

济南大学泉城学院2021年普通专升本统一考试机械设计基础 结构设计与改错题题库

济南大学泉城学院2021年普通专升本统一考试机械设计基础  结构设计与改错题题库











山东深泉学院《数学》试卷(A卷)(2014 至2015 学年第一学期)姓名__________学号_____专业_______________班级______考试日期201 年月日考试时间90分钟共页,三道大题审核人:山东深泉学院教务处201 年月一、选择题(共36分,每题3分)A 型题:每题都有ABCD 四个备选答案,只许从中选取一个最佳答案,并在答案卷上相应题号下空格内填写,以示正确答案。

1.下列四句话中能表示集合的是( )A .一切很大的数B .大于5的实数C .所有简单的题目D .高个子的同学2.集合{}2,3,4,5,6A =,集合{}2,4,5,8,9B =,则A B ⋃=A .{}2,3,4,5,6,8,9B. {}2,4,5C. ∅D. {}2,3,4,5,63.设全集是U=R ,集合{}|15A x x =<<,则U C A =A. {}|1x x ≤B. {}|5x x ≥C. {}|15A x x x =<>或D. {}|15A x x x =≤≥或4. 已知集合{}3,2,1=A ,集合{}7,5,3,1=B ,则A B ⋂=()。

A .{}5,3,1B. {},3,2,1C. {}3,1D. φ5.不等式237x ->的解集为( )。

A .()5,+∞ B.(,5)-∞ C.(2,)+∞ D.(,2)-∞6.不等式2230x x +->的解集是( )A. {}|31x x -<<B. {}|31x x x <->或C. {}|13x x -<<D. R7.函数()f x = ) A. 23x > B. 23x ≥ C. 2,3⎛⎫+∞ ⎪⎝⎭ D. 2,3⎡⎫+∞⎪⎢⎣⎭8、已知函数2()7f x x =-,则()3f -=()。

A .16-B. 13-C. 2D. 2-9.在直角坐标系中,函数y x =的图像是()A .关于原点对称B. 关于x 轴对称C. 关于y 轴对称D. 不是有对称性10. 函数21y x =+ 是( )A. 偶函数B. 既是奇函数,又是偶函数C. 奇函数D. 非奇非偶函数11.函数43y x =+的单调递增区间是( )。



济南文旅考试内容一、如果是试题试卷题型类济南文旅考试试卷一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. 济南素有“泉城”之美誉,以下哪个泉不是济南的名泉?()A. 黑虎泉B. 蝴蝶泉C. 趵突泉答案:B。


2. 济南的千佛山是哪种宗教文化的重要圣地?()A. 佛教B. 道教C. 基督教答案:A。


3. 济南的大明湖湖水来源于哪里?()A. 地下水B. 降水C. 黄河水答案:A。


4. 济南的芙蓉街以什么闻名?()A. 古建筑B. 美食C. 手工艺品答案:B。


5. 济南最早的火车站是哪一个?()A. 济南站B. 济南西站C. 胶济铁路济南站答案:C。


6. 以下哪项是济南的传统民俗活动?()A. 赛龙舟B. 扭秧歌C. 泼水节答案:B。


7. 济南的灵岩寺始建于哪个朝代?()A. 东晋B. 北魏C. 唐朝答案:A。


8. 济南的曲水亭街体现了哪种文化特色?()A. 泉水文化与民俗文化融合B. 宫廷文化C. 海洋文化答案:A。


9. 济南的红叶谷最佳观赏季节是?()A. 春季B. 秋季C. 冬季答案:B。


10. 济南的宽厚里的建筑风格是?()A. 明清风格B. 民国风格C. 现代风格答案:A。


二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 济南的市树是(柳树)。

2. 济南的市花是(荷花)。

3. 济南的(趵突泉)被誉为“天下第一泉”。

4. 济南的老商埠区有很多(德式)风格的建筑。







A.人格尊严权B.名誉权C.荣誉权D.隐私权【答案】:A1/ 135.课程管理涵盖课程开发的全过程。






A.富有童心B.拓宽知识视野2/ 13C.消除刻板印象D.善于换位思考【答案】:D10.最早提出要适应儿童年龄阶段,进行德智体多方面和谐发展教育的是()。



















二年级泉城练习题小朋友们,今天咱们来一起做一些关于泉城的练习题,好好开动小脑袋瓜哟!一、选择题1、泉城是指以下哪个城市?()A 济南B 青岛C 烟台答案:A 济南被誉为泉城,因为它有众多著名的泉水。

2、以下哪个泉是济南的七十二名泉之一?()A 月牙泉B 趵突泉C 蝴蝶泉答案:B 趵突泉是济南七十二名泉之首,被誉为“天下第一泉”。

3、济南的泉水有什么特点?()A 清澈、甘甜B 浑浊、苦涩C 温热、有异味答案:A 济南的泉水清澈、甘甜,是优质的水源。























)1. 关于人类遗传病,以下说法正确的是A. 血友病患者个体血液中凝血因子含量较低导致血液不易凝固而死亡B. XY 同源区段的基因所控制的性状的遗传与性别无关C. 基因诊断可以用来确定胎儿是否患猫叫综合征D. 多基因遗传病罕见病,在患者后代中发病率低参考答案:A【分析】人类的遗传病是指受精卵或母体受到环境或遗传的影响,引起的下一代遗传物质改变(包括基因和染色体两部分)形成的先天疾病,称之遗传病,主要可分为单基因遗传病、多基因遗传病和染色体异常遗传病三类。




2. 下列关于细胞器的描述错误的是()A. 溶酶体内含有多种水解酶,可以将细胞内衰老的细胞器吞噬处理B. 动物、低等植物细胞都有两个中心粒C. 存在碱基互补配对的细胞器有线粒体、叶绿体、核糖体D. 酶、抗体、激素都在核糖体上合成,经内质网加工、高尔基体分泌到细胞外起作用参考答案:D溶酶体内含有多种水解酶,对外来的细菌、病毒和衰老的细胞器能吞噬处理,A正确。







)1. 某新型二次锂离子电池结构如右图,电池内部是固体电解质,充电、放电时允许Li+在其间通过(图中电池内部“→”表示放电时Li+的迁移方向。

充电、放电时总反应可表示为:LiCoO2+6C == Li1-x CoO2 + Li x C6。

下列说法正确的是A.外电路上的“→”表示放电时的电流方向B.放电时正极的电极反应为:Li x C6–x e-= x Li+ + 6CC.充电时阳极的电极反应为:LiCoO2–x e- = Li1-x C O O2 + x Li+D.外电路有0.1mole-通过,发生迁移的Li+的质量为0.7x g参考答案:C略2. .向含有Cu(NO3)2、Zn(NO3)2、Fe(NO3)3、AgNO3各0.1 mol的混合溶液中加入0.1 mol铁粉,充分搅拌后,Fe溶解,溶液中不存在Fe3+,同时析出0.1 mol Ag.下列结论错误的是A.氧化性:Zn2+>Cu2+>Fe3+>Ag+B.Fe3+的氧化性大于Cu2+C.溶液中Cu2+与Fe2+的物质的量比为1∶2 D.1 mol Fe可还原2 mol Fe3+参考答案:A略3. 下列有关实验操作或仪器的使用都正确的是()参考答案:D略4. 某Na2CO3、NaAlO2的混合溶液中逐滴加入1mol·L-1的盐酸,测得溶液中的CO32-、HCO3-、AlO2-、Al3+离子的物质的量与加入盐酸溶液的体积变化关系如图所示,则下列说法正确的是()A.原混合溶液中的CO2-3与AlO—2的物质的量之比为1:2B.V-1:V2=l:5C.M点时生成的CO2为0.05molD.a曲线表示的离子方程式为:AlO—2+H++H2O=Al(OH)3↓参考答案:D略5. 将一定质量的镁和铝的混合物投入100 mL盐酸中,固体全部溶解后,向所得溶液中加入NaOH溶液,生成沉淀的物质的量与加入NaOH溶液的体积关系如下图所示。





