optilia HD高清光学检测系统





其中,PTI(Photon Technology International)静态和时间分辨光谱仪作为一种先进的光谱仪器,具有多种重要的应用和作用。


1. 分析生物膜的荧光光谱PTI静态和时间分辨光谱仪可以帮助研究人员对生物膜的荧光光谱进行精确的分析。



2. 研究细胞色素的光谱特性细胞色素是细胞内的重要物质,其光谱特性对于研究细胞的电子传递过程和能量转化机制具有重要意义。


3. 监测生物发光反应某些生物体具有发光的能力,其发光反应是生物体内部重要的生理过程之一。


4. 研究植物光合作用光合作用是植物生长和发育过程中至关重要的生理过程,而PTI静态和时间分辨光谱仪可以用于研究植物叶绿素的吸收和荧光特性,帮助科研人员深入了解植物光合作用的光谱特性和调控机制。

5. 探究光敏剂的光物理性质光敏剂是一类具有光物理性质的化合物,其广泛应用于光动力疗法和光敏染料等领域。




IRIDEX PASCAL LIO激光间接检眼镜操作手册说明书

IRIDEX PASCAL LIO激光间接检眼镜操作手册说明书

PASCAL® 激光间接检眼镜 (LIO) (532 nm 或 577 nm)(单光点版本)操作手册European Authorized Representative Iridex Corporation Obelis 1212 Terra Bella Avenue Boulevard Général Wahis 53 Mountain View, CA 94043 1030 Brussels 美国比利时 办事处:+1.650.940.4700 电话:+32.2.732.59.54 传真:+1.650.962.0486传真:+32.2.732.60.03 本手册受版权保护,并保留所有权利。

根据版权法,未经 Iridex Corporation 明确书面许可,不得全部或部分复制本手册,亦不得以任何其他媒介转载。




Iridex Corporation®、Iridex Corporation Logo™ 和 PASCAL® 和 PASCAL Synthesis™ 为 Iridex Corporation 的商标或注册商标。

目录目录 (3)简介 (5)设置和使用 LIO (6)调整头带 (7)调整瞳孔间距离 (8)获取融合图像 (9)调整检镜角度 (9)打开照明 (9)设置光圈 (10)选择滤镜 (11)调整照明 (12)调整激光器角度 (12)适配电源 (13)激光治疗 (14)检查眼底 (14)电池充电器 (15)插入/更换电池组 (15)电池组充电 (16)安装无线充电器 (19)更换 LED (20)清洁 (21)规格 (21)产品标签 (22)保养维修 (22)一般安全和法规信息 (23)设备分类 (23)预期用途 (23)警告和注意事项 (23)安全考虑事项 (26)符号 (27)电磁兼容性 (28)担保信息 (37)发货、退货和调整担保 (37)退回设备去污 (38)美国技术服务信息 (38)WEEE 弃置 (38)去污证明 (39)简介请阅读并认真遵守这些说明。



一、概述伯乐超敏成像仪(Belle Ultra-Sensitive Imager,简称BUI)是一款高性能、高灵敏度的荧光成像设备,广泛应用于生命科学、材料科学、生物医学等领域。


二、主要技术参数1. 成像模式BUI支持多种成像模式,包括:(1)荧光成像:适用于观察荧光标记的细胞、组织、蛋白质等生物样品。




2. 成像分辨率BUI采用高性能CCD相机,可实现以下成像分辨率:(1)荧光成像:500万像素,分辨率可达0.4μm。




3. 灵敏度BUI具有极高的灵敏度,可实现以下成像灵敏度:(1)荧光成像:最低信噪比可达1000:1。




4. 线性范围BUI具有较宽的线性范围,可实现以下成像线性范围:(1)荧光成像:线性范围可达10,000:1。




5. 照度范围BUI具有较宽的照度范围,可实现以下成像照度范围:(1)荧光成像:照度范围可达0.1-100,000 photons/s。

(2)化学发光成像:照度范围可达0.1-100,000 photons/s。






















PTI主动光学式光学运动捕捉系统>> 产品介绍>>Visualeyez运动捕捉是世界第一套分布式触觉反馈,广角高精度主动式光学动作捕捉系统, 一个Visualeyez™运动捕捉/跟踪系统由三个主要部分组成:标记系统,传感器系统,动作捕捉系统软件。


高达0.015mm(1.2m 距离处)的分辨率,让捕捉微细运动成为可能, Visualeyez动作捕捉具有多种数据输出格式,让捕捉到的数据能应用于各个领域的专业软件。

如:MotionBuilder、Maya、Softimage、3D Max、Famous 3D、LabView、Matiab、Visual3D、Quest3D、VRCO和VRPN等。

产品特点全自动校准| 与其他设备保持双向同步| 操作简单,随意假设| 可靠的高精度| 内在标记id追踪数据错误概率为零| 可扩展的捕捉距离| 巨大捕捉空间| 高度便携性和易于设置| 多速率采样可靠实时的操控| 高度便携性和易于设置| 高精确度和分辨率| 用你喜欢的任何方式设置连续的自适应校准| 数字化能力| 微秒采样精度| 超大广角| 后处理需求低功能特点•自动校准系统,保证数据采集的高品质和高精度。

• 90°的超大采集角度,使每台设备都具有190m³的采集空间。







如:MotionBuilder、Maya、Softimage、3D Max、Famous 3D、LabView、Matiab、Visual3D、Quest3D、VRCO和VRPN等。



法国鹰眼检测仪法国鹰眼检测仪.html法国鹰眼检测仪法国鹰眼检测仪简介>>法国鹰眼检测全身扫描系统介绍:DDFAO 系统采用世界首创的低压直流电刺激感应技术,向人体发送平均每3秒255次的低压直流电信号,该信号在人体组织内转化为离子流,依据离子流在阴阳两极的极化运动,获得穿过组织的电阻、电传导性、PH 值、电压以及细胞膜的动作电位,评估人体各脏器的间质细胞的电生理活性。

并根据生理反馈信号的单向导通,进行计时电流分析法分析,通过数字模型对数据进行3D 重建。

DDFAO 技术原理:DDFAO 系统采用低压直流电刺激感应技术,通过在额头、手、脚对称放置的6个电极,在人体22个体区持续发送平均每3秒255次的低电压直流电信号,该电信号在人体组织内转化为离子流,依据离子流在阴、阳两极的极化运动,获得穿过组织的电阻、电传导性、PH 值、电压以及所穿过细胞膜的动作电位,激活人体各脏器的间质细胞的电生理活性。

并根据生理反馈信号的单向导通性,进行计时电流分析法分析,以数字化形式采集人体功能的信息,通过数字模型对数据进行3D 重建。


DDFAO 鹰眼系统在临床上应用于健康人时可以准确地评估人体的各组织器官的生物活性和功能状况,准确的预测潜在的危险因素及疾病的发展方向。


DDFAO 技术用在肿瘤患者可以准确评估其放化疗或药物治疗的效果,指导临床合理的、有计划性的进行治疗,提高病人的生存质量,延长患者的生存时间,减少不必要的放化疗导致的机体损伤。




