



2016年3月上海市高级口译第二阶段口试真题试卷(精选)(总分:8.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、口译题(总题数:4,分数:8.00)1.Part A Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal.., and stop it at the signal...You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage.__________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析:Passage 1Passage 1(分数:4.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:我为今天的演讲内容绞尽了脑汁。







第十届上海市大学生 ERP 企业经营模拟沙盘大赛
第二届“英才杯”台沪英语专业大学生演讲与辩论交流比赛 上海市级
第 19 届中国日报社“21 世纪·可口可乐杯”全国英语演讲比赛上 上海市级
2014 年安永华明杯第二届上海市大学生财务案例分析大赛
29 2013
30 2014 31 2015
邓宇华等 周瑶佳 孙懿君等 张婧 朱晨晖等 魏怡帆 刘心语 杨畅
王建勋 陈心怡
“21 世纪·华澳杯”大学生中澳友好英语大赛
第 27 届上海市大学生日语演讲比赛
“AIA 杯"上海市大学生财务案例分析大赛
一等奖 一等奖
一等奖 一等奖 一等奖 冠军 一等奖 二等奖 二等奖 二等奖
21 2013 22 2013 23 2014 24 2014 25 2014 26 2016 27 2017 28 2012
国际级 国家级 国家级 国家级 国家级 国家级 国家级 国家级 国家级 国家级 国家级 国家级
三等奖 特等奖 特等奖 特等奖 特等奖 特等奖 一等奖 一等奖 一等奖 一等奖 一等奖 一等奖
55 2015 56 2015 57 2015 58 2015 59 2015 60 2016 61 2016 62 2016 63 2017 64 2017 65 2017 66 2017



上海市高级口译第二阶段口试真题2016年09月(总分:300.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、口语题(总题数:1,分数:150.00)1.News report:More Chinese cities have announced new restrictions on property purchases as the government tries to cool soaring home prices stoked by property speculators in second-and third-tier cities across the country. The measures in Chengdu, Jinan, Wuhan and Zhengzhou were the latest in a string of steps to tighten credit flowing into the property sector as the government tries to balance the need to prevent bubbles while stimulating economic growth. All across the country, over 20 cities launched cooling measures, including stricter regulations on buyers" qualifications to buy second or third homes and tightened credit for homebuyers in a bid to curb speculation.Topic: The Impact of Purchase Restrictions Policy on the Real Estate MarketQuestions for Reference:1. What do you know about the restrictions on property purchases in China? Do you think they will be effective in controlling the house prices in big cities?2. Are there bubbles in China"s real estate market? Why or why not73. What other measures do you think will be instrumental in stabilizing the real estate market? Cite examples to illustrate your point.(分数:150.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:略二、口译题(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:1,分数:75.00)Directions : In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal...and stop it at the signal...You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage.Directions : In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal...and stop it at the signal...You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage.(分数:75.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:如今各国政府必须面对的一个挑战是经济方面的,即下定决心利用全球市场提供的机会,而不是在全球市场中寻求保护。





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周醒 朱晴 彭石娟 陈淑君 陈煜焓 程紫薇 黄鹂 黄欣翔 李馨梦 孟甲乐 强雨婷 施颖倩 时雪连 孙雯 唐婉 汪闰月 汪蔚颖 王文武 王易 魏明华 吴蒙 吴杨 谢婷 杨冠男 赵新星 周惠 周鸣涧 曹承洲 郭凯旋 刘艾咪 郁慧 方世雅 张秉正 吴琼 顾晓翔 蒋方圆 潘钰莹 刘玥旻 卢锦森 吴智楠
安徽农业大学 安徽农业大学 安徽三联学院 安徽师范大学 安徽师范大学 安徽师范大学 安徽师范大学 安徽师范大学 安徽师范大学 安徽师范大学 安徽师范大学 安徽师范大学 安徽师范大学 安徽师范大学 安徽师范大学 安徽师范大学 安徽师范大学 安徽师范大学 安徽师范大学 安徽师范大学 安徽师范大学 安徽师范大学 安徽师范大学 安徽师范大学 安徽师范大学 安徽师范大学 安徽师范大学 安徽师范大学皖江学院 安徽师范大学皖江学院 安徽师范大学皖江学院 安徽师范大学皖江学院 安徽外国语学院 安徽外国语学院 安徽文达信息工程学院 安徽新华学院 安徽新华学院 安徽新华学院 安徽医科大学 安徽医科大学 安徽医科大学
赵文懿 刚子成 胡美珩 罗邓娜 吴昊 张晨晟 张家佳 张思慧 范祎涵 郑碧莹 郭烜臻 范佳榕 姚佳琪 赵晨昕 万佑阳 陈春雅 张晓彤 江振 苗迪 张瑾 孙思嘉 何曙飞 邹晶晶 王玥 元凯 王睿 金家文 李雅飞 王心恒 李婉琳 王静雯 吴航 沈丽丽 金惠明 李潇 郑福锦 周涛 周悦 刘璐 王蕾
蚌埠医学院 合肥工业大学 合肥工业大学 合肥工业大学 合肥工业大学 合肥工业大学 合肥工业大学 合肥工业大学 合肥学院 合肥学院 解放军电子工程学院 安徽财贸职业学院 安徽大学 安徽工商职业学院 安徽交通职业技术学院 安徽经济管理干部学院 安徽商贸职业技术学院 安徽审计职业学院 安徽师范大学 安徽师范大学 安徽医学高等专科学校 安徽中医药高等专科学校 安徽中医药高等专科学校 马鞍山职业技术学院 芜湖职业技术学院 安徽工业大学 安徽农业大学 安徽农业大学 安徽中医药大学 安徽财经大学 安徽工程大学 安徽工程大学机电学院 安徽工业大学工商学院 安徽国际商务职业学院 安徽国际商务职业学院 安徽经济管理干部学院 安徽科技学院 安徽理工大学 安徽农业大学 安徽农业大学



