
GRE参考试题精选GRE参考试题精选GRE试题四(1)Time –30 minutes38 Questions1. Because the monkeys under study are ----the presence of human beings, they typically ----human observers and go about their business(A) ambivalent about .. welcome(B) habituated to .. disregard(C) pleased with .. snub(D) inhibited by .. seek(E) unaware of .. avoid2. Give he previously expressed interest and the ambitious tone of her recent speeches, the senator’s attempt to convince the public that she is not inter-ested in running for a second term is ----.(A) laudable(B) likely(C) authentic(D) futile(E) sincere3. Many of her followers remain ---- to her, and even those who have rejected her leadership are unconvinced of the ---- of replacing her during the current turmoil.(A) opposed.. urgency(B) friendly.. harm(C) loyal.. wisdom(D) cool.. usefulness(E) sympathetic.. disadvantage4. Unlike many recent interpretations of Beethoven’s piano sonatas, the recitalist’s performance was a delightfully free and introspective one; nevertheless,it was also, seemingly paradoxically, quite ----.(A) appealing(B) exuberant(C) idiosyncratic(D) unskilled(E) controlled5. Species with relatively ----metabolic rates, including hibernators, generally live longer than those whose metabolic rates are more rapid.(A) prolific(B) sedentary(C) sluggish(D) measured(E) restive6. Belying his earlier reputation for ---- as a negotiator,Morgan had recently assumed a more ---- stance for which many of his erstwhile critics praised him.(A) intransigence.. conciliatory(B) impropriety.. intolerant(C) inflexibility.. unreasonable(D) success.. authoritative(E) incompetence.. combative7. Although Irish literature continued to flourish after the sixteenth century, a ---- tradition is ----in the visual arts: we think about Irish culture in terms of the word, not in terms of pictorial images.(A) rich.. superfluous(B) lively.. found(C) comparable.. absent(D) forgotten.. apparent(E) lost.. extant8. SILVER: TARNISH::(A) gold: burnish(B) steel: forge(C) iron: rust(D) lead: cast(E) tin: shear9. DISLIKE: LOATHING::(A) appreciation: gratification(B) hunger: appetite(C) void: dearth(D) pleasure: bliss(E) pain: ache10. CRA VEN: HEROIC::(A) unruly: energetic(B) listless: attractive(C) volatile: constant(D) deft: trifling(E) awkward: amusing11. FILLY: HORSE::(A) antennae: butterfly(B) pullet: chicken(C) gaggle: goose(D) duck: drake(E) wasp: bee12. PHINESS: APHORISM::(A) craft: art(B) detail: sketch(C) illusion: story(D) exaggeration: caricature(E) sophistication: farce13. EPHEMERAL: ENDURING::(A) infirm: healing(B) insensitive: cooperating(C) inanimate: living(D) interminable: continuing(E) ineffectual: proceeding14. POSTURER: UNAFFECTED::(A) brat: insolent(B) hypocrite: perceptive(C) grouch: respected(D) bigot: tolerant(E) rogue: empathetic15. FACETIOUS: SPEECH::(A) precocious: learning(B) unbecoming: color(C) exemplary: conduct(D) craven: timidity(E) antic: behavior16. V AGARY: PREDICT::(A) quotation: misdirect(B) investigation: confirm(C) stamina: deplete(D) turbulence: upset(E) impossibility: executeThis is not to deny that the Black gospel music of the early twentieth century differed in important ways from the slave spirituals. Whereas spirituals were created and dis-seminated in folk fashion, gospel music was composed,。

In eighteenth-century France and England, reformers rallied around egalitarian ideals, but few reformers advocated higher education for women. Although the public decried women’s lack of education, it did not encourage learning for its own sake for women. In spite of the general prejudice against learned women, there was one place where women could exhibit their erudition: the literary salon. Many writers have defined the woman’s role in the salon as that of an intelligent hostess, but the salon had more than a social function for women. It was an informal university, too, where women exchanged ideas with educated persons, read their own works and heard those of others, and received and gave criticism. In the 1750’s, when salons were firmly established in France, some English women, who called themselves “Bluestocking,” followed the example of the salonnieres (French salon hostesses)and formed their own salons. Most Bluestockings did not wish to mirror the salonnieres; they simply desired to adapt a proven formula to their own purpose—the elevation of women’s status through moral and intellectual training. Differences in social orientation and background can account perhaps for differences in the nature of French and English salons. The French salon incorporated aristocratic attitudes that exalted courtly pleasure and emphasized artistic accomplishments. The English Bluestockings, originating from a more modest background, emphasized learning and work over pleasure. Accustomed to the regimented life of court circles, salonnieres tended toward formality in their salons. The English women, though somewhat puritanical, were more casual in their approach. At first, the Bluestockings did imitate the salonnieres by including men in their circles. However, as they gained cohesion, the Bluestockings came to regard themselves as a women’s group and to possess a sense of female solidarity lacking in the salonnieres, who remained isolated from one another by the primacy each held in her own salon. In an atmosphere of mutual support, the Bluestockings went beyond the salon experience. They traveled, studied, worked, wrote for publication, and by their activities challenged the stereotype of the passive woman. Although the salonnieres were aware of sexual inequality, the narrow boundaries of their world kept their intellectual pursuits within conventional limits. Many salonnieres, in fact, camouflaged their nontraditional activities behind the role of hostess and deferred to men in public. Though the Bluestockings were trailblazers when compared with the salonnieres, they were not feminists. They were too traditional, too hemmed in by their generation to demand social and political rights. Nonetheless, in their desire for education, their willingness to go beyond the confines of the salon in pursuing their interests, and their championing of unity among women, the Bluestockings began the process of questioning women’s role in society。

GRE(VERBAL)阅读模拟试卷4(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. PART ONEPART ONE (Time:30 minutes 38 Questions)SECTION 3Directions: Each passage in this group is followed by questions based on its content. After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage.Late-eighteenth-century English cultural authorities seemingly concurred that women readers should favor history, seen as edifying, than fiction, which was regarded as frivolous and reductive. Readers of Marry Ann Hanway’s novel Andrew Stewart, or the Northern Wanderer, learning that its heroine delights in David Hume’s and Edward Gibbon’s histories, could conclude that she was more virtuous and intelligent than her sister, who disdains such reading. Likewise, while the na?ve, novel-addicted protagonist of Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey, Catherine Morland, finds history a chore, the sophisticated, sensible character Eleanor Tilney enjoys it more than she does the Gothic fiction Catherine prefers. Yet in both cases, the praise of history is more double-edged than it might actually appear. Many readers have detected a protofeminist critique of history in Catherine’s protest that she dislikes reading books filled with men “and hardly any women at all.”Hanway, meanwhile, brings a controversial political edge to her heroine’s reading, listing the era’s two most famous religious skeptics among her preferred authors. While Hume’s history was generally seen as being less objectionable as his philosophy, there were widespread doubts about his moral soundness even as a historian by the time that Hanway was writing, and Gibbon’s perceived tendency to celebrate classical paganism sparked controversy from the first appearance of his history of Rome.1.The author’s primary purpose is thatA.the evidence used in support of a particular argument is questionableB.a distinction between two genres of writing has been overlookedC.a particular issue is more complex than it might appearD.two apparently different works share common featuresE.two eighteenth-century authors held significantly different attitudes toward a particular正确答案:A解析:A选项中的a particular argument指的是文化权威们认为“女人应该多读历史”的观点,evidence指的是第二、三句。

