
2018年托业考试(TOEIC)阅读试题及答案1.The factory must be torn down because it is not allowed in _______ area.A) residential B) remote C) risky D) ridiculous这工厂必须拆除,因为在住宅区禁设工厂。
答案: residential2.The cowboy looked ________ in that strange-looking hat.A) residential B) remote C) risky D) ridiculous那位牛仟戴着怪模怪样的帽子,看起来很可笑。
答案: ridiculous3. It's too ______ to do the bungee jumping from the cliff.A) residential B) remote C) risky D) ridiculous从悬崖上做高空弹跳太冒险了。
答案: risky4.Don't believe him. What he said just now was _______.A) sacred B) rubbish C) secret D) satisfied不要相信他。
答案: rubbish5. Both the Bible and the Koran are regarded as ________ books.A) sacred B) rubbish C) secret D) satisfied「圣经」与「可兰经」都被视为圣书。
答案: sacred6. The teacher was not ________ with my history report. She asked me to rewrite it.A) sacred B) rubbish C) secret D) satisfied老师对我的历史报告并不满意。

2018 年 Toeic托业考试真题及答案--手打请支持(非听力部分)Part VDirection : In this part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases,marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose theone that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number ofthe question and mark on your answer sheet.101.For several years now, we have seen a marked in attendance and exhibitions atthe PCB design conferences.(A) increase (B) increased (C) increasing (D) TO increase102.Make sure that transportation to and from the river is arranged to your .(A) satisfactory (B) satisfaction (C) satisfy (D) to satisfy103. The imposing that will soon be Rand C orporation‘ s R&D center was renovated bythe highly admired designer Haewook Lee. (A) structural (B) structure (C) structurally(D) in structural104. Employees may receive 50% tuition reimbursement for job-related courses takenwith a supervisor‘ s .(A) approves (B) approval (C) approve (D) to approve105.Mr. Hui, a freelance writer here at ESS Newspapers, has impeccable for theposition of senior editor.(A) qualified (B) qualifications (C) qualify (D) be qualified106.Because of an illness is much cheaper than treatment, the local health clinic will beoffering free flu vaccinations this weekend.(A) prevention (B) prevent (C) to prevent B) prevented107.Legal experts have presented that the DNA samples and fingerprints match.(A) evident (B) evidence (C) evidently (D) to evident108. Mach Corp. has a system that allows clients to manage to employees‘ files.(A) access (B) accessible (C) to accessible (D) accessibly109.The average listener will not be able to notice any between audio CD and MP3 files.(A) differences (B) different (C) differently (D) of different110.Without your , we cannot guarantee your room after 6 p.m.A) confirm B) confirming C) confirmation D) confirmative111.of countries belonging to GATT approved the agreement yesterday in Geneva.A) Represents B) Representations C) Representatives D) Representing112.Officials of the Sydney head of office will hold a conference to talk about goals forthe next ten years.A) them B) their C) theirs D) they113. As a customer service representative, Mrs. Lee tried to solve complaints fromcustomers before asking for ______ supervisor‘ s advice.(A) she B) her C) hers D) herself114 Mr. Alfred and I extend thanks to those that have helped this project in the past.(A) us (B) ours (C) our (D) ourselves115.Pioneer Corp. is considering--------- the release of the new equipmentscheduled for later this month.(A)postponing (B) postpone (C) to postpone (D) postponement116. The company‘ s business plan includes---------- revenue from magazine and event promotions designed to help recruiters find qualified applicants.(A) draw (B) drawing (C) to draw (D) drawer117.This guideline is intended to -------- information about our databases and toprovide a clear definition of how these database get updated and who hasresponsibilities(A) clarification (B) classified (C) cleared (D) clarify118. As of July 7, basic monthly telephone service will increase by$1.50 due to the new federal telecommunication tax, -------- state-to-state long-distance rates willdecrease an average of 10 percent.(A) otherwise (B) therefore (C) however (D) in addition to119. He makes$20 an hour, has more work than he can handle.(A) and (B) than (C) so (D) but120.Their products are known not only for their low price, __________ for their high quality.(A) but (B) but also (C) and also (D) as well as121.Our order of high-speed computers is scheduled to arrive __________ today or tomorrow.(A) or (B) on (C) both (D) either122._________ Jane and Mary like different things, they are great friends.(A) Since (B) Despite (C) For (D) Although123.This rural town has __________ small population that the mail carrierknows where everyone lives.(A) too (B) a so (C) very (D) such a124._______ the president is going to say in his speech tonight will affect all of us. (A) What (B) That (C) So (D) While125.It matters little who finds the truth ------ the truth is found.(A) because (B) so that (C) so long as (D) as126.The order must be delivered by Tuesday; ----- we will have to look foranother supplier.(A) unless(B) excepting (C) maybe (D) otherwise127.Unemployment is -------- low that companies may soon be unable to find workers without increasing wages.(A) such (B) very (C) so (D) despite128.The design EXPO had ----- high attendance last year that it will be moved to a larger location this year.(A) so (B) such (C) much (D) too129.------- the rain is expected, everything is ready for the grand opening ofthe gallery(A) Except that (B) According to (C) Since (D) Aside from130.The store will be set for business by the end of the month-------- the contractors are able to complete the remodeling by this weekend.(A) these (B) if (C) them (D) so131.Neither the sales------ the profit is expected to increase in the next quarter.(A) any (B) or (C) nor (D) but132.The _______ carefully you write, the fewer mistakes you will make.(A) much (B) most (C) more (D) many133.There are far more game shows on TV __________ there used to be.(A) than (B) as (C) that (D) or134.You will need _______ more money to buy such a gorgeous dress.(A) much (B) a lot of (C) very (D) a great many135 The clay must be packed into the mold as ------- as possible to prevent air pockets from forming.(A) tighter (B) tighten (C) tightly (D) tightness136 In the survey of 2.000 youths aged twelve to seventeenth, twice as many said they could talk more easily to their mothers than to their fathers.(A) easiest (B) more easily (C) easily (D)most easily137.$200.00 will be presented to the graduate who has attained the------gradepoint average in the entire department(A) high (B) higher (C) highest (D) highly138.Mr. Stone has the------ attendance record at the retraining programs held at the headquarters(A) poor (B) poorer (C) poorest (D) poorly139.The director think that the qualification of the new designer are as------ as the others on the team.(A) credibility (B) credible (C) credibly (D) more crediable140.Ben ‘ s Delivery is the _____ messenger service in town(A)faster (B)fastest (C) most fastest (D)more fast141.The position used to be obtained _____ in the past than it is now(A)harder (B)hard (C)the harder (D)the hardest142.That was one of the _____ business conferences the representative hadever attended.(A)bad (B)worst (C)worse (D)more bad143.The new employee will be likely to be _____ his predecessor.(A)popular (B)as popular as (C)as popular (D)popular than144.When my visitor --------, will you please call me?(A)will arrive (B) arrives (C) arrived (D) is arriving145. Denny-------- his first job with us five years ago.(A)will arrive (B) arrives (C) arrived (D) is arriving146. I ------ all members by tomorrow night.(A)contacted (B) contacts (C) has contacted (D) will have contacted147. Investors --------- fascinated by the stock market for a long time.(A)is being (B) has been (C) are being (D) have been148.Mr. Franklin ------- as the most likely successor to the position of CEO since he was elected vice president last October.(A) saw (B) was seen (C) has been seen (D) has seen149.The union leader were informed that the workers on the strike------.(A) fired (B) is fired (C) had fired (D) had been fired150.If you get your bank to generate a money order, it usually ______ conversion fees.(A) charge (B) charges (C) charging (D) is charging151.Since this morning, city workers traffic signs in the roads using special paintto avoid repainting every year.(A) were painting (B) had painted (C) have been painted (D) have painted152.International stock markets, including those in Britain, Germany, Hong Kong and Japanyesterday in response to the partial recovery of US markets.(A) rise (B) rises (C) rose (D) risen153. He us since Henry went to America.(A) visits (B) visited (C) will visit (D) has visitedst quarter the rate of inflation ___________ by 10 percent.(A) rose (B) raised (C) has risen (D) was risen155.We ________ to establish a friendly relationship with that country for two years.(A) try (B) are trying (C) have tried (D) will tried156.Inspection will be _____ Saturday at 7 A.M.(A) at(B) to(C) for(D) on157.We regret that the savings will be consumed ________ noon tomorrow.(A) with(B) by(C) in)(D) from158._______ terms of quality and service, our company surpasses the competition.(A) In(B) From(C) By(D) With159.The sales meeting will be held _______ Busan in May.(A) to(B) at(C) in(D) on160.The supplies cannot be ordered ________ next Monday.(A) within(B) until(C) at(D) to PartVI Direction : I this part of the test161.The officials responsible for (A)running this office (B)represented the United States in (C)the Supreme Court and provided legal (D)advices to the President.162.Ben survived the (A)first round of (B)layoffs (C)despite having been employed for (D)lesser than a year.163.(A)From the (B)past three years, Bob Smith (C)has been the (D)head of the international department.164.(A)Each of the managers (B)receive a(C)copy of the(D)company procedures.165.If you (A)would have studied the problem more (B)carefully, you would (C)have found the solution (D)more quickly.166.(A)Although a new computer, Model CX-2, (B)seemed like a goodinvestment (C)for their company, they decided not to buy (D)them.167.To protect herself (A)against robbery, Ellen had (B)a company (C)installed anew burglary (D)alarm.168.I wonder (A)how she manage (B)to get along(C)on(D)so cheap a salary.169.(A)With the advent of satellite transmission of photographs of the (B)earth atmosphere, forecasting the weather has become a (C)relative exact (D)science.170.There (A)were intense competition (B)between the (C)rival companies (D)toget the contract.171.There is (A)some disagreement between (B)my parents and I about which job I should (C)take.172.The index of (A)leading economic indicators, which (B)are intended to forecast economic activity about six months (C)into the future, dropped (D)5 percent last month.173.In his role as (A)facilitator of all operations, he invariably (B)coordinating the running (C)of the building‘ s (D)various systems.174. (A)In spite of the fact that he was late for the meeting, the boss (B)having(C)nothing but praise (D)for his last few months‘ performance.175.He studied economics when (A)their study was not common, and he(B)later (C)went on to distinguish himself (D)in the field.176.Neither Sam Atkins (A)nor Henry Miller, sales representatives for the company, presented (B)their summaries of sales (C)before the deadline (D)for doing so.177.Neither of the two candidates (A)who had (B)applied for admission (C)to the Industrial Engineering Department (D)were eligible for scholarships.178.One (A)out of (B)every eight balloons (C)in the world (D)are launchedin Albuquerque, New Mexico179.(A)There are a range of (B)effects pushing and pulling the climate (C)inopposite (D)directions; no one fully understands these interactions. ‘ s policies and‘ s180. (A)Whether or not Sam’ s understanding of social conflicts (B)are in any wayscientific (C)remains(D)a vexing question.181.(A)In October, the vice president (B)will have (C)been at this company (D)sinceten years.182.We (A)need purchase a new set of (B)equipment (C)to speed up the(D)developing and printing process.183.(A)The local bank, (B)along with other (C)financial institutions, (D)arelowering processing fees imposed in cashing a check.184.The amusement park (A)is expected to be very (B)successful (C)because of manyspecial facilities (D)such restaurants and movie theaters.185.If you (A)fill in an (B)applying for a mortgage loan and mail (C)it to us, we willnotify you of the result(D)as soon as possible.186.(A)By lowering (B)levels toxic waste disposal, the chemical industries (C)areresponding to people‘ s increasing (D)concerns with environment.187.(A)According to the (B)press release, the hotel is planning (C)on invest anadditional $ 8 million into (D)marketing and research.188.(A)This new insurance policy will (B)bring you benefits that (C)provides morecoverages (D)on property damage.189.For (A)more information, you can visit our website (B)and find the map(C)showing the potential car pool partner‘ s house and (D)work located.190. A memorandum (A)announcing (B)this year ‘s sales goals (C)are posted on (D)thebulletin board of the main office.191. Any employee(A)whose puts in (B)more than five extra hours ‘work (C)during the holidays will be paid (D)for overtime.192.(A)Every client should be reminded that (B)his credit history can be available(C)by lendingssuch (D) as commercial banks and other financing companies.193.Due to the (A)highest rental rates of houses, (B)more tenants have become(C)interested in home purchase (D)loan programs.194.The biologist (A)which (B)leads the ambitious Genom Project (C)was onceawarded the Nobel Science Prize (D)in 2001.195.Every frequent asked question will (A)be answered (B)automatic in accordance(C)with the (D)operating manual.196.The passengers will be (A)dealt politely (B)until we (C)arrange for another flight (D)to pick up them.197.The sales strategy meeting of the (A)marketing division is (B)held here (C)at the first Monday of (D)each month.198.The (A)franchisee will renew the (B)exclusive distributorship of theproducts (C)upon (D)expire of this con.199.(A)Despite declining revenues, his (B)efficient and enthusiasm (C)helped double the (D)profits at our department.200.The director (A)is casting actor Jill Cosby (B)as a protagonist (C)for the two upcoming blockbusters, both of (D)them will be very successful.D D A B A D C D C A151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160C B B B A BD D A B181.(D) since ---> for182.(A) purchase ---> to purchase183.(D) are ---> is184.(D) such ---> such as185.(B) applying ---> application186.(B) levels ---> levels of187.(C) on ---> to188.(C) provides ---> provide189.(D) located ---> location190.(C) are ---> is191.(A) whose ---> who192.(C) lendings ---> lenders193.(A) highest ---> high(er)194.(A) which ---> who195. (B) automatic ---> automatically196. (A) dealt --- > dealt with 197. (C) at ---> on198. (D) expire --- > expiration 199. (B) efficient ---> efficiency 200. (D) them --- > which。

一、听力部分第一节:听力理解1. Which department is the speaker calling?(A) Sales (B) Marketing (C) Human Resources答案:(A) Sales2. What time is the meeting scheduled to start?(A) 10:30 (B) 11:00 (C) 11:30答案:(B) 11:00第二节:短文理解3. What is the main topic of the talk?(A) Global economy (B) Environmental issues (C) Technological advancements答案:(B) Environmental issues4. According to the speaker, what should companies prioritize?(A) Profits (B) Sustainability (C) Social responsibility答案:(C) Social responsibility二、阅读部分第一篇:商务文章In today's competitive business environment, effective communication is key to success. Good communication skills can enhance productivity, build strong relationships, and improve overall performance. Here are some tips to improve your business communication skills:1. Active Listening: Pay attention to the speaker and respond appropriately.2. Clarity: Use clear and concise language to convey your message.3. Body Language: Be aware of your non-verbal cues and maintain good posture.4. Feedback: Seek feedback from your colleagues and make necessary adjustments.答案:略第二篇:新闻报道According to a recent survey, the majority of employees are dissatisfied with their work-life balance. Many cited long working hours and high levels of stress as the main reasons for their dissatisfaction. To address this issue, companies are now offering flexible working hours and remote work options. It is hoped that these measures will help improve employee well-being and job satisfaction.答案:略三、写作部分作文题目:Describe a memorable business trip you have been on.答案:略通过以上的托业模拟试题与答案,我们可以看到托业考试的基本题型和内容。

T o e i c托业考试真题及答案-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN2018年Toeic托业考试真题及答案--手打请支持(非听力部分)Part VDirection : In this part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark on your answer sheet.101. For several years now, we have seen a marked in attendance and exhibitions at the PCB design conferences.(A) increase (B) increased (C) increasing (D) TO increase102. Make sure that transportation to and from the river is arranged to your .(A) satisfactory (B) satisfaction (C) satisfy (D) to satisfy103. The imposing that will soon be Rand Corporation‘s R&D center was renovated by the highly ad mired designer Haewook Lee. (A) structural (B) structure (C) structurally (D) in structural104. Employees may receive 50% tuition reimbursement for job-related courses taken with a supervisor‘s .(A) approves (B) approval (C) approve (D) to approve105. Mr. Hui, a freelance writer here at ESS Newspapers, has impeccable for the position of senior editor. (A) qualified (B) qualifications (C) qualify (D) be qualified106. Because of an illness is much cheaper than treatment, the local health clinic will be offering free flu vaccinations this weekend.(A) prevention (B) prevent (C) to prevent B) prevented107. Legal experts have presented that the DNA samples and fingerprints match.(A) evident (B) evidence (C) evidently (D) to evident108. Mach Corp. has a sys tem that allows clients to manage to employees‘ files.(A) access (B) accessible (C) to accessible (D) accessibly109. The average listener will not be able to notice any between audio CD and MP3 files.(A) differences (B) different (C) differently (D) of different110. Without your , we cannot guarantee your room after 6 p.m.A) confirm B) confirming C) confirmation D) confirmative111. of countries belonging to GATT approved the agreement yesterday in Geneva.A) Represents B) Representations C) Representatives D) Representing112. Officials of the Sydney head of office will hold a conference to talk about goals for the next ten years. A) them B) their C) theirs D) they113. As a customer service representative, Mrs. Lee tried to solve complaints from customers before asking for ______ supervisor‘s advice.(A) she B) her C) hers D) herself114 Mr. Alfred and I extend thanks to those that have helped this project in the past.(A) us (B) ours (C) our (D) ourselves115. Pioneer Corp. is considering--------- the release of the new equipment scheduled for later this month. (A)postponing (B) postpone (C) to postpone (D) postponement116. The company‘s business plan includes ---------- revenue from magazine and event promotions designed to help recruiters find qualified applicants.(A) draw (B) drawing (C) to draw (D) drawer117. This guideline is intended to -------- information about our databases and to provide a clear definition of how these database get updated and who has responsibilities(A) clarification (B) classified (C) cleared (D) clarify118. As of July 7, basic monthly telephone service will increase by $1.50 due to the new federal telecommunication tax, -------- state-to-state long-distance rates will decrease an average of 10 percent. (A) otherwise (B) therefore (C) however (D) in addition to119. He makes $20 an hour, has more work than he can handle.(A) and (B) than (C) so (D) but120. Their products are known not only for their low price, __________ for their high quality.(A) but (B) but also (C) and also (D) as well as121. Our order of high-speed computers is scheduled to arrive __________ today or tomorrow.(A) or (B) on (C) both (D) either122. _________ Jane and Mary like different things, they are great friends.(A) Since (B) Despite (C) For (D) Although123. This rural town has __________ small population that the mail carrier knows where everyone lives.(A) too (B) a so (C) very (D) such a124._______ the president is going to say in his speech tonight will affect all of us.(A) What (B) That (C) So (D) While125. It matters little who finds the truth ------ the truth is found.(A) because (B) so that (C) so long as (D) as126. The order must be delivered by Tuesday; ----- we will have to look for another supplier.(A) unless(B) excepting (C) maybe (D) otherwise127. Unemployment is -------- low that companies may soon be unable to find workers without increasing wages.(A) such (B) very (C) so (D) despite128. The design EXPO had ----- high attendance last year that it will be moved to a larger location this year.(A) so (B) such (C) much (D) too129. ------- the rain is expected, everything is ready for the grand opening of the gallery(A) Except that (B) According to (C) Since (D) Aside from130. The store will be set for business by the end of the month-------- the contractors are able to complete the remodeling by this weekend.(A) these (B) if (C) them (D) so131. Neither the sales------ the profit is expected to increase in the next quarter.(A) any (B) or (C) nor (D) but132. The _______ carefully you write, the fewer mistakes you will make.(A) much (B) most (C) more (D) many133. There are far more game shows on TV __________ there used to be.(A) than (B) as (C) that (D) or134. You will need _______ more money to buy such a gorgeous dress.(A) much (B) a lot of (C) very (D) a great many135 The clay must be packed into the mold as ------- as possible to prevent air pockets from forming.(A) tighter (B) tighten (C) tightly (D) tightness136 In the survey of 2.000 youths aged twelve to seventeenth, twice as many said they could talk more easily to their mothers than to their fathers.(A) easiest (B) more easily (C) easily (D)most easily137. $200.00 will be presented to the graduate who has attained the------grade point average in the entire department(A) high (B) higher (C) highest (D) highly138. Mr. Stone has the------ attendance record at the retraining programs held at the headquarters(A) poor (B) poorer (C) poorest (D) poorly139. The director think that the qualification of the new designer are as------ as the others on the team. (A) credibility (B) credible (C) credibly (D) more crediable140. Ben‘s Delivery is the _____ messenger service in town(A)faster (B)fastest (C) most fastest (D)more fast141. The position used to be obtained _____ in the past than it is now(A)harder (B)hard (C)the harder (D)the hardest142. That was one of the _____ business conferences the representative had ever attended.(A)bad (B)worst (C)worse (D)more bad143. The new employee will be likely to be _____ his predecessor.(A)popular (B)as popular as (C)as popular (D)popular than144. When my visitor --------, will you please call me?(A) will arrive (B) arrives (C) arrived (D) is arriving145. Denny-------- his first job with us five years ago.(A) will arrive (B) arrives (C) arrived (D) is arriving146. I ------ all members by tomorrow night.(A) contacted (B) contacts (C) has contacted (D) will have contacted147. Investors --------- fascinated by the stock market for a long time.(A) is being (B) has been (C) are being (D) have been148. Mr. Franklin ------- as the most likely successor to the position of CEO since he was elected vice president last October.(A) saw (B) was seen (C) has been seen (D) has seen149. The union leader were informed that the workers on the strike------.(A) fired (B) is fired (C) had fired (D) had been fired150. If you get your bank to generate a money order, it usually ______ conversion fees.(A) charge (B) charges (C) charging (D) is charging151. Since this morning, city workers traffic signs in the roads using special paint to avoid repainting every year.(A) were painting (B) had painted (C) have been painted (D) have painted152. International stock markets, including those in Britain, Germany, Hong Kong and Japanyesterday in response to the partial recovery of US markets.(A) rise (B) rises (C) rose (D) risen153. He us since Henry went to America.(A) visits (B) visited (C) will visit (D) has visited154. Last quarter the rate of inflation ___________ by 10 percent.(A) rose (B) raised (C) has risen (D) was risen155. We ________ to establish a friendly relationship with that country for two years.(A) try (B) are trying (C) have tried (D) will tried156. Inspection will be _____ Saturday at 7 A.M.(A) at(B) to(C) for(D) on157. We regret that the savings will be consumed ________ noon tomorrow.(A) with(B) by(C) in)(D) from158. _______ terms of quality and service, our company surpasses the competition.(A) In(B) From(C) By(D) With159. The sales meeting will be held _______ Busan in May.(A) to(B) at(C) in(D) on160. The supplies cannot be ordered ________ next Monday.(A) within(B) until(C) at(D) to Part VIDirection : I this part of the test161. The officials responsible for (A)running this office (B)represented the United States in (C)the Supreme Court and provided legal (D)advices to the President.162. Ben survived the (A)first round of (B)layoffs (C)despite having been employed for (D)lesser than a year. 163. (A)From the (B)past three years, Bob Smith (C)has been the (D)head of the international department. 164. (A)Each of the managers (B)receive a(C)copy of the (D)company‘s policies and procedures.165. If you (A)would have studied the problem more (B)carefully, you would (C)have found the solution (D)more quickly.166. (A)Although a new computer, Model CX-2, (B)seemed like a good investment (C)for their company, they decided not to buy (D)them.167. To protect herself (A)against robbery, Ellen had (B)a company (C)installed a new burglary (D)alarm. 168. I wonder (A)how she manage (B)to get along(C)on(D)so cheap a salary.169. (A)With the advent of satellite transmission of photographs of the (B)earth‘s atmosphere, forecasting the weather has become a (C)relative exact (D)science.170. There (A)were intense competition (B)between the (C)rival companies (D)to get the contract.171. There is (A)some disagreement between (B)my parents and I about which job I should (C)take.172. The index of (A)leading economic indicators, which (B)are intended to forecast economic activity about six months (C)into the future, dropped (D)5 percent last month.173. In his role as (A)facilitator of all operations, he invariably (B)coordinating the running (C)of the building‘s (D)various systems.174. (A)In spite of the fact that he was late for the meeting, the boss (B)having (C)nothing but praise (D)for his last few months‘ performance.175. He studied economics when (A)their study was not common, and he (B)later (C)went on to distinguish himself (D)in the field.176. Neither Sam Atkins (A)nor Henry Miller, sales representatives for the company, presented (B)their summaries of sales (C)before the deadline (D)for doing so.177. Neither of the two candidates (A)who had (B)applied for admission (C)to the Industrial Engineering Department (D)were eligible for scholarships.178. One (A)out of (B)every eight balloons (C)in the world (D)are launched in Albuquerque, New Mexico 179. (A)There are a range of (B)effects pushing and pulling the climate (C)in opposite (D)directions; no one fully understands these interactions.180. (A)Whether or not Sam’s understanding of social conflicts (B)are in any way scientific (C)remains(D)a vexing question.181. (A)In October, the vice president (B)will have (C)been at this company (D)since ten years.182. We (A)need purchase a new set of (B)equipment (C)to speed up the (D)developing and printing process. 183. (A)The local bank, (B)along with other (C)financial institutions, (D)are lowering processing fees imposed in cashing a check.184. The amusement park (A)is expected to be very (B)successful (C)because of many special facilities (D)such restaurants and movie theaters.185. If you (A)fill in an (B)applying for a mortgage loan and mail (C)it to us, we will notify you of theresult(D)as soon as possible.186. (A)B y lowering (B)levels toxic waste disposal, the chemical industries (C)are responding to people‘s increasing (D)concerns with environment.187. (A)According to the (B)press release, the hotel is planning (C)on invest an additional $ 8 million into (D)marketing and research.188. (A)This new insurance policy will (B)bring you benefits that (C)provides more coverages (D)on property damage.189. For (A)more information, you can visit our website (B)and find the map (C)showing the potential car pool partner‘s ho use and (D)work located.190. A memorandum (A)announcing (B)this year‘s sales goals (C)are posted on (D)the bulletin board of the main office.191. Any employee (A)whose puts in (B)more than five extra hours‘ work (C)during the holidays will be paid (D)for overtime.192. (A)Every client should be reminded that (B)his credit history can be available (C)by lendingssuch (D) as commercial banks and other financing companies.193. Due to the (A)highest rental rates of houses, (B)more tenants have become (C)interested in home purchase (D)loan programs.194.The biologist (A)which (B)leads the ambitious Genom Project (C)was once awarded the Nobel Science Prize (D)in 2001.195. Every frequent asked question will (A)be answered (B)automatic in accordance (C)with the (D)operating manual.196. The passengers will be (A)dealt politely (B)until we (C)arrange for another flight (D)to pick up them. 197. The sales strategy meeting of the (A)marketing division is (B)held here (C)at the first Monday of (D)each month.198. The (A)franchisee will renew the (B)exclusive distributorship of the products (C)upon (D)expire of this con.199. (A)Despite declining revenues, his (B)efficient and enthusiasm (C)helped double the (D)profits at our department.200. The director (A)is casting actor Jill Cosby (B)as a protagonist (C)for the two upcoming blockbusters, both of (D)them will be very successful.D D A B A D C D C A151152153154155156157158159160C B B B A BD D A B181. (D) since ---> for182. (A) purchase ---> to purchase183. (D) are ---> is184. (D) such ---> such as185. (B) applying ---> application 186. (B) levels ---> levels of187. (C) on ---> to188. (C) provides ---> provide 189. (D) located ---> location 190. (C) are ---> is191. (A) whose ---> who192. (C) lendings ---> lenders 193. (A) highest ---> high(er)194. (A) which ---> who195. (B) automatic ---> automatically 196. (A) dealt ---> dealt with197. (C) at ---> on198. (D) expire ---> expiration 199. (B) efficient ---> efficiency 200. (D) them ---> which。

