AP1000 SA-376TP316LN热管锻件旳质量检查规范目录图示清单 (2)表格清单 (2)1.0应用范围 (3)2.0参照文献 (3)3.0实体试制件制造 (4)4.0验收基本规定 (4)5.0尺寸和质量评估 (9)6.0质量保证规定 (10)7.0验收评估 (10)8.0 成果汇报 (10)附录A 质量保证规定图示清单图表1A P1000反应堆冷却循环热管线L001A(见表格1,2,3) (12)图表 2 热管L001A试制件铸造旳取样位置(见表格1,2,3,4,5) (13)图表 3 热管上位置1,2(图表2)取样位置接喷嘴侧视图 (14)图表4内拱与外拱(图表2中旳3,4位置)旳试样取向剖面图 (15)图表5图表2中位置5环形部分旳试样取向 (16)图表 6 不同样试块旳几何尺寸 (17)图表7 M5和MW5试样旳几何规定 (18)图表8 整体接管嘴和接管嘴有关配件连接处旳焊接构造(见表格3) (19)表格目录表格1A P1000反应堆冷却循环管——材料表 (20)表格 2 AP1000反应堆冷却循环管尺寸与公差限制 (20)表格 3 侧喷嘴尺寸 (21)表格 4 全尺寸实物试制件旳试样与测试数据一览表 (22)1.0范围1.1本规范根据美国机械工程师协会(ASME)锅炉及压力容器规范第三章第一部分旳分部NB旳规定,描述了用于对AP1000电站TP316LN反应堆冷却用管L001A铸造后旳金属组织和SA-376旳机械性能进行全面完整旳评估、控制和检查程序。
泰克 THS3000 手持式示波器系列产品技术资料说明书
手持式示波器THS3000系列产品技术资料主要特点和优点主要性能指标100 MHz或200 MHz带宽型号高达5 GS/s的最大采样率,200 ps分辨率4条全面隔离的浮动通道600 V RMS CAT III, 1000 V RMS CAT II等级输入(BNC到接地)测量和分析21种自动测量波形数学运算和FFT频谱分析电压、时间、频率、功率光标测量应用功能TrendPlot TM记录测量数据波形通过/失败极限测试100屏自动显示屏记录程序易用功能6英寸(153 mm)明亮的彩色显示器USB设备端口和主控端口电池可连续工作7个小时应用嵌入式模拟和数字设计电源器件、电源电子和电源设计汽车和航空设计和维护工用设备设计和安装现场测试和服务产品技术资料4条隔离输入通道,简便地处理任何类型的混合信号输入。
准确地测量信号THS3000手持式示波器拥有高达200 MHz的带宽、4条通道和5 GS/s的最大采样率,没有任何其它示波器能够在这样一台便携式仪器中,提供如此高的带宽和采样率。
LOCTITE SF 770 PRIMER 又名 LOCTITE 770 Primer 1.75FO
安全技术说明书 根据GB/T 16483-2008第 1 页 共 8 页LOCTITE SF 770 PRIMER 又名 LOCTITE 770 Primer 1.75FO E/C/J安全技术说明书编号 : 153555V 001.14修订: 20.04.2016 发布日期: 05.07.2018化学品中文名称: LOCTITE SF 770 PRIMER 又名 LOCTITE 770 Primer 1.75FO E/C/J推荐用途:含溶剂的预处理剂企业信息:汉高(中国)投资有限公司 张衡路928号 201203 中国上海市浦东新区中国电话: +86-21-2891 8000 传真:+86-21-2891 5137生效日期: 20.04.2016应急信息: 应急电话:+86 532 8388 9090 (24小时)。
物质或混合物的分类根据GB 13690-2009 (化学品分类和危险性公示通则):危险分类 危险类别 靶器官 易燃液体类别 2 皮肤腐蚀/刺激类别 2特异性靶器官系统毒性 一次性接触 类别 3 中枢神经系统 吸入危害类别 1 急性危害水生环境 类别 1对水生环境有慢性危害类别 1标签要素根据GB 15258-2009 (化学品安全标签编写规定):象形图信号词:危险危险性说明:H225高度易燃液体和蒸气。
Weigert's Iron Hematoxylin B Safety Data Sheet说明书
Weigert's Iron Hematoxylin B *************(24小时)化学品安全技术说明书GHS product identifier 应急咨询电话(带值班时间)::供应商/ 制造商:供应商/ 制造商: Agilent Technologies, Inc.(美国安捷伦科技有限公司)住所:5301 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Santa Clara, CA, 95051, United States 联系电话:+1 800 227 9770 供应商/ 制造商: Agilent Technologies Singapore (International) Pte Ltd.(安捷伦科技新加坡(国际)私人有限公司)住所:No. 1 Yishun Avenue 7, Singapore, 768923 联系电话:(65) 6276 2622供应商/ 制造商: Agilent Technologies Denmark ApS (安捷伦科技丹麦私人有限公司)住所:Produktionsvej 42, DK-2600 Glostrup, Denmark 联系电话: +45 44859500 Weigert's Iron Hematoxylin B化学品的推荐用途和限制用途AR166, AR167, AR168, AR173部件号:物质用途:AR166 // Weigert's Iron Hematoxylin B // Artisan Gomori's Green Trichrome Stain Kit // 65mLAR167 // Weigert's Iron Hematoxylin B // Artisan Gomori's Blue Trichrome Stain Kit // 65 mLAR168 // Weigert's Iron Hematoxylin B // Artisan Mucicarmine Stain Kit //65 mL and 115 mLAR173 // Weigert's Iron Hematoxylin B // Artisan Masson's Trichrome Stain Kit // 65 mL and 115 mL 参考号码: SDS067安全技术说明书根据 GB/ T 16483-2008 和 GB/ T 17519-2013本安全技术说明书责任人的e-mail地址:***************GHS化学品标识:Weigert's铁苏木素B物质或混合物的分类根据 GB13690-2009 和 GB30000-2013紧急情况概述液体。
International Paint Singapore Pte Ltd化学品安全技术说明书PH094M INTERHANE 990 GREY MATT PART A版本1 版本修订日 07/06/131.化学品及企业标识1.1.产品名称INTERHANE 990 GREY MATT PART A产品代码PH094M1.2.纯物质或者混合物的建议用途及禁止用途拟定用途请参阅产品技术说明书仅供专业人员使用施工方法请参阅产品技术说明书1.3.安全技术说明书供应商的信息制造商International Paint Singapore Pte Ltd3 Neythal RoadJurong TownSingapore 628570电话号码+65 6261 5033传真号码+65 6264 46121.4.应急咨询电话+65 6261 5033中毒咨询电话仅供医生及医院参考2.危险性概述2.1.纯物质或混合物的分类2.2.标签要素用第11和12章列出的毒性数据,产品标签如下所示。
成分/化学名称重量 %GHS分类注意溶剂石脑油(石油系),轻芳香系10-25Asp. Tox. 1;H304[1]CAS 号码: 0064742-95-6二氧化钛 10-25[1][2]CAS 号码: 0013463-67-7二甲苯CAS 号码: 0001330-20-7 10-25Flam. Liq. 3;H226Acute Tox. 4;H332Acute Tox. 4;H312Skin Irrit. 2;H315[1][2]蓖麻籽油CAS 号码: 0008001-79-42.5-10[1]乙苯CAS 号码: 0000100-41-4 2.5-10Flam. Liq. 2;H225Acute Tox. 4;H332[1][2]醋酸甲氧基丙酯CAS 号码: 0000108-65-61-2.5Flam. Liq. 3;H226[1](1)健康或环境危害物质(2)有工作场所有害因素职业接触限值的物质(3)PBT-物质或vPvB-物质*短语的全文参阅第16章。
IntroductionShandong XinNeng New Material CO. LTD. (SXNM) is a new & hi-tech enterprise financed and constructed by Xinfa Group (AL & Powder). The dominant product of SXMP is superfine spherical aluminum powder, with 3 system & annual output capacity of 15,000 tons. The company forms an integrated complex of aluminum industrial production with the alumina, electrolytic aluminum and aluminum alloy enterprises of Xinfa Group, which enables it to control the quality of spherical aluminum powder from the very beginning of aluminum powder production process—electrolytic aluminum, to fine-tune the purity, components and norms. It is also capable of producing various aluminum alloy powder to meet different demands.公司地址:中国山东省茌平县信源工业园ADD:Xinyuan Industrial Park, Chipin , Shandong Province,China邮政编码:252100 POST CARD:电话TEL:0635 4256958,4256996 传真FAX:0635 4256968 E-mail: mail@产品说明书1. 产品名称化学品中文名称:球型铝粉化学品英文名称:Aluminum, atomized, spherical中文别名:雾化球型铝粉,氮气雾化铝粉,铝粉英文别名:Aluminum powder分子式:Al分子量:26.97本产品执行中华人民共和国有色金属行业标准YS/T620-2007 《氮气雾化铝粉》。
NPC-National Petro Co.3600t Revolving/Engineering CraneTechnical Specification (Project Plan)Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery (Group) Co., Ltd.2005-12-10Table of Content1.1 General Description 总则1.1.1Consist of the Specification 本规格书组成The specification including general, hull structure, outfitting, machinery, electrical, refrigerating, air conditioning, ventilating, pipelaying, DP, and crane parts describes the 3600t CRANE PIPELAYING VESSEL based on scheme design.本规格书由船舶总体、舾装、轮机、电气、通风冷藏空调、动力定位、起重机及铺管设备估价等部分组成,表述3600 t全回转起重工程船的主要技术规格方案。
1.1.2Construction Explanation建造说明The BUILDER’s supply covers the item described in this specification, anything excluding from the scope of the specification will be supplied by the OWNER.本船的建造估价,所有规格书所规定的项目均由建造方提供。
1.1.3Language and Measuring Unit文种与计量单位The drawings, instructions, instruments, display, caution sign and nameplate shall be written in English and kept down the foreign nameplate of the importation of machine and equipments. Metric system is used for designing and fabricating of hull, crane and equipment etc. unless otherwise specialized in specification or instruction.本船的图纸、使用说明书、仪表、显示、警示牌和铭牌等均以英文书写。
实验室常见仪器中英文对照表量杯measuring cup烧杯beaker量筒measuring flask/measuring cylinder量筒graduated flask/measuring cylinder坩埚crucible坩埚钳crucible clamp坩埚crucible pot, melting pot试管test tube试管架test tube holder漏斗funnel分液漏斗separatory funnel烧瓶flask 锥形瓶conical flask塞子stopper洗瓶plastic wash bottle滴定管burette玻璃活塞stopcock冷凝器condenser试剂瓶reagent bottles玻棒glass rod搅拌棒stirring rod蒸馏烧瓶distilling flask碘量瓶iodine flask表面皿watch glass蒸发皿evaporating dish容量瓶volumetric flask/measuring flask移液管(one-mark) pipette刻度移液管graduated pipettes称量瓶weighing bottle吸液管pipette滤管filter天平balance/scale分析天平analytical balance台秤platform balance游码crossbeams and sliding weights酒精灯alcohol burner酒精喷灯blast alcohol burner搅拌装置stirring device洗耳球rubber suction bulb研磨钵mortar研磨棒pestleagate mortar玛瑙研钵.瓷器porcelain白细口瓶flint glass solution bottle with stopper滴瓶dropping bottle小滴管dropper蒸馏装置distilling apparatus蒸发器evaporator升降台lab jack铁架台iron support万能夹extension clamp蝴蝶夹double-buret clamp双顶丝clamp regular holder止水夹flatjaw pinchcock圆形漏斗架cast-iron ring移液管架pipet rack试管架tube rack沸石boiling stone橡胶管rubber tubing药匙lab spoon镊子forceps坩埚钳crucible tong剪刀scissor打孔器stopper borer石棉网asbestos-free wire gauze电炉丝wire coil for heater脱脂棉absorbent cottonphph试纸universal ph indicator paper滤纸filter paper称量纸weighing paper擦镜纸wiper for lens秒表stopwatch量杯glass graduates with scale白滴定管(酸)flint glass burette with glass stopcock棕色滴定管(酸)brown glass burette with glass stopcock 白滴定管(碱)flint glass burette for alkali棕色滴定管(碱)brown glass burette for alkali比重瓶specific gravity bottle水银温度计mercury-filled thermometerph计ph meter折光仪refractometer真空泵vacuum pump冷、热浴bath离心机centrifuge口罩respiratorgasmask、respirator防毒面具.磁力搅拌器magnetic stirrer电动搅拌器power basic stirrer烘箱oven闪点仪flash point tester马弗炉furnace电炉heater微波炉电热套heating mantleAging Property Tester 老化性能测定仪Amino Acid Analyzer 氨基酸组成分析仪Analyzer for Clinic Medicine Concentration 临床药物浓度仪Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy 原子吸收光谱仪Atomic Emission Spectrometer 原子发射光谱仪Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy 原子荧光光谱仪Automatic Titrator 自动滴定仪Basic Physics 基本物理量测定Biochemical Analyzer 生化分析仪Biochemicalanalysis 生物技术分析Bio-reactor 生物反应器Blood-gas Analyzer 血气分析仪Centrifuge 离心机ChemiluminescenceApparatus 化学发光仪CHN Analysis 环境成分分析仪CO2 Incubators CO2培养箱Combustion PropertyTester 燃烧性能测定仪Conductivity Meter 电导仪Constant Temperature Circulator 恒温循环泵Direct Current Plasma Emission Spectrometer 直流等离子体发射光谱仪DNA Sequencers DNA测序仪DNA synthesizer DNA合成仪Electrical Property Tester 电性能测定仪Electro Microscopy 电子显微镜Electrolytic Analyzer 电解质分析仪Electron Energy Disperse Spectroscopy 电子能谱仪Electron Paramagnetic ResonanceSpectrometer 电子顺磁共振波谱仪Electrophoresis 电泳Electrophoresis System 电泳仪ELIASA 酶标仪Energy Disperse Spectroscopy 能谱仪Fermenter 发酵罐Flow Analytical and Process AnalyticalChemistry 流动分析与过程分析Fraction Collector 部分收集器FreezeDrying Equipment 冻干机FT-IR Spectrometer 傅里叶变换红外光谱仪傅里叶变换拉曼光谱仪FT-Raman SpectrometerGas Analysis 气体分析Gas Chromatograph 气相色谱仪GC-MS 气相色谱-质谱联用仪Gel PermeationChromatograph 凝胶渗透色谱仪HighPressure/Performance Liquid Chromatography 高压/效液相色谱仪Hybridization Oven 分子杂交仪ICP-MS ICP-质谱联用仪Inductive Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometer 电感偶合等离子体发射光谱仪Instrument for Nondestructive Testing 无损检测仪Instrument for Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR仪Inverted Microscope 倒置显微镜Ion Chromatograph 离子色谱仪Isotope X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer 同位素X荧光光谱仪LC-MS 液相色谱-质谱联用仪Mass Spectrometer 质谱仪Mechanical Property Tester 机械性能测定仪Metal/material elemental analysis 金属/材料元素分析仪Metallurgical Microscopy 金相显微镜Microwave Inductive Plasma Emission Spectrometer 微波等离子体光谱仪Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer 核磁共振波谱仪Optical Microscopy 光学显微镜Optical PropertyTester 光学性能测定仪Other/Miscellaneous 其他Particle Size Analyzer 粒度分析仪PCR Amplifier PCR仪Peptide synthesizer 多肽合成仪pH Meter pH计PhysicalProperty Analysis 物性分析Polarograph 极谱仪Protein Sequencer 氨基酸测序仪Rheometer 流变仪Sample Handling 样品处理Scanning Probe Microscopy FG|8oU 扫描探针显微镜Sensors 传感器Sequencers and Synthesizers for DNA and Protein DNA及蛋白质的测序和合成仪Shaker 摇床Size Exclusion Chromatograph 体积排阻色谱Surface Science 表面科学SurfaceAnalyzer 表面分析仪Thermal Analyzer 热分析仪Thermal Physical Property Tester 热物理性能测定仪Ultrahigh Purity Filter 超滤器Ultra-low Temperature Freezer 超低温冰箱超声破碎仪Ultrasonic Cell Disruptor Ultraviolet Detector 紫外检测仪UltravioletLamp 紫外观察灯Urine Analyzer 尿液分析仪UV-Visible Spectrophotometer 紫外-可见光分光光度计Viscometer 粘度计Voltammerter 伏安仪Water Test Kits 水质分析仪X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer X射线荧光光谱仪X-RayDiffractomer X射线衍射仪一、化学试剂1、氨基酸alanine (Ala, A) 丙氨酸valine (Val, V) 缬氨酸生物leucine (Leu, L) 亮氨酸isoleucine (Ile,I) 异亮氨酸proline (Pro, P) 脯氨酸phenylalanine (Phe, F) 苯丙氨酸tryptophan (Trp, W) 色氨酸methionine (Met, M) 蛋氨酸glycine (Gly, G)甘氨酸serine (Ser, S)丝氨酸threonine (Thr, T)苏氨酸cysteine (Cys, C)半胱氨酸tyrosine (Tyr, Y) 酪氨酸asparagines (Asn, N) 天冬氨酸glutamine (Gln, Q)谷氨酰胺lysine (Lys, K)赖氨酸arginine (Arg, R)精氨酸histidine (His, H) 组氨酸aspartic acid (Asp, D)天冬氨酸glutamic acid (Glu, E)谷氨酸2、核苷酸adenosine 阿糖腺苷guanosine 鸟嘌呤核苷cytidine 胞二磷胆碱thymidine胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷uridine尿嘧啶核甙deoxy-脱氧、其他化学试剂3.Acetic acid glacial 冰乙酸Boric acid (H3BO3,61.83) 硼酸Calcium chloride 2-hydrate (CaCl2.2H2O, 147.02)D(+) Glucose (180.16)EDTA tetrasodium dihydrate (EDTA-Na4.2H2O,416.20)Ethanol absolute 无水乙醇Ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid disodium salt dyhydrate (EDTA-Na2.2H2O,372.24) Sodium acetate trihydrate (3H2O,136.08) 含三个水分子的乙酸钠Sodium chloride 氯化钠Sodium dodecyl sulphate (288.38)十二烷基硫酸钠Tris-(hydroxymethyle)-aminomethane (Tris,121.14)Tryptone 胰蛋白胨Yeast extract 酵母提取物Agar 琼脂Ampicillin 氨苄西林Potassium acetate醋酸钾Isopropanol异丙醇Lithium chloride氯化锂PEG8000 聚乙二醇8000RNAse A RNA酶AHydrochloric acid盐酸Sodium hydroxide氢氧化钠Ammonium acetate醋酸铵Isoamyl alcohol异戊醇Chloroform氯仿二、仪器设备Materials used in our laboratory:实验用材料Rotor 转子Air filter (Laminar flow cabinet)空气过滤器pH meter pH计Parafilm石蜡封口膜Graduated pipette带有刻度的吸管Graduated cylinder量筒Sealing equipment封口设备Electrophoresis power supply 电泳电源Thermostatic ciculatorVacuum pump 真空泵Vacuum manifold多头抽真空装置Eppendorf tube微量离心管Inverted microscope倒置显微镜Slide载玻片Cover glass盖玻片电子天平Electronic balanceCentrifuge离心机Centrifuge tube离心管Air conditioner空调机Flask烧瓶Beaker烧杯Power supply电源Power transformer电源变压器Mini-monitor G-M tubeGel system凝胶系统Sterilizer消毒器Disinfector消毒剂Shaker 摇床V ortexing machinePipette tip吸管端Vacuum line真空线Vacuum trapsSterile velvetWhatman (filter) paper华特门滤纸Ultraviolet illumination紫外灯Gel tank电泳槽Minicell微细胞Comb环磷酰胺-长春新碱-甲环亚硝脲-博来霉素Teeth of combSupport toothHorizontal agrose gelsGlass plate玻璃片Slot狭槽Electrical leads电线Anode阳极Cathode阴极Xylene cyanol FF二甲苯苯胺FFLaminar flow cabinet层流柜Erlenmeyer三角瓶V olumetric flask容量瓶Cupboard药柜Shifting spannerStapler吻合器Rack饲料架Gel tray凝胶板Toothpick牙签Refill再填Screw螺丝钉Bolt锁紧螺母Nut, Cap nutScrew driver旋凿Socket齿槽,插口Adapter转接器Plug插头Electrode电极Duplicator, copying machine复印机Copy paper复印纸Carbon paper复写纸Nail 钉,(指)甲Hammer锤Joint关节Timer计时器Alarm clock闹钟Staple U形钉Stapler吻合器Globe眼球,球Coat hanger衣服挂钩Thermostatic ciculator 恒温循环仪Vacuum traps 真空过滤装置minicell 小电泳槽Comb 电泳用的梳子Teeth of comb 梳子齿Support tooth 以前用过的梳子最两边的齿,一搬略高于其他齿,起支持作用Horizontal agrose gels 水平琼脂糖凝胶Shifting spanner 扳手Stapler 订书机staple 订书钉Rack试管架Gel tray 凝胶电泳槽Toothpick牙签Refill 圆珠笔芯Bolt 插销Globe 灯泡。
