







一、特殊疑问句的语序特殊疑问句的语序通常是“疑问词+助动词/情态动词+主语+谓语”,例如:“What do you like to do on weekends?”(你周末喜欢做什么?),“Where can I find the nearest post office?”(我在哪里可以找到最近的邮局?)。



以下是一些常见的疑问词及其用法:1. What(什么):用来询问事物的名称、性质、特征、数量等。

例如:“What is your favorite color?”(你最喜欢的颜色是什么?)2. Where(哪里):用来询问地点或位置。

例如:“Where did you go on vacation?”(你去哪里度假了?) 3. When(何时):用来询问时间或日期。

例如:“When will you be back?”(你什么时候回来?)4. Who(谁):用来询问人或动物的身份或名称。

例如:“Who is your favorite actor?”(你最喜欢的演员是谁?) 5. Why(为什么):用来询问原因或解释。

例如:“Why did you quit your job?”(你为什么辞职了?)6. How(如何):用来询问方式、方法、程度等。

例如:“How do you cook spaghetti?”(你怎么做意大利面?) 7. Which(哪一个):用来询问选择或比较。




二、常用的疑问词有:what; who; whom; whose; which; when; where; how; why等。

其中what; who; whom; which等是疑问代词,可作动词或介词的宾语;when; where; how; why等是疑问副词,不能作宾语。



问时间用when或what time;问地点用where;问人物用who(主格), whom(宾格), whose(所有格);问做什么用what…do/does/did;问价钱用how much;问数量多少用how many(可数名词)或how much(不可数名词);问频率用how often;问多长时间用how long;问多远用how far;问多久用how soon;问次数how many times问年龄用how old;问原因用why;问选择哪一个用which。








(1)陈述语序Who was the first man in space?(2)倒装语序Whom are you talking about?注:A、简略式:Why not go alone? Why get so angry? How/What about taking a rest?B、复杂特殊疑问句:What do you think he has done?详细讲解:特殊疑问句用法及练习题(附答案)对画线部分提问,除了要注意选择正确的疑问词外,还要注意语序的运用。



如何使用特殊疑问句特殊疑问句是指以特殊疑问词开头,对句中某一成分提问的句子,具体特殊疑问句有哪些使用的方法呢?以下是由店铺整理关于特殊疑问句的用法的内容,希望大家喜欢!特殊疑问句的用法特殊疑问句有两种语序:1.如疑问词作主语或主语的定语,即对主语或主语的定语提问,其语序是陈述句的语序:Who is singing in the room﹖Whose bike is broken﹖2.如疑问词作其他成分,即对其他成分提问,其语序是:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句【特殊疑问词+be/助动词/情态动词+主语+谓语】What does she like?What class are you in﹖Where are you from﹖What time does he get up every morning﹖How do you know﹖Who does look often him?特殊疑问句的注意1.回答特殊疑问句时,不能用yes / no,即问什么答什么,尤其是简略回答。

如:Who is from Canada﹖Helen (is).Where's the restaurant﹖Near the station.Why do you like koalas﹖Because they are cute.特殊疑问词介绍Who谁——Whose谁的(加se)Why为什么 When什么时候 Where在哪里 Which哪一个What什么 ( What time什么时间 What colour什么颜色)How怎么样(How many多少{数量} How much多少钱{价格},多少(对不可数名词进行提问)How long多长 How often多少次 How big多大 How heavy多重{重量} How far多远{路程}特殊疑问句的形式可先分为3种:疑问代词:what(什么)who(谁,作主语)which(哪个,在一定范围内选择)whose(谁的,指附属关系)whom(谁,作宾语)疑问副词:when(何时,询问时间)where(何地,询问地点)why(为什么,询问原因)how(如何,询问手段,方式,工具以及程度)疑问形容词:what(which,whose)+名词例词:what time(什么时候) what colour(什么颜色)how much(多少) how long(多长)。







常见的疑问词包括:what (什么)、who(谁)、where(哪里)、when(何时)、why(为什么)、how(如何)等。

二、特殊疑问句的用法1. 询问事物的特征或属性疑问词what用来询问事物的特征或属性。

例如:- What is your favorite color?(你最喜欢的颜色是什么?)2. 询问人的身份、职业或姓名疑问词who用来询问人的身份、职业或姓名。

