






二、问题分析1. 问题分析:首先,我们需要对题目的要求进行深入理解。



2. 数学建模:为了解决这个问题,我们可以采用数学建模的方法。




3. 算法设计:在确定了数学模型后,我们需要设计相应的算法来求解这个问题。



4. 结果分析:最后,我们需要对算法的结果进行分析和评估。


三、解决方案1. 数据收集:首先,我们需要收集相关的数据。



2. 建立模型:然后,我们使用数学建模的方法来建立装箱优化模型。


3. 算法设计:接下来,我们设计相应的算法来求解这个优化问题。






【期刊名称】《河南科学》【年(卷),期】2012(000)012【总页数】4页(P1757-1760)【关键词】翻箱问题;集装箱堆场;启发式算法【作者】刘立强;梁承姬【作者单位】上海海事大学物流研究中心,上海 201306;上海海事大学物流研究中心,上海 201306【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U656.1+35集装箱港口一般采用多层堆垛的方式来提高堆场容量.在集装箱堆场中,垂直堆放的一列集装箱称为一个栈,并排堆放的若干个栈构成一个贝位,贝位中水平堆放的一排集装箱称为层,贝位中每个放置集装箱的空间称为箱位,如图1所示.由于龙门吊每次只能移动一个顶层箱子,如果先装船的箱压在后装船的箱下面,就会产生翻箱操作,则该后装船的集装箱被称为阻塞箱.在集装箱堆场作业中,翻箱操作通常是在同一贝位内进行,因为龙门吊小车的移动时间相对于龙门吊本身的移动时间可以忽略不计.翻箱问题的目标就是以最少的翻箱操作次数,使得整个贝位中没有阻塞箱,所有的高优先级集装箱都置于低优先级的集装箱上面.目前已有不少学者对翻箱问题做了大量研究.Kim和Kim等针对进口箱到达模式不同建立了以最小化期望翻箱量为目标的数学模型,并利用拉格朗日松弛和次梯度优化方法求出相应的最佳堆垛高度[1].Kim等以最小化装船时的翻箱次数为目标,利用动态规划和决策树的方法研究了出口集装箱的堆放策略问题[2].针对这一问题,郝聚民等提出了一种基于图搜索和模式识别的启发式方法[3],杨淑芹等提出了基于集装箱落箱顺序已知的启发式方法[4].Kim和Hong以最小化翻箱操作次数为目标,利用分支定界和启发式方法来求解[5].白治江等建立了一种堆场倒箱问题的整数规划模型[6].徐亚等对翻出箱的落箱位置的确定问题进行了研究,提出一种启发式算法H及其改进算法IH[7].Lee和Hsu以最小化翻箱量为目标,提出了整数规划模型并用启发式算法对翻箱路径进行优化[8].图1 集装箱堆垛图Fig.1 Layout of container yard1 问题描述集装箱根据发箱时间先后顺序可以分为不同的优先级,如果优先级高的集装箱压在优先级低的集装箱下面,需要先将上面集装箱移走才能提取下面的集装箱,由此产生集装箱的翻箱问题.如图2a所示,该贝位由4个栈组成,每个栈有4个箱位,一共有13个集装箱,3个空箱位.集装箱的优先级由高到低分为1~6个不同等级,1级为最高优先级.阴影标注的集装箱为阻塞箱,需要经过一系列的翻箱操作才能达到图2b所示的无阻塞箱状态.翻箱操作是将集装箱从一个栈移动到另一个栈,将其定义为(i,o),其中i代表初始栈号,o代表目标栈号,对栈的操作就是对栈的顶层集装箱进行操作.例如图2中的a状态经过如下翻箱操作达到b 状态:(3,1)→(3,0)→(2,3)→(0,2)→(0,3)→(2,0)→(1,0).图2 翻箱前后对比Fig.2 Contrast of before and after relocation2 启发式方法在集装箱堆场中,因为安全问题集装箱的堆存高度通常不能超过其额定堆存高度T,在进行翻箱操作时可选择的落箱位只能是尚未达到额定堆存高度的栈,称为备选栈.一个贝位内的集装箱发箱优先级为1到p,则优先级集合P={1,…,p};给定一个集装箱c,则根据其所在栈号sc和层号t c能确定其堆存位置,例如c(sc,t c);用p c表示该集装箱的发箱优先级,h(sc)表示c所在栈的实际堆垛箱数.L 是一个人工设定的阀值,L 的取值范围是 1<L<T;如果L≤h(sc)<T 则将栈sc称为高饱和栈,如果 h(sc)<L,sc称为低饱和栈,如果h(sc)=T则称sc 为满栈.算法过程如下:步骤1:将栈分类.把贝位中的栈分为三类,一类是栈中包含有阻塞箱,用集合W表示;第二类是不包含阻塞箱的栈,用集合R表示;第三类是空栈,用集合E表示.步骤2:填充高饱和栈.a)如果R非空,从R中选取一个堆垛层数最大的高饱和栈,该栈最上层的集装箱记作c,则该栈记作sc.b)从集合W各栈中选择一个集装箱c′(从各栈中选择就是从各栈的最上层集装箱中选择),使得pc′=pc,将c′移动到栈sc.重复该过程,直到栈sc达到最大堆垛高度T.如果有多个满足条件的c′,则选择堆垛高度最小的栈.c)如果栈sc还未达到最大堆垛高度而在W中已经没有满足条件的′,则选择满足条件的′,依此类推,将c′移动到栈sc,直到栈sc达到最大堆垛高度T.步骤3:填充低饱和栈.a)从集合R中任意选择一个低饱和栈,如果该栈已经被标记过,则重新选择,该栈最上层的集装箱记作c,则该栈记作sc.b)从集合W各栈中选择一个集装箱′,使得,将c′移动到栈sc.如果W中没有满足条件的′,则选择满足条件的′,将′移动到栈 sc.c)通过重复b)来判断栈sc是否能够成为高饱和栈,如果能则将所有满足条件的c′移动到栈sc,若不能则将其标记.d)重复a)~c),直至R中所有的低饱和栈被标记或者称为高饱和栈.步骤4:清空低饱和栈.将R中无法转为高饱和栈的低饱和栈清空.a)从R中选择堆垛层数最小的被标记过的低饱和栈,该栈最上层的集装箱记作c,则该栈记作sc.b)将集装箱c移到其它栈,如果在R中存在一个栈满足条件,并且若将c移动到栈可以使其成为一个高饱和栈,则执行f);否则执行c).c)将集装箱c移到其它栈,如果在W中存在一个栈满足条件将c移动到栈,然后执行f);否则执行d).d)如果 W 中不存在满足条件的栈则选择满足条件的栈将集装箱 c 移动到栈然后执行f);如果W中满足条件的栈也没有,则执行e).e)在 W 中选择满足条件的栈,将集装箱 c 移动到栈f)重复步骤4,直到sc为空栈.步骤5:填充空栈.将W中的集装箱填充到空栈.a)如果存在一个空栈 sc,从 W 中选择一个值最大的栈,将集装箱′移动到空栈 sc,若值最大的栈不止一个,则选择值最小的栈.b)从集合 W 中选择一个满足条件的集装箱c′,如果没有,则选择满足条件的集装箱如果满足条件的栈不止一个,则选择值最小的栈;将集装箱c′移动到栈sc.c)重复 b),直到或者3 算例分析为了验证本文中提出的启发式算法的有效性,将Lee和Hsu[8]中的两个算例应用本文提出的算法求解,并将结果与其进行对比.在算例1中,贝位内有6个栈,最大堆存高度为4,图3a为集装箱的初始堆垛状态,图3b为翻箱作业后的无阻塞箱状态.从图3a状态到图3b状态,需要经过以下9步翻箱作业:(4,2)→(1,5)→(1,2)→(0,1)→(4,1)→(3,1)→(4,3)→(5,4)→(5,4).图3 算例1Fig.3 Example 1在算例2中,贝位内有12个栈,最大堆存高度为5,图4a为集装箱的初始堆垛状态,图4b为翻箱作业后的目标状态.从图4a状态到图4b状态,需要进行以下35次翻箱作业:(5,0)→(3,1)→(3,11)→(5,3)→(9,3)→(10,3)→(4,3)→(8,3)→(5,7)→(1,5)→(1,5)→(8,5)→(6,5)→(2,5)→(6,1)→(7,1)→(7,1)→(10,7)→(6,10)→(2,10)→(4,10)→(9,10)→(8,10)→(9,6)→(2,6)→(7,6)→(2,9)→(7,2)→(7,9)→(4,9)→(11,9)→(11,9)→(7,8)→(4,7)→(11,7).图4 算例2Fig.4 Example 2本文求解的结果与Lee和Hsu[8]中的结果进行对比,如表1所示.可以看出,对于算例1,二者的翻箱次数相同,对于算例2,本文得出的翻箱次数较少.在进行算例2的实验过程中还发现阀值L的不同设定,对求解结果会有影响,具体的数值如表2所示.表1 算例结果比较(单位:次数)Tab.1 Contrastof the resultof examples本文 Lee和Hsu算例1 9 9算例2 35 47表2 阀值L的取值对结果的影响Tab.2 Influence of variety value of L阀值L结果(翻箱次数)4 36 2 35 3 374 总结翻箱作业是影响堆场作业效率的关键因素,为有效降低集装箱堆场的翻箱率,提高堆场作业效率,本文提出了一种启发式算法,通过对贝位内的栈进行分类,将不同种类的栈带入算法依次迭代,在迭代过程中优先考虑没有阻塞箱的高饱和栈,最终消除整个贝位内的阻塞箱.最后通过算例实验表明本文提出的方法较Lee和Hsu[8]的方法有一定的优越性.同时,本文提出的方法中,阀值L依据什么样的规则来设定还需要在将来做更深入的研究.【相关文献】[1]Kim K H,Kim H B.Segregating space allocation models for container inventories in port container terminals[J].International Journal of Production Economics,1999,59(1):415-423.[2]Kim K H,Park Y M,Ryu K R.Deriving decision rules to locate export containers in container yards[J].European Journal of Operational Research,2000,124(2):89-101.[3]郝聚民,纪卓尚,林焰.混合顺序作业堆场BAY优化模型[J].大连理工大学学报,2000,40(1):102-105.[4]杨淑芹,张运杰,王志强.集装箱堆场问题的一个数学模型及其算法[J].大连海事大学学报,2002(28):115-117.[5]Kim K H,Hong G P.A heuristic rule for relocating blocks[J].Computers and Operations Research,2006,33(4):940-954.[6]白治江,王晓峰.集装箱翻箱优化方案设计[J].水运工程,2008(4):57-61.[7]徐亚,陈秋双,龙磊,等.集装箱倒箱问题的启发式算法研究[J].系统仿真学报,2008,20(14):3666-3674.[8]Lee Y,Hsu N Y.An optimization model for the container pre-marshalling problem [J].Computer and Operations Research,2007,34(11):3295-3313.。



