SICK UM系列超声波传感器选型手册(中文版)

G6经济型迷你光电开关德国西克传感器产品简介2 S I C K超越标准 - G6易于对准经济型迷你光电开关3w w w.s i c k.c o m/g lo b al s en so r片技术S I C K4 S I C KGTB6L+M QL+MQ NC漫反射式光电开关,背景遮蔽型LED光源技术,光点更亮更精确 金属螺纹安装孔,安装简便且坚固 大旋钮方便调节 指示灯大而明亮类激光性能施克 芯片,抗环境干扰和传感器互相干扰ASIC 光轴接收光轴发射所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)G6S I C K5252010501550(1.97)mm(inch)100(3.94)150(5.91)200(7.87)250(9.84)300(11.81)Ø 6.6Ø 5.6Ø 5.3(5.91)(9.84)(1.97)(7.87)(3.94)(11.81)18 % 90 %2 6 %311)对90%反射率物体(基于DIN 5033的标准白色)2) T a=+25°C下平均工作时间100,000小时3)限定值,电源极性反接在短路保护下电流最大8A4) 不可以超出供电电压Vs允许范围值信号冗余最大典型检测范围检测距离对白色( 的反射率)的检测距离对灰色( 的反射率)的检测距离对黑色( 的反射率)的检测距离5) 空载8) 0°C以下不可弯曲6)电阻性负载情况下信号传输时间7) 亮/暗比例1:1所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)距离单位为毫米(英寸)距离单位为毫米(英寸)6 S I C KL+M Q所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)LED光源技术,光点更亮更精确 金属螺纹安装孔,安装简便且坚固施克ASIC芯片,抗环境光干扰和传感器互相干扰 大旋钮方便调节 指示灯大而明亮光轴接收光轴发射L+M Q NC反射式光电开关,增强型漫类激光性能GTE6G6S I C K 71)对90%反射率物体(基于DIN 5033的标准白色)2) T a=+25°C下平均工作时间100,000小时3)限定值,电源极性反接在短路保护下电流最大8A4) 不可以超出供电电压Vs允许范围值检测范围1000101信号冗余mm(inch)50(1.9)100(3.9)150(5.9)200(7.9)250(9.8)300(11.8)215) 空载8) 0°C以下不可弯曲6)电阻性负载情况下信号传输时间7) 亮/暗比例1:1最大典型检测距离距离[mm]8 S I C KGL6镜反射式光电开关金属螺纹安装孔,安装简便且坚固 施克ASIC芯片,抗环境光干扰和传感器互相干扰 大旋钮方便调节指示灯大而明亮L+M Q所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)L+M Q NC光轴接收光轴发射M3螺纹安装孔LED光源技术,光点更亮更精确G6S I C K 9(inch)(78.7)(157.5)(236.2)(315.0)1) Ta=+25°C下平均工作时间100,000小时2)限定值,电源极性反接在短路保护下电流最大8A 3) 不可以超出供电电压Vs允许范围值4)空载5) 电阻性负载情况下信号传输时间6) 亮/暗比例1:17) 0°C以下不可弯曲检测范围 (EGR: 2)[m]GL6镜反射式光电开关,可调节灵敏度检测距离 6 m镜反射式光电开关尺寸图所有型号调节+–4针,M81L+M Q34棕色蓝色黑色3 x 0.14 mm 2连接类型GL6-P4211GL6-N4211GL6-P1211GL6-P1212GL6-N1211GL6-N1212附件电缆和接头安装附件反射镜所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)1L+M Q NC342棕色蓝色黑色白色光轴接收器光轴发射器M3螺纹安装孔绿色LED 指示灯,电源黄色LED 指示灯,接收光线亮通/暗通旋钮: L = 亮通D = 暗通接收器灵敏度调节器①②③④⑤⑥⑦PinPoint LED 光源技术,光点更亮更精确金属螺纹安装孔,安装简便且坚固SICK ASIC 芯片,抗环境光干扰和传感器互相干扰可通过270°电位计调节接收器灵敏度适用于特殊表面和光亮物体7.6(0.30)9.7(0.38)18.3(0.72)21 (0.83)11.4(0.45)31.5 (1.24)28.5 (1.12)25.4 (1.00)0.5 (0.02)0.5 (0.02)9.7(0.38)3 (0.12)L D12(0.47)S I C K10G6S I C K 11信号冗余Ø 8 mmØ 25 mmØ 80 mmØ 130 mm距离(米)传感器3. = +25°C 时,平均工作时间100000小时2) 限定值,短路保护下的最大电流为8 A 3)不得超出供电电压V S 的允许范围值4) 空载5)V S > 24 V 或环境温度大于49 °C 时,最大电流I A = 50 mA6) 电阻负载下的信号传输时间7) 亮/暗比例为1:18) 低于0 °C 时不可弯曲最大检测距离6 m 检测范围 5 m接收器灵敏度调节器270°电位计配套装置 PL80A 反射镜光源类型LED 红光,650 nm 1) 光点直径8 mm ,距离350 mm 处偏光滤镜 供电电压V S 10 ... 30 V DC 2)残余纹波 ± 10 % 3) 能耗 ≤ 30 mA 4)开关输出 NPN :集电极开路:QPNP: QPNP 高/低输出电压V S – (≤ 3 V)/约0 V NPN 高/低输出电压约V S /≤ 3 V 输出方式 亮通/暗通旋钮最大输出电流I A 100 mA 5)响应时间 < 625 µs 6)切换频率典型值为1 kHz 7)连接方式电缆,PVC ,2 m 8)M8接头,4针防护等级电流保护电源极性反接保护输入输出短路保护输出过流保护防护等级IP 67环境温度工作温度 –25 °C ... +55 °C储存温度 –40 °C ... +70 °C 重量 M8接头型,约20 g2 m 电缆型,约60 g 外壳材质ABS, PC, PMMA随附配件P250反射镜,安装支架N1211技术数据GL6-N1212N4211P1211P1212P4211检测距离和信号冗余型号Part no.GL6-P1211GL6-P1212GL6-P4211GL6-N1211GL6-N1212GL6-N4211105992210608151059241105992310608141059631订货信息REF-IRF-56型反射镜PL20A 型反射镜P250型反射镜PL40A 型反射镜PL80A 型反射镜反射镜型号 检测范围0.25 ... 1.6 m0.07 ... 2.2 m 0.07 ... 3.5m 0.07 ... 3.8 m 0.07 ... 5.0 m 订货号检测范围最大检测距离距离单位为米(英寸)距离单位为米(英寸)最大检测距离检测范围12GL6G 镜反射式光电开关检测距离6 m镜反射式光电开关尺寸图所有型号调节4针,M81L+M Q34棕色蓝色黑色3 x 0.14 mm 2连接类型GL6G-P4211GL6G-P4212GL6G-N4211GL6G-N4212GL6G-P1211GL6G-P1212GL6G-N1211GL6G-N1212附件电缆和接头安装附件反射镜7.6(0.30)9.7(0.38)18.3(0.72)21 (0.83)11.4(0.45)31.5 (1.24)28.5 (1.12)25.4 (1.00)0.5 (0.02)0.5 (0.02)9.7(0.38)3 (0.12)L D12(0.47)所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)1L+M Q NC342棕色蓝色黑色白色光轴接收器光轴发射器M3螺纹安装孔绿色LED 指示灯,电源黄色LED 指示灯,接收光线亮通/暗通旋钮: L = 亮通D = 暗通接收器灵敏度调节器+–PinPoint LED 光源技术,光点更亮更精确金属螺纹安装孔,安装简便且坚固SICK ASIC 芯片,抗环境光干扰和传感器互相干扰可通过270°电位计调节接收器灵敏度适用于特殊表面和光亮物体①②③④⑤⑥⑦S I C KG6S I C K 13信号冗余Ø 8 mmØ 25 mmØ 80 mmØ 130 mm距离(米) A = +25 °C 时,平均工作时间100000小时2) 限定值,短路保护下的最大电流为8 A 3) 不得超出供电电压V S 的允许范围值4) 空载5)最小光束衰减为20%6) V S > 24 V 或环境温度大于49 °C 时,最大电流I A = 50 mA7) 电阻负载下的信号传输时间8) 亮/暗比例为1:19)低于0 °C 时不可弯曲10) 温度需稳定在±10 °C 范围内最大检测距离 6 m 检测范围 5 m接收器灵敏度调节器270°电位计配套装置 PL80A 反射镜光源类型 LED 红光,650 nm 1) 光点直径 8 mm ,距离350 mm 偏光滤镜 供电电压V S 10 ... 30 V DC 2)残余纹波 ± 10 % 3)能耗 ≤ 30 mA 4)开关输出 NPN :集电极开路:QPNP: Q 光束衰减 > 20%特殊设计 适用于透明物体 5)PNP 高/低输出电压V S – (≤ 3 V)/约0 V NPN 高/低输出电压约V S /≤ 3 V 输出方式 亮通/暗通旋钮最大输出电流I A 100 mA 6)响应时间 < 625 µs 7)切换频率典型值为1 kHz 8) 连接方式电缆,PVC ,2 m 9)M8接头,4针防护等级电流保护电源极性反接保护输入输出短路保护输出过流保护防护等级IP 67环境温度T A 工作温度 –25 °C ... +55 °C 10)储存温度 –40 °C ... +70 °C 重量 M8接头型,约20 g2 m 电缆型,约60 g 外壳材质ABS, PC, PMMA随附配件P250反射镜,安装支架N1211技术数据GL6G-N1212N4211N4212P1211P1212P4211P4212检测距离和信号冗余型号订货号GL6G-P1211GL6G-P1212GL6G-P4211GL6G-P4212GL6G-N1211GL6G-N1212GL6G-N4211GL6G-N421210599241060812105963210608101059925106081110596331060809订货信息REF-IRF-56型反射镜PL20A 型反射镜P250型反射镜PL40A 型反射镜PL80A 型反射镜反射镜型号 检测范围0.25 ... 1.6 m0.07 ... 2.2 m 0.07 ... 3.5m 0.07 ... 3.8 m 0.07 ... 5.0 m检测范围最大检测距离距离单位为米(英寸)距离单位为米(英寸)最大检测距离检测范围传感器S I C KL+M QL+MQ NC射式光电开关对 LED光源技术,光点更亮更精确 金属螺纹安装孔,安装简便且坚固 大旋钮方便调节 指示灯大而明亮类激光性能光轴接收光轴发射所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)GSE610G6S I C K 111,000100101(inch)(157.48)(472.44)(314.96)(629.92)[m]信号冗余检测范围1) Ta=+25°C下平均工作时间100,000小时2)限定值,电源极性反接在短路保护下电流最大8A 3) 不可以超出供电电压Vs允许范围值4)空载5) 电阻性负载情况下信号传输时间6) 亮/暗比例1:17) 0°C以下不可弯曲最大典型检测距离距离电缆和插头/安装附件Ø9.8(.4)8.2Ø9.81)使用过程中最小弯曲半径R min = 20 x 电缆直径所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)Ø9.8(.4)8.2Ø9.81)使用过程中最小弯曲半径R min = 20 x 电缆直径12S I C KS I C K13附件L1412All dimensions in mm (inch)所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)锁紧螺丝反射镜14 S I C K1)发货包含 GL6 标准型号S I C K15附件完善的服务领先的技术独特的产品SICK 概览SICK CHINA| 客户服务专线: 4000-121-0008014182/2013-09-09中文译本 内容如有变更,恕不另行通知SICK 是一家世界顶级的传感器技术提供商,在全球建立了接近50个子公司和众多的销售机构, 雇员总数超过6,300人。

