等),推荐使用5-10微米的过滤器。所谓的新油,我们认为是脏油 ,一些油液生产厂家交货状态基本上清洁度在NAS 1638 11-13级 ,我方推荐柱塞泵介质的最低清洁度等级为NAS 1638 9级。如果 系统工作温度在90-115度,要求介质清洁度NAS 1638 7级,油 液越清洁,油泵及液压元件的使用寿命越长。
液压系统的维护保养 8.进入液压油箱的空气污染
液压系统的维护保养 8.进入液压油箱的空气污染
当向油泵轴上安装联轴器时,不能用力 敲击泵轴,在泵轴上有专门用来安装联轴 器的工艺螺纹(对于130泵,是M16),我 们可以用它来将联轴器压入泵轴。把泵连 到电机钟型罩上时,这两个泵止口和钟型 罩应该是间隙配合的。对正后,可以将泵 止口完全推入,避免用紧固螺钉将油泵强 行带进去。另外,我们推荐两个半联轴器 之间的距离3-5MM。特别强调一点。油 泵在储存、运输过程中,最好保证泵轴朝 上,避免泵轴受到轴向力。我们在这方面 有很多教训,客户…
当温度低于-25°C时须用丁腈橡胶轴密封圈(允许温度范围: 01
增加吸油口S的出口压ዡ力ၠpabዹs或让Vڇg ≤ᇮVg mĂax时ۨ允ଉ许的ԭ转Ă速ՎଉԭĂ
63 … 582
– 6)
01 02 03 04 05
/60 博世力士乐 | 行走机械液压
A11VO | RC 92 500/06.04
项目开始前,有关液压油的选择和应用条件请参见本公 司的样本活页RC 90220(矿物油),RC 90221(环保液压 油)和RC 90223(HF难燃液压油)
按 ISO 4406的20/18/15级
液压油处于高温时(90°C至最高115°C),最低的清洁度 等级为
温度在-25°C至-40°C,应当采取特殊措施,请与我公司 联系。低温操作时的详细信息,请参见RC 90300-03-B。
ټሁ੦ ֮ߌد੦
੦ LR
੦ LR3
੦ LG1
ኟ੦ LG2
ۉጱሁ 12V
੦ LE1
੦ LE2
RC 77 112/10.04
Mobile Hydraulics Gear Technology
Tightness of the joint between stationary and rotating gear-box sections is ensured by means of a high-grade axial mechanical seal so as to prevent moisture and dirt entering the gear unit even under extreme operating conditions.
!"#$%&'()*+&,-./01&2345 !"#$% !"#$%&' !" #$%&' !"
as wheel drive in an harvesting machine
Oil changing
Save for regular oil changes the drive units do not require maintenance.Changing the oil is done very easily. Exclusively the oil brands recommended in the operating manual must be used for this work.
INDICE INDEX INHALTSVERZEICHNISA Informazionigenerali GeneralinformationAllgemeineInformationen1SIMBOLOGIA SYMBOLS VERWENDETE SYMBOLE A-2 2IDENTIFICAZIONE DELPRODOTTOPRODUCT IDENTIFICATION PRODUKTKENNZEICHNUNG A-4 3CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS TECHNISCHE BESCHREIBUNG A-84SELEZIONE DEI RIDUTTORI RUOTA SELECTION OF THE WHEELGEARSAUSWAHL VOM RADNABEN-GETRIEBEA-185SCELTA DEL MOTORE IDRAU-LICO CHOOSING THE HYDRAULICMOTORAUSWAHL VOM HYDRAULIK-MOTORA-286VERIFICHE CHECKS KONTROLLEN A-30 7LUBRIFICAZIONE LUBRICATION SCHMIERUNG A-328IMBALLO, MOVIMENTAZIONE E STOCCAGGIO PACKING, HANDLING ANDSTORINGVERPACKUNG, TRANSPORTUND LAGERUNGA-389MONTAGGIO ASSEMBLY MONTAGE A-42 10CONTROLLI CHECKS KONTROLLEN A-46 11DISINNESTO DISENGAGEMENT AUSKUPPLUNG A-48 12MANUTENZIONE MAINTENANCE WARTUNG A-48 13INCONVENIENTI E RIMEDI TROUBLESHOOTING FUNKTIONSSTÖRUNGEN UNDBEHEBUNGA-52 14COPPIE IN USCITA OUTPUT TORQUES AUSGANGSDREHMOMENTE A-54B Dati tecnici edimensionali Technical and size data Technische Daten undAbmessungenRRTD RRTD RRTD B-3 RRWD RRWD RRWD B-15C Configurazioni entratae accessori iningresso Inlet configurations andaccessories in inputEingangskonfigurationund Zubehör im Eingang15FLANGIATURA PER MOTORE A NORME SAEJ 744C FLANGING FOR MOTOR TOSAEJ 744C STANDARDSFLANSCHUNG FÜR MOTOR NACHNORM SAEJ 744C C-216CONNESSIONE MOTORI CONNECTION OF MOTORS ANSCHLUSS MOTOR C-3 17RUOTE SPECIALI CUSTOMIZED WHEEL GEARS SONDERNGETRIEBE C-41SYMBOLES SIMBOLOGÍA SIMBOLOGIA A-32IDENTIFICATION DU PRODUIT IDENTIFICACIÓNDEL PRODUCTOIDENTIFICAÇÃODO PRODUTOA-53CARACTERISTIQUES TECHNIQUES CARACTERÍSTICASTÉCNICASCARACTERÍSTICASTÉCNICASA-94CHOIX DES REDUCTEURS ROUE SELECCIÓN DE LOS REDUC-TORES DE RUEDA SELECÇÃO DOS REDUTORESDA RODAA-195CHOIX DU MOTEUR HYDRAU-LIQUE SELECCIÓN DEL MOTORHIDRÁULICOESCOLHA DO MOTOR HI-DRÁULICOA-296VERIFICATIONS COMPROBACIONES VERIFICAÇÕES A-31 7 LUBRIFICATION LUBRICACIÓN LUBRIFICAÇÃO A-338EMBALLAGE, MANUTENTION ET STOCKAGE EMBALAJE, DESPLAZA-MIENTO Y ALMACENAMIENTOEMBALAGEM, MOVIMENTA-ÇÃO E ARMAZENAGEMA-399MONTAGE MONTAJE MONTAGEM A-43 10CONTROLES COMPROBACIONES CONTROLES A-47 11DEBRAYAGE DESEMBRAGUE DESENGATE A-49 12ENTRETIEN MANTENIMIENTO MANUTENÇÃO A-49 13INCONVENIENTS ET REMEDES INCONVENIENTES Y REMEDIOS INCONVENIENTES E SO-LUÇÕESA-53 14 COUPLES EN SORTIE PARES EN SALIDA PARES À SAÍDA A-54B Données techniqueset dimensionnelles Datos técnicos ydimensionalesDados tècnicos edimensŏesRRTD RRTD RRTD B-3 RRWD RRWD RRWD B-15C Configurations enentrée et accessoiresd’entrée Configuraciones deentrada y accesorios enentradaConfigurações à entradae acessórios à entrada15BRIDAGE POUR MOTEUR AUX NORMES SAEJ 744C BRIDAS PARA MOTOR SEGÚNNORMAS SAEJ 744CENTREAJUDAS PARA MOTORDE ACORDO COM AS NORMASSAEJ 744CC-216CONNEXION MOTEURS CONEXIÓN MOTORES CONEXÃO MOTORES C-3 17ROUES PERSONNALISÉES RUEDA PERSONALIZADOS RODA ESPECIAL C-4A Informazioni generaliGeneral information Allgemeine Informationen Informations générales Información generalInformações gerais1 SIMBOLOGIA 1 SYMBOLS 1 VERWENDETE SYMBOLE2 IDENTIFICAZIONE DEL PRODOTTO 2.1 Composizione di montaggio 2 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION2.1 Assembly composition2 PRODUKTKENNZEICHNUNG2.1 Montage2.2 DesignazioneI riduttori ruota Reggiana Riduttori ven-gono identificati mediante una sigla com -posta nel seguente modo:2.2 DesignationThe Reggiana Riduttori wheel gears are identified by an acronym made up in the following way:2.2 BezeichnungDie Radnabengetriebe von Reggiana Riduttori sind durch einen Code gekenn-zeichnet, der folgende Bedeutung hat:2.3 Marcatura del prodotto e designazione del tipoTutti i prodotti Reggiana Riduttori sono dotati di targhetta metallica di identifica -zione, posizionata in modo da risultare facilmente leggibile, anche dopo l’instal-lazione.La seguente figura mostra un esempio di targhetta.LegendaLegendLegendeA Tipo di riduttore ruota (sigla)Wheel gear type (acronym)Typ Radnabengetriebe (Kürzel)B Codice identificativo di ordi -nazioneID code for ordering Identifizierungscode der BestellungC Rapporto di riduzione Reduction ratio UntersetzungsverhältnisD Coppia frenante Braking torqueBremsmomentE N° di ordine Order NumberAuftragsnummerN° progressivo di matricola e Progressive serial number Fortlaufende Seriennummer2.3 Product marking and type designationAll Reggiana Riduttori products have a metal id plate positioned so as to be eas-ily readable also after installation.The following figure shows an example of a plate.2.3 Produktkennzeichnung und TypenschildAlle Produkte von Reggiana Riduttori weisen ein Typenschild aus Metall auf, das so angebracht ist, dass es auch nach der Installation leicht abgelesen werden kann.Die Abbildung unten zeigt ein Beispiel.Leistungen Negativbremse Ohne Negativbremse Prefisso invariabile / Invariable prefix / Fixes Vorzeichen RR = REGGIANA RIDUTTORI2.3 Marquage du produitet désignation du typeSur tous les produits Reggiana Riduttori, une plaquette métallique d’identification est appliquée. Elle est positionnée de manière à être facile à lire, même une fois le réducteur installé.La figure suivante montre un exemple de la plaquette.2.3 Marcado del productoy denominación del tipoTodos los productos Reggiana Riduttorillevan una placa metálica de identifica-ción, colocada de manera que resultefácilmente legible, también después dela instalación.La siguiente figura presenta un ejemplode placa.2.3 Marcação do produtoe designação do tipoTodos os produtos Reggiana Riduttorisão munidos de placa metálica de iden-tificação, colocada de modo a ser lidacom facilidade, também depois da insta-lação.A seguinte figura ilustra um exemplo deplaca.Légende Leyenda LegendaA Type de réducteur roue (sigle)Tipo de reductor (sigla)Tipo de redutor (referência)B Code d’identification de lacommandeCódigo identificador depedidoCódigo identificativo deencomendaC Rapport de réduction Relación de reducción Relação de