101. To get ready for ------- presentation, Mrs. Warren spent the afternoon memorizingher prepared speech.(A) she(B) her(C) hers(D) herself(B) against102. In the event ------- bad weather, the marathon will be postponed to the followingSaturday.(A) of(B) against(C) with(D) by103. Mr. Johnson requested his intern ------- the report on his desk by the end of the day.(A) type(B) was typing(C) will type(D) to type(B) of104. The conference center is unavailable every day between six ------- seveno’clock due tocleaningand maintenance.(A) and(B) of(C) if(D) yet105. ------- 80 percent of Fine Diamond's clients are wealthy jewelry collectors from the North American continent.(A) More(B) Higher(C) Over(D) Further106. Prior to any meetings with clients, thevice president ------- researches the competition to make sure his company is offering the best on the market.(A) nearly(B) well(C) always(D) far107. Ms. Dorsey ------- finished her twentieth year as the corporation's executive finance director.(A) success(B) successful(C) successfully(D) successes108. Those who work ------- 9 P.M. are given additional compensation for workinglate hours.(A) after(B) between(C) through(D) out109. Prime Real Estate, under the ------- of Mr.properties as any other agency in the area(D) directionlastyear.(A) direct(B) directed(C) directly(D) direction110. The accountants who are unfamiliar with the new program may ------- the workshop Friday afternoon.(A) attendance(B) attend(C) were attending(D) attendee111. Copies of the painting may not be reproduced (D) among------- the permissionof the owner.(A) without(B) into(C) until(D) among112. Telemarketers shouldadhere tothe company’s standard ------- when contacting potential clients.(A) development(B) category(C) procedure(D) qualification113. The Conflict Management Institute (C) valuingprepares its students to make -------contributions to corporate society.(A) value(B) valuable(C) valuing(D) valuably114. Furniture for the interior remodeling of the office will be ------- to the storage unit near the building.(A) delivered(B) produced(C) assembled(D) equipped(B) equally115. The two household floor cleaners tested in the study, PineSol and Freshness, are -------competent in removing unwanted stains. (A) equal(B) equally(C) equality(D) equaled116. The accounting manager ------- concerns that his accountants were under too much pressure to finish the report by the deadline.(A) proposed(B) commented(A) expect(C) regarded(D) expressed117. We at Deluxe Shipping guarantee that your packages will arrive on the ------- delivery date.(A) expect(B) expecting(C) expected(D) expectation118. The city's main library regularly hosts a -------of public events to encourage young people to readmore.(A) present(B) scheme(C) series(D) progression119. The brochures released this year include the ------- travel packages and photos of the renovated resort.(A) update(B) updates(C) updating(D) updated120. If you want to get a ------- on your purchase, you must present a copy of the original receipt along with the product.(A) refund(B) registration(C) purchase(D) limit121. Last month the marketing team ------- a new strategy that subsequently increased thecompany's revenue by thirty percent.(A) implementation(B) implements(C) implementing(D) implemented122. As production coordinator, Elizabeth was ------- for the supervision of the final stages of assembly andof overall product quality.(A) probable(B) responsible(C) trusting(D) powerful123. Glacier Inc. is anticipating that its new lineof climbing gear will improve its ------- in the outdoor sports gear market.(A) competitor(B) competitive(C) competitiveness(D) competitively124. ------- the last speech of the day ends, set-up crew are asked to remove all of the chairs in (D) Whichpreparation for the evening ballroom dance.(A) Who(B) When(C) Why(D) Which125. It would be easier to work on this project as a team if our manager permits ------- to do so.(A) we(B) our(C) ours(D) us126. The ------- investment should be small in order todetermine the fund's stability.(A) initial(B) cancelled(C) productive(D) impartial127. Before making your online purchase, read thecustomer agreement ------- in order to clearly understand our company's return policies.(A) careful(B) most careful(C) carefulness(D) carefully128. Once you arrive at the hotel, check-in and -------a copy of the seminar's agenda from the(D) inquirereception.(A) define(B) obtain(C) recall(D) inquire129. Interested customers can look at reviewsof ------- of our custom-made pianos on our Webpage.(A) some(B) so(C) such(D) ones130. The CEO announced that he will ------- reach (C) freelya decision about the potential merger by the end of the week.(A) definitely(B) extremely(C) freely(D) usually131. The rise in sales this quarter indicates that ------- is increasing amongst middle-class consumers.(A) spend(B) spenders(C) spent(D) spending(B) Because132. ------- getting into the from the business trip, immediately proceed to the branch office fora briefing on the week's itinerary.(A) After(B) Because(C) Now that(D) Even if133. Metropolitan Museum asks its patrons to -------refrain from making loud conversation in the exhibition rooms not to disturb other visitors.(A) kind(B) kindly(C) kindlier(A) unfolded(D) kinder134. TomEvans has beenpromotedtosenior supervisor for his ------- sales record over the past two years.(A) unfolded(B) reversing(C) inscribed(D) outstanding135. The remodeling project is ------- amazing when you realize that it took only a week to be completed.(A) too much(B) all the moreapproaching.(C) most of(D) many more136. The due date for the application to the Wall Street Finance Center internship is -------approaching.(A) rapidly(B) securely(C) carefully(D) anxiously137. Customer complaints about late shipments and damaged packages are becoming more-------.(A) frequent(B) frequented(C) frequently(D) frequency138. If you use the online banking system, the bank credits the ------- to your account after10 A.M. on the next business day.(A) deposit(B) economy(C) finance(D) placement139. Dr. Sanders andDr. Jacobs turnedintheir resignations to the general hospital and will open a private practice of -------.(A) them(B) theirs(C) themselves(D) their own140. FTP Services is relocating its head officesand will be ------- its customer service hotline until further notice.(A) unfolding(B) estimating(C) discontinuing(D) solvingQuestions 141-143 refer to the following e-mail. From: BradTaylorTo: ArlenePetronosSubject: Book reviewsDate: Thurs, Nov 22 2007Dear Ms. Petronos,Allow me to congratulate you again on becoming part of our online magazinewriting team. As youlearned in an earlier communication, you will be writing reviews of recently published non-fictionbooks.By Monday nextweek, youwill receive your ------- assignmentparcel, whichwillcontain copies of the141. (A) almost(B) late(C) first(D) lastpublications onyour assignment list. Instructions for submittingthe first draftof eachreview, inadditiontoinformationonthe formationof a peer critique groupfor your work, ------- on our Web site.142. (A) is locating(B) locate(C) located(D) are locatedEssentially, youwill be postingyour work onour non-fictionbook review board,which you can accessonly withanadministration-approveduser name andpassword. Since youneeda password to log in,your ------- password is: crimson. You can change this password for your convenience after you have(D) permanent143. (A) temporary(B) approximate(C) previous(D) permanentlogged on to the site.Welcome again, and we look forward to working with you! Questions 144-146 refer to the following letter.August 21, 2007LON CHANEY11509 Westmont StreetWest Los Angeles, CA90025, USA(B) appreciatedDear Mr. Chaney,I wouldliketothank youfor meetingwithmelastMonday. I certainly ------- the chance to talk about144. (A) appreciating(B) appreciated。

T o e i c托业考试真题及答案-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN2018年Toeic托业考试真题及答案--手打请支持(非听力部分)Part VDirection : In this part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark on your answer sheet.101. For several years now, we have seen a marked in attendance and exhibitions at the PCB design conferences.(A) increase (B) increased (C) increasing (D) TO increase102. Make sure that transportation to and from the river is arranged to your .(A) satisfactory (B) satisfaction (C) satisfy (D) to satisfy103. The imposing that will soon be Rand Corporation‘s R&D center was renovated by the highly ad mired designer Haewook Lee. (A) structural (B) structure (C) structurally (D) in structural104. Employees may receive 50% tuition reimbursement for job-related courses taken with a supervisor‘s .(A) approves (B) approval (C) approve (D) to approve105. Mr. Hui, a freelance writer here at ESS Newspapers, has impeccable for the position of senior editor. (A) qualified (B) qualifications (C) qualify (D) be qualified106. Because of an illness is much cheaper than treatment, the local health clinic will be offering free flu vaccinations this weekend.(A) prevention (B) prevent (C) to prevent B) prevented107. Legal experts have presented that the DNA samples and fingerprints match.(A) evident (B) evidence (C) evidently (D) to evident108. Mach Corp. has a sys tem that allows clients to manage to employees‘ files.(A) access (B) accessible (C) to accessible (D) accessibly109. The average listener will not be able to notice any between audio CD and MP3 files.(A) differences (B) different (C) differently (D) of different110. Without your , we cannot guarantee your room after 6 p.m.A) confirm B) confirming C) confirmation D) confirmative111. of countries belonging to GATT approved the agreement yesterday in Geneva.A) Represents B) Representations C) Representatives D) Representing112. Officials of the Sydney head of office will hold a conference to talk about goals for the next ten years. A) them B) their C) theirs D) they113. As a customer service representative, Mrs. Lee tried to solve complaints from customers before asking for ______ supervisor‘s advice.(A) she B) her C) hers D) herself114 Mr. Alfred and I extend thanks to those that have helped this project in the past.(A) us (B) ours (C) our (D) ourselves115. Pioneer Corp. is considering--------- the release of the new equipment scheduled for later this month. (A)postponing (B) postpone (C) to postpone (D) postponement116. The company‘s business plan includes ---------- revenue from magazine and event promotions designed to help recruiters find qualified applicants.(A) draw (B) drawing (C) to draw (D) drawer117. This guideline is intended to -------- information about our databases and to provide a clear definition of how these database get updated and who has responsibilities(A) clarification (B) classified (C) cleared (D) clarify118. As of July 7, basic monthly telephone service will increase by $1.50 due to the new federal telecommunication tax, -------- state-to-state long-distance rates will decrease an average of 10 percent. (A) otherwise (B) therefore (C) however (D) in addition to119. He makes $20 an hour, has more work than he can handle.(A) and (B) than (C) so (D) but120. Their products are known not only for their low price, __________ for their high quality.(A) but (B) but also (C) and also (D) as well as121. Our order of high-speed computers is scheduled to arrive __________ today or tomorrow.(A) or (B) on (C) both (D) either122. _________ Jane and Mary like different things, they are great friends.(A) Since (B) Despite (C) For (D) Although123. This rural town has __________ small population that the mail carrier knows where everyone lives.(A) too (B) a so (C) very (D) such a124._______ the president is going to say in his speech tonight will affect all of us.(A) What (B) That (C) So (D) While125. It matters little who finds the truth ------ the truth is found.(A) because (B) so that (C) so long as (D) as126. The order must be delivered by Tuesday; ----- we will have to look for another supplier.(A) unless(B) excepting (C) maybe (D) otherwise127. Unemployment is -------- low that companies may soon be unable to find workers without increasing wages.(A) such (B) very (C) so (D) despite128. The design EXPO had ----- high attendance last year that it will be moved to a larger location this year.(A) so (B) such (C) much (D) too129. ------- the rain is expected, everything is ready for the grand opening of the gallery(A) Except that (B) According to (C) Since (D) Aside from130. The store will be set for business by the end of the month-------- the contractors are able to complete the remodeling by this weekend.(A) these (B) if (C) them (D) so131. Neither the sales------ the profit is expected to increase in the next quarter.(A) any (B) or (C) nor (D) but132. The _______ carefully you write, the fewer mistakes you will make.(A) much (B) most (C) more (D) many133. There are far more game shows on TV __________ there used to be.(A) than (B) as (C) that (D) or134. You will need _______ more money to buy such a gorgeous dress.(A) much (B) a lot of (C) very (D) a great many135 The clay must be packed into the mold as ------- as possible to prevent air pockets from forming.(A) tighter (B) tighten (C) tightly (D) tightness136 In the survey of 2.000 youths aged twelve to seventeenth, twice as many said they could talk more easily to their mothers than to their fathers.(A) easiest (B) more easily (C) easily (D)most easily137. $200.00 will be presented to the graduate who has attained the------grade point average in the entire department(A) high (B) higher (C) highest (D) highly138. Mr. Stone has the------ attendance record at the retraining programs held at the headquarters(A) poor (B) poorer (C) poorest (D) poorly139. The director think that the qualification of the new designer are as------ as the others on the team. (A) credibility (B) credible (C) credibly (D) more crediable140. Ben‘s Delivery is the _____ messenger service in town(A)faster (B)fastest (C) most fastest (D)more fast141. The position used to be obtained _____ in the past than it is now(A)harder (B)hard (C)the harder (D)the hardest142. That was one of the _____ business conferences the representative had ever attended.(A)bad (B)worst (C)worse (D)more bad143. The new employee will be likely to be _____ his predecessor.(A)popular (B)as popular as (C)as popular (D)popular than144. When my visitor --------, will you please call me?(A) will arrive (B) arrives (C) arrived (D) is arriving145. Denny-------- his first job with us five years ago.(A) will arrive (B) arrives (C) arrived (D) is arriving146. I ------ all members by tomorrow night.(A) contacted (B) contacts (C) has contacted (D) will have contacted147. Investors --------- fascinated by the stock market for a long time.(A) is being (B) has been (C) are being (D) have been148. Mr. Franklin ------- as the most likely successor to the position of CEO since he was elected vice president last October.(A) saw (B) was seen (C) has been seen (D) has seen149. The union leader were informed that the workers on the strike------.(A) fired (B) is fired (C) had fired (D) had been fired150. If you get your bank to generate a money order, it usually ______ conversion fees.(A) charge (B) charges (C) charging (D) is charging151. Since this morning, city workers traffic signs in the roads using special paint to avoid repainting every year.(A) were painting (B) had painted (C) have been painted (D) have painted152. International stock markets, including those in Britain, Germany, Hong Kong and Japanyesterday in response to the partial recovery of US markets.(A) rise (B) rises (C) rose (D) risen153. He us since Henry went to America.(A) visits (B) visited (C) will visit (D) has visited154. Last quarter the rate of inflation ___________ by 10 percent.(A) rose (B) raised (C) has risen (D) was risen155. We ________ to establish a friendly relationship with that country for two years.(A) try (B) are trying (C) have tried (D) will tried156. Inspection will be _____ Saturday at 7 A.M.(A) at(B) to(C) for(D) on157. We regret that the savings will be consumed ________ noon tomorrow.(A) with(B) by(C) in)(D) from158. _______ terms of quality and service, our company surpasses the competition.(A) In(B) From(C) By(D) With159. The sales meeting will be held _______ Busan in May.(A) to(B) at(C) in(D) on160. The supplies cannot be ordered ________ next Monday.(A) within(B) until(C) at(D) to Part VIDirection : I this part of the test161. The officials responsible for (A)running this office (B)represented the United States in (C)the Supreme Court and provided legal (D)advices to the President.162. Ben survived the (A)first round of (B)layoffs (C)despite having been employed for (D)lesser than a year. 163. (A)From the (B)past three years, Bob Smith (C)has been the (D)head of the international department. 164. (A)Each of the managers (B)receive a(C)copy of the (D)company‘s policies and procedures.165. If you (A)would have studied the problem more (B)carefully, you would (C)have found the solution (D)more quickly.166. (A)Although a new computer, Model CX-2, (B)seemed like a good investment (C)for their company, they decided not to buy (D)them.167. To protect herself (A)against robbery, Ellen had (B)a company (C)installed a new burglary (D)alarm. 168. I wonder (A)how she manage (B)to get along(C)on(D)so cheap a salary.169. (A)With the advent of satellite transmission of photographs of the (B)earth‘s atmosphere, forecasting the weather has become a (C)relative exact (D)science.170. There (A)were intense competition (B)between the (C)rival companies (D)to get the contract.171. There is (A)some disagreement between (B)my parents and I about which job I should (C)take.172. The index of (A)leading economic indicators, which (B)are intended to forecast economic activity about six months (C)into the future, dropped (D)5 percent last month.173. In his role as (A)facilitator of all operations, he invariably (B)coordinating the running (C)of the building‘s (D)various systems.174. (A)In spite of the fact that he was late for the meeting, the boss (B)having (C)nothing but praise (D)for his last few months‘ performance.175. He studied economics when (A)their study was not common, and he (B)later (C)went on to distinguish himself (D)in the field.176. Neither Sam Atkins (A)nor Henry Miller, sales representatives for the company, presented (B)their summaries of sales (C)before the deadline (D)for doing so.177. Neither of the two candidates (A)who had (B)applied for admission (C)to the Industrial Engineering Department (D)were eligible for scholarships.178. One (A)out of (B)every eight balloons (C)in the world (D)are launched in Albuquerque, New Mexico 179. (A)There are a range of (B)effects pushing and pulling the climate (C)in opposite (D)directions; no one fully understands these interactions.180. (A)Whether or not Sam’s understanding of social conflicts (B)are in any way scientific (C)remains(D)a vexing question.181. (A)In October, the vice president (B)will have (C)been at this company (D)since ten years.182. We (A)need purchase a new set of (B)equipment (C)to speed up the (D)developing and printing process. 183. (A)The local bank, (B)along with other (C)financial institutions, (D)are lowering processing fees imposed in cashing a check.184. The amusement park (A)is expected to be very (B)successful (C)because of many special facilities (D)such restaurants and movie theaters.185. If you (A)fill in an (B)applying for a mortgage loan and mail (C)it to us, we will notify you of theresult(D)as soon as possible.186. (A)B y lowering (B)levels toxic waste disposal, the chemical industries (C)are responding to people‘s increasing (D)concerns with environment.187. (A)According to the (B)press release, the hotel is planning (C)on invest an additional $ 8 million into (D)marketing and research.188. (A)This new insurance policy will (B)bring you benefits that (C)provides more coverages (D)on property damage.189. For (A)more information, you can visit our website (B)and find the map (C)showing the potential car pool partner‘s ho use and (D)work located.190. A memorandum (A)announcing (B)this year‘s sales goals (C)are posted on (D)the bulletin board of the main office.191. Any employee (A)whose puts in (B)more than five extra hours‘ work (C)during the holidays will be paid (D)for overtime.192. (A)Every client should be reminded that (B)his credit history can be available (C)by lendingssuch (D) as commercial banks and other financing companies.193. Due to the (A)highest rental rates of houses, (B)more tenants have become (C)interested in home purchase (D)loan programs.194.The biologist (A)which (B)leads the ambitious Genom Project (C)was once awarded the Nobel Science Prize (D)in 2001.195. Every frequent asked question will (A)be answered (B)automatic in accordance (C)with the (D)operating manual.196. The passengers will be (A)dealt politely (B)until we (C)arrange for another flight (D)to pick up them. 197. The sales strategy meeting of the (A)marketing division is (B)held here (C)at the first Monday of (D)each month.198. The (A)franchisee will renew the (B)exclusive distributorship of the products (C)upon (D)expire of this con.199. (A)Despite declining revenues, his (B)efficient and enthusiasm (C)helped double the (D)profits at our department.200. The director (A)is casting actor Jill Cosby (B)as a protagonist (C)for the two upcoming blockbusters, both of (D)them will be very successful.D D A B A D C D C A151152153154155156157158159160C B B B A BD D A B181. (D) since ---> for182. (A) purchase ---> to purchase183. (D) are ---> is184. (D) such ---> such as185. (B) applying ---> application 186. (B) levels ---> levels of187. (C) on ---> to188. (C) provides ---> provide 189. (D) located ---> location 190. (C) are ---> is191. (A) whose ---> who192. (C) lendings ---> lenders 193. (A) highest ---> high(er)194. (A) which ---> who195. (B) automatic ---> automatically 196. (A) dealt ---> dealt with197. (C) at ---> on198. (D) expire ---> expiration 199. (B) efficient ---> efficiency 200. (D) them ---> which。