例如:- Who is the new teacher in our school?(我们学校的新老师是谁?)3. 询问地点或位置疑问词where用来询问地点或位置。

例如:- Where is the nearest supermarket?(最近的超市在哪里?)4. 询问时间疑问词when用来询问时间。

例如:- When did you arrive at the airport?(你什么时候到达机场?)5. 询问原因或目的疑问词why用来询问原因或目的。

例如:- Why did he quit his job?(他为什么辞职了?)6. 询问方式或方法疑问词how用来询问方式或方法。

例如:- How do you study for exams?(你如何备考考试?)三、特殊疑问句的回答特殊疑问句有不同的回答方式,具体回答取决于问句的具体内容和语境。

以下是一些常见的回答形式:1. 对于特征或属性的询问,可以直接回答具体的内容。

例如:- What is your favorite color?- My favorite color is blue.2. 对于人的身份或姓名的询问,可以直接回答具体的身份或姓名。



特殊疑问句需要注意什么 特殊疑问句是以特殊疑问词开头,对句中某⼀成分提问的句⼦叫特殊疑问句。


特殊疑问句的⽤法 1、如疑问词作主语或主语的定语,即对主语或主语的定语提问,其语序是陈述句的语序: Who is singing in the room﹖ Whose bike is broken﹖ 2、如疑问词作其他成分,即对其他成分提问,其语序是:特殊疑问词+⼀般疑问句【特殊疑问词+be/助动词/情态动词+主语+谓语】 What does she like?What class are you in﹖Where are you from﹖ What time does he get up every morning﹖ How do you know﹖ Who does look often him? 特殊疑问句的注意 1、回答特殊疑问句时,不能⽤yes / no,即问什么答什么,尤其是简略回答。

如: Who is from Canada﹖ Helen (is). Where's the restaurant﹖ Near the station. Why do you like koalas﹖ Because they are cute. 特殊疑问句种的特殊疑问词 Who谁——Whose谁的(加se) Why为什么 When什么时候 Where在哪⾥ Which哪⼀个 What什么 ( What time什么时间 What colour什么颜⾊) How怎么样(How many多少{数量} How much多少钱{价格},多少(对不可数名词进⾏提问) How long多长 How often多少次 How big多⼤ How heavy多重{重量} How far多远{路程}。









以疑问词what为例,特殊疑问句的基本构成为:“What + be/ 助动词/ 情态动词 + 主语 + 其他?”例如:What is your name?What are you doing?What can I do for you?二、特殊疑问句的用法特殊疑问句用于询问一些特定的信息,如事物的性质、身份、数量、价格、时间、地点、原因、方式等。


1. What:用于询问事物的性质、特点或定义。

例如:What is this?What color is your car?What does this word mean?2. Who/Whom:用于询问人的身份、称呼或做什么工作。

例如:Who is your teacher?Who is that boy?Whom did you invite to the party?3. Whose:用于询问所属关系。

例如:Whose book is this?Whose pen is missing?Whose car did you borrow?4. Which:用于询问选择或区分。

例如:Which one do you prefer?Which is the correct answer?Which way should we go?5. Where:用于询问地点、位置或方向。



中考英语特殊疑问句的用法讲解定义:特殊疑问句:是对句子中某一特定部分提问,由疑问代词what,who,whom,whose,which或疑问副词where,when,why,how等引导.不可以用Yes或No回答.结构:其结构是:疑问词+一般疑问句?What did you do? Whose glasses are these?What color is your pet dog? Who can answer the question?用法:1、对“地点”提问用where。

如:(1).They are studying Chinese in China.→ Where are they studying Chinese?2、就“时间”提问用when。

如:(2).She came to Japan in 1990.→ When did she come to Japan?3、对“时刻、点钟”提问用what time。

如:(3).He often goes to bed at ten.→ What time does he often go to bed?4、对“谁”提问用who。

如:(4).The girl is standing at the station.→ Who is standing at the station?(5).They often go home with Tom. → Who do they often go home with?5、对“谁的”提问用whose。

如:(6).I will meet my father. → Whose father will you meet?6、对“年龄”提问用how old。

如:(7).The man over there is sixty. → How old is the man over there?7、对“哪一个”提问用which。