航海及海运专业英语词汇(H3)high line 高架索high mangaenese steel 高锰钢high megohm meter 超高阻表high melting metal 高熔点金属high mica 高级云母high molecular compound 高分子化合物high mooring line load 高锚缆载荷high octane 高辛烷值的high officiency turbine 高效率涡轮机high order harmonic 高次谐波high order interpolation 高次差内插high order 高阶high orderharmonic 高次谐波high output 高输出high overcast 高密云天空high pass filter 高通滤波器high pass network 高通网络high pass 高通high pass 高通滤波high performance control center 高性能控制中心high performance superheterodyne receiver 高性能超外差式接收机high performance 高性能的high performance 优越性能high permeability alloy 高磁导率合金high permeability alloy 高导磁率合金high pitch propeller 大螺距螺旋桨high polish 高度磨光high polymer 大分子聚合物high polymers 高聚合物high potential source 高压电源high potential test for electric equipment 电气设备高压试验high potential test 高电压试验high potential 高电势high potential 高电位high pour oil 高倾点油high pour oil 高倾点油high pouroil 高倾点油high power connector 大功率联结器high power connector 大功率连接器high power fuse 大功率熔丝high power load 大功率负载high power microscope 高倍显微镜high power radio station 强功率无线电台high power transmitter energy 大功率发射能high power transmitter 大功率发射机high power 大功率high powered 高功率的high precedence 高优先等级high precision shoran 高精度肖兰high precision shoran 高精度肖兰导航系统high precision 高精度high precission shoran 高精度肖兰high pressure turbine 高压汽轮机high pressure absestos sheet 高电压石棉板high pressure air line 高压空气管路high pressure air manifold 高压空气歧管high pressure air stuffing box 高压空气填料函high pressure air system 高压空气系统high pressure air 高压空气high pressure airline 高压空气管路high pressure area 高压区high pressure asbestos metallic jointing 高压夹铜丝石棉纸柏high pressure belt 高压带high pressure blowpipe 高压喷焊器high pressure boiler 高压锅炉high pressure charging 高增压high pressure cleaning 高压清洗high pressure combustion chamber 高压燃烧室high pressure compressor 高压压缩机high pressure control switch 高压控制开关high pressure control 高压控制high pressure controller 高压控制器high pressure cutout switch 高压切断开关high pressure cylinder 高压缸high pressure draft 高压气流high pressure duct system 高压管路系统high pressure feed water heater 高压给水加热器high pressure float valve 高压浮子阀high pressure fuel delivery pipe 高压燃油输送管high pressure fuel pipe 高压燃油管high pressure gauge 高压表high pressure gauge 高压压力表high pressure grease gun spar head 高压滑脂枪头high pressure grease gun 高压滑脂枪high pressure heater 高压加热器high pressure hose 高压软管high pressure hot water washing facility 高压热水冲洗设备high pressure housing 高压传送器high pressure insulating tape 高压绝缘胶布high pressure jet 高压射流high pressure jointings 高压接合high pressure lubricator 高压注油器high pressure mercury vapour lamp 高压水银灯high pressure oil fuel pipe 高压燃油管high pressure oil pump 高压油泵high pressure oil 高压油high pressure pipe flange 高压管法兰high pressure pipe 高压管high pressure pump 高压泵high pressure relief valve 高压安全阀high pressure rock 岩石high pressure rubber sheet 高压橡胶板high pressure safety cut-out 高电压安全断路器high pressure safety valve 高压安全阀high pressure sealing ring 高压密封环high pressure side 高压侧high pressure sodium floodlight 高压钠泛光灯high pressure stage 高压级high pressure steam generator 高压蒸汽发生器high pressure steam packing 高压蒸汽填料high pressure steam turbine 高压汽轮机high pressure steam 高压蒸汽high pressure tank 高压柜high pressure thrust bearing 高压推力轴承high pressure torch 高压焊炬high pressure turbine 高压汽轮机high pressure turbine 高压透平high pressure turbine 高压透平;高压汽轮机high pressure turbine 高压透平高压汽轮机high pressure turbocharger 高压涡轮增压器high pressure water 高压水high pressure 高压high pressure 高压高压高压! pressure air line高压空气管路高压high pressureturbine 高压汽轮机high priority communication 最优先等级的通信high purity alloy 高纯合金镍high purity 高纯度high quality 高品质high quality factor 高品质因数high quality tuned circuit 高品质调谐电路high quality 高品质high quality 高质量high rank fuel 高级燃料high rate digital recorder 高速数字记录器high recovery thermocouple 高恢复系数热电偶high resistance alloy 高电阻合金high resistance barrier 高电阻阻挡层high resistance voltmeter 高阻伏特计high resistance winding 高阻绕组high resistance 高电阻high resistance 高电阻高阻抗high resistance 高阻抗high resolution infrared 高分辨红外辐射high resolution instrument 高分辨率仪器high resolution picture transmission 高分辨力图像传输high resolution picture transmission 高分辨率图像传输high resolution picture transmission 高分辨率图像传输高分辨力图像传输high resolution pulse Doppler radar 高分辨力脉冲多普勒雷达high resolution pulse Doppler radar 高分辨率脉冲多普勒雷达high resolution pulse Doppler radar 高分辨率脉冲多普勒雷达高分辨力脉冲多普勒雷达high resolution radar 高分辨雷达high resolution radar 高分辨率雷达high resolution 高分辨力high resolution 高分辨能力high resolution 高清晰度high sea suction 高位海水门high sea suction 高位海水吸口high sea 狂浪high sea 七级浪high seas intervention 公海干预high seas 公海High Seas 公海大海high sensitive 高灵敏度的high sensitivity analyzer 高灵敏度分析器high sensitivity demodulator 高灵敏度解调器high sheet cloud 高层云high side float valve 高压侧浮子阀high side vehicle 边放高型车辆high side 高压侧high speed accounting machine 高速计算机high speed automatic transmitter 高速自动发射机high speed basin 高速船模试验水池high speed buffer register 高速缓冲寄存器high speed buffer 高速缓冲器high speed card punch 高速卡片凿孔机high speed card teletype terminal 高速卡片电传打字终端high speed card-teletype 高速卡片电传打字机high speed cargo craft 高速货船high speed channel 高速信道high speed circuit breaker 高速断路器high speed compound terminal 高速复式终端机high speed compound terminal 高速混合终端high speed compound terminal 高速混合终端高速复式终端机high speed craft code 高速船规则high speed data acquisition 高速数据收集high speed data transmission 高速数据传输high speed data word 高速数据字high speed data 高速数据high speed diesel 高速柴油机high speed engine 高速发动机high speed facsimile 高速传真high speed launch 高速快艇high speed life boat 救生快艇high speed memory 高速存储器high speed microwave switch 高速微波转换high speed paper tape reader 高速纸带读出器high speed passenger craft 高速客船high speed perforator 高速凿孔机high speed printer 高速打印机high speed printer 高速印字机high speed printer 高速印字机高速打印机high speed reader 高速读出机high speed reader 高速读出机高速阅读机high speed reader 高速阅读机high speed reception 高速接收high speed relay 高速继电器high speed selector channel unit 高速选择频道装置high speed selector 高速选择器high speed steel 高速钢high speed steel 高速钢高速钢high speed switch 高速寻线机;高速断路器;高速开关high speed switch 高速寻线机高速断路器高速开关high speed target vessel 高速靶船high speed telegraph 快速电报high speed test 高速试验high speed testing technique 高速试验技术high speed underway replenishment 高速航行补给high speed vessel 高速船high speed 高速high speed 高速度high speed 高速全速high stability 高稳定性high stability 高稳定性高稳性high stability 高稳性high stable oscillator 高稳定度振荡器high steel 高碳钢high stowing end-folding hatchcover 竖堆铰链端部折叠式舱口盖high strength bolt 高强度螺栓high strength cast iron 高强度铸铁high strength material 高强度材料high strength steel 高强度钢high strength 高强度high suction valve 高位吸入阀high suction valve 舷侧上部吸水阀high suction 高位吸入口high sulphur fuel 高硫燃料high sulphur fuels 高硫燃料high sulphur 高硫high supercharged engine of low compression ratio 低压缩比高增压发动机high technology industry 技术密集型工业high temperature alarm 高温报警器high temperature alloy 耐高温合金high temperature annealing 高温退火high temperature connector 高温联结器high temperature connector 高温连接器high temperature corrosion 高温腐蚀high temperature heat-resisting aluminum paint 耐高温银灰漆high temperature indicator 高温指示器high temperature insulation 耐高温隔热high temperature material 耐高温材料high temperature metallography 高温金相学high temperature phenomenon 高温现象high temperature region 高温区high temperature steel 耐高温钢high temperature test 高温试验high temperature viscosimeter 高温粘度计high temperature 高温high tempering 高温回火high tensile electrode 高强度焊条high tensile steel plate 高强度钢板high tensile steel 高强度钢high tensile 高强度high tension battery 高能电池high tension coil 高压线圈high tension ignition 火花点火high tension magneto ignition 高压磁电点火high tension spark plug 高电压火花塞high tension steel 高强度钢high tension supply 高压电源high tension wire 高压线high tension 高电压高强度高张力高压high tension 高电压张紧high tension 高强度高张力高压high threshold logic 高阈值逻辑high threshold logic circuit 高值逻辑电路high tide level 高潮面high tide level 高潮位high tide shoreline 高潮滨线high tide 高潮high tide 高潮高水位high tidelevel 高潮位high traffic area 大业务量地区high traffic area 高密度船流区域通讯量大的区域high traffic ship 高通信业务量船舶high usage route 高效路由high vacuum evaporator 高真空蒸发器high vacuum n. 高真空high vacuum pump 高真空泵high vacuum tube 高真空电子管high vacuum 高真空high velocity induction air-conditioning system 高速诱导空调系统high velocity liquid jet machining 高速液体喷射加工high velocity 高速high velocity 高速高速度high vertical development cloud 直展云high viscosity fuel 高粘度燃油high visibility 优能见度high voltage cable for ship 船用高压电缆high voltage chest 高电压控制箱high voltage current 高压电流high voltage direct current transmission 高压直流输电high voltage direct current 高压直流电high voltage fuse 高电压熔断器high voltage generating station 高压电站high voltage power supply 高压电源high voltage 高电压high voltage 高电压高压high voltage 高电压高虬压高压high voltage 高压high voltagehigh frequency 高压高频high votage fuse 高电压熔断器high water at ordinary spring tides 平均大潮高潮面(曾用符号high water full & change 朔望高潮间隙high water full and change 朔望高潮间隙high water full and change common establishment 朔望高潮间隙high water full and change of moon 朔望高潮间隙high water full and change 朔望高潮间隙high water inequality 高潮不等high water interval 高潮间隙high water interval 高潮间隙;高潮间隙high water interval 高潮间隙高潮间隙high water level 高潮面high water level 高潮水位高潮位high water level 高潮位high water line 高潮线high water London bridge 伦敦桥高潮high water lunitidal interval 高潮间隙high water lunitidal interval 月潮高潮间隙月亮高潮间隙high water mark 高潮标志high water mark 高潮线痕迹high water mark 高水位标志high water neaps 平均小潮高潮小潮平均高潮小潮高潮小潮高潮high water neaps 小潮高潮小潮高潮high water neaps 小潮平均高潮high water ordinary neap tide 小潮平均高潮一般小潮高潮high water ordinary neap tide 一般小潮高潮high water ordinary neap tide 一般小潮高潮小潮平均高潮一般小潮高潮high water ordinary spring tide 一般大潮高潮high water ordinary spring tide 一般大潮高潮一般大潮高潮high water quadrature 方照高潮方照高潮high water quadrature 方照平均高潮high water quadrature 方照平均高潮方照高潮方照高潮high water slack 高潮憩流high water spring tide 大潮高潮面high water spring 大潮高潮high water springs 大潮高潮high water springs 大潮高潮大潮高潮平均大潮高潮high water stand 高潮平潮high water time 高潮时high water time 高潮时高潮时high water time 高潮时高潮时高潮时high water 大潮高潮high water 高潮high water 高潮;高水位high water 高潮高水位high water-level alarm 高水位报警high water-level alarm 高水位报警器high wave 狂浪high wind 疾风high 高high 高的high 高的高级的以最高速转动的high 高强烈的high 高压道氏六级浪高强烈的高的high-additive oil 高添加剂含量油high-altitude flight 高空飞行high-altitude method 高空高度法high-altitude space platform 高空航天站high-anglelow-angle 高角低角high-cetane fuel 高十六烷燃油high-class 高级的high-density cargo 重货high-density data system 高密度数据系统high-density digital recording 高密度数字记录high-drade steel 优质钢high-energy neutron 高能中子high-explosive cargo 高度易爆货high-fidelity amplitude modulation 高保真度调幅high-freeboardship 高干舷船high-frequency amplifier 高频放大器high-frequency chocke 高频扼流圈high-frequency choke 高频抑制high-frequency current 高频电流high-frequency diaphragm 高频振膜high-frequency direction-finder 高频测向仪high-frequency displacement detection amplifier 高频位移检测放大器high-frequency flaw detection 高频探伤high-frequency furnace 高频电炉high-frequency generator 高频发电机高频发生器high-frequency hardening 高频淬火high-frequency heating 高频加热high-frequency igniter 高频引燃极high-frequency instrument 高频仪表high-frequency insulation 高频绝缘high-frequency motor generator 高频发电机high-frequency oscillator 高频振荡器high-frequency pipe bending machine 高频弯管机high-frequency quenching 高频淬火high-frequency repeater distribution frame 高频中继器分配架high-frequency resistance hardening 高频电阻淬火high-frequency resistance 高频电阻high-frequency single side band 高频单边带high-frequency thickness meter 高频测厚仪high-frequency transformer 高频变压器high-frequency transistor 高频晶体管high-frequency tube 高频管high-frequency tuning amplifier 高频调谐放大器high-frequency vibration 高频振动high-frequency voltage 高频电压high-frequency vulcanization 高频硫化high-frequency 高频电动发电机high-frequency 高频电压high-grade electrical steel 高级电工用钢片high-grade fuel 高级燃料high-grade fuel 优质燃料high-grade oil 高级油high-grade 高级的high-heat grease 耐热滑脂high-heat 抗热的high-impedance relay 高阻抗继电器high-intensitive 高强度的high-irno briquettes 热模砖high-level forecast 高空预报High-Level Language 高级语言high-line rig 高架索具high-low bias test 边缘校验high-low lamp 变光灯泡high-low level control 高低液位控制high-low limit 高低限值high-low speed change 高低变速high-low voltage relay 高低压继电器high-low voltmeter 多量程伏特计high-meltiing alloy 高熔点合金high-melting metal 高熔点金属high-octane fuel 高辛烷值燃料high-output large-bore engine 大功率大缸径发动机high-pass filter 高通滤波器high-power ground 高功率地面雷达high-power operation 高功率操纵high-power 大功率的high-powered low-speed marine diesel engines 大功率低速船用柴油机high-powered medium-speed diesel engines 大功率中速柴油机high-powered radio range 大功率无线电信标high-powered vessel 大功6经动力装置船high-precision 高精度的high-pressure air bottle 高压空气瓶high-pressure air manifold 高压空气歧管high-pressure air 高压空气high-pressure steam engine 高压蒸汽机high-pressure steam 高压蒸汽high-rate telemetry 高速遥测high-resolution group-4 fax messages 高分辨度第四组传真电文high-sea fishery 深海渔业high-speed calculating unit 高速计算装置high-speed cement 快干水泥high-speed channel 高速通道高速信道high-speed circuit breaker 高速断路器high-speed computing machine 高速计算机high-speed controller 高速控制器high-speed data 高速数据high-speed data 高速数据high-speed diesel engine 高速柴油机high-speed diesel fuel 高速柴油机燃料high-speed diesel 高速柴油机high-speed engine 高速发动机high-speed exciter 高速励磁机high-speed hull 高速船船体high-speed induction air conditioning system 高速诱导式空调系统high-speed launch 快艇high-speed lifeboat 高速救生艇high-speed low-torque oil motor 高速小转矩油马达high-speed motor 高速电动机high-speed photography 高速摄影术high-speed printer 快速打印机high-speed pump 高速泵high-speed reclosing 快速重合high-speed relay 快速继电器high-speed repetitive operation 高速重复操作high-speed ship 高速船high-speed starting 快速起动high-speed steel 高速钢high-speed sweep 高速扫描high-speed switch 速动开关high-speed tape perforator 高速纸带穿孔机high-speed telemetry 高速遥测high-speed transport 高速运输船high-speed turbine 高速涡轮机high-speed underway replenishment 高速航行补给high-speed 高速的high-strength metal 高强度金属high-temperature alarm 高温报警器high-temperature plasma 高温等离子体high-temperature polymer 耐高温聚合物high-tensile electrode 高强度焊条high-tension cable 高压电缆high-tension current 高压电流high-tension direct current generator 高压直流发电机high-tension ignition system 高压点火系统high-tension ignition 高压点火high-tension line 高压线路high-tension mercuric bulb 高压水银灯泡high-tension oil switch 高压油开关high-tension side 高压侧high-tension supply 高压电源high-tin babbit 高锡轴承合金high-vanadium fuel 高钒燃油high-viscosity index oil 高粘度指数油high-volatility fuel 高挥发性燃料high-voltage lamp 高压灯high-voltage motor 高压电动机high-voltage power supply 高压电源high-voltage power system 高压电力系统high-voltage rectifier 高压整流器high-voltage relay 高电压继电器high-voltage spark 高电压火花high-voltage switch 高电压开关high-voltage test 高电压试验high-voltage winding 高电压绕组high-voltage 高电压high-water mark 高潮水位标志high-water 高水位high-way switching 多路交换higher apsis = apogee 远地点higher apsis 远地点higher calorific value 高发热值higher category 更高级别higher deck 高层甲板higher harmonic 高次谐波higher high water interval 高高潮间隙higher high water interval 高高潮间隙高高潮间隙higher high water interval 高高潮间隙高高潮间隙高高潮间隙higher high water level 高高潮面higher high water level 历史较高潮位higher high water 高高潮higher high water 高高潮高高潮higher length-ship 长度较大的船舶higher light 较高的灯标higher low water interval 高低潮间隙higher low water interval 高低潮间隙高低潮间隙较高低潮间隙higher low water interval 高低潮间隙较高低潮间隙higher low water neaps 小潮较高低潮higher low water 高低潮higher low water 高低潮较高低潮higher mathematics 高等数学higher mode of vibration 高谐振动方式higher national certificate 国家高级证书higher national diploma 国家高级毕业文凭higher standard of safety 更高安全标准higher standard of survivability 更高的残存性标准higher threat 严重危险higher 较高的higher 较高的;高等的higher 较高的高等的highest common factor 最大公因子highest common factor 最高公因数highest gas pressure 最高爆发压力highest high water level 历史最高高潮位highest high water level 最高潮位highest high water level 最高高潮潮位历史最高高潮位highest high water 最高潮highest hull classification for American Bureau of Shipping 美国船级社的船体符号highest hull classification 船体符号highest level 最高水平highest low water of neaptides 小潮的最高低潮highest obtainable temperature 可达最高温度highest possible frequency 最高可能频率highest possible priority 最优先性highest priority 最高优先权highest speed 最高航速highest spring tide 最高大潮highest stage with drift ice 流冰最高水位highest standard 最高标准highest temperature 最高温度highest useful compression ratio 最高有效压缩比highest useful compression ratio 最高有效压缩比最有用的压缩率highest useful compression ratio 最有用的压缩率highest vertical extent of flooding 最高垂直浸水范围highest working water level 最高工作水位highest 最高的highest-probable frequency 最高可及频率highf-speed diesel engine 高速柴油机highland ice 冰原highlight 光线最强部分highlight 图像中最亮处highline trolley 高架吊运车highline 高架的highly dangerous cargo 烈性危险货highly dangerous product 高度危险品highly detergent oil 高级去垢油highly eccentric orbit satellite 高偏心轨道卫星highly elastic friction coupling 高弹性摩擦式离合器highly elastic shaft coupling 高弹性联轴节highly elastic shaft coupling 高弹性联轴器highly excentric orbit satellite 高偏心轨道卫星highly explosive mixture 高爆炸混合气highly faired hull 流线型船体highly flexible clutch coupling 高弹性离合联轴器highly toxic product 剧毒品highly toxic substance 剧毒物质highly turbocharged engine 高增压发动机highly 高高度地highly-elliptic orbits 高偏心轨道hight duty bollard 重型带缆桩highway tractor 运输车highway 公路highway 公路;水陆交通干线highway 公路水陆交通干线Hijack Insurance 劫持险hike 急掷hill height 凸起高度hill 山丘小山hill 小山hill 小山丘hillock 小山丘hilltop 小山山顶hilly 丘陵Himalaya Clause 喜马拉雅条款Hindley worm gear 球面蜗轮蜗杆hinge armature 枢轴衔铁hinge axis 铰链轴hinge bracket 铰链托架hinge crack 冰隙hinge crack 平行或邻近受压冰脊的)冰隙hinge gap 