
酶工程的知识点总结课题3 探讨加酶洗衣粉的洗剂效果一、实验原理1.加酶洗衣粉是指含有酶制剂的洗衣粉,目前常用的酶制剂有四类:蛋白酶、脂肪酶、淀粉酶和纤维素酶,其中,应用最广泛、效果最明显的是碱性蛋白酶和碱性脂肪酶。
b5E2RGbCAP 2.碱性蛋白酶能将血渍、奶渍等含有的大分子蛋白质水解成可溶性的氨基酸或小分子的肽,使污迹从衣物上脱落。
⑤观察并记录2个烧杯中的洗涤效果RTCrpUDGiT 2探究用加酶洗衣粉洗涤的最佳温度条件①在3个编号的烧杯里,分别注入500mL清水。
酶工程 固定化酶(3.2.1)--固定化辅酶

利用水溶性大分子与酶结合,使酶的空间结 构发生某些精细的改变,从而改变酶的特性与 功能的方法称为大分子结合修饰法,简称为大 分子结合法。 常 用 的 水 溶 性 大 分 子 修 饰 剂
聚乙二醇、右旋糖酐、蔗糖聚合物 (Ficoll) 、葡 聚糖、环糊精、肝素、羟甲基纤维素、聚氨基酸、 乙烯酮、
• 提高酶的活力 activity • 增强酶的稳定性 stability • 降低或消除酶的抗原性 immu 研究和了解酶分子中主链、侧链、组成单位、
金属离子和各种物理因素对酶分子空间构象的 影响 structure
• 1 原因
• 有机辅因子中具有某些特殊的化学基团,参与酶的催化反应 ( 递氢、递电子或递某些化学基团的作用)
• 有机辅因子在使用过程中要流失,并且不能自行再生 • 有机辅因子价格昂贵
• —— 工业上应用全酶的关键是有机辅因子的保留和
• 2 固定化方法与酶相似,一般采用溴化氰法,碳二亚胺法以及 重氮偶联法等共价偶联,或将其进行适当的化学修饰后固定在 超滤器中。
• 如果重新加入原有的金属离子,酶的催化活性可以 恢复或者部分恢复。
• 若用另一种金属离子进行置换,则可使酶呈现出不 同的特性。有的可以使酶的活性降低甚至丧失,有 的却可以使酶的活力提高或者增加酶的稳定性。
a. 酶的分离纯化:首先将欲进行修饰的酶 经过分离纯化,除去杂质,获得具有一定纯 度的酶液。 b. 除去原有的金属离子:在经过纯化的酶 液中加入一定量的金属螯合剂,如乙二胺四 乙酸( EDTA )等,使酶分子中的金属离子 与 EDTA 等形成螯合物。通过透析、超滤、 分子筛层析等方法,将 EDTA- 金属螯合物从 酶液中除去。此时,酶往往成为无活性状态

图; 9.转染48h; 10. 转染60h; 11. 转染60h后的阴性对
照; 12. 转染72h。
对医疗应用来说最主要的还是寻找那些具 有切割特定RNA顺序的核酶,从而可以在体 内抑制某些有害基因。
基因治疗的概念出现在二十几年前,现在已 经在临床上得到了实际应用。基因治疗最早的临 床研究是1990年Blaese 等进行的对腺苷脱氨酶 (ADA)缺乏症的治疗,随后在对遗传病、病毒侵染、 肿瘤等疾病的治疗中得到广泛的应用。中国也是 开展基因治疗比较早的国家,1991年薛京伦等开 展了血友病B基因治疗的临床实验,并取得比较理 想的效果。
结构稳定。生理条件下DNA比RNA稳定106 倍,DNA的磷酸二酯键比蛋白质的肽键抗 水解能力要高100倍。
成本低廉、易于合成和修饰。 脱氧核酶具有催化效率高和高度专一性等
分类依据:借鉴国际酶学委员会对蛋白酶 的分类方法,将DRz 分成4 类:水解酶、转移 酶、合成酶和氧化酶 具有水解酶活性的DRz 1、作用于RNA 的DRz 主要包括水解RNA的“10-23”、“8-17”DRz。
5‘ 20
3‘ C A
茎II (催化部位) 30
手枪形结构脱氧核酶的自身切割位点在第14nt处,其3’端约27个碱基对自身切割活 性的发挥至关重要。

2022年8月第33期Aug. 2022No.33教育教学论坛EDUCATION AND TEACHING FORUM“酶工程原理”课程教学分析与改革研究——以食品科学与工程专业为例张泽栋1,张 辉2(1.江西农业大学 食品科学与工程学院,江西 南昌 330045;2.淄博市淄川区市场监督管理局,山东 淄博 255100)[摘 要] 酶工程技术属于生命科学领域前沿研究方向,也是食品科学与工程专业的重要理论课程内容。
[关键词] 高等院校;酶工程原理;食品科学;人才培养[基金项目] 2021年度国家自然科学基金项目“磷脂酶PLA1的结构解析及其C-末端肽段调控酶底物选择性的分子机制研究”(32160543)[作者简介] 张泽栋(1989—),男,山东淄博人,工学博士,江西农业大学食品科学与工程学院讲师,主要从事食品酶工程研究;张 辉(1965—),男,山东淄博人,学士,山东省淄博市淄川区市场监督管理局主任,主要从事食品检验检测方面的研究。
[中图分类号] G642.0 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-9324(2022)33-0049-04 [收稿日期] 2022-02-12一、我国高校“酶工程原理”教学现状分析不同于传统的物理及化学处理方法,以高效、绿色、环保为特色的酶工程技术近年来在食品加工、化工合成、环境工程等领域得到了广泛的关注[1]。

酶学与酶⼯程重点总结第⼆章酶学基础⼀、酶的活性中⼼(active center,active site)(⼀)活性中⼼和必需基团1、与酶活性显⽰有关的,具有结合和催化底物形成产物的空间区域,叫酶的活性中⼼,⼜叫活性部位。

一、酶的分类(注意序号不能变,用于命名)1.氧化-还原酶: 主要包括脱氢酶(dehydrogenase)、氧化酶(Oxidase)、过氧化物酶、氧合酶、细胞色素氧化酶等。
二、酶的分类1.根据结构特点分类| a.单体酶|b.寡聚酶:多亚基,多为调节酶变构酶。
|c.多酶体系 | c1.多酶复合体:多个蛋白,如醇脱氢酶,丙酮酸脱氢酶。
酶) b1.酶蛋白辅助因子:辅酶,辅基,金属离子。
(e.g. FMN,FAD,铁卟啉)结合酶中的金属离子作为辅助因子有多方面功能,它们可能是酶活性中心的组成成分,也可能通过稳定酶分子构象或作为桥梁使酶与底物相连接发挥作用。