托业考试Toeic考题托业考试Toeic考题(含参考答案)101. To get ready for ------- presentation, Mrs. Warren spent the afternoon memorizingher prepared speech.(A) she(B) her(C) hers(D) herself102. In the event ------- bad weather, the marathon will be postponed to thefollowing Saturday.(A) of(B) against(C) with(D) by103. Mr. Johnson requested his intern ------- the report on his desk by the end of the day.(A) type(B) was typing(C) will type(D) to type104. The conference center is unavailable every daybetween six ------- seven o’clock due to cleaning and maintenance.(A) and(B) of(C) if(D) yet105. ------- 80 percent of Fine Diamond'sclients are wealthy jewelry collectorsfrom the North American continent.(A) More(B) Higher(C) Over(D) Further106. Prior to any meetings with clients, the vice president ------- researches the competition to make sure his companyis offering the best on the market.(A) nearly(B) well(C) always(D) far107. Ms. Dorsey ------- finished her twentieth year as the corporation's executive finance director.(A) success(B) successful(C) successfully(D) successes108. Those who work ------- 9 P.M. are given additional compensation for workinglate hours.(A) after(B) between(C) through(D) out109. Prime Real Estate, under the ------- ofMr. Matt, sold double the amount ofproperties as any other agency in the arealast year.(A) direct(B) directed(C) directly(D) direction110. The accountants who are unfamiliar with the new program may ------- the workshop Friday afternoon.(A) attendance(B) attend(C) were attending(D) attendee111. Copies of the painting may not be reproduced------- the permission of the owner.(A) without(B) into(C) until(D) among112. Telemarketers should adhere to the company’sstandard ------- when contacting potential clients.(A) development(B) category(C) procedure(D) qualification113. The Conflict Management Instituteprepares its students to make ------- contributions to corporate society.(A) value(B) valuable(C) valuing(D) valuably114. Furniture for the interior remodeling of the office will be ------- to the storage unit nearthe building.(A) delivered(B) produced(C) assembled(D) equipped115. The two household floor cleaners tested in the study, PineSol and Freshness, are ------- competent in removing unwanted stains.(A) equal(B) equally(C) equality(D) equaled116. The accounting manager ------- concernsthat his accountants were under too much pressure to finish the report by thedeadline.(A) proposed(B) commented(C) regarded(D) expressed117. We at Deluxe Shipping guarantee that your packages will arrive on the ------- delivery date.(A) expect(B) expecting(C) expected(D) expectation118. The city's main library regularly hosts a -------of public events to encourage young people to read more.(A) present(B) scheme(C) series(D) progression119. The brochures released this year include the ------- travel packages and photos of the renovated resort.(A) update(B) updates(C) updating(D) updated120. If you want to get a ------- on your purchase, you must present a copy of the original receipt along with the product.(A) refund(B) registration(C) purchase(D) limit121. Last month the marketing team ------- a new strategy that subsequently increased the company's revenue by thirty percent.(A) implementation(B) implements(C) implementing(D) implemented122. As production coordinator, Elizabeth was------- for the supervision of the final stagesof assembly and of overall product quality.(A) probable(B) responsible(C) trusting(D) powerful123. Glacier Inc. is anticipating that its new line of climbing gear will improve its ------- in theoutdoor sports gear market.(A) competitor(B) competitive(C) competitiveness(D) competitively124. ------- the last speech of the day ends, set-up crew are asked to remove all of the chairs in preparation for the evening ballroom dance.(A) Who(B) When(C) Why(D) Which125. It would be easier to work on this project as ateam if our manager permits ------- to do so.(A) we(B) our(C) ours(D) us126. The ------- investment should be small in orderto determine the fund's stability.(A) initial(B) cancelled(C) productive(D) impartial127. Before making your online purchase, read thecustomer agreement ------- in order to clearly understand our company's return policies.(A) careful(B) most careful(C) carefulness(D) carefully128. Once you arrive at the hotel, check-in and -------a copy of the seminar's agenda from the reception.(A) define(B) obtain(C) recall(D) inquire129. Interested customers can look at reviewsof ------- of our custom-made pianos on ourWeb page.(A) some(B) so(C) such(D) ones130. The CEO announced that he will ------- reach a decision about the potential merger bythe end of the week.(A) definitely(B) extremely(C) freely(D) usually131. The rise in sales this quarter indicates that ------- is increasing amongst middle-class consumers.(A) spend(B) spenders(C) spent(D) spending132. ------- getting into the from the business trip, immediately proceed to the branch office fora briefing on the week's itinerary.(A) After(B) Because(C) Now that(D) Even if133. Metropolitan Museum asks its patrons to -------refrain from making loud conversation in the exhibition rooms not to disturb other visitors.(A) kind(B) kindly(C) kindlier(D) kinder134. Tom Evans has been promoted to senior supervisor for his ------- sales record over the past two years.(A) unfolded(B) reversing(C) inscribed(D) outstanding135. The remodeling project is ------- amazing whenyou realize that it took only a week to be completed.(A) too much(B) all the more(C) most of(D) many more136. The due date for the application to the Wall Street Finance Center internship is ------- approaching.(A) rapidly(B) securely(C) carefully(D) anxiously137. Customer complaints about late shipments and damaged packages are becoming more-------.(A) frequent(B) frequented(C) frequently(D) frequency138. If you use the online banking system, thebank credits the ------- to your account after10 A.M. on the next business day.(A) deposit(B) economy(C) finance(D) placement139. Dr. Sanders and Dr. Jacobs turned in their resignations to the general hospital and will open a private practice of -------.(A) them(B) theirs(C) themselves(D) their own140. FTP Services is relocating its head offices and will be ------- its customer service hotline until further notice.(A) unfolding(B) estimating(C) discontinuing(D) solvingQuestions 141-143 refer to the following e-mail. From: Brad TaylorTo: Arlene PetronosSubject: Book reviewsDate: Thurs, Nov 22 2007Dear Ms. Petronos,Allow me to congratulate you again on becoming part of our online magazine writing team. As you learned in an earlier communication, you will be writing reviews of recently published non-fiction books.By Monday next week, you will receive your ------- assignment parcel, which will contain copies of the141. (A) almost(B) late(C) first(D) lastpublications on your assignment list. Instructions for submitting the first draft of each review, in addition to information on the formation of a peer critique group for your work, ------- on our Web site.142. (A) is locating(B) locate(C) located(D) are locatedEssentially, you will be posting your work on our non-fiction book review board, which you can accessonly with an administration-approved user name and password. Since you need a password to log in,your ------- password is: crimson. You can changethis password for your convenience after you have143. (A) temporary(B) approximate(C) previous(D) permanentlogged on to the site.Welcome again, and we look forward to working with you!Questions 144-146 refer to the following letter. August 21, 2007LON CHANEY11509 Westmont StreetWest Los Angeles, CA90025, USADear Mr. Chaney,I would like to thank you for meeting with me last Monday. I certainly ------- the chance to talkabout144. (A) appreciating(B) appreciated(C) was appreciated(D) will appreciatecareer possibilities with someone who has been in the medical technology industry for so many years.I am particularly grateful that you have offered to give me your insights on tie-ups between manufacturers and medical institutions. As you are aware, I am most interested in enhancing my research skills for a well-established, ------- manufacturer that produces equipment for hospitals and145. (A) reputably(B) reputable(C) repute(D) reputationinstitutions that specialize in cardio-pulmonary health care.In the long-term, I would like to establish a system that would provide the latest technology as well asthe new information that assists doctors in improving the quality of life of their patients. This is thereason I would like to work for companies that value -------.146. (A) association(B) commerce(C) routine(D) innovationThank you once again for your offer of assistance, and I do look forward to our future discussions. Questions 147-149 refer to the following letter.July 22, 2008WESLEY MOORECustomer Service DepartmentAmericana AirlinesWest Los Angeles, CA90025, USADear Mr. Moore,On July 15, I ------- AMA flight #701 from San Francisco to Los Angeles. I have no complaint about the147. (A) take(B) will take(C) have taken(D) tooktrip itself; it was very comfortable. However, I was very ------- when I arrived at the airport and 148. (A) prepared(B) disappointed(C) informed(D) confirmeddiscovered that my baggage had been lost. I didn’t h ave any choice but to wait at the airport for fivehours while your employees tried to trace the whereabouts of my baggage. I left the airport without mybelongings as I had an important meeting to attend.It has been one week, and I have not been contacted regarding my baggage. For this reason, I stronglyfeel that I should be compensated for the items that were lost. I hope to hear from your office -------149. (A) within(B) from(C) since(D) nearthe week.Sincerely yours,NATHAN HALLQuestions 150-152 refer to the following article. June 14, Bangkok —There has been a growing number of online orders for American products inCentral and Southeast Asia. Thus, in response to the -------, America’s biggest online shopping site 150. (A) declaration(B) difficulty(C) increase(D) contractAmaze-Mart has announced plans to set up additional online stores in key cities in Asia, beginningwith Bangkok.The Seattle-based electronic commerce firm currently ------- its online stores from the US, Canada and151. (A) functions(B) operates(C) evaluates(D) servesfour countries in Europe. The establishment of an online store in Bangkok ------- the need for152. (A) has eliminated(B) eliminate(C) will eliminate(D) eliminatedcustomers to pay high international shipping fees when they make orders on the Web site. The company’s customers in Asia have responded positively to this development.。

2018年Toeic托业考试真题及答案--手打请支持(非听力部分)Part VDirection : In this part of the test has in complete senten ces. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) are give n ben eath each sentence. You are to choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, on your an swer sheet, find the nu mber of the questi on and mark on your an swer sheet.101. For several years now, we have seen a marked in attendance and exhibitions at the PCB desig n conferen ces.(A) in crease (B) in creased (C) in creas ing (D) TO in crease102. Make sure that transportation to and from the river is arranged to your .(A) satisfactory (B) satisfaction (C) satisfy (D) to satisfy103. The imposing that will soon be Rand Corporation ‘ s R&D center was renovated by the highly admired desig ner Haewook Lee. (A) structural (B) structure (C) structurally(D) in structural104. Employees may receive 50% tuiti on reimburseme nt for job-related courses take nwith a supervisor ‘ s .(A) approves (B) approval (C) approve (D) to approve105. Mr. Hui, a freela nee writer here at ESS Newspapers, has impeccable for the positi on of senior editor.(A) qualified (B) qualifications (C) qualify (D) be qualified106. Because of an illness is much cheaper than treatment, the local health clinic will be offeri ng free flu vacci natio ns this weeke nd.(A) preve nti on (B) preve nt (C) to preve nt B) preve nted107. Legal experts have prese nted that the DNA samples and fin gerpri nts match.(A) evide nt (B) evide nee (C) evide ntly (D) to evide nt108. Mach Corp. has a system that allows clie nt s to man age to employees ‘ files.(A) access (B) accessible (C) to accessible (D) accessibly109. The average listener will not be able to notice any between audio CD and MP3 files.(A) differe nces (B) differe nt (C) differe ntly (D) of differe nt110. Without your , we cannot guara ntee your room after 6 p.m.A) confirm B) con firm ing C) con firmati on D) con firmative111. of countries belonging to GATT approved the agreement yesterday in Geneva.A) Represe nts B) Represe ntati ons C) Represe ntatives D) Represe nti ng112. Officials of the Sydney head of office will hold a conference to talk about goals for the next ten years.A) them B) their C) theirs D) they113. As a customer service representative, Mrs. Lee tried to solve complaints fromcustomers before asking for _____ supervisor ‘ s advice.(A) she B) her C) hers D) herself114 Mr. Alfred and I exte nd tha nks to those that have helped this project in the past.(A) us (B) ours (C) our (D) ourselves115. Pion eer Corp. is considering ------ the release of the new equipme nt scheduledfor later this mon th.(A)postp oning (B) postp one (C) to postp one (D) postp on eme nt116. The compa ny ‘ s bus in ess pla n in cludes ------------------ revenue from magaz ine and eve nt promotions designed to help recruiters find qualified applicants.(A) draw (B) draw ing (C) to draw (D) drawer117. This guideli ne is inten ded to ----- in formatio n about our databases and toprovide a clear defi niti on of how these database get updated and who has resp on sibilities(A) clarification (B) classified (C) cleared (D) clarify118. As of July 7, basic mon thly telepho ne service will in crease by $ 1.50 due to the new federal telecom muni cati on tax, ----- state-to-state Ion g-dista nce rates willdecrease an average of 10 perce nt.(A) otherwise (B) therefore (C) however (D) in additi on to119. He makes $ 20 an hour, has more work tha n he can han die.(A) and (B) tha n (C) so (D) but120. Their products are known not only for their low price, _________ f or their highquality.(A) but (B) but also (C) and also (D) as well as121. Our order of high-speed computers is scheduled to arrive _________ today ortomorrow.(A) or (B) on (C) both (D) either122. ________ J ane and Mary like differe nt thin gs, they are great frien ds.(A) Si nee (B) Despite (C) For (D) Although123. This rural tow n has ________ small populati on that the mail carrier knowswhere every one lives.(A) too (B) a so (C) very (D) such a124. _____ the preside nt is going to say in his speech toni ght will affect all of us.(A) What (B) That (C) So (D) While125. It matters little who fin ds the truth ---- t he truth is found.(A) because (B) so that (C) so long as (D) as126. The order must be delivered by Tuesday;——we will have to look for ano ther supplier.(A) uni ess(B) excepti ng (C) maybe (D) otherwise127. Unemployment is ------- low that companies may soon be unable to find workerswithout in creas ing wages.(A) such (B) very (C) so (D) despite128. The desig n EXPO had ——high atte ndance last year that it will be moved to a larger location this year.(A) so (B) such (C) much (D) too129. ----- the rain is expected, everything is ready for the grand opening of thegallery(A) Except that (B) Accordi ng to (C) Si nee (D) Aside from130. The store will be set for bus in ess by the end of the month ---- the con tractorsare able to complete the remodeli ng by this weeke nd.(A) these (B) if (C) them (D) so131. Neither the sales ----- the profit is expected to in crease in the next quarter.(A) any (B) or (C) nor (D) but132. The ______ carefully you write, the fewer mistakes you will make.(A) much (B) most (C) more (D) many133. There are far more game shows on TV _________ there used to be.(A) than (B) as (C) that (D) or134. You will n eed ______ more money to buy such a gorgeous dress.(A) much (B) a lot of (C) very (D) a great many135 The clay must be packed into the mold as ------ as possible to preve nt air pocketsfrom formi ng.(A) tighter (B) tighten (C) tightly (D) tight ness136 In the survey of 2.000 youths aged twelve to seve ntee nth, twice as many said they could talk more easily to their mothers tha n to their fathers.(A) easiest (B) more easily (C) easily (D)most easily137. $200.00 will be prese nted to the graduate who has atta ined the -- grade pointaverage in the en tire departme nt(A) high (B) higher (C) highest (D) highly138. Mr. Stone has the --- attendance record at the retraining programs held at theheadquarters(A) poor (B) poorer (C) poorest (D) poorly139. The director think that the qualification of the new designer are as ---- as theothers on the team.(A) credibility (B) credible (C) credibly (D) more crediable140. Ben ‘ s Delivery is the _______ messenger service in town(A)faster (B)fastest (C) most fastest (D)more fast141. The positi on used to be obta ined ___ in the past tha n it is now(A)harder (B)hard (C)the harder (D)the hardest142. That was one of the ___ bus in ess conferences the represe ntative had everatte nded.(A)bad (B)worst (C)worse (D)more bad143. The new employee will be likely to be ____ his predecessor.(A)popular (B)as popular as (C)as popular (D)popular tha n144. When my visitor ------ , will you please call me?(A) will arrive (B) arrives (C) arrived (D) is arrivi ng145. Denny ------ his first job with us five years ago.(A) will arrive (B) arrives (C) arrived (D) is arrivi ng146. I ----- all members by tomorrow ni ght.(A) con tacted (B) con tacts (C) has con tacted (D) will have con tacted147. Investors -------- fascinated by the stock market for a long time.(A) is being (B) has bee n (C) are being (D) have bee n148. Mr. Franklin ----- as the most likely successor to the position of CEO since hewas elected vice preside nt last October.(A) saw (B) was see n (C) has bee n see n (D) has see n149. The union leader were in formed that the workers on the strike --- .(A) fired (B) is fired (C) had fired (D) had been fired150. If you get your bank to gen erate a money order, it usually ____ conversion fees.(A) charge (B) charges (C) charg ing (D) is charg ing151. Since this morning, city workers traffic sig ns in the roads using special paint to avoid repa inting every year.(A) were pain ti ng (B) had pain ted (C) have bee n pain ted (D) have pain ted152. Intern ati onal stock markets, in cludi ng those in Brita in. Germa ny, Hong Kong and Japa nyesterday in resp onse to the partial recovery of US markets.(A) rise (B) rises (C) rose (D) rise n153. He us since Henry went to America.(A) visits (B) visited (C) will visit (D) has visited154. Last quarter the rate of in flatio n ________ by 10 perce nt.(A) rose (B) raised (C) has risen (D) was risen155. We ______ to establish a frien dly relati on ship with that country for two years.(A) try (B) are trying (C) have tried (D) will tried156. I nspection will be ___ Saturday at 7 A.M.(A) at(B) to(C) for(D) on157. We regret that the savi ngs will be con sumed ______ noon tomorrow.(A) with(B) by(C) in )(D) from158. _____ terms of quality and service, our compa ny surpasses the competiti on.(A) In (B) From(C) By(D) With159. The sales meet ing will be held ______ Busa n in May.(A) to(B) at(C) in(D) on160. The supplies cannot be ordered _______ n ext Mon day.(A) within(B) until(C) at(D) to Part VIDirection : I this part of the test161. The officials responsible for (A)running this office (B)represented the United States in (C)the Supreme Court and provided legal (D)advices to the Preside nt.162. Ben survived the (A)first round of (B)layoffs (C)despite having been employed for (D)lesser tha n a year.163. (A)From the (B)past three years, Bob Smith (C)has been the (D)head of the intern ati onal departme nt.164. (A)Each of the man agers (B)receive a(C)copy of the (D)compa ny procedures.s policies and 165. If you (A)would have studied the problem more (B)carefully, you would (C)have found the soluti on (D)more quickly.166. (A)Although a new computer, Model CX-2, (B)seemed like a good investment (C)for their compa ny, they decided not to buy (D)them.167. To protect herself (A)aga inst robbery, Elle n had (B)a compa ny (C)i nstalled a new burglary (D)alarm.168. I won der (A)how she man age (B)to get alon g(C) on( D)so cheap a salary.169. (A)With the adve nt of satellite tran smissi on of photographs of the (B)earth atmosphere, forecast ing the weather has become a (C)relative exact (D)scie nee.170. There (A)were intense competiti on (B)betwee n the (C)rival compa nies (D)to get the con tract.171. There is (A)some disagreeme nt betwee n (B)my pare nts and I about which job I should (C)take.172. The index of (A)leading economic indicators, which (B)are intended to forecast econo mic activity about six mon ths (C)i nto the future, dropped (D)5 perce nt last mon th.173. I n his role as (A)facilitator of all operati ons, he in variably (B)coordi nati ng therunning (C)of the building ‘ s (D)various systems.174. (A)I n spite of the fact that he was late for the meet ing, the boss (B)hav ing(C)no thi ng but praise (D)for his last few mon ths ‘ performa nee.175. He studied econo mics whe n (A)their study was not com mon, and he (B)later(C) went on to distinguish himself (D)in the field.176. Neither Sam Atkins (A)nor Henry Miller, sales representatives for the company, prese nted (B)their summaries of sales (C)before the deadli ne (D)for doing so.177. Neither of the two can didates (A)who had (B)applied for admissi on (C)to theIn dustrial Engin eeri ng Departme nt (D)were eligible for scholarships.178. One (A)out of (B)every eight balloons (C)in the world (D)are launched in Albuquerque, New Mexico179. (A)There are a range of (B)effects push ing and pulli ng the climate (C)i n opposite(D) directio ns; no one fully un dersta nds these in teractio ns.180. (A)Whether or not Sam ' s understanding of social conflicts (B)are in any wayscientific (C)remains(D)a vexing question.181. (A)I n October, the vice preside nt (B)will have (C)bee n at this compa ny (D)s ince ten years.182. We (A)n eed purchase a new set of (B)equipme nt (C)to speed up the (D)developing and printing process.183. (A)The local bank, (B)along with other (C)financial institutions, (D)are lowering process ing fees imposed in cash ing a check.184. The amuseme nt park (A)is expected to be very (B)successful (C)because of many special facilities (D)such restaura nts and movie theaters.185. If you (A)fill in an (B)appl ying for a mortgage loa n and mail (C)it to us, we willno tify you of the result(D)as soon as possible.186. (A)By lowering (B)levels toxic waste disposal, the chemical industries (C)areresponding to people ‘ s increasing (D)concerns with environment.187. (A)Accord ing to the (B)press release, the hotel is pla nning (C) on in vest anadditional $ 8 million into (D)marketing and research.188. (A)This new in sura nce policy will (B)bri ng you ben efits that (C)provides more coverages (D) on property damage.189. For (A)more information, you can visit our website (B)and find the map(C)showing the potential car pool partner ‘ s house and (D)work lodate190. A memorandum (A)announcing (B)this year ‘ s sales goals (C)are posted on (D)thebulletin board of the main office.191. Any employee (A)whose puts in (B)more than five extra hours ‘ work (C)during the holidays will be paid (D)for overtime.192. (A)Every client should be reminded that (B)his credit history can be available(C)by lendin gssuch (D) as commercial banks and other financing compa ni es.193. Due to the (A)highest ren tal rates of houses, (B)more tenants have become(C)i nterested in home purchase (D)loa n programs.194. The biologist (A)which (B)leads the ambitious Genom Project (C)was once awardedthe Nobel Science Prize (D)in 2001.195. Every freque nt asked questi on will (A)be an swered (B)automatic in accorda nce (C)with the (D)operating manual.196. The passengers will be (A)dealt politely (B)until we (C)arrange for another flight (D)to pick up them.197. The sales strategy meeting of the (A)marketing division is (B)held here (C)at the first Mon day of (D)each mon th.198. The (A)fra nchisee will renew the (B)exclusive distributorship of the products (C)up on (D)expire of this con.199. (A)Despite decli ning reve nu es, his (B)efficie nt and en thusiasm (C)helped double the (D)profits at our departme nt.200. The director (A)is casti ng actor Jill Cosby (B)as a protago ni st (C)for the two upco ming blockbusters, both of (D)them will be very successful.151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 CBBBABDDAB ■ n w aJk ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ MB ■ MM ■■ nar ■ ■ HM:■■■ tw ■ ■ ■ ■ ■181. (D) si nee ---> for182. (A) purchase ---> to purchase183. (D) are ---> is184. (D) such ---> such as185. (B) appl ying ---> applicati on186. (B) levels ---> levels of187. (C) on ---> to188. (C) provides ---> provide189. (D) located ---> location190. (C) are ---> is191. (A) whose ---> who192. (C) lendings ---> len ders193. (A) highest ---> high(er)194. (A) which ---> who195. (B) automatic ---> automatically196. (A) dealt ---> dealt with197. (C) at —> on198. (D) expire ---> expirati on199. (B) efficie nt ---> efficie ncy200. (D) them ---> which。