GRE试题:GRE北美试题4GRE试题:GRE北美试题4GRE试题:GRE北美试题4 1. because its average annual rainfall is only about four inches, one of the major tasks faced by the country has been to find ----sources of water.(a) discontinuous(b) natural(c) supplementary(d) pervasive(e) initial2. both television commercials and programs present ---- view of the material world, one which promotes a standard of living that most of us can probably not attain.(a) an unrealistic(b) an imprudent(c) a standardized(d) a perplexing(e) a banal3. although it is unusual to denounce museum- goers for not painting, it is quite common, even for those. who areunenthusiastic about sports, to criticize---- for athletic----.(a) artists.. ignorance(b) spectators.. inactivity(c) athletes.. snobbery(d) scholars.. apathy(e) commentators.. partiality4. because the order in which the parts of speech appear in the sentences of a given language is decided merely by custom, it is---- to maintain that every departure from that order constitutes a ----of a natural law.(a) traditional.. transformation(b) conventional.. transgression(c) necessary.. prototype(d) unjustifiable.. violation(e) unreasonable.. formulation5. most people are shameless ---- where the very rich are concerned, ---- curious about how they get their money and how they spend it.(a) prigs.. secretly(b) critics.. endlessly(c) voyeurs.. insatiably(d) exhibitionists.. blatantly(e) ingrates.. selfishly6. some biologists argue that each specifically human trait must have arisen gradually and erratically, and that it is therefore difficult to isolate definite----in the evolution of the species.(a) fluctuations(b) generations(c) predispositions(d) milestones(e) manifestations7. ultimately, the book's credibility is strained; the slender, though far from -----, web of evidence presented on one salient point is expected to support a vast ---- of implications.(a) unconvincing.. cacophony(b) nonexistent.. superstructure(c) indispensable.. array(d) intricate.. network(e) imposing.. compendium8. sketch: painging::(a) outline: essay(b) apparatus: experiment(c) set: play(d) graph: report(e) rebuttal: debate9. gear: tooth::(a) hammer: anvil(b) bolt: nut(c) sprocket: chain(d) girder: rivet(e) screw: thread10. executor: will::(a) soldier: order(b) predecessor: desire(c) benefactor: award(d) inheritor: estate(e) author: testimonial11. prodiglity: spending ::(a) penury: luxury(b) gluttony: eating(c) modesty: dignity(d) hospitality: befriending(e) endurance: longevity12. baste: dryness::(a) desiccate: aridness(b) sift: fluffiness(c) beat: stickiness(d) caulk: moistness(e) irrigate: wetness13. dross: metal::(a) kernel: corn(b) chaff: grain(c) sand: concrete(d) omelet: egg(e) lave: volcano14. gust: wing::(a) water: sea(b) flare: light(c) cloudburst: torrent(d) discord: sound(e) breath: air15. ductility: malleable::(a) rigidity: strong(b) liquidity: absorbent(c) toxicity: poisonous(d) density: unwieldy(e) luminosity: intense16. rail: vehemence: :(a) entreat: urgency(b) revere: simplicity(c) plead: sorrow(d) avenge: ferocity(e) insult: sarcasmeven as the number of females processed through juvenile courts climbs steadily, an implicit consensus remains among scholars in criminal justice that male adolescents define the (5) delinquency problem in the united states. we suggest two reasons why this view persists. first, female adolescents are accused primarily of victimless crimes, such as truancy, that do not involve clear-cut damage to persons or property. (10)if committed by adults, these actions are not even considered prosecutable; if committed by juvenile males, they have traditionally been looked on leniently by the courts. thus ironically, the plight of female delinquents receives (15)little scrutiny because they are accused of committing relatively minor offenses. second, the courts have long unjustified so-called preventive intervention into the lives of young females viewed as antisocial with the rationale that(20)women are especially vulnerable. traditional stereotypes of women as the weaker and more dependent sex have led to earlier intervention and longer periods of misdirected supervision for female delinquents than for males.17. which of the following statements best expresses the irony pointed out by the authors in lines 13-16 of the passage?(a) female delinquents tend to commit victimless crimes more frequently than their male counterparts.(b) the predicament of male delinquents receives more attention than that of females because males are accused of more serious crimes.(c) adults are frequently punished less severely than adolescents for committing more serious crimes.(d) the juvenile justice system cannot correct its biases because it does not even recognize them.(e) although the number of female delinquents is steadily increasing, the crimes of which they are accused are not particularly serious.18. it can be inferred from the passage that the authors believe traditional stereotypes of women to be(a) frequently challenged(b) persistently inexplicable(c) potentially harmful(d) rapidly changing(e) habitually disregarded19. the passage suggests that scholars in criminal justice could be criticized for which of the following?(a) underestimating the seriousness of juvenile crime(b) rationalizing the distinction made between juveniles and adults in the legal system(c) concerning themselves too little with the prevention of juvenile delinquency(d) focusing on those whose crimes have involved damage to persons or property(e) failing to point out injustices in the correctional systemscattered around the globe are more than one hundred regions of volcanic activity known as hot spots. unlike most volcanoes, hot spots are rarely found along the boundaries of the continental and oceanic plates that comprise the earth's crust; most hot spots lie deep in the interior of plates and are anchored deep in the layers of the earth's surface. hot spots are also distinguished from other volcanoes by their lavas, which contain greater amounts of alkali metals than do thosefrom volcanoes at plate some cases, plates moving past hot spots have left trails of extinct volcanoes in much the same way that wind passing over a chimney carries off puffs of smoke. it appears that the hawaiian islands were created in such a manner by a single source of lava, welling up from a hot spot, over which the pacific ocean plate passed on a course roughly from the east toward the northwest, carrying off a line of volcanoes of increasing age. two other pacific island chains- the austral ridge and the tuamotu ridge-parallel the configuration of the hawaiian chain; they are also aligned from the east toward the northwest, with the most recent volcanic activity near their eastern terminuses.that the pacific plate and the other plates are moving is now beyond dispute; the relative motion of the plates has been reconstructed in detail. however, the relative motion of the plates with respect to the earth's interior cannot be determined easily. hot spots provide the measuring instruments for resolving the question of whether two continental plates are moving in opposite directions or whether one is stationary and the other is drifting away from it. the most compelling evidence that a continental plat isstationary is that, at some hot spots, lavas of several ages are superposed instead of being spread out in chronological sequence. of course, reconstruction of plate motion from the tracks of hot-spot volcanoes assumes that hot spots are immobile, or nearly so. several studies support such an assumption, including one that has shown that prominent hot spots through- out the world seem not to have moved during the past ten million years.beyond acting as frames of reference, hot spots apparently influence the geophysical processes that propel the plates across the globe. when a continental plate comes to rest over a hot spot, material welling up from deeper layers forms a broad dome that, as it grows, develops deep fissures. in some instances, the continental plate may rupture entirely along some of the fissures so that hot spot initiates the formation of a new ocean. thus, just as earlier theories have explained the mobility of the continental plates, so hot-spot activity may suggest a theory to explain their mutability.20. the primary purpose of the passage is to(a) describe the way in which hot spots influence the extinction of volcanoes(b) describe and explain the formation of the oceans andcontinents(c) explain how to estimate the age of lava flows from extinct volcanoes(d) describe hot spots and explain how they appear to influence and record the motion of plates(e) describe the formation and orientation of island chains in the pacific ocean21. according to the passage, hot spots differ from most volcanoes in that hot spots(a) can only be found near islands(b) are active whereas all other volcanoes are extinct(c) are situated closer to the earth's surface(d) can be found along the edges of the plates(e) have greater amounts of alkali metals in their lavas22. it can be inferred from the passage that evidence for the apparent course of the pacific plate has been provided by the(a) contours of the continents.(b) dimensions of ocean hot spots(c) concurrent movement of two hot spots(d) pattern of fissures in the ocean floor(e) configurations of several mid-ocean island chains23. it can be inferred from the passage that the spreading out of lavas of different ages at hot spots indicates that a(a) hot spot is active(b) continental plate has moved(c) continental rupture is imminent(d) hot spot had been moving very rapidly(e) volcano contains large concentrations of alkali metals24. the passage suggests which of the following about the hawaiian islands, the austral ridge, and the tuamotu ridge?(a) the three chains of islands are moving east- ward.(b) all the islands in the three chains have stopped moving.(c) the three islands chains are a result of the same plate movement.(d) the hawaiian islands are receding from the other two island chains at a relatively rapid rate.(e) the austral ridge and the tuamotu ridge chains have moved closer together whereas the hawaiian islands have remained stationary.25. which of the following, if true, would best support the author's statement that hot-spot activity may explain the mutability of continental plates?(a) hot spots move more rapidly than the continental and oceanic plates.(b) hot spots are reliable indicators of the age of continental plates.(c) hot spots are regions of volcanic activity found only in the interiors of the continental plates.(d) the alignment of hot spots in the pacific. ocean parallels the alignment of pacific ocean islands.(e) the coastlines of africa and south america suggest that they may once have constituted a single continent that ruptured along a line of hot spots.26. the author's argument that hot spots can be used to reconstruct the movement of continental plates is weakened by the fact that(a) hot spots are never found at the boundaries of plates(b) only extinct volcanoes remain after a plate moves over a hot spot(c) lava flow patterns for all hot spots have not been shown to be the same(d) the immobility or near immobility of hot spots has not been conclusively proven(e) the changing configurations of islands makepinpointing the locations of hot spots difficult27. the author's style can best be described as(a) dramatic(b) archaic(c)esoteric(d) objective(e) humanistic28. subtle:(a) careful(b) dirty(c) obvious(d) intentional(e) eager29. abominate:(a) gratify(b) esteem(c) console(d) support(e) foster30. oscillation:(a) absence of variation(b) capacity of survive(c) failure to produce(d) imbalance of resources(e) lack of options31. extricate:(a) enmesh(b) demolish(c) enliven(d) make similar(e) allay anger32. capricious:(a) adventurous(b) brave(c) defiant(d) resolute(e) proud37. spate:(a) clear pool(b) low tide(c) swirling eddy(d) trickling flow(e) marshy surface38. factious:(a) proper(b) contrite(c) innocent(d) happy(e) cooperative1. because its average annual rainfall is only about four inches, one of the major tasks faced by the country has been to find ----sources of water.(a) discontinuous(b) natural(c) supplementary(d) pervasive(e) initial2. both television commercials and programs present ---- view of the material world, one which promotes a standard of living that most of us can probably not attain.(a) an unrealistic(b) an imprudent(c) a standardized(d) a perplexing(e) a banal3. although it is unusual to denounce museum- goers fornot painting, it is quite common, even for those. who are unenthusiastic about sports, to criticize---- for athletic----.(a) artists.. ignorance(b) spectators.. inactivity(c) athletes.. snobbery(d) scholars.. apathy(e) commentators.. partiality4. because the order in which the parts of speech appear in the sentences of a given language is decided merely by custom, it is---- to maintain that every departure from that order constitutes a ----of a natural law.(a) traditional.. transformation(b) conventional.. transgression(c) necessary.. prototype(d) unjustifiable.. violation(e) unreasonable.. formulation33. sunder::(a) mix(b) link(c) fetter(d) confuse(e) envelop34. torpor:(a) graceful movement(b) insightful judgment(c) meticulous organization(d) asymmetrical shape(e) extreme excitability35. auspicious:(a) well-regarded(b) ill-omened(c) despicable(d) solitary(e) obtuse36. volatile:(a) uniform(b) large(c) pungent(d) obscure(e) stableGRE试题:GRE北美试题4 相关内容:。