铰链间隙hinge jaw 铰链夹头铰链接合hinge joint 铰链接合hinge moment 铰链力矩hinge pin 铰链销hinge sleeve 铰链套筒hinge 铰链hinge 绞链hinged airport 铰链式舷窗hinged and folding hatchcover 铰接折叠式舱盖hinged ball valve 铰链式球面阀hinged bolt 铰链螺栓hinged boom 铰链吊臂铰接式悬臂hinged boom 绞链吊臂;铰接式悬臂hinged bulkhead door 铰链舱壁门hinged bulkhead door 绞链舱壁门hinged cantilever 旋转腕臂hinged cover 铰链盖hinged cradle type davit 铰链型艇架hinged davit 铰链型艇架hinged discharging prow 铰接卸载首门hinged door 铰链门hinged door 绞链门hinged door 绞装门hinged end 铰链端hinged flap hatch cover 铰翻型舱口盖hinged flap hatchcover 铰翻式舱口盖hinged folding hatch cover 铰链式折叠舱口盖hinged folding hatchcover 铰链折叠式舱口盖hinged folding hatchcover 折叠式舱盖hinged girder 铰接梁hinged hatch cover 铰链式舱口盖hinged hatch 铰接盖舱口hinged hatchcover 铰链式舱盖hinged hatchcover 绞链式舱盖hinged joint 铰链接合hinged joint 铰链接合绞链接合绞链接头hinged joint 绞链接合hinged landing prow 铰接登岸首门hinged lid 铰接盖hinged lid 铰链盖hinged manhole cover 铰链式人孔盖hinged manhole 铰链盖人孔hinged mast 铰接桅hinged patch 活页堵漏板hinged pillar 铰接支柱hinged pipe vice 铰链式管子台钳hinged plate patch 可拆式盖板hinged precentring fitting 铰链导块hinged precentring fitting 绞链导块hinged prow 铰接首门hinged ramp 铰接式跳板hinged rudder 铰链舵hinged rudder 悬式舵hinged sectional vessel 分段铰接船hinged sectional vessel 铰链组合船hinged shoring altar 撑柱铰接支座hinged temporary deadlight 铰链式舷窗盖hinged temporary deadlight 绞链式舷窗盖hinged type entry guide 铰接式导口hinged type entry guide 铰链式导箱装置hinged valve 铰链阀hinged watertight door 铰链水密门hinged watertight door 绞链水密门hinged 带有铰链的hinged 铰链式的hinged-hinged beam 两端铰支梁(端距不变hingedairport 铰链式舷窗hingeddeadlight 铰链式舷窗盖hingedpatch 铰折盖板hingeless arch 无铰拱hinterland 海岸或河岸的后方地区;内陆hinterland 海岸或河岸的后方地区内陆hip tank 凹面双层底舱hip 臀部hipernik 海波尼克高导磁率镍钢hipped skylight 无框天窗hiran 高精度肖兰hiran 高精确近程导航系统hire and payment clause 租船支付条款hire base 租船基价hire earned 应得租金hire not earned 预收租金Hire not to Contribute to General Average 租金不分摊共同海损Hire of Port Handling Devices 港口机械设备使用费hire paid in advance 预付租金Hire Purchase Trade Association 分期付款贸易协会hire purchase 分期付款购买法hire 工资报酬hire 租金;租借hire 租金工资报酬租借hire-purchase 分期付款hirer 雇主租借者His Majesty's Airship 英国飞艇His Majesty's Australian Ship 澳大利亚舰船His Majesty's Ship 美国海军His Majesty's 英国军舰HisHer Majesty's Boom Defence Vessel 英国防御战舰HisHer Majesty's Canadian Navy 加拿大海军HisHer Majesty's Canadian Ship 加拿大战船HisHer Majesty's Coast Guard 英国海岸警卫队HisHer Majesty's Customs 英国海关HisHer Majesty's Drifter 英国漂网船HisHer Majesty's Hospital Ship 英国医院舰船HisHer Majesty's Motor Mine Sweeper 英国扫雷舰HisHer Majesty's New Zealand Ship 新西兰舰船HisHer Majesty's Rescue Tug 英国海军营救拖轮HisHer Majesty's Service 英国海军服务船HisHer Majesty's Ship 英国海军舰船HisHer Majesty's Stationary Office 英国文化局HisHer Majesty's Telegraph Ship 英国电报舰船HisHer Majesty's Trawler 英国拖网渔船hiss 咝咝声hiss 咝咝声hissing 嘘声histogram linearization 直方图线性化histogram 直方图historic records 历史记录Historic Waters 历史性水域historic wreck 有历史价值的沉船hitch 钩住hitch 钩住hitch 系结hitch-hiker satellite 母子卫星hitcher 舢板搭钩hitching of rope 结绳法hitching ring bolt 编绳围柱hitching 打系结hoar frost 白霜hoar-frost 白霜hoarse 哑的;噪音的hoarse 哑的噪音的hob tap 标准丝锥hob 蜗杆hob 元阳模hob 元阳模挤压母模蜗杆hobbed gear 滚铣齿轮hobber 滚铣刀具hobbing machine 滚齿机hobbing motor 滚切电动机hobbler pilot 无执照的引航员hobbler 无执照的引航员hobby 铆钉抵棒hoc anno 今年hodograph 速矢端线hoek 岬Hoffmannshen Method 霍夫曼法hog lug 龙骨短角材hog piece 帮龙骨hog piece 帮龙骨木船的)帮龙骨hog yoke 六分仪或八分仪hog 中拱hog 中拱清扫船底用帚Hogarth v. Miller Brother & Co. 赫嘎斯诉米勒兄弟公司案hogback 甲板纵向桁架梁拱背hogged 中拱的hogging condition 中拱状态hogging correction 拱校正hogging line 过底绳hogging moment 中拱力矩hogging stress 中拱应力hogging 船首尾下垂hogging 弯拱hogging 中拱hoggingmoment 中拱弯矩hoghorn 平滑匹配装置hogshead hooks 吊货用)吊桶钩hogshead hooks 吊桶钩hogshead 大桶hogshead 大桶(一般为63~140加仑hogshead 豪格海大桶hoist purchase 升降滑车组hoist a signal 挂信号旗Hoist away! 吊起来hoist boat 吊艇hoist control valve adapter 升降机控制阀接头hoist crane 起重机hoist cylinder 起重油缸hoist frame 起重机架hoist frame 起重架hoist gear 起货装置hoist house 绞车房hoist mechanism group 起吊机组hoist motor 吊车电动机hoist of flag 挂信号旗hoist of flag 挂信号旗;旗宽hoist of flag 挂信号旗旗宽hoist overspeed protective device 提升超速保装置hoist overspeed protective device 提升项超速保装置hoist pennants 表示意图hoist pennants 挂三角旗hoist pump operating lever 起重机油泵操作杆hoist pump 起重机油泵hoist roller 起重机卷筒hoist 扯起hoist 吊车hoist 起重机hoistable car deck 可收放的汽车甲板hoistable platform lift 可升平台升降机hoister 起重机升降机卷扬机起重机司机hoisting apparatus 起重设备hoisting appliance 升降机构hoisting arrangement 起吊设备hoisting block 绞辘的下滑车hoisting capacity 起重量hoisting capacity 起重能力hoisting controller 起重控制器hoisting crab 起重绞车hoisting crane 起重吊车hoisting crane 升降起重机hoisting device 起重装置hoisting drum 卷索筒hoisting drum 起重卷筒hoisting engine 吊重的机器hoisting engine 起重机hoisting equipment 起重设备hoisting eye 吊眼hoisting fall 吊绳hoisting gear 吊重索具hoisting gear 吊重索具(链条hoisting gear 起重装置hoisting gin 三脚吊货架hoisting installation 起重设备hoisting jack 起重器hoisting limit 吊高限度hoisting line 起重索hoisting machine 起重机hoisting machinery 起重机械hoisting main contactor 上升主接触器hoisting mechanism 起重机构hoisting mechanism 升降装置hoisting motor 起重电动机hoisting pad 吊艇眼板hoisting pad 吊艇眼板;有钩吊板hoisting pad 吊艇眼板有钩吊板hoisting piston 起重活塞hoisting piston 升起活塞hoisting position 上升位置hoisting ring 吊环hoisting rod 吊杆hoisting rod 吊艇铁杆hoisting rope 吊货钢索hoisting rope 吊索hoisting shackle 吊卸扣hoisting shackle 吊卸扣;活吊环hoisting shackle 吊卸扣活吊环hoisting sling 起吊索套hoisting speed 起货速度hoisting speed 起重速度hoisting starter 起重机械起动器hoisting tackle 起重滑车hoisting tackle 起重滑车组hoisting winch motor 起重绞车电动机hoisting winch 起重绞车hoisting 扯起hoisting 绞起hoisting 起重hoistmotor 起重电动机hoistpurchase 升降滑车组Hokkaido Broadcasting Company 北海道广播公司hold batten cleat 舱壁护条板夹hold batten cleat 舱壁护条夹hold batten clip 货舱护条夹扣hold batten 货舱壁护条板hold batten 货舱壁护条货舱壁护条板hold batten 货舱护条hold beam 舱梁hold beam 舱内梁hold bilge dewatering system 舱底排水系统hold bottom button 保留按钮hold bulkhead 货舱舱壁hold bunker 底煤舱hold bunker 底燃料舱hold bunker 燃料舱hold capacity 舱容hold capacity 舱容货舱容积Hold Capacity 货舱容积hold cargo 装舱货hold cargo 装舱货物hold cargo 装舱货装舱货物hold ceiling 舱底木铺板hold ceiling 舱内衬板hold circuit 保持电路hold circuit 吸持电路hold cleaning 清舱hold cleaning 洗舱hold control 同步控制hold course 保持航向hold course 保持航向hold crew 舱内装卸工hold current 吸持电流hold de-watering system 货舱排水系统hold deck 货舱甲板hold down fitting 压紧装置hold down 压住hold drift of track-hold circuit 跟踪-保持器保持漂移电路hold floor 舱底hold frame 舱内肋骨hold gang 舱内装卸班hold in due course 正当持票人hold in hand 控制住hold in pledge 抵押hold inspection 验舱hold keelson 舱内内龙骨hold keelson 底舱内龙骨hold key 保持键hold ladder 舱口梯hold ladder 货舱梯hold lamp 占线指示灯hold lantern 货舱手提灯hold light 货舱灯hold man 舱内装卸工hold of pile 桩入深度hold off diode 闭锁二极管hold off n. 脱出同步hold off 使保持一定距离hold off 使保持一定距离拖延hold off 脱出同步hold on lease 租借Hold on the chain! 刹住锚链带住锚链hold on the chain 带住锚链hold on the land 保持看到陆地保持与陆地接触hold on the land 保持与陆地接触Hold on! 拉住!抓牢!继续!支持住!吹不停等一等!停住hold out 坚持hold over 延期hold paint 船舱漆hold pillar 舱内支柱hold pillar 底舱支柱hold planking 舱内铺板hold set point position 保持船位整定值hold space 货舱hold space 货舱舱容hold sparring 舱壁护条hold stanchion 舱内支柱hold stanchion 舱支柱hold stringer 舱内纵骨hold stringer 舱内纵桁hold suction 舱内吸管Hold Sweat 舱汗hold sweeping 扫舱hold tank 贮存罐hold to 紧握hold ton 船舱容积吨hold transverse 舱内横材hold up 停止hold ven fan 货舱通风机hold vent fan 货舱通风机hold ventilator 舱内通风筒hold washing 洗舱hold water ballast 底舱装压载水hold water ballast 下水柜或下舱装水的压载Hold water! 挡水!挡水!桨挡水!hold well 舱底井hold well 舱底水井hold well 舱底阱hold wing 货舱舷部hold 货舱hold 货舱;同期;同步;保持hold 货舱抓hold 抓hold-all 工具袋hold-all=holdall 工具袋hold-back hook 速脱钩hold-cleaning system 底舱清洗系统hold-cleaning system 洗舱系统hold-closed mechanism 保持合闸机构hold-down anchor bolt 系紧螺栓hold-down bolt 压紧螺栓hold-down bolt 压紧螺栓底脚螺栓hold-down clamp 压具hold-down n. 夹具hold-down nut 压紧螺母hold-down nut 压紧螺母底脚螺母hold-down 夹具压具压紧装置hold-in n. 保持同步hold-in range 保持范围hold-in range 同步带hold-in 保持同步hold-lantern 货舱灯hold-off arm 定位器hold-off coil 保断线圈hold-off diode 闭锁二极管hold-over coil 蓄冷盘管hold-over n. 蓄冷保持故障法hold-over 蓄冷保持故障法hold-stowed cargo 底舱货物holdall 工具袋holdback 位持器holdback 抑制holdbracket 货舱肋骨肘板holddown 夹具holddown 压紧装置holder for glass fuse 玻璃熔丝座holder for glass fuses 玻璃保险丝座holder for screw plate 螺丝钢板把手holder for special bulb 专用灯泡灯座holder in due course 善意执票人Holder of Bill of Lading 提单持有人holder of certificate 证书持有人holder of overseas certificate 海外证书持有人holder of the bill of lading 提单持有人holder with good title 正当执票人holder 把柄holder 把柄夹holder 把手holder 把手夹支架。
ASTM 美标标准号索引-中英对照表
ASTM 美标标准号索引-中英对照表发布时间:06-11 作者:本站来源:本站点击次数:878ASTM标准中英对照标准号英文名称中文名称A1-00(2005) Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Tee Rails 碳素钢丁字轨A2-02 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Girder Rails of Plain, Grooved, and GuardTypes普通型,带槽和防护型碳素工字钢轨A3-01(2006) Standard Specification for Steel Joint Bars, Low, Medium, and High Carbon(Non-Heat-Treated)低、中、高碳素钢鱼尾(连接)板A6/A6M-05a Standard Specification for General Requirements for Rolled Structural Steel Bars,Plates, Shapes, and Sheet Piling轧制结构钢板材、型材和薄板桩通用技术要求A20/A20M-05 Standard Specification for General Requirements for Steel Plates for PressureVessels压力容器用钢板材通用要求A27/A27M-05 Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Carbon, for General Application 通用碳素钢铸件A29/A29M-05 Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon and Alloy, Hot-Wrought, GeneralRequirements for热锻及冷加工碳素钢和合金钢棒A31-04 Standard Specification for Steel Rivets and Bars for Rivets, Pressure Vessels 钢铆钉及铆钉和压力容器用棒材A34/A34M-01 Standard Practice for Sampling and Procurement Testing of Magnetic Materials 磁性材料的抽样和采购试验的标准惯例A36/A36M-05 Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel 碳素结构钢技术规范A47/A47M-99(2004) Standard Specification for Ferritic Malleable Iron Castings 铁素体可锻铁铸件A48/A48M-03 Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings 灰铁铸件A49-01(2006) Standard Specification for Heat-Treated Carbon Steel Joint Bars, Microalloyed JointBars, and Forged Carbon Steel Compromise Joint Bars热处理碳素钢连接棒材,微合金连接棒材和法兰连接棒材的标准规范A53/A53M-06 Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Weldedand Seamless无镀层热浸的、镀锌的、焊接的及无缝钢管的技术规范A65-01 Standard Specification for Steel Track Spikes 钢轨道钉A66-01 Standard Specification for Steel Screw Spikes 钢质螺旋道钉A67-00(2005) Standard Specification for Steel Tie Plates, Low-Carbon and High-CarbonHot-Worked热加工低碳钢和高碳钢垫板技术规范A74-06 Standard Specification for Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings 铸铁污水管及配件的技术规范A82/A82M-05a Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement 钢筋混凝土用无节钢丝A90/A90M-01 Standard Test Method for Weight [Mass] of Coating on Iron and Steel Articles withZinc or Zinc-Alloy Coatings镀锌和镀锌合金钢铁制品镀层重量的试验方法A99-03 Standard Specification for Ferromanganese 锰铁合金A100-04 Standard Specification for Ferrosilicon 硅铁A101-04 Standard Specification for Ferrochromium 铬铁A102-04 Standard Specification for Ferrovanadium 钒铁合金A105/A105M-05 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Forgings for Piping Applications 管系部件用碳素钢锻件A106/A106M-06 Standard Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-TemperatureService高温用无缝碳素钢管A108-03e1 Standard Specification for Steel Bar, Carbon and Alloy, Cold-Finished 优质冷加工碳素钢棒材技术规范A109/A109M-03 Standard Specification for Steel, Strip, Carbon (0.25 Maximum Percent),Cold-Rolled冷轧碳素钢带技术规范A111-99a(2004)e1 Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Iron Telephone and TelegraphLine Wire电话和电报线路用镀锌"铁"丝规格A116-05 Standard Specification for Metallic-Coated, Steel Woven Wire Fence Fabric 镀锌钢丝编织栏栅网A121-99(2004) Standard Specification for Metallic-Coated Carbon Steel Barbed Wire 镀锌刺钢丝A123/A123M-02 Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and SteelProducts钢铁产品的锌镀层(热浸镀锌)技术规范A125-96(2001) Standard Specification for Steel Springs, Helical, Heat-Treated 热处理螺旋形钢弹簧A126-04 Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings 阀门、法兰和管配件用灰铁铸件A128/A128M-93(2003) Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Austenitic Manganese 钢铸件,奥氏体锰A131/A131M-04ae1 Standard Specification for Structural Steel for Ships 海船用结构钢A132-04 Standard Specification for Ferromolybdenum 钼铁合金A134-96(2005) Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded (Sizes NPS 16and Over)电熔(电弧)焊钢管(NPS为16英寸和16英寸以上)A135/A135M-06 Standard Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded Steel Pipe 电阻焊钢管A139/A139M-04 Standard Specification for Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded Steel Pipe (NPS 4 and Over) 电熔(电弧)焊钢管(4英寸以上的)A143/A143M-03 Standard Practice for Safeguarding Against Embrittlement of Hot-Dip GalvanizedStructural Steel Products and Procedure for Detecting Embrittlement热浸镀锌结构钢制品防脆裂措施和探测脆裂的程序A144-04 Specification for Ferrotungsten 铁钨合金规范A146-04 Standard Specification for Molybdenum Oxide Products 氧化钼制品A148/A148M-05 Standard Specification for Steel Castings, High Strength, for Structural Purposes 结构用高强度钢铸件A153/A153M-05 Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware 钢铁制金属构件上镀锌层(热浸) A159-83(2001) Standard Specification for Automotive Gray Iron Castings 汽车用灰铁铸件A167-99(2004) Standard Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium-Nickel SteelPlate, Sheet, and Strip不锈钢和耐热铬镍钢板、薄板及带材A176-99(2004) Standard Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium Steel Plate,Sheet, and Strip不锈钢和耐热铬钢板、薄板及带材A178/A178M-02 Standard Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded Carbon Steel andCarbon-Manganese Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes电阻焊接碳素钢钢管及碳锰钢锅炉和过热器管的技术规范A179/A179M-90a(2005) Standard Specification for Seamless Cold-Drawn Low-Carbon Steel Heat-Exchangerand Condenser Tubes热交换器和冷凝器用无缝冷拉低碳钢管A181/A181M-01 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Forgings, for General-Purpose Piping 普通锻制碳素钢管的规格A182/A182M-05a Standard Specification for Forged or Rolled Alloy-Steel Pipe Flanges, ForgedFittings, and Valves and Parts for High-Temperature Service高温设备用锻制或轧制的合金钢管法兰、锻制管件、阀门及零件A183-03 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Track Bolts and Nuts 钢轨用碳素钢螺栓和螺母A184/A184M-06 Standard Specification for Fabricated Deformed Steel Bar Mats for ConcreteReinforcement混凝土加筋用变形钢筋编织网A185/A185M-06e1 Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement, Plain, for Concrete 钢筋混凝土用焊接钢丝结构A192/A192M-02 Standard Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel Boiler Tubes for High-PressureService高压用无缝碳素钢锅炉管A193/A193M-06a Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for HighTemperature or High Pressure Service and Other Special Purpose Applications高温或高压设备和其他特殊用途用合金钢和不锈钢螺栓材料A194/A194M-06a Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure orHigh Temperature Service, or Both高温和高压设备用碳素钢与合金钢螺栓和螺母的规格A197/A197M-00(2006) Standard Specification for Cupola Malleable Iron 化铁炉用可锻铸铁A203/A203M-97(2003) Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Nickel 压力容器用镍合金钢板A204/A204M-03 Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Molybdenum 压力容器用钼合金钢板A209/A209M-03 Standard Specification for Seamless Carbon-Molybdenum Alloy-Steel Boiler andSuperheater Tubes锅炉和过热器用无缝碳钼合金钢管A210/A210M-02 Standard Specification for Seamless Medium-Carbon Steel Boiler and SuperheaterTubes锅炉和过热器用无缝碳钼合金钢管A213/A213M-06ae1 Standard Specification for Seamless Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy-Steel Boiler,Superheater, and Heat-Exchanger Tubes无缝铁素体和奥氏体合金钢锅炉、过热器和换热器管A214/A214M-96(2005) Standard Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded Carbon SteelHeat-Exchanger and Condenser Tubes热交换器与冷凝器用电阻焊接碳素钢管A216/A216M-04 Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Carbon, Suitable