2018年Toeic托业考试真题及答案--手打请支持(非听力部分)Part VDirection : In this part of the test has in complete senten ces. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) are give n ben eath each sentence. You are to choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, on your an swer sheet, find the nu mber of the questi on and mark on your an swer sheet.101.For several years now, we have seen a marked in attendance and exhibitions at the PCB desig n conferen ces.(A) in crease (B) in creased (C) in creas ing (D) TO in crease102.Make sure that transportation to and from the river is arranged to your .(A) satisfactory (B) satisfaction (C) satisfy (D) to satisfy103.The imposing that will soon be Rand Corporation ‘ s R&D center was renovated bythe highly admired desig ner Haewook Lee. (A) structural (B) structure (C) structurally(D) in structural104.Employees may receive 50% tuiti on reimburseme nt for job-related courses take nwith a supervisor ‘ s .(A) approves (B) approval (C) approve (D) to approve105.Mr. Hui, a freela nee writer here at ESS Newspapers, has impeccable for the positi on of senior editor.(A) qualified (B) qualifications (C) qualify (D) be qualified106.Because of an illness is much cheaper than treatment, the local health clinic will be offeri ng free flu vacci natio ns this weeke nd.(A) preve nti on (B) preve nt (C) to preve nt B) preve nted107.Legal experts have prese nted that the DNA samples and fin gerpri nts match.(A) evide nt (B) evide nee (C) evide ntly (D) to evide nt108.Mach Corp. has a system that allows clie nt s to man age to employees ‘ files.109.The average listener will not be able to notice any between audio CD and MP3 files.(A) differe nces (B) differe nt (C) differe ntly (D) of differe nt110.Without your , we cannot guara ntee your room after 6 p.m.A) confirm B) con firm ing C) con firmati on D) con firmative111.of countries belonging to GATT approved the agreement yesterday in Geneva.A) Represe nts B) Represe ntati ons C) Represe ntatives D) Represe nti ng112.Officials of the Sydney head of office will hold a conference to talk about goals for the next ten years. A) them B) their C) theirs D) they113.As a customer service representative, Mrs. Lee tried to solve complaints fromcustomers before asking for _______ supervisor ‘ s advice.(A) she B) her C) hers D) herself114 Mr. Alfred and I exte nd tha nks to those that have helped this project in the past.(A) us (B) ours (C) our (D) ourselves115.Pion eer Corp. is considering -------- the release of the new equipme nt scheduledfor later this mon th.(A)postp oning (B) postp one (C) to postp one (D) postp on eme nt116.The compa ny ‘ s bus in ess pla n in cludes ----------------- revenue from magaz ine and eve nt promotions designed to help recruiters find qualified applicants.(A) draw (B) draw ing (C) to draw (D) drawer117.This guideli ne is inten ded to ------ in formatio n about our databases and toprovide a clear defi niti on of how these database get updated and who has resp on sibilities(A) clarification (B) classified (C) cleared (D) clarify118.As of July 7, basic mon thly telepho ne service will in crease by $ 1.50 due to the new federal telecom muni cati on tax, --------- s tate-to-state Ion g-dista nce rates willdecrease an average of 10 perce nt.119.He makes $ 20 an hour, has more work tha n he can han die.(A) and (B) tha n (C) so (D) but120.Their products are known not only for their low price, _________________ for their highquality.(A) but (B) but also (C) and also (D) as well as121.Our order of high-speed computers is scheduled to arrive ____________________ today ortomorrow.(A) or (B) on (C) both (D) either122.___________ Jane and Mary like differe nt thin gs, they are great frien ds.(A) Si nee (B) Despite (C) For (D) Although123.This rural tow n has ______________ small populati on that the mail carrier knowswhere every one lives.(A) too (B) a so (C) very (D) such a124.________ t he preside nt is going to say in his speech toni ght will affect all of us.(A) What (B) That (C) So (D) While125.It matters little who fin ds the truth --- the truth is found.(A) because (B) so that (C) so long as (D) as126.The order must be delivered by Tuesday;——we will have to look for ano ther supplier.(A) uni ess(B) excepti ng (C) maybe (D) otherwise127.Unemployment is ---------- low that companies may soon be unable to find workerswithout in creas ing wages.(A) such (B) very (C) so (D) despite128.The desig n EXPO had ——high atte ndance last year that it will be moved to a larger location this year.(A) so (B) such (C) much (D) too129.---- the rain is expected, everything is ready for the grand opening of thegallery(A) Except that (B) Accordi ng to (C) Si nee (D) Aside from130.The store will be set for bus in ess by the end of the month --------- t he con tractorsare able to complete the remodeli ng by this weeke nd.(A) these (B) if (C) them (D) so131.Neither the sales ------ the profit is expected to in crease in the next quarter.(A) any (B) or (C) nor (D) but132.The __________ carefully you write, the fewer mistakes you will make.(A) much (B) most (C) more (D) many133.There are far more game shows on TV _____________________ there used to be.(A) than (B) as (C) that (D) or134.You will n eed __________ more money to buy such a gorgeous dress.(A) much (B) a lot of (C) very (D) a great many135The clay must be packed into the mold as ---------- as possible to preve nt air pocketsfrom formi ng.(A) tighter (B) tighten (C) tightly (D) tight ness136In the survey of 2.000 youths aged twelve to seve ntee nth, twice as many said they could talk more easily to their mothers tha n to their fathers.(A) easiest (B) more easily (C) easily (D)most easily137.$200.00 will be prese nted to the graduate who has atta ined the --------- grade pointaverage in the en tire departme nt(A) high (B) higher (C) highest (D) highly138.Mr. Stone has the ------ attendance record at the retraining programs held at theheadquarters(A) poor (B) poorer (C) poorest (D) poorly139.The director think that the qualification of the new designer are as -------- as theothers on the team.140.Ben ‘ s Delivery is the _________ messenger service in town(A)faster (B)fastest (C) most fastest (D)more fast141.The positi on used to be obta ined ________ in the past tha n it is now(A)harder (B)hard (C)the harder (D)the hardest142.That was one of the ________ bus in ess conferences the represe ntative had everatte nded.(A)bad (B)worst (C)worse (D)more bad143.The new employee will be likely to be __________ his predecessor.(A)popular (B)as popular as (C)as popular (D)popular tha n144.When my visitor -------- , will you please call me?(A) will arrive (B) arrives (C) arrived (D) is arrivi ng145.Denny ------- h is first job with us five years ago.(A) will arrive (B) arrives (C) arrived (D) is arrivi ng146.I --- all members by tomorrow ni ght.(A) con tacted (B) con tacts (C) has con tacted (D) will have con tacted147.Investors -------- fascinated by the stock market for a long time.(A) is being (B) has bee n (C) are being (D) have bee n148.Mr. Franklin ----- as the most likely successor to the position of CEO since hewas elected vice preside nt last October.(A) saw (B) was see n (C) has bee n see n (D) has see n149.The union leader were in formed that the workers on the strike -------- .(A) fired (B) is fired (C) had fired (D) had been fired150.If you get your bank to gen erate a money order, it usually ___________ conversion fees.(A) charge (B) charges (C) charg ing (D) is charg ing151.Since this morning, city workers traffic sig ns in the roads using special paint to avoid repa inting every year.(A) were pain ti ng (B) had pain ted (C) have bee n pain ted (D) have pain ted152.Intern ati onal stock markets, in cludi ng those in Brita in. Germa ny, Hong Kong and Japa nyesterday in resp onse to the partial recovery of US markets.(A) rise (B) rises (C) rose (D) rise n153.He us since Henry went to America.(A) visits (B) visited (C) will visit (D) has visitedst quarter the rate of in flatio n ____________ by 10 perce nt.(A) rose (B) raised (C) has risen (D) was risen155.We ___________ to establish a frien dly relati on ship with that country for two years.(A) try (B) are trying (C) have tried (D) will tried156.I nspection will be _____ Saturday at 7 A.M.(A) at(B) to(C) for(D) on157.We regret that the savi ngs will be con sumed ______________ n oon tomorrow.(A) with(B) by(C) in )(D) from158. ________ t erms of quality and service, our compa ny surpasses the competiti on.(A) In (B) From(C) By(D) With159.The sales meet ing will be held ___________ Busa n in May.(A) to(B) at(C) in(D) on160.The supplies cannot be ordered _______________ n ext Mon day.(A) within(B) until(C) at(D) to Part VIDirection : I this part of the test161.The officials responsible for (A)running this office (B)represented the United States in (C)the Supreme Court and provided legal (D)advices to the Preside nt.162.Ben survived the (A)first round of (B)layoffs (C)despite having been employed for (D)lesser tha n a year.163.(A)From the (B)past three years, Bob Smith (C)has been the (D)head of the intern ati onal departme nt.164.(A)Each of the man agers (B)receive a(C)copy of the (D)compa ny procedures.s policies and 165.If you (A)would have studied the problem more (B)carefully, you would (C)have found the soluti on (D)more quickly.166.(A)Although a new computer, Model CX-2, (B)seemed like a good investment (C)for their compa ny, they decided not to buy(D)them.167.To protect herself (A)aga inst robbery, Elle n had (B)a compa ny (C)i nstalled a new burglary (D)alarm.168.I won der (A)how she man age (B)to get alon g(C) on( D)so cheap a salary.169.(A)With the adve nt of satellite tran smissi on of photographs of the (B)earth atmosphere, forecast ing the weather has become a (C)relative exact (D)scie nee.170.There (A)were intense competiti on (B)betwee n the (C)rival compa nies (D)to get the con tract.171.There is (A)some disagreeme nt betwee n (B)my pare nts and I about which job I should (C)take.172.The index of (A)leading economic indicators, which (B)are intended to forecast econo mic activity about six mon ths (C)i nto the future, dropped (D)5 perce nt last mon th.173.I n his role as (A)facilitator of all operati ons, he in variably (B)coordi nati ng therunning (C)of the building ‘ s (D)various systems.174.(A)I n spite of the fact that he was late for the meet ing, the boss (B)hav ing(C)no thi ng but praise (D)for his last few mon ths ‘ performa nee.175.He studied econo mics whe n (A)their study was not com mon, and he (B)later(C)went on to distinguish himself (D)in the field.176.Neither Sam Atkins (A)nor Henry Miller, sales representatives for the company, prese nted (B)their summaries of sales (C)before the deadli ne (D)for doing so.177.Neither of the two can didates (A)who had (B)applied for admissi on (C)to theIn dustrial Engin eeri ng Departme nt (D)were eligible for scholarships.178.One (A)out of (B)every eight balloons (C)in the world (D)are launched in Albuquerque, New Mexico179.(A)There are a range of (B)effects push ing and pulli ng the climate (C)i n opposite(D)directio ns; no one fully un dersta nds these in teractio ns.180.(A)Whether or not Sam ' s understanding of social conflicts (B)are in any wayscientific (C)remains(D)a vexing question.181.(A)I n October, the vice preside nt (B)will have (C)bee n at this compa ny (D)s ince ten years.182.We (A)n eed purchase a new set of (B)equipme nt (C)to speed up the (D)developing and printing process.183.(A)The local bank, (B)along with other (C)financial institutions, (D)are lowering process ing fees imposed in cash ing a check.184.The amuseme nt park (A)is expected to be very (B)successful (C)because of many special facilities (D)such restaura nts and movie theaters.185.If you (A)fill in an (B)appl ying for a mortgage loa n and mail (C)it to us, we willno tify you of the result(D)as soon as possible.186.(A)By lowering (B)levels toxic waste disposal, the chemical industries (C)areresponding to people ‘ s increasing (D)concerns with environment.187.(A)Accord ing to the (B)press release, the hotel is pla nning (C) on in vest anadditional $ 8 million into (D)marketing and research.188.(A)This new in sura nce policy will (B)bri ng you ben efits that (C)provides more coverages (D) on property damage.189.For (A)more information, you can visit our website (B)and find the map(C)showing the potential car pool partner ‘ s house and (D)work lodate190. A memorandum (A)announcing (B)this year ‘ s sales goals (C)are posted on (D)thebulletin board of the main office.191.Any employee (A)whose puts in (B)more than five extra hours ‘ work (C)during the holidays will be paid (D)for overtime.192.(A)Every client should be reminded that (B)his credit history can be available(C)by lendin gssuch (D) as commercial banks and other financing compa ni es.193.Due to the (A)highest ren tal rates of houses, (B)more tenants have become(C)i nterested in home purchase (D)loa n programs.194.The biologist (A)which (B)leads the ambitious Genom Project (C)was once awardedthe Nobel Science Prize (D)in 2001.195.Every freque nt asked questi on will (A)be an swered (B)automatic in accorda nce (C)with the (D)operating manual.196.The passengers will be (A)dealt politely (B)until we (C)arrange for another flight (D)to pick up them.197.The sales strategy meeting of the (A)marketing division is (B)held here (C)at the first Mon day of (D)each mon th.198.The (A)fra nchisee will renew the (B)exclusive distributorship of the products (C)up on (D)expire of this con.199.(A)Despite decli ning reve nu es, his (B)efficie nt and en thusiasm (C)helped double the (D)profits at our departme nt.200.The director (A)is casti ng actor Jill Cosby (B)as a protago ni st (C)for the two upco ming blockbusters, both of (D)them will be very successful.151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 CBBBABDDAB■ n w aJk ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ MB ■ MM ■■ nar ■ ■ HM:■■■ tw ■ ■ ■ ■ ■181.(D) si nee ---> for182.(A) purchase ---> to purchase183.(D) are ---> is184.(D) such ---> such as185.(B) appl ying ---> applicati on186.(B) levels ---> levels of187.(C) on ---> to188.(C) provides ---> provide189.(D) located ---> location190.(C) are ---> is191.(A) whose ---> who192.(C) lendings ---> len ders193.(A) highest ---> high(er)194.(A) which ---> who195.(B) automatic ---> automatically196.(A) dealt ---> dealt with197.(C) at —> on198.(D) expire ---> expirati on199.(B) efficie nt ---> efficie ncy 200.(D) them ---> which。

