



周期位臵更新是网络与移动用户保持紧密 联系的一种重要手段,因此周期时间越短,网络 的总体服务性能越好。 但频繁的周期更新有两个负作用:一是网 络的信令流量大大增加,对无线资源的利用率降 低,在严重时会直接影响系统中各个实体的处理 能力(包括MSC、BSC和BTS);另一方面则使 移动台的功耗增大,使系统中移动台的平均待机 时间大大缩短。因此T3212的设臵需权衡网络各 方面的资源利用情况而定。
GSM系统中发生位臵更新的原因主要有两 类,一种是移动台发现其所在的位臵区发生变 化(LAC不同);另一种是网络规定移动台周 期地进行位臵更新。周期位臵更新的频度是由 网络控制的,周期长度由参数T3212确定。
T3212以十进制数表示,取值范围0~ 255,单位为6分钟(1/10小时),如T3212 =1,表示0.1小时。目前现网设臵T3212=5 。
1.3 基站识别码(Base Station Identity Code,BSIC) BSIC的组成:NCC (网络色码) +BCC(基站色码) NCC取值范围:0~7 BCC取值范围:0~7
当移动台同时收到两个小区的BCCH载频,且它们 的频道号相同时,则移动台以BSIC来区分它们。应 避免相邻或相近小区出现同频同BSIC的情况。特别 应注意省,市交界处小区参数的配臵情况,否则可 能造成切换失败。
对于ERICSSON设备RBS200,以下功率值有效: GSM900:31~47dBm,奇数有效。 GSM1800:33~45dBm,奇数有效。
对于ERICSSON设备RBS2000,以下功率值有效: GSM900:35~43dBm,奇数有效。 GSM1800:33~45dBm,奇数有效。













二、空闲切换1. IS-95A中的空闲切换当在移动台空闲状态,移动台从一个基站的覆盖区移动到另一基站覆盖区时就发生了空闲切换。






● 有效导频信号集:寻呼信道正在被监视的前向CDMA信道的导频信号偏置。

● 相邻导频信号集:很可能做为空闲切换候选小区导频信道的偏置。


● 剩余导频信号集:在当前CDMA频率配置中当前系统的所有可能的导频信号偏置的集合(PILOT INCs的整数倍),不包括相邻导频信号集和有效导频信号集的导频信号。



空闲模式1 说明没有分配到专用信道的移动台即是“空闲模式的移动台”,本功能的目的是让处于空闲模式的移动台能够接入系统,并通过网络中的其它定位算法延伸至其它系统。





2 背境当一个移动台开机后且不进入任何呼叫操作,则它一直处于这样一个状态:不断选择最好的小区去登录。




3 实现3.1 接入系统时的最小信号强度当移动台接入系统时总是试图获得最强信号。



一个小区是否合适于登录,将要满足一定的算法,小区选择与重选择与重选可以由一组参数来控制(主要是选择和重选公式中涉及的参数入ACCMIN CCCHPWR CRO CBQ等参数) 。



3.2 寻呼开消控制空闲模式下移动台通过解码LAI,来确认它的位置区是否已变化,并通过位置更新来通知系统。



空闲模式功能(IDLE MODE)

空闲模式功能(IDLE MODE)

PLMN选择 小区选择 小区重选 位置更新
当MS开机或从覆盖盲区进入覆盖区时,会选择一个PLMN进行登记。 首先将尝试选择在它最后一次登记的PLMN(如果这个网络还继续存 在)。如果成功地在PLMN上登记,MS将会显示这个PLMN的名称在 显示器上,现在它就能够进行呼叫和被寻呼啦。如果这里不存在最后 一次登记的那个PLMN,或者这个PLMN不可以用,MS将会用自动或 者手动模式下尝试选择另一个PLMN。自动模式下是利用一个有一定 优先次序排列的PLMN表,而手动模式将由使用者进行决定,但是只 可以显示可利用的PLMN。 MS通常都是在它的归属的PLMN上运作的。如果经由挑选,可能选择 了另一个PLMN,可能MS会失去网络的覆盖(脱网)。MS如果找到 一个适当的小区CAMP ON,并且LOCATING UPATING申请也被确认 了,那么将会在这个PLMN上进行登记。MS为了能够访问 (ACCESS)网络,登记必须要成功。无论如何,MS如果在同一个 位置区(属于同一个PLMN),那是在它被标示为“非活动”状态的 之前,将不需要进行LOCATING UPATING。
IMSI 附着 分离 附着/分离 IMSI附着/分离操作是MS进入空闲模式或停止模式需要向网 络指出的动作。当MS开机时,IMSI附着信息发送到 MSC/VLR。当MS关机时,发送一个IMSI分离的信息。在 VLR中进行标记,以指出某个MS当前的状态。这可以防止 由于MS关机而导致的寻呼不成功。ATT参数,由服务小区 在系统信息中广播,将通知MS在每次开关机的时候是否发 送信息告知系统。MS同样在MSC被标注为分离状态(绝对 MS MSC 的分离)。这将会发生当MS与网络在一个确定的时间不能 进行联系,这个间隔时间就是BTDM,加上一个保护周期 GTDM。因此,MS监督时间是这个周期的总和。在BSC内, 基本时间持续BTDM必须同等于LOCATION UPDATING时 间,T3212。否则会出现,移动台在执行LOCATION UPDATING周期之前,突然脱离系统。



