Unit 1Getting to KnowPractice: bcab acabPart AReading and Understanding1.(1) the first day the author’s daughter went to college(2) the author/the father(3) The daughter(4) Visa, MasterCard and American Express2.Section A: bSection B: dSection C: fSection D: aSection E: eSection F: c3. BDACCPart BExercises1. DCBB2. (1) c (2) a (3) e (4) g (5) d (6) h (7) b (8) f英语 Part CTimed Reading ComprehensionText A: BDDCDText B: ACDABFurther Reading1. CUnit 2Getting to KnowPractice:In this letter Abigail Adams wants to convince her husband to include better treatment of women in the laws of the new country. She tries warning him that if “particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies,” women will start their own rebellion. She also appeals to his common sense by saying “men of sense in all ages abhor those customs.”Part AReading and Understanding1.(1) Facebook, and eHarmony(2) c reate an engaging profile with some decent photos, or sometimes even take a personalitytest(3) when he is out and about—taking part in various types of activities and functions(4) you don’t want to get caught in a lie before your first date2. CDABCPart BExercises:1. FTFFTTT2. (1) d (2) c (3) a (4) e (5) bPart CTimed Reading ComprehensionText A: CADABText B: ACBDCFurther Reading 1. AUnit 3Getting to Know Practice:PreviewPredictIdentify new words SummarizeTake notes InterpretClarifyPredict what will come nextParaphrase Part AReading and Understanding 1.(1) Santa Fe, New Mexico/American Southwest (2) Maine (3) thirty, twelve(4) long conversations, wonderful meals and a touching hike 2. CDBAB Part B Exercises: 1. DAAB2. (1) d (2) e (3) a (4) b (5) f (6) h (7) c (8) g Part CTimed Reading Comprehension Text A: CABDB Text B: ADBBA Further Reading 1. B英语 Unit 4Part AReading and Understanding1.(1) a young lady(2) that a kind-hearted bank teller gave her a gentle touch which made her feel being loved2.Section A iiiSection B iiSection C ivSection D i4. ACBDDPart B1. ADDAB2.(1) insurance (2) deductible (3) permissible (4) Eligible(5) offspring (6) pre-natal (7) spouses (8) progressivelyPart CText A: DCDBCText B: BCBACFurther ReadingStep 1. DUnit 5Part AReading and Understanding1.(1) an; argumentation(2) t hat modern devices and digital conveniences make us more distracted and less able toconcentrate2.Section A iiSection B iSection C iii4. DBBADPart B1. BBDAB2. (1) g (2) d (3) b (4) e (5) f (6) a (7) c (8) hPart CText A: ADBCAText B: ADCDBFurther ReadingStep 1. DUnit 6Part AReading and Understanding1.(1) citizenship(2) four2.Section A iSection B iiiSection C ii4. CABDBPart B1. ABCBC2.(1) convict (2) applicant (3) privilege (4) commitment (5) access (6) grant (7) residence (8) scholarship英语 Part CText A: CBBCDText B: CDDBCFurther ReadingStep 1. CUnit 7Part AReading and Understanding1.10; keep your stress in check and how to relax when it gets to be too much.3. BBCAD3. BBCADPart BCACAPart CText A: DCCBAText B: CDBAAFurther ReadingStep 1. AUnit 8Part AReading and Understanding1.the fact that her husband has had no accident and therefore she won’t be able to live for herself and cannot be “Free! Body and soul free!”2.Section A iiSection B ivSection C iiiSection D vi4. DCCBAPart B1. ACDBA2. (1) d (2) a (3) f (4) c (5) e (6) bPart CText A: FTTFFText B: CDDABFurther ReadingStep 1. DUnit 9Part AReading and Understanding1.to provide free basic care for low-income people, especially the working poor2.Section A vSection B iSection C iiiSection D ii4. ABCCDPart B1. CBDD2.(1) starters (2) compliments (3) cue (4) initial (5) fake (6) perceived (7) initiative (8) neutralPart CText A: DDBDB英语 Text B: DACCBFurther ReadingStep 1. AUnit 10Part ABefore Reading2. Predicting(1) College students.(2) Exposition.Reading and Understanding1. BC2. DACB4.a. ACABBb. DADAAPart B1. BAACD2. (1) E (2) B (3) I (4) G (5) J (6) F (7) C (8) L (9) H (10) D (11) A (12) K3.(1) electricity (2) hazardous (3) confinement(4) evacuate (5) radiatesPart CText A: DBBCAText B: CDBABFurther ReadingStep 1. BUnit 11Part AReading and Understanding1. BA2. TTTFT/aebc4. CBDDA5. BBDDCPart B1. CDACB2.(1) dedicated (2) hacked (3) activated(4) obsolete (5) hasslePart CText A: ABDACText B: BCABDFurther ReadingStep 1. DUnit 12Part AReading and Understanding1. B A2. B D C A4.a: Q1: R efer to Paragraph 1. The first is citizenship as legal status, defined by civil, political and social rights. The second considers citizens specifically as political agents, actively participating in a society’s political institutions. The third refers to citizenship as membership in a political community that furnishes a distinct source of identity.Q2: R efer to Paragraph 6. The republican model sees citizenship as a political office, and the liberal model sees citizenship as a legal status.Q3: R efer to Paragraph 7. The two models complement each other in that political liberty is the necessary guarantee of individual liberty.英语 Q4: R efer to Paragraph 7. The republican model is active enjoyment of citizenship, and the liberal model is passive enjoyment of citizenship.Q5: R efer to Paragraph 7. The liberal model.b. BACDDPart B1.(1) federal volunteering(2) Do you have a passion?(3) a/one year(4) a small stipend3. (1) d (2) e (3) a (4) c (5) f (6) bPart CText A: BADCBText B: CBDACFurther ReadingStep 1. A。