1. 下列关于体液调节的叙述中,错误的是()A.体液调节比神经调节持续时间长B.体液调节比神经调节作用范围广C.参与体液调节的化学物质就是各种激素D.参与体液调节的物质种类很多,化学本质也多样2. 利用酵母菌、醋酸菌和毛霉进行发酵的适合温度分别是()A.30~35℃、18~35℃、15~18℃B.18~25℃、30~35℃、15~18℃C.18~35℃、20~35℃、15~18℃D.30~35℃、20~35℃、15~18℃3. 下列有关人脑功能的说法错误的是()A. 语言功能是人脑特有的高级功能B. 大脑皮层V区受损患者不能写字C. 短期记忆主要与大脑皮层下一个形状像海马的脑区有关D. 长期记忆可能与新突触的建立有关4. 如图甲表示细胞中ATP反应链,图中a、b、c代表酶,A、B、C代表化合物;图乙表示酶活性与温度的关系。

下列叙述正确的是()A.图甲中的B含有2个高能磷酸键,C为腺嘌呤核糖核苷酸B.图乙中温度为m时比为n时酶活性低,此时更有利于酶的保存C.研究酶活性与温度的关系时,可以选择H2O2和过氧化氢酶为实验材料D.神经细胞吸收K+时,a催化的反应加速,c催化的反应被抑制5. 下列关于遗传学基本概念的叙述,正确的有℃染色体就是由基因组成的℃纯合子杂交产生的子一代所表现的性状就是显性性状℃不同环境下,基因型相同,表现型不一定相同℃A和A、b和b不属于等位基因,C和c属于等位基因℃后代中同时出现显性性状和隐性性状的现象叫作性状分离,两个双眼皮的夫妇生了一个单眼皮的孩子属于性状分离℃检测某雄兔是否是纯合子,可以用测交的方法A.℃℃℃B.℃℃℃C.℃℃℃℃D.℃℃℃℃℃6. 某农场面积约140 hm2,农场丰富的植物资源为黑线姬鼠提供了良好的生存条件,鼠大量繁殖吸引鹰前来捕食。