NEW INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY THAT WILL GROW YOUR BUSINESSWohler VIS 700HD-Video Inspection SystemThe Wöhler VIS 700 offers exactly what professionals have been waiting for: razor sharp high definition images, a focus function for precise inspection, and now wireless locating with adjustable frequency; 8.9 kHz, 9.1 kHz, or 512 kHz. The Wohler VIS 700 is the ideal inspection camera for waste water pipes, flue gas and ventilation lines as well as NDT and plumbing applications.The new fully digital Wöhler camera generationFully digital camera systemA new digital high-resolution sensor assures amazin-gly sharp images. With the Wohler VIS 700, professi-onals are able to plan their maintenance services on the basis of clearly visible facts. The displayed level indication ensures you to keep orientation in the pipe. The camera display shows the camera head position and angle for ease of navigation. The home function allows you to realign the camera head straight forward when needed.HD images are displayed for you on the brilliant, touchscreen high-resolution monitor. The Wöhler VIS 700 is designed to transmit live video data to smart devices via Wireless L AN. While conducting an inspection, you have the option to stream live images and videoson a smartphone or tablet. You can also save all foot-age to an SD card for reviewing at a later time. Focus using joystick and touchscreenThe focus function via touch screen or joystick makes it possible to precisely control the depth of focus. A simple tip on the joystick ensures a precise, crystal clear image on the screen. Additional settings and ex-tras, such as the touch screen keyboard, are accessa-ble by tapping the touchscreen monitor.Inspection of flue gas lines from 2": easily negotiates tight bends of 87°Secure drain inspection with the waterproof camera headPrecise location of the camera head with the Wöhler L 200 Locator, now with 512 kHz frequencyRazor sharp pictures in HD-quality, clear menu and comfortable to holdFast cleaning for lasting hygiene: Simply splash the robust case and the viper with waterThe focus function makes it possible to precisely control the depth of focuslong-distance rangeclose rangeFUNKTIONHOMEHDSCREENTOUCH-UP TO 4 hPOWERTRANSMISSIONWLAN TRANSMITTERLOCATOR CLEANEASY TO FUNCTIONPHOTORECORDINGVOICEFUNCTIONVIDEOADVANTAGES·High Definition image quality·1.5 inch detachable waterproof pan & tilt color camera head (IP 67) ·7” HD color touchscreen with adjustable focus via joystick/touch screen ·Built-in radio transmitter facilitates wireless location detection ·Adjustable locator frequency: 8.9 kHz, 9.9 kHz, or 512 Hz ·Position and level display for orientation during inspections ·On screen keyboard for typing comments / descriptions to photos ·Transmission of live images/video via Wireless LANOverview of functionstop shell. Moreover, the twinwall hard case also protects the camera head and the monitor.Transmission of life images by Wireless LANTo transmit the video signal to an external monitoror your smartphone / tablet.USB stick & SD card slotSave your pictures and videos directly to the SD card or an USB stick.Powerful Li-ion batteryWith a respective operating battery life of 4 hours – high speed charging via the latest USB standard (USB-C connection).Durable Camera RodThe 100 ft. camera rod is flexible and durable.1.5 inch pan & tilt camera headTilts 180° from left to right and pans through 360°. Precisely adjustable depth of focus.Anti-glare protectionThe anti-glare protection is stored in the case.If necessaryit will be fixed to the monitor.Hand-heldAdjustable to individual requirements, reliable grip when operating the monitor.Data management·Simply record and store photos and videos on the32 GB SD card for documentation and archiving purposes for you and your customers·Wireless LAN interfaceLocation detection with Wöhler L 200 Locator (optional)·Transmission frequency adjustable to 8.9 kHz, 9.9 kHz or 512 Hz·Transmitter integrated in camera head makes it possible to precisely locate the camera head·Pinpoint damage repairs to pipelines·Telescopic holder makes it easy to locate damage under floors or in ceilings·Chalk holder with lithographic chalk to mark located dama-ge immediately·Long-lasting rechargeable Li-ion batteryApplication·Analyze damage and inspect:·House connection pipes up to 8"·NDT applications·Flue gas systems of 2.5” and larger·Ventilation system ductwork·False ceilings, hollow spaces, shafts·Industrial machines / plant·Waste water lines of 2.5" and largerFunctionality·HD touchscreen – razor sharp recordings from any per-spective·Adjustable depth of focus·Optics pan 360° and tilt 180°- even the smallest amount of damage is viewable·Camera head with integrated variable frequency transmitter ·Electronically determined position and angle of the camera head shown on the display·Brightly illuminating color camera head, 1.5” in diameter and 2.5” in length, easily negotiates tight bends ·Electronic distance counter displays position on monitor ·Bright TFT color monitor for razor-sharp images ·Battery operating time of 4 hours with a rechargeable Li-ion battery·Fully equipped mobile solution in a rugged twinwall hard case·Comments features touch screen keyboard for typed notes ·Voice notes·Fast and effective cleaning of the camera rod Easy inspection of ventilation systems with the 100 foot camera rod The 100 foot camera rod is at the same time flexible and durable because of its construction Display resolution in comparison High Definition vs. Crystal Clear ScreenHigh Definition Display (Wohler VIS 700): razor sharp images Crystal Clear Screen (Wohler VIS 350)Kit and Accessories© W o h l e r 06/2018 a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e s , i n c l u d i n g o f a t e c h n i c a l n a t u r e . // #58644Wöhler USA Inc.5 Hutchinson Drive · Danvers, MA 01923。



数字化口腔全景X光机一、数字口腔全景X光机壹台(1)、主要技术参数:1.1 适用患者范围: 成人、小儿、老人、残疾人1.2 电源电压:230~240V±10, 50/60HZ;1.3 球管:*1.3.1 X线球管: 高频直流电, 最高140kHZ1.3.2 电压&电流: 60~90KV, 2~15mA(1mA步阶可调);1.3.3 焦点大小: 0.5mm; (国际电工委员会IEC336标准)1.3.4主要部件球管、传感器与整套系统为同一工厂生产。

