标准审计报告的参考格式Example of Standard Auditor’s Report审计报告Auditor’s ReportABC股份有限公司全体股东:To the shareholders of ABC Company Limited,我们审计了后附的ABC股份有限公司(以下简称ABC公司)财务报表,包括20×1年12月31日的资产负债表,20×1年度的利润表、股东权益变动表和现金流量表以及财务报表附注。
We have audited the accompanying financial statments of ABC Company Limited (hereinafter “ABC Company”),which comprise the balance sheet as at December 31,20XX, and the income statement, statement of changes in equity and cash flow statement for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes.一、管理层对财务报表的责任Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements按照企业会计准则和《××会计制度》的规定编制财务报表是ABC公司管理层的责任。
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and China Accounting System for Business Enterprises. This responsibility includes: (a) designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; (b) selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and (c) making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.二、注册会计师的责任Auditor’s Responsibility我们的责任是在实施审计工作的基础上对财务报表发表审计意见。
审计报告Auditors’Report德信(20XX)审字第 XXXXX 号De Xin (20XX) Audit No. XXXXXXXXABC股份有限公司全体股东:我们审计了后附的ABC股份有限公司(以下简称“贵公司”)及其子公司和合营企业(以下统称“贵集团”)财务报表,包括20XX年12月31日的合并及母公司资产负债表、20XX年度的合并及母公司利润及利润分配表、股东权益增减变动表和现金流量表以及财务报表附注。
这种责任包括:(1) 设计、实施和维护与财务报表编制相关的内部控制,以使财务报表不存在由于舞弊或错误而导致的重大错报;(2) 选择和运用恰当的会计政策;(3) 作出合理的会计估计。
1. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements The management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and China Accounting System for Business Enterprises. This responsibility includes: (i) designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; (ii) selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and (iii) making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.。
审计报告说明中英文版审计报告说明中英文版审计报告 Auditors’Report 德信(20XX)审字第 XXXXX 号 De Xin (20XX) Audit No. XXXXXXXX ABC股份有限公司全体股东: To the shareholders of ABC Co., Ltd. (the “Company”): 我们审计了后附的ABC股份有限公司(以下简称“贵公司”)及其子公司和合营企业(以下统称“贵集团”)财务报表,包括20XX 年12月31日的合并及母公司资产负债表、20XX年度的合并及母公司利润及利润分配表、股东权益增减变动表和现金流量表以及财务报表附注。
We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheet of ABC (the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the “Group”) as of 31st December 20XX and the related consolidated in come statement, consolidated statement of changes in equity and consolidated cash flow statement for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes. 一、管理层对财务报表的责任按照企业会计准则和《企业会计制度》的规定编制财务报表是贵公司管理层的责任。
这种责任包括:(1) 设计、实施和维护与财务报表编制相关的`内部控制,以使财务报表不存在由于舞弊或错误而导致的重大错报;(2) 选择和运用恰当的会计政策;(3) 作出合理的会计估计。
1. 无保留意见(Unqualified Opinion):这是一种最理想的审计报告意见,表示审计师认为财务报表陈述符合相关会计准则的要求,真实、公正地反映了被审计对象的财务状况、结果和现金流量。
2. 无保留意见但有重要事项段落(Unqualified Opinion with Emphasis of Matter Paragraph):这种意见是指审计师认为财务报表陈述符合相关会计准则的要求,但需要在审计报告中特别提及一些重要事项,例如无法保证企业继续经营的重要不确定性、重大会计估计的使用等。
3. 财务报表事项影响范围无法确定(Scope Limitation of Audit Opinion):这种意见是指由于一些限制或障碍,审计师无法获得足够的证据来对财务报表的全部内容发表意见。
4. 保留意见(Qualified Opinion):这种意见是指审计师对财务报表中的一些特定事项发现问题,但整体来看财务报表的陈述是合理的。
5. 否定意见(Adverse Opinion):这种意见是指审计师认为财务报表的陈述存在重大问题,可能包括重大的会计错误、违反会计准则的操作等,严重影响对企业财务状况的理解。
6. 不能发表意见(Disclaimer of Opinion):这种意见是指由于无法获取足够的审计证据,审计师无法对财务报表陈述发表意见。
AUDIT REPORTINGAudit Reports are categorized into four categories. Each type is briefly described as follows:UNQUALIFIED OPINION(无保留意见)An unqualified opinion states that the financial statements are presented fairly in conformity with GAAP. However, in some instances, the standard unqualified report may be modified without affecting the unqualified opinion issued on the financial statements.QUALIFIED OPINION. (保留意见)A qualified opinion is issued when the financial statements present the entity's financial position, results of operations, and cash flows in conformity with GAAP except for the matter of the qualification. Qualified opinions are issued, in some cases, when: (1) a scope limitation, or (2) a departure from GAAP exists.ADVERSE OPINION. (否定意见)When issuing an adverse opinion, the auditor concludes that the financial statements do not present the entity's financial position, results of operations, and cash flows in conformity with GAAP. This type of opinion is only issued when the financial statements contain very material departures from GAAP.DISCLAIMER OF OPINION.