酶⼯程的发展阶段:1.从动物、植物或微⽣物细胞和组织中提取酶,加以利⽤的阶段 2,发酵法⽣产,揭开近代酶⼯业的序幕。
底物的形变(distortion)和诱导契合(induced fit):酶中某些基团或离⼦可以使底物分⼦产⽣“电⼦张⼒”,底物分⼦发⽣形变,接近过渡态,降低了反应活化能。
酸碱催化(acid-base catalysis):通过瞬时向反应物提供质⼦或从反应物接受质⼦以稳定过渡态,加速反应的⼀类催化机制。
共价催化(covalent catalysis):⼜称亲核催化(nucleophilic catalysis)或亲电⼦催化(electrophonic catalysis)。

从 整体上来看 , 酶工程可划分 为三部分 内 提 问 、 后 作 业 与 课 程 论 文 。 堂 提 问 占 课 课
许多高校并未开 设单 独的酶学课 程 , 学生的 酶 随机提 问, 问内容主要 为上 次教学 内容 中 提 学基础 知识仅 来 自于 生物化 学课 。 因此 , 必 的基础 知识 , 有 以督 促学生 及时 复 习 , 强化所 学 要 将酶 学基础 知识 的回顾 作为 酶工程 教学 内 知识 , 为进 一步学习掌握新 的课程 内容 提供保 容 的 重要部 分 。 酶工 程部 分 的 内容是 课程 的 证 ; 作业 占1%, 课后 0 主要是布置一些较 为灵活 重 点 , 要 包 括 酶 的 发酵 生 产 、 的分 离 纯 的思考题 , 主 酶 考查学 生对课堂知识 的掌握 与运 用
济 发 展 中 的地 位 、 发展 的现 状 和 方 向 、 要 主
识 的记 忆情 况 , 知 识应 用 能力 的考 查 不够 对
[ 4 J
思 考[ . 国地 质教育 , 0 6 2 :3 4 J中 ] 2 0 ()7 ~7 .
的 工 业 产 品 、 究 的热 点 与 难 点 等 。 研 一个 精
i 毛墓 口 翟 目
ii ; i! — ;】 l} f・
+。 。 。。 。
科 教 研 究
酶 工程课程教学实践与体会
李艳 宾 龚 明福 ( 塔里木 大学生命 科学学 院 新 疆阿拉尔 8 3 0) 43 0
摘 要: 酶工程是一 门高等院校 生物技 术专业 , 重要 的专业课 程 。 该课程 信息量大 , 涵盖 面广, 学任 务繁重 。 教 如何教 好酶 工程 , 高教 学 提 效 果 , 为酶 工程专 业课程教 学所 面临的 问题 。 文根据 笔者 的课 程教 学实践 , 结 出 了一些教 学体会 。 成 本 总 关键词 : 工程 课程教学 教 学内容 教 学方法 酶 中图分类 号 : 4 G 2 6 文献标 识 码 : A 文章编号 : 3 9 9 ( o o () O 4 - 1 1 7 - 7 5 2 1 ) 2 b- 0 O 0 6 o 生 物技 术是 当前 世界 各 国优先发 展 的高 的 工业 化应用放在 最后一章 , 进一步让学 生 篇 , 中5 能 其 年以 内的文献 不得低于 7 %。 0 通过 这 新技 术 领域 之一 。 工程 是生 物技 术 的基 础 认 识酶 对现 代社 会 生活 的影 响 。 酶 和 重要 组成 部分 。 它是 从应 用 的 目的 出发 研 究酶 , 在一 定生物反应装 置中利用酶的催 化性 2采用多媒体教学, 加强课堂互动 质, 将相应原料转 化成 有用物质 的技 术_ 具 有 1 】 ,
酶工程 第十章 酶的催化特性与反应动力学 2013-2

½Vmax 分数级反应 一级反应 [S]<<K
零级反应 [S]>>K
当v = ½Vmax时,K=[S],即米氏常数,记做Km
3. 稳态学说
假定[ES]处于稳态中,即形成速率等于分解速率: k1[E][S]=k-1[ES]+k2[ES] k1[E][S] [ES]= k-1+k2 酶以ES形式存在的比例: [S] k-1+k2 +[S] k1
Vmax (Vmax, Km)
v2 [S]2 -[S]1 -[S]3
(5)常用动力学数据处理方法的比较 Lineweaver-Burk法最常用,优点是v和[S]在不同轴上 ,但误差分布不均衡 直接线性作图法优点是v 和[S]直接表现在图线上,具有 统计合理性,可采用Vmax和Km的中位数。采用非线性回 归进行拟合,可得到最优Vmax和Km的值。
4. 酶专一性的确定
(1)选择底物,测定最适温度、pH等条件 (2)确定米氏常数Km和最大反应速度Vmax (3)选用结构类似物确定专一性 (4)相对专一性的酶确定几个底物的Km、Vmax (5)确定是否有立体异构专一性
转换数(每个酶分子每分钟催化底物转化的分子数)一般 103 min-1,β-半乳糖苷酶的转换数为12.5×103min-1, 碳酸酐酶的转换数达到3.6×107min-1 。 酶的催化作用可使反应速度提高107~1013倍 例如:H2O2的分解反应
H2O2 → H2O +

今年来,转基因产品贸易不断增加,我国应合理地利用WT O规则,发展我国转基因产业,增强我国的转基因产品参与全球竞争的能力,维护国家安全和利益。

生物工程实验指导(酶工程部分)海南师范大学生命科学学院2010-10实验一 木瓜蛋白酶的分离纯化及酶活检测一、概述以半胱氨酸内肽酶为主(包括木瓜蛋白酶,简称PAP、木瓜蛋白酶Ω, 简称CAR、木瓜凝乳蛋白酶,简称CHP和木瓜凝乳蛋白酶M,简称GEP)的木瓜蛋白酶是从植物番木瓜中分离纯化而得的一种混合酶。

