
金巴苏荣说,摔跤手、歌手、科长、连长、会计、酒鬼、哑巴、司机,这些人都是沃登格接生出来的人。我心里想,吉布吐村可以为她树立一座塑像啊,立塑像是不是需要政府批准呢?我想象在吉 布吐村小学里面有一座石质德格齐齐格的半身像,写四行字:大地,魔法师,接生婆,乳泉。
我们离开她家时,德格齐齐格挣扎着从炕上坐起来,艰难地把两条腿放在炕沿下,这相当于站立,她在送我们。乡长金巴苏荣走过去,用两只手轻轻抱住德格齐齐格的肩膀,把自己的头放在了她的 左胸前,抵着。蒙古人表达感恩,会把自己的头放在对方的胸膛上,放在左胸能听到心跳的地方。
我想象德格齐齐格年轻时候的样子,她漂亮吗?她有这么多的奶水,亲手接生了这么多的孩子。我从她的相貌里寻找她的年轻时光,但找不到。沃登格很老了,她未必认识镜子中的自己了。但她在 年轻的时候,有那么多孩子抢着吮吸她的乳房,她低头看这些孩子小小的粉嫩的嘴唇和黑亮的眸子,这有多么幸福啊。宝马真人赌场

高一英语情态动词的用法情态动词有can (could), may (might), must, have to, shall (should, will (would), dare (dared), need (needed), ought to等。
情态动词无人称和数的变化;不能单独使用,必须与其后的动词原形构成谓语一、can, could1) 表示能力(体力、知识、技能)。
Can you lift this heavy box?(体力)Mary can speak three languages.(知识)Can you skate?(技能)此时可用be able to代替。
Can只有一般现在时和一般过去式;而be able to则有更多的时态。
I’ll not be able to come this afternoon. 当表示“经过努力才得以做成功某事”时应用be able to,不能用Can。
如:He was able to go to the party yesterday evening in spite of the heavy rain.2) 表示请求和允许。
-----Can I go now? ----- Y es, you can. / No, you can’t. 此时可与may互换。
在疑问句中还可用could, might代替,不是过去式,只是语气更委婉,不能用于肯定句和答语中。
---- Could I come to see you tomorrow? ---- Y es, you can. ( No, I’m afraid not. )3) 表示客观可能性(客观原因形成的能力)。
They’ve changed the timetable, so w e can go by bus instead. This hall can hold 500 people at least.4) 表示推测(惊讶、怀疑、不相信的态度),用于疑问句、否定句和感叹句中。

决定教育有效性与教学所能达到的境界的是A.对受教育者个性的把握程度B.教育者对知识的掌握程度C.对受教育者的了解程度D.教育措施的有效实施E.教育内容科学和合理 如何理解社会主义初级阶段基本路线的主要内容? 下列急腹症病人除哪一类外,可行硬膜外阻滞麻醉A.胃十二指肠穿孔B.上消化道大出血但无休克C.急性坏死性胰腺炎D.腹主动脉瘤破裂E.急性阑尾炎 早古生代的无脊椎动物到一部分衰退灭绝,一部分继续发展,从无脊椎动物中分化出来,形成有脊椎动物的。这种分化开始于志留纪,繁盛于泥盆纪。因此,泥盆纪又称时代。 汇款人和收款人均为个人,需要在汇入银行支取现金的,应在电汇凭证的“汇款金额”大写栏,先填写字样,后填写汇款金额。 人体发育学属于A.儿童精神医学的分支领域B.儿童行为医学的分支领域C.发育科学的分支领域D.儿童心理学的分支领域E.儿童保健医学的分支领域 胎儿一胎盘单位功能是指A.孕妇血或尿雌三醇(E3)测定B.血清HPL测定C.血清PRL判定D.催产素激惹试验(OCT)E.无激惹试验(NST) 下列是肺结核痰菌阳性者短程化疗最好方案的是A.异烟肼、利福平、乙胺丁醇2个月,然后异烟肼、利福平7个月B.异烟肼、链霉素、对氨水杨酸1年C.异烟肼、对氨水杨酸、氨硫脲1年D.异烟肼、利福平、链霉素2个月,然后利福平、异烟肼3个月E.利福平、乙胺丁醇,对氨水杨酸1年 美国的《发育与行为儿科学杂志》发行于。A.20世纪60年代以前B.20世纪60年代以后C.20世纪70年代以后D.20世纪80年代以前E.20世纪80年代以后 免疫浊度试验的基本原则是A.体系中保持抗原过量B.体系中保持抗体过量C.体系中合适的离子强度D.体系中合适的pHE.必要时可加入增浊剂 梅尼埃病的临床特征为()A.上感后出现眩晕,无耳鸣和耳聋B.眩晕发作时可伴随有意识障碍C.发作性眩晕、耳鸣、耳聋和耳胀满感D.头部处于某一位置则出现眩晕,重复检查眼震方向不变E.眩晕伴有耳聋、面瘫,患耳有疱疹 西方失语成套测验测试项目不包括A.书写检查B.听觉理解C.复述检查D.命名检查E.自发言语 干粉扑救可燃液体火灾,效果较好.A.正确B.错误 公司总体战略类型不包括。A.发展战略B.稳定战略C.收缩战略D.竞争战略 肝十二指肠韧带内三个重要结构是A.肝总管.肝总动脉和门静脉B.胆总管.肝固有动脉和下腔静脉C.胆总管.肝固有动脉和门静脉D.胆总管.肝总动脉和门静脉E.以上都不是 采集病人血液标本注意的事项是A.应在病人使用抗菌药物之前采集B.同一份血液标本应同时作需氧和厌氧培养C.厌氧培养有细菌生长,作生化反应亦应在厌氧环境中进行D.对疑为波浪热等病人的血液标本应增菌培养到第4周E.以上皆是 短期融资券的期限最长不超过天?A、180B、270C、365D、720 信息分类中,指分类体系的建立应满足事物的不断发展和变化的需要,在分类体系中应留有适当的空位,以便新的事物或概念增加时,在体系中有一定的位置安排,而不至于由于新的事物或概念头的增加而导致分类体系又推倒重来A、科学性B、系统性C、可扩充性D、兼容性E、综合实用性(信息 库存血保存的适宜温度是A.-4~-6摄氏度B.0摄氏度C.4-6摄氏度D.-20摄氏度E.-196摄氏度 建筑安全监督机构在检查施工现场时,发现某施工单位在没有竣工的建筑物设置员工集体宿舍,下列表述正确的是施工单位()。A.经工程所在地建设安全监督机构同意,可以继续使用B.经工程所在地建设行政主管部门同意,可以继续使用C.必须迁出D.经工程所在地质量监督机构同意,可以继续使 “以人为本,践行宗旨”的行为规范,主要体现在:A.坚持救死扶伤、防病治病的宗旨B.发扬大医精诚理念和人道主义精神C.以病人为中心,全心全意为人民健康服务D.以上都是E.以上都是 账户开始使用时间: 一般病区设主管护师人数为A.每10~20病床1名B.每30~40病床1名C.300张床以上医院设1名D.每5名护士1名E.每张床1~2名 《中华人民共和国药品管理法》规定:执业医师收受药品生产经营企业给予财物或其他利益的违法行为情节严重的,由卫生行政部门给予的行政处罚是。A.警告、降职B.处分、没收违法所得C.吊销执业医师证书D.吊销执业许可证E.记过、没收违法所得 纠纷双方当事人均有保护当事车辆原始状态的义务。拆检车辆有关部位时,当事双方必须同时在场,认可并一致证实拆检情况,按分类填写拆检数据并作为附件保存。A.正确B.错误 运输投资的实质是()A.改变投资结构B.转变增长方式C.追加生产要素,形成直接或间接的运输生产能力D.提高运输业投资在国民经济总投资中的比例,逐步解决其比例偏低问题E.建立符合我国国情、适应社会经济发展需要的,技术先进、结构合理、效率高的全国综合运输体系 可以明确诊断白内障有下面哪种方法()A.验光B.裂隙灯显微镜C.干涉光断层扫描D.视觉诱发电位E.视野检查 下列哪种激素不是由腺垂体合成、分泌的A.促甲状腺激素B.生长素C.缩宫素D.促肾上腺皮质激素E.黄体生成素 免疫系统不包括A.免疫组织B.免疫器官C.免疫细胞D.免疫分子E.免疫应答 证券组合理论认为,证券组合承担的风险越大,则收益。A.越高B.越低C.不变D.两者无关系 出血性疾病患者的饮食护理应除外。A.高热量B.高营养C.高蛋白质D.高维生素E.粗粮和富含纤维素 下列关于医学心理学的表述不正确的是A.是一门交叉学科B.是医学的分支学科C.以维护和促进人类整体健康为目的D.以人作为主要研究和服务对象E.研究医学领域中的心理学问题 [155]<sub1>10=;16=。 直接管理原则 灌肠时压力宜低的情况为A.做乙状结肠镜检查前灌肠B.做胆囊切除术前灌肠C.10%水合氯醛灌肠D.高热患者降温灌肠E.行子宫切除术前的灌肠 开办药品生产企业,须经批准的部门是A.县级药品监督管理部门B.区级药品监督管理部门C.省级药品监督管理部门D.国家药品监督管理部门E.国家工商行政管理部门 进行单侧唇裂整复术最适合的年龄为()A.出生后即刻B.1~2个月C.3~6个月D.6~12个月E.1~2岁 微观层面的金融创新大致可以分为以下几种类型。A.信用创造型创新B.风险转移型创新C.增强流动性创新D.股权创造型创新E.金融市场的创新 结核菌素试验的描述正确的是A.结果阴性可排除结核病BCG接种后结核菌素试验反应为强阳性C.部分高危结核患儿可呈阴性反应D.阳性结果代表患有结核病E.婴幼儿、尤其是未接种BCG者结核菌素试验阳性不提示体内有活动性结核病 运动负荷试验后,正常冠状动脉血流通常增加A.3~5倍B.6~10倍C.1~2倍D.1~3倍E.以上都不对