IDM1xx_2xx配对设置及Profinet通讯手册类型:调试指导版本:V1.0 日期:2017-5-26目录1.手持读码器类型 (3)2.硬件连接 (3)3.手持枪的供电及状态说明 (4)3.1.手持枪供电 (4)3.2.手持枪指示灯状态及含义 (4)4.手持枪设置连接模式 (6)4.1.无线蓝牙手持枪支持的PICO、PAIR模式 (6)4.2.PAIR模式 (6)4.3.DPM功能激活 (7)5.手持抢参数设置 (7)6.CDF600-2200设置 (9)6.1.硬件设置 (9)6.2.软件设置 (10)7.PLC通讯设置 (10)7.1.下载GSDML文件 (10)7.2.添加GSD文件 (12)7.3.设备组态并设置CDF600-220x (13)7.4.通讯字符握手说明 (14)7.5.通讯字符握手设置 (15)1. 手持读码器类型本操作手册针对以下产品中除IDM142 WIFI、IDM162 WIFI型外其他所有接口为RS232型手持式条码阅读器。
2. 硬件连接我公司Profinet网关有两种型号,本文中以常用型号CDF600-2200为例,设备连接方式如下图所示:3. 手持枪的供电及状态说明3.1. 手持枪供电3.2. 手持枪指示灯状态及含义4. 手持枪设置连接模式4.1. 无线蓝牙手持枪支持的PAIR 、PICO模式PAIR模式表示手持枪主体和底座为一对一连接,为最通用模式;PICO模式为手持枪主体和底座为一对多连接。
4.2. PAIR模式4.3. DPM功能激活(可选)5. 手持抢参数设置按照以下表格从上往下扫描:顺序内容条形码1 恢复出厂默认设置2 设置为RS232通讯模式3 进入设置模式设置波特率为96004设置STX/ETX为前后缀56 设置数据位格式为:n,8,1.7 删除CR结束符8 结束设置如果有条件,建议先把手持枪底座与电脑通过RS232进行通讯连接,打开串口监控工具,查看数据格式是否已经设置成功。
SICK UM系列超声波传感器选型手册(中文版)

UM30 - 215 11
UM30-21211_ 350 mm
[mm] 100
800 400
400 800
UM30-21311_ 1300 mm
[mm] 400
1600 800
ø 65 (2.56)
T1 D1 D2 T2
4 57 6
1 紧固螺母,截面直径 36mm 2 M12 连接插头 3 调节和显示面板 4 设置键 1 5 LED 1 6 设置键 2 7 LED 2
连接方式,M12,5 针插头
UM30 - 21x 11 3
棕 1 L+ 黑 4 NC 蓝 3M 白 2 QA 灰 5 Sync/Com
UM30 - 21x 11 8
棕 1 L+ 黑 4 q/Q 蓝 3M 白 2 QA 灰 5 Sync/Com
UM30 - 21x 11 1
UM30 - 21x 11 5
棕 1 L+ 黑 4 q/Q 蓝 3M 白 2 NC 灰 5 Sync/Com
UM30 - 21x 11 2 UM30 - 21x 11 4
UM30-2 超声波传感器
UM30 - 212
型号 UM30-212111 UM30-212112 UM30-212118 UM30-212115 UM30-212114 UM30-212113

系统中的S710气体分析仪器监测工艺样气中的一氧化碳的浓度,并能够以4~20mA DC(已经隔离)的形式向控制室的二次仪表输出。
2.系统的安装使用条件✧系统供电电源:电压AC 220V±10% 频率50Hz±1%✧取样探头供电电源:电压AC 220V±10% 频率50Hz±1%✧取样探头请安装在具有代表性的工艺管道。

