



《给水排水专‎业英语》Lesso‎n 1speci‎f ic yield‎[spə'sifik‎][ji:ld] 单位产水量‎mass curve‎累积曲线capit‎a l inves‎tment‎投资recur‎ring natur‎a l event‎['nætʃə‎rəl] 重现历史事‎件subte‎r rane‎a n [sʌbtə‎'reini‎ən] 地下的groun‎d wate‎r地下水surfa‎c e water‎地表水tap [tæp]开关、龙头;在…上开空(导出液体)swamp‎l and ['swɔmp‎lænd] n. 沼泽地;沼泽地带capil‎l ary [kə'pilər‎i] n. 毛细管adj. 毛状的,毛细管的hygro‎- [词头] 湿(气),液体hygro‎s copi‎c [,haigr‎əu'skɔpi‎k] adj. 易湿的,吸湿的hygro‎s copi‎c moist‎u re 吸湿水strat‎u m ['strei‎təm] n. [地质学]地层,[生物学](组织的)层aquif‎e r ['ækwəf‎ə] ['ækwif‎ə] n.含水层,地下蓄水层‎satur‎a tion‎[,sætʃə‎'reiʃə‎n] n.饱和(状态),浸润,浸透,饱和度hydro‎s tati‎c[,haidr‎əu'stæti‎k] adj. 静水力学的‎,流体静力学‎的hydro‎s tati‎c press‎u re 静水压力water‎table‎ 1. 地下水位,地下水面,潜水面2. 【建筑学】泻水台;承雨线脚;飞檐;马路边沟[亦作 water‎-table‎]Phrea‎t ic surfa‎c e [fri(:)'ætik]地下水(静止)水位,浅层地下水‎面Super‎f icia‎l [sju:pə'fiʃəl‎] adj. 表面的,表观的,浅薄的Poros‎i ty [pɔ:'rɔsit‎i] n. 多孔性,有孔性,孔隙率Uncon‎f ined‎ ['ʌnkən‎'faind‎] adj. 无约束的,无限制的Perme‎a bili‎t y [,pə:miə'bilit‎i] n. 弥漫, 渗透, 渗透性Perme‎a mete‎r [pə:mi'æmitə‎] n.渗透仪,渗透性试验‎仪)Clay [klei] n. 粘土,泥土grave‎l ['ɡrævə‎l] n.[总称]砾,沙砾,小石;砾石cone of depre‎s sion‎[kəun] 下降漏斗, [水文学]下降锥体drawd‎o wn ['drɔ:daun] n. 水位下降(降落,消耗,减少)integ‎rate ['intig‎r eit] 【数学】作积分运算‎;求积分obser‎v atio‎n well [,əbzə:'veiʃə‎n] 观测井,观测孔extra‎c tion‎ [ik'stræk‎ʃən] n. 抽出,取出,提取(法),萃取(法)deriv‎a tion‎ [deri'veiʃə‎n] n. 1. 导出,引(伸)出,来历,出处,得出,得到;诱导,推论,推理;溯源【数学】1) (定理的)求导,推导2) 微商,微分,导数【语言】词源,衍生deple‎t e [di'pli:t] v. 耗尽, 使...衰竭refus‎e [ri'fju:z] n. 废物,垃圾vt. 拒绝,谢绝dump [dʌmp] n. 垃圾场,垃圾堆,堆存处vt. 倾卸,倾倒(垃圾)uncon‎f ined‎ aquif‎e r 潜水含水层‎,非承压含水‎层,无压含水层‎confi‎n ed aquif‎e r 自流含水层‎,承压含水层‎homog‎e neou‎s [,hɔməu‎'dʒi:njəs] adj. 同类的,相似的,均匀的,均相的;同种类的,同性质的;相同特征的‎Aquac‎l ude 不透水层,难渗透水的‎地层Offse‎t['ɔ:fset] n.偏移量抵销,弥补,分支,胶印,平版印刷,支管,乙字管Vt. 弥补,抵销,用平版印刷‎vi. 偏移,形成分支sophi‎s tica‎t ed [sə'fisti‎k eiti‎d] adj. 复杂的,需要专门技‎术的;诡辩的,久经世故的‎equil‎i briu‎m [,i:kwi'libri‎əm] n. 平衡,均衡Water‎Suppl‎y(给水工程)A suppl‎y of water‎is criti‎c al to the survi‎v al of life, as we know it.(众所周知,水对生命的‎生存至关重‎要。



建筑工程及给排水专业中英文对照翻译Laminar and Turbulent FlowObservation shows that two entirely different types of fluid flow exist. This was demon- strated by Osborne Reynolds in 1883 through an experiment in which water was discharged from a tank through a glass tube. The rate of flow could be controlled by a valve at the outlet, and a fine filament of dye injected at the entrance to the tube. At low velocities, it was found that the dye filament remained intact throughout the length of the tube, showing that the particles of water moved in parallel lines. This type of flow is known as laminar, viscous or streamline, the particles of fluid moving in an orderly manner and retaining the same relative positions in successive cross- sections.As the velocity in the tube was increased by opening the outlet valve, a point was eventually reached at which the dye filament at first began to oscillate and then broke up so that the colour was diffused over the whole cross-section, showing that the particles of fluid no longer moved in an orderly manner but occupied different relative position in successive cross-sections. This type of flow is known as turbulent and is characterized by continuous small fluctuations in the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the fluid particles, which are accompanied by corresponding small fluctuations of pressure.When the motion of a fluid particle in a stream is disturbed, its inertiawill tend to carry it on in the new direction, but the viscous forces due to the surrounding fluid will tend to make it conform to the motion of the rest of the stream. In viscous flow, the viscous shear stresses are sufficient to eliminate the effects of anydeviation, but in turbulent flow they are inadequate. The criterion which determines whether flow will be viscous of turbulent is therefore the ratio of the inertial force to the viscous force acting on the particle. The ratioμρvl const force Viscous force Inertial ?= Thus, the criter ion which determines whether flow is viscous or turbulent is the quantity ρvl /μ, known as the Reynolds number. It is a ratio of forces and, therefore, a pure number and may also be written as ul /v where is the kinematic viscosity (v=μ/ρ).Experiments carried out with a number of different fluids in straight pipes of different diameters have established that if the Reynolds number is calculated by making 1 equal to the pipe diameter and using the mean velocity v , then, below a critical value of ρvd /μ = 2000, flow will normally be laminar (viscous), any tendency to turbulence being damped out by viscous friction. This value of the Reynolds number applies only to flow in pipes, but critical values of the Reynolds number can be established for other types of flow, choosing a suitable characteristic length such as the chord of an aerofoil in place of the pipe diameter. For a given fluid flowing in a pipe of a given diameter, there will be a critical velocity of flow corresponding to the critical value of the Reynolds number, below which flow will be viscous.In pipes, at values of the Reynolds number > 2000, flow will not necessarily be turbulent. Laminar flow has been maintained up to Re = 50,000, but conditions are unstable and any disturbance will cause reversion to normal turbulent flow. In straight pipes of constant diameter, flow can be assumed to be turbulent if the Reynolds number exceeds 4000.Pipe NetworksAn extension of compound pipes in parallel is a case frequently encountered in municipal distribution system, in which the pipes are interconnected so that the flow to a given outlet may come by several different paths. Indeed, it is frequently impossible to tell by inspection which way the flow travels. Nevertheless, the flow in any networks, however complicated, must satisfy the basic relations of continuity and energy as follows:1. The flow into any junction must equal the flow out of it.2. The flow in each pipe must satisfy the pipe-friction laws for flow in a single pipe.3. The algebraic sum of the head losses around any closed circuit must be zero.Pipe networks are generally too complicated to solve analytically, as was possible in the simpler cases of parallel pipes.A practical procedure is the method of successive approximations, introduced by Cross. It consists of the following elements, in order:1. By careful inspection assume the most reasonable distribution of flows that satisfies condition 1.2. Write condition 2 for each pipe in the formh L = KQ n(7.5) where K is a constant for each pipe. For example, the standard pipe-friction equation would yield K= 1/C2and n= 2 for constant f. Minor losses within any circuit may be included, but minor losses at the junction points are neglected.3. To investigate condition 3, compute the algebraic sum of the head losses around each elementary circuit. ∑h L= ∑KQ n. Consider losses from clockwise flows as positive, counterclockwise negative. Only by good luck will these add tozero on the first trial.4. Adjust the flow in each circuit by a correction, ΔQ , to balance the head in that circuit and give ∑KQ n = 0. The heart of this method lies in the determination of ΔQ . For any pipe we may writeQ = Q 0 +ΔQwhere Q is the correct discharge and Q 0 is the assumed discharge. Then, for a circuit100/Q h n h Q Kn Q K Q L L n n ∑∑∑∑?-=-=- (7.6) It must be emphasized again that the numerator of Eq. (7.6) is to be summed algebraically, with due account of sign, while the denominator is summed arithmetically. The negative sign in Eq.(7.6) indicates that when there is an excess of head loss around a loop in the clockwise direction, the ΔQ must be subtracted from clockwise Q 0’s and added to counterclockwise ones. The reverse is true if there is a deficiency of head loss around a loop in the clockwise direction.5. After each circuit is given a first correction, the losses will still not balance because of the interaction of one circuit upon another (pipes which are common to two circuits receive two independent corrections, one for each circuit). The procedure is repeated, arriving at a second correction, and so on, until the corrections become negligible.Either form of Eq. (7.6) may be used to find ΔQ . As values of K appear in both numerator and denominator of the first form, values proportional to the actual K may be used to find the distribution. Thesecond form will be found most convenient for use with pipe-friction diagrams for water pipes.An attractive feature of the approximation method is thaterrors in computation have the same effect as errors in judgment and will eventually be corrected by the process.The pipe-networks problem lends itself well to solution by use of a digital computer. Programming takes time and care, but once set up, there is great flexibility and many man-hours of labor can be saved.The Future of Plastic Pipe at Higher PressuresParticipants in an AGA meeting panel on plastic pipe discussed the possibility of using polyethylene gas pipe at higher pressures. Topics included the design equation, including work being done by ISO on an updated version, and the evaluation of rapid crack propagation in a PE pipe resin. This is of critical importance because as pipe is used at higher pressure and in larger diameters, the possibility of RCP increases.Se veral years ago, AGA’s Plastic Pipe Design Equation Task Group reviewed the design equation to determine if higher operating pressurescould be used in plastic piping systems. Members felt the performance of our pipe resins was not truly reflected by the design equation. It was generally accepted that the long-term properties of modern resins far surpassed those of older resins. Major considerations were new equations being developed and selection of an appropriate design factor.Improved pipe performanceMany utilities monitored the performance of plastic pipe resins. Here are some of the long-term tests used and the kinds of performance change they have shown for typical gas pipe resins.Elevated temperature burst testThey used tests like the Elevated Temperature Burst T est, inwhich the long-term performance of the pipe is checked by measuring the time required for formation of brittle cracks in the pipe wall under high temperatures and pressures (often 80 degrees C and around 4 to 5-MPa hoop stress). At Consumers Gas we expected early resins to last at least 170 hrs. at 80 degrees C and a hoop stress of 3 MPa. Extrapolation showed that resins passing these limits should have a life expectancy of more than 50 yrs. Quality control testing on shipments of pipe made fromthese resins sometimes resulted in product rejection for failure to meet this criterion.At the same temperature, today’s resins last thousands of hours at hoop stresses of 4.6 MPa. Tests performed on pipe made from new resins have been terminated with no failure at times exceeding 5,700 hrs. These results were performed on samples that were squeezed off before testing. Such stresses were never applied in early testing. When extrapolated to operating conditions, this difference in test performance is equivalent to an increase in lifetime of hundreds (and in some cases even thousands) of years.Environmental stress crack resistance testSome companies also used the Environmental Stress Crack Resistance test which measured brittle crack formation in pipes but which used stress cracking agents to shorten test times.This test has also shown dramatic improvement in resistance brittle failure. For example, at my company a test time of more than 20 hrs. at 50 degrees C was required on our early resins. Today’s resins last well above 1,000 hrs. with no failure.Notch testsNotch tests, which are quickly run, measure brittle crack formation in notched pipe or molded coupon samples. This isimportant for the newer resins since some other tests to failure can take very long times. Notch test results show that while early resins lasted for test times ranging between 1,000 to 10,000 min., current resins usually last for longer than 200,000 min.All of our tests demonstrated the same thing. Newer resins are much more resistant to the growth of brittle crack than their predecessors. Since brittle failure is considered to be the ultimate failure mechanism in polyethylene pipes, we know that new materials will last much longer than the old. This is especially reassuring to the gas industry since many of these older resins have performed very well in the field for the past 25 yrs. with minimal detectable change in properties.While the tests showed greatly improved performance, the equation used to establish the pressure rating of the pipe is still identical to the original except for a change in 1978 to a single design factor for all class locations.To many it seemed that the methods used to pressure rate our pipe were now unduly conservative and that a new design equation was needed. At this time we became aware of a new equation being balloted atISO. The methodology being used seemed to be a more technically correct method of analyzing the data and offered a number of advantages.Thermal Expansion of Piping and Its CompensationA very relevant consideration requiring careful attention is the fact that with temperature of a length of pipe raised or lowered, there is a corresponding increase or decrease in its length and cross-sectional area because of the inherent coefficient of thermal expansion for the particular pipe material. The coefficient of expansion for carbon steel is 0.012 mm/m?Cand for copper 0.0168mm/m?C. Respective module of elasticity a re for steel E = 207×1.06kN/m2 and for copper E = 103×106 kN/m2. As an example, assuming a base temperature for water conducting piping at 0?C, a steel pipe of any diameter if heated to 120?C would experience a linear extension of 1.4 mm and a similarly if heated to copper pipe would extend by 2.016 mm for each meter of their respective lengths. The unit axial force in the steel pipe however would be 39% greater than for copper. The change in pipe diameter is of no practical consequence to linear extension but the axial forces created by expansion or contractionare con- siderable and capable of fracturing any fitments which may tend to impose a restraint;the magnitude of such forces is related to pipe size. As an example,in straight pipes of same length but different diameters, rigidly held at both ends and with temperature raised by say 100?C, total magnitude of linear forces against fixed points would be near enough proportionate to the respective diameters.It is therefore essential that design of any piping layout makes adequate com- pensatory provision for such thermal influence by relieving the system of linear stresses which would be directly related to length of pipework between fixed points and the range of operational temperatures.Compensation for forces due to thermal expansion. The ideal pipework as far as expansion is concerned, is one where maximum free movement with the minimum of restraint is possible. Hence the simplest and most economical way to ensure com- pensation and relief of forces is to take advantage of changes in direction, or where this is not part of the layout and long straight runs are involved it may be feasible to introducedeliberate dog-leg offset changes in direction at suitable intervals.As an alternative,at calculated intervals in a straight pipe run specially designed expansion loops or “U” bends should be inserted. Depending upon design and space availability, expansion bends within a straight pipe run can feature the so called double offset “U” band or thehorseshoe typ e or “lyre” loop.The last named are seldom used for large heating networks; they can be supplied in manufacturers’ standard units but require elaborate constructional works for underground installation.Anchored thermal movement in underground piping would normally be absorbed by three basic types of expansion bends and these include the “U”bend, the “L”bend and the “Z”bend.In cases of 90 changes indirection the “L” and “Z”bends are used.Principles involved in the design of provision for expansion between anchor points are virtually the same for all three types of compensator. The offset “U” bend is usually made up from four 90° elbows and straight pipes; it permits good thermal displacement and imposes smaller anchor loads than the other type of loop. This shape of expansion bend is the standardised pattern for prefabricated pipe-in-pipe systems.All thermal compensators are installed to accommodate an equal amount of expansion or contraction; therefore to obtain full advantage of the length of thermal movement it is necessary to extend the unit during installation thus opening up the loop by an extent roughly equal the half the overall calculated thermal movement.This is done by “cold-pull” or other mechanical means. The total amount of extension between two fixed pointshas to be calculated on basis of ambient temperature prevailing and operational design temperatures so that distribution of stresses and reactions at lower and higher temperatures are controlledwithin permissible limits. Pre-stressing does not affect the fatigue life of piping therefore it does not feature in calculation of pipework stresses .There are numerous specialist publication dealing with design and stressing calculations for piping and especially for proprietary piping and expansion units; comprehensive experience back design data as well as charts and graphs may be obtained in manufacturers’publications, offering solutions for every kind of pipe stressing problem.As an alternative to above mentioned methods of compensation for thermal expansion and useable in places where space is restricted, is the more expensive bellows or telescopic type mechanical compensator. There are many proprietary types and models on the market and the following types of compensators are generally used.The bellows type expansion unit in form of an axial compensator provides for expansion movement in a pipe along its axis; motion in this bellows is due to tension or compression only.There are also articulated bellows units restrained which combine angular and lateral movement; they consist of double compensator units restrained by straps pinned over the center of each bellowsor double tied thus being restrained over its length.Such compensators are suitable for accommodating very pipeline expansion and also for combinations of angular and lateral movements.层流与紊流有两种完全不同的流体流动形式存在,这一点在1883年就由Osborne Reynolds 用试验演示证明。



U N I T1给水工程 water supply engineering 排水工程 sewage engineering市政工程 civil engineering市政工程师 civil engineer环境工程 environmental engineering 水文学 hydrology水力学 hydranlies水环境 natural aquatic environment 流域 watershed水体 waterbody地表水 surface water淡水 freshwater地下水 groundwater含水层 aquifer天然含水层 natural aquifer 地下含水层 underground aquifer水文循环 natural hydrologic cycle渗滤 infiltration降水 precipitation渗入 precolation蒸发 evaporation蒸腾 transpiration城市水文循环 urban hydrologic cycle水源 water source水资源 water resource取水 water withdrawal水处理 water treatment配水 water distribution用水 water use污水 sewage废水 wastewater废水收集 wastewater collection废水处理 wastewater disposal受纳水体 receiving waters污染 pollution pollute污染物 pollutant玷污、污染 contamination致污物 contaminant未污染 uncontaminated水污染 water pollution水污染控制 water pollution control水污染防治 water pollution prevention污水回用 wastewater reuseUNIT 2水短缺 water scarcity地表水资源 surface water resource管网 Pipe Network供水系统 water supply system市政配水系统 municipal distribution system建筑给水系统house water supply system 分区供水系统 dual distribution system 小区 micro district小社区 small community冷水供水系统 cold water supply system 热水供水系统 hot water supply system 消防系统 fire protection system喷淋系统fire protection sprinkler system自动水幕系统 automatic drencher system 半自动水幕系统semi automatic drencher system 消火栓 hydrant 排水系统 drainage system生活排水系统 sanitary system工业排水系统 industrial system雨水排水系统 stormwater system合流制 combined sewers分流制 separate sewers建筑排水系统 building drainage system卫生洁具 plumbing fixtures卫浴设备 bathroom fixtures输水系统 water transmission system漏水率 leakage rate配水系统 water distribution system环状管网 grid (looped)system支状管网 branching(branched) system下水管道 sanitary sewer污水节流管 intercepting(中间截取)sewer污水节流系统intercepting sewersystem污水节流井 sewage intercepting well支管 collection (目的:收集)sewercollector sewer生活污水 sanitary sewagedomestic sewagedomestic wastewater工业污水 industrial wastewater工业污水/液/物 industrial wastes农业用水agriculturalwastewater/wastes雨水 rainwater stormwater水位 waterlevel海拔、标高 elevation坡度 grade倾斜度 slope明渠 Open channel开挖 ex cava tion深度 excavation depth水力分析 hydraulic analysis水头 pressure head总水头 total headUnit 3水头损失 Head loss速度头动压头 Velocity head静压 Static head摩擦水头 Friction head水力坡度线 Hydranlic grade line 重力流 Gravity flow水塔 Water castle 贮水箱 Cistern泵站 Pump station给水泵站 Water pump station污水泵站 Sewage station提升泵站 Lift pumping plant增压泵 Booster pump离心泵 Centrifugal pump潜水泵 Submer sible pump潜水艇 Submerine深井泵 Well pump虹吸虹吸管 Siphon人孔 Manhole法兰 Flange阀门 Valve闸阀 Gate valve泵送系统 Pumping system流量 Flow rate流速 Fluid velocity层流 Laminar flow滞流粘性流 viscous flow过渡流 Transitional flow湍流 Turbulent flow紊流 Turbulence flow涡流 Eddying flow雷诺数 Teynolds number水质 Water guality水源 Water sources供水水源 Water supples原水 Raw water未处理水 Untreated water出水 Finished water原水水质 Raw-water quality水质标准 Water quality standards水质要求 Water quality requirements饮用水 Drink water\potable water自来水 Tap water纯水 Pure water饮用水标准 Drinking water standards饮用水一级标Primary drinking water standards最大允许浓度 Maxmum permissible levelsmaxmum allowable levels最大污染物浓度Maxmum contaminant levels主要污染物 Primary contaminants有机化合物 Organic chemicals合成有机化合物Synthetic organic chemicals 挥发性有机化合物Volatile organicohemicals无机化合物 Inorganic chemical微生物 Micro organisms\microbes微生物污染 Microbial contaminants病原微生物 Pathogenic micro organisms病原体 Pathogenic病毒 Pathogenic bacterin细菌 Bacteria大肠杆菌 Coliform bacteria病毒 Viruses藻类 Algae浊度 Turbidity放射性 Radionuclide感官性状 Esthetic qualities审美 Esthetic味 Taste嗅 Odo色 Colour变色 Discolouration变色 Discolor水质物理参数 Physical parameters of waterquality水的物理性质 Physical quality of water浊度值 Turbidity values浊度单位 Turdidity unit浑浊单位 Turdid嗅阈值 Threshold odor number化学性质 Chemical quality水质化学参数Chemical parameters of waterquality溶解氧 Dissolved oxygen (DO)溶解氧浓度 Do level 溶解氧平衡 Do balance 氧损 Oxygen depletion 有机污染物 Organic pollutant生化需氧量 Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)总氮 Total nitrogen (TN)总凯式氮 Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN)悬浮固体 Suspended solids (SS)总悬浮固体 Total suspended solids (TSS) 溶解 Dissolved (DS)总溶解 Total dissolved (TDS)Unit 4溶解的铁和锰 Dissolved iron and manganese硬度 Hardness 碱度 Alkalinity 盐度 Salinity有害物质 Toxic and hazardous materials 氰化物 Cyanides 急性毒性 Acute toxity 慢性毒性 Chronic toxity基因毒性 Genetic toxicity 基因 Gene难降解有机化合物 Refractory organic chemicals 永久性有机污染物 Persistent organic pollutants致癌化学性 Carcinogenic chemicals三卤甲烷 Trihalo methanes 卤素 Halogen甲基 Methyl氯仿 Trichloromethane 三氯甲烷 Chloroform杀虫剂 农药 Pesticide害虫 Pest杀虫剂 Insecticide 除草剂 Herbicide 杀菌剂 Germicide 细菌 Germ防腐剂 Preservative保证 Preserve清洗剂 Cleaning agent 洗涤剂 Detergent 发泡剂 Foaming agent 泡沫 Foam 化肥 Fertilizer肥沃的 Fertile富营养化 Eutrophication营养的 Trophic营养水平 Trophic level生态位 NicheUnit 5原污水 Raw sewage原废水 Raw wastes处理水 Treated wastes回用水 Redaimed water水处理过程 Water processing 收集 Collect处置 Dispose处理方法 Treatment method 处理费用 Treatment costs处理单元 Treatment process 运行模式 Operational mode间歇处理方式 Batch treatment approach均匀均化 Equalization均匀 Equalize调蓄水池 Equalization storage调节池 Equalization tank蓄水池 Storage tank降解 Degrade分解 Decompose分离 Separate隔离 Separation物理法 Physical process物理处理 Physical treatment物理处理过程 Physical treatment process一级处理 Primary treatment初步处理 Preliminary treatment格栅筛滤 Screening格栅 Screen格栅 Bar screen栅条 Bars钢栅条 Steel bars渣耙 Cleaning rakes圆形破碎机 Circular grinder破碎 Grind除砂 Degritting砂 Grit沙 Sand除砂 Grit removal沉砂池 Grit chamber沉淀 Settling沉淀池 Settling tank澄清池 Clarifier初澄清池 Primary clarifier初沉池 Primary settling tank一级出水 Primary effluent二级处理 Secondary treatment二级处理工艺Secondary treatment process生物处理 Biological treatment二澄清池 Secondary clarifier二沉池 Secondary settling tank最终澄清池 Final clarifier最终沉淀池 Final settling tank二级出水 Secondary effluent三级处理 Tertiary treatment深度处理 Advanced treatment废水消毒 Waste disinfection出流出水 Effluent flow 允许浓度 Allowable levels优异出水 High-quality polished effluent废水处理厂 Wastewater treatment plant污水处理厂 Sewage treatment plant二级处理厂 Secondary treatment plant城市污水处理Municipal wastewater treatment市政工程 Municipal engineering土木工程 Civil engineering城市污水处理厂Municipal wastewater treatmentplant污水处理能力 Sewage treatment capacity电容 Capacitance污水处理设施Municipal treatmentfacilities多反应器设施 Multi-reactor facility处理池 Treatment tank负荷 Load负荷 Loadings水力负荷 Hydrautic loading污染负荷 Pollutant load有机负荷 Organic load无机负荷 Inorganic load不含化肥、农药无机的 Unorganic周期性负荷Periodic(intermitlent)loading第五部分:物化处理1.混凝 n. coagulation混凝过程 coagulation process化学混凝 chemical coagulation凝聚 n. aggregation絮凝 n. flocculationv. flocculate异向絮凝 perikinetic flocculation同向絮凝 orthokinetic flocculation 混凝剂 n. coagulant混凝剂投量 coagulant dosage烧杯实验 jar test最佳混凝剂投量optimum coagulant dosage助凝剂 coagulant aid助凝剂 flocculation aid聚电解质 n. polyelectrolytes快速混合 flash-mix ,rapid-mix快速混合器 flash mixer ,rapid mixer混合池 mixer tank快速混合池 flash-mix tank絮凝器 n. flocculator絮凝池 flocculation tank固体接触池 solids-contact tank澄清 n. clarificationv. clarify澄清池 n. clarifier高负荷澄清池 high rate clarifier澄清水 clarifying water2.沉淀 n. sedimentation沉降 n. sedimentation自由沉降 plain settling拥挤沉降 hindered settling重力沉降 gravity settling沉淀池 settling tank沉淀池,沉降池 sedimentation tank矩形沉淀池 rectangular settling tank圆形沉淀池 circular settling tank管式沉淀池 tube settler斜管沉淀池steeply inclined tubesettler板式沉淀池 parallel-plate settler板式沉淀池 plate separator气浮 n. floatation泡沫分离 foam separation溶气气浮 dissolved-air floatation气浮池 floatation tank表面撇渣装置 surface-skimming device撇去 v. skim浮渣 n. scum浮渣槽 scum trough刮泥机 sludge scraper排泥 sludge drawoffsludge withdrawal预沉淀 n. presedimentation预沉淀池 presedimentation basin 3.过滤 n. filtration滤池 n. filter慢滤池 slow filter快滤池 rapid filter高速(负荷)滤池 high rate filter 砂滤池 sand filter慢砂滤池 slow sand filter快砂滤池 rapid sand filter重力滤池 gravity filter压力滤池 pressure filter过滤介质,滤料 filter medium 石英砂 silica sand无烟煤 n. anthracite硅藻土 diatomaceous earth煤—砂滤床 coal-sand beds多层滤料 multilayered media混合滤料 mixed media双层滤料滤池 dual media filter双层滤池 two-layer filter粗滤料 coarse media细滤料 fine media助滤剂 filter aid滤后水,滤出水 filtered water滤后水,滤池出水 filter effluent滤前水,滤池进水 filter influent浊度穿透 turbidity breakthrough过滤周期 filter cycle清洗周期 cleaning cycle刮砂法 scraping method表面刮砂 surface scraping反冲洗 backwashing水力反冲洗 hydraulic backwashing水力反冲洗 hydraulic backwash水力分级 hydraulic grading4.消毒 n. disinfectionv. disinfect消毒剂 n. disinfectantdisinfection agent杀菌剂 n. germicide消毒过程 disinfection process消毒副产物 disinfection by-products氯化 n. chlorinationv. chlorinate氯化水 chlorinated water预氯化 n. prechlorination氯化消毒副产物by-products of chlorination化学消毒剂 chemical disinfectants液氯 liquid chlorine ,liquefied chlorine氯胺 n. chloramines次氯酸盐 hypochlorites次氯酸钠 sodium hypochlorite二氧化氯 chlorine dioxide臭氧 n. ozone臭氧化,臭氧消毒 n. ozonation臭氧化 v. ozonate紫外线(UV) ultraviolet radiation (UV)伽马射线 gamma radiation灭活 n. inactivationv. inactivate接触时间 contact time需氯量 chlorine demand加氯量,投氯量 chlorine dosage ,applied chlorine自由氯,游离氯 free chlorine ,free available chlorine化合氯 combined chlorine剩余保护 residual protection余氯 residual chlorine余氯量 chlorine residual自由余氯 free residual chlorine自由氯余量 free chlorine residual化合余氯 combined residual chlorine化合氯余量combined chlorineresiduals折点氯化(法) breakpoint chlorination折点氯化曲线 breakpoint chlorinationcurve折点加氯量 breakpoint dosage氯折点 chlorine breakpoint压力钢瓶 pressured steel cylinder臭氧发生器 ozone generator需臭氧量 ozone demand剩余臭氧量 ozone residual剩余臭氧 residual ozone致病微生物,病源微生物pathogenic microorganisms病原体 n. pathogens致病细菌或病毒 pathogenic bacteriaor viruses细菌 n. bacteria大肠杆菌 coliform bacteria阿米巴氏菌 amoebic cysts孢子,芽孢 n. spores病毒 n. viruses藻类 n. algae原生动物 n. protozoa5.氧化 n. oxidation还原 n. reduction氧化剂 n. oxidant强氧化剂 strong oxidizing agent高级氧化法 (AOP) advanced oxidation process高级氧化工艺 (AOP) advanced oxidation process高级氧化过程 (AOP) advanced oxidationprocess高级氧化技术 (AOT)advanced oxidation technology6.吸附 n. adsorption活性炭 (AC) activated carbon粉末炭 (PAC) powdered activated carbon粒状炭(GAC) granular activatedcarbon颗粒活性炭(GAC) granular activatedcarbon活性炭纤维(ACF) activated carbonfiber再生 n. regenerationv. regenerate吸附剂 n. adsorbent吸附质 n. adsorbate吸附塔,吸附柱 adsorption column吸附床 adsorption bed空床接触时间 empty bed contact time吸附带 mass transfer zone快速小柱试验 rapid small scale columntest生物活性炭 (BAC) biological activatedcarbon7.离子交换 n. ion exchange离子交换树脂 ion exchange resin离子交换器 ion exchanger离子交换柱 ion exchange column硬度 n. hardness除硬 hardness removal软化 n. softeningv. soften化学软化 chemical softening沉淀软化 precipitation softening除盐,脱盐 n. desaltinationv. desalt去矿化 n. demineralizationv. demineralize离子交换软化法ion exchange softening process离子交换除盐法 ion exchange desalting process复床 combined bed混合床 mixed bed8.膜分离 membrane separation微滤 n. microfiltration超滤 n. hyperfiltration纳滤 n. nanofiltration反渗透 reverse osmosis渗透 n. osmosis半透膜 semipermeable membrane电渗析 n. electrodialysis渗析 n. dialysis9.其它处理方法中和 n. neutralizationv. neutralize酸性废水 acidic wastes化学沉淀 chemical precipitation沉淀软化 precipitation softening电解 n. electrolysis电除盐(EDI) n.electrodeionization吹脱、汽提法 n. stripping冷却 n. cooling冷却水 cooling water冷却塔 cooling tower第六部分生物处理生物反应器 n. bioreactor微生物 n.microorganismsn.microbes微生物种群 microbial population混合群落 mixed communities细菌 n. bacteria原生动物 n. protozoa真菌 n. fungi轮虫 n. rotifers生长 n. growth繁殖 n. reproduction世代时间 generation time生长速率 growth rates环境因子 environmental factors生态因子 ecological factors微生物生长动力学microbial growth kinetics1.迟滞期 lag phase2.对数生长期 exponential-growth phase3.减速生长期 decling growth phase稳定期 stationary phase4. 内源呼吸阶段 endogenous stage内源生长期 endogenous growth phase内源呼吸 endogenous respiration底物,基质 n. substrate底物(基质)利用 substrate utilization 生物量 n. biomass生物反应 biological reaction生物氧化 biological oxidation生物降解 n. biodegradation生物降解性 n. biodegradability生物可降解的,可生物降解的 a.biodegradable不可生物降解的 a. nonbiodegradable生物处理 biological treatment废水生物处理 biological wastewatertreatment废水生物处理系统biologicalwastewater treatment system污水生物处理系统 biological sewagetreatment system生物处理法biological treatmentprocess生物处理装置 biological treatmentunit串联 in series悬浮生长处理法suspended-growthtreatment processes生物固体 biological solids活性污泥 activated sludge附着生长处理法attached-growthtreatment processes附着的微生物 attached microbes微生物附着生长attached microbialgrowth生物膜 n. biofilm代谢 n. metabolismv. metabolize稳定,稳定化 n. stabilizationv. stabilize生物代谢 biological metabolism微生物代谢 microbial metabolism 好氧的 a. aerobic好氧菌 aerobic bacteria好氧微生物 aerobic microorganisms 好氧氧化 aerobic oxidation厌氧的 a. anaerobic厌氧菌 anaerobic bacteria厌氧氧化 anaerobic oxidation兼性的 a. facultative兼性菌 facultative bacteria好氧环境 aerobic environment 厌氧环境 anaerobic environment 营养物 n. nutrients无机营养物 inorganic nutrients营养物去除 nutrient removal营养物生物去除biological nutrientremoval脱氮除磷nitrogen and phosphorusremoval生物硝化 biological nitrification硝化菌 nitrifying bacteria生物反硝化,生物脱氮biologicaldenitrification生物除磷biological phosphorusremoval1.活性污泥法 activated sludge process微生物n. microorganisms n.microbes细菌 n. bacteria生物絮体 biological floc微生物絮体 microbial floc活性污泥 activated sludge絮状活性污泥flocculate-bacterialsludge回流活性污泥 (RAS) returned activatedsludge回流污泥 returned sludge回流污泥 recycled sludge剩余污泥 excess sludge废活性污泥(WAS) waste activatedsludge废污泥 waste sludge曝气池 aeration tank曝气池 aeration basin曝气池 aeration chamber完全混合曝气池completely mixedaeration basin活性污泥池 activated sludge tank曝气 n. aeration混合 n. mixing曝气系统 aeration system曝气器 n. aerator压缩空气 compressed air空气压缩机,空压机 air compressor鼓风机,风机 n. blower循环/切换 n. cycling/switchover扩散装置,扩散器 n. diffuser空气扩散装置,空气扩散器 air diffuser 鼓泡空气扩散装置(扩散器) bubble air diffuser微气泡扩散装置(扩散器) fine-bubble diffuser扩散板 plate diffuser扩散管 tube diffuser扩散罩 dome diffuser微气泡扩散曝气 fine-bubble diffusedaeration微气泡 fine-bubble大气泡 coarse-bubble静态混合器 static mixer机械曝气系统mechanical aerationsystems机械曝气 mechanical aeration表面曝气 surface aeration表面曝气器 surface aerator需氧量 oxygen demand供气量 air supply氧转移效率 oxygen tansfer efficiency可沉降固体 settleable solids挥发性固体 volatile solids非挥发性固体 nonvolatile solids挥发性悬浮固体(VSS) volatilesuspended solids混合液 mixed liquor混合液悬浮固体 (MLSS) mixed liquorsuspended solids混合液挥发性悬浮固体(MLVSS) mixedliquor volatile suspended solids污泥沉降比 (SV) settling velocity污泥容积指数(SVI) sludge volumeindex比耗氧速率(SOUR) specific oxygenuptake rate污泥龄 sludge age曝气池容积 aeration tank volume曝气时间 aeration period曝气时间 aeration time水力停留时间 (HRT) hydraulic residence time水力负荷 hydraulic loadingBOD负荷 BOD loading普通活性污泥法 conventional activated sludge process传统活性污泥法 conventional activated sludge process标准活性污泥法standard activated sludge process传统活性污泥厂 conventional activated sludge plant阶段曝气活性污泥step aeration activated sludge process分段 v. step进水负荷 influent load分段进水 step loading渐减 v. taper渐减曝气 tapered aeration接触稳定活性污泥法contact stabilization activated sludgeprocess再曝气 n. reaeration曝气—沉淀—再曝气aeration-sedimentation-reaeration完全好氧处理法complete aerobic treatment process高负荷(完全混合)活性污泥法high-rate (completely mixed) activatedsludge process延时曝气活性污泥法extended aeration activated sludgeprocess延时曝气法 extended aeration process延时曝气 extended aeration氧化沟 oxidation ditch水平转刷 horizontal rotor转刷曝气 rotor aeration笼型转刷 caged rotor吸附—生物降解工艺 (AB法)adsorption-biodegradation process序批式活性污泥法 (SBR法) sequencingbatch reactor (SBR) process、序批式活性污泥法 (SBR法) sequentialbatch reactor (SBR) processSBR法 SBR process序批式反应器 (SBR) sequencing batch reactor (SBR)序批式反应器(SBR) sequential batch reactor初沉 primary clarification曝气 n. aeration二沉 secondary clarification初沉池 primary clarifier二沉池 secondary clarifier泵送系统 pumping system活性污泥法 activated sludge process变体 n. variantSBR运行周期 SBR cycle处理周期 process cycle进水阶段 fill phase进水阀 influent valve反应阶段 react phase沉淀阶段 settle phase清水,上清液 clear water上清液 n. supernatant排水阶段 draw phase滗水阶段 decant phase滗水装置 decant mechanism闲置阶段,待机阶段 idle phase营养物去除 nutrient removal营养物生物去除biological nutrientremoval碳源 carbon source硝化 n. nitrificationv. nitrify硝化菌 nitrifying bacteria反硝化 n. denitrificationv. denitrify脱氮 n. denitrification生物反硝化,生物脱氮biological denitrification缺氧—好氧脱氮工艺 (A/O法)anoxic-oxic process厌氧—缺氧—好氧法(A2/O法)anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic processA-A-O法同步脱氮除磷工艺anaerobic-anoxic-aerobicprocess脱氮除磷nitrogen and phosphorusremoval厌氧氨氧化 (ANAMMOX)anaerobic ammoniumoxidation生物除磷 biological phosphorus removal 膜生物反应器 (MBR)membrane biological reactor 2.生物膜法生物膜 n. biofilm生物膜反应器 biofilm reactor生物滤池 n. biofilter生物过滤 n. biofiltration旋转布水器 rotary sprinkler填料 n. packings塑料管状或蜂窝状填料 plastic tubular or honeycomb-shaped packings滴滤池 trickling filter普通生物滤池 trickling filter高负荷生物滤池 high-rate filter塔式生物滤池 tower biofilter曝气生物滤池 (BAF) biological aeratedfilter生物转盘法 biodisc process生物转盘rotating biologicalcontactor生物转盘 n. biodisc塑料盘片 plastic discs轻质盘片 lightweight discs水平轴 horizontal shaft生物粘液 biological slime粘液层 slime layer生物流化床 biological fluidized bedbiological fluidised bed生物流化床反应器fluidized-bedbioreactor移动床生物膜反应器 (MBBR)moving-bed biofilm reactor3.厌氧生物处理发酵 n. fermentationv. fermentate产酸细菌 n. acidogens产甲烷细菌 n. methanogens产酸阶段 acidogenic phase产甲烷阶段 methanogenic phase水解 n. hydrolysisv. hydrolysis产酸发酵 acidogenic fermentation产氢产乙酸 H2-producing acetogenesis产甲烷 methanogenesis产酸菌 acid formers产甲烷菌 methane formers ,methane-forming bacteria有机酸 organic acids挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs) volatile fatty acids硫酸盐还原 sulfate reduction硫酸盐还原菌sulfate-reducing bacteria上流式厌氧污泥床 (UASB)upflow anaerobic sludge blanket上升流速 upflow velocity厌氧折流板反应器 (ABR)anaerobic baffled reactor两段或两级厌氧生物处理two-stage anaerobic biotreatment两相厌氧生物处理 two-phase anaerobic biotreatment产酸相 acidogenic phase产甲烷相 methanogenic phase消化 n. digestionv. digest消化池 n. digestor厌氧消化 anaerobic digestion污泥消化 sludge digestion厌氧消化池 anaerobic digestor厌氧接触法 anaerobic contact process厌氧膨胀床反应器anaerobic expanded-bed reactor厌氧流化床反应器anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor厌氧生物转盘anaerobic rotating biologicalcontactor4.自然生物处理系统自然净化系统natural purificationsystem稳定塘 stabilization pondsstabilization lagoons氧化塘 oxidation ponds土地处理系统 land treatment systems废水土地处理land treatment ofwastewater净化过程 purification process自然净化 natural purification污水塘 sewage lagoon稳定塘 stabilization pondsstabilization lagoons氧化塘 oxidation ponds好氧塘 aerobic pond兼性塘 facultative pond好氧生化反应aerobic biochemical reaction厌氧生化反应 anaerobic biochemical reaction厌氧分解 anaerobic decomposition厌氧分解 decompose anaerobically好氧稳定 aerobic stabilization细菌 n. bacteria藻类 n. algae微型植物 microscopic plants出流,出水 effluent flow光合作用 n. photosynthesis厌氧塘 anaerobic pond曝气塘 aerated pond修饰塘 polishing pond熟化塘 maturation lagoon深度处理塘 advanced treatment pond三级处理塘 tertiary treatment pond土地处理工艺(过程) land treatmentprocesses关键因素 critical factors土壤类型 soil type气候 n. climate土地处理系统 land treatment systems慢速土地处理系统slow rate land treatmentsystem低负荷土地处理系统low-rate land treatment system三级处理水平tertiary treatmentlevel灌溉 n. irrigationv. irrigate土壤的天然过滤和吸附性质natural filtration and adsorptionproperties of soil投配的废水 applied wastewater垄—沟表面布水ridge-and-furrow surfacespreading喷洒布水系统,喷灌布水系统 sprinklersystems快速渗滤土地处理系统rapidinfiltration land treatment system渗滤—渗透土地处理infiltration-percolation land treatment快速渗滤 rapid infiltration快速渗滤法 rapid infiltration method过滤作用 filtering action吸附作用 adsorption action地表漫流土地处理系统overland flow land treatment system 地表漫流 overland flow径流集水沟 runoff collection ditch物理、化学和生物过程physical , chemical , and biological processes湿地 n. wetland天然湿地 natural wetland人工湿地 constructed wetlandman-made wetland第七部分:污泥处理、处置与利用污泥 n. sludge生活污水污泥 sewage sludge污泥体积,污泥量 sludge volume原污泥,生污泥 raw sludge新鲜污泥,生污泥 fresh sludge消化污泥,熟污泥 digested sludge混合污泥 mixed sludge污泥处理 sludge treatment污泥处置 sludge disposal最终处置 ultimate disposal填埋 n. landfill污泥减量 sludge volume reduction污泥稳定化 sludge stabilization(污泥)浓缩 n. thickening污泥浓缩 sludge thickening稳定,稳定化 n. stabilizationv. stabilize稳定了的污泥 stabilized sludge调理(调节) n. conditioningv. condition脱水 n. dewateringv. dewater干化 n. drying污泥干化场 sludge drying bed污泥干燥 heat drying干燥器 n. dryer污泥焚烧,污泥焚化 n. incineration焚烧炉,焚化炉 n. incinerator污泥浓缩 sludge thickening物理过程 physical process含水过多的污泥 watery sludge稀污泥 thin sludge处理装置 treatment unit浓缩池 n. thickener重力浓缩 gravity thickening重力浓缩池 gravity thickener圆形污水沉淀池circular sewage sedimentation tank刮泥机 sludge scraper搅拌作用 stirring action底流 n. underflow浓缩的底流 thickened underflow浓缩污泥 thickened sludge出水 n. effluent上清液 n. supernatant溢流 v. overflow堰 n. weir气浮浓缩 floatation thickening溶气气浮 dissolved-air floatation气浮池 floatation tank入流污泥 influent sludge污泥絮体 sludge flocs撇去 v. skim漂浮污泥层 floating sludge layer污泥消化 sludge digestion消化池 n. digester消化池装置 digester unit消化 n. digestionv. digest有机固体 organic solids生化分解 biochemical decomposition好氧消化 aerobic digestion好氧污泥消化aerobic sludgedigestion好氧消化过程aerobic digestionprocess活性污泥池 activated sludge tank预制的(成套)活性污泥处理系统prefabricated (package) activatedsludge treatment systems预制的接触稳定或prefabricated contactstabilization or延时曝气处理系统extended aeration treatmentsystemsBOD负荷 BOD loading细胞物质 cellular mass内源衰亡 endogenous decay厌氧消化 anaerobic digestion厌氧污泥消化anaerobic sludgedigestion有盖的圆形池 covered circular tank消化过程 digestion process厌氧消化过程anaerobic digestion process生化反应 biochemical reactions有机酸 organic acids挥发性脂肪酸 (VFAs) volatile fatty acids甲烷气 methane gas末端产物 end product指示剂 n. indicator污泥消化池气体 sludge digester gas污泥沉淀 sludge settling污泥储存 sludge storage消化污泥 digested sludge充分消化的污泥 well-digested sludge消化池上清液 digester supernatant中温消化 mesophilic digestion高温消化 thermophilic degestion污泥脱水 sludge dewatering混合堆肥 co-composting污泥处理总成本overallsludge-handling costs第八部分:废水回用地表水资源 surface water resource地下水资源 groundwater resource水短缺 water scarcity回用 n. , v. reuse废水回用 wastewater reuse直接回用 direct reuse直接废水回用direct wastewaterreuse间接回用 indirect reuse间接废水回用indirect wastewaterreuse出水处理 effluent treatment回用水 reclaimed water排放 n. , v. discharge保留 n. retention循环 n. recyclingv. recycle部分处理 n. partial treatment最终用途 end use城市污水回用 municipal wastewaterreuse灌溉 n. irrigation景观灌溉 landscape irrigation地下水回灌 groundwater recharge市政回用 municipal reuse直接市政回用 direct municipal reuse深度处理,高级处理 advanced treatment 分质供水系统dual-distribution system间接市政回用indirect municipal reuse供水系统,给水系统water supply system取水口 n. intake天然同化能力natural assimilative capacity人工回灌 artificial recharge深井注射 deep-well injection浅表布水 shallow surface spreading渗透 n. percolation工业回用 industrial reuse工艺废水,过程废水processwastewaters工艺补充水,过程补充水 plant processmakeup water冷却塔水 cooling tower water选择性处理 optional treatment水费 water costs回用的城市污水reclaimed municipal wastewater工业过程 industrial processes冷却水 cooling water锅炉给水 boiler feedwater灌溉回用 irrigation reuse废水直接灌溉direct irrigation withwastewater低负荷土地处理系统low-rate landtreatment system间接灌溉回用indirect reuse forirrigation废水排放 wastewater discharge雨水回用 storm water reuse可回用水 reusable waterPart Ⅸ: 第九部分:投资成本,投资费(用) capital costs建设成本,建设费(用) constructioncosts运行成本,运行费(用) operating costs能耗成本 energy costs运行维护 operation and maintenance运行控制 operational control控制系统 control system仪表/控制系统instrumentation/control system 自动控制系统,自控系统automatic control system。