范润清 郝杜乐 刘子寒 饶静婷 王燕 吴若晨 吴逸凡 尹哲彧 黄金华 黄昕 毛雅洁 吴菊 徐杨帆 许佳慧 余鹏程 余倩倩 张敏 褚宗成 赵怿馨 崔艳迪 蒋浩淼 沈慧 庄雯 陈瑶 陈月 崔志远 李博文 李谌洁 王倩 王子衡 郑雯 郭佩琪 贾成成 简彦泽 沙玥 沈梦婷 谢慕蓉 杨懿 叶舒阳 张释予
安徽工业大学 安徽工业大学 安徽工业大学 安徽工业大学 安徽工业大学 安徽工业大学 安徽工业大学 安徽工业大学 安徽工业大学工商学院 安徽工业大学工商学院 安徽工业大学工商学院 安徽工业大学工商学院 安徽工业大学工商学院 安徽工业大学工商学院 安徽工业大学工商学院 安徽工业大学工商学院 安徽工业大学工商学院 安徽建筑大学 安徽建筑大学城市建设学院 安徽科技学院 安徽科技学院 安徽科技学院 安徽科技学院 安徽理工大学 安徽理工大学 安徽理工大学 安徽理工大学 安徽理工大学 安徽理工大学 安徽理工大学 安徽理工大学 安徽农业大学 安徽农业大学 安徽农业大学 安徽农业大学 安徽农业大学 安徽农业大学 安徽农业大学 安徽农业大学 安徽农业大学
章瑜 周亚萌 周友琴 刘淑卉 胡婷婷 张亚楠 梁丁丁 刘翠兰 许晓庆 陈茜 代玲 董竹红 李多多 王娜 王楠 梁意 张洁颖 闵捷 孙胜楠 郑嘉玮 祝君梅 王慧 张潇迪
淮南联合大学 淮南联合大学 淮南联合大学 黄山学院 黄山职业技术学院 徽商职业学院 六安职业技术学院 马鞍山职业技术学院 铜陵职业技术学院 皖西卫生职业学院 皖西卫生职业学院 皖西卫生职业学院 皖西卫生职业学院 皖西卫生职业学院 皖西卫生职业学院 万博科技职业学院 万博科技职业学院 芜湖职业技术学院 芜湖职业技术学院 芜湖职业技术学院 宿州职业技术学院 宣城职业技术学院 宣城职业技术学院
赵文懿 刚子成 胡美珩 罗邓娜 吴昊 张晨晟 张家佳 张思慧 范祎涵 郑碧莹 郭烜臻 范佳榕 姚佳琪 赵晨昕 万佑阳 陈春雅 张晓彤 江振 苗迪 张瑾 孙思嘉 何曙飞 邹晶晶 王玥 元凯 王睿 金家文 李雅飞 王心恒 李婉琳 王静雯 吴航 沈丽丽 金惠明 李潇 郑福锦 周涛 周悦 刘璐 王蕾



2016年5月翻译资格三级英语口译实务真题Part 1 Dialogue InterpretingA: Have you heard the term square dance.老年人早晚会跳,背景音乐是老歌或者是流行欢快的乐曲。

B: 现在中国很普遍,不需要花费大量时间学,只要跟着他人一起跳就行。

A: It becomes aunique phenomenon in China. I can always see a group of old people dancingoutside in my community through my window. But different people have differentopinion about it. Some complaint about the loud noise.B: 当找不到合适的公园和公共场合时人们只能在小区里跳舞,这对老年人的身体健康有利,也可以让他们结交朋友,而且不同的人有不同的需求,不能阻止。


A: 认为政府应该出台相关政策规定音量。

Scientistsfrom Fudan University have invented an instrument to reduce the noise generatedby square dancing. 适合人们听力接受能力范围的音量。


Part 2 English to Chinese InterpretingThank you very much for giving my this opportunity to explain my project. Ourproject is about Chinese dialect. Why do we decide to choose this topic? Well,it all came naturally. China has a lot of dialects and ………当地人用当地方言记录他们的事迹,我们的网站从2013年四月起开始运行,至今已经有1000多人上传了他们的音频,他们讲述了他们自己的故事,话题很多,如喜欢的中国名人。

















