-o list”来查看当前支持的OEM类型的列表。

-p <port>设置要连接的远程服务UPD端口,默认为623。

-P <password>在命令行中指定远程服务密码。



-t <target_address>桥接IPMI的请求到远程目标地址。

-U <username>远程服务用户名,默认为NULL。

-v 提高详细输出的级别。



-V 列出版本信息。



SECURITY(安全)在使用IPMI LAN 接口之前,有一些需要注意的安全问题。


为了减少脆弱性强烈建议IPMI LAN接口只能用在“trusted”环境中,在这个环境中系统的安全性不是一个问题或存在安全是一个专门的“管理网络”。


当利用ipmiv1.5 lan接口改变了远程机器的IPMI密码后,新密码将作为明文用过网络被发送。


因此建议的IPMI密码管理只有通过IPMIv2.0 lanplus接口或在本地站系统接口完成。



在IPMI 2.0,最大密码长度为20个字符;较长的密码将被截断。

COMMANDS(指令集)help 这个可以在ipmitool命令行中获取命令行帮助。


ipmitool helpCommands:raw 发送一个RAW(未加工的)IPMI请求然后输出响应。

lan 配置LAN通道。

chassis 获取机架状态并且设置power状态。

event 发送预定义的状态给MC(管理控制器)mc 管理控制器状态和全局是否可使用。

sdr 打印传感数据仓库输入与文本sensor 输出详细的传感器信息。

fru 输出内嵌的FRU(现场可替换装置)和扫描FRU 定位器的SDR(系统定义记录)sel 打印系统事件日志(SEL)。

pef 配置平台事件过滤(PEF)sol 配置IPMIv2.0 Serial-over-LANisol 配置IPMIv1.5 Serial-over-LANuser 配置管理控制器用户channel 配置管理控制器通道session 打印session信息exec 从文件中运行一系列的命令set 为shell和exec设置运行变量。

ipmitool chassis help 机架命令:status, power, identify, policy, restart_cause, poh, bootdevIpmitool chassis power help 机架power状态:status, on, off, cycle, reset, diag, softbmc/mcreset <warm|cold>指示BMC执行一个warm或cold得复位。



setenables <option>=[on|off]启用或禁用特定的选项。


当前option支持的选项有:recv_msg_intr 接收消息队列中断。

event_msg_intr 事件消息缓冲区满中断event_msg 事件消息缓冲区system_event_log 系统事件日志记录oem0 oem定义选项#0oem1 oem定义选项#1oem2 oem定义选项#2channelauthcap <channel number> <max priv>显示有关选定的信息通道的身份验证功能,在指定的权限级别.可能的特权级别包括:1 Callback level2 User level3 Operator level4 Administrator level5 OEM Proprietary levelinfo [channel number]显示选定的通道的信息。


ipmitool channel infoChannel 0xf info:Channel Medium Type : System InterfaceChannel Protocol Type : KCSSession Support : session-lessActive Session Count : 0Protocol Vendor ID : 7154getaccess <channel number> [userid]将给定的userid作为给定的通道的默认值。


setaccess <channel number> <userid>[callin=on|off] [ipmi=on|off] [link=on|off] [privilege=level]在给定的通道下为给定的userid配置用户访问信息getciphers <all | supported> <ipmi | sol> [channel]为给定的应用(ipmi或sol)在给定的通道下显示支持的密码套件列表ChassisStatus显示关于系统机架和主电源子系统的高级别状态的信息。

poh这个命令将会返回power on的时间(单位为小时)。

identify <interval>控制面板标识灯。


restart_cause 查询系统最后一次重启的原因。

Policy 设置如果停电时的机架电源策略。

list 显示所有支持的策略always-on 当电源恢复时onprevious 当电源恢复时返回到原先的状态。

always-off 当电源恢复时保持off。

power 执行机架控制命令来查看和更改电源状态。

Status 显示当前状态。

on 电源开off 电源关闭机架到软关闭(S4/S5状态)。

cycle 规定关闭的区间至少为1秒。

