
绝密★启用前 2011年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(上海卷)英语 第I 卷(105分) I . Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A;you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a questi on will be asked about what was said. The con versati ons and the questi ons will be spoke n only once. After you hear a conversatio n and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best an swer to the questi on you have heard. 1. A. At a train stati on. B. At an airport. C. At a travelage ncy. 2. A. $5. B. $10. C. $15. 3. A. Recepti onistand guest. B. Salespers on and customer. C. Doctor and patie nt. 4. A. Excited. B. Dissatisfied. 5. A. Her hair has cha nged. C. She prefers to wear long hair. 6. A. It is too early to watch the Tale nt Show. C. He would rather watch TV than go to bed. 7. A. She has got everyth ing ready. C. She hates pack ing by herself. 8. A. They should wait for Joh n for a while. C. They should start the meeting right away. 9. A. She is unwilling to move into a new flat. C. Bored. B. She isn ' t satisfied with her hair style. D. The man has cha nged his hair style. B. He will go to bed in five minutes. D. He is old eno ugh to stay up. B. She n ever hesitates over what to take. D. She n eeds more time for pack ing. B. They should stay here for the ni ght. D. They should call Joh n at on ce. B. Her neighbors get along well with her. D. At a bus stati on. D. $50. D. Waiter and diner. D. Exhausted. C. She can ' t tell the man why she is moving. D. Her neighbors usually play their TV loud.10. A. Ask for direct ions. B. Try a differe nt route. C. Go back for the map. D. Cancel their trip.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked to questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questi ons will be spoke n only once. When you hear a questi on, read the four possible an swers on your paper and decide which one would be the blest an swer to the questi on you have heard.Questi ons 11 through 13 are based on the follow ing passage.11. A. A political system. B. Religio n. 12. A. Discuss curre nt issues. C. Attend an arts and crafts competition. 13. A. The Commo nwealth Games. C. The Com mon wealth members. C. Work ing Ian guage. B. Join in a writingcompetition. D. Celebrate theirfrien dship. B. An importa ntholiday.D. An intern ati onal associati on. D. Race.Questio ns 14 through 16 are based on the follow ing n ews. 14. A. Equipp ing stude nts with kno wledge. B. Qualify ing stude nts for certa in jobs. C. Develop ing stude nts ' habits of min d.D. Help ing stude nts to go to graduate school. 15. A. The ability to have critical an alysis. C. Logical use of in formatio n. 16. A. Goals to reach in a college educati on. C. Qualifications needed for a job. Section C B. Creative use of leisure time. D. Willi ngn ess to accept un certa in ty. B. Roles of kno wledge in stude nts ' growth. D. Importa nee of after-class activities. Directions: In Sectio n C, you will hear two Ion ger con versati ons. The con versati ons will be read twice. After you hear each con versati on, you are required to fill in the nu mbered bla nks with the in formatio n you have heard. Write your an swers on your an swer sheet. Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation. Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer. ________________________________ Complaint Form _________________________________ Caller: Mary White Phone No.: ____ 17 . Location of Problem: A 18 restaura nt , 449 Sha nghai Street Details: It dumps its 19 on the street. It doesn ' t put bottles and cans in 20 bins. Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: Ben eath each of the followi ng senten ces there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one an swer that best completes the sentence.25. Graduation is a good time to thank those who have helped you _____ the tough years.A. throughB. upC. withD. from26. To stay awake, he fini shed a cup of coffee and ordered _____ .A. the otherB. otherC. the othersD. ano ther27. It ' s no use _______ without taking action.A. compla inB. complai ningC. being compla inedD. to be compla ined28. I _____ worry about my weeke nd—I always have my pla ns ready before it comes.A. can 'tB. mustn 'tC. daren 'tD. needn 't29. When Mom looked back on the early days of their marriage, she won dered how they had man aged with ____ m on ey.A. so fewB. such fewC. so littleD. such little30. It doesn ' t matter if they want to come to your party, ________ ?A. doesn ' t itB. does itC. don ' t theyD. do they31. After gett ing lost in a storm, a member of the navy team ____ four days later.A. rescuedB. was rescuedC. has rescuedD. had bee n rescued32. The rare fish, _____ from the cook ing pot, has bee n retur ned to the sea.A. savedB. savi ngC. to be savedD. havi ng saved33. At one point I made up my mind to talk to Un cle Sam. Then I cha nged my mind, __ that he could do nothing to help.A. to realizeB. realizedC. realizi ngD. being realized34. Did you predict that many stude nts _____ u p for the dance competiti on?A. would sig nB. sig nedC. have sig nedD. had sig ned35. There is clear evidence _____ t he most difficult feeling of all to interpret is bodily pain.A. whatB. ifC. howD. that36. If a lot of people say a film is not good, I won ' t bother to see it, or I ' ll wait _______ i t comes out on D、A. whetherB. afterC. thoughD. un til37. The police officers in our city work hard ______ t he rest of uscan live a safe life.A. in caseB. as ifC. in order thatD. only if38. The message you intend to con vey through words may be the exact opposite of ____ others actually un dersta nd.A. whyB. thatC. whichD. what39. You' ll find taxis waiting at the bus station _____ you can hire to reach your host family.A. whichB. whereC. whe nD. as40. Today we have chat rooms, text messagi ng, emaili ng … but we seem ______ the art of cor-to-fanica ti ng faceA. los ingB. to be los ingC. to be lostD. havi ng lostSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is oneintelligent materials, this may not be as 41 as it sounds. Self-cleaning clothes have now been created, and these new materials provide 42 resistanceto dirt as well as water. As a result, they require much less cleaning than traditional materials.The creati on of self-clea ning clothes provides an example of how n ature helps scie ntists develop better products. This self-cleaning nature is known as the "lotus effect ” . The name comes, of course, from the lotus leaves, which are f growing in muddy lakes and rivers while remaining almost 43 clean. By observing nature, scientists are 44 the qualities of the lotus leaves to the materials they have engineered. Because of this, some remarkable new products have bee n 45 . Among them are special wi ndows that are resista nt to dirt and water. A special 46 on these wi ndows not only preve nts dirt from stick ing to their surfaces, but also allows dust to be easily washed off by the rain. In fact, these new win dows have already bee n 47 to some cars. Even whe n traveli ng at high speed through rain, these cars n ever have to use their windshield wipers (雨刮器).Although we have already see n some practical applicati ons, eve n more dramatic 48 will be made in the future, and they will, perhaps, cha nge our world completely. Un doubtedly, tech no logy is an importa nt developme nt, and it will have an even bigger 49 on our lives.川.Reading Comprehension Section ADirections: For each bla nk in the followi ng passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each bla nk w ith the word or phrase that best fits the con text.Everyone in bus in ess has bee n told that success is all about attract ing and retaining 留住)customers. It sounds simple and achievable. But, 50 , words of wisdom are soon forgotte n. Once compa nies have attracted customers they often _51 the second half of the story. In the excitement of beating off the competition, negotiating prices, securing orders, and delivering the product, managers tend to become carried away. They forget what they regard as the boring side of bus in ess— 52 that the customer remains a customer.53 to concen trate on reta ining as well as attract ing customers costs bus in ess huge amounts of money annu ally. It has bee n estimated that the average compa ny loses betwee n 10 and 30 per cent of its customers every years .In con sta ntly changing 54 , this is not surprising. What is surprising is the fact that few companies have any idea how many customers they have lost.Only now are orga ni zati ons beg inning to wake up to those lost opport un ities and calculate the 55 implicati ons. Cutting down the number of customers a company loses can make a big 56 in its performanee. Researchin the US found that a five per cent decrease in the nu mber of defect ing 流失的)customers led to 57 in creases of betwee n 25 and 85 per cent.In the US, Domino ' s Pizza estimates that a regular customer is worth more than $5,000 over ten years. A customer who receives a poor quality product or service on their first visit and 58 n ever retur ns, is los ing the compa ny thousa nds of dollars in 59 profits (more if you con sider how many people they are likely to tell about their bad experie nee).The logic behind cultivating customer 60 is impossible to deny. "Inpractice most companies marketing effort is focused on gett ing customers, with little atte nti on paid to 61 them ” , says Adria n Payne of Corn field Un iversity of Man ageme nt. “ Research suggests that there is a close relati on ship betwee n retaining customers and making. 62customers tend to buy more, are predictable and usually cost less to service tha n new customers. Furthermore, they tend to be less price 63 , and may provide free word-of-mouth advertising. Retaining customers also makes it 64 for competitors to en ter a market or in crease their share of a market.50. A. i n particular B. i n reality C. at least D. first of all51. A. emphasize B. doubt C. overlook D. believe52. A. denying B. en suri ng C. arguing D. provi ng53. A. Movi ng B. Hopi ng C. Starti ng D. Faili ng54. A. markets B. tastes C. prices D. expenses55. A. culture B. social C. finan cial D. econo mical56. A. promise B. pla n C. mistake D. differe nce57. A. cost B. opport un ity C. profit D.budget58. A. as a result B. on the whole C. in con clusi on D. on the contrary59. A. huge B. pote ntial C. extra D. reas on able60. A. beliefs B. loyalty C. habits D. i nterest61. A. alteri ng B. un dersta nding C. keep ing D. attract ing62. A. Assumed B. Respected C. Established D. Un expected63. A. agreeable B. flexible C. frie ndly D. sen sitive64. A. un fair B. difficult C. esse ntial D. convenientSection BDirections: Read the follow ing three passages. Each passage is followed by several questio ns or unfini shed stateme nts. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.AThe teacher who did the most to en courage me was, as it happe ned, my aunt. She was Myrtle C. Mani gault, the wife of my mother ' s brother Bill. She taught in second grade abl a lck Summer School in Camden, New Jersey.During my childhood and youth, Aunt Myrtle en couraged me to develop every aspect of my pote ntial, without regard for what was con sidered practical or possible for black females. I liked to sing; she liste ned to my voice and pronounced it good. I could n ' t dance; she taught me the basic dancing steps. She took me to the theatre not just childre n ' s theatrebut adult comedies and drama—and her faith that I could appreciate adult plays was not disappo in ted.My aunt also took dow n books from her exte nsive library and shared them with me. I had books at home, but they were all serious classics. Even as a child I had a strong liking for humor, and I ' n ever forget the joy of discovering Don Marquis ' s Archy & Mehitabel through her.Most importa nt, perhaps, Aunt Myrtle provided my first opport unity to write for publicati on. A writer herself for one of the black newspapes, she suggested my name to the editor as a “ youth columnist ” . My column, begun when was supposed to cover teenage social activities—and it did—but it also gave me the freedom to write on many other subjects as well as the habit of gathering material, the discipline of meeting deadlines, and, after graduation from college six years later, a solid collection of published material that carried my name and was my passport to a series of writing jobs.Today Aunt Myrtle is still an enthusiastic supporter of her “ favourite niece ” . Like a diamond, she has reflected a b multifaceted (多面的)image of possibilities to every pupil w ho has crossed her path.65. Which of the follow ing did Aunt Myrtle do to the author duri ng her childhood and youth?A. She lent her some serious classics.B. She cultivated her taste for music.C. She discovered her tale nt for dancing.D. She in troduced her to adult plays.66. What does Archy and Mehitabel in Paragraph 3 probably refer to?A. A book of great fun.B. A writer of high fame.C. A serious masterpiece.D. A heartbreak ing play.67. Aunt Myrtle recomme nded the author to a n ewspaper editor main ly to ____ .A. develop her capabilities for writ ingB. give her a cha nee to collect materialC. in volve her in tee nage social activitiesD. offer her a series of writi ng jobs68. We can con clude from the passage that Aunt Myrtle was a teacher who ____ .A. trained pupils to be dilige nt and well-discipli nedB. gave pupils con fide nce in exploit ing their pote ntialC. emphasized what was practical or possible for pupils.D. helped pupils overcome difficulties in learning BHumpback whalesHumpback whales are sometimes called performers of the ocea n. This is because they can make impressive movements when they dive The n ame “ humpbackwhich is the com mon n ame for this whale, refers to the typical curve shape the whale as it'divesack fo Sometimes the humpback will dive with a fantastic movement, known as a breach . During breach ing the whale uses its powerful tail flukes to lift n early two-thirds of its body out of the water in a gia nt leap. A breach might also in clude a sideways twist with fins stretched out like win gs, as the whale reaches the height of the breach. A humpback whale breathes air at the surface of the water through two blowholes which are located n ear the top of the head. It blows a double stream of water that can rise up to 4 meters above the water. The humpback has a small dorsal fin located towards the tail flukes about two-thirds of the way down its back. Other distinguishing features in clude large pectoral fins, which may be up to a third of the body len gth, and unique black and white spots on the un derside of the tail flukes. These markings are like fingerprints: no two are thesame.Humpback whales live in large groups. They communicate witheach other through complex “ songs69. Accord ing to Quick Facts, a humpback whale ____ .A. cannot survive in waters near the shoreB. doesn ' t live in the same waters all the timeC. lives mainly on un derwater pla ntsD. prefers to work alone whe n hun ti ng food70. To make a breach , a humpback whale must ____ .A. use its tail flukes to leap out of the waterB. twist its body sideways to jump high.C. blow two streams of waterD. com muni cate with a group of humpbacks.71. From the passage we can lear n that a humpback whale ____ .A. has its unique markings on it tail flukesB. has black and white fingerprintsC. gets its n ame from the way it huntsD. is a great performer due to its songsCHuman remains of ancient settlements will be reburied and lost to science under a law that threatens research into the history of humans in Britain, a group of leading archeologists (考古学家)says. In a letter addressed to the justice secretary, Ken Clarke, 40 archaeologists write of their “ deep and widespread concern ” about the issue. It cen ters or by the Mini stry of Justice in 2008 which requires all huma n rema ins un earthed in En gla nd and Wales to be reburied with in two years, regardless of their age. The decision means scientists have too little time to study bones and other human remains of national and cultural significance.“ Yourcurre nt requireme nt that all archaeologically un earthed huma n rema ins should be reburied, whether after a standard period of two years or a further special extension, is contrary to basic principles of archaeological and scientific research and of museum practice, ” they write.The law applies to any pieces of bone un covered at around 400 dig sites, in cludi ng the rema ins of 60 or so bodies found at Ston ehe nge in 2008 that date back to 3,000 BC. Archaeologists have bee n gran ted a temporary exte nsion to give them more time, but eventuallly the bones will have to be returned to the ground.The arran geme nts may result in the waste of future discoveries at sites such as Happisburgh in Norfolk, where digg ing iscontinuing after the discovery of stone tools made by early huma ns 950,000 years ago. If huma n rema ins were found atHappisburgh, they would be the oldest in northern Europe and the first indication of what this species was. Under the curre nt practice of the law those remains would have to be reburied and effectively destroyed.Before 2008, guideli nes allowed for the proper preservati on and study of bones of sufficie nt age and historical in terest, while the Burial Act 1857 applied to more recent remains. The Ministry of Justice assured archaeologists two ye ars ago that the law was temporary, but has so far failed to revise it.Mike Parker Pears on, an archaeologist at Sheffield Uni versity, said: “ Archaeologistsiave bee n extremely patie nt because we were led to beeve the mi nistry was sorting out this problem, but we feel that we cannot wait any Ion ger.The mini stry has no guideli nes on where or how rema ins should be reburied, or on what records should be kept.Living: Open ocea n and shallow coastl inerms watersEnvironment: From warm tropical (热带的)waters, where theybreed, to cold polar waters,where they eat. Diet: Shellfish, plants and fish of small size Hunting: Sometimes in groups, in which several whales form a circle un der the water, blowing bubbles that form a “ neta'round a school of fish. The fish are then forced up to the surface in a concen trated mass Current state:endangered; it is estimated that there are about 5000 ~ 7000 humpback whales worldwide. Blowhole dorsalfi nSize: 14m~18m in len gth30~50 tons in weight72. Accord ing to the passage, scie ntists are un happy with the law mainly because ____ .A. it is only a temporary measure on the human remainsB. it is un reas on able and thus destructive to scie ntific researchC. it was in troduced by the gover nment without their kno wledgeD. it is vague about where and how to rebury huma n rema ins73. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A. Temporary exte nsion of two years will guara ntee scie ntists eno ugh time.B. Huma n rema ins of the oldest species were dug out at Happisburgh.C. Huma n rema ins will have to be reburied despite the exte nsion of time.D. Scien tists have bee n warned that the law can hardly be cha nged.74. What can be in ferred about the British law gover ning huma n rema ins?A. The Mini stry of Justice did not intend it to protect huma n rema ins.B. The Burial Act 1857 only applied to rema ins un covered before 1857.C. The law on human remains hasn ' t changed in recent decades.D. The Mini stry of Justice has not done eno ugh about the law.75. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?A. New discoveries should be reburied, the gover nment dema nds.B. Research time should be exte nded, scie ntists require.C. Law on huma n rema ins n eeds thorough discussi on, authorities say.D. Law could bury ancient secrets for ever, archeologists warn.Section CDirections: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra headi ngI IWith the arrival of the age of "information economy ” ,intellectual work is becoming a more important source than manufacturing. Organizations in all walks of life are doing more to spread their inf ormation. So people of the Public Relations are hired to speak for them. A lot of our news is actually collected from press releases andreports of events inten tio nally staged for journ alists. In the in formati on age, jo urn alists spe nd their time, not in vestigati ng, but pass ing on the words of a spokespers on.77. |There is a joke in the novel Scoop about the newspaper ' s owner, Lord Copper. The editors can never disagree with hi When he ' s right about something they answer “ definitely ” , and when he ' s wrong they say “ to son seems reas on able to suppose that, in the real world, the opinions of such powerful people still in flue nee the journ alists and editors who work for them.78. |In coun tries where the n ews is not officially con trolled, it may be provided by commercial orga ni zati ons who depe nd on advertis ing. The n ews has to attract viewers and maintain its audie nce rat in gs. I suspect that some stories get air-time just because there happe n to be excit ing pictures to show. In Brita in, we have the tabloid n ewspapers which milli ons of people read simply for entertainment. There is progressively less room for historical background, or statistics, which are harder to prese nt as a sen sati onal story.79. |There is an argume nt that with spreadi ng access to the internet and cheap tech no logy for record ing sound and images we will all be able to find exactly the information we want. People around the world will be able to publish their own eye-wit ness acco unts and compete with the widely-accepted n ews-gatherers on equal terms. But what it will mea n also is that we ' lsubjected to a still greater amount of nonsense and lies. Any web log may contain the latest information of the year, or equally, a made-up story that you will n ever be able to check.80. | |Maybe the time has come to do something about it, and I don ' just mean changing your choice of TV channel or n ewspaper. I n a world where every one wants you to liste n to their version, you only have two choices: switch off altogether or start look ing for sources you can trust. The in vestigative journ alist of the future is every one who wants to know the truth. Section DDirections: Read the passage carefully. The n an swer the questi ons or complete the stateme nts in the fewest possible words.Sociologists have long recognised that organisations of less than 200 individuals can operate through the free flow of information among the members. Once their size goes beyond this figure, the organizations are getting less flexible. So it seems n ecessary to preve nt total disorder result ing from failures of com mun icati on.One soluti on to this problem would, of course, be to structure large orga ni sati ons into smaller un its of a size that can act as a group. By allowing these groups to build reliance on each other, larger organizations can be built up. However, merely hav ing groups of, say, 150 will n ever of itself be a complete soluti on to the problems of the orga ni zati on. Someth ing else isn eeded: the people in volved must be able to build direct pers onal relati on ships. To allow free flow of in formati on, they have to be able to com muni cate with each other in a casual way. Maintaining too formal a structure of relati on ships in evitably preve nts the way a system works.The importa nee of this was drawn to my atte nti on two years ago by the case of a TV stati on. Whether by cha nee or by desig n, it so happe ned that there were almost exactly 150 people in the stati on. The whole process worked very smoothly as an orga ni zati on for many years un til they were moved into purpose-built accommodati on. Then, for no appare nt reas on, the work seemed to be more difficult to do, not to say less satisfy ing.It was some time before they work out what the problem was. It turn out that, when the architects were designing the new buildi ng, they decided that the coffee room where every one ate their san dwiches at lunch times was an unn ecessary luxury and so did away with it. And with that, they accidentally destroyed the close social networks that strengthened the whole orga ni zati on. What had appare ntly bee n happe ning was that, as people gathered in formally over their san dwiches in the coffee room, useful in formatio n was casually being excha nged.(Note: An swer the questio ns or complete the stateme nts in NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS.)81. What size of an orga ni zati on may lead to com muni cati on failures?82. What are the two soluti ons to the com mun icati on problem with in a large orga ni zati on?83. After the TV statio n moved into new accommodati on, its operati on ________________________ .84. From the case of the TV statio n, we can con clude it is ________________________ that make(s) an orga ni zati onmore successful.第n卷(共45分)I . TranslationDirections: Tran slate the followi ng sentences into En glish, using the words give n in the brackets.1. 你为什么不在网上订票? (Why)2. 我常把王海误认为他的双胞胎弟弟,因为他们长得太像了。