Unit 12. Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the phrases in the list given below. Make changes when necessary.1) At a time whe n the n eed is grow ing for men tai health services, many coun tries are unfortunately cutting back on its spending.2) There is an in creas ing nu mber of people out of work. But the wester n media ofte n unfairly label them as lazy and reliable.3) Now that the flow of oil has been stopped by BP, thempact of all the spilled oil and n atural gas is still being measured.4) Once again its ability to steer economic policy will be tested against the ability todeliver on services and projects aimed at growing the economy and jobs.5) Hous ing prices are in credibly high today. But he bought his house for a song aboutfive years ago. 6) As people are complaining high prices, especially those related to daily n ecessities,the gover nment feels rather urge nt to hold down in flati on rate immediately.7) Under the new economy policy investors are invited to buy into state-owned enterprises.8) Since a serious gun shooting occurred in Arizona last week, security concerns havetrickled down to all places, in clud ing reside ntial build in gs.9) Social unrest is a daily occurrence in the country nowadays. It is in the last placewhen it comes to nv estme nt for mult in ati onal compa ni es. 10) Efforts to ban smoking in China are so effective yet. Some chain smokers never thinkof quitting while many others have battled in vain to quit. 3. Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B: A) A reducti on in the gen eral availability of loans (or credit) or a sudde n tighte ning of the con diti ons required to obta in a loan from the banks 1 B) A non-bank entity or organization such as investment companies and mutual funds that inv ests in large qua ntities.§ C) A legal en tity created by a government to un dertakecommercial activities on its behalf.6 D) The trad ing of a corporation's stock or othersecurities (e.g. bonds or stock options) by in dividualswith pote ntial access to non-public in formatio n. 9E) An in dustry that requires large amounts of capital,mach inery and equipme nt to produce goods 5F) Gen erati on of new and creative approaches tosecurities, money man ageme nt or in vest ing lG) An economy that is expanding so rapidly that toomuch money is chas ingtoo few goods and 1) financial innovation2) stimulus package3) overheating 4) stamp tax 5) capital-inten sive sector 6) state-ru n firmecono mists fear a rise in in flati on 卫7) credit crisis H) tax levied on certa in legal tran sact ions such as thetran sfer of a property such as build ing, copyright, land,pate nt, and securities.8) in stituti onal inv estor I) A pla n or a series of measures take n by agover nment to jump-start its aili ng economy,gen erally as a part of its fiscal policy. _210) in sider tradi ng Unit 22. Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the phrases in the listgiven below:1) The search for the child was scaled back harply today, with almost a third of the volun2) into a recession by year s end.teers head ing home.The former Federal Reserve Chairman saysthere is a risk that the US could slip3) The CEO of the firm said that they would switch priority from traditionallabor- inten sive products to more hi-tech and value-added ones.4) In the aftermath of the financial crisis the group has put on hold some of itsambitious regi onal expa nsion pla ns.5) Toyota Motor Corp. is offering widespread job buyouts to its US workers for the first time and cutting the workweek at some of its American plants by 10% tocontend with falli ng sales.6) Eventually, it must morph into a system that functions on stability, or it will fail andcause an un stoppable breakdow n and widespread hardship.7) Unfortunately most of the central banks in the world today are still firmly underthe thumb of politicia ns.8) The stock market ' enduranee could depend heavily on whether economic andcorporate performa nee rema ins un certa in, or begi ns in dicati ng that the economy truly is out of the woods9) Survivors were encouraged to talk about their horrible experiencesto help them cometo terms with the flood disaster.10) Other coun tries—no tably Australia—have also avoided a bust in their hous ingmarkets, and have in stead see n prices in creas flatten out.3. Match the terms in column A with the explanations in column B:_______ A ______________ ______________________ B1) double-dip recession A) A physical substanee, such as foodgrains and metalswhich is interchangeablewith another product of the sametype, and which investors buy or sell, usually throughfuture con tracts Z2) credit rati ng B) A measure that exam in esthe weighted average ofprices of foodstuffs, ofte n used as an importa nt factor toassess the cost of liv ing93) austerity C) A gover nment policy of deficit-cutt in g, lower spe nding,and a reduct ion in the amount of ben efits and publicservices provided, sometimes coupled with in creases intaxesto pay backcreditors to reduce debt.34) private sector D) A central bank regulation that sets the minimumreserveseach commercial bank must hold to customerdeposits and no tes105) protective tariff E) The part of the economy that is not state con trolled,and is run by in dividuals and compa nies for profit. 