



___第二学期学术交流会议日程表日期:2023年4月1日至4月5日地点:学校大会堂4月1日(星期一)9:00 - 9:30.注册与签到9:30 - 10:00 开幕式10:00 - 11:00 主题演讲:探索新兴技术的潜力11:00 - 11:30 茶歇11:30 - 12:30 分组研讨会1:数字化时代的教育创新12:30 - 14:00 午餐14:00 - 15:30 分组研讨会2:跨文化沟通与交流15:30 - 16:00 茶歇16:00 - 17:00 学生研究项目展示17:00 - 18:00 自由交流时间4月2日(星期二)9:00 - 10:30 分组研讨会3:人工智能在医疗领域的应用10:30 - 11:00 茶歇11:00 - 12:00 主题演讲:可持续发展与环境保护12:00 - 13:30 午餐13:30 - 15:00 分组研讨会4:法律伦理和社会责任15:00 - 15:30 茶歇15:30 - 16:30 研究生论文展示16:30 - 17:30 自由交流时间4月3日(星期三)9:00 - 10:00 主题演讲:创新思维与创业精神10:00 - 11:30 分组研讨会5:数据隐私与网络安全11:30 - 12:00 茶歇12:00 - 13:30 午餐13:30 - 15:00 分组研讨会6:人权与社会正义15:00 - 15:30 茶歇15:30 - 16:30 大学生科研成果展示16:30 - 17:30 自由交流时间4月4日(星期四)9:00 - 10:30 分组研讨会7:金融科技的发展与挑战10:30 - 11:00 茶歇11:00 - 12:00 主题演讲:面向未来的职业发展12:00 - 13:30 午餐13:30 - 15:00 分组研讨会8:社交媒体与信息传播15:00 - 15:30 茶歇15:30 - 16:30 大学生创新设计展示16:30 - 17:30 自由交流时间4月5日(星期五)9:00 - 10:00 主题演讲:全球化时代的文化多样性10:00 - 11:30 分组研讨会9:人工智能与道德问题11:30 - 12:00 茶歇12:00 - 13:30 午餐13:30 - 15:00 分组研讨会10:人类健康与福祉15:00 - 15:30 茶歇15:30 - 16:00 闭幕式该会议日程表仅供参考,请留意会议现场的最新通知和变更。







早在2005年12月17日,CCF YOCSEF就举办了“从SCI反思中国的学术评价体制”的专题论坛,探讨为何SCI会成为衡量大学、科研机构和科学工作者学术水平的最重要的甚至是唯一的尺度,提出了如何建立中国公正合理的学术评价体制的问题。