实验表 明 , 方法与 目前 国 内外 文献 的 同类优 化 算 法相 比较 , 该 效果 明显 . 关键词 :集装 箱码 头 ; 场 ;博 弈模 型 ;启发 式算 法 ;倒 箱 堆
中 图分类 号 : 6 6 15 P 8 U 5 .3 ;T 1 文献 标 志码 : A
Ga e h urs i pt i a i n a g r t m o m e itc o i z to l o ih f r m
tr n la e rg r e si i e si a e p o e s Th i ewh n t e c so es p c p c n an r s r - e mi a r e a d d a nsd r n g m r c s . e t e h u tm r i k u o ti e s b a e rsi p i z to lo t m.I h smo l h uso r n h ui t e mo e ss l e y g me h u t o tmiai n a g r h i c i n t i de ,t e c t me sa d t e
求 解. 该模 型把 客 户和码 头看成博 弈过 程 中的局 中人 , 户取 走 集 装 箱 的 时 间作 为 局 中人 的策略 , 客
这些 策略 通过 电子信 息交换 传递 到码 头 , 头得 到客 户局 中人 的 策略 , 而得 到 集装 箱被取 走 的优 码 从 先级 ; 通过 建 立码 头局 中人 的效 用 函数 , 把倒 箱 优化 问题 转换 成 寻 求效 用 函数 最 大值 的 问题 . 真 仿
r s u fe i o t i e a d e h f n c n a n r y r s l
YI h n jn ,L asu IX n in e gu IB oh n ,L iqa g Z









数不少 , 但是 其 中许多研究 的可行性 和可操 作性 不强 。 时值 为正 , 出口时 值为负 ; 为港 口 i 在第 个 决策期
2 0 年 ,I A等人Ⅲ 04 L J 研究一个港 口内的空箱调运 问题 , 内能够使 用 的空 箱量 ;Z‘ l 为港 口 i 每个决策期 内进 在