通信标准参考性技术研究报告IMT-DS FDD(WCDMA)系统空闲模式下UE过程与连接模式下小区重选过程IMT-DS FDD(WCDMA) System UE Procedures in Idle Mode and Procedures for Cell Reselectio in ConnectedMode20XX-XX-XX发布 20XX-XX-XX实施中华人民共和国无线标准通信研究组印发目次前言....................................................................................................................................................................... I II1 范围 (2)2 引用标准 (2)3定义,符号和缩写 (2)3.1 定义 (2)3.2 缩写 (4)4空闲模式概述 (4)4.1 概述 (4)4.2 空闲模式下AS和NAS功能划分 (6)4.3 空闲模式下的服务类型 (7)5 过程描述 (8)5.1 PLMN 选择和重选择 (8)5.2 空闲模式下小区选择和重选 (8)5.2.1介绍 (8)5.2.2 空闲模式状态和状态转换 (9)5.2.3 小区选择过程 (11)5.2.4 立即小区评估过程 (13)5.2.5 正常驻留状态 (15)5.2.6 小区重选评估过程 (15)5.2.7 离开连接模式的小区选择 (20)5.2.8 任意小区选择 (20)5.2.9 驻留在任意小区 (20)5.3 小区接入限制 (20)5.3.1 UTRA 小区 (20)5.3.2 GSM小区 (22)5.4 RRC连接模式小区重选 (22)5.4.1 初始小区重选过程 (22)5.4.2 立即小区评估过程 (22)5.4.3 小区重选过程 (22)5.5 位置登记 (22)6 广播信息接收 (23)6.1系统信息接收 (23)6.2 空闲模式下小区广播 (23)7小区选择/重选的测量 (23)7.1 使用映射函数 (23)8 空闲模式寻呼和SCCPCH选择 (24)8.1 寻呼信道选择 (24)8.2 进入连接模式的SCCPCH选择 (24)8.3 不连续接收 (25)9 多点传送业务 (26)9.1 多点传送业务和DSCH状态框图 (26)9.1.1MT_Null 状态 (26)9.1.2MT_Monitor 状态 (27)9.1.3MT_Saving状态 (27)9.1.4MT_Active 状态 (27)10 过程举例 (27)10.1 NAS 发起的系统信息的改变 (27)10.2 NAS系统信息更新 (29)10.3 空闲模式下CN发起的寻呼 (30)10.4 PLMN 选择,自动模式,正常情况 (31)10.5 PLMN 重选,自动模式 (32)10.6 PLMN 重选,手动模式 (33)10.7 PLMN 选择,自动模式,未发现选择的PLMN (34)10.8 NAS控制的小区选择 (35)10.8.1接入层的执行 (35)10.8.2在非接入层(NAS)执行 (36)前言本通信标准参考性技术研究报告主要用于定义IMT-2000 DS系统FDD模式(WCDMA)的空闲模式下UE过程与连接模式下小区重选过程的内容。












8、正常的小区选择9、接入系统时选择的小区要满足如下条件*小区属于选择的PLMN网络*小区没有被呼叫拒决*在国内漫游时,要检查禁止漫游的区域*选择小区时满足C1大于0的条件*如果没有正常优先级的小区,只能选择级别低的小区10、小区优先级11、小区选择的C1标准在选择小区时要满足C1大于0C1=(RXLEVEL-ACCMIN)-max(CCHPWR-P,0)12、小区重选的C2标准C2=C1+CRO-TO*q(PT-T)PT不等于31C2=C1-CRO PT=31CRO小区重选偏移量,CRO是一个相对值,是接入小区和相邻小区的相对值。

TO 临时偏移量PT 惩罚时间,步长为20msT 在选择相邻小区时,一旦在相邻小区的排表中发现满足接入条件的小区,将开始计时。



GSM网络空闲参数设置研究张接军【摘要】The phone in idle mode, idle parameter to select the cell resides. If the idle parameter set properly, the user fails when selecting a cell resides in best cell, so that the lower the level of active users, the quality is not up to the best, the impact of user perception, and even lead to dropped calls and other phenomenon. Now with new sites constantly network, the GSM cell coverage is more dififcult to control. In this case set the idle argument was particularly important. But now idle parameters set by way of a region usually be a ifxed value, so the more rigid, therefore, the article proposes a new design parameters on the basis of the original parameters.%手机在空闲模式下,通过空闲参数来进行驻留小区的选择。


























1、所选择的小区必须是属于所选择的网络; 2、该小区不是被禁止的; 3、该小区的C1>0; 4、*如果处于漫游中,检查是否处于禁止列表中; 5、*在没有一般小区选择的情况下,才选择低优先级的小区。
当出现下面情况之一时,MS将进行网络选 择:
当MS开机后 用户手动操作进行网络选择 手机从盲区进入覆盖区
手机在进行国际漫游时,将周期性尝试返回本 国网络
系统消息1:用于跳频的系统消息,包括小区信道描述和RACH控制参数; 系统消息2:邻小区BCCH频点描述,RACH控制消息和允许的PLMN; 系统消息2bis:扩展邻小区BCCH频点描述和RACH控制消息; 系统消息2ter:扩展邻小区BCCH频点描述; 系统消息3:小区识别(Cell ID),位置区识别(LAI),控制信道描述,



GSM系统四大关键技术1.工作频段我国陆地公用蜂窝数字移动通信网GSM通信系统采用900MHz频段:890~915(移动台发、基站收)935~960(基站发、移动台收)双工间隔为45MHz,工作带宽为25 MHz,载频间隔为200 kHz。

随着业务的发展,可视需要向下扩展,或向1.8GHz频段的GSM1800过渡,即1800MHz频段:1710~1785(移动台发、基站收)1805~1880(基站发、移动台收)双工间隔为95MHz,工作带宽为75 MHz,载频间隔为200 kHz。



每信道占用带宽200 kHz/8=25 kHz。






精确地讲,间隙的中心频率在系统频带内间隔200 kHz安排(FDMA情况),它们每隔0.577ms(更精确地是15/26ms)出现一次(TDMA情况)。


这样一个间隙可以在时间/频率图中用一个长15/26ms,宽200KHz的小矩形表示,统一地,我们将GSM 中规定的200KHz带宽称为一个频隙。







手机空闲状态行为1 概述无线资源的稀少不允许系统中的每个用户在所有时刻都拥有自己的业务信道(TCH),只有在用户需要时才分配给他信道。










空闲模式下手机行为主要包括以下几个方面:∙网络选择∙小区选择和小区重选∙位置更新2 网络选择在选择服务网络和选择服务小区间的不同是:前者由用户控制,后者是完全自动的。






二、如何判断选择网络成功移动台选择网络成功的标志是:∙在该网络上找到了合适的驻留(C amping on)小区;∙成功地进行了位置更新;三、需要灵活处理的PLMN表1、“禁止的PLMN”表(公共陆地移动网络)这张表的内容实际是:动态建立哪些根据预约不可接入的PLMN表,而且此表根据移动台完成的接入尝试结果而不断进行更新,并存储于SIM卡的永久内存中(不会因为移动台的关电而丢失)。