Part VDirection : In this part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark on your answer sheet.101. For several years now, we have seen a marked in attendance and exhibitions at thePCB design conferences.(A) increase (B) increased (C) increasing (D) TO increase102. Make sure that transportation to and from the river is arranged to your .(A) satisfactory (B) satisfaction (C) satisfy (D) to satisfy103. The imposing that will soon be Rand Corporation's R&D center wasrenovated by the highly admired designer Haewook Lee.(A) structural (B) structure (C) structurally (D) in structural104. Employees may receive 50% tuition reimbursement for job-related courses taken with asupervisor's .(A) approves (B) approval (C) approve (D) to approve105. Mr. Hui, a freelance writer here at ESS Newspapers, has impeccablefor the position of senior editor.(A) qualified (B) qualifications (C) qualify (D) be qualified106. Because of an illness is much cheaper than treatment, the local health clinic will be offering free flu vaccinations this weekend.(A) prevention (B) prevent (C) to prevent B) prevented107. Legal experts have presented that the DNA samples and fingerprints match.(A) evident (B) evidence (C) evidently (D) to evident108. Mach Corp. has a system that allows clients to manage to employees' files.(A) access (B) accessible (C) to accessible (D) accessibly109. The average listener will not be able to notice any between audio CD and MP3 files.(A) differences (B) different (C) differently (D) of different110. Without your , we cannot guarantee your room after 6 p.m.A) confirm B) confirming C) confirmation D) confirmative111. of countries belonging to GATT approved the agreement yesterday in Geneva.A) Represents B) Representations C) Representatives D) Representing112. Officials of the Sydney head of office will hold a conference to talk about goals for the next ten years.A) them B) their C) theirs D) they113. As a customer service representative, Mrs. Lee tried to solve complaints from customersbefore asking for ______ supervisor's advice.(A) she B) her C) hers D) herself114 Mr. Alfred and I extend thanks to those that have helped this project in the past.(A) us (B) ours (C) our (D) ourselves115. Pioneer Corp. is considering--------- the release of the new equipment scheduled for later this month.(A)postponing (B) postpone (C) to postpone (D) postponement116. The company's business plan includes ---------- revenue from magazine and event promotions designed to help recruiters find qualified applicants.(A) draw (B) drawing (C) to draw (D) drawer117. This guideline is intended to -------- information about our databases and to provide a clear definition of how these database get updated and who has responsibilities(A) clarification (B) classified (C) cleared (D) clarify118. As of July 7, basic monthly telephone service will increase by $1.50 due to the new federal telecommunication tax, -------- state-to-state long-distance rates will decrease an average of 10 percent.(A) otherwise (B) therefore (C) however (D) in addition to119. He makes $20 an hour, has more work than he can handle.(A) and (B) than (C) so (D) but120. Their products are known not only for their low price, __________ for their high quality.(A) but (B) but also (C) and also (D) as well as121. Our order of high-speed computers is scheduled to arrive __________ today or tomorrow.(A) or (B) on (C) both (D) either122. _________ Jane and Mary like different things, they are great friends.(A) Since (B) Despite (C) For (D) Although123. This rural town has __________ small population that the mail carrier knows where everyone lives.(A) too (B) a so (C) very (D) such a124._______ the president is going to say in his speech tonight will affect all of us.(A) What (B) That (C) So (D) While125. It matters little who finds the truth ------ the truth is found.(A) because (B) so that (C) so long as (D) as126. The order must be delivered by Tuesday; ----- we will have to look for another supplier.(A) unless(B) excepting (C) maybe (D) otherwise127. Unemployment is -------- low that companies may soon be unable to find workers without increasing wages.(A) such (B) very (C) so (D) despite128. The design EXPO had ----- high attendance last year that it will be moved to a larger location this year.(A) so (B) such (C) much (D) too129. ------- the rain is expected, everything is ready for the grand opening of the gallery(A) Except that (B) According to (C) Since (D) Aside from130. The store will be set for business by the end of the month-------- the contractors are able to complete the remodeling by this weekend.(A) these (B) if (C) them (D) so131. Neither the sales------ the profit is expected to increase in the next quarter.(A) any (B) or (C) nor (D) but132. The _______ carefully you write, the fewer mistakes you will make.(A) much (B) most (C) more (D) many133. There are far more game shows on TV __________ there used to be.(A) than (B) as (C) that (D) or134. You will need _______ more money to buy such a gorgeous dress.(A) much (B) a lot of (C) very (D) a great many135 The clay must be packed into the mold as ------- as possible to prevent air pockets from forming.(A) tighter (B) tighten (C) tightly (D) tightness136 In the survey of 2.000 youths aged twelve to seventeenth, twice as many said they could talk more easily to their mothers than to their fathers.(A) easiest (B) more easily(C) easily (D)most easily137. $200.00 will be presented to the graduate who has attained the------grade point average in the entire department (A) high (B) higher (C) highest (D) highly138. Mr. Stone has the------ attendance record at the retraining programs held at the headquarters(A) poor (B) poorer (C) poorest (D) poorly139. The director think that the qualification of the new designer are as------ as the others on the team.(A) credibility (B) credible (C) credibly (D) more crediable140. Ben's Delivery is the _____ messenger service in town(A)faster (B)fastest (C) most fastest (D)more fast141. The position used to be obtained _____ in the past than it is now(A)harder (B)hard (C)the harder (D)the hardest142. That was one of the _____ business conferences the representative had ever attended.(A)bad (B)worst (C)worse (D)more bad143. The new employee will be likely to be _____ his predecessor.(A)popular (B)as popular as (C)as popular (D)popular than144. When my visitor --------, will you please call me?(A) will arrive (B) arrives (C) arrived (D) is arriving145. Denny-------- his first job with us five years ago.(A) will arrive (B) arrives (C) arrived (D) is arriving146. I ------ all members by tomorrow night.(A) contacted (B) contacts (C) has contacted (D) will have contacted147. Investors --------- fascinated by the stock market for a long time.(A) is being (B) has been (C) are being (D) have been148. Mr. Franklin ------- as the most likely successor to the position of CEO since he was elected vice president last October.(A) saw (B) was seen (C) has been seen (D) has seen149. The union leader were informed that the workers on the strike------.(A) fired (B) is fired (C) had fired (D) had been fired150. If you get your bank to generate a money order, it usually ______ conversion fees.(A) charge (B) charges (C) charging (D) is charging151. Since this morning, city workers traffic signs in the roads using special paint to avoid repainting every year.(A) were painting (B) had painted (C) have been painted (D) have painted152. International stock markets, including those in Britain, Germany, Hong Kong and Japanyesterday in response to the partial recovery of US markets.(A) rise (B) rises (C) rose (D) risen153. He us since Henry went to America.(A) visits (B) visited (C) will visit (D) has visited154. Last quarter the rate of inflation ___________ by 10 percent.(A) rose (B) raised (C) has risen (D) was risen155. We ________ to establish a friendly relationship with that country for two years.(A) try (B) are trying (C) have tried (D) will tried156. Inspection will be _____ Saturday at 7 A.M.(A) at(B) to(C) for(D) on157. We regret that the savings will be consumed ________ noon tomorrow.(A) with(B) by(C) in)(D) from158. _______ terms of quality and service, our company surpasses the competition.(A) In(B) From(C) By(D) With159. The sales meeting will be held _______ Busan in May.(A) to(B) at(C) in(D) on160. The supplies cannot be ordered ________ next Monday.(A) within(B) until(C) at(D) toPart VIDirection : I this part of the test161. The officials responsible for (A)running this office (B)represented the United States in (C)the Supreme Court and provided legal (D)advices to the President.162. Ben survived the (A)first round of (B)layoffs (C)despite having been employed for (D)lesser than a year.163. (A)From the (B)past three years, Bob Smith (C)has been the (D)head of the international department.164. (A)Each of the managers (B)receive a(C)copy of the (D)company's policies and procedures.165. If you (A)would have studied the problem more (B)carefully, you would (C)have found thesolution (D)more quickly.166. (A)Although a new computer, Model CX-2, (B)seemed like a good investment (C)for their company, they decided not to buy (D)them.167. To protect hers e l f ( A ) a g a i n s t r o b b e r y , E l l e n h a d ( B ) a c o m p a n y ( C ) i n s t a l l e d a n e w b u r g l a r y ( D ) a l a r m . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 8 3 " > 1 6 8 . I w o n d e r ( A ) h o w s h e m a n a g e ( B ) t o g e t a l o n g ( C ) o n ( D ) s o c h e a p a s a l a r y . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 8 4 " > 1 6 9 . ( A ) W i t h t h e a d v e n t o f s a t e l l i t e t r a n s m i s s i o n o f p h o t o g r a p h s o f t h e ( B ) e a r t h ' s a t m o s p h e r e , f o r e c a s t i n g t h e w e a t h e r h a s b e c o m e a ( C ) r e l a t i v e e x a c t ( D ) s c i e n c e . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 8 5 " > 1 7 0 . T h e r e ( A ) w e r e i n t e n s e c o m p e t i t i o n ( B ) b e t w e e n t h e ( C ) r i v a l c o m p a n i e s ( D ) t o g e t t h e c o n t r a c t . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 8 6 " > 1 7 1 . T h e r e i s ( A ) s o m e d i s a g r e e m e n t b e t w e e n ( B ) m y p a r e n t s a n d I a b o u t w h i c h j o b I s h o u l d ( C ) t a k e . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 8 7 " > 1 7 2 . T h e i n d e x o f ( A ) l e a d i n g e c o n o m i c i n d i c a t o r s , w h i c h ( B ) a r e i n t e n d e d t o f o r e c a s t e c o n o m i c a c t i v i t y a b o u t s i x m o n t h s ( C ) i n t o t h e f u t u r e , d r o p p e d ( D ) 5 p e r c e n t l a s t m o n t h . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 8 8 " > 1 7 3 . I n h i s r o l e a s ( A ) f a c i l i t a t o r o f a l l o p e r a t i o n s , h e i n v a r i a b l y ( B ) c o o r d i n a t i n g t h e r u n n i n g ( C ) o f t h e b u i l d i n g ' s ( D ) v a r i o u s s y s t e m s . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 8 9 " > 1 7 4 . ( A ) I n s p i t e o f t h e f a c t t h a t h e w a s l a t e f o r t h e m e e t i n g , t h e b o s s ( B ) h a v i n g ( C ) n o t h i n g b u t p r a i s e ( D ) f o r h i s l a s t f e w m o n t h s ' p e r f o r m a n c e . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 9 0 " > 1 7 5 . H e s t u d i e d e c o n o m i c s w h e n ( A ) t h e i r s t u d y w a s n o t c o m m o n , a n d h e ( B ) l a t e r ( C ) w e n t o n t o d i s t i n g u i s h h i m s e l f ( D ) i n t h e f i e l d . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 9 1 " > 1 7 6 . N e i t h e r S a m A t k i n s ( A ) n o r H e n r y M i l l e r , s a l e s r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s f o r t h e c o m p a n y , p r e s e n t e d ( B ) t h e i r s u m m a r i e s o f s a l e s ( C ) b e f o r e t h e d e a d l i n e ( D ) f o r d o i n g s o . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 9 2 " > 1 7 7 . N e i t h e r o f t h e t w o c a n d i d a t e s ( A ) w h o h a d ( B ) a p p l i e d f o r a d m i s s i o n ( C ) t o t h e I n d u s t r i a l E n g i n e e r i n g D e p a r t m e n t ( D ) w e r e e l i g i b l e f o r s c h o l a r s h i p s . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 9 3 " > 1 7 8 . O n e ( A ) o u t o f ( B ) e v e r y e i g h t b a l l o o n s ( C ) i n t h e w o r l d ( D ) a r e l a u n c h e d i n A l b u q u e r q u e , N e w M e x i c o / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 9 4 " > 1 7 9 . ( A ) T h e r e a r e a r a n g e o f ( B ) e f f e c t s p u s h i n g a n d p u l l i n g t h e c l i m a t e ( C ) i n o p p o s i t e ( D ) d i r e c t i o n s ; n o o n e f u l l y u n d e r s t a n d s t h e s e i n t e r a c t i o n s . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 9 5 " > 1 8 0 . ( A ) W h e t h e r o r n o t S a m s u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f s o c i a l c o n f l i c t s ( B ) a r e i n a n y w a y s c i e n t i f i c ( C ) r e m a i n s ( D ) a v e x i n g q u e s t i o n . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 9 6 " > 1 8 1 . ( A ) I n O c t o b e r , t h e v i c e p r e s i d e n t ( B ) w i l l h a v e ( C ) b e e n a t t h i s c o m p a n y ( D ) s i n c e t e n y e a r s . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 9 7 " > 1 8 2 . W e ( A ) n e e d p u r c h a s e a n e w s e t o f ( B ) e q u i p m e n t ( C ) t o s p e e d u p t h e ( D ) d e v e l o p i n g a n d p r i n t i n g p r o c e s s . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 98 " > 1 8 3 . ( A ) T h e l o c a l b a n k , ( B ) a l o n g w i t h o t h e r ( C ) f i n a n c i a l i n s t i t u t i o n s , ( D ) a r e l o w e r i ng p r o c e s s i n g f e e s i m p o s e d i n c a s h i n g a c h e c k . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 9 9 " > 1 8 4 . T h e a m u s e m e n t p a r k ( A ) i s e x p e c t e d t o b e v e r y ( B ) s u c c e s s f u l ( C ) b e c a u s e o f m a n y s p e c i a l f a c i l i t i e s ( D ) s u c h r e s t a u r a n t s a n d m o v i e t h e a t e r s . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 0 0 " > 1 8 5 . I f y o u ( A ) f i l l i n a n ( B ) a p p l y i n g f o r a m o r t g a g e l o a n a n d m a i l ( C ) i t t o u s , w e w i l l n o t i f y y o u o f t h e r e s u l t ( D ) a s s o o n a s p o s s i b l e . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 0 1 " > 1 8 6 . ( A ) B y l o w e r i n g ( B ) l e v e l s t o x i c w a s t e d i s p o s a l , t h e c h e m i c a l i n d u s t r i e s ( C ) a r e r e s p o n d i n g t o p e o p l e ' s i n c r e a s i n g ( D ) c o n c e r n s w i t h e n v i r o n m e n t . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 0 2 " > 1 8 7 . ( A ) A c c o r d i n g t o t h e ( B ) p r e s s r e l e a s e , t h e h o t e l i s p l a n n i n g ( C ) o n i n v e s t a n a d d i t i o n a l $ 8 m i l l i o n i n t o ( D ) m a r k e t i n g a n d r e s e a r c h . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 0 3 " > 1 8 8 . ( A ) T h i s n e w i n s u r a n c e p o l i c y w i l l ( B ) b r i n g y o u b e n e f i t s t h a t ( C ) p r o v i d e s m o r e c o v e r a g e s b r b d s f i d = " 2 0 4 " > ( D ) o n p r o p e r t y d a m a g e . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 0 5 " > 1 8 9 . F o r ( A ) m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , y o u c a n v i s i t o u r w e b s i t e ( B ) a n d f i n d t h e m a p ( C ) s h o w i n g t h e p o t e n t i a l c a r p o o l p a r t n e r ' s h o u s e a n d ( D ) w o r k l o c a t e d . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 0 6 " > 1 9 0 . A m e m o r a n d u m ( A ) a n n o u n c i n g ( B ) t h i s y ea r ' s s a l e s g o a l s ( C ) a r e p o s t e d o n ( D ) t h eb u l l e t i n b o a r d o f t h e m a i n o f f ic e . / p > p bd s f i d = " 2 07 " > 1 9 1 . A n y e m p l o y e e ( A ) w h o s e p u t s i n ( B ) m o r e t h a n f i v e e x t r a h o u r s ' w o r k ( C ) d u r i n g t h eh o l i d a y s w i l l b e p a i d ( D ) f o r o v e r t i m e . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 0 8 " > 1 9 2 . ( A ) E v e r y c l i e n t s h o u l d b e r e m i n d e d t h a t ( B ) h i s c r e d i t h i s t o r y c a n b e a v a i l a b l e ( C ) b y l e n d i n g s s u c h ( D ) a s c o m m e r c i a l b a n k s a n d o t h e r f i n a n c i n g c o m p a n i e s . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 0 9 " > 1 9 3 . D u e t o t h e ( A ) h i g h e s t r e n t a l r a t e s o f h o u s e s , ( B ) m o r e t e n a n t s h a v e b e c o m e ( C ) i n t e r e s t e d i n h o m e p u r c h a s e ( D ) l o a n p r o g r a m s . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 0 " > 1 9 4 . T h e b i o l o g i s t ( A ) w h i c h ( B ) l e a d s t h e a m b i t i o u s G e n o m P r o j e c t ( C ) w a s o n c e a w a r d e d t h e N o b e l S c i e n c e P r i z e ( D ) i n 2 0 0 1 . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 1 " > 1 9 5 . E v e r y f r e q u e n t a s k e d q u e s t i o n w i l l ( A ) b e a n s w e r e d ( B ) a u t o m a t i c i n a c c o r d a n c e ( C ) w i t h t h e ( D ) o p e r a t i n g m a n u a l . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 2 " > 1 9 6 . T h e p a s s e n g e r s w i l l b e ( A ) d e a l t p o l i t e l y ( B ) u n t i l w e ( C ) a r r a n g e f o r a n o t h e r f l i g h t ( D ) t o p i c k u p t h e m . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 3 " > 1 9 7 . T h e s a l e s s t r a t e g y m e e t i n g o f t h e ( A ) m a r k e t i n g d i v i s i o n i s ( B ) h e l d h e r e ( C ) a t t h e f i r s t M o n d a y o f ( D ) e a c h m o n t h . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 4 " > 1 9 8 . T h e ( A ) f r a n c h i s e e w i l l r e n e w t h e ( B ) e x c l u s i v e d i s t r i b u t o r s h i p o f t h e p r o d u c t s ( C ) u p o n ( D ) e x p i r e o f t h i s c o n . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 5 " > 1 9 9 . ( A ) D e s p i t e d e c l i n i n g r e v e n u e s , h i s ( B ) e f f i c i e n t a n d e n t h u s i a s m ( C ) h e l p e d d o u b l e t h e ( D ) p r o f i t s a t o u r d e p a r t m e n t . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 6 " > 2 0 0 . T h e d i r e c t o r ( A ) i s c a s t i n g a c t o r J i l l C o s b y ( B ) a s a p r o t a g o n i s t ( C ) f o r t h e t w o u p c o m i n g b l o c k b u s t e r s , b o t h o f ( D ) t h e m w i l l b e v e r y s u c c e s s f u l . / p > / d i v > d i v i d = " f l o a t _ b t n " c l a s s = " " b d s f i d = " 2 1 7 " > b u t t o n c l a s s = " f l o a t _ b t n l e f t _ b t n " i d = " c o p y _ b u t t o n " d a t a - c l i p b o a r d - a c t i o n = " c o p y " d a t a - c l i p b o a r d - t a r g e t = " # c o n t e n t - t x t " o n c l i c k = " d o _ c o p y ( ) ; " b d s f i d = " 2 1 8 " > e m c l a s s = " i c o n " b d s f i d = " 2 1 9 " >。

2018年Toeic托业考试真题及答案--手打请支持(非听力部分)Part VDirection : In this part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark on your answer sheet.101. For several years now, we have seen a marked in attendance and exhibitions at the PCB design conferences.(A) increase (B) increased (C) increasing (D) TO increase102. Make sure that transportation to and from the river is arranged to your .(A) satisfactory (B) satisfaction (C) satisfy (D) to satisfy103. The imposing that will soon be Rand C orporation‘s R&D center was renovated by the highly admired designer Haewook Lee. (A) structural (B) structure (C) structurally (D) in structural104. Employees may receive 50% tuition reimbursement for job-related courses taken with a supervisor‘s .(A) approves (B) approval (C) approve (D) to approve105. Mr. Hui, a freelance writer here at ESS Newspapers, has impeccable for the position of senior editor.(A) qualified (B) qualifications (C) qualify (D) be qualified106. Because of an illness is much cheaper than treatment, the local health clinic will be offering free flu vaccinations this weekend.(A) prevention (B) prevent (C) to prevent B) prevented107. Legal experts have presented that the DNA samples and fingerprints match.(A) evident (B) evidence (C) evidently (D) to evident108. Mach Corp. has a system that allows clients to manage to employees‘ files.(A) access (B) accessible (C) to accessible (D) accessibly109. The average listener will not be able to notice any between audio CD and MP3 files.(A) differences (B) different (C) differently (D) of different110. Without your , we cannot guarantee your room after 6 p.m.A) confirm B) confirming C) confirmation D) confirmative111. of countries belonging to GATT approved the agreement yesterday in Geneva.A) Represents B) Representations C) Representatives D) Representing112. Officials of the Sydney head of office will hold a conference to talk about goals for the next ten years.A) them B) their C) theirs D) they113. As a customer service representative, Mrs. Lee tried to solve complaints from customers before asking for ______ supervisor‘s advice.(A) she B) her C) hers D) herself114 Mr. Alfred and I extend thanks to those that have helped this project in the past.(A) us (B) ours (C) our (D) ourselves115. Pioneer Corp. is considering--------- the release of the new equipment scheduled for later this month.(A)postponing (B) postpone (C) to postpone (D) postponement116. The company‘s business plan includes ---------- revenue from magazine and event promotions designed to help recruiters find qualified applicants.(A) draw (B) drawing (C) to draw (D) drawer117. This guideline is intended to -------- information about our databases and to provide a clear definition of how these database get updated and who has responsibilities(A) clarification (B) classified (C) cleared (D) clarify118. As of July 7, basic monthly telephone service will increase by $1.50 due to the new federal telecommunication tax, -------- state-to-state long-distance rates will decrease an average of 10 percent.(A) otherwise (B) therefore (C) however (D) in addition to119. He makes $20 an hour, has more work than he can handle.(A) and (B) than (C) so (D) but120. Their products are known not only for their low price, __________ for their high quality.(A) but (B) but also (C) and also (D) as well as121. Our order of high-speed computers is scheduled to arrive __________ today or tomorrow.(A) or (B) on (C) both (D) either122. _________ Jane and Mary like different things, they are great friends.(A) Since (B) Despite (C) For (D) Although123. This rural town has __________ small population that the mail carrier knows where everyone lives.(A) too (B) a so (C) very (D) such a124._______ the president is going to say in his speech tonight will affect all of us.(A) What (B) That (C) So (D) While125. It matters little who finds the truth ------ the truth is found.(A) because (B) so that (C) so long as (D) as126. The order must be delivered by Tuesday; ----- we will have to look for another supplier.(A) unless(B) excepting (C) maybe (D) otherwise127. Unemployment is -------- low that companies may soon be unable to find workers without increasing wages.(A) such (B) very (C) so (D) despite128. The design EXPO had ----- high attendance last year that it will be moved to a larger location this year.(A) so (B) such (C) much (D) too129. ------- the rain is expected, everything is ready for the grand opening of the gallery(A) Except that (B) According to (C) Since (D) Aside from130. The store will be set for business by the end of the month-------- the contractors are able to complete the remodeling by this weekend.(A) these (B) if (C) them (D) so131. Neither the sales------ the profit is expected to increase in the next quarter.(A) any (B) or (C) nor (D) but132. The _______ carefully you write, the fewer mistakes you will make.(A) much (B) most (C) more (D) many133. There are far more game shows on TV __________ there used to be.(A) than (B) as (C) that (D) or134. You will need _______ more money to buy such a gorgeous dress.(A) much (B) a lot of (C) very (D) a great many135 The clay must be packed into the mold as ------- as possible to prevent air pockets from forming.(A) tighter (B) tighten (C) tightly (D) tightness136 In the survey of 2.000 youths aged twelve to seventeenth, twice as many said they could talk more easily to their mothers than to their fathers.(A) easiest (B) more easily (C) easily (D)most easily137. $200.00 will be presented to the graduate who has attained the------grade point average in the entire department(A) high (B) higher (C) highest (D) highly138. Mr. Stone has the------ attendance record at the retraining programs held at the headquarters(A) poor (B) poorer (C) poorest (D) poorly139. The director think that the qualification of the new designer are as------ as the others on the team.(A) credibility (B) credible (C) credibly (D) more crediable140. Ben‘s Delivery is the _____ messenger service in town(A)faster (B)fastest (C) most fastest (D)more fast141. The position used to be obtained _____ in the past than it is now(A)harder (B)hard (C)the harder (D)the hardest142. That was one of the _____ business conferences the representative had ever attended.(A)bad (B)worst (C)worse (D)more bad143. The new employee will be likely to be _____ his predecessor.(A)popular (B)as popular as (C)as popular (D)popular than144. When my visitor --------, will you please call me?(A) will arrive (B) arrives (C) arrived (D) is arriving145. Denny-------- his first job with us five years ago.(A) will arrive (B) arrives (C) arrived (D) is arriving146. I ------ all members by tomorrow night.(A) contacted (B) contacts (C) has contacted (D) will have contacted147. Investors --------- fascinated by the stock market for a long time.(A) is being (B) has been (C) are being (D) have been148. Mr. Franklin ------- as the most likely successor to the position of CEO since he was elected vice president last October.(A) saw (B) was seen (C) has been seen (D) has seen149. The union leader were informed that the workers on the strike------.(A) fired (B) is fired (C) had fired (D) had been fired150. If you get your bank to generate a money order, it usually ______ conversion fees.(A) charge (B) charges (C) charging (D) is charging151. Since this morning, city workers traffic signs in the roads using special paint to avoid repainting every year.(A) were painting (B) had painted (C) have been painted (D) have painted152. International stock markets, including those in Britain, Germany, Hong Kong and Japanyesterday in response to the partial recovery of US markets.(A) rise (B) rises (C) rose (D) risen153. He us since Henry went to America.(A) visits (B) visited (C) will visit (D) has visited154. Last quarter the rate of inflation ___________ by 10 percent.(A) rose (B) raised (C) has risen (D) was risen155. We ________ to establish a friendly relationship with that country for two years.(A) try (B) are trying (C) have tried (D) will tried156. Inspection will be _____ Saturday at 7 A.M.(A) at(B) to(C) for(D) on157. We regret that the savings will be consumed ________ noon tomorrow.(A) with(B) by(C) in)(D) from158. _______ terms of quality and service, our company surpasses the competition.(A) In(B) From(C) By(D) With159. The sales meeting will be held _______ Busan in May.(A) to(B) at(C) in(D) on160. The supplies cannot be ordered ________ next Monday.(A) within(B) until(C) at(D) to Part VIDirection : I this part of the test161. The officials responsible for (A)running this office (B)represented the United States in (C)the Supreme Court and provided legal (D)advices to the President.162. Ben survived the (A)first round of (B)layoffs (C)despite having been employed for (D)lesser than a year.163. (A)From the (B)past three years, Bob Smith (C)has been the (D)head of the international department.164. (A)Each of the managers (B)receive a(C)copy of the (D)company‘s policies and procedures.165. If you (A)would have studied the problem more (B)carefully, you would (C)have found the solution (D)more quickly.166. (A)Although a new computer, Model CX-2, (B)seemed like a good investment (C)for their company, they decided not to buy (D)them.167. To protect herself (A)against robbery, Ellen had (B)a company (C)installed a new burglary (D)alarm.168. I wonder (A)how she manage (B)to get along(C)on(D)so cheap a salary.169. (A)With the advent of satellite transmission of photographs of the (B)earth‘s atmosphere, forecasting the weather has become a (C)relative exact (D)science.170. There (A)were intense competition (B)between the (C)rival companies (D)to get the contract.171. There is (A)some disagreement between (B)my parents and I about which job I should (C)take.172. The index of (A)leading economic indicators, which (B)are intended to forecast economic activity about six months (C)into the future, dropped (D)5 percent last month.173. In his role as (A)facilitator of all operations, he invariably (B)coordinating the running (C)of the building‘s (D)various systems.174. (A)In spite of the fact that he was late for the meeting, the boss (B)having(C)nothing but praise (D)for his last few months‘ performance.175. He studied economics when (A)their study was not common, and he (B)later(C)went on to distinguish himself (D)in the field.176. Neither Sam Atkins (A)nor Henry Miller, sales representatives for the company, presented (B)their summaries of sales (C)before the deadline (D)for doing so.177. Neither of the two candidates (A)who had (B)applied for admission (C)to the Industrial Engineering Department (D)were eligible for scholarships.178. One (A)out of (B)every eight balloons (C)in the world (D)are launched in Albuquerque, New Mexico179. (A)There are a range of (B)effects pushing and pulling the climate (C)in opposite (D)directions; no one fully understands these interactions.180. (A)Whether or not Sam’s understanding of social conflicts (B)are in any way scientific (C)remains(D)a vexing question.181. (A)In October, the vice president (B)will have (C)been at this company (D)since ten years.182. We (A)need purchase a new set of (B)equipment (C)to speed up the(D)developing and printing process.183. (A)The local bank, (B)along with other (C)financial institutions, (D)are lowering processing fees imposed in cashing a check.184. The amusement park (A)is expected to be very (B)successful (C)because of many special facilities (D)such restaurants and movie theaters.185. If you (A)fill in an (B)applying for a mortgage loan and mail (C)it to us, we will notify you of the result(D)as soon as possible.186. (A)By lowering (B)levels toxic waste disposal, the chemical industries (C)are responding to people‘s increasing (D)concerns with environment.187. (A)According to the (B)press release, the hotel is planning (C)on invest an additional $ 8 million into (D)marketing and research.188. (A)This new insurance policy will (B)bring you benefits that (C)provides more coverages (D)on property damage.189. For (A)more information, you can visit our website (B)and find the map(C)showing the potential car pool partner‘s house and (D)work located.190. A memorandum (A)announcing (B)this year‘s sales goals (C)are posted on (D)the bulletin board of the main office.191. Any employee (A)whose puts in (B)more than five extra hours‘ work (C)during the holidays will be paid (D)for overtime.192. (A)Every client should be reminded that (B)his credit history can be available (C)by lendingssuch (D) as commercial banks and other financing companies.193. Due to the (A)highest rental rates of houses, (B)more tenants have become (C)interested in home purchase (D)loan programs.194.The biologist (A)which (B)leads the ambitious Genom Project (C)was once awarded the Nobel Science Prize (D)in 2001.195. Every frequent asked question will (A)be answered (B)automatic in accordance (C)with the (D)operating manual.196. The passengers will be (A)dealt politely (B)until we (C)arrange for another flight (D)to pick up them.197. The sales strategy meeting of the (A)marketing division is (B)held here (C)at the first Monday of (D)each month.198. The (A)franchisee will renew the (B)exclusive distributorship of the products (C)upon (D)expire of this con.199. (A)Despite declining revenues, his (B)efficient and enthusiasm (C)helped double the (D)profits at our department.200. The director (A)is casting actor Jill Cosby (B)as a protagonist (C)for the two upcoming blockbusters, both of (D)them will be very successful.D D A B A D C D C A151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160C B B B A BD D A B181. (D) since ---> for182. (A) purchase ---> to purchase183. (D) are ---> is184. (D) such ---> such as185. (B) applying ---> application186. (B) levels ---> levels of187. (C) on ---> to188. (C) provides ---> provide189. (D) located ---> location190. (C) are ---> is191. (A) whose ---> who192. (C) lendings ---> lenders193. (A) highest ---> high(er)194. (A) which ---> who195. (B) automatic ---> automatically196. (A) dealt ---> dealt with 197. (C) at ---> on198. (D) expire ---> expiration 199. (B) efficient ---> efficiency 200. (D) them ---> which。