上海英语高三试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 根据所听对话,选择正确答案。
A. 他将乘坐飞机去纽约。
B. 他将坐火车去纽约。
C. 他将开车去纽约。
D. 他将坐船去纽约。
[答案] A2. 根据所听短文,回答以下问题:Q: 短文中提到了哪些交通工具?[答案] 短文中提到了飞机、火车和汽车。
In recent years, online education has become increasingly popular. It allows students to learn at their own pace and offers a more flexible schedule. However, some students findit difficult to stay focused for a long time. Therefore, itis important to develop good study habits.a. In recent years, online education has become _______ (popular).b. It allows students to learn at _______ (they) own pace.c. However, some students find _______ (they) difficult tostay focused for a long time.[答案]a. more popularb. theirc. it三、阅读理解(共30分)阅读下面的文章,然后回答问题。
Passage 1The benefits of exercise are well known. Regular physical activity can improve heart health, reduce stress, and boost mood. It is also a great way to meet new people and enjoy the outdoors.1. What are some of the benefits of exercise mentioned in the passage?A. Improved heart healthB. Reduced stressC. Boosted moodD. All of the above[答案] D2. What is the main topic of the passage?A. The importance of meeting new peopleB. The importance of enjoying the outdoorsC. The benefits of exerciseD. The drawbacks of exercise[答案] CPassage 2With the development of technology, more and more people are using smartphones. However, the overuse of smartphones canlead to health issues such as eye strain and poor posture.1. What is the main concern of the passage?A. The benefits of smartphonesB. The drawbacks of smartphone overuseC. The development of technologyD. The importance of good posture[答案] B2. What can be inferred from the passage?A. Smartphones are not useful.B. People should avoid using smartphones.C. The use of smartphones should be moderate.D. Technology is causing health problems.[答案] C四、完形填空(共15分)阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的选项中选择最佳答案。

绝密★启用前普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(上海卷)英语试卷考生注意:1.考试时间120分钟, 试卷满分150分。
第I卷(共103分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. It is satisfactory. B. It is luxurious.C. It is old-fashioned.D. It is disappointing.2. A. On August 5th. B. On August 6th. C. On August 7th. D. On August 8th.3. A. A waiter. B. A butcher. C. A porter. D. A farmer.4. A. In a theatre. B. In a library. C. In a booking office. D. In a furniture store.5. A. She expected to a better show. B. She could hardly find her seat.C. She wasn’t interested in the show.D. She didn’t get a favourable seat.6. A. The woman often eats out for breakfast. B. The cafeteria serves good breakfast.C. The woman doesn’t have breakfast.D. The cafeteria doesn’t serve breakfast.7. A. Selling cucumbers. B. Planting vegetables. C. Cooking a meal. D. Picking tomatoes.8. A. The man should work hard. B. The man should turn down the job offer.C. The man may have another chance.D. The man can apply for the job again.9. A. It is a hot and smoggy day. B. There is a traffic jam on King Street.C. A vehicle is polluting the air.D. The man is reading a report online.10. A. Its ending is not good enough. B. Its special effects are not satisfying.C. It deserves an award.D. It is good except for the scary part.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. $1. B. $2 C. $3 D. $ 52.12. A. Pay the bills first.B. Spend 2% of the salary on living expenses.C. Deposit $1000 every month.D. Put part of the money in a savings account.13. A. Methods of saving money.B. Saving money for family emergencies.C. The importance of saving money.D. Secrets of spending money wisely.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Free education.B. A sum of money.C. Donations from a local newspaper.D. Gifts from many people.15. A. Let students in before school.B. Offer ice cream and coffee.C. Introduce a bank into the campus.D. Reduce the traffic jams around.16. A. It lacks positive news.B. It should grow into a big city.C. It is a place worth living in.D. It remains peaceful and quiet.Section CDirections: In section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.Blank 21 through 24 are based on the followingconversation.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form. of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.(A)Bags of LoveLast year, I was assigned to work at an office near my mother’s house, so I stayed with her for a month. During that time, I helped out with the housework and contributed to the groceries.After less than a week, I started noticing that the groceries were running out pretty quickly —we were always suddenly out of something. (25)_______(wonder) how my mum could consume them so quickly, I began observing her daily routine for two weeks. To my surprise, I found that she would pack a paper bag full of canned goods and head out every morning at about nine. Eventually, I decided to follow her and (26)_______ happened truly amazed me. She was taking the food to the refugee camp, in (27)______ she distributed it to children.I asked around and found out that my mum was very well known in the area. The kids were very friendly with her and even looked up to her as if she were their own mother. Then it hit me —shy would she mot want to tell me about what she (28)_____(do)? Was she worried about how I would react or that I would stop (29)_____(buy) the groceries if I found out?When she got home, I told her about my discovery. (30)_____ she could react, I gave her a big hug and told her she didn’t need to keep it a secret (31)______ me. She told me that some of the children lived with an older lady in a shelter while others slept on the streets. For years, my mum has been helping out by giving them whatever food she could spare. I was so impressed by (32)_____ selfless she was.(B)Stress: Good or Bad?Stress used to be an almost unknown word, but now that we are used to talking about it, I have found that people are beginning to get stressed about being stressed.In recent years, stress(33)______(regard) as a cause of a whole range of medical problems, from high blood pressure to mental illness. But like so many other things, it is only too much stress(34)______ does you harm. It is time you considered that if there were no stress in your life, you would achieve a little. If you are stuck at home with no stress, then your level of performance will be low. Up to a certain point, the more stress you are under, the (35)_____(good) your performance will be. Beyond a certain point, though , further stress will only lead to exhaustion, illness and finally a breakdown. You can tell when you are over the top and on the downward slope, by asking yourself (36)_______ number of questions. Do you, for instance, feel that too much is being expected of (37)______, and yet find it impossible to say no? Do you find yourself getting impatient of (38) _____(annoy) with people over unimportant things?... If the answer to all those questions isyes, you had better(39)______(control ) your stress, as you probably are under more stress than is good for you.To some extent you can control the amount of stress in your life. Doctors have worked out a chart showing how much stress is involved in various events. Getting married is 50, pregnancy 40, moving house 20, Christmas 12,etc. If the total stress in your life is over 150, you are twice as likely (40)_______ (get )ill. Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.What makes good design? Over the years, designers and artists have been trying to 41 the essentials of good design. They have found that some sayings can help people understand the ideas of good design. There are four as follows.Less is more. This saying is associated with the German-born architect Mies van der Rohe. In his Modernist view, beauty lies in simplicity and elegance, and the aim of the designer is to create solutions to problems through the most efficient means. Design should avoid unnecessary 42More is not a bore. The American-born architect Robert Venturi concluded that if simplicity is done badly, the result is 43 design. Post-Modernist designers began to 44 with decoration and color again. Product design was heavily influenced by this view and can be seen in kitchen 45 such as ovens and kettles.Fitness for purpose. Successful product design takes into consideration a product’s function, purpose, shape, form, color, and so on. The most important result for the user is that the product does what is 46 . For example, think of a(n) 47 desk lamp. It needs to be constructed from materials that will stand the heat of the lamp and regular adjustments by the user. It also needs to be stable. Most importantly, it needs to 48 light where it is needed.From follows emotion. This phrase is associated with the German designer Hartmut Esslinger. He believes design must take into 49 the sensory side of our nature—sight, smell, touch and taste. These are as important as rational(理性的) thinking. When choosing everyday products such as toothpaste, we appreciate a cool-looking device that allows us to easily 50 the toothpaste onto our brush.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.In the 1960s, Douglas McGregor, one of the key thinkers in the art of management, developed the mow famous Theory X and Theory Y. Theory X is the idea that people instinctively 51 work and will do anything to avoid it. Theory Y is the view that everyone has the potential to find satisfaction in work.In any case, despite so much evidence to the 52 , many managers still agree to Theory X. They believe, 53 , that their employees need constant supervision if they are to work effectively, or that decisions must be imposed from 54 without consultation. This, of course, makes for authoritarian (专制的) managers.Different cultures have different ways of 55 people. Unlike authoritarian management, some cultures, particularly in Asia, are well known for the consultative nature of decision-making—all members of the department or work group are asked to 56 to this process. This is management by the collective opinion. Many western companies have tried to imitate such Asian ways of doing things, which are based on general57 . Some experts say that women will become more effective managers than men because they have the power to reach common goals in a way that traditional 58 managers cannot.A recent trend has been to encourage employees to use their own initiative, to make decisions on their own without 59 managers first. This empowerment (授权) has been part of the trend towards downsizing: 60 the number of management layers in companies. After de-layering in this way, a company may be 61 with just a top level of senior managers, front-line managers and employees with direct contact with the public. Empowerment takes the idea of delegation (委托) much further than has 62 been the case. Empowerment and delegation mean new forms of management control to 63 that the overall business plan is being followed, and that operations become more profitable under the new organization, rather than less.Another trend is off-site or 64 management, where teams of people linked by e-mail and the Internet work on projects from their own houses. Project managers evaluate the 65 of the team members in terms of what they produce for projects, rather than the amount of time they spend on them.51. A. desire B. seek C. lose D. dislike52. A. contrary B. expectation C. degree D. extreme53. A. vice versa B. for example C. however D. otherwise54. A. outside B. inside C. below D. above55. A. replacing B. assessing C. managing D. encouraging56. A. refer B. contribute C. object D. apply57. A. agreement B. practice C. election D. impression58. A. bossy B. experienced C. western D. male59. A. asking B. training C. warning D. firing60. A. doubling B. maintaining C. reducing D. estimating61. A. honoured B. left C. crowded D. compared62. A. economically B. traditionally C. inadequately D. occasionally63. A. deny B. admit C. assume D. ensure64. A. virtual B. ineffective C. day-to-day D. on-the-scene65. A. opinion B. risk C. performance D. attractivenessSection BDirection:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished sattments. For each of them there are four choices markedA, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)One early morning, I went into the living room to find my mother reading a thick book called Best Loved Poems to Read Again and Again. My interest was aroused only by the fact that the word “Poems” appeared in big, hot pink letters.“Is it good?” I asked her.“Yeah,” she answered. “There’s one I really like and you’ll like it, too.” I leaned forward.“‘Patty Poem,’” she read the title. Who is Patty? I wondered. The poem began:She never puts her toys away,Just leaves them scattered①where they lay,…①散乱的The poem was just three short sections. The final one came quickly:When she grows and gathers poise②, ②稳重I’ll miss her harum-scarum③noise, ③莽撞的And look in vain④for scattered toys. ④徒劳地And I’ll be sad.A terrible sorrow washed over me. Whoever Patty was, she was a mean girl. Then, the shock.“It’s you, honey,” My mother said sadly.To my mother, the poem revealed a parent’s affection when her child grows up and leaves. To me, the “she”in the poem was horror. It was my mama who would be sad. It was so terrible I burst out crying.“What’s wrong?” my mother asked.“Oh Mama,” I cried. “I don’t want to grow up ever!”She smiled. “Honey, it’s okay. You’re not growing up anytime soon. And when you do, I’ll still love you, okay?”“Okay,” I was still weeping. My panic has gone. But I could not help thinking about that silly poem. After what seemed like a safe amount of time, I read the poem again and was confused. It all fit so well together, like a puzzle. The language was simple, so simple I could plainly understand its meaning, yet it was still beautiful. I was now fascinated by the idea of poetry, words that had the power to make or break a person’s world.I have since fallen in love with other poems, but “Patty Poem” remains my poem. After all, “Patty Poem”gave me my love for poetry not because it was the poem that lifted my spirits, but because it was the one that hurt me the most.66. Why was the writer attracted by the book Best Loved Poems to Read Again and Again?A. It was a thick enough book.B. Something on its cover caught her eye.C. Her mother was reading it with interest.D. It has a meaningful title.67. After her mother read the poem to her, the writer felt ______ at first.A. sadB. excitedC. horrifiedD. confused68. The writer’s mother liked to read “Patty Poem” probably because______.A. it reflected her own childhoodB. it was written in simple languageC. it was composed by a famous poetD. it gave her a hint of what would happen69. It can be concluded from the passage that“Patty Poem”leads the writer to _______.A. discover the power of poetryB. recognize her love for puzzlesC. find her eagerness to grow upD. experience great homesickness(B)Is there link between humans and climate change or not? This question was first studied in the early 1900s. Since then, many scientists have thought that our actions domake a difference. In 1997, the Kyoto Protocol explained our role in the Earth’s changingatmosphere and set international limits for gas emissions(排放) from 2008 to 2012. Somecountries have decided to continue these reductions until 2020. More recently, the ParisAgreement, stuck by nearly 200 countries, also aims to limit global warming. But just nowhow much warmer it will get depends on how deeply countries cut carbon emissions.3.5℃This is how much temperatures would rise by 2100 even if nations live up to the initialParis promises to reduce carbon emissions; this rise could still put coastal cities underwater and drive over half of all species to extinction.2℃To meet this minimum goal, the Agreement requires countries to tighten emissions targets every five years. Even this increase could sink some islands, worse drought(干旱) and drive a decline of up to a third in the number of species.1.5℃This is the most ambitious goal for temperature rise set by the Paris Agreement, after a push by low-lying island nations like Kiribati, which say limiting temperature rise to 1.5℃could save them from sinking.0.8℃This is how much temperatures have risen since the industrial age began, putting us 40% of the way to the 2℃point.0℃The baseline here is average global temperature before the start of the industrial age.70. It can be concluded from paragraph 1 that _______.A. the problem of global warming will have been quite solved by 2020B. gas emissions have been effectively reduced in developed countriesC. the Paris Agreements is more influential than the Kyoto ProtocolD. humans have made continuous efforts to slow down global warming71. If nations could only keep the initial promises of the Paris Agreement, what would happen by the year 2100?A. The human population would increase by one third.B. Little over 50% of all species would still exist.C. Nations would not need to tighten their emissions targets.D. The Agreement’s minimum goal would not be reached.72. If those island nations not far above sea level are to survive, the maximum temperature rise, since the start of the industrial age, should be_______.A. 0.8℃B. 1.5℃C. 2℃D. 3.5℃(C)Enough “meaningless drivel”. That’s the message from a group of members of the UK government who have been examining how social media firms like LinkedIn gather and use social media data.The House of Commons Science and Technology Committee’s report, released last week, has blamed firms for making people sign up to long incomprehensible legal contracts and calls for an international standard or kitemark (认证标记) to identify sites that have clear terms and conditions.