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北海是中国历史园林的艺术杰作。全园占地69万平方米(其中水面39万 平方米),主要由琼华岛、东岸、北岸景区组成。琼华岛上树木苍郁,殿宇 栉比,亭台楼阁,错落有致,白塔耸立山巅,成为公园的标志,环湖垂柳掩 映着濠濮间、画舫斋、静心斋、天王殿、快雪堂、九龙壁、五龙亭、小西天 等众多著名景点,北海园林博采众长,有北方园林的宏阔气势和江南私家园 林婉约多姿的风韵,并蓄帝王宫苑的富丽堂皇及宗教寺院的庄严肃穆,气象 万千而又浑然一体,是中国园林艺术的瑰宝。
主要殖民工程师约翰·弗雷德里克阿道夫捷参与了这座总督府的设计和 建设。虽然那些印度囚犯劳工每天拿到二十美分,而且没有熟练的技术, 他们却担当了石匠,管道工,木工,油漆工和石材切割的任务去建造总督府。
辛亥革命后,1925年北海辟为公园对外开放。1949年新中国成立后,党和政 府对北海公园的保护极为重视,拨巨资予以修葺,1961年被国务院公布为第 一批全园重点文物保护单位。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ游文本的翻译原则和技巧
策略 2
在了解旅游方面中英语言特点的情况下, 把文化信息删减和变去达到文化传播的目的。 为了避免语言繁琐,加以编译让语言简洁明 了。
The Istana was designed and built by Colonial Engineer, Major John Frederick Adolphus McNair. In 1867, the Colonial Government under Governor Sir Harry St George Ord bought over 100 acres of land belonging to Charles Prinsep's nutmeg plantation. The foundation stone was laid by Lady Ord, wife of the Governor, in July 1867.
The entire brickwork, exterior of plastering and most of the flooring and interior work of Government House were done by Indian convict labourers. They were brought in from Bencoolen in Sumatra because the unskilled local coolies at that time were not capable of carrying out the classical design. These convict labourers worked as stone masons, plumbers, carpenters, painters and stone cutters. They even operated the kilns (used for making bricks, mouldings, copings and architraves) that were constructed on site. They were paid 20 cents a day.
在寮国,僧侣们被禁止使用任何方式谋求生活费,因此托 钵是他们主要粮食来源。每天清晨信徒们将食物布施予僧 侣们,僧侣们再将多余的份量赠予有需要的其他平民。在 施与舍,感恩与惜福中,充分展现出寮国独有的托钵文 化。( 注:红色部分是原文没有的信息 )
如果我们把一望无际的葡萄园绘成一幅画,那么,在这块画布之 上将会有葡萄酒的优雅、迷人与诱惑。同时,表现在画布上的还 应有葡萄种植者的激情——他们骄傲地把他们所酿制的葡萄酒形 容成新生的婴儿或是年轻美丽还略带羞涩的姑娘;但是在战胜复 杂多变的天气、终于迎来丰收季节之时,他们表现得又是那样的 谦逊……
Beihai was opened to the public in 1925 and in 1961 it was one of the first important cultural sites placed under protection by the State Council. The park occupies an area of 69 hectares including a 39-hectare lake. In the garden, pavilions and towers nestle amid the beautiful scenery of lakes and hills, grass and trees. Carrying on the traditions of garden landscaping of ancient China Beihai is a gem of garden art。
策略 3
While in Luang Prabang, you may observe the morning alms giving ceremony where monks walk through the town in single file carrying their alms bowls to give lay people the opportunity to offer alms and gain merit.
Picture a vast vineyard where the wines are as intriguing, as complex and as diverse as its geography and classification system, where wine growers are passionate individualists, who proudly describe their wines as one would a new-born child or a beautiful shy young woman and yet who remain humble in the face of their achievements, often triumphing in climatic adversity……( 注: 红色部分是原文没有的信息 )
Discover the jam-packed excitement of one of Southeast Asia’s largest aquariums and theme parks. Home to a 25000 square metre ‘Amazing Asian Animals’ exhibit, Ocean Park boasts the world’s first indoor-outdoor facility dedicated to an awesome array of Asian animals, including giant pandas, red pandas, Chinese giant salamanders, Chinese alligators and Asian smallclawed otters etc. You can enjoy a fantastic voyage on the Ocean Express, a quick, smooth, thrilling and quick way to travel from the Ocean Park Waterfront to the excitement at the Summit. Other popular additions have been the SkyFair, Sea Jelly Spectacular, Abyss Turbo Drop, the Mine Train, the Flying Swing.
重点在后 遣词造句:
重点在前 遣词造句:
言词华美 语句松散
用词简略 句式严谨
文化信息共性程度不大 :由于世界各地的不同文化, 各个目的地有其特色,所以中、英语的旅游文体文化 共性程度不大。
原则 旅游文本翻译的目的是让游客理解旅游当地 的文化风俗习惯,因此翻译文本时,需要从 语言和文化两个层面出发采用不同的翻译策 略。
策略 1
Visit Pamukkale. Ancient city of Hierapolis and explore Cotton Castle, a world heritage site, made of fascinating white terrace and pools created by calcareous hot spring waters flowing down the mountain.
前往巴慕卡雷,参观著名的棉堡,特殊的地理奇景,洁白有 如棉花筑成的独特自然地形,这是由地底下温泉流过含有钙 质成分的石灰炭层,富含钙质的温泉冒出地表后,白色的钙 质沉淀在地表上所形成的,并经年累月的堆积,形成如此壮 观的自然奇景。
海洋公园全新景区“梦幻水都”,有多个精彩震撼的新设施,包括:全球首 创的360度水幕表演“双龙奇缘”,共有5000条珍贵鱼类的世界十大之一 的"海洋奇观",以及全港首间水族馆餐厅"海龙王餐厅"."亚洲动物天 地"是海洋公园另一个很受欢迎的园区,总面积达25000平方米,拥有室内 及室外园区,里头有多个亚洲动物的品种.其中"大熊猫之旅"是国宝大熊 猫盈盈和乐乐的居所.此外,"七彩升空天地""水母万花筒""极速之 旅""越矿飞车""飞天秋千"等,也是备受欢迎的精彩设施.除登山缆车 外,旅客亦可乘坐"海洋列车",往返山上的高峰乐园与山下的海滨乐园.
A Team 刘碧云 史磊 吴莲娇 2014年4月8日
工能:传递信息和诱导行动 Informative function, directive function, evocative function
超语言因素:旅游文体具推广促销 的功能与作用,所以撰写手法偏向 于突出所介绍目的地的特点,影响 读者做决定,到该地方观光。
A Team 刘碧云 史磊 吴莲娇 2014年4月8日