∑ 。 Z) 2 P‘ 1;Z‘ ( 为港 口 i 在每个 决策期 内出 口的空
为 Z 的分布 函数 , 中 l 其 ( ≤z ):
箱量 ; 2 尸 为 的概率密度 , 中 P =Z) 2z) 其 2 ( 2=p' , (
本文 在此基础 上 , 这个结论 运用于解 决多个 港 0 2 将 ≤Z≤ ;
在 世界海运服务业迅速 发展起来 , 并逐 渐走 向规范化 。 由于国际 贸易活动 的不 平衡性 , 同港 口之 间的集装 不
箱空 箱供需模式 并不相 同 。例如 , 中东地 区积 压大量
研究 假设如下 :1 集装箱规格 相 同, () 都是 2 英 尺 0
的空 箱 , 而在 以出 口为主 的港 口如香港 港却经 常面临 的标 准箱 ;2 调运 的空箱能 即刻 满足当前需求 ;3 如 () () 空箱短 缺 的问题 。在集 装箱需求港 , 运企业 为 了降 果进行 空箱调运后还 不能满足 当前 的需 求 , 航 必须租 箱。 低费用并 快速满 足托运人 的需求 , 必须成 功地从 供应
港 向需求 港调运空 箱 , 或从 租箱公 司租用空 箱 。
本文使用 的符号 : 为决策期 ; Ⅳ为港 口总数 ;  ̄ M3 J 空箱 总数 ;X 为港 口 i 在决策期 末 所拥有 的空箱数
近年来 , 运业有关集装箱空箱调运 问题的研究为 量 ; 为决策变量 , 口i 航 港 需进 口或 出口的空 箱量 , 口 进



高效求解三维装箱问题的剩余空间最优化算法一、本文概述随着物流、制造业和计算机科学的快速发展,三维装箱问题(Three-Dimensional Bin Packing Problem, 3D-BPP)已成为一个备受关注的研究热点。










二、相关文献综述装箱问题,特别是三维装箱问题(3D Bin Packing Problem,3D-BPP),一直是计算机科学和运筹学领域研究的热点和难点。




传统的启发式算法,如最先适应算法(First Fit)、最佳适应算法(Best Fit)和最差适应算法(Worst Fit)等,虽然简单直观,但在处理大规模或复杂装箱问题时往往效果不佳。







1. 首先,将箱子大小确定,假设为(l,w,h);
2. 然后,有序列出物件列表,其大小由(a,b,c)表示;
3. 开始从第一个物件开始放置,设定初始搜索层为1;
4. 逐层搜索,首先在最顶部的一层尝试放置,如果放置成功则进入下一层,如果放置失败则换位置再试;
5. 直至放置到最后一层或者条件达到,表示搜索过程结束;
6. 由下一层开始,重新回溯,依次计算容器内物件的体积,直至最后一层;
7. 最后,找出体积最小的装箱方式,即为最优解。





He rsi lo i m o o s l ain p o lm farc r o fr r e s u it ag r h frc n oi t rb e o i a g owad r c t d o
G n mio,GONG B n g n UIYu — a e — a g,CHE NG u mi g Yo — n
桂云苗 ,龚本 刚 ,程幼 明
( 安徽 工程 大学 管理 工程 学院 , 安徽 芜湖 2 10 ) 400

要 :为了有效求解大规模的航 空货代拼箱决策问题 , 在拼箱问题的混合整数规划模型基础上, 将模型转换
为集合覆盖问题 , 利用常用的拉格朗 日 松弛方法, 出了一个拼箱问题的启发式求解方法, 提 并给出了修正不可行 解的方法和拼箱组合空间调整方法。数值分析结果表明, 该启发式算法是有效可行的, 而且运算效率比较高, 与
最优 解 间误 差 比较 小。
关键词:交通管理 ;拼箱;航空货代 ;集合覆盖 ;启发式算法
中图分类 号 :T 3 16 P 0 . 文献标 志码 :A 文章 编号 :10 —6 5 2 1 ) 7 2 4 — 3 0 1 3 9 ( 0 0 —4 6 0 1
d i1 .9 9 ji n 10 -6 5 2 1 .7 0 1 o:0 3 6 /.s .0 13 9 .0 10 . l s
( oeeo ngmet n ier g, n a o t h i U i rt,W h n u 2 10 C ia C lg Ma a e n gnei A h i le nc nv sy u uA hi 40 0, hn ) l f E n P yc ei
Ab t a t I r e o s le r ait al r e s ae c ro c n oi ain p o lms t i p p r r n fr d te arc ro fr a d sr c : n o d rt ov e l i l l g —c l a g o s l t rb e , s a e a some h i a g o w r — sc y a d o h t e sc n o ia in p o lm owelk o n s t o e ig p o l m a e n mie tg rp o rmmig mo e a d u e a rn i n F o s l t r be t l— n w e v rn r b e b s d o x d i e e r ga d o c n n d l n s d L g a ga Rea ain t e eo e u sv e rs ca g rtm . n ic se h rb e f e s l s l t n d tr n t n a d s ta — l x t o d v lp ar c r ie h u it l o h a d d s u s d te p o lmso a i e ou i ee mi ai n e d o i i f b o o



personification heuristics,which is inspired by the daily
building wall in the 2D・packing
the personification heuristics for the

the 2D strip packing
problem into
problem.Then,for the 2D
packing problem,we present
to pack
first strategy
与切割相对应的是填充(排样、布局)问题,随着超大规模集成电路的出现, 一块电路板中的元器件有成千上万个。怎么样合理地安排每个元器件在电路板上 的位置,最大化利用电路板的空间,即电路板的布局问题,成为集成电路版图设 计中的一个重要步骤。该问题也同样出现在报纸的排版中。 在数学的王国中,有一个问题一直困扰着人们,即“完美正方形”【2l的寻找。 所谓“完美正方形"是指可以用一些大小各不相同,并且边长为整数的小正方形 铺满的正方形,有趣的是,该问题也跟装箱问题有密切联系,事实上,21阶的 “完美正方形’’正是用大型电子计算机算出来的。 由此可见,装箱问题的应用非常广泛,研究该问题有着重要的实际意义。随 着应用领域的不同,装箱问题的目标和约束条件也不同,因此人们抽象出了一些 通用的数学模型并把该问题分成了很多类型来分别研究。装箱问题一般可描述如
and the newspaper


























































