
GENERAL VISITOR (VAF1A OCTOBER 2013)This form is for use outside the UK only.This form is provided free of charge.READ THIS FIRSTThis form must be completed in English. You may use blue or black ink.Please follow the guidance notes carefully and complete all questions as indicated. If you run out of space, please use Part 9 – Additional Information.The UK Border Agency may take a decision on your application based on the information contained here without interviewing you. Therefore please ensure you submit all relevant original documents (please see supporting documents guidance).It is better to explain why you do not have a document than to submit a false document. Your application will be automatically refused and you may be banned from coming to the UK for 10 years if you use a false document, lie or withhold relevantinformation. You may also be banned if you have breached immigration laws in the UK.If You arE vIsITIng ThE uK as a TourIsT or To vIsIT frIEnds You should comPlETE ThIs form.If the main reason you are applying to come to the UK is as: a tourist or to visit friends you must complete VAF1A; a family visitor you must complete VAF1B; a business visitor/prospective entrepreneur you must complete VAF1C; a student visitor, you must complete VAF1D; an academic visitor, you must complete VAF1E; to get married or register for marriage/civil partnership, you must complete VAF1F; if you are a visitor in transit, you must complete VAF1H; a sports visitor, you must complete VAF1J; an entertainment visitor, you must completeVAF1K. If you are visiting the UK for any other reason then please complete VAF1A.What is the main purpose of your visit to the UK? >>>>>>>> How long do you intend to stay in the UK?Which type of Visitor Visa are you applying for?TouristVisit friend(s)Other (please specify)>1.1 given name(s) (as shown in your passport) >>>>>>>>>>>>1.2 family name (as shown in your passport)1.3 other names (including any other names you are known >>> by and/or any other names that you have been known by)Part 1about You read guidance, Part 11.4 sexPut a cross (x) in the relevant box FemaleTravel Dateson which date do you wish to travel to the uK? >>>>>>>>>>>on which date will you leave the uK?1.5 marital status?Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxSingleMarried/ Civil Partner Unmarried PartnerDivorced/Dissolved PartnershipSeparated Widowed/Surviving Civil Partner1.7Place of Birth1.6 date of Birth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1.10 do you hold, or have you ever held, any other nationality or nationalities? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box If ‘Yes’ please provide details>>>>>>>>>>>>>1.8 country of Birth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1.9nationality6 months1 year2 years5 years10 yearsIf ‘Yes’ go to Part 32.1 current passport or travel document number>>>>>>>>>2.2 Place of Issue2.3 Issuing authority >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2.4 date of Issue2.5 date of Expiry >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>2.6 Is this your first passport?Put a cross (x) in the relevant box2.7 Please give details of any previous passports, covering the last 10 years, including where these passports are now.Passport Information Part 3Your contact detailsread guidance, Part 33.1 Your full residential address and postal code>>>>>>>>>>>3.3 home (landline) telephone number3.2how long have you lived at this address?3.4Your mobile telephone number3.5 Email address >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3.6contact details if different from those given in question 3.14.4father’s place and country of birth4.3 father’s date of birth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Part 4Your familyread guidance, Part 44.1 father’s given name(s)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4.2father’s family name4.6mother’s given name(s)4.5 father’s nationality/nationalities >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4.8mother’s date of birth4.9 mother’s nationality/nationalities >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4.10mother’s place and country of birth4.7 mother’s family name>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4.11 full name of spouse/partner (If single go to 4.16) >>>>>>> 4.12 spouse/partner’s nationality/nationalities4.13 spouse/partner’s date of birth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>If ‘Yes’ go to 4.21No If ‘No’ go to Part 5.If ‘No’, please go to question 4.204.17 Please provide full details for each of your >>>>>>>>>> dependant children 4.14 does your spouse/partner currently live with you at the >>> address given in Question 3.1? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box 4.15 Will your spouse/partner be travelling with you? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box 4.19 Please list any of your children who will be travelling >>>> with you to the uK? 4.16 do you have any children? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box 4.20 Will any other children be travelling with you? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box 4.18 do all your children currently live with you at the address given in Question 3.1? