物业接管验收培训(Property takeover acceptance training)

该案例强调了公共设施接管验收的服 务导向和公众安全,涉及设施性能、 环境卫生、安全防范等方面的全面检 测,以确保公众利益得到保障。
根据行业规范和项目要求,制定详细 、明确的验收标准,确保验收工作有 据可依。
房屋结构问题通常涉及到建筑物的整体稳定性、承重结构以及抗震性能等方面 。
在进行接管验收时,应重点关注房屋的结构设计、施工质量和材料使用情况, 确保房屋结构安全可靠。如果发现结构问题,应及时采取措施进行加固或修复 ,防止出现安全事故。
协调各方面资源,确保验收工作的顺利进行 。
合理安排每个阶段、每个环节的验收时间, 确保工作有序进行。
根据实际情况及时调整验收日程,确保工作 质量和效率。
房屋结构验收是接管验收中的重要环节,主要检查房屋的承重结构、抗震性能、墙体和地面等是否存在裂缝、变 形、下沉等问题。
接管验收能够建立物业项目的基础资料和管理档案,为后期物业管理提供重要的数 据支持和信息保障。
制定接管验收计划,组建验收小组,明确 验收标准和流程。
按照验收计划对物业项目的各项设施设备 、房屋本体、绿化保洁、安全保卫等方面 进行检查,并记录检查结果。

物业经 物业工 物业项 物业客 物业维 物业安
理程师 目经理 服人员 修人员来自保人员培训内容01
物业接管验收的基 本概念和流程
物业接管验收的标 准和规范
物业接管验收的注 意事项和常见问题
物业接管验收的案 例分析和实践操作
物业接管验收是指 在物业交付使用前,
检查物业的环境 卫生是否符合要
检查物业的绿化 是否符合要求
检查物业的物业 管理制度是否完
检查物业的收费 标准是否符合规
检查物业的业主 委员会是否成立,
检查物业的维修 基金是否充足
检查物业的保险 是否齐全,是否
物业设施设备: 检查设施设备的 完好性、安全性 和运行状况
物业环境:检查 环境卫生、绿化 养护和公共秩序 状况
物业服务:检查 物业服务标准、 服务内容和服务 质量
物业档案资料: 检查物业档案资 料的完整性、准 确性和规范性
物业交接手续: 检查交接手续的 合规性、完整性 和准确性
处罚措施:对于整改不及时 04

接管验收:是物业管理企业接管开发单 位或个人委托的新建房屋或原有房屋时, 以物业房屋质量和满足使用功能为主要 内容的接管验收。
新建房屋的接管验收:是在竣工验收合格 的基础上,以主体结构安全和满足使用 功能为主要内容的再检验。
建设工程全部施工完毕,并业经竣工验 收合格;
形式。建设工程竣工并且具备验收条件 后,建设(开发)单位向市建设管理服 务中心申请政府各专业验收,监控部门集 中参加验收和监督,以减少多头申报、 多次分验,提高工程竣工验收速度。
物业公司(代表全体业主验收)——开 发商
新建房屋:建成后未经确认产权的房屋。 原有房屋:已取得房屋所有权证,并已投
(3)物业公司验收小组同移交人对房屋质量、使用功 能、外观质量、公共配套设施/设备等进行接管验收;
(4)经检验符合要求,接管单位应在7日内签 署验收合格凭证,并应及时签发接管文件。
(5)对未按设计要求配套到位和不能正常运 转的设备(包括水、电、暖等),物业公司提 出整改意见,由开发商负责落实,直至合格;
接管方的责任 按规定的时限要求落实验收时间,签署合格凭
证和接管文件。无特殊理由,超过时限规定的, 要承担责任; 自房屋接管之日起,至住户入住时止,由接管 单位负责看管,由于看管失职而发生人为损坏, 设施被盗,由接管单位负责。 房屋投入使用后,如使用不当、管理不善的原 因造成设备和房屋损坏,由接管单位负责。
书和保修单; ★ 有关工程项目的其他重要技术决定和文件。
交房方的责任 接管前,建设单位必须狠抓工程质量,落实公


接管验收培训讲义物业验收程序一、目的规范公司物业验收程序, 确保物业验收工作得到有效控制, 以便对物业进行全面接管, 保证物业入住工作顺利进行。
二、适用范围适用于公司所承接的物业的验收, 与房地产开发商的交接。
三、职责1. 物业公司接到发展商竣工验收的通知报告后, 总物业经理负责指定主管人员, 各职能部门负责人及专业的技术人员组成验收小组。
2. 验收小组负责对物业原设计图纸、设计变更、竣工图和设备出厂合格证书及设备试运行记录等技术检验资料的验收。
3. 验收小组按移交设备清单的要求对清单上的设备, 按规格型号、容量及设计要求进行验收,设备的安装数量、安装位置及竣工图验收。
4. 验收小组对物业按运行系统验收, 主要验收供电系统、给排水系统、土建工程装饰工程、给排风系统、消防系统、防盗对讲系统及电梯系统。
5. 由总物业经理跟发展商办理接管手续。
四、工作程序1. 验收的准备验收小组根据发展商提供的竣工图纸, 按设计及施工要求编制验收计划和验收标准。
2. 验收的实施(1) 验收小组依据验收计划、标准,按专业分工进行预验收。
(2) 在预验收过程中, 检查出未达到验收标准的楼宇、设施、设备,提出书面整改报告返回发展商,由发展商督促施工单位进行整改。
(3) 对在验收中未达到验收要求的楼宇、设施、设备,整改实施后,验收小组进行检查、验证,整改合格后进行正式验收。
(4) 楼宇的实物验收,应注意: 对每套单元房的水、电、土建、门窗、电器设备进行全面检查,并将检查结果记录在楼宇接管验收清单中。
(5) 设备的实物验收, 要做到符合以下几点:1. 图纸设计与设备的规格、型号、数量符合。
2. 主要设备、设施的安装位置与安装质量符合。
3. 设备与连接整个系统的技术性能, 应与设计要求符合,检查结果对应不同类设备记录在设施、设备接管验收清单中。
(6) 对物业的其它配套系统、设施进行验收,验收结果记录在设施、设备接管验收清单相应的表格内。

(3)接管验收前的准备: 接管验收开始之前接管验收小组应做好以下准备工作: ①与开发商联系好交接事项、交接日期、进度、验收标准等; ②派出先头技术人员前往物业现场摸底,制定好接管验收计划; ③准备好接管验收记录表格: ——《房屋本体接管验收表》; ——《公共配套设施接管验收表》; ——《机电设备接管验收表》; ——《接管验收问题整改表》。
关于电表不能抄表到户,购房业主有意见而拒绝收房 跟客户解释抄表到户与抄总表的不同点与共同点; 对于还是不能接受的客户需要有应急小组专人处理。
客服配臵:1、5、6个配臵一名楼栋管理员,其他楼栋配臵1名机动管理人员, 共4人; 工程部设备运行和维护各配2人共4人; 护卫部护卫员配臵如下:门岗早、中班个配臵3人(两个门岗)计6人,晚班 配臵2人。地面巡逻每班配臵1人共3人。地下车库每班配臵1人共3人。每班 配臵1名轮休人员,护卫员配臵共计17人. 监控中心目前每班配臵1人共3人,顶替轮岗由班长负责,护卫部共计配臵23 人; 环境部配臵:1、5、6栋每栋配臵2人共6人,地面保洁配臵2人,轮休1人, 保洁部共配臵9人; 绿化配臵2人; 财务配2人, 综合部配2人 部门经理级以上人员配臵7人(张洪梅兼任总经理助理,陈琦配入综合管理 部)。 计划配臵总人数为:52人。
建立和分析客户档案,提前电话沟通,按客户情况分类,掌握交房客户行程 动态 ,确保完成交房率;
交房前,房屋保洁开荒完毕,现场环境清扫完毕。 保证地下室对讲信息畅通,设立中转台;地下室中国移动、联通、电信网络

物业的产权、工程、设备资料的验收移交工作; ■ ——物业部由客服部抽调业务骨干负责业主资料
的验收移交以及协助楼宇的验收移交工作; ■ ——物业部由工程部抽调业务骨干具体负责房屋
■ (3)接管验收前的准备:
■ 接管验收开始之前接管验收小组应做好以下准备 工作:
■ (18)招牌、广告牌安装牢固,安全,表面平整光 洁。
■ 8、机电设备的接管验收 ■ (1)电梯设备型号、数量与移交清单相符,运行平
稳,安装符合规范;有电梯运行准运证;机房设 置合理,配件安全,标识清楚,表面光洁平整、 明亮。 ■ (2)变配电设备型号、数量与移交清单相符,工作 状态良好,安全防护装置齐全,标识清楚、机房 配置齐全,通风、采光良好,设备表面油漆完好, 无损伤。 ■ (3)消防监控设备型号、数量与移交清单相符,工 作状态良好,标识清楚,设备表面完好无损,设 备安装牢固,机房干燥、通风、采光良好。 ■ (4)给排水设备型号、数量与移交清单相符,工作 状态良好,标识清楚,设备表面油漆完好无损, 安装牢固,无渗漏现象,机房配置完整。 ■ (5)安全监控设备:同消防监控设备。 ■ (6)水泵房无渗漏现象。配置完整。
■ ④油漆均匀,色泽光亮新鲜、完整;
■ ⑤不锈钢房门表面光亮,无刮花、变形;;
■ ⑥高档装饰门装饰完整。
■ 7)楼梯、扶手:
■ 钢木楼梯安装牢固,无锈蚀、弯曲,油漆完好,色泽 均匀,表面平滑;
■ 砼楼梯无裂缝,无表皮剥落。
■ (8)木装修工程表面光洁,线条顺直,对缝严密、牢 固。
■ (9)饰面砖表面平整,无空鼓、裂缝、起泡和缺角, 对缝平直。
由发展商牵头召集物管公司 对物业移交验收的专题会议

1)移交人书面提请接管单位接管验收,并提交相应的资料。 2)接管单位按照接管验收标准,对建设单位提交的申请和相关资 料进行审核,对具备条件的,应在15日内签发验收通知并约定验 收时间。 3)接管单位会同移交人按照接管验收的主要内容及标准进行验收。 4)查验房屋的情况,包括建筑年代、用途变迁、拆改添建等;评 估房屋的完好与损坏程度及现有价值;对在验收过程中发现的问 题,按危险和损坏问题处理办法处理。 5)交接双方共同清点房屋、装修、设备和定、附着物,核实房屋 的使用状况。 6)经检验符合要求时,接管单位应在7日内签发验收合格凭证, 签发接管文件,并办理房屋所有权的转移登记(若无产权转移, 则无需办理)。
①属有危险的房屋,应由移交人负责排险解危后,才能 承接。 ②属有损坏的房屋,由移交人和承接单位协商解决,既 可约定期限由移交人负责维修,也可采用其他补偿形式。 ③属法院判决没收并通知承接的房屋,按法院判决办理。
(1)遗留问题的登记确认 (2)遗留问题的解决
1)建设单位书面提请接管单位接管验收,并提交相应 的资料。 2)接管单位按照接管验收标准,对建设单位提交的申 请和相关资料进行审核,对具备条件的,应在15日内 签发验收通知并约定验收时间。 3)接管单位会同建设单位按照接管验收的主要内容及 标准进行验收。 4)验收过程中发现的问题,按质量问题的处理办法处 理。 5)经检验符合要求时,接管单位应在7日内签发验收 合格凭证,并应及时签发接管文件。