(无法表示意见)A disclaimer of opinion is issued when the auditor is unable to form an opinion on an entity's financial statements. A disclaimer may be issued in cases when: (1) the auditor is not independent with respect to the entity under audit, (2) a material scope limitation exists, or (3) a significant uncertainty exists.SAS No. 58 suggests seven principal reasons why an independent auditor my depart from the wording of the standard report. These are:1. Limitations on the scope of the auditor's examination.2. Division of responsibility.3. Lack of conformity with GAAP.4. A departure from an accounting principle set by the body designated to establish such principles.5. Lack of consistency.6. Uncertainties.7. Emphasizing a matter.AUDPORT: Expert System EvaluationThis knowledged-based system uses the criteria contained in Statement on Auditing Standards No. 58 to determine the type of audit opinion that should be rendered by anexternal auditor after conducting a financial audit under generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS). Assessment of the educational impact of the Audport expert system is described in a paper by L. Murphy Smith and R. Stephen McDuffie, "Impact of an Audit Reporting Expert System on Learning Performance: A Teaching Note" (forthcoming in Accounting Education). This Web-based HTM (hypertext markup language) approach was developed by Professors Smith and McDuffie, with assistance from Ms. Jennifer Calhoun.Answer the questions that appear on the screen by clicking on the correct answer. Based upon your answers, the criteria contained in SAS No. 58 will be evaluated. As each criterion is evaluated you will be provided with information on the screen either that a particular type of audit opinion should be rendered by the auditor or that additional evaluation is necessary.If the type of audit opinion to be rendered has been determined, you have completed the evaluation and can then quit the consultation. If additional evaluation is necessary to determine the type of audit opinion to render, this will be indicated to you and you will need to continue the consultation. The system only considers one audit problem for each consultation. However, many potential problems can be evaluated by the system.Two sets of terms are important when using this system, material versus pervasive and significant versus severe. Pervasive is of more concern than material, and severe is of more concern than significant. For example, a departure from generally accepted accounting principles that is not immaterial and is not justified either has a material affect on the financial statements or a pervasive affect on the financial statements, but not both. Depending on the situation, either a qualified opinion or an adverse opinion will be rendered.Significant and severe are used in describing a circumstance-imposed scope limitation. One or the other terms can be used to describe a situation but both terms can not be used to describe the same situation.A list of the questions that make up the AUDPORT Web-based expert system are available for you to review under 'AUDPORT questions' below. At any time during the consultation you may quit the consultation and return to the AUDPORT homepage.。