GRE考试题目及解析GRE考试题目及解析1、2解:不确定2、X~3 * y = 10 ~6 (y 1),问X 与10~2比大小解:x=10~2/y~1/3y1则y~1/31 所以还是10~2大选B3、数列:a1=3,a2=6,a(n)= a(n-1)/a(n-2),问:a(150)=?解:3,6,2,1/3,1/6,1/2,3,6,(每6次一个循环,答案应当是1/2吧)另一版本:前人几经有误,我的是:a1=2,a2=6,an=a(n-1)/a(n-2),求a1502,6,3,1/2,1/6,1/3 ,2,6,3,…所以我的答案是1/3(大家看清晰A1的值,自己推断吧)4、125w+25x+5y+z=264,x,y,z,w,are nonnegative integrate,and no more than 5,what is w+x+y+z?解:用短除法把256写成五进制就是2024,则得到x+y+z+w=2+0+2+4=85、a * x平方+B*X+k=0(a和b已知,k未知),给出一个X的.值,问另一个。
答案是-6 ,或许是6。
7、F(X)=2的2X-1方,求F(3+X)F(3-X)解:2的10次方8、-7解:当X= -7 ,Y= 0 时最大,49。
求M到N之间是Q的倍数的数有多少个?公式是:[(该范围内Q的最大倍数-该范围内Q的最小倍数)/Q ] +1今日我遇到两个这样的题,多亏有这个公式,要不然就费劲了10、一个数,被9整除得x1+x2+x3,被12整除得x2+x3,则这个数至少为?能被x1整除?答案:369(x1+x2+x3)=12(x2+x3) x1=3(x2+x3)……、、11、数列a1,a2,、、、a10、除了第一项外的各项都是其前一项的1/2。