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box If ‘No’, please provide full details of where your spouse currently lives.If ‘No’, please provide full details of where yourchildren currently live.4.21 If yes please provide full details about the child/childrenPart 5finances and Employment read guidance, Part 55.1 What are your current personal circumstances?Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxEmployed full time, pleasego to 5.2Employed part-time, pleasego to 5.2Self-employed, pleasego to 5.2Unemployed, pleasego to 5.9Student, please give details of the course and institution you attend in the box provided; then go to5.2Retired, pleasego to 5.9Supported by spouse / partner / other family member,please give full details in the box, including their relationship to you; thengo to 5.9Other, please give details, thengo to 5.25.4 When did you start this job? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Employment5.2 What is your present work or job or occupation? >>>>>> If you are a student and you also work, please give details of your work. If you are a student and you do not also work, please go to What is the name of the company or organisation you >> work for?5.13 how much of your total monthly income is given to >>>your family members and other dependants?5.14 how much do you spend each month on living costs? >5.15 What money is available to you for your trip? >>>>>>>>5.17 Who will pay for your expenses such as >>>>>>>>>>>> accommodation and food?5.19 What is the cost to you personally of your stay in >>>>>> the uK?5.16 Who will pay for your travel to the uK? >>>>>>>>>>>>> 5.8Please give details of any additional job(s) or occupation(s) you have5.5 What is your work address? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>5.12 do you have savings, property or other income (for example from stocks and shares)? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box 5.6What are your employer’s telephone numbers?5.7What is your employer’s email address?5.18 If someone other than yourself is paying for all or >>>> any part of this visit, how much money will they give you? Please also explain why they are paying for all or part of your visit Part 6Previous applications and Travel history read guidance, Part 65.10 What is your total monthly income from all sources >>>of employment or occupation after tax?Income and Expenditure5.11 do you receive income from any other sources,including friends or family?Put a cross (x) in the relevant box 6.1 have you travelled to the uK in the last 10 years?Put a cross (x) in the relevant box If ‘Yes’ please provide details of anytrips to the UKIf you have ticked ‘yes’ to any of the above, please provide details for every organisation that you have worked for that is of a type in the list. Include name of organisation, job title or rank and dates (year to year). Please enter details in Part 9, further information.5.9 have you ever worked for any organisation of a type (state or non-state) listed below? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box MediaPublic or civil administrationSecurity (including police and privatesecurity companies)Armed forces (including national service)Government (central or local)JudiciaryIf ‘Yes’ please provide full details >>>>>>>>>>>>If ‘Yes’ please provide full details >>>>>>>>>>>>6.2 have you travelled outside your country of residence, excluding to the uK, in the last 10 years?Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxIf ‘Yes’ please provide details of these trips6.3 have you ever been refused a visa for any country, including the uK?Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxIf ‘Yes’ please provide full details6.4 have you been granted any uK visas in the last 10 years?Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxIf ‘Yes’ please provide detailsIf ‘Yes’ please provide details6.5 have you been refused entry on arrival to the uK in the last 10 years?Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxIf ‘Yes’ please provide details6.6 have you ever been deported, removed or otherwise required to leave any country, including the uK in the last 10 years?Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxIf ‘Yes’ please provide details6.7 have you made an application to the home office to remain in the uK in the last 10 years?Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxIf ‘Yes’ please provide details 6.8 do you have a uK national Insurance number?Put a cross (x) in the relevant box National Insurance number6.9 do you have any criminal convictions either in the uK or overseas (you must include spent and unspent convictions as well as traffic offences)?Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxIf ‘Yes’ please provide details6.10 have you ever been charged in any country with acriminal offence for which you have not yet been tried in court (including traffic offences)?Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxIf ‘Yes’ please provide details7.5 Please provide full details about the person you >>>>>>> will be staying with 7.6 If the person named in 7.5 is not a British citizen or European Economic area citizen, please give details aboutwhat permission they have to be in the uK7.7 how long will you stay with this person?Travellers under the age of 187.1 Please provide full details about your parent(s)/guardian(s) in your home country 7.4 Is the address you will be staying at a private address? >Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxIf ‘No’ go to Part 87.2 Will you be travelling to the uK alone? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Put a cross (x) in the relevant box7.3 If accompanied, please provide full details of up to two adults who will accompany you, including their passport numbers andyour exact relationship to them 6.13 have you ever, by any means or medium, expressed >> views that justify or glorify terrorist violence or that may encourage others to terrorist acts or other serious criminal acts? Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxIf ‘Yes’ please provide details in Part 9, additional Information6.14 have you engaged in any other activities that might >>> indicate that you may not be considered a person of good character? Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxIf ‘Yes’ please provide details in Part 9, additional InformationIf ‘No’ please complete 7.3. If ‘Yes’ pleasego to 7.4Yes 6.12 have you ever been involved in, supported, or >>>>>>> encouraged terrorist activities in any country? have you, ever been a member of, or given support to an organisation that has been concerned in terrorism? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box If ‘Yes’ please provide details in Part 9, additional Information6.11 In times of either peace or war have you ever been >>> involved in, or suspected of involvement in, war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box If ‘Yes’ please provide details in Part 9, additional InformationIf ‘Yes’ please provide detailsIf ‘Yes’ please provide detailsYour visit 8.4 What will you do in the uK?8.7 Where will you stay in the uK?8.1 If you are not a national of the country in which you are >>> applying, what permission do you have to stay in that country?8.2 are you travelling with anyone? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Put a cross (x) in the relevant box 8.3 do they already have a visa for the uK?Put a cross (x) in the relevant box 8.5 do you intend to work in the uKPut a cross (x) in the relevant box 8.6 do you intend to study in the uK?Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxThey don’t need oneIf ‘Yes’ please provide details of the people you are travelling with. If ‘No’, go to question 8.48.8 do you have any friends in the uK? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Put a cross (x) in the relevant box 8.9 do you have any relatives in the uK? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Put a cross (x) in the relevant box If you will visit more than 4 relatives in the UK please provide their full name, describe your exact relationship and indicate their permission to be in the UK in Part 9 – Additional Information.Yes’ please provide your relatives full address (including postal code), contact telephone numbers (including country and area codes)and personal email address.8.10 do you intend to visit any of these relatives?Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxAddressTelephone NumberAddressTelephone NumberAddressTelephone NumberAddressTelephone Numberadditional Information 9.1 Is there any other information you wish to be considered as part of your application?9.2 have you ever received medical treatment in the uK? >> Put a cross (x) in the relevant box9.3 did you have to pay for the treatment? >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Put a cross (x) in the relevant box9.4 Where did you receive the treatment?If ‘Yes’ go to question 9.3address: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Telephone number:name of hospital/clinic/doctor’s surgery:have you used an agent or representative to complete this application? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box If ‘Yes’ please give details of >>>>>>>>>>>>>agent/representative’s name and addressWhat language did you communicate in with the >>>>>>>>>>agent/representative to complete the form?supporting documentsPlease ensure you submit all the relevant original documents that you want the Entry clearance officer to see when considering your application. The uK Immigration rules make it clear that it is your responsibility to satisfy the Entry clearance officer that you are genuinely seeking entry to the uK for the purpose and duration that you have stated. submission of particular documents does not guarantee that your visa will be issued. It is your decision how you satisfy the Entry clearance officer that your intentions are as you state in your application. It is your choice which documents you submit. further guidance on supporting documents can be found on the uKBa web pages.advisory:To know your customs obligations when travelling to the uK, please consult notice 1, found at .guidance for Part 8:8.1 If you are not a national of the country in which you are applying, what permission do you have to stay in that country? Please provide