1.3.5 两种X线发射方式:锥形线束和锥体散射束满足全景和头颅成像需要, 1.3.6 独特的散热设计,可以连续拍摄超过100个患者无需特殊散热保护1.3.7 球管采用符合国家及国际标准最安全的过滤系统: 大于2.5mm AL(2)全景功能的要求:1. 程序: 标准成人全景、全口三分区成像、儿童全景、上颌窦全景、2-截面双侧颞合关节、4-截面双侧颞开合关节、鼻窦全景等;2. 预设的病人拍片数据: 从三个人头骨的大小及大小体型配合成最符合病人所需的拍片数据3. 曝光时间: 10.6-13.9秒4. 自动KV补偿技术: 在经过颈部时按骨密度自动调整KV, 保证前牙区影像清晰;5. 三激光束系统定位;6. 图像放大倍数: 全景为1.27倍放大7. 具有患者面对面定位的结构和功能;8. X线发射方式:锥形线束满足全景成像需要(3) 头颅测量功能的要求:1. 程序: 头影测量正位(后前/前后位)、侧位片、眼眶正位、颅底位、掌骨影像、蝶鞍侧位、柯、瓦氏位、鼻骨侧位、环枢椎开口位2. 头颅测量区域: 可成像(8x10寸)尺寸的侧位片, 减少病人曝光的面绩,3. 曝光时间: 0.1-3.2秒3. X光接收装置: 内置大光圈定焦镜头, 将X光投射到头颅成像使用的CCD传感器上, 传感器不用花时间扫描头颅,*4. 曝光时间: 1秒曝光完成拍摄,大大缩短拍片时间, 避免因病人移动而重拍或图像畸变, 减少病人吸收射线的时间, 延长球管及传感器的使用寿命5. 定位光束: 单激光束头颅定位6. 图像放大倍数: 头颅测量为1.5倍放大、7. X线发射方式:锥体散射束满足头颅成像需要,(4) 定位方式:1. 具有三光束定位2. 两个有弹性头额两侧固定支架3. 全开放式病人定位: 病人背靠升降柱面向外站立时, 医生可与患者面对面定位,(4) 数字化系统:1. 灰度:4096, 12比特高灰度, 可看出更多层次2. 分辨率:2.1二维全景成像: 2500*1244像素2.2 二维头颅成像: 840*1360像素5. 全景图像区域≥15×30 厘米 ,头颅测量图象区域≥8×10英寸;6. 图像显示时间: 全景在暴光结束后,小于5秒即显示图像; 头颅成像曝光后1秒计算机显示图像;*7. 两个全景和头颅成像使用的CCD传感器8. 固定安装式: 所有传感器不用人手拆装, 侧位为内置式, 全景为可升高式。

ZEISS CLARUS 700 超宽角高清Retina成像系统说明书

ZEISS CLARUS 700 超宽角高清Retina成像系统说明书

HD Ultra-widefield Fundus Imaging with Fluorescein AngiographyUnsurpassed image quality with fluorescein angiography.CLARUS® 700 from ZEISS allows you to capture clear and accurate images from the macula to the far periphery,all with a single instrument that combines:• Ultra-wide field of view• True Color imaging from broad spectrum LED scans• Exceptional resolution• Fluorescein Angiography (FA)• Advanced imaging featuresZEISS CLARUS 700 is a truly comprehensive imaging system developed for eye care specialists,helping deliver state-of-the-art care to their patients.2Montage fluorescein angiography with non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy, presenting the finest details at the foveal avascular zone and offering an exceptional rendering of the smallest microaneurysms across the image–from the fovea to the periphery.3COLORCapture True Color to assist with differential diagnosis.CLARITYSee high-resolution details from the posterior pole to the periphery. COMPLETEComprehensive in every way to maximize workflow efficiency.A Comprehensive Imaging System Now you can manage all fundus imaging modalities without compromising on clarity—viewing high resolution in ultra-widefield.• Image from the superior and inferior retina with less peripheral distortion • Capture clear detail of vessel structure from early to late phase of fluorescein angiography• AutoBright control automatically optimizes the angiogram series preserving change in signalCombining ultra-widefield imaging with True Color, excellent clarity and a full suite of imaging modalities, ZEISS CLARUS 700 empowers you with features and capabilities that maximize workflow efficiency.• Quickly and easily compare images over time and between image capture modes• Provide a comfortable patient experience that ensures image integrity, with ergonomic chin and head rests to swivel motion and live IR previewTrue Color ImagingPowered by Broad Line Technology , the ZEISS CLARUS 700 captures images that closely resemble the coloration of the fundus as seen during clinical examination.Unlike CSLO (confocal scanning laser), Broad Line Technology enables the combination of ultra-wide fields of view and a full range of retinal imaging modes to generate images with high dynamic range, contrast, resolution and natural colors through sequential illumination of broad-spectrum red, green and blue light emitting diodes.1True Color with RGB Channel SeparationComplete suite of imaging modalitiesFluorescein Angiography of proliferative diabetic retinopathyRed channel: reveals the choroid in more detail. This may be helpful in visualizing choroidal lesions such as nevi or tumors.Green channel: provides excellent contrast of the retina, especially of vasculature and hemorrhages.Blue channel: increases visibility of anterior retinal layers, allowing easiervisualization of retinal nerve fiber layers defects and epiretinal membranes.4Red Green Blue1Data on file.Now, ultra-wide fundus imagingwith True Color and unmatched clarity.In one complete system.FAF-Green image of dry age-relatedmacular degenerationFAF-Blue image of geographic atrophy External EyeStereo image pairs can be captured for stereoscopic evaluation of the fundus.56Capillary nonperfusion Macular ischemia Intraretinal microvascularabnormalitiesDry AMDepithelium at the macula.78See the whole picture.Key to meeting current challenges in eye care is the ability to capture, integrate and transform high-quality data into meaningful analyses that enhance practice workflow and improve patient care.The ZEISS Integrated Diagnostic Imaging combines exam data from gold-standard devices like CLARUS ultra-widefield fundus imaging and CIRRUS™ HD-OCT from ZEISS and presents critical information from multiple sources into a single integrated point-of-view for more efficient and insightful treatment decisions.Retina Workplace9PrecisionFocusQuickly see the details in regions of interest by selecting where to optimize focus, without losing the macula focal point.AutoBrightSpend time analyzing images rather than adjusting them. ZEISS CLARUS 700 automatically optimizes the brightness of the image sequence throughout the angiogram, while still preserving the change in signal. And with the extremely large dynamic range, you’ll never be at risk of saturating the image.Advanced features to help you capture your best images.10OriginalAutoBrightGazePointFind the patient’s gaze angle quickly and accurately. CLARUS 700 uses AI to automatically find the optic nerve head and accurately derive the patient’s gazerather than relying on internal fixation.Technical Specifications CLARUS 700 from ZEISS11ParametersImaging Modes:• True Color (with Red, Green and Blue channel split)• Fluorescein Angiography • Autofluorescence-Green • Autofluorescence-Blue • External eye image (ocular surface)• StereoField of View (measured from the center of the eye):• Widefield (one image)• Ultra-widefield (two images)• Montage (up to six images)133˚200˚up to 267˚Resolution:• Optical7.3 µm Minimum Pupil Diameter: 2.5 mmWorking Distance:25 mm (patient’s eye to front lens)Compensation for ametropia:- 24 D to + 20 D continuous Light Sources:• Red LED • Green LED • Blue LED• Infrared laser diode 585 - 640 nm 500 - 585 nm 435 - 500 nm 785 nmAutomatic Operations:Aquisition Speed:• Auto-focus • Auto-gain Auto Montage Auto-laterality• Live IR Preview • Image Capture10 frames/second ≤ 0.2 secondsInstrument Specifications Instrument Weight:50 lbs (22.7 kg)Instrument Dimensions (W x D x H):15” (38.1 cm) x 18” (45.7 cm) x 27” (68.6 cm) Instrument Table:• Description• Table Dimensions • WeightWheelchair accessible, electronic lift 37” (94 cm) x 27.5” (70 cm) 81 lbs (37 kg)Instrument Input Power:• Voltage and Mains Frequency • Electrical Class 100-240VAC, 50/60 Hz IEC 60601-1 Class IAt-Instrument Computer Monitor: 22” Full HD MVA LCD with LED Backlight Touch Screen:Capacitive, Multi-Touch Resolution:1920 x 1080RAM:32GBProcessor:Intel ® 6th Generation Core i5-6500TEInput/Output:USB 3.0 x 3; RS-232 x 2; 1.5 kV Isolated Gigabit Ethernet Port x 2; HDMI; and DisplayPort Hard Drive:2 TB(minimum 200,000 images)Operating System:Windows 10Dimensions (W x D x H):21.5” (54.6 cm) x 2.5” (6.4 cm) x 13.75” (34.9 cm)Weight:17.2 lbs (7.8 kg)Mounting:VESA 75/100 mmDownload the ZEISS Image Library App directly from the App Store. Explore a wide selection of modalities such as ultra-widefield and OCTA.C A M .11445 C Z V I I /2019 U n i t e d S t a t e s e d i t i o n : O n l y f o r s a l e i n s e l e c t e d c o u n t r i e s . T h e c o n t e n t s o f t h e b r o c h u r e m a y d i f f e r f r o m t h e c u r r e n t s t a t u s o f a p p r o v a l o f t h e p r o d u c t o r s e r v i c e o f f e r i n g i n y o u r c o u n t r y . P l e a s e c o n t a c t o u r r e g i o n a l r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n . S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e s i n d e s i g n a n d s c o p e o f d e l i v e r y a n d d u e t o o n g o i n g t e c h n i c a l d e v e l o p m e n t . C L A R U S 700 a n d C I R R U S -HD D -O C T a r e e i t h e r t r a d e m a r k s o r r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k s o f C a r l Z e i s s M e d i t e c A G o r o t h e r c o m p a n i e s o f t h e ZE I S S G r o u p i n G e r m a n y a n d / o r o t h e r c o u n t r i e s . © C a r l Z e i s s M e d i t e c , I n c ., 2019. A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d.Carl Zeiss Meditec AG Goeschwitzer Strasse. 51-5207745 Jena GERMANY//med/contactsCarl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.5160 Hacienda Drive Dublin, CA 94568USA/us/clarus700 /us/med 0297CLARUS 700。

