





⼀⽅⾯本着群众的眼光是雪亮的这⼀原则,另⼀⽅⾯也想尝尝鲜(听说和Matlab 很类似,⽤着⾮常爽),就折腾了⼀下。




在Eclipse中配置armadillo1.打开"C/C++ General" 标签下的"Paths and Symbols",在Includes菜单下的language框⾥选择GNU C++,点击右边的add按钮,将D:\armadillo-6.300.2\include加⼊路径2.在Libraries标签下加⼊BLAS和LAPACK的路径D:\armadillo-6.300.2\examples\lib_win643.在C/C++ Build->Settings下,选择MinGW C++ Linker->Libraries,点击add按钮输⼊lapack_win64_MT和blas_win64_MT到D:\armadillo-6.300.2\include\armadillo_bits下,找到config.hpp,取消以下两⾏的注释#define ARMA_USE_LAPACK#define ARMA_USE_BLAS这⾥有⼀个问题,我写了⼀个测试程序,矩阵点乘、加减法能正常输出,但是矩阵乘积、⾏列式、求逆就没有输出,估计是哪⾥崩溃了。



E SCÓMO CARGAR1. Conecte el cargador a la batería. Los pilotos 4, 5 y 6 ahora empiezan a parpadear para indicar el programa COMPROBAR TENSIÓN. No lo tenga en cuenta y prosiga con la siguiente etapa.2. Enchufe el cargador al enchufe de pared. El piloto de encendido indicará si el cable de alimentación está enchufado al enchufe de pared. El piloto de error indica si las pinzas de la batería están mal conectadas. La protección contra polaridad inversa garantiza que ni la batería ni el cargador sufrirán daños.3. Pulse el botón MODE para seleccionar el programa de carga.PROGRAMA PARA BATERíAS PEqUEñASPROGRAMA PARA BATERíAS ORDINARIASSiga pulsando el botón MODE para combinar el programa de carga con las opciones de carga.OPCIÓN PARA TIEMPO FRíOOPCIÓN REC O ND (REGENERACIÓN)Pulse el botón MODE varias veces hasta que se iluminen la combinación de pro -grama de carga y opciones que desee.4. Siga el proceso de carga a través del indicador de 8 etapas.La batería estará lista para arrancar el motor cuando se encienda la ETAPA 4. La batería estará totalmente cargada cuando se encienda la ETAPA 7.5. Para interrumpir la carga en cualquier instante, desenchufe el cable de alimentación del enchufe de pared.Nota: si en el cargador se encienden el piloto (10) START POWER (Energía de arranque) y el piloto (4) MAL, pulse el botón MODE durante dos segundos para salir de VOLTAGE TEST PROGRAM (Programa comprobar tensión).COMPRUEBE LOS PILOTOS DE RESULTADOSCÓMO COMPROBARPROGRAMAS DE COMPROBACIÓN DISPONIBLES• B ATTERY (Batería) – Muestra el nivel de carga actual de la batería.• START POWER (Energía de arranque) – Para evaluar su estado global, monitoriza la salida de la batería mientras arranca el motor.• ALTERNATOR (Alternador) – Determina si el sistema de carga de un vehículo carga correctamente la batería o no.ANTES DE COMPROBAR1. Lea la sección de SEGuRIDAD del manual para asegurarse de que conecta/desconecta la unidad a la batería de forma segura.2. Antes de hacer las comprobaciones START POWER o ALTERNATOR , asegúrese de que la batería está totalmente cargada. En caso contrario, los resultados podrían ser erróneos. Antes de hacer una comprobación BATTERY , asegúrese de que la temperatura ambiente es de al menos 5 °C y que la batería no ha sido cargada (con el vehículo o con un cargador desde la red eléctrica) al menos una hora antes de la comprobación.3. Los pilotos 4, 5 y 6, muestran los resultados. 4 (rojo) indica MAL , 5 (naranja) ACEPTABLE , 6 (verde) BIEN .COMPROBACIÓN(NO SE REquIERE CONEXIÓN A LA RED ELÉCTRICA)1. Enchufe el cargador a la batería. Los pilotos 4, 5 y 6 se iluminan secuencialmente para indicar que el cargador está en Modo comprobación y preparado.2. Presione el botón MODE (3) para cambiar entre los programas de comprobación: BATTERY (9), START POWER (10), ALTERNATOR (11).BATTERY (Batería)1. Seleccione BATTERY (9) con el botón MODE (3).Después de unos segundos la unidad mostrará los resultados.MAL (4) recargue la batería cuanto antes.ACEPTABLE (5) se recomienda cargar para maximizar la duración de la batería.BIEN (6) el estado de carga de la batería es elevado. START POWER (Energía de arranque)1. Seleccione START POWER (10) con el botón MODE (3).2. Arranque el motor cuanto antes. Mantenga el arranque unos segundos, o hasta que arranque el motor.MAL (4) recargue la batería cuanto antes.ACEPTABLE (5) se recomienda cargar para maximizar la duración de la batería.BIEN (6) el estado de carga de la batería es elevado.ALTERNATOR (Alternador)1. Seleccione ALTERNATOR (11) con el botón MODE (3)2. Arranque el motor, manténgalo a 2000 rpm y monitorice los resultados.MAL (4) Falla el sistema de carga.ACEPTABLE (5) Falla el sistema de carga.BIEN (6) El sistema de carga del vehículo funciona bien.SUGERENCIAS1. Si el piloto de error (2) se enciende inmediatamente, la batería está mal conectada. Desenchufe el cargador, corrija las conexiones a la batería y vuelva al paso 1.2. Si el piloto no se enciende puede ser porque la batería está tan descargada que no puede ni alimentar el cargador. En ese caso, cargue completamente la batería.3. Si se detecta la tensión de la red eléctrica, el MXS 5.0 TEST&CHARGE pasaráautomáticamente al modo de carga. Presione dos segundos el botón MODE (3) para regresar al modo de comprobación, que se indicará con el encendido secuencial de los pilotos 4–6.4. Comprobación de Energía de arranqueBIEN (6) se iluminará al empezar la comprobación, pero podría caer a MAL (4). Antes de descartar una batería, es recomendable cargarla con el modo Recond(Regeneración) del cargador y luego volver a hacer la comprobación START POWER . Las baterías que no superen esta comprobación con tiempo cálido es casi seguro que fallarán por completo cuando caigan las temperaturasETAPA 1 DESULPHATION (DESULFATACIÓN)las placas de plomo de la batería y restablecen su capacidad. ETAPA 2 SOFT START (INICIO SUAVE) defectuosas.ETAPA 3 BULK (CARGA DE VOLUMEN)capacidad de la batería.ETAPA 4 ABSORPTION (ABSORCIÓN)batería.ETAPA 5 ANALYSE (ANáLISIS)carga quizás deberán ser reemplazadas.ETAPA 6 REGENERACIÓN (RECOND)Seleccionedevuelve energía a la misma.ETAPA 7 FLOAT (FLOTANTE)ETAPA 8 PULSE (PULSOS)cargada.SEGURIDAD• Este cargador está diseñado para cargar baterías únicamente conforme a lasespecificaciones técnicas indicadas. no lo utilice para ningún otro fin. Siga siempre las recomendaciones del fabricante de su batería.• nunca intente recargar baterías no recargables.• Compruebe los cables del cargador antes de usarlos. Cerciórese de que no haya grietas ni en los cables ni en la protección contra codos. Si el cargador tiene el cable dañado debe devolverlo a su distribuidor. Si el cable de suministro eléctrico está dete -riorado, contacte con un representante de CTEK para que lo reemplace.• Nunca cargue una batería dañada.• nunca cargue una batería congelada.• Nunca coloque el cargador sobre la batería al realizar la carga.• Durante la carga, compruebe siempre que la ventilación sea adecuada.• Evite recubrir el cargador.• una batería que está siendo cargada puede emitir gases explosivos. Evite las chispas cerca de la batería. Cuando la vida de servicio de una batería empieza a llegar a su fin, podrían producirse chispas internas.• Más tarde o temprano, todas las baterías quedan inutilizadas. Si una batería falladurante la carga, normalmente el sistema de control avanzado del cargador se encarga de procesar error, no obstante, en la batería podrían aparecer algunos otros fallos poco corrientes. Durante la carga, no deje la batería desatendida durante periodos de tiempo prolongados.• Asegúrese de que los cables no queden enmarañados ni entren en contacto con superfi -cies calientes ni bordes afilados.• El ácido de las baterías es corrosivo. Si el ácido entra en contacto con la piel o los ojos, enjuague con agua inmediatamente y solicite asistencia médica.• Compruebe siempre que el cargador haya conmutado a la ETAPA 7 antes de dejarlo desatendido y conectado durante periodos prolongados. Si el cargador no ha conmu -tado a la ETAPA 7 en un plazo de 50 horas, ello indica que hay un fallo. Desconecte el cargador manualmente.• Las baterías consumen agua durante su uso y la carga. En las baterías en las que se puede añadir agua, el nivel del agua se deberá controlar regularmente. Si el nivel fuera bajo, añada agua destilada.• Este equipo no está diseñado para ser utilizado por niños ni por personas que no puedan leer o comprender el manual, a menos que estén bajo la supervisión de una persona responsable que garantice que puedan usar el cargador de baterías conseguridad. Almacene y use el cargador de baterías alejado del alcance de los niños, y asegúrese de que ningún niño pueda jugar con el cargador.• La conexión a la red eléctrica debe realizarse siguiendo la normativa para instalaciones eléctricas vigente en el país.ESPECIFICACIONES TÉCNICASNúmero de modelo 1066Tensiónnominal de CA 220–240 Vca, 50–60 HzTensión de carga 14,4 V, 14,7 V,15,8 VTensiónde batería mín.2,0 V Corriente de carga 5 A máx.Corriente, red eléctrica 0,65 A rms (a plena corriente de carga)Pérdidas decontracorriente*<1 Ah/mes en modos de carga y comprobación Rizado**<4%Temperatura ambiente -20°C a +50°C, la potencia de salida se reduce automática -mente a altas temperaturasTipo de cargador De 8 etapas, ciclo de carga completamente automático Tipos de baterías Todos los tipos de baterías de plomo de 12 V (húmedas, MF, Ca/Ca, AGM y GEL)Capacidad de la batería 1,2–110 Ah, hasta 160 Ah para mantenimiento Dimensiones 168 x 65 x 38 mm (Long. x Anch. x Alt.) Clase de aislamiento IP65Peso0,6 kg *) La pérdida de contracorriente es la corriente consumida mientras el cargador no está conectado a la red eléctrica. Los cargadores CTEK tienen una contracorriente muy baja.**) La calidad de la tensión de carga y de la corriente de carga es muy importante. una corriente de ondulación (rizado) alta calienta la batería, lo cual acelera el enve -jecimiento del electrodo positivo. una tensión de ondulación alta puede dañar otros equipos conectados a la batería. Los cargadores de baterías CTEK producen tensión y corriente muy limpia, con baja ondulación.E SGARANTíA LIMITADACTEK SWEDEN AB, expide la presente garantía limitada al comprador original de este producto. Esta garantía limitada no es transferible. La garantía rige para defectos de fabri-cación y material durante cinco años a partir de la fecha de compra. El cliente deberá devolver el producto al punto de compra junto con el recibo de compra. Esta garantía no es válida si el cargador de baterías ha sido abierto, manejado descuidadamente o reparado por personal no perteneciente a CTEK SWEDEN AB o a sus representantes auto -rizados. uno de los orificios de los tornillos de la parte inferior del cargador está sellado. Si se retira o deteriora el sello, se anulará la garantía. CTEK SWEDEN AB no concede otra garantía distinta a esta garantía limitada y no se hace responsable de otros costes distintos a los arriba mencionados, es decir, no se hace responsable de daños consecuentes. Además, CTEK SWEDEN AB no está obligada a otra garantía que la presente.ASISTENCIA TÉCNICACTEK ofrece asesoramiento profesional a los clientes: .Para consultar la revisión más reciente del manual del usuario, visite . Correo electrónico: ************Teléfono: +46(0) 225 351 80. Fax +46(0) 225 351 95.LOS PRODUCTOS DE CTEK ESTáNPROTEGIDOS POR:2012–05–3020017986A。