“The term and conditions statement that we all carelessly agree to is meaningless drivel to anyone,” says Andrew Miller, the chair of the committee. Instead, he says, firms should provide a plain-English version of their terms. The simplified version would be checked by a third party and awarded a kitemark if it is an accurate reflection of the original.It is not yet clear who would administer the scheme, but the UK government is looking at introducing it ona voluntary basis. “we need to think through how we make that work in practice,” says Miller.Would we pay any more attention to a kitemark? “I think if you went and did the survey, people would like to think they would,” says Nigel Shadbolt at the University of Southampton, UK, who studies open data. “We do know people worry a lot about the inappropriate use of their information.” But what would happen in practice is another matter, he says.Other organisations such as banks ask customers to sign long contracts they may not read or understand, but Miller believes social media requires special attention because it is so new. “We still don’t know how significant the long-term impact is going to be of unwise things that kids put on social media that come back and bite them in 20 years’ time,” he says.Shadbolt, who gave evidence to the committee, says the problem is that we don’t know how companies wil l use our data because their business models and uses of data are still evolving. Large collections of personal i nformation have become valuable only recently, he says.The shock and anger when a social media firm does something with data that people don’t expect, even if users have apparently permission, show that the current situation isn’t working. If p roperly administered, a kitemark on terms and conditions could help people know what exactly they are signing up to. Although they would still have to actually read them.73. What does the phrase “ meaningless drivel” in paragraphs 1 and 3 refer to?A. Legal contracts that social media firms make people sign up to.B. Warnings from the UK government against unsafe websites.C. Guidelines on how to use social media websites properly.D. Insignificant data collected by social media firms.74. It can be inferred from the passage that Nigel Shadbolt doubts whether _______.A. social media firms would conduct a survey on the kitemark schemeB. people would pay as much attention to a kitemark as they thinkC. a kitemark scheme would be workable on a nationwide scaleD. the kitemark would help companies develop their business models75. Andrew Miller thinks social media needs more attention than banks mainly because _______.A. their users consist largely of kids under 20 years oldB. the language in their contracts is usually harder to understandC. the information they collected could become more valuable in futureD. it remains unknown how users’ data will be taken advantage of76. The writer advises users of social media to _______.A. think carefully before posting anything onto such websitesB. read the terms and conditions even if there is a kitemarkC. take no further action if they can find a kitemarkD. avoid providing too much personal information77. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?A. Say no to social media?B. New security rules in operation?C. Accept without reading?D. Administration matters!Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.Walking will be banned on escalators as part of a trail designed to reduce congestion(拥堵) at some of thecountry’s busiest stations.In the first move of its kind, all travelers will be forced to stand on both sides of escalators on the London Underground as part of a plan to increase capacity(容量) at the height of the rush hour.A six-month trial will be introduced at Holborn station from mid-April, eliminating the rule of standing on the right and walking on the left. The move, imitating a similar structure in Far Eastern cities such as Hong Kong, is designed to increase the number of people using long escalators at the busiest times . it could be expanded across the Tube network in coming years.According to London Underground, only 40 percent of travelers walk the full length of long escalators, leaving the majority at the bottom as they wait to get on to the “standing “side.A three-week trial at Holborn last year found that the number of people using escalators at any one time of could be raised by almost a third. Peter McNaught, operations director at London Underground, said: “It may not seem right that you can go quicker by standing still, but our experiments at Holborn have proved that it can be true. This new six-month trial will help us find out if we can influence customers to stand on both sides in the long term.”Holborn has one of the longest sets of escalators on the Underground network at 23.4 high. Tube bosses claim that capacity was limited because so few people wanted to walk up—meaning only one side was used at all times. Research has shown that it is more effective use of escalators over 18.5 to ban walking.The previous trial found that escalators at the station normally carried 2,500 people between 8:30am and 9:30am on a typical day, rising to 3,250 during the researching period.In the new trial, which will be launched from April 18, one of three “up” escalators will be standing only, with a second banning walking at peak times. A third will remain a mix of walking and standing.(Note: Answering the questions the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)78. What is the existing problem with standing on the right and walking on the left?79. What did last year’s three-week trial at Holborn station prove?80.The research suggests that walking should be forbidden on escalators that are at least _________ in height.81. In the new trail, in addition to one escalator banning walking in rush hours, the other “up”escalators will be used for_________________.第II卷(共47分)I.TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1.我真希望自己的文章有朝一日能见报。

第Ⅰ卷(共105分)Ⅰ.Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of ea ch conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the fourpossible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1.A.A shop assistant.. B.A dentis.t C.An cloarician.D.A bank clerk.2.A.The exam score.. B.The world news. C. A soccer match.. D.A basketball team.3.A.At a post office. B.At a flower shop.C.At a department store. D.At a bus station.4.A.5 hours. B.7 hours. C.9 hours. D.10 hours. 5.A.Tim’s not seriously injured.B.Tim will get to the hospital quickly.C.The woman’s heard all about Tim’s illness.D.The woman doesn’t know how Tim is now.6.A.She isn’t in the mood to travel. B.France is too far for family holiday.C.Family holiday no longer interests her. D.She has had too many holidays this year.7.A.The cost was reasonable. B.The cost was unbelievably high.C.She likes the hotel. D.She will stayovernight.8.A.Disappointment B.Disapproval. C.Sympathy.D.Passion.9.A.The man is too forgetful. B.The man shouldn’t get annoyed. C.The man has too many keys. D.The man should attend more lessons.10.A.He wants to live in apartments. B.He thinks his signature is unnecessary.C.He has already signed a contract. D.He doesn’t always say what he means.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following introduction. 11.A.White masters. B.African slaves. C.Native dancers. D.Sport trainers.12.A.Having kung fu experience. B.Being able to singand play music.C.Wearing a green belt. D.Being strong and able to balance well.13.A.He uses his hands to keep the balance. B.He dos es contact with his opponent.C.He is kicked by his opponent. D.He is pushed out of the circle.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage 14.A.Great guests and talk to hotel staff.B.Have breakfast and examine room service.C.Prepare for the meeting and write new reports.D.Review the previous night’s reports and check emails. 15.A.Saying hello to every guest. B.Considering different bath requirements.C.Dining with a different staff member. D.Holding various operational meetings.16.A.A day’s life of a hotel manager. B.The daily routine at a hotel.C.Hotel service and improvement. D.Meetings attended by a hotel massager.Section CDirections: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation. Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation. Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.П. Grammar and vocabulary.Section ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.25. Sean has formed the habit of jogging the tree-lined avenue for two hours every day.A. betweenB. alongC. belowD. with26. It took us quite a long time to get to the amusement park. It was journey.A. three hourB. a three-hoursC. a three-hourD. three hours27. If our parents do everything for us children, we won't learn to depend onA. themselvesB. themC. usD. ourselves28. Every few years, the coal workers. their lungs X-rayed to ensure their health.A. are havingB. haveC. have hadD. had had29. - Sorry, Professor Smith. I didn't finish the assignment yesterday.- Oh, you have done it as yesterday was the deadline.A. mustB. mustn'tC. shouldD. shouldn't30. In ancient times, people rarely travelled long distances and most farmersonly travelled the local market.A. longer thanB. more thanC. as much asD. as far as31. The church tower which will be open to tourists soon. The work is almost finished.A. has restoredB. has been restoredC. is restoringD. is being restored32. I had great difficulty the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant.A. findB. foundC. to findD. finding33. Lucy has a great sense of humour and always keeps her colleagues with her stories.A. amusedB. amusingC. to amuseD. to be amused34. you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge.A. However a serious problemB. What a serious problemC. However serious a problemD. What serious a problem35. the city centre, we saw a stone statue of about 10 metres in height.A. ApproachingB. ApproachedC. To approachD. To be approached36. One reason for her preference for city life is she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants.A. thatB. howC. whatD. why37. When changing lanes, a driver should use his turning signal to let other drivers knowA. he is entering which laneB. which lane he is enteringC. is he entering which laneD. which lane is he entering38. Wind power is an ancient source of energy we may return in the near future.A. on whichB. by whichC. to whichD. from which39. our manage objects to Tom's joining the club, we shall accept him as a member.A. UntilB. Unless C If D. After40. Thai is the only way we can imagine the overuse of water in students' bathrooms.A. reducingB. to reduceC. reducedD. reduceSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. additionalB. producingC. regularD. predictedE. identifiedE atmosphere G. matched H. reducing I. carried J. increaseForests in the northern half of the globe could be growing faster now than they were 200 years ago as a result of climate change, according to a study of trees in eastern America. The trees appear to have faster growth rates due to longer growing seasons and higher concentrations (浓度) of carbon dioxide in the ___41 .Geoffrey Parker, a scientist at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Centre in Edgewater. Maryland, said that the increase ha the rate of growth was unexpected and might be 42 to the higher temperatures and longer growing seasons documented in the region. The growth may also be influenced by the significant 43 in atmospheric CO2,he said. "We made a list of reasons these forests could be growing faster and then excluded half of them," Dr Parker said. Their study suggests that northern forests may become increasingly important in44 the influence of man-made CO2 on the climate.Dr Parker and his colleagues have 45 out a detailed record of the trees on a(n) 46 basis since 1987. They calculated that due to the global warming the forest is producing 47 tons of wood each year.The scientists _ 48 _ the land with trees at different stages of growth and found that both young and old trees were showing increased growth rate. More than 90 per cent of the tree groups had grown by between two and four times faster than the scientists had 49 from estimates of the long-term rates of growth.Ⅲ. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are fourwords or phrases marked A,B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.The first attempt of even the most talented artists, musicians, and writers is seldom a masterpiece, If you consider your drafts as dress rehearsals (彩排), or tryouts, revising will seem a natural part of the writing 50 .What is the purpose of the dress rehearsals and the out-of-town previews that many Broadway shows go through? The answer is adding, deleting, replacing, reordering, 51 revising. Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical Phantom of the Opera underwent such a process.When Lloyd Webber began writing in 1984, he had in mind a funny, exciting production. However, when Phantom opened in London in 1986, the audience saw a moving psychological love story set to music. The musical had. 52 several revisions due, in part, to problems with costuming and makeup (戏服和化妆). For instance, Lloyd Webber 53 some of the music because the Phantom's makeup prevented the actor from singing certain sounds.When you revise, you change aspects of your work in 54 to your evolving purpose, or to include 55 ideas or newly discovered information.Revision is not just an afterthought that gets only as much time as you have at the end of an assignment. 56 , it is a major stage of the writing process, and writers revise every step of the way. Even your decision to 57 . topics while prewriting is a type of revising. However. don't make the mistake of skipping the revision stage that follows 58 . Always make time to become your own 59 and view your dress rehearsal, so to speak. Reviewing your work in this way can give you 60 new ideas.Revising involves 61 the effectiveness and appropriateness of all aspects of your writing, making your purpose more clearly, and refocusing or developing the facts and ideas you present. When you revise, ask yourself the following questions, keeping in mind the audience for whom you are writing: Is my main idea or purpose 62 throughout my draft? Do I ever lose sight of my purpose? Have I given my readers all of the 63 that is, facts, opinions,inferences -- that they need in order to understand my main idea? Finally, have I included too many 64 details that may confuse readers?50. A. technique B. style C. process D. career51. A. in particular B. as a result C. for example D. in other words52. A. undergone B. skipped C. rejected D. replaced53. A. rewrote B. released C. recorded D. reserved54. A. addition B. response C. opposition D. contrast55. A. fixed B. ambitious C. familiar D. fresh56. A. However B. Moreover C. Instead D. Therefore57. A. discuss B. switch C. exhaust D. cover58. A. drafting B. rearranging C. performing D. training59. A. director B. master C. audience D. visitor60. A. personal B. valuable C. basic D. delicate61. A. mixing B. weakening C. maintaining D. assessing62. A. amazing B. bright C. unique D. clear63. A. angles B. evidence C. information D. hints64. A. unnecessary B. uninteresting C. concrete D. finalSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to theinformation given in the passage you have just read.(A)The elephant was lying heavily on its side, fast asleep. A few dogs started barking at it. The elephant woke up in a terrible anger: it chased the dogs into the village where they ran for safety. That didn't stop the elephant. It destroyed a dozen houses and injured several people. The villagers were scared and angry. Then someone suggested calling Parbati, the elephant princess.Parbati Barua's father was a hunter of tigers and an elephant tamer. He taught Parbati to ride an elephant before she could eve n walk. He also taught her the dangerous art of the elephant round-up -- how to catch wild elephants.Parbati hasn't always lived in the jungle. After a happy childhood hunting with her father, she was sent to boarding school in the city. But Parbati never got used to being there and many years later she went back to her old fife. "Life in the city is too dull. Catching elephants is an adventure and the excitement lasts for days after the chase," she says.But Parbati doesn't catch elephants just for fun. "My work," she says, "is to rescue man from the elephants, and to keep the elephants safe from man." And this is exactly what Parbati has been doing for many years.Increasingly, the Indian elephant is angry: for many years, illegal hunters have attacked it and its home in the jungle has been reduced to small pieces of land. It is now fighting back. Whenever wild elephants enter a tea garden or a village, Parbati is called toguide the animals back to the jungle before they can kill.The work of an elephant tamer also involves love and devotion. A good elephant tamer will spend hours a day singing love songs to a newly captured elephant. "Eventually they grow to love their tamers and never forget them. They are also more loyal than humans," she said, as she climbed up one of her elephants and sat on the giant, happy animal. An elephant princess indeed!65. For Parbati, catching elephants is mainly to .A. get long lasting excitementB. keep both man and elephants safeC. send them back to the jungleD. make the angry elephants tame66. Before Parbati studied in a boarding school, .A. she spent her time hunting with her fatherB. she learned how to sing love songsC. she had already been called an elephant princessD. she was taught how to hunt tigers67. Indian elephants are getting increasingly angry and they revenge because __________.A. they are caught and sent for heavy workB. illegal hunters capture them and kill themC. they are attacked and their land gets limitedD. dogs often bark at them and chase them68. The passage starts with an elephant story in order to explain that in India _________.A. people easily fall victim to elephants' attacksB. the man-elephant relationship is getting worseC. elephant tamers are in short supplyD. dogs are as powerful as elephants(B)The following card includes a brief summary and a short assessmentTrevor, C. O., Lansford, B. and Black, J. W., 2020, "Employee turnover (人事变更) and job performance: monitoring the influences of salary growth and promotion", Journal of Armchair Psychology, vol. 113, no.1, pp. 56-64.In this article Trevor et al. review the influences of pay and job opportunities in respect of job performance, turnover rates and employees' job attitude. The authors use data gained through organizational surveys of blue-chip companies in Vancouver, Canada to try to identify the main cause of employee turnover and whether it is linked to salary growth. Their research focuses on assessing a range of pay structures such as pay for performance and organizational reward plans. The article is useful as Trevor et al. suggest that there are numerous reasons for employee turnover and a variety of differences in employees' job attitude and performance. The main limitation of the article is that the survey sample was restricted to mid-level management, thus the authors indicate that further, more extensive research needs to be undertaken to develop a more in-depth understanding of employee turnover and job performance. As this article was published in a professional journal, the findings can be considered reliable. It will be useful additional information for the research on pay structures.of a research paper. It can provide a guide for further reading on the topic.69. The research paper published is primarily concerned withA. the way of preventing employee turnoverB. methods of improving employee performanceC. factors affecting employee turnover and performanceD. pay structures based on employee performance70. As is mentioned in the card, the limitation of the research paper mainly lies in that .A. the data analysis is hardly reliableB. the research sample is not wide enoughC. the findings are of no practical valueD. the research method is out-of-date71. Who might be most interested in this piece of information?A. Job hunters.B. Employees in blue-chip companies.C. Mid-level managers.D. Researchers on employee turnover.(C)The 2020 London Olympics had enough problems to worry about. But one more has just been added - a communications blackout caused by solarstorms.After a period of calm within the Sun, scientists have detected the signs of a flesh cycle of sunspots that could peak in 2020, just in time for the arrival of the Olympic torch in London.Now scientists believe that this peak could result in vast solar explosions that could throw billions of tons of charged matter towards the Earth, causing strong solar storms that could jam the telecommunications satellites and interact links sending five Olympic broadcast from London."The Sun's activity has a strong influence on the Earth. The Olympics could be in the middle of the next solar maximum which could affect the functions of communications satellites," said Professor Richard Harrison, head of space physics at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire.At the peak of the cycle, violent outbursts called coronal mass ejections (日冕物质抛射) occur in the Sun's atmosphere, throwing out great quantities of electrically-charged matter. " A coronal mass ejection can carry a billion tons of solar material into space at over a million kilometres per hour. Such events can expose astronauts to a deadly amount, can disable satellites, cause power failures on Earth and disturb communications," Professor Harrison added. The risk is greatest during a solar maximum when there is the greatest number of sunspots.Next week in America, NASA is scheduled to launch a satellite for monitoring solar activity called the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), which will take images of the Sun that are 10 times clearer than the most advanced televisions available.The Rutherford Appleton Laboratory helped to make the high-tech cameras that will capture images of the solar flares (太阳耀斑) and explosions as they occur.Professor Richard Hold away, the lab's director, said that the SDO should be able to provide early warning of a solar flare or explosion big enough to affect satellite communications on Earth "If we have advance warning, we'll be able to reduce the damage. What you don't want is things switching off for a week with no idea of what's caused the problem," he said.72. The phrase "communications blackout" in paragraph 1 most probably refers to during the 2020 Olympics.A. the extinguishing of the Olympic torchB. the collapse of broadcasting systemsC. the transportation breakdown in LondonD. the destruction of weather satellites73. What can be inferred about the solar activity described in the passage?A. The most fatal matter from the corona falls onto Earth.B. The solar storm peak occurs in the middle of each cycle.C. It takes several seconds for the charged matter to reach Earth.D. The number of sunspots declines after coronal mass ejections.74. According to the passage, NASA will launch a satellite to _ _A. take images of the solar systemB. provide early warning of thunderstormsC. keep track of solar activitiesD. improve the communications on Earth75. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?A. Solar Storms: An Invisible KillerB. Solar Storms: Earth Environment in DangerC. Solar Storms: Threatening the Human RaceD. Solar Storms: Human Activities to Be TroubledSection CDirections: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for eachparagraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.76 .Nowadays. millions of people misuse and even overuse pain medications and other drugs. Research by the American National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA, 1999) shows that around 2% of the population over age 12 were using drugs non-medically.77.NIDA views medications as a powerful force for good in the contemporary world. They reduce and remove pain for millions of people suffering from illness and disease. They make it possible for doctors to perform complicated surgery to save lives. Many people afflicted by serious medical conditions are able to control their symptoms and become active, contributing citizens. NIDA points out that most individuals who take these drags use them in a responsible.78.Nevertheless. overuse of drugs such as opioids, central nervous system (CNS) depressants and stimulants does lead to harmful reliance in some people and is therefore becoming a serious public health concern. Although this abuse affects many people worldwide, particular trends of concern to the medical profession in the US appear among older adults, teenagers arid women.79.Though it may be a surprise to many, the misuse of medications may be the most common form of drug abuse among the elderly. Dr Kenneth Schrader of Duke University, North Carolina states that although the elderly represent about 13% of the US population, those aged 65 and over account for the consumption of one third of all drugs. People in this age group use medications roughly three times more than the general population and have poorer compliance with instruction for use. In another study of elderly patients admitte d to treatment programs, 70% were women who hadoverused medicines.80.Unfortunately, this trend among women does not only affect those aged overIn general, among women and men who are using either an anti-anxiety drug or a sedative, women are twice as likely to become addicted. In addition, statistics compiled for 12-17 year olds show that teenage girls are more likely than teenage boys to begin overusing psychotherapeutic medication such as painkillers, tranquillisers, stimulants and sedatives.Section DDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.Phys ed (physical education) is making a comeback as a part of the school core curriculum(核心课程),but with a difference. While group sports are still part of the curriculum, the new way is to teach skills that are useful beyond gym class. Instead of learning how to climb a rope, children aretaught to lift weights, balance their diets and build physical endurance. In this way,kids are given the tools and skills and experiences so they can lead a physically active life the rest of their life.Considering that 15 percent of American children 6 to 18 are overweight, supporters say more money and thought must be put into phys ed curriculum. In many cases, that may mean not just replacing the old gym-class model with fitness programs but also starting up phys ed programs because school boards often "put P.E. on the chopping block, cutting it entirely or decreasing its teachers or the days it is offered," says Alicia Moag-Stahlberg, the executive director of Action for Health Kids. The difference in phys ed programs is partly due to the lack of a national standard. "Physical education needs to be part of the core curriculum," she added.The wisdom of the new approach has some scientific support. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin have demonstrated how effective the fit-for-life model of gym class can be. They observed how 50 overweight children lost more weight when they cycled and skied cross-country than when they played sports. The researchers also found that teaching sports like football resulted in less overall movement, partly because reluctant students were able to sit on the bench.Another problem with simply teaching group sports in gym class is that only a tiny percentage of students continue playing them after graduating from high school. The new method teaches sells that translate to adulthood. (Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)81. In the new P.E. program, children learn to lift weights, balance their diets and build physical endurance rather than __82. As for P.E., some school boards either83. What are the two problems with simply teaching group sports?84. What is the long-term benefit of the new P.E program?第Ⅱ卷(共45分)I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1、这本杂志花了我20多元。

上海英语高考卷及答案完整版一、听力(共30分)Section A(110)1. What will the weather be like tomorrow?A. Sunny.B. Cloudy.C. Rainy.2. How much is the shirt?A. 200 yuan.B. 250 yuan.C. 300 yuan.3. Which sport does the man like best?A. Basketball.B. Football.C. Tennis.4. What time will the meeting start?A. At 8:30.B. At 9:00.C. At 9:30.5. Why did the woman miss the train?A. She got up late.B. She forgot the time.C. She was busy.Section B(1120)6. What does the man think of the movie?A. Boring.B. Exciting.C. Disappointing.7. Where will the speakers go for dinner?A. A restaurant.B. A café.C. A fast food restaurant.8. What is the relationship between the two speakers?A. Teacher and student.B. Doctor and patient.C. Boss and employee.9. Why is the woman late for the appointment?A. She got lost.B. She had a flat tire.C. She missed the bus.10. What is the man's hob?A. Reading.B. Painting.C. Playing the guitar.Section C(2130)1115. Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer.M: Hi, Lily, how was your vacation?W: It was great! I visited my grandparents in the countryside. The air was fresh and the scenery was beautiful.M: Did you do anything special?W: Yes, I helped my grandparents with farm work and picked a lot of fruits.M: Sounds interesting. Did you take any pictures?W: Yes, I took a lot of photos. I'll show you when we get back to school.1620. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.The Summer Palace is one of the most famous (16) ______in Beijing. It was built in the 18th century and was once the summer resort of the emperors. The palace is surrounded a beautiful lake and is known for its elegant (17) ______ and traditional Chinese architecture. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful scenery and learn about the history of the palace.2125. Listen to the short talk and answer the questions.What is the main purpose of the talk?A. To introduce a new product.B. To teach people how to save money.C. To encourage people to donate to charity.2630. Listen to the news report and answer the questions.What happened in the city last night?A. A fire broke out in a factory.B. A bomb exploded in a shopping mall.C. A traffic accident occurred on a busy street.二、阅读理解(共40分)Section A(3135)Passage 131. What is the main idea of the passage?A. The importance of the Internet in our lives.B. The drawbacks of the Internet.32. According to the passage, what is one of the most significant problems of the Internet?A. Cybersecurity.B. False information.C. Internet addiction.33. What is the author's attitude towards false information on the Internet?A. Indifferent.B. Concerned.C. Optimistic.Section B(3640)Passage 2The Great Wall is one of the most famous landmarks in China. It was built over two thousand years ago to protect the country from invasions. The wall stretches for more than 21,000 kilometers and is a symbol of Chinese culture and history.Every year, millions of tourists visit the Great Wall. They are amazed the wall's architectural beauty and the breathtaking views it offers. However, the large number of visitors has also caused some problems, such as environmental damage and overcrowding.To solve these problems, the Chinese government has implemented measures to protect the Great Wall and ensure a better experience for visitors. For example, they havelimited the number of visitors and improved facilities.36. What is the main idea of the passage?A. The history of the Great Wall.B. The problems caused tourists at the Great Wall.C一、听力答案Section A: 15 ACBBASection B: 610 CBCAASection C: 1115 ACBCA1620 scenic spots, gardens2125 A2630 A二、阅读理解答案Section A: 3133 BBASection B: 3640 C一、听力知识点1. 基础日常对话理解:考查学生对日常英语对话中信息捕捉的能力,如天气、价格、兴趣爱好等。
普通高等学校招生 全国统一考试英语试题 (上海卷)(含答案解析)

普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试题(上海卷)(含答案解析)I.ListeningComprehensionSectionADirections:InsectionA,youwillheartenshortconversationsbetweentwospeakers.Attheendofeachconv ersation,aquestionwillbeaskedaboutwhatwassaid.Theconversationandthequestionwillbespokenonly once.Afteryouhearaconversationandthequestionaboutit,readthefourpossibleanswersonyourpaper,a nddecidewhichoneisthebestanswertothequestionyouhaveheard.1.W:Canyoudescribewhatyoudo?M:Iwashofficebuildingwindows.Igohighupinthebaskettoreachthewindows.Q:Whatistheman'sjob?A.Abasketballplayer.B.Alaundryworker.C.Awindowwasher.D.Arockclimber【答案】C.Awindowwasher.【解析】这是一道事实细节题。

1、Which of the following is NOT a type of verb tense commonly used in English?A. Present ContinuousB. Past Perfect ContinuousC. Future ImperfectD. Simple Present (答案:C)2、In which situation would you use the phrase "I'm afraid not"?A. When agreeing with someoneB. When politely disagreeing or decliningC. When expressing excitementD. When asking for clarification (答案:B)3、Which word best completes the sentence: "He _____ his book on the table before leaving the room."A. forgotB. leftC. missedD. remembered (答案:B)4、What is the correct preposition to use in the following sentence? "She's good _____ mathematics."A. inB. onC. atD. for (答案:C)5、Which of the following sentences uses the passive voice correctly?A. The report was written by me.B. Me was writing the report.C. The report writes by me.D. I was written the report. (答案:A)6、Choose the correct word to fill in the blank: "Can you _____ me the way to the nearest post office?"A. showB. tellC. sayD. speak (答案:B)7、Which phrase is used to express an opinion or suggestion in a polite way?A. "I think you should..."B. "You must..."C. "I order you to..."D. "You'd better not..." (答案:A)8、Which of the following is an example of a compound sentence?A. She sings beautifully.B. Although it was raining, we went out for a walk.C. He enjoys playing football.D. Please pass me the salt. (答案:B)。

In recent years, the popularity of online shopping has surged, and many people have turned to e-commerce platforms to purchase a wide variety of products. However, with the growth of online shopping, there has been an increase in the numberof fraudulent activities. This article will discuss the common types of online scams and offer advice on how to avoid them.Types of Online Scams:1. Phishing: This is when scammers send emails that appear to be from legitimate companies, asking for personal information.2. Fake Websites: These are websites that look like the real thing but are actually designed to steal your information.3. Overpayment Scams: Scammers send more money than the costof the product and ask for the difference to be returned.Advice on Avoiding Scams:- Always verify the legitimacy of a website before making a purchase.- Do not click on links in unsolicited emails.- Be cautious of deals that seem too good to be true.Question 1: What is phishing?Answer 1: Phishing is a scam where scammers send emails thatappear to be from legitimate companies to trick people into giving out personal information.Question 2: What advice is given to avoid fake websites? Answer 2: The advice given to avoid fake websites is to always verify the legitimacy of a website before making a purchase.【试题二】完形填空Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with the appropriate words.In the past, people used to travel by train. However, with the development of technology, air travel has become more popular. Airplanes are __1__ than trains because they are faster. But some people still prefer trains because they can enjoy the __2__ while traveling. Nowadays, high-speed trains are becoming more common, and they are __3__ than airplanes in terms of convenience.1. A) slower B) faster C) cheaper D) bigger2. A) scenery B) movies C) meals D) services3. A) less B) more C) equally D) notAnswer:1. B) faster2. A) scenery3. B) more【试题三】语法填空Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word given inthe brackets.The Internet has made our lives more convenient. We can now shop, work, and communicate with others without leaving our homes. However, it also has some negative effects. For example, it can lead to addiction, which can __1__ (harm) our health.Answer: harm【试题四】翻译Translate the following sentence from English to Chinese.The best way to predict the future is to invent it.Answer: 预测未来的最好方式是去创造它。

高考真题英语上海卷含解析Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】2015年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(上海卷)英语考生注意:1.考试时间120分钟,试卷满分150分。
第Ⅰ卷(共103分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In section A, you will hear ten short conversationsbetween two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a questionwill be asked about what was said. The conversation and the questionwill be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and thequestion about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, anddecide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.. impatient B. confused C. pleased D. regretful2. A. at a bus stopB. at a laundryC. at the dentist’s D. at the chemi3. A. An actor B. A salesman C. A translator D. A writer4. A. He lost his classmate’s homework.B. He can’t help the woman with her math.C. He broke the woman’s calculator.D. He doesn’t know where the “on” button is.5. A. The woman should go to another counter.B. The woman gives the man so many choices.C. The man dislike the sandwiches offered there.D. The man is having trouble deciding what to eat.6. A. She has no idea where to find the man’s exam result.B. She isn’t allowed to tell students their grades.C. Dr. White hasn’t finish grading the papers.D. Dr. White doesn’t want to be contacted while he’s away.7. A. Move to a neat dormitory B. Find a person to share their apartmentC. Clean the room with the roommateD. Write an article about their roommate8. A. Bob won’t take her adviceB. Bob doesn’t want to go abroadC. She doesn’t think Bob should study o verseasD. She hasn’t talked to Bob since he went aboard9. A. The snack bar isn’t usually so empty. B. Dessert is served in the snack bar.C. The snack bar is near the library.D. Snacksaren’t allowed in the library.10. A. Take her bicycle to the repair shop. B. Leave her bicycle outside.C. Clean the garage after the rain stops.D.Check if the garage is dry.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper anddecide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. It helps care for customers’ dogs.B. You have to buy food for dogs.C. None of the dogs are caged.D. There is a dog named Princess.12. A. She likes the food there.B. She enjoys the fun with a pet.C. She can have free coffee.D. She doesn’t like to be alone.13. A. A new kind of cafe.B. A new brand of cafe.C. A new home for pets.D. A new way to raise pets.Question 14 through 16 are based on the following passages.14. A. A trend that high achievers are given a lower salary.B. A view that life quality is more important than pay.C. A dream of the young for fast-paced jobs.D. A new term created by high achievers.15. A. 10% B. 12% C. 6%D. 7%16. A. People are less satisfied with their lives.B. The financial investment may increase.C. Well-paid jobs are not easy to find.D. Unexpected problems may arise.Section CDirections: In section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation. Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation. Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.II. Grammar and vocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form. of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.(A)Gift from a strangerMy local supermarket is always busy. The first parking space I found was convenient, but I'd noticed a woman in a blue car circling for a while. (25) _____ I was in a good mood, I let her have it. On the edge of the car park I backed into the next available spot—it was a tight fit.Pretty soon I'd made my way through the supermarket and was back in the fresh air. Feeling good, I (26) _____(empty) my purse change into the hands of a homeless man and helped a struggling woman reverse park(倒车).Just as I approached my car, 1 saw the woman I'd let have my car space earlier. She was giving me (27) _____ odd look—half puzzled, half intent (热切的). I smiled and wished her a pleasant day. As I squeezed back into my car, I spotted the same lady (28) _____ (look)in at me. "Hello," she said, hesitantly. "This (29) _____ sound crazy but I was on my way to drop some of my mother's things off at the charity bins.” You are just so much (30) _____ her.” You helped those people, I noticed, and you seemed so happy.” She lo oked at me meaningfully and passed a box in through the window. “I think she would like you to have it.” (31) _____ (shock), I took it from her automatically. She smiled and walked away.After a pause, I opened the box. Inside was a beautiful gold necklace with a large grey pearl. It was (32) _____ (nice) gift I'd ever received, and it was from a complete stranger. The necklace was around my neck, a warm reminder of human kindness.(B)Ask helpful HannahDear helpful Hannah,I’ve got a problem with my husband, Sam. He bought a smart phone a couple of months ago and he took it on our recent ski vacation to Colorado, it was a great trip except for one problem. He has a constant urge (33) for next messages; he checks his phone every five minutes! He’s so addicted to it that he just can’t stand the idea (34) there may be an important text. He can’t help checking even at inappropriate times like when we are eating in a restaurant and I am talking to him! He behaves (35) any small amount of boredom can make him feel the need to check his phone even when he know he shouldn’t. The temptation to see (36) is connecting him is just too great. When I ask him to put down the phone and stop (37) (ignore) me, he say, “In a minute.” but still checks to see if (38) has posted something new on the Internet. Our life (39) (interrupted). If we go somewhere and I ask him to have the phone at home, he suffers from withdrawalsymptom. May this dependency on his smart phone has become more thanan everyday problem.I recently read an article about “nomophobia,” (40) is areal illness people can’t suffer from the fear of being without yourphone! I am worried that Sam maybe suffering from this illnessbecause he feels anxious if he doesn’t have his phone with him, evenfor a short time.Who would have thought that little devices like these could havebrought so much trouble!Sick and Tired SadieSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in thebox. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one wordmore than you need.Considering how much time people spend in effects, it isimportant that with A be well designed. Well-designed office spaceshelp create a corporation’s image. They motivate workers and theymake an impression on people who visit and might be potential, or41 , customers. They make business work better, and they are apart of the corporate culture to live in.As we move away from an industrial-based economy to a knowledge-based one, office designers come up with 42 to the traditionalwork environments of the past. The design industry has moved awayfrom a fixed office setup and created more flexible “strategicmanagement environments.” These 43 solutions are meant to support better organizational performance.As employee hierarchies (等级制度)have flattened or decreased, office designers’ response to this change has been to move open-plan areas to more desirable locations within the office and create fewer formal private offices. The need for increased flexibility has also been 44 by changes in workstation design. Office and work spaces often are not 45 to a given person on a permanent basis. Because of changes to methods of working, new design allow for expansion or movement of desks, storage, and equipment within the workplace. Another important design goal is communication, which designers have improved by breaking the walls that 46 workstations. Designers have also created informal gathering places and upgraded employees’ 47 to heavily trafficked areas such as copy and coffee rooms.Corporate and institutional office designers often struggle to resolve a number of competing and often 48 demands, including budgetary limits, employees hierarchies and technological innovation (especially in relation to computerization). These demands must also be balanced with the need to create interiors (内饰) that in some way enhance, establish or possess a company’s image and will enable employees to 49 and their best.All these 50 of office design are related. The most successful office designs are like good marriage—the well-designed office and the employees that occupy it are seemingly made for each other.