T o e i c托业考试真题及答案-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN2018年Toeic托业考试真题及答案--手打请支持(非听力部分)Part VDirection : In this part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark on your answer sheet.101. For several years now, we have seen a marked in attendance and exhibitions at the PCB design conferences.(A) increase (B) increased (C) increasing (D) TO increase102. Make sure that transportation to and from the river is arranged to your .(A) satisfactory (B) satisfaction (C) satisfy (D) to satisfy103. The imposing that will soon be Rand Corporation‘s R&D center was renovated by the highly ad mired designer Haewook Lee. (A) structural (B) structure (C) structurally (D) in structural104. Employees may receive 50% tuition reimbursement for job-related courses taken with a supervisor‘s .(A) approves (B) approval (C) approve (D) to approve105. Mr. Hui, a freelance writer here at ESS Newspapers, has impeccable for the position of senior editor. (A) qualified (B) qualifications (C) qualify (D) be qualified106. Because of an illness is much cheaper than treatment, the local health clinic will be offering free flu vaccinations this weekend.(A) prevention (B) prevent (C) to prevent B) prevented107. Legal experts have presented that the DNA samples and fingerprints match.(A) evident (B) evidence (C) evidently (D) to evident108. Mach Corp. has a sys tem that allows clients to manage to employees‘ files.(A) access (B) accessible (C) to accessible (D) accessibly109. The average listener will not be able to notice any between audio CD and MP3 files.(A) differences (B) different (C) differently (D) of different110. Without your , we cannot guarantee your room after 6 p.m.A) confirm B) confirming C) confirmation D) confirmative111. of countries belonging to GATT approved the agreement yesterday in Geneva.A) Represents B) Representations C) Representatives D) Representing112. Officials of the Sydney head of office will hold a conference to talk about goals for the next ten years. A) them B) their C) theirs D) they113. As a customer service representative, Mrs. Lee tried to solve complaints from customers before asking for ______ supervisor‘s advice.(A) she B) her C) hers D) herself114 Mr. Alfred and I extend thanks to those that have helped this project in the past.(A) us (B) ours (C) our (D) ourselves115. Pioneer Corp. is considering--------- the release of the new equipment scheduled for later this month. (A)postponing (B) postpone (C) to postpone (D) postponement116. The company‘s business plan includes ---------- revenue from magazine and event promotions designed to help recruiters find qualified applicants.(A) draw (B) drawing (C) to draw (D) drawer117. This guideline is intended to -------- information about our databases and to provide a clear definition of how these database get updated and who has responsibilities(A) clarification (B) classified (C) cleared (D) clarify118. As of July 7, basic monthly telephone service will increase by $1.50 due to the new federal telecommunication tax, -------- state-to-state long-distance rates will decrease an average of 10 percent. (A) otherwise (B) therefore (C) however (D) in addition to119. He makes $20 an hour, has more work than he can handle.(A) and (B) than (C) so (D) but120. Their products are known not only for their low price, __________ for their high quality.(A) but (B) but also (C) and also (D) as well as121. Our order of high-speed computers is scheduled to arrive __________ today or tomorrow.(A) or (B) on (C) both (D) either122. _________ Jane and Mary like different things, they are great friends.(A) Since (B) Despite (C) For (D) Although123. This rural town has __________ small population that the mail carrier knows where everyone lives.(A) too (B) a so (C) very (D) such a124._______ the president is going to say in his speech tonight will affect all of us.(A) What (B) That (C) So (D) While125. It matters little who finds the truth ------ the truth is found.(A) because (B) so that (C) so long as (D) as126. The order must be delivered by Tuesday; ----- we will have to look for another supplier.(A) unless(B) excepting (C) maybe (D) otherwise127. Unemployment is -------- low that companies may soon be unable to find workers without increasing wages.(A) such (B) very (C) so (D) despite128. The design EXPO had ----- high attendance last year that it will be moved to a larger location this year.(A) so (B) such (C) much (D) too129. ------- the rain is expected, everything is ready for the grand opening of the gallery(A) Except that (B) According to (C) Since (D) Aside from130. The store will be set for business by the end of the month-------- the contractors are able to complete the remodeling by this weekend.(A) these (B) if (C) them (D) so131. Neither the sales------ the profit is expected to increase in the next quarter.(A) any (B) or (C) nor (D) but132. The _______ carefully you write, the fewer mistakes you will make.(A) much (B) most (C) more (D) many133. There are far more game shows on TV __________ there used to be.(A) than (B) as (C) that (D) or134. You will need _______ more money to buy such a gorgeous dress.(A) much (B) a lot of (C) very (D) a great many135 The clay must be packed into the mold as ------- as possible to prevent air pockets from forming.(A) tighter (B) tighten (C) tightly (D) tightness136 In the survey of 2.000 youths aged twelve to seventeenth, twice as many said they could talk more easily to their mothers than to their fathers.(A) easiest (B) more easily (C) easily (D)most easily137. $200.00 will be presented to the graduate who has attained the------grade point average in the entire department(A) high (B) higher (C) highest (D) highly138. Mr. Stone has the------ attendance record at the retraining programs held at the headquarters(A) poor (B) poorer (C) poorest (D) poorly139. The director think that the qualification of the new designer are as------ as the others on the team. (A) credibility (B) credible (C) credibly (D) more crediable140. Ben‘s Delivery is the _____ messenger service in town(A)faster (B)fastest (C) most fastest (D)more fast141. The position used to be obtained _____ in the past than it is now(A)harder (B)hard (C)the harder (D)the hardest142. That was one of the _____ business conferences the representative had ever attended.(A)bad (B)worst (C)worse (D)more bad143. The new employee will be likely to be _____ his predecessor.(A)popular (B)as popular as (C)as popular (D)popular than144. When my visitor --------, will you please call me?(A) will arrive (B) arrives (C) arrived (D) is arriving145. Denny-------- his first job with us five years ago.(A) will arrive (B) arrives (C) arrived (D) is arriving146. I ------ all members by tomorrow night.(A) contacted (B) contacts (C) has contacted (D) will have contacted147. Investors --------- fascinated by the stock market for a long time.(A) is being (B) has been (C) are being (D) have been148. Mr. Franklin ------- as the most likely successor to the position of CEO since he was elected vice president last October.(A) saw (B) was seen (C) has been seen (D) has seen149. The union leader were informed that the workers on the strike------.(A) fired (B) is fired (C) had fired (D) had been fired150. If you get your bank to generate a money order, it usually ______ conversion fees.(A) charge (B) charges (C) charging (D) is charging151. Since this morning, city workers traffic signs in the roads using special paint to avoid repainting every year.(A) were painting (B) had painted (C) have been painted (D) have painted152. International stock markets, including those in Britain, Germany, Hong Kong and Japanyesterday in response to the partial recovery of US markets.(A) rise (B) rises (C) rose (D) risen153. He us since Henry went to America.(A) visits (B) visited (C) will visit (D) has visited154. Last quarter the rate of inflation ___________ by 10 percent.(A) rose (B) raised (C) has risen (D) was risen155. We ________ to establish a friendly relationship with that country for two years.(A) try (B) are trying (C) have tried (D) will tried156. Inspection will be _____ Saturday at 7 A.M.(A) at(B) to(C) for(D) on157. We regret that the savings will be consumed ________ noon tomorrow.(A) with(B) by(C) in)(D) from158. _______ terms of quality and service, our company surpasses the competition.(A) In(B) From(C) By(D) With159. The sales meeting will be held _______ Busan in May.(A) to(B) at(C) in(D) on160. The supplies cannot be ordered ________ next Monday.(A) within(B) until(C) at(D) to Part VIDirection : I this part of the test161. The officials responsible for (A)running this office (B)represented the United States in (C)the Supreme Court and provided legal (D)advices to the President.162. Ben survived the (A)first round of (B)layoffs (C)despite having been employed for (D)lesser than a year. 163. (A)From the (B)past three years, Bob Smith (C)has been the (D)head of the international department. 164. (A)Each of the managers (B)receive a(C)copy of the (D)company‘s policies and procedures.165. If you (A)would have studied the problem more (B)carefully, you would (C)have found the solution (D)more quickly.166. (A)Although a new computer, Model CX-2, (B)seemed like a good investment (C)for their company, they decided not to buy (D)them.167. To protect herself (A)against robbery, Ellen had (B)a company (C)installed a new burglary (D)alarm. 168. I wonder (A)how she manage (B)to get along(C)on(D)so cheap a salary.169. (A)With the advent of satellite transmission of photographs of the (B)earth‘s atmosphere, forecasting the weather has become a (C)relative exact (D)science.170. There (A)were intense competition (B)between the (C)rival companies (D)to get the contract.171. There is (A)some disagreement between (B)my parents and I about which job I should (C)take.172. The index of (A)leading economic indicators, which (B)are intended to forecast economic activity about six months (C)into the future, dropped (D)5 percent last month.173. In his role as (A)facilitator of all operations, he invariably (B)coordinating the running (C)of the building‘s (D)various systems.174. (A)In spite of the fact that he was late for the meeting, the boss (B)having (C)nothing but praise (D)for his last few months‘ performance.175. He studied economics when (A)their study was not common, and he (B)later (C)went on to distinguish himself (D)in the field.176. Neither Sam Atkins (A)nor Henry Miller, sales representatives for the company, presented (B)their summaries of sales (C)before the deadline (D)for doing so.177. Neither of the two candidates (A)who had (B)applied for admission (C)to the Industrial Engineering Department (D)were eligible for scholarships.178. One (A)out of (B)every eight balloons (C)in the world (D)are launched in Albuquerque, New Mexico 179. (A)There are a range of (B)effects pushing and pulling the climate (C)in opposite (D)directions; no one fully understands these interactions.180. (A)Whether or not Sam’s understanding of social conflicts (B)are in any way scientific (C)remains(D)a vexing question.181. (A)In October, the vice president (B)will have (C)been at this company (D)since ten years.182. We (A)need purchase a new set of (B)equipment (C)to speed up the (D)developing and printing process. 183. (A)The local bank, (B)along with other (C)financial institutions, (D)are lowering processing fees imposed in cashing a check.184. The amusement park (A)is expected to be very (B)successful (C)because of many special facilities (D)such restaurants and movie theaters.185. If you (A)fill in an (B)applying for a mortgage loan and mail (C)it to us, we will notify you of theresult(D)as soon as possible.186. (A)B y lowering (B)levels toxic waste disposal, the chemical industries (C)are responding to people‘s increasing (D)concerns with environment.187. (A)According to the (B)press release, the hotel is planning (C)on invest an additional $ 8 million into (D)marketing and research.188. (A)This new insurance policy will (B)bring you benefits that (C)provides more coverages (D)on property damage.189. For (A)more information, you can visit our website (B)and find the map (C)showing the potential car pool partner‘s ho use and (D)work located.190. A memorandum (A)announcing (B)this year‘s sales goals (C)are posted on (D)the bulletin board of the main office.191. Any employee (A)whose puts in (B)more than five extra hours‘ work (C)during the holidays will be paid (D)for overtime.192. (A)Every client should be reminded that (B)his credit history can be available (C)by lendingssuch (D) as commercial banks and other financing companies.193. Due to the (A)highest rental rates of houses, (B)more tenants have become (C)interested in home purchase (D)loan programs.194.The biologist (A)which (B)leads the ambitious Genom Project (C)was once awarded the Nobel Science Prize (D)in 2001.195. Every frequent asked question will (A)be answered (B)automatic in accordance (C)with the (D)operating manual.196. The passengers will be (A)dealt politely (B)until we (C)arrange for another flight (D)to pick up them. 197. The sales strategy meeting of the (A)marketing division is (B)held here (C)at the first Monday of (D)each month.198. The (A)franchisee will renew the (B)exclusive distributorship of the products (C)upon (D)expire of this con.199. (A)Despite declining revenues, his (B)efficient and enthusiasm (C)helped double the (D)profits at our department.200. The director (A)is casting actor Jill Cosby (B)as a protagonist (C)for the two upcoming blockbusters, both of (D)them will be very successful.D D A B A D C D C A151152153154155156157158159160C B B B A BD D A B181. (D) since ---> for182. (A) purchase ---> to purchase183. (D) are ---> is184. (D) such ---> such as185. (B) applying ---> application 186. (B) levels ---> levels of187. (C) on ---> to188. (C) provides ---> provide 189. (D) located ---> location 190. (C) are ---> is191. (A) whose ---> who192. (C) lendings ---> lenders 193. (A) highest ---> high(er)194. (A) which ---> who195. (B) automatic ---> automatically 196. (A) dealt ---> dealt with197. (C) at ---> on198. (D) expire ---> expiration 199. (B) efficient ---> efficiency 200. (D) them ---> which。

T o e i c托业考试真题及答案-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN2018年Toeic托业考试真题及答案--手打请支持(非听力部分)Part VDirection : In this part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark on your answer sheet.101. For several years now, we have seen a marked in attendance and exhibitions at the PCB design conferences.(A) increase (B) increased (C) increasing (D) TO increase102. Make sure that transportation to and from the river is arranged to your .(A) satisfactory (B) satisfaction (C) satisfy (D) to satisfy103. The imposing that will soon be Rand Corporation‘s R&D center was renovated by the highly ad mired designer Haewook Lee. (A) structural (B) structure (C) structurally (D) in structural104. Employees may receive 50% tuition reimbursement for job-related courses taken with a supervisor‘s .(A) approves (B) approval (C) approve (D) to approve105. Mr. Hui, a freelance writer here at ESS Newspapers, has impeccable for the position of senior editor. (A) qualified (B) qualifications (C) qualify (D) be qualified106. Because of an illness is much cheaper than treatment, the local health clinic will be offering free flu vaccinations this weekend.(A) prevention (B) prevent (C) to prevent B) prevented107. Legal experts have presented that the DNA samples and fingerprints match.(A) evident (B) evidence (C) evidently (D) to evident108. Mach Corp. has a sys tem that allows clients to manage to employees‘ files.(A) access (B) accessible (C) to accessible (D) accessibly109. The average listener will not be able to notice any between audio CD and MP3 files.(A) differences (B) different (C) differently (D) of different110. Without your , we cannot guarantee your room after 6 p.m.A) confirm B) confirming C) confirmation D) confirmative111. of countries belonging to GATT approved the agreement yesterday in Geneva.A) Represents B) Representations C) Representatives D) Representing112. Officials of the Sydney head of office will hold a conference to talk about goals for the next ten years. A) them B) their C) theirs D) they113. As a customer service representative, Mrs. Lee tried to solve complaints from customers before asking for ______ supervisor‘s advice.(A) she B) her C) hers D) herself114 Mr. Alfred and I extend thanks to those that have helped this project in the past.(A) us (B) ours (C) our (D) ourselves115. Pioneer Corp. is considering--------- the release of the new equipment scheduled for later this month. (A)postponing (B) postpone (C) to postpone (D) postponement116. The company‘s business plan includes ---------- revenue from magazine and event promotions designed to help recruiters find qualified applicants.(A) draw (B) drawing (C) to draw (D) drawer117. This guideline is intended to -------- information about our databases and to provide a clear definition of how these database get updated and who has responsibilities(A) clarification (B) classified (C) cleared (D) clarify118. As of July 7, basic monthly telephone service will increase by $1.50 due to the new federal telecommunication tax, -------- state-to-state long-distance rates will decrease an average of 10 percent. (A) otherwise (B) therefore (C) however (D) in addition to119. He makes $20 an hour, has more work than he can handle.(A) and (B) than (C) so (D) but120. Their products are known not only for their low price, __________ for their high quality.(A) but (B) but also (C) and also (D) as well as121. Our order of high-speed computers is scheduled to arrive __________ today or tomorrow.(A) or (B) on (C) both (D) either122. _________ Jane and Mary like different things, they are great friends.(A) Since (B) Despite (C) For (D) Although123. This rural town has __________ small population that the mail carrier knows where everyone lives.(A) too (B) a so (C) very (D) such a124._______ the president is going to say in his speech tonight will affect all of us.(A) What (B) That (C) So (D) While125. It matters little who finds the truth ------ the truth is found.(A) because (B) so that (C) so long as (D) as126. The order must be delivered by Tuesday; ----- we will have to look for another supplier.(A) unless(B) excepting (C) maybe (D) otherwise127. Unemployment is -------- low that companies may soon be unable to find workers without increasing wages.(A) such (B) very (C) so (D) despite128. The design EXPO had ----- high attendance last year that it will be moved to a larger location this year.(A) so (B) such (C) much (D) too129. ------- the rain is expected, everything is ready for the grand opening of the gallery(A) Except that (B) According to (C) Since (D) Aside from130. The store will be set for business by the end of the month-------- the contractors are able to complete the remodeling by this weekend.(A) these (B) if (C) them (D) so131. Neither the sales------ the profit is expected to increase in the next quarter.(A) any (B) or (C) nor (D) but132. The _______ carefully you write, the fewer mistakes you will make.(A) much (B) most (C) more (D) many133. There are far more game shows on TV __________ there used to be.(A) than (B) as (C) that (D) or134. You will need _______ more money to buy such a gorgeous dress.(A) much (B) a lot of (C) very (D) a great many135 The clay must be packed into the mold as ------- as possible to prevent air pockets from forming.(A) tighter (B) tighten (C) tightly (D) tightness136 In the survey of 2.000 youths aged twelve to seventeenth, twice as many said they could talk more easily to their mothers than to their fathers.(A) easiest (B) more easily (C) easily (D)most easily137. $200.00 will be presented to the graduate who has attained the------grade point average in the entire department(A) high (B) higher (C) highest (D) highly138. Mr. Stone has the------ attendance record at the retraining programs held at the headquarters(A) poor (B) poorer (C) poorest (D) poorly139. The director think that the qualification of the new designer are as------ as the others on the team. (A) credibility (B) credible (C) credibly (D) more crediable140. Ben‘s Delivery is the _____ messenger service in town(A)faster (B)fastest (C) most fastest (D)more fast141. The position used to be obtained _____ in the past than it is now(A)harder (B)hard (C)the harder (D)the hardest142. That was one of the _____ business conferences the representative had ever attended.(A)bad (B)worst (C)worse (D)more bad143. The new employee will be likely to be _____ his predecessor.(A)popular (B)as popular as (C)as popular (D)popular than144. When my visitor --------, will you please call me?(A) will arrive (B) arrives (C) arrived (D) is arriving145. Denny-------- his first job with us five years ago.(A) will arrive (B) arrives (C) arrived (D) is arriving146. I ------ all members by tomorrow night.(A) contacted (B) contacts (C) has contacted (D) will have contacted147. Investors --------- fascinated by the stock market for a long time.(A) is being (B) has been (C) are being (D) have been148. Mr. Franklin ------- as the most likely successor to the position of CEO since he was elected vice president last October.(A) saw (B) was seen (C) has been seen (D) has seen149. The union leader were informed that the workers on the strike------.(A) fired (B) is fired (C) had fired (D) had been fired150. If you get your bank to generate a money order, it usually ______ conversion fees.(A) charge (B) charges (C) charging (D) is charging151. Since this morning, city workers traffic signs in the roads using special paint to avoid repainting every year.(A) were painting (B) had painted (C) have been painted (D) have painted152. International stock markets, including those in Britain, Germany, Hong Kong and Japanyesterday in response to the partial recovery of US markets.(A) rise (B) rises (C) rose (D) risen153. He us since Henry went to America.(A) visits (B) visited (C) will visit (D) has visited154. Last quarter the rate of inflation ___________ by 10 percent.(A) rose (B) raised (C) has risen (D) was risen155. We ________ to establish a friendly relationship with that country for two years.(A) try (B) are trying (C) have tried (D) will tried156. Inspection will be _____ Saturday at 7 A.M.(A) at(B) to(C) for(D) on157. We regret that the savings will be consumed ________ noon tomorrow.(A) with(B) by(C) in)(D) from158. _______ terms of quality and service, our company surpasses the competition.(A) In(B) From(C) By(D) With159. The sales meeting will be held _______ Busan in May.(A) to(B) at(C) in(D) on160. The supplies cannot be ordered ________ next Monday.(A) within(B) until(C) at(D) to Part VIDirection : I this part of the test161. The officials responsible for (A)running this office (B)represented the United States in (C)the Supreme Court and provided legal (D)advices to the President.162. Ben survived the (A)first round of (B)layoffs (C)despite having been employed for (D)lesser than a year. 163. (A)From the (B)past three years, Bob Smith (C)has been the (D)head of the international department. 164. (A)Each of the managers (B)receive a(C)copy of the (D)company‘s policies and procedures.165. If you (A)would have studied the problem more (B)carefully, you would (C)have found the solution (D)more quickly.166. (A)Although a new computer, Model CX-2, (B)seemed like a good investment (C)for their company, they decided not to buy (D)them.167. To protect herself (A)against robbery, Ellen had (B)a company (C)installed a new burglary (D)alarm. 168. I wonder (A)how she manage (B)to get along(C)on(D)so cheap a salary.169. (A)With the advent of satellite transmission of photographs of the (B)earth‘s atmosphere, forecasting the weather has become a (C)relative exact (D)science.170. There (A)were intense competition (B)between the (C)rival companies (D)to get the contract.171. There is (A)some disagreement between (B)my parents and I about which job I should (C)take.172. The index of (A)leading economic indicators, which (B)are intended to forecast economic activity about six months (C)into the future, dropped (D)5 percent last month.173. In his role as (A)facilitator of all operations, he invariably (B)coordinating the running (C)of the building‘s (D)various systems.174. (A)In spite of the fact that he was late for the meeting, the boss (B)having (C)nothing but praise (D)for his last few months‘ performance.175. He studied economics when (A)their study was not common, and he (B)later (C)went on to distinguish himself (D)in the field.176. Neither Sam Atkins (A)nor Henry Miller, sales representatives for the company, presented (B)their summaries of sales (C)before the deadline (D)for doing so.177. Neither of the two candidates (A)who had (B)applied for admission (C)to the Industrial Engineering Department (D)were eligible for scholarships.178. One (A)out of (B)every eight balloons (C)in the world (D)are launched in Albuquerque, New Mexico 179. (A)There are a range of (B)effects pushing and pulling the climate (C)in opposite (D)directions; no one fully understands these interactions.180. (A)Whether or not Sam’s understanding of social conflicts (B)are in any way scientific (C)remains(D)a vexing question.181. (A)In October, the vice president (B)will have (C)been at this company (D)since ten years.182. We (A)need purchase a new set of (B)equipment (C)to speed up the (D)developing and printing process. 183. (A)The local bank, (B)along with other (C)financial institutions, (D)are lowering processing fees imposed in cashing a check.184. The amusement park (A)is expected to be very (B)successful (C)because of many special facilities (D)such restaurants and movie theaters.185. If you (A)fill in an (B)applying for a mortgage loan and mail (C)it to us, we will notify you of theresult(D)as soon as possible.186. (A)B y lowering (B)levels toxic waste disposal, the chemical industries (C)are responding to people‘s increasing (D)concerns with environment.187. (A)According to the (B)press release, the hotel is planning (C)on invest an additional $ 8 million into (D)marketing and research.188. (A)This new insurance policy will (B)bring you benefits that (C)provides more coverages (D)on property damage.189. For (A)more information, you can visit our website (B)and find the map (C)showing the potential car pool partner‘s ho use and (D)work located.190. A memorandum (A)announcing (B)this year‘s sales goals (C)are posted on (D)the bulletin board of the main office.191. Any employee (A)whose puts in (B)more than five extra hours‘ work (C)during the holidays will be paid (D)for overtime.192. (A)Every client should be reminded that (B)his credit history can be available (C)by lendingssuch (D) as commercial banks and other financing companies.193. Due to the (A)highest rental rates of houses, (B)more tenants have become (C)interested in home purchase (D)loan programs.194.The biologist (A)which (B)leads the ambitious Genom Project (C)was once awarded the Nobel Science Prize (D)in 2001.195. Every frequent asked question will (A)be answered (B)automatic in accordance (C)with the (D)operating manual.196. The passengers will be (A)dealt politely (B)until we (C)arrange for another flight (D)to pick up them. 197. The sales strategy meeting of the (A)marketing division is (B)held here (C)at the first Monday of (D)each month.198. The (A)franchisee will renew the (B)exclusive distributorship of the products (C)upon (D)expire of this con.199. (A)Despite declining revenues, his (B)efficient and enthusiasm (C)helped double the (D)profits at our department.200. The director (A)is casting actor Jill Cosby (B)as a protagonist (C)for the two upcoming blockbusters, both of (D)them will be very successful.D D A B A D C D C A151152153154155156157158159160C B B B A BD D A B181. (D) since ---> for182. (A) purchase ---> to purchase183. (D) are ---> is184. (D) such ---> such as185. (B) applying ---> application 186. (B) levels ---> levels of187. (C) on ---> to188. (C) provides ---> provide 189. (D) located ---> location 190. (C) are ---> is191. (A) whose ---> who192. (C) lendings ---> lenders 193. (A) highest ---> high(er)194. (A) which ---> who195. (B) automatic ---> automatically 196. (A) dealt ---> dealt with197. (C) at ---> on198. (D) expire ---> expiration 199. (B) efficient ---> efficiency 200. (D) them ---> which。

