

Nanoparticle Synthesis(纳米颗粒合成)

Nanoparticle Synthesis(纳米颗粒合成)
negative volume term
positive surface term
4 3 2 ΔG = − πr ΔGv + 4πr γ 3
Driving Force: ΔGV
Bulk free energy difference between old and new phase G, Gibbs Free Energy
Spray Pyrolysis
Atomizer Type Furnace Type Precipitator Type
F. Iskandar, Adv. Powder Techn. 20 (2009) 283
René Overney / UW
Nanothermodynamics and Nanoparticle Synthesis
René Overney / UW
Nanothermodynamics and Nanoparticle Synthesis
NME 498A / A 2010
Part 1: Nanoparticle Synthesis
Bottom – Up Synthesis
Phase Classification:
• Inert Gas Condensation
(Chemical Vapor Deposition) inert gas
inlet HC Gas (CnHm) Tube Furnace (~500-1000 oC)
René Overney / UW
Nanothermodynamics and Nanoparticle Synthesis
Δp ; 2πmk BT
Flux from gas kinetic theory



文章标题:深度剖析Verilog综合成寄存器的写法1. 引言在数字电路设计中,Verilog语言是一种常用的硬件描述语言,可以用来描述电子系统的结构和行为。


2. Verilog综合概述在Verilog语言中,综合是指将设计描述转换为门级网表的过程。



3. Verilog综合成寄存器的基本写法在Verilog中,综合成寄存器的基本写法可以分为两种,分别是使用always块和使用assign语句。



4. 深入理解Verilog综合成寄存器的写法在深入理解Verilog综合成寄存器的写法时,需要考虑时序逻辑和组合逻辑的影响。



5. Verilog综合成寄存器的个人观点和理解在我看来,Verilog综合成寄存器的写法是数字电路设计中非常重要的一环。



6. 结论通过本文的深度剖析,我们对Verilog综合成寄存器的写法有了较为全面的了解。




英语作文synthesis范文Title: The Impact of Social Media on Personal Relationships: A Synthesis EssayIntroduction:Social media has become an integral part of society, fundamentally transforming how people communicate and interact with one another. This essay aims to explore the impact of social media on personal relationships by examining the positive and negative aspects from various perspectives. This synthesis essay comprises four chapters that delve into different dimensions of social media's influence, uncovering its effects on intimacy, communication, identity, and psychological well-being.Chapter 1: IntimacySocial media has the potential to enhance intimacy in personal relationships. The ease of connecting with others online allows individuals to maintain contact with loved ones who are physically distant. Platforms such as Facebook and Instagram provide a means to share personal experiences and milestone events, strengthening familial and romantic bonds. Furthermore, social media facilitates emotional support through the ability to express empathy and provide comfort, creating a sense of closeness even from afar.Chapter 2: CommunicationSocial media has revolutionized communication, providing an expansive platform for individuals to express opinions and engage in meaningful conversations. It enables users to engage with a diverse range of perspectives, fostering dialogue and understanding.Additionally, platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn have become instrumental in professional networking and knowledge-sharing, leading to increased opportunities for collaboration and career development.Chapter 3: IdentityAs social media becomes increasingly pervasive, it affects how individuals mold and present their identities. Online platforms like Instagram and Snapchat offer a carefully curated space where users can represent themselves in a desired light. This phenomenon has both positive and negative implications. While some may argue that this enables self-expression and creativity, others argue that it creates pressure to conform to societal standards, leading to increased anxiety and self-esteem issues.Chapter 4: Psychological Well-beingThe impact of social media on psychological well-being is a complex issue. On one hand, it provides a sense of belonging and social support, alleviating feelings of isolation. Moreover, social media allows individuals to seek information and resources, enabling them to expand their knowledge and engage in mental health discussions. However, excessive usage, cyberbullying, and the constant comparison fostered by social media can contribute to negative psychological outcomes, such as depression and anxiety. Conclusion:Social media has undoubtedly revolutionized personal relationships, ushering in both positive and negative consequences. It has the capacity to enhance intimacy and communication, broadening individuals' perspectives and promoting connectivity.However, it also exerts influence on identity formation and psychological well-being, calling for responsible usage and critical awareness. To fully harness the potential of social media for personal relationships, a balanced approach is essential, emphasizing empathy, authenticity, and mindful engagement.关于“继续写”的话题,我想为你写出一个扩展的故事。