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.If you studied pictures that ancient people left on rock walls and you tried to determine their meaning, you would not detect interest in romance among the artists. 51 , you would see plenty of animals with people running after them. Life for ancient people’s earned to center on hunting and gathering wild foods for meals.In modern times, when food is available in grocery stores,finding love is more 52 in people’s lives. The 53 is all around us. It is easy to prepare a list of modern stories having to do with love. An endless number of books and movies qualify as love stories in popular culture.Researchers are studying whether love, a highly valued emotional state, can be 54 . They ask, what is love Toothpaste companies want us to think attraction is all about clean teeth, but clean teeth go only so far. Scientists wonder how much the brain gets involved. You have probably heard that opposites attract but that 55 attract, too. One thing is certain: The truth about love is not yet set in stone.First ImpressionTo help determine the 56 of attraction, researchers paired 164 college classmates and had them talk for 3, 6 or 10 minutes so they could get a sense of each other’s individuality. Then students were asked to 57 what kind of relationship they were likely to build with their partners. After nine weeks, they reported what happened.As it turned out, their 58 judgments often held true. Students seemed to 59 at an early stage who would best fit into their lives.The 60 KnowsScientists have also turned to nonhumans to increase understanding of attraction. Many animals give off pheromones —natural chemicals that can be detected by, and then can produce a response in, other animals of the same species. Pheromones can signal that an animal is either ready to fight or is feeling 61 to partnerships. In contrast, humans do not seem to be as 62 as other animals at detecting such chemicals. Smell, however, does seem to play a part in human attraction. Although we may not be aware of chemicals like pheromones consciously, we give and receive loads of information through smell in every interaction with other people. Face ValueBeing fond of someone seems to have a number of factors,including seeing something we find attractive. Researchers had people judge faces for 63 . The participants had seconds to view each face, yet somehow they generally considered the images the same as people who had more time to study the same faces. The way we 64 attractiveness seem to be somewhat automatic.When shown an attractive face and then words with good or bad associations, people responded to 65 words faster after viewing an attractive face. Seeing something attractive seems to cause happy thinking.51. A. Instead B. Therefore C. Moreover D. Otherwise52. A. romantic B. stressful C. central D. artificial53. A. priority B. proof C. possibility D. principle54. A. tested B. impressed C. changed D. created55. A. appearances B. virtues C. similarities D. passions56. A. illustrations B. implications C. ingredients D. intentions57. A. predict B. investigate C. diagnose D. recall58. A. critical B. initial C. random D. mature59. A. memorize B. distinguish C. negotiate D. question60. A. Nose B. Eye C. Heart D. Hand61. A. open B. alert C. resistant D. superior62. A. disappointed B. amazed C. confused D. gifted63. A. emotion B. attractiveness C. individuality D. signals64. A. enhance B. possess C. maintain D. assess65. A. familiar B. plain C. positive D. irritating第二部分:阅读理解(第一节共20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分)阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。

銆€銆€涓婃捣鑻辫璇曞嵎銆€銆€鑰冪敓娉ㄦ剰锛?/p>銆€銆€1锛庤€冭瘯鏃堕棿120鍒嗛挓锛岃瘯鍗锋弧鍒?50鍒嗐€?/p>銆€銆€2锛庢湰鑰冭瘯璁捐瘯鍗峰拰绛旈绾镐袱閮ㄥ垎銆傝瘯鍗峰垎涓虹1鍗凤紙绗?-12椤碉級鍜岀II鍗凤紙绗?3椤碉級锛?/p>銆€銆€鍏ㄥ嵎鍏?3椤点€傛墍鏈夌瓟棰樺繀椤绘秱锛堥€夋嫨棰橈級鎴栧啓锛堥潪閫夋嫨棰橈級鍦ㄧ瓟棰樼焊涓婏紝鍋氬湪璇曞嵎涓?/p>銆€銆€涓€寰嬩笉寰楀垎銆?/p>銆€銆€3锛庣瓟棰樺墠锛屽姟蹇呭湪绛旈绾镐笂濉啓鍑嗚€冭瘉鍙峰拰濮撳悕锛屽苟灏嗘牳瀵瑰悗鐨勬潯褰㈢爜璐村湪鎸囧畾浣嶇疆涓娿€?/p>銆€銆€绗?鍗?nbsp; 锛堝叡105鍒嗭級銆€銆€I . Listening Comprehension銆€銆€Section A銆€銆€Directions锛欼n Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the銆€銆€end of each conversation, a questionwill be asked about what was said. The conversations and銆€銆€the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it,銆€銆€read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the銆€銆€question you have heard.銆€銆€1. A. At a library. B. At a hotel. C. At abank. D. At an airport.銆€銆€2. A. Relaxed. B. Annoyed. C.Worried. D. Satisfied銆€銆€3. A. Doctor and patient. B. Shop owner and customer.銆€銆€C. Secretary and boss. D. Receptionist and guest.銆€銆€4. A. He would have thrown $300 around. B. $300 is not enough for the concert.銆€銆€C. Sandy shouldn't have given th at much. D. Dave must be mad with the money銆€銆€5. A. She lives close to theman. B. She changes her mind at last.銆€銆€C. She will turn to her manager. D. She declines the man's offer.銆€銆€6锛嶢.2 B.3锛?nbsp; C.4锛嶥锛?銆€銆€7. A. Both of them dr ink too much coffee.銆€銆€B. The woman doesn't Like coffee at all.銆€銆€C. They help each other stop drinking coffee.銆€銆€D. The man is uninterested in the woman's story銆€銆€8. A. He doesn't. mind helping the woman.銆€銆€B. He hesitates whether to help or not.銆€銆€C. He'll help if the woman doesn't mind銆€銆€D. He can't help move the cupboard.銆€銆€9. A. He's planning to find a new job.銆€銆€B. He prefers to keep his house in a mess.銆€銆€C. He's too busy to clean his hou se銆€銆€D. He has already cleaned his new house,銆€銆€10. A. She doesn't agree with the man.銆€銆€B. She is good at fmding a place to stay.銆€銆€C. She could hardly find the truth.銆€銆€D. She had no travel expei/ence in Britain.銆€銆€Section B銆€銆€Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.銆€銆€Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage銆€銆€11. A. Use the company'sequipment. B. Give orders to robots銆€銆€C. Make decisions for the company. D. Act as Big Brother.銆€銆€12. A. Employees gain fullfreedom. B. Employees suspect one another.銆€銆€C. Employees' children arehappy. D. Employees enjoy working there.銆€銆€13. A. Reward. B.Safety. C. Trust. D. Honesty銆€銆€Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage銆€銆€14. A. Canada had a smallerpopulation. B. Land was cheaper in Canada.銆€銆€C. They wanted to continue the Revolution. D. They were against Britain.銆€銆€15. A. The y standardized Canadian English.銆€銆€B. They settled there after the Revolution.銆€銆€C. They enjoy a very high social position.銆€銆€D. They make up a small part of the population銆€銆€16. A. It is considered unique to some extent. B. It is greatly influenced by French.銆€銆€C. It is mainly linked to British culture. D. It dates back to the late 17th century.銆€銆€Section C銆€銆€Directions: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.銆€銆€Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.銆€銆€Complete the form. Write ONE WORDfor each answer.銆€銆€Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.銆€銆€Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.銆€銆€II. Gram mar and Vocabulary銆€銆€Section A銆€銆€Directions: Beneath each of thefollowing sentences there are four choicesmarked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.銆€銆€25. passion, people won't have the motivation or the joy necessary for creative thinking.銆€銆€A.For . B.Without C.Be neath D.By銆€銆€26. Is honesty the best policy? We_ that it is when we are little.銆€銆€A. will teach B.teach C. aretaught D. will be taught銆€銆€27. As Jack left his membership card at home, he wasn'tallowed into the sports club.銆€銆€A. going B. togo C. go D. gone銆€銆€28. The new law states that people _ drive after drinking alcohol.銆€銆€A. wouldn't B.needn't C.won't D. mustn't銆€銆€29. Only with the greatest ofluck_ to escape from the rising flood waters.銆€銆€A. managed she B. she managed C. did she manage D. she did manage銆€銆€30. - I hear that Jason is planning to buy a car.銆€銆€-I know. By next month, he_ enough for a used one.銆€銆€A. will have saved B. will be saving C. has saved D. saves銆€銆€31. When he took his gloves off, I noticed that one had his name written inside.銆€銆€A.each B.every C.other D. another銆€銆€32. I have a tight budget for the trip, so I'm not going to fly _ the airlines lower ticket prices.銆€銆€A.once B.ifC.after D. unless銆€銆€33. When Peter speaks in public, he always has trouble _ the right things to say.銆€銆€A. thinking of B. to think of C. thoughtof D. think of .銆€銆€34. There is muc h truth in the idea_ kindness is usually served by frankness.銆€銆€A. why B.which C.thatD. whether銆€銆€35. Have you sent thank-you notes to the relatives from _ _ you received gifts?銆€銆€A. which B.them C.thatD. whom銆€銆€36. The club, _ _ 25 years ago, is holding a party for past and present members.銆€銆€A. founded B. founding C. being founded D. to be founded銆€銆€37. - Was it by cutting downstaff _ _she saved the firm?銆€銆€- No, it was by improving work efficiency.銆€銆€A.when B.what C.howD.that銆€銆€38. - We've only got this small bookcase. Will that do?銆€銆€- No, _ _ I am looking for is something much bigger and stronger.銆€銆€A.who B.that C.what D. which銆€銆€39. "Genius" is a complicated concept, _ _ many different factors.銆€銆€A.involved B.involving , C.toinvol ve D.beinginvolved銆€銆€40. The map is one of the best tools a man has _ _ he goes to a new place.銆€銆€A. whenever B.whatever C. wherever D. however銆€銆€Section B銆€銆€Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.銆€銆€A. maintained B.serious C.indications D.figures E. anxious銆€銆€F. concern Gcrisis H.decided I.available J. reversed銆€銆€Filmgoers should be told how many calories there are in the popcorn, ice cream and soft銆€銆€drinks that they buy in cinemas, according to the Food Standard Agency.銆€銆€Smaller popcorn buckets and drink cups should also be made 41 , the nutrition inspector said.銆€銆€Tim Smith, chief executive of the agency, told The 77mes that cinemas should helpto deal with the country'soverweight 42 .銆€銆€"There is a misbelief that popcorn is calorie-free, but that is not the case. It isa 43 to us," he said. "Portion sizes are also a big issue, and there seems to be increasingly big packs on銆€銆€sale."銆€銆€He spoke as a number of food chains such as Pret A Manger, Wimpey and The Real Greek44 to put calorie counts on all their menus.銆€銆€A trial scheme锛堣瘯琛屾柟妗堬級 with 21 food companies took place last summer,and 45 are that consumers altered their buying habits when they realised the number of calories in a product.銆€銆€A consultation(寰佽鎰忚) on thetrial ends next month but Mr Smith is already planning the second drive for American-style calorie counts and is 46 to win support from cinemas and other entertainment places, from football grounds to concert halls.銆€銆€Government 47 suggest that two thirds of adults and a third of children are overweight. If trends are not 48 ,this could rise to almost nine in ten adults andtwo thirds of children by 2050, putting themat 49 risk of heart disease, cancer and other diseases.銆€銆€III. R eading Comprehension銆€銆€Section A銆€銆€Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,銆€銆€B, C and D. Fillin each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.銆€銆€People on a college campus wer e more likely to give money to the March of Dimes if they銆€銆€were asked for a donation by a disabled woman in a wheelchair than if asked by a nondisabled銆€銆€woman. In another 50 , subway riders in New York saw a man carrying a stick stumble锛堢粖銆€銆€鑴氾級 and fall to the floor. Sometimes the victim had a large red birthmark onhis 51 ;銆€銆€sometimes he did not. In this situation, the victim was more likelyt0 52 aid if his face was spotless than if he had an unattractive birthmark. In 53 these and other research findings,two themes are 54 : we are more willing to help people we like for some reason and people we think _ 55 _ assistance.銆€銆€In some situations, those who are physically attractive are more likely to receive aid. 56 , in a field study researchers placed a completed application to graduate school in a telephone box at the airport. The application was ready to be 57 , but had apparently been "lost" . The photo attached to the application was sometimes that of avery 58 person and sometimes that of a less attractive person. The measure of helping was whether the individual who found the envelope actually mailed it or not. Results showed that people were more likely to59 the application if the person in the photo was physically attractive.銆€銆€The degree of _ 60 between the potential helper and the person in need is also important.銆€銆€For example, people are more likely to help a stranger who is from the same country rather than a foreigner. In one study, shopperson a busy street in Scotland were more likely to help a person wearing a(n) 61 T-shirt than a person wearing a T-shirt printed with offensive words.銆€銆€Whether a person receives help dependsin part on the "worth" of the case. For example,shoppers in a supermarket were more likely to give someone . 62 _ to buy milk rather than to buy cookies, probably because milk is thought more essentialfor 63 than cookies.Passengers on a New York subway were more likely to help a man who fell to the ground if he appeared tobe 64 rather than drunk.銆€銆€50.A.studyB.wayC.wordD.college銆€銆€51. A. hand B.arm C. face D. back銆€銆€52.A.refuseB.begC.los eD.receive銆€銆€53. A. challenging B. recording C. understanding D. publishing銆€銆€54. A.important B. possible C. amusing D. missing銆€銆€55.A.seekB.deserveC.obtainD.accept銆€銆€56. A. At first B. Aboveall C. Inaddition D. For example銆€銆€57.A.printedB.mailedC.rewritt enD.signed銆€銆€58. A. talented B. good-looking C.helpful D. hard-working銆€銆€59. A. send in B. throw away C. fill out D. turn down銆€銆€60. A. similarity B. friendship C. cooperation D. contact銆€銆€61.A.expensiveB.plainC.cheapD.strange銆€銆€62.A.timeB.instructionsC.moneyD.chances銆€銆€63. A. shoppers B.research C. children D. health銆€銆€64. A. talkative B.handsome C.calm D. sick銆€銆€Section B銆€銆€Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinishedstatements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.銆€銆€(A)銆€銆€Phil White has just returned from an 18,OOO-mile, around-the-world bicycle trip. White had two reasons for making this epic journey. First of all, he wanted to use the trip to raise money for charity, which he did. He raised ~70,000 for the British charity, Oxfam. White's second reason for making the trip was to break the world record and become the fastestperson to cycle around the world. He is still waiting to find out if he has broken the record or not.銆€銆€White set off from Trafalgar Square, in London, on 19th June 2004 and was back 299 days later. He spent more than l,300 hours in the saddle锛堣溅搴э級 and destroyed four sets of tyres and three bike chains. He had the adventure of his life crossing Europe, the Middle East, India, Asia, Australia, New Zealand and the Americas. Amazingly, he did all of this with absolutely no support team. No jeep carrying food, water and medicine. No doctor. Nothing! Just a bike and a very, very long road.銆€銆€The journey was lonely and desperate at times. He also had to fight his way across deserts, through jungles and over mountains. He cycled through heavy rains and temperatures of up t0 45 degrees, all to help people in need. There were other dangers along the road. In Iran, he was chased by armed robbers and was lucky to escape with his life and the little money he had. The worst thing that happened to him was having to cycle into a headwind on a road that crosses the south of Australia. Forl,000 kilometres he battled against the windthat was constantly pushing him. This part of the trip was slow, hard work and depressing, but he made it in the end. Now Mr.White is back and intends to write a book about his adventures.銆€銆€65. When Phil White returned from his trip, he _.銆€銆€A. broke the worldrecord B. collected money for Oxfam銆€銆€C. destroyed severalbikes D. travelled about l,300 hours銆€銆€66. What does the word "epic" in Paragraph l most probably mean?銆€銆€A. Very slow butexciting.B. Very long and difficult.銆€銆€C. Very smoo th buttiring. D. Very lonely and depressing.銆€銆€67. During his journey around the world, Phil White _ .銆€銆€A. fought heroically against robbers in Iran銆€銆€B. experienced the extremes of heat and cold銆€銆€C. managed to ride agai nst the wind in Australia銆€銆€D. had a team of people who travelled with him銆€銆€68. Which of the following words can best describe Phil White?銆€銆€A. Imaginative. B.Patriotic. C. Modest. D. Determined.銆€銆€(B)銆€銆€The value-packed, all-inclusive銆€銆€sight-seeing package that銆€銆€combines the best of Sydney's銆€銆€harbour, city, bay and beach銆€銆€highlights.銆€銆€A SydneyPass gives you unlimited and flexible travel on the Explorer Buses: the 'red' Sydney Explorer shows you around our exciting city sights wlrile the 'blue' Bondi Explorer visits Sydney Harbour bays and famous beaches. Take to the water on one of three magnificent daily harbour cru/ses(娓歌埞). You can also travel free on regular Sydney Buses,Sydney Ferries or CityRail services (limited area), so you can go to every corner of this beautiful city.銆€銆€Imagine browsing at Darling Harbour, sampling the famous seafood at Watsons Bay or enjoying the city lights on an evening ferry cruise. The possibilities and plans are endless with a SydneyPass. Wherever you decide to go, remember that bookings are not required on any of our services so tickets are treated on afirst in, first seated basis.銆€銆€SydneyPasses are avai-lable for 3, 5 0r 7 days for use over a 7 calendar day period. With a 3 or 5 day pass you choose on which days out of the 7 you want to use it. All SydneyPasses include a free Airport Express inward trip before starting your 3, 5 0r 7 days, and Lhe return trip is valid (鑲叉晥鐨? for 2 months from the first day your ticket was used.銆€銆€SydneyPass Fares銆€銆€*A child is defined as anyone from the ages of 4 years to under ~6 ye rs.Children under 4 years travel free.銆€銆€**A family is defined as 2 adults and any number of children from 4 to under 16 years of age from the same family.銆€銆€69. A SydneyPass doesn7t offer unlimited rides on銆€銆€A. the ExplorerBusesB. the harbour cruises銆€銆€C. regular SydneyBusesD. CityRail services銆€銆€70. With a SydneyPass, a travellercan _.銆€銆€A. save fares from and to theairport B. take the Sydney Explorer to beaches銆€銆€C. enjoy the famous seafood forfree D. reserve seats easily in a restaurant銆€銆€71. If 5-day tickets were to be recommended to a mother who travelled with her colleague and銆€銆€her children, aged 3, 6 and 10, what would the lowest cost be?銆€銆€A.$225.B. $300.銆€銆€C.$360.D. $420.銆€銆€(C)銆€銆€Researchers in the psychology department at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) have discovered a major difference in the way men and women respond to stress. This difference may explain why men are more likely to suffer from stress-related disorders.銆€銆€Until now, psychological research has maintained that both men and women have the same "fight-or-flight" reaction to stress. In other words, individuals eicher react with aggressive behavior, such as verbal or physical conflict ("fight"), or they react by withdrawing fromthe stressful situation ("flight"). However, the UCLA research team found that men and women have quite different biological and behavioral responses to stress. While men often react to stress in the fight-or-flight response, women often have another kind of reaction which could be called "tend and befriend." That is, they often react to stressful conditions byprotecting and nurturing their young ("tend"), and by looking for social contact and support from others - especially other females銆?#39;befriend").銆€銆€Scientists have long known that in the fight-or- flight reaction to stress, an important role is played by certain hormones(婢堢礌) released by the body. The UCLA researchteam suggests that the female tend-or-befriend response is also based on a hormone. This hormone, called oxytocin,has been studied in the context of cFuldbirt.h, but now it is being studied for its role in the response of both men and women to stress. The principal investigator, Dr. Shelley E. Taylor,explained that "animals and people with high levels of oxytocin are calmer, more relaxed, more social, and less anxious." While men also secrete銆愬垎娉岋級oxytocin, its effects are reduced by male hormones.銆€銆€In terms of everyday behavior, the UCLA study found that women are far. more likelythan men to seek social contact when they are feeling stressed. They may phone relatives or friends, or ask directions if they are lost.銆€銆€The study also showed how fathers and mothers responded differently when they came home to their family after a stressful day at work. The typical father wanted to be left alone to enjoy some peace and quiet. For a typical mother, coping with a bad day at work meant focusing her attention on her children and their needs.銆€銆€The differences in responding to stress may explain the fact that women have lower frequency of stress-related disorders such ashigh blood pressure or aggressive behavior. The tend-and-befriend regulatory(璋冭妭鐨? system may protect women against stress, and this may explain why women on average live longer than men.銆€銆€72. The UCLA study shows that in response to stress, men are more likely than women to .銆€銆€A. turn to friends for help銆€銆€B. solve a conflict calmly銆€銆€C. find an escape from reality銆€銆€D. seek comfort from children銆€銆€73. Which of the following is true about oxytocin according to the passage?銆€銆€A. Men have the same level of oxytocin as women do.銆€銆€B. Oxytocin used to be studied in both men and women.銆€銆€C. Both animals and people have high levels of oxytocin.銆€銆€D. Oxytocin has more of an effect on women than on men.銆€銆€74. What can be learned from the passage?銆€銆€A. Male hormones help build up thebody's resistance to stress.銆€銆€B. In a family a mother cares more about children than a father does.