46) beggar thy neighbor F) An expression in economics describing policy thatseeks ben efitsfor one country at the expe nse of others.Such policies attempt to remedy the economic problems inone country by means which tend to worse n the problemsof other coun tries67) commodity G) A published ranking based on detailed financialanalysis by a credit bureau, of one' financial history,specifically as it relates to one' ability to meet debt obligations. 28) sovereign-debt crisis H) A crisis in which a national government owes so muchdebt that it is unable to repay or on the edge of ban kruptcy89) food-price index I) A tariff which tries to ban imports to stop themcompeti ng with local products 510) reserve requirement J) A situation where economic growth slides back tonegative after a short-lived growth and the economy maymove into a deeper and Ion ger dow nturr!Unit 31. Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the phrases in the listgiven below. Make changes when necessary.1) Investors from big cities are quick to snap up real estatesin this booming town for theirrising future values.2) There are already clear signals that the investors will shift away from the finan cialfirm in legal trouble.3) High in put costs are likely to put pressure on steel prices in the domestic market even if dema nd still rema ins high.4) The prime minister said Thursday that a new international airport will be built in thesouther n city to cater to the rising nu mber of passe ngers and air cargoes there. 5) Many econo mists fear that the con tract ion of money supply may dry up financing needed for various econo mic activities.6) Professor Nil was, however, quick to warn the public to be on their guard against thosecoun terfeits alreadyi n circulation7) Academy Awards, Emmy Awards and doze ns of prestigious awards from prominentfilm festivals around the world attest to the stellar quality of the films being featured at the annual World Community Film Festival.8) A neighborhood group in the district plans to hold a fundraiser to help children pay offoverdue book fines so that they can resume using their library9) The writer 'fame shrank last year becausethe public thought he was knockingout so many thi ngs.10) Bus in ess leaders have urged the gover nment to snap up farmla nd overseas togrow basic staples as a buffer aga inst soari ng food prices.11) T he Vancouver team vowed to get back to doing the little things right and knew itwould add up to big things.12) What has happenedover the past few years indicates that great political, socialand econo mic tran sformatio ns are n the making.2. Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B.A B1) emergi ng market2) profit marg in3) con sumer spe nding4) con sumerism5) disposable in come6) optio n7) econo mic restructuri ng8) turnaround9) curre nt acco unt10) economic model A) A con tract that permits the owner, depe nding on the type of optio n held, to purchase or sell an asset at a fixed price un til a specific dateB) A theoretical con struct that represe nts econo mic processes by a set of variables and a set of logical and qua ntitative relati on ships betwee n then10 C) An economy with fast growth rate but low to middle per capita in come, has ope ned up its market and integrated itself into the global economy;!D) The process of movi ng from a period of losses or low profitability into a more profitable stage for a firm, in dustry or economy.8E) Ratio of profit after taxes to cost-of-sales, ofte n expressed as a perce ntage, measuri ng the profitability of a firm and in dicat ing its cost structure2F) P ortion of the bala nee of payme nts con sisti ng of exports and imports of goods and services, as well as tran sfer payme nts such as foreig n aid gran ts. 9G) The amount of money spe nt by households,measured mon thly, making up an importa nt part of an economy^H) The phe nomenon of an economy shifti ng from amanufacturing to a service sector economic base.7I) A moveme nt equati ng pers onal happ in esswith purchas ing material possessi ons andconsumption. 4J) The amount of in come left to an in dividual after taxes have bee n paid, available for spe nding and sav ing_5Unit 42. Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the phrases in the listgiven below. Make changes when necessary.1) China will adhere to the prin ciple of develop ing high tech no logy and realiz ingindustrialization to step up the commercialization, industrialization and intern atio nalizatio n of scie ntific and tech no logical achieveme nts.2) In the recent crisis no banks could manageto bail out the companies in financial pressure.3) In terms of the in formatio n from the Uni verse he is apathetic and sometimes irritable, he is like an ostrich sticking hisheadin sand4) It will be up to the board to decide if the CEO should be removed.5) All our hopes rest upon the arrival of the shipme nt.6) The plan has already been worked out , and could be put into operation at a mome nt's no tice.7) The whole machinery of civilization will break down if this doctrine wins in the war.8) His remarks hit home whe n he said that we did n ot work eno ugh.9) Some analysts suspected that Toyo taad pulled strings to stifle probes into its auto quality problems. 