Logic Synthesis

Logic Synthesis

l d
{X1,X2,…,Xn} D
y1 {0,0,...,0} M1
l d
Definition: M1 and M2 are functionally equivalent iff the product machine M1 ´ M2 produces a constant 0 for all valid input sequences {X1,…,Xn}.5
Application of Pure BDDs
Statistics on a PowerPC processor design:
Application of Pure BDDs
Time for identical set of circuits:
Structural Similarity

《EDA技术与Verilog HDL》清华第2版习题1

《EDA技术与Verilog HDL》清华第2版习题1

1-11 解释编程与配置这两个概念。 答:基于电可擦除存储单元的EEPROM或Flash技术。CPLD一般使用 此技术进行编程(Progam)。CPLD被编程后改变了电可擦除存储单 元中的信息,掉电后可保持。 Altera的FPGA器件有两类配置下载方式:主动配置方式和被动配 置方式。主动配置方式由FPGA器件引导配置操作过程,它控制着外 部存储器和初始化过程,而被动配置方式则由外部计算机或控制器 控制配置过程。 对于SRAM型FPGA,在实用中必须利用专用配置器件来存储编程信 息,以便在上电后,该器件能对FPGA自动编程配置。 EPC器件中的EPC2型号的器件是采用Flash存储工艺制作的具有可 多次编程特性的配置器件。
1-1 EDA技术与ASIC设计和FPGA开发有什么关系?FPGA在ASIC设计中有 什么用途? 答:EDA技术进行电子系统设计的最后目标,是完成专用集成电路(ASIC) 的设计和实现,FPGA是实现这一途径的主流器件,它们的特点是直接面向 用户、具有极大的灵活性和通用性、使用方便、硬件测试和实现快捷、开发 效率高、成本低、上市时间短、技术维护简单、工作可靠性好等。FPGA的 应用是EDA技术有机融合软硬件电子设计技术、ASIC设计,以及对自动设计 与自动实现最典型的诠释。 1-2 与软件描述语言相比,Verilog有什么特点? 答:Verilog语言的特点: (1)按照设计目的,Verilog程序可以划分为面向仿真和面向综合两类,而 可综合的Verilog程序能分别面向FPGA和ASIC开发两个领域。 (2)能在多个层次上对所设计的系统加以描述,从开关级、门级、寄存器 传输级(RTL)至行为级都可以加以描述。 (3)灵活多样的电路描述风格。



英语作文synthesis范文In recent years, the role of technology in education has become a topic of significant debate. While some argue that it has revolutionized the way we learn, others contend that traditional methods remain irreplaceable. This essay aims to synthesize various perspectives on the impact of technology on education, drawing on the works of James Paul Gee, Mark Bauerlein, and Henry Jenkins.James Paul Gee posits that technology has the potential to transform education by making it more personalized and engaging. He argues that digital tools can cater toindividual learning styles and pique the interest of students who may otherwise disengage from the learning process. For instance, educational software can adapt to the pace at which a student learns, providing a tailored experience that traditional classroom settings often cannot match.On the contrary, Mark Bauerlein expresses concerns that technology may erode the quality of education. He suggests that the internet and digital devices can be sources of distraction, leading to a decline in students' attention spans and critical thinking skills. Bauerlein also fears that the reliance on technology may diminish the importance of reading and deep engagement with complex texts, which are crucial for developing a well-rounded intellect.Henry Jenkins, however, offers a more balanced view,advocating for the integration of technology into education rather than a complete replacement of traditional methods. Jenkins believes that technology can enhance learning when used thoughtfully. For example, he cites the use of online forums for discussions, which can facilitate collaboration among students and broaden their perspectives by exposing them to diverse viewpoints.In synthesizing these viewpoints, it becomes evident that technology is not an inherently positive or negative force in education. Its impact largely depends on how it is utilized. When integrated thoughtfully into the curriculum, technology can supplement traditional teaching methods, providing a more dynamic and inclusive learning environment. It can offer personalized learning experiences, engage students with interactive content, and facilitate global collaboration.However, educators must also be vigilant about the potential pitfalls of technology use in the classroom. This includes ensuring that students are not overwhelmed by distractions, that they continue to develop essential literacy skills, and that their critical thinking abilities are not compromised by the ease of access to information online.In conclusion, the synthesis of these perspectives suggests that technology can be a powerful tool in the realm of education, but it must be approached with a clear understanding of its limitations and potential risks. By striking a balance between the use of technology and the preservation of traditional educational values, we can fosteran educational environment that is both innovative and grounded in the fundamentals of learning.。