使用Corona SDK进行游戏开发入门指南

使用Corona SDK进行游戏开发入门指南

使用Corona SDK进行游戏开发入门指南在现今数字时代,游戏行业蓬勃发展,成千上万的游戏开发者不断涌现。

如果你也对游戏开发感兴趣,那么Corona SDK是一个不错的选择。

Corona SDK是一款强大且易于上手的跨平台游戏开发工具。

本文将为你提供一个Corona SDK游戏开发的入门指南,帮助你迈出第一步。

1. 下载和安装Corona SDK首先,你需要前往Corona SDK官方网站,下载适用于你的操作系统的最新版本。

安装完成后,你就可以开始了解并使用Corona SDK。

2. 了解Lua编程语言Corona SDK使用Lua作为主要的编程语言。



3. 创建你的第一个Corona项目打开Corona SDK,点击“New Project”按钮,填写项目名称和保存路径。



4. 游戏界面和图形绘制使用Corona SDK,你可以轻松地创建游戏界面和进行图形绘制。



5. 添加交互和动画效果Corona SDK支持添加交互元素和动画效果,让你的游戏更加生动。



6. 声音和音效一个完整的游戏不仅仅需要视觉上的享受,还需要声音上的体验。

Corona SDK 提供了用于播放音乐和音效的API。


7. 在多个平台上发布游戏一个好的游戏应该可以在多平台上进行发布和运行。



ISO3166标准国家和地区代码ISO 3166标准国家和地区代码AD Andorra.AE United Arab Emirates.AF Afghanistan.AG Antigua and Barbuda.AI Anguilla.AL Albania.AM Armenia.AN Netherlands Antilles.AO Angola.AQ Antarctica.AR Argentina.AS Samoa (American).AT Austria.AU Australia.AW Aruba.AZ Azerbaijan.BA Bosnia and Herzegovina.BB Barbados.BD Bangladesh.BE Belgium.BF Burkina Faso.BG Bulgaria.BH Bahrain.BI Burundi.BJ Benin.BM Bermuda.BN Brunei.BO Bolivia.BR Brazil.BS Bahamas.BT Bhutan.BV Bouvet Island.BW Botswana.BY Belarus.BZ Belize.CA Canada.CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands.CD Congo (Dem. Rep.).CF Central African Rep..CG Congo (Rep.).CH Switzerland.CI Cote d'Ivoire.CK Cook Islands.CL Chile.CM Cameroon.CN China.CO Colombia.CR Costa Rica.CU Cuba.CV Cape Verde.CX Christmas Island.CY Cyprus.CZ Czech Republic.DE Germany.DJ Djibouti.DK Denmark.DM Dominica.DO Dominican Republic.DZ Algeria.EC Ecuador.EE Estonia.EG Egypt.EH Western Sahara.ER Eritrea.ES Spain.ET Ethiopia.FI Finland.FJ Fiji.FK Falkland Islands.FM Micronesia.FO Faeroe Islands.FR France.GA Gabon.GB Britain (UK).GD Grenada.GE Georgia.GF French Guiana.GH Ghana.GI Gibraltar.GL Greenland.GM Gambia.GN Guinea.GP Guadeloupe.GQ Equatorial Guinea.GR Greece.GS South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. GT Guatemala.GU Guam.GW Guinea-Bissau.GY Guyana.HK Hong Kong.HM Heard Island and McDonald Islands.HN Honduras.HR Croatia.HT Haiti.HU Hungary.ID Indonesia.IE Ireland.IL Israel.IN India.IO British Indian Ocean Territory.IQ Iraq.IR Iran.IS Iceland.IT Italy.JM Jamaica.JO Jordan.JP Japan.KE Kenya.KG Kyrgyzstan.KH Cambodia.KI Kiribati.KM Comoros.KN St Kitts and Nevis.KP Korea (North).KR Korea (South).KW Kuwait.KY Cayman Islands.KZ Kazakhstan.LA Laos.LB Lebanon.LC St Lucia.LI Liechtenstein.LK Sri Lanka.LR Liberia.LS Lesotho.LT Lithuania.LU Luxembourg.LV Latvia.LY Libya.MA Morocco.MC Monaco.MD Moldova.MG Madagascar.MH Marshall Islands.MK Macedonia.ML Mali.MM Myanmar (Burma).MN Mongolia.MO Macao.MP Northern Mariana Islands. MQ Martinique.MR Mauritania.MS Montserrat.MT Malta.MU Mauritius.MV Maldives.MW Malawi.MX Mexico.MY Malaysia.MZ Mozambique.NA Namibia.NC New Caledonia.NE Niger.NF Norfolk Island.NG Nigeria.NI Nicaragua.NL Netherlands.NO Norway.NP Nepal.NR Nauru.NU Niue.NZ New Zealand.OM Oman.PA Panama.PE Peru.PF French Polynesia.PG Papua New Guinea.PH Philippines.PK Pakistan.PL Poland.PM St Pierre and Miquelon. PN Pitcairn.PR Puerto Rico.PS Palestine.PT Portugal.PW Palau.PY Paraguay.QA Qatar.RE Reunion.RO Romania.RU Russia.RW Rwanda.SA Saudi Arabia.SB Solomon Islands.SC Seychelles.SD Sudan.SE Sweden.SG Singapore.SH St Helena.SI Slovenia.SJ Svalbard and Jan Mayen. SK Slovakia.SL Sierra Leone.SM San Marino.SN Senegal.SO Somalia.SR Suriname.ST Sao Tome and Principe.SV El Salvador.SY Syria.SZ Swaziland.TC Turks and Caicos Is.TD Chad.TF French Southern and Antarctic Lands. TG Togo.TH Thailand.TJ Tajikistan.TK Tokelau.TM Turkmenistan.TN Tunisia.TO Tonga.TP East Timor.TR Turkey.TT Trinidad and Tobago.TV Tuvalu.TW Taiwan.TZ Tanzania.UA Ukraine.UG Uganda.UM US minor outlying islands.US United States.UY Uruguay.UZ Uzbekistan.VA Vatican City.VC St Vincent.VE Venezuela.VG Virgin Islands (UK).VI Virgin Islands (US).VN Vietnam.VU Vanuatu.WF Wallis and Futuna.WS Samoa (Western).YE Yemen.YT Mayotte.YU Yugoslavia.ZA South Africa.ZM Zambia.ZW Zimbabwe.。



