C 的存在
碳的起源---“big bang”理论
宇宙巨大的能量块 150亿年前发生大爆炸
膨胀 温度降低
光转化为物质,各种 粒子开始形成
温度降低 温度升高
Ne Na Mg O S Si P…
C 的演变
碳在宇宙进化中起着重要的作用,是宇宙中前期生物分子进 化的关键元素。
宇宙中:原子碳、分子碳、固态碳和碳化物 太阳系:H, He,O, C, Ne…… 地球中:第14位 (90% 的碳是以CaCO3的形式存在,为化石 燃料的1万倍) 碳是地球上一切生物有机体的骨架元素,没有碳就没有生命. 碳元素占人体 总重量的18 %左右 人类进化以来,很早就开始利用各种炭物质和炭材料。各种 炭材料在航天、航空等工业、医疗、能源和日用品中得以应用。 当今世界以碳为主要原子构成的有机化学为橡胶、塑料、合 成纤维三大 材料奠定了基础。
Richard E. Smalley 1/3 of the prize USA Rice University Houston, TX, USA b. 1943 d. 2005
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2000 “for the discovery and development of conductive polymers”
1/3 of the prize USA Rice University Houston, TX, USA b.1933
Sir Harold W. Kroto 1/3 of the prize United Kingdom University of Sussex Brighton, United Kingdom b. 1939
具有规则的孔道结构 孔径分布窄,且在2~50 nm之间可以调节 经过优化合成条件或后处理,可具有很好的 热稳定性和一定的水热稳定性 颗粒具有规则外形,且可在微米尺度内保持 高度的孔道有序性
溶胶-凝胶法 水热合成法 微波辐射合成法 相转变法 沉淀法
介孔壁对反应物分子有强的相互作用,不同基质和介孔孔径以及介孔阵列对 不同的反应物特别是分子结构差异较大的物质有不同的相互作用和选择性催 化作用。利用不同化学组成的物质制备介孔材料将在选择性定位催化,特别 是高效转化方面具有广泛用途。
晶化阶段用微波辐射合成了介孔材料MCM-41 全微波辐射法,即晶化和脱模均在微波作用下合成出 MCM-41 微波辐射加热不同于传统的加热方式,它是在电磁场 作用下,通过偶极子极化使体系中的极性分子急剧扭 转、摩擦产生热量来实现,具有内外加热、升温速度 快、高效节能、环保卫生等优点。利用全微波辐射法 合成MCM-41介孔分子筛,整个过程用时不到5 h。和 水热法相比,合成时间大大缩短,同时利用微波技术, 高效节能,操作便利,环境污染少。
固 态 结 构
红外光谱:确定物质的各种基团,确定是否有 骨架结构 示差扫描量热法(DSC)和热重(TG)曲线来研究 在加热过程中所发生化学反应,晶型转变及煅 烧温度等 SEM、TEM是来研究物质的形貌和粒径大小 吸附法来研究介孔材料的比表面和孔径分布
实验安排 第一阶段,原料分析 第二阶段,预氧化,温度400–450℃ 、时间1–4h、
升温速率0.5–10℃/min 第三阶段,炭化,活化
水平 1 2 3
炭化温度(A) 炭化时间(B) 活化温度(C) 活化时间(D)
m ple
图 煤沥青与不同升温速率下前驱体中挥发分及TI含量
图 煤沥青与各前驱体SEM图 (a) CP (b) PC-r0.5 (c) PC-r2 (d) PC-r5 (e) PC-r10
S p e c i f i c s u r f a c e a r e/ag / m
考察因素 原料分析(元素组成、灰分、挥发分、软化点) 预氧化条件(预氧化温度、时间、氧化介质及流量、
升温速率) 前驱体粒度、碱炭浸渍比、分散剂的选择等 炭化条件(炭化温度、时间、升温速率) 活化条件(活化温度、时间、升温速率) 产品性能(灰分、比表面积、孔径分布)
吸附等温线是在恒定温度下平衡吸附量与被吸附气体压力 的关系曲线 。
S p e c i f i c s u r f a c e a r e/ ag / m
1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200
0 A C -h1
二战前后,美国的AC产量一直居世界第一位。80年代后, 第三世界国家的AC工业开始发展,产量逐渐增加,到目 前,世界五大洲40多个国家生产AC,年产量达70多万吨。
Kelvin方程 BJH法确定中孔孔径分布 Kelvin方程对4型和5型等温线的解释 吸附滞后现象(自学)
❖ 吸附概念
当气体或者液体与某些固体接触时,气体或者液体分子会积聚在固体表面 上,这种现象称为吸附。
吸附是指当流体与多孔固体接触时, 流体中某一组分或多个组分在固体表 面处产生积蓄的现象。
B)极化力(Debye interaction):具有诱导偶极作用(induced dipole)分子与具有永久 偶极矩(permanent dipole moment)接近时,分子之间的正负电荷的相互作用力;
C)氢键(hydrogen bond, Keesom force):氢原子与其他分子中有多余未成键电子的原
根据吸附剂表面与吸附质分子间作用力的性质不同,吸附可分为 物理吸附和化学吸附两大类。
❖ 物理吸附
定义:被吸附分子与固体表面分子间的作用力为分子间作用力,即范德华力,又称 范德华吸附.
