
A Chinese imagistic poetry:
Autumn Evening crows perch on old trees wreathed with withered vine, Water of a stream flows by a family cottage near a tiny bridge.
A lean horse walks on an ancient road in western breeze, The sun is setting in the west,
The heart-broken one is at the end of the Earth.
《天净沙·秋思》 马致远
枯藤、老树、昏鸦,小桥、流水、人家, 古道、西风、瘦马,夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。
o What are some of The Great Gatsby’s most important symbols? What does the novel have to say about the role of symbols in life?
o How does the geography of the novel dictate its themes and characters? What role does setting play in The Great Gatsby?
they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.”

1 听力包括听情景对话、长时间的交谈、英语广播、还有复合式听写。

英国各时期特点要看书,只罗列作家作品时期:1The Old and Medieval Period中古英语文学8世纪-15世纪2The Renaissance Period文艺复兴时期16世纪-17世纪莎士比亚时期或是伊丽莎白时代3The period of Revolution and Restoration资产阶级革命和王政复辟时期17世纪Form:Poetry4The Age of Enlightenment启蒙运动时期—Neo-Classicism新古典时期18世纪Form:prose Pope时代5The Age of Romanticism浪漫主义时期18世纪-19世纪中期6The Victorian Period维多利亚时期19世纪早期-20世纪初期Novel小说Charles Dickens 7The Modern Period现代主义时期19世纪末开始普通英国人的生活,象征主义、stream of consciousness意识流-James Joyce、自然主义代替了现实主义。
之父:1Geoffrey Chaucer杰弗里·乔叟the father of English poetry英语诗歌之父the father of English fiction英国小说之父2King Alfred(英国散文之父3Francis Bacon培根(唯物主义哲学奠基人,England’s first essayist英国第一个散文家4Edmund Spencer斯宾塞the poets’poet诗人中的诗人5John Donne the founder of the Metaphysical School玄学派诗人代表人物6John Dryden德莱顿forerunner of the English classical school of literature古典主义的先驱Heroic couplet英雄双韵体father of English criticism批评文学之父7Alexander Pope蒲白(18世纪最伟大诗人,representative of the Enlightenment新古典学派的代表人物,first introduce rationalism to England理性主义8Daniel Defoe笛福the discoverer of the modern novel现实主义小说奠基人,Father of English and European英语和欧洲小说之父9Henry Fielding Father of the English novel英国小说之父10Jane Austin简·奥斯丁(英国第一位女性小说家)11Alfred Tennyson丁尼生Poet of the people人民的诗人桂冠诗人:Edmund Spencer斯宾塞John Dryden德莱顿William Wordsworth威廉·华兹华斯Robert Southey罗伯特·骚塞苏格兰:Robert Burns;George Bernard Shaw爱尔兰:Oscar Wilde;William Butler Yeats;James Joyce1The Old and Medieval Period中古英语文学8世纪-15世纪P82大多数是口述,14世纪被称为乔叟的时代Old English/Alliteration/Epic/Romance/BalladAnglo-Saxon Period异教pagan《Beowulf贝奥武夫》被认为是古代英语文学的开端,也是英语语言的最古老的诗歌。

英语专业八级考试(TEM-8,Test for English Majors,Grade 8),全称为全国高等学校英语专业高年级阶段统测。
接下来为你专业英语八级复习资料, 希翼对你有匡助。
美国概况1. In area, the United States is the largest country in the world.A 2ndB 3rdC 4thD 5th2.The 50th state in America isA AlaskaB TexasC HawaiiD Rhode Island3. Mauna Loa, the world’s largest active volcano, is located inA HawaiiB AlaskaC TexasD Perth4. Richard Nixon resigned in 1974 because of .A the Great DepressionB the Black Power MovementC the Watergate ScandalD the Isolation policy5.All the following universities are located in New England EXCEPTA YaleB HarvardC MITD Berkeley6.The United States has less than 6% of the world’s population; yet it produces about of the total world output.A 20%B 25%C 30%D 35%7.What forms a natural boundary between Mexico and the United States?A The Rio Grande RiverB The southern Rocky MountainsC The Colorado RiverD The Gulf of California8. The US formally entered the Second World War inA 1937B 1939 C1941 D 19439. The Presidents during the American Civil War was .A Andrew JacksonB Abraham LincolnC Thomas JeffersonD George Washington10 The emblem of the Democratic Party is .A elephantB donkeyC bearD bull答案及解析:1.C 按领土面积计算:美国是继俄罗斯,加拿大,中国之后的第四名。

The Fall Line瀑布线:A point where water-falls or rapids suddenly drop from a higher level to the lower one.瀑布线指的是瀑布急速地从高处向低处流泻的点。
The Appalachian Range阿巴拉契亚山脉:1200 miles long,consists of the Piedmont Plateau, Appalachian Plateaus and Appalachian Range.阿巴拉契亚山脉全场1200英里,由皮德蒙特高原、阿巴拉契亚高原及阿巴拉契亚山脉组成。
The Cordillera Range科迪勒拉山脉:Composed of the Coast Range, the Cascades and the Rocky Mountains.科迪勒拉山脉由海岸山脉、卡斯卡德山以及洛基山组成。
The Great Basin大盆地:The Part between the Colorado and Columbia Plateaus.指的是科罗拉多和哥伦比亚高地之间的部分。
The Great Central Plain中部大平原:The land mass between the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachians.指的是洛基山和阿巴拉伊亚山之间的平原。
The Great Plain大平原:The western part of the central plain.大平原:指的是中部平原以西的部分。
The Mississippi River密西西比河:The longest, the most important river in the U.S.A. It has a drainage area of 3225000 square kilometers.密西西比河是美国最长、最重要的河流。