EcolabT aking a Clean Approach to Spotless Product DataChallengeAchieving high quality product data was no small undertaking for Ecolab. As a company focused on cleaning solutions, Ecolab has a wide diversity of products and programs, serving three million customer locations in40 industries. Creating an effective data governance framework for consolidating dozens of data repositories was only the first step in making sure Ecolab’s productdata was complete and “clean.”SolutionBy adopting GS1 Standards a decade ago, Ecolab laid the foundation for efficiencies throughout its supply chain—from its own manufacturing facilities to distributors, and on to end-users. The company uniquely identifies most of its products with Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs) and exchanges product data attributes with customers over the Global Data Synchronization Network™ (GDSN®).T o keep pace with customer data demands, Ecolab participates in industry groups and initiatives GS1 US® offers, including the Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative and the GS1 US Retail Grocery Initiative.Ecolab has developed its own internal training program for people who work with GS1 Standards-driven processes, mirroring the training offered by GS1 US. The company is also a regular participant at GS1 Connect conferences and serves on the GS1 Connect Community Advisory Board. BenefitsGS1 Standards have helped Ecolab streamline itsdata exchange process with customers, strengthen its relationships, and eliminate time-consuming, manualdata entry.As more customers have requested GS1 Standards-based trade, Ecolab has not only stayed at the forefront of its industry with its data governance program, but even landed significant new business by being prepared to share standardized data with a large account.With an overall 68 percent improvement in data quality from 2017 to 2018, Ecolab customers have benefited from the initiavitve as well. With GS1 Standards and quality data, they can more efficiently manage Ecolab deliveries and inventory and can readily access safety and regulatory information.A Decade of DataEcolab epitomizes diversification. As an industry leader for cleaning solutions, Ecolab and its 11 divisions serve a wide range of industries, providing both products and professional programs to keep customers’ premises and products clean and safe.Driven by requests from foodservice and healthcare customers, Ecolab implemented GS1 Standards a decade ago. A growing number of Ecolab customers were requesting product information, making it a requisite of doing business with them.“At the time, customers were asking for product dimensions and brand name data,” says Regan Van T assel, commercial digital solutions platform manager at Ecolab. “T oday,it’s more about images and robust information around instructions, safety sheets, and regulatory data.”“There was a lot of work during the initial stages just accessing the information,” Van T assel adds. “We had so many different databases that it took us quite a while to get the correct data consolidated and into the GDSN.”From the beginning, Ecolab’s data governance programhad executive support at the highest level. “Our executive leadership sees the benefits firsthand,” Van T assel says. Data inaccuracies can have significant negative impact on shipping and logistics, inventory management, sales and forecasting, revenue—virtually everything within the modern supply chain. Almost immediately upon implementing GS1 Standards, Ecolab moved to publish its data in the Global Data Synchronization Network or GDSN. Once Ecolab collected all of the information based on the GS1-recommended format, the company has managed the quality of its data, using GDSN error reporting tools. “We really wanted to make sure that we had built-in governance around our product data, and the structure around how to assign a GTIN,” explains Van T assel.Proactive Data ManagementEach division has its own division product publication specialists (DPPs) who are the recipients of the initial error reports being generated by the GDSN.“When we first went live, it was kind of like a firehose,”Van T assel recalls. “All of our data came at these DPPs and there were so many problems and errors that it became overwhelming and difficult to focus on what was important.”“Then, about three years ago, we decided to be more proactive versus reactive. We built into our internal systems additional error reporting, so we could mitigate any issues before they became problems in the GDSN.“Ecolab started looking at its product data in a variety of ways. How many data errors are there per products, how many products have data errors, what is the nature of the errors? Information was broken down by division.“A big lesson for us when implementing our data governance program: Focus on the whole view versus just pieces soyou can wrap your arms around the opportunities for improvement.”Ecolab found that it was better to examine GTINs from the perspective of those that impacted the most customers rather than the most errors. For example, a GTIN with 10 errors may have been published to just one customer. Instead, focus placed on a GTIN that had just two errors but touched 15 customers proved to have the most impact. Ecolab also built a very tightly controlled system internally to assign GTINs, with a select group of people having access to the system. T oday, Ecolab’s business partners involved with labeling can directly access the product information they need for labeling items, cases or pallets.“We now have one data quality scorecard that we produce and distribute a couple of times a month. That helpsus to track our progress and see where we’re making improvements and where we need to focus more attention,” Van T assel says.“It’s made a big difference for us in terms of knowing where to target our time and where we’re going to have the most impact. By integrating the various error reports, we found that by fixing one issue, we could correct up to 300 errors.”“At one point in the process, it was taking us up to 15 daysto be able to publish data to a customer at their request. With our data governance program, we now provide customers with same-day publications. And for new data requests, we’re able to make changes within weeks versus months, as it was before.”A Boost to the Bottom LineEcolab found that increased visibility for the program, and the recognition for all involved in it, had a significant impact on data quality improvement.“We put forth a big effort to hold meetings and townhalls and actively promote GS1 Standards, educating our employees on what we were doing and the importance of it,” Van T assel says.“In the course of our meetings and marketing, we were able to sell the data governance program based on the efficiencies we were gaining internally by automating all of the data gathering and minimizing the time we spent fixing errors,” Van T assel explains.A pivotal event illustrated the point of gaining competitive advantage with GS1 Standards.“We had a big win for the business. We were able to obtaina new, very large customer account because we were participating in the GDSN and were able to supply themwith all of the data they wanted. The customer switched from our competitor because they were looking for a trading partner that had GS1 Standards and GDSN information at their fingertips. Winning that account really helped to sell the program internally and get more enthusiasm behind it from our business partners.”Information and Image ManagementVan T assel and her colleagues regularly assemble the DPPs from foodservice, a couple of different healthcare teams, and individuals from the largest division – called the institutional division – to discuss how to correct errors with the data tied to their divisions, as well as implement measures to prevent future errors. Currently, Ecolab is implementing a Product Information Management (PIM) system that will manage productdata across divisions in a single repository, feeding into internal- and external-facing platforms for universal content consumption by customers, distributors, and internal departments globally.The PIM system will be integrated with a digital asset management system to store images and marketing assets, replacing manual spreadsheets and databases inan effort to improve data quality and efficiency across the network. As a business-to-business company, Ecolab did not customarily take pictures of products when they came off the manufacturing line. But more and more, Ecolab distributors want to display product images on their own webpages to sell more.“With the advent of e-commerce, GS1 Standards and traceability, it’s become critical to our customers to have images and other forms of digital data from us,” says VanT assel. “It’s a primary focus to make sure we have visually strong images and multiple images for each of our products. We have created a new commercial digital solutions department within the past year. This is to help facilitate standardization of images and data requirements so we can scale globally.”“We will be ready in the first phase to send data to GDSN through the PIM system, greatly simplifying the the complex publication process that we use to transform and publish the data now,” adds Van T assel.Auditing Product Data for ValidationWith an multi-prong approach to data quality based on the principles of the GS1 US National Data Quality Program, Ecolab has achieved an overall 68 percent improvement in data quality between 2017 and 2018. This includes reducing the number of GTINs with errors by 18.5 percent and ongoing improvements in trading partner scorecarding results.Once Ecolab has completed its PIM implementation, it plans to repeat a GS1 US audit of its product attribute data that had been done a few years ago. “The audit compares the most recent information shared about a product with its physical attributes,” Van T assel says. “We want to pursue data quality certification with GS1 US. We’re ready. For our customers, we’ll continue to make doing business with Ecolab an efficient and clean one...with standardized, quality data.”© 2018 GS1 US All Rights ReservedConnect With UsGS1 US Corporate HeadquartersPrinceton South Corporate Center, 300 Charles Ewing Boulevard Ewing, NJ 08628 USAT +609.620.0200 | E ************** About EcolabEcolab is the global leader in water, hygiene and energy technologies and services. Around the world businesses in foodservice, food processing, hospitality, healthcare, industrial, and oil and gas markets use Ecolab products and services to keep their environment clean and safe, operate efficiently and achieve sustainability goals. About the Foodservice GS1 US Standards InitiativeThe Foodservice GS1 US Standards Initiative represents a broad cross section of industry trading partners. T oday over 125 manufacturers, distributors, brokers, operators, industry associations, government agencies, logistics, and technology providers are participating members in initiative activities focused on improving transparency, operational efficiencies, traceability, and food safety with GS1 Standards.About the GS1 US Retail Grocery InitiativeThe GS1 US Retail Grocery Initiative is a voluntary collaborative industry effort seeking to address current industry challenges to improve product information and images, data quality, supply chain visibility, and operational efficiencies. This structured Initiative for retail grocery aims to help enable stakeholders to focus on the most important industry problems, streamline resources, and drive adoption and implementation of the industry-defined solutions leveraging GS1 Standards.GS1 US National Data Quality ProgramThe GS1 US National Data Quality Program provides organizations with a comprehensive approach to data quality that encompasses validating a Data Governance Process exists within an organization to support the creation and maintenance of product data based on GS1 Standards; confirming that proper Education and Training protocols on GS1 Standards are present within anorganization for creating and maintaining accurate product data; and conducting regular Attribute Audits that audit, verify and compare product attributes to most recently shared data to enable trading partners to have confidence that the data shared is accurate, complete and timely. /dataquality .About GS1 USGS1 US®, a member of GS1® global, is a not-for-profit information standards organization that facilitates industry collaboration to help improve supply chain visibility and efficiency through the use of GS1 Standards, the most widely-used supply chain standards system in the world. Nearly 300,000 businesses in 25 industries rely on GS1 US for trading-partner collaboration that optimizes their supply chains, drives cost performance and revenue growth while also enabling regulatory compliance. They achieve these benefits through solutions based on GS1 global unique numbering and identification systems, barcodes, Electronic Product Code-based RFID, data synchronization, and electronic information exchange. GS1 US also manages the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code® (UNSPSC®). About the Organizations。