1.询问事实:- What is your name?你叫什么名字?- How old are you?你多大了?- What is the capital of France?法国的首都是什么?- When is your birthday?你的生日是什么时候?2.询问原因:- Why are you crying?你为什么哭了?- Why did you stay home yesterday?你昨天为什么待在家里不出去?- What is the reason for your absence?你缺席的原因是什么?3.询问方式:- How do you learn English?你是怎么学英语的?- How can I get to the train station?我怎么去火车站?- In what way can I help you?我如何帮助你?4.询问地点:- Where is the nearest grocery store?最近的杂货店在哪里?- Where are you going?你要去哪里?- What place do you most want to visit?你最想去哪个地方?5.询问时间:- When does the movie start?电影什么时候开始?- What time does your class finish?你的课什么时间结束?- When will you arrive?你什么时候到?6.询问数量:- How many brothers and sisters do you have?你有几个兄弟姐妹?- What is the population of the city?这个城市的人口有多少?- How much does the book cost?这本书多少钱?7.综合例句:- What is the best way to learn a new language?学习一门新语言的最好方法是什么?- Where can I find the nearest bus stop?我在哪里能找到最近的公交车站?- Why didn't you tell me about the party?你为什么不告诉我有派对?- How long will it take to get to the airport?去机场要多久?- How many people are coming to the wedding?婚礼会有多少人来参加?- When is the best time to visit the Great Wall of China?参观中国长城的最佳时间是什么时候?以上是一些特殊疑问句的例句大全,希望对你有所帮助。






一、What类型的特殊疑问句1. What is…?/ What are…?这类问题通常用于询问事物或人物的定义、身份、职业等具体信息。

例如:- What is your favorite color?- What are the requirements for this job?2. What does/did…do?这类问题通常用于询问某人从事何种职业或者做了什么事情。

例如:- What does your father do for a living?- What did you do last weekend?3. What can/could…?这类问题通常用于询问某人是否有能力做某件事情。

例如:- What can you cook for dinner?- What could you do to solve this problem?4. What has/have/had … done?这类问题通常用于询问某人(或某事物)已经完成了哪些具体行动。

例如:- What have you done to prepare for the exam?- What had he done before he got that promotion?5. What time…?这类问题通常用于询问具体事件或活动发生的时间。

例如:- What time does the concert start?- What time did they leave the party?二、Where类型的特殊疑问句1. Where is/was…?这类问题通常用于询问某人或某事物所在的地点。






常用的疑问词有:what, who(whom), whose,which,when,where,how,why等,回答时针对问句中的代词和副词来回答,不用yes或no来回答。

1)对指物名词或谓语动词提出疑问,疑问词用what①The twins were making a kite when their mother came in. (划线提问)______ _____ the twins _____ when their mother came in?②Mrs Turner asked her son to buy some eggs for supper. (划线提问)_______ ______ Mrs Turner ask her son ______ _______?2)对名词前定语提出疑问,疑问词应用which,而且必须和名词连用。

I'm going to take the shirt on the right.(划线提问)______ _____ are you going to take?3)对指人名词或代词提问用who,作宾语时提问用whom。

eg.Li Ping,they,his father4)对物主代词和名词所有格提问用whose。

eg. Li Ping's coat→Whose coat my father→Whose father5)对具体时间提出疑问,如 in the morning,last Sunday等,疑问词用when;对具体几点钟提问,疑问词应用what time。


The pupils are having a picnic at the foot of the hill. (划线提问)_____ _____ the pupils having a picnic?7)对表原因的从句提问,常见的有because引导的从句,疑问词应用why。