处亍“空闲模式”的UE 并丌是无所事事,它至少必须完成以下几项任务:
1) 监听小区BCCH;
2) 监听PCH;
3) 执行测量;
4)完成小区重选(Cell Reselection)。
• 注意,GSM中将正在进行数据业务的终端发生的小区改变成为“小区重选”。在 WCDMA中,这种情况称为“切换”(将在“软切换”一章中展开说明)。
判断UE 是否处亍“空闲模式”的唯一标准是当前UE 不网络间是否存在 RRC连接(RRC_Connection)。“RRC 连接”及其对应的“RRC 状态”是 WCDMA 系统不GSM 系统的一个主要区别。
在GSM系统中,由亍任何一个时刻只能有CS或PS数据传输,因此,对“连接” 状态的区别并丌敏感。对亍CS业务,通话即连接,挂断即空闲;对亍PS业务,尽管也 定义了“Idle/Standby/Ready”但由亍速率较小,状态转换并丌是GSM系统的重点 。 在WCDMA系统中,由亍同时可以有CS和PS数据传输,且丌同PS业务的速率差 别大、对网络资源要求的差异大,因此,丌同的状态转换是最合理分配资源的必须要 求。
UE 空闲模式的定义
WCDMA 下,UE “空闲模式”不“连接模式”的主要差异如下:
1) 空闲模式下,UE 不网络间丌存在RRC连接;连接模式下,UE 不网络间必 然存在且只存在一条RRC 连接; 2)空闲模式下,网络丌知道UE 的小区位置;连接模式下,网络始终知道UE 的小区位置; 3)UE 的空闲模式不连接模式可随时转换。







空闲模式行为由手机执行,但是它能被从基站接收到的BCCH 参数控制,所有空闲模式行为的主要控制参数都是在每个小区的BCCH载频上传输,这些参数能够由每一个小区单独控制。




1.2版本信息此用户手册基于文档218/1553-HSC103 12 Uen, revision A,和先前文档不同之处如下:新增话音组呼叫服务(Voice Group Call Service :VGCS)功能。







手机的空闲模式行为MS Idle Mode Behaviour广东省电信工程有限公司网优维护中心-1-学习本课程的目的:9掌握手机在空闲状态下的各种行为的信令流程9掌握各种手机在空闲状态下不同行为的作用9掌握小区选择和重选算法及相关参数9掌握位置更新的信令流程,相关TIMER9了解寻呼原理Radio Network Features(1~18)Radio Network Features(19~36)Antenna Hopping Idle Channel MeasurementsBoosting Downlink Output Power Idle Mode BehaviourCell Load Sharing Interference Rejection CombiningCompetitor Coverage Evalutation (CCE)Intra Cell HandoverDiscontinuous Transmission LocatingDouble BA Lists MAIO ManagementDynamic BTS Power Control Measurement Result Recording (MRR)Dynamic MS Power Control MSC in PoolEvent Based Applications Multiband CellExtended Range Multiband OperationFrequency Hopping Neighbouring Cell List Optimization Expert (NOX) Frequency Optimization eXpert (FOX)Overlaid/Underlaid SubcellsGb over IP and SGSN in Pool CDD for Ericsson's GSM SystemsGPRS/EGPRS Cell Reselection Radio Network StatisticsGPRS/EGPRS Dynamic MS Power Control Self Configuring Transcoder PoolsGPRS/EGPRS Idle Mode Behaviour Synchronized Radio Network Optimization Expert (SYROX) GPRS/EGPRS Mobile Logging Synchronized Radio NetworksHierarchical Cell Structures Tight BCCH Frequency Reuse学员问题1:我们的手机在待机状态下的作用有哪些???学员问题2:只要手机有电,就能打紧急电话吗?学员问题3:系统能否知道在某个小区下的空闲移动台的数量?一、作用z使MS与BS通信成功的可能性增高-----小区选择和重选,主要影响系统的接续性能当MS接入系统时,它总是试图停留在上、下行链路都能够成功通信的小区上,这是通过空闲模式的小区选择和重选算法实现的。


广东移动 深圳移动交换网分析与优化专案服务项目
Uppgjord (även faktaansvarig om annan) - Prepared (also subject responsible if other)
GUC/P/N 鲍忠(Simon Bao)
Dokansv/Godk - Doc respons/Approved
2 空闲模式:开机过程的活动及空闲模式下的手机行为 ..........................................................................5
2.1 手机的开机及网络选择过程概述。.................................................................................................5 2.2 网络选择(PLMN SELECTION)。.....................................................................................................6 2.3 小区选择(CELL SELECTION)。 .......................................................................................................8 2.4 小区重选(CELL RESELECTION)。.................................................................................................10



1、MS解码正确,小区是PLMN的一部分 2、小区未被禁止接入 3、C1>0
1Hale Waihona Puke 小区接入控制• 在实际的网络操作中,网络操作者往往由于某种需要而禁止MS接入 某些小区,比如某小区话务量过大,通过禁止MS接入来限制话务量, 但当MS通话时,可以切换至该小区,从而防止该小区过多的拥塞。 因此在GSM系统规范03.22中,为了对小区接入进行控制,规定可以 对小区接入状态进行设置,具体由CB和CBQ两参数进行控制。 • CBA:小区接入禁止参数,若设置为“ON”则该小区禁止手机接入, 但MS通话时可以切换进本小区; • CBQ:小区接入优先级,对空闲模式下的小区接入进行优先级设定, 只对Phase2手机有效;CB同CBO往往组合使用,组合效果如下表所示:
2、小区选择算法 C1
算法C1是小区选择时的判断标准,其定义如下: C1=(received_signal_level-ACCMIN)-max(CCHPWR-P,0) max(CCHPWR-P,0)=CCHPWR-P,若CCHPWR-P>0 max(CCHPWR-P,0)=0,若CCHPWR-P<0 其中: received_signal_level是手机从BTS接收到的下行信号强度电平; ACCMIN是系统允许手机接入本小区的最小信号强度电平; CCHPWR是小区定义的手机最大发射功率,对于Class4手机一般定为33dBm; P是手机实际的最大发射功率。 公式中所有的单位都是dBm。 received_signal_level-ACCMIN是为了保证下行链路信号强度,该数值越大,表 明下行信号强度越好; max(CCHPWR-P,0)是为了保证上行链路信号强度; 从该公式看出可以通过修改ACCMIN的值来控制小区选择参数,从而控制该 小区的逻辑覆盖范围。 算法C1是为了保证在上下行链路上有较高的通信成功率,因此是小区选择的标 准。



系统消息包含了空中接口上主要的无线网络参数,具体包括网络识别参数,小区选择参数,系统控制参数和网络功能参数,通过接收系统消息,M S能够准确的接入和进行网络选择,充分利用网络提供的各种服务,与网络达到良好的配合。