reduçãoD Couple freinant Par frenador Par de freioE N° de commande N° de pedido N° de ordemF N° progressif de série et année N° progresivo de matrícula y N° progressivo de matrículaPréfixe invariable / Prefijo invariable / Indicativo invariável RR = REGGIANA RIDUTTORI3 CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE3.1 Funzioni generali, gamma di appli- cazioni e utilizzo previstoI riduttori ruota Reggiana Riduttori sono progettati per realizzare la trasmissione di potenza all’interno di macchine opera-trici. Essi possono essere collegati diret-tamente ad un motore di tipo elettrico o idraulico.I riduttori ruota vengono utilizzati nell’am-bito di diverse applicazioni, sia industriali che mobili, tra le quali: industria mecca-nica, industria chimica e plastica, indu-stria alimentare, edilizia e costruzioni, industria estrattiva, agricoltura e foreste, trasporti e sollevamento, settore marino, generatori eolici di energia.Utilizzare il riduttore soltanto per gli usi previsti in fase di progetto. L’impiego per usi impropri può essere causa di pericolo per la sicurezza e la salute delle persone. Gli usi previsti sono quelli industriali e mobili per i quali sono stati sviluppati e costruiti i riduttori.3.2Coppia in uscitaT2n[Nm]È il valore di coppia trasmissibile, in funzionamento continuo e uniforme, pari ad una durata teorica di 30000 n2.h. I valori di T2sono riportati nelle schede tecniche di ogni riduttore ruota. La coppia T2 è limitata dalla resistenza a flessione o dalla resistenza superficiale dei denti degli ingranaggi, in accordo con la norma ISO 6336.3.3Coppia in uscita massimaT2max [Nm]Rappresenta il valore di coppia massi-ma applicabile in uscita al riduttore ruota per brevi durate o per picchi occasiona-li, senza il verificarsi di danneggiamenti permanenti agli elementi più sollecitati.3.4Coppia in uscita richiestaT2r [Nm]È il valore di coppia in uscita che si inten-de applicare al riduttore ruota, in base ai dati di funzionamento dell’applicazione.3 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS3 TECHNISCHE BESCHREIBUNG 3.1 General functions, range ofapplications and intended useThe Reggiana Riduttori wheel gears aredesigned for transmitting power insideoperating machines. They can be con-nected directly to either an electric or hy-draulic motor.The wheel gears are used for many dif-ferent types of application, both indus-trial and mobile some of which are: themechanical industry, the chemical andplastics industry, the food industry, build-ing and constructions, mining industry,agriculture and forestry, transporting andlifting, marine sector, wind generators ofenergy.Use the reduction gear only for the usescontemplated in the project phase. Usingit improperly can be the cause of dangerfor the safety and health of people.The reduction gears have been designedand made for the industrial and mobileuses.Die Radnabengetriebe dürfen nur für denvom Hersteller vorgesehenen Zweck ver-wendet werden. Bei unsachgemäßemGebrauch kann die Sicherheit und Ge-sundheit von Personen gefährdet werden.Unter vorgesehenem Gebrauch werdendie industriellen und mobilen Anwendun-gen verstanden, für die die Getriebe ent-wickelt und gebaut worden sind.3.1 Allgemeine Funktionen, Anwen-dungsbereiche und vorgeseheneAnwendungDie Radnabengetriebe von Reggia-na Riduttori werden für die Leistungs-übertragung im Inneren von Arbeits-maschinen konzipiert und gefertigt.Sie können direkt an einen Elektromotoroder einen Hydraulikmotor angeschlos-sen werden.Die Radnabengetriebe werden sowohlin der Industrie, als auch im Fahrzeug-bau in verschiedenen Anwendungeneingesetzt, darunter: Maschinenbau,chemische und Kunststoff verarbeitendeIndustrie, Lebensmittelindustrie, Bau-wirtschaft, Bergbau, Land- und Forst-wirtschaft, Transport- und Hubtechnik,Schiffbau, Windkraftanlagen.3.2 Output torqueT2n [Nm]This is the value of the torque which canbe transmitted in continuous and uniformoperation equalling a theoretical life of30000 n2.h. The T2values are given inthe technical data sheets of each wheelgear. T2torque is limited by resistanceto bending or by the surface resistanceof gear teeth, in agreement with the ISO6336 standard.3.3 Maximum output torqueT2max [Nm]It is the maximum torque value applicableto wheel gear output for short lengths oftime or for occasional peaks, without anypermanent damage to the most stressedelements.3.4 Required output torqueT2r[Nm]It is the torque value in output you intendapplying to the wheel gear, based on theapplication’s operating data.3.2AusgangsdrehmomentT2n[Nm]Dabei handelt es sich um das übertrag-bare Drehmoment bei gleichmäßigemDauerbetrieb, das einer theoretischenDauer von 30000 n2.h entspricht. DieWerte vom Drehmoment T2sind in dentechnischen Datenblättern der einzel-nen Radnabengetriebe angegeben. DasDrehmoment T2wird nach Vorgabe derNorm ISO 6336 vom Biegewiderstandoder vom Oberflächenwiderstand derZähne vom Getriebe begrenzt.3.3Maximales AusgangsdrehmomentT2max [Nm]Dabei handelt es sich um den Wertvom Drehmoment, das maximal amAusgang des Radnabengetriebes fürkurze Zeit oder gelegentliche Spitzenangelegt werden kann, ohne dass dieszu einer dauerhaften Schädigung deram stärksten Belasteten Bauteile führt.3.4Verlangtes AusgangsdrehmomentT2r [Nm]Dabei handelt es sich um das Ausgangs-drehmoment, das an das Radnabenge-triebe je nach Funktionswerten der An-wendung angelegt werden soll.applications, aussi bien dans le domaine industriel que mobile, parmi lesquelles: l’industrie mécanique, l’industrie chimi-que et plastique, l’industrie alimentaire, le bâtiment et les constructions, l’industrie extractive, l’agriculture et la sylviculture, le transport et les systèmes de levage, la marine, les générateurs éoliens.N’utiliser le réducteur que pour les usa-ges pour lesquels il a été projeté. Son utilisation impropre peut être cause de danger pour la sécurité et la santé des personnes.Les usages prévus sont les emplois in-dustriels et mobiles pour lesquels les ré-ducteurs ont été élaborés et fabriqués.3.2 Couple de sortie T 2n [Nm]C’est la valeur du couple qui peut être transmis dans des conditions de fonc-tionnement continu et uniforme équiva-lant à une durée théorique de 30000 n 2xh. Les valeurs de T 2 sont indiquées sur les fiches techniques de chaque réducteur roue.Le couple T 2 est limité par la résistance à la flexion ou par la résistance de la sur -face des dents des engrenages, confor-mément à la norme ISO 6336.3.3 Couple à la sortie maximum T 2max [Nm]Il représente la valeur de couple maxi-mum applicable à la sortie au réducteur pour de courtes durées ou pour des pics occasionnels, sans provoquer de dom-mages permanents aux éléments les plus sollicités.3.4 Couple de sortie demandé T 2r [Nm]C’est la valeur de couple de sortie qu’on souhaite appliquer au réducteur roue, en fonction des données de fonctionnement de l’application.el ámbito de distintas aplicaciones, tanto industriales como móviles, entre las cua-les: industria mecánica, industria quími-ca y del plástico, industria alimentaria, de la construcción, industria minera, agricul-tura y forestal, transportes y elevación, sector marítimo, generadores eólicos deenergía.Utilizar el reductor sólo para los usos pre-vistos en la fase de proyecto. La utiliza-ción para usos no adecuados puede cau-sar peligros para la seguridad y la salud de las personas.Los usos previstos son aquellos indus-triales y móviles para los cuales han sido desarrollados y construidos los reducto-res.Usar o redutor exclusivamente para os usos previstos na fase de projecto. O emprego em usos impróprios pode ser causa de perigo para a segurança e a saúde das pessoas.Os usos previstos são aqueles industriais e móveis para os quais os redutores fo-ram concebidos e construídos.