



交流调速系统概述Revised on July 13, 2021 at 16:25 pm交流调速系统概述1.1、交流调速系统的特点对于可调速的电力拖动系统;工程上往往把它分为直流调速系统和交流调速系统两类;这主要是根据采用什么电流制型式的电动机来进行电能与机械能的转换而划分的..所谓交流调速系统;就是以交流电动机作为电能—机械能的转换装置;并对其进行控制以产生所需要的转速..相比于直流电动机;交流电动机具有结构简单;制造成本低;坚固耐用;运行可靠;维护方便;惯性小;动态响应好;以及易于向高压、高速和大功率方向发展等优点..随着电力电子技术;大规模集成电路和计算机控制技术的迅速发展;交流可调传动得到了广泛的发展;诸如交流电动机的串级调速、各种类型的变频调速;特别是矢量控制技术的应用;使得交流调速系统逐步具备了宽的调速范围、较高的稳速精度、快速的动态响应以及在四象限作可逆运行等良好的技术性能..现在从数百瓦的伺服系统到数百千瓦的特大功率高速传动系统;从一般要求的小范围调速传动到高精度、快响应、大范围的调速传动;从单机传动到多机协调运转;已几乎都可采用交流调速传动..1.2交流调速系统的应用由于交流调速系统的优越性;其已经普遍应用于现代工业中;主要由以下几个方面:1、风机、水泵、压缩机耗能占工业用电的40%;进行变频、串级调速;可以节能..2、对电梯等垂直升降装置调速实现无级调速;运行平稳、档次提高..3、纺织、造纸、印刷、烟草等各种生产机械;采用交流无级变速;提高产品的质量和效率..4、钢铁企业在轧钢、输料、通风等多种电气传动设备上使用交流变频传动..5、有色冶金行业如冶炼厂对回转炉、培烧炉、球磨机、给料等进行变频无级调速控制..6、油田利用变频器拖动输油泵控制输油管线输油..此外;在炼油行业变频器还被应用于锅炉引风、送风、输煤等控制系统..7、变频器用于供水企业、高层建筑的恒压供水..8、变频器在食品、饮料、包装生产线上被广泛使用;提高调速性能和产品质量..9、变频器在建材、陶瓷行业也获得大量应用..如水泥厂的回转窑、给料机、风机均可采用交流无级变速..10、机械行业是企业最多、分布最广的基础行业..从电线电缆的制造到数控机床的制造..电线电缆的拉制需要大量的交流调速系统..一台高档数控机床上就需要多台交流调速甚至精确定位传动系统;主轴一般采用变频器调速只调节转速或交流伺服主轴系统既无级变速又使刀具准确定位停止;各伺服轴均使用交流伺服系统;各轴联动完成指定坐标位置移动..1.3、交流调速系统分类交流调速系统分为交流异步电动机调速系统和交流同步电动机调速系统两大类..1、在交流异步电动机中;从定子传入转子的电磁功率m p 可以分成两部分:一部分m mech p s -1p )(=是拖动负载的有效功率;另一部分是m s sp p =与转差率s 成正比的转差功率;转差功率的流向是调速系统效率高低的标志..就转差功率的流向向而言;交流异步电动机调速系统可以分为三种:1、转差功率消耗型调速系统这种调速系统全部转差功率都被消耗掉;用增加转差功率的消耗来换取转速的降低;转差率s 增大;转差功率m s sp p =增大;以发热形式消耗在转子电路里;使得系统效率也随之降低..定子调压调速、电磁转差离合器调速及绕线式异步电动机转子串电阻调速这三种方法属于这一类;这类调速系统存在着调速范围愈宽;转差功率s p 愈大;系统效率愈低的问题;故不值得提倡..2、转差功率馈送型调速系统这种调速系统的大部分转差功率通过变流装置回馈给电网或者加以利用;转速越低回馈的功率越多;但是增设的装置也要多消耗一部分功率..绕线式异步电动机转子串级调速即属于这一类;它将转差功率通过整流和逆变作用;经变压器回馈到交流电网;但没有以发热形式消耗能量;即使在低速时;串级调速系统的效率也是很高的..3、转差功率不变型调速系统这种调速系统中;转差功率仍旧消耗在转子里;但不论转速高低;转差功率基本不变..如变极对数调速;变频调速即属于这一类;由于在调速过程中改变同步转速0n ;转差率s 是一定的;故系统效率不会因调速而降低..在改变0n 的两种调速方案中;又因变极对数调速为有极调速;且极数很有限;调速范围窄;所以;目前在交流调速方案中;变频调速是最理想;最有前途的交流调速方案..2、在交流同步电动机中;由于其转差功率恒为零;从定子传入的电磁功率m P 全部变为机械轴上输出的机械功率m ech P ;只能是转差功率不变型的调速系统..