for Fusion Welding, forHigh-Temperature Service高温下使用的适合于熔焊的碳素钢铸件规格A217/A217M-04 Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Martensitic Stainless and Alloy, for 适合高温受压零件用合金钢和马氏体不锈钢铸件Pressure-Containing Parts, Suitable for High-Temperature ServiceA220/A220M-99(2004) Standard Specification for Pearlitic Malleable Iron 珠光体可锻铁A225/A225M-03 Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel,Manganese-Vanadium-Nickel压力容器用锰矾镍合金钢板A227/A227M-06 Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Cold-Drawn for Mechanical Springs 机械弹簧用冷拉钢丝A228/A228M-02 Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Music Spring Quality 乐器用优质弹簧钢丝A229/A229M-99(2005) Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Oil-Tempered for Mechanical Springs 机械弹簧用油回火的钢丝A230/A230M-05 Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Oil-Tempered Carbon Valve Spring Quality 阀门用油回火优质碳素钢弹簧丝A231/A231M-04 Standard Specification for Chromium-Vanadium Alloy Steel Spring Wire 铬钒合金钢弹簧丝A232/A232M-05 Standard Specification for Chromium-Vanadium Alloy Steel Valve Spring QualityWire阀门用优质铬钒合金钢弹簧丝A234/A234M-06 Standard Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steelfor Moderate and High Temperature Service中温与高温下使用的锻制碳素钢及合金钢管配件A239-95(2004) Standard Practice for Locating the Thinnest Spot in a Zinc (Galvanized) Coating onIron or Steel Articles用普力斯试验法(硫酸铜浸蚀)确定铁或钢制品上镀锌层最薄点的测试方法A240/A240M-06b Standard Specification for Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate,Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels and for General Applications压力容器用耐热铬及铬镍不锈钢板、薄板及带材A242/A242M-04e1 Standard Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel 高强度低合金结构钢A247-67(1998)e1 Standard Test Method for Evaluating the Microstructure of Graphite in Iron Castings 铁铸件中石墨显微结构评定试验方法A249/A249M-04a Standard Specification for Welded Austenitic Steel Boiler, Superheater,Heat-Exchanger, and Condenser Tubes锅炉、过热器、换热器和冷凝器用焊接奥氏体钢管A250/A250M-05 Standard Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded Ferritic Alloy-Steel Boiler andSuperheater Tubes锅炉和过热器用电阻焊铁素体合金钢管A252-98(2002) Standard Specification for Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe Piles 焊接钢和无缝钢管桩A254-97(2002) Standard Specification for Copper-Brazed Steel Tubing 铜焊钢管规格A255-02e1 Standard Test Methods for Determining Hardenability of Steel 测定钢淬透性用末端淬火试验的标准试验方法A262-02ae3 Standard Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in AusteniticStainless Steels奥氏体不锈钢晶间浸蚀敏感性的检测A263-03 Standard Specification for Stainless Chromium Steel-Clad Plate 耐腐蚀铬钢包覆板材,薄板材及带材技术规范A264-03 Specification for Stainless Chromium-Nickel Steel-Clad Plate 包覆的不锈铬镍钢板,薄板及带材规格A265-03 Standard Specification for Nickel and Nickel-Base Alloy-Clad Steel Plate 镍和镍基合金包覆钢板规格A266/A266M-03a Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Forgings for Pressure Vessel Components 压力容器部件用碳素钢锻件规格A268/A268M-05a Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Ferritic and Martensitic StainlessSteel Tubing for General Service一般设备用无缝和焊接铁素体与马氏体不锈钢管A269-04 Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubingfor General Service一般设备用无缝和焊接奥氏体不锈钢管A270-03a Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel SanitaryTubing卫生设施用无缝钢和焊接奥氏体不锈钢管A275/A275M-06 Standard Test Method for Magnetic Particle Examination of Steel Forgings 钢锻件的磁粉检查试验方法A276-06 Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes 不锈钢棒材和型材A278/A278M-01 Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings for Pressure-Containing Parts forTemperatures Up to 650°F (350°C)适用于650F容压部件用灰铸铁件的技术规范A283/A283M-03 Standard Specification for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon SteelPlates低和中等抗拉强度碳素钢板A285/A285M-03 Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Low- andIntermediate-Tensile Strength压力容器用低和中等抗拉强度的碳素钢板A288-91(2003) Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Magnetic RetainingRings for Turbine Generators涡轮发电机磁性定位环用碳素钢和合金钢锻件A289/A289M-97(2003) Standard Specification for Alloy Steel Forgings for Nonmagnetic Retaining Rings forGenerators发电机非磁性定位环用合金钢锻件的技术规范A290/A290M-05 Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Rings for ReductionGears减速器环用碳素钢和合金钢锻件A291/A291M-05 Standard Specification for Steel Forgings, Carbon and Alloy, for Pinions, Gears andShafts for Reduction Gears减速器小齿轮、齿轮和心轴用碳素钢和合金钢锻件A295/A295M-05 Standard Specification for High-Carbon Anti-Friction Bearing Steel 高碳耐磨轴承钢技术规范A297/A297M-97(2003) Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Iron-Chromium andIron-Chromium-Nickel, Heat Resistant, for General Application一般用耐热铬铁与镍铬铁合金钢铸件规格A299/A299M-04 Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Manganese-Silicon 压力容器用锰硅碳钢板A302/A302M-03 Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel,Manganese-Molybdenum and Manganese-Molybdenum-Nickel压力容器用锰钼和锰钼镍合金钢板A304-05e2 Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Bars Subject to End-QuenchHardenability Requirements有末端淬火淬透性要求的合金钢棒材的技术规范A307-04 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60 000 PSI TensileStrength抗拉强度为60000psi的碳素钢螺栓和螺柱的技术规范A308/A308M-03 Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Terne (Lead-Tin Alloy) Coated by theHot-Dip Process经热浸处理镀有铅锡合金的薄板材的技术规范A309-01 Standard Test Method for Weight and Composition of Coating on Terne Sheet by theTriple-Spot Test用三点试验法测定长镀锌薄钢板镀层的重量成分的试验方法A311/A311M-04 Standard Specification for Cold-Drawn, Stress-Relieved Carbon Steel Bars Subjectto Mechanical Property Requirements有机械性能要求的消除应力的冷拉碳素钢棒A312/A312M-06 Standard Specification for Seamless, Welded, and Heavily Cold Worked AusteniticStainless Steel Pipes无缝和焊接奥氏体不锈钢管A313/A313M-03 Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Spring Wire 不锈钢弹簧丝技术规范A314-97(2002) Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Billets and Bars for Forging 锻造用不锈及耐热钢坯及钢棒规格A319-71(2001) Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings for Elevated Temperatures forNon-Pressure Containing Parts高温无压部件用灰铁铸件A320/A320M-05a Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials forLow-Temperature Service低温用合金钢螺栓材料规格A321-90(2001) Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, Quenched and Tempered 经淬火和回火的碳素钢棒A322-06 Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Alloy, Standard Grades 合金钢棒材.级别A323-05 Standard Specification for Ferroboron 硼铁规格A324-73(2004) Standard Specification for Ferrotitanium 钛铁合金A325M-05 Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated 830 MPa MinimumTensile Strength [Metric]经热处理最小抗拉强度为830Mpa的热处理钢结构螺栓A325-06 Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105 ksiMinimum Tensile Strength经热处理最小抗拉强度为120/106ksi的热处理钢结构螺栓A327-91(2006) Standard Test Methods for Impact Testing of Cast Irons 铸铁冲击试验方法A327M-91(2006) Standard Test Methods for Impact Testing of Cast Irons (Metric) 铸铁冲击试验方法(米制) A328/A328M-05 Standard Specification for Steel Sheet Piling 薄钢板桩A333/A333M-05 Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe for Low-TemperatureService低温用无缝与焊接钢管规格A334/A334M-04a Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Carbon and Alloy-Steel Tubes forLow-Temperature Service低温设备用无缝与焊接碳素和合金钢管A335/A335M-06 Standard Specification for Seamless Ferritic Alloy-Steel Pipe for High-TemperatureService高温用无缝铁素体合金钢管A336/A336M-06 Standard Specification for Alloy Steel Forgings for Pressure and High-TemperatureParts压力与高温部件用合金钢锻件规格A338-84(2004) Standard Specification for Malleable Iron Flanges, Pipe Fittings, and Valve Parts forRailroad, Marine, and Other Heavy Duty Service at Temperatures Up to 650°F(345°C)铁路,船舶和其他重型装备在温度达到650华氏度(345摄氏度)时使用的可锻铸铁法兰,管件和阀门零件A340-03a Standard Terminology of Symbols and Definitions Relating to Magnetic Testing 有关磁性试验用符号和定义的术语A341/A341M-00(2005) Standard Test Method for Direct Current Magnetic Properties of Materials Using D-CPermeameters and the Ballistic Test Methods用直流磁导计和冲击试验法测定材料的直流磁性能的试验方法A342/A342M-04 Standard Test Methods for Permeability of Feebly Magnetic Materials 磁铁材料导磁率的试验方法A343/A343M-03 Standard Test Method for Alternating-Current Magnetic Properties of Materials atPower Frequencies Using Wattmeter-Ammeter-Voltmeter Method and 25-cmEpstein Test Frame在电力频率下用瓦特计-安培计-伏特计法(100-1000赫兹)和25 厘米艾普斯亭(EPSTEIN) 机架测定材料的交流电磁性能的试验方法A345-04 Standard Specification for Flat-Rolled Electrical Steels for Magnetic Applications 磁设备用平轧电炉钢A348/A348M-05 Standard Test Method for Alternating Current Magnetic Properties of Materials Usingthe Wattmeter-Ammeter-Voltmeter Method, 100 to 10 000 Hz and 25-cm EpsteinFrame用瓦特计--安培计--伏特计法(100-10000赫兹)和25厘米艾普斯亭框测定材料的交流磁性能的试验方法A350/A350M-04a Standard Specification for Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Forgings, Requiring NotchToughness Testing for Piping Components要求进行缺口韧性试验的管道部件用碳素钢与低合金钢锻件技术规范A351/A351M-06 Standard Specification for Castings, Austenitic, for Pressure-Containing Parts 容压零件用奥氏体及奥氏体铁素体铸铁的技术规范A352/A352M-06 Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Ferritic and Martensitic, forPressure-Containing Parts, Suitable for Low-Temperature Service低温受压零件用铁素体和马氏体钢铸件规格A353/A353M-04 Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, 9 Percent Nickel,Double-Normalized and Tempered压力容器用经二次正火及回火处理的含9%镍的合金钢板A354-04 Standard Specification for Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts, Studs, andOther Externally Threaded Fasteners淬火与回火合金钢螺栓,双头螺栓及其他外螺纹紧固件规格A355-89(2006) Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Alloys, for Nitriding 渗氮用合金钢棒A356/A356M-05 Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Carbon, Low Alloy, and Stainless Steel,Heavy-Walled for Steam Turbines蒸汽轮机用厚壁碳素钢、低合金钢和不锈钢铸件A358/A358M-05 Standard Specification for Electric-Fusion-Welded Austenitic Chromium-NickelStainless Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service and General Applications高温用电熔焊奥氏体铬镍合金钢管A363-03 Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel Overhead Ground WireStrand地面架空线用镀锌钢丝绳A367-60(2005) Standard Test Methods of Chill Testing of Cast Iron 铸铁的激冷试验方法A368-95a(2004) Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Wire Strand 不锈钢和耐热钢丝绳的标准A369/A369M-02 Standard Specification for Carbon and Ferritic Alloy Steel Forged and Bored Pipe for 高温用锻制和镗孔碳素钢管和铁素体合金钢管High-Temperature ServiceA370-05 Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products 钢制品机械测试的标准试验方法和定义A372/A372M-03 Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Thin-Walled PressureVessels薄壁压力容器用碳素钢及合金钢锻件A376/A376M-06 Standard Specification for Seamless Austenitic Steel Pipe for High-TemperatureCentral-Station Service高温中心站用无缝奥氏钢管A377-03 Standard Index of Specifications for Ductile-Iron Pressure Pipe 球墨铸铁压力管规范索引A380-06 Standard Practice for Cleaning, Descaling, and Passivation of Stainless Steel Parts,Equipment, and Systems不锈钢零件、设备和系统的清洗和除垢A381-96(2005) Standard Specification for Metal-Arc-Welded Steel Pipe for Use With High-PressureTransmission Systems高压输送用金属弧焊钢管A384/A384M-02 Standard Practice for Safeguarding Against Warpage and Distortion During Hot-DipGalvanizing of Steel Assemblies防止钢组件热浸镀锌时翘曲和扭曲用安全保护A385-05 Standard Practice for Providing High-Quality Zinc Coatings (Hot-Dip) 提供高质量镀锌覆层(热浸)A387/A387M-06 Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel,Chromium-Molybdenum压力容器用铬钼合金钢板A388/A388M-05 Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Examination of Heavy Steel Forgings 重型钢锻件超声波检测A389/A389M-03 Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Alloy, Specially Heat-Treated, forPressure-Containing Parts, Suitable for High-Temperature Service适合高温受压部件用经特殊热处理的合金钢铸件规格A390-06 Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel Poultry Fence Fabric(Hexagonal and Straight Line)饲养家禽用镀锌钢丝栏栅网(六角形和直线形)A391/A391M-01 Standard Specification for Grade 80 Alloy Steel Chain 80号合金钢链条A392-03 Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated Steel Chain-Link Fence Fabric 镀锌钢丝链环栏栅网A394-05 Standard Specification for Steel Transmission Tower Bolts, Zinc-Coated and Bare 传动塔架用镀锌和裸露钢螺栓A395/A395M-99(2004) Standard Specification for Ferritic Ductile Iron Pressure-Retaining Castings for Useat Elevated Temperatures高温用铁素体球墨铸铁受压铸件A400-69(2006) Standard Practice for Steel Bars, Selection Guide, Composition, and MechanicalProperties钢棒的成分及机械性能选择指南A401/A401M-03 Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Chromium-Silicon Alloy 铬硅合金钢丝A403/A403M-06 Standard Specification for Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping Fittings 锻制奥氏体不锈钢管配件A407-93(2004) Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Cold-Drawn, for Coiled-Type Springs 盘簧用冷拉钢丝A409/A409M-01(2005) Standard Specification for Welded Large Diameter Austenitic Steel Pipe forCorrosive or High-Temperature Service腐蚀场所或高温下使用的焊接大口径奥氏体钢管A411-03 Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Low-Carbon Steel Armor Wire 镀锌低碳钢铠装线A413/A413M-01 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Chain 碳素钢链A414/A414M-06 Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet, Carbon, for Pressure Vessels 压力容器用碳素薄钢板A416/A416M-06 Standard Specification for Steel Strand, Uncoated Seven-Wire for PrestressedConcrete预应力混凝土用无涂层七股钢铰线A417-93(2004) Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Cold-Drawn, for Zig-Zag, Square-Formed,and Sinuous-Type Upholstery Spring Units之字形、方形、正弦形家具用弹簧元件用冷拔钢丝A418/A418M-05 Standard Test Method for Ultrasonic Examination of Turbine and Generator SteelRotor Forgings涡轮机及发电机钢转子锻件的超声波检查方法A420/A420M-06 Standard Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steelfor Low-Temperature Service低温下用锻制碳素钢和合金钢管配件A421/A421M-05 Standard Specification for Uncoated Stress-Relieved Steel Wire for PrestressedConcrete预应力混凝土用无涂层消除应力钢丝的技术规范A423/A423M-95(2004) Standard Specification for Seamless and Electric-Welded Low-Alloy Steel Tubes 无缝和电焊低合金钢管A424-06 Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet, for Porcelain Enameling 搪瓷用钢薄板A426/A426M-05 Standard Specification for Centrifugally Cast Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe forHigh-Temperature Service高温用离心铸造的铁素体合金钢管A427-02 Standard Specification for Wrought Alloy Steel Rolls for Cold and Hot Reduction 冷轧和热轧用锻制合金钢辊A428/A428M-01 Standard Test Method for Weight [Mass] of Coating on Aluminum-Coated Iron or 钢铁制品上铝覆层重量的测试方法Steel ArticlesA434-06 Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Alloy, Hot-Wrought or Cold-Finished,Quenched and Tempered热轧与冷精轧经回火及淬火的合金钢棒A435/A435M-90(2001) Standard Specification for Straight-Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Steel Plates 钢板的直射束纵向超声波检验A436-84(2001) Standard Specification for Austenitic Gray Iron Castings 奥氏体灰口铁铸件A437/A437M-06 Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel Turbine-Type Bolting Material Specially HeatTreated for High-Temperature Service高温用经特殊处理的涡轮型合金钢螺栓材料A439-83(2004) Standard Specification for Austenitic Ductile Iron Castings 奥氏体可锻铸铁铸件A447/A447M-93(2003) Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Chromium-Nickel-Iron Alloy (25-12Class), for High-Temperature Service高温用镍铬铁合金钢铸件(25-12级)A449-04b Specification for Hex Cap Screws, Bolts, and Studs, Steel, Heat Treated,120/105/90 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength, General