2013年TEM8真题及答案TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2013)-GRADE EIGHT-TIME LIMIT: 195 MIN PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (35 MIN)SECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE, using no more than three words in each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may refer to your notes while completing the task. Use the blank sheet for note-taking.Now listen to the mini-lecture.What Do Active Learners Do?There are difference between active learning and passive learning.Characteristics of active learners:I. reading with purposesA. before reading: setting goalsB. while reading: (1) ________ (1) ________II. (2) ______ and critical in thinking (2) ________i.e. information processing, e.g.— connections between the known and the new information— identification of (3) ______ concepts (3) ________— judgment on the value of (4) _____. (4) ________III. active in listeningA. ways of note-taking: (5) _______. (5) ________B. before note-taking: listening and thinkingIV. being able to get assistanceA. reason 1: knowing comprehension problems because of(6) ______. (6) ________B. reason 2: being able to predict study difficultiesV. being able to question informationA. question what they read or hearB. evaluate and (7) ______. (7) ________VI. last characteristicA. attitude toward responsibility— active learners: accept— passive learners: (8) _______ (8) ________B. attitude toward (9) ______ (9) ________— active learners: evaluate and change behaviour— passive learners: no change in approachRelationship between skill and will: will is more important in(10) ______. (10) ________Lack of will leads to difficulty in college learning.SECTION B INTERVIEWIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your answer sheet.Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.Now listen to the interview.1.According to the interviewer, which of the following best indicates the relationship betweenchoice and mobility?A.Better education → greater mobility → more choices.B.Better education → more choices → greater mobility.C.Greater mobility → better education → more choices.D.Greater mobility → more choices → better education.2.According to the interview, which of the following details about the first poll isINCORRECT?A.Shorter work hours was least chosen for being most important.B.Choices for advancement might have been favored by young people.C.High income failed to come on top for being most important.D.Job security came second according to the poll results.3.According to the interviewee, which is the main difference between the first and the secondpoll?A.The type of respondents who were invited.B.The way in which the questions were designed.C.The content area of the questions.D.The number of poll questions.4.What can we learn from the respondents’ answers to items 2, 4, and 7 in the second poll?A.Recognition from colleagues should be given less importance.B.Workers are always willing and ready to learn more new skills.C.Psychological reward is more important than material one.D.Work will have to be made interesting to raise efficiency.5.According to the interviewee, which of the following can offer both psychological andmonetary benefits?A.Contact with many people.B.Chances for advancement.C.Appreciation from coworkers.D.Chances to learn new skills.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on your answer sheet.Questions 6 and 7 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.6.According to the news item, “sleepboxes” are designed to solve the problems of _________.A.airportsB.passengersC.architectspanies7.Which of the following is NOT true with reference to the news?A.Sleepboxes can be rented for different lengths of the time.B.Renters of normal height can stand up inside.C.Bedding can be automatically changed.D.Renters can take a shower inside the box.Question 8 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.Now listen to the news.8.What is the news item mainly about?A.London’s preparations for the Notting Hill Carnival.B.Main features of the Notting Hill Carnival.C.Police’s preventive measures for the carnival.D.Police participation in the carnival.Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.9.The news item reports on a research finding about _________.A.the Dutch famine and the Dutch womenB.early malnutrition and heart healthC.the causes of death during the famineD.nutrition in childhood and adolescence10.When did the research team carry out the study?A.At the end of World War II.B.Between 1944 and 1945.C.In the 1950s.D.In 2007.PART II READING COMPREHENSION (30 MIN)In this section there are four reading passages followed by a total of 20 multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then mark the best answer to each question on your answer sheet.TEXT AThree hundred years ago news travelled by word of mouth or letter, and circulated in taverns and coffee houses in the form of pamphlets and newsletters. “The coffee houses particularly are very roomy for a free conversation, and for reading at an easier rate a ll manner of printed news,” noted one observer. Everything changed in 1833 when the first mass-audience newspaper, The New York Sun, pioneered the use of advertising to reduce the cost of news, thus giving advertisers access to a wider audience. The penny press, followed by radio and television, turned news from a two-way conversation into a one-way broadcast, with a relatively small number of firms controlling the media.Now, the news industry is returning to something closer to the coffee house. The internet is making news more participatory, social and diverse, reviving the distinctive characteristic of the era before the mass media. That will have profound effects on society and politics. In much of the world, the mass media are flourishing. Newspaper circulation rose globally by 6% between 2005 and 2009. But those global figures mask a sharp decline in readership in rich countries.Over the past decade, throughout the Western world, people have been giving up newspapers and TV news and keeping up with events in profoundly different ways. Most strikingly, ordinary people are increasingly involved in compiling, sharing, filtering, discussing and distributing news. Twitter lets people anywhere report what they are seeing. Classified documents are published in their thousands online. Mobile-phone footage of Arab uprisings and American tornadoes is posted on social-networking sites and shown on television newscasts. Social-networking sites help people find, discuss and share news with their friends.And it is not just readers who are challenging the media elite. Technology firms including Google, Facebook and Twitter have become important conduits of news. Celebrities and world leaders publish updates directly via social networks; many countries now make raw data available through “open government” initiatives. The internet lets people read newspapers or watch television channels from around the world. The web has allowed new providers of news, from individual bloggers to sites, to rise to prominence in a very short space of time. And it has madepossible entirely new approaches to journalism, such as that practiced by WikiLeaks, which provides an anonymous way for whistleblowers to publish documents. The news agenda is no longer controlled by a few press barons and state outlets.In principle, every liberal should celebrate this. A more participatory and social news environment, with a remarkable diversity and range of news sources, is a good thing. The transformation of the news business is unstoppable, and attempts to reverse it are doomed to failure. As producers of new journalism, individuals can be scrupulous with facts and transparent with their sources. As consumers, they can be general in their tastes and demanding in their standards. And although this transformation does raise concerns, there is much to celebrate in the noisy, diverse, vociferous, argumentative and stridently alive environment of the news business in the ages of the internet. The coffee house is back. Enjoy it.11.According to the passage, what initiated the transformation of coffee-house news tomass-media news?A.The emergence of big mass media firms.B.The popularity of radio and television.C.The appearance of advertising in newspapers.D.The increasing numbers of newspaper readers.12.Which of the following statements best supports “Now, the news industry is returning tosomething closer to the coffee house”?A.Newspaper circulation rose globally by 6% between 2005 and 2009.B.People in the Western world are giving up newspapers and TV news.C.Classified documents are published in their thousands online.D.More people are involved in finding, discussing and distributing news.13.According to the passage, which is NOT a role played by information technology?A.Challenging the traditional media.B.Planning the return to coffee-house news.C.Providing people with access to classified files.D.Giving ordinary people the chance to provide news.14.The author’s tone in the last paragraph towards new journalism is _________.A.optimistic and cautiousB.supportive and skepticalC.doubtful and reservedD.ambiguous and cautious15.In “The coffee house is back”, coffee house best symbolizes _________.A.the changing characteristics of news audienceB.the more diversified means of news distributionC.the participatory nature of newsD.the more varied sources of newsTEXT BParis is like pornography. You respond even if you don’t want to. You turn a corner and see a vista, and your imagination bolts away. Suddenly you are thinking about what it would be like tolive in Paris, and then you think about all the lives you have not lived. Sometimes, though, when you are lucky, you only think about how many pleasures the day ahead holds. Then, you feel privileged.The lobby of the hotel is decorated in red and gold. It gives off a whiff of 19th. century decadence. Probably as much as any hotel in Paris, this hotel is sexy. I was standing facing the revolving doors and the driveway beyond. A car with a woman in the back seat — a woman in a short skirt and black — leather jacket — pulled up before the hotel door. She swung off and she was wearing high heels. Normally, my mind would have leaped and imagined a story for this woman. Now it didn’t I stood there and told myself. Cheer up. You’re in Paris.In many ways, Paris is best visited in winter. The tourist crowds are at a minimum, and one is not being jammed off the narrow sidewalks along the Rue Dauphine. More than this. Paris is like many other European cities in that the season of blockbuster cultural events tends to begin in mid-to late fall and so, by the time of winter, most of the cultural treasures of the city are laid out to be admired.The other great reason why Paris in winter is so much better than Paris in spring and fall is that after the end of the August holidays and the return of chic Parisian women to their city, the restaurant-opening season truly begins hopping. By winter, many of the new restaurants have worked out their kinks(不足;困难) and, once the hype has died down, it is possible to see which restaurants are actually good and which are merely noisy and crowded.Most people are about as happy as they set their mind to being, Lincoln said. In Paris it doesn’t take much to be happy. Outside the hotel, the sky was pale and felt very high up. I walked the few blocks to the Seine and began running along the blue-green river toward the Eiffel Tower. The tower in the distance was black, and felt strange and beautiful the way that many things built for the joy of building do. As I ran toward it, because of its lattice structure, the tower seemed obviously delicate. Seeing it, I felt a sense of protectiveness.I think it was this moment of protectiveness that marked the change in my mood and my slowly becoming thrilled with being in Paris.During winter evenings, Paris’s streetlamps have a halo and resemble dandelions. In winter, when one leaves the Paris street and enters a cafe or restaurant, the light and temperature change suddenly and dramatically, there is the sense of having discovered something secret. In winter, because the days are short, there is an urgency to the choices one makes. There is the sense that life is short and so let us decide on what matters.16. According to the passage, once in Paris one might experience all the following feelings EXCEPT _________.A.regretB.condescensionC.expectationD.impulse17.Winter is the best season to visit Paris. Which of the following does NOT support thisstatement?A.Fashionable Parisian women return to Paris.B.More entertainment activities are staged.C.There are more good restaurants to choose from.D.There are fewer tourists in Paris.18.“Most people are about as happy as they set their mind to being.” This statement means thatmost people _________.A.expect to be happyB.hope to be as happy as othersC.would be happier if they wantedD.can be happy if they want19.In the eyes of the author, winter in Paris is significant because of _________.A.the atmosphere of its eveningsB.its implications for lifeC.the contrast it bringsD.the discovery one makes20.At the end of the passage, the author found himself in a mood of _________.A.excitementB.thoughtfulnessC.lonelinessD.joyfulnessTEXT CIf you want to know why Denmark is the world’s leader in wind power, start with a three-hour car trip from the capital Copenhagen — mind the bicyclists — to the small town of Lem on the far west coast of Jutland. You’ll feel it as you cross the 6.8 km-long Great Belt Bridge: Denmark’s bountiful wind, so fierce even on a calm summer’s day that it threatens to shove your car into the waves below. But wind itself is only part of the reason. In Lem, workers in factories the size of aircraft hangars build the wind turbines sold by Vestas, the Danish company that has emerged as the industry’s top manufacturer around the globe. The work is both gross and fine; employees weld together massive curved sheets of steel to make central shafts as tall as a 14-story building, and assemble engine housings (机器外罩) that hold some 18, 000 separate parts. Most impressive are the turbine’s blades, which scoop the wind with each sweeping revolution. As smooth as an Olympic swimsuit and honed to aerodynamic perfection, each blade weighs in at 7,000 kg, and they’re what help make Vestas’ turbines the best in the world. “The blade is where the secret is,” says Erik Therkelsen, a Vestas executive. “If we can make a turbine, it’s sold.”But technology, like the wind itself, is just one more part of the reason for Denmark’s dominance. In the end, it happened because Denmark had the political and public will to decide that it wanted to be a leader — and to follow through. Beginning in 1979, the government began a determined programme of subsidies and loan guarantees to build up its wind industry. Copenhagen covered 30% of investment costs, and guaranteed loans for large turbine exporters such as Vestas. It also mandated that utilities purchase wind energy at a preferential price — thus guaranteeing investors a customer base. Energy taxes were channeled into research centres, where engineers crafted designs that would eventually produce cutting-edge giants like Vestas’ 3-magawatt (MW) V90 turbine.As a result, wind turbines now dot Denmark. The country gets more than 19% of its electricity from the breeze (Spain and Portugal, the next highest countries, get about 10%) andDanish companies control one-third of the global wind market, earning billions in exports and creating a national champion from scratch. “They were out early in driving renewables, and that gave them the chance to be a technology leader and a job-creation leader,” says Jake Schmidt, international climate policy director for the New York City-based Natural Resources Defense Council. “They have always been one or two steps ahead of others.”The challenge now for Denmark is to help the rest of the world catch up. Beyond wind, the country (pop.5.5 million) is a world leader in energy efficiency, getting more GDP per watt than any other member of the E.U. Carbon emissions are down 13.3% from 1990 levels and total energy consumption has barely moved, even as Denmark’s economy continued to grow at a healthy clip. With Copenhagen set to host all-important U.N. climate change talks in December —where the world hopes for a successor to the expiring Kyoto Protocol — and the global recession beginning to hit environmental plans in capitals everywhere, Denmark’s example couldn’t b e more timely.“We’ll try to make Denmark a showroom,” says Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen. “You can reduce energy use and carbon emissions, and achieve economic growth.”It’s tempting to assume that Denmark is innately green, with the kind of Scand inavian good conscience that has made it such a pleasant global citizen since, oh, the whole Viking thing. But the country’s policies were actually born from a different emotion, one now in common currency: fear. When the 1973 oil crisis hit, 90% of Denmar k’s energy came from petroleum, almost all of it imported. Buffeted by the same supply shocks that hit the rest of the developed world, Denmark launched a rapid drive for energy conservation, to the point of introducing car-free Sundays and asking businesses to switch off lights during closing hours. Eventually the Mideast oil started flowing again, and the Danes themselves began enjoying the benefits of the petroleum and natural gas in their slice of the North Sea. It was enough to make them more than self-sufficient. But unlike most other countries, Denmark never forgot the lessons of l973, and kept driving for greater energy efficiency and a more diversified energy supply. The Danish parliament raised taxes on energy to encourage conservation and established subsidies and standards to support more efficient buildings. “It all started out without any regard for the climate or the environment,” says Svend Auken, the former head of Denmark’s opposition Social Democrat Party and the architect of the country’s environmental policies in the 1990s. “But today there’s a consensus that we need to build renewable power.”To the rest of the world, Denmark has the power of its example, showing that you can stay rich and grow green at the same time. “Denmark has proven that acting on climate can be a positive experience, not just painful,” says NRDC’s Schmidt. The real pain could come from failing to follow in their footsteps.21.Which of the following is NOT cited as a main reason for Denmark’s world leadership inwind power?A.Technology.B.Wind.ernment drive.D.Geographical location.22.The author has detailed some of the efforts of the Danish Government in promoting the windindustry in order to show _________.A.the government’s determinationB.the country’s subsidy and loan p oliciesC.the importance of export to the countryD.the role of taxation to the economy23.What does the author mean by “Denmark’s example couldn’t be more timely”?A.Denmark’s energy-saving efforts cannot be followed by other countries.B.Denmark can manufacture more wind turbines for other countries.C.Denmark’s energy-saving success offers the world a useful model.D.Denmark aims to show the world that it can develop even faster.24.According to the passage, Denmark’s energy-saving policies originated from _________.A.the country’s long tradition of environmental awarenessB.the country’s previous experience of oil shortageC.the country’s grave shortage of natural resourcesD.the country’s abundant wind resources25.Which of the following is NOT implied in the passage?A.Not to save energy could lead to serious consequences.B.Energy saving cannot go together with economic growth.C.Energy saving efforts can be painful but positive.D.Denmark is a powerful leader in the global wind market.TEXT DThe first clue came when I got my hair cut. The stylist offered not just usual coffee or tea but a complementary nail-polish change while I waited for my hair to dry. Maybe she hoped this little amenity would slow the growing inclination of women to stretch each haircut to last four months while nursing our hair back to whatever natural colour we long ago forgot.Then there was the appliance salesman who offered to carry my bags as we toured the microwave aisle. When I called my husband to ask him to check some specs online, the salesman offered a pre-emptive discount, lest the surfing turn up the same model cheaper in another store. That night, for the first time, I saw the Hyundai ad promising shoppers that if they buy a car and then lose their job in the next year, they can return it.Suddenly e verything’s on sale. The upside to the economic downturn is the immense incentive it gives retailers to treat you like a queen for a day. During the flush times, salespeople were surly, waiters snobby. But now the customer rules, just for showing up. There’s more room to stretch out on the flight, even in a coach. The malls have that serene aura of undisturbed wilderness, with scarcely a shopper in sight. Every conversation with anyone selling anything is a pantomime of pain and bluff. Finger the scarf, then start to walk away, and its price floats silkily downward. When the mechanic calls to tell you that brakes and a timing belt and other services will run close to $2,000,it’s time to break out the newly perfected art of the considered pause. You really d on’t even have to say anything pitiful before he’ll offer to knock a few hundred dollars off.Restaurants are also caught in a fit of ardent hospitality, especially around Wall Street. Trinity Place offers $3 drinks at happy hour any day the market goes d own, with the slogan “Market tanked? Get tanked!” —which ensures a lively crowd for the closing bell. The “21” Club has decided that men no longer need to wear ties, so long as they bring their wallets. Food itself is friendlier: you notice more comfort food, a truce between chef and patron that is easier to enjoynow that you can get a table practically anywhere. New York Times restaurant critic Frank Bruni characterizes the new restaurant demeanor as “extreme solicitousness tinged with outright desperati on.” “You need to hug the customer,” one owner told him.There’s a chance that eventually we’ll return all this kindness with the extravagant spending that was once decried but now everyone is hoping will restart the economy. But human nature is funny that way. In dangerous times, we clench and squint at the deal that looks too good to miss, suspecting that it must be too good to be true. Is the store with the supercheap flat screens going to go bust and thus not be there to honor the “free” extended warran ty? Is there something wrong with that free cheese? Store owners will tell you horror stories about shoppers with attitude, who walk in demanding discounts and flaunt their new power at every turn. They wince as they sense bad habits forming: Will people expect discounts forever? Will their hard-won brand luster be forever cheapened, especially for items whose allure depends on their being ridiculously priced?There will surely come a day when things go back to “normal”; retail sales even inched up in January after sinking for the six months. But I wonder what it will take for us to see those $545 Sigerson Morrison studded toe-ring sandals as reasonable? Bargain-hunting can be addictive regardless of the state of the markets, and haggling is a low-risk, high-value contact sport. Trauma digs deep into habits, like my 85-year-old mother still calling her canned-goods cabinet “the bomb shelter.” The children of the First Depression were saving string and preaching sacrifice long after the skies cleared. They cam e to be called the “greatest generation.” As we learn to be decent stewards of our resources, who knows what might come of it? We have lived in an age of wanton waste, and there is value in practicing conservation that goes far beyond our own bottom line.26.According to the passage, what does “the first clue” suggest?A.Shops try all kinds of means to please customers.B.Shops, large or small, are offering big discounts.C.Women tend to have their hair cut less frequently.D.Customers refrain from buying things impulsively.27.Which of the following best depicts the retailers now?A.Bad-tempered.B.Highly motivated.C.Over-friendly.D.Deeply frustrated.28.What does the author mean by “the newly perfected art of the considered pause”?A.Customers now rush to buy things on sale.B.Customers have got a sense of superiority.C.Customers have learned how to bargain.D.Customers have higher demands for service.29.According to the passage, “shoppers...flaunt their new power at every turn” means thatshoppers would _________.A.keep asking for more discountsB.like to show that they are powerfulC.like to show off their wealthD.have more doubts or suspicion30.What is the author’s main message in the last two paragraphs?A.Extravagant spending would boost economic growth.B.One’s life experience would turn into lifelong habits.C.Customers should expect discounts for luxury goods.D.The practice of frugality is of great importance.PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN)There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Mark the best answer to each question on your answer sheet.31.The full official name of Australia is _________.A.The Republic of Australia.B.The Commonwealth of Australia.C.The Federation of Australia.D.The Union of Australia.32.Canada is well known for all the following EXCEPT _________.A.its mineral resourcesB.its forest resourcesC.its fertile and arable landD.its heavy industries33.In the United States community colleges offer _________.A.two-year programmesB.four-year programmesC.postgraduate studiesD. B.A. or B.S. degrees34.In _________, referenda in Scotland and Wales set up a Scottish parliament and a Walesassembly.A.2000B.1946C.1997D.199035.Which of the following clusters of words is an example of alliteration?A. A weak seal.B.Safe and sound.C.Knock and kick.D.Coat and boat.36.Who wrote Mrs. Warren’s Profession?A.John GalsworthyB.William Butler YeatsC.T.S. EliotD.George Bernard Shaw37.Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser is a(n) _________.A.novelB.short storyC.poem。