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I bought a puppy last week in the outskirts of Boston and drove him to Maine in a rented Ford that looked like a sculpin. There had been talk in our family of getting a “sensible” dog this time, and my wife and I had gone over the list of sensible dogs, and had even ventured once or twice into the company of sensible dogs. A friend had a litter of Labradors, and there were other opportunities. But after a period of uncertainty and waste moti on my wife suddenly exclaimed one evening, “Oh, let’s just get a dachshund!” She had had a glass of wine, and I could see that the truth was coming out. Her tone was one of exasperation laced with affection. So I engaged a black male without further ado.For the long ordeal of owning another dachshund we prepared ourselves by putting up for a night at the Boston Ritz in a room overlooking the Public Garden, where from our window we could gaze, perhaps for the last time, on a world of order and peace. I say “for the last time” because it occurred to me early in the proceedings that this was our first adoption case in which there was a strong likelihood that the dog would survive the man. It had always been the other way round. The garden had never seemed so beautiful. We were both up early the next morning for a final look at the fresh, untroubled scene; then we checked out hastily, sped to the kennel, and claimed our prize, who is the grandson of an animal named Direct Stretch of the Walls. He turned out to be a good traveler, and except for an interruption caused by my wife’s fallingout of the car in Gardiner, the journey went very well. At present, I am a sojourner in the city again, but here in the green warmth of a city backyard I see only the countenance of spring in the country. No matter what changes take place in the world, or in me, nothing ever seems to disturb the face of spring.The smelts are running in the brooks. We had a mess for Monday lunch, brought to us by our son, who was fishing at two in the morning. At this season, a smelt brook is the nightclub of the town, and when the tide is a late one, smelting is for the young, who like small hours and late society.No rain has fallen in several weeks. The gardens are dry, the road to the shore is dusty. The ditches, which in May are usually swollen to bursting, are no more than a summer trickle. Trout fishermen are not allowed on the streams; pond fishing from a boat is still permissible. The landscape is lovely to behold, but the hot, dry wind carries the smell of trouble. The other day we saw the smoke of a fire over in the direction of the mountain.Mice have eaten the crowns of the Canterbury bells, my white-faced steer has warts on his neck (I’m told it’s a virus, like everything else these days), and the dwarf pear has bark trouble. My puppy has no bark trouble. He arises at three, for tennis. The puppy’s health, in fact, is exceptionally good. When my wife and I took him from the kennel, a week ago today,his mother kissed all three of us good-bye, and the lady who ran the establishment presented me with complete feeding instructions, which included a mineral supplement called Pervinal and some vitamin drops called Vi-syneral. But I knew that as soon as the puppy reached home and got his sea legs he would switch to the supplement du jour—a flake of well-rotted cow manure from my boot, a dead crocus bulb from the lawn, a shingle from the kindling box, a bloody feather from the execution block behind the barn. Time has borne me out; the puppy was not long in discovering the delicious supplements of the farm, and he now knows where every vitamin hides, under its stone, under its loose board. I even introduced him to the tonic smell of coon.On Tuesday, in broad daylight, the coon arrived, heavy with young, to take possession of the hole in the tree, but she found another coon in possession, and there was a grim fight high in the branches. The new tenant won, or so it appeared to me, and our old coon came down the tree in defeat and hustled off into the woods to examine her wounds and make other plans for her confinement. I was sorry for her, as I am for any who are evicted from their haunts by the younger and stronger—always a sad occasion for man or beast.。



国家、省 7 月
6 广告艺术竞赛
国家、省 7 月 美术学院
7 智能汽车竞赛
国家、省 7 月 理学院
8 化工设计竞赛

8 月 材料与化学化工学院
9 电子设计竞赛
国家、省 8 月 国际服务工程学院
10 数学建模竞赛
国家、省 9 月 理学院
11 力学竞赛

10 月 理学院
19 工业设计竞赛

11 月 文化创意学院
20 生命科学竞赛

11 月 生命与环境科学学院
21 财会信息化竞赛

11 月 经济与管理学院
1 大学生法律职业能力竞赛 省
2 大学生汉语口语竞赛

3 大学生机器人竞赛

4 大学生化学竞赛

5 大学生护理竞赛

17 年为一类
14 (饭店服务、旅行社服务) 国家

16 全国口译大赛(英语) 国家
17 全国大学生化工设计竞赛 国家
19 展专业竞赛暨全国商科院 国家
1 “21 世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛 国家



====Word行业资料分享--可编辑版本--双击可删====Remarks by WHO Representative in China on 2015 World No Tobacco Day Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, Good morning,Thank you for inviting me to be here today at this event to mark world no tobacco day. As you all know, tobacco use is one of China’s biggest killers, more than one million Chinese people die from the tobacco related illness every year, with more than 300 million smokers in the country, it is clear to think the annual death toll from tobacco will increase to 3 million by 2050 if smoking rates are not reduced. The theme for this year’s world no tobacco day is: Ban tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship, the evidence from around the world shows that comprehensive marketing bans lead to fewer people starting and continuing to smoke. Advertising and promotion of the tobacco helps to create an environment where smoking is seen as socially acceptable or normal. As a result, tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship foster an illusion that tobacco is just like any other consumer product. But the reality is that tobacco is a dangerous product, when used as intended by the manufacturers, tobacco kills half of its regular users. Banning tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship is one of the most effective measures governments can take to reduce the men from tobacco products and in doing so, protect the health of the populations. In China, some important steps have been taken to strengthen restrictions on tobacco marketing in recent years, however, further strong policy action is required to cut down on tobacco marketing in China,this is specially important to protect China’s young people from the risks of a life-time addiction to tobacco use. When we know that even brief exposure to tobacco marketing can influence adolescence, banning tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship is especially important for protecting young people from the harms of tobacco.Thank you again for inviting me to speak today. WHO looks forward to continuing to work with all of you to achieve change on this important issue for the future of china. And may I wish you a happy and smoke free world no tobacco day?省领导对伦敦政商界代表团的欢迎词尊敬的伦敦政商界的各位朋友:今天,各位新老朋友光临我省,在此能与各位见面,我感到非常高兴,首先请允许我对各位朋友的来访表示热烈的欢迎。



2016年3月上海市中级口译第二阶段口试真题试卷(精选)(总分:8.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、口译题(总题数:4,分数:8.00)1.Part A Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal.., and stop it at the signal...You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage.__________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析:Passage 1Passage 1(分数:4.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:所有女生,不仅是爱好运动者,都应该参加体育锻炼。










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教务处 2016年5月10日
硕电力155 硕电力156 硕英语151 硕英语151 硕电力152 硕环工152 硕英语151 硕电力147 硕电力154 硕计算机141 硕英语151 硕电力146 硕电力152 硕电力151 硕电力152 硕电子152 硕英语141 硕英语151 硕英语151