托业(阅读)练习试卷8(题后含答案及解析) 题型有: 2. 短文填空 3. 阅读理解短文填空Employment AdvertisementPepsiCo (Japan) Co. Ltd. is an owned foreign enterprise. Thanks______our steadily growing business in Japan we now invite capable person for the following positions: Quality Engineer / Manufacturing Engineer About 30 years old University graduate in Mechanical Engineering/Automation Engineering 2-3 years relevant working experience in Quality or Manufacturing Environment, experience in joint venture______. Having knowledge in Quality System Good at oral and written English, be willing to travel Having opening skills in using Windows and Excel______should send your full resumes both in Japanese and English, telephone number and address to:Personnel Department, PepsiCo (Japan) Co. Ltd.Tokyo Economic & Technical Development District, Tokyo 510730.1.A.inB.toC.withD.for正确答案:B解析:这句话的意思是说,由于我们在日本的业务稳步发展,以下岗位现在开始招贤纳士。

2018年Toeic托业考试真题及答案--手打请支持(非听力部分)Part VDirection : In this part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark on your answer sheet.101. For several years now, we have seen a marked in attendance and exhibitions at the PCB design conferences.(A) increase (B) increased (C) increasing (D) TO increase102. Make sure that transportation to and from the river is arranged to your .(A) satisfactory (B) satisfaction (C) satisfy (D) to satisfy103. The imposing that will soon be Rand Corporation‘s R&D center was renovated by the highly admired designer Haewook Lee. (A) structural (B) structure (C) structurally (D) in structural104. Employees may receive 50% tuition reimbursement for job-related courses taken with a supervisor‘s .(A) approves (B) approval (C) approve (D) to approve105. Mr. Hui, a freelance writer here at ESS Newspapers, has impeccable for the position of senior editor.(A) qualified (B) qualifications (C) qualify (D) be qualified106. Because of an illness is much cheaper than treatment, the local health clinic will be offering free flu vaccinations this weekend.(A) prevention (B) prevent (C) to prevent B) prevented107. Legal experts have presented that the DNA samples and fingerprints match.(A) evident (B) evidence (C) evidently (D) to evident108. Mach Corp. has a system that allows client s to manage to employees‘ files.(A) access (B) accessible (C) to accessible (D) accessibly109. The average listener will not be able to notice any between audio CD and MP3 files.(A) differences (B) different (C) differently (D) of different110. Without your , we cannot guarantee your room after 6 p.m.A) confirm B) confirming C) confirmation D) confirmative111. of countries belonging to GATT approved the agreement yesterday in Geneva.A) Represents B) Representations C) Representatives D) Representing112. Officials of the Sydney head of office will hold a conference to talk about goals for the next ten years.A) them B) their C) theirs D) they113. As a customer service representative, Mrs. Lee tried to solve complaints from customers before asking for ______ supervisor‘s advice.(A) she B) her C) hers D) herself114 Mr. Alfred and I extend thanks to those that have helped this project in the past.(A) us (B) ours (C) our (D) ourselves115. Pioneer Corp. is considering--------- the release of the new equipment scheduled for later this month.(A)postponing (B) postpone (C) to postpone (D) postponement116. The company‘s business plan includes ---------- revenue from magazine and event promotions designed to help recruiters find qualified applicants.(A) draw (B) drawing (C) to draw (D) drawer117. This guideline is intended to -------- information about our databases and to provide a clear definition of how these database get updated and who has responsibilities(A) clarification (B) classified (C) cleared (D) clarify118. As of July 7, basic monthly telephone service will increase by $1.50 due to the new federal telecommunication tax, -------- state-to-state long-distance rates will decrease an average of 10 percent.(A) otherwise (B) therefore (C) however (D) in addition to119. He makes $20 an hour, has more work than he can handle.(A) and (B) than (C) so (D) but120. Their products are known not only for their low price, __________ for their high quality.(A) but (B) but also (C) and also (D) as well as121. Our order of high-speed computers is scheduled to arrive __________ today or tomorrow.(A) or (B) on (C) both (D) either122. _________ Jane and Mary like different things, they are great friends.(A) Since (B) Despite (C) For (D) Although123. This rural town has __________ small population that the mail carrier knows where everyone lives.(A) too (B) a so (C) very (D) such a124._______ the president is going to say in his speech tonight will affect all of us.(A) What (B) That (C) So (D) While125. It matters little who finds the truth ------ the truth is found.(A) because (B) so that (C) so long as (D) as126. The order must be delivered by Tuesday; ----- we will have to look for another supplier.(A) unless(B) excepting (C) maybe (D) otherwise127. Unemployment is -------- low that companies may soon be unable to find workers without increasing wages.(A) such (B) very (C) so (D) despite128. The design EXPO had ----- high attendance last year that it will be moved to a larger location this year.(A) so (B) such (C) much (D) too129. ------- the rain is expected, everything is ready for the grand opening of the gallery(A) Except that (B) According to (C) Since (D) Aside from130. The store will be set for business by the end of the month-------- the contractors are able to complete the remodeling by this weekend.(A) these (B) if (C) them (D) so131. Neither the sales------ the profit is expected to increase in the next quarter.(A) any (B) or (C) nor (D) but132. The _______ carefully you write, the fewer mistakes you will make.(A) much (B) most (C) more (D) many133. There are far more game shows on TV __________ there used to be.(A) than (B) as (C) that (D) or134. You will need _______ more money to buy such a gorgeous dress.(A) much (B) a lot of (C) very (D) a great many135 The clay must be packed into the mold as ------- as possible to prevent air pockets from forming.(A) tighter (B) tighten (C) tightly (D) tightness136 In the survey of 2.000 youths aged twelve to seventeenth, twice as many said they could talk more easily to their mothers than to their fathers.(A) easiest (B) more easily (C) easily (D)most easily137. $200.00 will be presented to the graduate who has attained the------grade point average in the entire department(A) high (B) higher (C) highest (D) highly138. Mr. Stone has the------ attendance record at the retraining programs held at the headquarters(A) poor (B) poorer (C) poorest (D) poorly139. The director think that the qualification of the new designer are as------ as the others on the team.(A) credibility (B) credible (C) credibly (D) more crediable140. Ben‘s Delivery is the _____ messenger service in town(A)faster (B)fastest (C) most fastest (D)more fast141. The position used to be obtained _____ in the past than it is now(A)harder (B)hard (C)the harder (D)the hardest142. That was one of the _____ business conferences the representative had ever attended.(A)bad (B)worst (C)worse (D)more bad143. The new employee will be likely to be _____ his predecessor.(A)popular (B)as popular as (C)as popular (D)popular than144. When my visitor --------, will you please call me?(A) will arrive (B) arrives (C) arrived (D) is arriving145. Denny-------- his first job with us five years ago.(A) will arrive (B) arrives (C) arrived (D) is arriving146. I ------ all members by tomorrow night.(A) contacted (B) contacts (C) has contacted (D) will have contacted147. Investors --------- fascinated by the stock market for a long time.(A) is being (B) has been (C) are being (D) have been148. Mr. Franklin ------- as the most likely successor to the position of CEO since he was elected vice president last October.(A) saw (B) was seen (C) has been seen (D) has seen149. The union leader were informed that the workers on the strike------.(A) fired (B) is fired (C) had fired (D) had been fired150. If you get your bank to generate a money order, it usually ______ conversion fees.(A) charge (B) charges (C) charging (D) is charging151. Since this morning, city workers traffic signs in the roads using special paint to avoid repainting every year.(A) were painting (B) had painted (C) have been painted (D) have painted152. International stock markets, including those in Britain, Germany, Hong Kong and Japanyesterday in response to the partial recovery of US markets.(A) rise (B) rises (C) rose (D) risen153. He us since Henry went to America.(A) visits (B) visited (C) will visit (D) has visited154. Last quarter the rate of inflation ___________ by 10 percent.(A) rose (B) raised (C) has risen (D) was risen155. We ________ to establish a friendly relationship with that country for two years.(A) try (B) are trying (C) have tried (D) will tried156. Inspection will be _____ Saturday at 7 A.M.(A) at(B) to(C) for(D) on157. We regret that the savings will be consumed ________ noon tomorrow.(A) with(B) by(C) in)(D) from158. _______ terms of quality and service, our company surpasses the competition.(A) In(B) From(C) By(D) With159. The sales meeting will be held _______ Busan in May.(A) to(B) at(C) in(D) on160. The supplies cannot be ordered ________ next Monday.(A) within(B) until(C) at(D) to Part VIDirection : I this part of the test161. The officials responsible for (A)running this office (B)represented the United States in (C)the Supreme Court and provided legal (D)advices to the President.162. Ben survived the (A)first round of (B)layoffs (C)despite having been employed for (D)lesser than a year.163. (A)From the (B)past three years, Bob Smith (C)has been the (D)head of the international department.164. (A)Each of the managers (B)receive a(C)copy of the (D)company‘s policies and procedures.165. If you (A)would have studied the problem more (B)carefully, you would (C)have found the solution (D)more quickly.166. (A)Although a new computer, Model CX-2, (B)seemed like a good investment (C)for their company, they decided not to buy (D)them.167. To protect herself (A)against robbery, Ellen had (B)a company (C)installed a new burglary (D)alarm.168. I wonder (A)how she manage (B)to get along(C)on(D)so cheap a salary.169. (A)With the advent of satellite transmission of photographs of the (B)earth‘s atmosphere, forecasting the weather has become a (C)relative exact (D)science.170. There (A)were intense competition (B)between the (C)rival companies (D)to get the contract.171. There is (A)some disagreement between (B)my parents and I about which job I should (C)take.172. The index of (A)leading economic indicators, which (B)are intended to forecast economic activity about six months (C)into the future, dropped (D)5 percent last month.173. In his role as (A)facilitator of all operations, he invariably (B)coordinating the running (C)of the building‘s (D)various systems.174. (A)In spite of the fact that he was late for the meeting, the boss (B)having(C)nothing but praise (D)for his last few months‘ performance.175. He studied economics when (A)their study was not common, and he (B)later(C)went on to distinguish himself (D)in the field.176. Neither Sam Atkins (A)nor Henry Miller, sales representatives for the company, presented (B)their summaries of sales (C)before the deadline (D)for doing so.177. Neither of the two candidates (A)who had (B)applied for admission (C)to the Industrial Engineering Department (D)were eligible for scholarships.178. One (A)out of (B)every eight balloons (C)in the world (D)are launched in Albuquerque, New Mexico179. (A)There are a range of (B)effects pushing and pulling the climate (C)in opposite (D)directions; no one fully understands these interactions.180. (A)Whether or not Sam’s understanding of social conflicts (B)are in any way scientific (C)remains(D)a vexing question.181. (A)In October, the vice president (B)will have (C)been at this company (D)since ten years.182. We (A)need purchase a new set of (B)equipment (C)to speed up the(D)developing and printing process.183. (A)The local bank, (B)along with other (C)financial institutions, (D)are lowering processing fees imposed in cashing a check.184. The amusement park (A)is expected to be very (B)successful (C)because of many special facilities (D)such restaurants and movie theaters.185. If you (A)fill in an (B)applying for a mortgage loan and mail (C)it to us, we will notify you of the result(D)as soon as possible.186. (A)By lowering (B)levels toxic waste disposal, the chemical industries (C)are responding to people‘s increasing (D)concerns with environment.187. (A)According to the (B)press release, the hotel is planning (C)on invest an additional $ 8 million into (D)marketing and research.188. (A)This new insurance policy will (B)bring you benefits that (C)provides more coverages (D)on property damage.189. For (A)more information, you can visit our website (B)and find the map(C)showing the potential car pool partner‘s house and (D)work locate d.190. A memorandum (A)announcing (B)this year‘s sales goals (C)are posted on (D)the bulletin board of the main office.191. Any employee (A)whose puts in (B)more than five extra hours‘ work (C)during the holidays will be paid (D)for overtime.192. (A)Every client should be reminded that (B)his credit history can be available (C)by lendingssuch (D) as commercial banks and other financing companies.193. Due to the (A)highest rental rates of houses, (B)more tenants have become (C)interested in home purchase (D)loan programs.194.The biologist (A)which (B)leads the ambitious Genom Project (C)was once awarded the Nobel Science Prize (D)in 2001.195. Every frequent asked question will (A)be answered (B)automatic in accordance (C)with the (D)operating manual.196. The passengers will be (A)dealt politely (B)until we (C)arrange for another flight (D)to pick up them.197. The sales strategy meeting of the (A)marketing division is (B)held here (C)at the first Monday of (D)each month.198. The (A)franchisee will renew the (B)exclusive distributorship of the products (C)upon (D)expire of this con.199. (A)Despite declining revenues, his (B)efficient and enthusiasm (C)helped double the (D)profits at our department.200. The director (A)is casting actor Jill Cosby (B)as a protagonist (C)for the two upcoming blockbusters, both of (D)them will be very successful.D D A B A D C D C A4 8 159 160C B B B A BD D A B181. (D) since ---> for182. (A) purchase ---> to purchase183. (D) are ---> is184. (D) such ---> such as185. (B) applying ---> application186. (B) levels ---> levels of187. (C) on ---> to188. (C) provides ---> provide189. (D) located ---> location190. (C) are ---> is191. (A) whose ---> who192. (C) lendings ---> lenders193. (A) highest ---> high(er)194. (A) which ---> who195. (B) automatic ---> automatically196. (A) dealt ---> dealt with 197. (C) at ---> on198. (D) expire ---> expiration 199. (B) efficient ---> efficiency 200. (D) them ---> which。

T o e i c托业考试真题及答案-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN2018年Toeic托业考试真题及答案--手打请支持(非听力部分)Part VDirection : In this part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark on your answer sheet.101. For several years now, we have seen a marked in attendance and exhibitions at the PCB design conferences.(A) increase (B) increased (C) increasing (D) TO increase102. Make sure that transportation to and from the river is arranged to your .(A) satisfactory (B) satisfaction (C) satisfy (D) to satisfy103. The imposing that will soon be Rand Corporation‘s R&D center was renovated by the highly ad mired designer Haewook Lee. (A) structural (B) structure (C) structurally (D) in structural104. Employees may receive 50% tuition reimbursement for job-related courses taken with a supervisor‘s .(A) approves (B) approval (C) approve (D) to approve105. Mr. Hui, a freelance writer here at ESS Newspapers, has impeccable for the position of senior editor. (A) qualified (B) qualifications (C) qualify (D) be qualified106. Because of an illness is much cheaper than treatment, the local health clinic will be offering free flu vaccinations this weekend.(A) prevention (B) prevent (C) to prevent B) prevented107. Legal experts have presented that the DNA samples and fingerprints match.(A) evident (B) evidence (C) evidently (D) to evident108. Mach Corp. has a sys tem that allows clients to manage to employees‘ files.(A) access (B) accessible (C) to accessible (D) accessibly109. The average listener will not be able to notice any between audio CD and MP3 files.(A) differences (B) different (C) differently (D) of different110. Without your , we cannot guarantee your room after 6 p.m.A) confirm B) confirming C) confirmation D) confirmative111. of countries belonging to GATT approved the agreement yesterday in Geneva.A) Represents B) Representations C) Representatives D) Representing112. Officials of the Sydney head of office will hold a conference to talk about goals for the next ten years. A) them B) their C) theirs D) they113. As a customer service representative, Mrs. Lee tried to solve complaints from customers before asking for ______ supervisor‘s advice.(A) she B) her C) hers D) herself114 Mr. Alfred and I extend thanks to those that have helped this project in the past.(A) us (B) ours (C) our (D) ourselves115. Pioneer Corp. is considering--------- the release of the new equipment scheduled for later this month. (A)postponing (B) postpone (C) to postpone (D) postponement116. The company‘s business plan includes ---------- revenue from magazine and event promotions designed to help recruiters find qualified applicants.(A) draw (B) drawing (C) to draw (D) drawer117. This guideline is intended to -------- information about our databases and to provide a clear definition of how these database get updated and who has responsibilities(A) clarification (B) classified (C) cleared (D) clarify118. As of July 7, basic monthly telephone service will increase by $1.50 due to the new federal telecommunication tax, -------- state-to-state long-distance rates will decrease an average of 10 percent. (A) otherwise (B) therefore (C) however (D) in addition to119. He makes $20 an hour, has more work than he can handle.(A) and (B) than (C) so (D) but120. Their products are known not only for their low price, __________ for their high quality.(A) but (B) but also (C) and also (D) as well as121. Our order of high-speed computers is scheduled to arrive __________ today or tomorrow.(A) or (B) on (C) both (D) either122. _________ Jane and Mary like different things, they are great friends.(A) Since (B) Despite (C) For (D) Although123. This rural town has __________ small population that the mail carrier knows where everyone lives.(A) too (B) a so (C) very (D) such a124._______ the president is going to say in his speech tonight will affect all of us.(A) What (B) That (C) So (D) While125. It matters little who finds the truth ------ the truth is found.(A) because (B) so that (C) so long as (D) as126. The order must be delivered by Tuesday; ----- we will have to look for another supplier.(A) unless(B) excepting (C) maybe (D) otherwise127. Unemployment is -------- low that companies may soon be unable to find workers without increasing wages.(A) such (B) very (C) so (D) despite128. The design EXPO had ----- high attendance last year that it will be moved to a larger location this year.(A) so (B) such (C) much (D) too129. ------- the rain is expected, everything is ready for the grand opening of the gallery(A) Except that (B) According to (C) Since (D) Aside from130. The store will be set for business by the end of the month-------- the contractors are able to complete the remodeling by this weekend.(A) these (B) if (C) them (D) so131. Neither the sales------ the profit is expected to increase in the next quarter.(A) any (B) or (C) nor (D) but132. The _______ carefully you write, the fewer mistakes you will make.(A) much (B) most (C) more (D) many133. There are far more game shows on TV __________ there used to be.(A) than (B) as (C) that (D) or134. You will need _______ more money to buy such a gorgeous dress.(A) much (B) a lot of (C) very (D) a great many135 The clay must be packed into the mold as ------- as possible to prevent air pockets from forming.(A) tighter (B) tighten (C) tightly (D) tightness136 In the survey of 2.000 youths aged twelve to seventeenth, twice as many said they could talk more easily to their mothers than to their fathers.(A) easiest (B) more easily (C) easily (D)most easily137. $200.00 will be presented to the graduate who has attained the------grade point average in the entire department(A) high (B) higher (C) highest (D) highly138. Mr. Stone has the------ attendance record at the retraining programs held at the headquarters(A) poor (B) poorer (C) poorest (D) poorly139. The director think that the qualification of the new designer are as------ as the others on the team. (A) credibility (B) credible (C) credibly (D) more crediable140. Ben‘s Delivery is the _____ messenger service in town(A)faster (B)fastest (C) most fastest (D)more fast141. The position used to be obtained _____ in the past than it is now(A)harder (B)hard (C)the harder (D)the hardest142. That was one of the _____ business conferences the representative had ever attended.(A)bad (B)worst (C)worse (D)more bad143. The new employee will be likely to be _____ his predecessor.(A)popular (B)as popular as (C)as popular (D)popular than144. When my visitor --------, will you please call me?(A) will arrive (B) arrives (C) arrived (D) is arriving145. Denny-------- his first job with us five years ago.(A) will arrive (B) arrives (C) arrived (D) is arriving146. I ------ all members by tomorrow night.(A) contacted (B) contacts (C) has contacted (D) will have contacted147. Investors --------- fascinated by the stock market for a long time.(A) is being (B) has been (C) are being (D) have been148. Mr. Franklin ------- as the most likely successor to the position of CEO since he was elected vice president last October.(A) saw (B) was seen (C) has been seen (D) has seen149. The union leader were informed that the workers on the strike------.(A) fired (B) is fired (C) had fired (D) had been fired150. If you get your bank to generate a money order, it usually ______ conversion fees.(A) charge (B) charges (C) charging (D) is charging151. Since this morning, city workers traffic signs in the roads using special paint to avoid repainting every year.(A) were painting (B) had painted (C) have been painted (D) have painted152. International stock markets, including those in Britain, Germany, Hong Kong and Japanyesterday in response to the partial recovery of US markets.(A) rise (B) rises (C) rose (D) risen153. He us since Henry went to America.(A) visits (B) visited (C) will visit (D) has visited154. Last quarter the rate of inflation ___________ by 10 percent.(A) rose (B) raised (C) has risen (D) was risen155. We ________ to establish a friendly relationship with that country for two years.(A) try (B) are trying (C) have tried (D) will tried156. Inspection will be _____ Saturday at 7 A.M.(A) at(B) to(C) for(D) on157. We regret that the savings will be consumed ________ noon tomorrow.(A) with(B) by(C) in)(D) from158. _______ terms of quality and service, our company surpasses the competition.(A) In(B) From(C) By(D) With159. The sales meeting will be held _______ Busan in May.(A) to(B) at(C) in(D) on160. The supplies cannot be ordered ________ next Monday.(A) within(B) until(C) at(D) to Part VIDirection : I this part of the test161. The officials responsible for (A)running this office (B)represented the United States in (C)the Supreme Court and provided legal (D)advices to the President.162. Ben survived the (A)first round of (B)layoffs (C)despite having been employed for (D)lesser than a year. 163. (A)From the (B)past three years, Bob Smith (C)has been the (D)head of the international department. 164. (A)Each of the managers (B)receive a(C)copy of the (D)company‘s policies and procedures.165. If you (A)would have studied the problem more (B)carefully, you would (C)have found the solution (D)more quickly.166. (A)Although a new computer, Model CX-2, (B)seemed like a good investment (C)for their company, they decided not to buy (D)them.167. To protect herself (A)against robbery, Ellen had (B)a company (C)installed a new burglary (D)alarm. 168. I wonder (A)how she manage (B)to get along(C)on(D)so cheap a salary.169. (A)With the advent of satellite transmission of photographs of the (B)earth‘s atmosphere, forecasting the weather has become a (C)relative exact (D)science.170. There (A)were intense competition (B)between the (C)rival companies (D)to get the contract.171. There is (A)some disagreement between (B)my parents and I about which job I should (C)take.172. The index of (A)leading economic indicators, which (B)are intended to forecast economic activity about six months (C)into the future, dropped (D)5 percent last month.173. In his role as (A)facilitator of all operations, he invariably (B)coordinating the running (C)of the building‘s (D)various systems.174. (A)In spite of the fact that he was late for the meeting, the boss (B)having (C)nothing but praise (D)for his last few months‘ performance.175. He studied economics when (A)their study was not common, and he (B)later (C)went on to distinguish himself (D)in the field.176. Neither Sam Atkins (A)nor Henry Miller, sales representatives for the company, presented (B)their summaries of sales (C)before the deadline (D)for doing so.177. Neither of the two candidates (A)who had (B)applied for admission (C)to the Industrial Engineering Department (D)were eligible for scholarships.178. One (A)out of (B)every eight balloons (C)in the world (D)are launched in Albuquerque, New Mexico 179. (A)There are a range of (B)effects pushing and pulling the climate (C)in opposite (D)directions; no one fully understands these interactions.180. (A)Whether or not Sam’s understanding of social conflicts (B)are in any way scientific (C)remains(D)a vexing question.181. (A)In October, the vice president (B)will have (C)been at this company (D)since ten years.182. We (A)need purchase a new set of (B)equipment (C)to speed up the (D)developing and printing process. 183. (A)The local bank, (B)along with other (C)financial institutions, (D)are lowering processing fees imposed in cashing a check.184. The amusement park (A)is expected to be very (B)successful (C)because of many special facilities (D)such restaurants and movie theaters.185. If you (A)fill in an (B)applying for a mortgage loan and mail (C)it to us, we will notify you of theresult(D)as soon as possible.186. (A)B y lowering (B)levels toxic waste disposal, the chemical industries (C)are responding to people‘s increasing (D)concerns with environment.187. (A)According to the (B)press release, the hotel is planning (C)on invest an additional $ 8 million into (D)marketing and research.188. (A)This new insurance policy will (B)bring you benefits that (C)provides more coverages (D)on property damage.189. For (A)more information, you can visit our website (B)and find the map (C)showing the potential car pool partner‘s ho use and (D)work located.190. A memorandum (A)announcing (B)this year‘s sales goals (C)are posted on (D)the bulletin board of the main office.191. Any employee (A)whose puts in (B)more than five extra hours‘ work (C)during the holidays will be paid (D)for overtime.192. (A)Every client should be reminded that (B)his credit history can be available (C)by lendingssuch (D) as commercial banks and other financing companies.193. Due to the (A)highest rental rates of houses, (B)more tenants have become (C)interested in home purchase (D)loan programs.194.The biologist (A)which (B)leads the ambitious Genom Project (C)was once awarded the Nobel Science Prize (D)in 2001.195. Every frequent asked question will (A)be answered (B)automatic in accordance (C)with the (D)operating manual.196. The passengers will be (A)dealt politely (B)until we (C)arrange for another flight (D)to pick up them. 197. The sales strategy meeting of the (A)marketing division is (B)held here (C)at the first Monday of (D)each month.198. The (A)franchisee will renew the (B)exclusive distributorship of the products (C)upon (D)expire of this con.199. (A)Despite declining revenues, his (B)efficient and enthusiasm (C)helped double the (D)profits at our department.200. The director (A)is casting actor Jill Cosby (B)as a protagonist (C)for the two upcoming blockbusters, both of (D)them will be very successful.D D A B A D C D C A151152153154155156157158159160C B B B A BD D A B181. (D) since ---> for182. (A) purchase ---> to purchase183. (D) are ---> is184. (D) such ---> such as185. (B) applying ---> application 186. (B) levels ---> levels of187. (C) on ---> to188. (C) provides ---> provide 189. (D) located ---> location 190. (C) are ---> is191. (A) whose ---> who192. (C) lendings ---> lenders 193. (A) highest ---> high(er)194. (A) which ---> who195. (B) automatic ---> automatically 196. (A) dealt ---> dealt with197. (C) at ---> on198. (D) expire ---> expiration 199. (B) efficient ---> efficiency 200. (D) them ---> which。