2020年济南市泉城中学高三英语下学期期末试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AThese wonderful NYC attractions offer pay — what — you — wish days, free entry hours/days and other great stuff for local families.Staten IslandZooThere are plenty of creatures who call NYC home—the Staten Island Zoo is one of them. Once you’ve finished learning about the wildlife in the animal nursery, reptile (爬行动物) side rooms, horse barn and other areas of the attraction, make sure to mark your schedule for fun seasonal happenings, such as the Easter Egg Games and the scary, crazy Halloween Shows.Entry on Wednesdays is by suggested donation; children aged two and under free.Children’s Museum of the ArtsThe Children’s Museum of the Arts welcomes 135,000 little visitors each year through its doors. Once inside, the whole family can enjoy interactive programs, exhibitions (展览) and events that celebrate the changed power of the arts on youngsters and grown-ups alike.Pay-as-you-wish Thursdays, 3-6 p. m.Wave HillEveryone needs a few hours of calm now and then-kids included-and you’d be hard- pressed to find a more peaceful spot within city limits than Wave Hill the broad grounds located above the river, covering 28 acres of public gardens, plus woodlands and grasses to wander. Jump in on nature walks, story times and family art projects often led by local artists and free with general admission.Pay — as — you — wish Tuesdays and Saturdays,9 a. m — noon.New York Hall of ScienceNaturally, kids love it when the New York Hall of Science pleases them with neat exhibits and fun hands-on activities. The museum’s playground is themost attractivetochildren A tube slide (管道滑梯) will give little ones the knowledge on science topics, while the climbing area mirrors a giant spider web. There are also wind pipes, metal drums, sand- boxes and much more. What better way to make the mostout of science?Free entry Sep-Jun on Fridays, 2 — 5 p. m,and Sundays, 10 —11 a. m.1. What can children do in Staten Island Zoo?A. Feed injured animals.B. Join in seasonal activities.C. Build a home for creatures.D. Deal with the donations to the zoo.2. What do Children’s Museum of the Arts and Wave Hill have in common?A. They both have peaceful spots.B. They both are located by a river.C. They both have public gardens.D. They both have activities about arts.3. Which place can be free of charge for all?A. Wave Hill.B.Staten IslandZoo.C. New York Hall of Science.D. Children’s Museum of the Arts.BThe far side of the moonis a strange and wild region, quite different from the familiar and mostly smooth face we see nightly from our planet. Soon this rough space will have even stranger features: it will be crowded with radio telescopes.Astronomers are planning to make the moon's distant side our newest and best window on the cosmic(宇宙的) dark ages, a mysterious era hiding early marks of stars and galaxies. Our universe was not always filled with stars. About 380,000 years after the big bang, the universe cooled, and the first atoms of hydrogen formed. Gigantic hydrogen clouds soon filled the universe. But for a few hundred million years, everything remained dark, without stars. Then came the cosmic dawn: the first stars flickered, galaxies came into existence and slowly the universe's large­scale structure took shape.The seeds of this structure must have been present in the dark­age hydrogen clouds, but the era has been impossible toprobeusing optical(光学的) telescopes—there was no light. And although this hydrogen produced long­wavelength(or low­frequency) radio emissions,radio telescopes on Earth have found it nearly impossible to detect them. Our atmosphere either blocks or disturbs these faint signals; those that get through are drowned out by humanity's radio noise.Scientists have dreamed for decades of studying the cosmic dark ages from the moon's far side. Now multiple space agencies plan lunar missions carrying radio­wave­detecting instruments—some within the next three years—and astronomers' dreams are set to become reality.“If I were to design an ideal place to do low­frequency radio astronomy, I would have to build the moon,”says astrophysicist Jack Burns of the University of Colorado Boulder. “We are just now finally getting to the place where we're actually going to be putting these telescopes down on the moon in the next few years.”4. What's the purpose of building radio telescopes on the moon?A To research the big bang. B. To discover unknown stars.C. To study the cosmic dark ages.D. To observe the far side of the moon.5. What does the underlined word “probe” in Paragraph 3 possibly mean?A. Explore.B. Evaluate.C. Produce.D. Predict.6. Hydrogen radio emissions can't be detected on Earth because ________.A. there was no light in the dark agesB. they cannot possibly get through our atmosphereC. gigantic hydrogen clouds no longer fill the universeD. radio signals on Earth cause too much interference7. What can we infer from theunderlined sentence in the last paragraph?A. Scientists have to rebuild the moon.B. We will finally get to the moon's distant side.C. The moon is a perfect place to set up radio telescopes.D. A favorable research environment will be found on the moon.CIt's the near future.Animal populations have fallen sharply and 80% of species are extinct.The forests are so rare that you need to make a booking to visit one. Birds also face extinction.The Arctic terns,a species evolved to fly across the world on4000kmannual journeys,are on their last migration (迁徙) to Antarctica.The Last Migrationby the Sydney-based writer Charlotte McConaghy is a different sort of climate novel,one in which the heroine's(女主人公)damaged soul is as much a story as the damaged environment This is McConaghy's first work of literary fiction,after a history publishing in science fiction and a romantic fantasy series."I wanted to try and engage with the climate crisis closely,"she said."It's hard to nail down where he book came from.But I had Toni Morrison's words in my head:'If there's a book you really want to read,but i hasn't been written yet,then you must write it.'I love that. It really speaks to me.""I wanted to write about the way the natural world is disappearing but I didn't know a way in."The way in”, she says, was to"go travelling.I went to Ireland and Iceland,and thought about these incredible journeys of the terns and these people who study hes journeys."The book became a story of a double journey: the migration of the birds,and a broken woman's travelling to the end of the earth.Much of the book is told in flashbacks, the action jumping between the south coast of New South Wales to the west coast of Ireland and to Greenland."I've always been fascinated with Ireland: the landscape, the people and the poetry and music.I was fascinated with writing a character from there. It was a way to connect more with the place."McConaghy says she also wanted to have a character who was"of two places"."I had lived in 21 houses by the time I was 21, as a result I definitely know how it feels to feel as if you are not sure where you belong and feeling as if you are between two worlds."8. How isThe Last Migrationdifferent from other climate novels?A. It forecasts environmental destruction.B. It features a bird's cross-continental migration.C It combines science fiction well with romantic fantasy.D. It attaches equal importance to the heroine's broken soul.9. What did McConaghy think of Toni Morrison's words?A. Inspirational.B. One-sided.C. Authoritative.D. Casual.10. Why did McConaghy go travelling?A. To appreciate the landscape of Ireland.B. To follow the migration of the birds.C. To get away from her tiresome life.D. To find ideas for her new book.11. How might a character "of two places"feel?A. Content and carefree.B. More connected with nature.C. Lacking in a sense of belonging.D. Knowledgeable about the world.DExperts are warning about the risks of extremely picky(挑剔的)eating after a teenager living on a diet of chips and crisps developed lasting sight loss. Eye doctors inBristolcared for the 17-year-old after his sight had gone to the point of blindness. Tests showed he had serious vitamin deficiency(缺乏). Dr. Denize Atan, who treated him at the hospital, said, “His diet was basically a portion of chips from the local fish and chip shop every day. He also used to snack on crisps and sometimes white bread and ham, and not really any fruit and vegetables.”The teenager saw his doctor at the age of 14 because he had been feeling tired and unwell. At that time he suffered from vitamin B12 deficiency, but he did not stick with the treatment or improve his poor diet. Three years later, he was taken to theBristolEyeHospitalbecause of progressive sight loss.He was not overweight or underweight, but he had lost minerals from his bones, which was really quite shocking for a boy of his age. In terms of his sight loss, he met the standards of being blind. “He had blind spots right in the middle of his sight,” said Dr Denize Atan, “That means he can’t drive and would find it reallyarduousto read, watch TV or recognize faces.”Dr Denize Atan said that parents should learn about the harm that can be caused by picky eating, and turn to experts for help. For those who are concerned , she advised, “It’s best not to be anxious about picky eating , and instead calmly introduce one or two new foods with every meal.” She said multivitamin tablets can supplement(补充) a diet, but cannot take the place of eating healthily. “It’s much better to take in vitamins through a varied and balanced diet,” she said, adding that too manycertain vitamins , including vitamin A, can be harmful ,“so you don’t want to overdo it.”12. What does Dr Denize Atan imply in paragraph 1?A. The diet of the boy is not balanced.B. Fruit and vegetables are rich in vitamins.C. Picky eating is common among teenagers.D. The cause of the boy’s disease is unknown.13. Why did the boy go to see his doctor at the age of 14?A. To improve his poor diet.B. To get some help to lose weight.C. To be treated for his discomfort.D. To slow down his progressive sight loss.14. What does the underlined word “arduous” in paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Important.B. Easy.C. Necessary.D. Difficult.15. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?A. Reasons why the boy is seriously ill.B.Suggestions for the boy’s family to care for him.C. Advice for parents worried about picky eating.D. Waysof taking in enough vitamins and minerals.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2021年济南市泉城中学高三英语第二次联考试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AEver wonder why there are so many people polluting the earth? Ever say to yourself:Hey, I wish that I could do more to help the environment? Have you ever thought about trying to help the earth but never really did it? Well, here are some pretty easyand skillful ideas for that green - earth desire inside you.●Turn off your computer. By leaving it on all day you are creating more CO2than a regular passenger would, driving to and from work in one day.● Ride your bike or carpool (合用汽车).Obviously, youare creating less CO2which will help the ozone(臭氧).● Make a garden. Even simply grow some plants in your kitchen, which will help produce more oxygen while eating up some of that evil CO2.● Buy local groceries. It creates less impact on the environment. Besides, you're supporting your local farmers.● Recycle. You had to see this coming. But you have no idea how much you are helping the environment by simply reusing a water bottle instead of buying a huge pack at the store.● Don't run the water while brushing. It saves you money and helps the water resources.● Open the curtains. Natural light is much prettier and it will keep the energy usage down.● Rechargeable batteries. You have no idea how much it takes to get rid of batteries. Do yourself a favor. Save some money and some energy.1. If you don't want to create more CO2, you may_______.A. turn off your computer or open the curtainsB. turn off your computer or ride your bike or carpoolC. make a garden or open the curtainsD. use rechargeable batteries or make a garden2. Which of the following can best describe the function of the first paragraph?A. Main body.B. Argument.C. Lead - in.D. Conclusion.3. The main idea of the passage is about________.A. the importance of environmental protectionB. some ways about how to prevent pollutionC. some suggestions about how to save energyD. some suggestions about environmental protectionBDo you ever listen to the songs that your parents like? Chances are that you don’t. You probably think the music that they like is old and boring and that the songs on your playlist are muchcooler. But scientists found that people’s music taste changes as time goes by. So it is likely that your own musical preferences will follow a similar path to your parents’, whether you like it or not.We used to think that culture and personality (个性) are the only reasons for different music choices. But researchers at the University of Cambridge noticed that as people enter into different age groups, their social environment changes, and so does their music taste. There are some musical periods that people go through in their life.The first period comes in the teenage years, during which people like strong music such as punk and rock, because teenagers tend to be aggressive or want to be independent.But as people move into early adulthood, their lifestyles change they want to build close relationships with others. As a result, they become fonder of contemporary music, such as pop and R&.B, which is usually uplifting and danceable.When middle age comes, most people have settled down. During this period, people prefer music, such as jazz and classical, as well as music like country, folk and blues.As for old people, they prefer old songs in their childhoods. They generally listen to relaxing music, such as country music and jazz music. But you must be questioning. “Aren’t there old people who are still interested in or even crazy about rock music?” Of course there are. But their reasons for listening to rock music may have changed. At that age people may listen to remind themselves of their youth.4. What do young people usually think of the songs their parents enjoy?A. They are actually less cool.B. They are worth listening to.C. They are especially serious.D. They are hard to understand.5. How many musical periods are there that people go through in their life?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.6. People who want to make friends mostly prefer ________.A. jazz musicB. country musicC. rock musicD. pop music7. What is the best title for the text?A. People Have Different Opinions on MusicB. People Listen to Music for the Same ReasonC. People’s Taste in Music Changes with TimeD. People’s Lifestyle Can Be Changed by MusicCAt Aizo Chuo Hospital in Japan, employees greet newcomers, guide patients to and from the surgery area, and print out maps of the hospital for confused visitors. They don’t take lunch breaks or even get paid. Why? They’re robots!Robots have long worked in factories, helping to build cars and electronic appliances. But today’s robots don’t just do the jobs of people-they actually look and act a lot like people.Kansei, arobot from Japan, has a plastic face covering 19 movable parts. The robot can make 36 facial expressions in response to different words. Kansei shakes in fear at the word “war” and smiles when it hears the word “dinner”.Researchers in Europe are going even further with iCub, a “baby” robot. They are teaching it to speak and hold conversations.The ability to interact is crucial for robots that will one day work closely with humans says robotics professor ChrisAtkeson. “ This will require robots to understand what you say and how you are feeling and respond with appropriate emotions, ” he told WR News.Japanese scientist Minoru Asada agrees. He is building a robot called CB2 that acts like a real baby. “ Right now, it only goes, ̒Ah, ah. ̓But as we develop its learning function, it will start saying more complex sentences and moving on its own, ” Asada says. “ Next-generation robots need to be able to learn and develop by themselves.”Intelligent robot will become more important in the future, as populations age and the number of human workers declines in many countries. “ We’re going to have many more old people and not enough young people to care for them,” says robot researcher Matthew Mason. “ Technology can help the old people live at home longer, instead of going to nursing homes.”8. According to the passage, what jobs have robots already performed?A. Giving advice, answering customer questions and planning events.B. Producing factory goods, building cars and greeting customers.C. Greeting customers, producing factory goods and performing surgery.D. Building cars, driving passengers and providing directions.9. The second paragraph in this passage is mainly about?A. To explain how a robot works.B. To define what a robot is.C. To describe the functions of modern robots.D. To predict the future uses of robots.10. How does the Kansei robot react on the word “fire”?A. Use languages to warn nearby humans.B Back up its memory files.C. Activate an automatic fire alarm.D. Produce a worried look on his face.11. In Asada’s opinion, the next step for robots will be to develop_______.A. the ability to learn independentlyB. the ability to understand human commandsC. the capacity to interact with humansD. the willingness to work togetherDSome of the oldest art in human history is being damaged, scientists say. And climate change may be speeding up its loss. Newresearch reports that ancient rock art in Indonesian caves is degrading over time, as bits of rock slowly break off from the walls. It's a huge loss for human history.Salt crystals(结晶)building up on the walls are a key part of the problem, the study suggests. These salt crystals go into the cave walls, changing sizes as temperatures rise and fall. This process causes the rock to slowly break down.Salt crystals may become larger when exposed to repeated changes between wet conditions and periods of drought. These kinds of changes are expected to become more obvious as the climate continues to warm.In particular, the researchers say, climate change may cause more intense El Nino(厄尔尼诺)events in thefuture. These events can strengthen the kinds of conditions that help salt crystals form Scientists are still debating the exact influence of climate change on El Nino, a natural climate cycle that drives changing patterns of warming and cooling in thePacific Ocean.The new study, led by Jillian Huntley, examined 11 ancient cave art sites in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The researchers found evidence of salt formation at all 11 sites. It's merely a small part There are more than 300 known eave art sites around the region. The researchers note that salt crystals may indeed be part of the problem, adding that climate change is a growing threat, one that deserves more attention.12. What is the main cause of the rocks breaking off from the wall?A. Weather patterns.B. Salt crystals.C. Wet conditions.D. Drought Periods.13. Which of the following may researchers agree with?A. El Nino events prevent salt crystals forming.B. Climate change makes little difference to El Nino.C.Salt crystals may become much larger in wet conditions.D. Constant warm weather may cause salt crystals to change size.14. Which word best describes Huntley's attitude to climate change?A. Worried.B. Curious.C. Doubtful.D. Positive.15. What can we learn from thelast paragraph?A. The formation and patterns of salt crystals.B. The impact of climate change on ancient rock arts.C. The historical value of ancient rock art in cave sites.D. The threats of human activities to ancient eave art sites.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2020年山东省济南市泉城中学高一物理联考试题含解析一、选择题:本题共5小题,每小题3分,共计15分.每小题只有一个选项符合题意1. 质点做直线运动的位移x与时间t的关系为各物理量均采用国际单位制单位),则该质点A.质点的初速是5m/sB.质点的加速度是C.第3s末速度为12m/sD.任意1s内的速度增量都是2m/s参考答案:2. 甲、乙、丙三个物体,甲静止地放在北京,乙静止地放在江苏,丙静止地放在广州.当它们随地球一起转动时,则()A.甲的角速度最大,乙的线速度最小B.三个物体的角速度、周期一样,丙的线速度最大C.三个物体的角速度、周期和线速度都相等D.丙的角速度最小,甲的线速度最大参考答案:B甲、乙、丙三个物体随地球一起转动时它们的周期相同,角速度相同,所以,A、D选项错误,由于甲的半径最小而丙的半径最大,由线速度和角速度的关系v=ωr知甲的线速度最小而丙的线速度最大,故选项B正确.C错误故选:B3. 下列说法正确的是A.研究一名学生从家步行1km到学校的时间可把学生看做质点B.出租汽车上标明收费标准为1.6元/km,其中km 指的是位移C.光穿过窗玻璃用时为10-11秒, 10-11是时刻D.“巍巍青山两岸走”,在这句歌词中作者是以青山为参考系参考答案:a4. (单选题)P、Q、R三点在同一条直线上,一物体从P点静止开始做匀加速直线运动,经过Q点的速度为v,到R点的速度为3v,则PQ∶QR等于A.l∶8 B.l∶9C.l∶5 D.1∶3参考答案:A5. (单选)2014年3月8日凌晨马航客机失联后,西安卫星测控中心紧急调动海洋、风云、高分、遥感4个型号近10颗卫星,为地面搜救提供技术支持特别是“高分一号”突破了空间分辨率、多光谱与大覆盖面积相结合的大量关键技术如图为“高分一号”与北斗导航系统两颗卫星在空中某一面内运动的示意图.“北斗”系统中两颗卫星“G1”和“G3”以及“高分一号”均可认为绕地心O做匀速圆周运动.卫星“G1”和“G3”的轨道半径为r,某时刻两颗工作卫星分别位于轨道上的A、B两位置,“高分一号”在c位置.若卫星均顺时针运行,地球表面处的重力加速度为g,地球半径为R,不计卫星间的相互作用力则以下说法正确的是( )A.卫星“G1”和“G3”的加速度大小相等均为B如果调动“高分一号”卫星快速到达B位置的下方,必须对其加速C.卫星“G1”由位置A运动到位置B所需的时间为D“高分一号”是低轨道卫星,其所在高度有稀薄气体,运行一段时间后,高度会降低,速度增大,机械能会增大参考答案:C二、填空题:本题共8小题,每小题2分,共计16分6. 如图所示是A、B两物体运动的图象(本题物理量单位均为国际单位)(1)如果是位移-时间(s-t)图象,请回答:①A物体在 s末和B物体相遇;②计时起4s内B物体的位移是 m;③物体A运动的速度为 m/s,物体B运动的加速度为 m/s2。





