为了让大家能够充分享受节日的欢乐,同时也确保公司运营的顺利进行,现将本年度美国国家假日放假安排通知如下:一、放假时间根据美国国家假日安排,并结合我司实际情况,现将放假时间如下:1. 国庆节:2023年10月1日(星期日)至10月7日(星期六),共计7天。
2. 劳动节:2023年9月4日(星期一)至9月7日(星期四),共计4天。
3. 感恩节:2023年11月22日(星期四)至11月24日(星期六),共计3天。
4. 圣诞节:2023年12月25日(星期一)至12月27日(星期三),共计3天。
二、放假期间工作安排1. 放假期间,各部门应确保重要文件的存档和备份,防止数据丢失。
2. 请各部门负责人提前做好工作交接,确保假期期间工作的连续性。
3. 请各部门在放假前完成以下工作:(1)关闭非必要电器设备,节约能源。
4. 假期期间,如有紧急情况,请及时与相关负责人联系。
三、假期结束后工作安排1. 请各位同事在假期结束后,按时返回工作岗位。
2. 请各部门负责人在假期结束后,对部门工作进行总结,并提交书面报告。
3. 假期结束后,公司将根据实际情况安排培训、团建等活动,以增进团队凝聚力。
四、注意事项1. 请大家合理安排假期行程,注意安全,避免前往高风险地区。
2. 请大家关注天气预报,合理安排行程,注意保暖防寒。
3. 假期期间,请保持手机畅通,以便公司随时联系。
---[Your Company Letterhead][Your Company Name][Your Company Address][City, State, Zip Code][Country][Phone Number][Email Address][Website URL][Date]---[Recipient's Name][Recipient's Position][Recipient's Company Name][Recipient's Company Address][City, State, Zip Code][Country]---Dear [Recipient's Name],We hope this message finds you well.As the festive season approaches and in accordance with our company’s annual tradition, we would like to inform you that our office will be closed for the following holidays:Holiday Dates:- Christmas Day: December 25th, 2023- New Year’s Eve: December 31st, 2023- New Year’s Day: January 1st, 2024During this period, our offices will be closed, and our staff will be enjoying the well-deserved break. We understand the importance of maintaining a seamless workflow and minimizing any disruptions to our business operations. Therefore, we have taken the necessary precautions to ensure that your inquiries and orders are managed effectively.To ensure continuity of service, we would like to outline the following measures:1. Order Processing: Our sales and customer service teams will be working to process any orders received up to [specific date before the holidays]. Orders placed after this date will be processed upon our return from the holidays.2. Communication: Although our team will not be able to respond to emails or phone calls during the holiday period, we will have a dedicated on-call representative to handle any urgent matters. Please send any critical inquiries to [on-call email address] and we will respond as soon as possible after the holidays.3. Inventory and Production: We have ensured that our inventory levels are sufficient to meet any immediate demands. Our production team will also be working to fulfill any ongoing orders before the holidays.4. After-Holiday Operations: Our office will resume normal operations on [first working day after the holidays]. We will make every effort to expedite any orders or inquiries received during the holiday period to ensure minimal disruption to your supply chain.We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this time. Should you have any urgent matters that require immediate attention, please do not hesitate to contact our on-call representative at [on-call contact information].We would also like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude for your continued support and trust in [Your Company Name]. Your business is invaluable to us, and we look forward to continuing our partnership in the coming year.Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. We wish you a peaceful and prosperous holiday season and look forward to resuming our business relationship in 2024.Warm regards,[Your Full Name][Your Position][Your Company Name]---Additional Information:- If you have any upcoming orders or projects that you would like to discuss further, please do so before the holiday period to ensure timely attention.- We will be updating our website and social media channels with the latest information regarding our holiday operations.- If you are expecting a shipment during the holiday period, please contact our logistics team to discuss any special arrangements that may be required.We wish you and your team a joyful and fulfilling holiday season.---[Your Company Name][Your Company Logo]---Please note that this is a template and should be customized to fit the specific details of your company and the holidays you are observing.。
二、放假期间服务安排1. 客户服务部:放假期间,客户服务部将暂停电话、邮件及在线客服服务。
2. 货运操作部:放假期间,货运操作部将暂停所有货物运输操作,包括揽货、装货、运输、卸货等环节。
3. 物流仓储部:放假期间,物流仓储部将暂停货物仓储服务,所有仓储货物将暂停出入库操作。
4. 财务部:放假期间,财务部将暂停所有财务业务,包括发票开具、结算等。
三、节后工作安排1. 节后上班时间:2023年10月8日(星期日)恢复正常上班,如有变动,将另行通知。
2. 节后业务恢复:节后,我公司全体员工将全力以赴,恢复正常业务运营,确保货物安全、及时、高效地送达客户手中。
四、温馨提示1. 请各位客户在放假前将货物提前安排,避免因放假导致货物滞留。
2. 放假期间,如遇特殊情况,请及时与公司取得联系,我们将竭诚为您提供服务。
3. 放假期间,请各位客户关注我公司官方网站及微信公众号,获取最新业务动态。
Dear Team Members,I hope this message finds you well. As we approach the end of the year, we would like to inform you of the upcoming public holiday schedule for our Export Department. It is essential that we plan accordingly to ensure a smooth transition and minimal disruption to our operations.Public Holiday Schedule:Please be advised that the following public holidays will be observed by our Export Department:1. National Day (Date): This is a day of national celebration and will be marked by a public holiday on (Date). Our department will be closed, and there will be no work or communication during this period.2. Christmas Day (Date): Christmas is a time for reflection and joy, and we will be observing a public holiday on (Date). The Export Department will be closed, and all staff are encouraged to spend quality time with their families and loved ones.3. New Year's Day (Date): To mark the beginning of a new year, we will be closed on (Date). The Export Department will resume operations on (Date), following the usual working hours.Preparation and Workload Distribution:To ensure that our holiday schedules do not affect our customers or partners, we kindly request the following actions:- Prioritization of Orders: Please prioritize and expedite the processing of orders that are due before the holidays. This will help us maintain our service levels and meet our delivery commitments.- Handover of Work: For those who will be on leave during the holidays, please ensure that you have handed over your responsibilities to a colleague who can cover for you during your absence. This will help maintain continuity in our operations.- Communication: It is crucial to keep in touch with your team members and customers during the holiday period. Ensure that all emails, phonecalls, and inquiries are addressed promptly, even if you are not the direct point of contact.Arrival and Departure Procedures:- Returning from Leave: All staff returning from leave are required to check in with their respective team leaders on the first working day following their return to ensure that they are up to date with any new developments or tasks.