A PPLIED AND E NVIRONMENTAL M ICROBIOLOGY,Aug.2008,p.4782–4791Vol.74,No.15 0099-2240/08/$08.00ϩ0doi:10.1128/AEM.01575-07Copyright©2008,American Society for Microbiology.All Rights Reserved.Esterase Autodisplay:Enzyme Engineering and Whole-Cell Activity Determination in Microplates with pH SensorsᰔEva Schultheiss,1Svenja Weiss,2Elisa Winterer,1Ruth Maas,1Elmar Heinzle,2and Joachim Jose1* Bioanalytics,Institute of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry,Heinrich Heine University Du¨sseldorf,Universita¨tsstr.1, 40225Du¨sseldorf,Germany,1and Biochemical Engineering,Saarland University,P.O.Box151150,66041Saarbru¨cken,Germany2Received11July2007/Accepted20May2008Among the GDSL family of serine esterases/lipases is a group of bacterial enzymes that posses C-terminalextensions involved in outer membrane anchoring or translocation.ApeE from Salmonella enterica serovarTyphimurium,a member of this group,has been expressed in Escherichia coli and was resistant to proteasedigestion when the protease was added to whole cells,indicating a periplasmic localization.Thefive consensusblocks conserved within all GDSL esterases were identified in ApeE by multiple sequence alignment andseparated from the C-terminal extension.The DNA sequence spanning the four invariant residues Ser,Gly,Asn,and His,and hence representing the catalytic domains of ApeE,was amplified by PCR and fused in frameto the transport domains of the autodisplay system.The resulting artificial esterase,called EsjA,was overex-pressed in the cell envelope of E.coli and was shown to be active by the use of␣-naphthyl acetate(␣-NA)asa substrate in an in-gel activity stain after sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.Surfaceexposure of EsjA was indicated by its accessibility to protease added to whole cells.The esterase activity ofwhole cells displaying EsjA was determined by a pH agar assay and by the use of microplates with integratedpH-dependent optical sensors.␣-NA,␣-naphthyl butyrate,and␣-naphthyl caproate were used as substrates,and it turned out that the substrate preferences of artificial EsjA were altered in comparison to original ApeE.Our results indicate that autodisplay of esterase in combination with pH sensor microplates can provide a newplatform technology for the screening of tailor-made hydrolase activities.Surface display of active proteins on living cells provides several advantages in biotechnological applications(26,47). Using such cells as whole-cell biocatalysts,a substrate to be processed does not need to cross a membrane barrier but has free access.Moreover,being connected to a carrier(the cell as a biological matrix),the surface-displayed biocatalyst can be purified,stabilized,and applied to industrial processes more conveniently than it usually is as a free ing cellular surface display in creating and screening peptide or protein libraries to perform laboratory evolution has another benefit. By selecting the correct structure expressed at the surface,the corresponding gene,serving as an intrinsic label,is coselected and can be used in further studies and applications.Therefore, systems allowing the surface display of a maximum spectrum of different proteins are gaining growing importance in typical biochemical or bioorganic applicationfields,such as enzyme engineering or drug discovery(39).In addition to other systems in bacteria and yeast(12,13,30, 43,49),autodisplay is a very elegant way to express a recom-binant protein on the surface of a gram-negative bacterium (26,31).Autodisplay was developed based on the secretion mechanism of the autotransporter family of proteins(25).Re-combinant passengers can be transported to the cell surface by simple insertion of the corresponding coding sequence into a distinct position of the transporter gene.Proteins expressed and transported as monomers can dimerize at the cell surface (22,24,27),which seems to be due to the particular anchoring mechanism within the cell envelope,which is mediated by a porin-like amphipathic-barrel(32).It is possible to express enzymes in an active form at the cell surface;an inorganic prosthetic group can be inserted after surface translocation without loss of cell viability,and more than1.8ϫ105molecules can be expressed on a single cell(24).Another advantage of autodisplay in biotechnological applications is the ability to use typical laboratory Escherichia coli strains as host organisms. Taking these facts together,autodisplay could be an interesting alternative to other systems dealing with the surface display of active proteins.Among these,the Lpp-OmpA surface display system and its derivatives seem to be the most ef-fective,and they have been used successfully for the surface display of a wide variety of functional proteins and peptides, as well as random libraries of both in E.coli in the last decade(5,8,9,15).Esterases are a group of hydrolases that have wide substrate tolerances and are able to catalyze a broad spectrum of reac-tions even in organic solvents(6).Moreover,esterases show high regio-and/or enantioselectivity.They are not restricted to dissolving an ester bond but can also catalyze its formation and usually do not require any cofactors.Therefore,esterases in general are attractive tools for biocatalytic applications,such as chiral synthesis of pharmaceuticals or agrochemicals(17).Re-cently,several bacterial esterases have been subjected to lab-oratory evolution to obtain enzymes with improved properties, including substrate specificity or enantioselectivity(2,33,35). The primary aim of the present study was to combine the*Corresponding author.Mailing address:Bioanalytics,Institute of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry,Heinrich Heine University Du¨sseldorf,Universita¨tsstr.1,D-40225Du¨sseldorf,Germany.Phone: 492118113848.Fax:492118113847.E-mail:joachim.jose@uni-duesseldorf.de.ᰔPublished ahead of print on30May2008.4782advantages of cellular surface display with the attractive fea-tures of a bacterial esterase(4).Cellular esterase display would result in a whole-cell biocatalyst that should be easily applica-ble to industrial applications or organic synthesis processes (10).Moreover,it could serve as a starting point in a laboratory evolution approach,with no need for enzyme purification or the influence of different substrate accessibilities.A major bot-tleneck in the directed evolution of esterases,however,is the high-throughput enzyme activity determination(34).Either substrates containing chromophores have been used,which is a substantial constraint of the strategy,or highly sophisticated equipment,such as gas chromatography,mass spectroscopy,or high-performance liquid chromatography,has been applied, limiting the number of reactions determined within a certain period of time(3,37,41).Recently,we reported on a quanti-tative screening method for hydrolases by the use of micro-plates with integratedfluorochrome pH sensors(19,20,29). Therefore,a second aim of this study was to elucidate