NFINITY HD 高清显微相机和高清显微相机价格

NFINITY HD 高清显微相机和高清显微相机价格

NFINITY HD 高清显微相机和高清显微相机价格NFINITY HD 高清显微相机 标题:NFINITY HD 高清显微相机INFINITYHD INFINITY HD 是加拿大Lumenera 公司新推出的一款全性能,可独立使用,以超优越的色彩还原性及超快的帧速提供全1080p60显示的高清科学级成像方案。

INFINITY HD 可直接采用HDMI monitor 操作,无需连接电脑,或者采用USB 2.0获取图像。

以其超快的响应时间,INFINITY HD 可快速响应变化的光信号,已经成功应用在生命科学,临床医学及材料分析等领域。

卓越的色彩还原能力 Lumenera 公司以多年的显微镜市场应用经验推出专业的显微镜相机保证了其显卓越的色彩还原能力。


帧速 INFINITY HD 相机可为高清提供60fps 帧速,不同于市场上同系列针对于高清的相机只能提供更低的帧速。

INFINITY HD 软件INFINITYHD 相机自...厂家:上海政泓 市场价格:优惠价格:百度搜索联系ProgRes CF Scan 研究级微扫描摄像头 标题:ProgRes CF Scan 研究级微扫描摄像头 l 像素:1250万带微扫描处理器(Microscanning 技术)(最高分辨率4080 X 3072) l 感光组件:SONY 285增强像元2/3英寸,彩色CCD 芯片 l 像素大小:6.45 x 6.45 μm2 l 数位输出:3 X 14 bit l 读出速度:12MHz / 24.5MHz l 动态范围:67dB…69 dB l 曝光时间:200μs…300s l 传输速度: 13 帧/秒 (1360 X 1024) l 模拟增益:1-8倍 l 制冷:热电制冷(可开关),积分时间可达5分钟 接口:USB 2.0 / 1394a 火线... 厂家:上海政泓 市场价格: 优惠价格:百度搜索联系ProgRes MF CCD 研究级摄像头 标题:ProgRes MF CCD 研究级摄像头l 像素:140万(最高分辨率 1360 X 1024) l 感光组件:SONY 超级HAD 循序逐行扫描2/3英寸,黑白CCD 芯片 l 像素大小:6.45 x 6.45 μm2 l 数位输出:12 bit (制冷型14 bit ) l 读出速度:12MHz / 24.5MHz l 动态范围:65dB…67 dB (制冷型67dB…69 dB ) l 曝光时间:200μs…180s (制冷型200μs…300s ) l 传输速度:13 帧/秒 (1360 X 1024) l 模拟增益:1-8倍 l 制冷:可选择;风扇及半导体双制冷,可降温15℃ 接口:USB 2.0 / 1394a 火线 (制冷型1394a 火线)...厂家:上海政泓 市场价格: 优惠价格:百度搜索联系ProgRes C7 CCD 高端摄像头 标题:ProgRes C7 CCD 高端摄像头l 像素:710万(最高分率3072X2304) l 感光组件:SONY1/2.5英寸,彩色CCD 芯片 l 像素大小:1.86x1.86μm l 数位输出:3X12bitRGB l 读出速度:32HMz l 动态范围:60dB l 曝光时间:200μs…5s l 传输速度:11帧/秒(1228X920) l 接口:1394a 火线... 厂家:上海政泓 市场价格: 优惠价格:百度搜索联系ProgRes C5 CCD 高端摄像头 标题:ProgRes C5 CCD 高端摄像头ProgRes C5 CCD 高端摄像头 l 像素:500万(最高分辨率 2580 X 1944) l 感光组件:SONY 282AQ 2/3英寸彩色CCD 芯片 l 像素大小:3.4 x 3.4 μm2 l 数位输出:3 X 12 bit RGB l 读出速度:12HMz / 18 HMz l 动态范围:61 dB / 60dB l 曝光时间:400μs…180s l 传输速度:9帧/秒 (1290 x 972),21帧/秒(644 x 490) l 制冷:可选择,可降温15℃ l 接口:1394a 火线...厂家:上海政泓 市场价格: 优惠价格:百度搜索联系。