国际顶级的科学期刊《自然》(Nature)在1968年刊文,文中述及当时的病毒学家首度识别出此种病毒,并因其外观状如日冕(solar corona),建议把它命名为冠状病毒(coronavirus)。






















As an English teacher,I have had the privilege to travel to various places around the world,each with its own unique charm and experiences.Here are some of the places I have visited and the memories they have left me with:1.Paris,France:The city of love and lights,Paris is a dream for any traveler.I was captivated by the Eiffel Tower,the Louvre Museum,and the charming streets of Montmartre.The croissants for breakfast and the wine at dinner were an unforgettable part of the experience.2.New York City,USA:The bustling energy of New York is unmatched.I visited iconic landmarks such as the Statue of Liberty,Times Square,and Central Park.The citys diverse culture and food scene left a lasting impression.3.Cairo,Egypt:The ancient history of Egypt is mesmerizing.I stood in awe in front of the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx.Exploring the Egyptian Museum and the Khan elKhalili bazaar was an adventure in itself.4.Tokyo,Japan:A blend of tradition and modernity,Tokyo is a city that never sleeps.I enjoyed the tranquility of the Meiji Shrine and the bustling Shibuya Crossing.Sushi and ramen were culinary highlights.5.Sydney,Australia:The beautiful beaches and the iconic Sydney Opera House are just the beginning.I loved the vibrant atmosphere of the city and the friendliness of the locals.A visit to the Great Barrier Reef was a onceinalifetime experience.6.Rome,Italy:The historical richness of Rome is unparalleled.I was in awe of the Colosseum,the Roman Forum,and Vatican City.The Italian cuisine,especially the pizza and gelato,was a delightful discovery.7.Marrakech,Morocco:The vibrant colors and bustling markets of Marrakech are a feast for the senses.I explored the Bahia Palace and the Majorelle Garden.The Moroccan tagine was a culinary delight.8.Iceland:The natural beauty of Iceland is breathtaking.I marveled at the geysers, waterfalls,and the stunning Northern Lights.The hot springs were a perfect way to unwind after a day of exploring.9.Rio de Janeiro,Brazil:The warmth of the Brazilian people and the beauty of the landscape are unforgettable.I stood at the top of the Christ the Redeemer statue and enjoyed the lively atmosphere of Copacabana Beach.10.Beijing,China:The Great Wall of China is a testament to human ingenuity.I also visited the Forbidden City and the Temple of Heaven.The Peking duck and the local tea culture were unique experiences.Each of these places has left me with a wealth of memories and a deeper appreciation for the diversity of our world.Traveling not only broadens the mind but also enriches the soul.。








♂2020.05.11 重新编辑发布重新排版,删减内容添加上传代码使⽤部分2020.03.21 初次发布本⽂包含基本使⽤⽂章排版⽋佳⽂章⽬录1. Colaboratory 介绍1.1 Colaboratory(Colab)是什么Colaboratory 简称“Colab”,是 Google Research 团队开发的⼀款产品。

在 Colab 中,任何⼈都可以通过浏览器编写和执⾏任意 Python 代码。


从技术上说,Colab 是⼀种托管式 Jupyter 笔记本服务。

⽤户⽆需进⾏设置,就可以直接使⽤,同时还能获得 GPU 等计算资源的免费使⽤权限。

1.2 Colab 与 Jupyter 的关系Jupyter 是⼀个开放源代码项⽬,⽽ Colab 是在 Jupyter 基础之上开发的。

通过 Colab,⽆需下载、安装或运⾏任何软件,就可以使⽤Jupyter 笔记本并与他⼈共享。

1.3 Colab 的使⽤量限额是多少Colab 之所以能够免费提供资源,部分原因在于它的使⽤量限额是时有变化的动态限额,并且它不会保证资源供应或⽆限供应资源(单次最长12⼩时,⾃动断开连接)。

也就是说,总体使⽤量限额、空闲超时时长、虚拟机最长⽣命周期、可⽤ GPU 类型以及其他因素都会不时变化。

Colab 不会公布这些限额,原因之⼀是它们不仅可能、⽽且有时确实会快速变化。



使用MPLABC30编译器制作自己的库文件MPLAB C30是一款由Microchip公司推出的嵌入式系统应用开发编译器,专为Microchip的16位DSP和32位MCU设计。


MPLAB C30提供了一系列的编译器、调试器、仿真器、仪器、驱动程序等工具,可以有效地提高编程速度,提

MPLAB C30可以创建自己的库文件,以实现复用函数和数据结构的定义,提高开发效率。


将.c文件添加到MPLAB C30工程文件中,然后在.c文件中定

成器中,也可以使用MPLAB C30提供的命令行工具libl来生成库文件。



另外,MPLAB C30也可以通过链接器来使用现有的库文件,来实现函


南京苏曼电子 CTP SERIES CTP-600AL 说明书

南京苏曼电子 CTP SERIES CTP-600AL 说明书

Please refer to the manual in detail before installing, operating and debugging. 安装,操作或调试设备前,请先详细阅读本说明一.概述南京苏曼电子有限公司始建于1983年。