evidence of your immigration status if you are not a national in the country where you are applying, e.g. a residence permit, visa, green card.8.2 are you travelling with anyone?Answer Yes/No. If ‘Yes’ please provide the full name, date of birth and nationality of the people you are travelling with. If you are travelling in a large group please just give the details of the group leader.8.3 do they already have a visa for the uK?Answer Yes/No/They don’t need one.8.4 What will you do in the uK?If you have a planned itinerary please submit a copy of this with your application.8.5 do you intend to work in the uK?Answer Yes/No. This includes voluntary work. If ‘Yes’ you are filling out the wrong form. Please refer to your local visa application centre guidance to check which visa you should apply for. Further guidance and information can also be found on the UK Border Agency website: 8.6 do you intend to study in the uK?Answer Yes/No. If ‘Yes’ you are filling out the wrong form. If study is your main purpose in coming here, you should apply as a Student Visitor. If your purpose is to come here for a holiday or to visit family but you may also study for no more than a month, you can use this form.8.7 Where will you stay in the uK?Please provide the full address, telephone number and email address of all the places where you will be staying during your visit, including hotels.8.8 do you have any friends in the uK?Answer Yes/No. If ‘Yes’, please provide the full name, nationality, address, telephone number, their permission to stay in the UK and explain how they are related to you e.g. “My mother’s brother’s son”Definition of a family memberA “member of the applicant’s family” is any of the following persons who is permanently settled in the UK”• Spouse, c ivil partner, father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister;• Grandfather, grandmother, grandson or granddaughter;• Spouse or civil partner’s father, mother, brother or sister;• Son or daughter’s spouse or civil partner;• Stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother or stepsister; or• Unmarried partner with whom they have lived as a couple for at least two of the last three years.In addition, children adopted under an adoption order recognised in UK law are treated as if they are the natural children of the adoptive parents.8.9 do you have any relatives in the uK?Answer Yes/No. If ‘Yes’ please provide details of all your relativesin the UK in the space provided including name, nationality, exact relationship to you and their permission to be in the UK. If you require more space please use Part 9 – Additional Information. If you have no other family members in the UK please state ‘None’. 8.10 do you intend to visit any of these relatives?Answer Yes/No.。

【个人陈述】什么是个人陈述?个人陈述( ,简称)是申请英国大学时,由申请人写的一篇关于自我介绍的漫谈体文章,是申请英国大学本科课程和硕士课程必要且极其重要的申请材料之一,主要用于描述申请者的个人背景、申请目的、研究方向等信息,是申请材料中较重要却也比较难把握的。

UCL Departments of Science & Engineering UCL Language CentreUCL University Preparatory Certificate for Science and EngineeringAPPLICATION FORMThis form must be completed fully in English, giving as many details as possible. Please write clearly and continue on a separate sheet if necessary.Please staple Photo herePERSONAL DETAILSFamily Name: Given Name:Title Male/Female: Date of Birth:Nationality: First Language: Passport Number:Permanent Address (must be completed):Postal Code:City: Country: Telephone Number: Fax Number:Applicant’sPersonal Email:Address for Correspondence (if different from above):City: Country: Telephone Number: Fax Number:Email:FUNDINGName of person or organisation responsible for payment of fees:Permanent Address :City: Country: Telephone Number: Fax Number:Email:SCHOOL EDUCATIONName and address of High School: Name of School Advisor or Guidance Counselor:Email Address:City: Country: Please tick here if your advisor / counselor has agreed to invigilate the UPC entrance tests and can be contacted directly by emailDates Attended:Course(s) Studied:Qualifications gained / to be gained:UNIVERSITY STUDY (if applicable)Name of University:Postal Address:Dates Attended:Course Studied:Qualifications gained:ENGLISH LANGUAGEHave you studied or are you now studying English in the UK? Please give the name of the institution, the start and finish dates of your course and say what type of English course you attended:Have you ever lived in an English speaking country?Where? Dates:Have you taken any English language examinations (e.g. IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge First Certificate)? Yes / No Please give full details of your test result and the date it was taken:IELTS Test Report Form Number:WORK EXPERIENCEPlease give details including company names and dates:Special needs or support required (as a consequence of any disability or medical condition)ACADEMIC INTERESTS AND PURPOSE OF STUDYPlease outline your reasons for applying to join the UCL University Preparatory Certificate, and how you think it may help you in preparing for undergraduate study at university. This is an important part of the application so please consider this section carefully, and continue on a separate sheet if necessary.ACADEMIC INTERESTS