Philips 26英寸宽屏液晶电视Pixel Plus HD 26PFL7532D说明书

Philips 26英寸宽屏液晶电视Pixel Plus HD 26PFL7532D说明书

Philipswidescreen flat TV with Pixel Plus HD26"LCD integrated digital26PFL7532DTurn up your viewing experiencewith Integrated Digital TunerWith this TV you can now enjoy the benefits of digital TV, Electronic Programme Guide and digital quality content. At the same time, you can also watch superb pictures with Pixel Plus HD clarity and details.Vivid, natural and razor sharp images•HD LCD WXGA display, with a 1366 x 768p resolution •Integrated Digital Tuner for DVB-T reception•HD Ready for the highest quality display of HD signals •Pixel Plus HD for better details, depth and clarity•3D combfilter separates colours for a razor-sharp image Exciting and lifelike sound•Incredible Surround™ for enhanced audio enjoyment Slim, stylish design to complement your interior •Compact and slim design that fits in every room Designed for your convenience•1000-page Hypertext for instant fast access to teletext For advanced performance•2 HDMI inputs for full digital HD connection in one cableHighlightsLCD WXGA display, 1366 x 768pThis WXGA display with state-of-the-art LCD screen technology gives you widescreen HD resolution of 1366 x 768p pixels. It produces brilliant flicker-free progressive scan pictures with optimum brightness and superb colours. This vibrant and sharp image will provide you with an enhanced viewing experience. Integrated Digital DVB-T tunerThe integrated DVB-T tuner lets you receive Digital Terrestrial TV to watch or record. This means you do not need an additional set-top box or additional cables.HD ReadyEnjoy the exceptional picture quality of High Definition pictures and be fully prepared for HD sources like HDTV set-top boxes and Blu-ray discs. HD Ready is a protected label that offers picture quality beyond that of progressive scan. It conforms to strict standards laid out by EICTA to offer an HD screen that displays the benefits of the resolution and picture quality of a High Definition signal. It has a universal connection for both analogue YPbPr and uncompressed Digital connection of DVI or HDMI, supporting HDCP. It can display 720p, and 1080i signals at50 and 60 Hz.Pixel Plus HDPixel Plus HD is a picture processingtechnology that enables viewers to watchcontent that is vivid, natural and real. Theresult is superbly razor sharp pictures withincredible details and depth from any HDsource.3D CombfilterThe 3D combfilter separates brightness andcolour signals better in 3D domain to eliminatecross-colour, cross-luminance and dot-crawldistortion - all of which detract from yourviewing pleasure. The 3D digital combfilterperforms field-by-field comparisons of thetelevision image to accurately separate thecolour from the black-and-white informationand remove both horizontally and verticallyhanging dots, as well as dot crawl. The result isa razor sharp image.Incredible Surround™Incredible Surround is an audio technologyfrom Philips that dramatically magnifies thesound field to immerse you in the audio. Usingstate-of-the-art electronic phase shifting,Incredible Surround mixes sounds from leftand right in such a way that it expands thevirtual distance between the two speakers.This wider spread greatly enhances the stereoeffect and creates a more natural sounddimension. Incredible Surround allows you toexperience total surround with greater depthand width of sound, without the use ofadditional speakers.Compact and slim designThis design style emphasises a slim, compactlook that saves space and fits in anywhere.2 HDMI inputsHDMI makes an uncompressed digital RGBconnection from the source to the screen. Byeliminating conversion to an analogue signal, itdelivers an unblemished image. The non-degraded signal reduces flicker and leads to aclearer picture. HDMI intelligentlycommunicates the highest output resolutionwith the source device. The HDMI input is fullybackwards-compatible with DVI sources butincludes digital audio. HDMI uses HDCP copyprotection. With 2 HDMI inputs you canconnect multiple HD sources, for instance anHD set-top box and a Blu-ray player. Your TVis fully prepared for the HD future.Issue date 2011-08-04Version: 4.1.912 NC: 8670 000 26846EAN: 87 12581 31473 6© 2011 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsPicture/Display•Aspect ratio: Widescreen, 16:9•Brightness: 500 cd/m²•Dynamic screen contrast: 4000:1•Response time (typical): 8 ms•Viewing Angle (H / V): 160 / 150 degree •Diagonal screen size: 26 inch / 66 cm•Display screen type: LCD WXGA Active Matrix TFT•Panel resolution: 1366 x 768p•Picture enhancement: Pixel Plus HD, Luminance Transient Improver, Colour TransientImprovement, Dynamic contrast enhancement, Contrast Plus, 3/2 - 2/2 motion pull down, 3D Combfilter, Active Control, Digital NoiseReduction, Jagged Line Suppression, Progressive Scan•Screen enhancement: Anti-Reflection coated screenSupported Display Resolution•Computer formatsResolutionRefresh rate 640 x 480 60, 72, 75, 85 Hz 800 x 600 60, 72, 75, 85 Hz 1024 x 768 60, 70, 75, 85 Hz •Video formats Resolution Refresh rate 480i 60 Hz 480p 60 Hz 576i 50 Hz 576p 50 Hz 720p 50, 60 Hz 1080i 50, 60 Hz 1080p 50, 60 HzSound•Equalizer: 7-bands•Output power (RMS): 2 x 10 W•Sound Enhancement: Auto Volume Leveller, Incredible Surround, Dynamic Bass Enhancement •Sound System: Nicam Stereo, StereoLoudspeakers •Built-in speakers: 2Convenience•Child Protection: Child Lock+Parental Control •Clock: Sleep Timer, Wake-up Clock•Ease of Installation: Auto Programme Naming, Automatic Channel Install (ACI), AutomaticTuning System (ATS), Autostore, Fine Tuning, Plug & Play, Programme Name, Sorting•Ease of Use: Auto Volume Leveller (AVL), Easy toggle Dig/Analogue modes, Programme List, Side Control, Smart Picture, Smart Sound•Electronic Programme Guide: 8-day Electronic Programme Guide •Remote Control: TV•Remote control type: RC2034301/01•Screen Format Adjustments: 4:3, Movie expand 14:9, Movie expand 16:9, Subtitle Zoom, Super Zoom, Widescreen•Picture in Picture: Text dual screen •Teletext: 1000-page Hypertext•Teletext enhancements: 4 favourite pages, Programme information LineTuner/Reception/Transmission•Aerial Input: 75 ohm coaxial (IEC75)•TV system: PAL I, PAL B/G, PAL D/K, SECAM B/G, SECAM D/K, SECAM L/L', DVB COFDM 2K/8K •Video Playback: NTSC, SECAM, PAL •DVB: DVB Terrestrial*•Tuner bands: Hyperband, S-Channel, UHF, VHF •Number of Pre-set Channels: 100•Tuner Display:PLLConnectivity•Ext 1 Scart: Audio L/R, CVBS in/out, RGB•Ext 2 Scart: Audio L/R, CVBS in/out, S-video in •Number of Scarts:2•Ext 3: S-video in, CVBS in, Audio L/R in •Ext 4: YPbPr, Audio L/R in •Ext 5: HDMI •Ext 6: HDMI•Other connections: Headphone out, CommonInterfacePower•Ambient temperature: 5°C to 40°C •Mains power: 220 - 240 V, 50/60 Hz •Power consumption: 120 W•Standby power consumption: < 1 WAccessories•Included Accessories: Tabletop stand, Power cord, Quick start guide, User Manual, Registration card, Warranty certificate, Remote Control, Batteries for remote control•Optional accessories: Floor standDimensions•Colour cabinet: Black cabinet with High Gloss Black deco•Set dimensions (W x H x D): 682 x 472 x 114 mm •Set dimensions with stand (W x H x D): 682 x 537 x 200 mm •Product weight: 12 kg•Product weight (+stand): 15 kg •Box dimensions (W x H x D): 836 x 212 x 592 mm•Weight incl. Packaging: 18 kg•VESA wall mount compatible: 200 x 100 mm。