2010年9月附:国际学术会议及期刊目录计算机科学理论 (2)计算机体系结构 (8)计算机网络 (14)人工智能与模式识别 (19)软件工程 (28)数据库 (35)计算机图形学、几何造型、多媒体、可视化、虚拟现实等方向,不含算机视觉与模式识别 (42)网络/信息安全 (46)综合类刊物 (51)第 1 页 共 51 页中国计算机学会推荐国际学术刊物计算机科学理论一、A类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1.TALG ACM Transactions on Algorithms ACM /2.SICOMP SIAM Journal on Computing Society for Industrial andApplied Mathematics/sicomp二、B类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1.TOCL ACM Transactions on Computational Logic ACM /rmation & Computation Elsevier /locate/ic3.TIT IEEE Transactions on Information Theory IEEE /portal/site/mainsite/menuitem.81 8c0c39e85ef176fb2275875bac26c8/index.jsp?&pNa me=corp_level1&path=pubs/transactions&file=tit.x ml&xsl=generic.xsl&4.TCS Theoretical Computer Science Elsevier /locate/tcs5.Formal Aspects of Computing Springer /content/102822/6.Acta Informatica Springer /content/100460/7. MSCS Mathematical Structures in Computer Science Cambridge University /action/displayJournal?jid=MSC8.Algorithmica Springer /link.asp?id=100117putational Complexity Springer /content/101499/10.Journal of Complexity Birkhäuser Basel第 2 页 共 51 页11. JSL Journal of Symbolic Logic Association forSymbolic Logic/journals-journal.html12. APAL Annuals of Pure and Applied Logic Elsevier /wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505603/description#description13.Discrete Applied Mathematics Elsevier /wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505609/description#description14. JSC Journal of Symbolic Computation Elsevier /wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/622902/description#description LMCSLogical Methods in Computer Science /index.php三、C类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. IJFCS International Journal of Foundations ofComputer ScienceWorld Scientific /~ijfcs/2.Discrete Event Dynamic Systems – Theory andApplications Springer /math/applications/journal/106263.Formal Methods in System Design Springer /content/100266/4. HOSC Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation Springer /computer/foundations/journal/109905.Archive for Mathematical Logic Springer /math/journal/153第 3 页 共 51 页中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(计算机科学理论)一、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. STOC ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing ACM /stoc/2. FOCS IEEE Symposium on Foundations of ComputerScienceIEEE /二、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. LICS IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science IEEE ICALP International Colloquium on Automata, Languagesand Programming EuropeanAssociation forTheoreticalComputer Science(EATCS) SCG ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry ACM /4. SODA ACM/SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms SIAM /meetings/da07/5. SPAA ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms andArchitecturesACM /SPAA/ 6. CCC IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity IEEE /jrogers/Complexity/第 4 页 共 51 页第 5 页 共 51 页7. CSFW IEEE Computer Security Foundations WorkshopIEEE /CSFWweb/8. DATE IEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference IEEE/ACM /9. ISIT IEEE Symposium on Information Theory IEEE /10. CP International Conference on Principles & Practice of Constraint ProgrammingSpringer TACAS Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of SystemsSpringer /~tacas2008/ 12. RTA Rewriting Techniques and Applications Springer TLCA Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications Springer 14. CSL Computer Science LogicSpringer/oucl/conferences/CSL05/15. MFPS Mathematical Foundations of Programming SemanticsElsevier /~mfps/ 16. TCS IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science Springer Science and Business Media 17. STACS International Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Computer ScienceSpringer 18. MFCS Mathematical Foundations of Computer ScienceSpringer FCT International Symposium Fundamentals of Computation Theory Springer 20.FSTTCSConference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science IARCS, the Indian Association for/第 6 页 共 51 页Research in Computing Science21.ICLPInternational Conference on Logical ProgrammingSpringer三、C 类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. CGOInternational Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization IEEE/ACM / 2. PEPMPartial Evaluation and Program ManipulationACM/PEPM083. CSB IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference IEEE /4. FoSSaCS International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures Springer iFM integrated Formal MethodsSpringer/ifm2007/6. APLAS Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and SystemsSpringer /~grama/APLAS2008/ 7. ATVA International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and AnalysisSpringer 8. TAMC Theory and Applications of Models of ComputationSpringer /tamc2008/page/main.jsp 9. FORMATSInternational Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed SystemsSpringer 10.HSCC International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and ControlACM, Springer/Springer /11.CIAA International Conference on Implementation andApplication of AutomataSpringer /spin08/ 12.SPIN International SPIN Workshop on Model CheckingSoftwareSpringer /vmcai08/Conference on Verification, Model13.VMCAI InternationalChecking, and Abstract InterpretationSpringer on Formal Methods for14.FMCO InternationalComponents and ObjectsConference on Formal Methods forSpringer 15.FMOODS InternationalOpen Object-based Distributed SystemsIEEE /memocontest08/International Conference on Formal16.MEMOCODE ACM/IEEEMethods and Models for Co-Design第 7 页 共 51 页中国计算机学会推荐国际学术刊物计算机体系结构一、A类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. TOCS ACM Transactions on Computer Systems ACM /2. TOPLAS ACM Transactions on Programming Languagesand Systems ACM http:///~toplas/3. TPDS IEEE Transactions on Parallel and DistributedSystemsIEEE /tpds/4. TOC IEEE Transactions on Computers IEEE /portal/web/tc二、B类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. TACO ACM Transactions on Architecture and CodeOptimizationACM /2. TOS ACM Transactions on Storage ACM /3. CAL IEEE Computer Architecture Letters IEEE /~tcca/4. JSA Journal of Systems Architecture Elsevier /locate/sysarc/5. JPDC Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing Elsevier /wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/622895/description6.Parallel Computing Elsevier /locate/parco第 8 页 共 51 页7.Performance Evaluation Elsevier /wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505618/description#description8. TECS ACM Transactions on Embedded ComputingSystemsACM 9. TJS The Journal of Supercomputing Springer /link.asp?id=100302三、C类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. FGCSFuture Generation Computer Systems Elsevier /wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505611/description#description2.Microprocessors and Microsystems Elsevier /locate/micpro3.Design Automation for Embedded System Springer /link.asp?id=1002554.Concurrency and Computation: Practice andExperience John Wiley & Sons,Ltd/journal/117946197/grouphome/home.html第 9 页 共 51 页第 10 页 共 51 页中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(计算机体系结构)一、A 类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. ISCA International Symposium on Computer ArchitectureACM SIGARCH, IEEE TCCA /pubs/contents/proceedings/series/isca/2. MICRO MICRO IEEE, ACM SIGMICRO/3. HPCA High-Performance Computer ArchitectureIEEE /~hpca/二、B 类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. ASPLOS Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating SystemsACMSIGOPS/SIGARCH/SIGPLAN /pubs/contents/proceedings/serie s/asplos/2. FAST Conference on File and Storage Technologies USENIX /events/bytopic/fast.html3. PACT Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques IEEEACM SIGARCH/ 4. PPoPPPrinciples and Practice of Parallel Programming ACM SIGPLAN/ppopp08/5. SPAAACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and ArchitecturesACM /~spaa/2007/6. SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement andModeling of Computer Systems ACMSIGMETRICS/~sigmet08/7. RTSS Real-Time Systems Symposium IEEE /8. ICCD International Conference on Computer Design IEEE /9. MSST Mass Storage Systems and Technologies IEEE /2007/10. HOTCHIPS A Symposium on High Performance Chips IEEE /11. HPDC High-Performance Distributed Computing IEEE /hpdc2007/12.CLUSTER Cluster Computing IEEE /13.IPDPS International Parallel & Distributed ProcessingSymposiumIEEE 14.EuroSys EuroSys ACM International Conference onDistributed Computing SystemsIEEE International Conference on Parallel Processing IEEE /~icpp2007/17.Euro-Par European Conference on Parallel and DistributedComputingSpringer International Symposium on Field-ProgrammableGate ArraysACM SIGDA /~kati/fpga2008/19.LCTES Conference on Language, Compiler and ToolSupport for Embedded SystemsACM SIGEBD /第 11 页 共 51 页第 12 页 共 51 页三、C 类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. FPT International Conference on Field-Programmable TechnologyIEEE HiPC International Conference on High Performance ComputingIEEE, ACM SIGARCH / 3. ISCAS International Symposium on Circuits and SystemsIEEE/4. HiPEAC International Conference on High Performance and Embedded Architectures and CompilersSpringer /conference/ 5.ICPADSInternational Conference on Parallel and Distributed SystemsIEEE .au/conferences/icpads2008/?print_friendly=true6. CCGRID Cluster Computing and the GridIEEE http:// 7. GRID International Conference on Grid ComputingIEEE/ACM/8. ANCS Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems ACM/IEEE /9. CGOCode Generation and Optimization IEEE/ACM /10. HotOS Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems USENIX/events/hotos03/11.CASESInternational Conference on Compilers, Architectures, and Synthesis for Embedded SystemsACM ES2007/index.htm 12. ICS International Conference on SupercomputingACM/13.CODES+ISSS International Conference on Hardware/SoftwareACM, IEEE /Codesign & System Synthesis14.RTAS Real-Time and Embedded Technology andIEEE / Applications Symposium15.EMSOFT International Conference on Embedded Software ACM /16.VEE Virtual Execution Environments ACM /17. FCCM Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines IEEE /18.FPL Field Programmable Logic and Applications IEEE SC International Conference for High PerformanceIEEE /Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis20. HotInterconnects Symposium on High-Performance Interconnects IEEE /第 13 页 共 51 页中国计算机学会推荐国际学术刊物计算机网络一、A类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址IEEE /net/1. TON IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking ACM,IEEE /dl/jrnal/jsac.html2. JSAC IEEE Journal of Selected Areas inCommunications3. TOIT ACM Transactions on Internet Technology ACM /二、B类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. TMC IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing IEEE /portal/web/tmc2. CN Computer Networks Elsevier /locate/comnet3. TOC IEEE Transactions on Communications IEEE /dl/jrnal/transcom.html4. TOSN ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks ACM /5. CCR Computer Communication Review ACM /ccr/6. TWC IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications IEEE /dl/jrnal/twc.htmlACM /7. TOMCCAP ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing,Communications and Applications第 14 页 共 51 页三、C类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. TVT IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology IEEE /puter Communications Elsevier /locate/comcomworks John Wiley & Sons,Ltd. /WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productC d-NET.html4.Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing John Wiley & Sons,Ltd. /WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productC d-WCM.html5.Ad hoc Networks Elsevier /locate/adhoc6. JPDC Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing Elsevier /wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/622895/description#description7. JNCA Journal of Network and Computer Applications Elsevier /wps/find/products_in_subject_and_group.cws_home/6228938.Wireless Networks Springer /engineering/signals/journal/112769. JCN Journal of Communications and Networks Korean Informationand CommunicationsSociety MONET Mobile Networks & Applications Springer /engineering/signals/journal/1103611. JHSN Journal of High Speed Networks IOS Press /content/103170/12.IET Communications IET /IET-COM13.Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications Springer /engineering/signals/journal/12083第 15 页 共 51 页中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(计算机网络)一、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. SIGCOMM Special Interest Group on Data Communication ACM /ACM /mobicom/2008/2. MOBICOM Special Interest Group on Mobility of Systems,Users, Data and Computing3. INFOCOM Conference on Computer Communications IEEE /confs/infocom/2008/二、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. SenSys ACM Conference on Embedded NetworkedACM /2008/organizers.htmlSensor SystemsIEEE .hk/~percom08/2. Percom International Conference on Pervasive Computingand Communications3. IMC Internet Measurement Conference ACM/USENIX /imc-2008/4. IWQoS International Workshop on Quality of Service IEEE /co-next2008/5. CoNEXT ACM International Conference on emergingNetworking EXperiments and TechnologiesUSENIX /event/nsdi08/6.NSDI Symposium on Network System Design andImplementation第 16 页 共 51 页第 17 页 共 51 页7.Networking International Conferences on Networking IFIP .sg/SCE/networking2008/8. MobiHocInternational Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing ACM/IEEE /mobihoc/2008/ 9. ICNP International Conference on Network Protocols IEEE/homes/fahmy/icnp2008/ 10.IPTPSInternational workshop on Peer-To-Peer SystemsACM/USENIX/三、C 类序号 会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. IPSN International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks IEEE/ACM /2008/2. ISCC IEEE Symposium on Computers and CommunicationsIEEE /iscc/2008/ 3. IM IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management IFIP/IEEE /2007/_rubric/index.php_rubr ic=Home.html 4. MSWiMInternational Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile SystemsACM 5.SECON IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks IEEE /6. NOMS Network Operations and Management SymposiumIFIP/IEEE 7. LCN IEEE Conference on Local Computer NetworksIEEE /8.FORTEFormal Techniques for Networked and Distributed SystemsSpringer The Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks ACM /learn/hotnets-workshop/ACM /10.NOSSDA V Network and Operating System Support forDigital Audio and VideoIEEE /11.WCNC IEEE Wireless Communications & NetworkingConferenceIEEE /12. Globecom IEEE Global Communications Conference,incorporating the Global Internet Symposium13. ICC International Conference on Communications IEEE /第 18 页 共 51 页中国计算机学会推荐国际学术刊物人工智能与模式识别一、A类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址Intelligence ELSEVIER/science/journal/000437021. AI ArtificialIEEE /tpami/2.TPAMI IEEE Trans on Pattern Analysis and MachineIntelligence3.JMLR Journal of Machine Learning Research MIT Press /4.IJCV International Journal of Computer Vision Springer /content/二、B类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址Learning Springer /content/1.Machine2.Neural Computation MIT Press /putational Linguistics MIT Press /loi/coliResearch AAAI /AI4. JAIR Journalof5.TEC IEEE Trans on Evolutionary Computation IEEE /pubs/tecIntelligence Blackwell /putationalScience Elsevier /wps/product/cws_home/627.Cognitive01948.TNN IEEE Trans on Neural Networks IEEE /xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=72第 19 页 共 51 页第 20 页 共 51 页9. Evolutionary Computation MIT Press/journal-home.tcl?issn=1063656010.IEEE Transaction on Speech and Audio Processing IEEE /xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punu mber=8911. Pattern Recognition ELSEVIER /locate/pr 12. CVIU Computer Vision and Image Understanding ELSEVIER /locate/cviu 13. IS IEEE Intelligent Systems IEEE /intelligent/14.Artificial Intelligence ReviewSpringer/content/100240/15. Neural Networks ELSEVIER /locate/neunet 16. Machine Translation Springer /content/100310/ 17. T-RA IEEE Trans on Robotics and Automation IEEE /xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=7018. IJAR International Journal of Approximate Reasoning ELSEVIER /science/journal/0888613X19. KER Knowledge Engineering Review Cambridge /journals/20. DKE Data and Knowledge EngineeringELSEVIER/wps/product/cws_home/50560821. TCBB IEEE/ACM Trans on Computational Biology and BioinformaticsIEEE /tcbb/index.htm 22. T-ITB IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine IEEE tion/scope.html 23. TFS IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy SystemsIEEE/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=9124.TSLPACM Transactions on Speech and Language ProcessingACM /pubs/tslp.html25.TALIP ACM Transactions on Asian LanguageInformation ProcessingACM /26.JournalofAutomatedReasoning Springer /computer/foundations/journal/1081727. AICom AICommunications IOS 三、C类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. IDA IntelligentDataAnalysis ELSEVIER /wps/locate/ida2.AppliedIntelligence Springer /content/100236/3.SMC IEEE Trans on Systems, Man, & Cybernetics, PartA &B &C IEEE /xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=34774. NLE NaturalLanguageEngineering CambridgeUniversity/5.AMAI Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence Springer /sgw/cda/frontpage/0,11855,5-147-70-35674745-0,00.html6.IJDAR International Journal of Document Analysis andRecognitionSpringer /content/101562/ 7. KBS Knowledge-BasedSystems ELSEVIER /locate/knosys8.Neurocomputing ELSEVIER /locate/neucom9.NCA Neural Computing & Applications Springer /content/102827/10.NPL Neural Processing Letters Springer /content/100321/11.PRL Pattern Recognition Letters ELSEVIER /locate/patrec12.PAA Pattern Analysis and Applications Springer /content/ 103609/第 21 页 共 51 页13.Connection Science Taylor & Francis /journals/tf/09540091.html14.AIM Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Elsevier /wps/product/cws_home/15.DSS Decision Support Systems Elsevier /wps/product/cws_home/16.IVC Image and Vision Computing ELSEVIER /science/journal/andApplications Springer /sgw/cda/ Vision17.MachineImageAnalysis Elsevier /wps/product/cws_home/ 18.MedicalComputing Springer /sgw/cda/ 19.NaturalComputing Springer /sgw/cda/20.Soft21.ESWA Expert Systems with Applications ELSEVIER /wps/product/cws_home/22.EAAI Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence ELSEVIER /wps/find/journaleditorialboard.cws_home/975/editorialboardSystems Blackwell / 23.ExpertWorld Scientific .sg/ijprai/ijprai.shtml24.IJPRAI International Journal of Pattern Recognition &Artificial Intelligence25.IJIS International Journal of Intelligent Systems Wiley InterScience /journal/36062/home?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=026.IJNS International Journal of Neural Systems World Scientific .sg/journals/ijns/27.AAI Applied Artificial Intelligence Taylor & Francis /journals/tf/08839514.html28.Cybernetics and Systems Taylor & Francis /journals/tf/01969722.htmlCommunications ELSEVIER /locate/specom29.Speechputer Speech and Language ELSEVIER /locate/csl31.WIAS Web Intelligence and Agent Systems IOS Sets and Systems ELSEVIER /wps/product/cws_home/第 22 页 共 51 页33.IEE Proceedings: Vision, Image and Signal IEEE /xpl/World Scientific .sg/ijcia/ijcia.shtml34.IJCIA International Journal of ComputationalIntelligence and ApplicationsTaylor & Francis /journals/tf/0952813X.html35.JETAI Journal of Experimental and Theoretical ArtificialIntelligence36.International Journal of Uncertainty, FuzzinessWorld Scientific /ijufks/ijufks.shtml and KBS37.IJAES International Journal of Applied Expert Systems Taylor Granham /~acc025/ijaes.html38.Artificial Life MIT Press /journal-home.tcl?issn=1064546239.AAMAS Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems Springer /content/102852/中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(人工智能与模式识别)一、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址Morgan Kaufmann 1.IJCAI International Joint Conference on ArtificialIntelligence2.ICCV International Conference on Computer Vision IEEE /3.ICML International Conference on Machine Learning ACM /conferences/icml2007/IEEE /4.CVPR IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and PatternRecognition5.AAAI AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence AAAI 第 23 页 共 51 页二、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址MIT Press 6.NIPS Annual Conference on Neural InformationProcessing SystemsMorgan Kaufmann /7.KR International Conference on Principles ofKnowledge Representation and ReasoningACL /8.ACL Annual Meeting of the Association forComputational LinguisticsSpringer /1.AAMAS International Joint Conference on AutonomousAgents and Multi-agent Systems2.ECCV European Conference on Computer Vision Springer European Conference on Machine Learning Springer 4.ECAI European Conference on Artificial Intelligence IOSPress /colt2007/5.COLT Annual Conference on Computational LearningTheoryAUAI /6.UAI International Conference on Uncertainty inArtificial IntelligenceAAAI /7.ICAPS International Conference on Automated Planningand SchedulingSpringer /8.ICCBR International Conference on Case-BasedReasoning第 24 页 共 51 页第 25 页 共 51 页9. COLING International Conference on Computational LinguisticsACM / 10. ALT International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory Springer 07.jhtml 11.ILPInternational Conference on Inductive Logic ProgrammingSpringer /conferences/ilp2007/ 12. ICRA IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation IEEE /13. CogSciCognitive Science Society Annual Conference Psychology Press /cogsci.html 14. IJCARInternational Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning15.EMNLPConference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing ACL /~yarowsky/SIGDAT/emnlp06.html三、C 类序号 会议简称 会议全称出版社网址16. PRICAI Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial IntelligenceSpringer / 17.NAACLThe Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational LinguisticsNAACL /meetings/hlt-naacl07/1.ACCVAsian Conference on Computer VisionSpringer IJCNN International Joint Conference on NeuralIEEE /NetworksIEEE /International Conference on Acoustics,3. ICASSP IEEESpeech and SP4.DS International Conference on Discovery Science Springer IEEE International Conference on Tools withArtificial Intelligence6. ICANN InternationalConference on Artificial NeuralSpringer /NetworksIEEE /7. ICDAR InternationalConference on Document Analysisand RecognitionACM /gecco-2006/index.html 8.GECCO Genetic and Evolutionary ComputationConference9.CEC IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation IEEE .sg/InternationalConference on Fuzzy Systems IEEE /10. FUZZ-IEEE IEEE11.IJCNLP International Joint Conference on NaturalACL /Language ProcessingSpringer /12. ICONIP International Conference on Neural InformationProcessingACM13.CVIR International Conference on Content based Imageand Video RetrievalIEEE14.FGR International Conference on Face and GestureRecognition第 26 页 共 51 页15. ICB InternationalConference on Biometrics IEEE16.CoNLL Conference on Natural Language Learning CoNLL .au/scitech/eit/ksem07/ 17. KSEM International conference on Knowledge Science,Engineering and ManagementConference on Pattern Recognition IEEE /18. ICPR International19.COSIT International Conference on Spatial InformationTheory第 27 页 共 51 页中国计算机学会推荐国际学术刊物软件工程一、A类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. TOSEM ACM Transactions on Software EngineeringMethodologyACM /pubs/tosem/2. TSE IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering IEEE ComputerSociety/portal/site/transactions3. TOPLAS ACM Transactions on Programming Languages& SystemsACM /toplas二、B类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1.Automated Software Engineering Springer /computer/ai/journal/105152.Formal Methods in System Design Springer Netherlands /content/1572-8102/3.Empirical Software Engineering Springer /content/1573-7616/4. ASEAnnals of Software Engineering Springer /computer/swe/journal/1048 05.Formal Aspects of Computing Springer London /content/1433-299X/6.IEE Proceedings – Software the Institution ofEngineering andTechnology/Publish/Journals/Profjourn/Proc/sen/7.Journal of Software Maintenance: Research and John Wiley & Sons, /cgi-bin/jhome/5第 28 页 共 51 页Practice Ltd3918. SPESoftware: Practice and Experience John Wiley & Sons,Ltd/cgi-bin/jhome/17529. IJSEKE International Journal on Software Engineeringand Knowledge Engineering World Scientific .sg/journals/ijseke/ijseke.shtml10. JSS Journal of Systems and Software Elsevier Science /wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505732/description#description11. JPL Journal of Programming Languages Chapman & Hall SCP Science of Computer Programming Elsevier Science /wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505623/description#description13. RE Requirements Engineering Journal Springer /content/1432-010X/三、C类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址14.ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes ACM /SEN/15. FGCS Future Generations Computer Systems Elsevier Science /wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505611/description#description16. HOSC Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation Springer Netherlands /content/1573-0557/17. SEJ Software Engineering Journal Institution ofElectrical Engineers(IEE) /xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punum ber=222518. STTT International Journal on Software Tools for Springer /content/1433-2787/第 29 页 共 51 页。