特殊疑问句1、特殊疑问句概述特殊疑问句special questions,也可称为“wh”-questions,因为它们多数都以who,where,when,which,whose,why这类词开头;2、特殊疑问句的构成及用法1它的结构一般为:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句,即:特殊疑问词+be/助动词/情态动词+主语+谓语/表语+其他,如:What can be done about it对此能做些什么呢Which are yours 哪些是你的What did you say 你说什么Why didn’t you tell me你为什么没有告诉我2特殊疑问句有时可有一个以上的疑问词,如:Which present did you give to whom 你把哪件礼物给了人啦When and where did you meet 你们何时在何地相遇的3疑问词作主语或主语的定语时,与陈述句的语序相同,如:Who is in the room 谁在房间里4“why+一般疑问句否定式”这种结构一般表示劲告、建议、责备等,而不能归为特殊问句,如:Why don’t you come earlier你为什么不早些来呢Why not go skiing 为何不去滑雪呢3、特殊疑问词特殊疑问词可分为两类:疑问代词和疑问副词1疑问代词疑问代词主要有五个,分别为:who,whom,which,what,whose;它们没有性和数的变化,除了who外也没有格的变化;who谁, 作主语用来指人Who is the girl under the treeWho is not hereWhom 谁, 作宾语用来指人Whom are you writing toWhom do you want to seeWhose 谁的, 用来指所属关系,如果作定语,一般后接名词Whose pen is thisWhose are those shoesWhich 哪个,哪些用来指对人或物在一定范围之内进行选择Which girls will be in the sports meetingWhich hat is lil y’sWhat 通常指物,也可指人一般用在没有指出范围的情况下What can you see in the pictureWhat is in the teacher’s room2疑问副词包括when,where,why,how及how与其他副词和形容词组成的疑问词;4、特殊疑问句的答语特殊疑问句的答语的重点是对疑问词的回答非所问,因此,不再需要用yes或no; 在回答时,可以用一个词或词组,也可以用一个较为完整的句子;——Who has borrowed my bike 谁借了我的自行车——Jack. 杰克;Jack has borrowed your bike.——When did he borrow my bike 他什么时候借了我的自行车——This morning. 今天早晨;He borrowed your bike this morning.——Where is he 他现在在何处——At the office. 在办公室;He is at the office.——What is he doing there 他在那儿干什么呢——Working. 工作He is working.——Whose bike is this 这辆自行车是谁的——Mr. Smith’s. 史密斯先生的;It’s Mr. Smith’s bike.巩固练习题一、选择正确的单词填空who, where, when1._____ is that pretty girl She is my sister.2._____ are Jack and Tom They are behind you.3._____ do you go to school I go to school from Monday to Friday.4._____ has a beautiful flower John has a beautiful flower.5._____ are they They are my parents.6._____ is my mother She is in the living room.7._____ are you going We are going to the bakery面包坊.8._____ do Jim and Wendy play ball They play ball in the afternoon.9._____ does he jog He jogs in the park.10._____ are you from I'm from Changchun city.二、就画线部分提问1.He is my father.2.They are under the tree.3.I often watch TV after dinner.4.Lily swims in the swimming pool.游泳池5.Superman flies in the sky.6.I often brush my teeth in the evening.7.Alan likes to play with Bill. 8.Joe's father plays badminton羽毛球every weekend.9.The supermarket is near the school. 10.The laptop笔记本电脑is on the table.11.Jennifer has a pair of earrings耳环. 12.The flowers are in the flower pot花盆.13.My grandpa took us to the zoo. 14.I put the gold fish金鱼into the fish tank鱼缸.三、连线:Match1. What’s on the chair A There is a book in the bag.2. How is your father B These are apples.3. What are these C I go to school by bus.4. What is in the bag D The radio is on the chair.5. How do you go to school E My father is fine.6. How much is it F I wash my face in the morning.7. What time is it G I have two hands.8. When do you wash your face H It is four o’clock.9. How many hands do you have I It is 5 RMB人民币.10.When do you have lunch J I have lunch at noon.精品练习题I.对画线部分提问、1.They bought a new bike yesterday.____________________________________________________ 2.She is a nurse .____________________________________________________ 3.She is my teacher.____________________________________________________ 4.He bought the red one .____________________________________________________ 5.It is my coat .____________________________________________________ 6.I am looking for my sister .____________________________________________________ 7.I get up at six .____________________________________________________ 8.I am from Hubei .