BIO-PROFIL ,Vilber Lourmat,France
1. CCD摄像头:单色带积分时间,超级像素分辨率 752(高)×582(宽),超高灵敏度:10-5 Lux,配 12.5×75/1.8变焦镜头及专用UV/IR干涉滤光片。
2.超级多功能暗箱: 具有自动滑道,方便紫外与白光转换, 开门有自动保护开关,防止紫外光对人损伤。
3.紫外/白光灯箱: 具有20*20cm*2特大滤光片,紫外光 可进行EB染色、核酸分析,白光可进行银染、考马斯 靓蓝等蛋白分析,特有冷却系统,超长寿命滤光片。
• 图像具有多种输出/输入规格如TIFF、BitMap、 JE/PICT/PCX/GIF/……
*减少背景干扰 *插入、删除峰值 *亮度、面积、峰面积斑点面积的计算 *根据多种参考方式进行斑点定量 *以图表、曲线显示结果 *光密度或面积比率 *叠加剖面比较 *自动分析印迹交圆点及狭长斑点
*计算分子量、碱基数的RF值 *通过自动条带识别进行同一凝胶计算 *修正条带和前部扭曲(smiling) *分子量和碱基数的标准样本编辑 *自动、人工分配标准样本 *根据多个标准图谱重新计算条带位置/分子量的RF值 *计算位于同一凝胶上的泳道间的相似率 *匹配criterium(confidecnce interval):用户可自 定义百分比 *格式:tiff, bmp, vil, tga, pcx, pgq, jpeg, gif *正、负片图像 *可插入文字、符号说明
1 打开暗箱门,放胶于相应的透照台(紫外——观测核 酸胶;白光——观测蛋白胶)。



NES 手术显微镜录像系统工作站上海同济大学高科技企业上海新眼光医疗器械股份有限公司NES手术显微镜录像系统工作站产品简介随着计算机影像信息化技术的飞速发展。



为满足医生和医院管理工作者对HD高清成像的需求,本单位应用计算机新技术联合日本Ikegami 、SONY医疗专用CCD成像专家,对高档手术显微镜高清录像系统进行软硬件的组合配套,可与ZEISS TOPCON MOLLER 六六视觉等各种手术显微镜配接,实现了录像系统通过软件进行存储、刻录和美国TTI高清光学接口一套解决方案,一、产品特点与人性化1.安全性系统对断电等突发事件自动保护设计,确保数据安全可靠。






7、网络版可方便与医院内部联网,网络影像数据库成为大型医院的最佳选择方案;下图选购配置高清数码单反相机2000万像素成像高清800万像素动态录像及1200万静态成像配置单及相关技术说明名称规格说明分光器美国TTI 2/8分光光学接口美国TTI-8660Z 可调焦,变倍,XY轴调节定位数字成像系统3CCD日本IkegamiMKC-230HD高清3CCD见附件一手术显微镜录像系统HD iStation V1.01.HD iStation V1.0是一款功能强大的专业医用视频编辑软件,具有强大视频图像采集和编修功能。

光照度测量仪 LumiTop 2700 4000 产品说明书

光照度测量仪 LumiTop 2700 4000 产品说明书

LumiTop 2700/4000 Spectrally enhanced imaging colorimeter\\ L ab specs meet production speedThe LumiTop 2700/4000 combines the accuracy of Instrument Systems’ well-known spectroradiometers of the CAS series with the obvious advantages of imaging colorimetry. Principle: Fast and accurate With the help of a polarization insensitive, three-way beam splitter, the LumiTop 2700/4000 mergesan RGB CCD/CMOS camera anda flicker diode with the high-end spectroradiometer of the CAS series. This innovative design allows for simultaneous measurements of all components, which may result in significant time-savings.At the same time, the extremely accurate spectral information of the spectroradiometer measurement is used as reference for the camera measurement. This guarantees spectroradiometric accuracy across the whole 2D image.As a result, the LumiTop 2700/4000 not only performs fast 2D measurements with unprecedented accuracy but also offers all the advantages of classical imaging colorimetry. Perfect for productionBecause of this combination, theLumiTop 2700/4000 is perfectfor use in display productionlines or quality control, where thebenefits and capabilities of both,the accurate spot measurement ofspectroradiometers and the lateralresolution of camera measurementsare highly valued.All-in-one solutionMany different test applications cannow be organized in a single teststation:y M easurement of luminance andcolory E valuation of color and luminanceuniformity or Mura effectsy P ixel metrology including pixeldefect analysisy C ontrast measurementy A nalysis of white balance or colorgamuty F licker and luminance modulationmeasurementy A nalysis of the acquired spectraEasy to integrate intoproduction linesThe LumiTop 2700/4000 isintegrated in Instrument Systems’comprehensive new software“LumiSuite”, which comes witha user-friendly GUI for laboratoryapplications and a powerfulsoftware development kit for easyimplementation into any productionline. The spectra measured asreference for the camera can beanalyzed in more detail usingInstrument Systems’ well-knownsoftware SpecWin Pro.Independent of displaytechnologyDue to the high absolute accuracyof the CAS spectroradiometer thatis used as reference during eachmeasurement, the performanceof the solution is excellent for anydisplay technology (or any otherhomogeneous samples). Moreoverno golden sample or user calibrationsare needed. This makes the solutionparticularly favorable when OLEDs orother narrow-banded light sourceshave to be investigated where classicalimaging colorimeters based on XYZfilter technologies reach their limits.ModularityThe LumiTop 2700/4000 is designedas a modular accessory to any of thespectroradiometers of the CAS series.Thus the same spectroradiometerscan also be used with the telescopicoptics TOP 150 or TOP 200.\\Technical specifications1)Inclusive lens and fiber exit.2)Without CAS, with mode mixer.3)E xternal neutral density filters on the lens (OD 0.3/0.6/0.9) are available for increasingthe upper measurement limit or measuring modulated light sources.4)L ower measurement limit based on a signal to noise ratio of 10:1 for maximumexposure time (60 seconds LumiTop 2700 / 10 seconds LumiTop 4000). Uppermeasurement limit based on a signal level < 80 % for a white (non-modulated) LED light source using for minimum exposure time (1 ms LumiTop 2700 / 27 µs LumiTop 4000).5)T ypical value for maximum deviation over the FOV relative to the CAS spot;calculated for an image with 16 pixels (LumiTop 2700) / 21 pixels (LumiTop 4000) cropped at each edge and 10 by 10 pixels (LumiTop 2700) / 13 by 13 pixels(LumiTop 4000) binning (34 averages) immediately after calibration with reference used for flat-field correction.6)2σ of repeated measurements of one instrument (L ≈ 100 cd/m2, autoexposure).7)R NU (response non-uniformity) is defined as 99.7 % percentile of the deviationof the mean image value; calculated for an image with 16 pixels (LumiTop 2700) /21 pixels (LumiTop 4000) cropped at each edge and 10 by 10 pixels (LumiTop 2700) /13 by 13 pixels (LumiTop 4000) binning (34 averages) immediately after calibrationwith reference used for flat-field correction.8)T ime between beginning of two subsequent measurements using the SDK;determined with a camera exposure time of 20 ms and CAS exposure time of200 ms for a white LED (L ≈ 500 cd/m2). Depends mainly on PC processing capability.9)L ower measurement limit based on a signal to noise ratio of 10:1 for maximumexposure times 65 s for CAS 140D and CAS 140CT, 20 s for CAS 120. Uppermeasurement limit based on a signal level < 80 % for a white (non-modulated) LED light source using a CAS internal optical density filter OD4 and minimum exposure time (10 ms CAS 140CT / 4 ms CAS 140D and CAS 120). Values valid for CAS 140CT, CAS 120 with 100 μm and CAS 140D with 250 μm slit width.10)I mmediately after calibration relative to calibration standard.11)I mmediately after calibration.12)M aximum deviation from average of repeated CAS measurements with a linearpolarized light source and varying polarization angle.13)L ≈ 150 cd/m2, 30 Hz, 10 % sine wave.14) 2σ of repeated measurements of one instrument.15)Distance between DUT and front plate of LumiTop.We bring quality to light.Instrument Systems GmbH Kastenbauerstr. 281677 Munich, Germany ph: +49 (0)89 45 49 43-58 fax: +49 (0)89 45 49 43-11 **************************b _L u m i T o p _e n _V 1.7Instrument Systems is continually working on the further development of its products. Technical changes, errors and misprints do not justify claims for damages. For all other purposes, our Terms and Conditions of Business shall be applicable.。