V. shall /should 的用法
6.should与how, why连用表示对某事不能理解,感到 意外,惊异等“竟会”“居然”
How should you be so rude to your friend? He is on time for everything. How should he be so
V. shall /should 的用法
1. shall 用于第一人称,表示征求对方意见。 What shall we do this evening?
2. shall用于第一、第三人称疑问句中,表示 征求对方意见或向对方请求。
When shall he leave the hospital? Shall we begin our class?
---Must we hand in our homework today? ---Yes, you must. \ No, you don’t have to.\ No, you needn’t.
3. Must you play the piano at midnight?
4. must 和have to 的区别
V. shall /should 的用法
5. should have done You should have finished your homework
last night, but actually you didn’t. You shouldn’t have told lies to your mum.
2) –-Do you know where David is? I couldn’t find him anywhere.

我家裹过粯子粽子,确切年份记不得了,但那年端午清晨粯子粽子煮熟的时候,新芦叶、新麦粯、糯米、红豆掺杂的粽子香飘满巷口,现在想起来都要嗅嗅鼻子,在当时确有种鸟过翅停的吸引力。 我没有夸张,我们庄上庙里一位叫智法的小和尚,外地人,好像因为有点智障,庙宇拆除后无家可归, 就在村里留了下来,过着自食其力和百家资助的日子,那天早上从我家门前路过,停下来闻了好 一会香味。所以,我家粽子出锅后,母亲特意让我拎了一扎四只,送到百米之外智法和尚栖身的棚屋。智法师傅比长我10岁的哥哥年龄大不了几岁,后来听说失足落水而殁,那天早上,吃过粯子粽子的 智法师傅,特地又跑到我家门口,双手合十,表示感谢!云顶
想起这段往事,一是说明溱湖地区的百姓智慧勤劳,纯朴友爱,即使在自然灾害严重的年头,也能做到帮困助弱,共克时艰。记忆中,我少年生活过的湖南村,5000多人,3个大队,有过饿死人的 现象,但为数不多。青黄不接之时,一碗青蚕豆、几把新麦糁儿,都曾是邻里间相濡以沫、救人一命的“还魂”仙丹。二是作为一种保健食品的开发与尝试,“麦片粽子”很有点“古为今用”“土为洋 用”的挖掘价值。里下河一带的地产大麦,因为特殊的水土原因,可与高原地区的燕麦、青稞比美,粯子等同麦片,其含有的可溶性纤维和葡聚糖成分高于其他地区的同类产品,有明显的保护肠道、降 低胆固醇、调节血糖功能,甚至有一定的防感冒、防癌功用,而这些长处, 恰恰与糯米的高糖、高脂、难以消化的不足形成互补,假如在度饥食品“粯子粽子”中,再加点松子、瓜子、枣仁之类吊

一、常见的情态动词1. can(能够)can用来表示能力、许可或可能性。
例如:- She can speak English fluently.(她能够流利地说英语。
)- Can I borrow your pen?(我可以借用你的钢笔吗?)- It can't be true!(这不可能是真的!)2. could(可以)could表示过去的能力、允许或可能性,也可以用来表示委婉语气。
例如:- When I was younger, I could run very fast.(当我年轻的时候,我跑得很快。
)- Could I use your computer for a moment?(我可以用你的电脑一下吗?)- Could you please pass me the salt?(你能请递给我盐吗?)3. may(可能)may表示可能性、允许或请求的委婉语气。
例如:- It may rain tomorrow, so take your umbrella with you.(明天可能会下雨,所以记得带上雨伞。
)- May I go to the bathroom?(我可以去洗手间吗?)- May I have another piece of cake, please?(请问我可以再来一块蛋糕吗?)4. might(可能)might用来表示较小的可能性或建议。
例如:- It might rain later, so you should bring a raincoat.(天气可能会下雨,所以你应该带一件雨衣。
)- You might want to try the new restaurant downtown.(你可以试试市区的那家新餐厅。