Use经淬火和回火的钢螺栓和螺柱A450/A450M-04a Standard Specification for General Requirements for Carbon, Ferritic Alloy, andAustenitic Alloy Steel Tubes碳素钢管、铁素体合金钢管及奥氏体合金钢管A451/A451M-02 Standard Specification for Centrifugally Cast Austenitic Steel Pipe forHigh-Temperature Service高温用离心铸造的奥氏体钢管A453/A453M-04 Standard Specification for High-Temperature Bolting Materials, with ExpansionCoefficients Comparable to Austenitic Stainless Steels具有同奥氏体钢相类似的膨胀系数、屈服强度为50-120Ksi(345-827MPa)的耐高温螺栓材料A455/A455M-03 Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, High-StrengthManganese压力容器用高强度碳锰钢板A456/A456M-99(2003) Standard Specification for Magnetic Particle Examination of Large CrankshaftForgings大型曲轴锻件的磁粉检查A459-97(2003) Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated Flat Steel Armoring Tape 镀锌平轧扁钢铠装带A460-94(2004)e1 Standard Specification for Copper-Clad Steel Wire Strand 包铜钢丝绳标准A463/A463M-05 Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Aluminum-Coated, by the Hot-Dip Process 热浸镀铝薄钢板A466/A466M-01 Standard Specification for Weldless Chain 非焊接碳素钢链A467/A467M-01(2006) Standard Specification for Machine and Coil Chain 机器链和盘旋链A469/A469M-06 Standard Specification for Vacuum-Treated Steel Forgings for Generator Rotors 用于发电机转子的真空处理钢锻件A470/A470M-05 Standard Specification for Vacuum-Treated Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings forTurbine Rotors and Shafts涡轮机转子和轴用经真空处理的碳素钢和合金锻件A471-06 Standard Specification for Vacuum-Treated Alloy Steel Forgings for Turbine RotorDisks and Wheels涡轮转子转盘和转轮用真空处理合金钢锻件技术规范A472/A472M-05 Standard Test Method for Heat Stability of Steam Turbine Shafts and Rotor Forgings 蒸汽涡轮机轴及转子锻件的热稳定性的试验方法A473-01 Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Forgings 不锈和耐热钢锻件A474-03 Standard Specification for Aluminum-Coated Steel Wire Strand 包铝钢丝绳标准A475-03 Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated Steel Wire Strand 镀锌钢丝绳A476/A476M-00(2005) Standard Specification for Ductile Iron Castings for Paper Mill Dryer Rolls 造纸厂干燥辊用球墨可锻铸铁件A478-97(2002) Standard Specification for Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Weaving and KnittingWire铬镍不锈钢和耐热钢制编织钢丝A479/A479M-06a Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes for Use in Boilers andOther Pressure Vessels锅炉及压力容器用不锈钢和耐热钢棒与型材A480/A480M-06a Standard Specification for General Requirements for Flat-Rolled Stainless andHeat-Resisting Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip扁平轧制耐热不锈钢厚板材、薄板材和带材通用要求A481-05 Standard Specification for Chromium Metal 金属铬A482-05 Standard Specification for Ferrochrome-Silicon 铬铁硅A483-04 Standard Specification for Silicomanganese 硅锰合金A484/A484M-06a Standard Specification for General Requirements for Stainless Steel Bars, Billets,and Forgings不锈及耐热锻钢棒,钢坯及锻件的规格A485-03 Standard Specification for High Hardenability Antifriction Bearing Steel 高淬透性耐磨轴承钢的技术规范A487/A487M-93(2003) Standard Specification for Steel Castings Suitable for Pressure Service 受压钢铸件A488/A488M-04 Standard Practice for Steel Castings, Welding, Qualifications of Procedures andPersonnel钢铸件焊接规程和工作人员的合格鉴定A489-04 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Lifting Eyes 碳素钢吊耳A490M-04a Standard Specification for High-Strength Steel Bolts, Classes 10.9 and 10.9.3, forStructural Steel Joints [Metric]最小拉伸强度为150千磅/平方英寸热处理钢结构螺栓A490-06 Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Alloy Steel, Heat Treated, 150 ksiMinimum Tensile Strength最小拉伸强度为150千磅/平方英寸热处理钢结构螺栓A491-03 Standard Specification for Aluminum-Coated Steel Chain-Link Fence Fabric 镀铝钢链环栏栅结构A492-95(2004) Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Rope Wire 耐热不锈钢丝绳A493-95(2004) Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Wire and Wire Rods for Cold Heading andCold Forging冷镦和冷锻不锈钢和耐热钢丝A494/A494M-05 Standard Specification for Castings, Nickel and Nickel Alloy 镍和镍合金铸件A495-06 Standard Specification for Calcium-Silicon Alloys 硅钙合金钢技术规范A496/A496M-05 Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Deformed, for Concrete Reinforcement 钢筋混凝土用变形钢丝A497/A497M-06e1 Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement, Deformed, forConcrete钢筋混凝土用焊接变形钢丝网A498-04 Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Carbon Steel Heat-ExchangerTubes with Integral Fins无缝与焊接碳素钢,铁素体钢与奥氏体钢制有整体散热片的换热器钢管A499-89(2002) Standard Specification for Steel Bars and Shapes, Carbon Rolled from T Rails 轧制丁字钢轨用的碳素钢棒材及型材的技术规范A500-03a Standard Specification for Cold-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon SteelStructural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes圆形与异型焊接与无缝碳素钢结构管A501-01(2005) Standard Specification for Hot-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon SteelStructural Tubing热成型焊接与无缝碳素钢结构管A502-03 Standard Specification for Rivets, Steel, Structural 结构钢铆钉规范A503/A503M-01(2006) Standard Specification for Ultrasonic Examination of Forged Crankshafts 锻制大型曲轴的超声波检验A504/A504M-04e1 Standard Specification for Wrought Carbon Steel Wheels 锻制碳素钢轮A505-00(2005) Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, Alloy, Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled,General Requirements for热轧和冷轧合金钢薄板和带材。
物理状态(20 oC): 颜色: 气味: 沸点/沸程:
熔点/熔程: 分解温度: 闪点:
液体 无色/淡黄色 特殊的臭味 233℃。 6 hPa (mbar)时 : 84 - 106℃ < -30℃ 350℃ 闭杯 : 97℃. 标准 : ASTM D 3278 (20℃) : 0.03 hPa (mbar) (50℃) : 0.8 hPa (mbar)
化学名称: 别名: CAS 号: EINECS:
叔十二烷硫醇 叔十二烷硫醇(tertiododecanethiol) 25103-58-6 246-619-1
主要危害: 健康危害: 环境危害:
―― 对眼睛和皮肤有刺激性。 对水生生物有剧毒。 在水环境中可导致长期负面影响。 易燃(受热时)。 受热分解产生易燃有毒物质。 具刺激性、对环境有害、对眼睛和皮肤有刺激性。 对水生生物有剧毒。 在水环境中可导致长期负面影响。
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水处理方案常用英文词汇(总5页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除水处理方案英文常用词汇一、水箱系列1.原水箱: Raw water tank2.产水箱: Purified water tank3.中间水箱: Intermediate tank4.化学清洗药箱: UF Chemical cleaning Tank5.反洗加药箱: Backwash dosing tank二、泵系列1.原水泵: Raw water pump2.反洗泵: Back-wash pump3.化学清洗泵: Chemical cleaning pump4.反洗加药计量泵: Backwash Dosing metering pumps三、过滤器系列1.石英砂机械过滤器 quartz sand filter2. 活性炭机械过滤器 activated carbon filter3. 精密过滤器 precision filter4. 多介质机械过滤器 multimedia filter5. 盘式过滤器 disc filter6. 核桃壳机械过滤器 walnut shell filter7.管道过滤器 Pipeline Filter8.管道混合器 Channel mixer9.袋式过滤器 Bag filter10.自清洗过滤器 Self-clean filter四、流量计系列1.进水流量计: Inlet flow meter2.产水流量计: Produced water flow meter3.反洗流量计: Backwash flow meter五、阀系列1.电动蝶阀: Electric butterfly valve2.手动蝶阀: Manual butterfly valve3.气动蝶阀: Pneumatic butterfly valve4.电磁阀: Solenoid valve5.球阀: Ball Valve6.取样阀 Sampling valve7.错流出水气动碟阀 Pneumatic butterfly valve of Cross-flow outlet8.进水气动碟阀 Pneumatic butterfly valve of feed water inlet9.下排放气动碟阀Pneumatic butterfly valve of bottom effluent discharge10.上排放气动碟阀 Pneumatic butterfly valve of up effluent discharge11. 滤过水出口气动碟阀Pneumatic butterfly valve of permeated water outlet12.止回阀:Non-return valve六、管道系列1. 进水管 Feed water pipe2. 产水管 Produced water pipe3. 错流管 Cross-flow pipe4. 变径管 Tapered Pipe七、图例说明 Illustration1. 蓝色实线 Blue line2. 黄色实线 Yellow line3. 青色实线 Green line4. 紫色实线 Purple line八、水流1.进水: Inlet water2.原液: Raw water2.产水: Produced water3.透过液: Permeated water4.浓水:Concentrated water九、接口1、进水口: Feed water port2、产水排放口: Produced water discharge port3、浓水排放口 Concentrated water discharge port4、反洗进水口: Backwash Inlet Port5、反洗上排放口: Up Backwash discharge Port6、反洗下排放口: Bottom Backwash discharge Port7、化学清洗接口 Chemical cleaning port十、工艺名称1、正冲排放 Flushing discharge2、化学清洗 Chemical Cleaning3、排放 discharge4、制水 Producing water5、正冲 Straight washing6、工作状态 Condition十一、图纸名称1.工艺流程图: Process Flow Diagram2.管道连接 Pipe connection diagram3.机架图: Rack diagram4. 配置清单: Equipment List5. 占地图: Area Occupation Diagram6. 项目设计书: Project Proposal Design十二、其他词汇1. 液位开关 Level Switch2. 压力表 Pressure Gauge3.错流压力表 Cross-flow Pressure Gauge4. 滤过水压力表 Permeated water Pressure Gauge5. UF系统 UF systems6. UF设备 UF Equipement / UF Plant7. 环保 Environmental protection8. 环境管理 Environment Management9. 水处理 water treatment10. 过滤器 Filters11. 超滤 Ultra Filtration12. 净化水 Purified water13. 过滤预处理 Pretreatment14. 过滤滤芯 Filter housings (过滤器外壳),Filter cartridge (滤芯)15. UF 组件 UF Module16. 膜过滤系统 The membrane filtration system17. 净水&污水处理 Water & Waste Water Treatment18. 饮用水 Drinking Water19. UF 膜 UF Membrane20. 水处理工程 Water Treatment Project21. 水处理装置 Water Treatment Plant22. 净水设备 Water Purification Equipments23. 膜技术 UF Membrane Technologies Ultrafiltration24. 废水处理装置 Waste Water Treatment Plant25. 家用滤芯 Cartridge Filters26. RO 5级过滤 5 stage ro system27. 膜元件 Membrane Module28. 水处理设备 water treatment system29. 工业过滤设备 Industrial Filtration Systems30. 工业污水 Industrial Wastewater31. 水处理 water treatment32. 流量 flux33. 过滤分子量 MWCO34. 纯水 pure water35. 超纯水 ultra-pure water36. 污水回用 waste water recycling37. 预处理 Pretreatment38. 净化 Purification39. 浓缩 Concentration40. 分离 separation41. 浊度 turbidity42. 水处理配件 water treatment component43. 水质处理 water conditioning44. 净水器 water purifier45. 家用净水器 domestic water purifier46. 滤膜 filtration membrane47. 悬浮物 suspended substance48. 微生物 microorganism49. 细菌 bacteria50. 大分子有机物 macromolecular organics51. 含盐量 salt content52. 五日生化需氧量 five-day BOD(biochemical oxygen demand)53. 化学需氧量 COD(chemical oxygen demand)54. 总有机碳 TOC(total organic carbon)55. 总固体物 total solids56. 悬浮总固体 TSS57. 溶解总固体 TDS58. 总碱度 total alkalinity59. 总矿化度 total salinity60. 污染密度指数 SDI61. 总细菌量 total bacteria content62. 大肠菌群 coliform group63. 色度 chroma / Colour 64. 气味 odor65. 总硬度 Total hardness66. 油脂含量 oil & gease67. 隔油池 oilseparating tank68. 混凝沉淀池 coagulation sedimentation tank69. 格栅 grid70. 澄清池 Clarifier71. 软化树脂 softening resin72. 中和 neutralization73. 气浮 air flotation74. 消毒 disinfection75. 化学氧化还原 chemical oxidation-reduction76. 化学沉淀法 chemical precipitation77. 吸附 adsorption78. 离子交换法 ion exchange method79. 吹脱、汽提法 air stripping80、萃取法 extraction81. 活性污泥法 activated sludge process82. 厌氧生化法 anaerobic biochemical process83. 进水压力 inlet water pressure84. 产水压力 production water pressure85. 反洗压力 backwash pressure86. 浓水压力 concentrated water pressure87. 最大进水压力 max. inlet pressure88. 操作压力范围 operation pressure range89. 死端(全流)过滤 dead-end filtration90. 错流过滤 cross- flow filtration91. 上反洗 upper backwash92. 下反洗 Bottom backwash93. 加气反洗 air entrainment backwash94. 管式膜 tubular membrane95. 卷式膜 spiral-wound membrane96. 陶瓷膜 ceramic membrane97. 聚氯乙烯 PVC98. 截留分子量 MWCO(molecular weight cut off)99. 高抗污染膜 high antipollution membrane 100. 膜丝 membrane fiber (Fiber lumen) 101. 端封材料 Sealing material102. 膜面积 membrane area103. 纯水通量 pure water flux104. 设计通量 design flux105. 反洗频率 backwash frequency106. 回收率 recovery rate107. 加药反洗 chemical dosing backwash108. 条箍 strip hoop109. 反渗透前处理 RO pretreatment110. 中水回用 greywater reuse111. 电镀废水回用 electroplating wastewater reuse 112. 印染废水回用 printing and dyeing wastewater 113. 造纸废水回用 papermaking wastewater reuse 114. 生活污水回用 domestic sewage reuse115. 工业循环水 industrial circulating water116. 电泳漆浓缩 electronic painting concentration117. 溶解性矿物质 solubility of minerals118. 絮凝 FlocculationSedimentation沉淀 with flocculation by weir溢流堰119. 机架 Frame120. 碳钢 Carbon steel十三、常用语句1.此流程图中泵的流量均为正常出力流量,其量程参看配置清单。
广东国伟兴塑胶科技股份有限公司产品资料PC耐力板宽度:1220mm、1560mm、1820mm、2100mm厚度:1.2mm-16mm长度:厚度≤4mm 30~50m/卷;厚度>4.5mm 6米/片颜色:透明、蓝色、草绿色、茶色、乳白、红色产品特点:透光性:透光性能好(透光率达88%)。
适用范围:住宅的天窗;工业厂房及仓库采光顶棚;地铁出入口、车站、停车场、商场、凉亭、休息厅、走廊的雨棚;体育场馆、高速公路隔音屏障;游泳池、温室覆盖;办公大楼、百货大楼、宾馆、别墅、学校、医院、体育场馆、娱乐中心及公用设施的采光顶棚等Polycarbonate solid sheetWidth: 1220mm、1560mm、1820mm、2100mmThickness: From 1.2mm to 16mmLength:Thicknes s≤4mm 30/50 meter per roll.Thicknes s≥4.5 any lengthColor:Transparent,Blue,Green,Coffee,Opal white,RedProduct Fetures:Light transm ission:Excellent light transmission(up to 88% of light transm itted through).When exposed under sunshine,there are no yellow,hazing or/and poorlight transm ission caused.The em bossed sheet & the abrasive sheet have the astigm atic function.Weather resistance:The ultraviolet-resistant coextruded film on the surface prevents them from resin fatigue and yellowing caused by ultraviolet of sunshine.The chem ical bond on the coextruded film absorbs the ultraviolet and then turns it into visible light.It has a stable effect on plant photosynthesis.(they are ideal materials to prevent precious works of art and exhibits from being damaged by ultraviolet. )Impact resistance:The im pact strength of PC sheet is 250-300 tim es of the ordinary glass,20-30 times of the alkali glass and 2 times of toughened glass which explains why it is hardly broken.Also for this reason,it is called unbreakable glass and sound steel.It is an excellent m aterial for bullet-resistant glass.Fire retardant:through national GB 8624-97 test,their fire retardant is regarded as Grade B,with special material m ade could be reach Am erican UL94 V0 fire retardance standard and without fire drop or poisonous gas.Tem perature resistance:They will not deform ed under tem perature from -40℃to 120℃Portability:It is light and easily handled and drilled .when cut for installtion,they can be cold bent directly,convenient for construction and procession.Sound insulation:with good sound insulation effect,it is the best m aterials for sound-insulation walls on expressways worldwide.Application scope:Clearstory in residence, the lighting roof for industrial workshops and storehouses; Shed of the entrance and exit of underground,station hall,parking lot,supermarket,resting hall,hallway ; Gymnasium, sound-insulation walls on expressways; swimming-pools, greenhouse sheets; the light mining of offices,hotel,villadom,school,hospital,sports field,entertainment center and public service project etc.PC阳光板厚度:4mm-16mm宽度:2.1m长度:任何长度,装柜尺寸最佳为5.8m/11.8m颜色:透明、蓝色、草绿色、茶色、乳白、黄色产品特点:透光性:透光性能好(透光率高达88%)。
HD 235 火灾防护私有有限公司 H3 弹性钢铁防水阀门技术数据说明书