• 支持 Avid Unity • 支持 Avid Interplay • 基于网络的媒体管理 • 可导入 EDL、 OMF、 AAF 和 AFE • 可输出 OMF 和 EDL

• FluidMotion 时间效果 • 2D & 3D DVE • 3D HLS 键控 • 动作跟踪和稳像 • Imagineer Systems mocha 软件双向整合 • 高级音频编辑和混音
• RED 数码电影摄像机和 ARRI 高分辨率文件格式支持 • 以 Sony ® SRW-5800 进行两倍速捕捉 • 2K/4K RGB 遵从和 DPX 的 FX-在线 • 实时高清下转 • 带 1D & 3D LUT的色彩管理系统包括 Thomson、 Kodak 和 Iridias LUT 格式
• SDI、 HD-SDI、 双链路 HD-SDI 4:4:4 • HD 分量 YPbPr 和 RGB 输出 • 8 声道 AES/EBU 数码音频 I/O • 2 声道 RCA 音频 I/O • 实时编解码支持: • SD: XDCAM、 DV 和 DVCPRO • HD: P2 DVCPRO HD 和 AVC-I、 Avid DNxHD®
“ 不 论 是 套 片、色 彩 校 正 ,还 是 视 觉 效 果 ,我 需 要 的 A v i d D S 应有 尽 有。就 算 是 复 杂 的 项目 也 能 在 最 后一 分 钟 轻 松 完 成 修 改 。 市面上 最 强 大 的成 品 润 色 系 统 让 我 的 客 户 们 获 益 匪 浅 。 这 就 是 过去1 0 年 我 都 使 用 A v i d D S 套 件 的 原因, 它 是 我 的 英 雄 。”



Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. KG Post-box 1111 D-73277 Owen-Teck Tel. +49 7021 5730www.leuze.deW e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o m a k e c h a n g e s • 96_b 12e .f mz Retro-reflective photoelectric sensor for detection of transparent mediaz Robust metal housing with glass cover, pro-tection class IP 67/IP 69K for industrial applicationz Sensitivity adjustmentz The autocollimation principle used ensures that the device functions reliably over the entire range (0…max.)z High switching frequency for detection of fast eventsz Connection via M12 connector or terminal compartment0…8.5m10 - 30 V DCAccessories:(available separately)z Mounting systems(BT 96, UMS 96, BT 450.1-96)z M12 connectors (KD …)z Ready-made cables (K-D…)z Reflectorsz Reflective tapeszAlignment aid ARH 96Dimensioned drawingA Indicator diode greenB Indicator diode yellowC Optical axisD Device plug M12x1E Screwed cable gland M16x1.5 for Ø5…10mmF Countersinking for SK nut M5, 4.2 deepG Connection terminalsH Cable entryISensitivity adjustmentElectrical connectionPRK 96Retro-reflective photoelectric sensors with polarisation filterPRK 96 M/P-2838-28 (K Types) - 05 PRK 96 M/P-2838-48 (K Types) - 05PRK 96 M/P-2838-28 (K Types) - 050603PRK 96 M/P-2838-48 (K Types) - 05SpecificationsOptical dataTyp. operating range limit (TK(S) 100x100) 1)1)Typ. operating range limit: max. attainable range without performance reserve 0…8.5m Operating range 2)2)Operating range: recommended range with performance reservesee tablesLight source LED (modulated light)Wavelength660nm (visible red light/polarised)TimingSwitching frequency 1000Hz Response time0.5ms Delay before start-up≤200msElectrical dataOperating voltage U B 10…30VDC (incl. residual ripple) Residual ripple ≤15% of U B Bias current≤30mASwitching output2PNP transistor outputs, complementary Function characteristics light/dark switching Signal voltage high/low ≥(U B -2V)/≤2V Output current max.100mASensitivityadjustable with potentiometerIndicatorsLED yellowlight path freeLED yellow flashing light path free, no performance reserve Mechanical data Metal housingHousing diecast zinc Optics cover glass Weight380gConnection typeterminals or M12 connector Environmental dataAmbient temp. (operation/storage)-20°C …+55°C/-40°C …+55°C Protective circuit 3)3)1=transient protection, 2=polarity reversal protection, 3=short circuit protection for all outputs, 4=interference blanking 1,2,3,4VDE safety class 4)4)Rating voltage 250VACII, all-insulated Protection class IP 67, IP 69K 5)5)IP 69K test acc. to DIN 40050 part 9 simulated, high pressure cleaning conditions without the use of additives,acids and bases are not part of the testLED class1 (acc. to EN 60825-1)Standards appliedIEC 60947-5-2Order guideDesignationPart No.With terminalsPRK 96M/P-2838-28500 82060With M12 connectorPRK 96M/P-2838-48(optional)TablesTK …= adhesive TKS …= screw type T ape 2= adhesiveReflectorsOperating range 1TK(S)100x1000…7m 2MTK(S)50x500…6m 3TK(S)30x500…4m 4TK(S)20x400…3.5m 5TK(S)820…5m 6Tape 2100x1000…3m10.178.520.167.530.14540.1 3.5450.15660.133.5Operating range [m]Typ. operating range limit [m]Diagrams-100-80-60-40-20020406080100024681012y1y2Distance x [m]M i s a l i g n m e n t y [m m ]Typ. response behaviour (TKS 100x100)RemarksPRK 96。


具 可 以 使 立 体 影 像 字 幕 在 制 作 过 程 中 即 可 看 到 并 根 据 空 间 位置摆设 。
行修饰和调整 ;之后利用 Q a t a l根据初编进行立体母 une P bo l
版 套 片 编辑 , 进 行 立 体母 版 精 细 实 时 编 辑 : 利 用 Q a t 并 再 u ne l
均 编 制 码 率 为 86 bt , .1k is / 在 3种 网 络 制 式 下 呈 现 的 图 像 质 量 和 音 质 效 果

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良好 。但 由于其 传输 通 道
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T1 e e Vc nt r 码 率 为 8 bt ,音 频 平 5k is /
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整 个 测 试 过 程 是 在 GP , P S,G RS EG R 3 3种 网 络 制 式
了矛 盾 . 决 这 个 矛 盾 要 从 解
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合 协 议 传 输 的全 过 程 , 在 移 动 终 端 实 现 了 电视 直 播 功 并 能 。 目前 , 据 该 原 理 建 设 的模 拟 视 音 频 信 号 的 接 入 直 根