苏曼公司创建的科罗纳实验室(CORONA Lab.)现在已经成为国内最具技术实力的低温等离子体技术和表面处理技术相关产品的研发基地。





目前在线生产的系列产品有ZW-A,CTE-K, CTR(塑料或金属薄膜表面处理系列)、CTT-K,CTT-F(各种塑料、金属管或复合管的内外管壁表面处理系列)、CTB(冰箱盖或家电处理系列),CTD,CTD-K,RFD,RFD-F(二维和三维零件表面处理系列)、CTP-K(低温等离子体实验仪器仪表系列)、CTK(片材处理系列)、CTF(集装箱等金属板材表面等离子清洗系列)、CTO(大功率臭氧电源系列)等产品系列。

CORONA CTE-2000C 说明书

CORONA CTE-2000C 说明书

带破杯检测--处理速度大于500只/minPlease refer to the manual in detail before installing,operating and debugging.概述科罗纳实验室(Corona Lab.)始建于1983年。













MPLAB Code Configurator v4.1.0 1 用户指南说明书

MPLAB Code Configurator v4.1.0 1 用户指南说明书

Release Notes for MPLAB® Code Configurator v4.1.01 Core versions bundled with this MCC release2 What is MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC)The MPLAB®Code Configurator generates seamless, easy to understand code that is inserted into your project. It enables, configures, and utilizes a rich set of peripherals and libraries across select devices. It is integrated into MPLAB®X IDE to provide a very powerful and extremely easy to use development platform.3 System RequirementsMPLAB® X IDE v5.45 or later4 Documentation SupportThe MPLAB® Code Configurator v4 User’s Guide may be found on the MPLAB® Code Configurator page on the Microchip web site. /mcc5 Installing MPLAB® Code ConfiguratorBasic steps for installing MPLAB® Code Configurator v4 Plugin are given here.To install the MPLAB® Code Configurator v4 Plugin through the MPLAB® X IDE:1. In the MPLAB® X IDE, select Plugins from the Tools menu2. Select the Available Plugins tab3. Check the box for the MPLAB® Code Configurator v4, and click on InstallTo install the MPLAB® Code Configurator v4 Plugin manually:(If installing on a computer that has internet access, you can skip steps 3 through 5)1) Download the zip file from the Microchip website, /mcc, and extract the folder.2) Open MPLAB® X IDE.3) Go to Tools -> Plugins -> Settings.4) Add in two update centerso Add in update center for Node Provider.Click on add button.Provide a name for the new Update Center (ex: Node Provider), and the file URL. This URL should point to the updates.xml in the nodeProvider folder where you extractedthe zip file. For example the URL may look like thisfile:/path_to_extracted_mcc/nodeProvider/updates.xml. When finished, click OK.o Add in update center for Browser Libs. This is only required for MPLABX IDE v5.45 or later.Click on add button.Provide a name for the new Update Center (ex: Browser Libs), and the file URL. This URL should point to the updates.xml in the browserLibs folder where you extractedthe zip file. For example the URL may look like thisfile:/path_to_extracted_mcc/browserLibs/updates.xml. When finished, click OK.5) Uncheck the Microchip Plugins in the Update Center.6) Go to Tools -> Plugins -> Downloaded and click on the Add Plugins... button.7) Navigate to the folder where you extracted the zip file and select the MCC plugin file, com-microchip-mcc.nbm.8) Click on the Install button. MPLAB X IDE will ask to be restarted. Upon restart, the pluginis installed.9) If you unchecked the Microchip Plugins in the Update Center, go back and recheck theselection.6 What’s New6.1 MCC configuration file will be reproducible to facilitate source control.The contents of the MCC config file sections will be sorted in lexicographical order.6.2 MCC configuration autosave option provided.MCC will now automatically save the config file under the project folder with the same name as the project. A new autosave option has been provided in the MCC Options panel. When enabled, the user will not need to save the configuration changes manually, instead their changes will be automatically saved. This MCC configuration autosave option will be enabled by default. Users can choose to disable it from the Options menu. Please refer to the below screenshot.6.3 MCC will show a popup if an already set function cannot be deselected When the user tries to set an output function for a pin, and MCC cannot deselect an already set function, a popup will be shown to the user similar to the one below:6.4 Improve vertical space for module views.In the previous releases of MCC, the Module view had a panel with the Module name and icons linking to the MCC Help and MCC Weblinks. This panel has been removed, and the MCC Help and Weblink icons have been moved to the Project Resources view as shown below.Custom Button7 Repairs and EnhancementsThis section lists the repairs and enhancements for the plugin and core. For library specific issues, please look at the individual library release notes.8 Known IssuesThis section lists the known issues for the plugin, for library specific issues please look at the individual library release notes.8.1 Workarounds8.2 Open9 Frequently Asked QuestionsFor frequently asked questions, please refer to the FAQ post on the MCC Forum.10 S upported FamiliesFor the list of supported families, refer to the release notes of respective libraries.This version of MCC is distributed with the core versions specified in the table shown in Chapter 1 of this document. The following libraries are also distributed with core compatibility as shown in the table below:Additional and archived libraries can be found at: /mcc.11 C ustomer Support11.1 MCC SupportTechnical support is available through the website at: /support11.2 The Microchip Web SiteMicrochip provides online support via our web site at . This web site is used asa means to make files and information easily available to customers. Accessible by using your favoriteInternet browser, the web site contains the following information:Product Support– Data sheets and errata, application notes and sample programs, design resources, user’s guides and hardware support documents, latest software releases and archived softwareGeneral Technical Support– Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), technical support requests, online discussion groups/forums (), Microchip consultant program member listingBusiness of Microchip– Product selector and ordering guides, latest Microchip press releases, listing of seminars and events, listings of Microchip sales offices, distributors and factory representatives.11.3 Additional SupportUsers of Microchip products can receive assistance through several channels:Distributor or RepresentativeLocal Sales OfficeField Application Engineering (FAE)Technical SupportCustomers should contact their distributor, representative or field application engineer (FAE) for support.Local sales offices are also available to help customers. A listing of sales offices and locations is available on our web site.Generic technical support is available through the web site at: .12 A ppendix: Supported DevicesFor the list of supported devices, please refer to the release notes of respective libraries.。

ecolab 手动清洁剂 MAXI PLONG 在化妆品制造厂的应用说明书

ecolab 手动清洁剂 MAXI PLONG 在化妆品制造厂的应用说明书

Full time employees allocated to cleaning reduced from 9 to 4, with new COP tank and Ecolab’s Maxi Plonge Manual DetergentSITUATIONA global cosmetics manufacturerneeded to increase plant throughput without expanding the number of lines. At the same time, the plant manager was tasked to decrease costs associated with cleaning of manufacturing equipment.The manual washroom was particularly resource-intensive: for cleaningmake-up, water-in-oil face creams, and mascara, the established process involved 9 operators standing and manually scrubbing small parts (fillers and pucks) in the sink, requiring 8 hours to return them to acceptable cleaning standards, all while consuming nearly 1922 gallons of water per cleaning. An in-house powdered laundry detergent, provided at no cost, was used.SOLUTIONThe plant manager at the facility had previous experience in working with Ecolab’s technical team to resolve cleaning issues and requested a site survey. The team focused on maximizing process time reduction. A new COP tank was introduced and validated with Ecolab’s assistance. After the tank installation, a detergent that could allow further reduction of cleaning time, water and energy was tested. Coupon studies were performed with Ecolab’s Maxi Plonge, a non-corrosivepH product, specifically developed to effectively remove cosmetic soils.Upon implementation, cleaning studies were conducted onsite regarding the process and to verify the projected savings. It was discovered that the Maxi Plonge detergent dissolved the cosmetics completely . A 3%solution was proposed but was further optimized to a 2% solution in order to reduce the level of foam in the tank and avoid potential overflows. Ecolab team members remained onsite to provide support throughout the various tests and validation efforts.RESUL TSUsing these solutions, the plant was able to optimize their process for cleaning small parts. The previous SOPs created the desired result, but required more time, energy and water . After instituting Ecolab’s recommended process and product, the following client supplied results were achieved. It is estimated that water and wastewater were reduced by 79%. Cleaning time was reduced by 63% as each cleaning cycle only required 180 minutes compared to the previous cycle time of 480 minutes. This directly impacts labors expenses as well, as $130,000 per year will be saved having only four operators required per day for cleaning , down from the nine needed previously.Application:S egment: C hallenge: Recommended product:Oversaved per year*Client supplied dataINDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT CLEANINGECOLAB’S BIOQUELL NORTH AMERICA 702 Electronic Dr., Suite 200Horsham, PA 19044 WORLDWIDE HEADQUARTERS 1 Ecolab PlaceSt. Paul, MN 55102 /lifesciences© 2023 Ecolab USA Inc. All rights reserved. 16JAN23/NA11423How Ecolab Adds ValueWORLDWIDE HEADQUARTERS 1 Ecolab Place St. Paul, MN 55102USA/lifesciences /pharmaceutical Ecolab offers site-surveys from a trained technical team to review new or existing manufacturing and cleaning process.VALUE+� Technical recommendations are matched to your most relevant objectives and key performance indicators (safety, water savings, efficiency, etc.)�Formal report summarizes potential savings�Delivers implementation strategy that minimizesproduction disruptionsSite SurveysEcolab can assist with the complex validation process and change controls by providing guidance and documentation.VALUE+�G uidance includes: ⚫Cleaning process design and development ⚫Cleaning process validation⚫Continuous cleaning process verification� Helps ensure process stays in line with regulatory expectations and acceptance criteriaValidation AssistanceEcolab leverages industry expertise to deliver insights and guidance on regulatory expectations, trends and available tools to help ensure compliance for product safety and quality.VALUE+� Helps ensure compliance with cGMP to ensure cleaning and disinfection meet product safety and quality requirements�Help implement validations that meet regulatory expectationsDedicatedRegulatory TeamEcolab offers a laboratory team that can analyze soils, identify residues and test samples.VALUE+� Creates a quicker and more successful cleaning recommendation� Ensures the chemistry solution is effective against your unique, targeted soils� Helps determine optimal dilution and implementationparametersLab StudiesEcolab can help implement a validated strategy to clean CIP systems with registered chemical disinfectants as an alternative to water .VALUE+�S aves water which can help meet sustainability goals� Reduce energy and time needs by removing need to heat water to required temperatureDisinfection with Chemistry vs. WaterEcolab’s team is comprised of experts to help youimplement, manage, and maintain quality & compliance requirements and protocols.VALUE+�Gain valuable best-practices and implementation strategies from trained field and technical experts� Reduce troubleshooting time from on-site support and process training to resolve problems quicklyCustomer Training。