全国英语专业八级考试听力复习材料全国英语专业八级考试听力复习材料zero in your target,and go for it.以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的全国英语专业八级考试听力复习材料,希望能给大家带来帮助!MINI-LECTUREIn this section, you will hear a mini-lecture. You willhear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening,takenotes on the important points. Your notes will not bemarked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture isover,you’ll be given two minutes to check yournotes, and another 10 minutes to complete thegap-filling task. Now listen to the mini-lecture.In this lecture, we’ll discuss English vocabulary. First, let’s define the term “vocabulary”. Whatis vocabulary? It usually refers to a complete inventory of the words in a language. But it mayalso refer to the words and phrases used in the variants of a language, such as dialect,register, terminology, etc. The vocabulary can be divided into active vocabulary and passivevocabulary. The active vocabulary refers to lexical items which a person uses. The passivevocabulary refers to the words which he understands. The English vocabulary is characterizedby a mixture of native words and borrowed words. First, about the native words. Most of thenative words are of Anglo-Saxon origin. They form the basic word stock of the Englishlanguage. In the native stock, we find words denoting the commonest things necessary for life,such as those words denoting natural phenomena,divisions of the year, parts of the body,animals, foodstuffs, trees, fruits, human activity. And also other words denoting the mostindispensable things. The native stock alsoincludes auxiliary and modal verbs, pronouns,most numerals, prepositions and conjunctions. Though they are small in number, these wordsplay no small part in linguistic performance and communication. Next, we come to borrowedwords. Borrowed words are also known as loan-words. They refer to linguistic forms takenover by one language or dialect from another. The English vocabulary has replenished itself bycontinually taking over words from other languages over the centuries. The adoption of foreignwords into the English language began even before the English came to England. We know thatthe Angles and Saxons formed a part of the Germanic people. Long before the Anglo-Saxonscame to England, the Germanic people had been in contact with the civilization of Rome. Thus,Words of Latin origin denoting objects belonging to the Roman civilization gradually found theirway into the English language. For example, wine, butter, cheese, inch, mile, mint, etc. Whenthe English, or the Anglo-Saxons, were settled in England, they continued to borrow wordsfrom Latin, especially after Roman Christianity was introduced into the island in the sixth andseventh centuries. A considerable number of Latin words were adopted into the Englishlanguage. These words chiefly signify things connected with religion or the services of thechurch, such as bishop, candle, creed, monk, priest, and a great many others. The Englishvocabulary also owes a great deal to the Danes and Northmen. From these settlers, Englishadopted a surprising number of words of Scandinavian origin that belong to the core-vocabulary today. Such as they, them, their, both, ill, die, egg, knife, low, skill, take, till, though,want, etc. The Norman Conquest in 1066 introduced a large number of French words into theEnglish vocabulary. French adoptions were found in almostevery section of the vocabulary. Forexample, in the section of law, there are such words as justice, evidence, pardon; in thesection of warfare, there are conquer, victory; in religion, there are grace, repent, sacrifice;in architecture, there are castle, pillar, tower; in finance, there are pay, rent, ransom; in rank,there are prince, princess; in clothing, there are collar, mantlet; in food, there are dinner, feast,sauce, etc. In the first 43 lines of the Prologue to Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, there are 39words of French origin. We can see the English vocabulary takes in so many words from French.And in the fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the Renaissance swept Europe. It wasa revival of art and literature based on ancient Greek learning. The Renaissance opened up anew source for the English vocabulary to enrich itself. And English borrowed many words fromGreek through the medium of Latin, such as crisis, topic, coma, etc. a wide range of learnedaffixes are also from Greek, such as bio-, geo-, hydro-, auto-, homo-, para-, -ism, -logy, -graph, -meter, -gram and many others. From the sixteenth century forward, there was a greatincrease in the number of languages, and English borrowed many words from these languages.French continued to provide a considerable number of new words, for example, trophy, vase,moustache, unique, soup. English borrowed a lot of words from Italian in the field of art, musicand literature, for example, model, sonnet, opera, quartet, etc. there was also a Spanishelement in English, for example, potato, cargo, parade, cigar. Besides, German, Portugueseand Dutch were also fertile sources of loan words, for example, dock, zinc and plunder arefrom German; cobra, buffalo and pagoda are from Portuguese; tackle, buoy and skipper arefrom Dutch. At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with a growth ofinternationaltrade and the urge to colonize the known world, English made a number of directadoptions from languages spoken outside Europe. Some examples are: sultan and ghoul fromArabic, lichi and typhoon from Chinese, shah and shawl from Persian, yoghurt from Turkish,czar from Russian. Since the end of the Second World War, still more loan words have beenincorporated into the English vocabulary For example, cuisine from French, sushi from Japanese,mao tai from Chinese, and many others. In the twentieth century, it should be observed thatEnglish has created many words out of Latin and Greek elements, especially in the field ofscience and technology, such as antibiotic, astronaut, auto-visual, autolysis, etc. Although allthese Latin and Greek derived words are distinctly learned or technical, they do not seem and,in this respect, they are very different from the recent loanwords from living languages, such ascappuccino, angst, and sputnik. Thus, for the Modern English period a distinction must bemade between the adoptions from living languages and the formations derived from the twoclassical languages. That’s the end of today’s lecture. Next time we’ll concentrate on Englishword formation. Thank you for your attention!。

TEM-8:Translation •Hu Bo, English DepartmentInvitation to TEM-8 translation •Section A: Chinese passage to English 10';30 mins•Section B: English passage to Chinese 10';30 mins•Basic requirements of Tem-8 translation:•(见专八翻译评分标准)2008年英语专业八级考试真题•都市寸土千金,地价炒得越来越高。
•本文选自英文报Shanghai Daily 翻译大奖赛第11期翻译方法解析•我想,其实谁都有一个小小花园,这便是我们的内心世界。
•shift between hypotaxis & parataxis•形合、意合的转换•*I think, in fact, everybody has a small garden, this is our inner world...•I think, in fact everybody has his own little garden, namely, an(our) inner world.•人的智力需要开发,人的内心世界也是需要开发的。
•Just as there is a need for human beings to tap into their own intelligence, so(as) is the case with their inner world.•Human beings need to tap into their intelligence, so(as) is the case with their own inner world.•人和动物的区别,除了众所周知的诸多方面,恐怕还在于人有内心世界。

2013英语专八真题参考答案解析(整理自网络)阅读理解11.the appearance of advertisement in newspaper.12.more people are involved in finding, discussing and distributing news13.planning the return to coffee-house news.14.optimistic and cautious15.the participator nature of news.阅读理解第二篇16. regret17. more resturants to choose from18. can be happy if they want19. its implications for life20. thoughtfulness阅读理解第三篇21. Geographic location22. the government’s determination23. denmark’s energy-saving success offers the world a useful model24. the country’s previous experience of oil shortage25. energy saving cannot go together with economic growth.阅读第四篇26. shops try all kinds of means to please customers27. over-friendly28. customers have got a sense of superiority29. keep asking for more discounts30. the practice of frugality is of great importance人文知识31. 澳大利亚的全称是:the commonwealth of Austrilia32. 加拿大以什么著称,除了什么以外(矿产、森林、肥沃的土地)。