- Early Departure: If you are planning to leave earlier than scheduled, please inform your team leader at least two weeks in advance. This will allow us to make necessary arrangements and ensure a smooth handover of responsibilities.Health and Safety:- Remote Work: For those who are unable to come into the office due to health concerns or other reasons, please coordinate with your team leader to discuss remote work options.- Personal Health: We encourage all staff to take care of their health and well-being during the holiday period. If you are feeling unwell, please stay home and seek medical attention if necessary.Conclusion:We value the hard work and dedication of each member of our Export Department. The upcoming public holidays are an opportunity for us to recharge and come back refreshed in the new year. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we navigate this holiday period.If you have any questions or concerns regarding the holiday schedule or any other matters, please do not hesitate to contact your team leader or the HR department.Wishing you a peaceful and enjoyable holiday season.Warm regards,[Your Name][Your Position] [Your Company Name] [Contact Information]。
1. 放假时间:2022年12月30日至2023年1月15日,共计17天。
2. 1月16日(星期一)正式上班,恢复正常工作秩序。
1. 请各部门提前做好工作总结,梳理工作流程,确保假期期间各项工作平稳过渡。
2. 请各部门负责人对部门人员进行假期前的工作培训和任务分配,确保假期期间
3. 请各部门安排好值班人员,确保假期期间紧急事项能够得到及时处理。
4. 请各部门对办公场所进行安全检查,确保假期期间办公场所安全。
1. 请各位员工在放假前将手头工作妥善安排,确保假期期间不耽误重要事务。
2. 请各位员工在假期期间注意人身和财产安全,遵守法律法规,不参与任何违法
3. 请各位员工在假期期间保持手机畅通,以便公司随时联系。
4. 请各位员工在假期结束后,及时返回工作岗位,恢复正常工作状态。
1. 公司将为每位员工发放节日慰问金,以表达公司对员工的关爱。
2. 公司将为员工提供免费往返交通补贴,方便员工回家过年。
一、放假时间及安排1. 感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)- 2023年11月23日(星期四)至11月25日(星期六)为美国感恩节假期。
- 我司美国仓库将于11月23日(星期四)至11月25日(星期六)放假,共计3天。
- 11月26日(星期日)至11月27日(星期一)恢复正常上班,仅处理Fedex 一件代发订单。
2. 圣诞节(Christmas Day)- 2023年12月25日(星期一)为美国圣诞节。
- 我司及海外仓将于12月25日(星期一)放假。
- 12月26日(星期二)至12月27日(星期三)恢复正常上班。
3. 元旦节(New Year's Day)- 2024年1月1日(星期一)为美国元旦节。
- 我司及海外仓将于1月1日(星期一)放假。
- 1月2日(星期二)恢复正常上班。
二、放假期间注意事项1. 放假期间,我司美国仓库将暂停所有操作,包括入库、出库、打包、分拣等。
2. 放假期间,部分码头和卡车可能于12月30日(星期五)和1月2日(星期一)关门,届时卸船提柜库内等操作时效可能会有所延迟。
3. 请各位客户根据放假时间,合理安排假期前或假期后处理货品,避免在假期间产生不便。
4. 如有紧急需求,请提前与我司联系,我们将尽力为您提供帮助。
三、假期主要码头关门情况以下为假期期间主要码头关门情况,供客户参考:1. 洛杉矶部分码头:- W185 - 关闭日期:12月25日、12月21日、1月1日- Y257 - 关闭日期:12月22日下午至12月25日、12月29日下午至1月1日- Y309 - 关闭日期:12月22日下午至12月25日、12月30日至1月1日- W183 - 关闭日期:12月25日、1月1日- Z978 - 关闭日期:12月22日下午至12月25日、12月29日下午至1月1日- W182 - 关闭日期:12月22日下午至12月25日、12月29日下午至1月1日- Y258 - 关闭日期:12月22日下午至12月25日、12月29日下午至1月1日- Y124 - 关闭日期:12月22日下午至12月25日、12月29日下午至1月1日- Y773 - 关闭日期:12月22日下午感谢各位客户对我司的关注与支持,祝您度过一个愉快的假期!如有任何疑问,请随时联系我司客服,我们将竭诚为您服务。
尊敬的全体员工:值此新春佳节之际,首先向大家致以最诚挚的问候和最美好的祝愿!随着春节的临近,为了让大家能够度过一个温馨、祥和、愉快的节日,现将公司春节放假安排通知如下:一、放假时间根据国家法定节假日安排及公司实际情况,现将公司春节放假时间安排如下:1. 放假时间:2023年1月22日(农历腊月三十)至2023年2月3日(农历正月初三),共计12天。
2. 正式上班时间:2023年2月4日(农历正月初四)恢复正常上班。
二、放假期间工作安排1. 部门负责人需在放假前对部门工作进行梳理,确保各项工作有序交接。
2. 各部门在放假期间,如遇紧急情况,请及时与公司领导或相关部门负责人联系。
3. 请各部门负责人在放假前对部门员工进行安全教育,确保员工假期期间的人身和财产安全。
4. 请各部门负责人在放假前做好以下工作:(1)确保部门设备安全,关闭电源、水源等,防止意外事故发生。