1. 真题一题目:根据下列陈述,判断推理的正确与否。
陈述:1. 所有狗都会叫。
2. 这只动物在叫。
2. 真题二题目:选择适当的陈述来完成下列推理。
1. 所有花都是植物。
2. 玫瑰是植物。
3. ___________。
3. 真题三题目:根据下列陈述,判断推理的正确与否。
陈述:1. 所有猫都有尾巴。
2. 乔治是猫。
4. 真题四题目:选择适当的陈述来完成下列推理。
1. 所有青蛙都是两栖动物。
2. 这只动物是两栖动物。
3. ___________。
通过对2024年GRE考试逻辑推理部分的历年真题分析和解答,可以得出以下结论:1. 考生需要掌握基本的逻辑推理原理和技巧,以便能够正确判断推理的正确与否。
2. 在解答推理题时,需要仔细阅读陈述,并根据陈述中的信息进行推理。

第1题题目信息Biologists studying wild monkeys sometimes need the genetic material DNA from aparticular monkey to determine the animal's parentage. Until recently, DNA could be extracted only from blood. Collecting a blood sample required tranquilizing the donor animal. Now DNA can be extracted from hair. Monkeys shed large quantities of hair in places where they sleep. Therefore, researchers will now be able to determine theparentage of individual monkeys from DNA without tranquilizing the monkeys.Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?•The places in which monkeys sleep are easily accessible to researchers.•Information about a particular monkey`s parentage is the only kind of information that can be determined from DNA that has been extracted from that monkey`s hair.•For at least some samples of hair collected from monkey habitat it will be possible to associate hairs with the individual monkeys from which they came. √•Examining DNA is the only way to determine the parentage of wild monkeys.•It will be necessary to obtain any hair samples used in determining a monkey`s parentage from a place where the monkey has slept.•逻辑单题加强题•逻辑单题削弱题•逻辑单题假设题√•逻辑单题归纳题•逻辑单题填空题•Biologists studying wild monkeys sometimes need the genetic material DNA from a particular monkey to determine the animal's parentage.•Until recently, DNA could be extracted only from blood. Collecting a blood sample required tranquilizing the donor animal.•Now DNA can be extracted from hair.•Monkeys shed large quantities of hair in places where they sleep.•Therefore, researchers will now be able to determine the parentage of individual monkeys from DNA without tranquilizing the monkeys.√关注卖家微信获取更多课程资源:EasyTV第2题题目信息Before 1970, children in the United States were commonly vaccinated against smallpox.In the early 1970s, large-scale vaccinations of children against smallpox werediscontinued because smallpox had virtually disappeared from the world. Recently, some scientists have cautioned that the Unite States could be exposed to smallpox again.Contrary to what many people believe, this exposure would probably find all age-groups within the United States population at comparable levels of risk of contracting smallpox, since _____.Which of the following most logically completes the passage?•smallpox is a highly communicable disease among people who are not immune to it •smallpox vaccine is not now widely available in the United States•the population of the United States has been growing more slowly since 1970 than it was before then•smallpox vaccinations lose their efficacy after about 20 years √•people in the United States travel more than they did in 1970, thereby increasing the chances that an epidemic could spread•逻辑单题加强题•逻辑单题削弱题•逻辑单题假设题•逻辑单题归纳题•逻辑单题填空题√•所有人都不会得天花;•只有小孩子会得花; √•大人也会得天花;•老年人也有可能会得天花;•接种过疫苗的人也会得天花题目信息Growing grapes in greenhouses containing air enriched with carbon dioxide increases crop yields, an effect that is enhanced when the growing temperature is also raised several degrees. Although enclosed cultivation is impractical in vineyards, increases in yields from grape cultivation in the open can be expected because emissions from the burning of fossil fuels will almost certainly lead to an increase in the carbon dioxide content of atmospheric air over the next century.Which of the following, if true, most weakens the argument?•When grapes are grown in greenhouses, it is relatively easy to control the grape pests that thrive in air enriched with carbon dioxide. √•Recent improvements in pest control have increased grape yields in many vineyards. •Increasing carbon dioxide levels in greenhouses has not been shown to improve the quality of grapes grown in greenhouses.•Increasing carbon dioxide levels in greenhouses increases the sweetness of raisins made from grapes grown in the greenhouses.•As the carbon dioxide level in the open air increases, temperatures at the Earth's surface will also increase.•逻辑单题加强题•逻辑单题削弱题√•逻辑单题假设题•逻辑单题归纳题•逻辑单题填空题•Growing grapes in greenhouses containing air enriched with carbon dioxide increases crop yields, an effect that is enhanced when the growing temperature is also raisedseveral degrees.•Although enclosed cultivation is impractical in vineyards•because emissions from the burning of fossil fuels will almost certainly lead to an increase in the carbon dioxide content of atmospheric air over the next century •increases in yields from grape cultivation in the open can be expected √•an effect that is enhanced when the growing temperature is also raised several degrees。

GRE(QUANTITATIVE)模拟试卷4(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 2. 3.1.Richard’s salary, which is greater than $10,000, is 75 percent of Sandra’s salary. Ted’s salary is 80 percent of Richard’s salary.Column A Column BSandra’s salaryTed’s salaryA.if the quantity in Column A is greaterB.if the quantity in Column B is greaterC.if the two quantity are equalD.if the relationship cannot be determined from the information given正确答案:A解析:Richard的薪水是Sandra薪水的75%,且多于$10,000,Ted的薪水是Richard薪水的80%。
该题中出现的$10,000是考生做题的干扰信息,因为考生只需根据Ted=80% Richard,Richard=75%Sandra就可得出他们三人的薪水关系如下:Ted<Rrichard<Sandra2.A.if the quantity in Column A is greaterB.if the quantity in Column B is greaterC.if the two quantity are equalD.if the relationship cannot be determined from the information given正确答案:B解析:本题的正确答案为(B)。