2013年英语专业八级真题及详解TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2013)-GRADE EIGHT-TIME LIMIT: 150 MIN PART ⅠLISTENING COMPREHENSION [25 MIN]SECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.Now listen to the mini-lecture. When it is over, you will be given THREE minutes to check your work.What Do Active Learners Do?There are differences between active learning and passive learning.Characteristics of active learners:I. reading with (1) _____ (1) _____A. before reading: setting goalsB. while reading: (2) _____ (2) _____ II. (3) _____ and critical in thinking (3) _____i.e. information processing, e. g.—connections between the known and the new information—identification of (4) ______ concepts (4) _____—judgment on the value of (5) _____ (5) _____ III. active in listeningA. ways of note-taking: (6) _____ (6) _____B. before note-taking: listening and (7) _____ (7) _____ IV. being able to get assistanceA. reason 1: knowing comprehension problems because of (8) _____ (8) _____B. reason 2: being able to predict study difficultiesV. being able to (9) _____ (9) _____A. question what they read or hearB. evaluate and (10) _____ (10) _____ VI. last characteristicA. attitude toward (11) _____ (11) _____—active learners: accept—passive learners: (12) _____ (12) _____B. attitude toward (13) _____ (13) _____—active learners: evaluate and change behavior—passive learners: no change in approachRelationship between skill and will:I. Skill means the tools to handle the studying and learning demands;II. Will means the (14) _____ to follow through; (14) _____ III. Will is more important in (15) _____; (15) _____ IV. Lack of will leads to difficulty in college learning.【答案与解析】(1) purpose(细节题。

免费2013专八真题及答案TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2013)GRADE EIGHTTIME LIMIT:195 MINPART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (35 MIN)SECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture.You will hear the lecture ONCE ONL Y. While listening, take notes on the important points.Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE, using no more than three words in each gap.Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are)both grammatically and semantically acceptable.You may refer to your notes while completing the task.Use the blank sheet for note-taking.Now, listen to the mini-lecture.What Do Active Learners Do?There are difference between active learning and passive learning.Characteristics of active learners:I. reading with purposesA. before reading: setting goalsB. while reading: (1) ________II. (2) ______ and critical in thinkingi.e. information processing, e.g.-- connections between the known and the new information-- identification of (3) ______ concepts-- judgment on the value of (4) _____.III. active in listeningA.ways of note-taking: (5) _______.B.before note-taking: listening and thinkingIV. being able to get assistanceA.reason 1: knowing comprehension problems because of (6) ______.B.Reason 2: being able to predict study difficultiesV. being able to question informationA. question what they read or hearB. evaluate and (7) ______.VI. Last characteristicA. attitude toward responsibility-- active learners: accept-- passive learners: (8) _______B. attitude toward (9) ______-- active learners: evaluate and change behaviour-- passive learners: no change in approachRelationship between skill and will: will is more important in (10) ______.Lack of will leads to difficulty in college learning.SECTION B INTERVIEWIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview.At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.Now listen to the interview.1.According to the interviewer, which of the following best indicates the relationship between choice and mobility?A.Better educatio n →greater mobility →more choices.B.Better education →more choices →greater mobility.C.Greater mobility →better education →more choices.D.Greater mobility →more choices →better education.2.According to the interview,which of the following details about the first poll is INCORRECT? A.Shorter work hours was least chosen for being most important.B.Chances for advancement might have been favoured by young people.C.High income failed to come on top for being most important.D.Job security came second according to the poll results.3.According to the interviewee,which is the main difference between the first and the second poll?A.The type of respondents who were invited.B.The way in which the questions were designed.C.The content area of the questions.D.The number of poll questions.4.What can we learn from the respondents’answers to items 2,4 and 7 in the second poll? A.Recognition from colleagues should be given less importance.B.Workers are always willing and ready to learn more new skills.C.Psychological reward is more important than material one.D.Work will have to be made interesting to raise efficiency.5.According to the interviewee,which of the following can offer both psychological and monetary benefits?A.Contact with many people.B.Chances for advancement.C.Appreciation from coworkers.D.Chances to learn new skillsSECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY.Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.Questions 6 and 7 are based on the following news, At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.6.According to the news item,“sleep boxes”are designed to solve the problems of A.airports.B.passengers.C.architects.D.companies.7.Which of the following is NOT true with reference to the news?A.Sleep boxes can be rented for different lengths of time.B.Renters of normal height can stand up inside.C.Bedding can be automatically changed.D.Renters can take a shower inside the box.Question 8 is based on the following news.At the end of the news item,you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.Now listen to the news.8.What is the news item mainly about?A.London’S preparations for the Notting Hill Carnival.B.Main features of the Notting Hill Carnival.C.Police's preventive measures for the carnival.D.Police participation in the carnival.Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following news.At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.9.The news item reports on a research finding aboutA.the Dutch famine and the Dutch women.B.early malnutrition and heart health.C.the causes of death during the famine.D.nutrition in childhood and adolescence.10.When did the research team carry out the study?A.At the end of World War II.B.Between 1944 and 1945.C.In the 1950s.D.In 2007.PART II READING COMPREHENSION (30 MIN)In this section there are four reading passages followed by a total of 20 multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.TEXT AThree hundred years ago news travelled by word of mouth or 1etter, and circulated in taverns and coffee houses in the form of pamphlets and newsletters.“The coffee houses particularly are.very roomy for a free conversation,and for reading at an easier rate all manner of printed news,”noted one observer.Everything changed in 1833 when the first mass-audience newspaper, The New York Sun,pioneered the use of advertising to reduce the cost of news,thus giving advertisers access to a wider audience.The penny press,followed by radio and television,turned news from a two-way conversation into a one—way broadcast,with a relatively small number of firms controlling the media.Now, the news industry is returning to something closer to the coffee house.The internet is making news more participatory,social and diverse,reviving the discursive characteristics of" the era before the mass media.That will have profound effects on society and politics.In much of the world.the mass media are flourishing.Newspaper circulation rose globally by 6% between 2005 and 2009.But those global figures mask a sharp decline in readership in rich countries.Over the past decade,throughout the Western world,people have been giving up newspapers and TV news and keeping up with events in profoundly different ways.Most strikingly, ordinary people are increasingly involved in compiling,sharing,filtering,discussing and distributing news.Twitter lets people anywhere report what they are seeing.Classified documents are published in their thousands online.Mobile·phone footage of Arab uprisings and American tornadoes is posted on social-networking sites and shown on television newscasts.Social-networking sites help people find,discuss and share news with their friends.And it is not just readers who are challenging the media elite.Technology firms including Google,Facebook and Twitter have become important conduits of news.Celebrities and world leaders publish updates directly via social networks;many countries now make raw data availablethrough“open government”initiatives.The internet lets people read newspapers or watch television channels from around the world.The web has allowed new providers of news,from individual bloggers to sites,to rise to prominence in a very short space of time.And it has made possible entirely new approaches to journalism,such as that practiced by WikiLeaks,which provides an anonymous way for whistleblowers to publish documents.The news agenda is no longer controlled by a few press barons and state outlets.In principle,every liberal should celebrate this.A more participatory and social news environment,with a remarkable diversity and range of news sources,is a good thing.The transformation of the news business is unstoppable,and attempts to reverse it are doomed to failure.As producers of new journalism,individuals can be scrupulous with facts and transparent with their sources.As consumers,they can be general in their tastes and demanding in their standards.And although this transformation does raise concerns,there is much to celebrate in the noisy, diverse,vociferous,argumentative and stridently alive environment of the news business in the ages of the internet.The coffee house is back.Enjoy it.11.According to the passage,what initiated the transformation of coffee-house news to mass-media news?A.The emergence of big mass media firms.B.The popularity of radio and television.C.The appearance of advertising in newspapers.D.The increasing number of newspaper readers.12.Which of the following statements best supports“Now, the Hews industry is returning to something closer to the coffee house”?A Newspaper circulation rose globally by 6%between 2005 and 2009.B.People in the Western world are giving up newspapers and TV news.C.Classified documents are published in their thousands online.D.More people are involved in finding,discussing and distributing news.13.According to the passage,which is NOT a role played by information technology? A.Challenging the traditional media.B.Planning the return to coffee-house news.C.Providing people with access to classified files.D.Giving ordinary people the chance to provide news.14.The author’S tone in the last paragraph towards new journalism isA.optimistic and cautious.B.supportive and skeptical.C.doubtful and reserved.D.ambiguous and cautious.15.In“The coffee house is back”,coffee house best symbolizesA.the changing characteristics of news audience.B.the more diversified means of news distribution.C.the participatory nature of news.D. the more varied sources of news.TEXT BParis is like pornography.You respond even if you don’t want to.You turn a corner and see a vista,and your imagination bolts away。