____________________________________________________ 9.I went to school late because I got up late.____________________________________________________ 10. It is windy ._____________________________________________________ 11. I am getting on well with it._____________________________________________________ 12. My bag is red .______________________________________________________ 13. The book is Li Hua’s.______________________________________________________ 14. I like math best.______________________________________________________ 15. They are five yuan .______________________________________________________ 16. I wash it twice a week .______________________________________________________ 17. He will be back in four days .______________________________________________________ 18. I didn’t come to class yesterday because I was ill .______________________________________________________II.选择题19. Excuse me ______ is the nearest bookshopGo down the street and turn left at the second cornerA. howB. whatC. whereD. who20. ______ is a ticker for the film Hacker HeAbout forty yuan .A. How oldB. How manyC. How muchD. How often21. —______ are you going —I’m going to the library.A. WhoB. WhichC. WhatD. Where22. It’s a nice car. ______ have you been in itJust to Shanghai.A. How muchB. How soonC. How longD. How far23. ______ It’s eight.A. What day is itB. What’s five and threeC. How old are youD. What’s your telephone number24. —______ —I’ve got a headache and a cough.A. What’s your troubleB. What’s wrong with itC. Can I help youD. How are you25. ______ tea did you haveTwo cups.A. How manyB. How muchC. How soonD. Which26. ______ shall we meet in the parkWhat about half past eightA. WhatB. WhenC. WhereD., Which27. ______ a year does your school have sports meetingsTwice a year.A. How oftenB. How soonC. How longD. How many times28. ______The one behind the tree.A. Whose girlB. Who’s that girlC. Which girlD. Where’s the girl29. ______ are you going to be in the futureI want to be a person _____- Yang Liwei.A. How , likeB. How , asC. What , likeD. What , as30.______ will your father be back .A How longB how oftenC How soonD How wideIII就划线部分提问;31.He often has lunch in the factory.he often lunch32.They will come back in a month.will they come back33.He hurt his leg last Sunday.he hurt his leg34.I got up at six this morning .you up this morning 35.They were drawing a horse when I came in.they when I came in36.I didn't go to school because I had a bad cold.you go to school37.You'd better take the No.3 bus.bus I better take38.He's feeling well.he feeling39.The girl in a red coat is my sister.is your sister40.He comes to China once a year.he to China41. He goes to see his grandma twice a week . 对括号部分提问_________________________________________________42. My father goes to work by car. 改为特殊疑问句__________________________________________________43. It take 15 minutes for a ferry to cross the river. 对括号部分提问__________________________________________________44. You can dial 110 to call the police. 对括号部分提问_______ ________ can you dial to call the police45. Ted put his bag in the desk . 改为特殊疑问句_____ ______ Ted _____ in the desk46. The students went camping last week. 对括号部分提问_________________________________________________47. 3 and 9 is 12. 改为特殊疑问句_________________________________________________48. Diogenes came from Greece . 对括号部分提问_____ _____ Diogenes ______ _______49. The way to keep fit is to eat food and take morn exercise. 对括号部分提问_______ _______ the way to _______ _______50. We landed on an unexplored planet . 对括号部分提问______ ______ you land。