gre测试题及答案GRE测试题及答案一、词汇题1. The professor's lecture was so ______ that it put the students to sleep.A. monotonousB. monotonousnessC. monotonouslyD. monotonousnessness答案:A2. Despite the ______ of the evidence, the jury remained skeptical.A. ambiguityB. ambiguouslyC. ambiguousD. ambiguousness答案:A二、阅读理解题阅读以下段落,回答下列问题。
In the modern era, the rapid development of technology has brought about significant changes to society. The integration of artificial intelligence into various industries hasrevolutionized the way we work and live. However, this technological advancement has also raised concerns about job displacement and the widening gap between the rich and the poor.3. What is the main topic of the paragraph?A. The impact of technology on societyB. The benefits of artificial intelligenceC. The concerns about job displacementD. The wealth gap in society答案:A4. According to the paragraph, which of the following is a result of technological advancement?A. Increased job opportunitiesB. A decrease in the wealth gapC. A change in the way people work and liveD. A reduction in the use of artificial intelligence答案:C三、逻辑推理题5. If all mathematicians are philosophers, and some philosophers are not mathematicians, which of the following must be true?A. All philosophers are mathematicians.B. Some mathematicians are not philosophers.C. Some philosophers are mathematicians.D. No philosophers are mathematicians.答案:C6. If it is raining, then the ground is wet. If the ground is wet, then the grass is slippery. If it is not raining, then the ground is not wet. If the grass is not slippery, what can be concluded?A. It is not raining.B. The ground is not wet.C. Both A and B are true.D. None of the above.答案:D四、数学问题题7. If the sum of three consecutive integers is 69, what is the middle number?A. 22B. 23C. 24D. 25答案:B8. A rectangle has a length of 10 units and a width of 5 units. What is the area of the rectangle?A. 25 square unitsB. 50 square unitsC. 75 square unitsD. 100 square units答案:B五、写作题9. Write an essay discussing the importance of critical thinking in the era of information overload. Your essay should include at least three reasons why critical thinking is essential.[此处为写作题,考生需根据题目要求撰写文章,答案不唯一。

1. 阅读理解题
A. 人口增长
B. 社会结构变化
C. 工业化发展
D. 文化影响
2. 词汇题
A. Traditional
B. Conservative
C. Conventional
D. Creative
3. 数学题
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
4. 逻辑推理题
A. 所有的狗都是哺乳动物。
B. 一只鸟不是猫。
C. 一只猫是哺乳动物。
D. 一只不是哺乳动物的动物不是猫。
5. 写作题
- 全球化使得教育资源更加丰富。
- 全球化促进了不同文化之间的交流。
- 全球化可能导致本土文化的丧失。

2023年下半年北美GRE考试真题解析写作Issue1.Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.分析:大学应当指定所有的必修课程并且取消选修课程以便给学生提供一个明确的指导方向。
解析及提纲:agree. 就像一般的人们同样,大学生们更喜欢遵照指导而不是自己做决策。
clear guidance给学生们带来的便利。
2.Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented. In most professions and academic fields, imagination is more important than knowledge.分析:在很多行业和学术领域,想象力比知识更重要。

GRE(QUANTITATIVE)综合模拟试卷4(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. The correct answer is Choice A.10.Medium QuestionApproximately what percent of the faculty in humanities are male?A.35%B.38%C.41%D.45%E.51%正确答案:E解析:You need to determine the numbers of female and male faculty in the humanities field. According to the graph, 17 percent of the 200 females, or 34, and 14 percent of the 250 males, or 35, are in humanities. Thus, the fraction of humanities faculty who are male is, or approximately 0.507. As a percent, the answer choice that is closest to 0.507 is 51 percent. The correct answer is Choice E.11.Hard QuestionFor the biological sciences and health sciences faculty combined, 1/3 of the female and 2/9 of the male faculty members are tenured professors. What fraction of all the faculty members in those two fields combined are tenured professors?正确答案:24/87解析:You need to determine the number of female faculty and the number of male faculty in the combined group. According to the graph, 5 percent of the female faculty, or 10, and 10 percent of the male faculty, or 25, are in the biological sciences. Similarly, 16 percent of the female faculty, or 32, and 8 percent of the male faculty, or 20, are in the health sciences. When you combine the groups, you get a total of 42 females(10 + 32)and 45 males(25 + 20), which is a total of 87 faculty. The tenured facuhy are 1/3 of the 42 females, or 14 females, and 2/9 of the 45 males, or 10 males. Thus, there are 24 tenured faculty, and the fraction that are tenured professors is 24/87 . The correct answer is 24/87(or any equivalent fraction).V ALUE OF IMPORTS TO AND EXPORTS FROM COUNTRY T, 2000-2009 12.For which of the eight years from 2001 to 2008 did exports exceed imports by more than $5 billion?Indicate all such years.[A] 2001[B] 2002[C] 2003[D] 2004[E] 2005[F] 2006[G] 2007[H] 2008正确答案:A,B,C,F,G,H解析:Note that for all years shown, the dollar value of exports is greater than thedollar value of imports. For each year, the difference between the dollar value of exports and the dollar value of imports can be read directly from the graph. The difference was more than $5 billion for each of the years 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007, and 2008. The correct answer consists of Choices A, B, C, F, G, and H.13.Medium QuestionWhich of the following is closest to the average (arithmetic mean) of the 9 changes in the value of imports between consecutive years from 2000 to 2009 ?A.$260 millionB.$320 millionC.$400 millionD.$480 millionE.$640 million正确答案:E解析:The average of the 9 changes in the value of imports between consecutive years can be represented as follows, where the function v(year) represents the value of imports for the indicated year.Note that in the numerator of the fraction, each term, with the exception of v(2000) and v(2009), appears first as positive and then again as negative. The positive and negative pairs sum to 0, and the fraction simplifies to . Reading the values from the graph, you can approximate the value of the simplified fraction as0.644 billion dollars. The answer choice that is closest to $0,644 billion is $640 million. The correct answer is Choice E.14.Medium QuestionIn 2008 the value of exports was approximately what percent greater than the value of imports?A.0.4B.0.6C.0.7D.1.2E.1.4正确答案:E解析:The difference between the value of exports and the value of imports expressed as a percent of the value of imports isIn 2008 the value of imports was approximately $5 billion and the value of exports was approximately $12 billion, so the value of the fraction is approximately , or 7/5. Since the fraction is greater than 1, expressing it as a percent will give a percent greater than 100. The fraction is equal to 1.4, or 140 percent. The correct answer is Choice E.15.Hard QuestionIf it were discovered that the value of imports shown for 2007 was incorrect and should have been $5 billion instead, then the average(arithmetic mean)value of imports per year for the 10 years shown would have been approximately how much less?A.$200 millionB.$50 millionC.$20 millionD.$7 millionE.$5 million正确答案:A解析:To answer this question, you do not need to compute either of the two 10-year averages referred to in the question; you just need to calculate the difference between the two averages. The average value of imports for the 10 years shown in the graph is found by adding the 10 values and then dividing the sum by 10. The value of imports in 2007 is $7 billion. If that amount were $5 billion instead, then the sum of the values would be $2 billion less. If the sum were $2 billion less than what it was, then the average would decrease by 2 billion divided by 10, or = 200,000,000. The average would therefore be $200 million less, and the correct answer is Choice A.A more algebraic approach to the problem is to let S represent the sum, in billions, of the 10 values of imports in the graph. The average of the 10 values is S/10. Note that S - 2 represents the sum, in billions, of the 10 values adjusted for the $2 billion correction for 2007. The average of the adjusted sum is. The difference between the two averages is The difference is 0.2 billion dollars, or $200 million. The correct answer is Choice A.。