if this microplate assay could be used to determine the activity of esterase-displaying whole cells.Here,we report on the surface display of an engineered esterase with high activity by the use of autodisplay in E.coli. Substrate conversion and specific activities were determined for three different substrates in microplates with integrated pH sensors.MATERIALS AND METHODSBacterial strains,plasmids,and culture conditions.E.coli strain BL21(DE3) [FϪompT hsd S B(r BϪm BϪ)gal dcm(DE3)]was used as the host strain for the expression of autotransporter fusion proteins.E.coli TOP10[FЈmcr A⌬(mrr-hsdRMS-mcrBC)⌽80lacZ⌬M15⌬lacX74recA1deoR araD139⌬(ara-leu)7697 galU galK rpsL(Str r)endA1nupG]and the vector pCR2.1-TOPO,which were used for subcloning of PCR products,were obtained from Invitrogen(Gro-ningen,The Netherlands).Plasmid pCM343,which encodes esterase ApeE from Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium,has been described previously(7). Plasmid pETSH4,encoding the a dhesin i nvolved in d iffuse a dherence I (AIDA-I)autotransporter domains,including the5amino acids(PEYFK)that are recognized as a linear epitope by monoclonal antibody Du¨142under the control of the T7promoter,has been further characterized elsewhere(28). Bacteria were routinely grown at37°C on Luria-Bertani(LB)agar plates containing100mg ampicillin per liter.For qualitative esterase determination with whole cells of E.coli,standard agar plates containing1%agar were sup-plemented with0.1%␣-naphthyl acetate(␣-NA)as a substrate and0.01% bromcresol purple as a pH indicator(38).The substrate␣-NA wasfirst dissolved in methanol and kept as a10%stock solution and was added after autoclaving of the agar solution immediately before the agar plates were poured.In addition, these agar plates contained10mM Tris/HCl,pH7.0,for buffering.After inoc-ulation with the different strains,the plates were incubated overnight at37°C. For differential cell fractionation and outer membrane preparations,flask cultures were carried out in250-mlflasks containing40ml LB medium supple-mented with10M EDTA and10mM-mercaptoethanol(24). Recombinant DNA techniques.Plasmid pES02,which contains the artificial gene encoding the ApeE-autotransporter fusion protein,was constructed by PCR amplification using plasmid pCM343(7)as a template and oligonucle-otide primers esapeE5(5Ј-GCTCTAGATTTGACTCTCTTACGGTGATT-3Ј)and esapeE6(5Ј-GAAGATCTACGACTGCCTTGCGCCATCGACTG-3Ј).The amplified apeE gene is devoid of its own signal peptide and of its C-terminal part,which is responsible for membrane association.The amplified N-terminal part of apeE containsfive blocks that are conserved among esterases of the GDSL type,as well as the catalytic triad(1),which was identified by sequence alignment of four esterase sequences(see Fig.2).The PCR products derived from pCM343by using TaqZ-polymerase(TaKaRa,Shiga,Japan)with the two primers esapeE05and esapeE06were digested with XbaI and BglII and ligated with the vector pCR2.1-TOPO,which had been digested before with the same enzymes.The apeE fragment was cut out by XbaI and BglII and ligated with pETSH4cleaved with the same enzymes.Plasmid pETSH4contains the genes coding for the AIDA-I autotransporter domains and the peptide antigen tag PEYFK under the control of an inducible T7promoter(28).Insertion of the apeE PCR fragment yielded plasmid pES02,which encodes a fusion protein consisting of the signal peptide of pETSH4,truncated ApeE,the PEYFK epitope,and the AIDA-I autotransporter region,including a linker region that proved to be sufficient for full surface exposure(32)(see Fig.3).The sequences of the PCR fragment and the ligation sites were controlled by DNA sequence analysis.All recombinant DNA techniques were performed according to stan-dard procedures.Differential cell fractionation and outer membrane preparation.Bacteria were grown overnight,and1ml of culture was used to inoculate20ml LB medium. For the expression of the autotransporter-esterase fusion protein FP89,cells were cultured at37°C with vigorous shaking(200rpm)until an optical density at 578nm(OD578)of0.6was reached and then induced with1mM IPTG(isopro-pyl--D-thiogalactoside)for60min.After the cells were harvested and washed with0.2M Tris/HCl,pH8,differential cell fractionation was performed accord-ing to the method of Hantke(16)with modifications(38).Briefly,bacteria were incubated in a lysozyme solution(0.04-mg/mlfinal concentration)supplemented with10mM saccharose and1M EDTA for10min at room temperature to lyse the cells.Then,aprotinin was added at afinal concentration of1g/ml,as well as5ml extraction buffer(2%Triton X-100,50mM Tris/HCl,10mM MgCl2)and 0.1mg DNase.After an incubation period of30min on ice,intact bacteria and large debris were sedimented by centrifugation at1,600ϫg for5min.The clarified bacterial lysate was centrifuged at23,500ϫg for60min,and the resulting supernatant,containing soluble cytoplasmic and periplasmic proteins, was completely aspirated.To resuspend the proteins,10ml phosphate-buffered saline(PBS)plus1%sarcosyl(N-lauryl sarcosinate,sodium salt)was added,and the solution was once again centrifuged at23,500ϫg for60min.By this centrifugation step,the sarcosyl-soluble cytoplasmic membrane proteins con-tained in the supernatant could be separated from the pelleted outer membrane proteins.The pellet was washed twice with10ml of water,dissolved in30l water,and prepared for sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophore-sis(SDS-PAGE).To the soluble and cytoplasmic protein fractions,a fourfold volume of acetone was added,and samples were frozen for1h atϪ20°C.The precipitated proteins were obtained by centrifugation at23,500ϫg for10min, resuspended in water,and used for SDS-PAGE.For whole-cell protease treatment,E.coli cells were harvested,washed,and resuspended in5ml0.05M Tris-HCl,5mM EDTA,0.5%SDS,pH7.8.To this cell suspension,12l proteinase K stock solution was added to yield afinal concentration of50g protease mlϪ1.The suspensions were incubated at37°C for60min,and digestion was stopped by washing the cells three times with PBS containing10%fetal calf serum.The outer membranes of digested cells were prepared as described above.SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis.Outer membrane isolates of E.coli cells expressing the esterase-autotransporter fusion protein were diluted1:2with sample buffer(100mM Tris/HCl,pH6.8)containing4%SDS,0.2%bromphenol blue,and20%glycerol),boiled for5min,and analyzed on12.5%acrylamide gels.For Western blot analysis,the gels were transferred onto polyvinylidene difluoride membranes,and the blotted membranes were placed in a blocking solution of3%milk powder in PBS overnight.For immunodetection,the mem-branes were incubated with monoclonal antibody Du¨142,recognizing the re-porter epitope PEYFK,diluted1:300in PBS with3%bovine serum albumin for 3h.Du¨142was raised against the Nef protein of human immunodeficiency virus, was typed to recognize the linear epitope PEYFK,and was used for similar purposes in previous studies(14,32).The immunoblots were washed three times with PBS prior to addition of the secondary antibody.Antigen-antibody conju-gates were visualized by reaction with alkaline phosphatase-labeled goat anti-mouse immunoglobulin G secondary antibody(Kirkegaard&Perry Laborato-ries,Gaithersburg,MD)diluted1:10,000in PBS.A color reaction was achieved by incubating the immunoblots with p-nitroblue tetrazolium chloride(0.3mg/ml,final concentration)and BCIP(5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate,p-tolu-idine salt)(0.17mg/ml,final concentration)in100mM Tris supplemented with 100mM NaCl and5mM MgCl2,pH9.5.Activity staining of SDS gels.After the SDS-PAGE proteins were renatured, activity staining was performed according to the method of Reiter et al.