英语专业 四级/六级真题解析2013年英语专八真题听力原文听力原文Part 1, Listening ComprehensionSECTION A MINI-LECTUREWhat Do Active Learners DoAbility for learning. Active learners tmderstand that the responsibility for learning mustcome from within, while passive learners often want to blame others for their lack ofmotivation, poor performance, time management problems and other difficulties that theymight experience. When active learners don't perform as well as they've hoped, they evaluatewhy they didn't do well and change those studying behaviors the next time. Passive learners,on the other hand, often approach evey. course in the same manner, and then get angry withprofessors when their performance is poor. It is only when students accept the respon- sibilityfor their own learning that they can truly be called active learners.So, from what I have said so far, you can see that being an active learner involves both skilland will. By skill, I mean the tools to handle the studying and learning demands placed on you,like how to read with purpose, when and where to get assistance if you are having difficulty. Bywill, I mean the desire and motivation to follow through. Here I'd like to emphasize that skill isnothing without will. For example, you may have a friend who is knowledgeable, but notmotivated in the classroom, even though he reads widely and can intelligently discuss a varietyof issues, he does little school work and rarely studies. In other words, students, such asthese, may have the skills to do well, but for some reason, they simply do not have the will. Andbecause skill and will go hand in hand, unmotivated students, those who do not have the will,may experience difficulty in college.OK, today we discuss the differences between an active learner and a passive one, andsome useful study strategies that may eventually help you become an active learner.SECTION B INTERVIEWInterviewer: Good morning, Mr. West. Nice to have you on ore" program.Interviewee: Good morning.Interviewer: OK. We all work or very few people can get away withnot working. Work is a factof life when we're adults. But before, there wasn't a lot of choice in the selection of work. Nowthings are different.With greater mobility, the mobility that is offered when people havegreater opportunities for higher education or training, more and more people are able to choosethe fields that interest them . They can and do have opinions about what makes one job forthem better than another job. So, Mr. West, what do people actuallywant from their jobs?What are workers' opinions, you know, about what makes one job better than another?Interviewee: Well, to answer your questions, I'd like to look at two polls, two surveys. Theywere both done in the 1990s. The purposes were to find out what issues or jobcharacteristics were especially important to workers.Interviewer: Umm. What were they?Interviewee: Some of you might guess that the answer is obvious.Interviewer: I think so.Interviewee: You might say "oh people just want higher salaries,more money." But let's see ifthat's true.Interviewer: OK.Interviewee: Now, the first poll. The first poll was taken in 1990, and this poll askedrespondents to choose what was the most important to them among five items. And they wereonly allowed to choose one out of the five items.Interviewer: So what were the five items?Interviewee: Alright. The first item was important and meaningful work. The second was highincome. The third was chances for advancement, promotion and so on. The fourth item wasjob security, and the fifth was shorter work hours, OK?Interviewer: It would be interesting to know the survey results.Interviewee: Yes, now let me tell you the results. 50% considered important and meaningfulwork the most important characteristic of a job. They didn't choose high income. Interesting.Anyway, 24% did say high income was the most important characteristic of a job. Of theremaining, 16% said chances for advancement was most important. Maybe these were youngerworkers, starting out on a career. 6% said job security and fmally4% said shorter work hourswas most important.Interviewer: I think what's striking about the results is that by far workers valued importantand meaningful work as more important than any of the other characteristics, that includedsalary.Interviewee: Yeah. Now I'm going to tell you about another poll, and this poll was taken ayear later in 1991, and it asked the respondents to reflect on how important certain jobcharacteristics were in their work.And this is a different type of poll because whereas in thefirst poll, respon- dents had to choose only one out of five, in this poll they wanted theirrespondents to react to each item separately. You know, this is to rank each item as "notimportant", "somewhat important", "important" or "very important". So they have four choicesfor each item.Interviewer: Sorry to interrupt you. How many items altogether?Interviewee: Oh, the poll had 16 items. Let me give you a few examples.Interviewer: OK.Interviewee: The second item they asked about is interesting work. They asked howimportant is interesting work to you. And again, I'm just going to tell you about how manypeople said it was very important. In this case, 78% of the respondents ranked this as veryimportant to them.Interviewer: 78%?Interviewee: Yes, 78%. This is a key point, I think. One often sees people working for a lotless if they enjoy their work.Interviewer: That's true.Interviewee: The fourth item they asked about was opportunity to learn new skills. Howimportant is that to you? 68% ranked this as very important. And I think that goes again to theidea of interest level, personal satisfaction, and the idea that people want their work to bemeaningful.Interviewer: Definitely.Interviewee: Another item, item NO. 7, recognition from coworkers.. 62% of therespondents said that this was very important. It was important for them to be recognized, tobe respected, and acknowl- edged for the work they've done. And I see recognition as apsychological benefit. There's no monetary reward necessarily attached to it, althoughsometimes they could be. But more people are looking for the psychological reward in termsof appreciation.Interviewer: It seems to me that people value psychological reward a lot more than money.Interviewee: That's right. At least the poll result seemed to say so. Now, let's take a look atanother item, NO. 14.Interviewer: OK!Interviewee: NO. 14 was chances for promotion. 53% said that this was very important tothem. It was im portant to them to have opportunities for advancement, chances forpromotion. And I think this goes along with high income and recognition. That's both apsychological reward, promo tion, as well as a monetary reward.Interviewer: Umm.Interviewee: 15 is contact with a lot of people. Some people arevery people-oriented, and52% said that this was very important to them.Interviewer: So we can see workers do have a lot of things that are very huportant to them.Interviewee: Yes, but you can also see the variation in numbers. But a note of caution here.These are av erages, and polls talk about averages. But still I think it is important for employersto become more aware of polls like these because it might allow them to keep their workerssatisfied in ways that maybe they haven't thought of before.Interviewer: Yeah, OK. Thank you very much Mr. West for talking to us on the program.Interviewee: Pleasure.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTNews 1:A Moscow company is now marketing "Sleepboxes"-freestanding, mobile boxes with beds insidefor travelers stranded overnight, or those in need of a quick snooze . The Sleepboxes aremeant to be installed in airports and rented for 30 minutes to several hours at a time . ASleepbox is currently installed at the Sheremetyevo International Airport in Moscow. "We travela lot and many times we faced a problem of rest and privacy in airports," saysco-designerMikhail Krymov of design firm Arch Group, who together with Alexei Goryainov came up with theidea of Sleepbox. "And as we are architects, we like to think of solutions." Measuring 1.4 meterswide, two meters in length and 2.3 meters in height, Sleepboxes star feature is a two-meter-long bed made of polymer foam and pulp tissue that changes bed linen automat- ically. It 'alsocomes with luggage space, a ventilation system, WiFi, electric sockets and an LCD TV.News 2:Police in London are lining up a huge police operation for the Notting Hill Carnival in the wake ofthe rioting and looting that hit the city earlier this month. More than a million people areexpected to head to west London over the course of the colorful two-day event, which featuresmusic, parades, dancing and stalls serving up Caribbean favorites like jerk chicken and rice andpeas. Some 5,500 officers will be on duty at the carnival on Sunday and 6,500 on Monday-apublic holiday in Britain-with 4,000 additional officers deployed elsewhere across the city ontop of usual police numbers, London's Metropolitan Police said. Commander Steve Rodhousesaid creating a safe environment at the carnival is "a top priority" for the police force.News 3:Growing up starved of calories may give you a higher risk of heart disease 50 years on,research suggests. Researchers in the Netherlands tracked the heart health of Dutch womenwho lived through the famine at the end of World War II. Those living on rations of 400-800calories a day had a 27% higher risk of heart disease in later life. It's the first direct evidencethat early nutrition shapes future health, they report in the European Heart Journal. The Dutchfamine of 1944-45 gave researchers in Hol- land a unique opportunity to study the long-term effects of severe malnutrition in childhood and adolescence. A combination of factors-including failed crops, a harsh winter and tlie war-caused thousands of deaths among peopleliving in the west of the Netherlands.The women, who were aged between 10 and 17 at thetime, werefollowed up in 2007.The team found those who were severely affected by thefamine had a 27% greater risk of developing heart disease than those who had enough to eat.。