DELUGE VALVE MODEL-H3 (DUCTILE IRON)TECHNICAL DATAMODEL H3-Ductile Iron ASTM A536-77 GRADE 65-45-12 NOMINAL SIZE 200, 150, 100, 80 and 50NB SERVICE PRESSURE 1.4 to 17.5 Bar(20 to 250 PSI)THREADED OPENING BSPTMOUNTING Vertical or HorizontalmountingFACTORY 35 Kg./sq.cm. (500 PSI) HYDROSTATICTEST PRESSUREFLANGE CONNECTION ANSI B 16.5 #150FF(RF-Optional)WET PILOT As per graph in the SPRINKLER catalogueHEIGHT LIMITATIONNET WEIGHT 200 NB - 153 Kg WITHOUT TRIM 150 NB - 79 Kg100 NB - 50 Kg80 NB - 35 Kg50 NB - 32 Kg FINISH RAL3000 APPROVAL ULListed ORDERING 1.Size of valve INFORMATION 2.Flange specification3.Valve trim vertical orhorizontal4.Trim type9P76 LISTEDDESCRIPTIONDeluge Valve is known as a system control valve in a deluge system, used for fast application of water in a spray system. Deluge valve protects areas such as power transformer installation, storage tank, conveyor protection and other industrial application etc. With the addition of foaming agent deluge valve can be used to protect aircraft hanger and inflammable liquid fire. VALVE OPERATIONHD Deluge valve is a quick release, hydraulically operated diaphragm valve. It has three chambers, isolated from each other by the diaphragm operated clapper and seat seal. While in SET position, water pressure is transmitted through an external bypass check valve and restriction orifice from the system supply side to the top chamber, so that supply pressure in the top chamber act across the diaphragm operated clapper which holds the seat against the inlet supply pressure because of the differential pressure design.On detection of fire the top chamber is vented to atmosphere through the outlet port via opened actuation devices. The top chamber pressure cannot be replenished through the restricted inlet port, and the upward force of the supply pressure lifts the clapper allowing the water flow to the system piping network and alarm devices.TRIM DESCRIPTIONThe trims are functionally termed as Dry Pilot Trim, Wet Pilot Trim, Electric Trim and T est and Alarm Trim as per the mehod of actuation of the deluge valve. The functionality of these trims is described below.. a)DRY PILOT TRIM (PNEUMATIC RELEASE)Dry pilot operation uses a pilot line of closed Sprinkles/QB detectors containing air under pressure, located in the areato be protected.It requires regulated dry air supply with main supply point through restricted orifice. The air pressure to bemaintained as specified in the catalogue of Dry Pilot Actuator. The pilot line is connected to air inlet side of actuator. The top chamber of the deluge valve is connected to water inlet side of actuator.When there is an air pressure drop, or due to release of any of the release device on detection of fire, the diaphragm of actuator is lifted and allows the water to drain. This releases the water pressure in the top chamber of the deluge valve, allowing the deluge valve to open and water to flow into the system piping & alarm devices.Recommended air supply pressure for dry pilot trim system is 3.5 kg/sq.cm.User must install non return valve at air supplyconnection to deluge valve trim.In dry pilot trim, an actuator (DPA) is provided.An optional Pneumatic Reset Device (PRD) canbe provided, which acts as a manual reset devicein the dry pilot line.b) WET PILOT TRIM (HYDRAULIC RELEASE)Wet pilot operation uses a pilot line of closed Sprinklers/QB detectors containing pressurized water , supplied through the upstream side of the Deluge valve, through a restricted orifice. All the release lines are connected to a common release line. Due to release of any one of the release device, the water pressure in the top chamber of the Deluge valve drops and the Deluge valve opens.c) ELECTRIC RELEASE TRIMT o actuate a Deluge valve electrically, a solenoid valve is provided to drain the water from the top chamber of the Deluge valve. A pressure switch is provided to activate an electric alarm, to shut down the desired equipment or to give “Tripped” indication of the Deluge valve. In addition to this a pressure switch can also monitor “Low air pressure” and “Fire condition” when used in drypilot air line.d) TEST AND ALARM TRIMThis trim is supplied with a test valve is provided to test thenormal operation of the sprinkler alarm bell. The sprinkler alarmcan be supplied additionally,which bells on actuation of the Deluge valve.e) DRAIN AND DRIP TRIMThis consists of main and system drain valve inaddition with drip valve.TRIM TYPESThe trims are designated as follwing.W =Wet Pilot trim. D = Dry Pilot Trima) Type ET-W and ET-DThis type of trim is basic trim required to operate the deluge valve. A solenoid valve for electric remote actuation and pressure switchfor sensing & announciation are optional.b) Type ETW-D and ETD-DThis trim type is a combination of components of the ET trim along with the drip and drain trim. A solenoid valve for electric remote actuation and pressure switch for sensing & announciation are optional.c) Type ETW-T and ETD-TThis trim type is a combination of components of the ET trims along with the test and alarm trim. In dry pilot trim, an actuator DPA-H1 is provided with optional Pneumatic Reset Device (PRD-1). A solenoid valve for electric remote actuation and pressure switch for sensing & announciation are optional.d) Type NT-W and NT-DThis trim type is a combination of components of the ET trim along with the test and alarm trim as well as the drip and drain trim. A solenoid valve for electric remote actuation and pressure switchfor sensing & announciation are optional.RESETTING PROCEDURE FOR THE DELUGE VALVE(i)Close the upstream side stop valve provided below the deluge valve ii) Open both the drain valves/ drain plugs and close when the flow of water has ceased (iii) Close the release device/replace the Sprinkler if release was through Sprinkler/QB Detector iv) Inspect and release if required, or close the section of the detection system subjected to “Fire condition”(v) In case of dry pilot detection system, open the air supply valve to build-up air pressure. Open the priming valve fully. Open the upstream side of the stop valve provided below the Deluge valve. No water should flow into the system vi) Where priming shut off valve is provided for resetting, in addition to above steps press the knob on actuator while resettingCAUTION(a) Do not close the priming valve, downstream and upstream stop valves, while the system is in service(b) The releasing device must be maintained in the open position, when actuated, to prevent the deluge valve from closure if anti shut off valve is not provided (c) While using a Deluge valve in the wet pilot system the height and the length of the wet pilot detection line is to be limited as shown in the wet pilot sprinkler height limitation graph (d) Do not connect the Sprinkler Alarm outlet drain line to close a common drain as it may create back pressure and Sprinkler Alarm may not function(e) Deluge valve must have support to absorb sudden opening or closing vibration shock to the piping (f) T o avoid water damage, take precautions when opening the water supply main control valve, since water will flow from all open system valves (g) The responsibility of maintenance of the protection system and devices in proper operating condition lies with the owner of the system.SYSTEM TESTING PROCEDURE(i) Keep the upstream side of the stop valve partially open. T o avoid water flow to system side close the system side stop valve. This valve is to be kept inopen position after the testing is completed(ii) Let any of the release devices to trip. This willresult in a sudden drop of water pressure inopen the deluge valve. Close the upstream side stop valve immediately(iii) Reset the valve as per the procedure given under heading “RESETTING PROCEDURE FOR THE DELUGE VAL VE”INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCEInstalled system piping network must be flushed properly before placing the Deluge valve in service.A qualified and trained person must commission the system. After few initial successful tests, an authorized person must be trained to perform inspection and testing of the system. It is recommended to have regular inspection and test run of the system as per NFPA guideline or in accordance to the organisation having local jurisdiction.(i) WARNINGInspection and testing is to be carried out only by authorised and trained personnel. DO NOT TURN OFF the water supply or close any valve to make repair(s) or test the valve, without placing a roving fire patrol in the area covered by the system. Also inform the local security personnel and central alarm station, so that there is nofalse alarm signal.It is recommended to carry out physical inspectionof the system at least twice in a week. The inspection should verify that all the control valves are in proper position as per the system requirement and that there are no damages to any component. The frequency of inspections must be increased in the presence of contaminated water supplies, corrosive/ scaling water supplies, and corrosive atmospheres.(ii) NORMAL CONDITION(a) All main valves are open and are sealed with tamper proof seal (b) Drain valves must be kept closed(c) No leak or drip is detected from the drip valve (d) All the gauges except the system side water pressure gauge, should show the required pressure(e) There should be no leakage in the system(iii) NORMAL CONDITION TEST(a) The system should be checked for normal condition at least once in a week (b) T est the sprinkler alarm bell or electric alarm by turning the alarm test valve to the test position. The alarm should sound. This test should be carried out at least once in a week(c) Depress the drip valve knob. Significantaccumulation indicates a possible seat leakage (d) Conduct the water flow test as per the procedureof system testing at least once a month(iv) PERIODIC CHECKConduct the water flow test by actuating few of the release devices provided in the system. Clean all strainer(s) and priming line restriction. This test is to be carried out at least once in three months. ABNORMAL CONDITION(i) ALARM FAILS TO SOUND(a) Check for any obstruction in the alarm testline, make certain that the sprinkler alarm is free operateto(b) If an electric alarm is provided, check theelectrical circuitry to the alarm(ii) FALSE TRIPS(a) Check for clogging in priming line, restrictionorifice check valve, priming valve & strainer(b) Leakage in the release system(c) The deluge air panel orifice clogged or lowsupply pressure(iii) LEAKAGE THROUGH THE DELUGE VALVE (a) Damaged deluge valve seat or obstruction onthe seat face by foreign object(b) Leakage in release system(c) Partly clogged priming line restriction orifice checkvalve(d) Low air pressure on release system line orleakage in release systemVALVE NOMINAL SIZE A B 200 NB 552332150 NB 462282100 NB 41224580 NB37223250 NB 320232NA - PART REPLACEMENT NOT AVAILABLE* Stainless Steel is standard supply Bronze is optional supply.DIMENSIONin millimeter (Approximate)SCHEMATIC 1ODSCHEMATIC 2ABBREVIATION & SYMBOLSDV DELUGE VAL VE VAL VE SWING CHECK VAL VE SV SOLENOID VAL VE---BY USER ANGLE VAL VE G SPRINKLER ALARM (WMG)**OPTIONAL DPA DRY PILOT ACTUATORM EMERGENCY RELEASE STATION STRAINER RN-A RESTRICTION NOZZLE (AIR LINE)RN RESTRICTIOIN NOZZLE (PRIMING LINE)OD OPEN DRAIN SCVSWING CHECK VAL VEPS1LOW AIR ALARM PRESSURE SWITCH PG PRESSURE GUAGESCHEMATIC 3ODETWTSCHEMATIC 4TO DETECTION ABBREVIATION & SYMBOLSDV DELUGE VAL VE VAL VE SWING CHECK VAL VE SV SOLENOID VAL VE---BY USER ANGLE VAL VE G SPRINKLER ALARM (WMG)**OPTIONAL DPA DRY PILOT ACTUATORM EMERGENCY RELEASE STATION STRAINER RN-A RESTRICTION NOZZLE (AIR LINE)RN RESTRICTIOIN NOZZLE (PRIMING LINE)OD OPEN DRAIN SCVSWING CHECK VAL VEPS1LOW AIR ALARM PRESSURE SWITCH PG PRESSURE GUAGESCHEMATIC 5SCHEMATIC 6TO DETECTION ABBREVIATION & SYMBOLSDV DELUGE VAL VE VAL VE SWING CHECK VAL VE SV SOLENOID VAL VE---BY USER ANGLE VAL VE G SPRINKLER ALARM (WMG)**OPTIONAL DPA DRY PILOT ACTUATORM EMERGENCY RELEASE STATION STRAINER RN-A RESTRICTION NOZZLE (AIR LINE)RN RESTRICTIOIN NOZZLE (PRIMING LINE)OD OPEN DRAIN SCVSWING CHECK VAL VEPS1LOW AIR ALARM PRESSURE SWITCH PG PRESSURE GUAGESCHEMATIC 7ODTO DETECTIONNTWSCHEMATIC 8TO DETECTION ABBREVIATION & SYMBOLSDV DELUGE VAL VE VAL VE SWING CHECK VAL VE SV SOLENOID VAL VE---BY USER ANGLE VAL VE G SPRINKLER ALARM (WMG)**OPTIONAL DPA DRY PILOT ACTUATORM EMERGENCY RELEASE STATION STRAINER RN-A RESTRICTION NOZZLE (AIR LINE)RN RESTRICTIOIN NOZZLE (PRIMING LINE)OD OPEN DRAIN SCVSWING CHECK VAL VEPS1LOW AIR ALARM PRESSURE SWITCH PG PRESSURE GUAGESCHEMATIC 9ODETWTO DETECTIONSCHEMATIC 10TO DETECTIONETDABBREVIATION & SYMBOLSDV DELUGE VAL VE VAL VE SWING CHECK VAL VE SV SOLENOID VAL VE---BY USER ANGLE VAL VE G SPRINKLER ALARM (WMG)**OPTIONAL DPA DRY PILOT ACTUATORM EMERGENCY RELEASE STATION STRAINER RN-A RESTRICTION NOZZLE (AIR LINE)RN RESTRICTIOIN NOZZLE (PRIMING LINE)OD OPEN DRAIN SCVSWING CHECK VAL VEPS1WATER FLOW PRESSURE ALARM SWITCH PG PRESSURE GUAGESCHEMATIC 11ODTO DETECTIONETWTABBREVIATION & SYMBOLSDV DELUGE VAL VE VAL VE SWING CHECK VAL VE SV SOLENOID VAL VE---BY USER ANGLE VAL VE G SPRINKLER ALARM (WMG)**OPTIONAL DPA DRY PILOT ACTUATORM EMERGENCY RELEASE STATION STRAINER RN-A RESTRICTION NOZZLE (AIR LINE)RN RESTRICTIOIN NOZZLE (PRIMING LINE)OD OPEN DRAIN SCVSWING CHECK VAL VEPS1LOW AIR ALARM PRESSURE SWITCH PG PRESSURE GUAGESCHEMATIC 12TO DETECTIONETDTSCHEMATIC 13ODTO DETECTIONETWDSCHEMATIC 14TO DETECTIONETDDABBREVIATION & SYMBOLSDV DELUGE VAL VE VAL VE SWING CHECK VAL VE SV SOLENOID VAL VE---BY USER ANGLE VAL VE G SPRINKLER ALARM (WMG)**OPTIONAL DPA DRY PILOT ACTUATORM EMERGENCY RELEASE STATION STRAINER RN-A RESTRICTION NOZZLE (AIR LINE)RN RESTRICTIOIN NOZZLE (PRIMING LINE)OD OPEN DRAIN SCVSWING CHECK VAL VEPS1LOW AIR ALARM PRESSURE SWITCH PG PRESSURE GUAGESCHEMATIC 15NTWODTO DETECTIONSCHEMATIC 16ABBREVIATION & SYMBOLSDV DELUGE VAL VE VAL VE SWING CHECK VAL VE SV SOLENOID VAL VE---BY USER ANGLE VAL VE G SPRINKLER ALARM (WMG)**OPTIONAL DPA DRY PILOT ACTUATORM EMERGENCY RELEASE STATION STRAINER RN-A RESTRICTION NOZZLE (AIR LINE)RN RESTRICTIOIN NOZZLE (PRIMING LINE)OD OPEN DRAIN SCVSWING CHECK VAL VEPS1LOW AIR ALARM PRESSURE SWITCH PG PRESSURE GUAGEDV 150NBDV 200NBDV 100NBDV 80NBDV - 50NBSYSTEM SUPPLY PRESSURE - PSI ------EQUIVALENT LENGTH BASED ON 1/2” SCHEDULE 40 PIPE WITH C=120 KG/SQCMMETERSM A X I M U M P I L O T L I N E H I G H T - F E E T ------SYSTEM SUPPLY PRESSURE - PSI ------EQUIVALENT LENGTH BASED ON 1/2” SCHEDULE 40 PIPE WITH C=120 KG/SQCMMETERSM A X I M U M P I L O T L I N E H I G H T - F E E T ------SYSTEM SUPPLY PRESSURE - PSI ------EQUIVALENT LENGTH BASED ON 1/2” SCHEDULE 40 PIPE WITH C=120KG/SQCMMETERSM A X I M U M P I L O T L I N E H I G H T - F E E T ------KG/SQCMMETERSM A X I M U M P I L O T L I N E H I G H T - F E E T ------SYSTEM SUPPLY PRESSURE - PSI ------EQUIVALENT LENGTH BASED ON 1/2” SCHEDULE 40 PIPE WITH C=120KG/SQCMMETERSM A X I M U M P I L O T L I N E H I G H T - F E E T ------60202040120801001405101520253035402468101216018020014161845505560501001502002500220.6525F EE T 250F E E T500 F E E T 60202040120801001405101520253035402468101216018020014161845505560501001502002500220.6525F E E T 250 F E E T 500F E ET 60202040120801001405101520253035402468101216018020014161845505560501001502002500220.240657025 F E E T 250 F E E T 500 F E E T 60202040120801001405101520253035402468101216018020014161845505560501001502002500220.240657025F EE T 25FE E T 500 F E E T 60202040120801001405101520253035402468101216018020014161845505560501001502002500220.6525F E E T 250 F E E T 500 F E E TLIMITED WARRANTYHD FIRE PROTECT PVT. L TD. hereby referred to as HD FIRE warrants to the original purchaser of the fire protection products manufactured by HD FIRE and to any other personto whom such equipment is transferred, that such products will be free from defect in material and workmanship under normal use and care, for two (2) years from the date of shipment by HD FIRE. Products or Components supplied or used by HD FIRE, but manufactured by others, are warranted only to the extent of the manufacturer’s warranty. No warranty is given for product or components which have been subject to misuse, improper installation, corrosion, unauthorized repair , alteration or un-maintained. HD FIRE shall not be responsible for system design errors or improper installation or inaccurate or incomplete information supplied by buyer or buyer’s representatives.HD FIRE will repair or replace defective material free of charge, which is returned to our factory, transportation charge prepaid, provided after our inspection the material is found to have been defective at the time of initial shipment from our works. HD FIRE shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential loss, damage or expense arising directly or indirectly from the use of the product including damages for injury to person, damages to property and penalties resulting from any products and components manufactured by HD FIRE. HD FIRE shall not be liable for any damages or labour charges or expense in making repair or adjustment to the product. HD FIRE shall not be liable for any damages or charges sustained in the adaptation or use of its engineering data & services. In no event shall HD Fire’s product liability exceed an amount equal to the sale price.The foregoing warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties and representation whether expressed, implied, oral or written, including but not limited to, any implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. All such other warranties and representations are hereby cancelled.NOTICE :The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest publication standards of NFPA or other similar organisations and also with the provision of government codes or ordinances wherever applicable.The information provided by us is to the best of our knowledge and belief, and consist of general guidelines only. Site handling and installation control is not in our scope. Hence we give no guarantee for result and take no liability for damages, loss or penalties whatsoever , resulting from our suggestion, information, recommendation or damages due to our product.Product development is a continuous programme of HD FIRE PROTECT PVT. L TD. and hence the right to modify any specification without prior notice is reserved with the company.D-6/2, ROAD NO. 34, WAGLE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, THANE 400 604, INDIA.