其表达式为p 1n f60n n ==;同步电动机的调速只能通过改变同步转速1n 实现;由于同步电动机极对数是固定的;只能采用变压变频调速..交流调速系统的调速2.1三大调速方案由电机与拖动技术知;交流异步电动机的转速公式如下:n 1p s -1f 60n )(=1-1式中 n p ——电动机定子绕阻的磁极对数;1f ——电动机定子电压供电频率;s ——电动机的转差率..由电机理论知道;三相异步电动机定子每相电动势的有效值是m 11g N 4.44f Φ=E 1-2式中g E —气隙磁通在定子每相中感应电动势的有效值V ;1f —定子频率Hz ;1N —定子每相绕组串联匝数;m Φ—每极磁通量Wb..从上两式中可以看出;调节交流异步电动机的转速有三大类方案..1、变压变频调速当异步电动机的磁极对数n p 一定;转差率s —定时;改变定子绕组的供电频率1f 可以达到调速目的;为了达到良好的控制效果;常采用电压——频率协调控制;电动机转速n 基本上与电源的频率 1f 成正比;因此;就能平滑地调节供电电源的频率;无级地调节异步电动机的转速..变频调速调速范围大;低速特性较硬;只要控制好g E 和1f 便可达到控制气隙磁通m Φ的目的;对此有基频额定频率50Hz f =以下和基频以上两种情况;基频50Hz f =以下;保持气隙磁通不变;属于恒转矩调速方式;在基频50Hz f =以上;保持定子电压不变;属于恒功率调速方式..1、基频以下调速在基频一下调速时;为了保持电动机的负载能力;应保持气隙磁通m Φ为额定值N m Φ不变;这就要求频率1f 从额定值N 1f 向下调节时;必须同时降g E 使 m 11g N 4.44f Φ=E 常数= ; 即保持电动势与频率之比常数进行控制..这种控制又称为恒磁通变频调速;属于恒转矩调速方式..但是;g E 难于直接检测和直接控制..当g E 和1f 的值较高时;定子的漏阻抗压降相对比较小;如忽略不计;则可近似地保持定子相电压s U 和频率1f 的比值为常数;即认为g E U =1;保持=1f s U 常数即可;这就是恒压频比控制方式;是近似的恒磁通控制..低频时;1U 和g E 都较小;定子电阻和漏磁感抗压降主要是定子电阻压降所占的分量比较显着;不能再忽略..这时;可以人为地适当提高定子电压s U ;以便近似地补偿定子阻抗压降;使气隙磁通基本保持不变..图1 基频以下调速机械特性(2)、基频以下电流补偿控制基频以下运行时;采用恒压频比的控制方法具有控制简便的有点;但负载的变化将导致磁通的改变;因此采用需要采用定子电流补偿;根据电子电流的大小改变电子电压;保持磁通恒定..有保持定子磁通ms Φ曲线a 、气隙磁通m Φ曲线b 和转子磁通mr Φ曲线c 恒定的三种控制方法;以下图 2 是这三种控制方法的特性曲线图2 不同控制方式下;异步电动机的机械特性与恒压频比控制相比;恒定子磁通ms Φ、恒气隙磁通m Φ和恒转子磁通mr Φ的控制方式均需要定子电流补偿;控制要复杂一些..恒定子磁通ms Φ和恒气隙磁通m Φ的控制方式虽然改善了低速性能;但机械特性还是非线性的;产生转矩的能力受到限制..恒转子磁通mr Φ的控制方式;可以得到和直流他励电动机一样的线性机械特性;性能最佳..3、基频以上调速在基频以上调速时;频率可以从N 1f 往上升高;但受电机绝缘耐压的限制;定子电压s U 却不能超过额定电压;最多只能保持sN U U =s 额定电压不变..由式1-2可知;这必然会导致主磁通m Φ随着1f 的上升而降低;使异步电动机工作在弱磁状态;允许输出转矩减小;但转速却升高了;可以认为允许输出转功率基本不变;属于近似的恒功率调速方式..其机械特性曲线在固有特性曲线之上..2、改变电动机的极对数调速由异步电动机的同步转速n 11p f 60n =可知;在供电电源频率1f 不变的条件下;通过改接定子绕组的连接方式来改变异步电动机定子绕组的磁极对数n p ;即可改变异步电动机的同步转速1n ;从而达到调速的目的..这种控制方式比较简单;只要求电动机定子绕组有多个抽头;然后通过触点的通断来改变电动机的磁极对数..采用这种控制方式;电动机转速的变化是有级的;不是连续的;一般最多只有三档;适用于自动化程度不高;且只需有级调速的场合..3、改变电动机的变转差率调速由式1-1知;可以通过改变异步电动机的转差率s 来改变电动机转速..