(36). Briefly,the gels were washed four times in50mM disodium hydrogen phosphate plus12.5mM citric acid,pH6.3,for30min to remove SDS.To thefirst two washes,isopropanol was added to afinal concentration of25%.The gels were then soaked with␣-NA solution(16mg/ml acetone)and incubated for a maxi-mum of30min at37°C.Esterase-containing protein bands took on a dark-violet, almost black color in this procedure.Microplate assay.The activity of whole cells was determined by a pH-dyn assay(46).In this way,the pH variation caused by the production of acidsV OL.74,2008ESTERASE AUTODISPLAY AND MICROPLATE pH SENSORS4783generated by the hydrolysis of␣-naphthyl esters was recorded.The pH variation was quantified by microplates with pH sensors,which were covalently immobi-lized at the bottom of each well(19).These sensor plates(PreSens,Regensburg, Germany)are common round-bottom96-well polystyrene microplates.The op-tical sensor consists of an indicatorfluorophore(carboxyfluorescein),which shows a pH-sensitive light emission,and an internal reference dye(sulforhodam-ine),which is insensitive to pH in its light emission(20).Excitation was at492nm for the indicator and544nm for the reference dye,and light emission was determined at538nm(indicator)and590nm(reference).Both compounds were covalently bound to the linear hydrogel polyhydroxyethylmethacrylate,a polymer that could be attached to the polystyrene surface of the microplate well.This ensured a constant ratio between the indicator and the reference dye and avoided elution of both compounds(20).For the determination of pH values,the light emission by the indicator and the reference dye at the corresponding wavelength was set to a ratio as described above.The relation between the pH and the ratio of the two emission intensities can be described by the Boltzman equation(46).Forfluorescence measurement,afluorescence intensity reader (BMG Fluostar,Germany)that is able to determine two wavelengths in parallel in one cycle was used.For activity determination,5mM potassium phosphate buffer in100mM potassium chloride was used as a solvent.Low buffer concentrations are required in order to follow the alteration of the pH,depending on substrate hydrolysis. The additional potassium chloride is needed to provide the distinct ionic strength required for the immobilized sensor.The substrates applied were␣-NA,␣-naph-thyl butyrate(␣-NB),and␣-naphthyl caproate(␣-NC).They were dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide and acetonitrile,with concentrations ranging from80to200 mM.The volume in each well was200l and consisted of10l cell suspension (in phosphate buffer;corresponding OD660,0.25to0.5),2mM substrate,and phosphate buffer,resulting in afinal concentration of dimethyl sulfoxide or acetonitrile of not more than1to5%.Before activity determination was started, the buffer and cell suspension were mixed,and the alteration in pH was followed for10min.Subsequently,the reaction was started by addition of substrate solution,and values were taken every90seconds.Substrate calculation.For afirst screening of the enzyme activity of cells displaying EsjA on the surface,as well as for any other screening purpose,the curve giving the alteration in pH would be sufficient.In order to determine enzymatic activities inmol/min,the pH values had to be converted to substrate or product courses.The pH curves could be converted into substrate concentra-tions via ion balances.An ion-charge balance could be noted as follows:j͓͑cation j͔⅐z j͒ϭj͓͑anion j͔⅐z j͒(1)where the concentrations of all cations[cation j]and anions[anion j]are calcu-lated from all strong and weak acids and bases in the assay,such as buffer, substrate,products,and cells.In the observed pH range,all strong acids and bases are completely dissociated(20).The concentration of dissociated weak acids and bases can be calculated by the following equation,with K a0equal to1:͓H nϪL A LϪ͔ϭ͓Hϩ͔nϪL⅐͓A͔tot⅐qϭ0L K aqmϭ0nΆ͓Hϩ͔nϪm⅐qϭ0m K aq·(2)Here,n denotes the number of acid protons,Hϩis a proton,H nϪL A LϪare anions of the acid H n A,L is the number of dissociated protons,and K aq is the different acidity constant for each species at the corresponding ionic strength(pK values:H2O,13.89;H2PO4Ϫ,2.04;HPO42Ϫ,6.87;PO43Ϫ,11.72;HAc,4.64; HCO3Ϫ,6.24;and CO32Ϫ,9.99)(20).For the calculation of the converted substrate concentrations from changes in pH,the MATLAB tool(Mathworks, Natick,MA)was used.The given parameters are buffer type and concentration, the pK a values of all substances and species,the initial substrate concentration, and the four Boltzman constants for the calculation of pH from the intensity ratio.RESULTSSubcellular localization of ApeE from S.enterica serovar Typhimurium expressed in E.coli.ApeE from Salmonella en-terica serovar Typhimurium was expressed in the OmpT-neg-ative E.coli strain BL21(DE3)and subsequently subjected to SDS-PAGE analysis.For specific detection,the ApeE esterase was reactivated after SDS-PAGE.The ability to be reactivated is a characteristic feature of this enzyme and was described previously by Carinato et al.(7).In our experiments,it was used for in-gel activity staining and identification of the ApeE esterase band.By this method,in whole-cell lysates,as well as in outer membrane preparations obtained by differential cell fractionation,a band with an apparent molecular mass of67 kDa was detectable,corresponding to the full-size ApeE es-terase.As such,a band was not detectable in the cytoplasm fraction or in the inner membrane fraction;this indicated lo-calization of the enzyme within the outer membrane,as pro-posed before(7).To elucidate whether the ApeE esterase is directed to the cell surface or to the periplasm,different pro-teases,including trypsin,proteinase K,thermolysin,and pig pancreatic elastase,were added to whole cells of E.coli ex-pressing ApeE.The cell envelope does not allow proteins as large as these proteases to pass;therefore,digestion of ApeE would indicate its surface exposure.In none of the cases in-vestigated was a reduction of molecular weight or a decrease in band staining intensity observed(Fig.1).This pointed to a localization of the enzyme on the periplasmic face of the outer