» Denotes subgroups to the right Agile Magnetics / Airpax / American Sensor Technologies / Atexis / BEI / BEI Kimco / BetaTHERM / Celesco / Cosense / Crydom / Cynergy / Elekon / Encoder Devices / Entran / FGP / First Sensor / GE Thermometrics / Gentech / Gigavac / HL-Planar / IC Sensors / Intersema / Kavlico / Kent / Klixon / Kofu / Macro / Measurement Specialties / Meder / Northlake Engineering / Nova / OKI / Omron / Piezo Film Group / Pressure Systems / Renco Electronics / RTD / Schaevitz / Sensotherm / SMI / Spectrum / Telaire / Visyx / YSI Temperature / HUMIREL / WemaLegacy Brands:Stainless Steel / Ruggedized; Pressure Transducer Digital TemperatureSensorsBoard MountableSensorSurface MountableDigital Pressure SensorStainless Steel /Ruggedized; PressureTransducerAccelerometersPassive Infrared Temperature Sensor Custom TemperatureProbePhoto OpticalPresence DetectionSensorRefrigeration PressureSensor (Brass)Radial Leaded,Glass-CoatedThermistor (NTC)Digital RelativeHumidity SensorCO Sensor Reed Switches Photomicro Sensor Optical/FacialRecognition Sensor Current SensorLiquid Level Sensor Heilind Stocks Many Sensor Types, Including:Ultrasonic Level Sensor All-in-One Sensor -Pressure, Temperatureand Humidity NTC Thermistors Indoor Air Quality VOCSensorMagnetic RotaryPosition SensorTemperatureSensor ProbeBoard Mount PressureSensor Surface MountFlag TerminalTemp ProbeLaser Dust Sensor Pipe Clip CoolantTemperature SensorLow PowerHighly RobustFlammableSensor Inline Flow-ThroughFluid TemperatureSensorWhy Heilind Sensors?gingAs a global distributor, Heilind is focused on serving you by providing sensor solutions that deliver:Focus: The Heilind Sensor team is dedicated to every type of sensor, analogue or digital. The portfolio ranges from MEMS sensors to conventional products.Choice: We maintain a distinctive portfolio of overlapping sensor technologies that allow you the opportunity to evaluate multiple sensor/supplier options that best fit your design and application. Support:world-class production facilities.Custom Solutions: We support a full portfolio of suppliers willing to engage in customized activities and help you transition to scale.Expertise:Supply: Heilind has an extensive sensor inventory and stocks a broad range of custom products including VMI (Vendor-Managed Inventory).Hazardous Area Certified:hazardous environments; including Class I, Class II and explosion-proof certifications.Voted Best Electronics DistributorHeilind e h t s a s e t a i c o s s A & p o h s i B m r fi h c r a e s e r t e k r a m y b d e z i n g o c e r n e e b s a h s c i n o r t c e l E s c i n o r t c e l e r e h t o y r e v e s m r o f r e p t u o d n i l i e H .s e m i t e v i t u c e s n o c n e v e s r o t u b i r t s i d s c i n o r t c e l e 1#ease of doing business.Voted the industry’s #1 electronics distributor, Heilind Electronics has r e v o n i d n a a c i r e m A h t r o N n i s t c u d o r p r o s n e s f o y r o t n e v n i e v i s n e t x e n a 40 locations worldwide.Central Eastern Europe (CEE)Heilind Electronics Sp. z o.o.03 Business Campus,Opolska 110, Level 731-323 Kraków Poland+48 668520624**********************Central Western Europe (CWE)Heilind Electronics GmbH Pfarrer-Huber-Ring 8D-83620 Feldkirchen-Westerham Germany +49 8063 8101 100**********************About Heilind,l a c i n a h c e m o r t c e l e ,t c e n n o c r e t n i r o f s r o t u b i r t s i d g n i d a e l s ’d l r o w e h t f o e n o s i s c i n o r t c e l E d n i l i e H flexible solutions while continually striving for the highest standards in quality, service, delivery, and d e t a l e r -r o s n e s f o y r o t n e v n i e v i s n e t x e n a s k c o t s d n i l i e H ,r o t u b i r t s i d t n e n i m e e r p s ’y r t s u d n i e h t s A pro - ,e s n e S o i c S ,d e t i m i L r o s n e S e r u s s e r P ,n o r m O ,y g o l o n h c e T S U C O R C ,p u o r G y g o l o n h c e T r o s n e S l o n Sensata Technologies, Standex Electronics,TEWA, and TE Connectivity Sensor Solutions.,s e c i v r e s d e d d a -e u l a v e v i s n e h e r p m o c ,s n o i t u l o s n i a h c y l p p u s e v i t a v o n n i ,y r o t n e v n i p e e d d n a e s r e v i d no minimum order quantity, flexible policies, fast order handling, knowledgeable technical support, and unsurpassed customer service. We strive to exceed our customers’ expectations and add real value to their business.。

西克(SICK) CS8颜色传感器选型手册(中文版)

CS84-N1112 CS84-P1112 CS84-N3612 CS84-P3612
订货号 — —
订货号 1028228 1028224 1028229 1028225
订货号 1028230 1028226 1028231 1028227
332 工业传感器
• 颜色分辨率高,确保了更高的生产可 靠性
• 保持极其精确的光点,确保了检测性 能的一致性
• 条形显示器显示颜色质量及检测可靠 性信息,确保了工艺过程监控的简单、 直观
• 色谱容差大,应用更加灵活 • 高速下的快速响应时间确保了检测的
可靠性 • 检测可靠不受温度变化影响
330 工业传感器
停用延时 20ms,可调
VS 反极性保护 输出 Q 短路保护 干扰抑制
IP 67
约 400 g
环境参数 环境温度
工作温度:–10 ℃ ...+55 ℃ 存储温度:–20 ℃ ...+75 ℃
符合 IEC 60068 标准
工 业 传 感 器
工业传感器 331
颜色传感器 CS8
颜色传感器 CS8
CS8 系列颜色传感器最多可自学 习 4 种 颜 色, 能 够 适 应 非 常 迅 速 的 检 测 任 务 转 换, 并 缩 短 了 停 工 时 间。 另
外,该传感器开关频率最高达 6 kHz (85 μs),保证了更高的生产效率;光点极
其精确,能够严格控制工艺过程,并确 保检测性能一致。由于配备了条形显示 器,CS8 系列传感器的设置更加简便, 并且用户也可方便查看显示器上的颜色 质量以及检测可靠性等信息。

(1)使用SICK传感器:由Minor MINOR生产的精密线性位移传感器配备了一个长连续传导轨迹型压力传感器。

说明 可代表准备就绪、读取成功、 读不到、条码个数大于/小于 设定值、匹配、不匹配、参 考值与限制值的比较等条码 器状态信息,由下拉菜单选 择决定。
ୋ 13 䔍 38 䔍
(5)Match Code Parameters 匹配条码参数:
CLV 条码阅读器 使用指南
ୋ 1 䔍 38 䔍
1. 条码阅读器的安装步骤----------------------------- (1) 2. 条码阅读器扫描频率设定方法----------------------- (4) 3. CLV Setup 软件使用说明--------------------------- (5) 4. 附录 1:CLV44X 动态聚焦功能使用方法--------------- (23) 5. 附录 2:SICK CAN-SCANNER-NETWORK 介绍------------- (29)
会出现绿色 “Connected” 若出现红色 “ No Connection”即表示连接失败.
ୋ 5 䔍 38 䔍
7. 若连接失败,可选择握手图框,自动测试通信协定
8. 若还不能连接,请检查通信电缆是否连接正确,例如: Com Port 是否正确? RS232 中,针角是否按如下连接? RxD → TxD , TxD → RxD GND → GND .
读器将激光的中心位置对准条码。 (2) 多线式条码阅读器,首先使条码阅读器的光线平行于条码方向,同时调整条
码阅读器使激光对准条码的中心位置。 (3) 对于摆动镜式阅读器,首先使条码阅读器的光线平行于条码方向,同时调整