英语专业八级语言学辅导材料Section 1 What is Linguistics?nguage is a system of arbitrary vocal sysmbols used for human _____.A. contactB. communicationC. relationD. community2. Language is _______.A. instinctiveB. non-instincitveC. staticD. genetically transmitted3. A linguist regards the changes in language and languages use as ______.A. unnaturalB. something to be fearedC. naturalD. abnormal4. Which of the following words is entirely arbitrary?A. treeB. crashC. typewriterD. bang5. The function of the sentence “Water boils at 100 degrees Centigrade” is ____.A. interrogativeB. directiveC. informativeD. performative6. _____ is a grammatical description of a language specially designed as an aid to teaching that language to native or foreign learners.A. Descriptive grammarB. Prescriptive grammarC. Pedagogical grammarD. Universal grammar7. In Chinese when someone breaks a bowl or a plate the host or the people present are likely to say sui sui ping an (every year be sage and happy) as a means of controlling the forces which the believers feel might affect their lives. Which functions does it perform?A. Interpersonal.B. Emotive.C. Performative.D. Recreatioal.8. Which of the following property of language enables language users to overcome the barrirs caused by time and place, due to this featue of language, speakers of a language are free to talk about anything in any situation?A. Transferability.B. Duality.C. Displacement.D. Arbitrariness.9. Study the following dialogue. What function does it play accoridng to the functiona of language?—A nice day, isn’t it?—Right! I really enjoy the sunlight.A. Emotive.B. Phatic.C. Performative.D. Interpersonal.10. Which branch of lingusitcs studies the similarities and differences among languages?A. Diachronic linguistics.B. Synchronic linguistics.C. Prescriptive linguistics.D. comparative linguistics.11. _____ refers to the actual realization of the ideal language user’s knowledge of therules of his language in utterances.A. PerformanceB. CompetenceC. LangueD. Parole12. _____ deals with language application to other fields, particualrly educaiton.A. Linguistic geographyB. SociolinguisticsC. Applied linguisticsD. Comparative linguistics参考答案:1-6 BBCACC 7-12 CCBDACSection 2 Phonology1.Pitch variation is known as ______ when its patterns are imposed on sentences.A. intonationB. toneC. pronunciationD. voice2. Conventionally a _____ is put in slashes.A. allophoneB. phoneC. phonemeD. morpheme3. An aspirated p, an unaspirated p and an unreleased p are ______ of the p phoneme.A. analogues.B. tagmemesC. morphemesD. allophones4. The opening between the vocal cords is sometimes referred to as ____.A. glottisB. vocal cavityC. pharynxD. uvula5. The diphthongs that are made with a movement of the tongue towards the center are known as ____ diphthongs.A. wideB. closingC. narrowD. centering6. A phoneme is a group of similar sounds called ____.A. minimal pairsB. allomorphsC. phonesD. allophones7. Which branch of phonetics concerns the production of speech sounds?A. Acoustic phonetics.B. Articulatory phoneticsC. Auditory phonetics.D. Neither of them.8. Which one is different from the others according to manners of articulation?A. [z]B. [w]C. [θ]D. [v]9. Which one is different from the others according to places of articulation?A. [n]B. [m]C. [b]D. [p]10. Which vowel is different from the others according to the characteristics of vowels?A. [i:]B. [u]C. [e]D. [i]11. What kind of sounds can we make when the vocal cords are vibrationg?A. V oicelessB. V oicedC. Glottal stopD. Consonant12. Which consonant represents the following description: voiceless labiodental fricative?A. [f]B. [θ]C. [z]D. [s]参考答案:ACDADD 7-12 BBABBASection 3 Morphology1.Nouns, verbs and adjectives can be classified as _____.A. lexical wordsB. grammatical wordsC. function wordsD. form words2. Morphemes that represent tense, number, gender and case are called _______ morpheme.A. inflectionalB. freeC. boundD. derivational3. There are _____ morphemes in the word denationalizaiton.A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six4. In English –ise and –tion are called _________.A. prefixesB. suffixesC. infixesD. free morphemes5. Morphology is generally divided into two fields: the study of word-formation and _________.A. affixationB. etymologyC. inflectionD. root6. The three subtypes of affixes are: prefix, suffix and ______.A. derivational affixB. inflectional affixC. infixD. back-formation7. ______ is a way in which new words may be formed from already existing words by subtracting an affix which is thought to be part of the old word.A. AffixationB. Back-formationC. InsertionD. Addition8. The word TB is formed in the way of _______.A. acronymyB. clipppingC. initialismD. blending9. There are different types of affixes or morphemes. The affix “ed”in the word “learned” is known as a(n) ________.A. derivaitonal morphemeB. free morphemeC. inflectional morphemeD. free form10. The words like cosmat and sitcom are formed by ______.A. blendingB. clippingC. backformationD. acronymy11. The stem of disagreements is _____.A. agreementB. agreeC. disagreeD. disagreement12. All of them are meaningful except for ______.A. lexemeB. phonemeC. morphemeD. allomorph参考答案:1-6 AACBCC 7-12 BCCADBSection 4 Syntax1.The head of the phrase “the city Rome” is ______.A. the cityB. RomeC. cityD. the city Rome2. The phrse “on the shelf” belongs to _____ construction.A. endocentricB. exocentric(离心结构)C. subordinateD. coordinate3. The sentence “They were wanted to remain quiet and not to expose themselves” isa _____ sentence.A. simpleB. coordinateC. compoundD. complex4. Iin a complete sentence, the incorporated, or subordinate clause is normally called a(n) _____ clause.A. finiteB. non-infiniteC. embedded (嵌入句)D. matrix5. _____ is a sub-field of linguistics that studies the sentence structure of language.A. MorphologyB. syntaxC. SemanticsD. Pragmatics6. ________ does not belong to major syntactic categories.A. AuxiliaryB. NPC. ND. PP7. __________ refers to construction where one clause is coordinated or conjoined with another.A. ConjoiningB. EmbeddingC. CorcordD. Government8. The term __ is used in a narrow sense to conclude only reflexives like myself and reciprocals like each other.A. pronominalB. anaphorC. re-expressionD. binding9. In Halliday’s view, the _________ funciton of language is realized as the transitivity system in clauses as a representation of experience.A. ideationalB. interpersonalC. textualD. social10. The criterion used in IC analysis is ___________.A. transformationB. conjoiningC. groupingD. substitutability11. __________ is a type of control over the form of some words by other words incertain syntactic constructions and in terms of certain category.A. ConcordB. GovernmentC. BindingD. C-command12. The phrase “my small child’s cot” is an ambiguous phrase, which can be revealed by ________ tree diagrams.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four参考答案:1-6 DBACBA 7-12 ABADBCSection 5 Semantics1._________ in a person’s speech, or writing, usually ranges on a continuum fromcasual to formal according to the type of communicative context.A. Stylistic variationB. Ideolectal variationC. Social variationD. Regional variation2. Cold and hot are a pair of _____ antonyms.A. gradableB. complementaryC. reversalD. converseness3. Idioms are _____.A. sentencesB. naming unitsC. phrasesD. communication units4. _______ describes whether a proposition is true or false.A. TruthB. Truth valueC. Truth conditionD. Falsehood5. “John hit Peter” and “Peter was hit by John” are the same _______>A. propositionB. sentenceC. utteranceD. truth6. Bull: [BOVINE] [MALE] [ADULT] is an example of ______.A. componential analysisB. predication analysisC. compositionalityD. selection restriction7. The semantic triangle holds that the meaning of a word __________.A. is interpreted through the mediation of concept.B. Is related to the thing it refers to.C. Is the idea associated with that word in the minds of speakers/D. Is the image it is represented in the mind.8.When the truth of sentence (a) guarantees the truth of sentence (b), and the falsityof sentence (b) guarantees the falsity of sentnece (a), we can say that _____.A.sentence (a) presupposes sentence (b)B. sentence (a) entails sentence (b)C. sentence (a) is inconsistent with sentence (b)D. sentence (a) contradicts sentence (b)9. “Tom likes apples.” is a case of ________.A. two-place predicationB. one-place predicationC. two-place argumentD. one-place argument10. “John killed Bill but bill didn’t die” ia a(n) _____.A. entailmentB. presuppositionC. anomalyD. contradiction11. The particular words or constructions that produce presuppotions is called _____.A. presupposition conditionB. truth conditionC. presupposition triggerD. truth value12. Lexical ambiguity arises from pplysymy or __ which can not be determined by the context.A. homonymyB. antonymyC. meronymyD. synonymy参考答案:1-6 AABBAA 7-12 ABADCASection 6 Pragmatics1._________ is the study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effectsuccessful communication.A. SemanticsB. PragmaticsC. SociolinguisticsD. Psycholinguistics2. ___________ found that natural language had its own logic and conclude cooperative principle.A. John AustinB. John FirthC. Paul GriceD. William Jones3. The branch of linguistics that studies how context influences the way speakers interpret sentences is called ______.A. semanticsB. pragmaticsC. sociolinguisticsD. psycholinguistics4. ________ proposed that speech act can fall into five general categories.A. AustinB. SearleC. SapirD. Chomsky5. Promising, undertaking, vowing are the most typical of the ____.A. declarationsB. directivesC. commissivesD. expressives6. The illocutionary point of the _ is to express the psychological state specified in the utterance.A. declarationB. expressivesC. commissivesD. directives7. Y’s utterance in the following conversation exchange violates the maxim of _____. X: Who was that you were with last night?Y: Did you know that you were wearing odd socks?A. qualityB. quantityC. relationD. manner8. The violation of one or more of the conversational ______ (of the CP) can, when the listener fully understands the speaker, create conversational implicature, and humor sometimes.A. standardsB. principlesC. levelsD. maxims9. Most of the vilations of the maxims of the CP give rise to ______.A. breakdown of conversationB. confusion of one’s intentionC. hostitility between speakers and the listenersD. conversational implicatures10. Speech Act Theory was proposed by _____ in 1962.A. SaussureB. AustinC. ChomskyD. Grimm11. The maxim of quantity requires: ________.A. contribute as informative as requiredB. do not contribute more than is requiredC. do not say what has little evidenceD. both A and B12. according to Searle, those illocutionary acts whose point is to commit the speaker to some future course of action are called _______.A. commissivesB. directivesC. expressivesD. declaratives参考答案:1-6 BCBBCB 7-12 CDDBDASection 7 Language and society1.________ are language varieties appropriate for use in particular speechsituations.A. SlangB. Address termsC. RegistersD. Education varieties2. In sociolinguistics, ____ refers to a group of institutionalized social situations typically constrained by a common set of behavioral rules.A. domainB. situationC. societyD. community3. _____ is defined as any regionally or socially defined human group identified by shared linguistic system.A. A speech communityB. A raceC. A societyD. A country4. _____ variation of language is th emost discernible and definable in speech variation.A. RegionalB. SocietyC. StylisticD. Idiolectal5. ___________ is not a typical example of official bilingualism.A. CanadaB. FinlandC. BelgiumD. Germany6. ________ refers to a marginal language of few lexical items and straight forward grammatical rules, used as a medium of communicaiton.A. Lingua francaB. CreoleC. PidginD. Standard language7. The most recognizable differences between American English and British English are in ____ and vocabulary.A. diglossiaB. bilingualismC. pidginizationD. blending8. _______ is a causal use of language that consists of expressive but nonstandard vocabulary, typically of arbitrary, flashy and often ephemeral coinages and figures of speech.A. Lanugage tabooB. SlangC. Address termsD. register variety9. _______ variety refers to speech variation according to the particular area where a speaker comes from.A. RegionalB. SocialC. StylisticD. Idiolectal10. In a speech community people have something in common _____ language or a particular variety of language and rules and rules for using it.A. sociallyB. linguisticallyC. culturallyD. pragmatically11. Probably the most widespread and familiar ethnic variety of the English language is ____.A. British EnglishB. American EnglishC. Black EnglishD. Australian English12. ______ in a person’s speech, or writing, usually ranges on a continuum from casual to formal according to the type of communicative content.A. Regional variationB. Social variationC. Stylistic variationD. Idiolectal variation参考答案:1-6 CAAADC 7-12 CBABCDSection 8 Psycholinguistics1.______ deals with how language is acquired, understood and produced.A. SociolinguisticsB. PsycholinguisticsC. PragmaticsD. Morphology2. Which of the major mental functions listed below is not under the control of the left hemisphere in most people?A. Language and speech.B. Visual and spacial skills.C. Redaing and writing.D. Analytic reasoning.3. Psychologists, neurologists and linguists have concluded that, in addition to the motor area, three areas of the left brain are vital to language, namely, ____.A. Broca’s area, Wernick e’s area and the angular gyrusB. Broca’s area, Wernick e’s area and cerebral cortexC. Broca’s area, Wernick e’s area and neuronsD. Broca’s area, Wernick e’s area and Exner’s area4. When we speak, words are sent to _______, which determines the details of their form and pronunciation.A. Broca’s areaB. Wernicke’s areaC. the angualr gyrusD. motor area5. What kind of patients cannot convet a visual stimulus into an auditory form and vice versa?A. The linguistic deprivationB. Broca’s aphasicsC. Wernicke’s aphasicsD. The damage on the angular gyrus6. When we listen, the word is heard and comprehend via ______ area.A. Broca’sB. motorC. neuronsD. wernicke’s7. ___________ is the mental functions under the control of the right hemisphere.A. Language and speechB. CalculationC. Holistic reasoningD. Associative thought8. Stimuli heard in the left ear are reported less accurately than those heard in the right ear. This phenomenon is known as the _______.A. brain lateralizaitonB. linguistic lateralizationC. right ear advantageD. cerebral plasticity9. A child acquires his/her mother tongue invariably through these phases:A. no-wordB. babblingC. talkingD. uttering10. At the age of four, children ____________.A. can master the essentials of their mother tongueB. can only babble several soundsC. can name the things around them onlyD. Can write out the grammatical rules of their language11. ________ refers to the gradual and suconscious development of ability in the first language by using it naturally in daily communicative situations.A. LearningB. CompetenceC. PerformanceD. Acquisition12. Whorf believed that speakers of different languages perceive and experienced the world differently, that is relative to their linguistic background, hence the notion of ______________.A. linguistic determinationB. linguistic relativismC. linguistic nativismD. linguistic behaviorism参考答案:1-6 BBAADD 7-12 CCBADBSection 9 Language Acquisition1.___________ modifications are not only successful, but have the added advantageof providing learnrs with continued access to the very linguistic items they have yet to acquire.A. ElaborativeB. LinguisticC. ConversationalD. Discourse2. Negative transfer in learning a second language is known as ________.A. interferenceB. interlanguageC. fossilizationD. acculturation3. Beside the genetic predisposition for language acquisition, language ______ is necessary for successful language acquisition.A. instructionB. correctionC. imitationD. input and interaction4. Intelligibility means that any human being can be both a producer and a ________ of messages.A. senderB. receiverC. mediumD. none of above5. ________ is defined as a conscious process of accumulating knowledge of a second language usually obtained in school settings.A. CompetenceB. PerformanceC. LearningD. Acquisition6. In ______, researchers take part in the activities they are studying.A. particular observationB. non-participant observationC. experimentD. introspection7. _______ are devised to reveal what a learner knows: the rules he is using and the systems and categories he is working with.A. experimentsB. quasi-experimentsC. testsD. tasks8. ________ sees errors as the result of the intrusion of L1 habits over which the learner had no control.A. error analysisB. performance analysisC. contrstive analysisD. discourse analysis9. It is a case of ________ when a speaker produced two negative utterances in close proximity to each other, in the same context, wile addressing the same person and with similar amounts of planning time:No look my card.Don’t look my card.A. free variationB. systematic variationC. linguistic variationD. context variation10. ________ is the language used when speakers are communicationg spontaneously and freely and consequently not atteding to the forms they choose.A. careful styleB. vernacular styleC. cognitive styleD. style continnum11. The characteristic of languistic environment for L2 acquisition is that linguistic adjustments and ______ have been made to non-native speakers.A. noisy utterancesB. caretaker speechesC. ill-formed structuresD. conversational adjustments12. ________ theories of learning of learning hold that an organism’s nuture, orexperience, is of more importance to development than its nature, or innate contributions.A. EnvironmentalistB. NativistC. InteractionalD. Mentalist参考答案:1-6 AADBCA 7-12 DCABDASection 10 Schools of Linguistics1.The person who is often described as “father of modern linguistics” is _____.A. FirthB. SaussureC. HallidayD. Chomsky2. The most important contribution of the Prague School to linguistics is that it sees language in terms of _____.A. functionB. meaningC. signsD. system3. The principal representative of American descriptive linguistics is ______.A. BoasB. SapirC. BloomfieldD. Harris4. The theory of _______ considers that all sentences are generated from a semantic structure.A. Case GrammarB. Stratificational GrammarC. Relational GrammarD. Generative Semantics5. Generally speaking, the _____ specifies whether a cetain tagmeme is in the position of the Nucleus or of the Margin in the structure.A. SlotB. ClassC. RoleD. Cohesion6. _________ Grammar is the most widespread and the best understood method of discussing Indo-European languages.A. TraditionalB. StrucutralC. FunctionalD. Generative7. Hjelmslev is a Danish linguist and the central figure of the ______.A. Prague SchoolB. Copenhagen SchoolC. London SchoolD. Generative Semantics8. _______ Grammar started from the American linguist Sydney M. Lamb in the late 1950s and the early 1960s.A. StratificationalB. CaseC. RelationalD. Montague9. In Halliday’s view, the _ function is the function that the child uses to know about his surroundings.A. personalB. heuristicC. imaginativeD. informative10. The rheme in the the sentence “On it stood Jane” is ________.A. On itB. stoodC. On it stoodD. Jane11. Chomsky follows _________in philosophy and mentalism in psychology.A. empiricismB. behavirourismC. rationalismD. mentalism12. TG Grammar has seen _____ stages of development.A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six参考答案:1-6 BACDAA 7-12 BABDCC。