特征: ❖ 可逆过程,快速 ❖ 吸附作用比较弱(静电作用) ❖ 选择性差(不发生化学反应,稍加热就可能脱附)
微观图像:1、低压下,与2型吸附曲线相同。2、一定压力以 上时,吸附质在中孔内发生了毛细凝聚,吸附量急速增加。3、压 力继续升高,所有中孔均完成毛细凝聚,吸附主要在外表面发生, 吸附曲线出现平台。4、毛细凝聚现象:产生吸附滞后回线,影响 因素:孔径分布、孔结构形状、吸附质特性、实验温度等。
介孔碳 处理
![介孔碳 处理](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/08fcc6772f3f5727a5e9856a561252d381eb2057.png)
气凝胶、多孔玻璃、 活性炭
定义:以表面活性剂分子聚集体为模板,利用溶胶-凝胶(sol-gel)、 乳化(emulsion)、微乳化(microemulsion)等化学过程,通过有 机物和无机物之间的界面作用组装生成的一类孔径在2.O-50nm之 间、孔径分布窄且具有规则孔道结构的无机多孔固体材料。
方法:水热合成法,室温法、微波合成法、湿胶焙 烧法、相转变法及在非水体系中的合成法等。 合成原材:无机物种(形成介孔材料骨架元素的物质 源)、表面活性剂(形成介孔材料的结构导向剂)、溶剂 (通常为水)
三种主要组分是: (1)用来构造孔壁结构的无机物种(前 驱体)。选择无机物种的主要依据是溶胶-凝胶化学,即 原料的水解和缩聚速度必须适当,且经过水热等处理后 缩聚程度提高。根据介孔材料骨架元素的组成,无机物 种可以是直接加入的无机盐或预先形成一定聚合度的无 机低聚体,也可以是水解后产生无机低聚体的有机金属 氧化物;(2)自组装(介观结构形成的过程)时起决定导向 作用的模板剂(表面活性剂)。介孔材料合成体系中所采 用的表面活性剂有阴离子、阳离子、非离子、两性表面 活性剂等类型;(3)作为反应介质的溶剂相。
EISA 的合成技术采用的是典型的sol-gel 化学。首先,在有机 溶剂中,硅源(TEOS)在微量酸的催化下发生预水解,生成硅 的低聚体,并与表面活性剂发生相互作用。在溶剂的挥发过程 中,硅物种进一步发生交联、聚合,表面活性剂浓度增大。在 这个过程中,表面活性剂经过了分子、胶束、液晶的不同形态, 最后,它与无机硅形成的二元液晶相被固定下来。
• 相对于传统的由上而下(top-down)的微制造技术,软 模板法在制造纳米材料方面采取了自下而上 (bottom-up)的策略。
炭纤维 纳米管/树脂复合材料
炭微球 C/C复合材料
1990年和1991年金刚石和C60分获Science明星分 子;
1996年 美国Rice大学 R F Curl R. E. Smalley
英国Sussex 大学 H. W. Kroto
3、纳米碳管、石墨烯及其树脂基复 合材料
2、大功率充放动力型锂电池电极材料 —纳米碳/金属复合材料
炭 微 球
Ordered Mesoporous Carbons from the Carbonization of as-synthesized Silica/Sucrose/Triblock copolymer Nanocomposites
电子 负极
要求: 1、有事请假; 2、课上认真听讲; 3、课上认真作笔记,课下找相关参考书复习; 3、不明白的地方一定设法弄明白。
报告题目:We and Carbon 11
第一部分 绪言
碳元素的产生; 太阳系产生热核反应中“碳、氮循环”; 地球上碳产生生物学、硅产生地学,碳是
HREM images of carbon encapsulated iron nanorods from YD heated at 480 ℃ in the presence of ferrocene content of 40.0 wt. %
Tio2 介孔碳
![Tio2 介孔碳](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ba33e2788e9951e79b89274a.png)
NEW CARBON MATERIALSVolume 28, Issue 1, Feb 2013Online English edition of the Chinese language journalReceived date: 20 September 2012; Revised date: 05 January 2013 *Corresponding author. E-mail: qiaowm@Copyright©2013, Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Limited. All rights reserved. DOI: 10.1016/S1872-5805(13)60064-5Preparation of TiO 2/mesoporous carbon composites and their photocatalytic performance for methyl orange degradationYIN Bo 1, WANG Ji-tong 1, XU Wei 1, LONG Dong-hui 1, QIAO Wen-ming 1,2,*,LING Li-cheng 11State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China;2Key Laboratory of Specially Functional Polymeric Materials and Related Technology of the Ministry of Education, East China University ofScience and Technology, Shanghai 200237, ChinaAbstract: Mesoporous carbon (MC) prepared using colloidal silica templates was used as a support to synthesize TiO 2/MC composites using a sol-gel method. The TiO 2 content and the crystalline structure of TiO 2/MC photocatalysts can be tuned by the precursor composition and calcination temperature, respectively. MC and TiO 2/MC composites were characterized by nitrogen adsorption, XRD, TG, SEM, TEM and electron energy dispersive spectroscopy. Results showed that the anatase TiO 2 nanoparticles were highly dispersed on the surface of the carbon framework. As-prepared composites exhibited high photocatalytic activities for methyl orange (MO) degradation under UV irradiation, and a synergistic effect of adsorption and photocatalytic degradation was observed. The MO removal rate reached 89% after UV irradiation for 75 min. The kinetics of MO degradation can be well fitted with a first-order reaction model and the largest rate constant observed was 0.015 min -1.Key Words: Mesopous carbon; TiO 2; composites; photocatalytic degradation; kinetics1 IntroductionDuring the recent years, photocatalysis has attracted a continuous interest owing to its potential applications in fields such as water and air purification [1,2], and also for the preparation of organic compounds that are difficult to obtain by alternative procedures [3,4]. Upon illumination of a semiconductor with photons having energy higher than or equal to the band gap energy of the semiconductor, electron–hole pairs are generated and migrate to the external surface of the bulk particle. Like many catalytic processes, the overall photocatalysis consists of a series of independent steps: (a) adsorption of reactants from the fluid bulk phase onto the solid surface, (b) reaction in the adsorbed phase, and (c) desorption of reaction products from