余胜泉 2. LOM规范介绍及应用的一个原型系统 清华大学
史元春 沈中南 3. 学习对象元数据相关应用工具简介 华中科技大学
杨宗凯 吴砥 4. 分布式环境下共享学习资源模型研究 浙江大学
陈德人教授 5. XML技术在远程教育资源标准化方面的应用 天津财经学院
徐荣贞教授 主题2:
奚建清 朱斌 4. 内容包装规范与应用简介及虚拟实验试验规范的设想 上海交通大学
申瑞民 申丽萍 5. 计算机管理教学系统技术规范介绍 北京大学
汪琼、吴筱萌 分组报告(12/16)(Grouping Reports 12/16)
Time 分会主题
Themes 报告主题(Topics) 报告人(Reporters)
教育资源元数据--理论和实践 Jon Mason 11:00~12:00 The Development of International E-learning Standards and carrying out in China
世界网络教育标准的发展以及与中国结合的实践探讨 Terry Hisberg 分组报告12/15(Grouping Reports 12/15)

5:30 主题3:
Application Discuss 1. NGI、XML与标准 北师大:黄荣怀 2. WisdomClass--远程教育虚拟课堂 清华万博: 李小霞 3. 唯有标准,才能互联 TCL:吴士宏 4. 网络教育:关注服务和服务标准 科利华:郑永柏 5. 运用AICC规范实现LMSCore通信协议和学习管理
北大在线:沈利庆经理 主题4:



在与 未来 ” 。来 自美 、 英、 日三 国 的信 息技 术 教 育 专 家和 国 内 3 O个 省 的 高 等 院校 信 息 技 术 专 家 学 者 、
基础 教 育领 域 的 教研 专 家 和 一 线 教 师 近 3 0 0人 参
体化 实践 和 中小 学 信 息 技 术 课 堂 教 学 实 践 等 六 个
的继续 学 习和终 身学 习发 展 奠定 了坚 实 的基础 。
学 模式 , 使学校 、 家庭 、 社 区融 为 一 个 整 体 ; 为 学 生 开 拓 了愉 悦 、 宽松 、 多 元 化 的学 习 空 间 ; 使 教师 、 学
生、 家 长 有 了联 动 , 学 生 的学 习得 到 了最 大 的 支 持 和帮助, 从 而 最 大 限 度 地 提 高 了 学 习 的效 益 ; 使 课 前、 课堂 、 课后 形成 了主 线 , 养 成 了学 生 学 习知 识 触
为期 三 天 的 会 议 开 设 了六 个 分 会 场 。来 自不
中小 学 信息 技 术 课 程 发 展 国 际论 坛 在 沈 阳师 范 大 学顺 利举 行 。本 次会 议 , 由 中 国教 育技 术 协 会 信 息
技术教育专业委员会主办 , 沈 阳师 范 大学 承 办 , 校 长林 群 出席 了开 幕 式并致 辞 。 论 坛 的主题 为 “ 中小学 信 息 技 术课 程 : 过去 、 现
林 群 校长 简 要 介 绍 了学 校 在 开 展 全 省 基 础 教
育信息化工程方面取得 的显著成效 ; 中央 电教馆副 馆长 、 教育部基础教育资源中心副主任王 晓芜教授
做 了题 为 “ 移动 互联 改变 教育 ” 的 主题 报 告 , 从 大数

会议 旨在研讨 当前我们 巾小学信 息技术课 程

















一月国际计算机科学会议(ICSC) - 时间:2024年1月15日 - 2024年1月18日- 地点:华盛顿特区 - 主题:计算机科学、人工智能、数据分析等相关领域的最新研究成果和技术进展。

亚洲教育研究协会年会(AERA Asia) - 时间:2024年1月25日 - 2024年1月27日 - 地点:东京市 - 主题:教育研究与实践的创新方法和策略,以及本地区的教育政策和发展趋势。

二月国际生物医学工程学会(EMBS)冬季研讨会 - 时间:2024年2月3日 - 2024年2月5日 - 地点:伦敦 - 主题:生物医学工程领域的新兴技术、应用和挑战,包括医疗设备、生命科学和临床应用。

国际建筑与城市规划会议(ICUPA) - 时间:2024年2月15日 - 2024年2月17日 - 地点:巴黎 - 主题:城市规划、建筑设计和可持续发展等领域的最新研究和实践经验。

三月国际人工智能研究协会(AAAI)年会 - 时间:2024年3月10日 - 2024年3月15日 - 地点:芝加哥 - 主题:人工智能领域的前沿技术、方法和应用,包括机器学习、自然语言处理和计算机视觉等。

全球教育研究年会(GERA) - 时间:2024年3月20日 - 2024年3月22日 - 地点:新加坡 - 主题:全球教育政策、跨文化教育和教学方法的最新研究和实践。

四月国际材料科学与工程学会(MSE)会议 - 时间:2024年4月5日 - 2024年4月7日 - 地点:东京市 - 主题:新材料的发展、性能测试和应用,涵盖纳米材料、能源材料和生物材料等领域。



