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Would you like to take a trip if you could not use your cellphone during it? Not even a camera?

A new travel company called Off the Grid is asking 1 to do just that.

"When you're somewhere 2 , there's a lot to hear, a lot to see, a lot of cool, interesting people to meet," Beattie said. "Your phone can distract(使分心)you. You may not be 3 enjoying the trip." The cellphone ban will not be forced(强迫) upon the customers. "We want it to be a volunteer," Beattie said. "We're not collecting phones…" Travelers will be able to use a simple cell phone with useful 4 phone numbers. Off the Grid travelers are not allowed to bring usual 5 to take photos. But the company also has a photographer to take pictures during the tour. 6 the trip is over, travelers can post the photos on social media(媒体). "I think it's interesting and challenging(挑战的)to say, Can I enjoy this moment 7 a camera? Can I have this memory be part of me without sharing with someone else at once?"

The company's first trip is to Lisbon, Portugal, in July. The 7-to-10-day tours are for small groups,

no more than 16 people. Trip 8 begin at $1,500. The cost includes stays in hotels, some meals and ground transportation. It does not include air tickets. Off the Grid prefers special experiences rather than 9 sightseeing (观光). The trips include at least three activities and two social events. The Lisbon trip, for example, includes surfing lessons, exercise by the sea,

a day of boating and dinner with a local 10 . Beattie says he doesn't want the travelers to

be too busy going from one place to another.

1. A. customers B. managers C. bosses

2. A. new B. strange C. old

3. A. fully B. directly C. gradually

4. A. local B. foreign C. central

5. A. recorders B. cameras C. videos

6. A. Once B. Unless C. Since

7. A. with B. without C. about

8. A. plans B. prices C. suggestions

9. A. national B. international C. traditional

10. A. government B. family C. company



(1)句意:一家新的旅游公司取消了网络,并要求客户这样做。A:customers顾客; B:managers 经理;C:bosses老板。根据下文The cellphone ban will not be forced(强迫)

upon the customers. 可知要求的只能是旅游的客户,故选A。

(2)句意:当你到了一个新的地方,有很多事情要听,很多事情要看,很多很酷,有趣的人要认识。A:new 新的;B:strange陌生的C:old老的,旧的。根据下文 there's a lot to hear, a lot to see, a lot of cool, interesting people to meet, 可知一定是到了新的地方,否则就不会有很多遇见的,故选A。

(3)句意:你的电话可以分散你的注意力。你可能不会直接享受这次旅行。A:fully满地; B:directly 直接地;C:gradually逐渐地。根据上文 Your phone can distract(使分心)you. 可知不能直接享受旅行(间接影响你的旅行),故选B。

(4)句意:旅行者可以使用一个简单的手机,带有有用的本地电话号码。A:local 当地的;B:foreign国外的;C:central中心的。根据句子的前半部分Travelers will be able to use a simple cell phone 可知这种简单的手机,只能使用当地网络,故选A。

(5)句意:离网游客不允许携带普通相机拍照。A:recorders录音机;B:cameras相机; C:videos录像带。根据句末 to take photos,可知不允许带的只能是相机,故选B。(6)句意:一旦旅行结束后,旅行者可以在社交媒体上发布照片。A:Once一旦;B:Unless 除非;C:Since自从。根据前后句意思,可知前句是后句发生的条件,故选A。(7)句意:A:with 带有;B:without没有;C:about关于。根据下文Can I have this memory be part of me without sharing with someone else at once?" 可以推知上文是没有相机怎么能记忆这部分旅行,故选B。

(8)句意:旅行起价为1500美元。A:plans 计划;B:prices价格;C:suggestions建议。根据下文The cost includes stays in hotels, some meals and ground transportation. 可知是旅行的价格,故选B。

(9)句意:离网旅游更喜欢特殊的体验,而不是传统的观光。A:national 民族的;B:international国际的;C:traditional传统的。根据The trips include at least three activities and two social events. 可知与以往的(传统的)观光是不同的,故选C。

(10)句意例如,里斯本之旅包括冲浪课程、海上运动、划船和与当地家庭共进晚餐。:A:government政府; B:family家庭; C:company公司。根据... dinner with...可知一定是与当地家庭一起共进晚餐,故选B。

