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If you jump, I will jump with you!
情况 条件从句(if 后句子)
一般将来时 shall/will+动原
一般现在时 do/does
Practice: D 1.If our government_______attention to controlling food safety now,our health___ in danger.(12年,广东省) A.won't pay;is B.doesn't pay;is C.won't pay;will be D.doesn't pay;will be
What would you do if your house were on fire?
I would get out and call the fire department.
I would try to put it out.
Good choice! You should always get out of the house as quickly as possible.
worked 2.Father told me if I_________(work)hard, he___________ would buy (buy)me a special gift.
If I were a boy 如果我是个男孩 Even just for a day 就算只是一天 I'd roll out of bed in the morning 早上起床后 And throw on what I wanted and go 穿上我想穿的衣服就出门 Drink beer with the guys 和哥儿们喝点小酒 And chase after girls 和美女打情骂俏 I'd kick it with who I wanted 看到谁不顺眼就扁
would/should/ could/might+动 原
If I were a boy, I'd roll out of bed in the morning. I'd roll out of bed in the morning if I were a boy.
If I were a boy,would you love me?
真实条件句 主句:will do if从句:do/does 虚拟条件句 主句:would/could if从句:did/were
HOMEWORK: What would you do if you were a billionaire?
If I were a billionaire, I would (do sth).....
Would you love me if I were a boy?
B 1.If I ___you, I'd take the small apple.(12年, 四川巴中) A. am B. were C. was D 2.---What would you do if you___the traffic accident? ---I would___.(12年,黄冈) A.see; do my housework first B.saw; buy some fruit right away C.see; call at 110 at once D.saw; call the police right away
I'd=I would
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
与事实相 反,不太 可能发生
If I were a boy even just for a day, I would roll out of bed in the morning
情况 条件从句(if 后句子) 主句
动词过去式did 与现在事实相反 (系动词be用 不太可能发生 were代替)
Never try to put out a fire yourself. It’s too dangerous.
if [ɪf] conj. (表条件)如果;即使;是否;(表假 设)假如。 可引导条件状语从句。
If you jump, I will jump with you!