âmbito de várias aplicações, quer indus-triais quer móveis, entre as quais: indús-tria mecânica, indústria química e dos plásticos, indústria alimentar, constru-ção civil, indústria minerária, agricultura e florestas, transportes e levantamento, sector marítimo, geradores eólicos de energia.3.2 Par en salida T 2n [Nm]Es el valor del par transmisible en fun-cionamiento continuo y uniforme, equi-valente a una duración teórica de 30000 n 2 x h. Los valores de T 2 son indicados en las fichas técnicas de cada reductor de rueda.El par T 2 está limitado por la resistencia a la flexión o por la resistencia superficial de los dientes de los engranajes, según la norma ISO 6336.3.3 Par en salida máximo T 2max [Nm]Representa el valor de par máximo apli-cable en salida al reductor de rueda por breves duraciones o por picos ocasio-nales, sin que se produzcan daños per-manentes a los elementos mayormente bajo esfuerzo.3.4 Par en salida requerido T 2r [Nm]Es el valor de par en salida que se de-sea aplicar al reductor de rueda, sobre la base de los datos de funcionamiento de la aplicación.3.2 Par à saída T 2n [Nm]É o valor de par transmissível, em fun-cionamento contínuo e uniforme,igual a uma duração teórica de 30000 n 2.h .Os valores de T 2 são indicados nas fi -chas técnicas de cada redutor da roda.O par T 2 é limitado pela resistência à flexão ou pela resistência superficial dos dentes das engrenagens, de acordo com a norma ISO 6336.3.3 Par em saída máximo T 2max [Nm]Representa o valor de par máximo aplicá-vel em saída ao redutor por breves perío-dos ou por picos ocasionais, sem que se verifiquem danos permanentes nos ele -mentos mais solicitados.3.4 Par à saída exigido T 2r [Nm]É o valor de par à saída que se tenciona aplicar ao redutor da roda, com base nos dados de funcionamento da aplicação.3.5 Velocità in entrata n 1 [min -1]È la velocità del motore collegato in in-gresso al riduttore ruota.3.6 Velocità in uscita n 2 [min -1]È la velocità in uscita del riduttore, fun-zione della velocità in entrata n 1 e del rapporto di riduzione effettivo i.3.7 Rapporto di riduzione iIndica l’effettivo rapporto tra la velocità in entrata n 1 e la velocità in uscita n 2 del riduttore ruota:I rapporti di riduzione disponibili sono riportati nella tabella dei dati tecnici per ogni grandezza di riduttore ruota. Su ri-chiesta è possibile ottenere ulteriori rap-porti di riduzione.3.8 Velocità in entrata massima n 1max [min -1]Indica la velocità massima ammessa in entrata per brevi durate o in funziona-mento intermittente; la velocità in entrata del riduttore ruota è limitata dalla velocità periferica degli ingranaggi, dai cuscinetti e dalle tenute.3.9 Verso di rotazioneIn generale, per ogni riduttore ruota di questo catalogo, l’uscita gira in senso opposto all’albero entrata. Fa eccezione il riduttore ruota RRWD270/B nel quale, a causa del particolare funzionamento interno, l’uscita gira nello stesso senso dell’ingresso.3.10 Potenza in entrata P 1 [kW]È la potenza applicata in ingresso al ri-duttore ruota, mediante collegamento diretto di un motore.3.5 Input speed n 1 [min -1]It is the speed of the motor connected to the wheel gear at input.3.6 Output speed n 2 [min -1]It is the reduction gear’s output speed as a function of the input speed n 1 and of the actual reduction ratio i.3.7 Reduction ratio iIt indicates the actual ratio between the wheel gear’s input speed n 1 and output speed n 2:The reduction ratios available are given in the technical data table for each wheel gear size. Other reduction ratios can be obtained on request.3.8 Maximum input speed n 1max [min -1]It indicates the maximum permitted input speed for short lengths of time or intermit-tently; the wheel gear’s input speed is lim-ited by the peripheral speed of the gears, by the bearings and by the seals.3.9 Rotation directionGenerally, for each wheel gear in this cat-alogue, the output turns in the opposite direction to the input shaft. An exception to this rule is wheel gear RRWD270/B where, due to its particular internal work-ing, the output turns in the same direction as the input.3.10 Input power P 1 [kW]It is the power applied to the wheel gear at input by means of the direct connec-tion of a motor.3.5 Eingangsgeschwindigkeit n 1 [min -1]Dabei handelt es sich um die Geschwin-digkeit vom Motor, der am Eingang vom Radnabengetriebe angeschlossen ist.3.6 Ausgangsgeschwindigkeit n 2 [min -1]Dabei handelt es sich um die Geschwin-digkeit der Ausgangswelle vom Radna-bengetriebe, die sich aus der Eingangs-geschwindigkeit n 1 und dem effektiven Untersetzungsverhältnis i ergibt.3.7 Untersetzungsverhältnis iDabei handelt es sich um das effektive Verhältnis von Eingangsgeschwindigkeit n 1 zu Ausgangsgeschwindigkeit n 2 vom Radnabengetriebe:Die verfügbaren Untersetzungsverhält-nisse sind für jede Größe vom Radna-bengetriebe in der Tabelle mit den tech-nischen Daten zusammengestellt. Auf Wunsch sind weitere Untersetzungsver-hältnisse erhältlich.3.8 Maximale Eingangsgeschwindigkeit n 1max [min -1]Dabei handelt es sich um die maximal zulässige Eingangsgeschwindigkeit für kurze Dauer oder bei unterbrochenem Betrieb. Die Eingangsgeschwindigkeit vom Radnabengetriebe ist durch die Pe-ripheriegeschwindigkeit von Zahnrädern, Lagern und Dichtungen beschränkt.3.9 RotationsrichtungAllgemein gilt für jedes Radnabengetrie-be des vorliegenden Katalogs, dass sich der Ausgang in die entgegen gesetzte Richtung dreht wie die Eingangswelle. Eine Ausnahme bildet das Radnaben-getriebe RRWD270/B, bei welchem sich aufgrund der speziellen Bauweise der Ausgang in die gleiche Richtung wie die Eingangswelle dreht.3.10 Eingangsleistung P 1 [kW]Dabei handelt es sich um die Leistung, die am Eingang vom Radnabengetriebe durch den direkten Anschluss an einen Motor angelegt wird.du réducteur, en fonction de la vitesse à l’entrée n 1 et du rapport de réduction ef-fectif i.3.7 Rapport de réduction iIl indique le rapport effectif entre la vites-se à l’entrée n 1 et la vitesse à la sortie n 2 du réducteur roue:Les rapports de réduction existants sont indiqués dans le tableau des caractéris-tiques techniques pour chaque grandeur de réducteur roue. Sur demande, il est possible d’obtenir des rapports de réduc-tion supplémentaires.3.8 Vitesse à maximum à l’entrée n 1max [min -1]Elle indique la vitesse maximum admise à l’entrée pour de courtes durées ou en fonctionnement intermittent; la vitesse à l’entrée du réducteur roue est limitée par la vitesse périphérique des engrenages, par les roulements et les garnitures.3.9 Sens de rotationEn général, pour tous les réducteurs roue de ce catalogue, l’arbre de sortie tourne dans le sens inverse de celui de l’arbre d’entrée, à l’exception du réducteur roue RRWD270/B dans lequel, en raison du fonctionnement interne particulier, l’arbre de sortie tourne dans le même sens que l’arbre d’entrée.3.10 Puissance à l’entrée P 1 [kW]C’est la puissance