)1. 普通玻璃的主要成分是:()①Na2SiO3 ②CaCO3 ③CaSiO3 ④SiO2 ⑤Na2CO3 ⑥CaO(A)①②⑥(B)②③④(C)①③④(D)③④⑤参考答案:C略2.参考答案:B3. 下列涉及有机物的性质或应用的说法不正确的是()A.干馏煤可以得到甲烷、苯和氨等重要化工原料B.用于奥运“祥云”火炬的丙烷是一种清洁燃料C.用大米酿的酒在一定条件下密封保存,时间越长越香醇D.纤维素、蔗糖、葡萄糖和脂肪在一定条件下都可发生水解反应参考答案:D略4. 已知在298K时下述反应的有关数据:C(s)+1/2 O2(g)=CO(g) △H1 = -110.5kJ/mol C(s)+O2(g)=CO2(g), △H 2= -393.5kJ/mol 则C(s)+CO2(g)=2CO(g) 的△H ()A.283.5kJ/mo B 172.5kJ/mol C -172.5kJ/mol D.-504 kJ/mol参考答案:B略5. 下列各组液体混和物,不能用分液漏斗分开的一组是()A.溴乙烷和水 B.2-甲基戊烷和水 C.甘油和水 D.苯和水参考答案:略略6. 下列叙述错误的是()A.用CuSO4?5H2O检验酒精中含有的水B.用高锰酸钾酸性溶液可区分乙烷和乙烯C.用水可区分酒精和四氯化碳D.用碘水来鉴别淀粉溶液与蛋白质溶液参考答案:A略7. 元素周期表第二周期Li到Ne原子的电离势总的趋势是怎样变化的A 从大变小B 从小变大C 从Li到N逐渐增加,从N到Ne逐渐下降D 没有多大变化参考答案:B8. 2007年10月24日,我国首颗探月卫星“嫦娥一号”顺利升空。


下列关于23He的说法正确的是A.与24He互为同位素 B.中子数为3C.带2个单位正电荷 D.原子最外层有1 个电子参考答案:A略9. 把下列物质的水溶液蒸干、灼烧后,得到的固体为原先溶质的是A.Na2CO3 B.AlCl3 C.Na2SO3 D.NH4HCO3参考答案:A略10. 下列操作中,能使电离平衡H2O H++OH-,向右移动且溶液呈酸性的是()A.向水中加入NaHSO4溶液B.向水中加入Al2(SO4)3溶液C.向水中加入Na2CO3溶液D.将水加热到100℃,使pH=6参考答案:B略11. 已知:H2O(g)===H2O(l)ΔH1=Q1 kJ/mol①C2H5OH(g)===C2H5OH(l)ΔH2=Q2 kJ/mol②C2H5OH(g)+3O2(g)===2CO2(g)+3H2O(g)ΔH3=Q3 kJ/mol③若使1mol乙醇液体完全燃烧,最后恢复到室温,则放出的热量为A.Q1-3Q2+Q3 B.3Q1-Q2+Q3 C.Q1+Q2+Q3 D.2(Q1+Q2+Q3)参考答案:B略12. 下列事实能说明甲酸属于弱酸的是①1mol/LHCOOH的pH=2 ②甲酸能与水以任意比互溶③20mL 1mol/LHCOOH与20mL1mol/LNaOH恰好中和④HCOONa溶液的pH>7A.①② B.②③ C.③④ D.①④参考答案:D略13. 二氧化硅晶体是立体的网状结构,其结构如图所示.关于二氧化硅晶体的下列说法不正确的是()A.晶体中Si、O原子个数比为1:2B.晶体中Si、O原子最外层都满足8电子结构C.晶体中一个硅原子含有Si﹣O键数目为4D.晶体中最小环上的原子数为6参考答案:D解:A.由二氧化硅晶体结构图可知,每个硅原子周围连有四个氧原子,每个氧原子周围连有2个硅原子,Si、O原子个数比为1:2,故A正确;B.氧原子最外层就是六个电子,硅原子最外层有4个电子,晶体中硅原子周围有四对共用电子对,氧原子有两对共用电子对,这样两种原子都满足八电子结构,故B正确;C.依据二氧化硅晶体结构图可知1个硅原子与4个氧原子形成4个Si﹣O,故C正确;D.由二氧化硅晶体结构图可知,晶体中最小环上含有6个硅原子和6个氧原子,所以最小环上的原子数为12,故D错误;故选:D.14. 氢离子浓度都为1×10—2mol/L的盐酸和醋酸各100 mL分别稀释2倍后,再分别加入0.03 g锌粉,在相同条件下充分反应,有关叙述正确的是A.醋酸与锌反应放出氢气多B.盐酸和醋酸分别与锌反应放出的氢气一样多C.刚开始反应时,醋酸与锌反应速率小D.盐酸和醋酸分别与锌反应的平均速率一样大参考答案:B略15. 把大气中的氮转化为氮的化合物叫做氮的固定。