Axia Fusion AoIP Console 快速入门安装指南说明书

Axia Fusion AoIP Console 快速入门安装指南说明书

Axia Fusion AoIP ConsoleWe have made Fusion the easiest Axia console, ever, to set up. This quick start guide will take you through the basic steps to configure your new Fusion and have you up and running in no time. Before we get started, let’s check your installation type and make sure you have what you need.Installation type: You’ve got your choice of two mixing engines to pair with the Fusion, the StudioEngine or the PowerStation. We are providing instructions for both setups, so make sure you follow the instructions for your engine type .THANK YOU FOR PURCHASING THE AXIA FUSION CONSOLE.1. Tilt the overbridge panel of the Fusion Console (A) forward (toward faders) to gain access to theFusion Console overbridge board.2. Connect one end of the supplied Fusion power cable to the power port on the Fusion Consoleoverbridge board (B). Connect the other end to the 48DVC Output port (C) on the rear of the Axia Power Supply. Connect the Axia Power Supply to AC Mains using the Axia Power Supply power cable provided.3. Connect Ethernet cable to the network connection port on the Fusion Console overbridgeboard (D), connect other end to a configured Ethernet switch (E).4. Connect Ethernet cable to the Livewire port (F) on the StudioEngine, connect other end to aconfigured Ethernet switch (E).5. Connect a 1080p monitor to the DVI-D video port (G) on the StudioEngine.6. Close the Fusion Console overbridge panel (A).7. Continue to Network Configuration with Axia StudioEngine.PHYSICAL CONNECTIONS WITH AXIA STUDIOENGINEIJKLThe Console is now recognized by the network and is ready to be linked to the StudioEngine and configured to load sources. Continue to the “System Configuration” instructions.NETWORK CONFIGURATION WITH AXIA STUDIOENGINE1. Apply Power to the StudioEngine. The front displayshould indicate an error due to sync issue-this is normal. An IP address is needed.2. Tap the rotary encoder knob (I) on the front panel fora menu view, rotate knob until “Engine IP settings” (J) is highlighted, tap knob to select. 3. Rotate knob (I) to select “Net Address” and tap knobto select.4. Once on the Engine IP settings screen (K), rotateknob (I) to move the cursor, tap knob to edit cursor position, rotate to increment value, tap knob to accept change. Repeat for all IP address values. Make a note of this IP address for further configuration in later steps.5. Select check mark to right of address and tap knob(I) to accept.PHYSICAL CONNECTIONS WITH AXIA POWERSTATION1. Tilt the overbridge panel of the Fusion Console (A) forward (toward faders) to gain access to theFusion Console overbridge board.2. Connect one end of the 6-Pin molex power cable supplied with the PowerStation to the Surfaceport (B) on the PowerStation. Connect the other end to the power port on the Fusion Console overbridge board (C).3. Connect Ethernet cable to the network connection port on the Fusion Concole overbridge board(D), connect other end to an available network port on the PowerStation (E).4. Connect 1080p monitor to the DVI-D video port (F) on the PowerStation.5. Connect USB keyboard to USB port (G) on the PowerStation.6. Close the Fusion Console overbridge panel.7. Continue to Network Configuration with Axia PowerStation.NETWORK CONFIGURATION WITH AXIA POWERSTATION1. Boot the PowerStation,a setup screen (I)will appear on the connected video monitor.An IP address is needed.2. Tap the up arrow key on the attached keyboard untilthe “Config IP addr” value is in yellow text. 3. Clear the current value with the Backspace key onthe attached keyboard and use number keys to enter a new value. Make a note of this IP address for further configuration in later steps.4. Tap the arrow keys on the attached keyboard to navigate to “Config NetMask”and “Config Gateway”, enter the needed values.5. Tap the down arrow key on the attached keyboardto navigate to “Save & Reboot”. Tap the Enter key on the attached keyboard to reboot system.6. Disconnect USB keyboard from PowerStation.IINSTALLATION HELPIf you have more questions, you can access the full manual online at /Axia/Fusion or call the Telos Alliance 24/7 Support Team at +1 (216) 622-0247, we’d be happy to help you out.CONTINUE TO THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION The Console is now recognized by the network and is ready to be linked to the PowerStation then configured to load sources. Continue to the “System Configuration” instructions.1. Using a PC connected to your studio network, launcha web browser and enter the assigned IP addressinto the browser’s address bar. When prompted for authentication enter user name “user”, password is left blank.2. The Fusion control center will launch (A). In the leftcolumn, under “Mix Engine”, select the “Network”link (B), click the “Install” button at the bottom of the new page.3. Enter the value “1” into the “Console Count” field (C)and click “Apply Console Count” (D).4. In the “PS CONSOLE: 1” (E) section, select thediscovered console from the drop down menu (F).Click “Apply IP” (G) to set the IP address and link it to StudioEngine or PowerStation.5. Your Console is now connected and will display“Inactive“ on each channel. On the Monitor Module keypad (H) Press and hold the “*” key and “2” key until “Capture” is displayed.6. Release the keys. For the full-sized Fusion Monitor/Navigation Module, press the“Enter”key,for a Fusion Monitor + 2-Fader Module, press the “#” key.7. Remain logged in to the Fusion Control Center andcontinue to Source Configuration.A BCEFGDH1. In the Fusion Control Center, in the left column under“Console”, select “Sources” (A).2. Click the “Create New Source Profile” button (B).3. On the Source Profile screen, select “Source Type”from the drop down list (C).4. Enter the name of the source in the “Source name”field (D).5. Click the browse button to the right of the “Primarysource” field (E) and select the desired source from the list.6. Click “Apply”.7. In the left column under “Mix Engine”, select “Progand mon out” (F).8. Enter (G)the planned channel numbers for either the StudioEngine (Livewire Sources)or PowerStation (Livewire Sources from DSP) outputs.9. Click the “Apply” button.10. StudioEngine users-skip Step 11 and proceed toStep 12.11. PowerStation users continue to the next step below, “For PowerStation users ONLY”.ABCEDHIJa. In the left column under “I/O subsystem main”,select “Destinations” (H).b. When prompted for authentication enter user name“user”, password is left blank.c. Enter useful labeling in the “Name” field (I).d. Click the browse button (J) to the right of the“Channel” field and select the CR Monitor source from the PowerStation. e. Click the “Apply” button.f. Continue to Step 12.FOR POWERSTATION USERS ONLYThis step configures the designated output on the back of the PowerStation which provides audio to the monitor speaker amplifier for the CR Monitor DSP source.GF12. On the Fusion Console Surface, press the channelencoder knob (K) found at the top of the fader strip for Channel Options.13. The connected video monitor will display theChannel Options (L). Rotate the encoder knob (K) one step to select the source window. (Selected options will be outlined in yellow.) Once the desired option is selected, press the encoder knob (K) to enter the selection.14. Select the “Current Source” option (M). The nextview will show configured source profiles (N). 15. Rotate the encoder knob (K) to highlight the sourcejust created.16. Press the encoder knob (K) to select the highlightedsource.17. Press the Program 1 button on the fader strip (O) soit is illuminated.18. Press the “On” button (P) on the fader strip.19. Move the fader (Q) up-you should hear audio. Themeters on your video display should be active (R). 20. Note: To hear the audio, make sure Program 1 isselected in the monitor section for CR Monitor and that the volume is at an appropriate level.For StudioEngine users only: make sure the xNode output feeding your speaker has been assigned the CR Monitor source output of the StudioEngine. 21. Repeat“Source Configuration”steps to configureadditional sources.MLNROQP YOUR SETUP IS COMPLETE!That’s it! You are now ready to experience the Axia Fusion, a powerful,flexible and easy to use console, packed with all of the capabilities andfeatures you need. Enjoy!KThis Page Intentionally Left BlankThis Page Intentionally Left BlankThis Page Intentionally Left Blank1241 Superior Ave. • Cleveland, Ohio, 44114, USA • + • © 2021 Telos Alliance. All Rights Reserved. C21/1/16009 • 1490-00137-002 — QUICK START GUIDE: FUSION CONSOLE Subscribe to our NewsletterWeekly updates on all things broadcast via email/newsletter Social MediaFacebook: @TelosAlliance Twitter: @TelosAlliance LinkedIn: /TelosAlliance YouTube: TelosAllianceTVProduct Catalog/catalog24/7 Tech SupportRadio: +1 (216) 622-0247TV: +1 (717) 735-3611Radio:*************************TV:**************************QUICK LINKS。