新GRE考试阅读理解练习及答案(4)In eighteenth-century France and England, reformersrallied around egalitarian ideals, but few reformersadvocated higher education for women. Although the public decried women’s lack of education, it did not encourage learning for its own sake for women. In spite of the general prejudice against learned women, there was one place where women could exhibit their erudition: the literary salon.Many writers have defined the woman’s role in the salon as that of an intelligent hostess, but the salon had more than a social function for women. It was an informal university, too, where women exchanged ideas with educated persons, read their own works and heard those of others, and received and gave criticism.In the 1750’s, when salons were firmly established i n France, some English women, who called themselves “Bluestocking,” followed the example of the salonnieres (French salon hostesses)and formed their own salons. Most Bluestockings did not wish to mirror the salonnieres; they simply desired to adapt a proven formula to their own purpose—the elevation of women’s status through moral and intellectual training. Differences in social orientation and background can account perhaps for differences in the natureof French and English salons. The French salon incorporated aristocratic attitudes that exalted courtly pleasure and emphasized artistic accomplishments. The English Bluestockings, originating from a more modest background, emphasized learning and work over pleasure. Accustomed to the regimented life of court circles, salonnieres tended towardformality in their salons. The English women, though somewhat puritanical, were more casual in their approach.At first, the Bluestockings did imitate the salonnieres by including men in their circles. However, as they gained cohesion, the Bluestockings came to regard themselves as a women’s group and to possess a sense of female solidarity lacking in the salonnieres, who remained isolated from one another by the primacy each held in her own salon. In an atmosphere of mutual support, the Bluestockings went beyond the salon experience. They traveled, studied, worked, wrote for publication, and by their activities challenged the stereotype of the passive woman. Although the salonnieres were aware of sexual inequality, the narrow boundaries of their world kept their intellectual pursuits within conventional limits. Many salonnieres, in fact, camouflaged their nontraditional activities behind the role of hostess and deferred to men in public.Though the Bluestockings were trailblazers when compared with the salonnieres, they were not feminists. They were too traditional, too hemmed in by their generation to demand social and political rights. Nonetheless, in their desire for education, their willingness to go beyond the confines of the salon in pursuing their interests, and their championing of unity among women, the Bluestockings began the process of questioning women’s role in society。

GRE全真考试题四阅读理解Passage 1The United States is unique in the extent to which it relies on the private sector to fund most of its health care system. In most of the other advanced industrial economies, government health expenditures are much higher than they are in the United States. With an aging population, growing medical costs, and an increasing number of uninsured Americans, proposals to expand government health care have gained momentum.One approach is to establish a single-payer system, which would eliminate private insurers and have the federal government finance all medical care. This type of system is already in place in Canada and some European countries.Another approach is the public option, which would be a government-run health insurance agency that would compete with private insurers. This type of proposal would allow individuals to choose between private insurance and public insurance. Both the public and private insurers would be required to offer coverage to people, regardless of their preexisting medical conditions.Critics of the public option argue that it would drive private insurers out of business, causing a loss of jobs and further straining the economy. Supporters counter that a public option would provide more competition, which would lead to lower prices and better coverage.1.What is the main idea of the passage?2.In what ways is the United States unique in its approach to fundinghealth care?3.What is a single-payer health care system?4.What is the public option and how does it differ from a single-payersystem?5.What are some arguments for and against the public option?Passage 2Forty-five million Americans lack health insurance. This is a crisis that affects not only the uninsured but also the insured, who face rising premiums and co-payments as hospitals pass on costs for uncompensated care. The problem of the uninsured will only get worse if we continue down our present path. The consequences of this crisis are severe: inadequate medical care for millions ofpeople, financial hardship and bankruptcy for those who become seriously ill, and a strain on the economy as health care costs increase.Opponents of reform argue that expanding coverage will be too expensive, resulting in higher taxes and overburdened government bureaucracies. They also argue that people are already receiving adequate medical care through hospital emergency rooms, which are required by law to treat anyone who shows up, regardless of their ability to pay.This reasoning is shortsighted and fails to recognize the high costs of our present system. Uninsured people receive inadequate medical care, which results in missed work and lost wages. When uninsured people become seriously ill, they are often forced to depend on expensive emergency room care, which puts a burden on hospitals and raises costs for everyone. By providing comprehensive coverage, we can lower health care costs and improve the health and well-being of our citizens.6.What is the main problem facing the United States in terms of healthcare?7.How does the issue of the uninsured affect the insured population?8.What are the consequences of the health care crisis?9.What are the arguments against expanding health care coverage?10.What are the costs of our present system, and how would expandingcoverage improve health care costs?文本填空Organizations benefit when they __1__the career development of their employees. Through learning, employees are 2 to be better equipped to meet the demands of their roles, improving quality, productivity, and efficiency. Additionally, promotion from within the organization creates a positive atmosphere improving 3 morale. Furthermore, training and development opportunities send 4 to employees that they are valued, and organizational investment in learning can help lead to talent 5.1.promote2.better3.overall4. a message5.retention句子等价1.He has an extraordinary gift for writing.2.She is blessed with a remarkable ability to write.3.I’m afraid we can’t afford to buy a new house at the moment.4.Unfortunately, we don’t have the means to purchase a n ew home at this time.5.I really enjoy sampling different cuisine from around the world.6.Exploring global cuisine is something I find immensely satisfying.7.We must consider all the possible consequences of this proposal.8.Every possible outcome of this proposal needs to be evaluated.。

22.In 1950,if the printing cost per newspaper was $0.05,what would have been the total cost of printing the average daily circulation?
(A)I only
(B)II only
(C)III only
(D)I and II
(E)II and III
26.If 0 < st <1 , then which of the following can be true?
(A)s < -1 and t > 0
(B)s <-1 and t <-1
A if the quantity in Column A is greater
B if the quantity in Column B is greater
C if the two quantities are equal
D if the relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
14 OD BD O is the center of the circle and AOC is a right angle.
15 Julio's salary Maria's new salary Before Maria changed jobs,her salary was 24 percent more than Julio's salsry.After Mariachanged jobs,her new salary was 24 percent less than her old salary.

gre考试题目及答案GRE考试题目及答案1. 阅读理解题:在下列段落中,作者主要讨论了什么主题?A. 科技进步对环境的影响B. 文化多样性的价值C. 经济发展与社会稳定的关系D. 教育改革的必要性答案:C2. 词汇题:在句子“Despite the initial setbacks, the team persevered and ultimately triumphed.”中,“persevered”最接近的同义词是:A. abandonedB. hesitatedC. persistedD. retreated答案:C3. 数学问题:如果函数f(x) = 2x^2 - 3x + 5,求f(2)的值。
答案:74. 逻辑推理题:所有A型车都有内置导航系统。
以下哪项陈述与上述信息相矛盾?A. 一辆B型车没有内置导航系统。
B. 一辆A型车有内置导航系统。
C. 一辆C型车有内置导航系统。
D. 一辆没有内置导航系统的车是B型车。
答案:C5. 写作题:请根据以下提示写一篇短文,讨论社交媒体对青少年的影响。
]6. 填空题:在以下句子中填入合适的词汇,使句子完整且意义清晰。
句子:The new policy aims to ______ the gap between the rich and the poor.A. widenB. bridgeC. deepenD. ignore答案:B7. 数据分析题:根据图表中的数据,以下哪项陈述是正确的?A. 2018年的销售额比2017年增长了15%。
B. 2019年的销售额是2018年的两倍。