AND PURPOSE OF STUDY (continued)APPLICANT’S DECLARATIONTo the best of my knowledge, the information on this application is accurate and complete. (Please note that UCL reserves the right to refuse admission or to terminate astudent’s attendance should it be discovered that he/she has made a false statement or has omitted significant information. If you are offered a place you will be requiredto provide evidence of your qualifications). In applying for this course I agree to abide by the Current Rules and Statutes of University College London. I confirm myunderstanding that course fees will only be refunded in the event of a visa application refusal, on production of an official Refusal of Entry Clearance letter from a BritishEmbassy or Consulate no later than 2 weeks before the course begins. Data Protection Act 1998: I agree to UCL processing personal data contained on this form, or otherdata which UCL may obtain from me or other people or organizations whilst I am applying for admission. I agree to the processing of such data for any purpose connectedto my studies, or my health and safety whilst on UCL’s premises or for any other legitimate purpose.Signature Date:Confidential Academic ReferenceTo be completed by a teacher who knows the applicant’s academic work wellThank you for agreeing to provide an academic reference in support of an application for the above course. This reference form has been producedin order to assist you in writing a reference which contains relevant information on the applicant’s previous academic performance and potential forfuture study. The information you provide will be used to help the University in making an informed decision on the application. It would beappreciated if you could be as honest as possible. Please note, under the terms of the 1998 Data Protection Act, an applicant has the right to accessany reference submitted to the University.Name of Applicant: Date of Birth:Listed below are a number of academic and personal qualities that are considered important in helping to evaluate thesuitability of the applicant for the course. By circling the most appropriate number (1= poor, 5 = excellent) pleaseindicate your impression of the applicant.AverageExcellent PoorPrevious academic achievement 1 2 3 4 5potential 1 2 3 4 5AcademicLevel of motivation 1 2 3 4 5Powers of analysis 1 2 3 4 5General communication skills 1 2 3 4 5Independence of thought 1 2 3 4 5From your knowledge of the applicant, please provide information on the following aspects of his/her academic performance to dateand suitability for further academic study in the future. It would be appreciated if you could provide comments on each aspect. Pleasebe as honest and detailed as you can.Ability and academic performance in Mathematics (if applicable):Ability and academic performance in science subjects (Chemistry, Physics and Biology - reply as applicable):Assessment of academic strengths and weaknesses:Potential for further academic study in Mathematics and science subjects:English language skills:Suitability for the UPCSE course:Additional information (if appropriate):REFEREE CONTACT DETAILSName: Position:No: Organisation: TelFax No: Email Address:Address:Relationship to Applicant: How long have you known the applicant?:Signature:Date: Official Stamp:University Preparatory Certificate for Science & EngineeringUniversity Preparatory Certificate for the HumanitiesApplication Fee 2010-2011There is an application fee of £50 for applications to the 2010/11 University Preparatory Certificate Courses.The preferred method of payment is by credit or debit card:1) Credit or debit cardFor credit or debit card payments, please complete and return the form on the other side of this page.We accept Delta, Electron, JCB, Maestro, MasterCard, Pin Train, Solo, Switch, Visa and Fortoak cards.American Express and Diners Club cards are not accepted.T he application fee can also be paid in the following ways:2) Sterling cheque, draft or postal orderThese should be made payable to ‘UCL’ and be sent with your UPCSE application. Please make sure that you write the applicant’s name and course details on the back of the cheque / draft / postal order.3) Bank transferMoney can be transferred to the Language Centre account at Barclays Bank Plc, 190 Tottenham Court Rd., London W1T 7LHAccount name: UCL Language CentreSort code: 20-10-53Account number: 40178691Reference: Course & student nameSwiftcode : BARCGB22IBAN: GB87BARC20105340178691For bank transfers please add £15 to the course fees to cover bank charges. You must also attach proof of the bank transfer to your application.4) Cash or travellers chequesThese can only be accepted if you hand in your application in person at the Language Centre. Please do not send cash or travellers cheques in the post.UPC Courses Application FeeCredit and Debit card paymentsIf you would like to pay by card, please complete this form and post or email it to the EAP Office (contact details below).Name of applicant:Payment for:UPCH Application Fee - £50 □UPCSE Application Fee - £50 □Card type:Card number:(month/year):dateStart date (month/year): Endcode:SecurityIssuenumber:(last 3 numbers on the signature strip)Name on card:Address of cardholder, including house / street number and postcode:Telephone: Email:cardholder: Date:SignatureofEAP Office, UCL Language Centre26 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0APFax: +44 (0)20 7679 8667 Tel: +44 (0)20 7679 8666 / 8665Email: upch@ / upcse@。