2016年全国大学生英语竞赛成绩及获奖名单C类准考证号学号获奖等级201600374 1513215 决赛201600172 1511194 132 决赛201600344 1513530 132 决赛201600402 1413092 132 决赛201600828 1411220 132 决赛201600654 1512016 131 决赛201601070 1510918 131 决赛201600954 1511634 131 二等奖201600801 1512368 130 二等奖201600205 1511339 130 二等奖201600660 1512398 130 二等奖201600777 1512319 130 二等奖201600786 1512338 130 二等奖201600071 1514005 129 二等奖201600138 1511485 129 二等奖201600341 1513524 129 二等奖201600440 1412757 129 二等奖201600615 1511881 129 二等奖201600653 1512015 129 二等奖201600238 1411955 128 二等奖201600315 1513453 128 二等奖201600223 1511397 127.5 二等奖201601006 1412540 127.5 二等奖201600122 1410632 127 三等奖201600288 1513412 127 三等奖201600420 1513174 127 三等奖201600645 1512004 127 三等奖201600647 1512007 127 三等奖201600659 1512389 127 三等奖201600833 1510291 127 三等奖201600923 1510120 127 三等奖201601089 127 三等奖201600956 1511644 126.5 三等奖201600117 1510674 126 三等奖201600154 1511263 126 三等奖201600290 1513414 126 三等奖201600469 1512783 126 三等奖201600744 1512184 126 三等奖201600869 1510797 126 三等奖201600215 1511362 125.5 三等奖201601076 125.5 三等奖201600108 1311025 125 三等奖201600165 1511179 125 三等奖201600312 1513448 125 三等奖201600407 1513147 125 三等奖201600783 1512329 125 三等奖201600791 1512354 125 三等奖201600862 1510780 125 三等奖201600987 1511709 125 三等奖201600175 1511201 125 三等奖201600985 1511707 124.5 三等奖201600289 1513413 124.5 三等奖201600486 1512809 124.5 三等奖201600346 1513536 124.5 三等奖201600989 1511712 124.5 三等奖A类准考证号学号总分获奖等级201620005 2120151469 125 二等奖201620024 2120141422 105 三等奖201620042 104 三等奖B类准考证号学号总分获奖等级201610015 1511746 116.5 二等奖201610032 1411564 116 三等奖201610035 1411565 113 三等奖。



注意:英语同声传译和日语、法语赛项采取邀请赛方 式进行,由大会组委会统一安排组织。
优秀(90-100 分) 内容质量 (50%) 源语的信息完整 传达,语气和风 格与源语一致。 良好(80-89分) 中等(70-79分) 及格(60-69 分) 除了个别次要信 息有遗漏外,源 语的全部重要信 息都得到传达。 语气和风格与源 语基本一致。 有少量漏译但无 严重错译,准确 度一般,但能够 基本传达源语信 息。 有个别重大漏 译或错译现象。 部分信息含混, 但总体上基本 可以达意。 目标语几乎没 有灵活运用口 译技巧,译文 僵硬,不符合 目标语表达习 惯。 能够完成比赛, 没有重大的临 场失误,有一 定的非言语交 流。 不及格(59分及 以下) 漏译、错译非常 严重。目标语译 文不能达意,曲 解或歪曲原文要 点和精神。 大量语法和用词 错误。句子生搬 硬套,表达十分 不地道。
• 复赛、大区决赛赛题设计:
1.赛题形式参考人事部全国翻译资格(水平)考试口译三级, 水平接近二级。 2.分为三个环节,英译中(2分钟)、中译英(2分钟)和对 话互译(3分钟)。 3.采用视频或音频,事先录制,选手现场依次进行交替传译。
• 总决赛赛题设计:
1.决赛上半场比试选手的英译中、中译英技能。话语篇长度 约2分钟,以事先录制好的视频或者音频形式播放,选手 依次以交替传译形式进行现场翻译。 2.决赛下半场比试对话口译。选手按照抽签号码的顺序分为 两组,每组4人。此环节共设置两场中英对话,两组选手 分别担任两场会谈的译员。两位讲中文的嘉宾和两位讲英 文的嘉宾围绕某一热点话题进行交谈,每位嘉宾配一名选 手担任译员,为其所负责的嘉宾口译。四位嘉宾轮流发言, 每次发言时间不超过1分钟。每位译员依次为其所负责的 代表口译。对话完成16分钟左右时,中英双方的译员对调, 继续进行对话和口译,再持续约16分钟