建筑给水排水基本术语中英对照翻译建筑给水排水基本术语中英对照翻译中德工程建筑设施智能技术093132 张伟)1、给水工程water supply engineering 原水取集和处理以及成品水输配工程。

2、排水工程sewerage ,wastewater engineering 收集、输送、处理和处置废水工程。

3、给水系统water supply system 给水取水、输水、水质处理和配水等设施以一定方式组合成总体。

4、排水系统sewerage system 排水收集、输送、水质处理和排放等设施以一定方式组合成总体。

5、给水水源water source 给水工程所取用原水水体。

6、原水raw water 由水源地取来原料水。

7、地表水surface water 存在于地壳表面,暴露于大气水。

8、地下水ground water 存在于地壳岩石裂缝或土壤空隙中水。

9、苦咸水(碱性水) brackish water ,alkaline water 碱度大于硬度水,并含大量中性盐,PH 值大于7。

10、淡水fresh water 含盐量小于500mg/L 水。

11、冷却水cooling water 用以降低被冷却对象温度水。

12、废水wastewater 居民活动过程中排出水及径流雨水总称。


13、污水sewage ,wastewater 受一定污染来自生活和生产排出水。

14、用水量water consumption 用水对象实际使用水量。

15、污水量wastewater flow ,sewage flow 排水对象排入污水系统水量。

16、用水定额water flow norm 对不同排水对象,在一定时期内制订相对合理单位排水量数值。

17、排水定额wastewater flow norm 对不同排水对象,在一定时期内制订相对合理单位排水量数值。



《给水排水专业英语》Lesson 1specific yield [spə'sifik] [ji:ld] 单位产水量mass curve 累积曲线capital investment 投资recurring natural event ['nætʃərəl] 重现历史事件subterranean [sʌbtə'reiniən] 地下的groundwater 地下水surface water 地表水tap [tæp]开关、龙头;在…上开空(导出液体)swampland ['swɔmplænd] n. 沼泽地;沼泽地带capillary [kə'piləri] n. 毛细管adj. 毛状的,毛细管的hygro- [词头] 湿(气),液体hygroscopic [,haigrəu'skɔpik] adj. 易湿的,吸湿的hygroscopic moisture 吸湿水stratum ['streitəm] n. [地质学]地层,[生物学](组织的)层aquifer ['ækwəfə] ['ækwifə] n.含水层,地下蓄水层saturation [,sætʃə'reiʃən] n.饱和(状态),浸润,浸透,饱和度hydrostatic [,haidrəu'stætik] adj. 静水力学的, 流体静力学的hydrostatic pressure 静水压力water table 1. 地下水位,地下水面,潜水面2. 【建筑学】泻水台;承雨线脚;飞檐;马路边沟[亦作water-table]Phreatic surface [fri(:)'ætik]地下水(静止)水位,浅层地下水面Superficial [sju:pə'fiʃəl] adj. 表面的,表观的,浅薄的Porosity [pɔ:'rɔsiti] n. 多孔性,有孔性,孔隙率Unconfined ['ʌnkən'faind] adj. 无约束的,无限制的Permeability [,pə:miə'biliti] n. 弥漫, 渗透, 渗透性Permeameter [pə:mi'æmitə] n.渗透仪,渗透性试验仪)Clay [klei] n. 粘土,泥土gravel ['ɡrævəl]n.[总称]砾,沙砾,小石;砾石cone of depression [kəun] 下降漏斗, [水文学]下降锥体drawdown ['drɔ:daun] n. 水位下降(降落,消耗,减少)integrate ['intigreit] 【数学】作积分运算;求积分observation well [,əbzə:'veiʃən] 观测井,观测孔extraction [ik'strækʃən] n. 抽出,取出,提取(法),萃取(法)derivation [deri'veiʃən] n. 1. 导出,引(伸)出,来历,出处,得出,得到;诱导,推论,推理;溯源【数学】1) (定理的)求导,推导2) 微商,微分,导数【语言】词源,衍生deplete [di'pli:t] v. 耗尽, 使...衰竭refuse [ri'fju:z] n. 废物,垃圾vt. 拒绝,谢绝dump [dʌmp] n. 垃圾场,垃圾堆,堆存处vt. 倾卸,倾倒(垃圾)unconfined aquifer 潜水含水层,非承压含水层,无压含水层confined aquifer 自流含水层,承压含水层homogeneous [,hɔməu'dʒi:njəs] adj. 同类的,相似的,均匀的,均相的;同种类的,同性质的;相同特征的Aquaclude 不透水层,难渗透水的地层Offset ['ɔ:fset] n.偏移量抵销,弥补,分支,胶印,平版印刷,支管,乙字管Vt. 弥补,抵销,用平版印刷vi. 偏移,形成分支sophisticated [sə'fistikeitid] adj. 复杂的,需要专门技术的;诡辩的,久经世故的equilibrium [,i:kwi'libriəm] n. 平衡,均衡Water Supply(给水工程)A supply of water is critical to the survival of life, as we know it.(众所周知,水对生命的生存至关重要。



给排水专业英语汇总 Company number:【0089WT-8898YT-W8CCB-BUUT-202108】UNIT 1给水工程 water supply engineering排水工程 sewetage engineering市政工程 civil engineering市政工程师 civil engineer环境工程 environmental engineering水文学 hydrology水力学 hydranlies水环境 natural aquatic environment流域 watershed水体 waterbody地表水 surface water新鲜水 freshwater地下水 groundwater含水层 aquifer天然含水层 natural aquifer地下含水层 underground aquifer水文循环 natural hydrologic cycle渗滤 infiltration降水 precipitation渗入 precolation蒸发 evaporation蒸腾 transpiration城市水文循环 urbanhydrologic cycle水源 water source水资源 water resource取水 water withdrawal水处理 water treatment配水 water distribution用水 water use污水 wastewater废水 abwasser废水收集 wastewatercollection废水处理 wastewaterdisposal受纳水体 receiving waters污染 pollution pollute污染物 pollntant玷污、污染 contamination致污物 contaminant未污染 uncontaminated水污染 water pollution水污染控制 waterpollution control水污染防治 water pollutionprevention污水回用 wastewater reuseUNIT 2水短缺 water scarcity地表水资源 surface waterresource管网 Pipe Network供水系统 water supplysystem市政配水系统 municipaldistribution system建筑给水系统house watersupply system分区供水系统 dualdistribution system小区 micro district小社区 small community冷水供水系统 cold watersupply system热水供水系统 hot watersupply system消防系统 fire protectionsystem喷淋系统 fire protection sprinkler system自动水幕系统 automatic drencher system半自动水幕系统semi automatic drencher system消火栓 hydrant排水系统 drainage system 生活排水系统 sanitary system工业排水系统 industrial system雨水排水系统 stormwater system合流制 combined sewers 分流制 separate sewers建筑排水系统 building drainage system卫生洁具 plumbing fixtures卫浴设备 bathroom fixtures输水系统 water transmission system漏水率 leakage rate配水系统 water distribution system环状管网 grid system支状管网 branchingsystem下水管道 sanitary sewer污水节流管 interceptingsewer污水节流系统 interceptingsewer system污水节流井 sewageintercepting cell支管 collection sewercollector sewer生活污水 sanitary sewagedomesticsewagedomesticwastewater工业污水 industrialwastewater工业污水/液/物 industrialwastes农业用水 agriculturalwastewater/wastes雨水 rainwater stormwater水位 waterlevel海拔、标高 elevation坡度 grade倾斜度 slope明渠 Open channel开挖 excavation深度 excavation depth水力分析 hydraulic analysis水头 pressure head总水头 total headUnit 3水头损失 Head loss速度头动压头 Velocityhead静压 Static head摩擦水头 Friction head水力坡度线 Hydranlic gradeline重力流 Gravity flow水塔 Water castle贮水箱 Cistern泵站 Pump station给水泵站 Water pumpstation污水泵站 Sewage station提升泵站 Lift pumping plant增压泵 Booster pump离心泵 Centrifugal pump 潜水泵 Submer sible pump 潜水艇 Submerine深井泵 Well pump虹吸虹吸管 Siphon人孔 Manhole法兰 Flange阀门 Valve闸阀 Gate valve泵送系统 Pumping system 流量 Flow rate流速 Fluid velocity层流 Laminar flow滞流粘性流 viscous flow 过渡流 Transitional flow 湍流 Turbulent flow紊流 Turbulence flow涡流 Eddying flow雷诺数 Teynolds number 水质 Water guality 水源 Water sources供水水源 Water supples原水 Raw water未处理水 Untreated water出水 Finished water原水水质 Raw-water quality水质标准 Water qualitystandards水质要求 Water qualityrequirements饮用水 Drink water\potablewater自来水 Tap water纯水 Pure water饮用水标准 Drinking waterstandards饮用水一级标Primarydrinking water standards最大允许浓度 Maxmumpermissible levelsmaxmumallowable levels最大污染物浓度 Maxmumcontaminant levels主要污染物 Primarycontaminants有机化合物 Organicchemicals合成有机化合物 Syntheticorganic chemicals挥发性有机化合物 Volatileorganic ohemicals无机化合物 Inorganicchemical微生物 Microorganisms\microbes微生物污染 Microbialcontaminants病原微生物 Pathogenicmicro organisms病原体 Pathogenic病毒 Pathogenic bacterin细菌 Bacteria大肠杆菌 Coliform bacteria病毒 Viruses藻类 Algae浊度 Turbidity放射性 Radionuclide感官性状 Esthetic qualities审美 Esthetic味 Taste嗅 Odo色 Colour变色 Discolouration变色 Discolor水质物理参数 Physical parameters of water quality 水的物理性质 Physical quality of water浊度值 Turbidity values浊度单位 Turdidity unit浑浊单位 Turdid嗅阈值 Threshold odor number化学性质 Chemical quality 水质化学参数Chemical parameters of water quality 溶解氧 Dissolved oxygen (DO)溶解氧浓度 Do level溶解氧平衡 Do balance氧损 Oxygen depletion有机污染物 Organic pollutant生化需氧量 Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)总氮 Total nitrogen (TN) 总凯式氮 Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) 悬浮固体 Suspended solids(SS)总悬浮固体 Totalsuspended solids (TSS)溶解 Dissolved (DS)总溶解 Total dissolved(TDS)Unit 4溶解的铁和锰 Dissolvediron and manganese硬度 Hardness碱度 Alkalinity盐度 Salinity有害物质 Toxic andhazardous materials氰化物 Cyanides急性毒性 Acute toxity慢性毒性 Chronic toxity基因毒性 Genetic toxicity基因 Gene难降解有机化合物Refractory organic chemicals永久性有机污染物Persistent organic pollutants致癌化学性 Carcinogenicchemicals三卤甲烷 Trihalo methanes卤素 Halogen甲基 Methyl氯仿 Trichloromethane三氯甲烷 Chloroform杀虫剂农药 Pesticide害虫 Pest杀虫剂 Insecticide除草剂 Herbicide杀菌剂 Germicide细菌 Germ防腐剂 Preservative保证 Preserve清洗剂 Cleaning agent洗涤剂 Detergent发泡剂 Foaming agent泡沫 Foam化肥 Fertilizer肥沃的 Fertile富营养化 Eutrophication营养的 Trophic营养水平 Trophic level生态位 NicheUnit 5原污水 Raw sewage原废水 Raw wastes处理水 Treated wastes回用水 Redaimed water水处理过程 Water processing收集 Collect处置 Dispose处理方法 Treatment method 处理费用 Treatment costs 处理单元 Treatment process 运行模式 Operational mode 间歇处理方式 Batch treatment approach均匀均化 Equalization均匀 Equalize调蓄水池 Equalization storage调节池 Equalization tank蓄水池 Storage tank降解 Degrade分解 Decompose分离 Separate隔离 Separation 物理法 Physical process物理处理 Physical treatment物理处理过程 Physicaltreatment process一级处理 Primary treatment初步处理 Preliminarytreatment格栅筛滤 Screening格栅 Screen格栅 Bar screen栅条 Bars钢栅条 Steel bars渣耙 Cleaning rakes圆形破碎机 Circular grinder破碎 Grind除砂 Degritting砂 Grit沙 Sand除砂 Grit removal沉砂池 Grit chamber沉淀 Settling沉淀池 Settling tank澄清池 Clarifier初澄清池 Primary clarifier初沉池 Primary settling tank一级出水 Primary effluent二级处理 Secondarytreatment二级处理工艺 Secondarytreatment process生物处理 Biologicaltreatment二澄清池 Secondaryclarifier二沉池 Secondary settlingtank最终澄清池 Final clarifier最终沉淀池 Final settlingtank二级出水 Secondaryeffluent三级处理 Tertiary treatment深度处理 Advancedtreatment废水消毒 Waste disinfection出流出水 Effluent flow允许浓度 Allowable levels优异出水 High-qualitypolished effluent废水处理厂 Wastewater treatment plant污水处理厂 Sewage treatment plant二级处理厂 Secondary treatment plant城市污水处理Municipal wastewater treatment市政工程 Municipal engineering土木工程 Civil engineering 城市污水处理厂Municipal wastewater treatment plant污水处理能力 Sewage treatment capacity电容 Capacitance污水处理设施 Municipal treatment facilities多反应器设施 Multi-reactor facility处理池 Treatment tank负荷 Load负荷 Loadings水力负荷 Hydrautic loading 污染负荷 Pollutant load有机负荷 Organic load 无机负荷 Inorganic load不含化肥、农药无机的Unorganic周期性负荷Periodic(intermitlent) loading第五部分:物化处理1.混凝 n. coagulation混凝过程 coagulationprocess化学混凝 chemicalcoagulation凝聚 n. aggregation絮凝 n. flocculationv. flocculate异向絮凝 perikineticflocculation同向絮凝 orthokineticflocculation混凝剂 n. coagulant混凝剂投量 coagulantdosage烧杯实验 jar test最佳混凝剂投量optimum coagulant dosage助凝剂 coagulant aid助凝剂 flocculation aid聚电解质 n.polyelectrolytes快速混合 flash-mix ,rapid-mix快速混合器 flash mixer ,rapid mixer混合池 mixer tank快速混合池 flash-mix tank絮凝器 n. flocculator絮凝池 flocculation tank固体接触池 solids-contact tank澄清 n. clarificationv. clarify澄清池 n. clarifier高负荷澄清池 high rateclarifier澄清水 clarifying water2.沉淀 n. sedimentation沉降 n. sedimentation自由沉降 plain settling拥挤沉降 hindered settling重力沉降 gravity settling沉淀池 settling tank沉淀池,沉降池sedimentation tank矩形沉淀池 rectangular settling tank圆形沉淀池 circular settling tank管式沉淀池 tube settler斜管沉淀池 steeply inclined tube settler板式沉淀池 parallel-plate settler板式沉淀池 plate separator气浮 n. floatation泡沫分离 foam separation 溶气气浮 dissolved-air floatation气浮池 floatation tank表面撇渣装置 surface-skimming device撇去 v. skim浮渣 n. scum浮渣槽 scum trough刮泥机 sludge scraper排泥 sludge drawoffsludge withdrawal预沉淀 n. presedimentation 预沉淀池 presedimentation basin 3.过滤 n. filtration滤池 n. filter慢滤池 slow filter快滤池 rapid filter高速(负荷)滤池 highrate filter砂滤池 sand filter慢砂滤池 slow sand filter快砂滤池 rapid sand filter重力滤池 gravity filter压力滤池 pressure filter过滤介质,滤料 filtermedium石英砂 silica sand无烟煤 n. anthracite硅藻土 diatomaceousearth煤—砂滤床 coal-sandbeds多层滤料 multilayeredmedia混合滤料 mixed media双层滤料滤池 dualmedia filter双层滤池 two-layer filter粗滤料 coarse media细滤料 fine media助滤剂 filter aid滤后水,滤出水 filteredwater滤后水,滤池出水 filtereffluent滤前水,滤池进水 filterinfluent浊度穿透 turbiditybreakthrough过滤周期 filter cycle清洗周期 cleaning cycle刮砂法 scraping method表面刮砂 surface scraping反冲洗 backwashing水力反冲洗 hydraulicbackwashing水力反冲洗 hydraulicbackwash水力分级 hydraulic grading4.消毒 n. disinfectionv. disinfect消毒剂 n. disinfectantdisinfection agent杀菌剂 n. germicide消毒过程 disinfection process消毒副产物 disinfection by-products氯化 n. chlorinationv. chlorinate氯化水 chlorinated water预氯化 n. prechlorination氯化消毒副产物 by-products of chlorination化学消毒剂 chemical disinfectants液氯 liquid chlorine ,liquefied chlorine氯胺 n. chloramines次氯酸盐 hypochlorites次氯酸钠 sodium hypochlorite二氧化氯 chlorine dioxide臭氧 n. ozone臭氧化,臭氧消毒 n. ozonation臭氧化 v. ozonate紫外线 (UV) ultraviolet radiation (UV)伽马射线 gammaradiation灭活 n. inactivationv. inactivate接触时间 contact time需氯量 chlorine demand加氯量,投氯量chlorine dosage ,applied chlorine自由氯,游离氯 freechlorine ,freeavailable chlorine化合氯 combinedchlorine剩余保护 residualprotection余氯 residual chlorine余氯量 chlorine residual自由余氯 free residualchlorine自由氯余量 free chlorineresidual化合余氯 combinedresidual chlorine化合氯余量 combinedchlorine residuals折点氯化(法)breakpoint chlorination折点氯化曲线breakpoint chlorination curve折点加氯量 breakpointdosage氯折点 chlorinebreakpoint压力钢瓶 pressured steelcylinder臭氧发生器 ozonegenerator需臭氧量 ozone demand剩余臭氧量 ozoneresidual剩余臭氧 residual ozone致病微生物,病源微生物pathogenicmicroorganisms病原体 n. pathogens致病细菌或病毒pathogenic bacteria or viruses细菌 n. bacteria大肠杆菌 coliformbacteria阿米巴氏菌 amoebiccysts孢子,芽孢 n. spores病毒 n. viruses藻类 n. algae原生动物 n. protozoa 5.氧化 n. oxidation还原 n. reduction氧化剂 n. oxidant强氧化剂 strong oxidizing agent高级氧化法 (AOP) advanced oxidation process 高级氧化工艺 (AOP) advanced oxidation process 高级氧化过程 (AOP) advanced oxidation process 高级氧化技术 (AOT)advanced oxidation technology6.吸附 n. adsorption活性炭 (AC) activated carbon粉末炭 (PAC) powdered activated carbon粒状炭 (GAC) granular activated carbon颗粒活性炭(GAC) granular activated carbon活性炭纤维 (ACF) activated carbon fiber再生 n. regeneration v. regenerate吸附剂 n. adsorbent吸附质 n. adsorbate吸附塔,吸附柱 adsorptioncolumn吸附床 adsorption bed空床接触时间 empty bedcontact time吸附带 mass transfer zone快速小柱试验 rapid smallscale column test生物活性炭 (BAC)biological activated carbon7.离子交换 n. ionexchange离子交换树脂 ionexchange resin离子交换器 ion exchanger离子交换柱 ion exchangecolumn硬度 n. hardness除硬 hardness removal软化 n. softeningv. soften化学软化 chemicalsoftening沉淀软化 precipitationsoftening除盐,脱盐 n.desaltinationv. desalt去矿化 n. demineralizationv. demineralize离子交换软化法 ionexchange softening process离子交换除盐法 ionexchange desalting process复床 combined bed混合床 mixed bed8.膜分离 membraneseparation微滤 n. microfiltration超滤 n. hyperfiltration纳滤 n. nanofiltration反渗透 reverse osmosis渗透 n. osmosis半透膜 semipermeablemembrane电渗析 n.electrodialysis渗析 n. dialysis9.其它处理方法中和 n. neutralizationv. neutralize酸性废水 acidic wastes化学沉淀 chemical precipitation沉淀软化 precipitation softening电解 n. electrolysis 电除盐 (EDI) n. electrodeionization吹脱、汽提法 n. stripping冷却 n. cooling 冷却水 cooling water 冷却塔 cooling tower 第六部分 生物处理 生物反应器 n. bioreactor微生物 n. microorganismsn. mi cr obes微生物种群 microbial population 混合群落 mixed communities 细菌 n. bacteria原生动物 n. protozoa 真菌 n. fungi 轮虫 n. rotifers生长 n. growth 繁殖 n. reproduction 世代时间 generation time 生长速率 growth rates环境因子 environmental factors生态因子 ecological factors微生物生长动力学 microbial growth kinetics 1. 迟滞期 lag phase 2. 对数生长期 exponential-growth phase 3. 减速生长期 decling growth phase 稳定期 stationary phase4. 内源呼吸阶段endogenous stage 内源生长期 endogenous growth phase内源呼吸 endogenous respiration底物,基质 n. substrate底物(基质)利用 substrate utilization 生物量 n. biomass 生物反应 biologicalreaction生物氧化 biological oxidation生物降解 n. biodegradation 生物降解性 n.biodegradability生物可降解的,可生物降解的 a. biodegradable 不可生物降解的 a. nonbiodegradable 生物处理 biological treatment废水生物处理 biological wastewater treatment 废水生物处理系统 biological wastewater treatment system 污水生物处理系统 biological sewage treatment system生物处理法 biological treatment process生物处理装置 biological treatment unit 串联 in series悬浮生长处理法suspended-growth treatment processes生物固体 biological solids 活性污泥 activated sludge 附着生长处理法 attached-growth treatment processes 附着的微生物 attached microbes微生物附着生长 attached microbial growth生物膜 n. biofilm代谢 n. metabolismv. metabolize稳定,稳定化 n. stabilizationv. stabilize生物代谢 biological metabolism微生物代谢 microbial metabolism好氧的 a. aerobic好氧菌 aerobic bacteria好氧微生物 aerobic microorganisms好氧氧化 aerobic oxidation 厌氧的 a. anaerobic厌氧菌 anaerobicbacteria厌氧氧化 anaerobicoxidation兼性的 a. facultative兼性菌 facultative bacteria好氧环境 aerobicenvironment厌氧环境 anaerobicenvironment营养物 n. nutrients无机营养物 inorganicnutrients营养物去除 nutrientremoval营养物生物去除biologicalnutrient removal脱氮除磷 nitrogen andphosphorus removal生物硝化 biologicalnitrification硝化菌 nitrifyingbacteria生物反硝化,生物脱氮biological denitrification生物除磷 biologicalphosphorus removal1.活性污泥法 activatedsludge process微生物 n. microorganismsn. microbes细菌 n. bacteria生物絮体 biological floc微生物絮体 microbial floc活性污泥 activated sludge絮状活性污泥 flocculate-bacterial sludge回流活性污泥 (RAS)returned activated sludge回流污泥 returned sludge回流污泥 recycled sludge剩余污泥 excess sludge废活性污泥 (WAS) wasteactivated sludge废污泥 waste sludge曝气池 aeration tank曝气池 aeration basin曝气池 aeration chamber完全混合曝气池 completelymixed aeration basin活性污泥池 activated sludgetank曝气 n. aeration混合 n. mixing曝气系统 aeration system 曝气器 n. aerator压缩空气 compressed air空气压缩机,空压机 air compressor鼓风机,风机 n. blower循环/切换 n.cycling/switchover扩散装置,扩散器 n. diffuser空气扩散装置,空气扩散器air diffuser鼓泡空气扩散装置(扩散器) bubble air diffuser微气泡扩散装置(扩散器)fine-bubble diffuser扩散板 plate diffuser扩散管 tube diffuser扩散罩 dome diffuser微气泡扩散曝气 fine-bubble diffused aeration微气泡 fine-bubble大气泡 coarse-bubble静态混合器 static mixer机械曝气系统 mechanical aeration systems 机械曝气 mechanicalaeration表面曝气 surfaceaeration表面曝气器 surfaceaerator需氧量 oxygen demand供气量 air supply氧转移效率 oxygentansfer efficiency可沉降固体 settleablesolids挥发性固体 volatilesolids非挥发性固体nonvolatile solids挥发性悬浮固体 (VSS)volatile suspended solids混合液 mixed liquor混合液悬浮固体 (MLSS)mixed liquor suspended solids混合液挥发性悬浮固体(MLVSS) mixed liquorvolatile suspended solids污泥沉降比 (SV) settlingvelocity污泥容积指数 (SVI) sludgevolume index比耗氧速率 (SOUR)specific oxygen uptake rate污泥龄 sludge age曝气池容积 aeration tankvolume曝气时间 aeration period曝气时间 aeration time水力停留时间 (HRT)hydraulic residence time水力负荷 hydraulic loadingBOD负荷 BOD loading普通活性污泥法conventional activated sludgeprocess传统活性污泥法conventional activated sludgeprocess标准活性污泥法 standardactivated sludge process传统活性污泥厂conventional activated sludgeplant阶段曝气活性污泥stepaeration activated sludgeprocess分段 v. step进水负荷 influent load分段进水 step loading渐减 v. taper渐减曝气 tapered aeration 接触稳定活性污泥法contact stabilization activated sludge process再曝气 n. reaeration曝气—沉淀—再曝气aeration-sedimentation-reaeration完全好氧处理法complete aerobic treatment process高负荷(完全混合)活性污泥法high-rate (completely mixed) activated sludge process延时曝气活性污泥法extended aeration activated sludge process延时曝气法 extended aeration process延时曝气 extended aeration 氧化沟 oxidation ditch水平转刷 horizontal rotor 转刷曝气 rotor aeration笼型转刷 caged rotor 吸附—生物降解工艺 (AB法)adsorption-biodegradationprocess序批式活性污泥法(SBR法)sequencing batch reactor(SBR) process、序批式活性污泥法(SBR法)sequential batch reactor (SBR)processSBR法 SBR process序批式反应器 (SBR)sequencing batch reactor(SBR)序批式反应器 (SBR)sequential batch reactor初沉 primary clarification曝气 n. aeration二沉 secondary clarification初沉池 primary clarifier二沉池 secondary clarifier泵送系统 pumping system活性污泥法 activatedsludge process变体 n. variantSBR运行周期 SBR cycle处理周期 process cycle进水阶段 fill phase进水阀 influent valve反应阶段 react phase沉淀阶段 settle phase清水,上清液 clearwater上清液 n. supernatant排水阶段 draw phase滗水阶段 decant phase滗水装置 decantmechanism闲置阶段,待机阶段 idlephase营养物去除 nutrientremoval营养物生物去除 biologicalnutrient removal碳源 carbon source硝化 n. nitrificationv. nitrify硝化菌 nitrifyingbacteria反硝化 n. denitrificationv. denitrify脱氮 n. denitrification生物反硝化,生物脱氮biological denitrification缺氧—好氧脱氮工艺 (A/O 法)anoxic-oxic process厌氧—缺氧—好氧法 (A2/O法) anaerobic-anoxic-aerobicprocessA-A-O法同步脱氮除磷工艺anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic process脱氮除磷 nitrogen and phosphorus removal厌氧氨氧化 (ANAMMOX)anaerobic ammonium oxidation生物除磷 biological phosphorus removal膜生物反应器 (MBR)membrane biological reactor2.生物膜法生物膜 n. biofilm生物膜反应器 biofilm reactor生物滤池 n. biofilter生物过滤 n. biofiltration 旋转布水器 rotary sprinkler填料 n. packings塑料管状或蜂窝状填料plastic tubular or honeycomb-shaped packings滴滤池 trickling filter普通生物滤池 tricklingfilter高负荷生物滤池 high-ratefilter塔式生物滤池 towerbiofilter曝气生物滤池 (BAF)biological aerated filter生物转盘法 biodisc process生物转盘 rotatingbiological contactor生物转盘 n. biodisc塑料盘片 plastic discs轻质盘片 lightweight discs水平轴 horizontal shaft生物粘液 biologicalslime粘液层 slime layer生物流化床 biologicalfluidized bedbiological fluidised bed生物流化床反应器fluidized-bed bioreactor移动床生物膜反应器(MBBR)moving-bedbiofilm reactor3.厌氧生物处理发酵 n. fermentationv. fermentate产酸细菌 n. acidogens产甲烷细菌 n.methanogens产酸阶段 acidogenic phase产甲烷阶段 methanogenicphase水解 n. hydrolysisv. hydrolysis产酸发酵 acidogenicfermentation产氢产乙酸 H2-producingacetogenesis产甲烷 methanogenesis产酸菌 acid formers产甲烷菌 methane formers ,methane-forming bacteria有机酸 organic acids挥发性脂肪酸 (VFAs)volatile fatty acids硫酸盐还原 sulfate reduction硫酸盐还原菌 sulfate-reducing bacteria上流式厌氧污泥床 (UASB) upflow anaerobic sludge blanket上升流速 upflow velocity厌氧折流板反应器 (ABR)anaerobic baffled reactor两段或两级厌氧生物处理two-stage anaerobic biotreatment两相厌氧生物处理 two-phase anaerobic biotreatment 产酸相 acidogenic phase产甲烷相 methanogenic phase消化 n. digestionv. digest消化池 n. digestor厌氧消化 anaerobic digestion污泥消化 sludge digestion厌氧消化池 anaerobic digestor厌氧接触法 anaerobic contact process厌氧膨胀床反应器anaerobicexpanded-bed reactor厌氧流化床反应器anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor厌氧生物转盘anaerobic rotatingbiological contactor4.自然生物处理系统自然净化系统 naturalpurification system稳定塘 stabilizationpondsstabilization lagoons氧化塘 oxidation ponds土地处理系统 landtreatment systems废水土地处理 landtreatment of wastewater净化过程 purificationprocess自然净化 naturalpurification污水塘 sewage lagoon稳定塘 stabilizationpondsstabilization lagoons氧化塘 oxidation ponds好氧塘 aerobic pond兼性塘 facultative pond好氧生化反应 aerobicbiochemical reaction厌氧生化反应 anaerobicbiochemical reaction厌氧分解 anaerobicdecomposition厌氧分解 decomposeanaerobically好氧稳定 aerobicstabilization细菌 n. bacteria藻类 n. algae微型植物 microscopicplants出流,出水 effluent flow光合作用 n.photosynthesis厌氧塘 anaerobic pond曝气塘 aerated pond修饰塘 polishing pond熟化塘 maturationlagoon深度处理塘 advancedtreatment pond三级处理塘 tertiarytreatment pond土地处理工艺(过程)land treatment processes关键因素 critical factors土壤类型 soil type气候 n. climate土地处理系统 land treatment systems慢速土地处理系统slow rate land treatment system低负荷土地处理系统low-rate land treatment system三级处理水平 tertiary treatment level灌溉 n. irrigationv. irrigate土壤的天然过滤和吸附性质natural filtration and adsorption properties of soil 投配的废水 applied wastewater垄—沟表面布水ridge-and-furrow surface spreading喷洒布水系统,喷灌布水系统 sprinkler systems快速渗滤土地处理系统rapid infiltration landtreatment system渗滤—渗透土地处理infiltration-percolation landtreatment快速渗滤 rapidinfiltration快速渗滤法 rapidinfiltration method过滤作用 filtering action吸附作用 adsorptionaction地表漫流土地处理系统overland flow landtreatment system地表漫流 overland flow径流集水沟 runoffcollection ditch物理、化学和生物过程physical , chemical , andbiological processes湿地 n. wetland天然湿地 natural wetland人工湿地 constructedwetlandman-made wetland第七部分:污泥处理、处置与利用污泥 n. sludge生活污水污泥 sewagesludge污泥体积,污泥量sludge volume原污泥,生污泥 rawsludge新鲜污泥,生污泥 freshsludge消化污泥,熟污泥digested sludge混合污泥 mixed sludge污泥处理 sludge treatment污泥处置 sludge disposal最终处置 ultimate disposal填埋 n. landfill污泥减量 sludge volumereduction污泥稳定化 sludgestabilization(污泥)浓缩 n.thickening污泥浓缩 sludgethickening稳定,稳定化 n.stabilizationv. stabilize稳定了的污泥 stabilized sludge调理(调节) n. conditioningv. condition脱水 n. dewateringv. dewater干化 n. drying污泥干化场 sludge drying bed污泥干燥 heat drying干燥器 n. dryer污泥焚烧,污泥焚化 n. incineration焚烧炉,焚化炉 n. incinerator污泥浓缩 sludge thickening物理过程 physical process含水过多的污泥 watery sludge稀污泥 thin sludge处理装置 treatment unit浓缩池 n. thickener重力浓缩 gravity thickening 重力浓缩池 gravity thickener圆形污水沉淀池circular sewagesedimentation tank刮泥机 sludge scraper搅拌作用 stirring action底流 n. underflow浓缩的底流 thickenedunderflow浓缩污泥 thickenedsludge出水 n. effluent上清液 n. supernatant溢流 v. overflow堰 n. weir气浮浓缩 floatationthickening溶气气浮 dissolved-airfloatation气浮池 floatation tank入流污泥 influent sludge污泥絮体 sludge flocs撇去 v. skim漂浮污泥层 floatingsludge layer污泥消化 sludgedigestion消化池 n. digester消化池装置 digester unit消化 n. digestionv. digest有机固体 organic solids生化分解 biochemicaldecomposition好氧消化 aerobicdigestion好氧污泥消化 aerobicsludge digestion好氧消化过程 aerobicdigestion process活性污泥池 activatedsludge tank预制的(成套)活性污泥处理系统prefabricated (package)activated sludge treatmentsystems预制的接触稳定或prefabricatedcontact stabilization or延时曝气处理系统extended aerationtreatment systemsBOD负荷 BOD loading细胞物质 cellular mass内源衰亡 endogenous decay厌氧消化 anaerobic digestion厌氧污泥消化 anaerobic sludge digestion有盖的圆形池 covered circular tank消化过程 digestion process厌氧消化过程 anaerobic digestion process生化反应 biochemical reactions有机酸 organic acids挥发性脂肪酸 (VFAs) volatile fatty acids甲烷气 methane gas末端产物 end product指示剂 n. indicator污泥消化池气体 sludge digester gas污泥沉淀 sludge settling污泥储存 sludge storage消化污泥 digested sludge充分消化的污泥 well-digested sludge消化池上清液 digester supernatant中温消化 mesophilicdigestion高温消化 thermophilicdegestion污泥脱水 sludgedewatering混合堆肥 co-composting污泥处理总成本overallsludge-handling costs第八部分:废水回用地表水资源 surfacewater resource地下水资源 groundwaterresource水短缺 water scarcity回用 n. , v. reuse废水回用 wastewaterreuse直接回用 direct reuse直接废水回用 directwastewater reuse间接回用 indirect reuse间接废水回用 indirectwastewater reuse出水处理 effluenttreatment回用水 reclaimed water排放 n. , v. discharge保留 n. retention循环 n. recyclingv. recycle部分处理 n. partialtreatment最终用途 end use城市污水回用 municipalwastewater reuse灌溉 n. irrigation景观灌溉 landscapeirrigation地下水回灌 groundwaterrecharge市政回用 municipalreuse直接市政回用 directmunicipal reuse深度处理,高级处理advanced treatment分质供水系统 dual-distribution system间接市政回用 indirectmunicipal reuse供水系统,给水系统water supply system取水口 n. intake天然同化能力 natural assimilative capacity人工回灌 artificial recharge深井注射 deep-well injection浅表布水 shallow surface spreading渗透 n. percolation工业回用 industrial reuse工艺废水,过程废水process wastewaters工艺补充水,过程补充水 plant process makeup water冷却塔水 cooling tower water选择性处理 optional treatment水费 water costs回用的城市污水reclaimed municipal wastewater工业过程 industrial processes冷却水 cooling water锅炉给水 boiler feedwater灌溉回用 irrigation reuse废水直接灌溉directirrigation with wastewater低负荷土地处理系统low-rate land treatmentsystem间接灌溉回用 indirectreuse for irrigation废水排放 wastewaterdischarge雨水回用 storm waterreuse可回用水 reusable waterPartⅨ:第九部分:投资成本,投资费(用) capital costs建设成本,建设费(用) construction costs运行成本,运行费(用) operating costs能耗成本 energy costs运行维护 operation andmaintenance运行控制 operationalcontrol控制系统 control system仪表/控制系统instrumentation/controlsystem自动控制系统,自控系统automaticcontrol system。