三、研究内容本研究的主要内容包括以下三个方面:1. 集装箱堆场分配问题的建模与分析:分析集装箱堆场分配问题的特点,建立相应的数学模型,探究其优化问题。

2. 启发式算法研究:分析现有的启发式算法,综合各种算法的优缺点,提出一种较为有效的启发式算法,并对算法进行优化。

3. 算法实现与方案制定:通过软件开发工具,实现上述算法,进一步优化算法流程,同时制定相应的实施方案,为企业解决集装箱堆场分配问题提供科学依据。



六、预期结果本研究预期结果具体包括以下几个方面:1. 以启发式算法为基础,建立高效的集装箱堆场分配模型,并提供较为准确的计算结果;2. 研究并制定出可行的实施方案,对企业集装箱堆场分配问题进行定量分析,为企业决策提供参考;3. 实现相应的算法,并通过实验验证优化算法的可行性和有效性,为相关领域提供有益的参考和借鉴。



二十年前有一天,一位荷兰数学家布鲁京(N.G.de Bruijn)发现,他七岁的儿子没有法子把27块大小是1 ×2 ×4的木块迭成一个每边长是6的立方体。


若是一块砖的长、宽、高可写成a ×ab ×abc(这里a、b、c都是正整数),则布鲁京称之为和谐(harmonic)砖块。

其中1 ×2 ×4的砖块(见图一)又称为标准(canonical)砖,因为它不但是满足和谐条件的最简单例子,而且又非常像砌墙用的实际砖头。

布鲁京证明一批大小为a ×ab ×abc的和谐砖块能正好完全填满一个匣子的充分及必要条件,是匣子的大小必须呈(ax)×(aby)×(abcz)形式,其中x、y、z 都是整数。


在平面上,1 ×2的长方形纸牌若可填满一个大的长方形,则此长方形最少有一边是偶数。


由于6不能被4除尽,根据布鲁京定理,这个难题是不能解的;不过有没有简单的证明呢?让我们先看另一个比较简单的类似问题:把边长为8的正方形纸板斜对角上的两个方格子(面积各为1)剪去后,能否用31块1 ×2的小纸牌填满呢?不能,证明如下:把原先纸板上的64个小方格涂以两种不同的颜色,使相邻两格颜色不同。






d i me ns i o na l c o nt a i ne r l o a d i ng p r ob l e m. Fi r s t l y a l l bo xe s a r e c o mpo s e d i n t o mu l t i pl e g oo d — s t r i ps . Th e bo xe s i n e a c h go o d — s t r i p a r e a r r a ng e d a l on g a v e r t i c a l l i ne . Th e n a bi na r y t r e e i s c r e a t e d .
中图法分类号 T P 3 0 1 D OI 号 1 0 . 1 1 8 9 7 / S P . J . 1 0 1 6 . 2 0 1 5 . 0 1 5 3 0
A He u r i s t i c Or t ho g o n a l Bi na r y Tr e e S e a r c h Al g o r i t h m f o r
Ea c h t r e e n o d e i n t h e t r e e i s a c o n t a i n e r - l o a d i n g p l a n wh i l e t h e r o o t n o d e d e n o t e s a n e mp t y o n e .
第3 8 卷
第 8 期

V o1 . 38 No .8 Au g. 20 15
2 0 1 5年 8月
求解 三维 装箱 问题 的启 发 式 正 交二 叉树 搜 索算 法





























地址:210000 江苏省南京市中国(江苏)自由贸易试验区南京片区研创园浦滨路211号基因大厦B 幢24楼



1.集装箱装载矩形货物的一种启发式算法 [J], 刘霞;吕汉兴
2.一种新的求解集装箱装载问题算法 [J], 李会序;王雪梅
3.同类货物集装箱装载问题的启发式算法 [J], 孙洪礼;王周敬
4.求解圆柱形物品装载问题的递归启发式算法 [J], 杨莹;赵新芳;崔耀东
5.集装箱装载的一种启发式算法 [J], 阎威武;邵惠鹤;田雅杰