2016 年全国大学生英语竞赛样题(C 级)2016 National English Competition for College Students(Level C - Sample)(Total: 150 marks Time: 120 minutes)Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)Section A (5 marks)In this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a twenty- second pause. During the pause, read the question and the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.1.How will the man go to the ski slopes after his air journey?A.He will fly another short journey.B.The travel agency booked him a coach ticket.C.A friend will provide him with a lift.D.The man would like to take a taxi.2.What is the woman蒺s opinion towards e-learning?A.She is in favour of it.B.The woman doesn蒺t like it.C.Nobody knows what it is.D.E-learning will encourage people reading more.3.Which topic are they going to choose for their project?A. Recycling.B. Greenhouse effect.C. Environment.D. Pollution.4.What is the man planning to do next week?A.Hold a small business expo.B.Visit an expo and meet specialists.C.Register a computer training course.D.Represent the company to attend an expo.5.What is the relationship between the two speakers probably?A. Doctor a nd patient.B. Professor and student.C. Mother and son.D. Teacher and colleague.- 1 -Section B (10 marks)In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read the questions and the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. Conversation One6.Why is Rachel coming to see Dr. Jones?A.Dr Jones needs her further explanation of an extension for her essay.B.She happened to meet him and stopped to have a chat.C.Rachel needs some suggestions from Dr. Jones.D.They had an appointment to talk about her degree.7.What is Rachel 蒺s decision on her topic of the essay?A.Environmental conditions in 19th century factories.B.Working conditions of hospitals in 19th century northern towns.C.Pros and Cons of changing working conditions in 19th century.D.How to improve working conditions in southern towns in 19th c entury.8.Why did Rachel choose the topic at last?A.There are lots of sources that she can refer to.B.No one else chose the topic as it is a rare one.C.That is the topic Dr. Jones recommended to her.D.She can finish the project on the internet.9.What is Dr. Jones蒺attitude toward Racher蒺s essay?A.He would rather her choosing another topic.B.The essay is only 80 percent completed.C.She needs to rewrite it because he was too down about it.D.There are still much further editing job to do.10.Which part of Rachel 蒺s essay did Dr. Jones appreciate m ost?A. The introduction.B. The middle part.C. The end of it.D. The bibliography.Conversation Two11.What is Glaeser蒺s opinion towards cities?A.It is very dirty and no longer good to live in cities.B.They are too crowded with exploded population.C.Cities are extraordinary in creating opportunities.D.We need to save the industry and garments in cities.- 2 -12.What did globalization bring to older cities, such as New York, in 1970s?A. New technologies and prosperity.B. The rising of garment industry.C. Reductions in population.D. A severe depression.13.What is the current role of cities in the world?A.Cities are more and more important.B.They are less important than before.C.People believe cities are always the heart of manufacturing.D.There are advantages in cities in market opportunities.14.What is the main focus of Glaeser蒺s book Triumph of the City?A.Techniques of looking for jobs in cities.B.His legend in travelling around the world.C.Pleasure and prospects of living in cities.parisons between living in cities and countryside.15.According to Glaeser, what is the advantage of countries with more than half populationliving in urban areas comparing to those with less than half population living in urban areas?A. Less happier.B. Much richer.C. More relaxed.D. Very depressed.Section C (5 marks)In this section, you will hear five short news items. After each item, which will be read only once, there will be a twenty- second pause. During the pause, read the question and the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corre 原sponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.16.Where is the Consumer Electronics Show held each year?A. New York.B. Las Vegas.C. WashingtonD.C. D. Around the world.17.What is the side effect of convertional three-balde wind turbines?A.The blades are easily broken.B.They are slow in catching wind.C.They cause serious pollution.D.They kill lots of birds while rotating.18.Why bicycles-riding accidents increase in big cities?A.As there are no bicycle lanes in most cities.B.Because riders sometimes distract attention from riding.C.Because of riders 蒺lack of maps and navigation in the dark.D.Due to riders 蒺always making phone calls while riding.- 3 -19.Which of the following is mentioned to be an importanted part of October celebration?A. B. C. D.20.What are scientists going to do with the tiny clumps of organic matter drifting in the ocean?A.To do the research on food chain in the ocean.B.To collect samples of new species in the ocean.C.To predict future changes in our climate.D.To calculate certain sensitive instruments.Section D (10 marks)In this section, you will hear a short passage. There are 10 missing words or phrases. Fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you hear. The passage will be read twice. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.Barcelona, Spain in a privileged position on the northeastern coast of the Iberian peninsula andthe shores of the Mediterranean, Barcelona is the 21. city in Spain in both size and population. It is also the capital of Catalonia, an Autonomous Community within Spain. There are two official languages spoken in Barcelona: Catalan, generally spoken in all of Catalonia, and Castillian Spanish. The city of Barcelona has a population of 1.510.000, but this number 22. more than 4.000.000 if the outlying areas are also included. The capital of Cataloniais unequivocally a Mediterranean city, not only because of its 23. but also and above all because of its history, tradition and 24. . The documented history of the city 25. the founding of a Roman colony on its soil in the second century B.C. Modern Barcelona experienced spectacular growth and 26. at the onset of industrialization during the second half of the 19th century. The 1888 World蒺s Fair became a symbol of the capacity for hard work and the international outlook projected for the city. Culture and the arts 27.Barcelona and in all of Catalonia; the splendor achieved by Catalonian modernism is one of the most patent displays.Barcelona, more than just a single city, is really a collection of 28. cities. The visitor unfamiliar with its history might be surprised by the fact that such a 29. city preserves its historic Gothic center almost intact, or by the curious contrast between the maze of narrow streets and the grid -like layout of the Eixample, the urban planning“Enlargement” project of the end of the 19th century; or that beside a modern high-rise, we can also find a quaint square where the most outstanding decorative element is 30. , an echo of the old factories that were installed there in the past.- 4 -Part II Vocabulary, Grammar & Culture (15 marks)There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corre 原sponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.Section A Vocabulary and Grammar (10 marks)31.Most elderly people have to live the money they when they were working.A. off; laid upB. up; set upC. on; p ut asideD. by; put back32.It is certain that American English has very influenced British English, e speciallyin the last quarter of the century.A. extremelyB. numerouslyC. excessivelyD. considerably33.—Why doesn 蒺t Janet stay with her relatives in New York?—She in Boston.A. has o nly relativesB. has relatives onlyC. only has relativesD. relatives has only34.The Mayor and his fellow were for some way of ridding the town of Rats.A. at their wit蒺s endB. at their wits endC. in their wit蒺s endD. for their wits end35.Scientists will have to come new methods of increasing the world蒺s food supply.A. up withB. down withC. up forD. down to36.When shopping in a supermarket, people just put items they like into the basketand then pay them at the entrance.A. that; ofB. Which; forC. Whichever; beforeD. Whatsover; off37. in a worldwide competition, the two students were awarded scholarships totaling$ 30,000.A. To be judged the bestB. Having judged the bestC. Judged the bestD. Judging the best38.They continue to buy proper books, too, on good paper and bound hardcovers.A. printed; betweenB. planned; inC. arranged; ofD. published; among39.