①竣工图——包括总平面、建筑、结构、设备、 附属工程有隐蔽管线的全套图纸; ②地质勘察报告; ③工程合同及开、竣工报告; ④工程预决算; ⑤图纸会审记录; ⑥工程设计变更通知及技术核定单位(包括质 量事故处理记录); ⑦隐蔽工程验收签证; ⑧沉降观测记录; ⑨竣工验收证明书; ⑩钢材、水泥等主要材料的质量保证书;

2.4物业交房组: ①客服部:负责到场客户的接待工作;各楼栋管理员负责接待客户咨询、入
③护卫部:负责引导、指挥客户车辆有序停放;负责巡视、维护交房现场秩 序;各门岗、形象岗、迎宾岗按相关礼仪、动作等要求及标准操作,确保树 立良好形象;及时处理交房现场突发事件;做好财务组的安全护卫工作。
2.5后勤保障组: 组长:主要负责交房现场、收楼通道的布置;准备、完成交房各种资料、表
格等;交房物资筹备到位;人员统筹安排、后勤保障等工作;客户及工作人 员午餐、点心等准备;突发事件、特殊事件的处理。
1. 交房流程
1、入伙通知书;(原件) 2、购房合同或银行购房按揭合同;(复印件) 3、身份证、护照;(复印件) 4、委托办理需提供授权委托书、委托公证书;(原件) 5、发放签字盖章后的《入伙汇签单》
财务部(收费组) 物业现场接待组
楼栋管理员 办理手续
交房现场选址:销售中心大堂 接管验收 在交房前进行2次由地产工程部、建筑总包方、工程监理、营销部、物业公司
五方组成的接管验收小组进行逐户预验收、公共设施设备验收(参照接管验 收方案)。 入伙现场标识制作清单: ********** 入伙现场布置 ⑴在车辆入口处摆放“欢迎入驻”字牌; ⑵在车辆入口处摆放带“恭贺金融广场客户入驻”字样的气拱门(或悬挂空 飘),摆放鲜花; ⑶项目内主要道路两旁摆放鲜花,各楼栋大堂鲜花绿植布置; ⑷现场各种水果、饮料、点心准备; ⑸入伙流程、收费标准、项目综合验收相关资料等公示牌。

1. 拟定方案避免尾项问题影响业主的入住以及使用 2. 各部门各专业跟进责任范围内问题; 3. 整改期间施工人员的管理; 4. 整改之后再次验收; 5. 记录的存档和汇总
对签署施工合同的(如总包等单位): 以物业管理处名义和施工单位签署“保修协议”,依照大施工合
预验收:是接管验收的重要阶段,没有预验收的接管验收就是“包办婚姻”,预验收就像结婚之前的恋爱阶段,是建立双方了 解的重要阶段,正式验收只是相当于“结婚”的一个仪式而已;绝大部分的问题和尾项以及工程建议都在预验收阶段提出;
正式验收阶段是一个过场性的仪式,主要用于各方对某些关键问题的现场确认和钥匙的移交,不能将此阶段作为接管验收的 实际执行阶段
设备设施的手册、使用说明等文件对设备的维护和保养非常重要,就像我们买车时都要检查车况一样,恰当的维护可以延长 物业使用寿命,如果没有这些文件我们就不知道怎么使用、怎么保养,从而缩短使用寿命,不能为物业保值增值
B 设备设施的安装、使用和 维护保养技术资料; C 物业质量保修文件和物业 使用说明文件; D 物业管理所必需的其他资 料;
1. 前期准备: ◆ 人员准备; ➢ 工程、客服、保安等各部门人员安排和人员进场计划; ◆ 图纸、资料准备; ➢ 收集图纸、设备设施说明书等 ◆ 材料物资准备; ➢ 验收必要场地准备; ➢ 基本安全用具准备; ➢ 验收必备工具准备;
安全培训是重中之重,重点讲述高空坠物、跌落、触电、有毒气体等; 本部门本专业培训是主管或工程师、或厂家技术人员的培训,交叉培训是专业间、部门间的培训

a) 地质报告书; b) 全套设计图纸; c) 图纸会审记录; d) 设计变更通知单; e) 工程预决算报告书; f) 重要的施工会议纪要; g) 隐蔽工程验收记录; h) 沉降观测记录; i) 其他可能会影响将来管理的原始记录。
7.4 机电设备资料
a) 机电设备出厂合格证; b) 机电设备使用说明书(要求有中文); c) 机电设备安装、调试报告; d) 设备报修卡、保修协议。
1、接管验收 ——是企业行为,是物业管理企业代表全体业主根据物业管理委托
合同,从确保物业日后的正常使用与维修的角度出发,对物业委托方委 托的物业进行质量验收。
——是政府行为,房地产开发项目和任何建设工程的竣工验收由 政府建设、行政主管部门负责,组成综合验收小组,对施工质量和设计质
市政设施验收 (1)道路 (2)砂井 (3)供水管道 (4)化粪池 (5)红线内
1.从细从严原则 2.在处理验收中的质量问题应把握的原则
2.1 原则性与灵活性相结合 2.2 细致入微与整体把握相结合
签订,实现权 利和义务的转 移,在法律上 界定清楚各自 的义务和权利。
促使开发企业 按标准进行设 计和建设,达 到工程质量要 求,减少日常 管理过程维修 养护工作量。
通过接管有关物 业文件资料,可 以摸清物业的性 能与特点,预防 管理中可能出现 的问题,计划安 排好各项管理, 充分发挥社会化 、专业化、现代 化的管理优势。
7.2 综合竣工验收资料:
a) 竣工图(包括总平面布置图、建筑、结构、水、暖、电、气、设备、附属工 程各专业竣工图及地下管线综合布置竣工图);

核对物业资料的真实 性和完整性,确保资 料与实际情况相符。
对物业现场进行全面勘查,了 解物业的实际状况,包括建筑 结构、设施设备、绿化环境等 。
评估物业的价值和潜在风险, 为后续管理和维护提供参考。
记录现场勘查结果和评估意见 ,形成书面报告,作为移交接 管的依据。
根据物业资料和现场勘查结果,制定详细的移交接管计划,明确移交的时间、地点 、参与人员等。
明确移交接管的时间、地点、 参与人员、物资准备等事项。
移交方提供完整的物业资料, 包括产权证、规划许可证、建 筑图纸等。
对发现的问题进行记录,明确 责任方和整改时限,确保问题 得到妥善解决。
1 2
详细列出移交的物资、设备、资料等,双方签字 确认。
核对实际停车位数量与规划设计是否一致,检查 停车位划线是否清晰。
检查照明、通风、消防等设施是否齐全且正常运 行,以及标识标牌是否清晰明了。
核查停车场出入口管理、监控系统等安全防护措 施是否到位。

1、接管验收 ——是企业行为,是物业管理企业代表全体业主根据物业管理委托
合同,从确保物业日后的正常使用与维修的角度出发,对物业委托方委 托的物业进行质量验收。
——是政府行为,房地产开发项目和任何建设工程的竣工验收由 政府建设、行政主管部门负责,组成综合验收小组,对施工质量和设计质
签订,实现权 利和义务的转 移,在法律上 界定清楚各自 的义务和权利。
促使开发企业 按标准进行设 计和建设,达 到工程质量要 求,减少日常 管理过程维修 养护工作量。
通过接管有关物 业文件资料,可 以摸清物业的性 能与特点,预防 管理中可能出现 的问题,计划安 排好各项管理, 充分发挥社会化 、专业化、现代 化的管理优势。
一、接管的准备工作 二、正式接管 三、接管验收与竣工验收的区别 四、接管验收的主要项目 五、遗留问题的确认 六、接管验收的标准 七、接管验收应遵循的原则 八、接管验收时应准备的工具 九、存在的常见质量问题分析
通过接管验收 和接管合同的
包括水管、水龙头、水表是否完好;下水道是否有建筑垃圾堵塞;马桶、 地漏、浴缸排水是否畅通、有无泛水现象等。
2. 门窗系列:
包括框架是否平整、牢固、安全;门窗是否密缝、贴合;门锁、窗钩有 无质量问题;玻璃是否防水密封等。
3. 墙面、屋顶、地板系列:
包括是否平整、起壳、起砂、剥落;有否裂缝、渗水;瓷砖、墙砖、地砖 贴面的平整、间隙、虚实等。
(写下问题所在及维修意见,贴在出现问题的地方,以便维修人 员查找)
物业接管验收程序(Acceptance procedure of property takeover

物业接管验收程序(Acceptance procedure of property takeover)Acceptance procedure of property takeover1 PurposeEnsure that the acquired property conforms to the design requirements and conforms to the status recorded in the property management contract.2 application rangeThis procedure applies to the newly acquired property of the company.3 reference documents3.1 "housing takeover acceptance criteria.";3.2 property management ordinance;3.3 national and local laws and regulations.4 relevant instructionsProperty acquisition team: the general manager of the project designated by the following departments of personnel: Project Engineering Department, property management company, as well as property companies professionals.5 responsibilities5.1 the general manager of the project is responsible for setting up a takeover team and appointed a team leader to approve the property acquisition plan.5.2 the head of the property acquisition team is responsible for drawing up the property acquisition plan and organizing the implementation of the plan.5.3 property take over group members (hereinafter referred to as acceptance responsibility) is responsible for the takeover of property acceptance.6 qualifications or trainingThe members of the property acquisition team who carry out this procedure shall be subject to relevant