国际学术交流活动管理制度概述:1. 背景介绍国际学术交流活动是促进学术发展、增进文化交流的重要途径。


2. 目的国际学术交流活动管理制度旨在确保学术交流的安全、有序进行,保护参与者的权益,同时提高学术交流的品质和效果。

3. 适用范围本制度适用于国际学术交流活动的策划、组织和管理,包括国际学术会议、研讨会、讲座等各类学术交流活动。


4. 基本原则4.1 公正公平原则:保证学术交流的公正公平,倡导学术自由和平等合作。

4.2 安全可靠原则:确保参与者的人身和财产安全,并建立应急处理机制。

4.3 责任追究原则:对于违反交流活动规定和纪律的行为,实行相应的责任追究制度。

4.4 保密原则:对于敏感信息或涉及商业机密的内容,要确保保密措施得以落实。

管理流程:1. 交流活动策划1.1 制定活动策划方案:包括活动目标、时间地点、参与人员、内容安排等。

1.2 组织筹备工作:确定筹备团队,负责活动细节、预算等。

1.3 活动审批:提前向上级主管部门申请活动批复并获得许可。

1.4 宣传推广:利用多种渠道宣传活动,并扩大参与者的范围。

2. 参与者管理2.1 报名与审核:参与者通过官方渠道报名,组织者审核参与者的资格和背景。

2.2 信息收集:收集参与者的个人信息和相关资料,确保参与者身份真实可靠。

2.3 签订责任承诺书:参与者需签署责任承诺书,遵守交流活动规则和纪律。

3. 活动执行3.1 安全保障:确保活动场所的安全,设置安全出口、消防设施等。

3.2 日程安排:对各项活动进行详细规划,包括主题演讲、分组讨论等环节。

3.3 学术交流管理:确保学术交流的内容严谨、准确,并进行学术成果的记录和归档。

3.4 现场组织:配备专职工作人员负责活动的现场组织和协调。

4. 结束和评估4.1 感谢致辞:结合活动特点,对参与者和支持单位致以感谢。





一、会议主题“探索学术前沿,共筑创新未来”二、会议时间和地点1、时间:具体日期2、地点:详细地址三、会议日程安排(一)第一天:开幕式与主题演讲上午:8:00 8:30 参会人员签到入场8:30 9:00 开幕式,主持人介绍与会嘉宾和会议背景9:00 10:00 特邀嘉宾致辞10:00 10:30 茶歇与交流10:30 12:00 主题演讲一:演讲主题 112:00 13:30 午餐与休息下午:13:30 15:00 主题演讲二:演讲主题 215:00 15:30 茶歇与交流15:30 17:00 主题演讲三:演讲主题 317:00 18:00 互动环节,参会人员提问与讨论(二)第二天:分论坛研讨上午:8:30 10:00 分论坛一:分论坛主题 110:00 10:30 茶歇与交流10:30 12:00 分论坛二:分论坛主题 212:00 13:30 午餐与休息下午:13:30 15:00 分论坛三:分论坛主题 315:00 15:30 茶歇与交流15:30 17:00 分论坛四:分论坛主题 417:00 18:00 各分论坛总结与交流(三)第三天:成果展示与闭幕式上午:8:30 10:30 学术成果展示10:30 11:00 茶歇与交流11:00 12:00 优秀成果评选与颁奖下午:13:30 15:00 会议总结与展望15:00 15:30 闭幕式,主持人宣布会议结束四、注意事项1、请参会人员提前准备好相关的学术资料和报告,以便在会议中能够充分展示和交流。













中国教育技术协会信息技术教育专业委员会理事和来自全国各高等院校教育技术领域的专家、学者,中小学骨干教师以及教育技术专业知名刊物的代表近300 人参会。










































信息技术教师的会议纪要会议时间:2021年9月15日会议地点:学校会议室会议议程:1. 信息技术教育的发展趋势2. 课程更新与教学改革3. 教师培训与专业发展4. 学术合作与资源共享5. 其他事项讨论会议内容:一、信息技术教育的发展趋势在本次会议上,我们回顾了信息技术教育的最新发展趋势,并对其进行了深入的讨论。



















2024一级学术会议计划英文回答:1. First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (ICAIML)。

Date: January 25-27, 2024。

Location: Virtual.2. Fifth IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Information, Communication and Engineering Systems (SPICES)。

Date: March 18-20, 2024。

Location: Bangalore, India.3. International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE)。

Date: April 15-17, 2024。

Location: Paris, France.4. International Conference on Data Science and Analytics (ICDSA)。

Date: May 22-24, 2024。

Location: Barcelona, Spain.5. 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)。

Date: June 5-7, 2024。

Location: Vienna, Austria.6. International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA)。

Date: July 15-17, 2024。








我们鼓励与会者就以下子主题展开研讨:1. 教育改革与政策2. 教育技术与数字化教育3. 教育评估与质量保障4. 跨文化教育与国际交流5. 教育研究方法与数据分析6. 教育社会学与心理学7. 教师培训与专业发展请各位研究者根据自身的研究领域选择相符的主题进行报名。




四、报名及提交论文1. 报名方式请您在规定时间内将个人信息填写完整并发至我们指定的电子邮箱(邮箱地址将在后续通知中提供)。


2. 报名截止日期报名截止日期为2023年3月31日,届时我们将不再接受任何报名。

3. 论文提交要求为了保证会议的学术水平,我们要求所有参会者在报名截止日期前提交一篇与会议主题相关的论文摘要。






六、其他事项1. 会议语言本次会议的主要语言为英语。


2. 住宿安排组委会将为与会者提供住宿优惠方案。



计算机科学与技术重要国际学术会议计算机科学与技术重要国际学术会议⼀、A 类会议序号英⽂名称英⽂简称中⽂名称备注1. International Symposium on Computer ArchitectureISCA 计算机体系结构国际会议2. ACM SigcommACM Sigcomm3. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory IEEE ISIT IEEE 信息理论国际会议4. The Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing STOCACM 计算理论年会5. International Conference on V ery Large DatabasesVLDB6. ACM Siggraph: Computer Graphics and Interactive techniquesACM Siggraph ACM 计算机图形与交互技术会议发表在ACM Trans. onGraphics 上。

7. Design Automation ConferenceDAC 设计⾃动化会议 8. International Conference on Computer VisionIJCV计算机视觉国际会议 9. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI⼈⼯智能联合国际会议⼆、B 类会议序号英⽂名称英⽂简称中⽂名称备注10. International Conference on Parallel Processing ICPP并⾏处理国际会议 11. IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium IPDPS 并⾏与分布处理国际会议12. International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer SystemsIPTPS13. ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing CCGridU S S T CEand the Grid 14. IEEE InfocomIEEEInfocom15. IEEE International conference on communications ICCIEEE 通讯国际会议 16. IEEE GlobecomIEEE Globecom17. Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer ScienceFOCSIEEE 计算机科学基础年会18. The IEEE international conference on Web Service ICWS19. International Conference on Software Engineering ICSE软件⼯程国际会议20. EurographicsEurographics 欧洲图形学会议发表在Computer Graphics Forum 杂志上。




























四、活动议程1. 开幕式(2:00-2:10)2. 主题报告(2:10-3:50)- 报告一:《人工智能与大数据技术在教育教学中的应用》- 报告人:张三教授- 报告二:《云计算技术在信息工程专业的教学与科研中的应用》- 报告人:李四副教授3. 专题研讨(4:00-4:50)4. 总结发言(4:50-5:00)五、活动内容1. 开幕式信息工程系主任王五教授主持开幕式,对各位老师的到来表示热烈的欢迎,并简要介绍了本次活动的目的和意义。