the surface into the fluid bulk phase. Material modification to increase substrate adsorption in the photocatalytic sites can lead to a photocatalyst with an enhanced efficiency.The most widely used semiconductor is TiO 2, which offers a non-expensive, non-toxic, biocompatible, and high reactivity for removal of inorganic and organic pollutants in wastewater, particularly for organic compounds which can be completely degraded under photocatalytic oxidation [5-10]. However, TiO 2 powders have some disadvantages, such as difficulty in separation of catalyst from the treated solution,low ratio of light utilization and so on, which hinder their practical applications [11]. A new generation of photocatalysts in near future is expected to be easy for separation and to have an enhanced adsorption for polluting molecules. Therefore, composite photocatalysts were designed by immobilization of TiO 2 on certain support substrates with large surface areas to enrich dilute pollutants, which have an enhanced photocatalytic efficiency and can be separated easily from the aqueous solution [12-14].Mesoporous carbons (MCs) were widely used as catalyst supports in liquid adsorption and energy storage because of their high surface areas and large pore volumes, inert nature in certain rigorous circumstances, and easy regeneration properties [15-18]. When they are used as catalyst supports associated with photo- or electro-catalysis, the good electron conducting character of carbon supports may have some positive effect to improve catalytic activities. However, there are only limited publications concerning this effect.In this study, mesoporous carbon (MC) with a high surface area was fabricated through using nanoscaled silica in silica sol as the template [19-21], and then the obtained MC was used as a support to prepare TiO 2/MC nanocomposites through a sol-gel method. The effect of the MC matrix on the TiO 2 phase transformation, crystalline growth, morphology and surface area of the composites were investigated, and theiractivities towards the degradation of a model organic (methyl orange, MO) in aqueous solutions were also evaluated.2Experimental2.1 Preparation of mesoporous carbonMesoporous carbon (MC) was prepared through a template method[22]. 13 g Resorcinol (R) and 19 g formaldehyde (F, 37 mass%) were directly dissolved in deionized water with a molar ratio of 1:2. The silica sol with 7 nm silica (30 mass%, Aldrich) was added with a mass ratio of silica to RF polymer of 1:1. The mixture was sealed in 100 mL bottle, and then aged at 85 o C for 5 d in a water-bath to obtain hydrogel. After aged, the hydrogel was dried in air at 80 o C for24 h, and then carbonized under N2 flow at 800 o C for 3 h witha heating rate of 5 o C/min. The resulting mesoporous carbon was obtained through etching of silica in the carbonized composites with NaOH for 24 h.2.2 Preparation of TiO2 and TiO2/MC nanocompositesPure TiO2 catalyst was prepared through sol-gel method with using tetrabutyl titanate as a titaniaum precursor[23]. 4.25 mL tetrabutyl titanate and 6.4 ml absolute ethyl alcohol were mixed to form solution A, which was added drop-wise to the solution B containing 6.4 mL absolute ethyl alcohol, 1.2 mL alacial acetic acid and 9.6 mL deionized water under stirring. The resulting transparent yellowish TiO2-sol was stirred for 6 h, and aged for 24 h until the formation of wet gel. Then, the wet gel was dried in vacuum at 80 o C for 24 h, and finally calcined under N2 atmosphere at 450 o C for 3 h to obtain nanoscaled TiO2 powders. The TiO2/MC nanocomposites were prepared by adding a required amount of mesoporous carbon to the TiO2-sol at a certain viscosity during stirring, followed by calcination. The obtained sample was denoted as nTiO2/MC-T, in which n is mass fraction of TiO2 to MC, and T is calcination temperature[24, 25].2.3 Structural characterizationPorous properties of the samples were characterized via the nitrogen adsorption at 77 K (Quadrasorb SI-MP, Quanta, USA). Before analysis, the samples were dried at 200 °C, and evacuated overnight under vacuum. The surface areas of the samples were calculated using the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) method, and the total pore volumes were determined by the amount of nitrogen adsorbed at P/P0=0.985. The average pore sizes were