一种求解航空货代拼箱问题的启发式算法桂云苗;龚本刚;程幼明【期刊名称】《计算机应用研究》【年(卷),期】2011(28)7【摘要】为了有效求解大规模的航空货代拼箱决策问题,在拼箱问题的混合整数规划模型基础上,将模型转换为集合覆盖问题,利用常用的拉格朗日松弛方法,提出了一个拼箱问题的启发式求解方法,并给出了修正不可行解的方法和拼箱组合空间调整方法.数值分析结果表明,该启发式算法是有效可行的,而且运算效率比较高,与最优解间误差比较小.%In order to solve realistically large-scale cargo consolidation problems,this paper transformed the air cargo forward-ers consolidation problem to well-known set covering problem based on mixed integer programming model and used Lagrangian Relaxation to develop a recursive heuristic algorithm, and discussed the problems of feasible solution determination and set ad-justment. Tested a numerical experiment. The results show that the algorithm is feasible with high computing efficiency, and the generated solutions is very close to optimal solution.【总页数】4页(P2446-2448,2451)【作者】桂云苗;龚本刚;程幼明【作者单位】安徽工程大学管理工程学院,安徽芜湖241000;安徽工程大学管理工程学院,安徽芜湖241000;安徽工程大学管理工程学院,安徽芜湖241000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP301.6【相关文献】1.一种有效求解厌恶设施选址问题的混合启发式算法 [J], 袁文燕;闫白鹭;吴军;李健2.一种求解带宽限制的中位问题的启发式算法∗ [J], 陈丽丰; 金忠3.一种求解图论中最大独立集问题的启发式算法 [J], 冯云4.一种求解柔性资源约束前摄性项目调度问题的启发式算法 [J], 马咏;何正文;江波;王能民5.一种求解两级累计式车辆路径问题的两阶段启发式算法 [J], 何继天;许维胜;曾正洋因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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An efficient placement heuristic for three-dimensional rectangular packingKun He,Wenqi HuangÃSchool of Computer Science and Technology,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan430074,Chinaa r t i c l e i n f oAvailable online28April2010Keywords:Cutting and packingThree-dimensionRectangular packingContainer loadingHeuristica b s t r a c tBy embodying the spirit of‘‘gold corner,silver side and strawy void’’directly on the candidate packingplace such that the searching space is reduced considerably,and by utilizing the characteristic ofweakly heterogeneous problems that many items are in the same size,afit degree algorithm(FDA)isproposed for solving a classical3D rectangular packing problem,container loading problem.Experiments show that FDA works well on the complete set of1500instances proposed by Bischoff,Ratcliff and Davies.Especially for the800difficult strongly heterogeneous instances among them,FDAoutperforms other algorithms with an average volume utilization of91.91%,which to our knowledge is0.45%higher than current best result just reported in2010.&2010Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionCutting and packing problems are representative combinationaloptimization problems with many important applications in theindustry.This paper addresses the problem of loading a subset ofthree-dimensional(3D)rectangular items into a3D rectangularcontainer,such that the total volume of the packed items is maxi-mized,i.e.the container’s wasted volume is minimized.A layout iscalled feasible,if each packed item is located orthogonally andcompletely in the container and there is no overlapping betweenany two items.This problem is an NP-hard problem,whose1Ddegradation,the0–1knapsack problem,is still NP-hard.This3D rectangular packing problem is also called thecontainer loading problem,because the most common andimportant application of this problem is to load rectangularcargoes into containers,vehicles or ships in the transportationindustry.There are some additional considerations that would betaken into account in the real world[1,2],among which theorientation constraint and the stability constraint are the mostimportant ones.In our opinion,if there is an efficient approach tosolve the basic problem that has no additional constraints,then itis not difficult to make the approach adapted to problemsconsidering some additional ones.Since the orientation constraint has been widely considered bythe researchers,and it has been accepted by the famous BRbenchmarks[1],we take the orientation constraint into accountthat one or two sides of the items may not be used as the height.This situation usually happens when cargoes are boxes full of oilor wine.We do not concern the stability constraint for thefollowing reasons:(1)Stability constraint is not considered aswidely as the orientation one and the stability criteria isinconsistent in the literature.In some cases it requires that eachitem is fully supported,or partially supported with at least a givenpercentage;in other cases it requires that the gravity center ofeach item falls over an underlying item or over the bottom of thecontainer.(2)Stability could become a consequence of the highcargo compactness when the container’s volume utilization ishigh enough.(3)Foam rubber or other stuffing could be used tofill the small empty spaces left,as what has been done in somefreight companies.Many efficient algorithms have been proposed for solving thisclassical3D packing problem.The most prevalent approach iswall building or layering[1,3–9],first proposed by George andRobinson in1980[3].In the past thousand years,people usuallystart packing goods from the bottom and build up the packingin layers,inserting each goods such that it is contiguous withwhat is already packed.Inspired by these human’s experience,thewall building or layering method usually opens a new layeror wall with a width equals to some item dimension,then eachlayer isfilled up by a number of horizontal strips,and each stripis packed in a greedy way.Another efficient approach widelyadopted by the researchers is block arrangement[10–12],firstproposed by Bortfeldt and Gehring in1998[10],which bindsitems of the same or similar size into a larger rectangular block todo the tentative packing.By utilizing the block arrangementmethod,Parren˜o proposed an approach that always places acolumn or layer built by same size items into a maximal space,thelargest empty parallelepiped spaces[13,14].Above approaches allutilized the characteristic of the weakly heterogeneous instancesthat many items are in the same size.Therefore,the solutionqualities are in a downtrend when the problems become moreContents lists available at ScienceDirectjournal homepage:/locate/caorComputers&Operations Research0305-0548/$-see front matter&2010Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.cor.2010.04.015ÃCorresponding author.Tel.:+862787543018;fax:+862787545004.E-mail addresses:brooklet60@(K.He),wqhuangwh@(W.Huang).Computers&Operations Research38(2011)227–233and more strongly heterogeneous,i.e.same size items become less and less.In2009,inspired by an old proverb‘‘Gold corner,silver side and strawy void’’,and improved by a new observation‘‘Maximum value in diamond cave’’,Huang and He proposed a caving degree approach(CDA)whose key issue is to pack an outside item into a corner or even a cave in the container such that the item is as compact and close as possible with other items[2,15].Differs from other approaches,CDA is especially good at strongly heterogeneous instances.But unfortunately the searching space of the CDA is quite large because it searches all corners where three orthogonal surfaces of different items meet at each iteration step,and the computation of caving degree is time-consuming for each candidate placement.Above drawback becomes a main barrier if people want to get higher volume utilization within a reasonable time.In this paper,we make improvements on the CDA,largely decrease the searching space by just considering a corner nearest to the edges of the container as the candidate packing place.This strategy embodies the nature of‘‘gold corner,silver side and strawy void’’directly.Besides,the scope of action space in the caving degree approach is modified to be a much smaller and appropriate one in this paper,which simplifies the evaluation of different placements.Furthermore,same size items are bound into different blocks,andfit degree is defined to judge which blockfit