1.3.4失去空气保护1.3.5故障的检测和预防2.产品介绍2.1特点和应用2.2系统组成和工作原理2.2.1系统组成2.2.2工作原理2.3系统组件2.3.1FLSE1000发射/接收装置2.3.1.1使用空气保护的发射/接收装置2.3.1.2不用空气保护的发射/接收装置2.3.1.3用于烟道内部高烟气压力的发射/接收装置2.3.2法兰管2.3.3计算装置2.3.4连接电缆2.3.5数据传输装置的选择2.3.6空气保护装置的选择2.3.7测量管的选择2.4计算2.4.1体积流量计算及校准2.4.2温度的标定2.4.3响应时间2.5检查循环2.5.1零点的检测2.5.2跨度试验2.5.3在模拟输出上的检查循环2.6技术数据3.装配及安装3.1计划3.2安装前的准备3.2.1测量位置及安装位置的确定3.2.2选择法兰3.3安装说明3.3.1安装法兰3.3.1.1烟筒直径>0.5m时3.3.1.2烟筒直径<0.5m时3.3.1.3 FLSE100 UMA和UMD PN16法兰的安装3.3.2安装计算装置3.3.3.安装空气保护装置3.3.4安装空气保护装置的防护罩3.4安装3.4.1一般说明,准备3.4.2连接空气保护装置3.4.3安装并连接发射/接收装置3.4.4连接计算装置3.4.4.1 FLA 100-A计算装置3.4.4.2 FLA 100-D计算装置3.4.5数据中继站的安装和连接3.4.6模块的安装4.授权的操作者及参数化4.1.基本情况4.1.1 总则4.1.2 前提条件4.1.3 准备4.1.4 MEPAFLOW 短语解释4.2 标准的服务程序4.2.1基本设置4.2.2.输入安装数据4.2.3 设定输出变量4.2.3.1 显示4.2.3.2 模拟输出4.2.3.3 继电器的分配4.2.3.4 响应时间4.2.3.5检查循环4.2.4. 检查测量值以及启动标准测量模式4.2.4.1 传感器温度4.2.4.2 检查信号状态4.2.4.3 数据备份4.2.4.4 启动标准测量模式4.3 服务人员4.3.1.装置的参数选择4.3.1.1 模拟模式4.3.1.2 接口模式4.3.1.3 脉冲的输出4.3.2. 用于测量值和校准值的附加变量4.3.2.1 对于气体流速测量输入标定系数4.3.2.2温度测量的标定4.3.2.3 标态的体积流量测量4.4 显示和存储功能4.5 计算装置上的按键5. 维护5.1 一般性说明5.2 维护发射/接收装置5.2.1 拆卸发射/接收装置5.2.2 清理发射/接收装置5.3 维护空气保护装置5.3.1 检查5.3.2 更换过滤器芯6. 故障6.1. 在计算装置上的显示6.1.1 没有指示6.1.2 状态指示6.1.3 报警信息6.1.4 故障信息6.1.5 测量数值不合理6.2. 试验和判断6.2.1 检查接线端子6.2.2 检查循环的图形显示6.3. 故障及可能的排除方法6.3.1 内部流程,信号处理6.3.2. 错误信息6.3.2.1 “错误!通讯” “错误!接口噪音” “错误!无信号” “错误!测量范围”6.3.3 试验发射/接收装置6.4. 内部装置参数的完善6.4.1 信号参数6.4.2 用于计算振幅和时间窗口的参数6.4.3 用于测量数值的参数6.4.4 标准参数7. 修理7.1 发射/接收装置7.1.1 带使用空气保护的发射/接收装置7.1.2 不用空气保护的发射/接收装置7.2 计算装置7.2.1 更换电路板7.2.2 更换EPROM8. 部件概况8.1. 标准的组件8.1.1 发射/接收装置8.1.2 带有管子的法兰8.1.3 连接电缆(用于数字信号通讯)8.1.4 计算装置8.2. 选择部件8.2.1 空气保护装置8.2.2 防护罩8.2.3 模块8.2.4 其它8.3. 两年的消耗件8.3.1 发射/接收装置8.3.2 空气保护装置8.4.备件8.4.1 发射/接收装置8.4.2 计算装置8.5.尺寸图8.5.1发射/接收装置8.5.2计算装置8.5.3 空气保护装置8.5.4 防护罩9. 压力型号FLOWSIC 100的TÜV认证1.安全说明1.1授权的操作者为了操作者的安全,必须保证以下几点:·测量系统上的全部工作必须由有经验的操作人员或专家级人员进行。
sICK ufs叉形传感器 操作手册说明书

UFS槽形传感器所说明的产品UFS制造商SICK AGErwin-Sick-Str.179183 Waldkirch, Germany德国法律信息本文档受版权保护。
© 西克公司版权所有。
2操作指南 | UFS8028165/2022-11-14 | SICK如有更改,恕不另行通知内容内容1关于本文档的 (5)1.1关于操作指南的信息 (5)1.2适用范围 (5)1.3符号说明 (5)1.4更多信息 (6)1.5客户服务中心 (6)2安全信息 (7)2.1按规定使用 (7)2.2违规使用 (7)2.3责任范围 (7)2.4维修 (7)3产品说明 (8)3.1产品识别 (8)3.1.1铭牌 (8)3.2产品特点与功能 (8)3.2.1设备视图 (8)3.2.2产品特征 (9)4装配 (10)4.1供货范围 (10)4.2安装要求 (10)4.3安装设备 (10)5电气安装 (11)5.1关于电气安装的提示 (11)5.2接口的引脚分配 (12)5.2.1引脚分配 (12)5.2.2开关逻辑 (12)5.3连接工作电压 (12)5.4流程数据结构 UFS (13)6调试 (14)6.1以动态示教为例进行调试 (14)7操作 (15)7.1菜单结构 (15)7.2示教功能 (15)7.2.1通过操作面板示教 (16)7.2.2外部示教 (18)7.2.3错误示教 (19)7.3精调开关阈值 (19)7.4调整开关逻辑 (19)7.5按键锁 (20)8028165/2022-11-14 | SICK操作指南 | UFS3如有更改,恕不另行通知内容7.6通过 SOPAS 的其他设置选项和诊断选项 (20)7.6.1通过 SOPAS 示教 (20)7.6.2调整开关阈值 (20)7.6.3调整开关逻辑 (20)7.6.4按键锁 (20)7.6.5通过 SOPAS 的进一步设置 (21)8故障排除 (23)9维护 (24)9.1维护 (24)9.2清洁设备 (24)10停机 (25)10.1拆卸和废弃处理 (25)10.2寄回设备 (25)11技术数据 (26)11.1一般数据 (26)11.2尺寸图 (28)12配件 (30)13附件 (31)13.1欧盟合规性声明和证书 (31)13.2UL60947-5-2 认证 (31)13.3许可证 (31)4操作指南 | UFS8028165/2022-11-14 | SICK如有更改,恕不另行通知1关于本文档的1.1关于操作指南的信息本操作指南提供有关操作 SICK AG 公司设备的重要提示。
点特克 ULS200 超声点位开关-使用手册说明书

卫生型易于拆装可选择聚碳酸酯或铝制的外壳,以及或 Kyanr-Flex® 材料的传感器。
扩大石化、水和废水等工Pointeck ULS200—以其Pointek ULS 非接触的点式超声物位传感器代表了高可靠、低价格的点式物位检测领域的重大突破Pointek ULS200—妙声力高性能物位测仪表的新成员—体现了妙声力的承诺在测量技术领域中提供最广泛的物位测量技术选择并有效的答案。
它无需接触过程介质,就能有效地检测高达 3m 物位。
ULS200 坚固耐用的外壳密封着传感器和电子部件,此结实的一体型结构,维护。
Pointek ULS200 提供了卓越的性能,显著地减少了维护,停车和更换设备的成本。
易于编程和使用非接触式的 ULS200 过程应用的技术规格有所改变,可在现场修正设置值。
安装非常简单通过使用一个标准的ULS200 仪表安装在容器的顶部,左边:标准型下图:带法兰的卫生型可靠、适应性强和低价格的双开关点物位检测2在冰淇淋生产过程中,管道和容器。
一个输出信号控制进口处的阀,Pointek ULS 开关在由切换差参数设定的容差内检测高和低物位,并可随时轻松简单地重新编程。
当堵塞物位开关代替阻旋式开关,使停机时间、Pointek ULS200 控制阀门的开闭,将容器中陶瓷浆体(流动) 的物位保持在两个点之间中混合物被搅拌后,定量配送到生产线上。