professional education or training.7 procedure or procedure7.1 proposed property management planThe general manager of the 7.1.1 project transfers personnel from various departments of the project before the takeover date stipulated in the pre service property contract, and establishes the property acquisition team and appoints the team leader.The head of the 7.1.2 team draws up the property take over scheme and reports it to the general manager for approval. The property take over plan should include the following:List of acceptance items for property takeover; division of staff; takes over the schedule; other (such as early intervention, in construction, acceptance, etc.).The head of the group shall draw attention to the drawings and documents submitted at least seven days prior to the delivery of the materials and file them when they are drawing up the takeover plan.The takeover plan approved by the general manager of the 7.1.3 project shall be organized and executed by the group leader.7.2 acceptance of drawing data7.2.1 the person responsible for the acceptance of the drawings shall complete the counting and proofreading of the drawing materials according to the time limit stipulated in the plan, and shall, when missing the relevant information, claim the materials from the transferring unit.7.2.2 documentation to be accepted shall normally include: complete project drawings (including residential planning); mechanical and electrical equipment manual, random data, tools, etc.; contract for purchase and sale of mechanical and electrical equipment (copy); contract for the sale of commercial housing (copy); elevator license; acceptance records for concealed works; water supply and power supply index approval; gas supply system acceptance certificate (including target approval); fire system acceptance certificate; other information.7.2.3 acceptance of the responsibility to fill in "housing and common facilities acceptance records" and "housing and shared facilities list", and with the transfer of personnel to verify the joint, the two sides signed, that is completed acceptance.7.2.4 the housing and public facilities inspection record list and the list of housing and shared facilities shall be handed over by the person responsible for the acceptanceTake charge of group leader and file after review.7.3 property site acceptance7.3.1 acceptance of housing and household facilities7.3.1.1 the responsible person shall inspect and accept the house and the household facilities according to the division of the takeover plan, including but not limited to the acceptance items:(a) housing wall, floor, door and window decoration;B) cable TV, telephone, and intelligent systems;(c) water, electricity and gas facilities, hardware, sanitary ware and other facilities (as specified in the contract for the design and sale of buildings);(d) other (according to the use of housing function division, each function housing has different functions and facilities). acceptance requirementsA) the house body and the household (floor) facilities meet the design requirements and have the conditions of use.B) facilities, projects and quantities conform to the sales contract and the provisions for planning and construction.(c) the quality and function of housing and household facilities must comply with the relevant provisions of chapter4.5 of the housing takeover acceptance standard.D) sign the warranty agreement with the developer and the warranty unit, and make clear the warranty period and the warranty items.7.3.2 acceptance of public facilities7.3.2.1 the responsible person shall inspect and accept the common facilities according to the division of the takeover plan. The acceptance items generally include but are not limited to the following contents:A) water supply and drainage system;B) electrical system;C) gas system;D) air conditioning system;E) fire fighting system;F) communication system;G) intelligent systems;H) elevator system;(I) Landscaping system;(J) public facilities and public lighting systems;K) management supporting system (including management room, parking lot, parking shed, garbage room etc.);L) other systems. acceptance requirements:A) the completion of the acceptance of the project, the property to meet occupancy conditions;(b) complete facilities, in line with the district planning records;(c) the quality and function of the property body and the system shall comply with the provisions of chapter 4.5 of the housing