情态动词1. One thing I don’t like about my school is that we students ____ wear a uniform.A canB have toC needD may2. You ____ leave a tip if you don’t want to.A mustn’tB don’t have toC shouldn’tD can’t3. You ___ park your car here, as it’s in the people’s way.A needn’tB don’t have toC mustn’tD won’t4. It’s cold now in Australia, so I ____ take some warm clothes.A have toB mustC mayD can5. She has moved into a new flat, so she ____ get up early to catch the early bus.A must n’tB can’tC shouldn’tD doesn’t have to6. You ____ keep the book as long as you wish, but you ___ lend it to others.A must n’t; mustn’tB may; don’t have toC may; mustn’tD have to; mustn’t7. I ____ work when I was your age.A had toB mustC needD have got8. The play is not interesting, I really ____ go now.A have toB mustC shouldD ought to9. ---May I keep the book for another week?---No, you ____. You have already kept it too long.A can’tB oughtn’tC may notD won’t10. ____ you shout so loudly? Father is sleeping.A CanB ShouldC MustD May11. ---Are you coming to the party tonight?---I’m not sure. I ___ go to see my grandparents.A canB mayC mustD need12. ---Someone is asking to see you at the school gate.---Who ____ it be?A canB mayC mustD might13. You ____ walk for miles and miles in the hills without meeting anyone in the daytime.A mustB needC mayD can14. ---Look, it ___ be Professor Wang.---No, it ____ be him, as he has gone abroad.A may; mustn’tB must; may notC must; can’tD can; may not15. My watch doesn’t work now. There ____ be something wrong with it.A mayB canC couldD must16. You must be joking, _____ you?A mustn’tB needn’tC can’tD aren’t17. You must have known the result, ____ you?A mustn’tB can’tC haven’tD don’t18. John’s score on the test is the highest in the class; he ___ last night.A should studyB should have studiedC must have studiedD must have to study19. The room is in a terrible mess; it ____ cleaned.A can’t have beenB shouldn’t have beenC mustn’t have beenD wouldn’t have been20. Mary was not in her bedroom yesterday afternoon. She ___ in her classroom.A should have beenB must have beenC must beD should be21. One ought ____ for what one hasn’t done.A not to be punishedB to not be punishedC to not punishD not be punished22. Everyone ___ do his best for the modernizations lf our country.A canB mayC shouldD might23. ---I was too busy to help him with the problem.---But you ____.A ought toB shouldC ought to haveD should do24. You ____ take down the address, or you may forget where to go.A would ratherB needC would like toD had better25. Jenny ____ have kept her word. I wonder why she changed her mind.A mustB shouldC needD can26. Tom ought not to ____ me your secret, but he meant no harm.A have toldB tellC be tellingD having told27. I told Sally how to get there, but perhaps I ____ for her.A had to write it outB must have written it outC should have written it outD ought to write it out28. It’s nearly seven o’clock. Jack ____ be here at any moment.A mustB needC shouldD can29. ---When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.---They ____ be ready by 12:00.A canB shouldC mightD need30. The old professor gave orders that the experiment ____ before 6:00.A was finishedB would finishC be finishedD shall be finished31. ---I go out to play now, Mum?---No. You ____. You should do your homework first.A Might; wouldn’tB May; had better notC Must; mustn’tD Need; mustn’t32. ---Oh, I’ve missed a good chance.---Yes. You ___ the chance when it came.A should have takenB should haveC might have takenD had taken33. You ought ____ for what you have done.A to not be punishedB not to be punishedC not be punishedD not punish34. I was really anxious about you. You ____ home without a word.A mustn’t leaveB shouldn’t have leftC couldn’t have leftD needn’t leave35. ----Do you think he is at home now?----I think he ____ be, for it’s ten o’clock now.A wouldB shouldC mightD ought to36. ---Let’s go out for a walk, shall we?---____.A No, I can’tB shouldC No, we’d better notD Yes, go ahead37. The plant is dead. I ___ it more water.A will giveB would have givenC must giveD should have given38. ---I telephoned you several times yesterday, but no one answered.---Oh, I ____ asleep.A must fallB must have fallenC should fallD should have fallen39. Johnny, you ____ play with the knife, you ____ hurt yourself.A won’t; can’tB shouldn’t; mustC can’t; shouldn’tD mustn’t; may40. Excuse me, you ____ enter the teachers’ office without permission.A oughtn’t toB won’tC needn’tD may not41. A computer ____ think for itself, it mist be told what to do.A can’tB couldn’tC may notD might not42. He ____ see a doctor before it is too late.A mustB must have toC needD need have to43. ---____ I stop here, sir?---No. Go on to the next paragraph, please.A WillB MayC WouldD Ought44. ---May I put my bike here?---No, you ___.A need n’tB can’tC mustn’tD aren’t able45. Our teachers are at work. You ____ make so much noise.A won’tB mustn’tC may notD needn’t46. I’m afraid it ____ rain tonight.A canB couldC may beD might47. Don’t be worried. The news ____ be true.A may notB mustn’tC needn’tD shan’t48. ---Must I write down the new words now?---_____.A No, you needn’tB No, you may notC No, you mustn’tD No, you can’t49. ---May I take this magazine out of the reading-room?---____.A Yes, you mayB No, you don’tC Yes, you doD Yes, you take5o. ---The room is so dirty. ____ we clean it?---Of course.A WillB ShallC WouldD Do51. Peter ____ come with us tonight, but he isn’t very sure yet.A mustB mayC canD will52. Michael ___ be a policeman, for he’s much too short.A needn’tB can’tC shouldD may53. ---Are you coming to Jeff’s party?---I’m not sure, I ___ go to the concert instead.A mustB wouldC shouldD might54. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone ____ get out.A had toB wouldC couldD was able to55. It’s nearly seven o’clock, Jack ___ be here at any moment.A mustB needC shouldD can56. There was plenty of time. She ____.A mustn’t have hurriedB couldn’t have hurriedC must not hurryD needn’t have hurried57. I didn’t see her in the meeting room this morning. She ____ at the meeting.A mustn’t have spokenB shouldn’t have spokenC needn’t have spokenD couldn’t have spoken58. He ____ you more help, even though he was very busy.A might have givenB might giveC may have givenD may give59. ---I stayed at a hotel while in New York.---Oh, did you? You ____ with Barbara.A could have stayedB could stayC would stayD must have stayed60. ---I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.---It ____ true because there was little snow there.A may not beB won’t beC couldn’t beD mustn’t be61.(全国高考题)—Is John coming by train?—He should,but he ________ not. He likes driving his car.A. mustB. canC. needD. may62.(北京春季高考题)—The room is so dirty. ________ we clean it?—Of course.A. WillB. ShallC. WouldD. Do63.(上海春季高考题)My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who ________ have taken it?A. shouldB. mustC. couldD. would64.(北京高考题)—I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.—It ________ true because there was little snow there.A. may not beB. won’t beC. couldn’t beD. mustn’t be65.(上海高考题)It has been announced that candidates ________ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.A. canB. willC. mayD. shall66.—There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.—It ________ a comfortable journey.A. can’t beB. shouldn’t beC. mustn’t have beenD. couldn’t have been67.—Did the train arrive in time?—No. It ________ two hours ago.A. must have arriveB. ought to have arrivedC. must arriveD. ought to arrive68.—I can’t find my wallet.—You ________ it on the bus.A. must forgetB. must leaveC. must have forgottenD. must have left69.Such a businessman ________ be honest. He gets his money in a dishonest way.A. can’tB. mustn’t beC. may notD. shouldn’t70.Peter ________ come with us tonight,but he isn’t very sure yet.A. mustB. mayC. canD. will71.The girl used to be very interested in music, ________ she?A. didn’tB. useC. usedD. usedn’t to72.The old woman ________ sit there for hours,recalling her good old days.A. wouldB. usedC. used toD. could73.My watch is out of order. It needs ________.A. repairB. repairedC. repairingD. to repair74.It’s seven o’clock. Jack ________ be here at any moment.A. mustB. needC. shouldD. can75.It’s still early. You ________ hurry.A. mustn’tB. wouldn’tC. may notD. don’t have to76.—Do you think the flight is delayed?—It ________ be,especially in such weather.A. wouldB. shouldC. mightD. ought to77.Tom didn’t see her in the meeting room this morning. She ________ have spoken at the meeting.A. couldn’tB. mustn’tC. shouldn’tD. needn’t78.The light is still on. The student ________ to switch it off.A. must forgetB. must have forgottenC. might forgetD. may forget79.You must be a writer, ________ you?A. can’tB. aren’tC. mustD. mustn’t80.You ought ________ for what you are unable to do.A. not to be punishedB. to not be punishedC. to not punishedD. not be punished81.If you had been more careful enough,you ________ have made so many mistakes.A. won’tB. mustn’tC. shouldn’tD. wouldn’t82.—I hear you’ve got a set of valuable Australian coins. ________ I have a look?—Yes,certainly.A. MayB. DoC. ShallD. Should83.—Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?— ________ .A. Yes,you may borrowB. Yes,you couldC. Yes,go onD. Yes,help yourself84.The plant is dead. I ________ it more water.A. will giveB. would have givenC. must giveD. should have given85.You ________ return my umbrella now. You can keep it till next week if you like.A. can’tB. mustn’tC. needn’tD. may not86.Tom ought not to ________ me your secret,but he meant no harm.A. have toldB. tellC. be tellingD. having told87.He told Sally how to get there,but perhaps he ________ out for her.A. had to write itB. must have written itC. should have written itD. ought to write it88.Johnny, you ________ play with the knife; you ________ hurt yourself.A. won’t; can’tB. mustn’t; mayC. shouldn’t; mustD. can’t; shouldn’t89.It’s a fine day. Let’s go fishing, ________?A. won’t weB. will weC. don’t weD. shall we90.Be sure to write to us, ________ you?A. willB. aren’tC. canD. mustn’t91.—Would it bother you if I talk to you for a minute?— ________ .A. Yes,pleaseB. No,I don’tC. Yes,please don’tD. Not at all92.I ________ tell you what he did for fear that he should be angry with me.A. daren’tB. daren’t toC. dared not toD. dares not93.—I should have put on my coat when we left.—It’s a pity that you ________.A. didn’tB. don’tC. haven’tD. hadn’t94.—Aren’t you a football player?— ________ .A. Yes,I’m notB. Yes,I wasC. Oh,I used to beD. Oh,I used be95.If you really want yourself to be healthier,you must ________ always ________ so much.A. not; be smokingB. not; have smokedC. not; to smokeD. be not; smoking96.A computer ________ think for itself. It must be told what to do.A. can’tB. couldn’tC. may notD. might not97.—When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.—They ________ be ready by 12:00.A. canB. shouldC. mightD. need98.I didn’t hear the phone. I ________ asleep.A. must beB. must have beenC. should beD. should have been99.He ________ you more help,even though he was very busy.A. might have givenB. might giveC. may have givenD. may give100.—Shall I turn on the television?—No,I ________ watch it now. I want to go to bed.A. shouldn’tB. couldn’tC. would rather notD. might not101.— ________ you make so much noise?—Sorry. I’ll take care not to.A. CanB. MustC. MayD. Would102.— Will you stay for lunch?—Sorry, ________. My brother is coming to see me.A. I mustn’tB. I can’tC. I needn’tD. I won’t103.The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone ________ get out.A. had toB. wouldC. was able toD. could104.I was really anxious about you. You ________ home without a word.A. mustn’t leaveB. shouldn’t have leftC. couldn’t have leftD. needn’t leave105.I thought you ________ like something to read,so I have brought you some books.A. mayB. mightC. couldD. must106.—Sara has just come back from New York and she looks very happy.—She ________ her trip very much.A. might enjoyB. should have enjoyedC. might have enjoyedD. must enjoy107.You are doing in a wrong way. It ________ this way.A. used to doB. is used to doingC. used to be doneD. was used to doing108.— ________ Mary get disappointed if we tell her the news?—I think she ________.A. Will; mayB. Will; shallC. Shall; willD. Shall; need109.—Are you coming to Jeff’s party?—I’m not sure. I ________ go to the concert instead.A. mustB. wouldC. shouldD. might110.There was plenty of time. She ________.A. mustn’t have hurriedB. couldn’t have hurriedC. must not hurriedD. needn’t have hurriedKey1~5 BBCAD 6~10 CABAC 11~15 BACCD 16~20 DCCAB21~25 ACCDB 26~30 ACCBC 31~35 BABBB 36~40 CDBDA41~45 AABCB 46~50 DAAAB 51~55BBDDC 56~60 DDAAC1~5 DBCCD 6~10 DBDAB11~15 ACCCD 16~20 CABBA21~25 DADDC 26~30 ACBDA31~35 DAACA 36~40 ABBAC41~45 BBCBB 46~50 CCADD【解析】1.may表推测。