10) Mercy is reaching out to those who have no thi ng to give back to you.3. Match the terms in column A with the explanations in column B:A ___________________B ________________________________________ 1)free market 2) coalition government 3) dem on stratio n effects 4) health in sura nee 5) n ati onal in terest 6) pension schemeA) Effects on the behavior of in dividuals caused byobservati on of the actions of others and theirconsequences.B) An economic turmoil where companies go bankrupt, people are laid off, and markets aresluggish. There is a lot of panic in both bus iness and daily lives 9C) A market in which there is no economicinterventionby the state except to enforce privatecon tracts and the own ership of property. 1D) A qualified retirement plan set upby a corporation, labor union, gover nment or other orga ni zation for its employees 6E) A form of collectivism by means of which peoplecollectively pool their risk, in this case the risk ofin curri ng medical expe nses4 F) The ability to obtain what one wants through economic or cultural means. It allows nations toexert their in flue nee without using militarymeans or coerci on 8G) A fight or con ten tio n for territory, power,con trol, or resources betwee n tow more partiesin a place or area.7H) Things of great importa nee to a n ati on,including its goals, visions and ambitions in political, economic,cultural fields, etc. and acti ons, circumsta nces, and decisi onstoachieve them. 5I) A cabinet of a parliamentary governmentin whichseveralparties cooperate.2Unit 72. Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the phrases in the listgiven below:1) With his expanding wireless broadband plan, Obama wants to usher every Americaninto the 'Digital Age'.2) School activities start winding down about two weeks before the end of semester.3) The man said he couldn't come up with an appropriate answer just at the time.4) Everybody is sure that the ceaseless dripping owater will in the end hollow out astone.5) The progressive movement, which had already brought important changes in federalpolicies, stood on the verge of culmi natio n and fulfillme nt6) The state has suffered so much loss. The smugglers should n ever be allowed to getoff easy.7) After product ion expa nsion, this compa ny now can turn out a millio n televisi onsets a mon th.8) The preeminent writer's personal appearanee picked up the sales of the book considerably9) The n ewly announ ced credit policy may help many family-ow ned bus in esses getthrough the tough times at prese nt..10) The gover nment has imposed drastic econo mic con trols tohoke off in flati on.11) To execute full-cost acco un ti ng, compa nies mus a ccount for the true cost of theirproducts.12) Econo mists are not so optimistic becausethere is no sig n that the recessi on hasbottomed out3. Match the terms in column A with the explanations in column B:A B1 ) bon dholder a) A measure of a compa ny's finan cial health,whichequals cash receipts minus cash payme nts overa give n period of time. 62 ) creditor b) A finan cial assetwhose value has falle n sig nifica ntly and which fails gen erate cashflow and isworth much less tha n expected?3 ) dealership c) An en tity (pers on or in stituti on) that exte nds credit bygiving ano ther en tity permissi on to7) turf war8) soft power9) econo mic crunchborrow money if it is paid back at a later date 2d) A unit specially orga ni zed to work on a sin gledefi ned task 10e) A bus in ess compa ny that is owned or con trolled by ano ther larger compa ny 9f) A pers on owning a bond or bonds issued b a gover nment or a public compa ny 1g) Money used for the preservati on of men tal and physical health by preve nti ng or treat ing ill nessthrough services offered by the health professi on4h) Volume of products or services that can be gen erated by a product ion pla nt or en terprise in agive n period by using curre nt resources 5i) A bus in ess established or operated un der an authorizati on to sell or distribute a compa ny goods orservice in a particular are 3j) Products that are extremely populous among consumers and no rmally sell like hot cakes in themarket.8Unit 81. Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the phrases in the listgiven below. Make changes when necessary.1) When the starlet was asked abouther new boyfriend, she couldn ' help but gushabout him and their intimate plans for Valentine ' s.Day2) The leaking of as many as 251,000 StateDepartment documents,including secret embassy reportsfrom around the world, is nothing short of a political meltdown for US foreign policy. 