订货信息 型号 GL6-N1111 GL6-N1112 GL6-N4111 GL6-N4112 GL6-P1111 GL6-P1112 GL6-P4111 GL6-P4112
订货号 1050709 1051780 1050707 1051778 1050708 1051779 1050706 1051777
Ø 6.6
Ø 5.6
Ø 5.3
1 2 3
0 mm
28.5 (1.12) 25.4 (1.00) 31.5 (1.24)
4 6
3 (0.12)
调节 所有型号
+ –
4 7
GL6-N1111 GL6-N1112 GL6-P1111 GL6-P1112
附件 电缆和插头 安装附件 反射镜
4针,M8 1 L+
SICK 加速器传感器 WTR、WLR 和 ZLM1 的产品说明说明书

WWTR, WLR und ZLM1:Individual solutions for accu-mulating roller conveyorsWTR, WLR and ZLM1 control the material flow on backup conveyor sections and, above all, support the exact infeed and outfeed of the conveyed products at distribution stations. No programming and lesscabling. WTR and WLR: “3 in 1” – photo-electric proximity switch and special photoelectric switch always form a compact unit with valve and logic.The special slimline housing in the top section of the WTR and WLR fits between all common roller spacings. Simultaneously, thismounting method offers protection against damage and simplifiesinstallation.The ZLM1 contains the logic function of the accumulating roller conveyor. Suitable optoelectronic or inductive SICK sensors can be con-nected to the ZLM1. Furthermore,the ZLM1 can be combined with WTR or WLR.WTR and WLR ensure low-noise buffering of conveyed products free from dynamic pressure, no wear and tear and no mechanical problems in addition to detecting the conveyed products irrespectiveof weight.Overview of WTR, WLR and ZLM1:■Controlling the flow of goods on conveyor systems without additional programming.■Increasing the availability of the conveyor systems.■Reduced cabling and reduced mounting effort (“3 in 1”) improve economy.■Mounting between the rollers offers optimum protection against damage.■Flexible: ZLM1 can be used in conjunction with any SICK sensors.Main industries:■Materials handlingDA T ASH E E T2S I C K 2009-04-08L o g i c f u n c t i o n s :– S i n g l e Fe e d – S i n g l e R e l e a s e – S l u g R e l e a s e – S l e e p m o d e – A w a k e m o d eWTR, WLR und ZLM1Valve type Conveyed product is not detected.Conveyed product is detected.De-ener-gised and closedValve energisedAir flows into the cylinderValve de-energisedCylinder is vented via valveDe-ener-gised and openValve energisedCylinder is vented via valve Valve de-energisedAir flows into the cylinderWTR, WLR, ZLM12009-04-08S I C K3WTR Photoelectric proximity switches for accumulation roller conveyors 4S I C K2009-04-08WTR, WLR and ZLM1: logic functions for accumulating roller conveyorsThe logic functions of the WTR, WLR and ZLM1 ensure a controlled flow of products, sothat the conveyed products are started at the defined segments within a conveyor belt.The logic functions autonomously control the accumulating roller conveyor and, in particular,support the exact infeed and outfeed of the conveyed products at the distribution stations.The conveyed goods pass through the feed area and will not be stopped until they reach the last WTRn of the WTR line.The conveyor section of the WTRn is occupied. The WTRn passes this informa-tion onto the WTRn-1, i.e. the next conveyed good is detected by WTRn-1 and stopped in the correspond-ing section n-1 etc.Basic function which occurs at any point on the conveyor system:An object on the roller conveyor is stopped when two successive sections are occupied. Even if the flow of the conveyed goods per hour is increased, it still remains controlled because a defined space between the goods is given.21The release of the con-veyed goods from the sec-tion of the WTRn is initiated by electrical control of the WTRn (+24 V at input “E” of the WTRn).The section of the WTRn starts and is not occupied any longer as soon as the WTRn does not see any object. The information will be passed onto the WTRn-1which in turn starts the cor-responding section etc. Inthis way, the objects are transported section by section.The manual release of the conveyed goods from the section of the WTRn has the same effect as the release by electrical control.21It is possible to increase the flow of goods by starting all sections within a WTR line at the same time. This will be initiated by activating the last WTRn (+24 V at input “VT”of the WTRn).S i n g l e Fe e dS i n g l e R e l e a s e – e l e c t r i c a l –S i n g l e R e l e a s e – m a n u a l –S l u g R e l e a s eWTR2009-04-08S I C K 5S l e e p m o d eA w a k e m o d eThe WTR2-P621S22 and the WLR2-P610S01 contain additional logic functions, usually,used in conjunction with motorised rollers.After the motorised rollers have been switched off by the sleep mode, the motorised rollersare successively re-energised with the wake-up mode.If the conveyed product has left the beam path of a WTR then, after 9 sec.approx., the connected motorised roller is switched off.1st option:At the beginning of the conveyor belt, the WTR1requires an external start signal (+24 V DC on input “E2”), so that the wake-up mode is activated and the motorised roller in the first segment is switched on .When the conveyed product has been moved into the WTR1’s beam path, then this informa-tion is passed on to the WTRn, so that the motorised roller in the segment (WTRn...) is switched on etc. .212nd option:When the conveyed prod-uct is placed onto any segment (WTRn...), then the associated motorisedroller in this segment is switched on. Simultane-ously, a signal is given to the WTRn-1 which switches the motorised roller on. When the con-veyed product has reached the beam path of the WTRn-1, a signal is given, in turn, to the WTRn which then switches the associated motorised roller on etc.WTR Photoelectric proximity switches for accumulation roller conveyors6S I C K 2009-04-08WTR1-P421, WTR1-P721, WTR1-P721 S09, WTR1-P721 S10 (picture on the left): Photoelectric proximity switch, solenoid valve and logic, single feedWTR1-P821 (picture on the left):Photoelectric proximity switch, solenoid valve and logic, block feed. WTR1-P421 S02 (picture on the right):Photoelectric proximity switch, solenoid valve and logic, single feed.Advantages of the SICK conceptIn general, a conveyor system is uniformly equipped with one single type of WTR. Depend-ing on the application T-pieces and other WTR types which should be adapted to the appli-cation may also be used.This simplifies procurement and installation, reduces stock of spare parts and prevents confusion of different types of unit.Standardisation within the conveyor systems is increased.WTR1-P421 S08, WTR2-P621:Photoelectric proximity switch, logic, cable for connecting solenoid valve or motor.WTR2-P621S22:Photoelectric proximity switch, logic specially for motorised rollers.WTR2-P521, WTR2-P511:Without logic and without solenoid valve.Accessories1.Bracket for mounting the WTR2.T-piece to be used for ■additional power supply to increase the maximum number of WTRs■interrogation of the status of a WTR or its corresponding conveyor section■interruption of the logic at any point and its reset3.Cable receptaclesWTRApplication examplesPossibilities of control and information interrogation of the WTR, WLR or ZLM1 forprocessing in an external control system (simplified description).Please contact us, especially for detection of critical objects, e.g. reflecting, irregular or verysmall surfaces. We recommend to carry out tests with the original conveyed goods.2009-04-08S I C K7WTR1 Photoelectric proximity switches for accumulation roller conveyors8S I C K2009-04-08Centre of transmitter’s optical axis Centre of receiver’s optical axis Cable with receptacle, 4-pin Solenoid valveMedia connector (2 x) l 8 x 1M12 plug, 4-pinMounting holes l 4.5LED signal strength indicator Scanning distance adjustment Control for timing element3 in 1: Photoelectric proximity switch, valve and logic form a compact unitBackground suppressionContinuously variable scanning distanceIntegrated logic for accumulatingroller conveyorsE M EM VT 2)VT Direction of transport198********)-P821: R 2)-P821: A VT1)Average service life 100,000 hat T A = +25 °C2)Limit values3)May not exceed or fall short ofV S tolerances4)Without load, without valve5)Don not bend cable below 0 °C6)Max. per power supply at 27.6 V DC7)Reference voltage 50 V DC8)A=Inputs/outputs reverse-polarityprotectedB=Outputs short-circuit protectedC=Interference pulse suppression9)Other