obtained from desorption data through Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) method. Elementary analysis of 50%TiO2/MC-450 composite was carried out by Energy disperse spectroscopy (EDS, Falion60s, EDAX, USA). Thermogravimetric analyses (TGA) of the samples were performed by a Thermogravimetric analyzer (SDT-Q600, TA, USA) with a heating rate of 10 °C/min under air with a flow rate of 100 mL/min. The crystal structures of the samples were characterized through X-ray diffraction (XRD, D/max 2 550V, Rigaku, Japan) with Cu Kα radiation (α=1.54 060 Å) from 10° to 80° with a scanning speed of 0.02 °/s. X-ray tube voltage and current were set at 40 kV and 20 mA, respectively. The morphologies of the samples were observed under Scanning electron microscopy (SEM, S-4800, Hitachi, Japan) and Transmission electron microscopy (TEM, JEM2100, JEOL, Japan).2.4 Photocatalytic activity measurementsMethyl orange (MO) was used as a model compound to investigate the photocatalytic activity of samples with an initial concentration of 100 mg/L in aqueous solution. The reactions were carried out in a quartz glass vessel and the reactor was irradiated by UV light (220-400 nm) from xenon lamp (PLS-SXE300UV, Cermax, USA) located directly above the vessel at a distance of 5 cm from the liquid surface. Before the irradiation, adsorptive property of samples was investigated in a complete dark. The concentrations of the aqueous MO solution during degradation and adsorption treatment were determined with a UV-vis spectrometer (T6, Persee, China) by measuring the absorbance at 465 nm.3Results and discussion3.1 Porous properties of MC and TiO2/MC samplesFig. 1 showed N2 adsorption isotherms and pore size distributions of MC and TiO2/MCs. All samples exhibited a typical IV type isotherm with a H1 hysteresis loop as shown in Fig. 1a, indicating the samples are mainly mesoporous [26].Fig. 1 (a) N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms and (b)pore size distributions of MC and TiO2/MC composites.Table 1 Porous parameters for MC, TiO2 powder and TiO2/MCS BET v t D pSamples /m2·g-1 /cm3·g-1 /nmMC 811 1.68.1 10%TiO2/MC-450 667 1.2 7.330%TiO2/MC-450 531 1.0 7.850%TiO2/MC-450 442 0.8 7.670%TiO2/MC-450 266 0.5 8.0 TiO2 363 0.3 3.1 Note:S BET: BET surface area; v t: total pore volume;D p: average pore diameter.The presence of TiO2 nanoparticles almost does not affect the type of isotherms and the connectivity of MC network should remain unchanged. The similar results could be reached from the pore size distributions as shown in Fig. 1b. The porous parameters of these samples were summarized in Table 1. With the increase of TiO2 content from 0.1 to 0.7 in the composite, the surface areas and total pore volumes of composite catalysts decrease from 667 m2/g and 1.23 cm3/g to 266 m2/g and 0.53 cm3/g, respectively.3.2 Thermogravimetric analyses of MC and TiO2/MC samplesFig. 2 showed the weight loss of MC, TiO2-450 and TiO2/MC nanocomposites up to 900 o C under air. The TGA curve of 50%TiO2/MC-450 exhibits a remarkable weigh loss from 400 to 580 °C, which corresponded to the oxidation of MC support. The combustion point of MC in the composite is found to be 520 °C, which is determined at the temperature with the highest rate of weight loss. Conversely, the pure MC does not combust until about 600 °C. This shift might be ascribed to the presence of metal oxides grafted on the surfaceof MC, which may provide oxygen required by the reaction and/or restrained the heat transfer creating partial hot spots, facilitating the combustion of carbon. The curves shown in Fig. 2 also suggest that the TiO2/MC ratios estimated before the synthesis of the composite catalysts are in close agreement with the results obtained from TGA analyses.3.3 X-ray diffraction of the samplesFig. 