3) With very critical views on the government economic policies, she often pals aroundwith those scholars who also take rather radical stanee on economic issues.4) It is high time for every one in the departme nt tokick into full geara nd fulfill our salesquota by the end of the year.5) The mother did whatever possible to prevent her son from hanging out with the guywho she thought was up to no thi ng good.6) Obama svictory in the election was viewed by many as progress in the United States. But I thi nk his eth ni city is beside the point7) The neighbors said what happenedwas totally out of character for the woman theyknew as quiet and frie ndly8) Unfortunately, the firm has not been able to pare ) production cost to the level thatmatches its competitors in the market.9) On the back of strong corporate earnings reports from a number of firms last week,coupled with the improvi ng un employme nt rate, i nv estor sen time nt was bolstered 4) health-care expe nses 5) manu facturi ng capacity 6) net cash flow 7) bad asset 8) hot products 9) subsidiary# 10) task forceon the first trad ing day of the week.10) T he team is expected to take a vote toni ght that coulc feet in motion a new pla n torevitalize the finan cial market.11) It was a long time before our bus in ess part ners could catch on to what we reallyinten ded.12) A s a shrewd man, he successfully pounced at the opport unity last year to becomethe marketi ng man ager.2. Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B:A B1) market share2) cash drain3) shareholder wealth4) net worth5) man ageme nt team6) brain trust7) bala nee sheet8) capta ins of in dustry9) Ven ture capitalist10) product cycle A) A group of advisors, origi nally to a political can didate,for their expertise in particular fields, but now to anydecision makers, whether or not in politics. 6B) The rate of new product developme nt, whichis getting faster with more severe competitionand faster tech no logical adva nceme nt10C) Perce ntage or proporti on of the totalavailable market or market segment that aproduct or compa ny takes.1D) A group of executives employed to man age aproject, departme nt, or compa ny with theirparticular expertise or skills. 5E) A pers on, project, bus in ess or compa ny thatcon ti nues to con sume large amounts of cashwith no end in sight. 2F) A pers on or firm that inv ests in a bus in ess venture, providi ng capital for start-up orexpa nsion, and expect ing a higher rate of retur n than that for traditional investments.9G) The wealth shareholders get to accrue from theirownership of shares in a firm, which can bein creased by rais ing either share prices or divide nd payme nts.3H) A finan cial stateme nt that summarizes a company's assets, liabilities and shareholders' equity at a specific point in time. 7I) Total assets minus total liabilities, an important determinant of the value of a compa nyprimarily composed of all the money that has bee n inv ested and the retained earnings for the duration of its operation.4L) A bus in ess leader who is especially successful and powerful and whose means of amass ing apers onal fortune con tributes substa ntially to the country in some way 8。
Voice of Courage
3. For what did Jim Farley, a top political advisor, think that the first Fireside Chat may have been the greatest speech by an American president?
walk: 原意是“陪同走路或步行护送”,这里用来比喻耐心细 致。
4. In the middle of the speech, Roosevelt said simply, “I can assure you that it is safer to keep your money in a reopened bank than under the mattress.”
Prohibition:用作大写时,意思是:“禁酒”,指美国1920 年至1933年期间的禁酒。
Text B: Tell Stories to strengthen Organizational Bonds
Notes on the Text:
1. Tell Stories to Strengthen Organizational Bonds
2. Why can storytelling be used as an effective method to strengthen organizational bonds in a corporation?
商务英语阅读Unit 1-叶兴国
The 4 shared personality traits of the extraordinarily successful companies.
Business English: A Reading Course
1. What are the three crucial components for a successful new venture? 2. What are the three ways we usually use to measure success? 3.Why does the author say “How we define success significantly influences our selection of a business to start.”? 4.What is vision and what is goal-setting? 5. What is the relationship between them? 6. What are the features of goal? 7. What are the first stages of new venture planning?
such that ...:如此…。 如: Their anxiety was such that they could not sleep.他们如此焦虑,难
Three questions:
这里story是指对于一场事件或一系列事件的描述和复述,可 能为真实的,也可能是虚构的。
Text B: Tell Stories to strengthen Organizational Bonds
2. In the world of corporations and nonprofit organizations, however, this highly effective tool has taken a backseat to the more efficient electronic means if communication such as email and teleconferencing.
Voice of Courage
Questions: 1. What made the first Fireside Chat a hit? 2. Which point was emphasized both in Roosevelt’s
inaugural address and his first Fireside Chat?
Unit1 Effective Communication
Effective Communication
Warm-up Questions
1. During difficult times, a leader is supposed to encourage his or her people to pull through. This requires one to have some charisma. What can be the effctive methods to call forth people’s spontaneous enthusiasm and cooperatoin?
4. In the middle of the speech, Roosevelt said simply, “I can assure you that it is safer to keep your money in a reopened bank than under the mattress.”