三、假期值班安排为确保公司放假期间各项工作正常运转,现将值班安排如下:1. 值班人员名单及联系方式:(此处列出值班人员名单及联系方式)2. 值班期间,值班人员需认真履行职责,确保公司各项工作的正常开展。
四、其他事项1. 请各部门在放假前对员工进行工作总结,对优秀员工进行表彰。
2. 请各部门负责人在放假前将部门工作总结、优秀员工名单等材料报送至人力资源部。
3. 请各部门负责人在放假前提醒员工注意个人健康,加强锻炼,保持良好的生活习惯。
4. 请各部门负责人在放假前提醒员工关注公司官方渠道,了解公司最新动态。
在此,我们衷心祝愿您及您的家人国庆快乐,身体健康,万事如意!为了庆祝中华人民共和国成立74周年,根据国家法定节假日安排,结合我司实际情况,现将2023年国庆假期放假安排通知如下:一、放假时间1. 放假时间:2023年10月1日至10月7日,共计7天。
2. 10月8日(星期日)正常上班。
二、工作安排1. 请各部门负责人提前做好工作交接,确保放假期间业务正常运转。
2. 请各位同事在放假前将手头工作整理完毕,确保不影响假期后的工作进度。
3. 如有紧急事项需要处理,请及时联系相关责任人。
4. 请各部门负责人于10月5日前将假期期间值班人员名单报至人力资源部。
三、假期期间联系方式1. 联系电话:[您的电话号码]2. 电子邮箱:[您的邮箱地址]3. 值班人员:[值班人员姓名及联系方式]四、注意事项1. 请各位同事在放假期间注意安全,遵守交通规则,确保人身及财产安全。
2. 请关注天气变化,做好防暑降温或防寒保暖措施。
3. 假期期间,如遇特殊情况,请及时与我们联系。
1. 放假时间:2023年10月1日至10月7日,共计7天。
2. 10月8日(星期日)正常上班,补班。
1. 各部门负责人需提前做好假期期间的工作交接,确保假期期间各项工作正常运转。
2. 请各部门在放假前做好以下工作:
3. 假期期间,如遇紧急工作,请及时与相关负责人联系。
1. 请各位员工合理安排假期时间,注意休息,保持良好的精神状态。
2. 假期期间,注意人身安全,遵守交通规则,不参与任何非法活动。
3. 假期结束后,请各位员工按时返岗,恢复正常工作。
1. 假期期间,员工工资待遇按照国家规定执行。
2. 假期结束后,请各位员工携带相关证明材料到财务部门办理工资结算。
1. 请各部门负责人在假期结束后,及时向人力资源部汇报假期期间员工出勤情况。
2. 请各部门负责人在假期结束后,组织召开一次部门会议,总结假期工作,部署
节日放假通知尊敬的全体员工:随着一年一度的佳节临近,为了让大家度过一个愉快、祥和的节日,根据国家法定节假日安排及公司实际情况,现将2023年【具体节日名称】放假事宜通知如下:一、放假时间1. 放假时间:自【具体节日开始日期】起至【具体节日结束日期】止,共计【具体天数】天。
2. 期间,公司全体员工暂停上班,所有业务活动暂停,具体如下:(1)外贸订单处理:在此期间,我公司将暂停接收新的外贸订单,所有订单将在假期结束后恢复正常处理。
二、假期工作安排1. 请各部门负责人提前做好假期工作交接,确保假期期间各项工作有序进行。
2. 请各部门在放假前做好以下工作:(1)整理好工作资料,确保假期期间信息畅通。
三、假期值班安排为确保假期期间公司正常运作,特安排以下值班人员:1. 值班时间:自【具体节日开始日期】至【具体节日结束日期】。
2. 值班人员职责:(1)负责处理紧急业务,确保公司正常运作。
四、假期结束后工作安排1. 请各部门负责人在假期结束后第一时间组织员工召开会议,传达公司最新工作安排。
2. 请各部门负责人在假期结束后尽快恢复正常工作秩序,确保公司业务顺利进行。
五、注意事项1. 请全体员工在假期期间保持手机畅通,以便接收公司通知。
2. 请大家在假期期间注意个人安全,遵守法律法规,度过一个愉快、安全的假期。
3. 请大家在假期结束后按时返回工作岗位,共同为公司的发展贡献力量。
为了让大家度过一个愉快、祥和的假期,现将2023年【跨境电商平台】放假安排通知如下:一、放假时间根据国家法定节假日安排,结合我司实际情况,现将2023年【跨境电商平台】放假时间如下:1. 放假起始时间:2023年【具体日期】(星期【星期几】);2. 放假结束时间:2023年【具体日期】(星期【星期几】);3. 节假日调休安排:根据国家规定,对部分节假日进行调休,具体调休时间将另行通知。
二、假期期间服务安排1. 客户服务:放假期间,我司客户服务热线将暂停服务,如有紧急问题,请您通过官方邮箱、在线客服等方式联系,我们将尽快为您处理;2. 平台运营:放假期间,平台将暂停交易,暂停处理订单、退款、售后等相关业务;3. 物流配送:放假期间,物流公司也将暂停配送,具体恢复时间请关注物流公司通知。
三、假期后工作安排1. 2023年【具体日期】(星期【星期几】)正式恢复正常工作;2. 假期结束后,我司将集中处理假期期间积压的业务,请您耐心等待;3. 请各位用户在假期结束后及时关注平台动态,了解最新业务信息。
四、温馨提示1. 请各位用户在放假前确保订单、支付等业务已完成,避免影响您的购物体验;2. 假期期间,如遇特殊情况,我司将第一时间通过官方渠道发布相关信息,请您密切关注;3. 假期期间,如需咨询业务相关问题,请通过官方渠道联系,切勿相信非官方渠道发布的信息。
一、放假时间1. 春节放假时间:2023年1月22日至2023年2月7日,共计15天。
2. 清明节放假时间:2023年4月5日,共计1天。
3. 劳动节放假时间:2023年5月1日至2023年5月3日,共计3天。
4. 端午节放假时间:2023年6月22日至2023年6月24日,共计3天。
5. 中秋节放假时间:2023年9月29日至2023年9月30日,共计2天。
6. 国庆节放假时间:2023年10月1日至2023年10月7日,共计7天。
二、工作安排1. 请各部门负责人提前做好节假日期间的工作交接,确保假期期间各项工作正常进行。
2. 各部门在放假前需对办公区域进行安全检查,确保消防设施完好,电源关闭,门窗锁闭,防止安全事故发生。
3. 节假日期间,如有紧急事项需要处理,请及时联系相关部门负责人,确保信息畅通。
4. 请各部门负责人统计假期期间值班人员名单,并于放假前一周报送至人力资源部备案。
5. 请各位员工在假期期间保持手机畅通,以便接收公司重要通知。
三、假期福利1. 节假日期间,公司将为全体员工发放节日慰问金,以表达公司对员工的关爱。
2. 节假日期间,公司将为员工提供免费午餐,确保员工在假期期间的生活需求。
四、注意事项1. 请各位员工在假期期间注意个人安全,遵守交通规则,确保出行安全。
2. 请各位员工在假期期间合理安排时间,注意休息,保持良好的生活习惯。
3. 请各位员工在假期结束后按时返回工作岗位,恢复正常工作状态。
4. 请各位员工在假期期间保持与公司的沟通,如有特殊情况,请及时告知。