valve types available on requestMedium: Compressed air or neutral gas-es (filtered) lubricated or unlubricated10)In combination with cylinders with smallair volume we recommend tests0 (mm) 200 400 600 800 1000(mm) 400 500 600 700 800 90010987654321%ofscanningdistanceWTR1 2009-04-08S I C K9WTR1/2 Photoelectric proximity switches for accumulation roller conveyors10S I C K2009-04-08Centre of transmitter’s optical axis Centre of receiver’s optical axis Cable with receptacle, 4-pin M12 plug, 4-pinCable without plug for motor or valve Mounting holes l 4.5Electrical connection via plug lugs (to DIN 43650 Form C)LED signal strength indicator Scanning distance adjustmentIntegrated logic for accumulating roller conveyors, especially for motorised rollersBackground suppressionContinuously variable scanning distanceConnection for motor or valveE M VTEM L+A M VT 2)9876543211)WTR2-P621S22: A 22)WTR2-P621S22: E 23)WTR1-P421S08:No cable to valve (plug-in)1)Average service life 100,000 hat T A = +25 °C2)Limit values without load, withoutsolenoid valve3)May not exceed or fall short ofV S tolerances4)Without load, without valve5)Do not bend cable below 0 °C6)Max. per individual feed at 27.6 V DCas well as dependent on the solenoidvalve (1W)/motor7)Reference voltage 50 V DC8)A=Inputs/outputs reverse-polarityprotectedB=Outputs short-circuit protectedC=Interference pulse suppression0 (mm) 200 400 600 800 1000(mm) 400 500 600 700 800 90010987654321%ofscanningdistanceWTR1/2 2009-04-08S I C K11WTR2 Photoelectric proximity switches for accumulation roller conveyors12S I C K 2009-04-08Centre of transmitter’s optical axis Centre of receiver’s optical axis M12 plug, 4-pinMounting holes l 4.5LED signal strength indicator Scanning distance adjustmentContinuously variable scanning distanceBackground suppressionL+NC M Q P6543211)Average service life 100,000 h at T A = +25 °C 2)Limit values3)May not exceed or fall short of V S tolerances4)Without load, without valve 5)Reference voltage 50 V DC6)A =Inputs/outputs reverse-polarityprotectedB =Outputs short-circuit protectedC =Interference pulse suppression0 (mm) 200 400 600 8001000(mm) 400500600700800900109876543210%of s c a nn i n g d i s t a n c eWTR22009-04-08S I C K 13WLR1 Special photoelectric reflex switch, red light for accumulation roller conveyors14S I C K2009-04-08Centre of transmitter’s optical axis Centre of receiver’s optical axis Cable with receptacle, 4-pin Solenoid valveMedia connector (2 x) ø 8 x 1M12 plug, 4-pinMounting holes ø 4.5Signal strength indicator Sensitivity control3 in 1: Special photoelectric reflex switch (FGS adjustable), valve and logic form a compact unitVery insensitive against mirroring,reflecting, shiny, depolarizeing surfacesIntegrated logic for accumulating roller conveyorsE ML+A M VTE M VT987654321WLR12009-04-08S I C K 151)Average service life 100,000 h, at T A = +25 °C 2)Limit values3)May not exceed or fall short of V S tolerances4)Without load, without valve 5)Do not bend cable below 0 °C 6)Max. per power supply at 27.6 V DC7)Reference voltage 50 V DC8)A = Inputs/outputs reverse-polarityprotectedB = Outputs short-circuit protectedC = Interference pulse suppression9)In relation with cylinder with small air volume we recommend tests– Diamond Grade reflective tape (prefabricated) should be installed at max. 1.5 m away from WLR – Align red light spot of WLR on the middle of the reflector, LED (8) ON– Turn sensitivity control (9) to the right until you’ve reach max., LED (8) OFF– Turn sensitivity control (9) back again to the left until LED (8) is constant luminously – WLR is adjustedWLR2 Special photoelectric reflex switch, red light for accumulation roller conveyors16S I C K2009-04-08Centre of transmitter’s optical axis Centre of receiver’s optical axis Cable with receptacle, 4-pin Plug M12, 4-pin Cable for motorMounting holes ø 4.5 mm LED signal strength indicator Scanning distance adjustmentSpecial photoelectric reflex switch (FGS adjustable)Very insensitive against mirroring,reflecting, shiny, depolarizeing surfacesIntegrated logic for accumulating roller conveyors, especially formotorised rollersE 1M A 2L+A 1M E 2E A A 1E 2M 87654321WLR22009-04-08S I C K 171)Average service life 100,000 h, at T A = +25 °C 2)Limit values3)May not exceed or fall short of V S tolerances4)Without load, without valve 5)Do not bend cable below 0 °C6)Max. per individual infeed at 27.6 V DC as well as dependent on the magnetic valve (1 W)/motor resp. separate power supply for motorised rollers 7)Reference voltage 50 V DC8)A = Inputs/outputs reverse-polarityprotectedB = Outputs short-circuit protectedC = Interference pulse suppression– Diamond Grade reflective tape (prefabricated) should be installed at max. 1.5 m away from WLR – Align red light spot of WLR on the middle of the reflector, LED (8) on– Turn sensitivity control (9) to the right until you’ve reach max., LED (8) off– Turn sensitivity control (9) back again to the left until LED (8) is constant luminously – WLR is adjustedZLM1-B Logic module with solenoid valve for accumulation roller conveyors18S I C K2009-04-08Cable with M12 socket, 4-pin Solenoid valveConnection for sensor, cable with M12socket, 4-pin or M8 socket, 4-pin M12 plug, 4-pinMedia connector (2 x) ø 8 mmLogic module with logic mode and solenoid valve for accumulation roller conveyorsConnection for different kinds of SICK sensors are possible Compatible with WTR1Adjustable release delay (ZLM1-B5612E41 only)E M L+A M VTE M VTDirection of transport21345543211)for ZLM1-B5612E41 = 93 mm2)ZLM1-B5612E41 with time controlZLM1-B2009-04-08S I C K 19Sensor output requirements PNP, reflex switch: light-switching;Proximity switch: dark-switching 5)PNP, inductive sensor: 5)1)Limit values, the device may connect only to protected extra low voltage 2)May not exceed or fall short of V S tolerances3)Without load, without valve, without sensor4)Do not bend cable below 0 °C5)Additional adapter is required to put pin 2 at the sensor onto pin 4 for the ZLM16)Max. per feed to 26.4 V DC as well as current consumption by the sensors7)A = Inputs/outputs reverse-polarityprotectedB = Outputs short-circuit protectedC = Interference pulse suppression8)Other valve types available on request 9)In combination with cylinders with small air volume we recommend testsSICK AG | Waldkirch | Germany | 2009-04-08 G O /G O P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y (2009-04) S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e T h e s p e c i f i e d p r o d u c t f e a t u r e s a n d t e c h n i c a l d a t a d o n o t r e p r e s e n t a n y g u a r a n t e e 01 A 4 4c i n t 32AustraliaPhone +61 3 9497 4100 1800 33 48 02 – tollfree ********************.au Belgium/Luxembourg Phone +32 (0)2 466 55 66E-Mail ************BrasilPhone +55 11 3215-4900E-Mail ************.br Ceská RepublikaPhone +420 2 57 91 18 50E-Mail ************ChinaPhone +852-2763 6966E-Mail ************.hk 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优势•发射器和接收器位于同一外壳内,所需安装时间极短•提供多种叉宽、叉深和检测技术(红外LED、红色LED、激光和超声波)选项,可以满足各种需求•激光和红色光源型号传感器的光点高度可视,因此调校非常简单•开关频率高,性能可靠•对环境光具有高抗扰性,保证了检测的可靠性•采用铝质外壳,可满足一般工业条件的需求SICK 槽型传感器采用对射式设计,其发射器和接收器安装于同一个外壳内,因此对准工作不再费时。
SICK 槽型传感器有两种工作原理。
应用领域• 标签识别• 物体计数和定位• 过程控制收的超声波就越多。
应用领域• 标签识别• 双板检测• 黏性表面检测WF next详细技术资料特性机械/电气参数限定值,具有反极性保护。
在短路保护网路中运行时最大值为8 A 。
2) 不可以超出工作电压V S 的允许范围值。
3) 空载。
4) 亮/暗比为1:1。
5) 带阻抗负载时的信号传输时间。
6) 参考电压50 V DC 。
环境参数特定参数工业传感器槽型传感器WF next 订货信息WF2•叉宽:2 mmWF5•叉宽:5 mmWF15•叉宽:15 mm最小检测物体。
WF30•叉宽:30 mm最小检测物体。
WF nextWF50•叉宽:50 mm1)最小检测物体。
WF80•叉宽:80 mmWF120•叉宽:120 mm工业传感器槽型传感器WF next外形尺寸图mmmmABCC1WF2 2 42/59/95 14 5(0.08) (1.65/2.32/3.74)(0.55) (0.20) WF5 5 42/59/95 14 6.5 (0.20) (1.65/2.32/3.74) (0.55) (0.20)WF15 15 42/59/95 27 5 (0.59) (1.65/2.32/3.74) (1.06) (0.20)WF30 30 42/59/95 42 5(1.18) (1.65/2.32/3.74) (1.65) (0.20)WF50 50 42/59/95 51 16(1.97) (1.65/2.32/3.74) (2.01) (0.63)WF80 8042/59/958116(3.15) (1.65/2.32/3.74) (3.19) (0.63)WF120 120 42/59/95 121 16(4.72)(1.65/2.32/3.74)(4.76)(0.63)调校WF next调校:“+”/“–”按钮WF next 调校:自学习① 光轴② 安装孔,Ø 4.2 mm ③ 仅限WF50/80/120④ 功能信号指示灯(黄色),开关输出⑤ 功能指示灯(红色)⑥ “+” /“–”按钮和功能按钮WF nextM8,4针插头L+Q PMQ N推荐附件插头和电缆M8,4针插头连接方式与示意图工业传感器槽型传感器WF next通过“+”/“–”按钮设置开关阈值 (WFxx-B410)12通过自学习设置开关阈值(WFxx-B416)1 2113 6Q。
OsiSense XU光电传感器XUM9APSBL2说明书