takeover acceptance standard;7.3.3 acceptance of personnel with drawings, materials as soon as possible familiar with the property site, according to the notification time with the project staff, construction units, engineering supervision units to participate in the acceptance.7.3.4 acceptance responsibility in accordance with the "housing and common facilities acceptance records", the existing problems in the "pay"The problem of processing unit ", and to determine the rectification period and transfer unit represents the singlehanded over by unit representatives and acceptance signed copy, transfer unit representatives and urge the rectification, the original acceptance by the responsible person and take over the team reserves for future reference.7.3.5 responsible for their supervision and timely approval issued by the "handover processing unit" of the implementation, and to inform at the expiration of the transferring unit re acceptance, acceptance, specify, and sign in the remarks column; acceptance is unqualified, the requirements continue to rectification.7.3.6 the person responsible for the acceptance shall, upon completion of his own issue of the handing over issue sheet, submit it to the head of the takeover team for examination and archiving.7.3.7 took over the team leader according to the property over the acceptance of the project and acceptance of responsibility to submit the "housing and shared facilities acceptance record form", "handover processing unit" on the property over the inspection work of supervision, found the missing items, immediately ask the persons responsible for approval approval.7.4, the formal acceptance of the property7.4.1 took over the team leader in drawing of the property, housing and household and public facilities were completed after acceptance, making the "housing and shared facilities and take over the completion of acceptance form" and "property transfer of the overall acceptance form", which officially tookover the property.7.4.2 "the whole property transfer acceptance form" shall be made in three copies, each signed by the construction unit, the construction unit and the three party of the property company.7.4.3 property company and construction units and maintenance units signed three party warranty agreement, clear warranty period and warranty content: construction units, property companies in the warranty period, the warranty unit supervision, assessment work; warranty expires, according to the construction units, property companies signed the views of the payment of warranty payments;7.4.4 property company professional departments will collect summary of the basic information, the transfer of information, management personnel and the transfer of information filed together.7.4.5 the Ministry of property engineering has compiled the list of mechanical and electrical equipment on the basis of the equipment and equipment transferred.7.5 properties of formal acceptance after the takeover of property entrusted to the owners, construction units, construction renovation to the property based on any consideration, took over the team leader is required for the construction units available prior to renovation, additionaldesign information and commissioned the construction unit proof and construction planning, and in the construction after completion of the renovation, building 7.2 ~ 7.3 require additional approval.8 relevant documentsFile numberFile name"Acceptance standard"9 quality recordsRecord numberRecord form"Whole property transfer acceptance form"Schedule for completion and acceptance of housing and shared facilitiesHousing and public facilities acceptance record sheetList of housing and sharing facilities"Handing over problems"10 modify recordsDate,EditionModifierReason for modificationAcceptance standardI. acceptance standard of building body1, the main structure:1) water seepage and cracking shall not be allowed in the inner or outer walls;2) roof drainage unblocked, no water, no leakage; water outlet and gutters, downspouts, firm installation and no leak tight interface.2, the ground floor adhesive surface and base is firm, no hollowing; the whole surface is smooth, no cracks, no peeling, sand; block surface layer surface smooth, uniform and straight seam, no missing edge off angle, Niantie firmly, uniform color, no obvious color difference.3, inner wall:1) the plastering surface is smooth, no hollowing, surfacecoating uniformity, no leakage brush; no surface layer