高一英语语法:情态动词全国通用【本讲主要内容】语法:情态动词【知识总结归纳】一. 情态动词概述:1. 含义:情态动词有一定的词汇意义,表示说话人对所说话语的态度和看法,或表示主观设想与其情态意义。
2. 情态动词有以下几个特征:〔1〕情态动词除ought以外,后面接不带的动词不定式。
3. 主要的情态动词:can, could, may, might, must, ought to , would, should, need, dare, used to二. 表示能力的情态动词can, could, be able to1. can , could 表示能力,通常指由体力,知识,技能等所产生的能力,也可以表示由于客观原因而形成的能力。
We can see the lake from our bedroom window.Can you speak any foreign languages?I’m afraid I can’t come to the party on Friday.We can’t afford to pay the bill.Could 为can 的过去式,When we went into the room, we could smell something burning.She could speak three languages before she was eighteen.2. be able to 也可以用来替代can。
Helen is able to read well even though she is only three.I had some free time yesterday, so I was able to write a few letters.如果表示特定的能力时,应该用be able to,而不用can/couldThe fire spread through the building quickly but everybody was able to escape.They didn’t wan t to come with us at first but we managed to persuade them.Exercise: Fill in the blanks:1. Sandra __________ drive but she hasn’t got a car.2. My grandfather was a very clever man. He _________________ speak five languages.3. They didn’t wa nt to come with us at first but we ________ persuade them.4. Laura had hurt her leg and ______ walk very well.5. A girl fell into the river but fortunately we _______ rescue her.6. Can you speak up a bit? I _______ hear you very well.7. I used to _________ stand on my head but I can’t do it now.8. I looked very carefully and I _________ see a figure in the distance.三. should , ought to 表示应该,有责任,义务做某事。