appliquée à l’entrée du réducteur roue, par un raccord direct d’un moteur.función de la velocidad en entrada n 1 y de la relación de reducción efectiva i.3.7 Relación de reducción iIndica la efectiva relación entre la veloci-dad en entrada n 1 y la velocidad en sali-da n 2 del reductor de rueda:Las relaciones de reducción disponibles se indican en la tabla de los datos técni-cos para cada talla de reductor de rueda. Bajo demanda es posible obtener ulterio-res relaciones de reducción.3.8 Velocidad en entrada máxima n 1max [min -1]Indica la velocidad máxima admitida en entrada por breves duraciones o en fun-cionamiento intermitente; la velocidad en entrada del reductor de rueda está limitada por la velocidad periférica de los engranajes, por los cojinetes y por las estanqueidades.3.9 Sentido de giroEn general, para cada reductor de rueda de este catálogo, la salida gira en senti-do opuesto al eje de entrada.La excepción es el reductor de rueda RRWD270/B en el cual, debido al funcio-namiento interno particular, la salida gira en el mismo sentido que la entrada.3.10 Potencia en entrada P 1 [kW]Es la potencia aplicada en entrada al re-ductor de rueda, mediante conexión di-recta de un motor.tor, função da velocidade em entrada n 1 e da relação de redução efetiva i.3.7 Relação de redução iIndica a efectiva relação entre a veloci-dade em entrada n 1 e a velocidade em saída n 2 do redutor da roda:As relações de redução disponíveis es-tão indicadas na tabela dos dados téc-nicos para cada grandeza do redutor da roda. A pedido, é possível obter outras relações de redução.3.8 Velocidade em entrada máxima n 1max [min -1]Indica a velocidade máxima admitida em entrada por breves períodos ou em funcionamento intermitente; a veloci-dade em entrada do redutor da roda é limitada pela velocidade periférica das engrenagens, pelos rolamentos e pelas vedações.3.9 Direcção de rotaçãoEm geral, para cada redutor da roda des-te catálogo, a saída rodeia em sentido contrário à árvore da entrada.Com excepção do redutor da roda RRWD270/B no qual, devido ao funcio-namento especial interno, a saída rodeia no mesmo sentido da entrada.3.10 Potência em entrada P 1 [kW]É a potência aplicada à entrada ao redu-tor da roda, mediante ligação directa de um motor.3.12 Rendimento ηE' un coefficiente adimensionale dato dal rapporto tra la potenza in uscita P 2 e quella in entrata P 1:Il valore di rendimento di un singolo sta-dio di riduzione, in condizioni medie di velocità e coppia, è pari a 0.975; tale valore decresce nel caso di: incremento della velocità, diminuzione della coppia trasmessa, aumento della temperatura ambiente.3.13 Carico radiale in uscita F r2 [N]In corrispondenza di ogni singola sche-da tecnica è riportata la curva dei carichi radiali ammissibili F r,2 in funzione della ascissa x (distanza da un riferimento op-portuno). Il valore di carico radiale am-missibile è riferito ad una durata dei cu-scinetti, calcolata in base alla norma ISO 281, pari a 300000 n 2.h.Tutte le curve dei carichi radiali ammis-sibili sono state fatte imponendo che i carichi assiali F a,2 siano nulli.3.14 Carico assiale in uscita F a,2 [N]Su tutte le tipologie di riduttore ruota è ammessa la presenza di un carico assia-le in verso entrante o uscente.In presenza di carico assiale, verificare l’idoneità del riduttore ruota contattando il Servizio Tecnico Reggiana Riduttori.3.12 Efficiency ηIt is a dimensionless coefficient given by the ratio between the output powerP 2 and input power P 1:The efficiency value of a single reduction stage under average speed and torque conditions, is equivalent to 0.975; this value decreases if: speed increases, transmitted torque diminishes, ambient temperature increases.3.13 Radial load in output F r2 [N]The curve of the permissible radial loads F r,2 as a function of abscissa x (distance from a suitable reference) is given whe-re each single technical datasheet is. The permissible radial load value refers to bearing life calculated on the basis of the ISO281 standard which is equal to 300000 n 2.h.All curves of the permissible radial loads have been done taking the axial loads F a,2 as nil.3.14 Output axial load F a,2 [N]An axial load, in input or output, is al-lowed on all wheel gear types.When there is an axial load check that the wheel gear is suitable, contacting the Reggiana Riduttori Technical Service.3.12 Wirkungsgrad ηDabei handelt es sich um einen dimen-sionslosen Wert, der sich aus dem Ver-hältnis der Ausgangsleistung P 2 zur Eingangsleistung P 1 ergibt:Der Wert vom Wirkungsgrad einer ein-zelnen Untersetzungsstufe bei mittle-rer Geschwindigkeit und Drehmoment entspricht 0.975. Dieser Wert nimmt bei zunehmender Geschwindigkeit, abneh-mendem anliegendem Drehmoment und zunehmender Umgebungstemperatur ab.3.13 Querlast am Ausgang F r2 [N]In den einzelnen technischen Datenblät-tern ist die Kurve der zulässigen Quer-lasten F r,2 in Abhängigkeit der X-Achse (Abstand von einem geeigneten Bezugs-punkt) abgetragen. Der Wert der zuläs-sigen Querlast bezieht sich auf eine Le-bensdauer der Lager von 300000 n 2.h., die nach Vorgabe der Norm ISO 281 be-rechnet wird.Alle Kurven der zulässigen Querlasten wurden unter der Voraussetzung erstellt, dass die Achslasten F a,2 gleich Null sind.3.14 Achslast am Ausgang F a,2 [N]An allen Radnabengetrieben ist eine Achslast in Eingangs- oder Ausgangs-richtung zulässig.Bei Achslast die Eignung vom Radna-bengetriebe prüfen und dazu den Tech-nischen Kundendienst von Reggiana Ri-3.11 Potenza in uscita P 2 [kW]È la potenza richiesta dall’utilizzatore col-legato in uscita al riduttore ruota. Si può calcolare come: 3.11 Output power P 2 [kW]It is the power required by the user con-nected to the wheel gear in output. It can be calculated as:3.11 Ausgangsleistung P 2 [kW]Dabei handelt es sich um die Leistung, die vom Abnehmer verlangt wird, der am Ausgang vom Radnabengetriebe an-geschlossen ist und wie folgt berechnet wird:。
1/16直动式 溢流阀类型 DBDRC 25402/10.10替代对象:02.09目录内容 页码特点 1订货代码 2,3功能,截面,符号 4技术数据 5一般说明 5特性曲线6设备尺寸:螺纹连接 7设备尺寸:插装式阀 8,9设备尺寸:底板安装10,11经过类型测试的安全阀类型 DBD../..E,组件系列 1X,符合压力设备指令 97/23/EC (下文简称为 PED) 订货代码 12设备尺寸 12技术数据 13特性曲线 13安全注意事项14 至 16特点– 用作拧入式插装式阀– 适用于螺纹连接– 用于底板安装– 用于调节压力的调节类型,可选: • 六角套筒和保护帽 • 旋钮/手轮 • 可锁定旋钮H5585有关可提供备件的信息,请访问: /spc规格 6 至 30元件系列 1X最大工作压力为 630 bar [9150 psi]最大流量为 330 l/min [87 US gpm]订货代码= 可用1) 对于尺寸 15 和 20,仅可用于 25,50 或 100 bar 的压力等级。
2) 仅可用于 25,50 或 100 bar的压力等级。
3) 材料编号为 R900008158 的钥匙包括在供货范围内。
4) 不适用于经过类型测试的尺寸为 8,15 和 25 的安全阀。
5) 不适用于经过类型测试的安全阀。
6) 在进行压力等级选择时,请遵照第 6 页上的特性曲线和说明!7)对于型号 "G" 和 "P",仅适用于 "SO292",请参阅第 7 页和第 10 页!标准类型和组件已在 EPS(标准价格表)中列出。
*明文形式的更多详细信息PED 无代码 = 无型式验证E = 经过类型测试的安全阀,符合 PED 97/23/EC管道连接无代码 =符合 ISO 228/1 标准的管螺纹12 =SAE 螺纹密封材料无代码 = NBR 密封件V =FKM 密封件(可应要求提供其它密封件)注意!请务必遵守密封圈与所用液压油的兼容性!DBD 类型的溢流阀是直接操作式座阀。
HFC 如需采用其它液压油和温度,请与我们联系。
l 0.7
l 0.75
l/min 40
bar 350
bar 130
l 1.0
12 13 14 15
ABSBG – 1X /
G24 V /
10 直流电压 24 V
符合样本 50131 的蓄能器切断阀
11 密封材料(弹性材料)
12 使用装配件组件 A 安装(控制台 C)
使用装配件组件 B 安装(夹具和夹板)
使用装配件组件 K 安装(控制台 K)
符合样本 50205 的 ABZMM 压力计
13 DN63
14 bar/MPa
15 蓄能器制造商
订货示例: ABSBG-1X/B4,0N-CE/10M330V/A6MDC
RC 50135,版本:2015-01,Bosch Rexroth AG
蓄能器站 型号 ABSBG
RC 50135 版本:2015-01 替代对象:13.05
FTWE 2 K...; 参见 RC 58008 FTDRE 2 K...; 参见RC 58032
} 不带插头1)
RA - 0/ 10; 1联,参见RC 95230 RA 2-1/ 10; 4到6联,参见RC 95230 控制器RC,请参见RC 95200
1)插头不在供货范围内,必须分开订购。 注意!