peeling, no cracks, no stains;2) piece of material (such as tiles) surface layer solid paste, no missing edge off angle; surface layer without crack, consistent color; on the mortar, straight lines.4, the ceiling plastering surface, surface coating uniformity, no peeling, no cracks, no mildew, no traces of sewage, no stains.5, toilet, balcony floor should be lower than the adjacent ground at least 2 centimeters, should not have the water, pour water and leakage.6. The wooden floor is firm and firm,The joint is firm, the color is uniform, the paint is in good condition and bright.7 doors and windows:1) doors and windows open freely, sealed tight, no leakage, no shaking and cracks, spare parts complete, accurate location, no warping deformation;2) the door lock and window pin are firmly connected and flexibly opened;3) the glass installation is firm, the glue seal is dense, no obvious scratch marks, no damage;4) paint evenly, bright and bright color, fresh and complete;5) electronic anti-theft door, visual intercom system, clear image, clear call, intact and no rust;6) stainless steel anti-theft door is smooth, straight lines, butt tight and firm;7) high-grade decorative door decoration intact.8, stairs, handrails:1) the steel and wood stairs are firmly installed, free from corrosion and bending. The paint is in good condition, with uniform color and smooth surface;2) concrete staircase without cracks, no peeling off the epidermis.9, wood decoration surface smooth, straight lines, butt tight and firm.10, tile surface smooth, no hollowing, cracks, bulges and missing angle, straight seam.11, paint, paint color consistent, no peeling, leakage brush phenomenon.12, leakage protection is safe and reliable, electrical socket installation is smooth, solid, in line with "left, zero, rightfire" regulations, the power has been connected to normal.13, cable TV has been opened, the signal is good.14 、 the switch is flat and firm, the switch is flexible and the contact is good.15, lighting installation is firm, intact, responsive, luminous normal.16, water meter (before the installation of cut-off valve), meter, gas meter installation firm, reading normal, without damage.17, sanitary ware installation is firm, complete fittings, no stains and scratches, the interface is dense, no leakage phenomenon, no plug, drainage unobstructed.18, water supply facilities installed firmly, the interface is dense, no leakage, no rust, no peculiar smell, smooth flow, there is enough pressure.19, floor drain, drainage pipe installation firm, complete fittings, the interface is dense, no leakage phenomenon, no plug, drainage unobstructed, intact.20 、 doorbell, intercom telephone installation is firm, flexible operation, good effect.21. The anti-theft net and the clothes hanger are firmly installed. The welding is dense and the paint is in goodcondition. No peeling or rust, no cracks or breakage.22, dark buried tube and direction has obvious mark.23, switches, sockets, lighting, air conditioning, and other facilities should meet the use requirements.24, other facilities with complete and complete requirements, the model and design in line with the normal state.Two, acceptance of public facilities acceptance standards1, roof gutter, water mouth smooth intact; heat insulation layer, waterproof layer.2, no apron slope subsidence, fracture, separation wall, slope suitable and smooth.3 、 roof lightning protection equipment is firmly connected and the paint is in good condition.4. The street lamp and decorative lamp are firmly installed and in good condition. The work is normal. The lamp post is firmly installed and the paint is in good condition.5, green design requirements, no shortage of seedlings, no dead plants, no large area of weeds; green water pipe reasonable layout, valve switch flexible, stable installation.6, road:1) the road surface is smooth, there is no cement block, no water, no sand or fracture, and the contraction joint is uniform and straight;2) luyashi masonry neat, full of mortar, no chipping damage;3) block surface layer tiling neat, smooth and firm, no obvious cracks, missing edge off angle;4) traffic signs, road signs set norms, clear and intact.7 outdoor fire hydrant:1) the fire box is clearly marked, the glass is in good condition, and the box is clean;2) fire facilities, complete accessories, neatly placed;3) the fire hose is firmly installed, the marking is obvious, the valve is in good condition and the water pressure is