Dear Team Members,As we approach the festive season and the Year of the Tiger, we would like to take this opportunity to extend our warmest wishes to all our esteemed colleagues. The upcoming Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is a time for celebration, reflection, and the renewal of our relationships with family and friends.In accordance with our company's tradition and the Chinese lunar calendar, we will be observing a Spring Festival holiday from [Start Date] to [End Date]. During this period, our office will be closed, and all business operations will be suspended. Please find below the details of our holiday arrangements:Holiday Schedule:- Start Date: [Start Date]- End Date: [End Date]- Total Days: [Number of Days]Office Closure:Our office will be closed from [Start Date] to [End Date]. During this period, we will not be able to process any incoming or outgoing communications, including emails, phone calls, and faxes. We kindly request all our clients and partners to understand this temporary inconvenience and to bear with us during this festive season.Communication and Contact Information:- Email: While our email system will be monitored during the holiday period, responses may be delayed. We will make every effort to address any urgent matters as soon as possible.- Phone Calls: Our phone lines will be unattended during the holiday period. For urgent matters, please leave a detailed message, and we will get back to you as soon as we return to the office.- Faxes: No faxes will be received or sent during the holiday period.Workload Management:To ensure a smooth transition and minimize disruption to our ongoing projects, we would like to remind all team members to complete their current tasks and submit all necessary reports before the holiday starts. Please consult with your respective team leads or managers for specific instructions regarding your workload before the holiday begins.Resumption of Operations:Our office will resume normal operations on [Resumption Date]. Please note that there may be a delay in processing orders and responding to inquiries upon our return. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.Health and Safety Reminders:We encourage all team members to prioritize their health and safety during the holiday period. Please follow the guidance of health authorities and take necessary precautions to protect yourself and your loved ones from the spread of any diseases.Wishing You a Prosperous Year of the Tiger:As we celebrate the Year of the Tiger, we wish you all prosperity, happiness, and good health. May this year bring you success in your personal and professional endeavors.Thank you for your continued dedication and hard work throughout the year. We look forward to returning to the office rejuvenated and readyto take on the challenges ahead.Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the holiday arrangements, please do not hesitate to contact your immediatesupervisor or the HR department.Once again, we wish you a joyful and peaceful Spring Festival holiday.Warmest regards,[Your Name][Your Position] [Company Name] [Contact Information]。