3 showed XRD patterns of MC support, pure TiO2 powder and 50%TiO2/MC composites heat-treated at different temperatures. Two broad peaks at 24° (2θ) and 43° (2θ) are characteristic of graphitic crystalline of MC. The pure TiO2 calcined at 450 °C exhibits a mixed crystal structure of anatase and rutile. It is well known that the calcination improves the crystallinity of pure TiO2 with increasing temperature. As a result, the amorphous TiO2 changes to the anatase phase and further to rutile phase. However, in this study, the TiO2 deposited on MC calcined still retained the structure of anatase at the temperatures even up to 750 o C without rutile peak. It is therefore suggested that TiO2/MC nanocomposites have a good thermal stability, which could be ascribed to the high surface area of MC where TiO2 nanoparticles were well dispersed. The interfacial interaction between TiO2 and MC could restrain the transformation of TiO2 from anatase to rutile phase.In addition, the peaks at 25.4° (2θ) become gradually sharp, with increasing calcination temperature from 350 to 750°C, implying that TiO2 nanoparticles grow large and crystals trend to perfect anatase. Generally, the full width at half maximum of XRD peak is related to the particle size of crystal materials. The larger the width, the smaller the crystalline size is. The mean sizes of a single crystallite can be estimated from the full-width at half-maxima of XRD peaks by using Scherrer’s formula[27]. The average sizes of pure TiO2 powder and the nanocomposites calcinated at different temperatures are listed in Table 2. It is evident that the crystal size of pure TiO2 is larger than that in the nanocomposites calcined at the same temperature. The crystal size of TiO2 in the nanocomposites increases with increasing calcination temperatures, suggesting that high temperature leads to TiO2 crystal growth without transformation of crystal phase. The result indicates that as-deposited anatase TiO2 nanoparticles are stable.Fig. 2 TGA curves of samplesFig. 3 X-ray diffraction patterns of (a) MC, (b) pure TiO2 calcined at 450 ℃, (c) 50%TiO2/MC-350, (d) 50%TiO2/MC-450,(e)50%TiO2/MC-550, (f) 50%TiO2/MC-650 and(g) 50%TiO2/MC-750.Table 2 Average sizes of TiO 2 particles and TiO 2/MC nanocomposites3.4 Morphology of MC, TiO 2, and TiO 2/MC samples Figs.4a, 4b and 4c illustrated SEM images of MC, 50%TiO 2/MC-450 and pure TiO 2 powder respectively. It is remarkable that MC is a highly porous material, and pure TiO 2 is an aggregate of irregular nanoparticles with size of ca. 15 nm. After coated on surface of MC, the TiO 2 particles are found to be well-dispersed. Additionally, it appears that the MC could act as a barrier that inhibits the growth of the TiO 2 particles to a certain extent. The composition of the nanocomposite is analyzed by EDS as shown in Fig. 4d, which reveals the presence of Ti and O on the surface of MC.Fig. 5 showed that SEM images of MC, 50%TiO 2/MC-450 and pure TiO 2 powder. Being similar to the results from SEM observation, TEM observation providessome visible information about the TiO 2 nanoparticles deposited in the pores of MC. As shown in Fig. 5a, MC exhibits randomly distributed and interconnected spherical pores, which are uniform with a size of ca. 8 nm, being consistent with the diameter of SiO 2 particles. This indicates that mesopores of MC are exclusively generated by the closely packed SiO 2 particles. Pure TiO 2 aggregates (Fig. 5b) are made up of nanoparticles with the size of ca. 15 nm. As shown in Figs. 5c and 5d, 50%TiO 2/MC-450 nanocomposite shows that TiO 2 nanoparticles are embedded within the pores of MC, and a lattice spacing of 0.333 nm corresponding to (110) plane of anatase can be observed. The distribution of the nanoparticles was relatively homogenous, and the interconnected structure of the mesopores is still preserved. 3.5 Adsorption and photocatalytic activity of MC, TiO 2 and TiO 2/MC samplesThe activities of the TiO 2/MC nanocomposites were evaluated by the photodegradation of MO aqueous solutionunder UV irradiation. As a comparison, pure TiO 2 was prepared and its activity was also measured under the sameconditions. Fig. 6 showed the photocatalytic degradation rates of MO by the TiO 2/MC nanocomposites and pure TiO 2 at 465 nm. Compared with the removal rates of pure MC adsorption and TiO 2 photocatalytic degradation, the removal rates of MO over the TiO 2/MC nanocomposites are much high, owing to the synergetic effect of adsorption and photocatalyticFig. 