銆€銆€C. Biological differences lead to different behavioral responses to stress.銆€銆€D. The UCLA study was designed to confirm previous research findings.銆€銆€75. Which of the following might be the best ti.tle of the passage?銆€銆€A. How men and women get over stress銆€銆€B. How men and women suffer f rom stress銆€銆€C. How researchers overcome stress problems銆€銆€D. How researchers handle stress-related disorders銆€銆€Section C銆€銆€Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each銆€銆€paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.銆€銆€A. When a child should learn to read銆€銆€B. Why it is fun to teach a child reading銆€銆€C. What if a child has reading problems銆€銆€D. How you prepare a young child for reading銆€銆€E. What is the best way to teach a child reading銆€銆€F. Whether reading early promises later achievements銆€銆€76.Learning to read early has become one of those indicators - in parents' minds at least - that their child is smart. In fact, reading early has very little to do with whether a child is successful academically. Research has shown that difficulty with reading is often due not to inferior intelligence but to differences in the developmental wiring of each individual child. In some cases, there are neurological problems and developmental lags that can be overcome with proper training.銆€銆€77.銆€銆€Traditionally, American schools teach children at age six, but many schools begin teaching informally in kindergarten and pre-kindergarten. If parents start too early to encourage reading,and a child does not immediately succeed, the parent has a hard time relaxing and letting the child go at his or her own pace.銆€銆€78.銆€銆€Over the years, research has proved that the use of both the e&whole language" method and the "phonic" method works best for a child to master reading. While the whole language approach, which includes reading to children and getting them interested in both the activity of reading and the story they are reading, is helpful, phonics must be taught. Children must be taught that one of the squiggles they see is a "p" and another a "b". Getting the print off the page requires a different ability than being able to understand the meaning of what is written.銆€銆€79.銆€銆€You can start developing the skills needed in reading at a very young age without putting any pressure on children. Besides reading to them, parents can start "ear training" their child by playing thyme games. This develops the child's ability to recognizedifferent sounds. In reading to children, parents also can point to words as they go, teaching the child that the funny lines on the page are the words you are saying. All this should be a fun activity.銆€銆€80.銆€銆€Once a child is in school, the learning of reading is inevitably more serious. For children who have some kind of reading difficulty, you must get a professional diagnosis. While the teacher might say the child is merely disinterested but will get over it, disinterest or poor performance in reading can stem from a number of things, some being very specific learning disabilities that can be identified and worked on. But it is very tricky for parents to deal with their own child's learning disabilities.銆€銆€Section D銆€銆€Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.銆€銆€While contact between adolescents (between the ages of fifteen and nineteen) and their peers crd榫勪汉) is a universalcharacteristic of all cultures, the nature and the degree of such contact vary a great deal. In American contemporary society, adolescents spend much more time with their peers than with younger children or adults.銆€銆€This pattern of age segreg ation(闅旂) in American society did not become usual until the beginning of the industrialized society. Changes in the workplace separated children from adults,with adults worHng and children attending school. The dramatic increase of mothers inthe workplace has further contributed to the reduction in the amount of time adolescents spend with adults. School reform efforts during the nineteenth century, which resulted in age-segregated schools and grades, have reduced the amount of time adolescents spend with younger children.Finally, the changes in population are considered a factor that may have contributed to the emergence of adolescent peer culture. From 1955 t0 1975, the adolescent population increased dramatically, from 11 percent t0 20.9 percent. This increase in the number of adolescents might be a contributing factor to the increase in adolescent peer culture in terms of growth in size.銆€銆€Research supports the view that adolescents spend a great deal of time withtheir peers. Reed Larson and his colleaguesexamined adolescents' daily activities and found that they spend more time talking to their friends than engaging in any other activity. In a typical week, high school students will spend twice as much time with their peers as with adults. This gradual withdrawal from adults begins in early adolescence. Ln sixth grade, adults (excluding parents) account for only 25 percent of adolescent social networks. Another important characteristic of adolescent peer culture is its increasingly autonomous (鐧芥不鐨? function. While childhood peer groups are conducted under the close supervision of parents, adolescent peer groups typically make an effort to escape adult supervision and usually succeed in doing so.銆€銆€(Note: Answer t.he quesnons or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS.)銆€銆€81. "This pattern of age segregation" refers to the phenomenon that adolescents segregate themselves from銆€銆€82. Besides changes in theworkplace, are the other two factors contributing to adolescent peer culture.銆€銆€83. When do adolescents start to spend less time with adults?銆€銆€84. How do adolescent peer groups differ from childhood peer groups?銆€銆€绗琁I鍗?nbsp; 锛堝叡45鍒嗭級銆€銆€I锛嶵ranslation銆€銆€Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.銆€銆€1锛庡ス浜斿勾鍓嶅紑濮嬫媺灏忔彁鐞淬€?play)銆€銆€2锛庣敱浜庡ぉ姘旀伓鍔o紝鑸彮寤惰浜嗗ソ鍑犱釜灏忔椂銆?owing)銆€銆€3锛庢瘡浣嶈璁″笀閮藉笇鏈涜嚜宸辩殑浣滃搧鑳界粡鍙楁椂闂寸殑鑰冮獙銆?stand)銆€銆€4锛庤兘鍚︽姷寰$綉缁滄父鎴忕殑璇辨儜鏄憜鍦ㄤ腑瀛︾敓闈㈠墠鐨勪竴閬撻毦棰樸€?It)銆€銆€5锛庡湪灞曡浼氫笂锛屽叕鍙搁攢鍞粡鐞嗗睍绀轰簡瀛╁瓙浠繕棣栦互鐩肩殑鏂板瀷鐢靛瓙鐜╁叿銆?demonstrate)銆€銆€II锛嶨uided Writing銆€銆€Directions: Write an English composition in 120 - 150 words according to the instructions given銆€銆€below in Chinese.銆€銆€涓婂懆涓€锛屼綘鍦ㄤ竴鎵€灏忓瑙傛懇浜嗗皬濂冲Amy鎵€鍦ㄧ彮绾х殑涓ゅ爞缁樼敾璇撅紙濡傚浘鎵€绀猴級锛屽洖瀹跺悗浣犵敤鑻辫鍐欎簡涓€绡囨棩璁帮紝鍐呭鍖呮嫭锛?/p>銆€銆€鈼?nbsp; 瀵逛袱鍫傜粯鐢昏鐨勫叿浣撴弿杩帮紱銆€銆€鈼?nbsp; 浣犱粠涓幏寰楃殑鍚彂銆?/p>銆€銆€涓婃捣鑻辫鑻辫鍙傝€?/p>銆€銆€绗?鍗?/p>銆€銆€绗竴澶ч绗?鑷崇10灏忛锛屾瘡棰?鍒嗭紱绗?1鑷崇16灏忛锛屾瘡棰?鍒嗭紱绗?7鑷崇24灏忛锛屾瘡棰?鍒嗐€傚叡30鍒嗐€?/p>銆€銆€1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.D6.B7.A8.D9.C 10. A銆€銆€11.A 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.D 1 6.A銆€銆€17.History 18. HD3309 19.photography 20. Tuesday銆€銆€21. religions 22. good friends / more than friends /like a family銆€銆€23. their daughter 24. a simple smile銆€銆€绗簩澶ч姣忓皬棰?鍒嗐€傚叡25鍒嗐€?/p>銆€銆€25.B 26.C 27.B 28.D 29.C 30.A 31.A 32.D 33.A 34.C銆€銆€35.D 36.A 37.D 38.C 39.B 40.A 41.142.G 43.F 44.H銆€銆€45. C 46. E 47.D 48. J 49. B鐐瑰嚮涓嬭浇word鐗?/strong>鏇村2012涓婃捣楂樿€冪湡棰樺強鍙傝€冪瓟妗?/a>。

上海英语试卷解析-2022年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1.W: Can you describe what you do?M: I wash office building windows. I go high up in the basket to reach the windows. Q: What is the man's job?A. A basketball player.B. A laundry worker.C. A window washer.D. A rock climber【答案】C. A window washer.【解析】这是一道事实细节题。
关键词句:I wash office building windows;to reach the window.2.M: Should we go out or eat in tonight?W: I am too tired to do any cooking.Q: What does the woman imply?A.She is not hungry.B.She wants to cook.C.She is not tired.D.She wants to dine out.【答案】D. She wants to dine out.【解析】这是一道推理题。

)I. Listening ComprehensionPart A Short ConversationsDirections: In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each question, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers in your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. About 60. B. About 50.C. About 30.D. About 25.2. A. Her health. B. The class she missed.C. The coming examination.D. The difficult lessons.3. A. Making an appointment. B. Deciding what to do.C. Checking the time.D. Going to class.4. A. She wants him to stay longer.B. She wishes he had left sooner.C. She knows he must go soon.D. She wants him to go now.5. A. Mother and child. B. Manager and customer.C. Teacher and student.D. Boss and clerk.6. A. Mother and father. B. Teacher and student.C. Two friends.D. Parent and child.7. A. She wonders why they can’t go for a walk.B. She doesn’t want to go for a walk in the park.C. She doesn’t want to go out with the man.D. She thinks it’s a good idea.8. A. In the morning. B. At an early age.C. Half an hour ago.D. At six o’clock.9. A. In a park. B. In a museum.C. In a zoo.D. In a pet store.10. A. Because of the size. B. Because of the colour.C. Because of the material.D.Because of the style.Part B Longer ConversationsDirections: In Part B you will hear two longer conversations. After each conversation you will be asked two questions. The conversations will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 and 12 are based on the following conversation11. A. She can fix the loose connector.B. She’s annoyed by a strange noise.C. She doesn’t like the screen.D. Her computer doesn’t work.12. A. The man is going over to the woman’s place.B. The problem is solved.C. The man doesn’t know what’s wrong with the computer.D. The computer is completely broken.Questions 13 and 14 are based on the following conversation.13. A. A reporter. B. A school teacher.C. A traveler.D. A musician.14. A. To give more concerts. B. TO travel abroad.C. To run a special school.D. To perform more beautifully.Part C PassagesDirections: In Pat C, you will hear two short passages and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 15 through 17 are based on the following passage15. A. She caught a butterfly.B. She set a butterfly free.C. She saw a butterfly flying away.D. She changed a butterfly into a fairy.16. A. Letter her have any wish she would like.B. Letting her go anywhere she would like.C. Making her rich.D. Making her popular in the neighborhood.17. A. How to help others.B. The secret life of a young girl.C. The true meaning of happiness.D. Beauty brings happiness.Questions 18 through 20 are based on the following passage.18. A. Nurse. B. Doctors.C. Patients.D. Visitors.19. A. Having soft drinks.B. Listening to the hospital radio.C. Smoking in certain areas.D. Visiting patients in the morning.20. A. A music programme. B. A medical report.C. Hospital rules.D. A talk show.That’s the end of Listening ComprehensionII. GrammarDirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.21 The news that they failed their driving test discouraged him, ___?A. did theyB. didn't theyC. did itD. didn't it22. They are not very good, but we like___.A. anyway to play basketball with themB. to play basketball with them anywayC. to play with them basketball anywayD. with them to play basketball anyway23. My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon, so he ___ your lecture.A. couldn't have attendedB. needn't have attendedC. mustn't have attendedD. shouldn't have attended24. My uncle ___ until he was forty-five.A. marriedB. didn't marriedC. was not marryingD. would marry25. Not a single song ___ at yesterday's party.A. she sangB. sang sheC. did she singD. she did sing26. ___ of the land in that district ___ covered with trees and grass.A. Two fifth … isB. Two fifth … areC. Two fifths … isD. Two fifths … are27. ___ she couldn't understand was ___ fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons.A. What … whyB. That … whatC. What … becauseD. Why … that28. Recently I bought an ancient vase, ___ was very reasonable.A. which priceB. the price of whichC. its priceD. the price of those29. Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see ___.A. who is heB. who he isC. who is itD. who it is30. She found her calculator ___ she lost it.A. whereB. whenC. in whichD. that31. He sent me an e-mail, ___ to get further information.A. hopedB. hopingC. to hope D hope32. I know nothing about the young lady ___ she is from Beijing.A. exceptB. except forC. except thatD. besides33. What he has down is far from ___.A. satisfactoryB. satisfiedC. satisfaction D satisfy34. You're standing too near the camera. Can you move ___?A. a bit farB. a little fartherC. a bit of fartherD. a little far35. Greenland, ___ island in the world, covers over two million square kilometres.A. it is the largestB. that is the largestC. is the largestD. the largest36. If only he ___ quietly as the doctor instructed, he wouldn't suffer so much now.A. liesB. layC. had lainD. shouldn't lie37. in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.A. Being foundedB. It was foundedC. FoundedD. Founding38. An awful accident ___, however, occur the other day.A. doesB. didC. has toD. had to39. The ___ boy was last seen ___ near the East Lake.A. missing … playingB. missing … playC. missed … playedD. missed … to play40. Tony was very unhappy for ___ to the party.A. having not been invitedB. not having invitedC having not invited D. not having been invited41 --- Shall I help you with that suitcase?--- ___.A. It's all right, thanks.B. Yes, go ahead please.C. I don't want to trouble you too much.D. No, please don't do it.42 --- You've given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs. Wang.--- ____.A. Oh, I'm afraid I didn't cook very well.B. I'm glad you enjoyed itC. Come again when you are free.D. it's not necessary for you to say so43 ---do you mind if I keep pets in that building?---____.A. I'd rather you didn't, actually.B. Of course not, it's not allowed there.C. Great! I love pets.D. No, you can't.44---I don't have any change with me. Will you pay the fare for me?---____.A. That's fineB. Nothing seriousC. Never mindD. No problem45 ---I didn't know that was a one-way street, officer.---____.A. That's all rightB. I don't believe youC. How dare you say thatD. Sorry, but that's no excuseIII. VocabularyDirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.46. The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a(n)____ of courage and power.A. exampleB. signC. markD. symbol47. We volunteered to collect money to help the ____ of the earthquake.A. victimsB. folksC. fellowsD. villagers48 If you don't take away all your things from the desk, there won't be enough____for my stationery.A. areaB. placeC. roomD. surface49. It is widely accepted that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to ____.A. rewardB. prizesC. awardsD. results50. I wrote him a letter to show my____ of his thoughtfulness.A. achievementB. agreementC. attentionD. appreciation51 One of the advantages of living on the top of the floor of a highrise is that you can get a good ___.A. sightB. sceneC. viewD. look52. ---Excuse me, may I ask you some questions?---Sorry, I'm too busy and haven't a minute to ____.A. spendB. spareC. shareD. stop53. Although the working mother is very busy, she still____ a lot of time to her children.A. devotesB. spendsC. offersD. provides54. When I opened the door, a parcel on the floor ____my eye.A. metB. caughtC. drewD. attracted55. After the president made an official announcement, she expressed her ____opinion.A. personalB. privateC. singleD. individual56. Alice laid her baby on the sofa____ and wrapped it with a blanket.A. silentlyB. tenderlyC. friendlyD. comfortably57. Fred is second to none in maths in our class, but believe it or not, he ____passed the last exam.A. easilyB. hardlyC. actuallyD. successfully58. Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercises. _____, our minds are developed by learning.A. ProbablyB. LikelyC. SimilarlyD. Generally59. He holds an important position in that company; ______, I don't quite trust him.A. ThusB. FurthermoreC. OtherwiseD. Nevertheless60.If you had _____your test paper carefully before handing it in, you would have made fewer mistakes.A. looked upB. thought aboutC. gone overD. gone roundIV. ClozeDirections: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.(A)Bedtime stories are one of the delights of early childhood. But according to Dr. Julie Spreadbury from Queensland University, parent should not _61__ up reading to their children_62__they enter primary school. She says listening to, reading and discussing the stories help children's_63_."My_64__ indicates that once children can read themselves, most parent stop reading_65__them," Dr. Spreadbury says."_66__may be at the end of year 1,which is far too_67__."Dr. Spreadbury says _68_reading not only gives children a good start at school. But brings parents and children closer."that makes it _69__for them to open up and talk to parents about things that worrying them, or things they are _70__ in their everyday life."61. A. speed B. keep C. give D. hold62. A. after B. until C. if D. unless63. A. thinking B. comprehension C. relaxation D. development64. A. theory B. research C. story D. decision65. A. about B. from C. to D. through66. A. Some B. Most C. They D. That67. A. difficult B. early C. much D. informal68. A. daily B. healthy C. fast D. bedtime69. A. easier B. funnier C. rarer D. clearer70. A. reading B. promising C. celebrating D. receiving(B)Chinese scientists are again becoming excited about the fact that a large hairy animal may live in central China. Now they hope it won't be too long before they are able to _71_its existence. Their confidence is the _72_of a new discovery of the mystery animal in Hubei Province.Ten Chinese _73__, enjoying a holiday in a National Forest Park, were driving down a road. As their bus turned a corner, the men were suddenly _74_by what they saw. Three_75_animals, covered with longblack hair, were crossing the road. On seeing the animal, the engineers immediately stopped and _76_them. _77_, when they saw how the animals moved through the forest with great_78_ and strength, they did not dare to follow any further.The men did not take any _79_. However, scientists are_80_ by the discovery, because the engineers were all very educated people and scientists feel they can _81_What they described.After the discovery, scientists returned to the forest and_82_some hair and measured footprints. About 20 inches appears to be the animal's foot! Chinese scientists have now set up a special group to exchange information and make a_83_of the forest. But in the meantime, some people_84_to believe that that half-man, half-monkey exists. They will not believe that it is _85_until one of the animals have been caught.71. A. prove B. analyze C. protect D. check72. A. basis B. requirement C. result D. preparation73. A. travellers B. engineers C. scientists D. explorers74. A. frightened B. amazed C. upset D. inspired75. A. trained B. projected C. tall D. violent76. A. shot at B. looked at C. fought with D. ran after77. A. However B. Indeed C. Meanwhile D. Anyway78. A. difficult B. speed C. care D. pleasure79. A. bullets B. tools C. medicines D. photographs80. A. surprised B. delighted C. disturbed D. supported81. A. rely on B. deal with C. write down D. pass on82. A. cut B. pulled C. collected D. tore83. A. film B. tour C. choice D. study84. A. come B. refuse C. prefer D. have85. A. wrong B. alive C. real D.correctIV. Reading ComprehensionDirections: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)The famous director of a big and expensive movie planned to film a beautiful sunset over the ocean, so that the audiences could see his hero and heroine in front of it at the end of the film as they said goodbye to each other for ever. He sent camera crew out one evening to film the sunset for him.The next morning he said to the men, "Have you provided me with that sunset? ""No, Sir," the men answered.The director was angry. "Why not? " he asked."Well, Sir, " one of the men answered, "we are on the east coast here, and the sun sets in the west. We can get you a sunrise over the sea, if necessary, but not a sunset.""But I want a sunset!" the director shouted. "Go to the airport, take the next flight to the west coast, and get one. "But then a young secretary had an idea. "Why don't you photograph a sunrise, " she suggested, "and then play it backwards? Then it'll look like a sunset.""That's a very good idea! " the director said. Then he turned to the camera crew and said, "Tomorrow morning I want you to get me a beautiful sunrise over the sea. "The camera crew went out early the next morning and filmed a bright sunrise over the beach in the middle of a beautiful bay(海湾). Then at nine o'clock they took it to the director. "Here it is, Sir, " they said, and give it to him. He was very pleased.They all went into the studio(摄影棚). "All right, " the director explained, "now our hero and heroine are going to say goodbye. Run the film backwards so that we can see the 'sunset' behind them. "The "sunset" began, but after a quarter of a minute, the director suddenly put his face in his hands and shouted to the camera crew to stop.The birds in the file were flying backwards, and the waves on the sea were going away from the beach.86.One evening, the director sent his camera crew out____.A. to watch a beautiful sunsetB. to find an actor and an actressC. to film a scene on the seaD. to meet the audience87.Why did the director want to send his crew to the west coast?A. Because he changed his mind about getting a sunsetB. Because he was angry about his crewC. Because it was his secretary's suggestion.D. Because he wanted to get a scene of sunset88.Which of the following is NOT true?A. The crew had to follow the secretary's advice.B. If you want to see a sunrise, the east coast is a place to go.C. The camera crew wasn't able to film the scene the first dayD. The director ordered his crew to stop filming the "sunset"89 The director wanted to film a sunset over the ocean because_____.A. it went well with the separation of the hero and heroineB. when they arrived