常用的系统消息可以分为两部分,在BCCH信道上发送的系统消息,主要包括系统消息1、2、2BIS、2TER、3、4、7、8;在SACCH 信道上发送的系统信息,主要包括系统消息5、5BIS、5TER、6.系统消息9中包含了BCCH的调度信息,如果使用系统消息9则在系统消息3中指明系统消息9的接收位置,该系统消息一般不使用,系统消息13在系统支持GPRS时。


在BCCH信道上发送的系统消息属于公共信道消息,在SACCH信道上发送的系统消息基本属于TR X管理消息。



BCCH Norm占用51复帧中的2-5帧,而BCCH Ext占用6-9帧即CCCH块。


需要遵守的一些规则有:1)BCCH Ext可以和PCH AGCH共享资源(即在CCCH上发送);2)SI1在使用跳频或NCH时必须发送;3)如果需要,2bis和2ter也被发送,若只需要一种,则在TC=5时发送,若都需要,2b is在TC=5时发送,2ter至少在第4个TC=4时发送;4)SI7和SI8不是每次都需要,当SI4没有包含小区选择所需要的所有信息时才发送。


2bis仅当SI2中扩展指示(EXT_I ND)为1时才发送。




网络 发 展 。
关 键 词 :S 网络 GM
设置 方 案
长 春地 区
1 示 ) 双 频 网切 换 情 况 ( 表 2所示 ) 所 和 如 。
表 1 参 数 调 整前 后 指 标 变化 情 况
0 引 言 在 话 务 繁 忙 区 域 使 用 GS 1 0 M 8 0与 GS 0 M9 0双 频 网 络 共 同覆
表 2 参数 调 整 前后 层 间切 换情 况 对 比
①网络选择 ; 小区选择 ; 小 区重选 ; 位 ② ③
置 周 期登 记 。
11 小 区 选 择算 法 : . 空闲模式下的移动台将不断计算 C , 1 C1大于 O的 小 区 才 可 以 接入 , 择 C 选 1值 最 大 的小 区 。计 算 公 式 如式 ( ) 1
其中 : A C N: 闲时 可 以 接入 的最 小 信号 强度 。 C Ml 空 C P R: 闲模 式 接 入 系统 时 允许 的 最 大 发射 功 率 。 CH W 空 P 手 机 实 时 发 射 的信 号 强度 。 : 12 小 区重 选 算 法 : - 小 区重 选 将选 择 C 2值 最 大 的 小 区 : 当 P 不等于 3 T '时 , 算 公 式如 式 ( , 计 2)
试验 实施 过程 .
第 一 阶段 参 数设 置 A CMI 为 g , R 为 8 参 数 C =( 机接 收 到 的信 号 强度 一 C M I 一 x C H W R P 2 1 手 A C N) ma ( C P — , O目完成 。 O) ( 1) 参数 调 整 后各 项 网 络指 标 较调 整 前 都 有一 定 的 提升 ,其 中网 络
切 换 成 功 率在 原 来 的基 础上 提 升 05 .%左 右 ,切换 数量 虽 然 有 所增 加 ,但是幅度 不大 ;接 入失败率指标 也有明显提升。参数调整后 G M1 0 S 0切 向 GS 0 8 M9 0的 数 量减 少 , S 0 G M9 0切 向 G M 10 S 8 0的 数 量 增 大。 总 的切 换 次 数 有所 增 加 , 加幅 度 在正 常 范 围之 内 。 增 第 二 阶段 的调 整试 验 : C A CMI 为 9 , R 为 4 N 4C O ;调 整 于 3月 2 2日调 整 完 毕。 调 整 后指 标都 在 正 常 的 波 动 范 围 内。 通 过 参 数 C O 的调 整 , R C2 =C1 +CRO- O H(T— ) T P T ( 2) G M1 0 S 8 0切 向 GS 0 M9 0的 切 换 次 数 减 少 的数 量 比 G M9 0切 向 S 0 当P T等 于 3 1时 , 算公 式 如 式 ( , 计 3) G M1 0 S 0的切 换 次 数增 大 的 次 数 要 少得 多 ,也就 是 总 的 切 换 次数 8 C2= C 1一CRO) ( 3) 增 加 。 设 置合 理 的网 络应 该 是 G M 1 0 而 S 8 0与 G M9 0之 间 的切 换 S 0 其 中: 数量 达 到 一 个相 对 的 平衡 , 由此可 见 , R 为 4的 参数 设 置 并 不合 C O C O: R 对某 一 小 区 提 供 一 个 OF S T值 , FE 目的 是调 节 其 空 闲模 第 三 阶段 参 数 设 置试 验 及 效果 评 估 。2 4日完成 将 C O 由 4调 R T 是指在 P O: T周 期 内的 负补 偿 值 , 当某 - / 区被 移 动 台列 入 即 J \ 整 为 7 。 邻 区开 始 , 须经 过 P 必 T时 间 后 才 能 发 生正 常 的小 区 重 选 , 则 在 重 否 由表 1数据可以看 出, 参数修 改后 , 接入失败率 , 切换成功率等 选序 列 中 将被 滞 后 处 理 。 各 项 指 标 都 有 一 定 程 度 的 提 升 。 层 问 切 换 也 有 着 比较 大 的 变 化 , P : 罚周 期 T惩 GS 1 0 M 8 0切 向 G M9 0的数 量 增 大 , S 0 S 0 G M9 0切 向 G M1 0 S 8 0的 PP — )如 果 计 时器 T的值 小 于 P , PP — ) 1 如 果计 时 (T T : T 则 (T T为 , 数量 减 少 , 的切 换 次 数 减 少 大 约 9 0 总 6 0次 。 由此 可 见 C O 为 7的 R 器 T的值 大于 P , PP — ) O, 即 T 不起 作 用 。 T 则 (T T为 也 O 参数 调 整 对整 体 指标 都 有 着 积极 的 影 响。 当P T取 3 时 , 0 不起 作 用 。 1 T 第 四阶段 参 数 设 置试 验 及效 果 评估 。 C MI A C N在 9 4保 持不 变 , 2 空 闲参 数设 置 案 例 研 究 R 。参 数调 整 于 2 6目完 成 。 长 春 市 G M 网 络 中的 9 0 小 区 的 设置 为 正 常 层 , CMI 将 C O 由 7调 整 为 6 S 0M AC N 参数调整后 由于更多的占用 GS O M9 O小区进行接入, 接入性能 为 1 2 CRO 为 O, T为 0, O 为 0, 0, P T CCHP R 为 3 GSM1 0 M W 3i 80 接 但 切 小 区设 置 为优 选 层 , C Ml 为 1 2 C O 为 1 ,T为 0 T 为 0 有所 提 升 , 入 失败 率 降低 ; 是 切 换 次 数 增 多 , 换 成 功 率 也有 所 A C N 0 ,R OP ,O , 下降: 此外 其 他 指 标 变 化 不大 。 从 G M1 0 S 8 0切 向 G M9 0的 次数 S 0 CCHP R为 3 W 0。 但 S 0 S 8 0的 次 数 增 大 , 以上 增 大 的 次数 从 以上参数设置情况来看 , S 8 0系统 AC MI G M1 0 C N为 1 2 加 减 少 , 是 G M9 0切 向 G M 1 0 0, 上 不 等于 O的 CR 的值 , 留在 GS 1 0 O 驻 M 8 0小 区 之 后 , 对于 用 户 感 是减 少次 数 的 2倍 左 右 。 由此 可 见 , 组参 数 设 置 的值 也 不合 适 。 这 知 有 一 定 的 影 响 , 主 要 表 现 在 用 户 手 机 显 示 信 号 弱 。 如 果 将 试验 是在 A C I 值在 9 C MN 4不 变 情 况 下 , 分 别 设 置 C O 为 R G M10 S 8 0系统 的 A C N参 数 值 设 置 成 9 , 合 一 定 的 C O 偏 4, , ,。从 试 验 的结 果 来看 , 了切换 成 功 率 以及 切 换 申请 次数 指 C Ml 4配 R 678 除 置 , 方面 GS 1 0 ~ M 8 0的小 区能 吸 收 主 要 的话 务 , 信 号 基 本 能满 足 标 变 化 比较 大 之 外 , 且 其他 K I P 指标 并未 发 生 太大 的 变化 。 当 C O 为 R 用户 感 受 i 一 方 面可 以让 G M9 0小 区对 信 号 衰 减 比较严 重 的 区 4时 ,层 间 切 换 次 数 最 多 ,且 切 换 成 功 率 最 低 , R 为 6时 次 之 , 另 S 0 CO
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1 Introduction没有分配到专用信道的移动台即是“空闲模式的移动台”,本功能的目的是让处于空闲模式的移动台能够接入系统,并通过网络中的其它定位算法延伸至其它系统。