Voice of Courage
1300万人失业,3400万人没有任何收入。人们依靠私人施舍、 市和州政府少得可怜的公共救济,以及自己微不足道的积蓄度日。 为了求得美国人民对政府的支持,缓解萧条,美国总统富兰克 林·罗斯福利用炉边谈话节目通过收音机向美国人民进行宣传。 他的谈话不仅鼓舞了美国人民,坚定了人民的信心,而且也宣传 了他的货币及社会改革的基本主张,从而赢得了人们的理解和尊 敬。对美国政府度过艰难,缓和危机起到了较大作用。
Text B: Tell Stories to strengthen Organizational Bonds
2. In the world of corporations and nonprofit organizations, however, this highly effective tool has taken a backseat to the more efficient electronic means if communication such as email and teleconferencing. 但是在公司和非营利组织领域,这种高效率的工具却让位给 更高效的电子通讯方式,如电子邮件和电信会议。
Text B: Tell Stories to strengthen Organizational Bonds
Notes on the Text: 1. Tell Stories to Strengthen Organizational Bonds 用讲故事的方法来增加组织的凝聚力。 这里story是指对于一场事件或一系列事件的描述和复述,可 能为真实的,也可能是虚构的。
高级商务英语系列教材总主编:叶兴国王光林高级商务英语阅读1主编:谢文怡(习题答案)外语教学与研究出版社Unit 1 Business Start-upsText AComprehensionI. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions with the information you get from the text.1. C2. D3. A4. B5. CII. Discuss with your partners and answer the following questions in your own words.Suggested answers:1.He managed to build his company from its beginnings in a town of 800 and madeit a great success. He had the most important entrepreneurial quality, the determination not to fail and persisted in what he determined to do. From his success, we know that one should have tenacity and make sure that his business is on the right track when starting up.2.When Bradberry advises entrepreneurs to leverage their relationships andresources, he means that they should contact all sorts of qualified people in business that can help them make connections and network and make all sorts of other judicious business moves that will nudge them toward profitability. Pickel is an example of this step. He first chose to get suggestions from his young children and then accepted advice put forward by a professional skeptic who was expert at downing a six-pack.3.(open)4.(open)Usage & TranslationI. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases in the box. Change the form when necessary.1. shot straight2. wear…on her sleeve3. judicious4. crystallize5. nudge6. tip offII. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.尽管为一家成功的公司奠定基础意味着要确保该公司拥有一种适合在市场销售并为付费顾客所接受的产品或服务,一些已经取得一定成就的创业者认为,一系列的个人准备工作能帮助创业者挺过创业初期的艰难阶段。
新世纪商务英语第二版阅读教程2:叶兴国unit13答案Unit13Part I Background Information《国富论》总结了近代初期各国资本主义发展的经验,并在批刘吸收了当时有关重要经济理论的基础上,就整个国民经济运动过程作了较系统、较明白的描述。
Part II Notes to the TextsText A of the Natural Progress of Opulence1. The Wealth of Nations:中文译名为《国富论》或《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》,为影响世界历史进程的10部书之-,影响人类文化进程的100部经典之一,对中国近代社会影响最大的经济学译著。
2. Adam Smith: 亚当.斯密(1723- -1790),著名经济学家,经济学的主要创立者。
新世纪商务英语第二版阅读教程2:叶兴国unit12答案Unit12Part I Background Information美国“安全第一”网络银行成立于195年,是世界上第一-家新型的网络银行。
Part II Notes to the TextsText A What Is a Bank Really For?1.ATM:automated/automatic teller machine,自动柜员机。
2.immediate ae;附近。
3.You’re banking where it was convenient to walk in sit down,and start an account–even though there’s a good chance that you seldom,if ever,actually walk into your bank to a teller anyone.即使以前去过,你现在也不会再去开户银行与出纳员面对面交读了。
1. “made in China 2025”:《中国制造2025》 是中国政府实施制造强国战略第一个十年 的行动纲领。《中国制造2025》提出,坚 持“创新驱动、质量为先、绿色发展、结 构优化、人才为本”的基本方针,坚持 “市场主导、政府引导、立足当前、着眼 长远,整体推进、重点突破,自主发展、 开放合作”的基本原则,通过“三步走” 实现制造强国的战略目标。
3. Alibaba is also ploughing ahead with cloud computing. Its business, Aliyun, is China’s largest cloud provider. 译文:阿里巴巴也正在云计算领域奋力前行。他旗 下的企业阿里云就是中国最大的云服务供应商。 注释:云计算(cloud computing)是一种新兴的商 业计算模型。它将计算任务分布在大量计算构成的 资源池上,使各种应用系统能够根据需要获取计算 力、存储空间和各种软件服务。Plough ahead 可理 解为“奋力前行,奋勇前进”。如: As far as I’m concerned there’s a need to plough ahead with the discoveries and applications of nanotechnology. 我认为有必要进一步推动纳米技术领域的发现和应 用。
As of September 2017, Alibaba's market cap stood at US$455.46 billion. It is one of the top 10 most valuable and biggest companies in the world. In 2017, Alibaba became the first Asian company to break the US$400 billion value mark.
《新编商务英语阅读教程》(第二版)练习参考答案Unit OneI.1. 资产C2. 边际变动E3. 市场势力I4. 劳动生产力(率)J5. 经济学A6. 市场失灵G7. 市场经济F8. 机会成本D9. 通货膨胀K10. 外部性H11. 效率B12. 菲利普斯曲线LII.Passage One经济学的研究主要分为两部分:宏观经济学与微观经济学。
商务英语阅读Unit 2-叶兴国
Business English: A Reading Course
Notes on the Text:
3. Such a slope over even a few years causes inflection points … 这种
延续数年的价格跌势导致了拐点…… inflection point:原指“曲线最大、最小或回折的临界点”,引申为“转折点”。例 如:
Business English: A Reading Course
Business English: A Reading Course
1. In the new era of information exploration, companies, as well as our society, are in need of imaginative, creative talents. What can be done to improve the situation in the business management? 2. With the rapid development of technology, a demanding task for executives is that they must renew their knowledge though they are experienced with management. What can companies do to help them to cope with this problem effectively?