membrane.This is in concordance with the results obtained with EstE from Xanthomonas vesicatoria,a close homologue of ApeE,which has been shown to be located in the periplasm when expressed in E.coli(42).In this case,the protein was shown to be anchored within the outer membrane by the C terminus,forming a-barrel,and the catalytic moiety was accessible only from the periplasmic side.Multiple-sequence alignment and structure prediction.To investigate whether an organization similar to that found for EstE would match ApeE as well,multiple-sequence alignment of four bacterial esterases,ApeE;EstE,as mentioned above; EstA from Pseudomonas aeruginosa(48);and LipX from Xe-norhabdus luminescens(45),was performed.As shown in Fig. 2,thefive conserved blocks known to be characteristic of the FIG.1.Periplasmic localization of ApeE from S.enterica serovar Typhimurium expressed in E.coli.An in-gel esterase activity staining after SDS-PAGE is shown,as described in Materials and Methods. Lanes:1,molecular mass marker;2,whole-cell proteins of E.coli pCM343expressing ApeE;3,outer membrane proteins of E.coli pCM343;4,whole-cell proteins of E.coli pCM343prepared after1h of incubation of intact cells with proteinase K(50g mlϪ1);5,outer membrane proteins of E.coli pCM343prepared after1h of incubation of intact cells with proteinase K(50g mlϪ1);6,outer membrane proteins of E.coli pCM343prepared after1h of incubation of intact cells with proteinase K(100g mlϪ1).4784SCHULTHEISS ET AL.A PPL.E NVIRON.M ICROBIOL.family of GDSL esterases (1),as well as the catalytic triad,were located within the first 350amino acids of the complete 678-amino-acid-containing ApeE.Signal peptide cleavage was predicted by the SignalP program (11)to occur between A25and F26,as was proposed earlier (7).The C-terminal part of ApeE was predicted to be comprised of 10or 11amphipathic -sheets by using AMPHI,a protein structure prediction pro-gram that was successfully used before for the prediction of the structure of OmpF (18,40,44)and the autotransporter family of proteins (25).The prediction of such amphipathic -sheetsFIG.2.Multiple-sequence alignment of ApeE from S.enterica serovar Typhimurium with LipX from X.luminescens ,EstA from P.aeruginosa ,and EstE from X.vesicatoria .The five blocks of amino acids that are characteristic of the GDSL family of hydrolases are highlighted with black boxes.The amino acids of the catalytic triad are marked by open triangles.The amino acid sequence corresponding to the DNA region that was amplified by PCR in order to construct the ApeE-autotransporter fusion protein (FP89)is bordered by black arrows.The GenBank accession numbers are as follows:AF047014(ApeE),P40601(LipX),AAB61674(EstA),and AAP49127(EstE).The multiple alignment was performed with the PileUp program of the GCG Wisconsin sequence analysis package using default values.V OL .74,2008ESTERASE AUTODISPLAY AND MICROPLATE pH SENSORS 4785points to the formation of a -barrel within the C-terminal part of ApeE,which could serve as an anchor within the outer membrane.All these findings are in complete congruence with those that were made earlier for EstE from X.vesicatoria (42).In summary,the ApeE esterase from S.enterica serovar Ty-phimurium is synthesized as a precursor protein,consisting of three domains.A signal peptide of 25amino acids is located at the very N terminus,guiding the transport of the precursor across the inner membrane,and it is cleaved off,resulting in a reduction of the molecular mass of the precursor from 69.9to 67kDa,as has been described by Carinato et al.(7).In the N-terminal half,the mature protein contains the domains needed for esterase activity,and at the C-terminal end,it contains the domains that are supposed to be responsible for outer membrane anchoring.As ApeE esterase was not acces-sible to proteases added externally to whole cells when ex-pressed in E.coli ,this indicated a periplasmic orientation rather than a surface localization of the catalytic moiety.Fusion of the catalytic domains of ApeE with the transport domains for autodisplay.Autodisplay exploits the signal pep-tide of the -subunit of cholera toxin from Vibrio cholerae and the -barrel,as well as the linker region of AIDA-I from enteropathogenic E.coli for transport of recombinant proteins to the cell surface (21,31).In such cases,the encoding DNA sequence for the recombinant protein,the so-called passenger,must be inserted in frame between the coding sequence for the signal peptide and the coding sequence for the linker region (Fig.3).By this strategy,a wide variety of proteins and pep-tides from different origins could be transported to the cell surfaces of E.coli and Salmonella (for an overview,see refer-ence 21).To confirm the distinct functional and structural arrange-ment of domains within mature ApeE as proposed in the preceding paragraph,we decided to transport the catalytic domains separately to the cell surface by autodisplay.For this purpose,a part of the coding region of ApeE was amplified by PCR,starting with F26as the first amino acid of the mature enzyme and ending with R379,including the conserved blocks I to V and the catalytic triad (Fig.2).The primers used for PCR added an XbaI restriction site at the 5Јend and a BglII site at the 3Јend that could be used for the in-frame insertion of the truncated ApeE gene within the autodisplay domains encoding segments (Fig.3).The resulting plasmid was named pES02and contained an artificial gene construct coding for a fusion protein comprised of the signal peptide of the -subunit of cholera toxin;the catalytic domains of ApeE;and the linker region,including a peptide tag (PEYFK)for a mouse mono-clonal antibody,as well as the -barrel of AIDA-I for outer membrane translocation (28).The molecular mass of the fu-sion protein was predicted from the amino acid sequence to be 88.9kDa,and therefore,it was named FP89.Expression and subcellular localization of FP89,containing the catalytic domains of ApeE.Plasmid pES02,encoding FP89,was transformed into the OmpT-negative E.coli strain BL21(DE3),and gene expression was analyzed after induction with 1mM IPTG for 1h.For this purpose,the outer mem-branes were prepared from cells of BL21(DE3)without plasmid as a negative control,BL21(DE)(pES02),andBL21FIG.3.Structure of the ApeE-autotransporter fusion protein FP89encoded by plasmid pES02,constructed for autodisplay of esterase.The environment of the fusion sites is given as amino acid sequences.The signal peptidase cleavage site is indicated.The 4amino acids at the N terminus and the 2amino acids at the C terminus that were added laterally to the ApeE domains due to the cloning procedure are marked by asterisks.Restriction sites used for the insertion of the PCR product are underlined.The amino acids of a linear epitope of a monoclonal antibody that are part of the linker region and that were used for Western blot detection are written in italics.SP,signal peptide.4786SCHULTHEISS ET AL.A PPL .E NVIRON .M ICROBIOL .。