换向阀联数量1到20 1) 通径 12 系列 20 到 29 (安装和油口尺寸不变) 闭芯,侧边 开芯,侧边 闭芯,中间 闭芯,中间用于M4 — 12/15 不带一次溢流阀 (不适用于P型) 带一次溢流阀 (指定压力压力单位bar,3位数) 不带一次溢流阀 (不能加装,仅限JZ) 控制油源 带内部先导控制油源 外部先导控制油源
泵油口 执行器油口 油箱油口 控制油源油口 控制油泄油口 负荷传感(LS)油口 外部LS油口
RC 64 276/06.06 | M4-12
行走机械液压 | 博世力士乐 /48
进油联:闭芯式J 开芯式P
闭芯式中间进油联JZ 机械操作换向阀联
DT04- 2P(德国)
端盖 A
标准 H W2 W4
两侧) 口,也有测量口 7)
节流孔 + 单向 阀,用于液压
越权 7)
模拟接口 AAQ
CANopen 协议 CAN- BR协议, 带位置传感器
B → T:qV /2 A → T:qV B → T:堵塞
A → T:qV
注意:符号为 W6-,W8-,W9-,W6A 时,A → T 和 B → T 的连接距离在切换位置 "0" 的各公称剖面的 2 % 以下。
4/28 Bosch Rexroth AG Hydraulics
.WRZ;.WRZE;.WRH RC 29115/08.13
= 无代码 =E
= ET =T
RC 29115/08.13 .WRZ;.WRZE;.WRH
Hydraulics Bosch Rexroth AG
M = V = 无代码 = D3 1)=
A1 = F1 = 无代码 =
K4 1, 4)=
K31 1, 4)=
1)不适用于型号 4WRH 2)适用于型号 "J" → "N",不适用于 "N9"
不带电气位置反馈,不带/带集成电子 RC 29115/08.13 1/28
型号 .WRZ…,.WRZE… 和 .WRH…
规格 10 至 52 组件系列 7X 最大工作压力 350 bar 最大流量 2800 l/min
型号 4WRH…-7X./… 和 型号 4WRH 52…-7XF/…
a 0b
型号 5WRH 52…-7X. AB
a 0b
X = 外部 Y = 外部
X = 外部 Y = 外部
—管式连接直通单向阀—有一个方向无泄漏的封闭—有五种开启压力—板式连接—插入式连接图1-1 S型单向阀功能说明S型单向阀阀芯的行程受到卡圈的限制,内装弹簧支承开闭行程并保持阀芯处于关闭状态。
图2-1 板式阀结构图图2-2 板式阀结构图机能符号型号意义直通式K1 K2 K3规格6 301889 301896 301903规格8 301890 301897 301904规格10 301891 301898 301905规格15 301892 301899 301906规格20 301893 301900 301907规格25 301894 301901 301908规格30 301895 301902 301909直角式K1 K2 K3规格6 301910 301917 301924规格8 317701317702 317703规格10 301912 301919 301926规格15 317704 317705 317706规格20 301914 301921 301928规格25 301915 301922 301929规格30 301916 301923 301930例如:订6通径开启压力为0.05MPa的直通式插装阀,订货型号为S6K1-301889 技术参数液压介质矿物质液压油或磷酸酯液压油介质温度范围 (℃) -30~+80介质粘度范围 (mm2/S) 2.8~500工作压力 (MPa) 至31.5开启压力 (MPa)见特性曲线最大流量 (L/min)特性曲线(试验条件:在smmv/412=和℃50=t下测得)外形及连接尺寸(单位:mm)管式阀外型及连接尺寸:规格 6 8 10 15 20 25 30D1G1/4’’G3/8’’G1/2’’G3/4’’G1’’G11/4’’G11/2’’M14×1.5 M18×1.5 M22×1.5 M27×2 M33×2 M42×2 M48×2H1 22 28 34.5 41.5 53 69 75 L1 58 58 72 85 98 120 132 T1 12 12 14 16 18 20 22 S 19 24 30 36 46 60 65重量(kg)0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1 2 2.5 插入式阀外型及连接尺寸:NG 6 8 10 15 20 25 30D1H7 10 13 17 22 28 36 42D2 6 8 10 15 20 25 30D3H8 11 14 18 24 30 38 44D4 6 8 10 15 20 25 30行程 4 4 4 5 5 7 7L1 11.2 11.9 14.3 18 18.8 28.5 28.5L2 9.5 9.5 11.5 14.5 16 24.5 25L3 10 16 16 18 23 31 37L4 16.5 21.5 23.5 25.5 30 43 47.5L5 20.5 26.5 29.5 34 40.5 57.5 63.5L6 28.5 36.5 39.5 46 55.5 75.5 83.5重量kg 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.25 0.3NG 6 8 10 15 20 25 30D1H7 10 13 17 22 28 36 42D2 6 8 10 15 20 25 30D3H8 11 14 18 24 30 38 44行程 4 4 4 5 5 7 7L1 9.5 9.5 11.5 14.5 16 24.5 25L2 19 18 21 27 29 29 42L3 21.8 22.8 28.8 36.4 44 55 63L4 29.8 32.8 38.8 48.4 59 73 83L5 18 18 23 28 33 41 47重量kg 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.25 0.3 板式阀外型及连接尺寸:通径阀固定螺钉(GB70-85)A、B口O型圈10 4-M10×40-10.9 17.12×2.6220 4-M10×50-10.9 28.17×3.5330 4-M10×70-10.9 34.52×3.53NG B1 B2 L1 L2 L3 L4 H1 H210 85 66.7 78 42.9 17.8 - 66 2120 102 79.4 101 60.3 23 - 93.5 31.530 120 96.8 128 84.2 28 42.1 106.5 46注意事项:(1)液压系统用的介质必须经过过滤,过滤精度至少20μm;(2)液压系统用的油箱必须密封,并加空气过滤器;(3)固定螺栓请按样本中列的参数选用;(4)与阀连接的表面粗糙度要求为;(5)与阀连接的平面度要求为0.01/100mm。
10 17 27 34 43 51 61 71 82 100 F
Flange SAE B (SAE J744C)
Pressure Ports O-ring Ports to SAE J1926 (ISO 11926)
Suction Ports Flange face to SAE J518
Direction of rotation: Clockwise Counterclockwise
Pressure p2 in PSI (bar)
Nominal Size 82
Flow Q in GPM (L/min)
Power in Hp (kW)
Pressure p2 in PSI (bar)
Pressure p2 in PSI (bar)
HU 8001
Performance Data
Nominal Size 100
Functional Description
The gear Pumps Series GP1-Q consists of 2 intermeshing gears (1), one of them connected to the drive shaft. Right or Left hand rotation on the drive shaft generates pressure and flow as given in the technical data section on page 2. The pumps have optimized efficiency through pressurized internal sealing technology (2). The floating bushings (3) with special bearings (4) are pressure dependent pushed against the gears which guarantee minimum gap clearance between bushing and gears thereby sealing the gears axially. The radial sealing is done by forcing the gears against the body. The gear pumps have 2-Bolt SAE mounting flange (5) and keyed shaft. Pressure port is SAE O-Ring Port and Suction ports are SAE - Flange Ports.