《给水排水专业英语》Lesson 1specific yield [spə'sifik] [ji:ld] 单位产水量mass curve 累积曲线capital investment 投资recurring natural event ['nætʃərəl] 重现历史事件subterranean [sʌbtə'reiniən] 地下的groundwater 地下水surface water 地表水tap [tæp]开关、龙头;在…上开空(导出液体)swampland ['swɔmplænd] n. 沼泽地;沼泽地带capillary [kə'piləri] n. 毛细管adj. 毛状的,毛细管的hygro- [词头] 湿(气),液体hygroscopic [,haigrəu'skɔpik] adj. 易湿的,吸湿的hygroscopic moisture 吸湿水stratum ['streitəm] n. [地质学]地层,[生物学](组织的)层aquifer ['ækwəfə] ['ækwifə] n.含水层,地下蓄水层saturation [,sætʃə'reiʃən] n.饱和(状态),浸润,浸透,饱和度hydrostatic [,haidrəu'stætik] adj. 静水力学的, 流体静力学的hydrostatic pressure 静水压力water table 1. 地下水位,地下水面,潜水面2. 【建筑学】泻水台;承雨线脚;飞檐;马路边沟[亦作water-table]Phreatic surface [fri(:)'ætik]地下水(静止)水位,浅层地下水面Superficial [sju:pə'fiʃəl] adj. 表面的,表观的,浅薄的Porosity [pɔ:'rɔsiti] n. 多孔性,有孔性,孔隙率Unconfined ['ʌnkən'faind] adj. 无约束的,无限制的Permeability [,pə:miə'biliti] n. 弥漫, 渗透, 渗透性Permeameter [pə:mi'æmitə] n.渗透仪,渗透性试验仪)Clay [klei] n. 粘土,泥土gravel ['ɡrævəl]n.[总称]砾,沙砾,小石;砾石cone of depression [kəun] 下降漏斗, [水文学]下降锥体drawdown ['drɔ:daun] n. 水位下降(降落,消耗,减少)integrate ['intigreit] 【数学】作积分运算;求积分observation well [,əbzə:'veiʃən] 观测井,观测孔extraction [ik'strækʃən] n. 抽出,取出,提取(法),萃取(法)derivation [deri'veiʃən] n. 1. 导出,引(伸)出,来历,出处,得出,得到;诱导,推论,推理;溯源【数学】1) (定理的)求导,推导2) 微商,微分,导数【语言】词源,衍生deplete [di'pli:t] v. 耗尽, 使...衰竭refuse [ri'fju:z] n. 废物,垃圾vt. 拒绝,谢绝dump [dʌmp] n. 垃圾场,垃圾堆,堆存处vt. 倾卸,倾倒(垃圾)unconfined aquifer 潜水含水层,非承压含水层,无压含水层confined aquifer 自流含水层,承压含水层homogeneous [,hɔməu'dʒi:njəs] adj. 同类的,相似的,均匀的,均相的;同种类的,同性质的;相同特征的Aquaclude 不透水层,难渗透水的地层Offset ['ɔ:fset] n.偏移量抵销,弥补,分支,胶印,平版印刷,支管,乙字管Vt. 弥补,抵销,用平版印刷vi. 偏移,形成分支sophisticated [sə'fistikeitid] adj. 复杂的,需要专门技术的;诡辩的,久经世故的equilibrium [,i:kwi'libriəm] n. 平衡,均衡Water Supply(给水工程)A supply of water is critical to the survival of life, as we know it.(众所周知,水对生命的生存至关重要。



.UNIT 1给水工程water supply engineering 排水工程sewage engineering市政工程civil engineering市政工程师civil engineer环境工程environmental engineering 水文学hydrology水力学hydranlies水环境natural aquatic environment 流域watershed水体waterbody地表水surface water淡水freshwater地下水groundwater含水层aquifer天然含水层natural aquifer地下含水层underground aquifer水文循环natural hydrologic cycle 渗滤infiltration降水precipitation渗入precolation蒸发evaporation蒸腾transpiration城市水文循环urban hydrologic cycle 水源water source水资源water resource取水water withdrawal水处理water treatment配水water distribution用水water use污水sewage废水wastewater废水收集wastewater collection废水处理wastewater disposal受纳水体receiving waters污染pollution pollute污染物pollutant玷污、污染contamination致污物contaminant未污染uncontaminated水污染water pollution水污染控制water pollution control水污染防治water pollution prevention污水回用wastewater reuseUNIT 2水短缺water scarcity地表水资源surface water resource管网Pipe Network供水系统water supply system市政配水系统municipal distribution system建筑给水系统house water supply system分区供水系统dual distribution system小区micro district小社区small community冷水供水系统cold water supply system热水供水系统hot water supply system消防系统fire protection system喷淋系统fire protection sprinkler system自动水幕系统automatic drencher system半自动水幕系统semi automatic drencher system消火栓hydrant排水系统drainage system生活排水系统sanitary system工业排水系统industrial system雨水排水系统stormwater system合流制combined sewers分流制separate sewers建筑排水系统building drainage system卫生洁具plumbing fixtures卫浴设备bathroom fixtures输水系统water transmission system漏水率leakage rate配水系统water distribution system环状管网grid (looped)system支状管网branching(branched) system下水管道sanitary sewer污水节流管intercepting(中间截取) sewer污水节流系统intercepting sewer system污水节流井sewage intercepting well支管collection (目的:收集)sewer collector sewer生活污水sanitary sewagedomestic sewagedomestic wastewater工业污水industrial wastewater工业污水/液/物industrial wastes农业用水agricultural wastewater/wastes雨水rainwater stormwater水位waterlevel海拔、标高elevation.坡度grade倾斜度slope明渠Open channel开挖ex cava tion深度excavation depth水力分析hydraulic analysis水头pressure head总水头total headUnit 3 水头损失Head loss速度头动压头Velocity head静压Static head摩擦水头Friction head水力坡度线Hydranlic grade line 重力流Gravity flow水塔Water castle贮水箱Cistern泵站Pump station给水泵站Water pump station污水泵站Sewage station提升泵站Lift pumping plant增压泵Booster pump离心泵Centrifugal pump潜水泵Submer sible pump潜水艇Submerine深井泵Well pump虹吸虹吸管Siphon人孔Manhole法兰Flange阀门Valve 闸阀Gate valve泵送系统Pumping system流量Flow rate流速Fluid velocity层流Laminar flow滞流粘性流viscous flow过渡流Transitional flow湍流Turbulent flow紊流Turbulence flow涡流Eddying flow雷诺数Teynolds number水质Water guality水源Water sources供水水源Water supples原水Raw water未处理水Untreated water出水Finished water原水水质Raw-water quality水质标准Water quality standards水质要求Water quality requirements饮用水Drink water\potable water自来水Tap water纯水Pure water饮用水标准Drinking water standards饮用水一级标Primary drinking water standards最大允许浓度Maxmum permissible levelsmaxmum allowable levels最大污染物浓度Maxmum contaminant levels主要污染物Primary contaminants有机化合物Organic chemicals合成有机化合物Synthetic organic chemicals挥发性有机化合物V olatile organic ohemicals无机化合物Inorganic chemical微生物Micro organisms\microbes微生物污染Microbial contaminants病原微生物Pathogenic micro organisms病原体Pathogenic病毒Pathogenic bacterin细菌Bacteria大肠杆菌Coliform bacteria病毒Viruses藻类Algae浊度Turbidity放射性Radionuclide感官性状Esthetic qualities审美Esthetic味Taste嗅Odo色Colour变色Discolouration变色Discolor水质物理参数Physical parameters of water quality水的物理性质Physical quality of water浊度值Turbidity values浊度单位Turdidity unit浑浊单位Turdid嗅阈值Threshold odor number化学性质Chemical quality水质化学参数Chemical parameters of water quality溶解氧Dissolved oxygen (DO).溶解氧浓度Do level溶解氧平衡Do balance氧损Oxygen depletion有机污染物Organic pollutant生化需氧量Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) 总氮Total nitrogen (TN)总凯式氮Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN)悬浮固体Suspended solids (SS)总悬浮固体Total suspended solids (TSS)溶解Dissolved (DS)总溶解Total dissolved (TDS)Unit 4溶解的铁和锰Dissolved iron and manganese硬度Hardness碱度Alkalinity盐度Salinity有害物质Toxic and hazardous materials氰化物Cyanides急性毒性Acute toxity慢性毒性Chronic toxity基因毒性Genetic toxicity基因Gene难降解有机化合物Refractory organic chemicals 永久性有机污染物Persistent organic pollutants 致癌化学性Carcinogenic chemicals三卤甲烷Trihalo methanes卤素Halogen甲基Methyl氯仿Trichloromethane三氯甲烷Chloroform 杀虫剂农药Pesticide害虫Pest杀虫剂Insecticide除草剂Herbicide杀菌剂Germicide细菌Germ防腐剂Preservative保证Preserve清洗剂Cleaning agent洗涤剂Detergent发泡剂Foaming agent泡沫Foam化肥Fertilizer肥沃的Fertile富营养化Eutrophication营养的Trophic营养水平Trophic level生态位NicheUnit 5原污水Raw sewage原废水Raw wastes处理水Treated wastes回用水Redaimed water水处理过程Water processing收集Collect处置Dispose处理方法Treatment method处理费用Treatment costs处理单元Treatment process运行模式Operational mode间歇处理方式Batch treatment approach均匀均化Equalization均匀Equalize调蓄水池Equalization storage调节池Equalization tank蓄水池Storage tank降解Degrade分解Decompose分离Separate隔离Separation物理法Physical process物理处理Physical treatment物理处理过程Physical treatment process一级处理Primary treatment初步处理Preliminary treatment格栅筛滤Screening格栅Screen格栅Bar screen栅条Bars钢栅条Steel bars渣耙Cleaning rakes圆形破碎机Circular grinder破碎Grind除砂Degritting砂Grit沙Sand除砂Grit removal沉砂池Grit chamber沉淀Settling沉淀池Settling tank.澄清池Clarifier初澄清池Primary clarifier初沉池Primary settling tank一级出水Primary effluent二级处理Secondary treatment二级处理工艺Secondary treatment process 生物处理Biological treatment二澄清池Secondary clarifier二沉池Secondary settling tank最终澄清池Final clarifier最终沉淀池Final settling tank二级出水Secondary effluent三级处理Tertiary treatment深度处理Advanced treatment废水消毒Waste disinfection出流出水Effluent flow允许浓度Allowable levels优异出水High-quality polished effluent废水处理厂Wastewater treatment plant污水处理厂Sewage treatment plant二级处理厂Secondary treatment plant城市污水处理Municipal wastewater treatment市政工程Municipal engineering土木工程Civil engineering城市污水处理厂Municipal wastewater treatment plant 污水处理能力Sewage treatment capacity电容Capacitance污水处理设施Municipal treatment facilities 多反应器设施Multi-reactor facility处理池Treatment tank负荷Load负荷Loadings水力负荷Hydrautic loading污染负荷Pollutant load有机负荷Organic load无机负荷Inorganic load不含化肥、农药无机的Unorganic周期性负荷Periodic(intermitlent) loading第五部分:物化处理1.混凝n. coagulation混凝过程coagulation process化学混凝chemical coagulation凝聚n. aggregation絮凝n. flocculationv. flocculate异向絮凝perikinetic flocculation同向絮凝orthokinetic flocculation混凝剂n. coagulant混凝剂投量coagulant dosage烧杯实验jar test最佳混凝剂投量optimum coagulant dosage助凝剂coagulant aid助凝剂flocculation aid聚电解质n. polyelectrolytes快速混合flash-mix ,rapid-mix快速混合器flash mixer ,rapid mixer混合池mixer tank快速混合池flash-mix tank絮凝器n. flocculator絮凝池flocculation tank固体接触池solids-contact tank澄清n. clarificationv. clarify澄清池n. clarifier高负荷澄清池high rate clarifier澄清水clarifying water2.沉淀n. sedimentation沉降n. sedimentation自由沉降plain settling拥挤沉降hindered settling重力沉降gravity settling沉淀池settling tank沉淀池,沉降池sedimentation tank矩形沉淀池rectangular settling tank圆形沉淀池circular settling tank管式沉淀池tube settler斜管沉淀池steeply inclined tube settler板式沉淀池parallel-plate settler板式沉淀池plate separator气浮n. floatation泡沫分离foam separation溶气气浮dissolved-air floatation气浮池floatation tank表面撇渣装置surface-skimming device.撇去v. skim浮渣n. scum浮渣槽scum trough刮泥机sludge scraper排泥sludge drawoffsludge withdrawal预沉淀n. presedimentation预沉淀池presedimentation basin3.过滤n. filtration滤池n. filter慢滤池slow filter快滤池rapid filter高速(负荷)滤池high rate filter 砂滤池sand filter慢砂滤池slow sand filter快砂滤池rapid sand filter重力滤池gravity filter压力滤池pressure filter过滤介质,滤料filter medium石英砂silica sand无烟煤n. anthracite硅藻土diatomaceous earth煤—砂滤床coal-sand beds多层滤料multilayered media混合滤料mixed media双层滤料滤池dual media filter双层滤池two-layer filter粗滤料coarse media细滤料fine media助滤剂filter aid滤后水,滤出水filtered water滤后水,滤池出水filter effluent滤前水,滤池进水filter influent浊度穿透turbidity breakthrough过滤周期filter cycle清洗周期cleaning cycle刮砂法scraping method表面刮砂surface scraping反冲洗backwashing水力反冲洗hydraulic backwashing水力反冲洗hydraulic backwash水力分级hydraulic grading4.消毒n. disinfectionv. disinfect消毒剂n. disinfectantdisinfection agent杀菌剂n. germicide消毒过程disinfection process消毒副产物disinfection by-products氯化n. chlorinationv. chlorinate氯化水chlorinated water预氯化n. prechlorination氯化消毒副产物by-products of chlorination化学消毒剂chemical disinfectants液氯liquid chlorine ,liquefied chlorine氯胺n. chloramines次氯酸盐hypochlorites次氯酸钠sodium hypochlorite二氧化氯chlorine dioxide臭氧n. ozone臭氧化,臭氧消毒n. ozonation臭氧化v. ozonate紫外线(UV) ultraviolet radiation (UV)伽马射线gamma radiation灭活n. inactivationv. inactivate接触时间contact time需氯量chlorine demand加氯量,投氯量chlorine dosage ,applied chlorine自由氯,游离氯free chlorine ,free available chlorine化合氯combined chlorine剩余保护residual protection余氯residual chlorine余氯量chlorine residual自由余氯free residual chlorine自由氯余量free chlorine residual化合余氯combined residual chlorine化合氯余量combined chlorine residuals折点氯化(法)breakpoint chlorination折点氯化曲线breakpoint chlorination curve折点加氯量breakpoint dosage氯折点chlorine breakpoint压力钢瓶pressured steel cylinder臭氧发生器ozone generator.需臭氧量ozone demand剩余臭氧量ozone residual剩余臭氧residual ozone致病微生物,病源微生物pathogenic microorganisms病原体n. pathogens致病细菌或病毒pathogenic bacteria or viruses 细菌n. bacteria大肠杆菌coliform bacteria阿米巴氏菌amoebic cysts孢子,芽孢n. spores病毒n. viruses藻类n. algae原生动物n. protozoa5.氧化n. oxidation还原n. reduction氧化剂n. oxidant强氧化剂strong oxidizing agent高级氧化法(AOP) advanced oxidation process 高级氧化工艺(AOP) advanced oxidation process 高级氧化过程(AOP) advanced oxidation process 高级氧化技术(AOT)advanced oxidation technology6.吸附n. adsorption活性炭(AC) activated carbon粉末炭(PAC) powdered activated carbon粒状炭(GAC) granular activated carbon颗粒活性炭(GAC) granular activated carbon活性炭纤维(ACF) activated carbon fiber再生n. regenerationv. regenerate吸附剂n. adsorbent吸附质n. adsorbate吸附塔,吸附柱adsorption column吸附床adsorption bed空床接触时间empty bed contact time吸附带mass transfer zone快速小柱试验rapid small scale column test生物活性炭(BAC) biological activated carbon7.离子交换n. ion exchange离子交换树脂ion exchange resin离子交换器ion exchanger离子交换柱ion exchange column硬度n. hardness除硬hardness removal软化n. softeningv. soften化学软化chemical softening沉淀软化precipitation softening除盐,脱盐n. desaltinationv. desalt去矿化n. demineralizationv. demineralize离子交换软化法ion exchange softening process离子交换除盐法ion exchange desalting process复床combined bed混合床mixed bed8.膜分离membrane separation微滤n. microfiltration超滤n. hyperfiltration纳滤n. nanofiltration反渗透reverse osmosis渗透n. osmosis半透膜semipermeable membrane电渗析n. electrodialysis渗析n. dialysis9.其它处理方法中和n. neutralizationv. neutralize酸性废水acidic wastes化学沉淀chemical precipitation沉淀软化precipitation softening电解n. electrolysis电除盐(EDI) n. electrodeionization吹脱、汽提法n. stripping冷却n. cooling冷却水cooling water冷却塔cooling tower第六部分生物处理生物反应器n. bioreactor微生物n.microorganismsn.microbes微生物种群microbial population.混合群落mixed communities细菌n. bacteria原生动物n. protozoa真菌n. fungi轮虫n. rotifers生长n. growth繁殖n. reproduction世代时间generation time生长速率growth rates环境因子environmental factors生态因子ecological factors微生物生长动力学microbial growth kinetics1.迟滞期lag phase2.对数生长期exponential-growth phase3.减速生长期decling growth phase稳定期stationary phase4. 内源呼吸阶段endogenous stage内源生长期endogenous growth phase内源呼吸endogenous respiration底物,基质n. substrate底物(基质)利用substrate utilization生物量n. biomass生物反应biological reaction生物氧化biological oxidation生物降解n. biodegradation生物降解性n. biodegradability生物可降解的,可生物降解的 a. biodegradable 不可生物降解的 a. nonbiodegradable生物处理biological treatment废水生物处理biological wastewater treatment废水生物处理系统biological wastewater treatmentsystem污水生物处理系统biological sewage treatmentsystem生物处理法biological treatment process生物处理装置biological treatment unit串联in series悬浮生长处理法suspended-growth treatment processes生物固体biological solids活性污泥activated sludge附着生长处理法attached-growth treatment processes附着的微生物attached microbes微生物附着生长attached microbial growth生物膜n. biofilm代谢n. metabolismv. metabolize稳定,稳定化n. stabilizationv. stabilize生物代谢biological metabolism微生物代谢microbial metabolism好氧的 a. aerobic好氧菌aerobic bacteria好氧微生物aerobic microorganisms好氧氧化aerobic oxidation厌氧的 a. anaerobic厌氧菌anaerobic bacteria厌氧氧化anaerobic oxidation兼性的 a. facultative兼性菌facultative bacteria好氧环境aerobic environment厌氧环境anaerobic environment营养物n. nutrients无机营养物inorganic nutrients营养物去除nutrient removal营养物生物去除biological nutrient removal脱氮除磷nitrogen and phosphorus removal生物硝化biological nitrification硝化菌nitrifying bacteria生物反硝化,生物脱氮biological denitrification生物除磷biological phosphorus removal1.活性污泥法activated sludge process微生物n. microorganisms n. microbes细菌n. bacteria生物絮体biological floc微生物絮体microbial floc活性污泥activated sludge絮状活性污泥flocculate-bacterial sludge回流活性污泥(RAS)returned activated sludge回流污泥returned sludge回流污泥recycled sludge剩余污泥excess sludge废活性污泥(W AS)waste activated sludge废污泥waste sludge曝气池aeration tank曝气池aeration basin曝气池aeration chamber完全混合曝气池completely mixed aeration basin.活性污泥池activated sludge tank曝气n. aeration混合n. mixing曝气系统aeration system曝气器n. aerator压缩空气compressed air空气压缩机,空压机air compressor鼓风机,风机n. blower循环/切换n. cycling/switchover扩散装置,扩散器n. diffuser空气扩散装置,空气扩散器air diffuser鼓泡空气扩散装置(扩散器)bubble air diffuser 微气泡扩散装置(扩散器)fine-bubble diffuser 扩散板plate diffuser扩散管tube diffuser扩散罩dome diffuser微气泡扩散曝气fine-bubble diffused aeration 微气泡fine-bubble大气泡coarse-bubble静态混合器static mixer机械曝气系统mechanical aeration systems机械曝气mechanical aeration表面曝气surface aeration表面曝气器surface aerator需氧量oxygen demand供气量air supply氧转移效率oxygen tansfer efficiency可沉降固体settleable solids挥发性固体volatile solids非挥发性固体nonvolatile solids挥发性悬浮固体(VSS) volatile suspended solids混合液mixed liquor混合液悬浮固体(MLSS) mixed liquor suspendedsolids混合液挥发性悬浮固体(MLVSS) mixed liquor volatilesuspended solids污泥沉降比(SV) settling velocity污泥容积指数(SVI) sludge volume index比耗氧速率(SOUR) specific oxygen uptake rate污泥龄sludge age曝气池容积aeration tank volume曝气时间aeration period曝气时间aeration time水力停留时间(HRT) hydraulic residence time水力负荷hydraulic loadingBOD负荷BOD loading普通活性污泥法conventional activated sludge process传统活性污泥法conventional activated sludge process标准活性污泥法standard activated sludge process传统活性污泥厂conventional activated sludge plant阶段曝气活性污泥step aeration activated sludge process分段v. step进水负荷influent load分段进水step loading渐减v. taper渐减曝气tapered aeration接触稳定活性污泥法contact stabilization activated sludge process再曝气n. reaeration曝气—沉淀—再曝气aeration-sedimentation-reaeration完全好氧处理法complete aerobic treatment process高负荷(完全混合)活性污泥法high-rate (completely mixed) activated sludge process延时曝气活性污泥法extended aeration activated sludge process延时曝气法extended aeration process延时曝气extended aeration氧化沟oxidation ditch水平转刷horizontal rotor转刷曝气rotor aeration笼型转刷caged rotor吸附—生物降解工艺(AB法)adsorption-biodegradation process序批式活性污泥法(SBR法) sequencing batch reactor(SBR) process、序批式活性污泥法(SBR法) sequential batch reactor(SBR) processSBR法SBR process序批式反应器(SBR) sequencing batch reactor (SBR)序批式反应器(SBR) sequential batch reactor初沉primary clarification曝气n. aeration二沉secondary clarification初沉池primary clarifier二沉池secondary clarifier.泵送系统pumping system活性污泥法activated sludge process变体n. variantSBR运行周期SBR cycle处理周期process cycle进水阶段fill phase进水阀influent valve反应阶段react phase沉淀阶段settle phase清水,上清液clear water上清液n. supernatant排水阶段draw phase滗水阶段decant phase滗水装置decant mechanism闲置阶段,待机阶段idle phase营养物去除nutrient removal营养物生物去除biological nutrient removal碳源carbon source硝化n. nitrificationv. nitrify硝化菌nitrifying bacteria反硝化n. denitrificationv. denitrify脱氮n. denitrification生物反硝化,生物脱氮biological denitrification缺氧—好氧脱氮工艺(A/O法)anoxic-oxic process厌氧—缺氧—好氧法(A2/O法)anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic processA-A-O法同步脱氮除磷工艺anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic process脱氮除磷nitrogen and phosphorus removal厌氧氨氧化(ANAMMOX)anaerobic ammonium oxidation生物除磷biological phosphorus removal膜生物反应器(MBR)membrane biological reactor2.生物膜法生物膜n. biofilm生物膜反应器biofilm reactor生物滤池n. biofilter生物过滤n. biofiltration旋转布水器rotary sprinkler填料n. packings塑料管状或蜂窝状填料plastic tubular orhoneycomb-shaped packings滴滤池trickling filter普通生物滤池trickling filter高负荷生物滤池high-rate filter塔式生物滤池tower biofilter曝气生物滤池(BAF) biological aerated filter生物转盘法biodisc process生物转盘rotating biological contactor生物转盘n. biodisc塑料盘片plastic discs轻质盘片lightweight discs水平轴horizontal shaft生物粘液biological slime粘液层slime layer生物流化床biological fluidized bedbiological fluidised bed生物流化床反应器fluidized-bed bioreactor移动床生物膜反应器(MBBR)moving-bed biofilm reactor3.厌氧生物处理发酵n. fermentationv. fermentate产酸细菌n. acidogens产甲烷细菌n. methanogens产酸阶段acidogenic phase产甲烷阶段methanogenic phase水解n. hydrolysisv. hydrolysis产酸发酵acidogenic fermentation产氢产乙酸H2-producing acetogenesis产甲烷methanogenesis产酸菌acid formers产甲烷菌methane formers ,methane-forming bacteria有机酸organic acids挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs) volatile fatty acids.硫酸盐还原sulfate reduction硫酸盐还原菌sulfate-reducing bacteria上流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)upflow anaerobic sludge blanket上升流速upflow velocity厌氧折流板反应器(ABR)anaerobic baffled reactor两段或两级厌氧生物处理two-stage anaerobic biotreatment两相厌氧生物处理two-phase anaerobic biotreatment产酸相acidogenic phase产甲烷相methanogenic phase消化n. digestionv. digest消化池n. digestor厌氧消化anaerobic digestion污泥消化sludge digestion厌氧消化池anaerobic digestor厌氧接触法anaerobic contact process厌氧膨胀床反应器anaerobic expanded-bed reactor厌氧流化床反应器anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor厌氧生物转盘anaerobic rotating biological contactor 4.自然生物处理系统自然净化系统natural purification system稳定塘stabilization pondsstabilization lagoons氧化塘oxidation ponds土地处理系统land treatment systems废水土地处理land treatment of wastewater净化过程purification process自然净化natural purification污水塘sewage lagoon稳定塘stabilization pondsstabilization lagoons氧化塘oxidation ponds好氧塘aerobic pond兼性塘facultative pond好氧生化反应aerobic biochemical reaction厌氧生化反应anaerobic biochemical reaction厌氧分解anaerobic decomposition厌氧分解decompose anaerobically好氧稳定aerobic stabilization细菌n. bacteria藻类n. algae微型植物microscopic plants出流,出水effluent flow光合作用n. photosynthesis厌氧塘anaerobic pond曝气塘aerated pond修饰塘polishing pond熟化塘maturation lagoon深度处理塘advanced treatment pond三级处理塘tertiary treatment pond土地处理工艺(过程)land treatment processes关键因素critical factors土壤类型soil type气候n. climate土地处理系统land treatment systems慢速土地处理系统slow rate land treatment system低负荷土地处理系统low-rate land treatment system三级处理水平tertiary treatment level灌溉n. irrigationv. irrigate土壤的天然过滤和吸附性质natural filtration and adsorption properties of soil投配的废水applied wastewater垄—沟表面布水ridge-and-furrow surface spreading喷洒布水系统,喷灌布水系统sprinkler systems快速渗滤土地处理系统rapid infiltration landtreatment system渗滤—渗透土地处理infiltration-percolation landtreatment快速渗滤rapid infiltration快速渗滤法rapid infiltration method过滤作用filtering action.吸附作用adsorption action地表漫流土地处理系统overland flow land treatment system 地表漫流overland flow径流集水沟runoff collection ditch物理、化学和生物过程physical , chemical , and biological processes 湿地n. wetland天然湿地natural wetland人工湿地constructed wetlandman-made wetland第七部分:污泥处理、处置与利用污泥n. sludge生活污水污泥sewage sludge污泥体积,污泥量sludge volume原污泥,生污泥raw sludge新鲜污泥,生污泥fresh sludge消化污泥,熟污泥digested sludge混合污泥mixed sludge污泥处理sludge treatment污泥处置sludge disposal最终处置ultimate disposal填埋n. landfill污泥减量sludge volume reduction污泥稳定化sludge stabilization(污泥)浓缩n. thickening污泥浓缩sludge thickening稳定,稳定化n. stabilizationv. stabilize稳定了的污泥stabilized sludge调理(调节)n. conditioningv. condition脱水n. dewateringv. dewater干化n. drying污泥干化场sludge drying bed污泥干燥heat drying干燥器n. dryer污泥焚烧,污泥焚化n. incineration焚烧炉,焚化炉n. incinerator污泥浓缩sludge thickening物理过程physical process含水过多的污泥watery sludge稀污泥thin sludge处理装置treatment unit浓缩池n. thickener重力浓缩gravity thickening重力浓缩池gravity thickener圆形污水沉淀池circular sewage sedimentation tank刮泥机sludge scraper搅拌作用stirring action底流n. underflow浓缩的底流thickened underflow浓缩污泥thickened sludge出水n. effluent上清液n. supernatant溢流v. overflow堰n. weir气浮浓缩floatation thickening溶气气浮dissolved-air floatation气浮池floatation tank入流污泥influent sludge污泥絮体sludge flocs撇去v. skim漂浮污泥层floating sludge layer污泥消化sludge digestion消化池n. digester消化池装置digester unit消化n. digestionv. digest有机固体organic solids生化分解biochemical decomposition好氧消化aerobic digestion好氧污泥消化aerobic sludge digestion好氧消化过程aerobic digestion process活性污泥池activated sludge tank预制的(成套)活性污泥处理系统prefabricated (package) activated sludge treatmentsystems预制的接触稳定或prefabricated contact stabilization or延时曝气处理系统extended aeration treatment systemsBOD负荷BOD loading.细胞物质cellular mass内源衰亡endogenous decay厌氧消化anaerobic digestion厌氧污泥消化anaerobic sludge digestion有盖的圆形池covered circular tank消化过程digestion process厌氧消化过程anaerobic digestion process 生化反应biochemical reactions有机酸organic acids挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs) volatile fatty acids 甲烷气methane gas末端产物end product指示剂n. indicator污泥消化池气体sludge digester gas污泥沉淀sludge settling污泥储存sludge storage消化污泥digested sludge充分消化的污泥well-digested sludge消化池上清液digester supernatant中温消化mesophilic digestion高温消化thermophilic degestion污泥脱水sludge dewatering混合堆肥co-composting污泥处理总成本overall sludge-handling costs第八部分:废水回用地表水资源surface water resource 地下水资源groundwater resource水短缺water scarcity回用n. , v. reuse废水回用wastewater reuse直接回用direct reuse直接废水回用direct wastewater reuse间接回用indirect reuse间接废水回用indirect wastewater reuse出水处理effluent treatment回用水reclaimed water排放n. , v. discharge保留n. retention循环n. recyclingv. recycle部分处理n. partial treatment最终用途end use城市污水回用municipal wastewater reuse灌溉n. irrigation景观灌溉landscape irrigation地下水回灌groundwater recharge市政回用municipal reuse直接市政回用direct municipal reuse深度处理,高级处理advanced treatment分质供水系统dual-distribution system间接市政回用indirect municipal reuse供水系统,给水系统water supply system取水口n. intake天然同化能力natural assimilative capacity人工回灌artificial recharge深井注射deep-well injection浅表布水shallow surface spreading渗透n. percolation工业回用industrial reuse工艺废水,过程废水process wastewaters工艺补充水,过程补充水plant process makeup water冷却塔水cooling tower water选择性处理optional treatment水费water costs回用的城市污水reclaimed municipal wastewater工业过程industrial processes冷却水cooling water锅炉给水boiler feedwater灌溉回用irrigation reuse废水直接灌溉direct irrigation with wastewater低负荷土地处理系统low-rate land treatment system间接灌溉回用indirect reuse for irrigation废水排放wastewater discharge雨水回用storm water reuse可回用水reusable waterPartⅨ:第九部分:投资成本,投资费(用)capital costs建设成本,建设费(用)construction costs运行成本,运行费(用)operating costs能耗成本energy costs运行维护operation and maintenance运行控制operational control控制系统control system仪表/控制系统. instrumentation/control system自动控制系统,自控系统automatic control system。



建筑给排水中英文对照外文翻译文献_图文03 建筑给排水中英文对照外文翻译文献_图文03建筑给排水中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)外文:Sealed building drainage and vent systems—an application of active air pressure transient control andsuppression AbstractThe introduction of sealed building drainage and vent systems is considered a viable proposition for complex buildings due to the use of active pressure transient control and suppression in the form of air admittance valves and positive air pressure attenuators coupled with the interconnection of thenetwork's vertical stacks.This paper presents a simulation based on a four-stack network that illustrates flow mechanisms within the pipework following both appliance discharge generated, and sewer imposed, transients. This simulation identifies the role of the active air pressure control devices in maintaining system pressures at levels that do not deplete trap seals.Further simulation exercises would be necessary to provide proof of concept, and it would be advantageous to parallel these with laboratory, and possibly site, trials for validation purposes. Despite this cautionthe initial results are highly encouraging and are sufficient to confirm the potential to provide definite benefits in terms of enhanced system security as well as increased reliability and reduced installation and material costs.Keywords: Active control; Trap retention; Transient propagationNomenclatureC+-——characteristic equationsc——wave speed, m/sD——branch or stack diameter, mf——friction factor, UK definition via Darcy Δh=4fLu2/2Dgg——acceleration due to gravity, m/s2K——loss coefficientL——pipe length, mp——air pressure, N/m2t——time, su——mean air velocity, m/sx——distance, mγ——ratio specific heatsΔh——head loss, mΔp——pressure difference, N/m2Δt——time step, sΔx——internodal length, mρ——density, kg/m3Article OutlineNomenclature1. Introduction—air pressure transient control and suppression2. Mathematical basis for the simulation of transient propagation in multi-stack building drainage networks3. Role of diversity in system operation4. Simulation of the operation of a multi-stack sealed building drainage and vent system5. Simulation sign conventions6. Water discharge to the network7. Surcharge at base of stack 18. Sewer imposed transients9. Trap seal oscillation and retention10. Conclusion—viability of a sealed building drainage and ventsystem1.Air pressure transients generated within building drainage andvent systems as a natural consequence of system operation may be responsible for trap seal depletion and cross contamination of habitable space [1]. Traditional modes of trap seal protection, based on the Victorian engineer's obsession with odour exclusion [2], [3] and [4], depend predominantly on passive solutions where reliance is placed on cross connections and vertical stacks vented toatmosphere [5] and [6]. This approach, while both proven and traditional, has inherent weaknesses, including the remoteness of the vent terminations [7], leading to delays in the arrival of relievingreflections, and the multiplicity of open roof level stack terminations inherent within complex buildings. The complexity of the vent system required also has significant cost and space implications [8].The development of air admittance valves (AAVs) over the past two decades provides the designer with a means of alleviating negative transients generated as random appliance dischargescontribute to the time dependent water-flow conditions within the system. AAVs represent an active control solution as they respond directly to the local pressure conditions, opening as pressure falls to allow a relief air inflow and hence limit the pressure excursions experienced by the appliance trap seal [9].However, AAVs do not address the problems of positive air pressure transient propagation within building drainage and vent systems as a result of intermittent closure of the free airpath through the network or the arrival of positive transients generated remotely within the sewer system, possibly by some surcharge event downstream—including heavy rainfall incombined sewer applications.The development of variable volume containment attenuators [10] that are designed to absorb airflow driven by positive air pressure transients completes the necessary device provision to allow active air pressure transient control and suppression to be introduced into the design of building drainage and vent systems, for both ‘standard’ buildings and those requiring particularattention to be paid to the security implications of multiple roof level open stack terminations. The positive air pressure attenuator (PAPA) consists of a variable volume bag that expands under theinfluence of a positive transient and therefore allows system airflowsto attenuate gradually, therefore reducing the level of positive transients generated. Together with the use of AAVs the introduction of the PAPA device allowsconsideration of a fully sealed building drainage and vent system. illustrates both AAV and PAPA devices, note that the waterless sheath trap acts as an AAFig. 1. Active air pressure transient suppression devices to control both positive and negative surges. Active air pressure transient suppressionand control therefore allows for localized intervention to protect trap seals from both positive and negative pressure excursions. This has distinct advantages over the traditional passive approach. The time delay inherent in awaiting the return of a relievingreflection from a vent open to atmosphere is removed and the effectof the transient on all the other system traps passed during its propagation is avoided.2.Mathematical basis for the simulation of transient propagation in multi-stack building drainage networks.The propagation of air pressure transients within building drainage and vent systems belongs to a well understood family of unsteady flowconditions defined by the St Venant equations of continuity and momentum, and solvable via a finite difference scheme utilizing the method of characteristics technique. Air pressure transient generation and propagation within the system as a result of air entrainment by thefalling annular water in the system vertical stacks and the reflection and transmission of these transients at the system boundaries, including open terminations, connections to the sewer, appliance trap seals and both AAV and PAPA active control devices, may be simulated with proven accuracy. The simulation [11] provides local air pressure, velocity and wave speed information throughout a network at time and distanceintervals as short as 0.001 s and 300 mm. In addition, the simulation replicates localappliance trap seal oscillations and the operation of active control devices, thereby yielding data on network airflows and identifying system failures and consequences. While the simulation has been extensively validated [10], its use to independently confirm the mechanism of SARS virus spread within the Amoy Gardens outbreak in 2003 has provided further confidence in its predictions [12].Air pressure transient propagation depends upon the rate of changeof the system conditions. Increasing annular downflow generates an enhanced entrained airflow and lowers the system pressure. Retarding the entrained airflow generates positive transients. External events mayalso propagate both positive and negative transients into the network.The annular water flow in the ‘wet’ stack entrains an airflowdue to the condition of ‘no slip’ established between theannular water and air core surfaces and generates the expected pressure variation down a vertical stack. Pressure falls from atmospheric above the stack entry due to friction and the effects of drawing air through the water curtains formed at discharging branch junctions. In the lower wet stack the pressure recovers to above atmospheric due to the traction forces exerted on the airflow prior to falling across the water curtain at the stack base.The application of the method of characteristics to the modelling of unsteady flows was first recognized in the 1960s [13]. The relationships defined by Jack [14] allows the simulation to model the traction force exerted on the entrained air. Extensive experimental data allowed the definition of a ‘pseudo-frictionfactor’ applicable in the wet stack and operable acro ss the water annular flow/entrained air core interface to allow combined discharge flows and their effect on air。