sufficient.8, house building, plate installation firm, clear marking.9. The garbage transfer station is well sealed, the exterior decoration is complete, and the water supply port is arranged nearby.10, security box installed intact, accessories complete, clear logo.11, the road gate installation firm, open flexible, clear identification, intact.12. The parking lot has a smooth surface, adequate lighting, clear traffic signs, complete safety facilities and good drainage facilities.13, bicycles and motorcycle shed installed firmly, clear traffic signs, safety protection and drainage facilities.14, open ditch, ditch drainage flow, no water, no fracture, firm installation, stable trench cover.15, Manholes, inspection wells, septic tanks drainage smooth, no cracks in the pool wall, there is no debris in the pool.16, slope protection, retaining walls drainage smooth, solid masonry.17, steps, stepping, masonry, plain, solid, no cracks.18. The water tank and the inner wall of the water tank are smooth and smooth, sanitary and clean, and free from leakage;The water tank and water tank are well sealed, and there is no leakage or rust.19, Xinbaoxiang installed firmly intact damaged, clearly marked, smooth surface.Three 、 acceptance of equipment room acceptance1, elevator equipment type, quantity and the transfer list match, smooth operation, installation specification; elevator running navicert; the room is set reasonable, in line with the requirements of professional operation and management of complete accessories, logo clear, smooth surface, bright, good natural ventilation room.2, variable power distribution equipment type, quantity and the transfer list with good working condition, safety protection device is complete, clear, good ventilation and lighting equipment, paint intact, no damage, fire protection facilities, with protective measures to prevent the entry of small animal mice.3, the central air conditioning equipment type, quantity and the transfer list match, performance reach the design target, complete configuration, clear marking, room lighting, ventilation, moisture-proof, meet the requirements of professional operation and management of equipment, paint intact, no damage.4, the generator model and the transfer list are in good working condition, complete accessories, equipment surface paint intact equipment damage, firm installation, sound insulation room, to meet the requirements of professional management and operation, set the door intact, ventilation, good lighting, fire facilities.5 types of fire monitoring equipment and the transfer list with good performance, quick response, clear marking, surfaceintact, equipment installation firm, with lightning protection measures, drying room, good ventilation and lighting, to meet the requirements of professional operation and management.6, water supply and drainage equipment type, quantity and the transfer list with good working condition, clear marking, surface paint equipment intact, the valve open and flexible, firm installation, no leakage phenomenon; room configuration complete, to meet the requirements of professional operation and management, ventilation, lighting, good resistance to moisture.7, intelligent system and the transfer list using the normal line, good performance, reasonable operation, good lightning protection (lightning) measures, room drying, good ventilation and lighting, to meet the requirements of professional management and operation.。

二、竣工验收与接管验收的区别竣工验收与接管验收两者的区别主要有以下二方面:◆性质不同◆阶段作用不同◆验收主体不同◆性质不同竣工验收是政府行为,任何建设工程的验收由政府行政主管部门负责组成综合验收小组对施工质量和设计质量进行全面检验和质量评定(小组成员:建委、质检站、监理公司等) 接管验收是企业行为,是物业管理公司代表全体业主根据物业管理合同从确保物业今后正常使用与维修角度出发对委托的物业进行质量验收。
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物业接管验收培训(Property takeover acceptance training)This paper contributes to the dream of ten yearsPpt documents may experience poor browsing on the WAP side. It is recommended that you first select TXT, or download the source file to the local view.Property take over and acceptance trainingAcceptance of the houseAs a property practitioners, not only to manage the property owners, to provide quality services to owners, but also in the housing transfer, acceptance of the problems found, to identify deficiencies. Eventually, the high quality housing is transferred to the owner of the occupation. Then, how to conduct housing inspection? What items should be paid attention to during the acceptance? The following discussion with you on the housing takeover