英国大学申请表 .doc

DIY的宝贝看过来! 127所热门英国大学申请表格汇总

现如今,选择DIY英国留学申请的同学比较多,而基本英国院校都开始实行网申或在线申请,所以申请这些学校,同学们得去官网填写申请表格或者下载申请表格!NO.1剑桥大学(University of Cambridge)/applyingNO.2牛津大学(University of Oxford)/admissions/undergraduate/applying-to-oxford/admissions/graduate/applying-to-oxfordNO.3帝国理工学院(Imperial CollegeLondon)/study/ug/apply//study/pg/apply/NO.4圣安德鲁斯大学(The University of St Andrews)/study/ug/apply//study/pg/apply/NO.5杜伦大学(Durham University)https:///undergraduate/apply/https:///postgraduate/apply/NO.6华威大学(University of Warwick)/study/international/admissionsNO.7埃克塞特大学(University of Exeter)/undergraduate/applications/howtoapply/#international https:///urd/sits.urd/run/siw_ipp_lgn.login?process=siw_ipp_app_crsNO.8萨里大学(University of Surrey)/applyNO.9伦敦政治经济学院(London School of Economics and Political Science)/study/undergraduate/howToApply/howToApplyHome.aspx /study/graduate/applicant/home.aspxNO.10伦敦大学学院(University College London)/prospective-students/undergraduate/application/how-to-apply /prospective-students/graduate/taught/applicationNO.11兰卡斯特大学(Lancaster University)/study/international-students/how-to-apply-international/NO.12巴斯大学(University of Bath)/study/ug/apply/index.html/study/pg/apply/NO.13拉夫堡大学(Loughborough University)/study/postgraduate/programmes/apply/NO.14利兹大学(Leeds University)/info/123100/admissions/102/how_to_applyNO.15约克大学(The University of York)/study/undergraduate/applying//study/postgraduate/apply/NO.16南安普顿大学(University of Southampton)/courses/how-to-apply/undergraduate-applications.page /courses/how-to-apply/postgraduate-applications.pageNO.17伯明翰大学(University of Birmingham)/International/students/apply.aspxNO.18东英格利亚大学(University of East Anglia)https:///study/international/applying-as-an-international-studentNO.19萨塞克斯大学(University of Sussex)/study/ug/applying/2016entry/study/pg/2016/taughtNO.20布里斯托大学(University of Bristol)/study/undergraduate/apply//study/postgraduate/apply/NO.21谢菲尔德大学(University of Sheffield)/undergraduate/apply/postgraduate/taught/applyNO.22爱丁堡大学(The University of Edinburgh)/studying/undergraduate/applying/studying/postgraduate/applyingNO.23肯特大学(University of Kent)/courses/undergraduate/apply//courses/postgraduate/apply/NO.23纽卡斯尔大学(Newcastle University)/undergraduate/apply//postgraduate/apply/NO.25诺丁汉大学(Nottingham University)/ugstudy/applying/applying.aspx/pgstudy/how-to-apply/how-to-apply.aspxNO.26格拉斯哥大学(University of Glasgow)https:///psp/campus/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/UOG_AAWS_ME NU.UOG_OAS_APP_LOGIN.GBLNO.27伦敦大学国王学院(King's College London)/study/international/how-to-apply.aspxNO.28莱斯特大学(University of Leicester)https:///student-life/international-studentsNO.28曼彻斯特大学(The University of Manchester)/study/undergraduate/applications/how-to-apply//masters/how-to-apply/NO.30阿斯顿大学(Aston University)/study/postgraduate/apply//international/international-students/admissions-advice/NO.31贝尔法斯特女王大学(Queen's University,Belfast)/home/StudyatQueens/UndergraduateStudents/ApplyingtoQueens /NO.32雷丁大学(University of Reading)/ready-to-study/study/how-to-apply.aspxNO.33卡迪夫大学(Cardiff University)/for/prospective/postgraduate/applying.htmlNO.34伦敦玛丽女王大学(Queen Mary,University of London)/postgraduate/taught/applyfortaughtprogrammes/index.htmlNO.35埃塞克斯大学(University of Essex)/international/apply.aspxNO.36皇家霍洛威大学(Royal Holloway,University of London)https:///international/programmesandapplying/home.aspxNO.37邓迪大学(University of Dundee)/study/international/how-to-apply/NO.38=白金汉大学(University of Buckingham)/find-a-course/https:///live/sits.urd/run/siw_ipp_lgn.login?process=siw_ipp_app&c ode1=PMSF1PAFZZDD&code2=0038NO.38=赫瑞瓦特大学(Heriot-WattUniversity)/student-life/how-to-apply/undergraduate.htm、/student-life/how-to-apply/postgraduate.htmNO.38=利物浦大学(University of Liverpool)/study/international/apply/NO.41=伦敦城市大学(City University)/study/undergraduate/applying-to-city/study/postgraduate/applying-to-cityNO.41=斯旺西大学(Swansea University)/international/students/NO.43基尔大学(Keele University)/studyatkeele/undergraduatestudy/howtoapply//pgapply/NO.44伦敦大学亚非学院(School of Oriental and African Studies)/admissions/international/howtoapply/NO.45阿伯丁大学(University of Aberdeen)/study/international/apply.phpNO.46斯特拉思克莱德大学(University of Strathclyde)/studywithus/internationalstudents/NO.47考文垂大学(Coventry University)/international-students-hub/new-students/how-to-apply/NO.48圣乔治医学院(St George's,University of London)/study/international/postgraduateNO.49哈珀亚当斯大学学院(Harper Adams University)/undergraduate/applications-guide.cfm/postgraduate/applying.cfmNO.50斯特林大学(University of Stirling)/study-in-the-uk/how-to-apply/NO.51英国皇家农学院(Royal Agricultural University)/study/international-students/how-to-applyNO.52班戈大学(Bangor University)/international/applying/home.phpNO.53德蒙福特大学(De Montfort University)/international/en/how-to-apply/how-to-apply.aspxNO.54诺丁汉特伦特大学(Nottingham Trent University)/study_with_us/international_students/how_to_apply/index.htmlNO.55牛津布鲁克斯大学(Oxford