GRE数学部分1. 填空题1.如果2x-3y=8,x+4y=7,那么x-y=?解析: 首先将“x+4y=7”改写成“x=7-4y”。
2. 多选题3.如果15%的学生既喜欢打篮球又喜欢打羽毛球,35%的学生只喜欢打篮球,且30%的学生两项都不喜欢,那么50%的学生中喜欢打篮球的人的比例是?A. 30%B. 45%C. 50%D. 60%E. 70%解析: 由于15%的学生既喜欢打篮球又喜欢打羽毛球,所以剩下的85%的学生中至少有一个喜欢打篮球或打羽毛球。
3. 数值计算4.假设一个正方形的周长为16,那么其对角线的长度是多少?解析: 由于正方形的周长为16,则每条边的长度为4。
GRE词汇部分1. 单选题5.下列哪个单词的意思与“disparage”最相似?A. criticizeB. praiseC. encourageD. defendE. justify解析: 词汇“disparage”的意思是“贬低,轻视”。

英译汉Section I1.(简单)Controversy surrounds the question of whether recognition is a parallel,one-step process or a serial step by step one.对于识别是平行且一步完成的还是一系列逐步完成的过程,人们始终不能达成一致。
2. (简单)We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning."通常,我们从与我们意见相同的人身上学到的要比从那些与我们意见相悖的人身上学的东西要多得多;(因为)意见不统一会带来压力并且阻碍学习。
3. (简单)since many regions in this country report rapid increases in the numbers of newly licensed drivers, we should be able to increase our share of the market by selling cars to this growing population.由于我国很多地区的新驾驶员数量飞速增加,我们可以通过向这一日渐增长的人群出售车辆来增加我们的市场份额。
4.(简单)education experts say that long practice sessions for these sports takeaway time that could be used for academic activities.教育专家指出这些运动项目长时间的训练占据了本应用于学习的时间。
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GRE试题:GRE北美试题4GRE试题:GRE北美试题4GRE试题:GRE北美试题4 1. because its average annual rainfall is only about four inches, one of the major tasks faced by the country has been to find ----sources of water.(a) discontinuous(b) natural(c) supplementary(d) pervasive(e) initial2. both television commercials and programs present ---- view of the material world, one which promotes a standard of living that most of us can probably not attain.(a) an unrealistic(b) an imprudent(c) a standardized(d) a perplexing(e) a banal3. although it is unusual to denounce museum- goers for not painting, it is quite common, even for those. who areunenthusiastic about sports, to criticize---- for athletic----.(a) artists.. ignorance(b) spectators.. inactivity(c) athletes.. snobbery(d) scholars.. apathy(e) commentators.. partiality4. because the order in which the parts of speech appear in the sentences of a given language is decided merely by custom, it is---- to maintain that every departure from that order constitutes a ----of a natural law.(a) traditional.. transformation(b) conventional.. transgression(c) necessary.. prototype(d) unjustifiable.. violation(e) unreasonable.. formulation5. most people are shameless ---- where the very rich are concerned, ---- curious about how they get their money and how they spend it.(a) prigs.. secretly(b) critics.. endlessly(c) voyeurs.. insatiably(d) exhibitionists.. blatantly(e) ingrates.. selfishly6. some biologists argue that each specifically human trait must have arisen gradually and erratically, and that it is therefore difficult to isolate definite----in the evolution of the species.(a) fluctuations(b) generations(c) predispositions(d) milestones(e) manifestations7. ultimately, the book's credibility is strained; the slender, though far from -----, web of evidence presented on one salient point is expected to support a vast ---- of implications.(a) unconvincing.. cacophony(b) nonexistent.. superstructure(c) indispensable.. array(d) intricate.. network(e) imposing.. compendium8. sketch: painging::(a) outline: essay(b) apparatus: experiment(c) set: play(d) graph: report(e) rebuttal: debate9. gear: tooth::(a) hammer: anvil(b) bolt: nut(c) sprocket: chain(d) girder: rivet(e) screw: thread10. executor: will::(a) soldier: order(b) predecessor: desire(c) benefactor: award(d) inheritor: estate(e) author: testimonial11. prodiglity: spending ::(a) penury: luxury(b) gluttony: eating(c) modesty: dignity(d) hospitality: befriending(e) endurance: longevity12. baste: dryness::(a) desiccate: aridness(b) sift: fluffiness(c) beat: stickiness(d) caulk: moistness(e) irrigate: wetness13. dross: metal::(a) kernel: corn(b) chaff: grain(c) sand: concrete(d) omelet: egg(e) lave: volcano14. gust: wing::(a) water: sea(b) flare: light(c) cloudburst: torrent(d) discord: sound(e) breath: air15. ductility: malleable::(a) rigidity: strong(b) liquidity: absorbent(c) toxicity: poisonous(d) density: unwieldy(e) luminosity: intense16. rail: vehemence: :(a) entreat: urgency(b) revere: simplicity(c) plead: sorrow(d) avenge: ferocity(e) insult: sarcasmeven as the number of females processed through juvenile courts climbs steadily, an implicit consensus remains among scholars in criminal justice that male adolescents define the (5) delinquency problem in the united states. we suggest two reasons why this view persists. first, female adolescents are accused primarily of victimless crimes, such as truancy, that do not involve clear-cut damage to persons or property. (10)if committed by adults, these actions are not even considered prosecutable; if committed by juvenile males, they have traditionally been looked on leniently by the courts. thus ironically, the plight of female delinquents receives (15)little scrutiny because they are accused of committing relatively minor offenses. second, the courts have long unjustified so-called preventive intervention into the lives of young females viewed as antisocial with the rationale that(20)women are especially vulnerable. traditional stereotypes of women as the weaker and more dependent sex have led to earlier intervention and longer periods of misdirected supervision for female delinquents than for males.17. which of the following statements best expresses the irony pointed out by the authors in lines 13-16 of the passage?(a) female delinquents tend to commit victimless crimes more frequently than their male counterparts.(b) the predicament of male delinquents receives more attention than that of females because males are accused of more serious crimes.(c) adults are frequently punished less severely than adolescents for committing more serious crimes.(d) the juvenile justice system cannot correct its biases because it does not even recognize them.(e) although the number of female delinquents is steadily increasing, the crimes of which they are accused are not particularly serious.18. it can be inferred from the passage that the authors believe traditional stereotypes of women to be(a) frequently challenged(b) persistently inexplicable(c) potentially harmful(d) rapidly changing(e) habitually disregarded19. the passage suggests that scholars in criminal justice could be criticized for which of the following?