the action space best.Experiments show that thefit degree approach(FDA)not only largely speeded up the computa-tion,markedly improved the solution’s quality,but also inherited the advantage of the CDA on the strongly heterogeneous problems.2.Thefit degree algorithmThefit degree algorithm(FDA)contains two phases:the constructive phase and the local search phase.Wefirst introduce FDA’s improvement strategies on the CDA and define several important conceptions used by the FDA.2.1.Improvement strategiesThe caving degree approach(CDA)[2,15]searches all corners, unoccupied space where three surfaces of different items meet,at each iteration step.We can see an example for a2D problem in Fig.1.There are10corners,marked from1to10.For each corner, CDA pseudo places an outside item into the corner and computes the caving degree to evaluate how compact and close the packing item is to other items already in.The more the caving degree is, the more the place looks like a cave for the packing item.This procedure is time-consuming for the reason that each corner should be checked.So in the new algorithm,we just take one corner as the candidate packing place at each iteration step. Then,which corner should we select?Here we comply with the proverb‘‘gold corer,silver side and strawy void’’directly,and try to select a corner nearest to the edges of the container,i.e.farthest to the center of the container,such that items are placedfirst to the corners of the container,then to the sides of the container and last to the center of the container.In Fig.1,we will only take corner6as the candidate packing place at current iteration. Detailed method on how to select a candidate corner will be described later in this section.When placing an item into a corner for the CDA,then aligned with the k pasted surfaces(two surfaces are called pasted if their coinciding area is larger than0)and their normal directions (pointing to the space the packing item is in),an action space is enclosed in the container[2].For example for the2D problem in Fig.2(a),suppose item i is tentative packed in corner6,then the action space of this corner-occupying action(COA)is shown in the dotted rectangle.When computing the caving degree of this action,items intersecting the action space need to be considered (surfaces of the container can be regarded as sixflat items, respectively).The caving degree C i of a COA is as shown in Eq.(1). Firstly,it is decided by paste number k i for how many surfaces of other items the packing item pastes;then it is decided by the minimum distance d i between the packing item and other items that intersect the action space but do not paste the item(l i,w i,h i are the lengths of the three dimensions for the packing item),and lastly,it is decided by pasted ratio r i for how proportion the surface area of the packing item be pasted.C i¼100k iþ10ad iþr i¼100k iþ10expÀd i3ffiffiffil ipw i h i!þr ið1ÞSo in Fig.2(a),when computing the minimum distance d i,we need to consider distances between item i and{item a,b,e,f,g,the right side and the bottom side of the container}.But in fact, we could shrink the action space like as shown in Fig.2(b).Fig.1.Corners in the caving degree approach.Fig. 2.Shrinkage on the action space:(a)action space in the caving degree approach and(b)action space in thefit degree approach.yer arrangement strategy:(a)one layer yx-arrangement and(b)two layers yx-arrangement.K.He,W.Huang/Computers&Operations Research38(2011)227–233 228When computing the minimum distance d i ,we only need to consider the distance between item i and {the bottom side and the right side of the action space}.In this way the computation is simplified markedly.Another main modification is that instead of placing one item at each iteration step,we bind same size items into one or several layers to do the tentative packing.For example in Fig.3,suppose there are 12items in the same size,if we want to place them to corner 6in the horizontal orientation,and if we first try to place as many items as possible in the y direction,then there are two possible arrangements:one layer arrangement and two layers arrangement,as shown in Fig.3(a)and (b).This strategy tries to utilize the characteristic of weakly heterogeneous problems to get higher volume utilizations.2.2.DefinitionsSome important conceptions used in the FDA are defined in this subsection.Items in the same size are bound into a larger cuboid block which is built by one layer or several layers,and fit degree is defined to evaluate that to what degree the packing block fit the candidate action space.Definition 1.(A CTION S PACE ).At current iteration,placing a dummy cuboid into the container orthogonally and without overlapping,and the size of the cuboid is large enough such that each of its surfaces pastes at least one item already in (two surfaces are called pasted if the coinciding area is larger than 0),then the empty space it occupies is called an action space.The six surfaces of the container can be regarded as six flat items.Then in Fig.2(b)for the 2D problem,the dotted rectangle space is an action space with its upper,lower,left and right sides pasting at least one item.There are some other action spaces for current iteration,as shown with dotted rectangles in Fig.4.An action space has eight corners for the 3D problem,each having a different corner direction,as shown in Fig.5.Note that this conception of corner is different from what is defined for the caving degree approach.In fact,it contains the one for the CDA.For example in Fig.2(b),the 4corners of current action space contain corner 2,6,and 7in Fig.1,but its lower-right corner is a new one that is not considered in the CDA.Definition 2.(D ISTANCE V ECTOR OF A C ORNER ).Suppose the distance in the x ,y ,z directions between a corner and its corresponding corner of the container,which has the same corner direction,is d x ,d y and d z ,and then a nondecreasing order of d x ,d y and d z is called the distance vector of this corner,marked as (d 1,d 2,d 3).Two distance vectors can be compared in the lexicographical order.For example if d a ¼(1,2,8)and d b ¼(2,2,3),then d a o d b .Definition 3.(C ANDIDATE C ORNER OF AN A CTION S PACE ).A corner with the minimum distance vector is the candidate corner of this action space.In case of a tie,a corner with smaller corner direction is selected.For example in the 2D problem of Fig.6,the distance vectors of corner 1,2,3and 4are (d y 1,d x 1),(d x 2,d y 2),(d y 3,d x 3)and (d y 4,d x 4).Therefore,corner 1is the candidate corner for this action space.Definition 4.(C ORNER O CCUPYING A CTION ,COA).It is an action that places a cuboid block,bound by outside items of the same size,into an action space such that one of the block’s vertices coincides with the space’s candidate corner,and it satisfies the problem’s constraints.The size of the block is decided by the following factors:(1)Which action space is selected (the candidate corner isdetermined then);(2)Which size of item is selected (the number of outside items inthis size is determined then);(3)For an item in size (l ,w ,h ),there are six possible itemorientations whose dimensions on x ,y ,and z axes are (l ,w ,h ),(l ,h ,w ),(w ,l ,h ),(w ,h ,l ),(h ,l ,w ),(h ,w ,l );We need to select one feasible orientation;(4)There are six types of arrangements for binding same sizeitems into larger blocks,marked as xyz ,yxz ,xzy ,zxy ,yzx and zyx .Here xyz means that we first try to bind as many items as possible in the x direction,and then in the y direction;if the maximal number that we could bind in the z direction is k ,then items in the z direction could be 1,2to k ,corresponding to one layer arrangement,two layers arrangement,and k layers arrangement.So,the block is determined by the type of arrangements and how many layers in the third dimension for this type.For example for the 2D action space shown in Fig.3,the candidate corner is corner 6,and there are 12outside items of the same size.If we place them in the horizontal orientation,then the yx arrangement is as shown in Fig.3,and the xy arrangement is as shown in Fig.7.Note that the fifth arrangement shown in Fig.7is as the same as that shown in Fig.3(b),and we just need to consider it for one time.ad efcb gadefcb gFig.4.Some action spaces at current iteration.Fig.5.Corners and corner directions.Fig.6.Distance vector of the corners.K.He,W.Huang /Computers &Operations Research 38(2011)227–233229So,there are many different COAs at current iteration.Then,which COA should we select to do?Fit degree is defined to evaluate different placements.Definition 5.