2. 主题报告张三教授的报告《人工智能与大数据技术在教育教学中的应用》详细介绍了人工智能和大数据技术在教育教学领域的应用现状、发展趋势以及面临的挑战。





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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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ITIE 2010 Conference Program Schedule信息技术与教育国际学术会议日程June 21st, 2010 8:30 am – 12:30 pm 2010年6月21日上午8:30至下午12:30 8:30 – 9:30 am Registration 会议注册9:30 – 10:30 am Welcome and Introductions 会议开幕式Opening and Welcome Remarks –- MC致开幕词–喻丽清Eileen Tang and 赵耀渝Faith ChaoIntroduction of VIP and Their Words of Welcome介绍贵宾、领导致词中国图书馆学会秘书长汤更生致词Gengshen Tang, Secretary General of LSC甘肃省文化厅副厅长王兰玲致词Vice-director of Gansu Provincial Cultural Department兰州大学副校长安黎哲致词Vice-principal of Lanzhou Uninversity 10:30 – 11:00 am Break合影(兰州大学飞云楼正门前)11:00 – 12:30 am Keynote Speech: Rolf Hapel, Director of the Aarhus Library, Denmark主会场专题报告: 饶夫·海沛, 丹麦阿赫斯公共图书馆馆长―Transforming the Public Libraries: From Institutions of the Industrial Age to Cha–Experiences from Denmark‖―公共图书馆的角色转换:从工业时代的公共机构到网络社会的变革推动者——12:30 – 14:00 pm Lunch Break 午餐June 21st6月21日, 2:00 - 3:30 pm Paper Presentations 论文报告*Session (分会场)A* *Session (分会场)B**Session (分会场)C**Session (分会场)D**Session (分会场)E*Serving Marginalized Communities Chair: Liyun Hu多角度服务社区需求主持人:胡立耘Innovations - Bringing Librariesinto the 21st CenturyChair: Janice Carter图书馆技术及服务创新主持人:简妮斯.卡特Library AssessmentChair: Guangqin Zhang图书馆评估主持人:张广钦Teaching DemonstrationsModerator: Roy Grimes教学演示主持人:饶毅.葛瑞坶斯Forum: Librarian Training (1)Chair: Mengxiong Liu论坛:图书馆员培训主持人:刘孟雄1. 黄体杨,云南大学公共管理学院农村居民的信息需求与获取渠道研究——以云南省腾冲县为个案Tiyang Huang, School of Public Administration, Y unNan University Rural People’s Information Needs and Sources in China: A Case Study of TengChong County 1. Janice Carter, Golden GateUniversityRiding the Waves of Technology–Instead of Being Engulfed byThem简妮斯.卡特,美国旧金山金门大学图书馆驾驭信息技术大潮,以免被大潮淹没2. 李桂荣, 青海省委党校图书馆欠发达地区应对信息鸿沟的途Guirong Li, Qinghai CommunistParty School LibraryBridging the Information Gap inUnderdeveloped Regions1. 张广钦,北京大学信息管理系中国图书馆评估的近期发展:研究,实践和未来方向Guangqin Zhang, Dept. of InformationManagement, Beijing UniversityRecent Developments in LibraryAssessment in China: Research,Practice, and Directions2. 粟慧,浙江杭州图书馆杭州图书馆体系之发展:创新和评估Hui Su, Hangzhou Library, ZhejiangDevelopment of HangZhou library andLocal Library Network: Innovationsand Assessment3. 章明丽,浙江嘉兴图书馆嘉兴图书馆体系之发展:创新和评估Mingli Zhang, Jiaxing Library,Zhejiang1. Dale Griepenstroh, ChulaVista High School, ChulaVista, CAA Week in My Classroomand A DemonstratedStrategy (History Class)戴尔.顾瑞本斯卓, 美国加州楚拉.维斯塔高中历史教学:我的一周课堂以及教学策略展示2. 吴永福, 青海李家山中学洋务运动(历史教案)Yongfu Wu, Lijiashan HighSchool, QinghaiThe WesternizationMovement (History LessonPlan)1. Mengxiong Liu,San Jose StateUniversityRural Libraries and Rural LibrarianTraining in the US刘孟雄,圣何西州立大学农村图书馆和农村图书馆员培训2. Debbie Faires, School of Libraryand Information Science, San JoseState UniversityThe Role of Networking Technologiesin Training Rural Area Librarians黛比.法瑞斯,圣何西州立大学图书信息科学学院网络技术在乡村图书馆管理员培训中的功能3. Jo Bell Whitlatch, San Jose StateUniversityAnytime Anywhere Answers –Building Skills for Virtual Reference录项目为视点Liyun Hu, School of Public Administration, Y unnan University Oral History and Native Culture Preservation—Our View of the Oral History Preservation Projects at Tianzhu Tibetan Autonomous CountyDevelopment of JiaXing Library andLocal Library Network: Innovationsand Assessment琼·贝尔·怀特拉曲, 圣何塞州立大学随时随地的答案-培养使用虚拟参考的技能Break休息3:30 – 4:00 pmJune 21st6月21日, 4:00 – 5:30 pm Paper Presentations 论文报告*Session (分会场)A* *Session (分会场)B**Session (分会场)C**Session (分会场)D**Session (分会场)E*Serving Marginalized Communities Chair: Xiaoling Yuan多角度服务社区需求主持人:原小玲Models of Networking betweenLibraries and Other OrganizationsChair: Zizhou Wang馆际以及图书馆和其他机构之间的合作主持人: 王子舟Improving Information Literacy forStudentsChair: Mei Long图书馆员和老师的协同合作主持人:龙美Teaching DemonstrationsModerator: Dale Griepenstoh教学演示主持人:戴尔.顾瑞本斯卓Forum: Librarian Training (2)Chair: Mengxiong Liu论坛:图书馆员培训主持人:刘孟雄1. 邰杨芳, 山西医科大学图书馆Internet环境下提高乡村图书馆医学信息服务能力的思考Yangfang Tai, Shanxi Medical University LibraryDelivering Medical Information Services through Internet for Rural Population2. 王维平,张雁,甘肃省通渭县图书馆基层公共图书馆为农民实施知识援助策略探讨—以通渭县图书馆沼气应用推广项目为例Weiping Wang, Yan Zhang, Tongwei Public Library, GansuHow Can a Township Library cater 1. 邵平南, 青树教育基金会贵州地区代表馆际合作共享资源: 黔东南青树图书馆管理系统网络建设的设想Pingnan Shao, Guizhou Coordinator,China Evergreen Rural Library ServiceCenter (CERLS)Library Cooperation and ResourceSharing: Building a Shared IntegratedLibrary System for the Evergreen LibraryCluster in Southeast Guizhou2. 杨玉麟梁照月, 西北大学公共管理学院文化信息资源共享工程背景下陕西省农村图书馆发展优化对策探究Yulin Yang, Zhaoyue Liang, School of1. 王珊珊, 陕西省丹凤中学图书馆高中课外阅读模式探讨-----以―书香成长计划‖为例Shanshan Wang, Danfeng High SchoolLibrary, ShaanxiReading Programs in High SchoolLibraries –Reading and Learning inDanfeng School Library2. 杨昌年, 甘肃省天祝一中用―换季式书架‖促进延伸联读与比较联读Changnian Yang, Tianzhu No. 1 HighSchool, GansuPromoting Extensive Reading andComparative Reading Programs with1. Roy Grimes, EducationEquity Inc. , CaliforniaU.S. History: The Bill ofRights饶毅.格瑞坶斯,加州平权教育机构美国历史:公民权利法案2. 陈敏, 陕西丹凤中学夏、商、西周的政治制度Min Chen, Danfeng HighSchool, Danfeng, ShaanxiThe Political Policy of Xia,Shang and Xizhou1. 汤更生, 中国图书馆学会秘书长乡村图书馆员培训项目Gengshen Tang, Secretary General ofLSCPlanning Training Programs for RuralLibrarians中图学会图书馆馆长培训志愿项目China Library Director Training – LSCInformation Services for Local Farmers? A Case Study of Biogas Promotion Project by Tongwei County Public Library3. 原小玲, 太原科技大学图书馆农民信息素质教育----青树农村服务项目实践思考Xiaoling Yuan, Taiyuan Science and Technology University Library Information Literacy Education for Farmers: A Review of Evergreen Education Foundation Sponsored Rural Library Programs Public Administration, NorthwestUniversityNational Cultural Information ResourcesSharing Project and Rural LibraryDevelopment in Shannxi Province3. 王子舟, 北京大学信息管理系社会力量参助图书馆建设的可行模式Zizhou Wang, Dept. of InformationManagement, Beijing UniversityLeveraging Community Support andResources for Community Libraries―Seasonal Book Shelves‖3. 