acceptance notes.PrefaceTake over the acceptance of property management companies to take over new housing, the main structure of the property security and to meet the use of functions as the main content of the acceptance of acceptance. Property management companies to take over the acceptance refers to the government departments and development and construction units on the completion of the acceptance of construction units on the basis of acceptance (commonly known as internal acceptance).Property management acceptance of the meaning of acceptanceTo carry out the check before acceptance function is reflected in three aspects: (1) the parties clear responsibility, right and benefit relations (2) have the property to ensure the normal use of functions, to fully safeguard the interests of the client (3) to create the conditions for future management.First, the property acceptance of the role of acceptanceAcceptance and acceptance of the acceptance of the difference between the following three main aspects: the nature of the different stages of the role of different acceptance of different subjectsTwo, acceptance and acceptance of the difference between acceptanceThe different nature of acceptance is the government behavior, any construction project approval by the administrative department of government is responsible for the comprehensive inspection team to conduct a comprehensive inspection and quality evaluation of construction quality and design quality (team members: construction, quality inspection station, supervision company etc.) takeover acceptance is the behavior of enterprises, is the Property Management Company on behalf of all the owners according to the property management contract in order to ensure the normal use of the property in the future of quality inspection and maintenance of property.Two, acceptance and acceptance of the difference betweenacceptanceStage, the completion of the acceptance of construction units to the construction process of transfer, acceptance of the construction unit to the property management units to transfer property process. After the completion of acceptance, indicating that the property can be delivered, take over acceptance, once completed, marking the property officially entered the use phase.Two, acceptance and acceptance of the difference between acceptanceAcceptance of different subjects, construction and acceptance: construction units to take over the acceptance: construction unitsConstruction enterprise; property management enterprise; ownerTwo, acceptance and acceptance of the difference between acceptanceA) property data by the project approval report; * planning permit. The investment license. The land use contract; * * building permits land red lineThree, the acceptance of acceptance should be handed in informationB) comprehensive acceptance information: * completion drawings(including general layout, architecture, structure, electrical, plumbing, gas, equipment, professional engineering affiliated to the completion of a comprehensive layout of underground pipelines and the completion of the completion of the construction project; * map). Public facilities acceptance certificate; comprehensive acceptance letter; water supply contract. This agreement, power supply; permit; * gas supply agreement, the license certificate *; cable television; communication facilities. The certificate; Zhunyongzheng elevator.Three, the acceptance of acceptance should be handed in informationC) construction design data by the geological report; * * full set of design drawings; drawings notice; * * design change notice; project final report; * * important construction meeting minutes; concealed project acceptance; * * settlement observation records; the other may affect the future management of original records the.Three, the acceptance of acceptance should be handed in informationD): * electromechanical equipment mechanical and electrical equipment factory certificate; * power supply equipment manual; (requirements Chinese). The electrical and mechanical equipment installation, commissioning report;Equipment warranty card, warranty agreement.Three, the acceptance of acceptance should be handed in informationAcceptance and acceptance of property generally adopts the principle of combining perception and use. Method: using the method of perception test by watching, touch, knock and other methods: acceptance trial inspection in accordance with the normal use of the standard, such as the closed water test, ball experiment etc.Four, acceptance method1, acceptance of the external wall of acceptance, mainly to see the outside wall tiles and paint has no obvious color tile pointing is dense and wall to indoor water seepage. 