4 SEM images of (a) MC, (b) 50%TiO 2/MC-450, (c) TiO 2 and the EDS curve (d) of 50%TiO 2/MC-450.Fig. 5 TEM images of (a) MC, (b) TiO 2, (c, d) 50%TiO 2/MC-450.Samples 50%TiO 2/MC-35050%TiO 2/MC-45050%TiO 2/MC-55050%TiO 2/MC-65050%TiO 2/MC-750 TiO 2-450D TiO2/nm 11.8 12.413.314.915.4 13.0Fig. 6 Degradation rates of MO by MC and the nanocomposites with irradiation started at 0 min and material to solution ratio of pure TiO2at 1 g/L, 10%TiO2/MC-450 at 0.56 g/L, 30%TiO2/MC-450 at 0.6 g/L, 50%TiO2/MC-450 at 1 g/L, and 70%TiO2/MC-450 at 1.66 g/L, corresponding to a constant weight of MC in solutions.degradation. It can be found that the activity of MO degradation is in the order of 50%TiO2/MC-450 > 70%TiO2/MC-450 > 30%TiO2/MC-450 > 10%TiO2/MC-450 > TiO2. Such results indicate that MO conversion increases with increasing TiO2 content of the nanocomposites except for 70%TiO2/MC-450, and the conversion of MO by 50%TiO2/MC-450 could reach 89% after UV irradiation for 75 min. The activity reduction of 70%TiO2/MC-450 compared with that of 50%TiO2/MC-450 might be ascribed to the decrease of surface area. 10%TiO2/MC-450 showed a low photocatalytic activity, and this might be caused by the limited TiO2 loaded on the surface of MC. In this case, the photocatalytic reaction could hardly be driven by UV light and the removal of MO is mainly caused by adsorption.Besides TiO2 contents, the photocatalytic activity of the TiO2/MC nanocomposites calcinated at different temperatures was also evaluated. Fig. 7 illustrated degradation rates of MO by the nanocomposites with different calcination temperatures from 350 to 750 o C. It can be found that the activity of MO degradation is in the order of 50%TiO2/MC-450 > 50%TiO2/MC-550 > 50%TiO2/MC-750 > 50%TiO2/MC-650 > 50%TiO2/MC-350. It is suggests that the photocatalytic activity be related to both pore structure and crystal structure of the nanocomposites. Generally, the smaller the particle size, the higher the activity TiO2 is. In this study, the sample calcinated at 450 o C exhibits the highest activity, implying that the calcination temperature of 450 °C is crucial. But the activity of 50%TiO2/MC-750 is higher than that of 50%TiO2/MC-650, which has a smaller particle size, suggesting that the crystal structure might be more important than crystal particle size.The activity of the photocatalyst is mainly dependent on the surface area, crystalline size, crystallinity and the support structure. Firstly, the three-dimensionally interconnected pore structures facilitate the diffusion of reactants and products from the active sites during the photocatalytic reaction, and a higher surface area of composites provides a higher adsorption capacity of reactive species[28], which increases the local concentration of reactive species near active sites, and as a result, improves the reaction rates. The degradation of polluting molecules on the surface of photocatalyst is achieved with the participation of photogenerated electrons and holes, which are more likely to recombine at defect sites on the surface of TiO2. Therefore, the photocatalytic efficiency can be improved by suppressing the recombination rate of photogenerated electrons and holes[29]. When TiO2 is coated on MC, the formation of TiO2/MC hetero-junctions and excellent electron conductivity of the carbon support facilitates the transfer of photogenerated electrons from TiO2 to carbon support, and reduces the recombination rate of electrons and holes [30]. Moreover, the improved crystallinity of TiO2 with less defect sites in MC could reduce the probability of the recombination of electrons and holes. All these factors lead to an improved activity of the TiO2/MC nanocomposites as catalysts in the degradation of MO aqueous solution.3.6 Photocatalytic kinetics of TiO2/MC samplesIt is well known that decomposition of MO in water by UV/TiO2 can be adequately described by a first-order kinetic model. Therefore, the apparent rate constant was chosen as the basic kinetic parameter for an activity comparison of the different photocatalysts [31].The apparent first-order kinetic equation ln(C0/C) =kt was used to fit experimental data, where k is apparent rate constant, C is the MO concentration in solution phase, and C0 is the initial concentration at t=30 min as catalysts reached adsorption equilibrium after 30 min [32]. Fig. 8 showed kinetic curves of the nanocomposites with different calcination temperatures for the degradation of MO under UV irradiation.The linear transform in ln(C0/C) as a function of irradiation time confirms the apparent first-order reaction kinetic characteristic. The slope of ln C0/C versus time plot gives the value for the rate constant k as listed in Table 3. SuchFig. 