高一必修英语下册情态动词强化过关高考考查知识点:Modal Verbs 1•had better•should•ought tohad better:•had better 固定词组,意为“最好”,常用一般式。
E.g 1.You’d better get some rest.2. We’d better stop now.3. You better say yes if they ask you this question.(有时可以省略had) should :•should 表义务,意为“应该”、“应当”。
• E.g1、You should do what your parents tell you.•2、He should look for a job, but he doesn’t want to.•3、How should I know?•4、I suggest that you should stay here till your teacher comes.should (考点1)•should 用于完成时中的肯定句(should +have+ done ),表本该做而未做的动作。
E.g 1. He looks so ill. He should have stayed at home.•should 用于完成时中的否定句(shouldn’t +have +done),表本不应该做而做了的动作。
E.g 1. They shouldn’t have left the classroom.EX. With so much work on hand, you ____to see the game last night. ( ) A.mustn’t go B shouldn’t go C.could have gone D.shouldn’t have gone should (考点2)•should 表推测时,暗含可能性很大。

1. 表示能力和才能:- Can:表示能力、许可或请求,用于肯定句和疑问句中。
- He can swim.(他会游泳。
)- Can I borrow your pen?(我能借用你的笔吗?)- Could:过去式,表示过去的能力或请求。
- I could run faster when I was young.(我小时候跑得更快。
)- Could you open the window, please?(请你开下窗户好吗?)2. 表示推测和建议:- May:表示可能性、允许性或请求。
- It may rain tomorrow.(明天可能会下雨。
)- May I use your phone?(我可以用一下你的手机吗?)- Might:表示较小的可能性或社交礼貌。
- He might be at home.(他可能在家。
)- Might I have a glass of water, please?(我可以请你倒杯水吗?)3. 表示义务和建议:- Shall:主要用于疑问句或表示请求或建议。
- Shall we go now?(我们现在走吗?)- You shall do your homework.(你必须完成作业。
)- Should:表示应该、建议或责任。
- You should apologize.(你应该道歉。
)- She should study harder.(她应该更加努力学习。
)4. 表示必须和命令:- Must:表示必须、必要或断定。

常见的情态动词有can、could、may、might、must、shall、should、will、would 等。
首先,我们来看看 can 和 could。
can 表示“能够;会”,指具备某种能力或有机会做某事。
例如:“I can speak English”(我会说英语。
比如:“You can go now”(你现在可以走了。
)could 是 can 的过去式,但在很多情况下,could 并不单纯表示过去的能力,而是语气更加委婉。
比如:“Could you help me?”(你能帮我一下吗?)接下来是 may 和 might。
may 表示“可能;也许”,用于肯定句中。
例如:“It may rain tomorrow”(明天可能会下雨。
)同时,may 还可以表示“许可;允许”,不过比 can 更加正式。
比如:“May I come in?”(我可以进来吗?)might 是 may 的过去式,语气比 may 更加不确定和委婉。
例如:“He might be at home”(他也许在家。
)然后是 must。
must 表示“必须;一定”,强调主观上的必要性。
例如:“You must finish your homework before watching TV”(你必须在看电视之前完成作业。
)但要注意,must 的否定形式 mustn't 表示“禁止;不许”。
再来说说 shall 和 should。
shall 用于第一人称,表示征求对方的意见或向对方提出建议。
比如:“Shall we go shopping this afternoon?”(我们今天下午去购物好吗?)should 表示“应该;应当”,常用来给出建议或表达义务。

一、情态动词无人称和数的变化,不能单独做谓语,只能和行为动词或状态动词构成谓语二、情态动词分为:情态助动词:can(could)、may(might)、must、have to (had to )、ought to 、shall(should)、will(would) 12个半情态助动词:dare、need、used to、had better、would better(5个)三、情态助动词1.can and could1)ability:be able to do /manage to do/succeed in doing sth.eg.The army can defeat their enemy.eg.The army is able to defeat their enemy.eg.The army succeed in defeating their enemy.2)permission:eg.Can I smoke here?eg.You can’t smoke here.3)possibility:用在否定句、疑问句、感叹句中-eg.This can’t be done by him.当被用在肯定句中时,表达的是理论上的可能性,不涉及是否真的会发生eg.even expert drives can make mistakes.要表达现在或者将来的可能性,用may /might或could.eg.I may leave for Beijing next month.但在特殊疑问句中,或与副词hardly、only等连用的陈述句中表达可能性只用can/couldEg.where can the noise be coming from?eg.It can hardly be the postman,he comes only in the morning.4)有时会:the road can be blocked.5)could 表示轻微的怀疑或委婉的看法I’m sorry I couldn’t lend you the book now.His story could be true,but I hardly think it is.6)could 表示委婉的请求,主要用于疑问句,不用于肯定句Could you lend me some money?Yes,I can /No,I am afraid not.7)could 的常用结构:could+动词+比较级“非常,再.....不过了”It couldn’t be better.Couldn’t +过去分词+比较级“非常,再.....不过了”They couldn’t have tried harder to make me eel welcome.Can’t..too..=can never too“无论怎样...也不为过,越...越好”I can’t thank you too much.I owe my progress to you.Can’t (help/choose) but do/can but +动词原形“不得不,只好”We can but agree with him.Can’t help doing 忍不住,不得不I can’t help laughingCan’t be (it) 控制不住,没有办法It can’t be helpedCan’t....without 没有...就不能One can’t succeed without perseverance.2.may and might1)permission:May I use your pen?Yes,you may./No,you may not.2)Possibility:用于推测,表示不确定,不用于疑问句中She may know Tom’s address.出现I’m afraid.I’m not sure等表示不确定时,常用may/might.I’m afraid he might not come to attend the meeting today.从语气上判断,may表示的可能性比might 大,might更多的表示怀疑He may be very busy now.He might be very busy now.3)用于让步状语从句中However hard you may study,you cannot master English in a month.4)用于祈使句,表示祝愿May you succeed!5)might 常用于表示轻微的责备和委婉的请求You might post the letter for me if you are going near a post box.You might have let me know before!6)习惯用法:may as well do”理所当然,有足够的理由”She may be proud of her sonMay /might (just) as well do=had better do(最好)You might as well stay at home tonight.May/might as well+do A+as+do+B”与其做B不如做A”You might as well throw the money away as lend it to him.One may as well not know a thing at all as know it but imperfectly3.must and have to1)表示义务,一定要,必须You must arrive in good time.The meeting is very important.2)表示肯定性或难以避免,必然会,肯定会All men must die.3)must 表示有把握的推测,一定是,准时Must do/must be doing/must have doneThe tall fellow must be a basketball player.Let’s have something.You must be starving.He must have received mu letter which has mailed last week.4)must 表示非要,偏要,常以第二人称为主语,意指不耐或令人不愉快的事情,用于其他人称,表示主语固执,意为偏偏Why must you buy that car?Jane was never a pleasant young girl.After you gave her your advice,she must goand do the opposite.5)must 的三种否定形式表示不可能must be --can’t be must have done--can’t have doneYou must have met him before.You can’t have met him before.表示不必must do--need not to/don’t have toWe must get up at six tomorrow morning.We don’t have to get up at six tomorrow morning.表示决不能,严禁must--mustn’tYou mustn’t park your car here.6)回答以must提问的句子Must we clean all the rooms?Yes ,you must/No ,you don’t have to/No ,you needn’t7)must 可做名词,表示必须有的东西,必须做的事Warm clothes are a must in the mountains.8)must和have to 表示必须时,有一下差别Must 表示的是说话人主观的看法,而have to则往往强调客观需要The play is not interesting ,I really must go now.I have to work when I was your age.Must 一般只表现在,have to 则有更多的时态。