审计报告-标准无保留意见Auditors Report安明(2007)审字第XXXXX 号An Ming (2007) Audit No. XXXXXXXXABC股份有限公司全体股东:To the shareholders of ABC Co., Ltd. (the "Company"):我们审计了后附的ABC股份有限公司(以下简称贵公司”及其子公司和合营企业(以下统称贵集团”财务报表,包括2006年12月31日的合并及母公司资产负债表、2006年度的合并及母公司利润及利润分配表、股东权益增减变动表和现金流量表以及财务报表附注。
We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheet of ABC (the " Company" a nd its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the "Group"a$ of 31st December 2006 and the related consolidated income statement, consolidated statement of changes in equity an d consolidated cash flow statement for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes.一、管理层对财务报表的责任按照企业会计准则和〈〈企业会计制度》的规定编制财务报表是贵公司管理层的责任。
1. 标准的无保留意见:这意味着审计师认为被审计单位财务报表已经按照适用的会计准则和相关规定编制,并在所有重大方面公允反映了被审计单位的财务状况、经营成果和现金流量。
2. 带强调事项段的无保留意见:这表示审计师认为财务报表符合相关会计准则的要求,并在所有重大方面公允反映了被审计单位的财务状况、经营成果和现金流量,但存在需要说明的事项,如对持续经营能力产生重大疑虑及重大不确定事项等。
3. 保留意见:这表明审计师认为财务报表整体是公允的,但存在影响重大的错报、漏报或不确定事项,使得部分或全部财务报表可能无法反映被审计单位的实际情况。
4. 否定意见:这表示审计师认为财务报表整体是不公允的或没有按照适用的会计准则和相关规定编制,无法反映被审计单位的财务状况、经营成果和现金流量。
5. 无法表示意见:这表明审计师的审计范围受到了限制,且其可能产生的影响是重大而广泛的,审计师不能获取充分的审计证据,因此无法对财务报表发表意见。
常见的审计意见包括以下几种:1. 无保留意见(Clean Opinion):表示审计师认为财务报表真实、公正地反映了被审计实体的财务状况、经营成果和现金流量,并且符合相关会计准则的要求。
2. 保留意见(Qualified Opinion):表示审计师认为财务报表在大体上是真实和公正的,但在某些方面存在限制性的审计证据,或者被审计实体对某些会计准则的应用存在不符合的情况。
3. 显著不保留意见(Adverse Opinion):表示审计师认为被审计实体的财务报表不能真实、公正地反映其财务状况、经营成果和现金流量,或者存在严重违反会计准则的情况。
4. 拒绝发表意见(Disclaimer of Opinion):表示审计师由于无法获得足够的审计证据或者存在其他限制,无法对财务报表发表意见。
5. 强调重大事项:在审计意见中,审计师可以特别强调某些重大事项,这些事项可能会对财务报表的真实性和公正性产生重要影响。
6. 附加段落(Emphasis of Matter):审计师可以在审计意见中添加附加段落,用于强调对财务报表的特定事项的关注。
7. 连带责任(Joint Responsibility):在某些情况下,审计师可能需要在审计报告中声明与其他审计师或者其他专业人士共同承担审计意见的责任,例如对与合并财务报表相关的审计工作。
8. 限制性评价(Limited Assurance):对于一些限制性审计,审计师可能无法提供给出明确的意见。
中英文审计报告-五种审计意见(推荐5篇)第一篇:中英文审计报告-五种审计意见审计报告-标准无保留意见Auditors’ Report 安明(2007)审字the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control.An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.我们相信,我们获取的审计证据是充分的、适当的,为发表审计意见提供了基础。
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.三、审计意见我们认为,上述财务报表已经按照企业会计准则和《企业会计制度》的规定编制,在所有重大方面公允反映了贵集团和贵公司2006年12月31日的财务状况以及2006年度的经营成果和现金流量。
最新审计报告中英文对照(转载)审计报告中英对照2008-12-27 13:38:21 阅读2557 评论5 字号:大中小订阅山西**联合会计师事务所ShanXi**Unite Accountant Office审计报告AUDITOR’S REPORT晋**审字(2007)第000**号Jin ** (2007) Audit No.00****铸造有限公司:To **foundry Co., Ltd:我们审计了后附的**铸造有限公司(以下简称贵公司)财务报表,包括2006年12月31 日的资产负债表,2006年度的利润表以及财务报表附注。
We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of ** foundry Co., Ltd (the “Company”) as of Dec.31,2006, and the related consolidated income statement for the 2006 then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and otherexplanatory notes.一、管理层对财务报表的责任1.Mana gement’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements按照企业会计准则和《企业会计制度》的规定编制财务报表是贵公司管理层的责任。
The management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and China Accounting System for Business Enterprises. This responsibility includes: (i) designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; (ii) selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and (iii) making accounting estimates that are reasonable in thecircumstances.二、注册会计师的责任2. Auditor’s Responsibility我们的责任是在实施审计工作的基础上对财务报表发表审计意见。
1.Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements
审计意见类型1. 无保留意见(Unqualified Opinion)无保留意见是指审计师在对被审计单位的财务报表进行审计后,认为财务报表真实可靠,不存在重大错误或欺诈行为,并且财务报表符合适用的会计准则的要求。
2. 保留意见(Qualified Opinion)保留意见是指审计师在对被审计单位的财务报表进行审计后,发现某些重大问题或者限制,使得审计师不能对财务报表整体表示满意,但不存在重大错误或欺诈行为。
3. 强制性保留意见(Adverse Opinion)强制性保留意见是指审计师在对被审计单位的财务报表进行审计后,发现存在重大错误或欺诈行为,导致财务报表无法准确地反映真实的财务状况和运营结果。
4. 不出具意见(Disclaimer of Opinion)不出具意见是指由于某些限制或无法取得必要的审计证据,审计师无法对被审计单位的财务报表表达任何意见。
5. 重述意见(Emphasis-of-Matter Opinion)重述意见是指审计师在审计报告中对被审计单位的重要事项给予特别的关注和强调。