Brookes University)/international/how-to-apply/NO.56法尔茅斯大学学院(Falmouth University)/international/international-applicationsNO.57阿尔斯特大学(University of Ulster)/apply/how-to-applyNO.58巴斯泉大学(Bath Spa University)/international-students/how-do-i-applyNO.59朴茨茅斯大学(University of Portsmouth)/application-fees-and-funding/international-applications/NO.60布鲁内尔大学(Brunel University London)/courses/admissionsNO.61诺里奇艺术大学(Norwich University of the Arts)/study/NO.62=创意艺术大学(University for the Creative Arts)/study/#studying-abroadNO.62=林肯大学(University of Lincoln)/home/international/howtoapply/NO.64=诺森比亚大学(Northumbria University)https:///study-at-northumbria/guides/NO.64=温切斯特大学(University of Winchester)/Studyhere/internationalstudents/Howtoapply/Pages/Howt oapply.aspxNO.66金史密斯学院(Goldsmiths,University of London)https:///OnlineServices/applications/appModuleList.aspx?id=1280000101 84793NO.67赫尔大学(University of Hull)/student/admissions.aspxNO.68边山大学(Edge Hill University)https:///undergraduate/apply/https:///postgraduate/apply/NO.69=奇切斯特大学(University of Chichester)/international-0/how-applyNO.69=哈德斯菲尔德大学(University of Huddersfield)/international/applying-to-the-university/NO.69=罗伯特戈登大学(Robert Gordon University)https:///ucas/undergraduate/register/areas-of-study/how-to-apply/how-to-applyNO.72谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学(Sheffield Hallam University)/international/how-to-apply.htmlNO.73西英格兰大学(University of the West of England)/whatcanistudy/applyingtouweNO.74利物浦约翰摩尔大学(Liverpool John Moores University)https:///study/undergraduate-students/how-to-applyhttps:///study/postgraduate-students/how-to-applyNO.75布拉德福德大学(University of Bradford)/study/how-to-apply/NO.76赫特福德大学(University of Hertfordshire)/apply/how-to-apply-for-a-courseNO.77曼彻斯特城市大学(Manchester Metropolitan University)/international/courses/apply/NO.78罗汉普顿大学(Roehampton University)/Want-to-Apply/NO.79=亚伯大学(Aberystwyth University)/en/international/howtoapply/NO.79=利物浦霍普大学(Liverpool Hope University)/international/applynow/NO.81伯恩茅斯艺术学院(Arts University Bournemouth)/international/how-to-apply/NO.82=波恩茅斯大学(Bournemouth University)https:///study/undergraduate/applyhttps:///study/postgraduate/applyNO.82=北安普顿大学(University of Northampton)/study/international-students/how-to-apply-international -studentsNO.84德比大学(University of Derby)/international/applying/NO.85=密德萨斯大学(Middlesex University)/courses/help-with-your-applicationNO.85=普利茅斯大学(Plymouth University)https:///international/how-to-applyNO.87切斯特大学(University of Chester)/NO.88格鲁斯特大学(University of Gloucestershire)/life/finance/pages/how-to-pay.aspx#interpayNO.89约克圣约翰大学(York St John University)https:///live/sits.urd/run/siw_ipp_lgn.login?process=siw_ipp_app&co de1=D3MAAPTHX1&code2=0002/undergraduate/undergraduate-study/how-do-i-apply.aspxNO.90布莱顿大学(University of Brighton)https:///international/applying-here/how-to-apply/index.aspxNO.91利兹三一大学学院(Leeds Trinity University)/NO.92中央兰开夏大学(University of Central Lancashire)/study_here/how_to_apply/index.phpNO.93龙比亚大学(Edinburgh Napier University)/study-with-us/international-students/how-to-applyNO.94格拉斯哥喀里多尼亚大学(Glasgow Caledonian University)/study/internationalstudents/howtoapply/NO.95史塔福郡大学(Staffordshire University)/international/NO.96爱丁堡玛格丽特皇后学院(Queen Margaret University Edinburgh)/prospective_students/advice_on_applying/how_to_apply.htmNO.97阿伯泰大学(Abertay University)/NO.98索尔福德大学(University of Salford)/international/how-to-applyNO.99伦敦艺术大学(University of the Arts London)/study-at-ual/apply/NO.100=圣玛丽大学学院(St Mary's University,Twickenham)/undergraduate/apply.htm/postgraduate-courses-london/apply.htmNO.100=伍斯特大学(University of Worcester)/journey/course-finder-how-to-apply.htmlNO.102提兹塞德大学(Teesside University)/sections/international//applying_to_arriving_overview.cfm NO.103卡迪夫都市大学(Cardiff Metropolitan University)NO.104桑德兰大学(University of Sunderland)/ug/howtoapply/NO.105伯明翰城市大学(Birmingham City University)/NO.106格林威治大学(University of Greenwich)/study/applyNO.107坎特伯里基督大学(Canterbury Christ Church University)/study-here/international/international-how-to-apply/inter national-how-to-apply.aspxNO.108安格利亚鲁斯金大学(Anglia Ruskin University)/international/how-to-applyNO.109新白金汉大学(Buckinghamshire New University)/home_eu_students/admissions/NO.110贝德福特大学(University of Bedfordshire)/howtoapply/courseNO.111金斯顿大学(Kingston University)/undergraduate/courses/how-to-apply//postgraduate/apply-now/NO.112=格罗斯泰斯特主教大学(Bishop Grosseteste University)/student/admissions/apply/Pages/default.aspxNO.112=南威尔士大学(University of South Wales)/apply/NO.114利兹贝克特大学(Leeds Beckett University)/international-students/application-process/NO.115=纽曼大学(Newman University,Birmingham)/apply/498NO.115=南安普顿索伦特大学(Southampton Solent University)/internationals/applying-to-solent/how-to-apply/how-to-apply. aspx免费澳洲、英国、新西兰留学咨询与办理NO.115=威斯敏斯特大学(University of Westminster)/international/study-for-a-full-degree/how-to-applyNO.118西苏格兰大学(University of the West of Scotland)/international-students/applications/NO.119哥比亚大学(University of Cumbria)/Courses/Home.aspxNO.120伦敦南岸大学(London South Bank University)/international/how-to-applyNO.121西伦敦大学(University of West London)/international/application-processNO.122格林多大学(Glyndwr University)/en/Internationalstudents/Howtoapply/NO.123=波尔顿大学(University of Bolton)/Undergraduate/Apply/Home.aspx/International/Home.aspxNO.123=圣马克与圣约翰大学学院(University of St Mark&St John,Plymouth)/courses/international/NO.125伦敦都市大学(London Metropolitan University)/applying/NO.126高地和群岛大学(University of the Highlands and Islands)https:///en/studying-at-uhi/international/how-to-apply-to-uhiNO.127东伦敦大学(University of East London)/第11页共11页。