BenQ HT8050 4K UHD 投影机产品说明书

BenQ HT8050 4K UHD 投影机产品说明书



1 发展蔬菜生产现代化的优势1.1 气候资源优势会泽县位于云南省东北部,境内最高海拔为4017.3 m,最低690 m,年平均气温12.6℃,年平均降雨量817.7 mm,年平均无霜期210d,年太阳辐照总量5500-6000 MJ/m2,立体气候明显,生物资源丰富独特,海拔落差大,适于多种蔬菜作物种植和生长,境内工矿企业少,基本没有工业污染,具有发展无公害、绿色蔬菜得天独厚的自然优势。

1.2 区位优势在云南省“十二五”规划提出的“1166”(一区、一带、六群、六廊)发展空间布局中,会泽处于昭通一昆明一长江三角对内开放经济走廊的重要位置,位于滇中经济圈和滇东北经济圈的叠加区位,同时,交通区位优势明显,是云南进入川、渝、陕、甘、宁的重要陆上通道,是进入长江黄金水道的重要码头,在昆明、贵阳、成都、重庆等区域中心城市的生产聚集辐射过程中起着不可替代的传承作用。

optilia HD高清光学检测系统

optilia HD高清光学检测系统

Optilia W30x-HD全高清1080p 照相显微镜W30x-HD拥有功能强大的30倍光学变焦和超高的放大倍率。


它也将自动把Optilia 带入新的应用领域。

并且,Optilia 杰出的全高清图片质量以及其精准自动对焦,对于那些熟悉当前产品的操作者而言也是极其吸引人的通。

过采用改进过的快速自动对焦技术Optilia 享有盛誉的光学元件,故与其他的是视频系统相比,它用于检测物件的时间将会大大减少。


通过全高清的视频输出组件,相机可以轻松连接到与Full-HD或者HD-ready 显示器或者是相应大小的电视机。


通过Optilia 的PIC高速图像采集卡和Optilia软件,可将系统连接至计算机,进行记录,测量和获取数字图像。

W30x-HD 采用优质元件和防静电的保护外壳制造而成。


购买该产品 OP-209 003-E,包含以下组件:Full HD Camera, 1080P with 30x zoom, laser pointer, 245mm WDCamera Control Unit with JoystickPower Supply 5/12V, 30W with MiniDin connectorUser’s manualBoom standOptilia W30x-HD FreeSight 照相显微镜Freesight 版本拥有500mm 的超长工作距离,配有一个特殊设计的工作台和支架,您既可以在超高放大倍率下观测,也可以同时拥有一个整洁的工作空间。

与其他视频系统相比,Optilia 配置了急速变焦系和优质的光学配件,大大缩短了您的检测时间。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Optilia W30x-HD全高清1080p 照相显微镜


它也将自动把Optilia 带入新的应用领域。

并且,Optilia 杰出的全高清图片质量以及其精准自动对焦,对于那些熟悉当前产品的操作者而言也是极其吸引人的通。

过采用改进过的快速自动对焦技术Optilia 享有盛誉的光学元件,故与其他的是视频系统相比,它用于检测物件的时间将会大大减少。


通过全高清的视频输出组件,相机可以轻松连接到与Full-HD或者HD-ready 显示器或者是相应大小的电视机。


通过Optilia 的PIC高速图像采集卡和Optilia软件,可将系统连接至计算机,进行记录,测量和获取数字图像。

W30x-HD 采用优质元件和防静电的保护外壳制造而成。


购买该产品 OP-209 003-E,包含以下组件:
Full HD Camera, 1080P with 30x zoom, laser pointer, 245mm WD
Camera Control Unit with Joystick
Power Supply 5/12V, 30W with MiniDin connector
User’s manual
Boom stand
Optilia W30x-HD FreeSight 照相显微镜
Freesight 版本拥有500mm 的超长工作距离,配有一个特殊设计的工作台和支架,您既可以在超高放大倍率下观测,也可以同时拥有一个整洁的工作空间。

与其他视频系统相比,Optilia 配置了急速变焦系和优质的光学配件,大大缩短了您的检测时间。


通过全高清的视频输出组件,相机可以轻松连接到与Full-HD或者HD-ready 显示器或者是相应大小的电视机。


通过Optilia 的PIC高速图像采集卡和Optilia软件,可将系统连接至计算机,进行记录,测量和获取数字图像。

W30x-HD FreeSight 采用优质元件和防静电的保护外壳制造而成。



当您购买该产品 OP-209 016,包含以下组件:
Full HD Camera, 1080P with 30x zoom, laser pointer, 500mm WD
Remote camera control PC software package for HD cameras
Bench-top Single-rod Boom Stand (Table Clamp mount OP-006 662 on request)
Heigh Extender for Single Rod Boom Stand
Power Supply 5/12V, 30W with MiniDin connectorr
user’s manual
Optilia W10x-HD高清视频照相显微镜
通过采用改进过的快速自动对焦技术和Optilia 享有盛誉的光学元件,故与其他的是视频系统相比,它用于检测物件的时间将会大大减少。


通过全高清的视频输出组件,相机可以轻松连接到与Full-HD或者HD-ready 显示器或者是相应大小的电视机。


通过Optilia 的PIC高速图像采集卡和Optilia软件,可将系统连接至计算机,进行记录,测量和获取数字图像。

W30x-HD 采用优质元件和防静电的保护外壳制造而成。


购买该产品OP-009 002,包括以下组件:
Wide angle 10x zoom Full HD inspection camera with laser pointer
Remote camera control PC software package for HD cameras
Power Supply 5/12V, 30W with MiniDin connector
User’s manual
Boom stand
Optilia M20x FreeSight 照相显微镜
M20x-HD, FreeSight,是Optilia开发的高效率,低成本,符合人体工程学设计方案的系列产品之一。


为了实现这一点,M20x-HD 相机配置使用了功能强大的20倍光学变焦,精准自动对焦以及720P高灵敏度的高清传感器, Freesight 版本拥有500mm 的超长工作距离,和一个为之特殊设计的配套工作台和支架,让您可以享受在超高放大倍率下观测的同时拥有一个整洁的工作空间。



购买该产品 OP-109 012,包含以下组件:
M20x-HD-camera 720P with 20x zoom, 500mm WD and integrated Control unit Single-rod boom stand with height extender
Power Supply 5/12V, 30W with MiniDin connector
User’s Manual
Optilia M20x EasyView 照相显微镜
M20x-HD, EasyView,,是Optilia开发的高效率,低成本,符合人体工程学设计方案的系列产品之一。


为了实现这一点,M20x-HD 相机配置使用了功能强大的20倍光学变焦,精准自动对焦以及720P高灵敏度的高清传感器, 且该Easy View 版本工作距离可达240mm, 适合于大部分的台式工作任务。





购买该产品 OP-109 011包含以下组件:
M20x-HD-camera 720P with 20x zoom, 240mm WD and integrated Control unit Single-rod boom stand
Power Supply 5/12V, 30W with MiniDin connector
User’s Manual。