(A VERAGE O CCUPATION ).The average occupation of a corner-occupying action is as shown in Eq.(2).Here L i ,W i ,H i are the three dimensions of the action block,the cuboid block being packed into the action space.L D ,W D ,H D are the three dimensions of the action space,and n i is the total number of items bound in the block.u i ¼1ffiffiffiffin i 3p L i W i H iL D W D H Dð2ÞSo,(L i W i H i )/(L D W D H D )is the volume utilization of the action space,and coefficient (n i )À1/3is used to balance the volume utilization and the bind number n i .For bind number n i ¼n x Ân y Ân z where n x ,n y or n z means the bind number in x ,y or z direction,coefficient (n i )À1/3means the average bind number in one direction.Here we give an example to show the specific impacts of coefficient (n i )À1/3.If action a could place a block bound by 8items into an action space and achieves a volume utilization of 60%for the action space,and action b could place a block bound by 27items into the action space and achieves a volume utilization of 75%,then the average occupations for action a and action b are 0.6/81/3¼30%and 0.75/271/3¼25%,respectively.Thus action a has the larger average occupation,even though its volume utilization is lower.However,if the volume utilization of action a is just 40%,then its average occupation is 0.4/81/3¼20%,and in this case action b has the larger average occupation.Table 1shows the specific impact of the coefficient (n i )À1/3for this example.Definition 6.(F IT D EGREE ).The fit degree of a corner-occupying action is as shown in Eq.(3),where paste number k i means how many surfaces of the block are pasted by the surfaces of the action space,other-paste number p i means the number of other blocks pasting with the action block (the six surfaces of the container are regarded as six special blocks),u i means the average occupation,and paste ratio r i equals the block’s pasted area with the action space divided by the block’s total surface area.F i ¼/k i ,p i ,u i ,r i Sð3ÞFit degree is defined to describe that to what extend the packing block fit the action space.Note that paste number and paste ratio is different from what is defined in the caving degree approach.Firstly,the observation unit is blocks instead of single items.Secondly,the relation is between the packing block and the action space.Thirdly,we use the volume utilization of the action space to replace the function of minimum distance d i .Above strategies not only simplify the computation but also embody how compact and close the packing block is to other blocks already in.Two fit degrees can be compared in the lexicographical order.The larger the fit degree is,the better the placement is.2.3.The constructive phaseBased on above definitions,the constructive FDA can be described as follows.It is a greedy algorithm that attempts to produce good placements by always examining an action space nearest to the edge of the container and then placing a rectangular block that best fit the space.So,the whole packing procedure is from the edge to the center.The constructive FDA:1.At current iteration step,select an action space based on following parameters of the action space in a lexicographic order:(a)distance vector of the candidate corner:smaller is better (b)volume:larger is better(c)coordinate x ,y ,z of the lower-left-near corner:smaller isbetter(d)coordinate x ,y of the upper-right-far corner:smaller isbetter2.If there is no feasible COA for this action space,then go to step 1to select the next action space;3.A best COA is selected to do based on some parameters of the action block in a lexicographic order:(a)fit degree:larger is better(b)volume of one item in the block:larger is better (c)length of the long side for one item:larger isbetterFig.7.The possible xy arrangements.Table 1–1/3K.He,W.Huang /Computers &Operations Research 38(2011)227–233230(d)length of the short side for one item:larger is better(e)coordinate x,y,z of the lower-left-near corner:smaller isbetter(f)coordinate x,y,z of the upper-right-far corner:smaller isbetter(g)item orientation number:smaller is better4.Repeat1–3,until all outside items have been packed into thecontainer without overlapping,or none of the remainders could be packed in.The constructive algorithm always selects a remote action space and does a corner-occupying action with the largestfit degree.At step1,rules(2)–(4)break tie to select a unique action space,so the candidate corner to befilled is determined too.At step2,rules (2)–(4)determine the size of the outside item,rule(7)determines the item orientation,rules(5)and(6)determine the three dimensions of the block,and so the type of arrangements and how many layers in the third dimension are determined too.Above rules break tie to make the algorithm deterministic.2.4.The local search phaseThe local search FDA observes the top N COAs that have better developing foreground than the remainders,and selects one action with the best pseudo utilization to do.Definition7.(P SEUDO U TILIZATION).At current iteration step,do a COA and pseudo execute the constructive FDA,and then thefinal volume utilization of the container is called the pseudo utilization of this COA.So,each COA has corresponding pseudo utilization.Starting from the beginning when there is no item in the container,the local search FDA executes as follows:The local search FDA:(1)At current iteration step,select an action space according tothe rules in step1of the constructive FDA;(2)If there is no feasible COA for this action space,then go to step1to select the next action space;(3)Sort all COAs according to the rules in step3of theconstructive FDA,and compute the pseudo utilization for each of the top N actions;(4)A COA with the largest pseudo utilization is selected to do,incase of a tie,select one sorted on the front;(5)Repeat1–4,until all outside items have been packed into thecontainer without overlapping,or none of the remainders could be packed in;(6)Output the best placement result that has the highest volumeutilization.The larger the value of N is,the longer the running time is,and the higher the volume utilization tends to be.putational resultsWe evaluate the performance of the proposed heuristic via computational experiments.The above algorithms were coded and compiled in Java2Platform(Standard Edition,(J2SE)V1.5.0_14)and were run sequentially on a PC with Intel(R)Xeon(R)2.33GHz CPU.Test instances are1500problems generated by Bischoff,Ratcliff and Davies[1,5],called BR benchmarks by other researchers.The whole set of instances comprises15classes of instances,classified depending on the number of items in different sizes,each class consisting of100instances.With respect to the item types vary from3for BR1to100for BR15, the instances vary from weakly heterogeneous to strongly heterogeneous,i.e.same size items become less and