有的人胡了牌还大声地自责,因为本该胡一把大牌,结果胡了臭牌,不满足呗。打牌的人有一种心理,能胡多大胡多大,但取舍之间往往十分纠结。这是一种普遍现象,凡玩麻将的人都会遇上,知 道牌去不知道牌来,事后诸葛亮。
பைடு நூலகம்
有句名言:要想了解一个人,与他去旅游。借用这句名言:要想了解一个人,与他玩麻将。其实,麻场上林林总总的表现,恰好体现了一个人的性格。非常有意思,这确实是一场毫无遮掩的真人秀。 申博体育 有的人一上场就开始唱,唱歌、唱戏,什么都唱;甚至现编现唱,不管别人感觉如何,他在那里没完没了地哼哼。其实这是一种内心紧张的现象,通过吟唱来舒缓情绪。当然啰,有人偶尔唱几句, 那是开心地唱,因为手气好,胡了几把大牌。

Modal verbs
情态动词的两个主要的用法是: 两 1.表示:
判断、推测 ___ 判断、
2.表示: 语气 _______
can, may, must, could, might, need, dare, shall, should, will, would, ought to, have to
B. can may must表示语气的用法
I. can/ could 的用法 can/could: 表示能力、请求和许可 Man can’t live without air. Can I go now? Can you finish this work tonight? Can/Could you say it again?
VI will/ would的用法
1. 表示请求、建议would 比will委婉客气。 Would you pass me the book? 2. 表示意志、愿望和决心 I will help you, please don’t worry.(表意愿) They asked us if we would do that again. I will never do that again.
V. shall /should 的用法
5. should have done You should have finished your homework last night, but actually you didn’t. You shouldn’t have told lies to your mum.
系列练习: 系列练习: (见学案 见学案) 见学案
4. must 和have to 的区别

情态动词1. 情态动词的推测表达2. 情态动词表达虚拟语气3. 某些情态动词的特殊用法知识重点与难点总结知识重点:情态动词在表达推测意义的句子中的运用:(一)用情态动词表达事实的推测。
根据说话人对事实的把握性大小,must表示“肯定…”,may / might / can / could表示“可能……”,must只用于肯定句中,may / might的否定式may not / might not表示“可能不……”, 而can / could可以用于疑问句,表示“可能,可能……吗?”,其否定式can’t / couldn’t 表示“不可能”。
(二)对现在的事实进行推测:主要结构:…must / may / might +动词原形be+名词/形容词/介词短语be + doing例句:1. You must be Jeanne. I’m Mathilde Loisel. We used to know each other very well.2. They must be in bed already at this time of the night.3. The teacher must be joking.4. Freda isn’t in class. She must be sick.5. There must be something wrong.6. She might be very clever, but she hasn’t got much common sense.7. He may be arriving this evening.8. He may be traveling around the world.9. The keys can’t be in the room. I have just searched it very carefully.10. Can the news be true ?(三)对过去的事实进行推测:结构:情态动词+have done / been+名词/形容词/介词短语例句:1. Mrs. Longmans must have been a pretty girl in her youth.2. He couldn’t have seen Anna yesterday. She’s gone abroad.3. I think I must have left my glasses in the library.4. He might have overslept again.5. Where can Tom have gone ?情态动词表达虚拟语气:表达“本来…”,“不然早就…”。