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2. 《外研社·英语·准备)专业八级英语阅读理解(附解析与备考经验)(何军主编)》
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1. 《专八考试词汇手册》(于涛编著)

English英语专八学习语言学重点精华汇总一什么是语言学语言学的鼻祖要知道Saussure是Father of Modern Linguistics,他出版了一部很具代表性的著作Course in General Linguistics●语言及语言学的两个定义要清楚:Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication Linguistics is a branch of science,which takes language as its object of investigation.●一些重要的对立性的概念,同学一定要区别开1.Prescriptive+Descriptive(规定一定要这样说或写+实际上我们是这么说或写)2.Synchronic+Diachronic(Saussure提出,研究某一特定时间段内的语言+研究在每一个历史阶段的语言)ngue+Parole(Saussure提出,Sociological角度出发)(一套完整的语言系统,规定了条条框框+我们现实中说的语言,按现实走,所以会变)petence+Performance(Chomsky提出,Psychological角度出发)(理想情况下说话者完全遵守语言规则+我们在现实生活中的语言运用)●Language5特征:随意性Arbitrariness(Saussure提出)+双重性Duality+多产性Productivity+移位性Displacement(语言可表达非现实的东西,如龙)+文化传播性Cultural Transmission (要靠后天学习才会掌握)●其他衍伸的学科(按字面上的理解即可)Psycholinguistics心理语言学/语言心理学、Sociolinguistics社会语言学、Anthropological Linguistics人类语言学二语音学Phonetics●定义:研究的是speech sounds,如speech production,研究的对象是Phone●国际音标图叫做the International Phonetic Alphabet/IPA chart:特别注意:什么是变音符Diacritics?是额外附加到我们所熟知的字母音标的。