Crosby Group LLC 标准钩子说明书

Crosby Group LLC 标准钩子说明书

Copyright © 2013 The Crosby Group LLCTodos los derechos reservados126• Para usar sobre pastecas de carga con espiga de longitud estándar.• Los estilos de ganchos N° 2 al 12 están roscados en aproximadamente 80% del largo de la espiga.• BL-D - con compuerta de cierre automático.• BL-B - con compuerta de cierre manual.• El uso en entornos corrosivos requiere una inspección de la espigay la tuerca de acuerdo con la norma ASME B30.10-1.10.4(b)(5)(c)2009.GANCHO DE ESPIGA ESTÁNDARGancho TamañoBL-D No. de parte BL-B No. de parte Tipo de compuerta Carga límite de trabajo (Tons)*Peso de c/u (lbs.)Dimensiones(plg.)A B C D E F G H I J SD SL ST 210506061050408PIN-LOK 1.00 1.1 4.12 1.25 1.40 1.3 4.50 1.06 1.38 1.25.75410506281050430PIN-LOK 1.70 1.7 4.85 3.66 1.00.19 1.13 1.50 3.63 1.16 1.31 1.19510506391050441ROLLOX 2.30 2.5 5.63 4.12 1.23.25 1.25 1.64 4.09 1.31 1.31 1.00610506501050452ROLLOX 4.00 3.5 6.23 4.70 1.25.25 1.39 1.64 4.56 1.57 1.69 1.16710506611050463ROLLOX 4.20 5.2 6.61 5.21 1.12.25 1.50 2.00 4.94 1.63 1.44 1.13 1.00 1.81 1.38810506721050474ROLLOX 5.507.17.17 5.80 1.06.28 1.75 2.25 5.84 2.00 1.65 1.23 1.13 2.06 1.50910506831050485ROLLOX 6.45 1.06.31 1.88 2.50 6.50 2.06 1.81 1.38 1.25 2.44 1.8111 †10506941050496TIP-LOK 9.2015.69.628.00 1.25.31 2.25 3.007.56 2.63 2.25 1.62 1.50 2.69 1.8812 †10507051050507TIP-LOK 12.3021.010.538.84 1.25.38 2.50 3.258.69 2.94 2.59 1.94 1.63 2.88 2.1313 †10507161050518TIP-LOK 15.0030.011.239.54 1.25.38 3.00 3.759.63 3.28 2.75 1.94 1.75 3.50 2.2014 †10507271050529TIP-LOK18.5040.012.6010.751.41.383.384.2511.003.502.972.382.003.752.38* La carga de ruptura es 4 veces la carga limite de trabajo.† Requiere un dibujo para indicar el diámetro exacto de la espiga del gancho, largo de la espiga, longitud de la rosca y abertura del gancho. Si un diseño no está disponible, complete el lado 1 del FORMULARIO DE INFORMACIÓN DE GANCHO Crosby/Bullard.Los números de estilo de gancho del 2 al 12 están roscados aproximadamente hasta el 80% del largo de la espiga.• Facilita y acelera la Tensión del Conductor.• Adecuado para izajes cuya carga rota de manera ocasional y de forma no continua.• Para uso en ambientes corrosivos se requiere una inspección de espiga y tuerca como estipula y de acuerdo con ASME B30.10-1.10.4(b)(5)(c)2009.BL-PKU GANCHO DEDOBLE EXTREMOGANCHO DE DOBLE EXTREMODisponible solamente con Ganchos de Cierre Manual* La carga de ruptura es 4 veces la carga limite de trabajo.Tamaño y tipo de gancho BL-PKU No. de parte Tipo de compuerta Cargalímite de trabajo (Tons)*Peso de c/u (lbs.)Dimensiones(plg.)A B C D E F G H I J 4PKU 1051805PIN-LOK 1.7 5.0 4.88 3.63 1.00.22 1.13 1.50 3.63 1.16 1.00.755PKU 1051816ROLLOX 2.38.0 5.63 4.12 1.23.25 1.25 1.64 4.09 1.31 1.12.846PKU 1051827ROLLOX 4.011.0 6.06 4.61 4.561.571.34.97VER INFORMACION SOBRE APLICACION Y ADVERTENCIASEn las páginas 144-145Para Español: 。



五年级蔬菜单词练习题40题1.What's the English word for “土豆”?A.tomatoB.potatoC.cabbage答案:B。


2.The English word for “胡萝卜” is _____.A.carrotB.cucumberC.onion答案:A。


3.Which one is the English word for “白菜”?A.cauliflowerB.cabbageC.lettuce答案:B。


4.What's the English for “黄瓜”?A.cucumberB.pumpkinC.bean答案:A。


5.The word for “西红柿” is _____.A.tomatoB.potatoC.eggplant答案:A。


6.Which is the English word for “茄子”?A.eggplantB.pepperC.broccoli答案:A。


7.What's the English for “辣椒”?A.pepperB.grapeC.peach答案:A。


8.The English word for “南瓜” is _____.A.pumpkinB.cornC.strawberry答案:A。

mplabx mcc应用实例

mplabx mcc应用实例

mplabx mcc应用实例MPLABX MCC是Microchip公司开发的一款集成开发环境软件,用于支持PIC和dsPIC微控制器的开发。


下面我将通过一个简单的应用实例来介绍如何使用MPLABX MCC进行开发。




选择"File"->"New Project",然后选择"Microchip Embedded"->"Standalone Project"。



选择"Project"->"Properties"->"MPLABX MCC",然后点击"Add"按钮,找到MCC生成的.c文件并选择添加。



在MPLABX界面的"Tool"栏中,点击"MPLABX MCC"按钮,进入MCC模块配置界面。

在MCC界面的"Device Resources"栏中,选择"GPIO"模块。

在右侧的"Available Pins"栏中选择一个可用的引脚,然后点击"Add"按钮将其添加到配置列表中。




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Bière Corona : une association malheureuse avec le coronavirusAux États-Unis, la bière Corona est la troisième bière la plus vendue du pays ! Mais ça, c’était avant le coronavirus… Selon un sondage réalisé par YouGov, la popularité de la marque serait en chute libre. Et si en 2019, 80 % des Américains en avaient une image positive, ils ne sont plus que 50 % au mois de février. Bien évidemment, cela joue énormément sur l’intention d’achat qui tombe à 5 %, soit son niveau le plus bas depuis deux ans.科罗娜啤酒Corona,与冠状病毒coronavirus倒霉的相似科罗娜啤酒在美国销售量排名第三。