less. Generally speaking,BR1to BR7are taken as the weakly heterogeneous groups,and BR8to BR15are taken as the strongly heterogeneous groups.parisons with other algorithmsAlgorithms having computed all the1500BR instances include H_BR[1],H_B_al[4],GA_GB[16],TS_BG[10],HGA_BG[6], PGA_GB[7],GRASP[9],GRASP’[13]and VNS[14].In addition, there are some other algorithms having computed at least one group of the instances:PTS_B_al[11],PH_M_al[8]and H_B[17] for the weakly heterogeneous groups BR1to BR7and CDA[2]for the strongly heterogeneous groups BR8to BR15.Table2shows the average volume utilization on each of the15 BR classes for above algorithms and for the local search FDA (N¼100).The average volume utilizations on three groups,BR1to BR7,BR8to BR15and BR1to BR15,are shown at the bottom of the table.As for the average utilization on all the1500instances, PGA_GB proposed by Gehring and Bortfeldt held the highest record of88.97%since2002[7],until Parren˜o et al.reported new results in2008[13]and2010[14]successively.To our knowledge,current best result reported in the literature is 92.89%achieved by Parren˜o et al.in2010[14].As for the weakly heterogeneous group,PH_M_al proposed by Mack et al. held the highest record of93.78%since2004,until Parren˜o et al. achieved an average utilization of94.53%in2010[14].As for the strongly heterogeneous group,Gehring and Bortfeldt reported a result of87.69%in2002[7],we reported a result of87.97%in 2009[2],and current best result reported in the literature was achieved by Parren˜o et al.in2010with an average utilization of 91.46%[14].Taking FDA into account,current highest volume utilizations for each class and each group appear in bold in Table2.As can be seen from Table2,FDA achieved an average volume utilization of 91.91%on the strongly heterogeneous group,which is0.45% higher than current best result.Moreover,each value that FDA obtained on each of the8strongly heterogeneous classes is also higher than current best result.3.2.Detailed computational results on the FDAIn this subsection,we report some detailed computational results on the FDA.We tested the constructive FDA and the local search FDA with parameter N¼30,50and100such that FDA could get high volume utilizations within reasonable times. Through a small-scale test,we found that if parameter N was set to the number of all candidate actions,the utilization was just 0.02%higher than that of N¼100,but the running time increased by three times.Therefore,we did not do any computation using a parameter larger than100.The detailed results are shown in Table3.As a reference, utilizations of the constructive VNS and the local search VNS are also listed.Values for each class and each group for the constructive FDA appear in bold if they are higher than that of the constructive VNS.Also,values for the local search FDA(N¼30, 50or100)appear in bold if they are higher than that of the local search VNS.At the constructive phase,the average utilization of FDA on BR1to BR15is86.77%,which is0.19%higher than that of the compared one.FDA was run on a2.33GHz PC,while VNS was run on a 1.5GHz PC.The average running time of the constructive FDA is0.34s,which is very short.Although Parren˜oK.He,W.Huang/Computers&Operations Research38(2011)227–233231et al.did not report the running time on their constructive VNS,it can be inferred from their algorithm’s description that it is also very short.Another point we could find from Table 3is that almost each value of the FDA is higher than that of the compared one.Furthermore,differs from the VNS,the average utilization of the constructive FDA on the strongly heterogeneous groups,BR8to BR15,is higher than what was obtained on the weakly heterogeneous groups,BR1to BR7.This is a salient feature of FDA,since most of other algorithms usually obtain lower utilizations when the problems become more and more heterogeneous.At the local search phase,the average utilizations of VNS on BR1to BR7,BR8to BR15,and BR1to BR15are 94.53%,91.46%and 92.89%,with the average running times of 28,531and 296s,respectively.Set parameter N to 30,within similar running time,FDA obtained an average utilization of 92.40%on BR1to BR15,which is 0.49%lower than that of the VNS.However,the average utilization that FDA obtained on the strongly heterogeneous group is 91.67%,which is 0.21%higher.It can be observed from the table that the larger the value of parameter N was,the higher the utilization FDA obtained,and the longer the time was.Finally,FDA got higher utilizations on each of the strongly heterogeneous class when N was set to 100.In summary,the average utilizations of FDA on BR1to BR7,BR8to BR15,and BR1to BR15are 93.53%,91.91%and 92.67%,with the average running times of 10,1178and 633s,respectively.Table 3Detailed computational results on the 1500BR instances.Problem set (number of item types)Constructive Local search Constructive FDA FDA (N ¼30)FDA (N ¼50)FDA (N ¼100)VNS (%)VNS (%)Utilization (%)Time (s)Utilization (%)Time (s)Utilization (%)Time (s)Utilization (%)Time (s)Weakly heterogeneous BR1(3)84.3494.9385.320.0192.430.6492.70 1.1292.92 1.16BR2(5)85.6195.1985.960.0193.30 1.3293.72 2.3493.93 2.54BR3(8)85.8194.9987.270.0293.57 2.6293.71 4.2693.71 5.14BR4(10)87.0794.7187.090.0293.50 3.9393.54 6.3293.687.66BR5(12)86.4694.3387.250.0293.41 5.4393.609.1293.7310.38BR6(15)88.2194.0487.000.0493.317.993.5613.5793.6316.66BR7(20)85.9693.5387.190.0493.0213.493.0921.9993.1429.54Strongly heterogeneous BR8(30)85.9692.7886.810.0692.6832.8692.7849.8192.9282.94BR9(40)86.2392.1987.190.1192.1660.0892.2894.2492.49160.77BR10(50)85.7291.9286.890.2592.04121.7292.21188.8992.24298.95BR11(60)85.8591.4686.840.2591.71180.0891.89274.9991.91497.79BR12(70)85.1891.2086.650.8291.60302.5291.65540.1691.83861.37BR13(80)85.4091.1186.830.8791.37475.7191.45749.0891.561775.79BR14(90)84.8790.6486.68 1.0090.99748.9291.171205.6791.302218.17BR15(100)85.4190.3886.59 1.5590.842060.4390.882752.5291.023531.71Average (1–7)85.8794.5386.720.0293.22 5.0493.428.3993.5310.44Average (8–15)86.2091.4686.810.6191.67497.7991.79731.9291.911178.44Average (1–15)85.5892.8986.770.3492.40267.8492.55394.2792.67633.37Table 2Comparisons with other algorithms (%).ProblemH_BR [1](1995)H_B_al [4](1995)GA_GB [16](1997)TS_BG [10](1998)HGA_BG [6](2001)PGA_GB [7](2002)PTS_B_al [11](2003)PH_M_al [8](2004)GRASP [9](2005)H_B [17](2006)CDA [2](2008)a GRASP’[13](2008)VNS [14](2010)FDA (2010)BR1(3)83.3781.7686.7792.6387.8188.1093.5293.7089.0789.39–93.2794.9392.92BR2(5)83.5781.7088.1292.7089.4089.5693.7794.3090.4390.26–93.3895.1993.93BR3(8)83.5982.9888.8792.3190.4890.7793.5894.5490.8691.08–93.3994.9993.71BR4(10)84.1682.6088.6891.6290.6391.0393.0594.2790.4290.90–93.1694.7193.68BR5(12)83.8982.7688.7890.8690.7391.2392.3493.8389.5791.05–92.8994.3393.73BR6(15)82.9281.5088.5390.0490.7291.2891.7293.3489.7190.70–92.6294.0493.63BR7(20)82.1480.5188.3688.6390.6591.0490.5592.5088.0590.44–91.8693.5393.14BR8(30)80.1079.6587.5287.1189.7390.26––86.13–88.4191.0292.7892.92BR9(40)78.0380.1986.4685.7689.0689.50––85.08–88.1490.4692.1992.49BR10(50)76.5379.7485.5384.7388.4088.73––84.21–87.9089.8791.9292.24BR11(60)75.0879.2384.8283.5587.5387.87––83.98–87.8889.3691.4691.91BR12(70)74.3779.1684.2582.7986.9487.18––83.64–87.9289.0391.2091.83BR13(80)73.5678.2383.6782.2986.2586.70––83.54–87.9288.5691.1191.56BR14(90)73.3777.4082.9981.3385.5585.81––83.25–87.8288.4690.6491.30BR15(100)73.3875.1582.4780.8585.2385.48––83.21–87.7388.3690.3891.02AVG(1–7)83.3781.9788.3091.2690.0690.4392.6593.7889.7390.55–92.9494.5393.53AVG(8–15)75.5578.5984.7183.5587.3487.69––84.13–87.9789.3991.4691.91AVG(1–15)79.2080.1786.3987.1588.6188.97––86.74––91.0592.8992.67aCDA was published online in 2008.K.He,W.Huang /Computers &Operations Research 38(2011)227–233232。