2021年济南市泉城中学高三英语第二次联考试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AFour Best Hikes in the WorldThere's nothing like getting out and getting some fresh air on a hike. No matter whether your idea of a hike is a leisure walk or climbing the highest mountain on Earth, we've got you covered. Below are four best hikes inthe world.Torres del Paine W CircuitLocation (位置): Patagonia. ChileDistance: 37 + milesTime: 5~6 daysBest time to go: October to JanuaryThe W Circuit is one of the most recommended hikes you'll find. Not only will you appreciate the diverse landscapes and striking granite pillars (花岗岩柱子), but you'll probably meet some new friends along the way.Grand Canyon Rim - to - Rim HikeLocation: Arizona, the United StatesDistance: 48 milesTime: 1~3 daysBest time to go: May to June, September to OctoberThere's no better way to experience one of the greatest wonders in the world. Located in one of the USA's most beautiful parks, the views are ly appealing. Just make sure you're prepared for the challenge.Trek to PetraLocation: JordanDistance: 47 milesTime: 5~ 6 daysBest time to go: October to AprilTake the road less traveled through the Kingdom of Jordan and experience one of the seven wonders of the world. Hike through canyons, gorges and ridges, and see tombs and temples along the way all while avoidingcrowds of tourists.Yosemite Grand TraverseLocation: California, the United StatesDistance: 60 milesTime: 6~7 daysBest time to go: July to SeptemberKnown for some of the best hiking in the world, Yosemite National Park is famous for its views and huge sequoia (红杉) trees. Praised byNational Geographic, the Yosemite Grand Traverse will take you through waterfalls and green mountaintops.1.Which of the following is the best time for the hike in Patagonia, Chile?A.AprilB.MayC.AugustD.December2.Where should you go for a less crowded hike?A.JordanB.Patagonia, ChileC.Arizona, the United StatesD.California, the United States3.What can you do along the Yosemite Grand Traverse?A.Plant sequoia treesB.Appreciate waterfallsC.Visit local templesD.Climb granite pillarsBPopularization has in some cases changed the original meaning of emotional (情感的) intelligence. Many people now misunderstand emotional intelligence as almost everything desirable in a person's makeup that cannotbe measured by an IQ test, such as character, motivation, confidence, mental stability, optimism and “people skills.” Research has shown that emotional skills may contribute to some of these qualities, but most of them move far beyond skill-based emotional intelligence.We prefer to describe emotional intelligence as a specific set of skills that can be used for either good or bad purposes. The ability to accurately understand how others are feeling may be used by a doctor to find how best to help her patients, while a cheater might use it to control potential victims. Being emotionally intelligent does not necessarily make one a moral person.Although popular beliefs regarding emotional intelligence run far ahead of what research can reasonably support, the overall effects of the publicity have been more beneficial than harmful. The most positive aspect of this popularization is a new and much needed emphasis (重视) on emotion by employers, educators and othersinterested in promoting social well-being. The popularization of emotional intelligence has helped both the public and researchers re-evaluate the functionality of emotions and how they serve people adaptively in everyday life.Although the continuing popular appeal of emotional intelligence is desirable, we hope that such attention will excite a greater interest in the scientific and scholarly study of emotion. It is our hope that in coming decades, advances in science will offer new perspectives (视角) from which to study how people manage their lives. Emotional intelligence, with its focus on both head and heart, may serve to point us in the right direction.4. What is a common misunderstanding of emotional intelligence?A. It can be measured by anIQ test.B. It helps to exercise a person’s mind.C. It includes a set of emotional skills.D. It refers to a person’s positive qualities.5. Why does the author mention “doctor” and “cheater” in paragraph 2?A. To explain a rule.B. To clarify a concept.C. To present a fact.D. To make a prediction.6. What is the author’s attitude to the popularization of emotional intelligence?A. Favorable.B. Intolerant.C. Doubtful.D. Unclear.7. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about concerning emotional intelligence?A. Its appeal to the public.B. Expectations for future studies.C. Its practical application.D. Scientists with new perspectives.CFew people are aware that Waterloo Bridge, crossed by thousands of daily commuters (每天长途上下班的人) and celebrated as a London landmark, was mainly built by a female workforce.There are no written or photographic records ofthe women who built the bridge since the construction company that built it closed in the 1980s and with it went all the records. What’s left is anecdotal evidence, kept alive by the tourist boat skippers who have called it theLadiesBridge.During the Second World War, with the majority of the active male labor-force away at the front, women increasingly took on traditionally male roles. By 1944, 25,000 women were working in the construction industry, carrying out back-breaking tasks. These women were permitted to carry out this exhausting and dangerous work on the basis that it would only be temporary and that their pay would be lower than that of men. So the surge (激增) in women working in construction and engineering did not continue after the war.September sees a series of events celebrating the unknown work of the large female workforce. MusicianClaudia Molitor has created a 45-minute musical entitled “theSingingBridge”, which runs at Somerset House from Sept9th. to Sept25th. In late September, the “Light up the Ladies Bridge” event saw the National Theatre’s fly tower lit up by large scale photographic projections (投影片) of female construction workers working in construction during World War II.Let’s all celebrate the women who have helped to build the cities in which we live.8. Why do few people know about the builders ofWaterlooBridge?A. The records of their work have been lost.B. Female workers received little attention.C. The construction took place long ago.D. Few people know about the bridge.9. What can we learn from the fourth paragraph?A. There are less female workers inLondon.B.WaterlooBridgeis popular among artists.C. The story ofWaterlooBridgeis better known.D. Many works of art were created during World War II.10. Why didLondonwomen do the construction work?A. It was a tradition inLondon.B. They wanted to get a steady job.C. Mostmen had gone to the battlefield.D. The company offered them better pay.11. Which can be the best title for the text?A. Female Workers on the RiseB. A Hidden Treasure inLondonC. ANew LondonLandmarkD. The Story behind theLadiesBridgeDTexas has been one of the most restrictive gun-rights states in America.Thanks to a new law,however,the state will be one of the most relaxed,to the degree that police are discouraged from even asking about someone's guns. And if they do, they may not have much power to do anything if the person refuses to show a license.To be sure, the law is strict in its own way,offering a model for regulation. Under the law, open-carry citizenshave to be licensed, a process that includes safety and shooting tests. They also have to show no prior psychological problems, and they have to be at least 21 years old.It is true that gun violence dropped sharply after restrictive laws were put in place in countries like Great Britain and Australia. However,the US public seems more interested than ever in weapons and the power they convey,despite gun control groups' concern over the increase of violence. Most states in America have steadily expanded gun rights since the end of a 10-year assault(攻击)weapons ban in 2004. Black Friday this year saw the biggest gun cache(贮存)ever purchased in one day.Considering those trends,there's a heated debate about whether the new Texas law is a model piece of legislation(立法)for a changing America,or a walking disaster just begging for trouble. As the law doesn't provide any punishment for those who refuse to show a license to a police officer, critics fear that officers may find it tough to handle potentially deadly situations. After all, armed citizens will no longer be considered suspicious, even though a lot of people might be alarmed by the sight. Most police in Texas have been told to not engage gun carriers unless they are doing something questionable or appear drunk.For sure,New Year's Day will be an exciting one for Texas gun owners. What's not yet known is how the rest of Texas will respond.12. All of the following are required in the new Texas law for open carry EXCEPTA. age limitB. mental conditionC. online registrationD. gun-operating skills13. What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 3?A. The reason for putting forward the new Texas law.B. The present situation of gun possession in America.C. The impact of the assault weapons ban in 2004.D. The inaction of the US government as to gun control.14. What do critics think the new Texas law will probably lead to?A. Heavier workload for policemen.B. Disrespect for officers.C. Lack of trust among citizens.D. Difficulty in crime prevention.15. What is the author's attitude towards the new Texas law?A. Negative.B. Cautious.C. Indifferent.D. Approving.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2021年济南市泉城中学高三英语二模试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ALost cities that have been foundThe White CityIn 2015, a team of explorers to Honduras in search of"the Lost City of the Monke God"led to the discovery of the White City. They found the ruins in the Mosquitia region of the Central American country which is known for poisonous snakes, vicious jaguars and deadly insects. It is believed that local people hid here when the Spanish conquerors(征服者) occupied their homeland in the16th century.Canopus and HeracleionModern researchers were teased by the ancient writings about the Egyptian cities Canopus and Heracleion-where Queen Cleopatra often visited. But the cities weren’t found until 1992, when a search in Alexandria waters found that the two cities had been flooded for centuries. Artifacts(史前器物) showedthat the cities once highly developed as a trade network, which helped researchers piece together more about the last queen of Egypt. Machu PicchuA Yale professor discovered "the Lost City in the Clouds"in 1911. A combination of palaces, plazas, temples and homes, Machu Picchu displays the Inca Empire at the height of its rule. The city, which was abandoned in the 16th century for unknown reasons,was hidden by the local people from the Spanish conquerors for centuries keeping it so well preserved.TroyThe ancient city of Troy in homer's The Iliad was considered a fictional setting for his characters to run wild. But in 1871, explorations in northwestern Turkey exposed nine ancient cities layered (层叠) on top of each other, the earliest dating back to about5,000 years before. It was later determined that the sixth or seventh layer contained the lost city of Troy and that it was actually destroyed by an earthquake, not a wooden horse.1.Why did people hide in the White City in the 16th century?A.To survive the warB.To search for a lost city.C.To protect their country.D.To avoid dangerous animals2.Which of the following was related to a royal family member?A.The White CityB.Canopus and HeracleionC.Machu PicchuD.Troy3.What can we learn about Troy?A.It was built by Homer.B.It consisted of nine citiesC.It had a history of 5,000 yearsD.It was ruined by a natural disaster.BThe world's largest iceberg is floating toward South Georgia in the southernAtlantic Ocean. Scientists fear the iceberg could crash into the island and block major feeding areas for a large population of penguins and seals. If the iceberg hits the island, it could prevent the penguins and seals from reaching food supplies.The huge iceberg is named A68a. It broke away fromAntarctica's Larsen C Ice Shelf in 2017. Satellite images show the iceberg has remained in one piece. It is estimated to be about 150 kilometers long and 48 kilometers wide. It is traveling at one kilometer per hour and is on a path to hitSouth Georgiain around 30 days.This is the time of year when seals and penguins spend a lot of time caring for their young. The distance that parents have to travel to find food is crucial. That means they have to go a lot further or go around the iceberg to find sources of food.Ecologists say an iceberg crash would also disturb materials settled on the seabed, possibly polluting the surrounding seas. As the iceberg melts, it would also release large amounts of fresh water into the ocean. This could affect krill(磷虾)populations that are a major source of food for the island's wildlife. The iceberg could remain for up to 10 years and change the area's whole ecosystem. These are globally significant populations of these species. If these species fail in this particular area, then the numbers globally are going to go down quite dramatically.Professor Geraint Tarling, an ecologist at the British Antarctic Survey, said, "The breaking off of icebergs fromAntarcticais a natural process. But the process is changing with climate change. What we're seeing with models and some observations now is that this is happening at an increasing rate. And so, this might becomemore of a usual thing in the future."4. Why are the scientists worried about the coming iceberg crash?A. It will bring extremely cold weather.B. It will destroy the feeding areas of the animals.C. It will put wildlife on the island at risk of starving.D. It will prevent animals from moving to other places.5. What is paragraph 2 mainly about?A. The characteristic of the iceberg.B. The importance of the iceberg.C. The traveling speed of the iceberg.D. The forming process of the iceberg.6. What damage can an iceberg crash bring according to paragraph 4?A. Using up much fresh water.B. Polluting the surrounding farms.C. Changing the world's ecosystem.D. Affecting the number of certain species.7. How does Tarling think of the breaking off of icebergs fromAntarctica?A. It may slow down in the near future.B. It may become common in the future.C. It has a great influence on the climate.D. It helps scientists conduct a sea study.CPablo Picasso was born on October25 inMalaga. Spain in 1881. Taking after his father, Picasso shared apassion(热爱)for painting and art. Even though he wasn't the best student in school, Picasso excelled at drawing. Noticing his amazing talent, Picasso's father, an artist, taught him everything he knew. Before long, Picasso could paint and draw much better than his father. With this rich talent, Picasso paid less and less attention to his schoolwork and spent the majority of his day sketching and drawing in notepads and sketchbooks.When he was a little bit older, Picasso moved twice and was accepted into two fine art programs. However, he didn't care very much for the special techniques they taught and often wandered the streets by himself drawing the scenes around him. After moving to these two places, Picasso moved back home toBarcelonaanddecided that he would develop new techniques of art and painting based on what he saw.Later, Picasso decided to move toParis,France, where he began perfecting his own techniques of painting, drawing and other forms of art. His drawings. paintings, and an included pieces about sadness, poverty, classics and self-portraits. One of his major types of work is calledcubism(立体派),which includes art with all sizes of geometric shapes together on the piece of an. This type of art is very important because no other artists had come up with the idea before. Picasso decided to try something new, and as a result, cubismis widely accepted today as a classic style of art.Picasso inspires us to always be thinking. He tells us to think outside the box and come up with fresh new ideas that can change the world. He surely plays a significant role in the art field.8. What do we know about Picasso as a student at school?A. He hated doing his homework.B. He was very proud of his talent.C. He showed great talent for drawing.D. He was often praised by his teacher.9. What did Picasso's father do when he found Picasso's gift?A. He tried his best to help Picasso.B. He blamed Picasso for his laziness.C. He asked Picasso to finish his work on time.D. He encouraged Picasso to do better at school.10. What was Picasso's attitude towards the special techniques at that time?A. He thought highly of them.B. He took no interest in them.C. He was confused about them.D. He was concerned about them.11. What does the author tell us in the last two paragraphs?A. Picasso has great faith in art.B. Picasso has changed the world a lot.C. Picasso can do anything he wants to.D. Picasso is a highly creative artist.DBorn in 1954, Oprah Winfrey is best known for her multi-award-winning talk show as the most influential woman in the world. It's no surprise that her recognition can bring overnight sales fortune that defeats most, if not all, marketing campaigns. The star features about 20 products each year on her "Favorite Things" show. There's even a term for it: the Oprah Effect.Her television career began unexpectedly. When she was 16 years old, she had the idea of being a journalist to tell other people's stories in a way that made a difference in their lives and the world. She was on television by the time she was 19 years old. And in 1986 she started her own television show with a continuous determination to succeed at first.TIME magazine wrote, "People would have doubted Oprah Winfrey's swift rise to host of the most popular talk show on TV. In a field dominated by white males, she is a black female of big size. As interviewers go, she is no match for Phil Donahue. What she lacks in journalistic toughness, she makes up for in plainspoken curiosity, rich humor and, above all understanding. Guests with sad stories to tell tend to bring out a tear in Oprah's eye. They, in turn, often find themselves exposing things they would not imagine telling anyone, much less a national TV audience.""I was nervous about the competition and then I became my own competition raising the bar every year, pushing, pushing, pushing myself as hard as I knew. It doesn't matter how far you might rise. At some point you are likely to fall if you' re constantly doing what we do, raising the bar. If you' re constantly pushing yourself higher, higher the law of averages, you will at some point fall. And when you do, I want you to know this, remember this: there is no such thing as failure. Failure is just life trying to move us in another direction" as Oprah addressed graduates at Harvard on May 30.12. What does the Oprah Effect refer to in the first paragraph?A. the influence on talk show hostsB. the power of Oprah's opinions.C. the effect on a business.D. the audience of Oprah's talk show.13. What can be inferred about Oprah's television career?A. She must have been challenged a lotB. She gained fame as planned.C. It lives up to her parents' expectation.D. She once gave up on her choice.14. What message did Oprah give to Harvard graduates?A. Success comes after failure.B. Pushing physical limits makes no senseC. Aiming higher hurtsD. Failure is part of life.15. Which of the following best describes Oprah Winfrey?A. Friendly.B. HumorousC. Determined.D. Patient第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2020-2021学年济南市泉城中学高三英语第二次联考试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AWhat to See InHarbinParks inHarbin: Snow Sculpture Expo on theSunIslandPark: massive and beautifully carved sculptures of snow. Ice Lantern Festival: where large ice buildings and statues constructed with lights inside that make them glow.SiberianTigerPark: The park has several large caged areas where the tigers roam freely and live as they-would in their natural environment. We enter these caged areas in a specially designed van with large windows to get a look at these beautiful beasts. Live pheasants (雉) are let loose (if you pay) in order to show you the tigers' natural hunting skills.Russian Architecture: Blessed with grace and character, the city is famous for its unique, Russian-influenced architecture. Remnants (残存) from the days when Harbin wasan important stop on the Russian Manchurian Railroad, the dome-shaped structures remind people of pre-revolutionary Russia. The strong Russian flavor continues to impact the city today due to new trade and tourism betweenHarbinandRussia.TheCentral Avenue: Passers-by only street, a perfect remaining part of the busy international business activities at the turn of the 20th century. The 1.4-km long street is a worthy museum of European architectural styles, including Baroque and Byzantine facades, Jewish architectural wonders, little Russian bakeries, French fashion houses, American snack food outlets, and Japanese restaurants.Guogeli Avenue:Harbin's second biggest shopping district dotted with Russian buildings. A tram track is still preserved in the centre of the road. The street is named after Nikolay (Vasilyevich) Gogol (1809-1852); great Russian novelist, dramatist, satirist, founder of the so-called critical realism in Russian literature, best-known for his novel MERTVYE DUSHI I-II (1842, Dead Souls).Saint Sophia Church (built in 1903): The Orthodox church is a wonderful example of Russian Architecture. We only tour the outside of the church. The inside has been turned into some painters' market and is a big disappointment to all who visit it. You are welcome to venture into the church. Entrance fees are RMB20 per person.1. From where does the author look at the tigers?A. Through the windows of his house.B. In the closed areas of tigers.C. In the areas for walking.D. In their natural environment.2. Where can visitors see the most diverse styles of architecture?A. At Ice Lantern Festival.B. On the Russian Manchurian Railroad.C. On TheCentral Avenue.D. OnGuogeli Avenue.3. When walking in the city ofHarbin, what can visitors still strongly feel?A. The Russian flavor.B. The influence of Guogeli's realism.C. The damage to Saint Sophia Church.D. The mixture of American and Japanese cultures.BIn 2015, a man named Nigel Richards memorized 386, 000 words in the entireFrench Scrabble Dictionaryin just nine weeks. However, he does not speak French. Richards’ impressive feat is a useful example to show how artificial intelligence works — real AI. Both of Richard and AI take in massive amounts of data to achieve goals with unlimited memory and superman accuracy in a certain field.The potential applications for AI are extremely exciting. Because AI canoutperformhumans at routine tasks — provided the task is in one field with a lot of data — it is technically capable of replacing hundreds of millions of white and blue collar jobs in the next 15 years or so.But not every job will be replaced by AI. In fact, four types of jobs are not at risk at all. First, there are creative jobs. AI needs to be given a goal to optimize. It cannot invent, like scientists, novelists and artists can. Second, the complex, strategic jobs — executives, diplomats, economists — go well beyond the AI limitation of single-field and Big Data. Then there are the as-yet-unknown jobs that will be created by AI.Are you worried that these three types of jobs won’t employ as many people as AI will replace? Not to worry, as the fourth type is much larger: jobs where emotions are needed, such as teachers, nannies and doctors. These jobs require compassion, trust and sympathy — which AI does not have. And even if AI tried to fake it, nobody would want a robot telling them they have cancer, or a robot to babysit their children.So there will still be jobs in the age of AI. The key then must be retraining the workforce so people can do them. This must be the responsibility not just of the government, which can provide funds, but also of corporations and those who benefit most.4. What is the main purpose of paragraph 1?A. To introduce the topic.B. To mention Nigel’s feat.C. To stress the importance of good memory.D. To suggest humans go beyond AI in memory.5. Which of the following best explains “outperform” underlined in paragraph 2?A. Be superior toB. Be equal toC. Be similar toD. Be related to6. Which of the following jobs is the most likely to be replaced?A. The writer.B. The shop assistant.C. The babysitter.D. The psychologist.7. What does the text suggest people do about job replacement of AI?A. Limit the application of AI to a certain degree.B. Get more support from the government.C. Apply for the donation from companies.D. Upgrade themselves all the time.CWhen I was trying to find a place where to spend my December holidays, I met by chance some cheap flights to Iceland. After checking just a few winter pictures of Iceland, I realized that the country, known as the land of fire and ice, during the cold months of the year could offer me experiences I had never had before.For sure you can’t miss the chance to go to Iceland in winter if your traveling wish list includes at least one of the crazy experiences Iceland can offer. Iceland in the North Atlantic Ocean is a paradise (乐园) for all those who want to see the northern lights, experience cold weather conditions and put themselves in geothermal (地热的) baths while the snow is falling on their head.The best way to move around Iceland is with a rental car. Distances are huge and public transport in winter is not really common out of the major towns. As we wanted to be even more convenient we decided to rent a small camper (野营车). Sleeping and cooking in a camper saved us a lot of driving, money and gave us the chance tobe always in the right place at the right time.There were also no locals and in many cases no tourist facilities (设备). For us, as we slept in a camper, it was easier. But for tourists traveling by normal cars it is necessary to check the opening times ofhotels and restaurants as many of them run just from June to September.It is amazing to experience how the weather is changing in Iceland. However, Icelanders prefer to stay inside their houses. They have even no time to complain about the weather in December. All they care about is Christmas. They love to decorate their houses, sing Christmas songs and eat typical Christmas food.8. Why is Iceland famous as the land of fire and ice?A. Because tourists would like to play with fire on the ice.B. Because it is too dry to easily cause fire to happen.C. Because it is hot inside a house and cold outside.D. Because there exist hot springs and freezing ice.9. What did the author think of the rented camper?A. It was not only practical but also economical.B. It was convenient but cost them more money.C. It provided the best chance to see the new country.D. It was much faster than other public transport.10. What does the last paragraph imply?A. The Icelanders prefer to live with their family.B. The joy of Christmas drives the freezing weather away.C. December is the coldest month of the year.D. The Icelanders are always positive and stay outside.11. What does this passage most probably come from?A. A textbookB. A scientific reportC. A travel magazineD. A news reportDKamikatsu, a small town in Japan, has shown the world that our garbage has far-reaching effects, and not just on our environment.Theexperiment in going zero waste started when the town built a new incinerator 20 years ago. But almost immediately, the incinerator was determined to be a health risk due to the poisonous gases when garbage was burned in it. It was too expensive to send waste to other towns, so locals had to come up with a new plan. Then the Zero Waste Academy was born, which helped perform this plan.Now Kamikatsu people separate their waste into 45 different categories. But in the beginning, it wasn't easy to convince local people to do all this work, and there was somepushback. Only after that initial education period did most residents come on board.This is all great news for waste reduction of course, but it has also had some unexpected social benefits as well. Like much of Japan, Kamikatsu's population is aging, and about 50 percent of the locals are elderly. The factthat the whole community takes their trash in to be recycled has created a local action and interaction between generations.That idea has been purposefully expanded to include a circular shop where household goods are dropped off and others can take them, and a tableware "library" where people can borrow extra cups, glasses, silverware and plates for celebrations."The elderly see this not as a waste-collection service, but an opportunity to socialize with the younger generation and to chat. When we visit them, they prepare lots of food and we stay with them for a while, we ask how they are," Sakano, the founder of the Zero Waste Academy, said.Sakano's ideas are truly revolutionary if you think about it. She's proving that community can be found through handling the stuff we no longer want and need.12. What is mainly talked about in paragraph 2?A. What harmful effects garbage burning has.B. Why garbage sorting is necessary in Japan.C. How the idea of zero waste was put forward.D. What the Zero Waste Academy functions as.13. What does the underlined word "pushback" probably mean?A. Inactive response.B. Generous reward.C. Bitter suffering.D. Beneficial guidance.14. What is a bonus of the zero waste project?A. Reducing waste.B. Creating community.C. Increasing people's income.D. Developing a new technology.15. Which part of a newspaper is this text most likely from?A. Technology.B. Health.C. Workplace.D. Lifestyle.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