• TEL: + (91) 22 2158 2600 • FAX: +(91) 22 2158 2602HD FIRE PROTECT PVT . LTD. B(2I N C H)80N B( 3I N C H)100N B(4I N C H)15N B(6I N C H)200N B(8I N C H)****** 2.3 PSI Pressure loss @ 15 feet per second (4.57 met/sec) velocity having fl ow of 594 LPM thru 50NB DV * 4.7 PSI Pressure loss @ 15 feet per second (4.57 met/sec) velocity having fl ow of 1308 LPM thru 80NB DV * 4.7 PSI Pressure loss @ 15 feet per second (4.57 met/sec) velocity having fl ow of 2255 LPM thru 100NB DV * 7.5 PSI Pressure loss @ 15 feet per second (4.57 met/sec) velocity having fl ow of 5117 LPM thru 150NB DV * 8.4 PSI Pressure loss @ 15 feet per second (4.57 met/sec) velocity having fl ow of 8854 LPM thru 200NB DVNominal Pressure Loss vs Flow(* Flow at 15 feet per second [4.57 meter per second])N o m i n a l P r e s s u r e L o s s i n P o u n d s p e r S q u a r e I n c h (P S I )Flow Rate in Liters Per Minute (LPM)。
化学品安全技术说明书Tergo Metal Cleaning Fluid符合GB/T 16483-2008和GB/T 17519-2013规定化学品标识产品名称Tergo Metal Cleaning Fluid产品编号MCC-TMCFEUD, MCC-TMCFEUG, MCC-TMCFEUGG, MCC-TMCFEUHGG, MCC-TMCFEUP, MCC-TMCFEUGL, MCC-TMCFEUHGL别名,商品名Prototype 10-122-2化学品的推荐用途和限制用途推荐用途清洗剂。
供应商的详细情况供应商MICROCARE ASIA PTE LTD102E, Pasir Panjang Road,Citilink, #05-06,Singapore 118529(65)6271.0182制造商MICROCARE LLC595 John Downey DriveNew Britain, CT 06051United States of AmericaCAGE: OATV9Tel: +1 800-638-0125, +1 860-827-0626应急咨询电话应急咨询电话INFOTRAC 4001-200761 (CHINA)1-352-323-3500 (from anywhere in the world)紧急情况概述外观透明液体。
GHS 危险性类别物理危险非此类健康危害急性毒性-吸入 类别4 眼刺激 类别2A 特异性靶器官毒性 一次接触 类别3环境危害危害水生环境 一长期危险 类别3健康危害请参见第11部分以了解关于健康危害的更多信息。
标签要素象形图警示词警告危险性说明H332 吸入有害。
Intergard 345 Aerosol RAL7038 Agate Grey Pt A化学品安全
化学品安全技术说明书应急咨询电话(带值班时间)::Intergard 345 Aerosol RAL7038 Agate Grey Pt A化学品的推荐用途和限制用途Intergard 345 Aerosol RAL7038 Agate Grey Pt A GHS化学品标识:产品代码:Z912AA+46 8 33 12 31制造商International Farg AB Holmedalen 3Aspereds Industriomrade SE-424 22 Angered SwedenTel: +46 (0) 31 928500 Fax: +46 (0) 31 928530**************************本安全技术说明书责任人的e -mail地址:安全技术说明书根据 GB/ T 16483-2008 和 GB/ T 17519-2013气溶胶 - 类别 1皮肤腐蚀/刺激 - 类别 2严重眼损伤/眼刺激 - 类别 1皮肤致敏物 - 类别 1特异性靶器官毒性 一次接触 (呼吸道刺激) - 类别 3危害水生环境一急性危险 - 类别 2危害水生环境一长期危险 - 类别 2危险性类别:信号词:危险危险性说明:极易燃气溶胶。
象形图:GHS标签要素混合物中由对水生环境毒性未知的组分组成的比率: 25.6%物质或混合物的分类根据 GB13690-2009 和 GB30000-2013防范说明预防措施:戴防护手套。
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INTRODUCTIONREVISION PAGESINDEXREVISIONDATE MODIFICATIONA A 02/10/2010Document creationBPE section of the documentCONTENTSThis document contains 66 pages divided into 6 sections and numbered in accordance with the table below: SECTION PAGE DATE IND SECTION PAGE DATE IND SECTION PAGE DATE IND00 00 00 00 001 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2123451123456789101234567891011121314151617OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA34444444444444444112345678910111213141516OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10OCT10AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATABLE OF CONTENTSSection 00Introduction 1 Revision pages 1 Contents 2Table of contents 3.5Section 00. GENERAL INFORMATION10.1 Purpose and use of the equipment10.2 List of approved and non-approved equipment1Section 11.DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE EQUIPMENT11.1 General characteristics 11.1.1Mechanical properties 11.1.2Electrical ratings11.2 Detailed description of the condenser21.2.1Detailed description of the front of the condenser21.2.2Detailed description of the back of the condenser31.3 Functional description of the condenser 41.3.1 Functional description of the front elements of the condenser 4 - 51.3.2 Functional description of the rear elements of the condenser 61.3.3 Operating principle 71.3.4 General outline of the condenser 81.3.5 Electrical nomenclature 91.3.6 Electrical functional description 91.3.7 Circuit diagram10Section 22.OPERATION1 2.0 Steps to be taken 12.0.1 Prior to first use and set-up by the manufacturer 1 2.1 Normal operation procedure 12.1.1 Start-up procedure 12.1.2The usage menus 2 -13 2.1.3Shut-down procedure 14 2.1.4Start-up procedure after shutdown during the operating cycle 14 2.1.5Start-up procedure after an error or modification 14 2.1.6 Monitoring procedure authorising full load output capacity 15 2.1.7Safeguarding procedure during shutdown 15 2.2 Procedure to be followed in case of an accident 15 2.2.1Steps to be taken if the device does not cool down 15 2.2.2Steps to be taken if the device does not work 16 2.3 Periodic testing procedure 17not applicableSection 33.MAINTENANCE1 3.1 List of replaceable parts 1Not applicable3.2 Special tools and particular handling equipments 1Not applicable3.3 Tools and procedure for handling 13.4 Storage conditions 13.5 Preventive maintenance 1Not applicable3.6 Regulatory visits 13.7 Safeguarding of the equipment during shutdown 1Section 44.PLANS4.1 List of diagrams supplied by the manufacturer 1Not applicable4.2 List of plans, appendices and terminology in the RMM 14.2.1Terminology 2 - 34.2.2Text file example of samples saved on a USB flash drive 44.2.3Text file example of a stored sample on a USB flash drive 54.2.4Replacement of the printing paper roll 6 - 74.2.5Safety data sheet of refrigeration gas 8 - 134.2.6Technical specifications plan of the front of the condenser 144.2.7Technical specifications of the back of the condenser 15TRITIUM CONDENSER T160 02.10.10/AP : 1/10. GENERAL INFORMATION0.1 Purpose and use of the deviceThe device which the present G.E.E. (reference and maintenance manual) refers to is a tritium sampler called H3R 7000 which traps atmospheric tritium. It draws in the air in a room or in an environment through a cold trap and reheats it to transform the frost to water.This device is mainly used for low concentrations of tritium (vapour) in the atmosphere.The sampling requires about one hour and can be broken down into two parts:-50 minutes for the trapping and the recovery of the tritiated water sample in a flask.-10 minutes for the drying process and preparation for taking the following sample.The purpose is to collect a sampling in the flask of the beta activity concentration representative sample of the air to be checked over a very short period of time.The sample is labelled for purpose of identification and sent to a laboratory for a scintigraphicalanalysis.This documents presents the integral elements of the H3R 7000, its normal commissioning as well as the operations to be performed for its maintenance.TRITIUM CONDENSER T160 02.10.10/AP : 1/101. DESCRIPTION OF THE EQUIPMENT1.1GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS1.1.1 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES-Single shell frame in aluminium alloy.-Front sides (control panel) encased in anti-scratch LEXAN.-Body painted in leather-grain gentian blue RAL 5010.-Epoxy polyester paint.-Weight 15kg-Carried using 3 handles.-Dimensions length 576mm Width 390mm Height 423mm.1.1.2ELECTRICAL RATINGS-Supply voltage 230v AC (-10% + 15%) 50 Hz.-Power 1200w.-Circuit-breaker 6A switch-rated 30 mA.-Power input on filtered socket in conformity with CEI 950.Désignation / typeCode article 016Désignation / typeCodearticle 050051053052503010015110054203120403AP1300KIT13411203341240334125033731001502002134096528768780587121577712864CSTM WG 340010431493006033413603Carrying handles Feet out of rubber Sampling flask 125mL USB baseRef.Ref.Protective cap USB Indicator USB LCD graphic displayPushbutton of order PrinterHumidity and temperature sensor Flask stand Ventilation grate Filter cartridge Flask grate1.2 DESCRIPTION OF THE CONDENSER1.2.1 DESCRIPTION ON THE FRONT OF THE CONDENSER0550561150130421493287234501040579931901BDésignation / typeCode article Désignation / typeCode article 111DLKSDS105Circuit breaker+switch rating of 30mA Mains power supply Time-delay fuse 6,3A F1TCooling block ventilator Descriptive labelRef.Ref.1.2.2 DESCRIPTION ON THE BACK OF THE CONDENSER1.3 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OF THE CONDENSER1.3.1 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OF THE COMPONENTS ON THE FRONT OF THE CONDENSER- The carrying handlesEach device is equipped with 3 carrying handles. These handles can be used for the transportation of the device by 2persons.ATTENTION: do not tilt the condenser by more than 15°, otherwise there is a risk of deterioration for the chiller.- LCD graphics displayThe graphical display displays the various parameters of the operating condition of the device. Backlighting enables the display to be read in the dark.- The push control buttonsThe control buttons S1 - S2 - S3 give access to various functions and interact with the display.- The humidity and temperature sensor module The RH-T°C module contains a highly sensitive digital sensor integrated in a ventilated tube to avoid deviations. it transmits the information to the PCB to display the absolute humidity in g/m 3.- The USB lightThe flashing of the red LED light during the operation of the condenser indicates that the temperature and humidity parameters are stored every minute on the USB flash drive.- The USB base and its protective capThe USB connector allows for the USB flash drive to be connected in case the user wishes to record the information on a USB flash drive at the end of a cycle.- The printerThe printer prints an adhesive identification label of the sample that will be placed on the flask at the end of sampling.- The ventilation grate and filter cartridgeThe stainless steel ventilation grate is the entry of air drawn in by the exchanger fan ; make sure to leave sufficient space in its surrounding environment. The filter cartridge allows for anti-dust protection to be installed.- The flask standThe sampling flask stand is made of stainless steel; it is a sliding-drawer system which allows for the flask to be positioned under the condensation collector tray.- The sampling flask1.3.2FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OF THE COMPONENTS AT THE BACK OF THE CONDENSER- The mains power supplyThis is the electrical current input, this unit contains:-The sector power supply unit, called power socket which allows for the device to be powered with the aid of the power cord supplied along with the condenser.- the EMC mains filter, which reduces the level of interference created by the components of the condenser and emitted by the network in conformity with the standard EMC EN 55022/B.- The main switch M/A, its main function is switching on and shutdown of the electronic control card and its subassemblies (display, fan and chiller). It is placed in front of the differential circuit-breaker.- The fuse holder equipped with a 6.3A time-delay fuse F1T 5x20 green tube to protect the electrical elements. - The circuit-breaker with switch rating of 30mAThe circuit-breaker 6A MERLIN GERIN is coupled to a differential switch 30mA ; it protects the user against electrical defects on the inside of the condenser in conformity with the standard NFC 1500.- The cooling block and ventilationThe fan works by suction and rejects the air through the rear airing plates that passes in the fins of the exchangers. This zone as well as the air inlet should compulsorily be at a minimum distance of 25mm from a partition. The chiller has a refrigerating capacity of 270w and an electric power of 770w. It works with the refrigerant R 404A (see safety sheet on page 8 to 14, section 4).- descriptive labelIt allows for the device, the manufacturer and serial number as well as the date of manufacture to be identified.1.3.3WORKING PRINCIPLESThe cooling system's ventilator on the front side, optionally fitted with a dust filter holder The compressor on the plates of the heat exchanger n°1.This water vapour is transformed into ice and accumulates on the plates during the 4 way solenoid valve in the funnel .1.3.4GENERAL LAYOUT OF THE CONDENSERReference document / RevSDEC FranceREFERENCE AND MAINTENANCE MANUALTRITIUM CONDENSERT160 02.10.10/ASECTION1P : 9/10 1.3.5 ELECTRICAL PARTS LISTMARKINGS NAME AND DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURERCODE 050Panel assembly cable USB/A 0.8m MOLEX9652876051Anti-dust cap 847000003MOLEX87805870525mm built-in red LED light MENTOR1215777053Graphical display WINSTAR WG12864C – TMI WINSTAR WG12864C054Touch button IP67ITW31493000556A circuit-breaker + 30mA differential switch SCHNEIDER0130421056Power supply unit 250v 6A SCHURTER4932872057Time-delay fuse 6.3A 5x20 green tube SCHURTER9,931,901B058Sensor T-RH SHT75 1590514SENSIRION1590514062Condenser control card 3400104SDEC3400104063Power supply unit HB5-3/OVP-AG POWER ONE1208815064Switch mode power supply unit 9/36w POWER ONE06854048080Silicone heating resistor 230v 180w ALPER3430114081Heating resistor 130031 230v 1kw EBM PAPST1300310824-way Solenoid valve 1115011DANFOSS1115011083220-240 50Hz coil 1115021DANFOSS1115021110Printer AP1300KIT1ALKA AP1300KIT1 111230v fan 37700/200PLACET DLKSDS105 112Tangential turbine QLK45/2400A32EBM PAPST4349832113Fan 82AV-1305-200-28NMB092210170114Fan 82AV-1305-172-34NMB092210140115Fan 40x40 5v 121-7968SEPA12179681.3.6 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OF ELECTRICS- The control circuit boardThe circuit board manages the operation of the cooling block, the 4-way valve, the ventilation, the heating and theinformation provided by the humidity and temperature sensor. It is equipped with a microcontroller with flash memory, of- The displayThe display acts as an interface between the user and the device. It displays the information originating from the circuit board. It is a backlight LCD graphical display which interacts with command keys S1 -S2 - S3.1.3.7Fuse 6,3ACircuit breaker +differential switch Mechanical earthingELECTRIC DIAGRAM OF THE CONDENSERVentilator exchangers30 mA2. OPERATION2.0 - STEPS TO BE TAKEN2.0.1 Prior to first use and set-up by the manufacturerCheck that the device has not been tilted during its transport, otherwise leave it standing for 8 hoursCheck that the device is placed on a horizontal workspace and at a minimum distance of 300mm from a partition.2.1- NORMAL OPERATION2.1.1- Start-up procedure.