—Listen! Do you feel like going out for Greek food tonight?—Well, I have exams tomorrow, Thursday and Friday.—That蒺s too bad, Well, maybe next week.A. I was thinking about 6:00.B. How about French food?C. I can蒺t make it this week.D. I can蒺t agree with you more.- 5 -40.—Anna, I wanted to ask you about my marketing report. I蒺m not sure about it ...—That蒺s OK, Leo. .—Choose a product or service then compare two organisations that produce it. I蒺m doing in原stant coffee.A. Would you like coffee or tea?B. So what would you have to do?C. Any hints for the project?D. How much have you actually written?Section B Culture (5 marks)41.The annual between Oxford and Cambridge universities on the river Thames is,however, one of the most popular sporting events of the year.A. Motor-cycling RaceB. Boat RaceC. Swimming RaceD. Waterball Race42.The Statue of Liberty is a colossal neoclassical sculpture on Liberty Island in New YorkHarbor in New York City, in the United States. The statue was a gift to the United States from the people of .A. the U.K.B. FranceC. ItalyD. Germany43.The Nobel Prize in Literature 2015 was awarded to Svetlana Alexievich“for her polyphonicwr i ti ng s,a m o nu m en t t o s u ff e r i n g a nd c o u r age i n ou r ti me”.S ve tl an a i s a B e l a r u s i an investigative journalist and non-fiction prose writer who writes in .A. RussianB. EnglishC. SwdishD. German44.Built in ancient times to keep invading Mongols out, is a historical treasure forChina. Stretching for thousands of kilometers across northern China, the World Heritage site is a marvel that attracts tens of thousands of tourists every year.A. the StonehengeB. the Forbidden CityC. the Great WallD. the Summer Palace45.Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated in and the United States as a dayof giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year.A. CanadaB. IrelandC. ScotlandD. the U. K.Part III Cloze (10 marks)Read the following passage and fill in each blank with one word. Choose the correct word in one of the following three ways: according to the context, by using the correct form of the givenword, or by using the given letter (s) of the word. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.The latest issue of the Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences reports that Asians and Westerners in fact view the world differently.- 6 -The study, led by Hannah -Faye Chua,Juilie Boland and Richard Nisbett, tracked theeye 46. (move) of students when lookingat a picture. The students i nvolved in the study47. in 25 European Americans and 27native Chinese. The researchers found thatAsian students spent more time studying thebackground of the picture. In 48. , theEuropean American students concentrated on the foreground of the picture.It has been observed that Westerners attend more to focal objects, whereas Asians attend more to contextual 49. inf . In this study, the researchers examined the differences in cognitive processing styles between Asians and Westerners. They showed the difference between the two races are cultural, which dates 50. thousands of years.The key to Chinese culture is 51. har . Successful rice farmers in Asia long ago relied on close bonds with other farmers. The farmers often shared water and new techniques. Meanwhile, the West focuses on ways to get things done, while paying little attention to 52.. Asians live in a more socially complicated world than Westerners do, so they are inclined to pay more attention to others whereas Westerners are 53. (individual). Reinforcing the belief that the perceptual differences are cultural, Asians raised in North America viewed the pictures similarly to those of Westerners 54. des .In this issue, there are other studies that have shown differences between Asians and European Americans when reading and writing. The studies, though, do not suggest that a particular race is more advanced 55. (intellect). Rather, they confirm that people from one culture do better on some tasks while people from other cultures do better on different tasks. Therefore, it would be hard to argue that one culture is generally outperforming the other.Part IV Reading Comprehension (35 marks)Section A (5 marks)A lot of people in the world today are used to working, going on holiday, and having money - but many of them aren蒺t happy. Yet other people seem to be really happy, even if they are poor, or have no job, or are surrounded by problems. Why?Professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, from the University of Chicago, has interviewed thousands of people who have a happy life to find out how they do it. ‘I蒺ve been studying happiness for over 30 years,’says Csikszentmihalyi. ‘My interest in the subject came from my own experience as a child during World War II, when I saw many adults destroyed by the terrible events. But there were always a few who kept their courage, helped others, and were able to give a sense of purpose and meaning to their lives. I wanted to find out how a person could build a fulfilling and enjoyable life.- 7 -In general, his research showed that people were unhappy doing nothing. The professor stresses that happy people don蒺t waste time, either at work or when they蒺re free. ‘Many people feel that the time they spend at work or at school is wasted. But often their free time is also wasted.’Many people are used to doing passive things - watching television, for example - without using any skills. As a result, life goes past in a series of boring experiences.But it doesn 蒺t have to be this way. Theprofessor has found that people are happy whent he y ge t i n t o so m e t h i n g h e ca lls‘fl ow’.W henpeople get very involved in a task that they havechosen, and which is well -defined andch a ll e n g i ng,t he y e xpe r i ence‘fl ow’,a s t a tewhere they don蒺t notice time passing.They also experience enjoyment. ProfessorCsikszentmihalyi makes a contrast between enjoyment and pleasure. ‘I used to think they were the same thing - but they蒺re not! Pleasureis a bit bowl of ice cream, or taking a hot bath on a cold day - nothing bad at all! But enjoyment is about doing something and achieving something. It isn蒺t really important what we do, it蒺s more important to do something, and feel positive about it, and to try to do it well.’People who are not used to happiness can learn how to be happy, says the professor, if they constantly get into‘flow’states. Is happiness as easy as that? Perhaps it is. Questions 56—60Decide the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.56.Professor Csikszentmihalyi has been studying happiness for more than 30 years.57.Professor Csikszentmihalyi thinks that many people use their free time well.58.As Csikszentmihalyi stated, watching TV in your free time is a passive thing.59.We can experience ‘flow’when we do things that are impossible for us and people in‘flow’can easily forget what time it is.60.Enjoyment and pleasure are the same and they are both positive according to ProfessorCsikszentmihalyi.Section B (10 marks)Questions 61—65 are based on the following passage.61. The type and amount of food that we usually eat is known as our diet. Eating a healthy, raried diet will help keep you strong and fit throughout your life. On the other hand, an unhealthy diet can lead to many problems and even shorten your life.62.Your body cannot make most of these nutrients, so you have to get them from the food you eat. The exact amount you need depends on your age, your size, how- 8 -much you are growing, whether you are a boy ora girl, and how active you are.63.But you also needenergy for things that you rarely think about,such as breathing, digestion, keeping your heartbeating, and fueling your brain. The energy infood is measured in units called calories. A sliceand a half of bread contains about 100 calories. Any calories that your body does not use are stored as fat.64.The most important thing is making sure you get a balanced diet.A balanced diet provides you with just the right amount of nutrients and calories. Because just one food cannot give you all the nutrients you need, the best way to make sure you get enough nutrients you need, the best way to make sure you get enough nutrients is to eat a variety of different kinds of food. No