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1. ---Who wants to see the film ?

--- _____.

A No

B Nor

C Nothing

D Nobody

2.--- It will be bad for your health to eat _______food and take _______exercise.

--- Oh, I won`t do that. Thank you.

A fewer, more

B more, less

C little, much

D less, more

3. He didn`t know what was_______ outside.

A happen

B happening

C happened

D will happen

4.He was so tired that he didn`t feel like _______anything.

A to eat

B eat

C ate

D eating .

5. --- Be careful, Tom!

--- Yes. I will try to make_____mistakes in the future.

A less

B more

C fewer

D much

6 ---Couid you give the dictionary to Lily ?

---Sure. I ______it to her as soon as I ______her.

A will give ; see

B gave ; sew

C will give ; will see

D give; see 7.---Where is your mother ?

---She went to Hefei yesterday and will come back ________ a week.

A before

B for

C after

D in

8.There will ________ robots in people`s home.

A be

B have

C is

D has

9.My uncle _________two important meetings tomorrow afternoon.

A will be

B is going to have

C will has

D is going to be

10.I think people will _________ over 200 years old.

A live to

B live

C be live

D live to be

11.--There __________a concert this evening.

---Year. Exciting news!

A are going to be

B is going to be

C is going to have

D will have 12.What Jane said made them_______.

A be happy

B to be happy

C happy

D being happy 13.The students in our school learn English _______computers.

A on

B in

C at

D of

14.He ________the pen on the ground just now

A droped

B dropped

C falls

D fell

15.Please _________ who broke the window.

A fihd out

B find

C look for

D look out

16. He would do nothing except_______TV.

A watch

B watches

C watching

D will watch

17. He______his umberella in the shop yesterday.

A leaves

B forgets

C left

D forget

18.Did you see anybody_______?

A else

B other

C more

D others

19.They are good friends. They______.

A get on well

B get on

C go on well

D get on with 20.My parents______about 1000yuan for my school education each year.

A spend

B take

C pay

D cost

21. Linda always takes_______active part in sports after school.

A /

B a

C an

D the

22. The text is not difficult for us because there are only______new words in it.

A a few

B few

C a little

D little

23. Kate knew nothing about it____ I told her.

A since

B lost

C left

D kept

24. --- Why not go to Qingdao ?

--- I `m afraid it`s not a good_____. I have been there several times.

A advice

B place

C moment

D idea

25. --- Would you like some coffee or tea?

--- ______is ok. I don`t mind.

A Either

B Neither

C All

D Both

26. ---- Could you tell me______?

---- Sorry, I can`t. I`m new here.

A where is the post office

B where can I find the post office

C which the post office is

D how can I get to the post office

27. Kate is a hard-working student. And usually she__very long hours every day.

A has studied

B studied

C is studying

D studies

28. --- When_____ your sister____thst new backpack?

-- Sorry, I relly don`t know. You can ask him.

A does; buy

B did; buy

C have; bought

D had; bought

29. --- Hasn`t Jone come yet?

--- No. and his father____ for him for one hour.

A waits

B waited

C has waited

D had waited

30. ---- Could I use your dictionary?

----- _______.

A Yes, please

B Not at all

C It`s a pleasure

D It doasn`t matter

31. --- Jim, can you tell me____?

-- Sorry, I don`t know.

A what does he do

B when will the meeting start

C who is going to meet me

D where is our teacher