- Preliminary- Connect the power cord to the device and to a mains socket 230v/16A.- Check that the sampling flask is on its stand.- Switching on the equipment.- Put the circuit-breaker located at the back right of the condenser in the ON position.- Switch the On/Off switch at the back left of the condenser to I.- Operation check- Check the displayThis is the first display while switching on; it remains for 3 or 4 seconds, which is the time ittakes for the device to be initialised. In the top right corner, the device number appears (no.0012 in the example).This is the second display; it is displayed continuously while awaiting a command.- If the operator wishes to start the standard cycle, he presses the S2 key.- Or if the operator wishes to go to the settings menu, he presses the S3 key.2.1.2 The user menusThe standard menu mode.The device is set in factory to operate in a standard sampling mode with the saved parameters.These parameters are the result of several tests conducted by the French Navy, the French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (MARINE, IRSN) and by our laboratory. The cycles guarantees sampling under normal conditions; in other words, a relative temperature and humidity of:T°C = or > 0°C and RH = or > 5g/m3.PRESS S2 BRIEFLYThis is the third display; the cooling block compressor starts up.The display shows the day, hour, sampling number (004) and the water quantity ingrams/m3 contained in the surrounding air at the time of sampling, and the name of thecurrent cycle (sampling) is shown at the bottom of the display. It also shows the remainingduration of the cycle in figures (26min. 18s.) and graphically, the clock hands moveanticlockwise (from right to left), is displayed as a countdown.It is the fourth display, the trapping has finished, the inversion cycle of solenoid valve isstarted. The exchanger is reheated and the accumulated frost melts and flows into thesampling flask. The display shows the heating in process and the remaining duration ofthe cycle, is displayed as a countdown.This is the fifth display, the condensation water is in the sampling flask.The cooling block is stopped; the exchangers and the condensation collector are dried toprevent the possibility of drops of water remaining. Potential drops of water remaining inthe exchangers and the condensation collector. The display shows drying in progressand the remaining duration of the cycle, is displayed as a countdown.This is the sixth display, the sampling cycle has finished, the printer prints the sampleidentification label. The display prompts the operator to remove the flask from the deviceby pulling the sliding support. It indicates the number of the sample (in the example0004), after this it is necessary to switch the device off using the switch at the back leftside. After having torn off the label from the printer, affix it on the flask. The label isadhesive but can be removed and restuck in case it is badly positioned.Description of the label- the number of the device no. 0004.- the number of the sample no. 0006.- The date and time of the start of the sampling- the quantity of water in the ambient air at the start of the sampling.- the date and time of the end of the sampling- the quantity of water in the ambient air at the end of the sampling.Description of the printerTO CHANGE THE ROLLSEE IN SECTION 4TRITIUM CONDENSERT160 02.10.10/AP : 4/17 SEQUENCE OF STANDARD SAMPLING CYCLEThe settings menu.To go to the settings menu, press S3 at the level of the start-up display; this menu will give access to the settingssubmenus listed below:- Expert modeThis menu allows you to regulate the duration of the sampling cycle.- ProgrammingAllows you to program a deferred start-up of the sampling.- DateSetting of time and date.- USBAllows you to activate the save option on a USB flash drive. This allows the user to save the logbook of the device with the last hundred samples. (see listing in section 4)- StorageGives access to the reading of the storage of the samples and allows you to save the data of sampling on a USB key, if required. In fact, every minute of recording, the T°/ RH sensor transmits information about the quantity of water in the ambient air during the sampling in absolute values. (see listing in section 4)- MaintenanceThis menu can be accessed only by the manufacturer.STANDARD SAMPLING 1 HOURCOOLINGTRAPPINGSAMPLINGCONDENSATIONPREPARATIONSUBSEQUENT SAMPLING NORMAL CHILL CYCLEINVERSION OFCHILL CYCLENORMAL CHILLCYCLEPRINTINGLABELVENTILATEDHEATINGDRYING OFCONDENSATIONTRAY CORE TIME 43min.SET 5min.SET 10s.SET 5s.SET 10min- COMPRESSOR- FANCHILL- FANCOMPRESSOR- COMPRESSOR- FANCHILL- FANCOMPRESSOR- 4-WAY VALVE- COMPRESSOR- FANCHILL- FANCOMPRESSOR- PRINTER- FANCOMPRESSOR- TURBINE- THERMALRESISTOR- FANCOMPRESSOR- TURBINE- RESISTOR TRAYTRITIUM CONDENSERT160 02.10.10/AP : 5/17 Synopsis of the settings menurtmdryingThe expert mode menu.PRESS ON S3 BRIEFLYThis is the first display of the settings menu after pressing briefly on S3 (>) from the start-up display, the user can access expert mode by pressing the S2 button for OK.PRESS S2 BRIEFLYThe second display requests the access code; this code is saved in the deviceparameters at in factory. To enter these, use the buttons S1 (-) and S3 (+), then confirmeach number with the button S2 (OK).After the code is entered, press the button S2 (OK) to enter the expert menu.In case of error, the display indicates CODE ERROR and will return to the previousdisplay.PRESS S2 BRIEFLYThe display requests the desired duration of the sampling; i.e. the time during which thecold trap is in operation. Following the same principle, use the buttons S1 (-) and S3 (+),then confirm with the button S2 (OK). The maximum duration is 60 minutes.PRESS S2 BRIEFLYThe display requests the desired duration of the heating; i.e. the cycle inversion time ofthe cold trap which becomes hot and melts the ice on the fins of the exchanger. Use thebuttons S1 (-) and S3 (+), then confirm with the button S2 (OK). The maximum durationis 10 minutes.PRESS S2 BRIEFLYThe display requests the duration of the drying of the condenser and the condensationcollector tray; this is the time during which the thermals resistors are operationals and thetangential turbine dries up the fins of the exchanger. Use the buttons S1 (-) and S3 (+),then confirm with the button S2 (OK).The maximum duration is 20 minutes.PRESS S2 BRIEFLYReturn to the start-up display, the duration of the sampling cycle has been taken intoaccount according to the parameters modified in expert mode, in the example 1Hr10min. The maximum duration of a sampling cycle in expert mode is 1Hr 30 min.Press thebutton S2 to start-up the sampling cycle or S3 to return to the settings menu.SEQUENCE OF THE EXPERT SAMPLING CYCLE.The programming menu.This is the first display of the programming menu; press the button S2 (OK) to enter the menu.PRESS S2 BRIEFLYThe second display requests the date and time of desired start-up, use the buttons S1 (-)and S3 (+) to increase or decrease the parameters and confirm with the button S2 (OK).PRESS S2 BRIEFLYThe third display indicates the date and time that the deferred start-up was saved and the requested date and time for the start of the sampling. The time elapses and counts down to zero.SAMPLING IN EXPERT MODECOOLING TRAPPING SAMPLING CONDENSATION PREPARATIONSUBSEQUENT SAMPLING NORMAL CHILL CYCLE INVERSION OF CHILL CYCLE NORMAL CHILLCYCLEPRINTING LABEL VENTILATED HEATINGDRYING OF CONDENSATIONTRAYADJUSTABLE RANGE1 to 60min.ADJUSTABLE RANGE 1 to 10min.SET 10s.SET 3s.ADJUSTABLE RANGE1 to 20min.- COMPRESSOR - FAN CHILL - FANCOMPRESSOR- COMPRESSOR - FAN CHILL - FANCOMPRESSOR - 4-WAY VALVE- COMPRESSOR - FAN CHILL - FANCOMPRESSOR- PRINTER- FANCOMPRESSOR - TURBINE - THERMAL RESISTOR HEATING- FANCOMPRESSOR - TURBINE- RESISTOR TRAYAUTOMATIC START-UPThe fourth display indicates that sampling is in progress, the device starts up and samplingcommences. THE DEVICE TAKES THE LAST MODE INTO ACCOUNT SAVED BEFORETHE DEFERRED START-UP.The fifth display indicates the end of the sampling as in the standard cycle, stop the deviceand remove the flask with its label.The date settings menu.PRESS ON S3 BRIEFLYAfter briefly pressing S3 (>) from the expert menu, the date menu appears; press thebutton S2 (OK) to enter the menu.PRESS S2 BRIEFLYTo set the date and time, use the buttons S1 (-) and S3 (+) to decrease or increase thevalues and confirm every number with the button S2 (OK).After confirming the minutes, press briefly on S2 (OK) and you will return to the datesettings display. To return to the start-up, press the button S1 (<) until the display returnsor press S3 (>) to continue in the settings menu.The USB menu.PRESS ON S3 BRIEFLYAfter briefly pressing S3 (>) in the date settings display, you will arrive at the USB menu.This menu will give you the possibility of confirming the option of saving data on a USBflash drive.This option allows you to record relative humidity in g/m3 every minute duringthe upcoming sampling.PRESS S2 BRIEFLYAfter briefly pressing the button S2 (OK), the display asks you the questionno/yes, use the buttons S1 (no) or S3 (yes), then confirm your choice with S2 key, if youchoose no, you will return to the settings menu on the previous display.ATTENTION: IF YOU AGREE TO THE USB OPTION, THE DISPLAY WILL PROMPTYOU FOR THE FLASH DRIVE TO START UP THE SAMPLING CYCLE.PRESS ON S3 BRIEFLYPress briefly on S3 = yes,PRESS S2 BRIEFLYReturn to the settings menu.The sampling storage menu.PRESS ON S3 BRIEFLYAfter briefly pressing S3 (>), you will reach the storage menu. This menu allows you tosearch for a sampling in the memory, either by number or by date, and to display it.It also allows you to save the device log with the status of the last hundred samples (seelisting of storages in section 4)PRESS S2 BRIEFLYAfter briefly pressing S2 (OK), you enter the storage menu, the display indicates thesample number (no. 0018), by pressing the button S1 (<), you can go back up to no.0001. The starting date and time and end date and time of every sampling is indicated.The device stores the hundred last samplings in its memory, but the numbering can goup to 9999.PRESS S2 BRIEFLYIf you wish to save the device log (see listing in section 4), the display asks whether youwant to save it on a USB flash drive yes or no. Press S1 (<) for no and you return to thestorage menu display. Press S3 (>) for yes.PRESS ON S3 BRIEFLYPress briefly S3 (>), and the display will request you to insert the USB flashdrive.INSERTING THE USB FLASH DRIVEThe device detects the flash drive and informs the user to wait for a fewseconds.The device shows the rest of the usable memory on the key in million octets orin giga octets according to the capacity of the USB key.Saving begins and the user is informed of the progress of the saving by a graph.You are automatically returned to the storage menu after it has finished saving.The Maintenance menu.PRESS ON S3 BRIEFLYAfter briefly pressing S3 (>), you will reach the maintenance menu; this menu isreserved for the manufacturer. To access it you need an input code, which isnot provided with the device.TRITIUM CONDENSER T160 02.10.10/AP : 13/17PRESS S2 BRIEFLYThe user presses the button S2 (OK), the display will ask for the code, to leave thismenu, it is enough to stop the device with the On/Off button on the back left and torestart it, the device returns to the start-up display.If the user enters the incorrect code, it will show CODE ERROR and will return to themaintenance menu display.The Return Menu.After pressing S3 (>) from the maintenance menu, you will reach the return menu.By pressing the button S2 (OK), you will return to the start-up display.PRESS S2 BRIEFLYThe start-up display appears; pressing S2 (OK) starts the sampling in the standard modeby default or in expert mode if the user entered the expert mode menu.2.1.3 - Shut-down procedure.It is possible to stop the device at any time during its operation.- to stop the condenser, press the On/Off button on the back left side of the device.2.1.4 - START-UP PROCEDURE AFTER THE STOP DURING AN OPERATING CYCLE.After power-off recycle:- Switch over the On/Off switch at the back left of the condenser to I.the device takes back its sampling in progress and the display indicates resuming sampling, after a few seconds the sampling display appears and the device resumes its cycle from the point where it had stopped.The display indicates the resumption of the sampling.After approximately three seconds, the sampling in progress display appears at the sametime as the device starts up.2.1.5 - START-UP PROCEDURE IN CASE OF AN ERROR OR MODIFICATION.After power-off recycle:- Switch over the On/Off switch at the back left of the condenser to I.- As soon as the display lights up, press the button S2 for 3 seconds and the display will return to the start-updisplay. It is a RAZ (reset) of the parameters of the current operation.Press S2 for 3 seconds after the display lights up.The display returns to start-up.2.1.6 – MONITORING PROCEDURE PERMITTING FULL OPERATIONAL CAPACITY.- Display of the parameters on the display:Duration of current sampling.The name of the current cycle.The water quantity in g/m3.- Cooling block in operationAppearance of ice on the fins of the exchanger after a few minutes' operation.2.1.7 – SAFEGUARDING PROCEDURE DURING SHUTDOWN.- Short period of up to 48 hours.Not applicable- Long period of more than 48 hours.Place the guard plate on the air intake grate to avoid the deposition of dust on the fins of the exchanger; this deposition could result in the accumulation of contamination.2.2 – PROCEDURE TO BE FOLLOWED IN CASE OF AN ACCIDENT.2.2.1 - Steps to be taken if the device does not cool down.- The device is working, there is a display, the cooling block compressor works but there is no refrigeration; there is no ice on the fins of the exchanger.。