2, using the method of acceptance perception method was used to observe the brick and coating color is uniform, tile pointing is uniform density.Four, the outer wall acceptanceRelated pictures1, acceptance of roof drainage is smooth, there is no water; non people on the roof waterproof layer is damaged, whether leakage; water outlet and gutters interface leakage; lightning protection installation is solid; there are no defects such as eaves tile. 2, the acceptance method using the impression method to check the acceptance of the integrity of the parts, using the method of roof drainage test is unobstructed.Five, roofing acceptanceRelated pictures1, acceptance bond content of surface layer and the base is firm, no hollowing; surface smooth, no peeling, sand etc.. 2, acceptance method using perception method, tool measuring auxiliary inspection, part of the condition, make a small hammer gently tap the ground check part, if the examination site sound empty empty.Six, floor acceptanceRelated pictures1, acceptance of the wall acceptance, mainly to see whether there is room around the wall cracks, shell, yin and Yang corner, standard straight, and so on. If there is a crack, it depends on what kind of crack it is. The common fissure is wind crack, and its shape is reticular (like right). It is covered with the wall. The reasons for the formation of cracks are mainly the uneven flow of indoor and outdoor warm and humid air, together with the dry and wet shrinkage of cement mortar. Is the book, when the wall hollowing uneven thickness, the water is not uniform, in the wall itself quality, without any contact. 2, the acceptance method using the drumstick percussion detecting hole wall, sound that hollowing; using a right angled corner ruler to test whether the yin-yang angle 90 degree angle; fall detection yang angle vertical, straight line useSeven, interior wall acceptanceRelated pictures1, acceptance of plastering surface smooth, no peeling, hollowing and cracks, no traces of water seepage. 2, the method of inspection and acceptance acceptance method of perception part appearance meets the acceptance criteria, make a small hammer gently tap the ceiling check part, if the examination site sound empty empty.Eight, indoor ceiling acceptanceRelated pictures1, acceptance floor 2 cm lower than the adjacent floor, no water, pour flashing, leakage, the waterproof layer is damaged, whether leakage, water supply and drainage pipeline through the floor is smooth, whether the installation of casing, casing should be higher than 7 cm above the floor. 2, the method of inspection and acceptance acceptance method of perception part appearance meets the acceptance criteria, the waterproof part of the closed water test, drainage pipeline pigging experiment, test the water supply pipe outlet stream size.Nine, bathroom, balcony acceptanceRelated pictures1, acceptance content, doors and windows open freely, spare parts complete, no shaking, cracks, no warping deformation, doors and windows sealed tight, no seepage phenomenon, finishedproduct protection intact, no damage, etc.. 2. The acceptance method adopts the impression method to check whether the appearance of the acceptance part conforms to the acceptance standard, and the routine inspection of the acceptance part is carried out to check whether the service requirements are met.Ten, door and window acceptanceRelated pictures1, acceptance of content switches, sockets installed firm and correct, socket wiring in line with the left, right, fire, ground connection is normal, the power supply is normal. 2. The acceptance method adopts the method of perception to check whether the appearance of the acceptance part conforms to the acceptance standard,Routine operation to test whether meet the acceptance requirements, the use of electroscopes test socket.Eleven, electrical acceptanceRelated pictures1, the acceptance of the contents of no subsidence, fracture, and wall separation, drainage slope meets the requirements, the settlement joint sealed well. 2. The acceptance method adopts the method of perception to check whether the appearance of the acceptance part conforms to the acceptance standard,.Twelve, outdoor water acceptanceRelated pictures One。