责声明:本文档不代表或不用于确定用于特定用户应用产品的适用性或可靠性产品参数表说明书XUM9APSBL2光电传感器 小型 极化反射 5M PNP主要信息产品系列OsiSense XU 系列号一般用途,单一模式电子传感器类型光电传感器传感器名称XUM 传感器外形微型检测系统极化反射材料塑料输出信号类型离散输入类型直流接线技术3-线固态输出类型PNP固态输出功能 1 NO 或 1 NC 可编程电气连接电缆电缆长度 2 m发射Red LED polarised reflex 额定感应距离5 m with reflector 50 x 50 mm补充信息机柜材料PBT 透镜材料PMMA 输出类型固态导线绝缘材料PVCLED状态LED (绿色) 适用 稳定性LED (橙色) 适用 输出状态额定电源电压 [Us]12...24 V 直流 和 逆相保护电源电压范围10.2...26.4 V DC开关能力以 mA <= 100 mA (过载和短路保护)开关频率<= 500 Hz 压降<= 2 V电流消耗14 mA (无负荷)启动延迟< 100 ms响应延迟 1 ms复位延迟 1 ms设置灵敏度调节的按钮深度20 mm高度34 mm宽度11 mm产品重量0.063 kg环境产品认证ULCERCM运行温度-30...55 °C贮存环境温度-40...70 °C抗振动+/- 1.5 mm (f = 10...55 Hz) X、Y和Z每个方向上2 小时 符合 IEC 60068-2-6抗冲击500 m/s² (X, Y, Z directions for 10 cycles (approx. 100 min)) 符合 IEC 60068-2-27 IP 保护等级IP67 符合 IEC 60529尺寸图尺寸预接线版本描述尺寸(1)输出指示灯(橙色)(2)稳定性指示灯(绿色)(3)设置按钮(4)接收(5)发射连接和图解预接线(-):BU(蓝色)(+):BN(棕色)OUT/输出:BK(黑色)连接和图解PNPBN:棕色BU:蓝色BK:黑色安装和间隙拧紧扭矩(1)基座安装用固定支架性能曲线偏振反射系统(1)带 XUZC50 反光板(2)带 XUZC08 反光板(水平放置)(3)带 XUZC08 反光板(垂直放置)(y)平行移动(毫米)(x)距离(米)带水平放置的反光板(4)传感器(5)反光板带垂直放置的反光板(4)传感器(5)反光板。

deTec4基本型– 技术规格综述
•• 4级 (IEC 61496)、SIL3 (EN 62061)和PL e (EN ISO
••无盲区 ••分辨率:14 mm或30 mm ••防护区域高度:300 mm至2100 mm ••在防护区域宽度的自动测距范围达10 m ••环境工作温度:–30℃至+55℃ ••外壳防护等级:IP 65和IP 67 ••兼容Flexi Loop的M12插头
••创新性的无盲区安装方式, 易于组装 ••集成 LED 指示灯和可达 10m的防护区
域宽度自动测距范围, 实现快速调试 ••简约安全: 外壳防护等级高达IP 67, 工 作环境温度低至–30℃, 产品非常坚固 可靠, 可胜任恶劣环境条件
••智能标准化: M12-5针接头, 降低了成
本并能够与Flexi Loop安全串联
光电防护设备 | S I C K
8015526/2014-08-26 内容如有改动, 恕不另行通知
只需上电:无需任何设置就可实现安全防护,且 工作和故障诊断非常快速
deTec2基本型安全光幕采用了坚固清洁的外形设计,确保产品 能够满足功能要求。deTec2基本型安全光幕是专门设计用于操 作防护应用,只需上电就可立即开始运行,无需大量的配置工 作,并且其探测范围还可以根据应用需要进行精确地调节。此 外,该安全光幕还具有以下特性:1、集成了四个对齐LED指 示灯,能够用于快速准确地将发射器和接收器定位在最佳相对 位置;2、配备红色/绿色LED指示灯,能够清晰地显示安全光 幕的当前工作状态。
sick uc12超声波传感器说明书

sick uc12超声波传感器说明书
sick uc12超声波传感器,采用超声波回波测距原理,运用精确的时差测量技术,检测传感器与目标物之间的距离,采用本厂开发的小角度,小盲区超声波传感器,具有测量准确,无接触,防水,防腐蚀,低成本等优点,可应于液位,物位检测,特有的液位,料位检测方式,可保证在液面有泡沫或大的晃动,不易检测到回波的情况下有稳定的输出。
SICK 光学传感器的测量值处理指南说明书