它们以特殊的疑问词开头,这些疑问词包括:what(什么)、who(谁)、when(何时)、where (哪里)、why(为什么)、which(哪一个)和how(怎样)等。





例如:- What is your favorite color?(你最喜欢的颜色是什么?)- What time is the meeting?(会议是几点?)- What kind of books do you like?(你喜欢什么类型的书?)四、who-类特殊疑问句:询问人物身份或者指代who-类特殊疑问句主要用于询问人物的身份、职位或者指代。

例如:- Who is the president of the United States?(美国总统是谁?)- Who is your favorite singer?(你最喜欢的歌手是谁?)- Who do you think will win the game?(你认为谁会赢得比赛?)五、when-类特殊疑问句:询问时间点或时间段when-类特殊疑问句常用于询问某个具体时间点或时间段。

例如: - When did you arrive at the airport?(你什么时候到达机场的?)- When is your birthday?(你的生日是几月几号?)- When will the concert start?(音乐会什么时候开始?)六、where-类特殊疑问句:询问地点或位置where-类特殊疑问句被用来询问地点或位置。



1. 哎呀,特殊疑问句不就是用来问各种具体信息的嘛!比如“你多大啦?”这就是在问年龄呀!
2. 嘿,特殊疑问句就像是一把钥匙,能打开各种知识的大门呢!像“这是什么东西?”就是在寻求答案呀!
3. 哇塞,特殊疑问句可太有用啦!像“你在哪里工作?”不就能知道对方的工作地点嘛!
4. 哟呵,特殊疑问句能让我们快速了解好多事情呢,“他为什么这么做?”这不就是在探究原因嘛!
5. 哎呀呀,特殊疑问句真的很关键呀!“今天星期几?”这一问不就清楚日期啦!
6. 嘿呀,特殊疑问句就像个神奇的法宝,“你的电话号码是多少?”轻松问到重要信息!
7. 哇哦,特殊疑问句可是无处不在呀,“那本书叫什么名字?”这不就是想知道书名嘛!
8. 哈哈,特殊疑问句用处多多呀,“你喜欢什么颜色?”能了解对方的喜好呢!
9. 哎哟喂,特殊疑问句很厉害的哟,“她什么时候回来?”想知道她的归期呀!
10. 嘿嘿,特殊疑问句简直太妙啦!“这辆车多少钱?”直接问到关键的价格信息呢!



中考英语特殊疑问句的用法讲解定义:特殊疑问句:是对句子中某一特定部分提问,由疑问代词what,who,whom,whose,which或疑问副词where,when,why,how等引导.不可以用Yes或No回答.结构:其结构是:疑问词+一般疑问句?What did you do? Whose glasses are these?What color is your pet dog? Who can answer the question?用法:1、对“地点”提问用where。

如:(1).They are studying Chinese in China.→ Where are they studying Chinese?2、就“时间”提问用when。

如:(2).She came to Japan in 1990.→ When did she come to Japan?3、对“时刻、点钟”提问用what time。

如:(3).He often goes to bed at ten.→ What time does he often go to bed?4、对“谁”提问用who。

如:(4).The girl is standing at the station.→ Who is standing at the station?(5).They often go home with Tom. → Who do they often go home with?5、对“谁的”提问用whose。

如:(6).I will meet my father. → Whose fa ther will you meet?6、对“年龄”提问用how old。

如:(7).The man over there is sixty. → How old is the man over there?7、对“哪一个”提问用which。



特殊疑问句的用法特殊疑问句通常以“what”“who”“which”“when”“how”“how old ”“how many”:等开头,对某一具体问题进行提问。

特殊疑问句的基本构成有两种:(1)疑问词+ 一般疑问句?(2)疑问词不达意+ 陈述句结构。


如:Who is on duty today?Which man is your teacher?常见的特殊疑问词有:1.对人提问用who(谁)2.对物、姓名、职业、所做的事提问用what(什么)3.对地点提问用where(在哪里)4.对时间提问用when(什么时候)5.对几点几分提问用what time(几点)6.对价格或不可数名词提问用How much(多少钱);How much+不可数名词(多少…)7.对种类提问用What kind of +名词复数….种类…?8.对原因because提问用Why(为什么)9.对年龄提问用How old(多少岁)10.对可数名词的数量提问用How many +名词复数(多少…)11.对颜色提问用What color(什么颜色)12.对方式、方法,身体状况以及by + 交通工具或by +v-ing提问用how(怎么样)13.对语言提问用What language(什么语言)14.对人的外貌提问用What does he / she look like? 他/ 她长得什么样?15.对尺寸提问用What size(多大尺寸)16.对天气提问用What’s the weather like?= How’s the weather ? 17.对名词所有格、物主代词提问用Whose(谁的)18. 对“哪个;哪些”提问用which(哪一个)+名词19. 对频度或多长时间多少次提问用how often(多久一次)20.对长度提问或+for一段时间/since+一段时间+ago提问用how long(多长)21.对in +一段时间提问用how soon(多久;什么时候)22.对距离提问用how far (多远)23.对星期几提问用what day (星期几)24.对几月几号提问用what’s the date?(今天是几号)。






例句:1. Who broke the window?谁打破了窗户?2. What happened last night?昨晚发生了什么事?3. Why is she crying?她为什么在哭?二、特殊疑问词用于宾语特殊疑问词也可以用于宾语位置,即特殊疑问词+动词+其他成分。