类型为 WM. 的阀是通过机械,手动方式操作的方向滑阀, 而 WN,WP 和 WHD 类型的阀则是通过流体方式操作的。 这些阀控制流体的启动,停止和方向。 这些方向阀的基本构成为壳体(1),一个启动元件(2.1) (滚轮柱塞,手柄,旋钮)或两个启动元件(2.2)(液压,气 动执行机构),控制阀芯(3)和一个或两个复位弹簧(4)。 在非操作条件下,控制阀芯(3)由复位弹簧(4)固定(在通 过制动器(5)完成旋钮操作的情况下)在中心或初始位置 (带液压或气动启动的脉冲阀芯除外)。 启动元件将控制阀芯(3)移动到所需位置。
内容 特点 订货代码 阀芯符号 启动元件 功能,横截面 技术数据 特性曲线 性能限制 单元尺寸 页码 1 2 3 4,5 6 7,8 9 9 10 至 12
– 直动式方向滑阀 – 启动类型: • 滚轮柱塞 • 手柄 • 旋钮 • 气动 • 液压 – 符合 ISO 4401-05-04-0-05,NFPA T3.5.1 R2 和 ANSI B93-7 D05 的油口安装面 – 有关底板的信息,请参阅样本 RC 45054(单独订购)
=A =C =D
0 P T A B 0 P T
= .A 1)
= .B 1)
= E 1)
A B a P T b A B a P T b
=F =G =B =H =Y =J =L =M =P =Q =R =T =U
– 带阀芯位置 "a" 的阀芯符号 E: 订货代码 ..EA..
=V =W
2.1 X 1 3 4 5
TA 2.2 4 1
A P B 3
TB 4
类型 4WMM 10 E3X/F/...(带制动器)
力士乐样本完整A轴向柱塞单元名称型号编号版本第二册目录|行走机械液压 1/2⑤定量马达A2FM轴向柱塞定量马达A2FE插装式定量马达定量马达A4FM定量马达A10FM A10FE⑥变量马达轴向柱塞变量马达A6VMA6VE变量插装式马达双排量马达A10VM、插装式⑦常规要求及备件矿物油基液压油液用于轴向活塞件元件的环保型液压RC 91001RC 91008RC 91120RC 91172RC 91604RC 91606RC 91703RC 90220RC 90221A2FMA2FEA4FMA10FM/EA6VEA10VM/E07.0504.0504.0006.0605.0606.0506.0405.0301.02油HEES、HEPG和HETG使用HF油液的轴向柱塞元件万向轴连接法兰吸油管冲洗与补油阀SV功率阀LABVD平衡阀通用通轴驱动RC 90223RC 95001RC 95004RC 95512RC 95514RC 95522RC 9558111.9911.0002.9712.9805.0312.05 SVLABVDfür A4VSA10VEA 轴向柱塞单元名称型号编号版本⑧ 外啮合齿轮元件⑨ 径向柱塞马达⑩ 减速机2/2 行走机械液压 | 第二册目录外啮合齿轮泵F 型外啮合齿轮泵静音型外啮合齿轮马达液压马达(径向柱塞元件,多行程)径向柱塞马达(多行程)MCR 5型液压马达(径向柱塞元件,多行程)液压马达(径向柱塞元件,多行程)液压马达(径向柱塞元件,多行程)紧凑型静液压传动装置HYDROTRACGFT 用于定量或变量马达紧凑型静液压传动装置HYDROTRAC 带内置液压双速马达A10VT 回速减速机MOBILEX回转驱动MOBILEX GFB 带斜盘马达A10FD回转驱动MOBILEX GFB 适用于变桨和偏航调节卷扬减速机MOBILEX GFT-W 行星减速机REDULUSRC 10089RC 10095RC 14026RC 15205RC 15206RC 15207RC 15208RC 15209RC 77110RC 77111RC 77201RC 77204RC 76111RC 77502RC 76120AZPF AZPSAZMF, AZMN, AZMGMCR03MCR05MCR10MCR15MCR20GFT GFT 7-40GFB GFB GFB GFT-W GMH/GME 08.0405.0401.0502.9806.0602.9810.9403.9507.0407.0405.0603.0109.0405.0410.05。
A轴向柱塞单元名称型号编号版本第二册目录|行走机械液压 1/2⑤定量马达A2FM轴向柱塞定量马达A2FE插装式定量马达定量马达A4FM定量马达A10FM A10FE⑥变量马达轴向柱塞变量马达A6VMA6VE变量插装式马达双排量马达A10VM、插装式⑦常规要求及备件矿物油基液压油液用于轴向活塞件元件的环保型液压RC 91001RC 91008RC 91120RC 91172RC 91604RC 91606RC 91703RC 90220RC 90221A2FMA2FEA4FMA10FM/EA6VMA6VEA10VM/E07.0504.0504.0006.0605.0606.0506.0405.0301.02油HEES、HEPG和HETG使用HF油液的轴向柱塞元件万向轴连接法兰吸油管冲洗与补油阀SV功率阀LABVD平衡阀通用通轴驱动RC 90223RC 95001RC 95004RC 95512RC 95514RC 95522RC 9558111.9911.0002.9712.9809.9905.0312.05 SVLABVDfür A4VSA10VEA 轴向柱塞单元名称 型号 编号 版本⑧ 外啮合齿轮元件⑨ 径向柱塞马达⑩ 减速机2/2 行走机械液压 | 第二册目录外啮合齿轮泵F 型外啮合齿轮泵静音型外啮合齿轮马达液压马达(径向柱塞元件,多行程)径向柱塞马达(多行程)MCR 5型液压马达(径向柱塞元件,多行程)液压马达(径向柱塞元件,多行程)液压马达(径向柱塞元件,多行程)紧凑型静液压传动装置HYDROTRACGFT 用于定量或变量马达紧凑型静液压传动装置HYDROTRAC 带内置液压双速马达A10VT 回速减速机MOBILEX回转驱动MOBILEX GFB 带斜盘马达A10FD回转驱动MOBILEX GFB 适用于变桨和偏航调节卷扬减速机MOBILEX GFT-W 行星减速机REDULUSRC 10089RC 10095RC 14026RC 15205RC 15206RC 15207RC 15208RC 15209RC 77110RC 77111RC 77201RC 77204RC 76111RC 77502RC 76120AZPF AZPSAZMF, AZMN, AZMGMCR03MCR05MCR10MCR15MCR20GFT GFT 7-40GFB GFB GFB GFT-W GMH/GME08.0405.0401.0502.9806.0602.9810.9403.9507.0407.0405.0603.0109.0405.0410.05。
ZDRE-10 力士乐样本
RC 29279/12.10 ZDRE;ZDREE
Hydraulics Bosch Rexroth AG
注意事项 – 在直动式方向阀上,壳体连接面上缺少用于油口 X 和 Y 的 密封件。为防止液压油流出,必须插塞 P2 至 X 的先导供油 以及方向阀和 ZDRE(E)之间的先导泄油(型号 XL)。 – 通过从 P 到 B 的阀芯间隙的泄漏可导致通道 B 中的压力逐 渐增大! – 与 ZDRE(E)结合使用的先导式比例方向阀必须具有外部 先导供油。
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类型 ZDRE(E)10…2X/…XY
类型 ZDRE(E)10…2X/…Y 例如 类型 4WRZ �
例如 类型 4WRE 10 � � � � � � � �
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类型 ZDRE(E)10…2X/…XL 插塞
先导供油/泄油 Y = 从油口 P2 对方向阀先导供油,对方向阀和 ZDRE 外部先导泄油 XY =对方向阀外部先导供油,对方向阀和 ZDRE 外部 先导泄油 L = 从 P2 对方向阀先导供油,对方向阀内部先导泄油 ZDRE 外部先导泄油 XL = 从 P2 至 X 的先导供油已插塞(直动式方向阀不 需要先导油),方向阀的先导泄油已插塞(直动式 方向阀`不需要先导泄油),对 ZDRE 外部先导泄油 注意: 如果底板上没有提供先导供油,请使用叠加 阀板 HSZ 10 B097-3X/M01 进行供油。
电源电压 公称电压 下限值 上限值 电流消耗 要求的保险丝 输入 输出 电压 电流 实际电流值 符合 EN 60529 的阀防护类型 VDC VDC VDC A A V mA mV 24 21 35 ≤ 1.5 2,慢速熔断 0 至 10 4 至 20 1 mV 1mA IP 65,已安装和锁定配合连接器
1/184/3 proportional directional control valve, without position control, with on-board electronics (OBE)Type 4WRBAE..E.. /..W..Nominal size (NG) 6, 10Unit series 2XMaximum working pressure P, A, B 315 bar, T 250 barNominal flow rate Q nom 18...32 l/min (NG6), 35...65 l/min (NG10)RE 29051/01.06Replaces: 09.05Overview of ContentsContents PageFeatures 1Ordering data 2Preferred types2Symbols 2Function, sectional diagram 3Accessories 4T echnical data5 to 7On-board trigger electronics 8 to 11Characteristic curves 12 to 15Unit dimensions16 and 17Features– D irectly controlled NG6 and NG10 valves with positive overlap and on-board electronics– A ctuated on both sides, standard symbols E, W – A djustable by means of the setpoint in the on-board electronics, see Characteristic Curves– V alves are preset at the factory, ramp is set to minimum ramp time and overlap (Q min at 0.8 V) to Q nom at 8 V– F or subplate attachment, mounting hole configuration NG6 to ISO 4401-03-02-0-94, NG10 to ISO 4401-05-04-0-94– S ubplates as per catalog sheet, RE 45053 for NG6, RE 45055 for NG10 (order separately)– P lug-in connector to DIN 43563-AM6, see catalog sheet RE 08008 (order separately)– D ata for the on-board trigger electronics• Complies with CE, EMC directives EN 61000-6-2: 2002-08 and EN 61000-6-3: 2002-08• U B = 24 V nom DC• Electrical connection 6P+PE • Signal actuation– Standard 0...