The report was made by Chinese and English. If the two files differ, the standard will be Chinese.
山西**联合会计师事务所 中国注册会计师:
ShanXi** Unite Accountant OfficeCertifiedPublic Accountant:
我们审计了后附的**铸造有限公司(以下简称贵公司)财务报表,包括2006年12月31 日的资产负债表,2006年度的利润表以及财务报表附注。
We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of** foundry Co., Ltd (the “Company”)as of Dec.31,2006, and the related consolidated income statement for the 2006 then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes.
3. Opinion
我们认为, 贵公司财务报表已经按照企业会计准则和《企业会计制度》的规定编制,在所有重大方面公允反映了贵公司2006年12月31 日的财务状况以及 2006年度的经营成果。
In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Company as of Dec.31, 2006, and of its financial performance for the 2006 years then ended in accordance with theAccounting Standards for Business EnterprisesandChina Accounting System for Business Enterprises.
审计报告英文版审计意见The audit report is a critical document that provides stakeholders with an independent assessment of an organization's financial statements. The audit opinion, which is the cornerstone of the audit report, expresses the auditor's professional judgment on whether the financial statements present a true and fair view of the organization's financial position and performance. This essay will explore the various types of audit opinions and their implications, as well as the importance of clear and transparent communication in the audit report.One of the primary objectives of an audit is to provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. The auditor's opinion is the final outcome of the audit process and serves as a stamp of approval or a warning to the users of the financial statements. The most common types of audit opinions are the unmodified opinion, the modified opinion, and the disclaimer of opinion.An unmodified opinion, also known as a clean opinion, is the mostfavorable audit opinion. It indicates that the auditor has obtained sufficient and appropriate audit evidence to conclude that the financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework. This opinion conveys that the financial statements present a true and fair view of the organization's financial position and performance, and that the auditor has not identified any significant issues or concerns.In contrast, a modified opinion is issued when the auditor has encountered one or more issues that affect the financial statements. There are three main types of modified opinions: the qualified opinion, the adverse opinion, and the disclaimer of opinion. A qualified opinion is issued when the auditor has identified a matter that, while not pervasive, is material to the financial statements. This could be due to a limitation in the scope of the audit, a departure from the applicable financial reporting framework, or a disagreement with management. An adverse opinion is the most severe form of modified opinion, and it is issued when the auditor concludes that the financial statements are materially misstated and do not present a true and fair view. A disclaimer of opinion is issued when the auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to form an opinion on the financial statements, usually due to significant limitations in the scope of the audit.The language and structure of the audit report, including the auditopinion, are crucial in conveying the auditor's findings to the users of the financial statements. The audit report should be clear, concise, and easy to understand, with the audit opinion prominently displayed. The report should also include a description of the auditor's responsibilities, the scope of the audit, and any significant matters that arose during the audit process.One of the key challenges in audit reporting is