(a) underestimating the seriousness of juvenile crime(b) rationalizing the distinction made between juveniles and adults in the legal system(c) concerning themselves too little with the prevention of juvenile delinquency(d) focusing on those whose crimes have involved damage to persons or property(e) failing to point out injustices in the correctional systemscattered around the globe are more than one hundred regions of volcanic activity known as hot spots. unlike most volcanoes, hot spots are rarely found along the boundaries of the continental and oceanic plates that comprise the earth's crust; most hot spots lie deep in the interior of plates and are anchored deep in the layers of the earth's surface. hot spots are also distinguished from other volcanoes by their lavas, which contain greater amounts of alkali metals than do thosefrom volcanoes at plate some cases, plates moving past hot spots have left trails of extinct volcanoes in much the same way that wind passing over a chimney carries off puffs of smoke. it appears that the hawaiian islands were created in such a manner by a single source of lava, welling up from a hot spot, over which the pacific ocean plate passed on a course roughly from the east toward the northwest, carrying off a line of volcanoes of increasing age. two other pacific island chains- the austral ridge and the tuamotu ridge-parallel the configuration of the hawaiian chain; they are also aligned from the east toward the northwest, with the most recent volcanic activity near their eastern terminuses.that the pacific plate and the other plates are moving is now beyond dispute; the relative motion of the plates has been reconstructed in detail. however, the relative motion of the plates with respect to the earth's interior cannot be determined easily. hot spots provide the measuring instruments for resolving the question of whether two continental plates are moving in opposite directions or whether one is stationary and the other is drifting away from it. the most compelling evidence that a continental plat isstationary is that, at some hot spots, lavas of several ages are superposed instead of being spread out in chronological sequence. of course, reconstruction of plate motion from the tracks of hot-spot volcanoes assumes that hot spots are immobile, or nearly so. several studies support such an assumption, including one that has shown that prominent hot spots through- out the world seem not to have moved during the past ten million years.beyond acting as frames of reference, hot spots apparently influence the geophysical processes that propel the plates across the globe. when a continental plate comes to rest over a hot spot, material welling up from deeper layers forms a broad dome that, as it grows, develops deep fissures. in some instances, the continental plate may rupture entirely along some of the fissures so that hot spot initiates the formation of a new ocean. thus, just as earlier theories have explained the mobility of the continental plates, so hot-spot activity may suggest a theory to explain their mutability.20. the primary purpose of the passage is to(a) describe the way in which hot spots influence the extinction of volcanoes(b) describe and explain the formation of the oceans andcontinents(c) explain how to estimate the age of lava flows from extinct volcanoes(d) describe hot spots and explain how they appear to influence and record the motion of plates(e) describe the formation and orientation of island chains in the pacific ocean21. according to the passage, hot spots differ from most volcanoes in that hot spots(a) can only be found near islands(b) are active whereas all other volcanoes are extinct(c) are situated closer to the earth's surface(d) can be found along the edges of the plates(e) have greater amounts of alkali metals in their lavas22. it can be inferred from the passage that evidence for the apparent course of the pacific plate has been provided by the(a) contours of the continents.(b) dimensions of ocean hot spots(c) concurrent movement of two hot spots(d) pattern of fissures in the ocean floor(e) configurations of several mid-ocean island chains23. it can be inferred from the passage that the spreading out of lavas of different ages at hot spots indicates that a(a) hot spot is active(b) continental plate has moved(c) continental rupture is imminent(d) hot spot had been moving very rapidly(e) volcano contains large concentrations of alkali metals24. the passage suggests which of the following about the hawaiian islands, the austral ridge, and the tuamotu ridge?(a) the three chains of islands are moving east- ward.(b) all the islands in the three chains have stopped moving.(c) the three islands chains are a result of the same plate movement.(d) the hawaiian islands are receding from the other two island chains at a relatively rapid rate.(e) the austral ridge and the tuamotu ridge chains have moved closer together whereas the hawaiian islands have remained stationary.25. which of the following, if true, would best support the author's statement that hot-spot activity may explain the mutability of continental plates?(a) hot spots move more rapidly than the continental and oceanic plates.(b) hot spots are reliable indicators of the age of continental plates.(c) hot spots are regions of volcanic activity found only in the interiors of the continental plates.(d) the alignment of hot spots in the pacific. ocean parallels the alignment of pacific ocean islands.(e) the coastlines of africa and south america suggest that they may once have constituted a single continent that ruptured along a line of hot spots.26. the author's argument that hot spots can be used to reconstruct the movement of continental plates is weakened by the fact that(a) hot spots are never found at the boundaries of plates(b) only extinct volcanoes remain after a plate moves over a hot spot(c) lava flow patterns for all hot spots have not been shown to be the same(d) the immobility or near immobility of hot spots has not been conclusively proven(e) the changing configurations of islands makepinpointing the locations of hot spots difficult27. the author's style can best be described as(a) dramatic(b) archaic(c)esoteric(d) objective(e) humanistic28. subtle:(a) careful(b) dirty(c) obvious(d) intentional(e) eager29. abominate:(a) gratify(b) esteem(c) console(d) support(e) foster30. oscillation:(a) absence of variation(b) capacity of survive(c) failure to produce(d) imbalance of resources(e) lack of options31. extricate:(a) enmesh(b) demolish(c) enliven(d) make similar(e) allay anger32. capricious:(a) adventurous(b) brave(c) defiant(d) resolute(e) proud37. spate:(a) clear pool(b) low tide(c) swirling eddy(d) trickling flow(e) marshy surface38. factious:(a) proper(b) contrite(c) innocent(d) happy(e) cooperative1. because its average annual rainfall is only about four inches, one of the major tasks faced by the country has been to find ----sources of water.(a) discontinuous(b) natural(c) supplementary(d) pervasive(e) initial2. both television commercials and programs present ---- view of the material world, one which promotes a standard of living that most of us can probably not attain.(a) an unrealistic(b) an imprudent(c) a standardized(d) a perplexing(e) a banal3. although it is unusual to denounce museum- goers fornot painting, it is quite common, even for those. who are unenthusiastic about sports, to criticize---- for athletic----.(a) artists.. ignorance(b) spectators.. inactivity(c) athletes.. snobbery(d) scholars.. apathy(e) commentators.. partiality4. because the order in which the parts of speech appear in the sentences of a given language is decided merely by custom, it is---- to maintain that every departure from that order constitutes a ----of a natural law.(a) traditional.. transformation(b) conventional.. transgression(c) necessary.. prototype(d) unjustifiable.. violation(e) unreasonable.. formulation33. sunder::(a) mix(b) link(c) fetter(d) confuse(e) envelop34. torpor:(a) graceful movement(b) insightful judgment(c) meticulous organization(d) asymmetrical shape(e) extreme excitability35. auspicious:(a) well-regarded(b) ill-omened(c) despicable(d) solitary(e) obtuse36. volatile:(a) uniform(b) large(c) pungent(d) obscure(e) stableGRE试题:GRE北美试题4 相关内容:。