龙美, 贵州省镇远县文德中学镇远乡土历史教材开发‖初探Mei Long, Wende High School,Zhenyuan County, GuizhouSelecting Resources for CountyHistory Classes at Wende High SchoolHui Su, HangZhou LibraryObservations from Library DirectorsITIE 2010 Conference Program Schedule信息技术与教育国际学术会议日程June 22nd, 2010 9:00 am – 12:30 pm 2010年6月22日上午9:00至下午12:30 9:00 – 9:40 am Plenary Speech by Host: Xiangdong Guo, Director of Gansu Provincial Library专题报告:郭向东, 甘肃省图书馆馆长―Research and analysis of current informational status of public library in Gansu province ‖―甘肃省市县图书馆信息化现状调研与分析‖9:40 – 10:20 am Plenary Speech by Host: Yongzhong Sha, Director of Lanzhou University Library专题报告: 沙勇忠, 兰州大学图书馆馆长―Professional ethic of library from information right point of view‖―信息权利视角的图书馆职业伦理‖10:20 – 11:00 am Keynote Speech: Juan Carlos Gioja, President of The Administrative Commission ofThe Biblioteca Del Congreso De La Nacion, Argentina主会场专题报告:胡安·卡洛斯·吉噢嘉, 阿根廷国会图书馆管理委员会主席―Library of Congress of Argentina, Always Present in the Country’s History‖―阿根廷国会图书馆,国家历史中的永久存在‖11:00– 11:20 am Break 休息11:20 – 12:30 pm Keynote Speech: Peter Zhou, Director , C.V. Star East Asian Library, University of California, Berkeley专题报告: 周欣平,美国柏克莱加州大学图书馆总馆助理馆长、东亚图书馆馆长―Sino-U.S. Library Cooperation: Past, Present and Future‖―中美图书馆之间合作的过去、现在和未来‖12:30 – 14:00 pm Lunch Break 午餐June 22nd, 6月22日2:00- 3:30 pm Paper Presentations 论文报告*Session (分会场)A* *Session (分会场)B**Session (分会场)C**Session (分会场)D**Session (分会场)E*Foundations of Library: The Law, Regulations, Standards, Association and TrainingChair: Xiuhua Zhang图书馆体系之基础:法规、制度、标准、协会和培训主持人:张秀华Library AssessmentChair: Wenjie Zhou图书馆评估主持人:周文杰Improving Information Literacy forStudentsChair: Don Felipe图书馆员和老师的协同合作主持人:唐纳德.费力佩Teaching DemonstrationsModerator: Ping Pu教学演示主持人:卜平NGO ForumChair: John LeeNGO论坛主持人:李思正1. 马蕾, 于蓓莉, 四川大学公共管理学院乡村图书馆专业人员培训——以四川省乡村图书馆调查为例Lei Ma, Beili Yu, School of Public Administration, Sichuan University Library Professionals’ Training in Rural libraries of Sichuan2. 张秀华, 西北师范大学图书馆西部地区中小学图书馆人员素质现状1. Janice Carter, Golden GateUniversityHow Can Librarians Demonstrate theValue Libraries Bring to theCommunities They Serve?-Changing Attitudes Toward LibraryAssessment简妮斯.卡特,美国旧金山金门大学图书馆员如何证明图书馆对服务社区的价值?—对图书馆评估的态度转变2. Jelena Saikovic, Vilnius University,LithuaniaThe Model of Management CorporateReputation of Academic Library: TheImportance of Library Assessment简兰娜·塞克维克, 立陶宛维尔纽斯大学高校图书馆的声誉:论图书馆评估的重要性3. 周文杰,中国青树乡村图书馆服务中心中国乡村图书馆的评估---测试青树1徐世乾, 甘肃天祝一中口述历史教学初探—以天祝一中口述历史项目为例Shiqian Xu, Tianzhu No. 1 HighSchool, GansuOral History Teaching: A Case Studyof the Oral History Projects atTianZhu No. 1 High School2. 常景贤, 甘肃通渭马营中学谈新课程背景下学校图书馆资源的有效利用Jingxian Chang, Maying MiddleSchool, Tongwei County, GansuHow to Best Use Library Resourcesfor Curriculum Development3. Donald Felipe, Golden GateUniversityEvaluating Content on the Web:Rules, Strategies, and FoundationalConcepts唐纳德.费力佩, 美国旧金山金门大学评估网络内容:规则、策略和基本概1. Brian Wright, Turlock HighTurlock , CaliforniaPoetry Reading布赖恩·.怀特美国加州特洛克高中诗歌学习:三种有效的诗歌写作活动2. 吴永登, 贵州文德中学学习写诗Yongdeng Wu, Wende High School,Guizhou, ChinaPoetry Learning: Learn to Read andWrite Poetry第一部分:图书馆NGO自由工作坊Library NGO Unconference主持人:王子舟,北京大学信息管理系Moderator: Zizhou Wang, Dept. ofInformation Management, BeijingUniversitya) 机构自我介绍b) 共同挑战的应对分享,含共同基础设施之营建c) 服务需求和资源互补之探讨a) Brief self-introduction of NGOsb) Share the solution for commonchallenges, including build infrastructuretogetherc) Needs and resource sharingJi Zhou, Dept. of Information Science, East China Normal UniversityThe Value of the Public Library as a Social Space in a Digital Age图书馆评估体系Wenjie Zhou, China Evergreen RuralLibrary Service Center (CERLS)User Focused Assessment for RuralLibraries in China: Testing theEvergreen Assessment Framework念Break休息3:30 – 4:00 pmJune 22nd, 6月22日4:00 – 5:30 pm Paper Presentations 论文报告*Session (分会场)A* *Session (分会场)B**Session (分会场)C**Session (分会场)D**Session (分会场)E*Innovations - Bringing Libraries into the 21st CenturyChair: Mengxiong Liu图书馆技术及服务创新—缩小数字鸿沟之机遇和挑战主持人:刘孟雄Teaching DemonstrationModerator: Zhengling Shen教学演示主持人:沈正零Serving Marginalized CommunitiesChair: Jie Huang多角度服务社区需求主持人:黄洁Teaching DemonstrationsModerator: Brian Wright教学演示主持人:布赖恩.怀特NGO ForumChair: John LeeNGO论坛主持人:李思正1. Mengxiong Liu, Jo Bell Whitlatch,San Jose State UniversityDr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library: a New Model of Library Collaboration刘孟雄,琼.贝尔·怀特拉曲,圣何塞州立大学马丁·路德·金图书馆:图书馆合作的新模式2. 方建,郑田薇,海南职业技术学院推动边远地区信息素质教育—缩小海南高职院校师生数字鸿沟的探索与实践Jian Fang, Tianwei Zheng, Hainan 1. Pearl Hinlo, Grant Union HighSchool, CA, USAIntroduction to Trigonometry佩尔.恒罗, 美国加州戈兰特联合高中三角函数介绍2. 赵国菊, 青海省大通县第六中学锐角三角函数Guoju Zhao, Datong No. 6 HighSchool, QinghaiTrigonometry for Acute Angle1. 于蓓莉, 四川大学公共管理学院陈燕,四川邮电职业技术学院乡村图书馆读者服务需求探讨——以四川省乡村图书馆调查为例Beili Yu, School of PublicAdministration, Sichuan UniversityYan Chen, Sichuan VocationalCollege of Posts andTelecommunicationsRural Libraries and Services in China:Examples of Rural Libraries inShichuan Province2. 李熙明, 蒋国栋, 甘肃省天祝一中1. Dale Griepenstroh, Chula Vista HighSchool, Chula Vista, CA, USAChallenges in Creating Sister Schools:Huai’an No. 1 High School andChula Vista High School戴尔·.顾瑞本斯卓, 美国加州楚拉.维斯塔高中建立姐妹学校的挑战:淮安第一高中和楚拉.维斯塔高中2. 卜平, 江苏淮安一中《老人与海》名著阅读Ping Bu, HJiangsu第二部分:图书馆管理软件平台Library Management Software Platform主持人:毛庆祯, 天主教辅仁大学图书资讯学系Moderator: Anthony Mao, Fu JenCatholic University, TaiwanV ocational and Technology SchoolDeveloping Information Literacy Program in Remote Regions and Bridging the Digital Divide amongV ocational School Students and Teachers in Hainan Province3. 张会田,西北师范大学图书馆城乡一体化模式下的农村图书馆服务管理信息化建设Huitian Zhang, Northwest Normal University LibraryRural Library and Information Services and the Urban-Rural Library System Integration Model 农民信息自助培训模式探讨---天祝青树图书馆农村信息技术培训项目分析Ximing Li, Guodong Jiang, TianzhuNo. 1 High School, GansuHelp Farmers to Help Themselves:Agricultural Information LiteracyPrograms in Tianzhu3. Jie Huang, University ofOklahoma LibrariesBuilding Social Capital: How theRural Librarians Serve TheirCommunities黄洁, 俄克拉何马大学图书馆建设社会资本:农村图书馆员如何为社区服务The Sea‖1KG捐书网图书管理平台Jingwei Fan, 1KGbook Library Management SystemITIE2010 Conference Program Schedule信息技术与教育国际学术会议日程June 23rd, 2010 9:00 am – 12:30 pm 2010年6月23日上午9:00至下午12:309:00 – 9:20 am Announcements 通告9:20– 10:30 am Keynote Speech: Barbara McNeil, Faculty of Education, University of Regina, Canada主会场专题报告: 巴巴拉·麦克内加拿大瑞吉纳大学教育系助理教授―Intersectorial Collaboration among Libraries: Expanding the Lifespace of All Citizens‖―加拿大萨斯咯切温省各类图书馆之间的合作‖10:30 – 11:00 am Break 休息11:00 – 12:30 pm Panel Discussion : The Importance of Assessment专家论坛: 评估的重要性Panelists: Jo Bell Whitlatch, Carol Priestley, Janice Carter, Gengshen Tang, Zizhou Wang琼·贝尔·怀特拉曲, 卡洛·普瑞斯特里,简妮斯.