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2010~2011学年第二学期课程考试试卷(A 卷)
课 程 大学物理(1) 授课教师 考试时间 2011年 7 月 1 日 考试班级 学 号 姓 名
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 总 分
一、选择题(每小题 3 分,共42分,请将答案填入下列表格内) 题号 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1. 一质点在平面上运动,已知质点位置矢量的表示式为j bt i at r 2
2 (其中a 、b 为常量), 则该
质点作 (A) 匀速直线运动. (B) 变速直线运动. (C) 抛物线运动. (D)一般曲线运动.
2. 竖立的圆筒形转笼,半径为R ,绕中心轴OO '转动,物块A 紧靠在圆筒的内壁上,物块与圆筒间的摩擦系数为μ,要使物块A 不下落 ,圆筒转动的角速度ω至少应为 (A)
(B)g (C)
(D)R g
3. 如图所示,一匀质细杆可绕通过上端与杆垂直的水平光滑固定轴O 旋转,初始状态为静止悬挂.现
(A) 只有机械能守恒.
(B) 只有动量守恒. (C) 只有对转轴O 的角动量守恒.
(D) 机械能、动量和角动量均守恒.
4. 一物体作简谐振动,振动方程为)2
cos( t A x .在 t = T /2(T 为周期)时刻,物体的速度