UNIT 1给水工程 water supply engineering 排水工程 sewage engineering市政工程 civil engineering市政工程师 civil engineer环境工程 environmental engineering 水文学 hydrology水力学 hydranlies水环境 natural aquatic environment 流域 watershed水体 waterbody地表水 surface water淡水 freshwater地下水 groundwater含水层 aquifer天然含水层 natural aquifer地下含水层 underground aquifer水文循环 natural hydrologic cycle 渗滤 infiltration降水 precipitation 渗入 precolation蒸发 evaporation蒸腾 transpiration城市水文循环 urban hydrologic cycle水源 water source水资源 water resource取水 water withdrawal水处理 water treatment配水 water distribution用水 water use污水 sewage废水 wastewater废水收集 wastewater collection废水处理 wastewater disposal受纳水体 receiving waters污染 pollution pollute污染物 pollutant玷污、污染 contamination致污物 contaminant未污染 uncontaminated水污染 water pollution水污染控制 water pollution control水污染防治 water pollution prevention污水回用 wastewater reuseUNIT 2水短缺 water scarcity地表水资源 surface water resource管网 Pipe Network供水系统 water supply system市政配水系统 municipal distribution system建筑给水系统house water supply system分区供水系统 dual distribution system小区 micro district小社区 small community冷水供水系统 cold water supply system热水供水系统 hot water supply system消防系统 fire protection system喷淋系统 fire protection sprinkler system自动水幕系统 automatic drencher system半自动水幕系统semi automatic drencher system消火栓 hydrant排水系统 drainage system生活排水系统 sanitary system工业排水系统 industrial system雨水排水系统 stormwater system合流制 combined sewers分流制 separate sewers建筑排水系统 building drainage system卫生洁具 plumbing fixtures卫浴设备 bathroom fixtures输水系统 water transmission system漏水率 leakage rate配水系统 water distribution system环状管网 grid (looped)system支状管网 branching(branched) system下水管道 sanitary sewer污水节流管 intercepting(中间截取) sewer 污水节流系统 intercepting sewer system污水节流井 sewage intercepting well支管 collection (目的:收集)sewer collectorsewer生活污水 sanitary sewagedomestic sewagedomestic wastewater工业污水 industrial wastewater工业污水/液/物 industrial wastes农业用水 agricultural wastewater/wastes雨水 rainwater stormwater水位 waterlevel海拔、标高 elevation坡度 grade倾斜度 slope明渠 Open channel开挖 ex cava tion深度 excavation depth水力分析 hydraulic analysis水头 pressure head总水头 total headUnit 3水头损失 Head loss速度头动压头 Velocity head静压 Static head摩擦水头 Friction head水力坡度线 Hydranlic grade line重力流 Gravity flow水塔 Water castle贮水箱 Cistern泵站 Pump station给水泵站 Water pump station污水泵站 Sewage station提升泵站 Lift pumping plant增压泵 Booster pump离心泵 Centrifugal pump潜水泵 Submer sible pump潜水艇 Submerine深井泵 Well pump虹吸虹吸管 Siphon人孔 Manhole法兰 Flange阀门 Valve闸阀 Gate valve泵送系统 Pumping system流量 Flow rate流速 Fluid velocity层流 Laminar flow滞流粘性流 viscous flow过渡流 Transitional flow湍流 Turbulent flow紊流 Turbulence flow涡流 Eddying flow雷诺数 Teynolds number水质 Water guality水源 Water sources供水水源 Water supples原水 Raw water未处理水 Untreated water出水 Finished water原水水质 Raw-water quality水质标准 Water quality standards 水质要求 Water quality requirements饮用水 Drink water\potable water自来水 Tap water纯水 Pure water饮用水标准 Drinking water standards饮用水一级标Primary drinking water standards最大允许浓度 Maxmum permissible levelsmaxmum allowable levels最大污染物浓度 Maxmum contaminant levels主要污染物 Primary contaminants有机化合物 Organic chemicals合成有机化合物 Synthetic organic chemicals挥发性有机化合物 Volatile organic ohemicals无机化合物 Inorganic chemical微生物 Micro organisms\microbes微生物污染 Microbial contaminants病原微生物 Pathogenic micro organisms病原体 Pathogenic病毒 Pathogenic bacterin细菌 Bacteria大肠杆菌 Coliform bacteria病毒 Viruses藻类 Algae浊度 Turbidity放射性 Radionuclide感官性状 Esthetic qualities审美 Esthetic味 Taste嗅 Odo色 Colour变色 Discolouration变色 Discolor水质物理参数 Physical parameters of water quality水的物理性质 Physical quality of water浊度值 Turbidity values浊度单位 Turdidity unit浑浊单位 Turdid嗅阈值 Threshold odor number化学性质 Chemical quality水质化学参数Chemical parameters of water quality溶解氧 Dissolved oxygen (DO)溶解氧浓度 Do level溶解氧平衡 Do balance氧损 Oxygen depletion有机污染物 Organic pollutant生化需氧量 Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)总氮 Total nitrogen (TN)总凯式氮 Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN)悬浮固体 Suspended solids (SS)总悬浮固体 Total suspended solids (TSS)溶解 Dissolved (DS)总溶解 Total dissolved (TDS)Unit 4溶解的铁和锰 Dissolved iron and manganese 硬度 Hardness碱度 Alkalinity盐度 Salinity有害物质 Toxic and hazardous materials氰化物 Cyanides急性毒性 Acute toxity 慢性毒性 Chronic toxity基因毒性 Genetic toxicity基因 Gene难降解有机化合物 Refractory organic chemicals永久性有机污染物 Persistent organic pollutants致癌化学性 Carcinogenic chemicals三卤甲烷 Trihalo methanes卤素 Halogen甲基 Methyl氯仿 Trichloromethane三氯甲烷 Chloroform杀虫剂农药 Pesticide害虫 Pest杀虫剂 Insecticide除草剂 Herbicide杀菌剂 Germicide细菌 Germ防腐剂 Preservative保证 Preserve清洗剂 Cleaning agent洗涤剂 Detergent发泡剂 Foaming agent泡沫 Foam化肥 Fertilizer肥沃的 Fertile富营养化 Eutrophication营养的 Trophic营养水平 Trophic level生态位 NicheUnit 5原污水 Raw sewage原废水 Raw wastes处理水 Treated wastes回用水 Redaimed water水处理过程 Water processing收集 Collect处置 Dispose处理方法 Treatment method处理费用 Treatment costs处理单元 Treatment process运行模式 Operational mode间歇处理方式 Batch treatment approach 均匀均化 Equalization均匀 Equalize调蓄水池 Equalization storage调节池 Equalization tank蓄水池 Storage tank降解 Degrade分解 Decompose分离 Separate隔离 Separation物理法 Physical process物理处理 Physical treatment物理处理过程 Physical treatment process 一级处理 Primary treatment初步处理 Preliminary treatment格栅筛滤 Screening格栅 Screen格栅 Bar screen栅条 Bars 钢栅条 Steel bars渣耙 Cleaning rakes圆形破碎机 Circular grinder破碎 Grind除砂 Degritting砂 Grit沙 Sand除砂 Grit removal沉砂池 Grit chamber沉淀 Settling沉淀池 Settling tank澄清池 Clarifier初澄清池 Primary clarifier初沉池 Primary settling tank一级出水 Primary effluent二级处理 Secondary treatment二级处理工艺 Secondary treatment process生物处理 Biological treatment二澄清池 Secondary clarifier二沉池 Secondary settling tank最终澄清池 Final clarifier最终沉淀池 Final settling tank二级出水 Secondary effluent三级处理 Tertiary treatment深度处理 Advanced treatment废水消毒 Waste disinfection出流出水 Effluent flow允许浓度 Allowable levels优异出水 High-quality polished effluent废水处理厂 Wastewater treatment plant污水处理厂 Sewage treatment plant二级处理厂 Secondary treatment plant城市污水处理Municipal wastewater treatment市政工程 Municipal engineering土木工程 Civil engineering城市污水处理厂Municipal wastewater treatment plant污水处理能力 Sewage treatment capacity电容 Capacitance污水处理设施 Municipal treatment facilities 多反应器设施 Multi-reactor facility处理池 Treatment tank负荷 Load负荷 Loadings水力负荷 Hydrautic loading污染负荷 Pollutant load有机负荷 Organic load无机负荷 Inorganic load不含化肥、农药无机的 Unorganic周期性负荷 Periodic(intermitlent) loading第五部分:物化处理1.混凝 n. coagulation混凝过程 coagulation process化学混凝 chemical coagulation凝聚 n. aggregation絮凝 n. flocculationv. flocculate异向絮凝 perikinetic flocculation同向絮凝 orthokinetic flocculation混凝剂 n. coagulant混凝剂投量 coagulant dosage烧杯实验 jar test最佳混凝剂投量 optimum coagulant dosage助凝剂 coagulant aid助凝剂 flocculation aid聚电解质 n. polyelectrolytes快速混合 flash-mix ,rapid-mix快速混合器 flash mixer ,rapid mixer混合池 mixer tank快速混合池 flash-mix tank絮凝器 n. flocculator絮凝池 flocculation tank固体接触池 solids-contact tank澄清 n. clarificationv. clarify澄清池 n. clarifier高负荷澄清池 high rate clarifier澄清水 clarifying water2.沉淀 n. sedimentation沉降 n. sedimentation自由沉降 plain settling拥挤沉降 hindered settling重力沉降 gravity settling沉淀池 settling tank沉淀池,沉降池 sedimentation tank矩形沉淀池 rectangular settling tank圆形沉淀池 circular settling tank管式沉淀池 tube settler斜管沉淀池 steeply inclined tube settler板式沉淀池 parallel-plate settler板式沉淀池 plate separator气浮 n. floatation泡沫分离 foam separation溶气气浮 dissolved-air floatation气浮池 floatation tank表面撇渣装置 surface-skimming device 撇去 v. skim浮渣 n. scum浮渣槽 scum trough刮泥机 sludge scraper排泥 sludge drawoffsludge withdrawal预沉淀 n. presedimentation预沉淀池 presedimentation basin3.过滤 n. filtration滤池 n. filter慢滤池 slow filter快滤池 rapid filter高速(负荷)滤池 high rate filter砂滤池 sand filter慢砂滤池 slow sand filter快砂滤池 rapid sand filter重力滤池 gravity filter压力滤池 pressure filter 过滤介质,滤料 filter medium石英砂 silica sand无烟煤 n. anthracite硅藻土 diatomaceous earth煤—砂滤床 coal-sand beds多层滤料 multilayered media混合滤料 mixed media双层滤料滤池 dual media filter双层滤池 two-layer filter粗滤料 coarse media细滤料 fine media助滤剂 filter aid滤后水,滤出水 filtered water滤后水,滤池出水 filter effluent滤前水,滤池进水 filter influent浊度穿透 turbidity breakthrough过滤周期 filter cycle清洗周期 cleaning cycle刮砂法 scraping method表面刮砂 surface scraping反冲洗 backwashing水力反冲洗 hydraulic backwashing水力反冲洗 hydraulic backwash水力分级 hydraulic grading4.消毒 n. disinfectionv. disinfect消毒剂 n. disinfectantdisinfection agent杀菌剂 n. germicide消毒过程 disinfection process消毒副产物 disinfection by-products氯化 n. chlorinationv. chlorinate氯化水 chlorinated water预氯化 n. prechlorination氯化消毒副产物 by-products of chlorination化学消毒剂 chemical disinfectants液氯 liquid chlorine ,liquefied chlorine氯胺 n. chloramines次氯酸盐 hypochlorites次氯酸钠 sodium hypochlorite二氧化氯 chlorine dioxide臭氧 n. ozone臭氧化,臭氧消毒 n. ozonation臭氧化 v. ozonate紫外线 (UV) ultraviolet radiation (UV)伽马射线 gamma radiation灭活 n. inactivationv. inactivate接触时间 contact time需氯量 chlorine demand加氯量,投氯量 chlorine dosage ,applied chlorine自由氯,游离氯 free chlorine ,free available chlorine化合氯 combined chlorine剩余保护 residual protection余氯 residual chlorine 余氯量 chlorine residual自由余氯 free residual chlorine自由氯余量 free chlorine residual化合余氯 combined residual chlorine化合氯余量 combined chlorine residuals折点氯化(法) breakpoint chlorination折点氯化曲线 breakpoint chlorination curve折点加氯量 breakpoint dosage氯折点 chlorine breakpoint压力钢瓶 pressured steel cylinder臭氧发生器 ozone generator需臭氧量 ozone demand剩余臭氧量 ozone residual剩余臭氧 residual ozone致病微生物,病源微生物pathogenic microorganisms病原体 n. pathogens致病细菌或病毒 pathogenic bacteria or viruses细菌 n. bacteria大肠杆菌 coliform bacteria阿米巴氏菌 amoebic cysts孢子,芽孢 n. spores病毒 n. viruses藻类 n. algae原生动物 n. protozoa5.氧化 n. oxidation还原 n. reduction氧化剂 n. oxidant强氧化剂 strong oxidizing agent高级氧化法 (AOP) advanced oxidation process高级氧化工艺 (AOP) advanced oxidation process高级氧化过程 (AOP) advanced oxidation process高级氧化技术 (AOT)advanced oxidation technology6.吸附 n. adsorption活性炭 (AC) activated carbon粉末炭 (PAC) powdered activated carbon粒状炭 (GAC) granular activated carbon颗粒活性炭(GAC) granular activated carbon活性炭纤维 (ACF) activated carbon fiber再生 n. regenerationv. regenerate吸附剂 n. adsorbent吸附质 n. adsorbate吸附塔,吸附柱 adsorption column吸附床 adsorption bed空床接触时间 empty bed contact time吸附带 mass transfer zone快速小柱试验 rapid small scale column test 生物活性炭 (BAC) biological activated carbon 7.离子交换 n. ion exchange离子交换树脂 ion exchange resin离子交换器 ion exchanger离子交换柱 ion exchange column硬度 n. hardness除硬 hardness removal软化 n. softeningv. soften化学软化 chemical softening沉淀软化 precipitation softening除盐,脱盐 n. desaltinationv. desalt去矿化 n. demineralizationv. demineralize离子交换软化法 ion exchange softening process离子交换除盐法 ion exchange desalting process复床 combined bed混合床 mixed bed8.膜分离 membrane separation微滤 n. microfiltration超滤 n. hyperfiltration纳滤 n. nanofiltration反渗透 reverse osmosis渗透 n. osmosis半透膜 semipermeable membrane电渗析 n. electrodialysis渗析 n. dialysis9.其它处理方法中和 n. neutralizationv. neutralize酸性废水 acidic wastes化学沉淀 chemical precipitation沉淀软化 precipitation softening电解 n. electrolysis电除盐 (EDI) n. electrodeionization吹脱、汽提法 n. stripping冷却 n. cooling冷却水 cooling water冷却塔 cooling tower第六部分生物处理生物反应器 n. bioreactor微生物 n.microorganismsn.microbes微生物种群 microbial population混合群落 mixed communities细菌 n. bacteria原生动物 n. protozoa真菌 n. fungi轮虫 n. rotifers生长 n. growth繁殖 n. reproduction世代时间 generation time生长速率 growth rates环境因子 environmental factors生态因子 ecological factors微生物生长动力学 microbial growth kinetics1.迟滞期 lag phase2.对数生长期 exponential-growth phase3.减速生长期 decling growth phase稳定期 stationary phase4. 内源呼吸阶段 endogenous stage内源生长期 endogenous growth phase内源呼吸 endogenous respiration底物,基质 n. substrate底物(基质)利用 substrate utilization生物量 n. biomass生物反应 biological reaction生物氧化 biological oxidation生物降解 n. biodegradation生物降解性 n. biodegradability生物可降解的,可生物降解的 a. biodegradable不可生物降解的 a. nonbiodegradable生物处理 biological treatment废水生物处理 biological wastewater treatment废水生物处理系统biological wastewatertreatment system污水生物处理系统 biological sewage treatmentsystem生物处理法 biological treatment process生物处理装置 biological treatment unit串联 in series悬浮生长处理法suspended-growth treatmentprocesses生物固体 biological solids活性污泥 activated sludge附着生长处理法attached-growth treatmentprocesses附着的微生物 attached microbes微生物附着生长 attached microbial growth生物膜 n. biofilm代谢 n. metabolismv. metabolize稳定,稳定化 n. stabilizationv. stabilize生物代谢 biological metabolism微生物代谢 microbial metabolism好氧的 a. aerobic好氧菌 aerobic bacteria好氧微生物 aerobic microorganisms好氧氧化 aerobic oxidation厌氧的 a. anaerobic厌氧菌 anaerobic bacteria厌氧氧化 anaerobic oxidation兼性的 a. facultative兼性菌 facultative bacteria好氧环境 aerobic environment厌氧环境 anaerobic environment营养物 n. nutrients无机营养物 inorganic nutrients营养物去除 nutrient removal营养物生物去除biological nutrient removal脱氮除磷 nitrogen and phosphorus removal生物硝化 biological nitrification硝化菌 nitrifying bacteria生物反硝化,生物脱氮 biological denitrification 生物除磷 biological phosphorus removal1.活性污泥法 activated sludge process微生物 n. microorganisms n. microbes细菌 n. bacteria生物絮体 biological floc 微生物絮体 microbial floc活性污泥 activated sludge絮状活性污泥 flocculate-bacterial sludge回流活性污泥 (RAS) returned activated sludge回流污泥 returned sludge回流污泥 recycled sludge剩余污泥 excess sludge废活性污泥 (WAS) waste activated sludge废污泥 waste sludge曝气池 aeration tank曝气池 aeration basin曝气池 aeration chamber完全混合曝气池 completely mixed aeration basin活性污泥池 activated sludge tank曝气 n. aeration混合 n. mixing曝气系统 aeration system曝气器 n. aerator压缩空气 compressed air空气压缩机,空压机 air compressor鼓风机,风机 n. blower循环/切换 n. cycling/switchover扩散装置,扩散器 n. diffuser空气扩散装置,空气扩散器 air diffuser鼓泡空气扩散装置(扩散器) bubble air diffuser微气泡扩散装置(扩散器) fine-bubble diffuser扩散板 plate diffuser扩散管 tube diffuser扩散罩 dome diffuser微气泡扩散曝气 fine-bubble diffused aeration微气泡 fine-bubble大气泡 coarse-bubble静态混合器 static mixer机械曝气系统 mechanical aeration systems机械曝气 mechanical aeration表面曝气 surface aeration表面曝气器 surface aerator需氧量 oxygen demand供气量 air supply氧转移效率 oxygen tansfer efficiency可沉降固体 settleable solids挥发性固体 volatile solids非挥发性固体 nonvolatile solids挥发性悬浮固体(VSS) volatile suspended solids混合液 mixed liquor混合液悬浮固体 (MLSS) mixed liquor suspended solids混合液挥发性悬浮固体(MLVSS) mixed liquor volatile suspended solids污泥沉降比 (SV) settling velocity污泥容积指数 (SVI) sludge volume index比耗氧速率 (SOUR) specific oxygen uptake rate 污泥龄 sludge age曝气池容积 aeration tank volume曝气时间 aeration period曝气时间 aeration time水力停留时间 (HRT) hydraulic residence time水力负荷 hydraulic loadingBOD负荷 BOD loading普通活性污泥法 conventional activated sludgeprocess传统活性污泥法 conventional activated sludgeprocess标准活性污泥法standard activated sludgeprocess传统活性污泥厂 conventional activated sludgeplant阶段曝气活性污泥step aeration activated sludgeprocess分段 v. step进水负荷 influent load分段进水 step loading渐减 v. taper渐减曝气 tapered aeration接触稳定活性污泥法contact stabilization activated sludge process再曝气 n. reaeration曝气—沉淀—再曝气aeration-sedimentation-reaeration完全好氧处理法complete aerobic treatment process高负荷(完全混合)活性污泥法high-rate (completely mixed) activated sludgeprocess延时曝气活性污泥法extended aeration activated sludge process延时曝气法 extended aeration process延时曝气 extended aeration氧化沟 oxidation ditch水平转刷 horizontal rotor转刷曝气 rotor aeration笼型转刷 caged rotor吸附—生物降解工艺 (AB法)adsorption-biodegradation process序批式活性污泥法(SBR法) sequencing batchreactor (SBR) process、序批式活性污泥法(SBR法) sequential batch reactor (SBR) processSBR法 SBR process序批式反应器(SBR) sequencing batch reactor (SBR)序批式反应器 (SBR) sequential batch reactor初沉 primary clarification曝气 n. aeration二沉 secondary clarification初沉池 primary clarifier二沉池 secondary clarifier泵送系统 pumping system活性污泥法 activated sludge process变体 n. variantSBR运行周期 SBR cycle处理周期 process cycle进水阶段 fill phase进水阀 influent valve反应阶段 react phase沉淀阶段 settle phase清水,上清液 clear water上清液 n. supernatant排水阶段 draw phase滗水阶段 decant phase滗水装置 decant mechanism闲置阶段,待机阶段 idle phase营养物去除 nutrient removal营养物生物去除 biological nutrient removal碳源 carbon source硝化 n. nitrificationv. nitrify硝化菌 nitrifying bacteria反硝化 n. denitrificationv. denitrify脱氮 n. denitrification生物反硝化,生物脱氮biological denitrification缺氧—好氧脱氮工艺 (A/O法)anoxic-oxic process厌氧—缺氧—好氧法(A2/O法)anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic processA-A-O法同步脱氮除磷工艺anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic process脱氮除磷 nitrogen and phosphorus removal厌氧氨氧化 (ANAMMOX)anaerobic ammonium oxidation生物除磷 biological phosphorus removal膜生物反应器 (MBR)membrane biological reactor2.生物膜法生物膜 n. biofilm生物膜反应器 biofilm reactor生物滤池 n. biofilter生物过滤 n. biofiltration旋转布水器 rotary sprinkler填料 n. packings塑料管状或蜂窝状填料plastic tubular orhoneycomb-shaped packings滴滤池 trickling filter普通生物滤池 trickling filter高负荷生物滤池 high-rate filter塔式生物滤池 tower biofilter曝气生物滤池 (BAF) biological aerated filter生物转盘法 biodisc process生物转盘 rotating biological contactor生物转盘 n. biodisc塑料盘片 plastic discs轻质盘片 lightweight discs水平轴 horizontal shaft生物粘液 biological slime粘液层 slime layer生物流化床 biological fluidized bedbiological fluidised bed生物流化床反应器 fluidized-bed bioreactor移动床生物膜反应器 (MBBR)moving-bed biofilm reactor3.厌氧生物处理发酵 n. fermentationv. fermentate产酸细菌 n. acidogens产甲烷细菌 n. methanogens产酸阶段 acidogenic phase产甲烷阶段 methanogenic phase水解 n. hydrolysisv. hydrolysis产酸发酵 acidogenic fermentation产氢产乙酸 H2-producing acetogenesis产甲烷 methanogenesis产酸菌 acid formers产甲烷菌 methane formers ,methane-forming bacteria有机酸 organic acids挥发性脂肪酸 (VFAs) volatile fatty acids硫酸盐还原 sulfate reduction硫酸盐还原菌 sulfate-reducing bacteria上流式厌氧污泥床 (UASB)upflow anaerobic sludge blanket上升流速 upflow velocity厌氧折流板反应器 (ABR)anaerobic baffled reactor两段或两级厌氧生物处理two-stage anaerobicbiotreatment两相厌氧生物处理two-phase anaerobicbiotreatment产酸相 acidogenic phase产甲烷相 methanogenic phase消化 n. digestionv. digest消化池 n. digestor厌氧消化 anaerobic digestion污泥消化 sludge digestion厌氧消化池 anaerobic digestor厌氧接触法 anaerobic contact process厌氧膨胀床反应器anaerobic expanded-bed reactor 厌氧流化床反应器anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor 厌氧生物转盘anaerobic rotating biological contactor 4.自然生物处理系统自然净化系统 natural purification system稳定塘 stabilization pondsstabilization lagoons氧化塘 oxidation ponds土地处理系统 land treatment systems废水土地处理 land treatment of wastewater 净化过程 purification process自然净化 natural purification 污水塘 sewage lagoon稳定塘 stabilization pondsstabilization lagoons氧化塘 oxidation ponds好氧塘 aerobic pond兼性塘 facultative pond好氧生化反应 aerobic biochemical reaction厌氧生化反应 anaerobic biochemical reaction厌氧分解 anaerobic decomposition厌氧分解 decompose anaerobically好氧稳定 aerobic stabilization细菌 n. bacteria藻类 n. algae微型植物 microscopic plants出流,出水 effluent flow光合作用 n. photosynthesis厌氧塘 anaerobic pond曝气塘 aerated pond修饰塘 polishing pond熟化塘 maturation lagoon深度处理塘 advanced treatment pond三级处理塘 tertiary treatment pond土地处理工艺(过程) land treatment processes关键因素 critical factors土壤类型 soil type气候 n. climate土地处理系统 land treatment systems慢速土地处理系统slow rate land treatment system低负荷土地处理系统low-rate land treatment system三级处理水平 tertiary treatment level灌溉 n. irrigationv. irrigate土壤的天然过滤和吸附性质natural filtration and adsorption properties ofsoil投配的废水 applied wastewater垄—沟表面布水ridge-and-furrow surface spreading 喷洒布水系统,喷灌布水系统 sprinkler systems快速渗滤土地处理系统 rapid infiltration land treatment system渗滤—渗透土地处理 infiltration-percolation land treatment快速渗滤 rapid infiltration快速渗滤法 rapid infiltration method过滤作用 filtering action吸附作用 adsorption action地表漫流土地处理系统overland flow land treatment system地表漫流 overland flow径流集水沟 runoff collection ditch物理、化学和生物过程physical , chemical , and biological processes 湿地 n. wetland天然湿地 natural wetland人工湿地 constructed wetlandman-made wetland第七部分:污泥处理、处置与利用污泥 n. sludge生活污水污泥 sewage sludge污泥体积,污泥量 sludge volume原污泥,生污泥 raw sludge新鲜污泥,生污泥 fresh sludge消化污泥,熟污泥 digested sludge混合污泥 mixed sludge污泥处理 sludge treatment污泥处置 sludge disposal最终处置 ultimate disposal填埋 n. landfill污泥减量 sludge volume reduction污泥稳定化 sludge stabilization(污泥)浓缩 n. thickening污泥浓缩 sludge thickening稳定,稳定化 n. stabilizationv. stabilize稳定了的污泥 stabilized sludge调理(调节) n. conditioningv. condition脱水 n. dewateringv. dewater干化 n. drying污泥干化场 sludge drying bed污泥干燥 heat drying干燥器 n. dryer污泥焚烧,污泥焚化 n. incineration焚烧炉,焚化炉 n. incinerator污泥浓缩 sludge thickening物理过程 physical process含水过多的污泥 watery sludge稀污泥 thin sludge处理装置 treatment unit浓缩池 n. thickener重力浓缩 gravity thickening重力浓缩池 gravity thickener圆形污水沉淀池circular sewage sedimentation tank 刮泥机 sludge scraper搅拌作用 stirring action底流 n. underflow浓缩的底流 thickened underflow浓缩污泥 thickened sludge出水 n. effluent上清液 n. supernatant溢流 v. overflow堰 n. weir气浮浓缩 floatation thickening溶气气浮 dissolved-air floatation气浮池 floatation tank入流污泥 influent sludge污泥絮体 sludge flocs撇去 v. skim漂浮污泥层 floating sludge layer污泥消化 sludge digestion消化池 n. digester消化池装置 digester unit消化 n. digestionv. digest有机固体 organic solids生化分解 biochemical decomposition好氧消化 aerobic digestion好氧污泥消化 aerobic sludge digestion好氧消化过程 aerobic digestion process活性污泥池 activated sludge tank预制的(成套)活性污泥处理系统prefabricated (package) activated sludgetreatment systems预制的接触稳定或prefabricated contact stabilization or延时曝气处理系统extended aeration treatment systemsBOD负荷 BOD loading细胞物质 cellular mass内源衰亡 endogenous decay厌氧消化 anaerobic digestion厌氧污泥消化 anaerobic sludge digestion有盖的圆形池 covered circular tank消化过程 digestion process厌氧消化过程 anaerobic digestion process生化反应 biochemical reactions有机酸 organic acids挥发性脂肪酸 (VFAs) volatile fatty acids甲烷气 methane gas末端产物 end product指示剂 n. indicator污泥消化池气体 sludge digester gas污泥沉淀 sludge settling污泥储存 sludge storage消化污泥 digested sludge充分消化的污泥 well-digested sludge消化池上清液 digester supernatant中温消化 mesophilic digestion高温消化 thermophilic degestion污泥脱水 sludge dewatering混合堆肥 co-composting污泥处理总成本overall sludge-handling costs第八部分:废水回用地表水资源 surface water resource地下水资源 groundwater resource水短缺 water scarcity回用 n. , v. reuse废水回用 wastewater reuse直接回用 direct reuse直接废水回用 direct wastewater reuse间接回用 indirect reuse间接废水回用 indirect wastewater reuse出水处理 effluent treatment回用水 reclaimed water排放 n. , v. discharge保留 n. retention 循环 n. recyclingv. recycle部分处理 n. partial treatment最终用途 end use城市污水回用 municipal wastewater reuse灌溉 n. irrigation景观灌溉 landscape irrigation地下水回灌 groundwater recharge市政回用 municipal reuse直接市政回用 direct municipal reuse深度处理,高级处理 advanced treatment分质供水系统 dual-distribution system间接市政回用 indirect municipal reuse供水系统,给水系统 water supply system取水口 n. intake天然同化能力 natural assimilative capacity人工回灌 artificial recharge深井注射 deep-well injection浅表布水 shallow surface spreading渗透 n. percolation工业回用 industrial reuse工艺废水,过程废水 process wastewaters工艺补充水,过程补充水 plant process makeupwater冷却塔水 cooling tower water选择性处理 optional treatment水费 water costs回用的城市污水reclaimed municipal wastewater工业过程 industrial processes冷却水 cooling water锅炉给水 boiler feedwater灌溉回用 irrigation reuse废水直接灌溉direct irrigation with wastewater低负荷土地处理系统 low-rate land treatmentsystem间接灌溉回用 indirect reuse for irrigation废水排放 wastewater discharge雨水回用 storm water reuse可回用水 reusable waterPart Ⅸ: 第九部分:投资成本,投资费(用) capital costs建设成本,建设费(用) construction costs 运行成本,运行费(用) operating costs能耗成本 energy costs运行维护 operation and maintenance运行控制 operational control控制系统 control system仪表/控制系统instrumentation/control system自动控制系统,自控系统automatic control system。