外贸国庆放假英文通知范文Dear Colleagues,Re: National Day Holiday NoticeI hope this message finds you well. As we are approaching the joyful National Day holiday, we wanted to inform you of the upcoming break and its impact on our operations.In celebration of the National Day of our great nation, the company will be closed for the holiday from October 1st to October 7th. Normal business operations will resume on October 8th. Please note that this break is in accordance with the official holiday schedule set by the government.During this holiday, we encourage you to take this time to relax, spend quality time with your loved ones, and rejuvenate yourself. It is essential for us to recharge our batteries and return to work with renewed energy and enthusiasm.As always, we understand that some urgent matters may still arise during the holiday period. Therefore, we request all employees to remain accessible through emails and smartphones. Please check your emails and respond promptly if any crucial issues arise.We kindly request you to plan your work accordingly before the holiday to avoid any delays and ensure that any pending tasks are completed or properly handed over to your colleagues. By doing so, we can ensure a smooth transition and guarantee that our clients' needs are met promptly.Moreover, we would like to remind everyone to comply with the local regulations and guidelines regarding COVID-19 precautions during the holiday season. Your health and well-being remain our utmost priority.Lastly, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your dedication and hard work throughout the year. Your contributions have been invaluable, especially during these challenging times. I am confident that together, we will continue to achieve great success and navigate future opportunities.Wishing you a joyful and relaxing National Day holiday. May you return to work feeling refreshed and ready to take on new challenges.Best regards,[Your Name]。
二、订单处理及货物运输1. 为确保订单在新年假期前顺利处理,请各位客户在××年××月××日前提交订单,我们将尽量安排在此日期前完成所有订单处理。
2. 由于假期期间无法安排货物运输,请各位客户提前做好货物储备,以免影响您的正常销售。
如有紧急问题,请通过以下方式与我们联系,我们将尽快为您处理:电话:×××××××××邮箱:×××××××××微信:×××××××××四、新年优惠政策为回馈广大客户的支持,我司在新年期间推出以下优惠政策:1. 订单金额满××元,赠送精美礼品一份;2. 新客户首次下单,享受××%的优惠;3. 老客户介绍新客户,双方均可获得××%的优惠。
五、温馨提示1. 请各位客户在新年期间注意人身安全,做好疫情防控措施,祝您度过一个愉快的假期;2. 请密切关注我国及目的国的相关政策变动,以便及时调整合作策略;3. 请提前做好新年期间的货物储备,以免影响您的正常销售。
---Subject: Holiday Notice for Upcoming Export Trade Company Holiday---Dear Valued Customers and Business Partners,We hope this message finds you well. As we approach the festive season, we would like to inform you of our holiday schedule and the arrangements we have made to ensure minimal disruption to our services.Holiday Schedule:Our company will be observing the following holiday period:- Start Date: [Insert Start Date]- End Date: [Insert End Date]During this period, our offices will be closed, and our team will be unavailable for any urgent matters. We kindly request that all orders and inquiries be submitted at least [Insert Number of Days] prior to the holiday start date to ensure timely processing and response.Pre-Holiday Orders and Inquiries:To avoid any delays, we encourage you to place all orders and inquiries by [Insert Deadline Date]. Our team will make every effort to process these before the holiday begins.Post-Holiday Operations:We will resume normal operations on [Insert Resume Date]. Please note that there may be a slight delay in our response times as we catch up on our workload following the holiday period.Shipping and Logistics:For any ongoing shipments or logistics arrangements, please be informed that:- All deliveries scheduled during the holiday period will be delayed.