⼆、酶活⼒单位在特定条件下,每1 min 催化1 µmol 的底物转化为产物的酶量定义为1 个酶活⼒单位。
这个单位称为国际单位(IU)在特定条件下,每秒催化1 mol底物转化为产物的酶量定义为1卡特(Kat) 1Kat = 6×10 7 IU 酶的⽐活⼒是指在特定条件下,单位重量(mg)蛋⽩质或RNA所具有的酶活⼒单位数。
酶⽐活⼒=酶活⼒(单位)/ mg (蛋⽩或RNA)第⼀篇酶的⽣产1、提取分离法2、⽣物合成法3、化学合成法⽣物合成法:经过预先设计,通过⼈⼯操作,利⽤微⽣物细胞、植物细胞或动物细胞的⽣命活动来获取所需酶的技术过程。

1878年库尼(künne)首先把这种物质称为Enzyme (酶)。
1835-1837年,Berzelius (柏济力阿斯)提出催化作用的概念。
1894年德国化学家Emil Fischer 提出了酶和底物相互作用类似于锁和钥匙的观点。
Buchner 获得了1911年诺贝尔化学奖。
1902年Henri 和Brown 各自独立地提出了酶与底物中间络合物的观点。
1913年Michaelis 和Menten 提出中间产物学说1913年,米彻利斯和曼吞根据中间产物学说,推导出酶催化反应的基本动力学方程。
1926年James B.Sumner(萨姆纳)获得脲酶结晶。
到30年代,Northrop 又分离出许多结晶蛋白酶。
1930-1940年期间,Bergman 等人合成了许多肽来研究蛋白酶的作用。
Peterson 和Sorber 发展了离子交换—纤维素技术Ornstein 和Davis 发展了聚丙烯酰胺凝胶技术1959年,Koshland 提出了酶与底物结合的诱导楔合概念。
1982年Cech 等发现四膜虫(Tetrahymena )细胞的26S rRNA 前体具有自我剪接功能。
这种剪接不需要蛋白质存在,但必须有鸟苷或镁离子参与,切克称为自我剪接反应,认为RNA 也具有催化活性,并将之称为ribozyme 。