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2. 变压器和管材电晕处理装置的连接
接管材电晕处理装置的绝 缘电极。
接管材电晕处理装置的非 绝缘电极即挤塑机的金属 机体。
图 5、变压器和管材电晕处理装置的连接
科 罗 纳 实 验 室 ( C O R O N A L A B .)
接线要求: 地线需焊在焊片上再接在地线接线柱上。如果地线出现开路,设备工作时将会将高压引至
表面张力 Level F(vol) H(vol) 57 100.0% 0.0% 58 81.2% 18.8% 59 73.1% 26.9% 60 65.0% 35.0% 61 56.0% 44.0% 62 47.0% 53.0% 63 38.8% 61.2% 64 30.6% 69.4% 65 24.4% 75.6% 66 18.2% 81.8% 67 13.4% 86.6% 68 8.6% 91.4% 69 6.1% 93.9% 70 3.6% 96.4% 72 0.0% 100%
表面张力 Level C(vol) F(vol) 44 22.0% 78.0% 45 19.7% 80.3% 46 17.2% 82.8% 47 15.0% 85.0% 48 13.0% 87.0% 49 11.1% 88.9% 50 9.3% 90.7% 51 7.8% 92.2% 52 6.3% 93.7% 53 4.9% 95.1% 54 3.5% 96.5% 55 2.2% 97.8% 56 1.0% 99.0%
科 罗 纳 实 验 室 ( C O R O N A L A B .)
导线>4mm2 主 机 导线>1mm2 地
图 4、主机和变压器箱的连接
接线要求: 变压器和主机的两根连接线连接没有极性,但不能和地接错。否则将损坏主机! 变压器和主机的连接导线规格请用大于 4mm2,并拉直排线。否则导线会消耗功率和发热
而出现危险!地线连接导线规格大于 1mm2 即可。 接线平台上的螺丝必须旋紧,否则可能出现间歇工作或发热烧坏接线平台。
七. 维护
1. CTE系列设备为高压电源,且主机内部的电路和AC220V电源不隔离,非专业技术 人员请勿维护和修理。
2. 每 6 个月清洁一次主机、变压器和放电架的灰尘。 3. 主机箱内如果间歇发出嘀…嘀…的报警声,请检查高压输出的相关部件是否有漏电或击
穿和接触不良的问题。 4. 主机箱内如果连续的发出嘀…嘀…的报警声,且放电架上无任何放电现象,请更换主机
科 罗 纳 实 验 室 ( C O R O N A L A B .)
九. 管材电晕处理电极的要求 1.管材电晕处理外电极的材料可用铝、不锈钢等不容易锈蚀的金属板材。宽度约 10~15cm。
为安全起见可在外电极的外面用聚丙烯(PP)或有机玻璃等绝缘材料遮挡,绝缘材料和 外电极之间的距离为 5~10cm,遮挡宽度可大于外电极宽度的 30cm。 2.管材电晕处理内电极用不易腐蚀的导体,设计成各种可浮于内管壁(可紧贴内壁也可有 1~2mm 气隙)并均匀分布内管壁。形状可为薄板、不锈钢丝、簧片。 3.管材电晕处理内电极的位置一定要处于外电极的中心,即连接挤塑机内模头和内电极的 钢丝缆绳的长度要保证内电极处于外电极的中心。 4.要有保证内电极不出现旋转和翻转的固定装置,防止内电极和内管壁出现过大的气隙和 移出外电极覆盖的范围。 5.内电极和内模头之间的连接可用连杆或钢丝缆绳连接。
表面张力 Level C(vol) F(vol) 30 100.0% 0.0% 31 97.5% 2.5% 32 89.5% 10.5% 33 81.0% 19.0% 34 73.5% 26.5% 35 65.0% 35.0% 36 57.5% 42.5% 37 51.5% 48.5% 38 46.0% 54.0% 39 41.0% 59.0% 40 36.5% 63.5% 41 32.5% 67.5% 42 28.5% 71.5% 43 25.3% 74.7%
3. 主机和 AC220V 电源的连接
图 6、主机和 AC220V 电源的连接
接线要求: 请选用大于 4mm2 规格的导线,将电源 AC220V 可靠地连接至“电源输入”接线平台的
“AC220V”。连接没有极性,但不能和地接错。 地接线端一定要接大地地线。 接线平台上的螺丝必须旋紧,否则可能出现间歇工作或发热烧坏接线平台。
内的主板或与销售商联系。 有任何问题或维护技术资料可在互联网 上得到帮助。
八. 管材电晕处理电极的参考方案
连杆或钢丝缆绳和挤 塑机的内模头连接。
管材电晕处理内电极即非 绝缘电极。通过钢丝缆绳 和挤塑机的内模头连接即 挤塑机的金属机体。
管材电晕处理外电 极即绝缘电极。接 变压器的高压端。
十. 处理效果的检测 表面张力测试液的配置(30~70 达因/厘米) F:甲酰胺(Formamide, minimum 99.5% pure) 分子式:HCONH2 C:乙二醇乙醚(2-ethoxyethanol, 100% pure) 分子式:C2H5OC2H4OH H:水(Water) 分子式:H2O
四、 设备安装
1. 主机和变压器的连接
科 罗 纳 实 验 室 ( C O R O N A L A 背板
加油孔:每年加 20ml,25#变压器油。
泄气孔:使用时去除 螺丝。
两个红接线柱及黑接 线柱和主机的“变压 器箱”接线平台上的 对应标注端相连接。
变压器 地
Ccoronalab 注册—科罗纳实验室—商标
Please refer to the manual in detail before installing, operating and debugging.
科 罗 纳 实 验 室 ( C O R O N A L A B .)
显示面板上的数码将不显示,并发出间断的蜂鸣报警声。 注意:
科 罗 纳 实 验 室 ( C O R O N A L A B .)
1. 型号:CTE-8000G 2. 电源:AC220V(±10%) 3. 处理规格:Ø <1.3m 4. 主机尺寸:250(W)×200(H)×360(D)mm 5. 主机重量:8kg 6. 变压器尺寸:250(W)×200(H) ×200(D)mm 7. 变压器箱重量:35kg 8. 主机和变压器之间的连线:<5m
二. 设备 1. CTE-8000G 主机(图 1、2)。 2. CTE-8000G 变压器箱(图 3)。
三. 组件
4 2 1 3
图 1、主机面板
88 图 3、变压器
图 2、主机背板
1.交流电源开关 2.输出显示 3.功率调节按键 4.排风窗口 5.排风扇 6.AC220V 电源输入 7.变压器接线平台 8.主机接线柱 9.高压输出接线柱 10.设备地线接线柱 11.主机地线接线柱 12.加油孔 13.泄气孔
单 位:南京苏曼电子有限公司 电 话:025-86592881 邮 编:210004 电 邮:coronalab@
单位地址:南京市堂子街 41 号通宇大厦 7 楼 传 真:025-86592891 网 址:
1. 将电源开关①向上推至 ON 位置,电晕设备即可正常工作。在放电架上即会出现电晕放 电。向下 OFF 位置,电晕设备停止工作。
2. 调节按键③,使输出功率达到要求的值。红键(UP)增加功率,绿键(DOWN)减小功 率。
3. 每次开机,设备将保持上次关机时的功率值。 4. 电晕设备在正常工作时,显示面板上的数码将显示所设定的输出值,但设备出现故障时,
主机,使设备带电并损坏主机!! 接地请接大地地线。 高压线和其连接的相关部件与其它任何物体之间的距离需大于 100mm。否则可能出现放
电,致使设备出现间歇工作或保护。 一定要认清管材电晕处理装置的绝缘电极和非绝缘电极。接反将损坏电晕设备。 所有接线应连接正确和可靠,变压器箱和管材电晕处理装置之间的高压连线应尽量的短。
一. 概述 CTE 系列数码电子冲击机( 电晕机)是采用具有自主知识产权的谐振型脉宽调制技术的全
数字化产品,并在系列产品中应用了微电脑和模糊控制技术,使 CTE 系列产品获得了高可靠 性、高效率、小体积和结构模块化。使用和维护简单方便。可对各种塑料薄膜、金属薄膜、 片材和管材进行电晕处理。CTE-8000G 专用于对各种塑料管材进行电晕处理的设备。