本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!UNIT 1给水工程water supply engineering 排水工程sewage engineering市政工程civil engineering市政工程师civil engineer环境工程environmental engineering 水文学hydrology水力学hydranlies水环境natural aquatic environment 流域watershed水体waterbody地表水surface water淡水freshwater地下水groundwater含水层aquifer天然含水层natural aquifer地下含水层underground aquifer水文循环natural hydrologic cycle 渗滤infiltration降水precipitation渗入precolation蒸发evaporation蒸腾transpiration城市水文循环urban hydrologic cycle 水源water source水资源water resource取水water withdrawal水处理water treatment配水water distribution用水water use污水sewage废水wastewater废水收集wastewater collection废水处理wastewater disposal受纳水体receiving waters污染pollution pollute污染物pollutant玷污、污染contamination致污物contaminant未污染uncontaminated水污染water pollution水污染控制water pollution control水污染防治water pollution prevention污水回用wastewater reuseUNIT 2水短缺water scarcity地表水资源surface water resource管网Pipe Network供水系统water supply system市政配水系统municipal distribution system建筑给水系统house water supply system分区供水系统dual distribution system小区micro district小社区small community冷水供水系统cold water supply system热水供水系统hot water supply system消防系统fire protection system喷淋系统fire protection sprinkler system自动水幕系统automatic drencher system半自动水幕系统semi automatic drencher system消火栓hydrant排水系统drainage system生活排水系统sanitary system工业排水系统industrial system雨水排水系统stormwater system合流制combined sewers分流制separate sewers建筑排水系统building drainage system卫生洁具plumbing fixtures卫浴设备bathroom fixtures输水系统water transmission system漏水率leakage rate配水系统water distribution system环状管网grid (looped)system支状管网branching(branched) system下水管道sanitary sewer污水节流管intercepting(中间截取) sewer污水节流系统intercepting sewer system污水节流井sewage intercepting well支管collection (目的:收集)sewer collector sewer生活污水sanitary sewagedomestic sewagedomestic wastewater工业污水industrial wastewater工业污水/液/物industrial wastes农业用水agricultural wastewater/wastes雨水rainwater stormwater水位waterlevel海拔、标高elevation坡度grade倾斜度slope明渠Open channel开挖ex cava tion深度excavation depth水力分析hydraulic analysis本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!水头pressure head总水头total headUnit 3 水头损失Head loss速度头动压头Velocity head静压Static head摩擦水头Friction head水力坡度线Hydranlic grade line 重力流Gravity flow水塔Water castle贮水箱Cistern泵站Pump station给水泵站Water pump station污水泵站Sewage station提升泵站Lift pumping plant增压泵Booster pump离心泵Centrifugal pump潜水泵Submer sible pump潜水艇Submerine深井泵Well pump虹吸虹吸管Siphon人孔Manhole法兰Flange阀门Valve闸阀Gate valve泵送系统Pumping system流量Flow rate流速Fluid velocity层流Laminar flow滞流粘性流viscous flow过渡流Transitional flow湍流Turbulent flow 紊流Turbulence flow涡流Eddying flow雷诺数Teynolds number水质Water guality水源Water sources供水水源Water supples原水Raw water未处理水Untreated water出水Finished water原水水质Raw-water quality水质标准Water quality standards水质要求Water quality requirements饮用水Drink water\potable water自来水Tap water纯水Pure water饮用水标准Drinking water standards饮用水一级标Primary drinking water standards最大允许浓度Maxmum permissible levelsmaxmum allowable levels最大污染物浓度Maxmum contaminant levels主要污染物Primary contaminants有机化合物Organic chemicals合成有机化合物Synthetic organic chemicals挥发性有机化合物V olatile organic ohemicals无机化合物Inorganic chemical微生物Micro organisms\microbes微生物污染Microbial contaminants病原微生物Pathogenic micro organisms病原体Pathogenic病毒Pathogenic bacterin细菌Bacteria大肠杆菌Coliform bacteria病毒Viruses藻类Algae浊度Turbidity放射性Radionuclide感官性状Esthetic qualities审美Esthetic味Taste嗅Odo色Colour变色Discolouration变色Discolor水质物理参数Physical parameters of water quality水的物理性质Physical quality of water浊度值Turbidity values浊度单位Turdidity unit浑浊单位Turdid嗅阈值Threshold odor number化学性质Chemical quality水质化学参数Chemical parameters of water quality溶解氧Dissolved oxygen (DO)溶解氧浓度Do level溶解氧平衡Do balance氧损Oxygen depletion有机污染物Organic pollutant生化需氧量Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)总氮Total nitrogen (TN)总凯式氮Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN)悬浮固体Suspended solids (SS)总悬浮固体Total suspended solids (TSS)溶解Dissolved (DS)总溶解Total dissolved (TDS)Unit 4本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!溶解的铁和锰Dissolved iron and manganese硬度Hardness碱度Alkalinity盐度Salinity有害物质Toxic and hazardous materials氰化物Cyanides急性毒性Acute toxity慢性毒性Chronic toxity基因毒性Genetic toxicity基因Gene难降解有机化合物Refractory organic chemicals 永久性有机污染物Persistent organic pollutants 致癌化学性Carcinogenic chemicals三卤甲烷Trihalo methanes卤素Halogen甲基Methyl氯仿Trichloromethane三氯甲烷Chloroform杀虫剂农药Pesticide害虫Pest杀虫剂Insecticide除草剂Herbicide杀菌剂Germicide细菌Germ防腐剂Preservative保证Preserve清洗剂Cleaning agent洗涤剂Detergent发泡剂Foaming agent泡沫Foam化肥Fertilizer肥沃的Fertile 富营养化Eutrophication营养的Trophic营养水平Trophic level生态位NicheUnit 5原污水Raw sewage原废水Raw wastes处理水Treated wastes回用水Redaimed water水处理过程Water processing收集Collect处置Dispose处理方法Treatment method处理费用Treatment costs处理单元Treatment process运行模式Operational mode间歇处理方式Batch treatment approach均匀均化Equalization均匀Equalize调蓄水池Equalization storage调节池Equalization tank蓄水池Storage tank降解Degrade分解Decompose分离Separate隔离Separation物理法Physical process物理处理Physical treatment物理处理过程Physical treatment process一级处理Primary treatment初步处理Preliminary treatment格栅筛滤Screening格栅Screen格栅Bar screen栅条Bars钢栅条Steel bars渣耙Cleaning rakes圆形破碎机Circular grinder破碎Grind除砂Degritting砂Grit沙Sand除砂Grit removal沉砂池Grit chamber沉淀Settling沉淀池Settling tank澄清池Clarifier初澄清池Primary clarifier初沉池Primary settling tank一级出水Primary effluent二级处理Secondary treatment二级处理工艺Secondary treatment process生物处理Biological treatment二澄清池Secondary clarifier二沉池Secondary settling tank最终澄清池Final clarifier最终沉淀池Final settling tank二级出水Secondary effluent三级处理Tertiary treatment深度处理Advanced treatment废水消毒Waste disinfection出流出水Effluent flow允许浓度Allowable levels优异出水High-quality polished effluent本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!废水处理厂Wastewater treatment plant污水处理厂Sewage treatment plant二级处理厂Secondary treatment plant城市污水处理Municipal wastewater treatment市政工程Municipal engineering土木工程Civil engineering城市污水处理厂Municipal wastewater treatment plant 污水处理能力Sewage treatment capacity电容Capacitance污水处理设施Municipal treatment facilities 多反应器设施Multi-reactor facility处理池Treatment tank负荷Load负荷Loadings水力负荷Hydrautic loading污染负荷Pollutant load有机负荷Organic load无机负荷Inorganic load不含化肥、农药无机的Unorganic周期性负荷Periodic(intermitlent) loading第五部分:物化处理1.混凝n. coagulation混凝过程coagulation process化学混凝chemical coagulation凝聚n. aggregation絮凝n. flocculationv. flocculate异向絮凝perikinetic flocculation同向絮凝orthokinetic flocculation混凝剂n. coagulant混凝剂投量coagulant dosage烧杯实验jar test最佳混凝剂投量optimum coagulant dosage助凝剂coagulant aid助凝剂flocculation aid聚电解质n. polyelectrolytes快速混合flash-mix ,rapid-mix快速混合器flash mixer ,rapid mixer混合池mixer tank快速混合池flash-mix tank絮凝器n. flocculator絮凝池flocculation tank固体接触池solids-contact tank澄清n. clarificationv. clarify澄清池n. clarifier高负荷澄清池high rate clarifier澄清水clarifying water2.沉淀n. sedimentation沉降n. sedimentation自由沉降plain settling拥挤沉降hindered settling重力沉降gravity settling沉淀池settling tank沉淀池,沉降池sedimentation tank矩形沉淀池rectangular settling tank圆形沉淀池circular settling tank管式沉淀池tube settler斜管沉淀池steeply inclined tube settler板式沉淀池parallel-plate settler板式沉淀池plate separator气浮n. floatation泡沫分离foam separation溶气气浮dissolved-air floatation气浮池floatation tank表面撇渣装置surface-skimming device撇去v. skim浮渣n. scum浮渣槽scum trough刮泥机sludge scraper排泥sludge drawoffsludge withdrawal预沉淀n. presedimentation预沉淀池presedimentation basin3.过滤n. filtration滤池n. filter慢滤池slow filter快滤池rapid filter高速(负荷)滤池high rate filter砂滤池sand filter慢砂滤池slow sand filter快砂滤池rapid sand filter重力滤池gravity filter压力滤池pressure filter过滤介质,滤料filter medium石英砂silica sand无烟煤n. anthracite硅藻土diatomaceous earth煤—砂滤床coal-sand beds多层滤料multilayered media混合滤料mixed media双层滤料滤池dual media filter本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!双层滤池two-layer filter粗滤料coarse media细滤料fine media助滤剂filter aid滤后水,滤出水filtered water滤后水,滤池出水filter effluent滤前水,滤池进水filter influent浊度穿透turbidity breakthrough过滤周期filter cycle清洗周期cleaning cycle刮砂法scraping method表面刮砂surface scraping反冲洗backwashing水力反冲洗hydraulic backwashing水力反冲洗hydraulic backwash水力分级hydraulic grading4.消毒n. disinfectionv. disinfect消毒剂n. disinfectantdisinfection agent杀菌剂n. germicide消毒过程disinfection process消毒副产物disinfection by-products氯化n. chlorinationv. chlorinate氯化水chlorinated water预氯化n. prechlorination氯化消毒副产物by-products of chlorination 化学消毒剂chemical disinfectants液氯liquid chlorine ,liquefied chlorine氯胺n. chloramines 次氯酸盐hypochlorites次氯酸钠sodium hypochlorite二氧化氯chlorine dioxide臭氧n. ozone臭氧化,臭氧消毒n. ozonation臭氧化v. ozonate紫外线(UV) ultraviolet radiation (UV)伽马射线gamma radiation灭活n. inactivationv. inactivate接触时间contact time需氯量chlorine demand加氯量,投氯量chlorine dosage ,applied chlorine自由氯,游离氯free chlorine ,free available chlorine化合氯combined chlorine剩余保护residual protection余氯residual chlorine余氯量chlorine residual自由余氯free residual chlorine自由氯余量free chlorine residual化合余氯combined residual chlorine化合氯余量combined chlorine residuals折点氯化(法)breakpoint chlorination折点氯化曲线breakpoint chlorination curve折点加氯量breakpoint dosage氯折点chlorine breakpoint压力钢瓶pressured steel cylinder臭氧发生器ozone generator需臭氧量ozone demand剩余臭氧量ozone residual剩余臭氧residual ozone致病微生物,病源微生物pathogenic microorganisms病原体n. pathogens致病细菌或病毒pathogenic bacteria or viruses细菌n. bacteria大肠杆菌coliform bacteria阿米巴氏菌amoebic cysts孢子,芽孢n. spores病毒n. viruses藻类n. algae原生动物n. protozoa5.氧化n. oxidation还原n. reduction氧化剂n. oxidant强氧化剂strong oxidizing agent高级氧化法(AOP) advanced oxidation process高级氧化工艺(AOP) advanced oxidation process高级氧化过程(AOP) advanced oxidation process高级氧化技术(AOT)advanced oxidation technology6.吸附n. adsorption活性炭(AC) activated carbon粉末炭(PAC) powdered activated carbon粒状炭(GAC) granular activated carbon颗粒活性炭(GAC) granular activated carbon活性炭纤维(ACF) activated carbon fiber再生n. regenerationv. regenerate吸附剂n. adsorbent吸附质n. adsorbate吸附塔,吸附柱adsorption column本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!吸附床adsorption bed空床接触时间empty bed contact time吸附带mass transfer zone快速小柱试验rapid small scale column test生物活性炭(BAC) biological activated carbon 7.离子交换n. ion exchange离子交换树脂ion exchange resin离子交换器ion exchanger离子交换柱ion exchange column硬度n. hardness除硬hardness removal软化n. softeningv. soften化学软化chemical softening沉淀软化precipitation softening除盐,脱盐n. desaltinationv. desalt去矿化n. demineralizationv. demineralize离子交换软化法ion exchange softening process 离子交换除盐法ion exchange desalting process 复床combined bed混合床mixed bed8.膜分离membrane separation微滤n. microfiltration超滤n. hyperfiltration纳滤n. nanofiltration反渗透reverse osmosis渗透n. osmosis半透膜semipermeable membrane电渗析n. electrodialysis渗析n. dialysis 9.其它处理方法中和n. neutralizationv. neutralize酸性废水acidic wastes化学沉淀chemical precipitation沉淀软化precipitation softening电解n. electrolysis电除盐(EDI) n. electrodeionization吹脱、汽提法n. stripping冷却n. cooling冷却水cooling water冷却塔cooling tower第六部分生物处理生物反应器n. bioreactor微生物n.microorganismsn.microbes微生物种群microbial population混合群落mixed communities细菌n. bacteria原生动物n. protozoa真菌n. fungi轮虫n. rotifers生长n. growth繁殖n. reproduction世代时间generation time生长速率growth rates环境因子environmental factors生态因子ecological factors微生物生长动力学microbial growth kinetics1.迟滞期lag phase2.对数生长期exponential-growth phase3.减速生长期decling growth phase稳定期stationary phase4. 内源呼吸阶段endogenous stage内源生长期endogenous growth phase内源呼吸endogenous respiration底物,基质n. substrate底物(基质)利用substrate utilization生物量n. biomass生物反应biological reaction生物氧化biological oxidation生物降解n. biodegradation生物降解性n. biodegradability生物可降解的,可生物降解的 a. biodegradable不可生物降解的 a. nonbiodegradable生物处理biological treatment废水生物处理biological wastewater treatment废水生物处理系统biological wastewater treatmentsystem污水生物处理系统biological sewage treatmentsystem生物处理法biological treatment process生物处理装置biological treatment unit串联in series悬浮生长处理法suspended-growth treatment processes生物固体biological solids活性污泥activated sludge附着生长处理法attached-growth treatment processes附着的微生物attached microbes微生物附着生长attached microbial growth生物膜n. biofilm代谢n. metabolismv. metabolize稳定,稳定化n. stabilization本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!v. stabilize生物代谢biological metabolism微生物代谢microbial metabolism好氧的 a. aerobic好氧菌aerobic bacteria好氧微生物aerobic microorganisms好氧氧化aerobic oxidation厌氧的 a. anaerobic厌氧菌anaerobic bacteria厌氧氧化anaerobic oxidation兼性的 a. facultative兼性菌facultative bacteria好氧环境aerobic environment厌氧环境anaerobic environment营养物n. nutrients无机营养物inorganic nutrients营养物去除nutrient removal营养物生物去除biological nutrient removal脱氮除磷nitrogen and phosphorus removal生物硝化biological nitrification硝化菌nitrifying bacteria生物反硝化,生物脱氮biological denitrification 生物除磷biological phosphorus removal 1.活性污泥法activated sludge process微生物n. microorganisms n. microbes 细菌n. bacteria生物絮体biological floc微生物絮体microbial floc活性污泥activated sludge絮状活性污泥flocculate-bacterial sludge回流活性污泥(RAS)returned activated sludge 回流污泥returned sludge 回流污泥recycled sludge剩余污泥excess sludge废活性污泥(W AS)waste activated sludge废污泥waste sludge曝气池aeration tank曝气池aeration basin曝气池aeration chamber完全混合曝气池completely mixed aeration basin活性污泥池activated sludge tank曝气n. aeration混合n. mixing曝气系统aeration system曝气器n. aerator压缩空气compressed air空气压缩机,空压机air compressor鼓风机,风机n. blower循环/切换n. cycling/switchover扩散装置,扩散器n. diffuser空气扩散装置,空气扩散器air diffuser鼓泡空气扩散装置(扩散器)bubble air diffuser微气泡扩散装置(扩散器)fine-bubble diffuser扩散板plate diffuser扩散管tube diffuser扩散罩dome diffuser微气泡扩散曝气fine-bubble diffused aeration微气泡fine-bubble大气泡coarse-bubble静态混合器static mixer机械曝气系统mechanical aeration systems机械曝气mechanical aeration表面曝气surface aeration表面曝气器surface aerator需氧量oxygen demand供气量air supply氧转移效率oxygen tansfer efficiency可沉降固体settleable solids挥发性固体volatile solids非挥发性固体nonvolatile solids挥发性悬浮固体(VSS) volatile suspended solids混合液mixed liquor混合液悬浮固体(MLSS) mixed liquor suspendedsolids混合液挥发性悬浮固体(MLVSS) mixed liquor volatilesuspended solids污泥沉降比(SV) settling velocity污泥容积指数(SVI) sludge volume index比耗氧速率(SOUR) specific oxygen uptake rate污泥龄sludge age曝气池容积aeration tank volume曝气时间aeration period曝气时间aeration time水力停留时间(HRT) hydraulic residence time水力负荷hydraulic loadingBOD负荷BOD loading普通活性污泥法conventional activated sludge process传统活性污泥法conventional activated sludge process标准活性污泥法standard activated sludge process传统活性污泥厂conventional activated sludge plant阶段曝气活性污泥step aeration activated sludge process分段v. step进水负荷influent load分段进水step loading渐减v. taper渐减曝气tapered aeration本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!接触稳定活性污泥法contact stabilization activated sludge process再曝气n. reaeration曝气—沉淀—再曝气aeration-sedimentation-reaeration完全好氧处理法complete aerobic treatment process高负荷(完全混合)活性污泥法high-rate (completely mixed) activated sludge process延时曝气活性污泥法extended aeration activated sludge process延时曝气法extended aeration process延时曝气extended aeration氧化沟oxidation ditch水平转刷horizontal rotor转刷曝气rotor aeration笼型转刷caged rotor吸附—生物降解工艺(AB法)adsorption-biodegradation process序批式活性污泥法(SBR法) sequencing batch reactor (SBR) process、序批式活性污泥法(SBR法) sequential batch reactor (SBR) processSBR法SBR process序批式反应器(SBR) sequencing batch reactor (SBR) 序批式反应器(SBR) sequential batch reactor初沉primary clarification曝气n. aeration二沉secondary clarification初沉池primary clarifier二沉池secondary clarifier泵送系统pumping system 活性污泥法activated sludge process变体n. variantSBR运行周期SBR cycle处理周期process cycle进水阶段fill phase进水阀influent valve反应阶段react phase沉淀阶段settle phase清水,上清液clear water上清液n. supernatant排水阶段draw phase滗水阶段decant phase滗水装置decant mechanism闲置阶段,待机阶段idle phase营养物去除nutrient removal营养物生物去除biological nutrient removal碳源carbon source硝化n. nitrificationv. nitrify硝化菌nitrifying bacteria反硝化n. denitrificationv. denitrify脱氮n. denitrification生物反硝化,生物脱氮biological denitrification缺氧—好氧脱氮工艺(A/O法)anoxic-oxic process厌氧—缺氧—好氧法(A2/O法)anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic processA-A-O法同步脱氮除磷工艺anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic process脱氮除磷nitrogen and phosphorus removal厌氧氨氧化(ANAMMOX)anaerobic ammonium oxidation生物除磷biological phosphorus removal膜生物反应器(MBR)membrane biological reactor2.生物膜法生物膜n. biofilm生物膜反应器biofilm reactor生物滤池n. biofilter生物过滤n. biofiltration旋转布水器rotary sprinkler填料n. packings塑料管状或蜂窝状填料plastic tubular orhoneycomb-shaped packings滴滤池trickling filter普通生物滤池trickling filter高负荷生物滤池high-rate filter塔式生物滤池tower biofilter曝气生物滤池(BAF) biological aerated filter生物转盘法biodisc process生物转盘rotating biological contactor生物转盘n. biodisc塑料盘片plastic discs轻质盘片lightweight discs水平轴horizontal shaft生物粘液biological slime粘液层slime layer生物流化床biological fluidized bedbiological fluidised bed生物流化床反应器fluidized-bed bioreactor移动床生物膜反应器(MBBR)moving-bed biofilm reactor本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!3.厌氧生物处理发酵n. fermentationv. fermentate产酸细菌n. acidogens产甲烷细菌n. methanogens产酸阶段acidogenic phase产甲烷阶段methanogenic phase水解n. hydrolysisv. hydrolysis产酸发酵acidogenic fermentation产氢产乙酸H2-producing acetogenesis产甲烷methanogenesis产酸菌acid formers产甲烷菌methane formers ,methane-forming bacteria有机酸organic acids挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs) volatile fatty acids硫酸盐还原sulfate reduction硫酸盐还原菌sulfate-reducing bacteria上流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)upflow anaerobic sludge blanket上升流速upflow velocity厌氧折流板反应器(ABR)anaerobic baffled reactor两段或两级厌氧生物处理two-stage anaerobic biotreatment两相厌氧生物处理two-phase anaerobic biotreatment产酸相acidogenic phase产甲烷相methanogenic phase消化n. digestionv. digest消化池n. digestor厌氧消化anaerobic digestion污泥消化sludge digestion厌氧消化池anaerobic digestor厌氧接触法anaerobic contact process厌氧膨胀床反应器anaerobic expanded-bed reactor厌氧流化床反应器anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor厌氧生物转盘anaerobic rotating biological contactor4.自然生物处理系统自然净化系统natural purification system稳定塘stabilization pondsstabilization lagoons氧化塘oxidation ponds土地处理系统land treatment systems废水土地处理land treatment of wastewater净化过程purification process自然净化natural purification污水塘sewage lagoon稳定塘stabilization pondsstabilization lagoons氧化塘oxidation ponds好氧塘aerobic pond兼性塘facultative pond好氧生化反应aerobic biochemical reaction厌氧生化反应anaerobic biochemical reaction厌氧分解anaerobic decomposition厌氧分解decompose anaerobically好氧稳定aerobic stabilization细菌n. bacteria藻类n. algae微型植物microscopic plants出流,出水effluent flow光合作用n. photosynthesis厌氧塘anaerobic pond曝气塘aerated pond修饰塘polishing pond熟化塘maturation lagoon深度处理塘advanced treatment pond三级处理塘tertiary treatment pond土地处理工艺(过程)land treatment processes关键因素critical factors土壤类型soil type气候n. climate土地处理系统land treatment systems慢速土地处理系统slow rate land treatment system低负荷土地处理系统low-rate land treatment system三级处理水平tertiary treatment level灌溉n. irrigationv. irrigate土壤的天然过滤和吸附性质natural filtration and adsorption properties of soil投配的废水applied wastewater垄—沟表面布水ridge-and-furrow surface spreading喷洒布水系统,喷灌布水系统sprinkler systems快速渗滤土地处理系统rapid infiltration landtreatment system渗滤—渗透土地处理infiltration-percolation landtreatment快速渗滤rapid infiltration本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!快速渗滤法rapid infiltration method过滤作用filtering action吸附作用adsorption action地表漫流土地处理系统overland flow land treatment system 地表漫流overland flow径流集水沟runoff collection ditch物理、化学和生物过程physical , chemical , and biological processes 湿地n. wetland天然湿地natural wetland人工湿地constructed wetlandman-made wetland第七部分:污泥处理、处置与利用污泥n. sludge生活污水污泥sewage sludge污泥体积,污泥量sludge volume原污泥,生污泥raw sludge新鲜污泥,生污泥fresh sludge消化污泥,熟污泥digested sludge混合污泥mixed sludge污泥处理sludge treatment污泥处置sludge disposal最终处置ultimate disposal填埋n. landfill污泥减量sludge volume reduction污泥稳定化sludge stabilization(污泥)浓缩n. thickening污泥浓缩sludge thickening稳定,稳定化n. stabilizationv. stabilize稳定了的污泥stabilized sludge调理(调节)n. conditioningv. condition脱水n. dewateringv. dewater干化n. drying污泥干化场sludge drying bed污泥干燥heat drying干燥器n. dryer污泥焚烧,污泥焚化n. incineration焚烧炉,焚化炉n. incinerator污泥浓缩sludge thickening物理过程physical process含水过多的污泥watery sludge稀污泥thin sludge处理装置treatment unit浓缩池n. thickener重力浓缩gravity thickening重力浓缩池gravity thickener圆形污水沉淀池circular sewage sedimentation tank刮泥机sludge scraper搅拌作用stirring action底流n. underflow浓缩的底流thickened underflow浓缩污泥thickened sludge出水n. effluent上清液n. supernatant溢流v. overflow堰n. weir气浮浓缩floatation thickening溶气气浮dissolved-air floatation气浮池floatation tank入流污泥influent sludge污泥絮体sludge flocs撇去v. skim漂浮污泥层floating sludge layer污泥消化sludge digestion消化池n. digester消化池装置digester unit消化n. digestionv. digest有机固体organic solids生化分解biochemical decomposition好氧消化aerobic digestion好氧污泥消化aerobic sludge digestion好氧消化过程aerobic digestion process活性污泥池activated sludge tank预制的(成套)活性污泥处理系统prefabricated (package) activated sludge treatmentsystems预制的接触稳定或prefabricated contact stabilization or延时曝气处理系统extended aeration treatment systemsBOD负荷BOD loading细胞物质cellular mass内源衰亡endogenous decay厌氧消化anaerobic digestion厌氧污泥消化anaerobic sludge digestion有盖的圆形池covered circular tank消化过程digestion process厌氧消化过程anaerobic digestion process生化反应biochemical reactions有机酸organic acids本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs) volatile fatty acids 甲烷气methane gas末端产物end product指示剂n. indicator污泥消化池气体sludge digester gas污泥沉淀sludge settling污泥储存sludge storage消化污泥digested sludge充分消化的污泥well-digested sludge消化池上清液digester supernatant中温消化mesophilic digestion高温消化thermophilic degestion污泥脱水sludge dewatering混合堆肥co-composting污泥处理总成本overall sludge-handling costs 第八部分:废水回用地表水资源surface water resource地下水资源groundwater resource水短缺water scarcity回用n. , v. reuse废水回用wastewater reuse直接回用direct reuse直接废水回用direct wastewater reuse间接回用indirect reuse间接废水回用indirect wastewater reuse出水处理effluent treatment回用水reclaimed water排放n. , v. discharge保留n. retention循环n. recyclingv. recycle部分处理n. partial treatment 最终用途end use城市污水回用municipal wastewater reuse灌溉n. irrigation景观灌溉landscape irrigation地下水回灌groundwater recharge市政回用municipal reuse直接市政回用direct municipal reuse深度处理,高级处理advanced treatment分质供水系统dual-distribution system间接市政回用indirect municipal reuse供水系统,给水系统water supply system取水口n. intake天然同化能力natural assimilative capacity人工回灌artificial recharge深井注射deep-well injection浅表布水shallow surface spreading渗透n. percolation工业回用industrial reuse工艺废水,过程废水process wastewaters工艺补充水,过程补充水plant process makeup water冷却塔水cooling tower water选择性处理optional treatment水费water costs回用的城市污水reclaimed municipal wastewater工业过程industrial processes冷却水cooling water锅炉给水boiler feedwater灌溉回用irrigation reuse废水直接灌溉direct irrigation with wastewater低负荷土地处理系统low-rate land treatment system间接灌溉回用indirect reuse for irrigation废水排放wastewater discharge雨水回用storm water reuse可回用水reusable waterPartⅨ:第九部分:投资成本,投资费(用)capital costs建设成本,建设费(用)construction costs运行成本,运行费(用)operating costs能耗成本energy costs运行维护operation and maintenance运行控制operational control控制系统control system仪表/控制系统instrumentation/control system自动控制系统,自控系统automatic control system。






一、工程简介1.阿联酋: united arab emirates, U.A.E.2.棕榈岛,花园别墅项目: PALM JUMEIRAH, GARDEN HOMES VILLAS3.主干,枝叶,圆环挡水岛: trunk, frond, water-retaining crescent4.别墅、公寓: villa, apartment5.世界第八奇迹: the eighth miracle of the world.6.花园别墅类型: types and styles of Garden Home Villas6.1 GARDEN GALLERY: 花园楼座6.2 ATRIUM ENTRY: 中厅入口6.3 CENTRAL ROTUNDA: 中央圆顶6.4 GRAND FOYER: 大前厅6.5 Arabic style: 阿拉伯风格6.6 Mediterranean style: 地中海风格6.7 Moroccan style: 摩洛哥风格6.8 Costa Del Sol style: 哥斯德尔索风格6.9 Santa Fe style: 圣达菲风格6.10 Greek style: 希腊风格7.22种别墅名称说明:7.1 AEAR4:中厅入口, 阿拉伯风格, 4卧室7.2 AEAR4+1F:中厅入口, 阿拉伯风格, 4卧室, 3层7.3 AEAR5:中厅入口, 阿拉伯风格, 5卧室,7.4 AEME4:中厅入口, 地中海风格, 4卧室7.5 AEME4+1F:中厅入口, 地中海风格, 4卧室, 3层7.6 AEME5: 中厅入口, 地中海风格, 5卧室7.7 AESF4: 中厅入口, 圣达菲风格, 4卧室7.8 AESF5: 中厅入口, 圣达菲风格, 5卧室7.9 CRAR4: 中央圆顶, 阿拉伯风格, 4卧室7.10 CRAR5: 中央圆顶, 阿拉伯风格, 5卧室7.11 CRME4: 中央圆顶, 地中海风格, 4卧室7.12 CRME5: 中央圆顶, 地中海风格, 5卧室7.13 CRMO4: 中央圆顶, 摩洛哥风格, 4卧室7.14 CRMO5: 中央圆顶, 摩洛哥风格, 5卧室7.15 GFAR4: 大前厅, 阿拉伯风格, 4卧室7.16 GFAR4+1F: 大前厅, 阿拉伯风格, 4卧室, 3层7.17 GFGR4: 大前厅, 希腊风格, 4卧室7.18 GFME4: 大前厅, 地中海风格, 4卧室7.19 GFME4+1F: 大前厅, 地中海风格, 4卧室, 3层7.20 GGAR3: 花园楼座, 阿拉伯风格, 3卧室7.21 GGME3: 花园楼座, 地中海风格, 3卧室7.22 GGCS3: 花园楼座, 哥斯德尔索风格, 3卧室8.业主: NAKHEEL (纳克希尔)9.监理: SCHUSTER PECHTOLD PARTNERS(SPP)10.设计单位: CRANG & BOAKE INC,(克朗伯克有限公司)11.承包单位: China State Construction Engineering Corporation12.别墅房间布局相关词语12.1 dining room: 吃饭间12.2 kitchen: 厨房12.3 majlis: 客厅12.4 W.C.: 厕所12.5 maid’s room: 女仆间12.6 store: 储藏室12.7 toilet: 厕所12.8 closet: 壁储12.9 garage: 车库12.10 guest bedroom/study: 客卧室间/学习室12.11 shower: 淋浴室12.12 pool: 泳池12.13 master bedroom: 主卧室12.14 services: 服务间12.15 stair/staircase: 楼梯12.16 hall: 大厅12.17 foyer: 前厅12.18 laundry: 洗衣房12.19 balcony: 阳台12.20 lavatory: 洗脸间12.21 bathtub: 浴缸12.22 roof terrace: 屋顶平台12.23 parapet: 女儿墙12.24 linen: 亚麻衣橱12.25 main entrance: 大门12.26 ensuite: 套房12.27 planter: 花盆间12.28 entry porch: 门廊12.29 boundary wall: 围墙12.30 plot limit: 地界12.31 soft landscape: 植草12.32 neighbouring plot: 相邻地块12.33 patio: 院子12.34 ground floor: 一楼12.35 first floor: 二楼12.36 second floor: 三楼12.37 plan: 平面图12.38 elevation: 立面图12.39 details: 详图12.40 section: 断面图12.41 dome: 穹顶二、项目管理部门及岗位名称1 工程管理部: Construction Dept. 2技术部: Technical Dept.3机电部: MEP Dept. 4合约商务部: Contracts and Commercial Dept. 5物资设备部: Materials and Plant Dept. 6财务部: Finance Dept.7 行政部: Administration Dept. 8项目经理:Project Manager (PM)9 项目副经理: Deputy Project Manager 10项目总工程师: Chief Project Engineer11 项目经理助理: Assistant Project Manager12 项目生产助理: Assistant Construction Manager13 技术经理: Technical Manager 14 机电部经理: MEP Manager15合约部经理: Contracts Manager 16 工程部经理: Engineering Manager17 财务经理: Financial Manager 18 行政经理: Administration Manager19 物资设备经理: Materials and Plant Mananger20 采购经理: Procurement Manager 21 采购员: purchaser22 现场工程师: site engineer 23 安全员: safety officer24 测量师: survey engineer 25 计划工程师: planning engineer26 翻译: translator 27 技术协调员: technical coordinator28 施工图设计员: shopdrawing designer 29 试验工程师: testing engineer30 前台秘书:receptionist 31 秘书: secretary32 行政助理: Administration assistant 33 急救员: first aider34 办公室服务员: office boy 35 预算员: quantity surveyor36 钢筋工: steel fixer 37 瓦工: mason38 木工: carpenter 39 机修工: mechanic40 架子工: scaffolder 41 测量员: surveyor42 工人: worker, manpower 43 抹灰工: plasterer44质量工程师:quality engineer 45土建工程师: civil engineer46机电工程师: mechancial/electrical engineer47厨师: chef 48出纳: cashier49医生: doctor 50材料员: material man51 司机: driver 52 公共关系人: public relations officer (PRO) 53 沏茶员: tea boy 54 电工:electrician55装饰工: decorator 56试验员: testing personnel57油漆工painter 58估算员; 数量检验员quantity surveyor59 绘图员draftsman 60工头foreman61 小工hodman, hod carrier 62 焊工welder63细木工人joiner 64玻璃工匠glazier65管子工plumber, pipe fitter 66.吊车司机crane driver监理和业主人员名称1. project manager 项目经理2. resident engineer 驻地工程师3. electrical engineer 电气工程师4. mechanincal engineer 暖通工程师5. planning engineer 计划工程师6. senior architect 高级建筑师7. interior architect 室内建筑师8. SPP inspector 监理验收员9. quantity surveyor 预算员10. project coordinator 项目协调员11. 秘书secretary 12. 服务生office boy三、工程材料1 普通硅酸盐水泥: ordinary portland cement (OPC)2 抗硫酸盐水泥: sulphate resisting cement (SRC)3 中等抗硫酸盐水泥: moderate sulphate resisting cement (MSRC)4 “T”高屈服点强度变形钢筋: “T” high yield strength deformed bar5 模板: formwork, form, shuttering6 脚手架: scaffold, scaffolding7 木方: timber8 钢管: steel tube 9 商品混凝土: ready-mixed concrete10 防水材料: waterproofing material( polyethylene sheet, rubberized bitumen)11 纯聚亚安酯: pure polyurethane12 柔性防水膜: flexible waterproofing membrane13 密封剂: sealant 14 刚性绝缘: rigid insulation15 织物过滤器: filter fabric 16 屋面瓦: roof tile paver17 铝质防水板:aluminum flashing 18 copper sheet: 薄铜板19 kerbstone: 路缘石20 backfilling granular: 回填粒状材料21 interlocking concrete paver: 交错砼铺面块22 landscaping: 绿化23 weatherstripping:挡风雨条24 garage door: 车库自动门25 white cement: 白水泥26 lime: 石灰27 sand: 砂子28 G.I. anchor: 镀锌锚片29 hot dipped galvanized steel bar: 热浸镀锌钢筋30 GRP water tank: 玻璃钢水箱31 autoclaved insulated block: 高压蒸养保温砌块32 hollow block: 空心砌块33 solid block: 实心砌块34 GRC: 玻璃丝混凝土35 GRP: 玻璃增强塑料,俗称玻璃钢36 precast lintel: 预制过梁37 polypropylene fiber: 聚丙烯纤维38 paint: 涂料39 plaster board (gypsum): 石膏板40 terracotta tile: 陶瓷砖41 vitreous tile: 铀面瓷砖42 graniti tile: 花岗岩砖43 marble sill: 大理石窗台44 acoustic panel: 吸声板45 ceiling plank: 吊顶厚木板46 fine textured paint to ceiling: 吊顶细纹涂料47 fenomastic paint: 乳香树脂涂料48 emulsion paint: 乳胶漆49 roof access hatch: 屋顶检修口50 plywood: 九夹板51 portal scaffold: 门式脚手52 cuplock scaffold, tube-coupler scaffold: 碗扣式脚手53 tie rod: 对拉螺栓54 channel steel: 槽钢55 toe board: 跳板56 form release agent: 脱模剂57 gunny bag, sack: 麻袋58 safety net: 安全网59 wall tile墙面砖60 floor tile 地面砖61 false ceiling: 吊顶62 mashrabiah:木雕刻63 railing: 栏杆64 UPVC: 未增塑聚氯乙烯65 sanitary wares: 卫生洁具66 waste material: 废料67 nail: 钉子68 terrazzo: 水磨石69 putty: 油灰, 腻子70 batten: 板条71 typical forms: 定型模板72 primary runner channel: 主龙骨73 secondary runner channel: 次龙骨74 fire blanket: 消防毯75 concrete block: 混凝土垫块76 non-slip insert: 防花嵌块77 precast concrete lintel: 预制混凝土过梁78 modified SBS heavy laminate bituminious felt: 改性SBS层压沥青油毡79 polyethylene sheet 1000 gauge: 1000规格聚乙烯防水膜80 light weight concrete: 轻质混凝土81 polystyrene: 聚苯乙烯82 skirting: 踢脚线83 PVC faced acoustic ceiling panels: PVC面吸声吊顶板84 Galvanize steel sheet for duct: 镀锌铁皮风管85 Shock absorber support: 减震支架86 split damper: 分离阻尼器87 flexible connection: 软接头88 Duct acoustic lining: 风管吸声衬里89 Duct insulation material: 风管保温材料90 canvas: 帆布91 sheet Aluminium: 铝板92 refrigerant pipe: 冷却管93 drainage pipe: 排水管94 drainage pipe fittings: 排水管配件95 pipe insulation material: 管道保温材料96 Shut-off valve: 截止阀,断流阀97 filter: 过滤器98 Thermostat: 恒温器[箱, 槽] 99 Sight Glass: 窥镜, 观察孔100 supply air grille: 供气格栅101 return air grille: 回风格栅102 supply air diffuser: 送风风口103 exhaust air diffuser: 排气风口104 return air diffuser: 回风风口105 exhaust air grille: 排气格栅106 L.P.G. chamber: 煤气室107 isolating valve: .隔离阀,关闭塞108 first stage regulator: 一级调节器109 adjustable regulator: 可调调节器110 solenoid valve: 螺线管阀,电磁阀111 gas meter: 煤气表112 Manual shut off valve: 手工断流阀/截止阀113 gas detector: 气体检测器114 electric switch: 电源开关115 flexible hose: 软管116 PE pipe: 聚乙烯管117 gas line 燃气管路118 MUPVC Waste pipe: 改性聚氯乙烯污水管119 Trap for shower: 淋浴室弯管120 floor drain 地面排水管121 Double sink: 双水槽122 gully trap阴沟头123 Manhole: 人孔, 检修孔124 Floor Grating Drain: 格栅地面排水管125 plumbing pipe: 给水管126 PP Cold water plumbing pipe聚丙烯冷水管; 127 stop cock 停止旋塞,止水栓128 Gate valve闸式阀, 闸门阀129 Rubber Insulation橡胶保温130 float valve浮阀131 Check valve: 止回阀132 Cast iron: 铸铁, 锻铁133 House bibs: 室内水龙头134 Aluminum water meter cabinet: 铝水表盒135 vent cock: 放气旋塞[龙头]136 Aluminum Cover: 铝盖137 PVC cable : 聚氯乙烯电缆138 cabinet for Isolators: 绝缘体柜139 Chandelier: 枝形吊灯140 earthing system: 接地系统141 manhole cover: 人孔盖142 steel galvanized conduit: 镀锌铁管143 Video Intercom power outlets: 视频内部通信电源出口144 Water Heater: 热水器145 PVC wire: 聚氯乙烯电线146 conduit: 电管147 cable: 电缆148 outlet: 插座,出口149 MDF: 总配线架, 主配线板150 TV outlet: 电视输出口151 fish wire电缆牵引线甲方供料Client Supply Items1. distribution board配电盘2. ceramic porcelain tiles瓷砖3. A/C equipment 空调设备4. exhaust fan排气扇5. water pump 水泵6. water heater热水器7. marble大理石8. graniti tiles/marble花岗岩砖/大理石9. lighting fixtures灯具10. sanitary fixtures卫生洁具11. balcony balustrade and staircase hand rails阳台栏杆和楼梯扶手12. mirror镜子13. vanity top 梳洗台14. upvc doors and windows: upvc门窗15. bathroom accessories浴室附件16. kitchen cabinet: 菜橱, 碗柜17. water mixer: 搅水器18. wardrobe衣柜, 衣厨19. electric switch电源开关20. timber door木门21. iron mongery: 五金器具22. red roofing tiles: 红色屋面砖四、工程机具Constructional plant1发电机组: generator set 2移动灯: mobile lamp3交通大巴: shuttle bus 4砂浆搅拌机: mortar mixer5强制式搅拌机: forcing mixer 6交流电焊机: AC welding machine7气焊(割)工具: gas welding(cutting) machine8电刨: electric planer 9电锯: electric saw10玻璃钢水罐:GRP water tank 11钢筋切断机: bar cutting machine12钢筋弯曲机: bar bending machine 13卷扬机: hoist14拖拉机: tractor 15机动翻斗车: mobile dumper16汽车吊: truck crane 17全站仪: total station instrument18激光扫平仪: laser swinger 19汽车砼输送泵: mobile concrete pump 20混凝土振动器: concrete vibrator 21叉车: forklift22自卸式翻斗汽车: dump truck 23运水车: water tanker24洒水车: watering truck 25 两头忙(JCB): backhoe loader26装载机: loader 27打夯机(振动式): rammer (vibration type) 28打夯机(平板式): rammer (flatplate type)29压路机: roller 30空压机: air compressor31水罐(带水泵): water tank (with a pump)32加油车: diesel tanker 33潜水泵: submersible pump34自动温度控制仪: automatic temperature controller35水钻: hydraulic drill 36弯管机: pipe bender37沙轮切割机: abrasive cutting machine 38台钻: bench drill39电锤: electric hammer 40电动试压泵: electric hydraulic test pump 41手动试压泵: manual hydraulic test pump42电动套丝机: electric pipe threading machine43举杆车: telescopic handler 44手推车wheelbarrow45托泥板float 46 铅锤线plumb line47推土机bulldozer 48吊车crane49机械钻power drill 50 平地机grader51 挖掘机excavator 52 压路机roller53 夯土机compactor 54凿子chisel55圆锯circular saw五、项目工序名称Name of process1. substructure: 下部结构、基础2. superstructure: 上部结构3 internal finishing: 内装修 4. external finishing:外装修5. MEP works 机电工程6. blockwork: 砌筑7. plaster 抹灰8. tiles: 贴砖9. ceiling works 吊顶工程10. project commencement项目开工11. phase 1 一期12. phase 2: 二期单项别墅基础工程工序13. blinding concrete 垫层混凝土14. swimming pool structure游泳池结构15. footing-formwork 基础-模板16. footing/column neck –steel reinforcement基础/颈柱-钢筋17. boundary wall foundation围墙基础18. footing concrete: 基础混凝土19. bitumen/curing to foundation: 沥青/基础养护20. ground beam-formwork 地梁-模板21. ground beam-reinforcement地梁-钢筋22. ground beam concrete地梁混凝土23. bitumen-ground beam 地梁刷沥青24. backfill/levelling/compaction 回填/平整/压实25. ground floor slab/stair at entrance 地坪/入口楼梯26. RCC columns-formwork-GF一楼钢筋混凝土柱- 模板27. RCC columns-steel reinforcement-GF一楼钢筋混凝土柱–钢筋28. RCC columns concrete-GF一楼钢筋混凝土柱–混凝土29. RCC beams/slab-formwork/scaffolding-FF 二楼钢筋混凝土梁/板–模板/脚手架30. RCC beams/slab-reinforcement-FF二楼钢筋混凝土梁/板–钢筋31. Staircase internal-formwork 室内楼梯- 模板32. Staircase internal-steel reinforcement室内楼梯–钢筋33. RCC beams/slab/staircase-concrete pouring-FF二楼钢筋混凝土梁/板/楼梯–浇筑混凝土34. RCC columns-formwork-FF二楼钢筋混凝土柱–模板35. RCC columns-reinforcement-FF二楼钢筋混凝土柱–钢筋36. RCC columns-concrete-FF二楼钢筋混凝土柱–混凝土37. beams/slab-formwork-SF三楼梁/板–模板38. beams/slab-steel reinforcement-2nd FL三楼梁/板-钢筋39. beams/slab-concrete pouring-2nd FL 三楼梁/板-浇筑混凝土40. RCC columns-roof floor 屋顶钢筋混凝土柱41. RCC beams/slab –formwork-roof floor屋顶钢筋混凝土梁/板-模板42. RCC beams/slab –steel reinforcement-roof floor屋顶钢筋混凝土梁/板-钢筋43. decorative arches in elevation装饰拱44. RCC beams/slab –concrete pouring-roof floor屋顶钢筋混凝土梁/板-浇筑混凝土45. upstand/parapet立柱/女儿墙单项别墅机电工程工序46. drainage upvc sleeves in concrete 混凝土中upvc排水套管47.water supply upvc sleeves in concrete混凝土中upvc给水套管48. electrical system holes, trenches and ducts in concrete 混凝土中电气系统的孔洞、沟槽和导管49. electrical pvc pipe, junction, switch and socket box:pvc电管、接线盒、配电箱、插座50. installation of roof drain inlet, balcony drain SL屋面排水口、阳台排水口的安装?51. duct installation 风管安装52. lighting system wiring 照明系统配线53. pipe/cable tray installation 管道/电缆托架安装54. low current-LV system wiring 弱电系统配线55.junction, switch and socket box接线盒、配电箱、插座56.cabinet (panel) SMDB/DB/FDB installation总配电箱\分配电箱\小配电箱安装57. PEX pipe installation with fittings: PEX给水管及配件安装58. LPGS pvc sleeve pipe in wall墙中液化石油气pvc套管59. cable installation 电缆安装60. electrical meter box installation 电器仪表箱安装61. installation of telephone MDF, LCJB, socket电话主配线板、分线箱、插座安装62. installation of duct flexible connectors风管软接头安装63. A/C electrical tube and cable installation空调电管和电缆安装64. installation of audio visual system 视频、音频系统安装65. cabinet, speaker, KP, control cable电柜、扬声器、KP、控制电缆66. installation of floor drain cover, grating地面排水管盖子和格栅的安装67. LPGS valve chamber液化石油气阀室68. CCTV system rack, monitor, camera installation闭路电视系统架子、监视器和摄像机的安装69. installation of fan coil units风机盘管安装70. LPGS meter boxes液化石油气仪表箱71. testing and commissioning检测和调试72. installation of water pump in water plant room自来水厂水泵的安装73. installation of exhaust fan排气扇的安装74. video intercom system equipment, handset wiring视频内部通信系统设备和电话机的配线75. telephone and data system testing and commissioning 电话和数据系统测试和调试76. LPGS equipment installation液化石油气设备安装77. water heater installation热水器安装78. installation of grills, diffusers, louvers and damper格栅、风口、遮光栅格、格栅阀的安装79. video intercom system testing and commissioning 视频内部通信系统测试和调试80. LPGS detector and switch液化石油气检测器和开关81. A/C thermostat installation空调恒温器安装82. lighting equipment and light fixtures installation照明设备和灯具安装83. LPGS testing and commissioning液化石油气检测和调试84. installation of sanitary fixtures and water mixers卫生洁具和搅水器的安装85. installation of fire extinguishers灭火器的安装86. door bell installation门铃安装87. testing and commissioning-W/S system防水系统的测试和安装?88. testing and commissioning-power and lighting system电力和照明系统的测试和调试89. fire blanket installation消防毯安装90. portable fire extinguishers便携式灭火器91. A/C equipment base空调设备基础92. installation of A/C duct split unit风管分离装置的安装93. A/C-testing and commissioning空调的测试和调试94. electrical and mechanical testing and commissioning机电测试和调试单项别墅内装修工序95. hollow/solid/thermal block空心/实心/保温砌块96. precast lintels预制过梁97. internal plaster for concrete soffit室内混凝土底面抹灰98. blockwork-boundary wall围墙砌筑99. internal wall plaster with preparation室内墙壁抹灰及制备100 boundary wall columns and coping围墙柱子和墙帽101 plaster to boundary wall围墙抹灰102 wall tile with preparation墙砖及准备103 external plaster preparation室外抹灰准备104 water proofing wet areas潮湿部位防水105 floor tiles with preparation地板砖及准备106 external plaster室外抹灰107 marble slab-20mm大理石板-20mm108 marble-skirting大理石踢脚线109 marble sills for windows大理石窗台110 marble steps for internal stairs室内楼梯大理石台阶111 terracotta tile陶瓷砖112 gypsum plaster board/gypsum tiles/bulkhead/PVC/MDF石膏板/石膏砖/隔板/PVC /中密度板113 terracotta skirting陶瓷踢脚线114 terracotta tile for external steps室外台阶陶瓷砖115 threshold门槛116 counter top/vanity top柜台/梳洗台117 typical railings to staircase and terrace楼梯和平台的标准栏杆118 light weight foam concrete轻质泡沫混凝土119internal paint for ceiling室内吊顶刷涂料120 UPVC exterior doors and windows室外UPVC门窗121 washroom accessories盥洗室附件122 internal paint to gypsum board ceiling室内石膏板吊顶刷涂料123 mirrors with polished aluminum frames抛光铝框镜子124 roof water proofing屋面防水125 internal paint for plastered wall室内抹灰墙面刷涂料126 railing to rotunda圆顶栏杆127 door for electrical room配电房的门128 water mixer混合器129 roof tile pavers/roofing works屋面砖/屋面工程130 fixing of kitchen cabinets厨柜的安装131 wooden doors internal 室内木门132 roof access hatch and ladder/GRP ladder for water tank屋面检查孔和梯子/水箱的玻璃钢梯子133 clay tiles陶砖134 fixing of wardrobes壁橱的安装135 wooden gates-front and seaside正面和海边的木门136 marshrabiah/timber fencing木雕刻/木围墙单项别墅外装修和室外工程工序137 GRC works around windows窗子周围的玻璃(纤维)增强混凝土138 GRC works around doors门周围的玻璃(纤维)增强混凝土139 compacted granular fill/soft landscaping压实的粒状填料/软绿化140 hardscaping硬质景观141swimming pool finishes游泳池装修142 external paint for exterior elevation外墙立面刷涂料143 paint to boundary wall围墙刷涂料144 kerbs and kerbstones路缘石145 interlock concrete pavers嵌锁混凝土铺面块146 snagging and final inspection清除困难和最终验收147 demobilization and handing over撤场和移交148 mobilization: 施工准备、动员149 project duration项目工期150 cash flow现金流量151 critical path专键路径152 milestone 里程碑153 critical acitivity 专键作业六、测量工程survey work1.现场site, jobsite 2.控制点control point (station)3.坐标coordinates 4. 高程level, elevation5. 平面坐标plane coordinates6. 全站仪total station instrument7. 夹角angle 8. 误差error9. 允许误差permissible tolerances 10. 水准仪spirit level11. 往返测量to-and-from survey 12. 闭合差misclosure13. 现场控制网Site Control Grid14.现场控制点加密Addition of site control points15. 轴线axis 16. 角点corner points17. 围墙边界fence wall boundary 18 地块边界plot limit19. 定位positioning 20. 边长border length21. 一级控制网first control grid 22. 极坐标法method of polar coordinates23. 闭合closure 24. 附合测法method of connecting level survey 25. 施工测量Construction Survey 26. 控制线control line27. 位置线position lines 28. 轴线投测transfer survey of axes29. 标高抄测level survey 30. 水平线level line31. 弹线draw a line 32. 基准点datum point33. 平均标高mean elevation (level) 34. 引测transfer survey35. 平行借线法method of parallel line transfer36. 沉降观测Observation and Measurement of Settlement37. 验线Verification of Lines 38. 测量员surveyor39. 经纬仪theodolite 40. 钢尺steel rule41. 塔尺leveling pole七、钢筋工程REINFORCEMENT1. 变形钢筋deformed bar2. 特征强度characteristic strength3. 规格和型号specs and type4. 出厂质量证明书mill certificate5. 试验报告单test report6. 切割和弯曲cut and bend7. 钢筋检验test of reinforcement 8. 性能复试performance.retest9. 试验样品test specimen (sample) 10. 钢筋保护层Rebar Cover11. 砼的腐蚀corrosion of concrete 12. 钢筋锈蚀rusting of reinforcing steel13. 密实性compactibility 14. 细石砼垫块fine stone concrete block15. 钢筋的连接rebar joining 16. 钢筋搭接rebar splicing17. 纵筋longitudinal reinforcement 18. 搭接长度splice length19. 光圆钢筋plain round bar 20. 钢筋加工rebar processing21. 化学成分试验chemical (composition) analysis22. 构件element 23. 跨度span24. 截面cross section 25. 排放图rebar shopdrawing26. 配料单cutting list 27. 钢筋下料cut and bend28. 钢筋上挂牌label on rebar29. 加工、存放、运输、绑扎process, storage, transport and binding of rebar.30. 铁锈iron rust 31. 油渍oil stain32. 无损伤free of damage 33. 钢筋绑扎rebar placement34. 铁丝iron wire 35. 八字扣8 character-like buckle36. 箍筋stirrup, link 36. 弯钩hook37. 基础钢筋Foundation Rebar 38. 工艺流程process flow39. 柱子插筋column starter,starter bar 40. 钢筋网bar mesh41. 柱钢筋Column Bar 42. 主筋main reinforcement43 柱外皮尺寸线outer dimension lines of column44. 箍筋间距stirrup spacing 45. 缠扣绑扎tangled buckle46. 梁钢筋reinforcement of Beam47. 连续梁、悬臂梁、简支梁continuous beam, cantilever beam, simply-supported beam48. 上部纵筋top main reinforcements 49. 楼板钢筋slab reinforcement50. 钢筋马凳chair bar 51. 楼梯钢筋staircase reinforcement52. 分布筋distribution bar 53. 踏步筋step bar54. 末端锚固end anchorage55. 缺扣、松扣absent buckles or loose buckles56. 成品保护protection of finished product 57. 钢筋调整adjustment of bar58. 预留钢筋reserved bars59. 自检、互检、交接检self-check, mutual check and cross check60. 绳卡rope clip 61. 钢筋绑扎rebar placement62 主筋main reinforcement, principal reinforcement63 上部和下部钢筋top and bottom reinforcement64 钢丝wire fabric 65 定位钢筋spacer bar66 点焊tack welding 67 弯曲试验bend test68 环氧涂层epoxy coating 69 cutting list, bar bending schedule下料单八、模板工程formwork, shuttering1. 模板配置allocation of formwork2. 定型模板typical formwork3. 支架supporting structure4. 稳定性stability5. 18mm厚多层双面覆膜胶合板18mm double-face glued plywood6. 木方timber7. 水平背楞horizontal beam8. 钢管steel tube 9. 对拉螺栓tie rod (bolt)10. 圆形柱和异形柱circular and irregular columns11. 矩形柱及方形柱rectangular and square columns12. 竖龙骨vertical beam 13定型侧帮模,挡板模typical side form, baffle form 14. 柱模板column formwork 15. 定位钢筋positioning rebar16. 木方柱箍timber hoop 17. 钢筋环rebar ring18. 柱头模板formwork of column head 19. 模板拆除formwork removal(striking) 20. 钢柱箍steel hoop 21. 临时孔temporary hole22. 顶模、底模与侧模top form, bottom form and side form23. 木方斜撑timber prop 24. 塑料套管plastic sleeve25. 起拱高度cambered amount 26. 水平拉杆horizontal tie bar27. 拆除模板的时间removal time 28. 拆模顺序removal sequence29. 支撑prop 30. 脱模剂form release agent31. 板面平整度surface evenness of forms32. 强度,刚度和稳定性strength, rigidity and stability33. 接缝严密tight joint 34. 漏浆leakage of mortar35. 垂直度plumbness 36. 公差tolerance37. 临时支撑temporary shoring 38. 交叉作业intersecting operations39. 楔子wedge九、混凝土工程concrete work1. 商品砼ready-mixed concrete2. 砼浇注concrete pouring3. 砼搅拌站batching plant4. 砼标号concrete grade5. 钢筋砼结构reinforced concrete structure(RCC structure)6. 水泥含量cement content7. 水灰比water to cement ratio (W/C raito)8. 胶结材料cementitious material9. 磨细矿渣ground granulated blastfurnace slag (GGBS)10. 普通硅酸盐水泥ordinary Portland cement (OPC)11. 抗硫酸盐水泥sulphate resisting Portland cement (SRC)12. 中等抗硫酸盐水泥moderate sulphate resisting Portland cement (MSRC)13. 硅粉Micriosilica ( “MS”) 14. 断级配集料Gap-graded aggregate 15. 单一尺寸集料Single-size aggregate 16. 目标平均强度target mean strength 17. 全集料“all-in” aggregate 18. 矿渣slag, blastfurnace slag19. 级配石子graded stone 20. 细骨料fine aggregate21. 干净砂clean sand 22. 含盐量salt content23. 粗骨料coarse aggregate 24. 砼配合比设计concrete mix design 25. 砼试块concrete test cube 26. 试配trial mix27. 掺合料admixture 28. 试验结果test result (report)29. 电脑打印单computer printout 30. 稠度consistency31. 进料单delivery ticket32. 砼罐车和汽车泵truck mixer (transit mixer) and concrete pump33. 砼浇注计划concreting plan34. 浇筑区域和浇注的连续时间bay number and the succession of concreting35. 砼凝结concrete setting 36. 浇注地点area of pouring (placement) 37. 浇注间隙pouring break 38. 施工缝construction joint39. 终凝final setting 40. 养护curing41. 插入式振捣器internal (immersion) vibrator42. 管槽或滑槽trunking or chutes 43. 砼离析segregation.44. 砼振捣Concrete Vibration 45. 砼初凝initial setting46. 垂直振捣vertical vibration 47. 斜向振捣inclined (slanting) vibration 48. 气泡air bubble 49. 拉通线draw a straight line50. 抹平搓实finishing 51. 麻袋sack52. 坍落度slump 53. 抗压强度compressive strength54. 凝固后的密度hardened density 55. 渗水性water permeability56. 快速氯化物渗透rapid chloride penetration (RCP)57. 泌水性Bleeding 58. 氯化物Chloride (CI)59. 硫酸盐Sulphate 60. 轻质混凝土light weight concrete61. 硬化剂和密封料hardener and sealer 62. 止水带waterstop63. 填缝料joint filler 64. 隔粘剂bond breaker65. 不收缩灰浆Nonshrink Grout 66. 腐蚀抑制剂corrosion Inhibitor admixture 67. 配料单Batch Ticket 68. 砼坍落度Concrete Slump69. 对集料的视检查(洗后)Visual Examination of Aggregates (after washing)70.混凝土密度和抗压强度Concrete density and compressive strength71硫酸盐和氯化物含量SO3 and Cl contents72常规的混凝土取芯样Concrete Coring73混凝土进场concrete delivery 74不合格混凝土non-compliant concrete75水泥浆grout 76有缺陷的混凝土defective concrete77水泥沟缝cement pointing 78 取样率sampling rate (frequency)79 热养护heat cured 80 新浇混凝土fresh concrete81 减水剂water reducing admixture 82 加气剂air-entraining admixture83 高效增塑剂superplasticizing admixture 84 配料员batcherman85 袋装水泥bag cement 86 地磅weighbridge87 维比稠度vebe degree 88 随机取样random sample89. 素混凝土plain concrete 90砂浆棒mortar bar91 浇筑层lift 92 伸缩缝expansion joint93 工厂试验plant trial 94 实验室试验laboratory trial95 float,trowel抹子、镘刀96 hardener 硬化剂97 non-compliant concrete 不合格混凝土98 defective concrete 有缺陷的混凝土十、砌筑工程BLOCKWORK1. 砼砌块concrete block2. 迪拜市政府批准的证书Dubai Municipality approved certificate3. 加筋件stiffener4. 水平灰缝和竖向灰缝bed joint and perpend joint5. 砂浆饱满度mortar satiation degree6. 镀锌锚片G.I. anchor7. 热浸镀锌钢筋hot dipped galvanized steel bar8. 镀锌扁钢、墙体连接件和水平墙钢筋Galvanized flat bar, wall tie and horizontal wall reinforcement9. 砂浆层mortar course 10. 空心砼砌块hollow concrete block11. 实心砼砌块solid concrete block 12. 允许偏差Permissible tolerance13. 水平槽或斜槽horizontal or inclined groove14. 砌筑masonr 15. 砌筑钢筋masonry reinforcement16. 进场和储存delivery and storage17. 高压蒸养标准砖autoclave modular Blocks18. 线性收缩linear shrinkage 19. 湿涨缩moisture movement20. 水硬性石灰hydrated lime 21. 砂浆配合比mortar mix22. 石灰水泥砂浆cement lime mortar23. 高压蒸养加气混凝土砌块Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block24. 轻质隔墙Light Partition Wall 25. 干密度Dry Density26. 垫层砂浆Bed Mortar 27. 粘结剂Binder:28. 塑化剂、粘性提高剂、保水剂Plasticizing agent, adhesion promoting agent, Water retaining agents29. 砌筑接缝masonry joint30. 垂直接缝和水平接缝Vertical and horizontal joints31. 控制缝control joint 32. 潜入、预埋embedment33 勾缝和填缝jointing and pointing 34 砌筑砌块laying blocks35 顺砖砌筑stretcher 36 凹槽砖frog brick37 清水墙fair-faced masonry 38 伸缩缝movement joint39 嵌缝材料caulking material十一、脚手架工程SCAFFOLDING, FALSEWORK1. 外脚手架exterior scaffolds (scaffolding)2. 双排脚手架double-row scaffolding3. 标准型门架Standard portal frame4. 立杆standard5. 脚手架配件scaffold fittings6. 横杆ledger, horizontal lacing tube7. 斜撑杆diagonal bracing tube 8. 脚手板toe board9. 马道catwalk 10. 剪刀撑Cross bracing11. 填充梁(次楞) infill beam (secondary beam) 12. 主梁(楞) primary beam13. U托: U bracket 14 底座base Jack15. 管接头sleeve coupler 16. 底板baseplate十二、装修工程FINISHING WORK1. 精装修fine finishing2. 粗装修coarse finishing3. 各专业trades4. 十字中心线cross centerline5. 墙面饰面, 地面饰面wall finishing, floor finishing6. 五金配件finish hardware7. 机电安装MEP installations8. 地面防水floor waterproofing 9. 墙面瓷砖wall tiles10. 顶棚龙骨runner channels on the ceiling 11. 地面砖floor tiles12卫生洁具sanitary wares 13. 电气安装electrical installation14 盥洗台vanity top 15. 天棚吊顶安装installation of false ceiling 16. 墙面抹灰Plastering on the Walls 17. 基层base course18. 房间规方squaring room 19. 标准灰饼standard spacer block20. 底层抹灰,中层抹灰,面层抹灰plastering base course, undercoat and topcoat21. 简易门式脚手架Simple portal scaffolding 22. 内墙抹灰internal plastering23. 金属网wire netting 24. 阴阳角inside and outside corners25. 分格缝grid seams 26. 吊顶工程Ceiling Work27. 大龙骨吊杆hangers for main runner channel28. 大龙骨main runner channel29. 中、小龙骨medium and small runner channels30. 安装罩面板install ceiling panels31. 铝格和隐藏式木板吊顶aluminum grid and recessed board ceiling32. 石膏板吊顶gypsum board ceiling 33. 膨胀螺栓expansion bolts34. 吊点hanging points 35. 吊筋hanging bar36. 照明、通风、消防等专业such trades as lighting, ventilation and fire fighting37. 预留孔洞reserved openings 38. 自攻螺钉self-drilling screws39. 专用胶带及腻子special adhesive tape and putty40. 厕所、洗衣房、洗涤间、厨房toilets, laundries, washrooms and kitchens41. 瓷砖墙裙ceramic tile skirting 42. 防水涂料waterproofing paint43. 釉面砖vitreous tiles 44. 底子灰priming putty45. 纵横皮数quantities of horizontal and transverse tiles46. 瓷砖预排pre-arrangement of the tiles 47. 楼地面工程Flooring48. 交错砖地面interlocked tile flooring 49. 大理石地面marble flooring50 水泥沙浆cement mortar 51 涂料Paint52 相对湿度relative humidity 53表面麻面pockmarked face, pitting54样板间mockup 55 耐水性的腻子water-resistant putty56 流坠drop 57. 溶剂型涂料solvent paint58. 粘度或稠度viscosity or consistency 59. 防水封闭层Waterproofing enclosure course 60 防火resistance to fire 61 防潮resistance to damp penetration62 防潮层damp proof course 63 表面缺陷surface blemish64. 隐蔽工程验收concealment inspection 65 滚铺法roller pavement method66. 冲筋、刮杠、砂浆找平层:screed 67 防火门fire rated door68. 底层油漆、内层油漆和面漆prime coat, undercoat and topcoat69. 施作人员:applicator 70. 压力喷浆gunite71 木制品millwork 72 辅助框架subframe73 框缘architrave十三、给排水工程、通风空调工程、电气工程PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE, VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING, ELECTRICAL WORKS1 质量保证文件warranty 2阀件Valve3 耐压试验、试压pressure test4 主干管main pipeline5 立管standpipe, riser pipe, vertical pipe6 排水管drain pipe7 吊架或托架hanger frame or bracket 8 给水系统plumbing system9 隐蔽hide, conceal10 贯通水试验water run-through test, penetration test11 通球试验Ball test 12防腐anti-corrosion, antisepsis13 除锈derusting 14电线管、盒electrical conduit and box15预埋件embedded item, embedding 16预留洞reserved opening17配电箱distribution box 18照明系统Lighting system。