第一章商务读物练习一1.What is the most important organizational principle in amemo?答案:clear organization.2.What kind of information do people NOT usually write in afax?答案:information that’s too long or personal.3.What is the mn advantage of a letter over other kinds ofcorrespondence?答案:the formality of the letter can reflect the importance of the correspondence.练习二1.In memo writing, what does the author suggest as a goodorganizational device?答案:section headings.2.Why is it important to make sure that a fax is fully self-contned?答案:because faxes can be separated from their cover pages, it is important to make sure they are fully self-contned.3.Describe one way that e-ml differs from other kinds ofcorrespondence.答案:e-ml is informal and often contns conversational language.第二章商务智能练习一1.How is a database different from a spreadsheet?答案:in a database, data is organized into tables while in a spreadsheet, data is organized alphabetically.2.What is the primary purpose of a data warehouse?答案:to store data for analysis and decision making.3.What is a data cube?答案:a set of data that is organized in a way that makes it easy to analyze.练习二1.What is data mining?答案:the process of analyzing data to discover patterns and correlations.2.What is the difference between a data mart and a datawarehouse?答案:a data mart contns a subset of data from a larger data warehouse, while a data warehouse contns all data.3.What is OLAP?答案:online analytical processing is a tool for analyzing and presenting data in a multi-dimensional way.第三章电子商务练习一1.What is B2B e-commerce?答案:business-to-business e-commerce is the exchange of goods and services between businesses conducted digitally.2.What is the mn advantage of e-commerce for businesses?答案:e-commerce can increase accessibility and lower overhead costs.3.What is EDI?答案:electronic data interchange is a system for transferring business documents electronically.练习二1.What is C2C e-commerce?答案:consumer-to-consumer e-commerce is the exchange of goods and services between individuals conducted digitally.2.What is the difference between a shopping cart system and apayment gateway?答案:a shopping cart system allows users to add items to a virtual shopping cart, while a payment gateway is a system for processing online payments.3.What is m-commerce?答案:mobile commerce is the exchange of goods and services conducted through mobile devices.以上是对商务英语阅读第二版课后练习题的分析和答案。
高级商务英语系列教材总主编:叶兴国王光林高级商务英语阅读2主编:叶兴国(参考答案)外语教学与研究出版社Unit 1 Global TradeText AComprehensionI. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions with the information you get from the text.1. C2. D3. C4.D5. AUsage & TranslationI. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases in the box. Change the form when necessary.1. subsidies2.impose3. at the expense of4. specialize5. endorse6. diminishII. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 世界银行行长罗伯特·佐利克说:“领导者绝不可受贸易保护主义的诱惑。
2. 相反,那些贸易导致的失利者,如由于汽车进口而失业的汽车工人,他们的人数相比消费者要少得多,却很容易被召集形成具有明确诉求的政治群体。
3. 仅仅凭借其存在,贸易就使国际合作不再是一个抽象的概念。
Text BComprehensionI. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions with the information you get from the text.1. A2. C3. B4.A5. BUsage & TranslationI. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases in the box. Change the form when necessary.1.trade-distorting2. prosperity3. reductions4. export-driven5. emerging market6. conciliatoryII. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 然而这一僵局出现了一个新的主要因素,即在全球经济格局的重新调整中,中国、印度和巴西跃居世界新兴市场前列,墨西哥、智利及泰国等其他发展中国家对此十分在意。
新世纪商务英语第二版阅读教程2:叶兴国unit11答案Unit11Part I Background Information“物流”的英文是logistics,原意是“军事后勤保障”。
Part II Notes to the TextsText A Supply-Chaining1.I had never seen what a supply chain looked like in action until I visited Wal-Martheadquarters in Bentonville,Arkansas.我从来没看过供应链实际的运作,直到我去参观了阿肯色州班多维尔的沃尔玛总部。
2.These little conveyor belts fed into a bigger belt,like streams feeding into a powerful river.这些小传送带通向一个较大的传送带,就像溪流汇合成大河。