这和对小区的选择便称为Camping on。

当一个移动台一直处于空模式时,它将一直试图去Camping on一个最好的小区(依信号强度算法)空闲模式下的动作是由移动台来控制的,也可以通过在BCCH信道上接收到的参数来执行控制。


2 背境当一个移动台开机后且不进入任何呼叫操作,则它一直处于这样一个状态:不断选择最好的小区去Camp。




3 实现3.1 接入系统时的最强信号强度当移动台接入系统时总是试图获得最强信号。



一个小区是否合适于登录,将要满足一定的算法,4.3.2, 中详述,are satisfied. Camping on themost suitable cell provides the MS with a high probability of good communication with the system.The cell selection and reselection algorithms are governed by parameter settings. Using these parameters an operator can, on a per cell basis, make aspecific cell more or less attractive to camp on for the MS. This makes it possible for the operator to achieve similar behaviour for MSs in idle mode asin active mode. Well-designed parameter settings for cell selection and reselection in idle mode, will make the MS camp on the cell that it also wouldhave chosen if it had been in active mode.3.2 Control of the paging loadIn idle mode the MS will notify the network whenever it changes location areaby the location updating procedure. Thus, the network will be kept updatedconcerning which location area the MS is presently in. When the systemreceives an incoming call it knows in which location area it should page theMS, and does not need to page it throughout the whole network. This reducesthe load on the system. If the MS does not respond on the first paging, then thenetwork can do a second paging. Different paging strategies are described insection 4.7.2.The MS can also, periodically and when powered on or off, notify the networkof its present status by the location updating procedure, see section 4.5.3 andsection 4.5.4. This prevents the network from doing unnecessary pagings ofMSs that have been powered off or left the coverage area. This would otherwise cause unnecessary load on the system.3.3 空闲模式下的低功率消耗空闲模式下,移动台间隔性地监视由当前小区专送的系统信息并测量相邻小区以决定是否要启动小区的变化,然而大部分是间下移动台处Sleep 模式? 因而节省功率,当然也可以通过不连续接收来实现(DRX)。

4 技术介绍与工程指南4.1 总则空闲模式下的MS不断测量当前小区与相邻小区的BCCH载波以选择登录,必要时寄存LAI以进行位置更新。

登录小区的目的是:1.激活MS去接收PLMN系统信息,2.以便在RACH上接入网络3. 另外PLMN也知道MS当前的LA,(除非移动台进入限制服务状态section4.4.3)因而当来话知道如何寻呼MS 。

空闲模式下移动台工作分四个过程:1、PLMN selection,2、Cell selection,3、Cell reselection,4、Location updating.图1示:4.2 PLMN selection4.2.1 总则当移动台开机或脱离一个盲区后,它便试图去选择并登寻注册的PLMN。