英语专业八级听力应试技巧Mini Lecture·享受过程,集中精力最好的心态莫过于享受这个过程。

英语八级真题2013年试卷及答案解析专业英语八级真题2013年PART Ⅰ LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION AIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE, using no more than three words in each gap. Make sure theword(s) you .fill in is(are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may refer to your notes while completing the task. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. Now, listen to the mini-lecture.What Do Active Learners Do?There are differences between active learning and passive learning. Characteristics of active learners:Ⅰ. reading with purposeA. before reading: setting goalsB. while reading: (1)Ⅱ. (2) a nd critical in thinkingi.e. information processing, e.g.-connections between the known and the new information -identification of (3) concepts-judgment on the value of (4)Ⅲ. active in listeningA. ways of note-taking: (5)B. before note-taking: listening and thinkingⅣ. being able to get assistanceA. reason 1: knowing comprehension problems because of(6)B. reason 2: being able to predict study difficultiesⅤ. being able to question informationA. question what they read or hearB. evaluate and (7)Ⅵ. last characteristicA. attitude toward responsibility-active learners: accept-passive learners: (8)B. attitude toward (9)-active learners: evaluate and change behaviour-passive learners: no change in approachRelationship between skill and will: will is more importantin (10)Lack of will leads to difficulty in college learning.SECTION BIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.1、 According to the interviewer, which of the following best indicates the relationship between choice and mobility?A. Better education → more choices → greater mobility.B. Better education → greater mobility → more choices.C. Greater mobil ity → better education → more choices.D. Greater mobility → more choices → better education.2、 According to the interview, which of the following details about the first poll is INCORRECT?A. Job security came second according to the poll results.B. Chances for advancement might have been favoured by young people.C. High income failed to come on top for being most important.D. Shorter work hours was least chosen for being most important.3、According to the interviewee, which is the main difference between the first and the second poll?A. The type of respondents who were invited.B. The way in which the questions were designed.C. The content area of the questions.D. The number of poll questions.4、What can we learn from the respondents' answers to items 2, 4 and7 in the second poll?A. Recognition from colleagues should be given less importance.B. Workers are always willing and ready to learn more new skills.C. Work will have to be made interesting to raise efficiency.D. Psychological reward is more important than material one.5、 According to the interviewee, which of the following can offer both psychological and monetary benefits?A. Contact with many people.B. Appreciation from coworkers.C. Chances for advancement.D. Chances to learn new skills.SECTION CIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listencarefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.6、 According to the news item, "sleepboxes" are designed to solve the problems ofA. airports.B. passengers.C.architects. D. companies.7、 Which of the following is NOT true with reference to the news?A. Renters can take a shower inside the box.B. Renters of normal height can stand up inside.C. Bedding can be automatically changed.D. Sleepboxes can be rented for different lengths of time.7、 What is the news item mainly about?A. London's preparations for the Notting Hill Carnival.B. Main features of the Notting Hill Carnival.C. Police's preventive measures for the carnival.D. Police participation in the carnival.9、 The news item reports on a research finding aboutA. early malnutrition and heart health.B. the Dutch famine and the Dutch women.C. the causes of death during the famine.D. nutrition in childhood and adolescence.10、 When did the research team carry out the study?A. At the end of World War Ⅱ.B. Between 1944 and 1945.C. In the 1950s.D. In 2007.PART Ⅱ READING COMPREH ENSIONIn this section there are four reading passages followed by a total of 20 multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.TEXT AThree hundred years ago news travelled by word of mouth or letter, and circulated in taverns and coffee houses in the form of pamphletsand newsletters. "The coffee houses particularly are very roomy for a free conversation, and for reading at an easier rate all manner of printed news," noted one observer. Everything changed in 1833 when the first mass-audience newspaper, The New York Sun, pioneered the use of advertising to reduce the cost of news, thus giving advertisers access to a wider audience. The penny press, followed by radio and television, turned news from a two-way conversation into a one-way broadcast, with a relatively small number of firmscontrolling the media.Now, the news industry is returning to something closer to the coffee house. The internet is making news more participatory, social and diverse, reviving the discursive characteristics of the era before the mass media. That will have profound effects on society and politics. In much of the world, the mass media are flourishing. Newspaper circulation rose globally by 6% between 2005 and 2009. But those global figures mask a sharp decline in readership in rich countries.Over the past decade, throughout the Western world, people have been giving up newspapers and TV news and keeping up with events in profoundly different ways. Most strikingly, ordinary people are increasingly involved in compiling, sharing, filtering,discussing and distributing news. Twitter lets people anywhere, report what they are seeing. Classified documents are published in their thousands online. Mobile-phone footage of Arab uprisings and American tornadoes is posted on social-networking sites and shown on television newscasts. Social-networking sites help people find, discuss and share news with their friends.And it is not just readers who are challenging the media elite. Technology firms including Google, Facebook and Twitter have become important conduits of news. Celebrities and world leaders publish updates directly via social networks; many countries now make raw data available through "open government" initiatives. The internet lets people read newspapers or watch television channels from around the world. The web has allowed new providers of news, from individual bloggers to sites, to rise to prominence in a very short space of time. And it has made possible entirely new approaches to journalism, such as that practiced by WikiLeaks, which provides an anonymous way for whistleblowers to publish documents. The news agenda is no longer controlled by a few press barons and state outlets.In principle, every liberal should celebrate this. A more participatory and social news environment, with a remarkable diversity and range of news sources, is a good thing. The transformation of the news business is unstoppable, and attempts to reverse it are doomed to failure. As producers of new journalism,individuals can be scrupulous with facts and transparent with their sources. As consumers, they can be general in their tastes and demanding in their standards. And although thistransformation does raise concerns, there is much to celebrate in the noisy, diverse, vociferous, argumentative and stridently alive environment of the news business in the ages of the internet. The coffee house is buck. Enjoy it.11、According to the passage, what initiated the transformation of coffee-house news to mass-media news?A. The emergence of big mass media firms.B. The popularityof radio and television.C. The increasing number of newspaper readers.D. The appearanceof advertising in newspapers.12、 Which of the following statements best supports "Now, the news industry is returning to something closer to the coffee house"?A. Newspaper circulation rose globally by 6% between 2005 and 2009.B. People in the Western world are giving up newspapers and TV news.C. More people are involved in finding, discussing anddistributing news.D. Classified documents are published in their thousands online.13、 According to the passage, which is NOT a role played by information technology?A. Challenging the traditional media.B. Planning the return to coffee-honse news.C. Providing people with access to classified files.D. Giving ordinary people the chance to provide news.14、The author's tone in the last paragraph towards newjournalismisA. doubtful and reserved.B. supportiveand skeptical.C. optimistic and cautious.D. ambiguousand cautious.15、In "The coffee house is buck", coffee house best symbolizesA. the participatory nature of news.B. the more varied sources of news.C. the changing characteristics of news audience.D. the more diversified means of news distribution.TEXT BParis is like pornography. You respond even if you don't want to. You turn a corner and see a vista, and your imagination bolts away. Suddenly you are thinking about what it would be like to live in Paris, and then you think about all the lives you have not lived. Sometimes, though, when you are lucky, you only think about how many pleasures the day ahead holds. Then, you feel privileged.The lobby of the hotel is decorated in red and gold. It gives offa whiff of 19th-century decadence. Probably as much as any hotel in Paris, this hotel is sexy. I was standing facing the revolving doors and the driveway beyond. A car with a woman in the back seat - a woman in a short skirt and black-leather jacket - pulled up beforethe hotel door. She swung off and she was wearing highheels. Normally, my mind would have leaped and imagined a story for this woman. Now it didn't. I stood there and told myself: Cheer up. You're in Paris.In many ways, Paris is best visited in winter. The tourist crowds are at a minimum, and one is not being jammed off the narrowsidewalks along the Rue Dauphine. More than this, Paris is like many other European cities in that the season of blockbuster cultural events tends to begin in midto late fall and so, by the time of winter, most of the cultural treasures of the city are laid out to be admired.The other great reason why Paris in winter is so much better than Paris in spring and fall is that after the end of the August holidays and the return of chic Parisian women to their city, the restaurant-opening season truly begins hopping. By winter, many of the new restaurants have worked out their kinks (不足; 困难) and, once the hype has died down, it is possible to see which restaurants are actually good and which are merely noisy and crowded.Most people are about as happy as they set their mind to being, Lincoln said. In Paris it doesn't take much to be happy. Outside the hotel, the sky was pale and felt very high up. I walked the fewblocks to the Seine and began running along the blue-green river toward the Eiffel Tower. The tower in the distance was black, andfelt strange and beautiful the way that many things built for the joy of building do. As I ran toward it, because of its lattice structure, the tower seemed obviously delicate. Seeing it, I felt a sense of protectiveness.I think it was this moment of protectiveness that marked the change in my mood and my slowly becoming thrilled with being in Paris. During winter evenings, Paris's streetlamps have a halo and resemble dandelions. In winter, when one leaves the Paris street and enters a cafe or restaurant, the light and temperature changesuddenly and dramatically, and there is the sense of having discovered something secret. In winter, because the days are short, there is an urgency to the choices one makes. There is the sense that life is short and so let us decide on what matters.16、According to the passage, once in Paris one might experience all the following feelings EXCEPTA. regret.B. condescension.C.expectation. D. impulse.17、Winter is the best season to visit Paris. Which of the following does NOT support this statement?A. Fashionable Parisian women return to Paris.B. There are more good restaurants to choose from.C. More entertainment activities are staged.D. There are fewer tourists in Paris.18、 "Most people are about as happy as they set their mind to being." This statement means that most peopleA. expect to be happy.B. hope to be as happy as others.C. would be happier if they want.D. can be happy if they want.19、 In the eyes of the author, winter in Paris is significant because ofA. its implications for life.B. the atmosphere of its evenings.C. the contrast it brings.D. the discovery one makes.20、 At the end of the passage, the author found himself ina mood ofA. joyfulness.B. thoughtfulness.C.loneliness. D. excitement.TEXT CIf you want to know why Denmark is the world's leader in wind power, start with a three-hour car trip from the capital Copenhagen - mind the bicyclists - to the small town of Lem on the far west coast of Jutland. You'll feel it as you cross the 6.8 kin-long Great Belt Bridge: Denmark's bountiful wind, so fierce even on a calm summers day that it threatens to shove your car Into the waves below. But wind itself is only part of the reason. In Lem, workers in factories the size of aircraft hangars build the wind turbines sold by Vestas,the Danish company that has emerged as the industry's top manufacturer around the globe. The work is both gross and fine; employees weld together massive curved sheets of steel to make central shafts as tall as a 14-story building, and assemble engine housings (机器外罩) that hold some 18,000 separate parts. Most impressive are the turbine's blades, which scoop the wind with each sweeping revolution. As smooth as an Olympic swimsuit and honed to aerodynamic perfection, each blade weighs in at 7,000 kg, and they're what help make Vestas' turbines the best in the world. "The blade is where the secret is,"says Erik Therkelsen, a Vestas executive. "Ifwe can make a turbine, it's sold."But technology, Like the wind itself, is just one more part of the reason for Denmark's dominance. In the end, it happened because Denmark had the poLitical and public will to decide that it wanted to be a leader - and to follow through. Beginning in 1979, the government began a determined programme of subsidies and loan guarantees to build up its wind industry. Copenhagen covered 30% of investment costs, and guaranteed loans for large turbine exporters such as Vestas. It also mandated that utilities purchase wind energyat a preferential price - thus guaranteeing investors a customer base. Energy taxes were channeled into research centres, where engineers crafted designs that would eventually produce cutting-edge giantslike Vestas' 3-megawatt (MW) V90 turbine.As a result, wind turbines now dot Deunlark. The country gets more than 19% of its electricity from the breeze (Spain and Portugal, the next highest countries, get about 10%) and Danish companies control one-third of the global wind market, earning billions in exports and creating a national champion from scratch. "They were out early in driving renewables, and that gave them the chance to be a technology leader and a job-creation leader," says Jake Schmidt, international climate policy director for the New York City-based Natural Resources Defense Council. "They have always been one or two steps ahead of others."The challenge now for Denmark is to help the rest of the world catch up. Beyond wind, the country (pop. 5.5 million) is a world leader in energy efficiency, getting more GDP per watt than any other member of the E.U. Carbon emissions are down 13.3%from 1990 levels and total energy consumption has barely moved, even as Denmark's economy continued to grow at a healthy clip. With Copenhagen set to host all- important U.N. climate change talks in December - where the world hopes for a successor to the expiring Kyoto Protocol - and the global recession beginning to hit environmental plans in capitals everywhere, Denmark's example couldn't be more timely. "We'll try to make Demnark a showroom," says Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen."You can reduce energy use and carbon emissions, and achieve economic growth."It's tempting to assume that Denmark is innately green, with the kind of Scandinavian good conscience that has made it such a pleasant global citizen since, oh, the whole Viking thing. But the country's policies were actually born from a different emotion, one now in common currency: fear. When the 1973 oil crisis hit, 90% of Denmark's energy came from petroleum, almost all of it imported. Buffeted by the same supply shocks that hit the rest of the developed world, Denmark launched a rapid drive for energy conservation, to the point of introducing car-free Sundays and asking businesses to switch off tights during closing hours. Eventually the Mideast oil started flowing again, and the Danes themselves began enjoying the benefits of the petroleum and natural gas in their slice of the North Sea. It was enough to make them more than selfsufficient. But unlike most other countries, Denmark never forgot the lessons of 1973, and kept driving for greater energy efficiency and a more diversified energy supply. The Danish parliament raised taxes on energy to encourage conservation and established subsidies and standards to support more efficient buildings. "It all started out without any regard for the climate or the environment," says Svend Auken, the formerhead of Denmark's opposition Social Democrat Party and the architect of the country's environmental policies in the 1990s. "But today there's a consensus that we need to build renewable power."To the rest of the world, Denmark has the power of its example, showing that you can stay rich and grow green at the sametime. "Denmark has proven that acting on climate can be a positive experience, not just painful," says NRDC's Schmidt. The real pain could come from failing to follow in their footsteps.21、 Which of the following is NOT cited as a main reason for Denmark's world leadership in wind power?A. Geographical location.B. Government drive.C.Technology. D. Wind.22、The author has detailed some of the efforts of the Danish Government in promoting the wind industry in order to showA. the country's subsidy and loan policies.B. the importance of export to the country.C. the role of taxation to the economy.D. the government's determination.23、What does the author mean by "Denmark's example couldn't be more timely"?A. Denmark's energy-saving efforts cannot be followed by other countries.B. Denmark can manufacture more wind turbines for other countries.C. Denmark's energy-saving success offers the world a usefulmodel.D. Denmark aims to show the world that it can develop even faster.24、According to the passage, Denmark's energy-saving policies originated fromA. the country's long tradition of environmental awareness.B. the country's previous experience of oil shortage.C. the country's grave shortage of natural resources.D. the country's abundant wind resources.25、 Which of the following is NOT implied in the passage?A. Not to save energy could lead to serious consequences.B. Energy saving efforts can be painful but positive.C. Energy saving cannot go together with economic growth.D. Denmark is a powerful leader in the global wind market.TEXT DThe first clue came when I got my hair cut. The stylist offered not just the usual coffee or tea but a complimentary nail-polish change while I waited for my hair to dry. Maybe she hoped this little amenity would slow the growing inclination of women to stretch each haircut to last four months while nursing our hair back to whatever natural color we long ago forgot.Then there was the appliance salesman who offered to carry my bags as we toured the microwave aisle. When I called my husband to ask him to check some specs online, the salesman offered a pre-emp- tive discount, lest the surfing turn up the same model cheaper in another store. That night, for the first time, I saw the Hyundai ad promising shoppers that if they buy a car and then lose their job in the next year, they can return it.Suddenly everything's on sale. The upside to the economic downturn is the immense incentive it gives retailers to treat youlike a queen for a day. During the flush times, salespeople were surly, waiters snobby. But now the customer rules, just for showing up. There's more room to stretch out on the flight, even in a coach. The malls havethat serene aura of undisturbed wilderness, with scarcely a shopperin sight. Everyconversation with anyone selling anything is a pantomime of pain and bluff. Finger the scarf, then start to walk away, and its price floats silkily downward. When the mechanic callsto tell you that brakes and a timing belt and other services will run close to $2,000,it's time to break out the newly perfected art of theconsidered pause. You really don't even have to say anything pitiful before he'll offer to knock a few hundred dollars off.Restaurants are also caught in a fit of ardent hospitality, especially around Wail Street: Trinity Place offers $3 drinks at happy hour any day the market goes down, with the slogan "Market tanked? Get tanked! " -which ensures a lively crowd for the closing bell. The "21" Club has decided that men no longer need to wear ties, so long as they bring their wallets. Food itself is friendlier: you notice more comfort food, a truce between chef and patron that is easier to enjoy now that you can get a table practically anywhere. New York Times restaurant critic Frank Bruni characterizes the new restaurant demeanor as "extreme so- licitousness tinged withoutright desperation." "You need to hug the customer," one owner told him.There's a chance that eventually we'll return all this kindness with the extravagant spending that was once decried but noweveryone is hoping will restart the economy. But human nature is funny that way. In dangerous times, we clench and squint at the deal that looks too good to miss, suspecting that it must be too good to be true. Is the store with the supercheap flat screens going to go bust and thus not be there to honour the "free" extended warranty? Is there something wrong with that free cheese? Store owners will tell you horror stories about shoppers with attitude, who walk in demanding discounts and flaunt their new power at every turn. These store owners wince as they sense bad habits forming: Will people expectdis- counts forever? Will their hard-won brand luster be forever cheapened, especially for items whose allure depends on their being ridiculously priced?There will surely come a day when things go back to "normal"; retail sales even inched up in January after sinking for the previous six months. But I wonder what it will take for us to see those $545 Sigerson Morrison studded toe-ring sandals as reasonable? Bargain-hunting can be addictive regardless of the state of the markets, and haggling is a low-risk, high-value contact sport. Trauma digs deep into habit, like my 85- year-old mother still calling her canned-goods cabinet "the bomb shelter." The children of the First Depres- sion were saving string and preaching sacrifice long after the skies cleared. They came to be called the "greatest generation." As we learn to be decent stewards of our resources, who knows what might come of it? We have lived in an age of wanton waste, and there is value in practicing conservation that goes far beyond our own bottom line.26、According to the passage, what does "the first clue" suggest?A. Women tend to have their hair cut less frequently.B. Shops, large or small, are offering big discounts.C. Shops try all kinds of means to please customers.D. Customers refrain from buying things impulsively.27、 Which of the following best depicts the retailers now?A. Over-friendly.B. Bad-tempered.C. Highly motivated.D. Deeply frustrated.28、 What does the author mean by "the newly perfected art of the considered pause"?A. Customers now rush to buy things on sale.B. Customers have learned how to bargain.C. Customers have higher demands for service.D. Customers have got a sense of superiority.29、 According to the passage, "shoppers... flaunt their new power at every turn" means that shoppers wouldA. like to show that they are powerful.B. keep asking for more discounts.C. like to show off their wealth.D. have more doubts or suspicion.30、What is the author's main message in the last two paragraphs?A. The practice of frugality is of great importance.B. Extravagant spending would boost economic growth.C. One's life experience would turn into lifelong habits.D. Customers should expect discounts for luxury goods.PART Ⅲ GENERAL KNOWLEDGEThere are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.31、 The full official name of Australia isA. The Republic of Australia.B. The Union of Australia.C. The Federation of Australia.D. The Commonwealth of Australia.32、 Canada is well known for all the following EXCEPTA. its mineral resources.B. its heavy industries.C. its forest resources.D. its fertile and arable land.33、 In the United States community colleges offerA. two-year programmes.B. four-year programmes.C. postgraduate studies.D. B.A.or B.S.degrees.34、In ______, referenda in Scotland and Wales set up a Scottish parliament and a Wales assembly.A. 2000B. 1946C. 1990D. 199735、 Which of the following clusters of words is an example of alliteration?A. A weak seat.B. Knock and kick.C. Safe and sound.D. Coat and boat.36、 Who wrote Mrs. Warren's Profession?A. George Bernard Shaw.B. William Butler Yeats.C. John Galsworthy.D. T.S. Eliot.37、 Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser is a(n)A. autobiography.B. short story.C.poem. D. novel.38、 Which of the following italicized parts is an inflectional morpheme?A. Unlock.B. Government.C.Goes. D. Off-stage.39、 ______ is a language phenomenon in which words sound like what they refer to.A. CollocationB. OnomatopoeiaC.Denotation D. Assimilation40、The sentence "Close your book and listen to me carefully!" performs a(n) ______ function.A. interrogativeB. informativeC.performative D. directivePART Ⅳ PROOFREADDING & ERROR CORRECTIONThe passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case,only ONE word is involved. You should proof-read the passage and。

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