ensuring that the communication is transparent and understandable to a wide range of stakeholders, from financial analysts to the general public. The auditor must strike a balance between providing technical details and using plain language that can be readily understood by non-experts. This is particularly important in the case of modified opinions, where the auditor must clearly explain the reasons for the modification and its potential impact on the financial statements.In recent years, there have been calls for greater transparency and enhanced communication in audit reporting. This has led to the development of new reporting standards, such as the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board's (IAASB) revised auditor's report, which includes the introduction of key audit matters (KAMs). KAMs are areas that, in the auditor's professional judgment, were of most significance in the audit of the current period's financial statements. By highlighting these matters, the auditor can provide users with a better understanding of the audit process and the areasthat required significant auditor attention.The importance of clear and transparent communication in the audit report cannot be overstated. The audit opinion is a critical piece of information that informs the decisions of a wide range of stakeholders, from investors and lenders to regulators and the general public. By providing a clear and unambiguous assessment of the financial statements, the auditor can help to build trust in the financial reporting process and contribute to the overall transparency and accountability of the organization.In conclusion, the audit report and the audit opinion are essential components of the financial reporting ecosystem. The auditor's opinion serves as a stamp of approval or a warning to the users of the financial statements, and the language and structure of the report play a crucial role in conveying the auditor's findings. As the demands for greater transparency and enhanced communication in audit reporting continue to grow, it is incumbent upon auditors to ensure that their reports are clear, concise, and easily understood by all stakeholders.。
audit firm给出的意见种类
audit firm给出的意见种类Audit Firm给出的意见种类一、无保留意见(Unqualified Opinion)无保留意见是审计师对财务报表的审计结果表示认可和肯定的意见。
二、保留意见(Qualified Opinion)保留意见是审计师对财务报表的审计结果表示认可但存在一定限制的意见。
三、否定意见(Adverse Opinion)否定意见是审计师对财务报表的审计结果表示不认可的意见。
四、无法表示意见(Disclaimer of Opinion)无法表示意见是审计师无法对财务报表的审计结果做出任何意见的情况。
五、事项说明段(Emphasis of Matter)事项说明段是对财务报表中某些重要事项进行强调和说明的部分。
1. 无保留意见(Unqualified Opinion)无保留意见是审计师最理想的意见类型。
类型为无保留意见的审计报告通常包括以下内容:- 重要事项的背景和目的;- 针对审计风险和内部控制的评价;- 对财务报表准确性和合规性的评价;- 陈述审计师对财务报表的意见和结论;- 陈述审计师应遵循的法律和职业道德准则。
2. 保留意见(Qualified Opinion)保留意见是一种部分保留的审计意见。
类型为保留意见的审计报告通常包括以下内容:- 重要事项的背景和目的;- 针对审计风险和内部控制的评价;- 对财务报表准确性和合规性的评论;- 异常和被保留问题的描述;- 陈述审计师对财务报表的意见和结论;- 陈述审计师应遵循的法律和职业道德准则。
3. 不合格意见(Adverse Opinion)不合格意见是一种严重的审计意见。
类型为不合格意见的审计报告通常包括以下内容:- 重要事项的背景和目的;- 针对审计风险和内部控制的评价;- 对财务报表准确性和合规性的评论;- 对严重虚假陈述或缺乏审计证据的描述;- 陈述审计师对财务报表的意见和结论;- 陈述审计师应遵循的法律和职业道德准则。
审计报告AUDITOR’S REPORT华夏会审(2010)第242号Huaxia Certified Public Accountants Co.,Ltd(2010) Audit No.242迪朗建贸易(上海)有限公司:To Thomas Bennett Asia Co., Ltd:我们审计了后附的迪朗建贸易(上海)有限公司(以下简称贵公司)财务报表,包括2009年12月31 日的资产负债表,2009年度的利润表以及财务报表附注。
We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of To Thomas Bennett Asia Co., Ltd (the “Company”) a s of Dec.31,2009, and the related consolidated income statement for the 2009 then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes.一、管理层对财务报表的责任1.Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements按照企业会计准则和《小企业会计制度》的规定编制财务报表是贵公司管理层的责任。