- We will coordinate with our shipping partners to minimize any impact on your orders.- It is advisable to confirm with your local customs and shipping agents for any special holiday arrangements they may have in place.Customer Support:Our customer support team will be on standby during the holiday period to assist with any critical issues. For urgent matters, please contact [Insert Contact Information for Urgent Matters].Thank You for Your Understanding:We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this festive season. Your continued support is invaluable to us, and we look forward to serving you even better in the new year.Additional Information:- If you have any special requirements or concerns regarding your orders during the holiday period, please do not hesitate to contact us.- We will send out a follow-up email after the holiday to provide you with an update on the status of your orders.- Our regular communication channels will be temporarily unavailable during the holiday period. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.Wishing You a Joyous Holiday Season:As we take a well-deserved break, we would like to extend our warmest wishes for a happy and prosperous holiday season. May this time befilled with joy, peace, and reflection.Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out to us via email at [Insert Email Address] or call us at [Insert Phone Number].Thank you once again for your business and support. We look forward to resuming our operations and continuing to serve you in the new year.Warm regards,[Your Name][Your Position]Export Trade Company [Company Address][Company Contact Information] [Company Website]---End of Holiday Notice。
Dear Valued Colleagues,We hope this message finds you well. As we approach the festive season and the upcoming Foreign Trade Festival, we would like to inform you of our holiday arrangements and ensure that our business operations are well-managed during this period.Holiday Dates:Our office will be closed from [Start Date] to [End Date] in observance of the Foreign Trade Festival. This period includes the following days:- [List of specific days off, e.g., Christmas Day, New Year's Eve, etc.]- [Any additional days off if applicable]Preparation and Scheduling:To ensure a smooth transition and minimal disruption to our operations, we kindly request that you:1. Complete any pending tasks and projects by [deadline].2. Inform your direct supervisor of any unfinished work and coordinate with them for appropriate handover.3. Ensure that all emails are appropriately managed and any urgent matters are addressed before the holiday begins.4. If you are working on a project with clients, please communicate the holiday schedule to them well in advance and arrange for a point of contact during the holiday period.After-Hours Support:In case of any urgent matters requiring immediate attention, please contact the following individuals:- [Name and contact information of the on-call person or department]- [Name and contact information of the backup contact]Order