foods are “good”or “bad”in themselves. The key is to get a balance.Food are classified into five different groups, based on the nutrients they provide. These are: bread, other cereals, and potatoes; fruits and vegetables; milk and dairy foods; meat, fish and alternatives; fatty and sugary foods.65.By following these guidelines and making sure you have a good breakfast, lunch, and dinner each day, you should get a healthy, balanced diet. You can also eat t w o o r t h r ee sm a ll s nack s a d ay―j u s t b e s u r e t h a t t h e y a r e h ea l t hy one s a nd no t“j un k f ood”. Questions 61—65Complete the article with the following sentences. There are two extra sentences that you do not need to use.A.Your body uses the food you eat to help you grow, to provide you with energy, and tohelp you fight against infection and disease.B.Another important task of food is to provide your body with energy, which you need foractivities such as walking, swimming, skating, and dancing.C.In order to live, you need nutrients ―n ourishing substances that enable the cells ofyour body to work.D. People蒺s diet varies greatly throughout the world.E.If you eat foods from each of the first five four groups (not the fatty and sugary foods)everyday, you should have no problem staying healthy.F.A diet that gives you the right amount of nutrients and calories is a balanced diet.G.How should we get all the nutrients we need in a day?- 9 -Section C (10 marks)Questions 66—70 are based on the following passage.Photography is enthralling because it is both anart and a science. It is an art over which thephotographer has creative control but only to acertain extent: unlike a painter, you can onlytake photographs of what is there. If the sun isnot shining, you cannot photograph sunlight. Soyou need to find a subject. But the greatestphotographs are of subjects that most people would have walked past without noticing. The truly great photographers are those who can see,in their mind蒺s eye, the photograph that they can create through their vision, artistry and skill.Vision comes first. If you cannot see the potential, you can never be a true photographer. Artistry, by contrast, can be photographer. Artistry, by contrast, can be learned and developed;you can read a book or you take lessons. You can learn from a great practitioner. Perhaps the simplest aspect to describe is framing. The human eye has a huge field of view, stretching from horizon to horizon. The lens of a camera, by contrast, has a very restricted field of view. This isboth a curse and a blessing. Try as you might, you cannot capture the sheer scale of the human perspective of the world. But you can, and must, select the image that you are attempting to capture -or rather, to create. Look through the viewfinder: learn to see the world through the lens. Understand the difference it makes when you remove the irrelevant and select only what really matters. This is artistry.Then comes skill. This is the technical part. Skill is exercised long before you even start to look for a subject: first you must select the kind and model of camera you will use. Will it have advanced features, inter-changeable lenses, a motor-wind, a build-in flash, automatic focusing?How much do you want to do manually every time you wish to take a photograph, and how much will you leave to the electronics inside? Then you must choose a make and speed of film.The actual taking of the picture requires choices about exposure and shutter speed. After takingthe shot, there are more decisions about developing and printing; every decision makes an enormous difference. Experience teaches you about all of these; there is no other way to learnthan to try, possibly to fail, but to learn from the experience and improve. This is what marksout the photographer from those who merely take snapshots. There is always a better photographthat could have been taken-the ultimate photograph, if you like. All photographers pursue thisgoal of perfection. In the process, though, they take some beautiful photographs that bring themjoy thereafter.- 10 -Questions 66—70Answer the following questions according to the passage.66.What do true photographers differ from others?67.How can a photographer achieve the goal of artistry?68.What is artistry according to the writer?69.How can a photographer be skillful?70.What marks out the photographer from those ordinary ones?Section D (10 marks)Questions 71—75 are based on the following passage.Have you heard about the great flood? Perhaps you have heard about a man named Noah whobuilt a huge boat to escape the flood. In this legend of the great flood, water covered all theland, killing most of the people and animals on Earth. Only Noah蒺s immediate family, includinghis wife, three sons, and the sons蒺wives, survived the flood along with all of the animals on hisboat. After the flood waters receded, the people and animals on Noah 蒺s boat set aboutrepopulating the Earth. This legend of Noah and his family is familiar to many people. But it isnot the only legend about a great flood. Actually, many cultures have similar stories about agreat flood that wiped out almost everyone on Earth.In the Jewish, Muslim, and Christian legend of the flood, Noah was warned by God that agreat flood would kill every human and animal on land. God told Noah to construct the boat thatwould save his family and two of every animal. In a Hindu legend of the flood, a fish warned aman about the flood, and only the man was saved. Then the gods made a woman for this man,and the man and woman had many children. The Greek, Roman, and Chinese legends of theflood say only people on the highest mountain survived the flood. In Scandinavian and Celticlegends, the water of the flood was actually the blood of a giant. When the giant was killed, itsbody became the Earth, and its blood covered all of the land. There are also Incan, Mayan, andAmerican Indian legends about a great flood. In each a of these legends, a few people livethrough the flood by climbing mountains or by constructing boats.Many people today believe the great flood is only a legend. However, other people say thatthe striking similarities among all of thethe Earth at some point long ago. In fact,some scientists speculate that the ancientflood waters are now frozen in glaciers atthe poles of the Earth. But why do thelegends disagree with each other? The floodhappened long before humans could write,- 11 -so the story of the flood could only be passed down through generations by oral retellings. As the story was passed by words of mouth, it may have changed as various cultures learned the story. That may explain why some parts of the legends differ. Through careful examinations of the similar elements in these legends, however, certain facts about an ancient catastrophic flood may be revealed.Questions 71—75Complete the summary with words from the passage, changing the form where necessary, with only one word for each blank.Many 71.cultures around the world have legends that describe a great flood in the past. At the time of the flood, only a few people escaped, either by climbing a high mountain or by 72. a boat. However, various legends differ between cultures on certain elements. For example, in the Scandinavian and Celtic legends, the flood was not water but blood from a giant. Although the legends may not 73. on all p oints, some people say striking 74. across cultures suggest that real flood happened longago. In fact, according to some scientists蒺75. that water from the flood is frozen in glaciers today.Part V Translation (15 marks)Section A (5 marks)Translate the following paragraph into Chinese. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.cation will lead to better life for the people; and it is through education that civilisationsustains itself. Every family wishes to have good education for its children. Knowledge gives one more opportunities in life, sustains civilisations and ensures that ethical norms are observed. To maintain sustainable growth, improve people蒺s lives and promote social equity are the three major goals of this government. Equity in education gives everyone a fair chance at the beginning of life and therefore constitutes an important foundation of social equity.Section B (10 marks)Translate the following sentences into English by using the hints given in brackets. Rememberto write the answers on the answer sheet.77.我不反对再听一遍你的解释。