at the beach it was already in the eveningC. it was more moving than a sunriseD. the ocean looked more beautiful at sunset90.After the "sunset" began, the director suddenly put his face in his hands____.A. because he was moved to tearsB. as he saw everything in the film moving backwardsC. as the sunrise did not look as beautiful as he had imaginedD. because he was disappointed with the performance of the hero and the heroine(B)I came to study in the United States a year ago. Yet I did not know the American society until I was injured in a car accident because after the accident I had to see a doctor-and go to court(法庭).After the accident, my roommate called a doctor for me. I was very grateful and determined to repay him one day. But the next day, he asked me to pay him $200 for what he had done. I was astonished. He had good reason to charge me, he said. And if I wanted to collect money from the person who was responsible for my injury, I'd have to have a good lawyer. Now that he had helped me to find a good doctor, it was only fair that I should pay him.But every time I went to see the doctor, I had to wait about 50 minutes. He would see two or three patients at the same time, and often stop treating one so as to see another. Yet he charged me $115 each time. The final examination report consisted of ten lines, and it cost me $215.My lawyer was all smiles the first time we met. But after that he avoided seeing me at all. he knew very well the other party was responsible for the accident, yet he hardly did anything. He simply waited to collect his money. He was so irresponsible that I decided to dismiss(解雇)him. And he made me pay him $770.Now I had to act as my own lawyer. Due to my inexperience, I told the insurance the date I was leaving America. Knowing that, they played for time, … and I left without getting a cent.My experiences taught me two things about America: firstly, in a country like America money is everything. It is more important than friendship honour or professional morality(职业道德). Secondly, foreigners are still being unfairly treated. So when we talk about America, we should see both its good and bad sides.91.The author's roommate offered to help him because_____.A. he felt sorry for the authorB. he thought it was a chance to make some moneyC. he knew the doctor was a very good oneD. he wanted the author to have a good lawyer92. A good doctor is essential for the author to____.A. be properly treatedB. talk with the person responsible for the accidentC. recover before he leaves AmericaD. eventually get the responsible party to pay for his injury93.The word " charge " in the passage means____.A. be responsibleB. accuseC. ask as a priceD. claim94.both the doctor and the lawyer in that passage are very___.A. friendlyB. greedyC. professionalD. busy95.What conclusion can you draw from that story?A. Going to court is something every common in AmericaB. One must be very careful while driving a carC. There are more bad sides in America than good sidesD. Money is more important than other things in the US(C)Laptop(便携式)computers are popular all over the world. People use them on trains and airplanes, in airports and hotels. These laptop connect people to their work place. In the United States today, laptops also connect students to their classrooms.Westlake College in Virginia will start a laptop computer programthat allows students to do school work anywhere they want. Withinfive years, each of the 1,500 students at the college will receive a laptop. The laptops are a part of a $10million computer program at Westlake, a 110-year old college. The students with laptops will also have access to the Internet. In addition, they will be able to use e-mail to "speak" with their tethers, their classmates, and their families. However, the most important part of the laptop program is that students will be able to use computers without going to computer labs. They can work with it at home, in a fast-food restaurant or under the trees-anywhere at all!Because of the many changes in computer technology, laptop use in higher education, such as colleges and universities, is workable. As laptops become more powerful, they become more similar to desktop computers. In addition, the portable computers can connect students to not only Internet, but also libraries and other resources. State higher-education officials are studying how laptops can help students. State Officials also are testing laptop programs at other universities, too.At Westlake College, more than 60 percent of the staff use the computers. The laptops will allow all teachers to use computers in their lessons. As one Westlake teacher said, "Here we are in themiddle of Virginia and we're giving students a window on the world. They can see everything and do everything. "96 The main purpose of the laptop program is to give each student a laptop to____.A. use for their schoolworkB. access the InternetC. work at homeD. connect them to libraries97 Why is the word "speak" in the second paragraph in quotation mark?A. They don't really talkB. They use the computer languageC. Laptops have speakersD. None of the above reasons is correct98 Which of the following is true about Westlake College?A. All teachers use computersB. 1,500 students have laptopsC. It is an old college in AmericaD. Students there can do everything99. A window on the world in the last paragraph means that students can____.A. attend lectures on information technologyB. travel around the worldC. get information from around the worldD. have free laptops100. What can we infer(推断)passage?A. The program is successfulB. The program is not workableC. The program is too expensiveD. We don't know the result yet(D)Most people feel lonely sometimes, but it usually only lasts between a few minutes and a few hours. that kind of loneliness is not serious. In fact, it is quite normal. For some people, though,loneliness can last for yeas. Now researchers say there are three different types of loneliness.The first kind of loneliness is temporary(暂时地). that is the most common type. It usually disappears quickly and does not require any special attention. The second kind, situational loneliness, is a natural result of a particular situation-for example, family problem, the death of a loved one, or moving to a new place. Although that kind of loneliness can cause physical problems, such as headaches and sleeplessness, it usually does not last for more than a year.The third kind of loneliness is the most severe. Unlike the second type, chronic(长期地)usually lasts more than two years and has no specific cause. People who experience habitual loneliness have problems socializing and becoming close to others. Unfortunately, many chronically lonely people think there is little or nothing they can do to improve their condition.Psychologists agree that one important factor in loneliness is a person's social contacts, e.g. friends, family members, co-workers, etc. we depend on various people for different reasons. For instance, our families give us emotional support, our parents and teachers give us guidance, and our friends share similar interests and activities. However, psychologists have found that, though lonely people may have many social contacts, they sometimes feel they should have more. They question their popularity.Psychologists are trying to find ways to help habitually lonely people for two reasons: they are unhappy and unable to socialize and there is a connection between chronic loneliness and serious illness such as heart disease. While temporary and situational loneliness can be normal, healthy part of life, chronic loneliness can be a sad, and sometimes dangerous condition.101.How would you treat temporary loneliness according to the passage?A. Talk to friendsB. Just ignore itC. Go to see a doctorD. Ask your teachers for guidance102."It" in the last sentence of the second paragraph refers to_____.A. temporary lonelinessB. situational lonelinessC. a new placeD sleeplessness103.The topic of the 4th paragraph is that____.A. one problem of loneliness is a person's social contactsB. we depend on various person for different reasonsC. lonely people don't have many social problemsD. lonely people don't have many friends104. Why do psychologists want to help chronically lonely people?A. Chronic loneliness can cause family problemsB. Chronic loneliness can cause serious illnessC. Chronic loneliness can not be overcomeD. A, B and C are all correct105 What is the best title for the passage?A. Three Kinds of LonelinessB. Loneliness and DiseasesC. Loneliness and Social ContactsD. Chronic LonelinessI. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases given in the brackets.1. 让我们利用这次长假去香港旅游。

高考英语试题上海版及答案一、听力部分(共30分)1. 听短对话,选择最佳答案(每题1分,共10分)- 例题:What is the man going to do?A. Go to the library.B. Go to the cinema.C. Go to the concert.- 答案:A2. 听长对话,选择最佳答案(每题2分,共10分)- 例题:What does the woman suggest the man do?A. Take a break.B. Work overtime.C. Ask for help.- 答案:C3. 听短文,选择最佳答案(每题3分,共10分)- 例题:What is the main idea of the passage?A. The importance of teamwork.B. The benefits of technology.C. The impact of climate change.- 答案:A二、阅读理解(共40分)1. 阅读理解A(每题2分,共10分)- 例题:According to the passage, what is the author's opinion on the issue?A. Positive.B. Negative.C. Neutral.- 答案:A2. 阅读理解B(每题2分,共10分)- 例题:What does the word "innovative" in the second paragraph mean?A. Creative.B. Traditional.C. Conservative.- 答案:A3. 阅读理解C(每题2分,共20分)- 例题:What is the best title for the passage?A. The Power of Imagination.B. The Role of Technology in Education.C. The Impact of Social Media on Youth.- 答案:B三、完形填空(共20分)- 例题:In the passage, the word "challenges" is most closely related to which of the following?A. Opportunities.B. Problems.C. Solutions.- 答案:B四、语法填空(共10分)- 例题:The scientist, _______ (who/that/which) we interviewed last week, is now working on a new project.答案:who五、短文改错(共10分)- 例题:I have been studying English for two years, and I have made a lot of progress. (指出并改正错误)答案:将 "I have been studying" 改为 "I have studied"六、书面表达(共30分)- 题目:请以“My Hometown”为题写一篇短文,描述你的家乡以及你与家乡的联系。

2023年上海高考英语试卷第I卷(选择题)一、选用适当的单词或短语补全短文Directions:Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box.Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A.benefitB.displayedC.documentationD.elegantlyE.improbableF.intrusivebelH.lessenI.massiveJ.positivelyK.promotionalNorway’s new law on edited photosA new law in Norway makesit illegal for advertisers and social media influencers to share ____1____ photos online without disclosing whether the images were altered.It modifies the 2009 Marketing and Control Act and sets to go into effect when the King of Norway decides it should.The law concerns advertisers and people who receive “paymentor other ____2____” in exchange for their posts. It will impact “brands, companies, and influencers’ sponsored posts,” and concerns posts on all social media sites.The new law requires disclosures for edits made after the image was taken and before, such as Snapchat and Instagram filters that mod ify one’s appearance. Examples of edits thatpeople who are being paid for pictures are required to ____3____include “enlarged lips, narrowed waists, and exaggerated muscles,” among other things.Body pressure, or “kroppspress” in Norway, is a major topic of conversation in the country, the Ministry of Children and Family Affairs said in its report. “Young people are exposed to a(n)____4____ pressure to look good through advertising and social media, and the models ____5____ are often digitally retouched, which exposes young people to an ideal of beauty that is impossible to achieve.”By prohibiting advertisers and influencers from posting such photos without proper ____6____ with a government-authorized stamp, the Ministry said it hopes to____7____ the negative impacts of body pressure on young people. “It is especially important to prevent the desire to make more ____8____ and long-lasting changes in one’s own look,” the Ministry said. Some of Norway’s top influencers have already thought ____9____ about th e new law, “Young people today are growing up to a completely _____10_____ beauty ideal,” Husebye, who was awarded “Influencer of the Year”,said “I feel that the new law can only help them to understand that this is not how you look, but it has been edited.”二、阅读理解There have been many great violinists but none could hold a candle to Kuznetsov, a miraculous young Russian. On his emergence while still in his teens, his playing was filled with timeless wisdom beyond his years; he now holds the stage with immense authority. So it comes no surprise that he is about to add a new string to his bow. When he performs with the English Chamber Orchestra, it will be as both soloist(独奏者)and conductor. “It’s something I’ve often thought about,” he says.Other musicians who have traded the bow or piano for the baton(指挥棒)have failed; the transition is not easy, of which he is aware. “The most crucial thing is the human chemistry between conductor and players. You must avoid at all costs being an outsider, as though saying to the orchestra, ‘You make your music while I imagine mine.’”He is quite relaxed about not yet having his own hand-language —every conductor is different. Kuznetsov believes the connection between notes is not just physical, but also spiritual. Spirituall y is, for Kuznetsov, the conductor’s key characteristic. “And it should ideally be expressed through beauty of movement,” he says. Some conductors threwthemselves about, others hardly move a muscle. Where will Kuznetsov fit on that scale? “We must wait and see,” he says.Kuznetsov himself moved straight as an arrow toward his goal. His father was an oboist(双簧管演奏者)and his mother conducted a choir, but at the age of four, young Leonid settled on the violin. “The violin is located at the front of the orchestra. It seemed very desirable to sit there and show off.” He gave his first concert at the age of five. “When I went on stage, I bowed so deeply and so long that he audience laughed —but I knew that this was what great artists always did. I felt it was an honour for the audience to listen to me.” His programme that day included Paganini variations, “which were very easy for me.”What is his view now of the recordings he made at that age? “I didn’t have the technique I have now but across the years the intuition has not changed. I still feel every time I go on stage as though I’m newborn.”Kuznetsov cautiously paces his own development. He didn’t give his first performance of Beethoven’s Violin Concerto until he felt ready for it, and he’ll let Bach’s works sta y in his mind for some years.One of Kuznetsov’s admirers wonders whether he is in danger of not hanging onto “the fearlessness of youth.” On the evidence of Kuznetsov’s bravely assured new interpretation of the Brahms Concerto, which he plays on a new CD release, I’d say that his fearlessness is in no danger yet.11.Kuznetsov think _________ is most important in conducting.A.the conductor’s and the orchestra’s knowledge of the compositionB.whether the conductor has cooperated with the players beforeC.the understanding between the conductor and the orchestraD.the players’ recognition of the conductor12.What can be learned about Kuznetsov from the passage?A.He didn’t start to play the violin until five.B.He plans so give Bach’s works a try first.C.He isn’t as enthusiastic as before about the violin.D.He was confident while giving his first concert.13.What can be inferred from the passage?A.Violin players are usually those who like to show off in an orchestra.B.It’s easy for piano or violin player s to become conductors.C.Kuznetsov hasn’t decided which conductor’s hand-language to follow.D.The writer thinks highly of Kuznetsov’s performance as a conductor.14.What is the passage mainly about?A.A violinist’s understanding of music.B.Kuznetsov’s efforts that have led to his success.C.A violinist’s new attempts in his musical ambitions.D.Kuznetsov’s insight into how techniques matter in performance.Jackson & Brown LtdHead Office, Bradford House,234 Manning-ham Road Bolton BL3 5QSt: 01204 249241 f: 01204 7900611 June 2020Dear ColleagueRe: __60___I am writing to make you ware of some forthcoming changes to the payment dates for your salary. During the past few weeks,we have been discussing with your trade union representatives our intention to change the frequency of the payment of your salary from monthly to every four weeks. The reason for this change is to enable us to improve the efficiency of the payroll system and to make it easier for you to understand what you have been paid.On Thursday 30 August, you will be paid your monthly basic pay up to and including 31 August. The last Thursday in the month is the normal monthly pay day. On 13 September, you will be paid basic pay up to and including 14 September. You will then be paid again 4 weeks later on 11 October, for time up to 12 October. The timetable of 4-weekly payments for the remainder of the financial year is listedbelow:8 November31 January6December28 February3January 202128 MarchI understand that the transfer to a four-weekly pay cycle may cause some of you disruption to your monthly pay routines, for example mortgage(按揭)or rent repayments. In recognition of this initial disturbance and to assist you through this time, we are offering a-loan facility for a maximum of three weeks' wages (net pay), for those who may find it difficult to budget for this change. I have enclosed a form detailing this loan. Please ensure you complete and return the form by 30 June if you wish to take advantage of this offer. If you choose to use the loan facility, this will be paid on 13 September.Of course, should you wish to discuss the contents of this letter, your line manager will have further information. If you still have any concerns or you have a personal query you wish to discuss, then from 13 June until1 July you can call the following number: 01204 249259.I hope that this letter clarifies the changes for you and would like to take this opportunity to thank you in advance for your co-operation. Further information to explain how your new payslip will look will be available over the coming months.Yours sincerelyTina GreyGroup General Manager, Personnel Services15.Which of the following best fits the blank labeled with "60" in the paragraph?A.Notice of pay riseB.Changes to pay cyclermation of payD.Cancellation of payslips16.According to the e-mail, which of the following statements is true?A.The company's financial year ends every MarchB.It's not easy to understand the new payment system.C.The system of 4-weekly payments is thought inefficient.D.Employees will be paid on the last Thursday of the month.17.Which of the following statements is true of the loan facility?A.Employees can apply through the hotline available until 1 July.B.Everyone can apply for a loan that equals four week's wages.C.The applicants will receive the loan every month.D.The deadline for the application is 30 June.A new survey by Harvard University finds more than two-thirds of young Americans disapprove of President Trump’s use of Twitter. The implication is that Millennials prefer news from the White House to be filtered through other source, not a president’s social media platform.Most Americans rely on social media to check daily headlines. Yet as distrust has risen toward all media, people may be starting to beef up their media literacy. Such a trend is badly needed. During the 2016 presidential campaign, nearly a quarter of web content shared by Twitter users in the politically critical state of Michigan was fake news, according to the University of Oxford. And a survey conducted for BuzzFeed News found 44 percent of Facebook users rarely or never trust news from the media giant.Young people who are digital natives are indeed becoming more skillful at separating fact from fiction in cyberspace. A Knight Foundation focus-group survey of young people between ages 14 and 24 found they use “distributed trust” to verify stories. They cross-check sources and prefer news from different perspectives---especially those that are open about any bias(偏向). “Many young people assume a great deal of personal responsibility for educating themselves andactively seeking out opposing viewpoints,” th e survey concluded.Such active research can have another effect. A 2014 survey conducted in Australia, Britain, and the United States by the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that young people’s reliance on social media led to greater political engagement.Social media allows users to experience news events more intimately(密切地) and immediately while also permitting them to re-share news as a projection of their values and interests. This forces users to be more conscious of their role in passing along information. A survey by Barna research group found the top reason given by Americans for the fake news phenomenon is “reader error,” more so than made-up stories or factual mistakes in reporting. About a third say the problem of fake news lies in “misinte rpretation or exaggeration of actual news” via social media. In other words, the choice to share news on social media may be the heart of the issue. “This indicates there is a real personal responsibility in counteracting(抵制) this problem,” says Roxanne Stone, editor in chief at Barna Group.So when young people are critical of an over-tweetingpresident, they reveal a mental discipline in thinking skills---and in their choices on when to share on social media.18.According to the Paragraphs 1 and 2, many young Americans cast doubts on ________.A.the justification of the news-filtering practiceB.peoples preference for social media platformsC.the administration’s ability to handle informationD.the reliability of social media as a source of news19.According to the Knight Foundation survey, young people ________.A.prefer biased perspectives on newsB.tend to voice their opinions in cyberspaceC.check out news by referring to diverse resourcesD.like to exchange views through “distributed trust”20.The Barna survey found that a main cause for the fake news problem is ________.A.readers’ lack of knowledgeB.journalists’ mistaken reportingC.readers’ misinterpretationD.journalists’ made-up stories21.