chip synthesis芯片综合

chip synthesis芯片综合
No Hierarchy Dividing Combinational Paths
Better Partitioning Related combinational logic is grouped into one block
No hierarchy separates combinational functions A, B and C
MicroElectronics Center
What is Partitioning?
Partitioning is the process of dividing complex designs into smaller parts
Ideally, all partitions would be planned prior to writing any HDL
Technology Library
A technology library contains
a set of primitive cells which be used by DC to build a circuit
The timing and electrical characteristics of these cells Net delay and net parasitic information
Definition of capacitance, time and resistance units
Technology libraries are created by vendor
MicroElectronics Center
Environment Setting


How write a synthesis
整理人: 报告人:
Definition of synthesis essay
A synthesis is a combination, usually a shortened version, of several texts. A synthesis is not a summary. A synthesis is an opportunity to create new knowledge out of already existing knowledge.
Difference between summary and synthesis
Shows what the original authours wrote.
Not only reflects your knowledge about what the original authors wrote, but also creates something new out of two or more pieces of writing.
one unified entity.
Presents a cursory overview.
Forcuses on both main ideas and details.
Demonstrates an understanding of the overall
Achieves new insight.
Addresses one set of information(eg.article,chapte r,document) at a time Each

第5章 逻辑综合

第5章 逻辑综合

第5章逻辑综合5.1 逻辑综合(Synthesis)的概念逻辑综合是指将硬件描述语言描述的RTL级的代码转换为由芯片制造商(Foundry)提供的基本单元电路实现的门级网表的过程。




(3)映射(Mapping)根据时序和面积约束,从目标工艺库(Target Technology)中搜索适当的单元来实现实际电路。





面向ASIC的主流综合工具是Synopsys公司的Design Compiler。

本章主要介绍用基于的Design Compiler逻辑综合方法。

5.2 Design Compiler 简介5.2.1 Linux Red Hat 7.2 基本操作Design Compiler有Unix和Linux两种平台下的版本,Linux下的版本必须使用Linux Red Hat 7.2操作系统。




其中/ 为最上层的根目录,其它都是根目录下的子目录。


第11章 合成(synthesis)

第11章  合成(synthesis)

第11章 合成(Synthesis)Synthesizer(合成器)所要做的工作是检查VHDL source code的语法是否正确,再根据FPGA厂商所提供的library,将VHDL source code转换成各种component的组合。


由以上的描述就能知道,synthesizer在做synthesis时所需要的几个要点分别是:VHDL source code、厂商的library以及用户所执行的命令,我们称之为constraint。


Synthesizer根据设计者所执行的constraint,将RTL level 的VHDL code转换成gate level的布线。

这些gate level的布线可以存成工业界的标准格式EDIF,也可以存成place &route工具能接受的格式,像Xilinx 的XNF格式。

为了要做pre-layout simulation,有些synthesizer还能产生VHDL 格式的netlists,当然这时的VHDL已经是gate level的了。



在本节所要介绍的是Synopsys公司的FPGA Express,其操作界面如图11-1所示。

进入FPGA Express的第一个操作是建立一个新的project,FPGA Express 建立新project的命令可以在主菜单上选取:File/New Project或是按快速键【Ctrl+N】,或是选择工具栏中的第一个图标。



Lecture 4: Logic Synthesis
Communication & Electronic Engineering Institute Qingdao Technological University
Fall 2011
Electronic Design Automation
Fall 2011
technology-specific restrictions, eg., maximum transition, maximum fanout, maximum capacitance
• Optimization constraints
design goals and requirements, eg., maximum delay, minimum delay, maximum area, maximum power
set_max_transition set_max_fanout set_max_capacitance
Fall 2011
Electronic Design Automation
• Set a maximum transition time on ports or design (Smaller than the library’s definition)
Fall 2011
Electronic Design Automation
Synthesis Procedure
• Minimization – Obtain MSOP. This is also known as two-level minimization because the result can be implemented as a two-level AND-OR or NANDNAND or NOR-NOR circuit.