(⼆)、酶的结构分类(1)、单体酶(monomeric enzyme) :仅具有三级结构的酶,即只由⼀条肽链组成的酶。
(2)、寡聚酶(oligomeric enzyme):两个或两个以上的相同或不同亚基以共价键⽅式连接⽽形成的酶。
(3)、多酶复合体(多酶体系,multienzyme system):由⼏种功能不同的酶聚合在⼀起,分⼯合作。
(4)、多功能酶(multifunctional enzyme):⼀些多酶体系在进化的过程中由于基因融合,致使多种不同催化功能存在于⼀条多肽链上,这种⼀条肽链具有多种催化功能的酶叫多功能酶。

“6 ”计 划中 已安排 了新一 代工业 牛物技 术 专题和 工业酶 的分 子改造 和工程 化技 术重点项 目。本期 《 83 中国生 物 学文摘 以酶 工程为 丰题 词检索 收 集 了 20  ̄0 7 中国科研 工作者 在酶 工程领 域发 表的论文 以了解 中国 0 4 20 年
酶 工程研 发 工作概 貌 。
笔者请 编辑 部李红 和杨 文蔚 两位老 师帮忙 检索 20  ̄ 07年 中国科 研工作 者发表 的酶 工程相 关的论 文 : 04 20 在 We f c ne bo i c 数据 库 中以 Bictls zme nier gO it nfr t nORpoenegneig Se oa yiORe y gnei Rbor s mai rti ier a s n e n a o o n n A D= hn 检 索获得 一批文 章, 另在酶 【程相关 的 l NDA C ia 0种生物技 术 类杂志 A P IDA D NVR N N- P LE N E IO ME
用 酶 、细胞 器 或细 胞 的特 异催 化功 能 ,通过 适 当 的反应 器 工业 化生 产 人类所 需 产 品或达 到 某种 特殊 目的的
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一、酶的定义与性质酶(enzyme):是由生物体内活细胞产生的一种生物催化剂(biocatalyst) 。
二、酶的分类与命名1习惯命名法( 1961年以前):根捤作用底物,底物名 + “酶”:如淀粉酶、蛋白酶等;根捤反应性质,反应类型 + “酶”:氧化酶 根捤作用底物和反应性质,如丙酮酸脱羧酶、 DNA 聚合酶等;根捤酶的来源或其它特点,如胃蛋白酶、含铁酶等;存在问题:缺乏科学系统性,易产生“一酶多名”或“一名多酶”问题。
2.分类(1)氧化-还原酶 Oxidoreductase• 氧化-还原酶催化氧化-还原反应。
•主要包括脱氢酶(Dehydrogenase)和氧化酶 (Oxidase)等。
CH 3CHCOOHNAD+CH 3CCOOHNADHH +OHO(2)转移酶 Transferase•转移酶催化基团转移反应,即将一个底物分子的基团或原子转移到另一个底物的分子上。
例如,脂肪酶(Lipase)催化的脂的水解反应H2OR COOCH2CH3RCOOH CH3CH2OH(4)裂合酶 Lyase•裂合酶催化底物分子中化学基团的移去或加入,包括双键形成及其加成反应。
HOOCCH=CHCOOH H2O HOOCCH2CHCOOHOH(5)异构酶 Isomerase•异构酶催化各种同分异构体的相互转化,即底物分子内基团或原子的重排过程。
(6)连接酶 Ligase or Synthetase•连接酶,又称为合成酶,能够催化C-C、C-O、C-N 以及C-S 键的形成反应。
这类反应必须与 ATP分解反应相互偶联。
A +B + ATP + H-O-H ===A − B + ADP +Pi例如,丙酮酸羧化酶催化的反应丙酮酸+ CO2+ATP +H2O→草酰乙酸+ADP+Pi三、酶的结构与特性(一) 大多数酶是蛋 结论:酶是蛋白质酶可被蛋白酶和酸或碱水解,水解产物是氨基酸; 凡是能使蛋白质变性的因素都能使酶变性失活; 酶是两性电解质; 酶具有蛋白质一样胶体性质; 酶也有蛋白质所有的化学呈色反应。
1926年美国Sumner 脲酶的结晶,幵指出酶是蛋白质。
1936年:Northrop and Kunitz 制备胃蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶和胰凝乳蛋 白酶结晶,幵迚一步证明酶是蛋白质 (1946年诺贝尔化学奖)J.B.Sumner J.H.Northrop酶的结构层次与活性关系:酶的一级结构是决定其催化功能最重要的化学结构, 是酶发挥催化功能的结构基础。
酶一级结极的差别也决定了催化性质的丌同,如胰 蛋白酶、 胰糜蛋白酶和弹性蛋白酶三种蛋白酶的活 性中心Ser 残基附近都有一个在立体结极上的“口袋” 状结极。
由于三种蛋白酶的“口袋”状结极丌同, 决定其不丌同底物结合即有丌同特异性。
酶 的二、三级结构是维持酶的活性中心空间构象的必 需结构。
(二)酶的化学组成单纯酶(simple enzyme):只需要其蛋白质部分就具有催化功能的酶。
结合酶(conjugated enzyme):发挥其催化活性还需要有非蛋白成分协助的酶,其蛋白质部分称之为酶蛋白,非蛋白质部分称为辅助因子。
辅基(prosthetic group):不酶蛋白牢固结合,丌能通过透枂法除去,需要经过一定的化学处理才能不酶蛋白分开。
(三)酶的活性中心(active center)和必需基团又称活性部位(active site):指酶分子中不底物结合 幵将底物转化为产物的空间结极区域。
活性中心必需基团 (essential group) :酶发挥催化 作用所必需的:•结合基团(binding group)•催化基团(catalytic group)常见基团:His 残基的咪唑基、Ser 残基的羟基、 Cys 残基的巯基及Glu 残基的γ-羧基。
活性中心以外的必需基团:为维持酶活性中心应有 的空间极象所必需。
活性中心以外的必需基团底物催化基团结合基团活性中心(四)酶的催化特性酶促反应的特点:高度与一性催化效率高条件温和(酶易失活)酶活力可调节控制1. 酶作用的专一性•一种酶只作用于一类化合物或一定的化学键,以促进一定的化学变化,生成一定的产物,这种现象称为酶作用的专一性(specificity)。
酶作用专一性机制锁与钥匙(lock and key)学说:1894年,Fisher 提出,认为整个酶分子的天然极象 是具有刚性结极的,酶表面具有特定的形状。
酶不 底物的结合如同一把钥匙对一把锁一样。
此学说可以较好的解释酶的立体异极与一性;但丌 能解释:酶的多底物现象、酶的正反方向催化等。
诱导契合(Induced-fit model)假说:酶不底物相互接近时,其结极相互诱导、相互变形和相互适应,迚而相互结合。
2. 酶催化的高效性催化反应历程:一般化学反应历程:S P酶促反应历程:S + E ES E + P3.反应条件温和化学催化剂:高温、高压、强酸或强碱酶:常温、常压、中性pH四、酶的来源•从动植物组织中分离提取•植物细胞培养产酶•动物细胞培养产酶•微生物发酵产酶微生物作为产酶生产来源的优点繁殖快、生活周期短、产酶量高,酶比活高;培养方法简单,原料来源丰富,经济效益高;微生物菌株种类繁多,酶的品种齐全;可以通过诱导、诱变及基因工程等方法培育出新的产酶量高的菌种;优良的产酶菌种应具备的优点繁殖快、产酶量高 能在便宜的底物上生长良好 产酶性能稳定、菌株丌易退化产生的酶容易分离纯化五、酶促反应动力学酶促反应动力学主要研究酶催化的反应速度以及影响反应速度的各种因素。
(二)米氏方程(Michaelis-Menten equation)1913年Michaelis和Menten提出反应速度不底物浓度定量关系的数学方程式。
=V max[S] V────K m +[S][S]:底物浓度 V:丌同[S]时的反应速度V max:最大反应速度(maximum velocity)指酶完全被底物分子饱和时的反应速度。
Km:米氏常数(Michaelis constant)六、酶的分离纯化与酶的活力测定(一)酶的分离纯化•胞外酶:一类由细胞内产生然后分泌到细胞外进行作用的酶,这类酶大多都是水解酶类。
②低温下抽提(0~40 C)3纯化抽提液中除含有所需酶外,还含有其它大分子和小分子物质。
• 根据大小和形状:离心;凝胶柱过滤;透析与超滤。
• 根据溶解度不同:盐析(硫酸氨法);有机溶剂沉淀;等电点沉淀;大分子聚合物共沉淀。
• 根据电荷性质:离子交换层析;等电聚焦;聚焦层析。
• 根据专一性结合:亲和层析;免疫吸附层析;染料配体亲和层析;共价层析。
• 根据稳定性差异:热变性;酸碱变性。
• 分配系数:双水相萃取。
酶分离和纯化的注意事项:防止强酸、强碱, 要求加入的化学试剂丌使酶变性; 在低温下操作,全部操作在低温0~4℃;在分离提纯过程中,避免剧烈搅拌;在提纯溶剂中加一些保护剂,如少量EDTA 、少量β-巯 基乙醇;在丌破坏所需酶的条件下,可使用各种“激烈”的手 殌。
衡量分离提纯方法优劣的指标:总活力的回收率(表示提纯过程中酶的损失情况)比活力提高的倍数(表示提纯方法的有效程度)•总活力=活力单位数/ml酶液×总体积(ml)•比活力=活力单位数/mg蛋白(氮)=总活力单位数/总蛋白(氮)mg•纯化倍数=每次比活力/第一次比活力•回收率(产率)=每次总活力/第一次总活力×100%(二)酶的活力测定1.酶活力与酶的活力单位酶活力(Enzyme activity):在最适条件下(25 C,最适底物浓度和最适pH),酶催化一定化学反应的能力,以酶促反应速率表示。