±10 V (A1) – Version 2...12...20 mA (F1)• Valve curves calibrated at the factoryOrdering dataFunction, sectional diagramGeneralDirectly operated type 4WRBAE 4/3 proportional directional control valves without position control, with on-board electronics, are available in nominal sizes 6 and 10.Hysteresis is < 6 % for the NG6 and < 8 % for the NG10.The valve electronics are integrated and are preset during valve testing. The operating limits are largely determined by the available magnetic force, see characteristic curves.Basic principleT o adjust the oil flow rate, a setpoint is set in the valve elec-tronics. Based on the polarity and magnitude of this setpoint, the electronics control the solenoid coil “a” or “b” with thea ppropriate amount of magnetic force. The proportional sole-noid converts the current to a mechanical force, with which an armature plunger acts on a spool to push against the spring. If the magnetic force and the spring force are the same, this produces a spool position in conformity with the spring characteristic curve. If the drop in pressure is minimal (< 30 bar) the throttling function takes effect, if the pressure drop is greater, the operating limits (see characteristic curves) must be observed.The pressure drop at the valve is reliably limited by the use of an external pressure compensator with shuttle valve.Manual auxiliary overrideNG6Regelmagnet RegelmagnetManual auxiliary overrideValve bodySolenoid “a”Solenoid “b”Electronics(see page 4)Manual auxiliary overrideManual auxiliary overrideValve bodySolenoid “a”Solenoid “b”Electronics(see page 4)NG10Testing and service equipmentT est box type VT-PE-TB3, see RE 30065Measuring adapter 6PE+PE type VT-PA-2, see RE 30068AccessoriesTypeMaterial Number (4x) f ISO 4762-M5x30-10.9Cheese-head bolts NG6 2 910 151 166(4x) f ISO 4762-M6x35-10.9Cheese-head bolts NG10 2 910 151 207*Plug-in connector 6P+PE, see also RE 08008KS 1 834 482 022KS 1 834 482 026MS 1 834 482 023MS1 834 482 024KS 90°1 834 484 252Technical dataPort P, A, B: 315Port T: 250* N ominal flowThis is always based on a pressure differential of ∆p = 5 bar at the throttling point.Where other pressure differentials are involved, the flow is calculated according to the following formula: ∆p XQ x = Q nom ·Ί 5However, the operating limits must be borne in mind. If they are exceeded, the ensuing flow forces lead to un-controllable spool movements. Pressure compensators are used to reliably limit ∆p .Ϲ 6 Ϲ 8 Ϲ 3 Ϲ 5 50901) T he purity classes stated for the components must becomplied with in hydraulic systems. Effective filtration prevents problems and also extends the service life of components.For a selection of filters, see catalog sheets RE 50070, RE 50076 and RE 50081.Technical dataNote:Power supply 40 V DCnom, max. 31 V DC, max. ripple 2 V DC.Valve in center position:Version 0...±10 Vat UD –EՅ ±0.2 VVersion 4...20 mAat ID –E= 12 mAՅ ±0.4 mAConnectionFor electrical data, see page 6 and Operating Instructions 1 819 929 083Technical notes for the cableDesign: – Multi-wire cable – Extra-finely stranded wire to VDE 0295, Class 6 – Safety earth conductor, green/yellow – Cu braided shield Typ: – e.g. Ölflex-FD 855 CP (from Lappkabel company)No. of wires: – Determined by type of valve, plug type and signal assignment Cable Ø: – 0.75 mm 2 up to 20 m long – 1.0 mm 2 up to 40 m long Outside Ø: – 9.4...11.8 mm – Pg11– 12.7...13.5 mm – Pg16ImportantPower supply 24 V DC nom ,if voltage drops below 18 V DC, rapid shutdown resembling “Enable OFF” takes place internally.In addition, with the “mA signal” version:I D–E м 3 mA – valve is activeI D–E Ϲ 2 mA – valve is deactivated.Electrical signals (e.g. actual values) emitted via the trigger electronics must not be used to shut down safety-relevantm achine functions!(Also see European Standard, “T echnical Safety Requirements for Fluid-Powered Systems and Components – Hydraulics”, EN 982).On-board trigger electronics Circuit diagram/pin assignment0...±10 VVersion A1: UD –EOn-board trigger electronics Circuit diagram/pin assignment4...12...20 mAVersion F1: ID –EOn-board trigger electronicsR sh = 200 ΩIINOUTPin assignmentVersion A1: U D – E 0...±10 V R i = 100 k ΩPin assignment 6P+PEVersion F1: I D – E 4...12...20 mA R sh = 200 ΩOn-board trigger electronicsValve adjustment4/3 proportional directional control valves with on-board electronics without position control are preset at the factory.Valves without position control are subject to broader toler-ances than valves with position control. Therefore, the design of the valves allows them to be adjusted when installed in the machine.First, slacken the screws, then open the lid to set the para-meters using potentiometers.NoteThe characteristic curve and dither frequency are factory-set. We recommend that you only alter P2...P6 if absolutely necessary.The P1 ramp is adjustable:0.05...5 s for 0.8...10 V, or 12.6...20 mA signal change.For other possibilities, see valve curves.Adjusting the electronicsFirst, slacken the screws,then open the lid to set the parameters.Version: U D – E = 0...±10 V Version: I D – E = 4...12...20 mACharacteristic curves NG6 (measured with HLP 46,oil= 40 °C ±5 °C)UD–E[V]1)ID–E[mA]2)UD–E[V]1)ID–E[mA]2) Qnom= 18 l/minQnom= 32 l/minSee page 11for adjusting the electronics1) Version: UE= 0...±10 V2) Version: IE= 4...12...20 mA= 40 °C ±5 °C) Characteristic curves NG6 (measured with HLP 46,oilOperating limitsCharacteristic curves NG10 (measured with HLP 46,oil= 40 °C ±5 °C)Qnom= 35 l/minSee page 11for adjusting the electronics1) Version: UE = 0...