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南湖学院外国语言文学系 口译大赛决赛
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n
01 Escort-liaison Interpreting
E-C Consecutive Interpreting
W: Yes, we did a lot of things, and we thank you for all that you’ve done for us. You’ve opened our hearts as well as your door to us.
Dialog 2
H: 那么,请谈谈你们在这逗留其间印象最深的事,好吗? W: I have visited most attractions in Shanghai; they are amazing! But the most impressive thing is that I was told Shanghai government has done a lot to attract foreign funds. I am considering investing in Shanghai. H: 是的,我们一直努力完善各项法制,并制定地方法律以保护外国投资者的利益. W: Yeah. I have also got to know that Shanghai government has stipulated that foreign investors are allowed to invest in specialized hospital and school projects, infrastructure construction and tertiary industry, such as banking insurance and consulting. This is really very good. H: 是的。我感到很高兴,你已经看到上海对外国投资者越来越具有吸引力。人们常说“旁观 者清”,我不知道你们两位是否可以把你们的意见和建议告诉我们。 W: In fact, you have been doing well. We really enjoy our trip in Shanghai. The only comment we have is to have more discounts and profits.
C-E Consecutive Interpreting
Candidates will be marked according to their:

Accuracy of information; Accuracy of language;

Pronunciation, speed and fluency; Knowledge, quick response and flexibility

1 2 7 8
9 10
11 12
Dialog 1
A:下午好, 欢迎光临和平饭店。需要服务吗,先生?
B: Yes, I’d like to check in, please.
A: 好的,先生,请问尊姓大名?您有没有预定房间? B: Yes, it ’ s Robert King. I suppose somebody made the reservation for me. A: 请稍等,我查一下预订记录……喔,让您久等了,先生。不过, 恐怕这里查不到您的预订记录。您是在哪里预订的?有确认函吗? B: That ’ s very strange. I made the reservation about 10 days ago, through a travel agency at home. But I don ’ t have the confirmation letter with me. What I have with me is a copy of the itinerary. Is there any problem with the accommodation for just two days?
Dialog 1
A: 别着急,我查一下有没有空房间。太好了,我们还有一个双人间,另外还有 一套豪华套房,都没有人入住。不知您要那一套?
B: Thanks a lot. I prefer the double room. How long can I keep it? And is it a regular rate with no extra charge? A:很好,先生,请登记吧。我们不多收费,入住最后一套豪华套房,您还可以享 受8折优惠价呢。 B: The double room is fine. Is there any service that I need to know? A:当然啰。请问您有什么要求吗? B: Yes, I’d like to have 7 o’clock morning call, breakfast sent up to my room, shirts and pants laundered, some documents photocopied, an express mail sent out, and somethin
1 2 3
Dialog 2
H: 威尔逊先生,我们可以签字了吗? W: Certainly. This agreement is the result of our friendly negotiations. H: 我想,这项合同很快就会富有成效的,我期待我们的合作和贸易关系将得 到进一步的发展. W: Thank you for your consideration, without which our cooperation would have been impossible. H: 威尔逊先生,您们这几天的日程很紧,是吗?