(A) A . (B) 2
A . (C) A . (D) 0
5. 一个质点作简谐振动,振幅为A ,在起始时刻
质点的位移为A 2
,且向x 轴的正方向运动,代
6. 如图所示,两列波长为 的相干波在P 点相遇.波在S 1点振动的初相是 1,S 1到P 点的距离是r 1;
波在S 2点的初相是 2,S 2到P 点的距离是r 2,以k 代表零或正、负整数,则P 点是干涉极大的条件为 (A) k r r 12. (B) k 212 . (C) k r r 2/)(21212 .
(D) k r r 2/)(22112 .
7. 在相同的时间内,一束波长为 的单色光在空气中和在玻璃中
(A) 传播的路程相等,走过的光程相等. (B) 传播的路程相等,走过的光程不相等. (C) 传播的路程不相等,走过的光程相等. (D) 传播的路程不相等,走过的光程不相等.
8. 一束波长为 的单色光由空气垂直入射到折射率为n 的透明薄膜上,透明薄膜放在空气中,要使反射光得到干涉加强,则薄膜最小的厚度为
(A) . (B) / (4n ).
(C) . (D) / (2n ).
9. 如果单缝夫琅禾费衍射的第一级暗纹发生在衍射角为 30°的方位上.所用单色光波长为 =500 nm ,则单缝宽度为
(A) 2.5×10-5 m . (B) 1.0×10- m .
x o A x A 21 A 2
A 2
1 (C)
(D) o
o o A 21
x x
x A
S 2
r 1
r 2
得 分 阅卷人
O ′
(C) 1.0×10-6 m . (D) 2.5×10-
7 .
10. 某元素的特征光谱中含有波长分别为 1=450 nm 和 2=750 nm (1 nm =10-9
光谱中,这两种波长的谱线有重叠现象,重叠处 2的谱线的级数将是 (A) 2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ...... (B) 2 ,5 ,8 ,11......
(C) 2 ,4 ,6 ,8 ...... (D) 3 ,6 ,9 ,12......
11. 一束光强为I 0的自然光垂直穿过两个偏振片,且此两偏振片的偏振化方向成45°角,则穿过两个
偏振片后的光强I 为 (A)
8/20I . (B) I 0 / 4.
(C) I 0 / 2. (D) 2I 0 / 2.
12. 有一直尺固定在K ′系中,它与Ox ′轴的夹角 ′=45°,如果K ′系以匀速度沿Ox 方向相对于
K 系运动,K 系中观察者测得该尺与Ox 轴的夹角
(A) 大于45°. (B) 小于45°. (C) 等于45°. (D) 当K ′系沿Ox 正方向运动时大于45°,而当K ′系沿Ox 负方向运动时小于45°.
13. 两块平玻璃构成空气劈形膜,左边为棱边,用单色平行光垂直入射.若上面的平玻璃慢慢地向上平移,则干涉条纹
(A) 向棱边方向平移,条纹间隔变小.(B) 向棱边方向平移,条纹间隔变大 (C) 向棱边方向平移,条纹间隔不变.(D) 向远离棱边的方向平移,条纹间隔不变.
14. 质子在加速器中被加速,当其动能为静止能量的4倍时,其质量为静止质量的
(A) 4倍. (B) 5倍. (C) 6倍. (D) 8倍.