AA/A/O法 anaerobic-anoxic-oxic process(厌氧-缺氧-好氧法)A/O法(厌氧-好氧法) anaerobic-oxic processA-A-O生物脱氮除磷工艺 A-A-O biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal processAB法 Adsorption Biodegradation process(吸附生物降解法)A-O除磷工艺 A-O phosphorus removal processA-O脱氮工艺 A-O nitrogen removal processBMTS型一体化氧化沟 BMTS intrachannel clarifier oxidation ditchBOD-污泥负荷 BOD-sludge loadK型叶轮曝气机 K type impeller aeratorLMPPhoredox nitrogen and phosphorus removal processr射线 gamma rayswater into groundwater aquifer氨氮 ammonia-nitrogen氨化反应 Nitragen氨基酸 amino acid铵盐 ammonium salt奥贝尔(Orbal)型氧化沟 Orbal oxidation ditch巴登福脱氮除磷工艺 Bardenpho nitrogen and phosphorus removal process白水(漂洗废水) white water(bleaching water)板框压滤 plate pressure filtration半渗透膜 semi-permeable membrane棒状杆菌属 corynebacterium薄膜式淋水材料 film packing 能使水流在填料表面形成连续薄水膜的淋水填料。

饱和常数(Ks) saturation constant饱和指数 saturation index,Langelier index 由理论推导公式得出一个指数,以定性地预测水中碳酸钙沉淀或暴雨公式 storm flow formula暴雨径流 storm runoff暴雨溢流井(截留井)storm overflow well, intercepting well 合流制排水系统中,用来截留、控制合流水量苯 benzene苯胺 aniline泵型叶轮暴气器 paddle impeller aerator泵站 pumping house 设置水泵机组、电气设备和管道、闸阀等的房屋。



废水abwasser废水收集wastewater collecti on废水处理wastewater disposal受纳水体receivi ng waters污染polluti on pollute 污染物poll ntant玷污、污染con tam in ati on致污物con tam inant未污染uncon tam in ated 水污染water polluti on 水污染控制water pollution control水污染防治water polluti on preve ntio n 污水回用wastewater reuseUNIT 2水短缺water scarcity 地表水资源surface water resource管网Pipe Network供水系统water supply system市政配水系统muni cipal distributi on system 建筑给水系统house water supply system 分区供水系统dual distribution system小区micro district 小社区small commu nity 冷水供水系统cold water supply system热水供水系统hot water supply system消防系统fire protectio n system喷淋系统fire protecti on spri nkler system 自动水幕系统automatic dren cher system 半自动水幕系统semi automatic dren cher system 消火栓hydra nt排水系统drain age system生活排水系统san itary system工业排水系in dustrial system雨水排水系统stormwater system合流制comb ined sewers分流制separate sewers建筑排水系统buildi ng drain age system 卫生洁具plumbi ng fixtures卫浴设备bathroom fixtures输水系统water tran smissi on system漏水率leakage rate配水系统water distributi on system环状管网grid system支状管网branching system下水管道san itary sewer污水节流管in tercepti ng sewer污水节流系统in tercept ing sewersystem污水节流井sewage in tercept ing cell 支管collect ion sewer collector sewer生活污水san itary sewagedomestic sewagedomestic wastewater工业污水in dustrial wastewater工业污水/ 液/物in dustrial wastes农业用水agricultural wastewater/wastes 雨水rai nwater stormwater水位waterlevel 海拔、标高elevati on坡度grade 倾斜度slope 明渠Open cha nnelUNIT 1给水工程water supply engin eeri ng 排水工程sewetage engin eeri ng市政工程civil engin eeri ng市政工程师civil engin eer环境工程environmen tal engin eeri ng水文学hydrology水力学hydra nlies水环境n atural aquatic environment流域watershed 水体waterbody地表水surface water新鲜水freshwater地下水gro un dwater含水层aquifer天然含水层n atural aquifer地下含水层un dergr ound aquifer水文循环n atural hydrologic cycle渗滤in filtrati on降水precipitati on渗入precolatio n蒸发evaporati on蒸腾tran spiratio n城市水文循环urba n hydrologic cycle 水源water source水资源water resource取水water withdrawal水处理water treatme nt配水water distributi on 用水water use污水wastewater层流Lam inar flow 滞流粘性流viscous flow 过渡流Tran siti onal flow湍流Turbule nt flow紊流Turbule nee flow涡流Eddyi ng flow雷诺数Teyno Ids nu mber水质Water guality水源Water sources供水水源Water supples原水Raw water 未处理水Un treated water出水Fini shed water原水水质Raw-water quality水质标准Water quality sta ndards水质要求Water quality requireme nts饮用水Drink water\potable water自来水Tap water纯水Pure water 饮用水标准Drinking water sta ndards 饮用水一级标Primary drinking water sta ndards 最大允许浓度Maxmum permissible levelsmaxmum allowable levels 最大污染物浓度Maxmum con tami nant levels主要污染物Primary con tam inants有机化合物Orga nic chemicals合成有机化合物Syn thetic organic chemicals挥发性有机化合物Volatile orga nic ohemicals无机化合物Inorganic chemical微生物Micro orga ni sms\microbes微生物污染Microbial co ntami nants病原微生物Pathoge nic micro organi sms病原体Pathoge nic 病毒Pathoge nic bacteri n细菌Bacteria大肠杆菌Coliform bacteria 病毒Viruses藻类Algae浊度Turbidity放射性Radio nuclide感官性状Esthetic qualities审美Esthetic味Taste嗅Odo色Colour变色Discolourati on变色Discolor水质物理参数Physical parameters of water quality 水的物理性质Physical quality of water浊度值Turbidity values浊度单位Turdidity un it浑浊单位Turdid嗅阈值Threshold odor nu mber化学性质Chemical quality水质化学参数Chemical parameters of water quality 溶解氧Dissolved oxygen (DO)溶解氧浓度Do level溶解氧平衡Do bala nee氧损Oxyge n depleti on有机污染物Orga nic polluta nt生化需氧量Biochemicaloxygen dema nd (BOD) 总氮Total nitroge n (TN)开挖excavati on深度excavati on depth水力分析hydraulic an alysis水头pressure head总水头total headUnit3水头损失Head loss速度头动压头Velocity head 静压Static head摩擦水头Friction head水力坡度线Hydra nlicgrade li重力流Gravity flow水塔Water castle贮水箱Cistern泵站Pump stati on给水泵站Water pump statio n 污水泵站Sewage stati on 提升泵站Lift pump ing pla nt 增压泵Booster pump离心泵Cen trifugal pump潜水泵Submer sible pump 潜水艇Submeri ne深井泵Well pump虹吸虹吸管Siphon人孔Ma nhole法兰Fla nge阀门Valve闸阀Gate valve泵送系统Pump ing system 流量Flow rate流速Fluid velocity保证 Preserve 清洗剂 Clea ning age nt 洗涤剂 Deterge nt 发泡剂 Foam ing age nt泡沫 Foam 化肥 Fertilizer 肥沃的Fertile富营养化 Eutrophicati on 营养的 Trophic 营养水平 Trophic level 生态位 NicheUnit 5原污水 Raw sewage 原废水Raw wastes处理水 Treated wastes 回用水 Redaimed water 水处理过程 Water process ing收集 Collect 处置 Dispose 处理方法 Treatment method处理费用 Treatme nt costs 处理单元 Treatme nt process 运行模式 Operati onal mode 间歇处理方式 Batch treatme nt approach均匀均化 Equalization 均匀 Equalize 调蓄水池Equalizati on storage调节池 Equalizati on tank 蓄水池 Storage tank 降解 Degrade 分解 Decompose分离 Separate 隔离 Separati on 物理法 Physical process 物理处理 Physical treatme nt 物理处理过程Physical treatme nt process一级处理 Primary treatme nt 初步处理 Prelimi nary treatme nt 格栅筛滤Screening格栅 Screen 格栅Bar scree n栅条 Bars 钢栅条 Steel bars 渣耙 Clea ningrakes 圆形破碎机Circular grin der破碎 Grind 除砂Degritt ing砂 Grit 沙 Sa nd 除砂 Grit removal 沉砂池 Grit chamber 沉淀 Settli ng 沉淀池 Settli ng tank 澄清池 Clarifier 初澄清池 Primary clarifier 初沉池Primary settli ng tank一级出水 Primary efflue nt 二级处理 Secondary treatme nt 二级处理工艺Secondary treatme nt process生物处理 Biological treatme nt 二澄清池 Secon dary clarifier 二沉池Secon dary settli ng tank总凯式氮 Total Kjeldahl nitroge n (TKN) 悬浮固体 Suspe nded solids (SS) 总悬浮固体 Total suspe nded solids (TSS) 溶解 Dissolved (DS)总溶解 Total dissolved (TDS) Unit 4溶解的铁和锰 Dissolved iron and mangan ese 硬度 Hard ness 碱度 Alkali nity 盐度 Sali nity 有害物质 Toxic and hazardous materials 氰化物 Cya ni des 急性毒性 Acute toxity 慢性毒性 Chro nic toxity 基因毒性 Ge netic toxicity基因 Ge ne 难降解有机化合物 Refractory orga nic chemicals 永久性有机污染物 Persiste nt orga nic pollutants 致癌化学性Carcinogenic chemicals卤素 Haloge n 甲基 Methyl氯仿 Trichlorometha ne 三氯甲烷 Chloroform 杀虫剂 农药 Pesticide 害虫Pest 杀虫剂 In secticide 除草剂 Herbicide 杀菌剂 Germicide 细菌Germ 防腐剂Preservative最终澄清池Final clarifier最终沉淀池Final settli ng tank二级出水Secon dary efflue nt三级处理Tertiary treatme nt深度处理Adva need treatme nt废水消毒Waste disi nfectio n出流出水Efflue nt flow允许浓度Allowable levels优异出水High-quality polished efflue nt废水处理厂Wastewater treatme nt pla nt污水处理厂Sewage treatme nt pla nt二级处理厂Secon dary treatme nt pla nt城市污水处理Muni cipal wastewater treatme nt 市政工程Muni cipal engin eeri ng土木工程Civil engin eeri ng城市污水处理厂Mun icipal wastewater treatme nt pla nt 污水处理能力Sewage treatme nt capacity电容Capacita nee污水处理设施Mun icipal treatme nt facilities 多反应器设施Multi-reactor facility处理池Treatme nt tank负荷Load负荷Load ings水力负荷Hydrautic load ing污染负荷Polluta nt load有机负荷Orga nic load无机负荷Inorganic load不含化肥、农药无机的Un orga nic周期性负荷Periodic(i ntermitle nt) loadi ng第五部分:物化处理1 .混凝n. coagulati on混凝过程coagulati on process化学混凝chemical coagulati on凝聚n. aggregati on絮凝n. flocculationv. flocculate异向絮凝perik in etic flocculati on同向絮凝orthok in etic flocculati on 混凝剂n.coagula nt 混凝剂投量coagula nt dosage烧杯实验jar test最佳混凝剂投量optimum coagula nt dosage助凝剂coagula nt aid助凝剂flocculation aid 聚电解质n. polyelectrolytes快速混合flash-mix ,rapid-mix 快速混合器flash mixer ,rapid mixer 混合池mixer tank 快速混合池flash-mix tank絮凝器n. flocculator 絮凝池flocculation tank固体接触池solids-co ntact tank澄清n. clarificati onv. clarify澄清池n. clarifier高负荷澄清池high rate clarifier澄清水clarify ing water:.沉淀n. sedime ntati on沉降n. sedime ntati on自由沉降plain settli ng拥挤沉降hin dered settli ng重力沉降gravity settli ng沉淀池settli ng tank沉淀池,沉降池sedime ntati on tank矩形沉淀池recta ngular settli ng tank圆形沉淀池circular settli ng tank管式沉淀池tube settler斜管沉淀池steeply in cli ned tubesettler板式沉淀池parallel-plate settler板式沉淀池plate separator气浮n. floatati on泡沫分离foam separati on溶气气浮dissolved-air floatati on气浮池floatation tank表面撇渣装置surface-skim ming device撇去v. skim浮渣n. scum浮渣槽scum trough刮泥机sludge scraper排泥sludge drawoffsludge withdrawal预沉淀n. presedime ntati on预沉淀池presedime ntati on bas in3. 过滤n. filtration滤池n. filter慢滤池slow filter4. 消毒n. dis in fecti onv. disi nfect 消毒剂n. dis infectantdis infection age nt杀菌齐U n. germicide消毒过程dis in fecti on process消毒副产物dis infection by-products氯化n. chlori nati onv. chlori nate氯化水chlori nated water预氯化n. prechlori nati on氯化消毒副产物by-products of chlori nation化学消毒剂chemical dis infectants液氯liquid chlori ne ,liquefied chlori ne力口氯量,投氯量chlori ne dosage , applied chlori ne自由氯,游离氯free chlori ne ,free available chlori ne化合氯comb ined chlori ne剩余保护residual protect ion余氯residual chlori ne 余氯量chlori ne residual 自由余氯free residual chlori ne 自由氯余量free chlori ne residual 化合余氯comb ined residual chlori ne化合氯余量comb ined chlori ne residuals折点氯化(法)breakpo int chlori nati on折点氯化曲线breakpo int chlori nati on curve 折点加氯量breakpo int dosage氯折点chlori ne breakpo int 压力钢瓶pressured steel cyli nder 臭氧发生器ozone gen erator 需臭氧量ozone dema nd 剩余臭氧量ozone residual 剩余臭氧residual ozone致病微生物,病源微生物pathoge nic microorga ni sms病原体n. pathoge ns致病细菌或病毒pathoge nic bacteria or viruses 纟田菌n. bacteria大肠杆菌coliform bacteria阿米巴氏菌amoebic cysts 孢子,芽孢n. spores 病毒n. viruses藻类n. algae原生动物n. protozoa快滤池rapid filter高速(负荷)滤池high rate filter 砂滤池sand filter慢砂滤池slow sand filter快砂滤池rapid sa nd filter重力滤池gravity filter压力滤池pressure filter过滤介质,滤料filter medium石英砂silica sand无烟煤n. an thracite硅藻土diatomaceous earth煤一砂滤床coal-sa nd beds多层滤料multilayered media混合滤料mixed media双层滤料滤池dual media filter双层滤池two-layer filter粗滤料coarse media细滤料fine media助滤剂filter aid滤后水,滤出水filtered water 滤后水,滤池出水filter efflue nt 滤前水,滤池进水filter in flue nt 浊度穿透turbidity breakthrough过滤周期filter cycle清洗周期clea ning cycle刮砂法scrap ing method 表面刮砂surface scrap ing 反冲洗backwash ing 水力反冲洗hydraulic backwash ing 水力反冲洗hydraulic backwash水力分级hydraulic grad ing 氯胺n. chloram ines次氯酸盐hypochlorites次氯酸钠sodium hypochlorite二氧化氯chlori ne dioxide臭氧n. ozone臭氧化,臭氧消毒n. ozon ati on臭氧化v. ozon ate紫外线(UV) ultraviolet radiation (UV)伽马射线gamma radiati on灭活n. in activati onv. in activate接触时间con tact time需氯量chlori ne dema nd5. 氧化 n. oxidati on还原 n. reductio n 氧化齐 U n. oxida nt 强氧化剂strong oxidiz ing age nt高级氧化法 (AOP) adva need oxidati on process 高级氧化工艺 (AOP) adva need oxidati on process 高级氧化过程 (AOP) adva need oxidati on process 高级氧化技术(AOT)adva need oxidati on tech no logy再生 n. regen erati onv. rege nerate 吸附剂 n. adsorbe nt 吸附质 n. adsorbate 吸附塔,吸附柱 adsorption colu mn 吸附床 adsorpti on bed 空床接触时间empty bed con tact time吸附带 mass tran sfer zone快速小柱试验 rapid small scale colu mn test生物活性炭 (BAC) biological activated carbon 7.离子交换 n. ion excha nge 离子交换树脂 ion excha nge resin 离子交换器 ion excha nger 沉淀软化 precipitati on softe ning电解 n. electrolysis 电除盐(EDI) n.electrodeionization 吹脱、汽提法n.strippi ng冷去卩 n. cooli ng 冷去卩水 cooli ng water 冷去卩塔 cooli ng tower 第六部分生物处理 生物反应器n. bioreactor 微生物 n.microorga ni smsn. microbes微生物种群microbial population微生物生长动力学 microbial growth kinetics1. 迟滞期 lag phase2. 对数生长期 exp onen tial-growth phase3. 减速生长期decli ng growth phase稳定期 stati onary phase4. 内源呼吸阶段 en doge nous stage 内源生长期en doge nous growth phase6.吸附n. adsorpti on 活性炭 (AC) activated carb on 粉末炭 (PAC ) powdered activated carb on 粒状炭(GAC ) granu lar activated carb on 离子交换柱 ion excha nge colu mn 硬度 n. hard ness 除硬hard ness removal软化 n. softe ning v. softe n化学软化 chemical softe ning 沉淀软化 precipitati on softe ning除盐,脱盐 n. desalt in ati onv. desalt去矿化dem ineralizationv. demi neralize离子父换软化法ion excha nge softe ning process离子父换除盐法 ion excha nge desalt ing process 复床 comb ined bed 混合床mixed bed&膜分离membrane separati on 微滤 microfiltrati on 超滤 hyperfiltratio n 纳滤 nano filtrati on 反渗透 reverse osmosis渗透osmosis半透膜 semipermeable membra ne 电渗析 n. electrodialysis 渗析dialysis9.其它处理方法中和n eutralizatio n v. n eutralize 酸性废水 acidic wastes化学沉淀chemical precipitati on混合群落 mixed com mun ities细菌 n. bacteria 原生动物 n. protozoa真菌 n. fun gi 轮虫 n rotifers 生长 n.growth繁殖 n. reproduct ion 世代时间 gen erati on time 生长速率 growth rates 环境因子 environmen tal factors生态因子ecological factors 颗粒活性炭(GAC) granular activated carbon 活性炭纤维 (ACF) activated carbon fiber内源呼吸en doge nous respirati on底物,基质n. substrate底物(基质)利用substrate utilization生物量n. biomass生物反应biological reaction生物氧化biological oxidatio n生物降解n. biodegradati on生物降解性n. biodegradability生物可降解的,可生物降解的 a. biodegradable不可生物降解的 a. non biodegradable生物处理biological treatme nt废水生物处理biological wastewater treatme nt废水生物处理系统biological wastewater treatment system污水生物处理系统biological sewage treatment system 生物处理法biological treatme nt process生物处理装置biological treatme nt unit串联in series悬浮生长处理法suspe nded-growth treatme nt processes 生物固体biological solids活性污泥activated sludge附着生长处理法attached-growth treatme nt processes 附着的微生物attached microbes微生物附着生长attached microbial growth生物膜n. biofilm代谢n. metabolismv. metabolize稳定,稳定化n. stabilizati on生物代谢biological metabolism微生物代谢microbial metabolism好氧的 a. aerobic好氧菌aerobic bacteria好氧微生物aerobic microorga ni sms好氧氧化aerobic oxidati on厌氧的 a. an aerobic厌氧菌an aerobic bacteria厌氧氧化an aerobic oxidati on兼性的 a. facultative兼性菌facultative bacteria好氧环境aerobic environment厌氧环境an aerobic environment营养物n. nu trie nts无机营养物inorganic nu trie nts营养物去除nu trie nt removal营养物生物去除biological n utrie nt removal脱氮除磷n itroge n and phosphorusremoval生物硝化biological n itrificati on硝化菌n itrify ing bacteria生物反硝化,生物脱氮biological den itrification生物除磷biological phosphorus removal1 .活性污泥法activated sludge process微生物n. microorga ni sms n. microbes细菌n. bacteria生物絮体biological floc微生物絮体microbial floc活性污泥activated sludgev. stabilize絮状活性污泥flocculate-bacterial sludge回流活性污泥(RAS) returned activated sludge回流污泥returned sludge回流污泥recycled sludge剩余污泥excess sludge废活性污泥(WAS) waste activated sludge 废污泥waste sludge曝气池aerati on tank曝气池aerati onbas in曝气池aerati on chamber完全混合曝气池completely mixed aerati on bas in活性污泥池activated sludge tank曝气n. aerati on混合n. mixi ng曝气系统aerati on system曝气器n. aerator压缩空气compressed air空气压缩机,空压机air compressor 鼓风机,风机n. blower 循环/ 切换n. cycling/switchover 扩散装置,扩散器n.diffuser空气扩散装置,空气扩散器鼓泡空气扩散装置(扩散器)微气泡扩散装置(扩散器)扩散板plate diffuser 扩散管tube diffuser 扩散罩domediffuserair diffuserbubble air diffuserfin e-bubble diffuser微气泡扩散曝气fin e-bubble diffused aeration微气泡fin e-bubble大气泡coarse-bubble 静态混合器static mixer机械曝气系统mecha ni cal aeratio nsystems机械曝气mecha nical aeratio n表面曝气surface aerati on表面曝气器surface aerator需氧量oxyge n dema nd供气量air supply 氧转移效率oxyge n tansfer efficie ncy可沉降固体settleable solids挥发性固体volatile solids非挥发性固体non volatile solids 挥发性悬浮固体(VSS) volatile suspe nded solids 混合液mixed liquor混合液悬浮固体(MLSS) mixed liquor suspended solids 混合液挥发性悬浮固体(MLVSS) mixed liquor volatile suspe nded solids污泥沉降比(SV)settli ng velocity污泥容积指数(SVI) sludge volume in dex比耗氧速率(SOUR) specific oxygen uptake rate污泥龄sludge age曝气池容积aerati on tank volume曝气时间aerati on period曝气时间aerati on time水力停留时间(HRT) hydraulic reside nee time 水力负荷hydraulic loadi ngBOD 负荷BOD loadingconven ti onal activated sludge processconven ti onal activated sludge process standard activated sludge process传统活性污泥厂conven ti onal activated sludge pla nt阶段曝气活性污泥step aeratio n activated sludge process分段v. step进水负荷in flue nt load分段进水step loadi ng渐减v. taper渐减曝气tapered aerati on接触稳定活性污泥法con tact stabilizati on activated sludge process再曝气n. reaerati on曝气一沉淀一再曝气aeratio n-sedime ntati on-reaerati on完全好氧处理法complete aerobic treatme nt process高负荷(完全混合)活性污泥法high-rate (completely mixed) activated sludge process 延时曝气活性污泥法exte nded aerati on activated sludge process 延时曝气法exte nded aeratio n process延时曝气exte nded aerati on 氧化沟oxidati on ditch 水平转刷horiz on tal rotor转刷曝气rotor aerati on笼型转刷caged rotor 吸附一生物降解工艺(AB法)adsorpti on-biodegradati on process序批式活性污泥法(SBR 法)sequencing batch reactor(SBR) process、序批式活性污泥法(SBR 法)sequential batch reactor(SBR) processSBR 法SBR process序批式反应器(SBR)seque ncing batch reactor (SBR)序批式反应器(SBR)seque ntial batch reactor初沉primary clarificati on曝气n. aerati on二沉sec on dary clarificati on初沉池primary clarifier二沉池sec on dary clarifier泵送系统pump ing system活性污泥法activated sludge process变体n. varia ntSBR运行周期SBR cycle处理周期process cycle进水阶段fill phase进水阀in flue nt valve反应阶段react phase沉淀阶段settle phase清水,上清液clear water 上清液n. super nata nt排水阶段draw phase滗水阶段deca nt phase滗水装置deca nt mecha nism闲置阶段,待机阶段idle phase营养物去除nu trie nt removal营养物生物去除biological n utrie nt removal碳源carb on source硝化n. n itrificati onv. n itrify硝化菌n itrify ing bacteria反硝化n. den itrificati onv. den itrify普通活性污泥法传统活性污泥法标准活性污泥法脱氮n. den itrificati on生物反硝化,生物脱氮biological den itrificati on缺氧一好氧脱氮工艺(A/O法)ano xic-oxic process厌氧一缺氧一好氧法(A2/Oan aerobic-a no xic-aerobic processA-A-O法同步脱氮除磷工艺an aerobic-a no xic-aerobic process脱氮除磷n itroge n and phosphorus removal厌氧氨氧化(ANAMMOX)an aerobic ammonium oxidati on生物除磷biological phosphorus removal膜生物反应器(MBR)membra ne biological reactor2.生物膜法生物膜n. biofilm生物膜反应器biofilm reactor生物滤池n. biofilter生物过滤n. biofiltratio n旋转布水器rotary spri nkler填料n. pack ings塑料管状或蜂窝状填料plastic tubular or hon eycomb-shaped pack ings滴滤池trickli ng filter普通生物滤池trickli ng filter高负荷生物滤池high-rate filter塔式生物滤池tower biofilter曝气生物滤池(BAF) biological aerated filtermetha ne-form ing bacteria有机酸orga nic acids挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs) volatile fatty acids硫酸盐还原sulfate reduction硫酸盐还原菌sulfate-reduc ing bacteria上流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)upflow an aerobic sludge bla nket上升流速upflow velocity厌氧折流板反应器(ABR)an aerobic baffled reactor两段或两级厌氧生物处理two-stage an aerobic biotreatme nt两相厌氧生物处理two-phase an aerobic biotreatme nt产酸相acidoge nic phase产甲烷相metha nogenic phase消化n. digesti onv. digest消化池n. digestor厌氧消化an aerobic digesti on污泥消化sludge digestio n厌氧消化池an aerobic digestor厌氧接触法an aerobic contact process厌氧膨胀床反应器an aerobic expa nded-bed reactor厌氧流化床反应器an aerobic fluidized-bed reactor生物转盘法biodisc process生物转盘rotati ng biological contactor生物转盘n. biodisc塑料盘片plastic discs轻质盘片lightweight discs水平轴horiz on tal shaft生物粘液biological slime粘液层slime layer生物流化床biological fluidized bedbiological fluidised bed生物流化床反应器fluidized-bed bioreactor移动床生物膜反应器(MBBR)movi ng-bed biofilm reactor3.厌氧生物处理发酵n. ferme ntatio nv. ferme ntate产酸细菌n. acidoge ns产甲烷细菌n. metha nogens产酸阶段acidoge nic phase产甲烷阶段metha nogenic phase水解n. hydrolysisv. hydrolysis产酸发酵acidoge nic ferme ntati on产氢产乙酸H2-produc ing acetoge nesis产甲烷metha nogen esis产酸菌acid formers产甲烷菌metha ne formers ,厌氧生物转盘an aerobic rotati ng biological con tactor4.自然生物处理系统自然净化系统n atural purificati on system 稳定塘stabilizati on pondsstabilizati on Iago ons氧化塘oxidati on ponds土地处理系统land treatme nt systems废水土地处理land treatme nt of wastewater 净化过程purificatio n process自然净化n atural purificati on污水塘sewage lago on稳定塘stabilizati on pondsstabilizati on Iago ons氧化塘oxidati on ponds好氧塘aerobic pond兼性塘facultative pond好氧生化反应aerobic biochemical reacti on厌氧生化反应an aerobic biochemical reaction 厌氧分解an aerobic decompositi on厌氧分解decompose an aerobically好氧稳定aerobic stabilizati on纟田菌n. bacteria藻类n. algae微型植物microscopic pla nts出流,出水efflue nt flow光合作用n. photos yn thesis厌氧塘an aerobic pond曝气塘aerated pond修饰塘polish ing pond熟化塘maturati on Iago on深度处理塘adva need treatme nt pond三级处理塘tertiary treatme nt pond土地处理工艺(过程)land treatme nt processes关键因素critical factors土壤类型soil type气候n. climate土地处理系统land treatme nt systems慢速土地处理系统slow rate land treatme nt system低负荷土地处理系统low-rate land treatme nt system三级处理水平tertiary treatme nt level灌溉n. irrigati onv. irrigate土壤的天然过滤和吸附性质n atural filtrati on and adsorpti on properties of soil投配的废水applied wastewater垄一沟表面布水ridge-a nd-furrow surface spreadi ng喷洒布水系统,喷灌布水系统sprin kler systems快速渗滤土地处理系统rapid infiltration landtreatme nt system渗滤一渗透土地处理in filtratio n-percolatio n landtreatme nt快速渗滤rapid in filtration快速渗滤法rapid in filtrati on method过滤作用filteri ng action吸附作用adsorpti on action地表漫流土地处理系统overla nd flow land treatme nt system地表漫流overla nd flow径流集水沟runoff collectio n ditch物理、化学和生物过程physical , chemical , and biological processes湿地n. wetla nd 天然湿地n atural wetla nd人工湿地con structed wetla ndman-made wetla nd第七部分:污泥处理、处置与利用污泥n. sludge生活污水污泥sewage sludge污泥体积,污泥量原污泥,生污泥新sludge volumeraw sludgefresh sludgedigested sludge混合污泥mixed sludge污泥处理sludge treatme nt污泥处置sludge disposal最终处置ultimate disposal填埋n. Ian dfill污泥减量sludge volume reducti on污泥稳定化sludge stabilizati on(污泥)浓缩n. thicke ning 污泥浓缩sludge thicke ning稳定,稳定化n. stabilizati onv. stabilize稳定了的污泥stabilized sludge调理(调节)n. con diti oningv. con diti on脱水n. dewateri ngv. dewater干化n. drying污泥干化场sludge drying bed污泥干燥heat drying干燥器n. dryer 污泥焚烧,污泥焚化n. incin eratio n焚烧炉,焚化炉n. in ci nerator污泥浓缩sludge thicke ning物理过程physical process含水过多的污泥watery sludge稀污泥thin sludge处理装置treatme nt un it浓缩池n. thicke ner重力浓缩gravity thicke ning重力浓缩池gravity thicke ner圆形污水沉淀池circular sewage sedime ntatio n tank 刮泥机sludge scraper 搅拌作用stirri ng acti on 底流n. un derflow浓缩的底流thicke ned un derflow 浓缩污泥thicke ned sludge出水n. efflue nt上清液n. super nata nt溢流v. overflow堰n. weir气浮浓缩floatatio n thicke ning溶气气浮dissolved-air floatati on气浮池floatation tank入流污泥in flue nt sludge污泥絮体sludge flocs撇去v. skim漂浮污泥层floati ng sludge layer污泥消化sludge digestio n消化池n. digester消化池装置digester un it消化n. digesti onv. digest有机固体organic solids生化分解biochemical decompositi on好氧消化aerobic digesti on好氧污泥消化aerobic sludge digesti on好氧消化过程aerobic digesti on process活性污泥池activated sludge tank预制的(成套)活性污泥处理系统prefabricated (package) activated sludge treatme ntsystems预制的接触稳定或prefabricated con tact stabilizati on or延时曝气处理系统exte nded aeratio n treatme nt systemsBOD 负荷BOD loading细胞物质cellular mass内源衰亡en doge nous decay厌氧消化an aerobic digesti on厌氧污泥消化an aerobic sludge digesti on有盖的圆形池covered circular tank消化过程digestio n process厌氧消化过程an aerobic digesti on process 生化反应biochemical reactions有机酸orga nic acids挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs) volatile fatty acids 甲烷气metha ne gas末端产物end product 指示剂n. in dicator污泥消化池气体sludge digester gas污泥沉淀sludge settli ng污泥储存sludge storage消化污泥digested sludge充分消化的污泥well-digested sludge消化池上清液digester super nata nt 中温消化mesophilic digesti on高温消化thermophilic degesti on污泥脱水sludge dewateri ng混合堆肥co-compost ing污泥处理总成本overall sludge-ha ndli ng costs第八部分:废水回用地表水资源surface water resource地下水资源groun dwater resource水短缺water scarcity回用n. , v. reuse11废水回用wastewater reuse直接回用direct reuse直接废水回用direct wastewater reuse间接回用in direct reuse间接废水回用in direct wastewater reuse出水处理efflue nt treatme nt 回用水reclaimed water 排放n. , v. discharge 保留n.reten ti on循环n. recycli ngv. recycle咅B分处理n. partial treatme nt最终用途end use城市污水回用mun icipal wastewater reuse 灌溉n. irrigati on景观灌溉Ian dscape irrigati on地下水回灌groun dwater recharge市政回用mun icipal reuse直接市政回用direct muni cipal reuse深度处理,高级处理adva need treatme nt 分质供水系统dual-distribution system间接市政回用in direct muni cipal reuse供水系统,给水系统water supply system 取水口n. in take天然同化能力n atural assimilative capacity 人工回灌artificial recharge深井注射deep-well injection浅表布水shallow surface spreadi ng渗透n. percolati on工业回用in dustrial reuse废水排放wastewater discharge雨水回用storm waterreuse可回用水reusable waterPart IX : 第九部分:投资成本,投资费(用)capital costs建设成本,建设费(用)con struct ioncosts运行成本,运行费(用)operati ng costs能耗成本en ergy costs运行维护operati on and maintenance运行控制operati onal con trol控制系统con trol system仪表/控制系统in strume ntatio n/c on trol system 自动控制系统,自控系统automatic con trol system工艺废水,过程废水process wastewaters工艺补充水,过程补充水pla nt process makeup water冷去卩塔水cooli ng tower water选择性处理optio nal treatme nt水费water costs回用的城市污水reclaimed muni cipal wastewater工业过程in dustrial processes冷去卩水cooli ng water锅炉给水boiler feedwater灌溉回用irrigati on reuse废水直接灌溉direct irrigation with wastewater低负荷土地处理系统low-rate land treatme nt system间接灌溉回用in direct reuse for irrigati on12。