7 Degradation rates of MO by the nanocomposites with different calcination temperatures with a catalyst to solution ratio of 1 g/Lunder dark and UV irradiation.Fig. 8 Kinetic curves of the nanocomposites with different calcinationtemperatures for degradation of MO under UV irradiation.Table 3 Reaction kinetic constant of TiO 2/MC samplesSampleApparent kinetic constant /min -10.5TiO 2/MC-350 0.004 0.5TiO 2/MC-450 0.0120.5TiO 2/MC-550 0.015 0.5TiO 2/MC-650 0.005 0.5TiO 2/MC-750 0.009results show that the sample calcined at 550 °C exhibits thefastest reaction rate.4 ConclusionsMesoporous carbon with a high surface area and a large pore volume was used as a support for TiO 2 nanoparticles to prepare TiO 2/MC photocatalysts through a sol-gel method. After TiO 2 loading, both surface area and pore volume were decreased, and the thermal stability of TiO 2 crystallites increased. The experimental results showed that TiO 2/MC nanocomposites exhibit higher activities than pure TiO 2 for the removal of methyl orange. The optimal weight ratio of TiO 2 to MC in the nanocomposites and calcination temperature required was determined to be 50% and 450 °C, respectively. The dispersion of TiO 2 in the nanocomposites is good, and a synergistic effect of adsorption and degradation for the catalytic activity is emphasized. The MO removal rate of TiO 2/MC reached 89% after a UV irradiation for 75 min. The kinetics of MO degradation can be fitted well with the first-order reaction model and the largest rate constant is 0.015 min -1 for the 50%TiO 2/MC-550 nanocomposite. AcknowledgmentsThis work was partly supported by National Science Foundation of China (No. 20977028; No. 51172071), Technology Talent Foundation of Shanghai (11XD1401800), Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, and the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (No. 20090074110009).References[1]Alfano O M ,Bahnemann D ,Cassano A E ,et al. Photocatalysis in water environments using artificial and solar light [J]. Catalysis Today ,2000, 58(2-3: 199-230. [2]Kitano M, Matsuoka M, Ueshima M, et al. Recent developments in titanium oxide-based photocatalysts [J]. Applied Catalysis A, General ,2007, 325(1): 1-14. [3]Fagnoni M, Dondi D, Ravelli D, et al. Photocatalysis for the formation of the C-C bond [J]. Chemical Reviews ,2007, 107(6): 2725-2756. [4] Albini A ,Fagnoni M. Some applications of photocatalysis [J]. Chimica Oggi-Chemistry Today ,2004,22(9): 36-38. [5]Linsebigler A L, Lu G , Yates J T. 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第六章 纳米介孔材料
![第六章 纳米介孔材料](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/393dbfb6bb0d4a7302768e9951e79b8969026845.png)
①Siliceous Zeolites from Clear Solutions
1:0.1:0.4 :114
(SiO2/TBA/NaOH/H2O), silatrane silica source,
CEM MSP1000 1000W, 150℃ for 5–20 h after 84 h
• 纳米介孔碳用途
gas separation, water purification, catalyst supports and electrodes for batteries and fuel cells
• 纳米结构SiO2材料包括:
silica sol, zeolites, alumina, and mesoporous silicas
(5) 微波合成法
• 优点:
1) The time required for synthesis is reduced (by over an order of magnitude compared to conventional hydrothermal synthesis).
2) The product can be more uniform in dimensions and composition. 3) Products with more variable compositions can be produced.
• The templates are introduced as ligands covalently bonded to silica precursors.
• The type of ligand
Figure. Examples of precursors used in the covalently bonded organic template approach showing matrix precursor (1), and pendant (2), polymerizable (3), and bridging templates (4).
姚月 110924
1 background 2 Meso-porous carbon materials 3 microreactor 4 实验部分
• Porous carbon materials have been applied to gas separa tion, water purification, catalyst supports, and electrodes for electrochemical double layer capacitors and fuel cells .
Catal Lett (2009) 129:20–25
交换4次后 浸渍法添加助剂Ce,Sn,Gr, Al ,Z n
Y Axis Title
1000 800 600 400 200 0 0
X Axis Title
vol1311220094543ppt课件纳米微反应器chemicalengineeringscience66201153665373ppt课件借助微通道反应器的特点进行的化学反应的改进appliedcatalysisenvironmental1022011232242ppt课件10ppt课件11anational Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) recommendation, porous carbon mat erials can be classified into three types based on their po re sizes: microporous< 2 nm, 2 nm<meso-porous< 50 nm , and macroporous> 50 nm.