二、填空题(每空 3 分,共21分)
1. 质点沿半径为R 的圆周运动,运动学方程为 223t (SI) ,则t时刻质点的法向加速度大小
为a n = .
2. 一个作定轴转动的物体,对转轴的转动惯量为J .正以角速度 0=10 rad ·s -1匀速转动.现对物体加一恒定制动力矩 M =-0.5 N ·m ,经过时间t =5.0 s 后,物体停止了转动.物体的转动惯量J = .
3. 已知波源的振动周期为
4.00×10-2 s ,波的传播速度为300 m/s ,波沿x 轴正方向传播,则位于x 1 = 10.0 m 和x 2 = 16.0 m 的两质点振动相位差为__________.
4. 一个质点同时参与两个在同一直线上的简谐振动,其表达式分别为t x 2cos 10521 ,
)2cos(10322 t x (SI) 则其合成振动的振幅为___________ .
5. 一观察者测得一沿米尺长度方向匀速运动着的米尺的长度为 0.5 m .则此米尺以速度
v =__________________________m ·s -
6. 波长为 的单色光垂直照射如图所示的透明薄膜.膜厚
度为e ,两束反射光的光程差 =______________________.
7. 波长为500 nm(1nm=10−9m)的单色光垂直入射到光栅常数为1.0×10-4 cm 的
平面衍射光栅上,第一级衍射主极大所对应的衍射角 =____________.
转动.棒的质量为m = 1.5 kg ,长度为l = 1.0 m ,对轴的转动惯量为J = 231ml .初始时棒静止.今有一水平运动的子弹垂直地射入棒的另一端,并留在棒中,如图所示.子弹的质量为m = 0.020 kg ,速率为v = 400 m ·s -1.试问: (1) 棒开始和子弹一起转动时角速度 有多大? (2) 若棒转动时受到大小为M r = 4.0 N ·m 的恒定阻力矩作用,棒能转过多大的角度 ?
m , l
v m
质量m =2 kg 的物体沿x 轴作直线运动,所受合外力F =10+6x 2 (SI).如果在x=0处时速度v 0=0;试求该物体运动到x =4 m 处时速度的大小.
某质点作简谐振动,周期为2 s ,振幅为0.06 m ,t = 0 时刻,质点恰好处在
(1) 该质点的振动方程;
(2) 此振动以波速u = 2 m/s 沿x 轴正方向传播时,形成的一维简谐波的波动表达式,(以该质点的平衡位置为坐标原点)。

在双缝干涉实验中,波长 =550 nm 的单色平行光垂直入射到缝间距 d =2×10-
4 m 的双缝上,屏到双缝的距离D =2 m .求:
(1) 中央明纹两侧的两条第10级明纹中心的间距;
(2) 用一厚度为e =6.6×10-6 m 、折射率为n =1.58的玻璃片覆盖一缝后,零级明纹将移到原来的
第几级明纹处?(1 nm = 10-9 m)
(a+b )sin =d sin =k k=0,±1, ±2, ±3 · · ·
22n R R a v 2
u l l 220
1c v m m 202k c m mc E J L J M p r L )
cos( t A x
)(2cos )(cos x T t A u x t A y =明纹
)12(sin ),2,1(sin k k a k k a )
221 A A A A A 20cos I I 明纹中心
),2,1,0( k d
D k
x k。