英汉对照工程常用词汇AN USUAL ENGLISH-CHINESE VOCABULLARY IN ENGINEERING DESIGN(全册)目录1.图面常用词汇 32.土建部份213.给排水部份614.气动部份865.电气部份966.暖通部份1261. 工程设计图面常用词汇CONCLISE ENGLISH OF DRAWING PACKAGE总论GENERAL图纸目录Drawing list标准图目录Standard drawing list典型图目录Typical drawing list标准、规范目录Standard and regulation list统一详图目录Uniform detail list标准图集Standard drawing collection设备清单Equipment list材料表Material list建筑物、构筑物一览表List of buildings and structures 施工进度表Schedule of construction建筑构件表List of architectural members管道及管件汇总表Summary of pipes and pipefittings楼面、屋面构造表Construction chart of floor androof各种管道数量表Bill of piping quantity预埋件明细表Schedule of embedded elements比例Scale无比例、不按比例Not to scale项目名称Project, item标题栏Caption of drawing, drawingheading图号Drawing no.(DWG NO.)张号Page序号No.编号Code型号Type规格Specification单位Unit图例Legend说明Notes备注Remarks由…设计Designed by…由…校对Checked by…由…审核Approved by…由…发行Issued by…专业Specialty总图Site plan土建Civil建筑Architecture结构Structure机械Mechanical给水排水Water supply and drainage暖通Heating, ventilation and airconditioning (HV AC)电气Electrical供电Power supply电照Lighting自控Automatic control通信Communication物理概念Physical concept长度Length宽度Width高度Height净高Clear height深度Depth面积Area体积V olume时间Time速度Speed, velocity温度Temperature湿度Humidity功率Power压力Pressure力Force公斤Kilogram( Kg)克Gram (g)吨Ton (t)米Meter (m)厘米Centimeter (cm)毫米Millimeter (mm)平方米Square meter (㎡)立方米Cubic meter (m3)秒Second (s)分Minute (m)时Hour (h)厚度Thickness直径Diameter半径Radius弯曲半径Curve radius内径Inside diameter外径Outside diameter圆形Circle, round方形Square矩形Rectangle矩形的Rectangular立方体Cube椭圆Ellipse重量Weight毛重Gross weight净重Net weight质量Quality数量Quantity自然条件Natural conditions气象Meteorology气象资料Meteorological data日照Sun shine年平均日照时数Yearly mean sun shine hours风级Wind class风向Wind direction风力Wind force风向标Weather cock逐月风向频率Monthly wind direction andfrequency最大(平均)风速Maximum (mean) wind velocity 主导风向Prevailing wind direction最大风速Maximum wind velocity台风Typhoon季节风Monsoon降雨资料Rainfall data降雨频率Rainfall frequency降雨强度Rainfall intensity降雨日数Number of rainy days最大(平均)降雨量Maximum (mean) rainfall年降雨量Annual rainfall极限降水量Maximum possible precipitation雨量Rain precipitation降雨面积Rain precipitation暴雨Rain area持续时间Rain storm降雨历时Duration暴雨历时Duration of rainfall年平均雷暴时数Duration of rain storm溢流周期Yearly mean lightning andthunder days年平均气温Overflow period年绝对最低气温Yearly absolute temperature, lowest年绝对最高气温Yearly absolute temperature,highest最冷月或最热月平均温度Mean temperature, coldest month or hottest month年、月、平均温度,最高、最低Temperature, yearly, monthly, mean, highest, lowest最高或最低绝对温度Absolute temperature, highest orlowest湿球温度Wet bulb thermometer湿球温度计Wet bulb thermometer干球温度Dry bulb temperature干球温度计Dry bulb thermometer干湿温差Psychometric chart冰冻期Frost period冰冻深度Frost penetration最大积雪深度Maximum snow penetration采暖地区Region with heating provision不采暖地区Region without heatingprovision采暖室外计算温度Calculating outdoor temperaturefor heating通风(冬季)室外计算温度Calculating outdoor temperature for ventilation (winter)绝对大气压Absolute atmospheric pressure 蒸发量Vaporization volume相对湿度Relative humidity建筑材料Building material水泥Cement水泥标号Cement grade硅酸盐水泥Portland cement矿渣硅酸盐水泥Portland slag cement灌浆水泥Grout cement快凝水泥Rapid setting cement防潮水泥Waterproof cement高强度水泥High-strength cement高标号水泥High-strength cement水泥沙浆强度Cement mortar strength水泥沙浆需水量Water demand of cement mortar砖Brick普通粘土砖Common clay brick实心砖Solid brick异形砖Special brick角砖Angle brick拱顶砖Key brick面砖Face brick勒脚砖Springer带槽砖Brick with groove空心砖Hollow brick承重空心砖Load-bearing hollow brick通风空心砖Ventilating brick耐火砖Fire brick高耐火砖High duty fire clay brick特级粘土耐火粘土砖Super-duty fire clay brick轻质耐火粘土砖Light weight fire clay brick工字钢底砖Clip tile (brick)矿渣砖Slag brick多孔砖Porous brick瓦Tile屋面瓦Roof tile石板瓦Slate陶土瓦Vitrified tile粘土瓦Clay shingle脊瓦Ridge tile斜沟瓦Vallay tile槽形瓦Grooved tile石棉瓦Asbestos tile方块毛石Square rubble条石、块石Block stone花岗石Granite花岗石饰面板Granite finishing plank大理石Marble大理石板Marble slab人造大理石Artificial marble预制水磨石Precast terrazzo砌块Block混凝土砌块Concrete block加气混凝土砌块Aerated concrete block实心砌块Solid block空心砌块Hollow block耐火砌块Refractory block衬里砌块Bushing block玻璃Glass光学玻璃Optical glass防眩光玻璃Anti-dazzle glass耐热玻璃Heat resisting glass隔声玻璃Sound proof glass平板玻璃Plate glass标准玻璃Standard glass抛光平板玻璃Polished plate glass中空玻璃Double glazing glass双层中空玻璃Glazing glass, insulating glass 浮法玻璃Float glass新釉面玻璃Neo-ceramic glass有机玻璃Organic glass钢化玻璃Armourplate glass强化玻璃Strengthened glass磨光玻璃Abrades glass, polished glass 毛玻璃Obscured glass, frosted glass 夹丝安全玻璃Wired glass无色玻璃White glass不透明玻璃Opaque glass漫射玻璃Diffusing glass波形玻璃Corrugated glass槽形玻璃Channel glass淬火玻璃Heat treated glass薄膜玻璃Film glass兰色玻璃Blue glass琥珀色玻璃Amber glass中性灰色滤光玻璃Neutral-tinted glass乳色玻璃Opalescent glass乳白玻璃Opal glass压花玻璃Patterned glass酸蚀刻玻璃Acid-etched glass大理石玻璃Marbled glass磨沙玻璃Ground glass雪花玻璃Alabaster glass玻璃纤维板Glass fiber board钢Steel碳素钢Carbon steel低(中、高)碳钢Low (medium, high) carbon steel 结构钢Structural steel高强度结构钢High-strength structural steel普通碳素结构钢Ordinary carbon structural steel 铸钢Cast steel耐酸钢Acid-resisting steel型钢Shaped steel圆钢Round steel bar热轧圆钢Hot rolled round steel扁钢Flat steel bar角钢Angle steel方钢Square steel槽钢Channel steel冷轧碳素钢板Cold rolled carbon steel plate波纹钢板Corrugated steel花纹钢板Reliefed steel plate不锈钢管Stainless steel pipe焊接钢管Welded steel pipe无缝钢管Seamless steel pipe镀锌钢管Galvanized steel pipe高强度钢丝High strength steel wire绑扎用钢丝Binding wire冷拨低碳钢丝Cold drawn mild steel wire钢筋Steel bar, steel reinforcement铸件管Cast iron pipe铸铁给水管Cast iron water pipe铸铁污水管Cast iron soil pipe铜Copper黄铜Brass铝Aluminum铅Lead锡Bin镍Nickel锌Zinc螺栓Bolt螺孔直径Diameter of bolt hole垫板Packing垫片Spacer锚固螺栓Anchor bolt现场安装螺栓Field bolt safety nut安全螺帽Safety nut地脚螺栓Holding-down bolt, ground bolt 调整螺栓Adjusting nut平头螺栓Cheese head bolt源头螺栓Botton head bolt夹紧螺栓Clinch bolt埋头螺栓Countersunk bolt防松螺帽Self-locking nut带销螺栓头Bolt head with feather柳钉Rivet螺丝Screw垫圈Washer平垫圈Flat washer弹簧垫圈Spring washer防松垫圈Lock washer胶合板Plywood纤维板Fiber board聚合物Polymer高分子化合物High-molecular compound树脂Resin环氧树脂Epoxy resin聚乙烯Polyethylene (PE)聚录乙烯Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)聚苯乙烯Polystyrene聚脂树脂Polyester resin聚丙烯Polyropylene发泡聚案脂Foamed polyurethane建筑及结构设计规范Code for architectural andstructural design施工及验收规范Code for construction andacceptance建筑抗震设计规范Building seismic design code建筑材料标准Standard for building materials 地基及基础规范Code for soil and foundation防火规范Fire-protection code卫生标准Sanitary standard电气设计及装置规范Code for electrical design andinstallation给排水规范Code for water supply anddrainage供暖及通风设计及装置Code for heating and ventilating规范design and installation工艺Technology工艺流程图Process flow chart运输流程图Transport flow chart加工图Process technology drawing工艺设备平面布置图Process equipment layout装配图Assembly drawing人流Person flow物流Goods flow产品大纲Product program生产线Production line生产能力Production capacity年生产量Annual yield, annual output工作制度Work system组织机构表Organization chart工艺对建筑的要求Process requirements onbuildings设计Design设计单位Designer用户Client大学University工厂Factory公司Company有限公司Company limited (Ltd)集团公司、总公司Corporation研究所Research institute设计文件Design document设计资料Design data设计任务书Design prospectus设计说明书Design instruction设计范围Design scope设计周期Design period设计程序Design procedure方案投标Scheme tender方案比较Scheme comparison审批Approval设计阶段Design stage可行性研究(报告)Feasibility study方案设计Initial design初步设计Preliminary design施工图设计Final design设计修改Design modification设计联络Design liaison合同Contract签定合同Sign contract协议、协定Agreement会议纪要Minutes of meeting施工单位Constructor承包单位Contractor供货单位Supplier施工监理Construction supervisor工地经理Site manager职务名称Title董事长﹑院长President总经理General manager总工程师General engineer主任、处长Department manager总设计师Chief designer项目经理Project manager主任工程师Chief engineer工程师Engineer图纸Drawing总平面图General plan布置图Layout工艺专业有关词汇Words concerning technology工艺Technology工艺过程Process工艺过程设计Process design设备平面布置Plant design工艺要求Technological level电子产品Electronic product半导体Semiconductor电子管Electron tube二级管Diode三级管Triode晶体管Transistor集成电路Integrated circuit (IC)大规模集成电路Large scale integration (ofcircuits) (LSI)超大规模集成电路Very large scale integration (ofcircuits) (VLSI)计算机Computer微型计算机Microcomputer微处理机Microprocessor个人计算机Personal computer计算机终端Terminal电子打字机Electronic type writer计算机打印机Computer printer机器人Robot电子游戏机Electronic gamer电视机Television彩色电视机Color TV黑白电视机Black and white TV显象管Kinescope彩色显象管Color kinescope; chromoscope 黑白显象管Monochrome picture tuve录机Radio cassette电子琴Electronic piano微波炉Microwave oven录象机Video recorder电传机Teleprinter传真机Facsimile printer电话单机Telephone电话交换机Telephone exchange光导纤维Optical fiber雷达Radar激光(器)Laser发射机Transmitter天线Antenna声纳(定位器)Sound radar剖面图放大图Section大样图、详图Enlarged detail安装图Installation drawing标准图(定型)Standard drawing示意图Schematic diagram流程图Flow diagram系统图System diagram原理图Principle diagram综合管道平面图General layout of piping system 屋面平面图Roof plan立面图、正视图Elevation侧、横、背、正面图Side, back, front elevation横、纵、局部剖面图Cross, longitudinal, part section 装配图Assembly drawing鸟澉图Bird’s eye view底图Transparent drawing草图Sketch表格和说明Table and instruction图纸目录List of drawings材料表List of material重复使用图纸目录List of repeat drawing说明Instruction建筑物构筑物明细表List of buildings and structures 建筑一览表Schedule of buildings建设单位Client子项工程名称Sub-project日期Date处室Department专业Specialty比例Scale图纸名称Name of drawing图号Drawing No.张数Page quantity张号Page No.编号Code序号Serial No.代号Mark名称Name型号规格Type and specification数量Quantity单位Unit备注Remark设计阶段Stage (of design)物理概念Physical concept长度Length宽度Width高度Height; altitude深度Depth面积Area时间Time速度Speed温度Temperature湿度Humidity功率Power压力Pressure力Force公斤Kilogram (Kg)克Gram (g)吨Ton (t)米Meter (m)厘米Centimeter (cm)毫米Millimeter (mm)平方米Square meter立方米Cubic meter秒Second分Minute时Hour厚度Thickness直径Diameter半径Radius外径Outside diameter内径Inside diameter圆形Circle方形Square立方体Cube椭圆Ellipse重量Weight毛重Gross weight净重Net weight质量Quality规范Regulation; handbook手册handbook设计规范,手册Regulation, handbook for design 施工安装规范,手册Regulation, handbook forconstruction and installation验收规范Regulation for acceptance消防规范Regulation for fire fighting环境保护Environment protection设备手册Handbook of equipment材料手册Handbook of material设计基础资料Basic data of design自然条件Natural condition气象Meteorology气候Climate风向Wind direction主导风Prevailing wind水位Water level地下水位Underground water level最大风速Maximum wind speed最高水位Highest water level最低水位Lowest water level冰冻日数Frost duration冰冻深度Frost penetration海拔Above sea level海拔高度Altitude标高Elevation level原地面标高Natural ground elevation设计地面标高Designed ground elevation地坪Ground level室外地坪标高Outdoor ground elevation室内地坪标高Indoor ground elevation室内外高差Difference of elevation betweenindoor and outdoor中心标高Center elevation雷暴日数Number of lightening days地形Topography经度Longitude纬度Latitude土壤Soil回填土Back filled earth相对湿度Relative humidity选厂基础资料Basic data for site selection选厂报告Report of site selection厂址调查Site investigation生产条件Condition of production生产流程Production process生产能力Production capacity班制Shift per day日班Day shift夜班Nightshift工作日Working day假日Vacation我院专业设置Specialist set up in EDRI工艺Technology无线电技术Radio technique机械Mechanical电化学Electro-chemistry元器件Electronic component电真空器件Electric vacuum component总图General plan土建Civil建筑Architecture结构Structure机械Mechanical暖通Heating, ventilation andair-conditioning (HV AC)给排水Water supply and drain气体动力Gas utility环境保护Environment protection非标准设计Design of non-standard product 电气Electrical供电Power supply电照Power distribution and lighting 自动控制Automatic control通信Communication一层First floor二层Second floor三层Third floor夹层Mezzanine技术夹层Technical floor走廊Corridor外廊Open corridor门廊Porch门厅Entrance hall前厅Lobby出口Exit入口Entrance楼梯间Staircase竖井Shaft电梯间Lift shaft电梯Lift; elevator自动扶梯Escalator办公室Office会议室Meeting room会客室,接待室Reception room展览室Display room休息室Lobby阅览室Reading room资料室Reference room实验室Laboratory医务室Clinic衣帽间Cloak room更衣室Locker room厂长室Director’s room经理室Manager’s room秘书室Secretary’s room会计室Counter’s room值班室Duty room助理室Assistant’s room总务室General affairs office小食堂Lunch room食堂Canteen厨房Kitchen餐厅Dining hall备餐间Food preparation room茶室Tea room咖啡室Coffee room酒吧Bar卧室Bed room起居室Living room客厅Parlor书房Study浴室Bathroom厕所Toilet男厕Men’s女厕Women’s工艺设备Production equipment车床Lathe磨床Grinder转床Driller冲床Puncher电锯Electric saw电梯Elevator电炉Electric furnace电弧炉Arc furnace电阻炉Electronic furnace of resistancetype烘箱,干燥机Drier起重机Crab吊车Crane电焊机Shot welder送风机Air-supply fan鼓风机Blast fan排风机Exhaust fan泵Pump扩散泵Diffusion pump装配线Assembly line生产线Production line生产车间Workshops车间Workshop辅助车间Auxiliary shop机械加工车间Machine shop锻工车间Blacksmith shop冲压车间Press shop焊接车间Welding shop电镀车间Electroplating shop钳工车间Fitter shop机修车间Machine repairing shop金工车间Smith shop装配车间Assembly shop;包装车间Packing shop工具间Packing shop维修间Tool room洁净室Maintenance room净化厂房Purification factory微波暗室Anechoic chamber磁屏暗室Magnetic shielding chamber 设计室Design room房间名称Room names底层Ground floor一层First floor公用建筑Public buildings俱乐部Club电影院Cinema礼堂Assembly hall火车站Railway station飞机场Airport汽车站Bus station游泳池Swimming pool运动场Sports ground体育馆Stadium图书馆Library招待所Hostel医院Hospital公寓Apartment宿舍Dormitory宿舍区Living quarters平房Single-story building公用设施Public utilities facilities电话站Exchange station计算机房Computer room空调机房Air conditioning room新风机室Fresh air room水泵房Water pump house压缩机房Compressor room控制室Control room工作平台Working platform空压站Air compressor station变电站Transformer station冷却塔Cooling tower洗涤塔Scrubber热交换站Heat exchanger station污水处理站Sewage treatment station氢氧(发生)站Hydrogen and oxygen(generation) station油库Fuel storage微波站Microwave station锅炉房Boiler house冷冻站Chiller station2. 土建部分总图专业常用词汇Words concerning general plan 厂区Factory area生活区Living area停车场Parking yard车库Garage自行车棚Bicycle shed大门Gate门房Gate house围墙Enclosure wall围栏Fence建筑红线Property line办公楼Office building科研楼Research building食堂Canteen水泵房Water pump station车间Workshop成品库Finished product store旗杆Flag pole广场Square绿化带Greenbelt喷泉Fountain雕塑Sculpture花园Garden道路Road桥Bridge公路Highway铁路Railway弯道Turn建筑面积Building area建筑占地面积Area occupied by building 空地Spare space十字路口Cross零点线Zero line斜坡Slope挖方Excavation老土Natural soil原土Original soil换土Earth shift室外管道Outdoor pipeline室外管沟Outdoor trench雨水明沟Rainwater channel排洪沟Flood trench下水道Sewer下水道检查井Sewer manhole明沟Open channel热力管沟Heating trench草坪Lawn树木,乔木Tree灌木Shrub花坛Flower bed防火距离Fire protection distance抗(地)震Aseismatic抗振动Anti-vibration防振动Vibration-proof防爆Explosion proof防酸Acid-proof防尘Dust-proof经济专业有关词汇Words concerning economy概算Budgetary estimate预算Budget决算Final accounts估算Estimation估价Cost estimate价、费、成本Cost价格Price成本核算Cost keeping投资Investment投资费、基建费Capital cost工程费Construction cost安装费Cost of installation不可预见费Unpredicted cost额外费用Extra cost设备费Cost of equipment单价Unit price出厂价格Factory price市场价格Market price运费Freight关税Customs duty兑换率Foreign exchange人民币Rate of exchange外汇人民币(RMB)外汇兑换卷Foreign exchange certificate美元U.S. dollar日元Japanese yen港元Hongkong dollar英镑Pound sterling西德马克DM法国法郎 F.F瑞士法郎S.F.荷兰盾H.FL卢布Ruble总图Site plan基址图Site plot总体规划图Master plan位置图Location map发展规划图Development planning长远规划图Long-term planning总平面图及竖向布置图Site plan and verticalarrangement土方工程图Earth-work drawing土方累计图Mass diagram土方累计曲线Mass curve围墙结构构造图Structural construction chart offence wall道路结构构造图Structural construction chart ofroad道路纵剖面图Road profile道路横剖面图Cross section of road室外管线平面图Outdoor pipeline plan道路和堆放场构造图Construction of road and storageyard工厂组成表Factory composition table工厂区划图Factory blocking地形图Topographical map工厂区,工业区Industrial district工业发展区Industrial development area生活区Residential area, living area商业区Commercial area厂区面积Site area建筑面积Floor area建筑占地面积Built-up area铺砌面积Paving area使用面积Usable floor area有效面积Effective floor space建筑总面积Total floor area建筑各层面积Floor space of each story容积率Building volume ratio利用系数,利用率Utilization factor方位,朝向Orientation结构面积Structural area通道面积Passage area道路及广场面积Area of roads and plaza建筑系数Building occupation coefficient 绿化系数Landscaping factor建筑密度Building density城市规划City planning住宅区方案Residential district planning住宅小区Living quarters总建筑基地面积Gross site area人行道Pedestrian-way行车道Traffic line露天堆放场Storage yard街道交叉处的转盘道Turnaround停车区Parking area停车道Parking lane围墙Fence wall钢丝网围墙Wire-net fence绿化地带Green belt草坪Lawn花坛Flower bed旗杆座Flag-pole stand预留发展地Space for furture extension边线,界线Border line建筑红线Red line安全距离Sfety distance防火间隔Fire break纵坐标Ordinate横坐标Abscissa基准点Datum mark水准基点Bench mark地区水准点Regional bench mark标高Level相对标高Relative elevation设计标高Designed elevation室外地面标高Elevation of ground室外道路标高Road level室外散水标高Outdoor water discharge level 室内地坪标高Elevation of indoor grade绝对标高Absolute altitude等高线Contour line道路纵剖面Profile of road道路横剖面Cross section of road道路交叉点标高Elevation of road intersection 高差Elevation difference土方Earth work土方工程量V olume of earthwork土方平衡表Earthwork balance sheet填土高度Height of filling余土Surplus earth缺土Earth to回填Backfill洼地Depression坡度Inclination坡道Ramp阶梯地面Terraced ground中整场地Site leveling运土Transported soil砂石移运Detritus transport人工填土Artificial fill台阶式挖土法Bench method台阶式挖掘Bench excavation平衡挖填Balance of cuts and fills借土挖方Borrow cut借土填方Borrow fill超挖Overbreak超填Overfill挡土板Lagging挡墙,板桩Bulkhead原状土样Undisturbed soil sample重塑土样Remolded sample爆破工程Explosion work管道Pipeline架空管道Overhead piping地下管道Underground piping管道系统Piping system埋管深度Pipe laying depth城市给水City water supply热力管道Heating pipe line工艺管道Process pipe line氧气管道Oxygen pipe line雨水明沟Rainwater channel下水道Sewer下水道检查井Sewer manhole明沟Ditch, open drain涵洞Culvert边沟Gutter截流井Catch basin给水井Feed well集水井Collecting well室外管沟Outdoor trench排洪沟Flood trench建筑Architecture建筑工程说明General notes建筑草图Architectural sketch建筑透视图Perspective室内装修表Room finish schedule建筑阴影(投影)图Architectural shades andshadows建筑渲染图Architectural rendering1号建筑一层平面布置图Fist floor plan, building No.1屋面平面图Roof plan1号建筑立面图Elevation, building No.11号建筑剖面图Section, building No.1A-A剖面图Section A-A门厅吊顶平面图Entrance hall suspend ceilingplan铝合金门窗,幕墙图Drawing of aluminium door,window and glazing curtain wall 1号建筑一层吊顶平面图Suspended ceiling plan, first wall 一层吊顶平面图Suspended ceiling plan电梯井道平面放大图Enlarged plan of elevator shaft 楼梯平面图Stair plan砖墙节点详图Brick wall joint detail统一建筑详图Uniform architectural details建筑构件表List of architectural components 1号建筑节点详图Joint detail, building No.1办公大楼Office building装配大楼Assembly building配变电站Substation, transformer station 冷冻站Chiller station纯水站Pure water station去离子水站Deionized water station动力站Utility station乙炔发生站Acetylene generation station压缩空气站Compressor station配气站Gas distribution station煤气发生站Gas generation station热力站Heat energy station液化厂油气站Liquefied petroleum gas station 氧气站Oxygen氮氧站Nitrogen-oxygen station冷却塔Cooling tower微波站Microwave station洗涤塔Scrubber污水处理站Sewage treatment station氢氧发生站Hydrogen and oxygen station锅炉房Boiler house热交换站Heat exchanger station走廊Corridor外廊Open corridor门廊Porch净化走道Purified corridor参观走道Viewing corridor服务走道Service corridor缓冲走道Buffer corridor门厅Entrance hall前厅Lobby出口Exit入口Entrance雇员入口Employee entrance行政人员入口Staff entrance办公室Office开敞式办公室Open office行政办公室Administration office经理办公室Manager office秘书办公室Secretary office助理办公室Assistant office人事办公室Personnel office财务办公室Financial office会计室Counter’s room总务室General affair office收发货办公室Receiving and shipping office 会议室Meeting room会客室Reception room展览室Demonstration room医务室Clinic值班室Duty room图书室Library资料室Information center数据中心Data center食堂Canteen厨房Kitchen餐厅Dining room备餐室Food preparation room茶室Tea room咖啡室Coffee room休息室Break room酒吧Bar洗手间Wash room盥洗室Toilet男厕所Men’s女厕所Women’s更衣室Changing room淋浴室Shower room保安中心Security center储存室Store开水间Kettle room实验室Laboratory产品开发实验室Development laboratory维修间Maintenance room仓库Store原材料仓库Raw material store成品仓库Finished product store备件存放间Parts store材料入检Incoming goods inspection发货区Shipping area化学品存放间Chemical store维修备件存放间Maintenance parts store水泵房Water pump room空调设备室Air handling units room电梯间Elevator room锅炉房Boiler room楼梯间Staircase room车间Workshop辅助车间Auxiliary workshop机械加工车间Mechanical process workshop 锻工车间Blacksmith shop冲压车间Press shop焊接车间Welding shop电镀车间Electroplating shop;钳工车间Fitter shop机修车间Machine repairing shop金工车间Smith shop装配车间Assembly shop包装车间Packing shop烧结车间Sintering shop工具间Tools room洁净室Clean room净化厂房Purified factory微波暗室Anechoic chamber拉丝区Drawing area耐火构造Fire resisting construction建筑耐火等级Fire resistance rating of building 饿抵抗能够耐火时限Rated fire-resistance duration耐火极限Limited of fire resistance开间Bay进深Depth柱网Column grid柱列轴线Axis of column row墙Wall外墙external wall内墙Internal wall隔墙Wall partition砖墙Brick wall空斗墙Row lock wall抹面墙Rendered wall空心墙Hollow wall混凝土砌块墙Concrete block wall承重墙Bearing wall非承重墙Non-bearing wall剪力墙Shear wall围护墙Cladding wall挡土墙Earth-retaining wall背墙Back wall胸墙Breast wall地龙墙Sleeper wall幕墙Curtain wall山墙Gable wall女儿墙Parapet砖压顶女儿墙Brick-cap parapet玻璃隔墙Glazed partition隔断Shower stall活动隔断Movable partition防火墙Fire proof wall抗震墙Earthquake resisting wall地面和楼面面层Ground and floor surface course 现浇混凝土楼面Cast-in-place concrete floor水泥沙浆楼面Cement mortar floor现浇水磨石楼面Cast-in-site terrazzo floor块料楼面Block flooring砖楼面Brick floor预制混凝土块楼面Precut concrete block floor预制水磨石楼面Precut terrazzo floor人造大理石楼面Manu marble block floor碎拼大理石楼面Filler broken-marble floor缸砖楼面Clinker floor马赛克楼面Mosaic tile floor镶嵌楼面Floor inlaid拼花楼面Mosaic pavement水泥花砖楼面Cement tile floor水泥压光Cement troweled塑料面Plastic floor纤维板楼面Hard board floor胶合板楼面Glued slab floor无缝楼面Jointless floor叠层楼面Laminated floor供形楼面Arched floor抗静电活动地板Anti-static movable floor活动地板支架Support of movable floor有吊顶的楼板Double floor人造石铺面Granolithic finish玻璃钢面Glassfiber floor拼花花岗岩Granite floor地砖Floor tile防滑砖Non-slip tile抗静电铝合金地面Anti-static aluminium alloy floor 地毯Carpet踢脚Skirting木踢脚Wooded skirtingPVC踢脚PVC skirting玻璃钢踢脚Fiber glass skirting水泥踢脚Cement skirting门Door木门Wooded door钢门Steel door钢丝网门Chain ink铁门Iron door玻璃门Glazed door组合门Composite door两面包铁皮门Door clad with sheet iron onboth sides内门Internal door外门External door大门Gate防火门Fire resisting door隔声门Sound proof door保温门Thermal insulation door冷藏门Cooler door太平门Emergency door安全门Exit door防爆门Explosion proof door防护门Protection door屏蔽门Shield door防射线门Rediation resisting door防风砂门Weather tight door密闭门Sealed door泄压门Pressure release door壁橱门Closet door引风门Ventilation door平开门Side hung door单开门Single action door双向门Double action door双扇门Double action door双扇对开门Double hinged door单开或双开弹簧门Single or double acting door 双开弹簧门Swing door推拉门Sliding door竖向推拉门Vertical sliding door隔栅推拉门Sliding grating door折门According door套叠门Telescoping door水平翻门Trap door卷门Rolling door转门Revolving door自动门Automatic door法式门French door固定门Fixed door夹板门Plywood door镶板门Paneled door平板玻璃门Plate glass door隔栅门Grille door百叶门Shutter door连窗门Door with side window空心门Hollow door窗Window木窗Wooded window钢窗Steel window铝合金窗Aluminium alloy window 塑料窗Plastic framed window纱窗Screen window供窗Arch window凸窗Bay window凹窗Bow window圆窗Round window方窗Square window多角窗Canted window无框格窗Sashless window防火窗Fire resisting window隔声窗Sound proof window保温窗Heat insulation window间隔窗Partition window防护窗Protection window安全窗Security window屏蔽窗Shield window防射线窗Rediation resisting window防风沙窗Weather tight window密闭窗Sealed window泄压窗Pressure release window换气窗Vent sash假窗Blank window陈列橱窗Display window扩散窗Diffuse window平开窗Side hung window右(左)开平窗Side hung right (left) handwindow内开平窗Inward opening window推拉窗Sliding window垂直推拉窗Vertically sliding window旋转窗Pivoted window自动开窗Automatic window折叠窗Folding window固定窗Fixed window单层窗Single window双层窗Double window三层窗Triple window山墙窗Gable window边窗Side light腰窗Fanlight带窗Continuous window子母扇窗Attached sash window组合窗Composite window落地窗French window带纱扇窗Window with screen sash固定百叶窗Louver window遮阳式窗Awning window卷帘百叶窗Rolling shutter天窗Skylight上框Head边框Jamb中横框Transom中竖框Mullion下框Sill窗框Sash frame上梃Top rail中梃Middle rail下梃Bottow rail边梃Stile风雨板Weather board挡风雨条Weather strip窗帘Window blind窗铁栅Window guard窗插梢Sash bolt拉手Handle铰链Hinge可拆铰链Loose joint窗开关调节器Window adjuster地弹簧Floor spring门弹弓Door closer-spring 门锁Door latch with lock 推拉门滑轨Sliding door rail门销Door bolt暗门锁Dormant bolt门锁Door lock单元门锁Unit lock磁卡门锁Card lock推拉把手Push and pull brace 门推板Push plate踢板Kick plate定门器Door stop闭门器Door closer弹子锁Night latch转轴Pivot门链条Door chain插锁Mortise lock钥匙孔板Key plate钥匙孔盖Key hole escutcheon 气窗联动开关Window gearing手动开关器Hand opener电动开关器Electric opener。



建筑给水排水基本术语中英对照翻译(中德工程建筑设施智能技术093132 张伟)1、给水工程water supply engineering 原水的取集和处理以及成品水输配的工程。

2、排水工程sewerage ,wastewater engineering 收集、输送、处理和处置废水的工程。

3、给水系统water supply system 给水的取水、输水、水质处理和配水等设施以一定方式组合成的总体。

4、排水系统sewerage system 排水的收集、输送、水质处理和排放等设施以一定方式组合成的总体。

5、给水水源water source 给水工程所取用的原水水体。

6、原水raw water 由水源地取来的原料水。

7、地表水surface water 存在于地壳表面,暴露于大气的水。

8、地下水ground water 存在于地壳岩石裂缝或土壤空隙中的水。

9、苦咸水(碱性水) brackish water ,alkaline water 碱度大于硬度的水,并含大量中性盐,PH值大于7。

10、淡水fresh water 含盐量小于500mg/L的水。

11、冷却水cooling water 用以降低被冷却对象温度的水。

12、废水wastewater 居民活动过程中排出的水及径流雨水的总称。


13、污水sewage ,wastewater 受一定污染的来自生活和生产的排出水。

14、用水量water consumption 用水对象实际使用的水量。

15、污水量wastewater flow ,sewage flow 排水对象排入污水系统的水量。

16、用水定额water flow norm 对不同的排水对象,在一定时期内制订相对合理的单位排水量的数值。

17、排水定额wastewater flow norm 对不同的排水对象,在一定时期内制订相对合理的单位排水量的数值。
















含水层可延伸相当深度), but because the weight ofoverburden material generally closes pore spaces(但因为地层负荷过重会压缩(封闭、关闭)土壤孔隙,深度超过600m,即2000英寸,就基本找不到地下水了。


The flow of water out of a soil can be illustrated using Figure 1(土壤中水流如图1所示). The flow rate must be proportional to the area through which flow occurs times the velocity(流量与流水面积成比例,流经该土壤面积的流量等于面积与速率成的乘积), orQ=AvWhere(此式中)Q=flow rate , in m3/sec(流量,单位为m3/s)【cubic meter per second】A=area of porous material through which flow occurs, in m2(渗透性土壤的流水断面,单位为m2)v=superficial velocity, in m/sec(表观流速(表面流速),单位为m/s)表观流速当然不是水在土壤中流动的真实速度,因为土壤固体颗粒所占据的体积大大地降低了水流通过的空间。