chip synthesis芯片综合

chip synthesis芯片综合

Combinational optimization techniques can now be fully exploited MicroElectronics Center
No Hierarchy Dividing Combinational Paths cont.
Best Partitioning Related combinational logic is grouped into the same block with the destination register
Combinational optimization techniques can still be fully exploited
Sequential optimization may now absorb some of the combinational logic into a more complex filpflop: JK, T, Muxed, Clock-enabled … MicroElectronics Center



逻辑综合synthesis(测试版)综合复习资料(综合测试版)⼀、名词解释1、Synthesis:synthesis is the transformation of an idea into a manufacturable device to carry out an intended function.2、SOLD(Synopsys On-Line Documentation): It is a website to provide answers.3、STA(Static Timing Analysis): A method for determining of a circuit meets timing constraints without having to simulate clock cycles.4、Clock skew:To account for varying delays between the clock network branches.5、Jitter:Because some uncertain factors,which leads to the clock happen drift.6、RTL(Register Transfer Level):It is a coding style means describing the register architecture, the circuit topology, and the functionality between registers.7、TCL(Tool Command Language): It is an “open”, industry-standard language, developed at UCA Berkeley.8、PVT: STA scales each cell and net delay based on Process, Voltage, and Temperature variations.9、CTS(Clock Tree Synthesis):Buffer clock timing device in the right place, and avoid the CLOCK to SKEW.10、BDD(Binary Decision Diagram):The binary decision diagram is used to represent the data structure of the Boolean functions.⼆、填空1、Design objects: Design、Cell、Reference、Port、Pin、Net、Clock2、The advantages of synthesis: reusability、verifiable、portability、prestige、productivity、abstraction、design tricks3、Synthesis is Constraint-Driven, is Path-Based.4、Synthesis=translation + optimization + mapping5、GTECH has nothing to do with technology.三、简答1、Cell-BaBehavioral Level答:1.Behavioral level 2.RTL Level 3.Logic Synthesis 4.Logic Level Design 5.Circuit Level Design/doc/22830ed0195f312b3169a5a3.html yout Level Design 7.Post Verificationsed-Flow2、Logic Synthesis Overview答:1.RTL Design 2.HDLCompiler3.DesignCompiler4.OptimizedGate-level Netlist3、What .synopsys_dc.setup defined答:link_librarytarget_librarysymbol_librarysearch_pathsynthetic_library4、what is .synopsys_dc.setup?答:启动⽂件(startup files)DC : .synopsys_dc.setupDefined process path to the library and the other for the logic synthesis parameters.定义⼯艺库的路径和其他⽤于逻辑综合的参数。



2019-2020⽂本⽣成图⽚TextToImage(T2I)Synthesis论⽂整理参考:(只看了摘要)1. 介绍了关于GAN⽣成对抗⽹络的相关Text-to-Image论⽂,将其分类为Semantic Enhancement GANs, Resolution Enhancement GANs, Diversity Enhancement GANs, Motion Enhancement GANs四类,介绍了代表性model,如下图所⽰。

2. 介绍的模型以conditional GANs为基础,改进了discriminator的⼀个辅助功能。

该模型⽣成的图⽚不受特定种类的限制,并且在语义上匹配⽂本输⼊时不会模式崩溃(mode collapse)。


数据集:Oxford-102 flflower,使⽤inception score和multi-scale structural similarity index (MS-SSIM) metrics评定可分辨率和⽣成图⽚多样性。