如果没有注册的PLMN或者注册的PLMN不存在,它将试图去选另一个PLMN(手动或自动). If there is no registered PLMN, or if the registered PLMN is unavailable the MS will try to select to another PLMN either automatically or manually depending on its operating mode, see sections 4.2.2 and 4.2.3. The MS normally operates on its home PLMN. However, another PLMN may be selected if, for example, the MS loses coverage. The MS will register on aPLMN if the MS finds a suitable cell to camp on and if a location updatingrequest is accepted. Registration has to be successful in order for the MS to beable to access that network. However, it does not need to perform location updating if it is in the same location area belonging to the same PLMN as itwas before it entered the inactive state.The MS can select and register on another PLMN of its home country than itshome PLMN if national roaming is permitted. However, the MS will then doperiodical attempts to return to its home PLMN.There are two modes for PLMN selection; automatic and manual. The automatic mode utilises a list of PLMNs in an order of priority whereas themanual mode leaves the decision to the user and only indicates whichPLMNsthat are available.4.2.2 Automatic modeIn automatic mode, the MS will select PLMN if available and allowable, in thefollowing order if no registered PLMN exist or is available:1) home PLMN,2) each PLMN that have been stored in the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM)in priority order,3) other PLMNs with received signal level above 85 dBm in random order,4) all other PLMNs in order of decreasing signal strength.4.2.3 Manual modeIn manual mode, the MS will first try to select the registered PLMN or homePLMN if no registered PLMN exist. If this registration fails or if the user haveinitiated a PLMN reselection the MS will indicate to the user all available PLMNs. The user can then select a desired PLMN which causes the MS toinitiate a registration on this PLMN. If the selected PLMN is not allowable, anindication to the user to select another PLMN will be made.The user can at any time request the MS to initiate reselection and registrationonto an alternative available PLMN. This is done either using automatic ormanual mode, depending on the mode selected by the user.4.3 Cell selection4.3.1 GeneralThe cell selection algorithm tries to find the most suitable cell of the selectedPLMN according to various requirements. If no suitable cell is found and allavailable and allowable PLMNs have been tried, the MS will try to camp on acell irrespective of PLMN identity and enter a limited service state enabling itto make only emergency calls if necessary. If the MS loses coverage it willreturn to the PLMN selection state and select another PLMN.Two different strategies can be used during cell selection; normal cell selectionor stored list cell selection. Stored list cell selection utilises a stored BCCHAllocation (BA) list to speed up the cell selection procedure whereas normalcell selection is performed when no such list is available.4.3.2 AlgorithmNormal cell selectionDuring normal cell selection, the MS will try to select the most suitable cell tocamp on.A cell is considered suitable if:?it belongs to the selected PLMN,?it is not barred (when a cell is barred it will not be camped on by an MS in idle mode but an active MS can perform handover to it),?it does not belong to a location area which is in the list of Forbidden location areas for national roaming 1 ,?the cell selection criterion is fulfilled.When the MS has no information on which BCCH carriers that are used in the network, it will search all 124 RF channels in the GSM 900 system, or 374 for DCS 1800, take measurement samples of received RF signal strength and calculate the received average level for each. The averaging is based on at least five samples per RF carrier spread evenly over a 3 to 5 second period.The MS then tunes to the carrier with the highest average signal strength leveland determines whether this carrier is a BCCH carrier by searching for thefrequency correction burst sent on the Frequency Correction Channel (FCCH).If it is a BCCH carrier, then the MS tunes to that carrier to read the Synchronisation Channel (SCH) for the BSIC parameter, and the BCCH for thesystem information messages, for example the BA list. If the data is successfully decoded and the cell is suitable, the MS camps on it and performsall registrations necessary. If at least the 30 strongest GSM 900 or 40 strongestDCS 1800 RF channels have been tried and no suitable cells were found, theMS will select another PLMN according to the PLMN selection procedure andsearch for suitable cells there. For multiband operation, RF channels from bothfrequency bands are evaluated during cell selection, see ref. 1.Cells can have two levels of priority; normal and low. Suitable cells that are oflow priority are only camped on if there are no other suitable cells of normal1 Only valid for mobiles supporting GSM phase 2. National roaming may be allowed only to certain location areas of a another PLMN than the homePLMN. Those location areas that are forbidden will, after an attempt to do a location updating has failed, be stored in the SIM as forbidden location areafor national roaming. This list will be cleared when the mobile is powered off or the SIM is removed.priority. A priority of a cell is controlled by the Cell Bar Qualify parameter,CBQ 1 , in conjunction with the Cell Bar Access, CB, parameter, see table 1.Table 1 Behaviour of the MS for different combinations of CBQ and CB.2/1551-FCU 101 201 Uen Rev B 1996-11-07 9(If the MS finds a cell that is part of the selected PLMN but not suitable, theMS will use the BA list obtained from that cell and subsequently only searchthose BCCH carriers. This will speed up the procedure to some extent. The BA list is defined by the MBCCHNO parameter. It indicates to thethe frequencies that must be monitored and measured both in idle and activemode. It is possible to define separate lists for idle and active mode as described in Double BA-lists, ref. 2. The present document only considers theidle BA list. The BA list is sent to the MS, in idle mode, in the system information messages on the BCCH. Up to 32 BCCH carriers can be definedby specifying their ARFCN using the MBCCHNO parameter.Stored list cell selectionThe MS may include optional storage of the BA list when it is powered off.This information is stored in the SIM. For example, the MS may store the BAlist in use by the PLMN selected when the MS was last active in the GSM orDCS network.If an MS includes a stored BA list of the selected PLMN, it will perform thesame measurements as for normal cell selection except that only the BCCHcarriers in the list will be scanned. The BA list for a given PLMN storedMS will be reset and updated whenever the MS retrieves new BCCH data fromthat PLMN. If a stored list cell selection is not successful, then normal cellselection takes place.Cell selection criterionWhile in idle mode, the MS continuously calculates the cell selection quantity,C1 2 . The cell selection criterion is satisfied if C1 > 0.The quantity C1 is calculated as follows:1 Only valid for mobiles supporting GSM phase 2.2 The name of this quantity in the GSM Technical Specifications is Path loss criterion parameter? As the C1-criterion is based only on signal strength andnot on path loss, the term used in this document is cell selection quantity?C1 = (received signal level - ACCMIN) - max (CCHPWR - P, 0) (1) whereACCMIN is the cell parameter that indicates the minimum received signal level at the MS required for accessing the system.CCHPWR is the cell parameter that indicates the maximum transmitting power that an MS is allowed to use when accessing the system.P is the maximum output power of the MS according to its class.The condition states that an MS must measure a signal strength higher thanACCMIN from a cell to be able to access the system. A lower ACCMIN, yielding a lower requirement on signal strength, will result in more MSs being able to camp on that cell. At the same time there will be an increased risk of dropped calls since MSs in areas of low signal strength are able