±10 V2) Version: IE = 4...12...20 mAQ[I/min]I D–E[mA]2)U D–E[V]1)–Q[I/min]I D–E[mA]2)U D–E[V]1)–Hinweis/Remark/Note:Qnom= 65 l/min= 40 °C ±5 °C) Characteristic curves NG10 (measured with HLP 46,oilOperating limitsUnit dimensions NG6 (nominal dimensions in mm)Required surface quality of mating componentMounting hole configuration: NG6 (ISO 4401-03-02-0-94)For subplates, see catalog sheet RE 450531) Deviates from standard 2) T hread depth:Ferrous metal 1.5 x ØNon-ferrous 2 x ØNot included in scope of deliveryLED for solenoid B LED for solenoid AUnit dimensions NG10 (nominal dimensions in mm)Not included in scope of deliveryRequired surface quality of mating componentMounting hole configuration: NG10 (ISO 4401-05-04-0-94)For subplates, see catalog sheet RE 450551) Deviates from standard 2) T hread depth:Ferrous metal 1.5 x Ø*Non-ferrous 2 x Ø* NG10 min. 10.5 mmLED for solenoid B LED for solenoid ABosch Rexroth AGHydraulicsZum Eisengießer 197816 Lohr am Main, GermanyT elefon +49 (0) 93 52 / 18-0T elefax +49 (0) 93 52 / 18-23 58 documentation@boschrexroth.de www.boschrexroth.de © This document, as well as the data, specifications and other information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent.The data specified above only serve to describe the product. No state-ments concerning a certain condition or suitability for a certain application can be derived from our information. The information given does not release the user from the obligation of own judgement and verification. It must be remembered that our products are subject to a natural process of wear and aging.NotesBosch Rexroth AGHydraulicsZum Eisengießer 197816 Lohr am Main, GermanyT elefon +49 (0) 93 52 / 18-0T elefax +49 (0) 93 52 / 18-23 58 documentation@boschrexroth.de www.boschrexroth.de © This document, as well as the data, specifications and other information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent.The data specified above only serve to describe the product. No state-ments concerning a certain condition or suitability for a certain application can be derived from our information. The information given does not release the user from the obligation of own judgement and verification. It must be remembered that our products are subject to a natural process of wear and aging.NotesBosch Rexroth AGHydraulicsZum Eisengießer 197816 Lohr am Main, GermanyT elefon +49 (0) 93 52 / 18-0T elefax +49 (0) 93 52 / 18-23 58 documentation@boschrexroth.de www.boschrexroth.de © This document, as well as the data, specifications and other information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent.The data specified above only serve to describe the product. No state-ments concerning a certain condition or suitability for a certain application can be derived from our information. The information given does not release the user from the obligation of own judgement and verification. It must be remembered that our products are subject to a natural process of wear and aging.Notes。
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学员学员手册手册手册 电气电气--液压技术目录目录1. 安全规程………………………………………………………………………1/1-1/21.1 电气安全规程……………………………………………………………………….. 1/1 1.2 液压系统的安全规程………………………………………………………………...1/22. 学员手册学员手册前言前言………………………………………………………………… 2/13. 电气-液压技术基础……………………………………………………………3/1-3/323.1 概述…………………………………………………………………………………… 3/13.2 基本概念………………………………………………………………………………3/1 3.2.1 电流…………………………………………………………………………….3/1 3.2.2 电压……………………………………………………………………………. 3/23.2.3 电阻……………………………………………………………………………. 3/2 3.2.4 电功率…………………………………………………………………………. 3/33.3 基本电路………………………………………………………………………………3/3 3.3.1 串联电路………………………………………………………………………. 3/3 3.3.2 并联电路………………………………………………………………………. 3/43.4 电流和电压测量………………………………………………………………………3/5 3.4.1 电流测量………………………………………………………………………. 3/5 3.4.2 电压测量………………………………………………………………………. 3/53.5 电气-液压元件………………………………………………………………………...3/5 3.5.1 功率密度………………………………………………………………………. 3/5 3.5.2电气-液压中的阀……………………………………………………………… 3/6 3.5.3 直动式换向阀………………………………………………………………… 3/8 3.5.4 先导式换向阀…………………………………………………………………. 3/103.6 通过按动按钮使液压缸实现伸出运动………………………………………………3/11 3.6.4 电路图…………………………………………………………………………. 3/11 3.6.5 主电路和控制电路……………………………………………………………. 3/11 3.6.6 重要元件的图形符号…………………………………………………………. 3/12 3.6.7 接触器和继电器上的触点名称……………………………………………….3/123.7 使用按钮开关来消除自锁电路……………………………………………………… 3/143.7.2 功能图………………………………………………………………………… 3/143.8 行程开关……………………………………………………………………………… 3/163.8.4 电感式接近开关………………………………………………………………. 3/163.8.5 电感式接近开关的接线举例…………………………………………………. 3/173.8.6 行程开关………………………………………………………………………. 3/173.9 压力开关……………………………………………………………………………… 3/183.10 通过按钮开关触点进行的机械互锁……………………………………………….. 3/193.11 通过接触器/继电器的触点进行电气互锁………………………………………… 3/193.12 时间继电器………………………………………………………………………….. 3/203.12.1 通电延时…………………………………………………………………….. 3/203.12.2 断电延时…………………………………………………………………….. 3/203.12.3 通电和断电延时…………………………………………………………….. 3/20 4.实验对照……………………………………………………………………….4/1 5.需要的电器元件……………………………………………………………….5/1 6.需要的液压元件……………………………………………………………….6/16.1 元件底板…………………………………………………………………………….. 6/2-6/47. 实验练习……………………………………………………………………….V1-V108.图形符号……………………………………………………………………….8/1-8/18 RD 00 233/05.94 禁止复制– 保留修改权1.安全规程1.1 电气安电气安全规程全规程使用电气设备和装置必须要遵守工商业联合会颁布的“电气设备和装置”(VBG 4)事故预防措施规定以及VDE 规定中VDE 0105第1和第12部分的规定。
VBG 4规定非常简短并且补充有防止事故规定的程序。
他们只能在工作电压一般最大不超过25 V AC 或60 V DC 的系统和设备上进行工作。
VDE 规定十分详细和全面。
但是VDE 0105,第12部分的规定是可以获得的。
VDE 0105,第1部分讲述的是: “强电设备运行的一般规定”VDE 0105,第12部分讲述的是: “在教室内使用电能做实验的特殊规定”对电气系统也同样适用对电气系统也同样适用::安全是最重要的安全是最重要的!!RD 00 233/05.94 禁止复制 – 保留修改权 1/11.2 液压系统的安全规液压系统的安全规程程使用液压设备的一般规定 -实验台应该易于接近!(距离墙或设备的最小距离至少1米)。
-在紧急情况下,应该知道除了通过按动OFF (关机)按钮之外,在“哪里”和“怎样”将实验台关掉?(通过连接插头或总开关切断电源) - 电气装置只能由专业人员进行维护和连接!-保护邻近的设备不被油液污染(泄漏时不能损坏贵重的元件)。
实验台使用规定 -在实验之前和实验之后应将主开关置于“0”位。
对液压系统也同样适用对液压系统也同样适用::安全是最重要的安全是最重要的!!RD 00 233/05.94 禁止复制 – 保留修改权 1/22.学员手册学员手册前言前言前言该学员手册是供液压传动领域中的学员使用Fluidprax 液压实验台的附带手册。
手册中所讲述的实验是按照实际应用进行开发的并且与柏林联邦职业教育研究院(BIBB )所制定的液压实验练习相吻合。
实验练习在液压实验台“Fluidprax ”上进行。
有关液压实验台“Fluidprax ”的说明请参见“Fluidprax ”系统手册系统手册。
代码(例如DW3E ,ZY1,DF1.1等)表示整个实验元件带有连接板,连接接头或连接套和固定件。
也可以使用Fluidprax 实验台上的量筒进行流量测量。
2.1 教学培训系统说明Fluidprax 是一种按照培训进度要求在实验室中进行液压实验练习的理想的装置。
RD 00 233/05.94 禁止复制 – 保留修改权 2/13. 电气-液压技术基础3.1 概述电气实验练习与您使用的Hydroprax HP3,HP4或HP6所进行的液压实验紧密相连。
借助液压传动教程(RD 00 290)的帮助可以将出现的问题和不明白的地方搞清楚或者将液压元件的功能牢记在心。
3.2 基本概念3.2.1 电流电流只能在闭合的电路中流动。
图1:电路电流具有不同的作用: 1) 感应(电磁) 2) 电容作用(电容器) 3) 电阻加热(灯丝) 4) 电解作用(电镀)从电气-液压角度出发,在此应该特别提及的是电流的磁作用。