比如:“I can speak English”(我会说英语。
)它还可以表示许可,“You can go now”(你现在可以走了。
例如:“Could you help me?”(你能帮我一下吗?)接着是“may”和“might”。
“may”表示许可或可能性,“You may come in”(你可以进来。
“He might be at home”(他可能在家。
“We must study hard”(我们必须努力学习。
“You mustn't smoke here”(你不许在这里抽烟。
)“should”和“ought to”都有“应该”的意思。
“You should keep your promise”(你应该信守承诺。
)“ought to”语气更强些,“We ought to help each other”(我们应该互相帮助。
“will”用于一般将来时,表示将来的动作或状态,“I will go to Beijing tomorrow”(我明天去北京。
“Would you like some coffee?”(你想要些咖啡吗?)再看“need”,作情态动词时,常用于否定句和疑问句中,“You needn't worry”(你不必担心。
情态动词1. One thing I don’t like about my school is that we students ____ wear a uniform.A canB have toC needD may2. You ____ leave a tip if you don’t want to.A mustn’tB don’t have toC shouldn’tD can’t3. You ___ park your car here, as it’s in the people’s way.A needn’tB don’t have toC mustn’tD won’t4. It’s cold now in Australia, so I ____ take some warm clothes.A have toB mustC mayD can5. She has moved into a new flat, so she ____ get up early to catch the early bus.A must n’tB can’tC shouldn’tD doesn’t have to6. You ____ keep the book as long as you wish, but you ___ lend it to others.A must n’t; mustn’tB may; don’t have toC may; mustn’tD have to; mustn’t7. I ____ work when I was your age.A had toB mustC needD have got8. The play is not interesting, I really ____ go now.A have toB mustC shouldD ought to9. ---May I keep the book for another week?---No, you ____. You have already kept it too long.A can’tB oughtn’tC may notD won’t10. ____ you shout so loudly? Father is sleeping.A CanB ShouldC MustD May11. ---Are you coming to the party tonight?---I’m not sure. I ___ go to see my grandparents.A canB mayC mustD need12. ---Someone is asking to see you at the school gate.---Who ____ it be?A canB mayC mustD might13. You ____ walk for miles and miles in the hills without meeting anyone in the daytime.A mustB needC mayD can14. ---Look, it ___ be Professor Wang.---No, it ____ be him, as he has gone abroad.A may; mustn’tB must; may notC must; can’tD can; may not15. My watch doesn’t work now. There ____ be something wrong with it.A mayB canC couldD must16. You must be joking, _____ you?A mustn’tB needn’tC can’tD aren’t17. You must have known the result, ____ you?A mustn’tB can’tC haven’tD don’t18. John’s score on the test is the highest in the class; he ___ last night.A should studyB should have studiedC must have studiedD must have to study19. The room is in a terrible mess; it ____ cleaned.A can’t have beenB shouldn’t have beenC mustn’t have beenD wouldn’t have been20. Mary was not in her bedroom yesterday afternoon. She ___ in her classroom.A should have beenB must have beenC must beD should be21. One ought ____ for what one hasn’t done.A not to be punishedB to not be punishedC to not punishD not be punished22. Everyone ___ do his best for the modernizations lf our country.A canB mayC shouldD might23. ---I was too busy to help him with the problem.---But you ____.A ought toB shouldC ought to haveD should do24. You ____ take down the address, or you may forget where to go.A would ratherB needC would like toD had better25. Jenny ____ have kept her word. I wonder why she changed her mind.A mustB shouldC needD can26. Tom ought not to ____ me your secret, but he meant no harm.A have toldB tellC be tellingD having told27. I told Sally how to get there, but perhaps I ____ for her.A had to write it outB must have written it outC should have written it outD ought to write it out28. It’s nearly seven o’clock. Jack ____ be here at any moment.A mustB needC shouldD can29. ---When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.---They ____ be ready by 12:00.A canB shouldC mightD need30. The old professor gave orders that the experiment ____ before 6:00.A was finishedB would finishC be finishedD shall be finished31. ---I go out to play now, Mum?---No. You ____. You should do your homework first.A Might; wouldn’tB May; had better notC Must; mustn’tD Need; mustn’t32. ---Oh, I’ve missed a good chance.---Yes. You ___ the chance when it came.A should have takenB should haveC might have takenD had taken33. You ought ____ for what you have done.A to not be punishedB not to be punishedC not be punishedD not punish34. I was really anxious about you. You ____ home without a word.A mustn’t leaveB shouldn’t have leftC couldn’t have leftD needn’t leave35. ----Do you think he is at home now?----I think he ____ be, for it’s ten o’clock now.A wouldB shouldC mightD ought to36. ---Let’s go out for a walk, shall we?---____.A No, I can’tB shouldC No, we’d better notD Yes, go ahead37. The plant is dead. I ___ it more water.A will giveB would have givenC must giveD should have given38. ---I telephoned you several times yesterday, but no one answered.---Oh, I ____ asleep.A must fallB must have fallenC should fallD should have fallen39. Johnny, you ____ play with the knife, you ____ hurt yourself.A won’t; can’tB shouldn’t; mustC can’t; shouldn’tD mustn’t; may40. Excuse me, you ____ enter the teachers’ office without permission.A oughtn’t toB won’tC needn’tD may not41. A computer ____ think for itself, it mist be told what to do.A can’tB couldn’tC may notD might not42. He ____ see a doctor before it is too late.A mustB must have toC needD need have to43. ---____ I stop here, sir?---No. Go on to the next paragraph, please.A WillB MayC WouldD Ought44. ---May I put my bike here?---No, you ___.A need n’tB can’tC mustn’tD aren’t able45. Our teachers are at work. You ____ make so much noise.A won’tB mustn’tC may notD needn’t46. I’m afraid it ____ rain tonight.A canB couldC may beD might47. Don’t be worried. The news ____ be true.A may notB mustn’tC needn’tD shan’t48. ---Must I write down the new words now?---_____.A No, you needn’tB No, you may notC No, you mustn’tD No, you can’t49. ---May I take this magazine out of the reading-room?---____.A Yes, you mayB No, you don’tC Yes, you doD Yes, you take5o. ---The room is so dirty. ____ we clean it?---Of course.A WillB ShallC WouldD Do51. Peter ____ come with us tonight, but he isn’t very sure yet.A mustB mayC canD will52. Michael ___ be a policeman, for he’s much too short.A needn’tB can’tC shouldD may53. ---Are you coming to Jeff’s party?---I’m not sure, I ___ go to the concert instead.A mustB wouldC shouldD might54. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone ____ get out.A had toB wouldC couldD was able to55. It’s nearly seven o’clock, Jack ___ be here at any moment.A mustB needC shouldD can56. There was plenty of time. She ____.A mustn’t have hurriedB couldn’t have hurriedC must not hurryD needn’t have hurried57. I didn’t see her in the meeting room this morning. She ____ at the meeting.A mustn’t have spokenB shouldn’t have spokenC needn’t have spokenD couldn’t have spoken58. He ____ you more help, even though he was very busy.A might have givenB might giveC may have givenD may give59. ---I stayed at a hotel while in New York.---Oh, did you? You ____ with Barbara.A could have stayedB could stayC would stayD must have stayed60. ---I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.---It ____ true because there was little snow there.A may not beB won’t beC couldn’t beD mustn’t be61.(2002全国高考题)—Is John coming by train?—He should,but he ________ not. He likes driving his car.A. mustB. canC. needD. may62.(2003北京春季高考题)—The room is so dirty. ________ we clean it?—Of course.A. WillB. ShallC. WouldD. Do63.(2003上海春季高考题)My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who ________ have taken it?A. shouldB. mustC. couldD. would64.(2002北京高考题)—I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.—It ________ true because there was little snow there.A. may not beB. won’t beC. couldn’t beD. mustn’t be65.(2002上海高考题)It has been announced that candidates ________ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.A. canB. willC. mayD. shall66.—There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.—It ________ a comfortable journey.A. can’t beB. shouldn’t beC. mustn’t have beenD. couldn’t have been67.—Did the train arrive in time?—No. It ________ two hours ago.A. must have arriveB. ought to have arrivedC. must arriveD. ought to arrive68.—I can’t find my wallet.—You ________ it on the bus.A. must forgetB. must leaveC. must have forgottenD. must have left69.Such a businessman ________ be honest. He gets his money in adishonest way.A. can’tB. mustn’t beC. may notD. shouldn’t70.Peter ________ come with us tonight,but he isn’t very sure yet.A. mustB. mayC. canD. will71.The girl used to be very interested in music, ________ she?A. didn’tB. useC. usedD. usedn’t to72.The old woman ________ sit there for hours,recalling her good old days.A. wouldB. usedC. used toD. could73.My watch is out of order. It needs ________.A. repairB. repairedC. repairingD. to repair74.It’s seven o’clock. Jack ________ be here at any moment.A. mustB. needC. shouldD. can75.It’s still early. You ________ hurry.A. mustn’tB. wouldn’tC. may notD. don’t have to76.