the saying of Bruce Lee( 李小龙经典语录)

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Life is a process of constant contact. Must break the isolated with the outside shell, have gone off to find the truth is to direct contact with the outside world, I'm neither blind to you, nor to influence you. So don't assume that, 'this is it', 'that is that. If you are starting from the reality to research every thing, I will be more satisfied. ----Bruce Lee

A real teacher, a real teaching practitioners, never should be a truth almsgiver, he should be a guide, a guide, the road to the truth and the truth must be found by the students themselves ----Bruce Lee

for the truth of the martial arts, to discern your enemy, we must give up all religious ideas, but to give up prejudice, hate, and so on, then, your heart may calm and without bias, in such a quiet, can clear, overall observe things. ----Bruce Lee

Martial arts, is to be honest to express themselves, and not self-deception, but it is very difficult----Bruce Lee

Learning is absolutely not imitation, not the original fixed the accumulation of knowledge. Learning is a process, never stop exploring! ----Bruce Lee

If knowledge as the traditional mode, you can only live in the shadow of the traditional, understand is the old way, you don't know you ----Bruce Lee

It is important to teach a man to do what he can do, just do what he... I object to a certain style imposed on someone. This is a kind of art, the art of a self expression. ----Bruce Lee

It's not enough to be know, must be used; Hope alone are not enough, you must have to do ----Bruce Lee

Empty, because one without all the omniscient, empty exists in everything, and also inclusive. ----Bruce Lee

Practice kung fu is not committed to breaking stones or wood, the purpose of us is more concerned with it affects our whole thought and way of life.

Of jeet kune do is not disabled, but rather a broad avenue towards the essen ce of life to pursue, we only when understand yourself enough to see through people, and jeet kune do is to understand your way ahead

Practice kung fu is not committed to breaking stones or wood, the purpose of us is more concerned with when a person has been mature in wushu, so he should be in the form of a kind of invisible form. This growth, mature process, just as the ice melts into various shapes of water. Only when a person is not the form on wushu, he can have all the forms; Only when a person did not have the style, he can adapt all the affects our whole thought and way of life. ----Bruce Lee

Kung fu is a special kind of skill, is a kind of exquisite art, rather than a kind of physical activity. This is a must make intelligence with skills in fine art. The principle of kung fu is not something we can learn, like science, need to seek empirical, and come to a conclusion by empirical. Must let nature take its