Kelvin方程 BJH法确定中孔孔径分布 Kelvin方程对4型和5型等温线的解释 吸附滞后现象(自学)
❖ 吸附概念
当气体或者液体与某些固体接触时,气体或者液体分子会积聚在固体表面 上,这种现象称为吸附。
吸附是指当流体与多孔固体接触时, 流体中某一组分或多个组分在固体表 面处产生积蓄的现象。
❖ 气凝胶材料测试结果
气凝胶结构特征:纳米尺度颗粒 (5-30nm)在三维空间无序堆积而 成的具有三维纳米通孔结构特征的 多孔材料。
Pore Volume (cm3/g•nm)
Quantity Adsorbed (cm3/g)
实际应用的不足 ❖ 能够较好解释2型,3型吸附,但不能解释4型、5型吸附 ❖ 定量解释不够准确,半定量或者定性地解释
❖ 毛细凝聚理论
毛细凝聚现象定义:在一个毛细孔中,因吸附作用形成一个凹液面,与该液面成平 衡的蒸汽压P必须小于同温度下平整液面的饱和蒸汽压P0。毛细孔直径越小,凹液面 的曲率半径越小,蒸汽压越低。
键能小,弱键(Secondary force)
金属键、共价键与离子键 键能大,强健。
键合类型 Bond type 离子键 共价键 金属键
键能(Kcal/mol) Binding energy
150-370 125-300 25-200
AMS 系列: AMS 是Che 等人采用阴离子表面活性剂作为结构导向剂,以 含氨基的硅源3-氨丙基三甲氧基硅烷(APS)和含季铵盐的硅源N-三甲氧 基硅丙基-N,N,N-三甲基氯化铵(TMAPS)作为助结构导向剂合成得到的。 该类材料具有均匀分布的有机官能团,可控的介孔结构及孔径大小。其 中,AMS-1 是三维六方结构,AMS-2 是具有调变结构的笼状结构,AMS-3 是二维六方结构,AMS-6 是双连续立方相Ia3d ,AMS-8 是立方相Fd3m 结 构,AMS-9 是四方相P42/mnm结构,AMS-10 是双连续立方相Pn3m结构。 另外,作为AMS 系列中很特殊的一类,Che等人利用手性的氨基酸表面 活性剂和助结构导向剂以及硅源合成了一类新型的介孔硅材料,即手性 介孔硅材料,其外形为螺旋六方棒状,内部具有螺旋孔道结构。这个发 现不仅进一步拓展了介孔材料的合成体系,而且为催化分离、药物的选 择性吸附等开创了广阔的应用前景。
MSU 系列:该系列由Pinnavaia 等人制备而成。这是一类用 聚氧乙烯醚类非离子表面活性剂为模板合成的孔道为蠕虫状 的介孔材料。这种结构有利于客体分子在孔道内的扩散,消 除扩散限制。
KIT 系列:该系列由Ryoo 等人合成。其中,KIT-1 是一种结 构无序的介孔氧化硅材料。KIT-6 是在Pluronic P123 (EO20PO70EO20)导向下,通过添加正丁醇而得到的具有立 方Ia3d 结构的介孔氧化硅材料。
2004年,Liang等通过EISA过程使PS-P4VP型嵌段共聚物与间苯二酚组装得到 周期性复合结构,然后用甲醛蒸气处理,使间苯二酚聚合得到嵌段共聚物-酚醛 树脂复合材料,通过一个直接碳化的过程,可以除掉模板剂,得到高度有序的介 孔碳膜,其孔径为35 nm。
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FDU系列(Fudan University)
JLU系列 (Jilin University)
TEM images of calcined JLU-30 taken in the (100) and (110) directions and the corresponding Fourier diffractogram (inset).
• S+表示阳离子表面活性剂 – 长链烷基季铵盐、长链烷基吡啶型或阳离 子双子型
• S-表示阴离子表面活性剂 – 羧酸盐、硫酸盐等
• S0表示非离子表面活性剂 – 长链烷基伯胺和二胺等
• X-表示Cl-,Br-等 • M+表示Na+,H+等
SI共价键(配位键) Nb,Ta .(六方) 氧化物
表面活性剂 S+
S+ S+ SSSo So No
无机物种 I-
相互作用方式 S+I- 静电力
S+X-I+ 静电力
S+F-Io 静电力
S-I+ 静电力
S-M+I- 静电力
SoIo 氢键
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Adv. Mater. 2006, 18, 2073–2094
• Meso-porous carbon materials are very important for appl ications involving large molecules, such as adsorbents for dyes, catalyst supports for biomolecules, and electrodes f or biosensors.
Catal Lett (2009) 129:20–25
交换4次后 浸渍法添加助剂Ce,Sn,Gr, Al ,Z n
Y Axis Title
1000 800 600 400 200 0 0
X Axis Title
Urea s
Adv. Synth. Catal. 2005, 347, 225– 230
b c
a:氢气还原 b:催化剂的酸中心2倍 c:反应时间为2h
• Cnts 有可能阻碍了酸中心使得反应转化率明显降低;
• 引入TEOs凝胶,反应转化率较低,选择性40%左右,是在最近设计得到的固体催化剂中 最高的。可能的原因是像文献里所说凝胶起到了微通道的效果。
J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 9 VOL. 131, NO. 12, 2009 4543
Chemical Engineering Science 66 (2011) 5366–5373
借助微通道反应器的特点进行的化学 反应的改进
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 102 (2011) 232–242
姚月 110924
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
1 background 2 Meso-porous carbon materials 3 microreactor 4 实验部分
• Porous carbon materials have been applied to gas separa tion, water purification, catalyst supports, and electrodes for electrochemical double layer capacitors and fuel cells .