Processing and Customer Service:We will make arrangements to ensure that our customers continue to receive the highest level of service during the holiday period. Orders received before the holiday will be processed as per our usual schedule. For orders received during the holiday, we will aim to process them as soon as possible upon our return.Security and Safety:Please ensure that all office equipment is turned off and secured before leaving the office. Additionally, we advise that you secure yourpersonal belongings and follow all safety protocols during the holiday period.Return to Work:Our office will resume normal operations on [Return Date]. We kindly request that you check your emails for any important announcements or instructions prior to your return.Wishing You a Joyous Festival Season:The Foreign Trade Festival is a time for celebration and reflection. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your hard work and dedication throughout the year. May this festive season be filled with joy, peace, and prosperity for you and your loved ones.If you have any questions or concerns regarding the holiday arrangements, please do not hesitate to contact the HR department at [HR Contact Information].Once again, we wish you a wonderful and festive season.Best regards,[Your Name][Your Position][Company Name][Contact Information][Company Address] [Email Address] [Phone Number]。
在此,公司向全体员工致以诚挚的节日问候和美好的祝愿!现将公司2023年新年放假安排通知如下:一、放假时间根据国家法定节假日安排及公司实际情况,现将2023年新年放假时间如下:1. 放假起始时间:2023年1月22日(星期日);2. 放假结束时间:2023年1月28日(星期六);3. 节后上班时间:2023年1月29日(星期日)。
二、放假期间工作安排1. 请各部门负责人做好放假前的安全检查,确保公司财产和员工安全;2. 请各部门负责人在放假前对部门工作进行梳理,确保各项工作交接顺畅;3. 请各部门负责人提醒员工在放假期间保持手机畅通,以便处理紧急事务;4. 请各部门负责人在节后及时安排工作,确保公司各项工作恢复正常。
三、假期值班安排为确保假期期间公司正常运营,特安排以下值班人员:1. 值班时间:2023年1月22日至2023年1月28日;2. 值班人员:由各部门负责人指定;3. 值班职责:处理紧急事务、接听电话、接收邮件等;4. 值班期间,请确保手机畅通,随时应对突发情况。
四、假期注意事项1. 请各位员工在放假期间注意人身和财产安全,遵守社会公德,遵守法律法规;2. 请各位员工合理安排假期时间,注意休息,保持良好的身心状态;3. 请各位员工在节日期间遵守交通规则,确保出行安全;4. 请各位员工在节日期间注意饮食卫生,预防疾病。
一、放假时间安排1. 春节假期:- 放假时间:2023年1月22日至2023年2月3日,共计12天。
- 调休安排:1月21日(星期六)上班,2月4日(星期日)上班。
2. 清明节假期:- 放假时间:2023年4月5日至2023年4月7日,共计3天。
- 调休安排:4月8日(星期六)上班。
3. 劳动节假期:- 放假时间:2023年5月1日至2023年5月3日,共计3天。
- 调休安排:4月29日(星期六)上班,4月30日(星期日)上班。
4. 端午节假期:- 放假时间:2023年6月22日至2023年6月24日,共计3天。
- 调休安排:6月25日(星期日)上班。
5. 中秋节假期:- 放假时间:2023年9月29日至2023年9月30日,共计2天。
- 调休安排:10月1日(星期日)上班。
6. 国庆节假期:- 放假时间:2023年10月1日至2023年10月7日,共计7天。
- 调休安排:9月30日(星期六)上班。
二、注意事项1. 工作交接:请各位同事在放假前做好工作交接,确保假期期间工作顺利进行。
2. 安全防范:放假期间,请注意人身和财产安全,避免发生意外。
3. 远程办公:如有紧急工作需要处理,请通过公司内部通讯工具保持联系,并按照要求进行远程办公。
4. 健康监测:关注疫情动态,做好个人防护,如有发热、咳嗽等症状,请及时就医。
5. 归假时间:请各位同事在假期结束后按时返回工作岗位,如有特殊情况,请提前向部门经理请假。
6. 假期福利:根据公司规定,假期期间将发放相应的假期福利,具体事宜请关注公司后续通知。
在此,我谨代表公司向大家致以诚挚的节日祝福!为了让大家能够度过一个愉快、祥和的元旦佳节,现将2023年元旦放假安排通知如下:一、放假时间根据国家法定节假日安排,结合公司实际情况,现将2023年元旦放假时间安排如下:1. 放假时间:2023年1月1日至2023年1月3日,共计3天。
2. 2023年1月4日(星期三)正常上班。
二、假期工作安排1. 请各部门负责人提前做好假期值班安排,确保假期期间各项工作正常运转。
2. 请各位同事在放假前整理好工作桌面,关闭电脑、电源等设备,确保安全。
3. 假期期间,如遇紧急业务,请及时联系相关同事或部门负责人,确保业务连续性。
4. 请各位同事关注天气预报,做好出行准备,确保人身安全。
三、假期注意事项1. 注意人身安全,遵守交通规则,文明出行。
2. 注意饮食卫生,预防冬季疾病。
3. 保持通讯畅通,确保能够及时接收公司通知。
4. 遵守国家法律法规,不参与任何违法活动。
5. 合理安排假期时间,适当休息,调整状态,为新的一年做好准备。
四、假期结束后工作要求1. 请各位同事在假期结束后,尽快回到工作岗位,恢复正常工作状态。
2. 请各部门负责人对假期期间的工作进行梳理,确保工作衔接顺畅。
3. 请各位同事认真总结假期经验,为新的一年工作提供借鉴。