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?A.A Rise in Critical Skills for Sharing News OnlineB.A Counteraction Against the Over-tweeting TrendC.The Accumulation of Mutual Trust on Social MediaD.The Platforms for Projection of Personal Values and InterestsHOW TO GET A PAY RAISEAdvice from organizational psychologist Liane Davey, author of You First: Inspire Your Team to Grow Up, Get Along, and Get Stuff Done.CHOOSE YOUR MOMENT“Tie the timing of your request for a raise to positive results. If you have a notable success in the middle of the year, start the discussion soon afterwards. Even if the pay cycle means the raise cannot happen for some time you will have seeded the conversation at a moment when your manager is feeling positively inclined towards you.”KNOW YOUR WORTH“Befo re making your request, write down a list of your accomplishments, and ask a trusted confidant what you bring to the team—particularly what is unique about your contribution—to ensure you get a comprehensive list. Be prepared to talk about the impact you have, rather than effort alone, as this is what makes your case for a raise compelling.”PLAY IT COOL“In difficult conversations, your tone and body language are especially important. Go in calmly and projecting that you believe you are adding value. Don’t under-do it by dropping eye contact or making yourself smaller. But don’t over-do it by raising your chin too high or making statements you don’t intend to follow through—that will destroy your credibility.”SK FOR CLARITY“If you are unsuccessful, first find out why your request was denied. Do not let your manager get away with a superficial answer such as “we don’t have the budget”-there is always budget, so ask what else took priority. Next, ask what specific actions you can take that will make you more likely to be given a pay raise in thefuture.”BE FLEXIBLE“Remember that pay is only one way your company can demonstrate your value. Some companies have little room for pay raises, but more room to negotiate on annual leave, flexible hours or working from home. If your efforts to get a rise are unsuccessful, do not give up without first searching for alternative sources of value.”22.Which of the following actions may hurt your credibility?A.Proposing your pay raise request at a wrong time.B.Making a list of your efforts rather than impacts.C.Making statements that you won’t follow through.D.Asking what specific actions will ensure a pay raise.23.According to the passage, all of the following are alternative sources of value except ______.A.more annual leaveB.free medical checkupsC.flexible working hoursD.the possibility of home-officing24.______ will help you clearly understand the company’s priority that will secure a pay raise.A.Knowing your worthB.Playing it coolC.Asking for clarityD.Being flexibleWhat would the world be if there were no hunger? It’s a question that the late ecologist Donella Meadows would ask her students at Dartmouth College back in the 1970s. She set out to create a global movement. The result—an approach known as systems thinking—is now seen as essential in meeting big global challenges.Systems thinking is crucial to achieving targets such as zero hunger and better nutrition because it requires considering the way in which food is produced, processed, delivered and consumed, and looking at how those things relate with human health, the environment, economics and society. According to systems thinking, changing the food system—or any other network—requires three things to happen. First, researchers need to identify all the players in that system; second, they must work out how they relate to each other; and third, theyneed to understand and quantify the impact of those relationships on each other and on those outside the system. Take nutrition for example. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization tracked 150 biochemicals in food and various databases, which revealed the relationships between calories, sugar, fat, vitamins and the occurrence of common diseases. But using machine learning and artificial intelligence, network scientists propose that human diets consist of at least 26,000 biochemicals and that the vast majority are not known. This shows that we have some way to travel before achieving the first objective of systems thinking—which, in this example, is to identify more constituent parts of the nutrition system.A systems approach to creating change is also built on the assumption that everyone in the system has equal power and status. But the food system is not an equal one. There have been calls for a World Food and Nutrition Organization, so that legally binding policies can be applied to all its members. Another way to address power imbalances is for more universities to do what Meadows did and teach students how to think using a systems approach.A team of researchers has done just that, through theInterdisciplinary Food Systems Teaching and Learning program. Students from disciplines including agriculture, ecology and economics learn together by drawing on their collective expertise in tackling real-world problems, such as how to reduce food waste. Since its launch in 2015, the program has trained more than 1,500 students from 45 university departments.More researchers, policymakers and representatives from the food industry must learn to look beyond their direct lines of responsibility and embrace a systems approach, as the editors of Nature Food advocate in their launch editorial. Meadows knew that visions alone don’t produce results, but concluded that “we’ll never produce results that we can’t envision”.25.The passage is mainly about ________.A.how to conduct research efficientlyB.how to build a world food organizationC.an approach to solving real-world problemD.an approach to applying scientific findings26.According to paragraph 3, the study conducted by networkscientists revealed that ________.A.artificial intelligence is more useful than traditional methodsB.achieving systems thinking requires identifying more componentsC.we are unable to gain thorough understanding of our nutritious systemD.some biochemicals are related with the occurrence of common diseases27.According to the passage, what do we know about the Interdisciplinary Food Systems Teaching and Learning program?A.It is the only way of solving imbalance in our food system.B.It aims to urge the governments to carry out its food policies.C.It seeks to solve theoretical issues about food and nutritionD.It has cultivated many interdisciplinary talents since its launch.28.What can be inferred from the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?A.Results can’t be produced.B.Vision brings about change.C.Action matters more than saying.D.Systems thinking is too difficult to realize.三、六选四Phys ed (physical education) is making a comeback as a part of the school core curriculum, but with a difference.____29____Instead of learning how to climb a rope, children are taught to lift weights, balance their diets and build physical endurance. In this way, kids are given the tools and skills and experiences so they can lead a physically active life the rest of their life.____30____In many cases, that may mean not just replacing the old gym-class model with fitness programs but also starting up phys ed programs because school boards often “put P.E. on the chopping block, cutting it entirely or decreasing its teachers or the days it is offered,” says Alicia Moag-Stahlberg, the executive director of Action for Health Kids. The difference in phys ed programs is partly due to the lack of a national standard. “Physical educationneeds to be part of the core curriculum,” she added.The wisdom of the new approach has some scientific support. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin have showed how effective the fit-for-life model of gym class can be.____31____ The researchers also found that teaching sports like football resulted in less overall movement, partly because some reluctant students were able to sit on the bench. Another problem with simply teaching group sports in gym class is that only a small percentage of students continue playing them after graduating from high school. ____32____A.The new method teaches skills that translate to adulthood.B.While group sports are still part of the curriculum, the new way is to teach skills that are useful beyond gym class.C.Research shows that fit kids learn best, and that exercise has a positive impact on brain chemistry and function.D.Health and physical education provides students with the knowledge, skills and attitude necessary to create and maintain a healthy lifestyle.E.They observed how 50 overweight children lost more weight when they cycled and skied cross-country than when they played sports.F.Considering that 15 percent of American children aged 6 to18 are overweight, supporters say more money and thought must be put into phys ed curriculum.第II卷(非选择题)请点击修改第II卷的文字说明四、完形填空Transition. It’s a pleasant word and a calming concept. It means going surely and sweetly from somewhere present to somew here future. Unless, that is, it is newspapers’ ‘transition’ to the ___33___ world, an uncertain and highly uncomfortable process.Just look at the latest print circulation figures. The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian and many of the rest are down overall between 8% and 10% year-on-year, but their websites go ever higher.All of that may well be true, depending on timing, geography and more. ___34___, everyone— from web academics to print analysis—says so. Yet pause for a while and count a few little things t hat don’t ___35___.One is the magazine world, both in the UK and in the US. It ought to be ___36___, wrecked by the move to the tabletswhich fit existing magazine page sizes so perfectly. But, in fact, the rate of decline in magazine purchasing is relatively small, with subscriptions holding up strongly and advertising remarkable ___37___.As for news and current affairs magazines —which you’d expect to find in the eye of the digital storm — they had a 8.4% increase to report. In short, on both sides of the Atlantic, although some magazine areas went down, many showed rapid growth.You can discover a ___38___ phenomenon when it comes to books, Kindle and similar e-readers are booming, with sales up massively this year. The apparent first step of transition couldn’t be ___39___. Yet, when booksellers examined the value of the physical books they sold over the last six months, they found it just 0.4% down. Screen or paper, then? It wasn’t one or the other: it was ___40___.So if sales in that area have fallen so little, perhaps the ___41___ mostly affects newspapers? Yet again, though, the messages are oddly ____42____. The latest survey of trends by the World Association of Newspapers shows that global circulation rose 1.1% last year (to 812 million copies a day). Sales in the West dropped back but Asia more than____43____ the difference.Already 360 US papers—including most of the biggest and best — have built paywalls around their products. However, the best way of attracting a paying readership appears to be a deal that offers the print copy and digital access as some kind of ____44____ package.____45____, print is also a crucial tool in selling internet subscriptions. And its advertising rates raise between nine and ten times more money than online.Of course this huge difference isn’t ____46____ news for newspaper companies, as maintaining both an active website and an active print edition is difficult, complex and expensive. But newspaper brands still have much of their high profile in print: a drift on the web, the job of just being ____47____ becomes far harder.33.A.publishing B.online C.ideal D.unknown34.A.On the other handB.After allC.To begin withD.For instance35.A.stop B.exist C.emerge D.fit36.A.regulated B.advancing C.collapsing D.minimized37.A.solid B.simple C.creative D.changeable38.A.cultural mon C.scientific D.similarter B.harder C.clearer D.slower40.A.all B.neither C.both D.either41.A.service B.system C.crisis D.figure42.A.right B.vague C.designed D.mixed43.A.made up B.told apart C.took over D.held on44.A.joint B.mysterious C.modern plex45.A.In other wordsB.On the contraryC.What’s moreD.Even so46.A.new B.sad C.big D.good47.A.spared B.updated C.noticed D.edited五、用单词的适当形式完成短文Directions:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.Ancient Whale Skeleton Holds Clues to Climate ChangeA whale skeleton thought to be up to 5000 years old has been discovered, almost perfectly preserved, by researchers in Thailand.The skeleton, believed ____48____ (be) a Bryde’s whale, was found in Samut Sakhon, west of Bangkok. Researchers have excavated (挖掘) 80% of the remains and so far have identified nine complete vertebrae (椎骨), five ribs, shoulder blade and fins. The skeleton ____49____ (measure) 12 metres, with a skull that is 3 metres long.The bones will be carbon dated to identify their age, but it is thought that they are ____50____ 3000 and 5000 years old. Bryde’s whales are still found in Thailand’s waters, ____51____ they are considered a protected species. The whales—which prefer waters above 16℃ and feed on schooling fish such as anchovies—face threats from fishing equipment ____52____ tourism.The remains, which were found about 12 kilometres inland, will help scientists understand the evolution of the species, and track ____53____ sea levels have changed over thousandsof years.Marcus Chua, of the National University of Singapore, said the discovery adds to evidence of “relatively large sea level changes around 6000 years to 3000 years ago in the Gulf of Thailand, where the shoreline was up to tens of kilometres inland in comparison to the present coast.”Previously, only marine deposits ____54____ (contain) small fossilised marine shells or crabs had been found inland, and it was not clear ____55____ those fossils had been moved by humans, said Chua. “A large subfossil whale dated thousands of years ago near Bangkok would provide strong evidence of where the sea was during that time.” he said.Such evidence is highly relevant, given that the climate crisis is contributing to risi ng sea levels. “This ____56____ certainly bring attention to the issue, and show how and where low-lying areas was flooded,” said Chua.The discovery will also help deepen researchers’ understanding of the Bryde’s whale, and other marine life. Alongside the skeleton, researchers found preserved items including shark teeth and shells. “Scientists could also study the deposits ____57____ (find) at the same level as the whale to reconstruct the biological communities present。
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2018 年上海高考英语试卷I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. Atthe end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversationand the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide whichone is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. M:Good morning. Can Ihelp you?W:Yes, this dress is too long. Would you please shorten it for me?Q :Where doesthe conversation most probably take place?2. W: Jack, you look tired.M:Yes, I got piles of work to do. But it gives me a great sense of achievement.Q:What can we learn about the man?3.W:John, what's up? Why are you standing on the desk?M:The lights suddenly went off. The bulb must have burnt out.Q: What is the man most probably doing?4.W:I will take this room, how muchis the rent?M:Well,two hundred pounds each month. You need to pay three months rent inadvance, plus a deposit of 100 pounds.Q:Accordingto the man, how much should the woman pay in total?5.W:I'll take an interview for a part time librarian tomorrow. M:Don'tworry. Others stand no chance, if you take the interview. Q:How doesthe man feel about the woman's chance of getting the job?6.M :I couldn't sleep at all last night. The bed isnot comfortable.W:Don't blame the bed. You should stop drinking wine.Q: What does the woman imply?7.W:Andy, I bought a shirt for you.M:Thank you. I hope you kept the receipt. I've put on some weight.Q:What does the man imply?8. W:I'm terribly sorry, but your flight has been canceled.N:What? In that case, I hope you will put meup somewhere tonight.Q: What does the man expect a woman to do for him?9. W:A new hotel is looking for workers. They need three hundred new workers. But over4,000 people showed up .M:Yes, I saw the news onTV. Istill have my job, thank goodness.Q:What are the speakers talking about?10.W:Professor smith explained the physics problem very clearly.M:Did he? Unfortunately, it is still all Greek to me.Q: What can we learn from the conversation?Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two passages and one longer conversation, after each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions, the passage andthe conversation will be read twice,but the questions will be spoken only once. When you heara question, read the four possible answers on yourpaper and decide which one is thebest answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following talk.With a fascinating past and more than four centuries of history, St. Augustine is one of thenation's oldest cities and an American treasure. Located on Florida ’ s Atlantic coast, it is home to many fine examples of European architecture and wild scenic views.In 1513, while looking for the storied fountain of youth, an explorer found this land and called itLa Florida,and claimed it for Spain,then in 1565, a Spanish conquer established a settlement there and named it St. Augustine,except fora twenty year period of English rule.Floridaremained under Spanish ruleuntil the United States took control in1821.Inthe years after its founding,the city of St.Augustinewas attacked by the French and English and by native Americans,you are said to have shot flaming arrowsat the city's defensive building,setting it on fire.More recently,nature has stricken the regionwith hurricanes, Matthew on 2016 and Irma in 2017. Still.St Augustine endures.As the region recovers, visitors shouldn't overlook it. St. Augustinehas suffered muchin itslong history. Hopefully, visitors will come andp erhapssupport theFlorida’ s coast recovery, while discovering its centuries of history and miles of coastal beauty.Questions:11.Which country first governed Florida in history?12.Which of the following statements is true of Saint Augustine?13.What is the passage mainly about?P.S. La Florida--佛罗里达的西班牙语名词Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following talk.Transport for London has a lost property office which collects the items left behind aspeople flow through the city's transport system each day. It is the biggest lost propertyoffice in Europe, beaten globally only by Tokyo's. Sixty five staff sort through hundredsof thousands of lostand forgotten items each at the office, which is run by Paul Cowan.Accordingto the latest data, Cowan ’ saltteamwithdeover three hundred thousand items in thefirst quarter of the year. Asthe data reveals, very feware claimed. For example, of the nearly13,000 keys handed into lost property last year, just under 1,400 were returned totheir owners, saysCowan. Overall, twenty percent of stock is claimed within three month.After that time, stock becomes the propertyof transport forLondon. Andit's not necessarilytheitems you'd expect. A wander through the three basement floors that make up the lostproperty office gives us an idea of whatwevalue enough to recover and what we're happyto let go. Cowan has discovered something interesting about the complexity of lost shoes.He said, if you have oneshoe, youare more likely to go looking forthe other. If you losetwoshoes, well,it's slightly out of sight, out of mind. He guesses many people regard lossas anopportunity to treat themselves to something new.Questions:14.What isthe passage mainly about?15.Which of the followingis true of the lost items?16.According to Cowan, why don't somepeople get their lost shoes back?Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.W: I have a goodfeeling about this house.M: If you like the outside, you're going to really love the inside.W:What abeautiful home!And I likethe way thewindow screengives you privacy fromthe street.M:Follow me into the kitchen. Youwill love it.W:Wow! They put a wine storage area in the kitchen. I love it! The best part is the bedroom and attached bathroom. Ilove the relaxing colorsof the wall and floor covering. I'd like to makean offer on this house.M:As yourhouseagent, I'm here to take care of this process. How much were you planningon offering?W: I really like the house and will pay the full asking price of 380,000 do llars.M:We’ d better leave ourselves some bargaining room.Let's offer 350,000 dollars.W:That soundsgood. But I don't want this house to get away from me.M:The market is fairly down right now. So the offer is a realistic one.M:The owners usually respond to an offer within a few days?W:Should Ibe contacting mybank in the meantime?M:You're already pre-qualifiedfor your loan. So you're in good shape.Questions:17.What isthe woman mostprobably doing?18.What does the woman like best in the kitchen?19. What does the woman think of the man’ s offer on the house at first?20. Which of the followingis true according to the passage?法: S&A’s plan tofight theft大致内容:就是一个商店推行一个叫Justice 的系抓商店扒窃(shoplifting),有一些小窃就自己放程小毛学学。