托业考试(TOEIC)听力和阅读真题精选及详解(一)LISTENING TESTIn the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book.PART 1Directions:For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you mustselect the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture.Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and markyour answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and willbe spoken only one time.Example:Now listen to the four statements:(A) They are leaving the room.(B) They are turning on the machine.(C) They are standing near the table.(D) They are reading the newspaper.Statement (C), “They are standing near the table,” is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (C) and mark it on your answer sheet. Now Part I will begin.1.【答案】C【解析】图片中一名男士正在工作。

历年托业考试(TOEIC)真题题目Part VDirection : In this part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the onethat best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark on your answer sheet.101. For several years now, we have seen a marked in attendance and exhibitions at thePCB design conferences.(A) increase (B) increased (C) increasing (D) TO increase102. Make sure that transportation to and from the riveris arranged to your .(A) satisfactory (B) satisfaction (C) satisfy (D) tosatisfy103. The imposing that will soon be Rand Corporation'sR&D center wasrenovated by the highly admired designer Haewook Lee.(A) structural (B) structure (C) structurally (D) in structural104. Employees may receive 50% tuition reimbursement for job-related courses taken with asupervisor's .(A) approves (B) approval (C) approve (D) to approve105. Mr. Hui, a freelance writer here at ESS Newspapers, has impeccablefor the position of senior editor.(A) qualified (B) qualifications (C) qualify (D) be qualified106. Because of an illness is much cheaper than treatment, the local health clinic will be offering free fluvaccinations this weekend.(A) prevention (B) prevent (C) to prevent B) prevented107. Legal experts have presented that the DNA samplesand fingerprints match.(A) evident (B) evidence (C) evidently (D) to evident108. Mach Corp. has a system that allows clients to manage to employees' files.(A) access (B) accessible (C) to accessible (D)accessibly109. The average listener will not be able to notice any between audio CD and MP3 files.(A) differences (B) different (C) differently (D) of different110. Without your , we cannot guarantee your room after 6 p.m.A) confirm B) confirming C) confirmation D) confirmative111. of countries belonging to GATT approved the agreement yesterday in Geneva.A) Represents B) Representations C) Representatives D) Representing112. Officials of the Sydney head of office will hold a conference to talk about goals for the next ten years.A) them B) their C) theirs D) they113. As a customer service representative, Mrs. Lee tried to solve complaints from customersbefore asking for ______ supervisor's advice.(A) she B) her C) hers D) herself114 Mr. Alfred and I extend thanks to those that have helped this project in the past.(A) us (B) ours (C) our (D) ourselves115. Pioneer Corp. is considering--------- the release of the new equipment scheduled for later this month.(A)postponing (B) postpone (C) to postpone (D) postponement116. The company's business plan includes ---------- revenue from magazine and event promotions designed to help recruiters find qualified applicants.(A) draw (B) drawing (C) to draw (D) drawer。

2018年Toeic托业考试真题及答案--手打请支持(非听力部分)Part VDirection : In this part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark on your answer sheet.101. For several years now, we have seen a marked in attendance and exhibitions at the PCB design conferences.(A) increase (B) increased (C) increasing (D) TO increase102. Make sure that transportation to and from the river is arranged to your .(A) satisfactory (B) satisfaction (C) satisfy (D) to satisfy103. The imposing that will soon be Rand Corporation‘s R&D center was renovated by the highly admired designer Haewook Lee. (A) structural (B) structure (C) structurally (D) in structural104. Employees may receive 50% tuition reimbursement for job-related courses taken with a supervisor‘s .(A) approves (B) approval (C) approve (D) to approve105. Mr. Hui, a freelance writer here at ESS Newspapers, has impeccable for the position of senior editor.(A) qualified (B) qualifications (C) qualify (D) be qualified106. Because of an illness is much cheaper than treatment, the local health clinic will be offering free flu vaccinations this weekend.(A) prevention (B) prevent (C) to prevent B) prevented107. Legal experts have presented that the DNA samples and fingerprints match.(A) evident (B) evidence (C) evidently (D) to evident108. Mach Corp. has a system that allows client s to manage to employees‘ files.(A) access (B) accessible (C) to accessible (D) accessibly109. The average listener will not be able to notice any between audio CD and MP3 files.(A) differences (B) different (C) differently (D) of different110. Without your , we cannot guarantee your room after 6 p.m.A) confirm B) confirming C) confirmation D) confirmative111. of countries belonging to GATT approved the agreement yesterday in Geneva.A) Represents B) Representations C) Representatives D) Representing112. Officials of the Sydney head of office will hold a conference to talk about goals for the next ten years.A) them B) their C) theirs D) they113. As a customer service representative, Mrs. Lee tried to solve complaints from customers before asking for ______ supervisor‘s advice.(A) she B) her C) hers D) herself114 Mr. Alfred and I extend thanks to those that have helped this project in the past.(A) us (B) ours (C) our (D) ourselves115. Pioneer Corp. is considering--------- the release of the new equipment scheduled for later this month.(A)postponing (B) postpone (C) to postpone (D) postponement116. The company‘s business plan includes ---------- revenue from magazine and event promotions designed to help recruiters find qualified applicants.(A) draw (B) drawing (C) to draw (D) drawer117. This guideline is intended to -------- information about our databases and to provide a clear definition of how these database get updated and who has responsibilities(A) clarification (B) classified (C) cleared (D) clarify118. As of July 7, basic monthly telephone service will increase by $1.50 due to the new federal telecommunication tax, -------- state-to-state long-distance rates will decrease an average of 10 percent.(A) otherwise (B) therefore (C) however (D) in addition to119. He makes $20 an hour, has more work than he can handle.(A) and (B) than (C) so (D) but120. Their products are known not only for their low price, __________ for their high quality.(A) but (B) but also (C) and also (D) as well as121. Our order of high-speed computers is scheduled to arrive __________ today or tomorrow.(A) or (B) on (C) both (D) either122. _________ Jane and Mary like different things, they are great friends.(A) Since (B) Despite (C) For (D) Although123. This rural town has __________ small population that the mail carrier knows where everyone lives.(A) too (B) a so (C) very (D) such a124._______ the president is going to say in his speech tonight will affect all of us.(A) What (B) That (C) So (D) While125. It matters little who finds the truth ------ the truth is found.(A) because (B) so that (C) so long as (D) as126. The order must be delivered by Tuesday; ----- we will have to look for another supplier.(A) unless(B) excepting (C) maybe (D) otherwise127. Unemployment is -------- low that companies may soon be unable to find workers without increasing wages.(A) such (B) very (C) so (D) despite128. The design EXPO had ----- high attendance last year that it will be moved to a larger location this year.(A) so (B) such (C) much (D) too129. ------- the rain is expected, everything is ready for the grand opening of the gallery(A) Except that (B) According to (C) Since (D) Aside from130. The store will be set for business by the end of the month-------- the contractors are able to complete the remodeling by this weekend.(A) these (B) if (C) them (D) so131. Neither the sales------ the profit is expected to increase in the next quarter.(A) any (B) or (C) nor (D) but132. The _______ carefully you write, the fewer mistakes you will make.(A) much (B) most (C) more (D) many133. There are far more game shows on TV __________ there used to be.(A) than (B) as (C) that (D) or134. You will need _______ more money to buy such a gorgeous dress.(A) much (B) a lot of (C) very (D) a great many135 The clay must be packed into the mold as ------- as possible to prevent air pockets from forming.(A) tighter (B) tighten (C) tightly (D) tightness136 In the survey of 2.000 youths aged twelve to seventeenth, twice as many said they could talk more easily to their mothers than to their fathers.(A) easiest (B) more easily (C) easily (D)most easily137. $200.00 will be presented to the graduate who has attained the------grade point average in the entire department(A) high (B) higher (C) highest (D) highly138. Mr. Stone has the------ attendance record at the retraining programs held at the headquarters(A) poor (B) poorer (C) poorest (D) poorly139. The director think that the qualification of the new designer are as------ as the others on the team.(A) credibility (B) credible (C) credibly (D) more crediable140. Ben‘s Delivery is the _____ messenger service in town(A)faster (B)fastest (C) most fastest (D)more fast141. The position used to be obtained _____ in the past than it is now(A)harder (B)hard (C)the harder (D)the hardest142. That was one of the _____ business conferences the representative had ever attended.(A)bad (B)worst (C)worse (D)more bad143. The new employee will be likely to be _____ his predecessor.(A)popular (B)as popular as (C)as popular (D)popular than144. When my visitor --------, will you please call me?(A) will arrive (B) arrives (C) arrived (D) is arriving145. Denny-------- his first job with us five years ago.(A) will arrive (B) arrives (C) arrived (D) is arriving146. I ------ all members by tomorrow night.(A) contacted (B) contacts (C) has contacted (D) will have contacted147. Investors --------- fascinated by the stock market for a long time.(A) is being (B) has been (C) are being (D) have been148. Mr. Franklin ------- as the most likely successor to the position of CEO since he was elected vice president last October.(A) saw (B) was seen (C) has been seen (D) has seen149. The union leader were informed that the workers on the strike------.(A) fired (B) is fired (C) had fired (D) had been fired150. If you get your bank to generate a money order, it usually ______ conversion fees.(A) charge (B) charges (C) charging (D) is charging151. Since this morning, city workers traffic signs in the roads using special paint to avoid repainting every year.(A) were painting (B) had painted (C) have been painted (D) have painted152. International stock markets, including those in Britain, Germany, Hong Kong and Japanyesterday in response to the partial recovery of US markets.(A) rise (B) rises (C) rose (D) risen153. He us since Henry went to America.(A) visits (B) visited (C) will visit (D) has visited154. Last quarter the rate of inflation ___________ by 10 percent.(A) rose (B) raised (C) has risen (D) was risen155. We ________ to establish a friendly relationship with that country for two years.(A) try (B) are trying (C) have tried (D) will tried156. Inspection will be _____ Saturday at 7 A.M.(A) at(B) to(C) for(D) on157. We regret that the savings will be consumed ________ noon tomorrow.(A) with(B) by(C) in)(D) from158. _______ terms of quality and service, our company surpasses the competition.(A) In(B) From(C) By(D) With159. The sales meeting will be held _______ Busan in May.(A) to(B) at(C) in(D) on160. The supplies cannot be ordered ________ next Monday.(A) within(B) until(C) at(D) to Part VIDirection : I this part of the test161. The officials responsible for (A)running this office (B)represented the United States in (C)the Supreme Court and provided legal (D)advices to the President.162. Ben survived the (A)first round of (B)layoffs (C)despite having been employed for (D)lesser than a year.163. (A)From the (B)past three years, Bob Smith (C)has been the (D)head of the international department.164. (A)Each of the managers (B)receive a(C)copy of the (D)company‘s policies and procedures.165. If you (A)would have studied the problem more (B)carefully, you would (C)have found the solution (D)more quickly.166. (A)Although a new computer, Model CX-2, (B)seemed like a good investment (C)for their company, they decided not to buy (D)them.167. To protect herself (A)against robbery, Ellen had (B)a company (C)installed a new burglary (D)alarm.168. I wonder (A)how she manage (B)to get along(C)on(D)so cheap a salary.169. (A)With the advent of satellite transmission of photographs of the (B)earth‘s atmosphere, forecasting the weather has become a (C)relative exact (D)science.170. There (A)were intense competition (B)between the (C)rival companies (D)to get the contract.171. There is (A)some disagreement between (B)my parents and I about which job I should (C)take.172. The index of (A)leading economic indicators, which (B)are intended to forecast economic activity about six months (C)into the future, dropped (D)5 percent last month.173. In his role as (A)facilitator of all operations, he invariably (B)coordinating the running (C)of the building‘s (D)various systems.174. (A)In spite of the fact that he was late for the meeting, the boss (B)having(C)nothing but praise (D)for his last few months‘ performance.175. He studied economics when (A)their study was not common, and he (B)later(C)went on to distinguish himself (D)in the field.176. Neither Sam Atkins (A)nor Henry Miller, sales representatives for the company, presented (B)their summaries of sales (C)before the deadline (D)for doing so.177. Neither of the two candidates (A)who had (B)applied for admission (C)to the Industrial Engineering Department (D)were eligible for scholarships.178. One (A)out of (B)every eight balloons (C)in the world (D)are launched in Albuquerque, New Mexico179. (A)There are a range of (B)effects pushing and pulling the climate (C)in opposite (D)directions; no one fully understands these interactions.180. (A)Whether or not Sam’s understanding of social conflicts (B)are in any way scientific (C)remains(D)a vexing question.181. (A)In October, the vice president (B)will have (C)been at this company (D)since ten years.182. We (A)need purchase a new set of (B)equipment (C)to speed up the(D)developing and printing process.183. (A)The local bank, (B)along with other (C)financial institutions, (D)are lowering processing fees imposed in cashing a check.184. The amusement park (A)is expected to be very (B)successful (C)because of many special facilities (D)such restaurants and movie theaters.185. If you (A)fill in an (B)applying for a mortgage loan and mail (C)it to us, we will notify you of the result(D)as soon as possible.186. (A)By lowering (B)levels toxic waste disposal, the chemical industries (C)are responding to people‘s increasing (D)concerns with environment.187. (A)According to the (B)press release, the hotel is planning (C)on invest an additional $ 8 million into (D)marketing and research.188. (A)This new insurance policy will (B)bring you benefits that (C)provides more coverages (D)on property damage.189. For (A)more information, you can visit our website (B)and find the map(C)showing the potential car pool partner‘s house and (D)work locate d.190. A memorandum (A)announcing (B)this year‘s sales goals (C)are posted on (D)the bulletin board of the main office.191. Any employee (A)whose puts in (B)more than five extra hours‘ work (C)during the holidays will be paid (D)for overtime.192. (A)Every client should be reminded that (B)his credit history can be available (C)by lendingssuch (D) as commercial banks and other financing companies.193. Due to the (A)highest rental rates of houses, (B)more tenants have become (C)interested in home purchase (D)loan programs.194.The biologist (A)which (B)leads the ambitious Genom Project (C)was once awarded the Nobel Science Prize (D)in 2001.195. Every frequent asked question will (A)be answered (B)automatic in accordance (C)with the (D)operating manual.196. The passengers will be (A)dealt politely (B)until we (C)arrange for another flight (D)to pick up them.197. The sales strategy meeting of the (A)marketing division is (B)held here (C)at the first Monday of (D)each month.198. The (A)franchisee will renew the (B)exclusive distributorship of the products (C)upon (D)expire of this con.199. (A)Despite declining revenues, his (B)efficient and enthusiasm (C)helped double the (D)profits at our department.200. The director (A)is casting actor Jill Cosby (B)as a protagonist (C)for the two upcoming blockbusters, both of (D)them will be very successful.D D A B A D C D C A4 8 159 160C B B B A BD D A B181. (D) since ---> for182. (A) purchase ---> to purchase183. (D) are ---> is184. (D) such ---> such as185. (B) applying ---> application186. (B) levels ---> levels of187. (C) on ---> to188. (C) provides ---> provide189. (D) located ---> location190. (C) are ---> is191. (A) whose ---> who192. (C) lendings ---> lenders193. (A) highest ---> high(er)194. (A) which ---> who195. (B) automatic ---> automatically196. (A) dealt ---> dealt with 197. (C) at ---> on198. (D) expire ---> expiration 199. (B) efficient ---> efficiency 200. (D) them ---> which。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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1.The factory must be torn down because it is not allowed in _______ area.
A) residential B) remote C) risky D) ridiculous
答案: residential
2.The cowboy looked ________ in that strange-looking hat.
A) residential B) remote C) risky D) ridiculous
答案: ridiculous
3. It's too ______ to do the bungee jumping from the cliff.
A) residential B) remote C) risky D) ridiculous
答案: risky
4.Don't believe him. What he said just now was _______.
A) sacred B) rubbish C) secret D) satisfied
答案: rubbish
5. Both the Bible and the Koran are regarded as ________ books.
A) sacred B) rubbish C) secret D) satisfied
答案: sacred
6. The teacher was not ________ with my history report. She asked me to rewrite it.
A) sacred B) rubbish C) secret D) satisfied
答案: satisfied
7. Tom loves his English teacher but dare not tell her the truth. He is
a ________ admirer of her.
A) sacred B) rubbish C) secret D) satisfied
答案: secret
8.Tim doesn't like to eat beef, so his wife _______ makes steak.
A) self-evident B) seldom C) sentimental D) sensitive
答案: seldom
9. The need for reform was ________ . No wonder a large number of people came up with their opinions.
A) self-evident B) seldom C) sentimental D) sensitive
答案: self-evident
10. Mr. White always wears sunglasses because his eyes are ________ to light.
A) self-evident B) seldom C) sentimental D) sensitive
答案: sensitive
1.There has been a lot of _______ prejudice in American .
A) realistic B) racial C) recycled D) rebellious
答案: racial
2.He is an incurable idealist; it's unlike to help him come down to earth and be more _______.
A) realistic B) racial C) recycled D) rebellious
答案: realistic
3. The relations between my mother and brother were getting worse as my brother grew older and more ______ .
A) realistic B) racial C) recycled D) rebellious
答案: rebellious
4. Ecological vehicles are made of materials that can be easily _______ once they are dumped.
A) realistic B) racial C) recycled D) rebellious
答案: recycled
5.Tom goes to that pub every night to have a bottle of beer. He is a _______ customer.
A) reliable B) regular C) reluctant D) religious
答案: regular
6.To keep health, we have to keep _______ hours.
A) reliable B) regular C) reluctant D) religious
答案: regular
7.Friends might not be always trust-worthy, but dogs are; they have long been regarded as the most _______ company of human beings.
A) reliable B) regular C) reluctant D) religious
答案: reliable
8.Christmas is not just a _______ holiday now. People other than Christians also celebrate it.
A) reliable B) regular C) reluctant D) religious
答案: religious
9.Although he is in financial difficulties, he is _______ to accept my
offer of the loan of twenty thousand dollars.
A) reliable B) regular C) reluctant D) religious
答案: reluctant
10.After the mutiny, the captain of the merchant ship was left behind in some _______ island in the Pacific Ocean.
A) residential B) remote C) risky D) ridiculous
答案: remote
- train and work hard
- support many business
- risk injury and career loss
- other profession more important
- other create the star
- talent not unique
Topic sentence
- Entertainers and athletes rely on talents that not everyone has and so I agree that they deserve their high salaries.。