Working With measured values from siCk luminesCenCe sensors | siCk /2016-08-11Subject to change without notice WORKING WITH MEASURED VALUES FROM SICK LUMINESCENCE SENSORSThe output of measured values from SICK luminescence sensors (LUT) is subject to tolerances, meaning that the measured value can vary slightly from sensor to sensor. These variances can be attributed to the tolerances of the components used as well as the user-defined sensor settings.A correction factor needs to be calculated in order to ensure that stable measurement results can be achieved for a single device using LUT sensors. In order to do this, a reference target (for instance the long-term stability SICK luminescence scale, part no. 8008840) can be used. The value of the measurement to the reference target can be used as a basis to establish a relative refer-ence for the signal intensity of the luminescent sensing material.Design Please consult the relevant operating instructions for information regarding the connection, commissioning, and use of the sensor.Procedure •Connect and switch on the sensor. Once switched on, the sensor must warm up for at least three minutes before a stable mea-sured value can be output.•Determining the reference target measured value•This measured value in the application can be used as a guide value e.g. reference target measured value e 100%•Use the sensor according to normal practice in the application. However, always draw comparisons between the measuredvalue and the determined reference value e.g. calculate the measured value as a percent value in relation to the predetermined 100%.Storing the reference target Avoid direct sunlight or intense artificial light. Otherwise there is a risk that the reference will bleach and the intensity of the lumi -nescence will decrease. When not using the target, please store in a light-tight container.121 Sensing distance (from leading edge of the lens; tolerance ± 0.2 mm)2 Light spot size Prerequisites Position the sensor so that in the nominal sensing distance the light spot is in the middle of the reference target.In order to achieve representative measurements for comparison, it is important to be aware of the external factors that can affect the measured value from the sensor:•The measurements to the reference target must be carried out at the exact same sensing distance for every sensor in question. •The sensing distance tolerance should not be exceeded or undershot.•With regards to LUT9, LUT8, and LUT3 only:The analog output is scaled according to a teach-in process or in line with the sensitivity adjustment.Before the reference measurement is carried out, the sensor must therefore always be taught in using the same reference target.•The output of measured values is limited. For this reason, it is important to ensure that the measured value is within the dynam-ic area:- analog output < 10 mA- digital measured value < 1023 dec / < 0x3FF•If this is not the case, a reference target must be selected with a lower intensity and the sensitivity must be adjusted or taught in accordingly.a B Measurement to referenceMeasurement in the application。
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Q1, Q2
4 … 20 mA, 0 … 10V
3) 根据负载,在电压和电流输出之间 自动匹配
4 … 20 mA: RL ≤ 500 Ω, VS ≥ 20 V/ RL ≤ 100 Ω, VS ≥ 12 V 0…10 V: RL ≥ 100 kΩ, VS ≥ 15 V
150 g
识别与测量 853
M 30x1.5
Ø 47.5(1.87)
852 识别与测量
M12x1 (0.47x0.04)
UM30 - 215 11
105 (4.13) 72 (2.83) 36 (1.42) 22.5 (0.89)
5 (0.2)
5 (0.2)
M 30x1.5 (1.18x0.06)
50 ms 70 ms 110 ms 180 ms 240 ms
11 Hz 8 Hz 6 Hz 3 Hz 2 Hz
3 mm 5 mm 20 mm 50 mm 100 mm
约 320 kHz 约 400 kHz 约 200 kHz 约 120 kHz 约 80 kHz
150 g 150 g 150 g 210 g 270 g
2) 输出短路保护
输出与接口 1) 2) 3)
输Q出1,与Q接2 口 1) 2) 3)
Q1, 4 … 20 mA, 0 … 10 V
Q1, Q2
4 … 20 mA, 0 … 10 V
3) 根据负载,在电压和电流输出之间 自动切换
4 … 20 mA: RL ≤ 500 Ω, VS ≥ 20 V/ RL ≤ 100 Ω, VS ≥ 12 V 0…10 V: RL ≥ 100 kΩ, VS ≥ 15 V
棕 1 L+ 黑 4 q2/ Q2 蓝 3M 白 2 q1/ Q1 灰 5 Sync/Com
0.18 mm
± 0.15 %
精度 1)
工作电压 VS
9 … 30 V DC
± 10 %
电流消耗 2)
≤ 80 mA
< 300 ms
M12,5 针插头
70 ms
8 Hz
输出与接口 1) 2) 3)
Q1 Q1, Q2 Q1, 4 … 20 mA, 0 … 10 V Q1 Q1, Q2 4 … 20 mA, 0 … 10 V
5 mm
约 400 kHz
UM30 - 213
型号 UM30-213111 UM30-213112 UM30-213118 UM30-213115 UM30-213114 UM30-213113
IP 67
工作: -25 °C .. .+70 °C
储存: -40 °C .. .+85 °C
1) 温度补偿(可关闭):
2) 限定值
≤ 2 %温度补偿/
0,17 %/°K,无温度补偿
84 (33.1) 51 (2.01)
M12x1 (0.47x0.04)
5 (0.2)
5 (0.2)
UM30 - 214 11
102 (4.02) 69 (2.72) 33 (0.77) 19.5 (0.77)
1 2
M12x1 (0.47x0.04)
5 (0.2)
2 管道直径 10mm
3 管道直径 27 mm
DOL-1205-G02M DOL-1205-G05M DOL-1205-G10M
6008899 6009868 6010544
42.9 (1.69)
*L* 3.1 (0.12)
150 g 150 g 210 g 270 g
854 识别与测量
检测距离 UM30 - 211 11
UM30 - 212 11
UM30 - 213 11
UM30 - 214 11
UM30-21111_ 250 mm
[mm] 50
M30x1.5 1.18x0.06)
采用时间测量原理,测量 精度高 不受被检测物体颜色影响 (甚至可检测薄膜、玻璃 和瓶子)的厚度 传感器带数显面板,调节 快速灵活 对污垢、灰尘及雾气的影 响不敏感 可同时提供模拟量和数字 量输出 工作距离远达 6000 mm
UM30-2 超声波传感器
尺寸图 UM30 - 211 11 UM30 - 212 11 UM30 - 213 11
35 (1.38)
订货号 6009719
3 54
电缆直径: 3 至 6.5 mm
订货号 6009720
3 54
说明 M12,5 针孔式直插头
14.8 (0.58) M12x1 (0.47x0.04)
M12x1 (0.47x0.04) 34.5 (1.36)
856 识别与测量
20 (0.79) M12x1
型号 DOS-1205-G
52.5 (2.07)
尺寸单位:mm(英寸) 型号 DOS-1205-W
尺寸单位:mm (inch)
识别与测量 855
14.5 (0.57) M12x1
型号 DOL-1205-W02M DOL-1205-W05M DOL-1205-W10M
26.5 (1.04) 12 (0.47) 1.5 (0.06)
UM30-2 超声波传感器
订货号 6008900 6008869 6010542
说明 M12,5 针孔式弯插头,2 米 PVC 电缆 M12,5 针孔式弯插头,5 米 PVC 电缆 M12,5 针孔式弯插头,10 米 PVC 电缆
31 (1.22)
12 (0.47)
最大直径: Ø 6 (0.24) Ø 8.8 (0.35)
Ø 10.5 (0.41)
180 ms
3 Hz
输出与接口 1) 2) 3) Q1 Q1, Q2 Q1, 4 … 20 mA, 0 … 10 V Q1 Q1, Q2 4 … 20 mA, 0 … 10V
50 mm
约 120 kHz
UM30 - 215
600 ... 6000 mm (8000) 240 ms
UM30 - 211 UM30 - 212 UM30 - 213 UM30 - 214 UM30 - 215
30 ... 250 mm (350) 60 ... 350 mm (600) 200 ... 1300 mm (2000) 350 ... 3400 mm (5000) 600 ... 6000 mm (8000)
200 ... 1300 mm (2000)
6037537 6037666 6036923 6037671 6037676 6036918
PNP PNP PNP NPN NPN N/A110 msFra bibliotek6 Hz
输出与接口 1) 2) 3)
Q1 Q1, Q2 Q1, 4 … 20 mA, 0 … 10 V Q1 Q1, Q2 4 … 20 mA, 0 … 10 V
ø 65 (2.56)
T1 D1 D2 T2
4 57 6
1 紧固螺母,截面直径 36mm 2 M12 连接插头 3 调节和显示面板 4 设置键 1 5 LED 1 6 设置键 2 7 LED 2
连接方式,M12,5 针插头
UM30 - 21x 11 3
棕 1 L+ 黑 4 NC 蓝 3M 白 2 QA 灰 5 Sync/Com
UM30 - 21x 11 8
棕 1 L+ 黑 4 q/Q 蓝 3M 白 2 QA 灰 5 Sync/Com
UM30 - 21x 11 1
UM30 - 21x 11 5
棕 1 L+ 黑 4 q/Q 蓝 3M 白 2 NC 灰 5 Sync/Com
UM30 - 21x 11 2 UM30 - 21x 11 4
型号 DOL-1205-G02MC DOL-1205-G05MC DOL-1205-G10MC
44 (1.73) 1.5 (0.06)
订货号 6025906 6025907 6025908