—Do you think the flight is delayed?—It ________ be,especially in such weather.A. wouldB. shouldC. mightD. ought to77.Tom didn’t see her in the meeting room this morning. She ________ have spoken at the meeting.A. couldn’tB. mustn’tC. shouldn’tD. needn’t78.The light is still on. The student ________ to switch it off.A. must forgetB. must have forgottenC. might forgetD. may forget79.You must be a writer, ________ you?A. can’tB. aren’tC. mustD. mustn’t80.You ought ________ for what you are unable to do.A. not to be punishedB. to not be punishedC. to not punishedD. not be punished81.If you had been more careful enough,you ________ have made so many mistakes.A. won’tB. mustn’tC. shouldn’tD. wouldn’t82.—I hear you’ve got a set of valuable Australian coins. ________ I have a look?—Yes,certainly.A. MayB. DoC. ShallD. Should83.—Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?—________ .A. Yes,you may borrowB. Yes,you couldC. Yes,go onD. Yes,help yourself84.The plant is dead. I ________ it more water.A. will giveB. would have givenC. must giveD. should have given85.You ________ return my umbrella now. You can keep it till next week if you like.A. can’tB. mustn’tC. needn’tD. may not86.Tom ought not to ________ me your secret,but he meant no harm.A. have toldB. tellC. be tellingD. having told87.He told Sally how to get there,but perhaps he ________ out for her.A. had to write itB. must have written itC. should have written itD. ought to write it88.Johnny, you ________ play with the knife; you ________ hurt yourself.A. won’t; can’tB. mustn’t; mayC. shouldn’t; mustD. can’t; shouldn’t89.It’s a fine day. Let’s go fishing, ________?A. won’t weB. will weC. don’t weD. shall we90.Be sure to write to us, ________ you?A. willB. aren’tC. canD. mustn’t91.—Would it bother you if I talk to you for a minute?—________ .A. Yes,pleaseB. No,I don’tC. Yes,please don’tD. Not at all92.I ________ tell you what he did for fear that he should be angry with me.A. daren’tB. daren’t toC. dared not toD. dares not93.—I should have put on my coat when we left.—It’s a pity that you ________.A. didn’tB. don’tC. haven’tD. hadn’t94.—Aren’t you a football player?—________ .A. Yes,I’m notB. Yes,I wasC. Oh,I used to beD. Oh,I used be95.If you really want yourself to be healthier,you must ________ always ________ so much.A. not; be smokingB. not; have smokedC. not; to smokeD. be not; smoking96.A computer ________ think for itself. It must be told what to do.A. can’tB. couldn’tC. may notD. might not97.—When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.—They ________ be ready by 12:00.A. canB. shouldC. mightD. need98.I didn’t hear the phone. I ________ asleep.A. must beB. must have beenC. should beD. should have been99.He ________ you more help,even though he was very busy.A. might have givenB. might giveC. may have givenD. may give100.—Shall I turn on the television?—No,I ________ watch it now. I want to go to bed.A. shouldn’tB. couldn’tC. would rather notD. might not101.—________ you make so much noise?—Sorry. I’ll take care not to.A. CanB. MustC. MayD. Would102.—Will you stay for lunch?—Sorry, ________. My brother is coming to see me.A. I mustn’tB. I can’tC. I needn’tD. I won’t103.The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone ________ get out.A. had toB. wouldC. was able toD. could104.I was really anxious about you. You ________ home without a word.A. mustn’t leaveB. shouldn’t have leftC. couldn’t have leftD. needn’t leave105.I thought you ________ like something to read,so I have brought you some books.A. mayB. mightC. couldD. must106.—Sara has just come back from New York and she looks very happy.—She ________ her trip very much.A. might enjoyB. should have enjoyedC. might have enjoyedD. must enjoy107.You are doing in a wrong way. It ________ this way.A. used to doB. is used to doingC. used to be doneD. was used to doing108.—________ Mary get disappointed if we tell her the news?—I think she ________.A. Will; mayB. Will; shallC. Shall; willD. Shall; need 109.—Are you coming to Jeff’s party?—I’m not sure. I ________ go to the concert instead.A. mustB. wouldC. shouldD. might110.There was plenty of time. She ________.A. mustn’t have hurriedB. couldn’t have hurriedC. must not hurriedD. needn’t have hurriedKey1~5 BBCAD 6~10 CABAC 11~15 BACCD 16~20 DCCAB21~25 ACCDB 26~30 ACCBC 31~35 BABBB 36~40 CDBDA41~45 AABCB 46~50 DAAAB 51~55BBDDC 56~60 DDAAC1~5 DBCCD 6~10 DBDAB11~15 ACCCD 16~20 CABBA21~25 DADDC 26~30 ACBDA31~35 DAACA 36~40 ABBAC41~45 BBCBB 46~50 CCADD【解析】1.may表推测。
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D. should have someone to wake her up
3.---Did you go to the movie the day before yesterday?
----No. We _A__, but we decided not to.
A.should have gone B. could go
You had better not go home, had you?
例2: 你应该认真学习,是吗?
You should study hard, shouldn't you?
例3: 你上课不应该讲话,是吗?
He oughtn't to speak in class, ought he?
❖ 1.The flower is dead. I ___C____ it yesterday.
had better(最好), should(应该)与ought to (应该)均为提建议、阐述观点的情态动词, 其后接动词原形。should 比had better语气强, ought to语气最强。一般情况下should与 ought to可通用。
例1:你最好立即去那里。 You had better go there at once. 例2:你应该努力工作。 You ought to / should work hard.
➢巩 固 练 习
1.Oh, I’m not feeling well in the stomach. I _B___ so much fried chicken just now.
A. shouldn’t eat B. shouldn’t have eaten
C. mustn’t eat D. mustn’t have eaten
❖非推测性情态动词shall, will, must, mustn’t, should, would的用法
❖情态动词must, can/could, may/might, should/ought to表猜测的用法
❖情态动词could, should/ought to, may/might , needn’t+ have done 表示 假设的用法
2.作实义动词用,常ຫໍສະໝຸດ 在肯定句中, 有人称、 时态、和数的变化 He needs to go there himself. He has grown up,we don’t need to worry about him.
3.Sth (sb) need( want, request)+ doing/ to be done The house needs cleaning/ to be cleaned The boy needs sending to the hospital at once.
❖ A.discuss B.discussing C.to discuss D.discussed
❖ 5.You ought to ___D____ him, but you didn’t.
❖ A.help B.helped C.helping D.have helped
+ V.
must 常见must be
+ V.
+ have done
+ be doing
may, might
can’t, couldn’t
can, could
+ V.
+ V.
+ have done
例2: 她不应该浪费时间。 She oughtn't to waste time.
(二)一般疑问句 had better, should, ought to用于一般疑 问句时,分别将had, should, ought提至 句首。 例1: 他最好立即出发吗?
Had he better start early at once? 例2:你应该这么做吗?
C. should go
D. could have gone
4.As it turned out to be a small house party, we __D__ so formally.
A.needn’t dress B.B. didn’t have to dress up C. Might not have dressed up D. needn’t have dressed up 5.I’m rather surprised you haven’t reported him
(一)否定句 had better, should, ought to用于否定句时, 否定词均位于其后,具体形式为: had better not do, shouldn't / should not do, oughtn‘t to do。 例1此时你最好别出发。: You had better not start at this time.
Should you do like this? 例3: 他应该去那里吗?
Ought he to go there?
陈述句谓语动词含 had better, should, ought to时,反意疑问句 为:had, should与ought+主格人称代词或 hadn‘t, shouldn’t, oughtn‘t+主格人称代词。 例1:你最好别回家,是吗?
句型 时态
实义动词 dare
现在时 dare do
dare/dares to do
过去时 dare do
dared to do
现在时 daren’t/dare not do do/does not dare (to) do
过去时 dared not do
did not dare (to) do
4.As it turned out to be a small house party, we __D__ so formally.
A needn’t dress B. didn’t have to dress up C. Might not have dressed up D. needn’t
have dressed up
Nobody need to be afraid of catching the disease. Nobody need be afraid of catching the disease.
These dishes need be cleaned carefully. These dishes need to be cleaned carefully. These dishes need cleaning carefully.
to your teacher. In my opinion, you _C__ this as soon as you found out he was cheating. A. must have done B. might have done B.C. should have done D. could have done
现在时Dare he do?
Do you/Does he dare (to) do?
过去时 Dared he do? Did he dare (to) do ?
2.I wonder how he_D___that to the teacher.
A. dare to say B. dare saying C.not dare say D.dared say
1.判断正误: How dare you say such a thing?
How dare you to say such a thing?
He daren’t to speak English before such a crowd, did he?
He daren’t speak English before such a crowd, dare he?
2.He must have gone to Beijing. 他一定已经去北京了。
•can/could+have done表示对过去
的行为的怀疑和不肯定,通常用在否 定句和疑问句中。
1. Can they have won the basketball match? 他们可能赢了篮球赛吗?
2. It couldn’t have been Mr. Green. He has gone to New York.
could(不用can)+have done,在肯定 句中表示“本来能够…而没能…”,具 有婉转的批评和责备之意。
You could have told me earlier. 你本该早点告诉我的。
should/ought to+have done用于肯定 句时,表示“本该做某事而实际上没 做”,用于否定句时,则表示“不该 做的事反而做了”。
可兼做行为动词的情态动词:need 、 dare
1.作为情态动词用,常用在否定句和疑问句中。 Dare (need) +S +V S + daren’t (needn’t) +V
I daren’t walk through the forest at night. Dare you walk through the forest at night? You needn’t return the book now. Need he go yesterday?