3. ControlGAN。



4. content parsing。


设计了⼀个memory structure。

使⽤了⼀个conditional discriminator来判断⽂本图⽚局部的联系。

5. 基于Attention GAN的改进。


以BERT预训练的word embedding为基本text featurizer。

6. 使⽤⽂本控制image-to-image特定部分的改变,⽐如“把头发的颜⾊变成红⾊”。

7. Development of a New Image-to-text Conversion System for Pashto Farsi and Traditional Chinese 这是ocr,已删。



Synthesis(综合):synthesis is the transformation of an ideainto a manufacturable device to carry out an intended function.Hold time(保持时间):the length of the time that data must remain stable at the input pin after the active clock transition.Wire load model(线载模型):it is an estimate of a net's RC parasitics based on the net's fan-out.Constraint(约束):the informations about the timing, area,and the environmental attributes for the design.critical path(关键路径): The timing path which has the largest delay.clock skew(时钟偏斜):to account for varying delays betweenthe clock network branches.Jitter(时钟抖动):b ecause some uncertain factors, which leads to the clock happen drift.STA(静态时序分析):static timing analysis ;a method for determining of a circuit meets timing constraint without dynamic simulation.Setup time(建立时间):the length of the time that data must stabilize before the clock transition.TCL(tool commend language):BDD(binary decision diagram):SOLD( Synopsys on-line documentation):timing path:design time breaks designs into sets of signal paths ,each has a start point and an endpoint. Startpoint :input ports, clock pin of sequential devices; endpoint: output port ,data input pin of the sequential devices.PVT(process, voltage, temperature):operating condition: STA scale each cell and net delay basedon process ,voltage ,and temperature (PVT) variations.2:synthesis = translation + optimization + mappingdesign object:clock: A timing reference object in DC memory which describes a waveform for timing analysisport: The input or output of a design.cell: An instance of a design or library primitive within a designnet: The wire that connects ports to pin and/or pins to each otherdesign: A circuit that performs one or more logical functionspin: The input or the output of a designreference: The name of the original design that a cell instance “points to”Levels of circuit abstraction:idea, function, behavioral, register transfer, gate-level, physical device .synopsys_dc.setup:Define the path of target library, symbol library, link library, search path and other parameters for the logic synthesis.Library in the synopsys_dc.setupTarget library: the ASIC technology that the design is mapped to.Symbol library: used during schematic generationLink library: the library used for interpreting input descriptionSearch path: the path to search for unsoveled referencelibrary or design3 to 8 decoder:Write verilog code.HDL Synthesis process:——YONG。


Theme: The Righteous by Faith Shall Live (1:17)
Cause Therefore, (12:1)
Man Before God’s Holy Law: Righteous Needed
•Beginning •Exodus 23:20 •The Message
•Malachi 3:1 •The Response
•Jesus Christ •Isaiah 40:31 •The Context
•Son of God
•The Focus
•The Dove
•The Spirit
Early Galilean Ministry (1:14-3:6)
The Kingdom Preached and Inaugurated
The Kingdom Resisted
Climax Let’s Kill Him
Repent! Such Authority!
Believe! Amazement!
Mark’s Portrait of Jesus
The Suffering, Victorious Servant
Who Do Men Say That I Am?
Truly… The Son of God
Who Is Jesus?
He Is The Suffering Servant
Revelation and Passion
The Servant Ministers
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How to Write a Synthesis Essay
Part 1 of 4: Examining Your Topic Part 2 of 4: Outlining Your Essay
Part 3 of 4: Writing Your Essay
Part 4 of 4: Finalizing Your Essay
How to write a synthesis
Definition of synthesis essay
A synthesis is a combination, usually a shortened version, of several texts. A synthesis is not a summary. A synthesis is an opportunity to create new knowledge out of already existing knowledge.
Pulls together information in order to highlight the important points.
Combines and Re-iterates the information. information from differernt sources.
Part 1 of 4: Examining Your Topic
Part 2 of 4: Outlining Your Essay
Part 3 of 4: Writing Your Essay
Part 4 of 4: Finalizing Your Essay
Difference between summary and synthesis
Shows what the original authours wrote. Addresses one set of information(eg.article,chapte r,document) at a time Each source remains distinct. Presents a cursory overview. Demonstrates an understanding of the overall meaning. Not only reflects your knowledge about what the original authors wrote, but also creates something new out of two or more pieces of writing. Combines parts and elements from a variety of sources into one unified entity. Forcuses on both main ideas and details. Achieves new insight.
Difference between summary and synthesis
Summary Basic reading technique. Synthesis Advanced reading technique. You pull together information not only to highlight the important points, but also to draw your own conclusions.