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入学申请表(英文)WEST COAST UNIVERSITYInstructions: Please read application carefully before completing. Answering all questions will reduce delays in processing. The completed application should be signed and forwarded together with the $60 non-refundable application processing fee to West Coast University, 440 Shatto Place, Los Angeles, California 90020. Please note that international students are req uired to submit a $120 non-refundable application processing fee. This form may be reproduced. ID No. or Passport No. U.S. Social Security NumberPlease type or print□Mr. □ Ms.Name: Family Name First Name Middle NameMailing Address: zip codeCity State CountryPermanent Address (if different from above) zip codeCity State CountryTelephone (Ares Code/Day) (Ares Code/Evening) E-mailBirthplace: City State CountryI am applying for □Associate □Bachelor □Master □Doctor □Non-Degree □Diploma □Certificate □EAPIn (major)Beginning in Term: Month YearAt the □ Elconin Center(Los Angeles) □ Orange County Center□San Diego County Center□ Santa Barbara County□ Off-Campus(Location)Do you expect to apply for financial aid? □ Yes □ NoAre you a U.S. Veteran? □ Yes □ No Are you a U.S. Citizen? □ Yes □ No If no, Citizen of what countryIf F-I, provide name of school issuing I-20:Have you taken any of the standardized tests used for admission to United States Colleges and Universities? (Check those taken)□TOEFL □IELTS □GRE □GET □CLEP □GMA TName, date, and score of each testIf you have previously applied to WCU, give date of application: Month YearList in order of attendance all previous High Schools and/or Colleges/Universities attended (Use separate sheet if needed)School Address(city/State or Country) Begin End Degree or CredentialAwarded & Field ofStudyI understand that official transcripts must be received by West Coast University before I can be admitted to be degree pro gram; thus, I have requested transcripts of all my past education be forwarded to the Los Angeles address above:□Yes □NoDate requested: Month Year (All documents sent to the University become its properly and will not be returne d)BE SURE TO COMPLETE THE REVERSE OF THIS APPLICATION AND SIGN AND DATE IT BEFORE RETURNIN G TOTHE ADMISSIONS OFFICE.FOR ACCOUNTING USE ONLYReceived by Amount Paid Rept. # Date Received- OVER -(中文)说明:在填表之前请仔细阅读申请表。

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学生申请表(Application Form)
Chinese Name
Passport No.
Date of Birthຫໍສະໝຸດ (dd/mm/yy)文化程度
Educational Level
Mailing Address
English Score with one of these tests

硕士语言要求IELTS标准要求:总分7分以上,单项不低于6.5分高等要求:总分7.5分以上,单项不低于7分TOEFL 〔iBT〕标准要求:总分100分以上,单项听力不低于21分,阅读不低于22分,口语不低于23分,写作不低于21分;高等要求:总分109分以上,单项听力不低于21分,阅读不低于22分,口语不低于23分,写作不低于21分。


欲申请学位(phd /master / bachelor)

留学申请表英文范文——仅供参考Personal InformationName: [Your Name]: [Your Name]Date of Birth: [Your Date of Birth]: [Your Date of Birth]Gender: [Male/Female]: [Male/Female]Nationality: [Your Nationality]: [Your Nationality]Passport Number: [Your Passport Number]: [Your Passport Number]Email: [Your Email Address]: [Your Email Address]Phone Number: [Your Phone Number]: [Your Phone Number] Education BackgroundUndergraduate Degree: [Name of Institution], [Major], [Year of Graduation]: [Name of Institution], [Major], [Year of Graduation] GPA: [Your GPA]: [Your GPA]Language Proficiency: [Your Language Proficiency Level]: [Your Language Proficiency Level]Academic Achievements- [List your academic achievements, such as research papers, projects, or awards]Professional ExperiencePosition: [Your Position]: [Your Position]Duration: [Start Date - End Date]: [Start Date - End Date]- [Describe your responsibilities and achievements during your time in that position]Research Interests- [List your research interests or areas of specialization]Statement of Purpose[Write a personal statement, explaining your motivations for pursuing a graduate degree and your goals for the future. Include information about your academic and professional background, relevant experiences, and how the program you are applying to aligns with your interests and aspirations.]References- Name: [Reference 1 Name]Position: [Reference 1 Position]Contact Information: [Reference 1 Email/Phone]- Name: [Reference 2 Name]Position: [Reference 2 Position]Contact Information: [Reference 2 Email/Phone]Additional Documents- [List any additional documents, such as transcripts, CV, or writing samples, that you are submitting with your application]Please note that this is just a sample application form and should be used as a reference. It is advised to adapt and customize the content based on your own information and requirements.。
英国大学申请表 .doc

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