to access the system. In addition, if the MS maximum possible output power, P, is lower than CCHPWR then the requirement on the signal strength increases by the difference between P and CCHPWR. This means that if the MS cannot reach the maximum allowed output power then the requirement on the signal strength in the downlink must be harder. Thus, the C1-criterion controls access for MSs that receive high enough signal strength for successful downlink communication, but are not able to transmit enough power for successful uplink communication. In this case, the cell is probably not designed for MSs of that class. A low value of ACCMIN means that the coverage in idle mode is improved, at the expense of the risk of having a increased number of call setup failures. Some mobiles tend to have problems getting attached to the system fast enough after a temporary drop in signal strength below ACCMIN. This may cause mobiles to be detached from the network, even though they have sufficient signal strength for a successful call.4.3.3 RecommendationsThe recommendation is to use the lowest possible value,ACCMIN = 110 dBm. The recommended setting for CCHPWR is the same value as the maximum allowed transmitted power in active mode,i.e. CCHPWR = MSTXPWR.4.4 Cell reselection4.4.1 AlgorithmCell reselection measurementsAfter a cell has been successfully selected, the MS will start the cell reselection tasks. It will continuously make measurements on its neighbouring cells to initiate cell reselection if necessary. The MS continuously monitors all neighbouring BCCH carriers, as indicated by the BA list, in addition to the BCCH carrier of the serving cell, to detect if it is more suitable to camp on another cell. At least 5 received signal level measurement samples are required for each defined neighbouring cell. A running average of the received signal level will be maintained for each carrier in the BA list. All system information messages sent on BCCH must be read at least once every 30 seconds in order to monitor changes in cell parameters. The MS also tries to synchronise to and read the BCCH information that contains parameters affecting cell reselection for the 6 strongest non-serving carriers (in the BA list) at least every 5 minutes. The MS also attempts to decode the BSIC parameter for each of the 6 strongest surrounding cells at least every 30 seconds, to confirm that it is still monitoring the same cells. The BSIC parameter consists of twoparts; NCC, Network Colour Code and BCC, Base Station Colour Code. If another BSIC is detected, it will be treated as a new carrier and the BCCH data for this carrierwill be determined. If the MS detects a PLMN colour code that is not permitted, according to the parameter NCCPERM in the BCCH data of the serving cell, then that carrier will be ignored. NCCPERM tells the MS which NCC that it is allowed to monitor when in the current cell. The MS will only take measurement samples when listening to its own paging group. The rest of the time it will be in sleep mode, see section 4.7.1. Table 2 summarises how often the BSIC and the BCCH data must be decoded for the serving cell and neighbouring cells while in idle mode.Cell reselection criteriaIn order to control the traffic distribution between cells, CME 20 R6 allows the operator to favor certain cells in active mode. Examples of this is Locating (ref. 3) and Hierarchical cell structures (ref. 4). In some situations, there can be a need for a similar behavior in idle mode. In addition, in a microcell environment there is a need for controlling the cell reselection rate specifically for fast moving mobiles.For these purposes, additional cell reselection parameters, CRO, TO andPT, are broadcast on the BCCH of each cell. Before an MS can change cell on which it is camping, it has to read these parameters from the BCCH of the potential target cells.The cell reselection algorithm consists of five different criteria. If any one of the criteria is satisfied it will cause a cell reselection to occur. The cell reselection process employs a cell reselection quantity C2 1 . Whenever a cell reselection criterion is satisfied, the MS will change to the cell with the highestC2 value.C2 is calculated as follows:C2 = C1 + CRO - TO * H( PT - T) 当PT 不等于31 (2)C2 = C1 - CRO 当PT = 31 (3)whereC1 is defined by equation 1,H x xx () = <??0 01 0,T is a timer andCRO, TO and PT are parameters.CRO applies an offset to the C2 reselection quantity for the cell. TO applies a temporary negative offset to C2 for the duration of PT. This prevents fast moving MSs from selecting the cell. The value 31 of the PT parameter is reserved to change the sign of CRO. In this case the value of TO is ignored, asindicated by equation 3. T is initiated from zero when the MS places the neighbouring cell on the list of the six strongest carriers. T will be reset to zerowhenever the cell is no longer on that list.The MS continuously calculates the value of C1 and C2 for the serving andneighbouring cells. It will reselect and camp on another cell if any of the following criteria is satisfied:?the serving cell becomes barred,?the MS has unsuccessfully tried to access the network the allowed numberof times, as defined by the MAXRET parameter,?the MS detects a downlink signalling failure, see subsection Downlink signalling failure criterion below,1 The cell reselection quantity, C2, is only valid for MSs that support GSM phase 2. Phase 1 MSs will use C1 for cell reselection instead of C2. ?C1 for the serving cell falls below zero for a period of 5 seconds which would indicate that the path loss to the cell has become too high and thatthe MS needs to change cell,the value of C2 for a non-serving cell exceeds the value of C2 for the serving cell for a period of 5 seconds. This would indicate an appearance of a better cell. However, if the new cell belongs to a different location area, a cell reselection hysteresis parameter, CRH, also applies, see section 4.4.2.Example:Suppose a cell has a large negative offset (KOFFSET) towards its neighbours. In order not to take as much traffic, the idle mode cell borders according to the C1 criteria will significantly differ from the cell borders in the active mode. This will make some of the mobiles camp on the 搘rong?cell, from a Locating point of view. These mobiles will, after the call set up, either make an assignment to better cell (provided that this feature is activated), or perform a handover shortly after the assignment of a traffic channel. This causes SDCCH load is in the wrong cells and increases the handover signalling in the BSC. A suitable setting of CRO, about the same value as KOFFSET in this example, may reduce the number of handovers and assignments to better cell.Downlink signalling failure criterionThe downlink signalling failure criterion make use of the downlink signallingfailure counter. The algorithm is of the type leaky bucket” and bases the decisions on successfully decoded paging messages. When the MS campson acell, the counter is initialised to a value equal to the nearest integer to 90/Nwhere N is the multiframes parameter, MFRMS, for that cell. Thereafter, whenthe MS attempts to decode a message on its paging subchannel and the message is unsuccessfully decoded, the counter is decreased by 4, otherwisethe counter is increased by 1. However the counter is never increased beyondthe nearest integer to 90/N. The MS is required to attempt to decode a messageevery time its paging subchannel is sent. When the counter reaches 0, a downlink signalling failure is declared. A downlink signalling failure will resultin a cell reselection.The downlink signalling failure counter is reinitiated to the value equal to thenearest integer to 90/N every time the MS changes cell to camp on. The mainuse of the MFRMS parameter is in conjunction with paging groups, see section4. Borders between location areasIf the MS is moving in a border area between location areas, it might repeatedly change between cells of different location areas. Each change of location area would require a location updating to be performed, which would cause a heavy signalling load and thereby increasing