卡特,汤更生, 王子舟Chair: Jo Bell Whitlatch 琼·贝尔·怀特拉曲12:30 – 2:00 pm Lunch Break 午餐June 23rd, 6月23日, 2:00- 3:30 pm Paper Presentations 论文报告*Session (分会场)A* *Session (分会场)B**Session (分会场)C**Session (分会场)D**Session (分会场)E*Improving Information Literacy for StudentsChair: Tuowen Niu图书馆员和老师的协同合作主持人:牛托稳Models of Networking betweenLibraries and Other OrganizationsChair: Xiang Dong馆际以及图书馆和其他机构之间的合作主持人:董翔Improving Information Literacy forStudentsChair: Qiuru Wu图书馆员和老师的协同合作主持人:吴秋茹Teaching DemonstrationsModerator: Guoju Zhao教学演示主持人:赵国菊Assessment WorkshopChair: Carol Priestley评估培训主持人:卡洛.普瑞斯特里1. 卜平, 江苏淮安一中打开一扇窗阅读别有洞天——语文教学中的名著阅读探讨Ping Bu, Huai’an No. 1 High School, JiangsuLearning about the World through Reading: Classic Literature Works for Literature Classes 1. 张文超, 甘肃天水师范学院图书馆西部地区社区乡镇图书馆与区域内地方院校图书馆合作路向研究Wenchao Zhang, Tianshui NormalCollege LibraryCooperation between Rural Librariesand Academic Libraries in RuralWestern China2. 黄国凡, 厦门大学图书馆乡村图书馆合作共建模式:厦门大学图书馆的经验Guofan Huang, Xiamen UniversityLibraryRural Library Projects by XiamenUniversity Library3. 董翔, 兰州大学图书馆面向西部农村地区馆际合作中志愿者服务的引入1. 陈明淑,安志龙,甘肃天祝一中让民间文化资源走进语文教学Mingshu Chen, Zhilong An, TianzhuNo. 1 High SchoolI ncluding Folklore and Oral Literaturein Chinese Language Curriculum2. 何祥齐, 甘肃省通渭县第一中学依托图书馆及其网络培养―小小数学家‖Xiangqi He, Tongwei No. 1 HighSchool, GansuThe ―Young Mathematician‖ Programand the Library Services at TongweiNo. 1 High School3. 吴秋茹, 陕西丹凤中学图书馆馆员与学科教师协作引导学生利用图书馆资源的尝试--- 以探究电视广告中保健品科学性的教学活动为例例1. Jasmin H. Patel, Grant Union HighSchool. Twinrivers School District,CaliforniaFactoring Trinomials of the Form ax2 +bx + c加斯敏·帕特, 美国加州双子河校区戈兰特联合高中二项式因式分解ax2 + bx + c2. 沈正零, 施甸二中二项式因式分解Zhengling Shen, Shidian No. 2 HighSchool, Y unnanFactoring Trinomials1. Carol Priestley, NIDAAssessment: Measuring Performanceand Impact卡洛.普瑞斯特里, NIDA绩效评估与影响评估2. Jo Bell Whitlatch, San Jose StateUniversityUser Focused Assessment forSchool & Community Libraries inChina琼·贝尔·怀特拉曲, 圣何塞州立大学中国学校和社区图书馆的面向用户的评估3. Wenjie Zhou, China EvergreenRural Library Service Center (CERLS)Evergreen Libraries Assessment Pilot:implementation, data collection andanalysis周文杰,中国青树乡村服务中心Zhenyuan County, Guizhou Pragmatism – The Key of Rural Library Community ServiceXiang Dong, Lanzhou UniversityLibraryV olunteer Program and LibraryCollaboration in Western Rural ChinaQiuru Wu, Danfeng High SchoolLibrary, ShaanxiBring Your Research Questions toYour School Librarians: CollaborativeEfforts to Direct students to theLibrary with a Purpose – VerifyScientific validity of Health Productsin TV Advertisements青树图书馆评估尝试:实施、数据收集和分析4. Nguyen Thi Bac,Network forInformation & Digital Access (NIDA)Performance Indicators and results ofthe pilot project in Vietnam纽因.善.白克,NIDA(信息和数字访问网络)越南先锋项目的评估指标和结果5. Questions and Discussion问题和讨论Break休息3:30 – 4:00 pmJune 23rd, 6月23日4:00- 5:30 pm Paper Presentations 论文报告*Session (分会场)A* *Session (分会场)B**Session (分会场)C** Session (分会场)E**Session (分会场)E*Models of Networking between Libraries and Other Organizations Chair: Jiao He馆际以及图书馆和其他机构之间的合作主持人:焦珂Reading and LiteracyChair: Anthony Mao阅读和识字启蒙主持人:毛庆祯Teaching DemonstrationsModerator: Jasmin Patel教学演示主持人:加斯敏.帕特Principal’s forum:Chair: Faith Chao校长论坛主持人:赵耀渝Assessment WorkshopChair: Carol Priestley评估培训主持人:卡洛.普瑞斯特里1. 吴汉华, 北京大学信息管理系个人自办公益性基层图书室的分布特征Hanhua Wu, Department of Information Management, Beijing UniversityThe distribution of Family Library Stations in Small Rural Communities 2. 金钱伟, 甘肃兰州西北民族大学1. 吴永登, 贵州镇远文德中学让―阅读‖成为―悦读‖Yongdeng Wu, Wende High School,Zhenyuan County, GuizhouReading for Fun and Pleasure2. 张雪莲, 兰州大学图书馆教堂一隅:乡村儿童书架——来自中国西北山村太石村的尝试1. Kadhir Rajagohpal, Grant UnionHigh School, CA, USASolve Problems Involving Sums ofLogs凯德·拉嘉苟帕尔,美国加州戈兰特联合高中对数加法2. 阴蒲利, 陕西蒲城尧山中学对数运算1. The Importance of SchoolLibraries and Visions for the Future学校图书馆的重要性和对未来的展望Remarks by: 发言人:Yangzhou High School PrincipalGangWei扬州中学卫刚校长Dongliang Li陕西丹凤中学李东亮校长1. Small group discussionsa) Adaptation and implementation ofindicatorsb) Analysis of data and feedback into三味书屋:浅谈乡村图书馆多维度提升服务途径——以山东沂蒙老区苍山县鲁城乡大后庄为例Qianwei Jin, Lanzhou North West University, Gansu―Sanwei Reading Room‖: An Example of Multi-purposed Village Library in Dahou Village, Lucheng District, Cangshan County, Shandong Province 3. 焦珂, 兰州大学图书馆乡村信息素质教育的合作化——高校图书馆与乡村信息素质教育Ke Jiao, Lanzhou University LibraryCollaboration of Information Literacy Education in Rural Areas – Leveraging Academic Libraries and Information Literacy Education Xuelian Zhang, LanZhou UniversityLibraryBook Mobile and Reading Programsfor Children in Rural Area –An Experiment in Taishi Village inNorthwest China3. 毛庆祯, 天主教辅仁大学图书资讯学系台湾地区公共图书馆的发展Anthony Mao, Library andInformation Science, Fu Jen CatholicUniversityCounty Public Library Systems inTaiwanPuli Yin, Yaoshan High School,Pucheng County, ShaanxiOperation of LogsWende High School Vice Principal –Mei Long贵州省镇远县文德中学龙美副校长2. Open Discussion自由讨论2. Feedback of 5 main points fromeach group每组5个要点的回馈3. Conclusion: Carol Priestley总结:卡洛.普瑞斯特里Virtual Presentations: The Fifth Room1.李婷婷, 西安理工大学―图书馆在儿童启蒙教育中的作用‖Tingting Li, Xi’an University of Technology―The Library’s Role in Elementary Education‖2.邱奉捷, 北京大学信息管理系―北京大学大一新生高中阶段课外阅读情况的调查报告‖Fengjie Qiu, Department of Information Management, Peking University―A Study of High School Extensive Reading Programs Among Freshmen of Peking University‖3.程彩虹, 湖北省荆州市南环路一号长江大学图书馆, 自动化部高校图书馆通过移动通信网络服务新农村信息化建设Caihong Cheng, Library of College of Arts and Science, YangTze UniversityUniversity Library Services for the Development of Rural Library and Information Service through Mobile Communication Network4.Leslie Gottesman, Golden Gate University―Critical Thinking in a Post- Literate World‖莱斯莉.高特斯曼, 美国旧金山金门大学―后文本时代的辨析思维能力‖5.Madge Hildebrandt Klais, School of Library and Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison―Investigating ―Internet Detectives‖:A Study of the Impact of a Collaborative Information Literacy Project on Teac hing and Learning at the Middle School Level‖梅吉·.希尔德布然特.克莱丝, 美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校图书资讯系―网络侦探‖研究:合作信息素养项目对中学教学的影响‖6.Robert Fulkerth, Golden Gate University―Approaches for integrating the university library and librarians into the teaching/learning processes of the college classroom‖罗伯特.富尔可斯, 美国旧金山金门大学―将图书馆和管理员融入课堂教学的方法‖。