例句:1. He asked me what I wanted for my birthday.他问我生日想要什么。

2. Could you tell me where the nearest post office is?你能告诉我最近的邮局在哪里吗?3. Do you know how the accident happened?你知道事故是怎么发生的吗?三、特殊疑问词引导的特殊句型1. 特殊疑问词+to do特殊疑问词可以引导不定式短语,表示为了做某事而做某事。

例句:1. What do you stay up late for?你熬夜做什么?2. Why did you come to the party early to help set up?你为什么早点来帮助布置聚会?2. 特殊疑问词+形容词/副词特殊疑问词可以引导一个形容词或副词,用于询问程度或描述对某事的态度。

例句:1. How tall is the tallest building in your city?你们城市最高的建筑物有多高?2. How fast can he run?他跑得有多快?3. 特殊疑问词+名词特殊疑问词可以引导一个名词,用于询问某人或某物的属性或特征。



Who: Whose: Which: Where: When: Why:
问谁? 答谁 问谁的? 答谁的 问哪个? 答选择 问哪里? 答地方 问时间? 答时间 问为什么? 答原因
How: 问怎样:答怎样 How many :问多少: 答数量 (可数名词) How many: 问多少: 答多少:(不可数名词) How old: 问年龄 How often: 问频率 How long: 问长度,问多久 (for) How soon: 问多久 (in) How far: 问距离 How tall:问高度 how heavy :问多重
易烊千玺 Jackson

王源 Roy
王俊凯 Karry
There are three members in this great combination which include Roy, Karry ,
and Jackson.
询问主格(人) __w_h_o______; 询问物或干什么_w_h_a_t___; 询问所有格谁 的_w_h_o_s_e__; 哪一个人或物_w_h_ic_h___;询问地点_w__h_e_re__;询问时间 __w__h_e_n_/w__h_a_t _tim__e; 询问原因_w_h_y_______;询问用……方法,如 何……ho_w______; 询问年龄_h_o_w__o_ld_;询问可数名词的量_h_o_w__m_a_n_y__; 询 问价格和不可数名词的量___h_o_w_m__u_c_h_;询问频率__h_o_w__o_ft_e_n___;询问还 要多久才_h_o_w__s_o_o_n__;询问时间多久或某物体多长_h_o_w_l_o_n_g___;询问距离 h_o_w__f_a_r _;
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特殊疑问句1. 定义以特殊疑问词开头,对陈述句中的某一部分提出疑问/ 进行发问,回答时针对问句中的代词和副词来回答,不用yes 或no,的句子叫特殊疑问句。

2. 特殊疑问词全搜索一句话:wh-开头外加能与之结伴同行的名词;how及它的形容词兄弟姐妹们,即如:what,where,which,what class,what time,what number;who, whom, whose,how,how many,how old,how much等。

无论是做疑问代词还是限定词,which 和what 所指的范围不同。

what所指的范围是无限的,而which则指在一定的范围内,例如:Which girls do you like best? 你喜欢哪几个姑娘?What girls do you like best? 你喜欢什么样的姑娘?Which do you prefer, coffee or tea? 咖啡和茶,你喜欢喝哪种?What do you usually drink before dinner? 你饭前通常喝什么?Whom是who的宾格,在书面语中,它作动词宾语或介词宾语,在口语中作宾语时,可用who代替,但在介词后只能用whom, 例如:Who(m) did you meet on the street?你在街上遇到了谁?(作动词宾语)Who(m) are you taking the book to?你要把这书带给谁?(作介词宾语,置句首)To whom did you speak on the campus?你在校园里和谁讲话了?(作介词宾语,置介词后,不能用who取代)3. 特殊疑问句的构成特殊疑问句由"特殊疑问词+一般疑问句"构成:How old are you? 你多大了?What's this in English? 这个用英语怎么讲?但特殊疑问句有时也要"特殊解":即如果问的是主语或主语的定语时,这时的特殊疑问句看起来成了"特殊疑问词(+主语)+陈述句"。

如:Who's not here today? 今天谁没来?Which pen is red? 哪枝钢笔是红色的?4. 特殊疑问句的语调小插件一般说来,特殊疑问句都要读成降调(↘),并往往让最后一个单词承担此重任。

如:What row are you in(↘)? 你在第几排?Where is"E" (↘)? "E"在哪里?5. 对特殊疑问句的答复小扫描疑问代词用于特殊疑问句中,疑问代词一般都放在句首,并在句中作为某一句子成分。