the risk of paging messages being lost.To prevent this, a cell reselect hysteresis parameter, CRH, is used. A cell in a different location area is only selected if it is Better? in terms of the quantityC2 1 , than all the cells in the current location area by at least the value of CRH.This is illustrated in figure 2.1 C1 for GSM phase 1 mobiles.The CRH parameter is broadcast on the BCCH. Since the value of CRHmaybe different for each cell, the CRH parameter used is the one being broadcastby the current serving cell.If the CRH value is set to low, the fluctuations in signal strength may lead to aping-pong effect for location updating. This will cause an undesired increase inthe signalling load on the SDCCH. If the parameter is set too high, the mobilemay camp on the wrong cell (not the strongest one) for too long when entering anew location area.4.4.3 Limited service stateThere are a number of situations in which the MS is unable to obtain normalservice from a PLMN. It could be a failure to find a suitable cell or if there isno SIM inserted in the MS. Certain responses to a location updating, such asPLMN not allowed? Illegal MS? Illegal Mobile Equipment 1 ?or IMSI unknown in HLR?will also result in the MS entering a limited service state.The MS will, under any of these conditions, try to camp on an acceptable cellirrespective of its PLMN identity, so that emergency calls can be made if necessary. In the limited service state the presence of the MS need not be known to the PLMN on whose cell it has camped. Cell reselection takes placeas normally, except that a zero dB value of the cell reselection hysteresis parameter, CRH, will be used.1 MS with no SIM.4.4.4 RecommendationThe default value, CRH = 4 is recommended. If an unusually high number oflocation updatings occur in a location area border cell, a higher CRH can betried in order to reduce it.4.5 Location updating4.5.1 GeneralTo make it possible for the mobile subscriber to receive a call, the networkwill have to know where the MS is located. To keep the network updated onthe location of the MS, the system is informed on a regular basis. This is calledLocation Updating.有三种类型的位置更新:常规normal, 周期periodic registration and 附着IMSI attach. The MS may also inform the network when it enters an inactive state, IMSI detach.4.5.2 NormalNormal location updating is initiated by the MS when it detects that it has entered a new location area. When the MS is listening to the system information transmitted on the BCCH carrier for the serving cell, it will compare the broadcast Location Area Identity (LAI) with the one stored in the MS. If the broadcast LAI differs from the one stored, a location updating type normal will be initiated and the new LAI will be stored in the MS. If the location updating fails, for example due to entering of a forbidden location area, the MS will either try to select another cell or return to the PLMN selection state.4.5.3 Periodic registrationTo avoid unnecessary paging of a mobile that has left the coverage area, has run out of battery power or for any other reason has the wrong status in the MSC/VLR, there is a type of location updating called periodic registration. When the MS listens to the system information on the BCCH carrier it will be told if periodic registration is used in that cell and how often it shall inform the network that it is still attached (reachable). This is controlled by the T3212 parameter, which is a timeout value broadcast to the MS in the system information messages. The interval rangesbetween 6 minutes (T3212 = 1) and 25.5 hours (T3212 = 255).The periodic registration timer is implemented in the MS. It will be reinitiated every time the MS returns to idle mode after being in active mode. If a change in the timeout value, T3212, occurs, for example at a change of T3212 broadcast, the timer will be reloaded so that the new time to expire (终止)will be old time to expire modulo New timeout value?Example:Assume the following situation:old time to expiry = 5.6 decihoursnew T3212 = 3 decihoursthe new time to expire would be: 5.6 mod 3 = 2.6 decihours.If the New T3212 is instead 7 decihours, the new time to expire would have become 5.6 mod 7 which is equal to 5.6. Thus, when changing the timer to a value greater than the old time to expire value the MS will keep the old time to expire value. However when the new timer valueis less than the remainder of the old timer, the timer will be initiated with a new value between zero and the new timeout value.Because the 搊ld time to expire?value will be different for each mobile, thisprocedure will cause the mobiles to reinitiate their timers to different values.This minimises the risk of a high peak load on the system due to toomanylocation updatings occurring at the same time, after a change of the T3212parameter.A location updating is performed on the signalling SDCCH channel. The frequency of location updatings performed by the mobiles affects the dimensioning requirements for the SDCCH as well as the load in the BSC. Arecommended value is between 1 hour (T3212 = 10) and 4 hours(T3212 = 40).4.5.4 IMSI attach/detachThe IMSI attach/detach operation is an action taken by a MS to indicate to thenetwork that it has entered into an active/inactive state. When an MS is powered on, an IMSI attach message is sent to the MSC/VLR. When an MS ispowered off, an IMSI detach message is sent. A flag is set in VLR in order toindicate the present state of a certain MS. This prevents unnecessary pagingsof powered off mobiles. The ATT parameter, broadcast by the serving cell inthe system information messages, will inform the MS whether or not it isrequested to send a message to the system every time it is turned on or off.The MS may also be marked as detached (implicit detach) by the MSC. Thishappens when there has been no successful contact between the MS and thenetwork for a time determined by a timeout value, BTDM, plus a guard period,GTDM. The supervision time is the sum of these two periods. The base timeduration BTDM must be coordinated with the periodic location updating timein the interworking BSC, T3212. Otherwise the mobile will be unexpectedlyremoved from the system before a periodic location updating is performed.4.5.5 RecommendationATT value should always be set to YES so that the system is alerted when themobile powers on or off. This will prevent unnecessary pagings of the mobilewhen it is no longer available.BTDM should be set equal T3212. A recommended value is between 1hour(T3212 = 10) and 4 hours (T3212 = 40).4.6 Combinations of control channelsOnly certain combinations of control channels are allowed. The following threetypes of BCCH are available specified with the BCCHTYPE parameter: Non-combined: BCCH and CCCH 1Combined: BCCH, CCCH and SDCCH/4Combined including a CBCH: BCCH, CCCH, SDCCH/4 and CBCH (the CBCH replaces SDCCHsubchannelnumber 2)There are also four combination types for SDCCH channel:SDCCH/8: each physical channel consists of 8SDCCH subchannels, that is, 8 MSs canbe given dedicated channels at the sametime.SDCCH/8 including a CBCH: the CBCH subchannel replaces SDCCH subchannel number 2. Only 7 MSs canthus be given dedicated channelssimultaneously.SDCCH/4: this is a combination of 4 SDCCHsubchannels with BCCH and CCCH. 4MSs can be given dedicated channels atthe same time.SDCCH/4 including CBCH: this combination consists of 3 SDCCH subchannels, BCCH, CCCH and aCBCH subchannel. The CBCHsubchannel replaces SDCCHsubchannel number 2. Only 3 MSs canthus be given dedicated channelssimultaneously.The number of required SDCCH/8 is specified by the SDCCH parameter. TheCBCH is defined by the CBCH parameter. Only one CBCH can be specified,that is, either the channel combination SDCCH/4 including a CBCH or SDCCH/8 including a CBCH can be defined in a cell.1 CCCH is a combination of PCH, AGCH and RACH.4.7 Paging4.7.1 Paging groupsAfter an MS tunes to the BCCH carrier and decodes the system informationdata, it performs an evaluation, taking into account the IMSI number, that determines to which paging group it belongs. The particular method by which aMS determines to which paging group it belongs, and hence, which。