The management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Small Business Enterprises and China Accounting System for Small Business Enterprises. This responsibility includes: (i) designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; (ii) selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and (iii) making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.二、注册会计师的责任2. Auditor’s Responsibility我们的责任是在实施审计工作的基础上对财务报表发表审计意见。
1. 无保留意见审计报告无保留意见审计报告是最常见的审计报告类型,也是最理想的审计结果。
2. 保留意见审计报告保留意见审计报告是指审计人员在审计过程中发现了一些问题,但这些问题并没有影响到企业或组织整体财务报表的真实性和可靠性。
3. 不合格意见审计报告不合格意见审计报告是表示审计人员在审计过程中发现了重大错误或违规行为,这些错误或违规行为严重影响了企业或组织财务报表的真实性和可靠性。
4. 反对意见审计报告反对意见审计报告是指审计人员与企业或组织管理层在某些问题上存在分歧,审计人员无法达成一致意见,因此提出反对意见。
5. 无法表示意见审计报告无法表示意见审计报告是指审计人员在审计过程中无法获得足够的证据,以表达对企业或组织财务报表的意见。
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审计报告-标准无保留意见Auditors’ Report
安明( )审字第 XXXXX 号
An Ming ( ) Audit No. XXXXXXXX
To the shareholders of ABC Co., Ltd. (the “Company”):
我们审计了后附的ABC股份有限公司(以下简称“贵公司”)及其子公司和合营企业(以下统称“贵集团”)财务报表,包括 12月31日的合并及母公司资产负债表、的合并及母公司利润及利润分配表、股东权益增减变动表和现金流量表以及财务报表附注。
We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheet of ABC (the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the “Group”) as of 31st December and th e related consolidated income statement, consolidated statement of changes in equity a nd consolidated cash flow statement for the year then ended, and a summary of significa nt accounting policies and other explanatory notes.
这种责任包括:(1) 设计、实施和维护与财务报表编制相关的内部控制,以使财务报表不存在由于舞弊或错误而导致的重大错报;(2) 选择和运用恰当的会计政策;(3) 作出合理的会计估计。
1. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements
The management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financi al statements in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and China Accounting System for Business Enterprises. This responsibility includes: (i) designi ng, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair pr esentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether du e to fraud or error; (ii) selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and (iii) m aking accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.
2. Auditor’s Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our au dit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing for Certified P ublic Accountants. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements an d plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial state ments are free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts an d disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the audito r’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the finan cial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the aud itor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation o f the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of t he entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of acco unting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by managem ent, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to pro vide a basis for our audit opinion.
我们认为,上述财务报表已经按照企业会计准则和《企业会计制度》的规定编制,在所有重大方面公允反映了贵集团和贵公司 12月31日的财务状况以及的经营成果和现金流量。
3. Opinion
In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Company and of the Group as of 31 December , and of its financial performance a nd its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with the Accounting Standards fo r Business Enterprises and China Accounting System for Business Enterprises.安明会计师事务所中国注册会计师
An Ming Certified Public countants
Beijing P.R.China Registered in P. R.China
a 29th March
审计报告-无保留意见带说明段Auditors’ Report
安明( )审字第 XXXXX 号
An Ming ( ) Audit No. XXXXXXXX
To the shareholders of ABC Co., Ltd. (the “Company”):
我们审计了后附的ABC股份有限公司(以下简称“贵公司”)及其子公司和合营企业(以下统称“贵集团”)财务报表,包括 12月31日的合并及母公司资产负债表、的合并及母公司利润及利润分配表、股东权益增减变动表和现金流量表以及财务报表附注。