如:What is this? (what作表语)这是什么?what color is it ? 什么颜色?Which is bigger, the left one or the right one? (which作主语)哪一个大一点,左边的一个还是右边的一个?What are you talking about? (what作宾语)你在说什么?Who will go with you? (who作主语)谁和你一起去?Whom are you talking to? (whom作宾语)你在跟谁说话?Whose dictionary is this? (whose作定语)这是谁的字典?What's the capital of your country? 贵国首都是哪儿What's your motherland? 你祖国是哪儿?回答特殊疑问句,不能用"yes / no";但可用"到什么山上唱什么歌"来形容对特殊疑问句的应答- -即问什么答什么(尤其是简略回答更明显)。

如:-How old is your sister? 你妹妹今年多大了?-She's only five. / Only five. (她)才5岁。


“How +be +the weather...?”与“What +be +the weather like...?”意思相同。

例如:How is the weather today? = What's the weather like today? 今天天气如何?1)①The twins were making a kite when their mother came in. (划线提问)______ _____ the twins _____ when their mother came in?②Mrs Turner asked her son to buy some eggs for supper. (划线提问)_______ ______ Mrs Turner ask her son ______ _______ for supper?2)对名词前定语提出疑问,疑问词应用which,而且必须和名词连用。

I'm going to take the shirt on the right.(划线提问)______ _____ are you going to take?3)对指人名词或代词提问用who,作宾语时提问用whom。

4) 4)对物主代词和名词所有格提问用whose。

eg. Li Ping's coat→Whose coat, my father→Whose father5)对具体时间提出疑问,如in the morning,last Sunday等,疑问词用when;对具体几点钟提问,疑问词应用what time。


The pupils are having a picnic at the foot of the hill. (划线提问)_____ _____ the pupils having a picnic?7)对表原因的从句提问,常见的有because引导的从句,疑问词应用why。

Xiao Cheng didn't go to the farm with us because he was ill. (划线提问)_______ _____ Xiao Cheng go to the farm with us?8)对方式或程度等提出疑问,用疑问词How。

eg. I usually go to school by bike.How is that movie? I like it very much.“How... like...?”与“What... think of...?”如出一辙。

例如:How do you like the film? = What do you think of the film? 你觉得这部电影怎么样?9)对数量提出疑问,疑问词为How many,要注意how many必须跟名词的复数形式。

eg. two hundred sheep→How many sheep10)对价格提出疑问,疑问词用How much。

eg. I paid fifty yuan for the sweater.______ ______ did you pay for the sweater?询问价格。

“How much...?”或“How much... cost?”与“What's the price of...?”效果一样。

例如:How much is the computer? = How much does the computer cost? = What's the price of the computer? 这台电脑的价格是多少?11)对时间长度提出疑问,疑问词应用How long。

eg. I've worked in that factory for two years. (划线提问)______ _____ _______ you worked in that factory?重量、长度、高度、宽度、深度、速度、面积等。

“How + 形容词+...?”与“What's the + 名词+ of ...?”意思相同。

例如:How heavy is that basket of apples? = What's the weight of that basket of apples? 那筐苹果有多重?注意:与what 句式转换时,how 后的形容词heavy, wide, high, tall, deep, long, fast, large等,须分别转换成对应的名词:weight, width, height, depth, length, speed, size等。

其中How tall are you?与What's your height?12)对时间频率,如once a year, twice a week等提问,疑问词用How often。

How often do u visit your grandma?13)对具体次数,如once, twice, three times等提问,疑问词用How many times。

eg. ______ did he call you the day before yesterday?Twice.A.What timeB.How many timesC.How muchD.How long14)对in+一段时间提问,疑问词一般用How soon。

eg. Jane and her brother will finish the work in two hours. (划线提问)_____ _____ _____ Jane and her brother finish the work?15)对距离提出疑问,疑问词用How far。

eg. It's about two kilometres from here to the country.(划线提问)______ _____ _____ _____ from here to the country?16)另外,对日期、星期、天气等提出疑问,则分别用What's the date?What day is it ? 如果是过去时间,就用was代替is。

What's the weather like?。