61、奢侈是舒适的,否则就不是奢侈 。——CocoCha nel 62、少而好学,如日出之阳;壮而好学 ,如日 中之光 ;志而 好学, 如炳烛 之光。 ——刘 向 63、三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也。 ——孔 丘 64、人生就是学校。在那里,与其说好 的教师 是幸福 ,不如 说好的 教师是 不幸。 ——海 贝尔 65、接受挑战,就可以享受胜利的喜悦 。——杰纳勒 尔·乔治·S·巴顿
商务英语阅读第二版叶兴国 unit1精编版
11、战争满足了,或曾经满足过人的 好斗的 本能, 但它同 时还满 足了人 对掠夺 ,破坏 以及残 酷的纪 律和专 制力的 欲望。 ——查·埃利奥 特 12、不应把纪律仅仅看成教育的手段 。纪律 是教育 过程的 结果, 首先是 学生集 体表现 在一切 生活领 域—— 生产、 日常生 活、学 校、文 化等领 域中努 力的结 果。— —马卡 连柯(名 言网)
谢谢!பைடு நூலகம்
新世纪商务英语第二版阅读教程2:叶兴国unit8答案Unit8Part I Background Information过去人们常说:“如果你制造出一种质量更好的捕鼠器,市场就会把路铺到你家大门口。
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1、We moved to the front row_____we could hear and see better. [单选题] *
A. so as
B. so that(正确答案)
C. because
D. such that
2、If you want to _______, you’d better eat more healthy food and do more exercise. [单选题] *
A. keep fat
B. keep calm
C. keep healthy(正确答案)
D. keep on
3、The teacher asked him to practice playing the piano _______. [单选题] *
A. often as possible
B. as often possible
C. as possible often
D. as often as possible(正确答案)
4、--Jenny, what’s your favorite _______?--I like potatoes best. [单选题] *
A. fruit
B. vegetable(正确答案)
C. drink
D. meat
5、She often _______ at 21: [单选题] *
A. go to bed
B. gets up
C. goes to bed(正确答案)
D. gets to
6、____ China is ____ old country with ____ long history. [单选题] *
A. /, an, a(正确答案)
B. The, an, a
C. /, an, /
D. /, the, a
7、The book is very _______. I’ve read it twice. [单选题] *
A. interest
B. interested
C. interesting(正确答案)
D. interests
8、It _____ us a lot of time to do this job. [单选题] *
A. spent
B. made
C. took(正确答案)
D. cost
9、What’s your _______ for the coming new year? [单选题] *
A. play
B. plant
C. plan(正确答案)
D. plans
10、We have ______ homework today. ()[单选题] *
A. too many
B. too much(正确答案)
C. much too
D. very much
11、If you had told me earlier, I _____ to meet you at the hotel. [单选题] *
A. had come
B. will have come
C. would come
D. would have come(正确答案)
12、No writer will be considered()of the name until he writes a work. [单选题] *
A. worthless
B. worthy(正确答案)
C. worthwhile
D. worth
13、Sorry, I can't accept your invitation. [单选题] *
A. 礼物
B. 观点
C. 邀请(正确答案)
D. 好意
14、He has grown rich lately. [单选题] *
A. 后来
B. 以后
C. 终于
D. 最近(正确答案)
15、6.Hi, boys and girls. How are you ________ your posters for the coming English Festival at school? [单选题] *
A.getting on
B.getting off
C.getting with (正确答案)
16、Jeanne's necklace was _____ 500 francs at most. [单选题] *
A. worthy
B. cost
C. worth(正确答案)
D. valuable
17、We have made a _______ tour plan to Sydney. [单选题] *
A. two day
B. two days
C. two-day(正确答案)
D. two-days
18、22.Will there ________ any schools in the future? [单选题] * A.is
19、I?have to?_______ my younger brother on Sunday. [单选题] *
A. look after(正确答案)
B. look up
C. take care
D. look out
20、( ). I’m _____ in that ______ film [单选题] *
A. interesting interested
B. interested interesting(正确答案)
C. interested interested
D. interesting interesting
21、It is my _______ to meet you here. [单选题] *
A. pleasure(正确答案)
B. please
C. pleased
D. pleasant
22、The house is well decorated _____ the disarrangement of a few photos. [单选题] *
A. except
B. besides
C. except for(正确答案)
D. in addition to
23、She _______ be here. [单选题] *
A. is glad
B. is so glad to(正确答案)
C. am glad
D. is to
24、The little girl held _____ in her hand. [单选题] *
A. five breads
B. five piece of breads
C. five piece of bread
D. five pieces of bread(正确答案)
25、How _______ Grace grows! She’s almost as tall as her mother now. [单选题] *
A. cute
B. strong
C. fast(正确答案)
D. clever
26、Alice hopes to _______ more friends at her new school. [单选题] *
A. visit
B. make(正确答案)
C. miss
D. take
27、John is quite _______. He likes to attend activities in?his spare time. [单选题] *
A. active(正确答案)
B. quiet
C. lazy
D. honest
28、Your homework must_______ tomorrow. [单选题] *
A. hand in
B. is handed in
C. hands in
D. be handed in(正确答案)
29、My camera is lost. I am ______ it everywhere.()[单选题] *
A. looking at
B. looking for(正确答案)
C. looking over
D. looking after
30、I paint a lot of pictures. [单选题] *
A. 评论
B. 注意
C. 悬挂
D. 画(正确答案)。