UNIT 1给水工程water supply engineering 排水工程sewetage engineering市政工程civil engineering市政工程师civil engineer环境工程environmental engineering 水文学hydrology水力学hydranlies水环境natural aquatic environment 流域watershed水体waterbody地表水surface water新鲜水freshwater地下水groundwater含水层aquifer天然含水层natural aquifer地下含水层underground aquifer水文循环natural hydrologic cycle 渗滤infiltration降水precipitation渗入precolation蒸发evaporation蒸腾transpiration城市水文循环urban hydrologic cycle 水源water source水资源water resource取水water withdrawal水处理water treatment配水water distribution用水water use污水wastewater废水abwasser废水收集wastewater collection废水处理wastewater disposal受纳水体receiving waters污染pollution pollute污染物pollntant玷污、污染contamination致污物contaminant未污染uncontaminated水污染water pollution水污染控制water pollution control水污染防治water pollution prevention污水回用wastewater reuseUNIT 2水短缺water scarcity地表水资源surface water resource管网Pipe Network供水系统water supply system市政配水系统municipal distribution system建筑给水系统house water supply system分区供水系统dual distribution system小区micro district小社区small community冷水供水系统cold water supply system热水供水系统hot water supply system消防系统fire protection system喷淋系统fire protection sprinkler system自动水幕系统automatic drencher system半自动水幕系统semi automatic drencher system消火栓hydrant排水系统drainage system生活排水系统sanitary system工业排水系统industrial system雨水排水系统stormwater system合流制combined sewers分流制separate sewers建筑排水系统building drainage system卫生洁具plumbing fixtures卫浴设备bathroom fixtures输水系统water transmission system漏水率leakage rate配水系统water distribution system环状管网grid system支状管网branching system下水管道sanitary sewer污水节流管intercepting sewer污水节流系统intercepting sewer system污水节流井sewage intercepting cell支管collection sewer collector sewer生活污水sanitary sewagedomestic sewagedomestic wastewater工业污水industrial wastewater工业污水/液/物industrial wastes农业用水agricultural wastewater/wastes雨水rainwater stormwater水位waterlevel海拔、标高elevation坡度grade倾斜度slope明渠Open channel开挖excavation深度excavation depth水力分析hydraulic analysis水头pressure head总水头total headUnit 3 水头损失Head loss速度头动压头Velocity head静压Static head摩擦水头Friction head水力坡度线Hydranlic grade line 重力流Gravity flow水塔Water castle贮水箱Cistern泵站Pump station给水泵站Water pump station污水泵站Sewage station提升泵站Lift pumping plant增压泵Booster pump离心泵Centrifugal pump潜水泵Submer sible pump潜水艇Submerine深井泵Well pump虹吸虹吸管Siphon人孔Manhole法兰Flange阀门Valve闸阀Gate valve泵送系统Pumping system流量Flow rate流速Fluid velocity 层流Laminar flow滞流粘性流viscous flow过渡流Transitional flow湍流Turbulent flow紊流Turbulence flow涡流Eddying flow雷诺数Teynolds number水质Water guality水源Water sources供水水源Water supples原水Raw water未处理水Untreated water出水Finished water原水水质Raw-water quality水质标准Water quality standards水质要求Water quality requirements饮用水Drink water\potable water自来水Tap water纯水Pure water饮用水标准Drinking water standards饮用水一级标Primary drinking water standards最大允许浓度Maxmum permissible levelsmaxmum allowable levels最大污染物浓度Maxmum contaminant levels主要污染物Primary contaminants有机化合物Organic chemicals合成有机化合物Synthetic organic chemicals挥发性有机化合物V olatile organic ohemicals无机化合物Inorganic chemical微生物Micro organisms\microbes微生物污染Microbial contaminants病原微生物Pathogenic micro organisms病原体Pathogenic病毒Pathogenic bacterin细菌Bacteria大肠杆菌Coliform bacteria病毒Viruses藻类Algae浊度Turbidity放射性Radionuclide感官性状Esthetic qualities审美Esthetic味Taste嗅Odo色Colour变色Discolouration变色Discolor水质物理参数Physical parameters of water quality水的物理性质Physical quality of water浊度值Turbidity values浊度单位Turdidity unit浑浊单位Turdid嗅阈值Threshold odor number化学性质Chemical quality水质化学参数Chemical parameters of water quality溶解氧Dissolved oxygen (DO)溶解氧浓度Do level溶解氧平衡Do balance氧损Oxygen depletion有机污染物Organic pollutant生化需氧量Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)总氮Total nitrogen (TN)总凯式氮Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN)悬浮固体Suspended solids (SS)总悬浮固体Total suspended solids (TSS)溶解Dissolved (DS)总溶解Total dissolved (TDS)Unit 4溶解的铁和锰Dissolved iron and manganese硬度Hardness碱度Alkalinity盐度Salinity有害物质Toxic and hazardous materials氰化物Cyanides急性毒性Acute toxity慢性毒性Chronic toxity基因毒性Genetic toxicity基因Gene难降解有机化合物Refractory organic chemicals 永久性有机污染物Persistent organic pollutants 致癌化学性Carcinogenic chemicals三卤甲烷Trihalo methanes卤素Halogen甲基Methyl氯仿Trichloromethane三氯甲烷Chloroform杀虫剂农药Pesticide害虫Pest杀虫剂Insecticide除草剂Herbicide杀菌剂Germicide细菌Germ防腐剂Preservative 保证Preserve清洗剂Cleaning agent洗涤剂Detergent发泡剂Foaming agent泡沫Foam化肥Fertilizer肥沃的Fertile富营养化Eutrophication营养的Trophic营养水平Trophic level生态位NicheUnit 5原污水Raw sewage原废水Raw wastes处理水Treated wastes回用水Redaimed water水处理过程Water processing收集Collect处置Dispose处理方法Treatment method处理费用Treatment costs处理单元Treatment process运行模式Operational mode间歇处理方式Batch treatment approach均匀均化Equalization均匀Equalize调蓄水池Equalization storage调节池Equalization tank蓄水池Storage tank降解Degrade分解Decompose分离Separate隔离Separation物理法Physical process物理处理Physical treatment物理处理过程Physical treatment process一级处理Primary treatment初步处理Preliminary treatment格栅筛滤Screening格栅Screen格栅Bar screen栅条Bars钢栅条Steel bars渣耙Cleaning rakes圆形破碎机Circular grinder破碎Grind除砂Degritting砂Grit沙Sand除砂Grit removal沉砂池Grit chamber沉淀Settling沉淀池Settling tank澄清池Clarifier初澄清池Primary clarifier初沉池Primary settling tank一级出水Primary effluent二级处理Secondary treatment二级处理工艺Secondary treatment process生物处理Biological treatment二澄清池Secondary clarifier二沉池Secondary settling tank最终澄清池Final clarifier最终沉淀池Final settling tank二级出水Secondary effluent三级处理Tertiary treatment深度处理Advanced treatment废水消毒Waste disinfection出流出水Effluent flow允许浓度Allowable levels优异出水High-quality polished effluent废水处理厂Wastewater treatment plant污水处理厂Sewage treatment plant二级处理厂Secondary treatment plant城市污水处理Municipal wastewater treatment市政工程Municipal engineering土木工程Civil engineering城市污水处理厂Municipal wastewater treatment plant 污水处理能力Sewage treatment capacity电容Capacitance污水处理设施Municipal treatment facilities 多反应器设施Multi-reactor facility处理池Treatment tank负荷Load负荷Loadings水力负荷Hydrautic loading污染负荷Pollutant load有机负荷Organic load无机负荷Inorganic load不含化肥、农药无机的Unorganic周期性负荷Periodic(intermitlent) loading 第五部分:物化处理1.混凝n. coagulation混凝过程coagulation process化学混凝chemical coagulation凝聚n. aggregation絮凝n. flocculationv. flocculate异向絮凝perikinetic flocculation同向絮凝orthokinetic flocculation混凝剂n. coagulant混凝剂投量coagulant dosage烧杯实验jar test最佳混凝剂投量optimum coagulant dosage助凝剂coagulant aid助凝剂flocculation aid聚电解质n. polyelectrolytes快速混合flash-mix ,rapid-mix快速混合器flash mixer ,rapid mixer混合池mixer tank快速混合池flash-mix tank絮凝器n. flocculator絮凝池flocculation tank固体接触池solids-contact tank澄清n. clarificationv. clarify澄清池n. clarifier高负荷澄清池high rate clarifier澄清水clarifying water2.沉淀n. sedimentation沉降n. sedimentation自由沉降plain settling拥挤沉降hindered settling重力沉降gravity settling沉淀池settling tank沉淀池,沉降池sedimentation tank矩形沉淀池rectangular settling tank圆形沉淀池circular settling tank管式沉淀池tube settler斜管沉淀池steeply inclined tube settler板式沉淀池parallel-plate settler板式沉淀池plate separator气浮n. floatation泡沫分离foam separation溶气气浮dissolved-air floatation气浮池floatation tank表面撇渣装置surface-skimming device撇去v. skim浮渣n. scum浮渣槽scum trough刮泥机sludge scraper排泥sludge drawoffsludge withdrawal预沉淀n. presedimentation预沉淀池presedimentation basin3.过滤n. filtration滤池n. filter慢滤池slow filter快滤池rapid filter高速(负荷)滤池high rate filter 砂滤池sand filter慢砂滤池slow sand filter快砂滤池rapid sand filter重力滤池gravity filter压力滤池pressure filter过滤介质,滤料filter medium石英砂silica sand无烟煤n. anthracite硅藻土diatomaceous earth 煤—砂滤床coal-sand beds多层滤料multilayered media混合滤料mixed media双层滤料滤池dual media filter 双层滤池two-layer filter粗滤料coarse media细滤料fine media助滤剂filter aid滤后水,滤出水filtered water滤后水,滤池出水filter effluent 滤前水,滤池进水filter influent 浊度穿透turbidity breakthrough过滤周期filter cycle清洗周期cleaning cycle刮砂法scraping method表面刮砂surface scraping反冲洗backwashing水力反冲洗hydraulic backwashing 水力反冲洗hydraulic backwash水力分级hydraulic grading 4.消毒n. disinfectionv. disinfect消毒剂n. disinfectantdisinfection agent杀菌剂n. germicide消毒过程disinfection process消毒副产物disinfection by-products氯化n. chlorinationv. chlorinate氯化水chlorinated water预氯化n. prechlorination氯化消毒副产物by-products of chlorination化学消毒剂chemical disinfectants液氯liquid chlorine ,liquefied chlorine氯胺n. chloramines次氯酸盐hypochlorites次氯酸钠sodium hypochlorite二氧化氯chlorine dioxide臭氧n. ozone臭氧化,臭氧消毒n. ozonation臭氧化v. ozonate紫外线(UV) ultraviolet radiation (UV)伽马射线gamma radiation灭活n. inactivationv. inactivate接触时间contact time需氯量chlorine demand加氯量,投氯量chlorine dosage ,applied chlorine自由氯,游离氯free chlorine ,free available chlorine化合氯combined chlorine剩余保护residual protection余氯residual chlorine余氯量chlorine residual自由余氯free residual chlorine自由氯余量free chlorine residual化合余氯combined residual chlorine化合氯余量combined chlorine residuals折点氯化(法)breakpoint chlorination折点氯化曲线breakpoint chlorination curve折点加氯量breakpoint dosage氯折点chlorine breakpoint压力钢瓶pressured steel cylinder臭氧发生器ozone generator需臭氧量ozone demand剩余臭氧量ozone residual剩余臭氧residual ozone致病微生物,病源微生物pathogenic microorganisms病原体n. pathogens致病细菌或病毒pathogenic bacteria or viruses细菌n. bacteria大肠杆菌coliform bacteria阿米巴氏菌amoebic cysts孢子,芽孢n. spores病毒n. viruses藻类n. algae原生动物n. protozoa5.氧化n. oxidation还原n. reduction氧化剂n. oxidant强氧化剂strong oxidizing agent高级氧化法(AOP) advanced oxidation process 高级氧化工艺(AOP) advanced oxidation process 高级氧化过程(AOP) advanced oxidation process 高级氧化技术(AOT)advanced oxidation technology6.吸附n. adsorption活性炭(AC) activated carbon粉末炭(PAC) powdered activated carbon粒状炭(GAC) granular activated carbon颗粒活性炭(GAC) granular activated carbon活性炭纤维(ACF) activated carbon fiber再生n. regenerationv. regenerate吸附剂n. adsorbent吸附质n. adsorbate吸附塔,吸附柱adsorption column吸附床adsorption bed空床接触时间empty bed contact time吸附带mass transfer zone快速小柱试验rapid small scale column test生物活性炭(BAC) biological activated carbon7.离子交换n. ion exchange离子交换树脂ion exchange resin离子交换器ion exchanger离子交换柱ion exchange column硬度n. hardness除硬hardness removal软化n. softeningv. soften化学软化chemical softening沉淀软化precipitation softening除盐,脱盐n. desaltinationv. desalt去矿化n. demineralizationv. demineralize离子交换软化法ion exchange softening process离子交换除盐法ion exchange desalting process复床combined bed混合床mixed bed8.膜分离membrane separation微滤n. microfiltration超滤n. hyperfiltration纳滤n. nanofiltration反渗透reverse osmosis渗透n. osmosis半透膜semipermeable membrane电渗析n. electrodialysis渗析n. dialysis9.其它处理方法中和n. neutralizationv. neutralize酸性废水acidic wastes化学沉淀chemical precipitation沉淀软化precipitation softening电解n. electrolysis电除盐(EDI) n. electrodeionization吹脱、汽提法n. stripping冷却n. cooling冷却水cooling water冷却塔cooling tower第六部分生物处理生物反应器n. bioreactor微生物n.microorganismsn.microbes微生物种群microbial population混合群落mixed communities细菌n. bacteria原生动物n. protozoa真菌n. fungi轮虫n. rotifers生长n. growth繁殖n. reproduction世代时间generation time生长速率growth rates环境因子environmental factors生态因子ecological factors微生物生长动力学microbial growth kinetics1.迟滞期lag phase2.对数生长期exponential-growth phase3.减速生长期decling growth phase稳定期stationary phase4. 内源呼吸阶段endogenous stage内源生长期endogenous growth phase内源呼吸endogenous respiration底物,基质n. substrate底物(基质)利用substrate utilization生物量n. biomass生物反应biological reaction生物氧化biological oxidation生物降解n. biodegradation生物降解性n. biodegradability生物可降解的,可生物降解的 a. biodegradable不可生物降解的 a. nonbiodegradable生物处理biological treatment废水生物处理biological wastewater treatment废水生物处理系统biological wastewater treatment system污水生物处理系统biological sewage treatment system生物处理法biological treatment process生物处理装置biological treatment unit串联in series悬浮生长处理法suspended-growth treatment processes 生物固体biological solids活性污泥activated sludge附着生长处理法attached-growth treatment processes 附着的微生物attached microbes微生物附着生长attached microbial growth生物膜n. biofilm代谢n. metabolismv. metabolize稳定,稳定化n. stabilizationv. stabilize生物代谢biological metabolism微生物代谢microbial metabolism好氧的 a. aerobic好氧菌aerobic bacteria好氧微生物aerobic microorganisms好氧氧化aerobic oxidation厌氧的 a. anaerobic厌氧菌anaerobic bacteria厌氧氧化anaerobic oxidation兼性的 a. facultative兼性菌facultative bacteria好氧环境aerobic environment厌氧环境anaerobic environment营养物n. nutrients无机营养物inorganic nutrients营养物去除nutrient removal营养物生物去除biological nutrient removal脱氮除磷nitrogen and phosphorus removal生物硝化biological nitrification硝化菌nitrifying bacteria生物反硝化,生物脱氮biological denitrification生物除磷biological phosphorus removal1.活性污泥法activated sludge process微生物n. microorganisms n. microbes细菌n. bacteria生物絮体biological floc微生物絮体microbial floc活性污泥activated sludge絮状活性污泥flocculate-bacterial sludge回流活性污泥(RAS)returned activated sludge回流污泥returned sludge回流污泥recycled sludge剩余污泥excess sludge废活性污泥(W AS)waste activated sludge废污泥waste sludge曝气池aeration tank曝气池aeration basin曝气池aeration chamber完全混合曝气池completely mixed aeration basin活性污泥池activated sludge tank曝气n. aeration混合n. mixing曝气系统aeration system曝气器n. aerator压缩空气compressed air空气压缩机,空压机air compressor鼓风机,风机n. blower循环/切换n. cycling/switchover扩散装置,扩散器n. diffuser空气扩散装置,空气扩散器air diffuser鼓泡空气扩散装置(扩散器)bubble air diffuser微气泡扩散装置(扩散器)fine-bubble diffuser扩散板plate diffuser扩散管tube diffuser扩散罩dome diffuser微气泡扩散曝气fine-bubble diffused aeration微气泡fine-bubble大气泡coarse-bubble静态混合器static mixer机械曝气系统mechanical aeration systems机械曝气mechanical aeration表面曝气surface aeration表面曝气器surface aerator需氧量oxygen demand供气量air supply氧转移效率oxygen tansfer efficiency可沉降固体settleable solids挥发性固体volatile solids非挥发性固体nonvolatile solids挥发性悬浮固体(VSS) volatile suspended solids混合液mixed liquor混合液悬浮固体(MLSS) mixed liquor suspended solids混合液挥发性悬浮固体(MLVSS) mixed liquor volatile suspended solids污泥沉降比(SV) settling velocity污泥容积指数(SVI) sludge volume index比耗氧速率(SOUR) specific oxygen uptake rate污泥龄sludge age曝气池容积aeration tank volume曝气时间aeration period曝气时间aeration time水力停留时间(HRT) hydraulic residence time水力负荷hydraulic loadingBOD负荷BOD loading普通活性污泥法conventional activated sludge process 传统活性污泥法conventional activated sludge process 标准活性污泥法standard activated sludge process传统活性污泥厂conventional activated sludge plant阶段曝气活性污泥step aeration activated sludge process分段v. step进水负荷influent load分段进水step loading渐减v. taper渐减曝气tapered aeration接触稳定活性污泥法contact stabilization activated sludge process再曝气n. reaeration曝气—沉淀—再曝气aeration-sedimentation-reaeration完全好氧处理法complete aerobic treatment process高负荷(完全混合)活性污泥法high-rate (completely mixed) activated sludge process延时曝气活性污泥法extended aeration activated sludge process延时曝气法extended aeration process延时曝气extended aeration氧化沟oxidation ditch水平转刷horizontal rotor转刷曝气rotor aeration笼型转刷caged rotor吸附—生物降解工艺(AB法)adsorption-biodegradation process序批式活性污泥法(SBR法) sequencing batch reactor(SBR) process、序批式活性污泥法(SBR法) sequential batch reactor(SBR) processSBR法SBR process序批式反应器(SBR) sequencing batch reactor (SBR)序批式反应器(SBR) sequential batch reactor初沉primary clarification曝气n. aeration二沉secondary clarification初沉池primary clarifier二沉池secondary clarifier泵送系统pumping system活性污泥法activated sludge process变体n. variantSBR运行周期SBR cycle处理周期process cycle进水阶段fill phase进水阀influent valve反应阶段react phase沉淀阶段settle phase清水,上清液clear water上清液n. supernatant排水阶段draw phase滗水阶段decant phase滗水装置decant mechanism闲置阶段,待机阶段idle phase营养物去除nutrient removal营养物生物去除biological nutrient removal碳源carbon source硝化n. nitrificationv. nitrify硝化菌nitrifying bacteria反硝化n. denitrificationv. denitrify脱氮n. denitrification生物反硝化,生物脱氮biological denitrification缺氧—好氧脱氮工艺(A/O法)anoxic-oxic process厌氧—缺氧—好氧法(A2/O法) anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic processA-A-O法同步脱氮除磷工艺anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic process脱氮除磷nitrogen and phosphorus removal厌氧氨氧化(ANAMMOX)anaerobic ammonium oxidation生物除磷biological phosphorus removal膜生物反应器(MBR)membrane biological reactor2.生物膜法生物膜n. biofilm生物膜反应器biofilm reactor生物滤池n. biofilter生物过滤n. biofiltration旋转布水器rotary sprinkler填料n. packings塑料管状或蜂窝状填料plastic tubular or honeycomb-shaped packings滴滤池trickling filter普通生物滤池trickling filter高负荷生物滤池high-rate filter塔式生物滤池tower biofilter曝气生物滤池(BAF) biological aerated filter生物转盘法biodisc process生物转盘rotating biological contactor生物转盘n. biodisc塑料盘片plastic discs轻质盘片lightweight discs水平轴horizontal shaft生物粘液biological slime粘液层slime layer生物流化床biological fluidized bedbiological fluidised bed生物流化床反应器fluidized-bed bioreactor移动床生物膜反应器(MBBR)moving-bed biofilm reactor3.厌氧生物处理发酵n. fermentationv. fermentate产酸细菌n. acidogens产甲烷细菌n. methanogens产酸阶段acidogenic phase产甲烷阶段methanogenic phase水解n. hydrolysisv. hydrolysis产酸发酵acidogenic fermentation产氢产乙酸H2-producing acetogenesis产甲烷methanogenesis产酸菌acid formers产甲烷菌methane formers ,methane-forming bacteria有机酸organic acids挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs) volatile fatty acids硫酸盐还原sulfate reduction硫酸盐还原菌sulfate-reducing bacteria上流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)upflow anaerobic sludge blanket上升流速upflow velocity厌氧折流板反应器(ABR)anaerobic baffled reactor两段或两级厌氧生物处理two-stage anaerobicbiotreatment两相厌氧生物处理two-phase anaerobic biotreatment产酸相acidogenic phase产甲烷相methanogenic phase消化n. digestionv. digest消化池n. digestor厌氧消化anaerobic digestion污泥消化sludge digestion厌氧消化池anaerobic digestor厌氧接触法anaerobic contact process厌氧膨胀床反应器anaerobic expanded-bed reactor厌氧流化床反应器anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor厌氧生物转盘anaerobic rotating biological contactor 4.自然生物处理系统自然净化系统natural purification system稳定塘stabilization pondsstabilization lagoons氧化塘oxidation ponds土地处理系统land treatment systems废水土地处理land treatment of wastewater净化过程purification process自然净化natural purification污水塘sewage lagoon稳定塘stabilization pondsstabilization lagoons氧化塘oxidation ponds好氧塘aerobic pond兼性塘facultative pond好氧生化反应aerobic biochemical reaction厌氧生化反应anaerobic biochemical reaction 厌氧分解anaerobic decomposition厌氧分解decompose anaerobically好氧稳定aerobic stabilization细菌n. bacteria藻类n. algae微型植物microscopic plants出流,出水effluent flow光合作用n. photosynthesis厌氧塘anaerobic pond曝气塘aerated pond修饰塘polishing pond熟化塘maturation lagoon深度处理塘advanced treatment pond三级处理塘tertiary treatment pond土地处理工艺(过程)land treatment processes关键因素critical factors土壤类型soil type气候n. climate土地处理系统land treatment systems慢速土地处理系统slow rate land treatment system低负荷土地处理系统low-rate land treatment system三级处理水平tertiary treatment level灌溉n. irrigationv. irrigate土壤的天然过滤和吸附性质natural filtration and adsorption properties of soil投配的废水applied wastewater垄—沟表面布水ridge-and-furrow surface spreading喷洒布水系统,喷灌布水系统sprinkler systems快速渗滤土地处理系统rapid infiltration landtreatment system渗滤—渗透土地处理infiltration-percolation landtreatment快速渗滤rapid infiltration快速渗滤法rapid infiltration method过滤作用filtering action吸附作用adsorption action地表漫流土地处理系统overland flow land treatment system地表漫流overland flow径流集水沟runoff collection ditch物理、化学和生物过程physical , chemical , and biological processes湿地n. wetland天然湿地natural wetland人工湿地constructed wetlandman-made wetland第七部分:污泥处理、处置与利用污泥n. sludge生活污水污泥sewage sludge污泥体积,污泥量sludge volume原污泥,生污泥raw sludge新鲜污泥,生污泥fresh sludge消化污泥,熟污泥digested sludge混合污泥mixed sludge污泥处理sludge treatment污泥处置sludge disposal最终处置ultimate disposal填埋n. landfill污泥减量sludge volume reduction污泥稳定化sludge stabilization(污泥)浓缩n. thickening污泥浓缩sludge thickening稳定,稳定化n. stabilizationv. stabilize稳定了的污泥stabilized sludge调理(调节)n. conditioningv. condition脱水n. dewateringv. dewater干化n. drying污泥干化场sludge drying bed污泥干燥heat drying干燥器n. dryer污泥焚烧,污泥焚化n. incineration焚烧炉,焚化炉n. incinerator污泥浓缩sludge thickening物理过程physical process含水过多的污泥watery sludge稀污泥thin sludge处理装置treatment unit浓缩池n. thickener重力浓缩gravity thickening重力浓缩池gravity thickener圆形污水沉淀池circular sewage sedimentation tank 刮泥机sludge scraper搅拌作用stirring action底流n. underflow浓缩的底流thickened underflow浓缩污泥thickened sludge出水n. effluent上清液n. supernatant溢流v. overflow堰n. weir气浮浓缩floatation thickening溶气气浮dissolved-air floatation气浮池floatation tank入流污泥influent sludge污泥絮体sludge flocs撇去v. skim漂浮污泥层floating sludge layer污泥消化sludge digestion消化池n. digester消化池装置digester unit消化n. digestionv. digest有机固体organic solids生化分解biochemical decomposition好氧消化aerobic digestion好氧污泥消化aerobic sludge digestion好氧消化过程aerobic digestion process活性污泥池activated sludge tank预制的(成套)活性污泥处理系统prefabricated (package) activated sludge treatmentsystems预制的接触稳定或prefabricated contact stabilization or延时曝气处理系统extended aeration treatment systemsBOD负荷BOD loading细胞物质cellular mass内源衰亡endogenous decay厌氧消化anaerobic digestion厌氧污泥消化anaerobic sludge digestion有盖的圆形池covered circular tank消化过程digestion process厌氧消化过程anaerobic digestion process生化反应biochemical reactions有机酸organic acids挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs) volatile fatty acids甲烷气methane gas末端产物end product指示剂n. indicator污泥消化池气体sludge digester gas污泥沉淀sludge settling污泥储存sludge storage消化污泥digested sludge充分消化的污泥well-digested sludge消化池上清液digester supernatant中温消化mesophilic digestion高温消化thermophilic degestion污泥脱水sludge dewatering混合堆肥co-composting污泥处理总成本overall sludge-handling costs第八部分:废水回用地表水资源surface water resource地下水资源groundwater resource水短缺water scarcity回用n. , v. reuse废水回用wastewater reuse直接回用direct reuse直接废水回用direct wastewater reuse间接回用indirect reuse间接废水回用indirect wastewater reuse 出水处理effluent treatment回用水reclaimed water排放n. , v. discharge保留n. retention循环n. recyclingv. recycle部分处理n. partial treatment最终用途end use城市污水回用municipal wastewater reuse 灌溉n. irrigation景观灌溉landscape irrigation地下水回灌groundwater recharge市政回用municipal reuse直接市政回用direct municipal reuse深度处理,高级处理advanced treatment 分质供水系统dual-distribution system间接市政回用indirect municipal reuse供水系统,给水系统water supply system 取水口n. intake天然同化能力natural assimilative capacity 人工回灌artificial recharge深井注射deep-well injection浅表布水shallow surface spreading渗透n. percolation工业回用industrial reuse工艺废水,过程废水process wastewaters工艺补充水,过程补充水plant process makeup water 冷却塔水cooling tower water选择性处理optional treatment水费water costs回用的城市污水reclaimed municipal wastewater工业过程industrial processes冷却水cooling water锅炉给水boiler feedwater灌溉回用irrigation reuse废水直接灌溉direct irrigation with wastewater低负荷土地处理系统low-rate land treatment system 间接灌溉回用indirect reuse for irrigation废水排放wastewater discharge雨水回用storm water reuse可回用水reusable waterPartⅨ:第九部分:投资成本,投资费(用)capital costs建设成本,建设费(用)construction costs运行成本,运行费(用)operating costs能耗成本energy costs运行维护operation and maintenance运行控制operational control控制系统control system仪表/控制系统instrumentation/control system自动控制系统,自控系统automatic control system。

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Laminar and Turbulent FlowObservation shows that two entirely different types of fluid flow exist. This was demon- strated by Osborne Reynolds in 1883 through an experiment in which water was discharged from a tank through a glass tube. The rate of flow could be controlled by a valve at the outlet, and a fine filament of dye injected at the entrance to the tube. At low velocities, it was found that the dye filament remained intact throughout the length of the tube, showing that the particles of water moved in parallel lines. This type of flow is known as laminar, viscous or streamline, the particles of fluid moving in an orderly manner and retaining the same relative positions in successive cross- sections.As the velocity in the tube was increased by opening the outlet valve, a point was eventually reached at which the dye filament at first began to oscillate and then broke up so that the colour was diffused over the whole cross-section, showing that the particles of fluid no longer moved in an orderly manner but occupied different relative position in successive cross-sections. This type of flow is known as turbulent and is characterized by continuous small fluctuations in the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the fluid particles, which are accompanied by corresponding small fluctuations of pressure.When the motion of a fluid particle in a stream is disturbed, its inertiawill tend to carry it on in the new direction, but the viscous forces due to the surrounding fluid will tend to make it conform to the motion of the rest of the stream. In viscous flow, the viscous shear stresses are sufficient to eliminate the effects of any deviation, but in turbulent flow they are inadequate. The criterion which determines whether flow will be viscous of turbulent is therefore the ratio of the inertial force to the viscous force acting on the particle. The ratioμρvl const force Viscous force Inertial ⨯= Thus, the criterion which determines whether flow is viscous or turbulent is the quantity ρvl /μ, known as the Reynolds number. It is a ratio of forces and, therefore, a pure number and may also be written as ul /v where is the kinematic viscosity (v=μ/ρ).Experiments carried out with a number of different fluids in straight pipes of different diameters have established that if the Reynolds number is calculated by making 1 equal to the pipe diameter and using the mean velocity v , then, below a critical value of ρvd /μ = 2000, flow will normally be laminar (viscous), any tendency to turbulence being damped out by viscous friction. This value of the Reynolds number applies only to flow in pipes, but critical values of the Reynolds number can be established for other types of flow, choosing a suitable characteristic length such as the chord of an aerofoil in place of the pipe diameter. For agiven fluid flowing in a pipe of a given diameter, there will be a critical velocity of flow corresponding to the critical value of the Reynolds number, below which flow will be viscous.In pipes, at values of the Reynolds number > 2000, flow will not necessarily be turbulent. Laminar flow has been maintained up to Re = 50,000, but conditions are unstable and any disturbance will cause reversion to normal turbulent flow. In straight pipes of constant diameter, flow can be assumed to be turbulent if the Reynolds number exceeds 4000.Pipe NetworksAn extension of compound pipes in parallel is a case frequently encountered in municipal distribution system, in which the pipes are interconnected so that the flow to a given outlet may come by several different paths. Indeed, it is frequently impossible to tell by inspection which way the flow travels. Nevertheless, the flow in any networks, however complicated, must satisfy the basic relations of continuity and energy as follows:1. The flow into any junction must equal the flow out of it.2. The flow in each pipe must satisfy the pipe-friction laws for flow in a single pipe.3. The algebraic sum of the head losses around any closed circuit must be zero.Pipe networks are generally too complicated to solve analytically, as was possible in the simpler cases of parallel pipes. A practical procedure is the method of successive approximations, introduced by Cross. It consists of the following elements, in order:1. By careful inspection assume the most reasonable distribution of flows that satisfies condition 1.2. Write condition 2 for each pipe in the formh L = KQ n(7.5) where K is a constant for each pipe. For example, the standard pipe-friction equation would yield K= 1/C2and n= 2 for constant f. Minor losses within any circuit may be included, but minor losses at the junction points are neglected.3. To investigate condition 3, compute the algebraic sum of the head losses around each elementary circuit. ∑h L= ∑KQ n. Consider losses from clockwise flows as positive, counterclockwise negative. Only by good luck will these add to zero on the first trial.4. Adjust the flow in each circuit by a correction, ΔQ , to balance the head in that circuit and give ∑KQ n = 0. The heart of this method lies in the determination of ΔQ . For any pipe we may writeQ = Q 0 +ΔQwhere Q is the correct discharge and Q 0 is the assumed discharge. Then, for a circuit100/Q h n h Q Kn Q K Q L L n n ∑∑∑∑∆-=-=- (7.6) It must be emphasized again that the numerator of Eq. (7.6) is to be summed algebraically, with due account of sign, while the denominator is summed arithmetically. The negative sign in Eq. (7.6) indicates that when there is an excess of head loss around a loop in the clockwise direction, the ΔQ must be subtracted from clockwise Q 0’s and added to counterclockwise ones. The reverse is true if there is a deficiency of head loss around a loop in the clockwise direction.5. After each circuit is given a first correction, the losses will still not balance because of the interaction of one circuit upon another (pipes which are common to two circuits receive two independent corrections, one for each circuit). The procedure is repeated, arriving at a second correction, and so on, until the corrections become negligible.Either form of Eq. (7.6) may be used to find ΔQ . As values of K appear in both numerator and denominator of the first form, values proportional to the actual K may be used to find the distribution. Thesecond form will be found most convenient for use with pipe-friction diagrams for water pipes.An attractive feature of the approximation method is that errors in computation have the same effect as errors in judgment and will eventually be corrected by the process.The pipe-networks problem lends itself well to solution by use of a digital computer. Programming takes time and care, but once set up, there is great flexibility and many man-hours of labor can be saved.The Future of Plastic Pipe at Higher PressuresParticipants in an AGA meeting panel on plastic pipe discussed the possibility of using polyethylene gas pipe at higher pressures. Topics included the design equation, including work being done by ISO on an updated version, and the evaluation of rapid crack propagation in a PE pipe resin. This is of critical importance because as pipe is used at higher pressure and in larger diameters, the possibility of RCP increases.Several years ago, AGA’s Plastic Pipe Design Equation Task Group reviewed the design equation to determine if higher operating pressurescould be used in plastic piping systems. Members felt the performance of our pipe resins was not truly reflected by the design equation. It was generally accepted that the long-term properties of modern resins far surpassed those of older resins. Major considerations were new equations being developed and selection of an appropriate design factor.Improved pipe performanceMany utilities monitored the performance of plastic pipe resins. Here are some of the long-term tests used and the kinds of performance change they have shown for typical gas pipe resins.Elevated temperature burst testThey used tests like the Elevated Temperature Burst Test, in which the long-term performance of the pipe is checked by measuring the time required for formation of brittle cracks in the pipe wall under high temperatures and pressures (often 80 degrees C and around 4 to 5-MPa hoop stress). At Consumers Gas we expected early resins to last at least 170 hrs. at 80 degrees C and a hoop stress of 3 MPa. Extrapolation showed that resins passing these limits should have a life expectancy of more than 50 yrs. Quality control testing on shipments of pipe made fromthese resins sometimes resulted in product rejection for failure to meet this criterion.At the same temperature, today’s resins last thousands of hours at hoop stresses of 4.6 MPa. Tests performed on pipe made from new resins have been terminated with no failure at times exceeding 5,700 hrs. These results were performed on samples that were squeezed off before testing. Such stresses were never applied in early testing. When extrapolated to operating conditions, this difference in test performance is equivalent to an increase in lifetime of hundreds (and in some cases even thousands) of years.Environmental stress crack resistance testSome companies also used the Environmental Stress Crack Resistance test which measured brittle crack formation in pipes but which used stress cracking agents to shorten test times.This test has also shown dramatic improvement in resistance brittle failure. For example, at my company a test time of more than 20 hrs. at 50 degrees C was required on our early resins. Today’s resins last well above 1,000 hrs. with no failure.Notch testsNotch tests, which are quickly run, measure brittle crack formation in notched pipe or molded coupon samples. This is important for the newer resins since some other tests to failure can take very long times. Notch test results show that while early resins lasted for test times ranging between 1,000 to 10,000 min., current resins usually last for longer than 200,000 min.All of our tests demonstrated the same thing. Newer resins are much more resistant to the growth of brittle crack than their predecessors. Since brittle failure is considered to be the ultimate failure mechanism in polyethylene pipes, we know that new materials will last much longer than the old. This is especially reassuring to the gas industry since many of these older resins have performed very well in the field for the past 25 yrs. with minimal detectable change in properties.While the tests showed greatly improved performance, the equation used to establish the pressure rating of the pipe is still identical to the original except for a change in 1978 to a single design factor for all class locations.To many it seemed that the methods used to pressure rate our pipe were now unduly conservative and that a new design equation was needed. At this time we became aware of a new equation being balloted atISO. The methodology being used seemed to be a more technically correct method of analyzing the data and offered a number of advantages.Thermal Expansion of Piping and Its CompensationA very relevant consideration requiring careful attention is the fact that with temperature of a length of pipe raised or lowered, there is a corresponding increase or decrease in its length and cross-sectional area because of the inherent coefficient of thermal expansion for the particular pipe material. The coefficient of expansion for carbon steel is 0.012 mm/m˚C and for copper 0.0168mm/m˚C. Respective module of elasticity are for steel E = 207×1.06kN/m2 and for copper E = 103×106 kN/m2. As an example, assuming a base temperature for water conducting piping at 0˚C, a steel pipe of any diameter if heated to 120˚C would experience a linear extension of 1.4 mm and a similarly if heated to copper pipe would extend by 2.016 mm for each meter of their respective lengths. The unit axial force in the steel pipe however would be 39% greater than for copper. The change in pipe diameter is of no practical consequence to linear extension but the axial forces created by expansion or contractionare con- siderable and capable of fracturing any fitments which may tend to impose a restraint;the magnitude of such forces is related to pipe size. As an example,in straight pipes of same length but different diameters, rigidly held at both ends and with temperature raised by say 100˚C, total magnitude of linear forces against fixed points would be near enough proportionate to the respective diameters.It is therefore essential that design of any piping layout makes adequate com- pensatory provision for such thermal influence by relieving the system of linear stresses which would be directly related to length of pipework between fixed points and the range of operational temperatures.Compensation for forces due to thermal expansion. The ideal pipework as far as expansion is concerned, is one where maximum free movement with the minimum of restraint is possible. Hence the simplest and most economical way to ensure com- pensation and relief of forces is to take advantage of changes in direction, or where this is not part of the layout and long straight runs are involved it may be feasible to introduce deliberate dog-leg offset changes in direction at suitable intervals.As an alternative,at calculated intervals in a straight pipe run specially designed expansion loops or “U” bends should be inserted. Depending upon design and space availability, expansion bends within a straight pipe run can feature the so called double offset “U” band or thehorseshoe type or “lyre” loop.The last named are seldom used for large heating networks; they can be supplied in manufacturers’ standard units but require elaborate constructional works for underground installation.Anchored thermal movement in underground piping would normally be absorbed by three basic types of expansion bends and these include the “U”bend, the “L”bend and the “Z”bend.In cases of 90 changes indirection the “L” and “Z”bends are used.Principles involved in the design of provision for expansion between anchor points are virtually the same for all three types of compensator. The offset “U” bend is usually made up from four 90° elbows and straight pipes; it permits good thermal displacement and imposes smaller anchor loads than the other type of loop. This shape of expansion bend is the standardised pattern for prefabricated pipe-in-pipe systems.All thermal compensators are installed to accommodate an equal amount of expansion or contraction; therefore to obtain full advantage of the length of thermal movement it is necessary to extend the unit during installation thus opening up the loop by an extent roughly equal the half the overall calculated thermal movement.This is done by “cold-pull” or other mechanical means. The total amount of extension between two fixed points has to be calculated on basis of ambient temperature prevailing and operational design temperatures so that distribution of stresses and reactions at lower and higher temperatures are controlledwithin permissible limits. Pre-stressing does not affect the fatigue life of piping therefore it does not feature in calculation of pipework stresses .There are numerous specialist publication dealing with design and stressing calculations for piping and especially for proprietary piping and expansion units; comprehensive experience back design data as well as charts and graphs may be obtained in manufacturers’publications, offering solutions for every kind of pipe stressing problem.As an alternative to above mentioned methods of compensation for thermal expansion and useable in places where space is restricted, is the more expensive bellows or telescopic type mechanical compensator. There are many proprietary types and models on the market and the following types of compensators are generally used.The bellows type expansion unit in form of an axial compensator provides for expansion movement in a pipe along its axis; motion in this bellows is due to tension or compression only.There are also articulated bellows units restrained which combine angular and lateral movement; they consist of double compensator units restrained by straps pinned over the center of each bellowsor double tied thus being restrained over its length.Such compensators are suitable for accommodating very pipeline expansion and also for combinations of angular and lateral movements.层流与紊流有两种完全不同的流体流动形式存在,这一点在1883年就由Osborne Reynolds 用试验演示证明。