改变转差率调速的方法很多;常用的方案有:异步电动机定子调压调速、电磁转差离合器调速、绕线式异步电动机转子回路串电阻调速和串级调速等..1、异步电动机定子调压调速定子调压调速系统就是在恒定交流电源与交流电动机之间接入晶闸管作为交流电压控制器;这种调压调速系统仅适用于一些属短时与重复短时作深调速运行的负载..为了能得到好的调速精度与能稳定运行;一般采用带转速负反馈的控制方式..所使用的电动机可以是绕线式异电动机或是有高转差率的鼠笼式异步电动机..2、电磁转差离合器调速电磁转差离台器调速系统;是由鼠笼式异步电动机、电磁转差离合器以及控制装置组合而成..鼠笼式电动机作为原动机以恒速带动电磁离合器的电枢转动;通过对电磁离合器励磁电流的控制实现对其磁极的速度调节..这种系统一般也采用转速闭环控制..3、绕线式异步电动机转子回路串电阻调速绕线式异步电动机转子回路串电阻调速就是通过改变转子回路所串电阻来进行调速;这种调速方法简单;但调速是有级的;串入较大附加电阻后;电动机的机械特性很软;低速运行损耗大;稳定性差..4、绕线式异步电动机串级调速绕线式异步电动机串级调速系统就是在电动机的转子回路中引入与转子电势同频率的反向电势f E ;只要改变这个附加的;同电动机转子电压同频率的反向电势f E ;就可以对绕线式异步电动机进行平滑调速..f E 越大;电动机转速越低..上述这些调速的共同特点是在调速过程中没有改变电动机的同步转速0n ;所以低速时转差率s 较大..2.2、异步电动机的调速系统1、脉冲宽度调制技术在异步电动机变频调速时;为了得到理想的控制效果需要有电压与频率均可调的交流电源;常用的交流可调电源是由电力电子器件构成的静止式功率变换器;一般称为变频器..这就涉及到了交流PWM 变频技术;即脉冲宽度调制技术;这是现代变频器中用得最多的控制技术..脉冲宽度调制PWM 的基本思想是:控制逆变器中的电力电子器件的开通或关断;输出电压为高度相等、宽度按一定规律变化的脉冲序列;用这样的高频脉冲序列代替期望的输出电压..传统的交流PWM 技术是用正玄波来调制等腰三角波;称为正弦脉冲宽度调制SPWM;随着控制技术的发展;产生了电流跟踪PWMCFPWM 控制技术和电压空间矢量PWMSVPWM 控制技术..1、正弦脉冲宽度调制SPWMSPWM 是以频率与期望值得输出电压波相同的正弦波作为调制波;以频率与期望波高得多的等腰三角波作为载波;当调制波与载波相交时;由它们的交点确定逆变器开关器件的通断时刻;从而获得高度相等、宽度按正弦规律变化的脉冲序列..SPWM 采用三相分别调制;在调制度为1时;输出相电压的基波幅值为2U d;输出线电压的基波幅值为d 23U ;直流电压的利用率为[]9866.0..若调制度大于1;直流电压的利用率可以提高;但会产生失真现象;谐波分量增加..这是普通SPWM 变频器的一个短处;其输出电压带有一定得谐波分量;为降低谐波分量;减少电动机的转矩脉动;在SPWM 的基础上衍生出“消除指定次数谐波”的SHEPWM 控制技术..2、电流跟踪PWMCFPWM 控制技术SPWM 控制技术的目的只在于使输出电压接近正玄波;并为考虑到电流波形因负载的性质及大小的影响..对了、交流电动机来说;应该保证为正玄波的是电流;稳态时在绕组中通入三相平衡的正弦电流才能使合成的电磁转矩为恒定值;不产生脉动;这就是以正弦波电流为控制目标的优越性;电流跟踪PWM 就能实现这种控制..CFPWM 的控制方法是在原有主回路的基础上;采用电流闭环控制;使实际电流快速跟随给定值;在稳态时;尽可能使实际电流接近正弦波形..常用的电流闭环控制方法是电流滞环跟踪PWM..在电流滞环跟踪PWM 的控制系统中;以PWM 变压变频器的A 相控制原理为例..其中;电流控制器是滞环的比较器;环宽为2h;将给定电流与输出电流进行比较;当电流偏差A i ∆超过h ±时;经滞环控制器HBC 控制逆变器A 相上或下桥臂的功率器件动作..B 、C 两相的控制与A 相相同..电流跟踪PWMCFPWM 控制技术的特点是精度高、响应快;且易于实现;但功率开关器件的开关频率不定..一般可采用具有恒定开关频率的电流控制器来克服..具有电流滞环跟踪控制的PWM型变压变频器用于调速系统时;只需要改变电流给定信号的频率即可实现变频调速;无需再人为地调节逆变器电压..此时;电流控制环只是系统的内环;外环仍应有转速外环;才能视不同负载的需要自动控制给定电流的幅值..3、电压空间矢量PWMSVPWM控制技术交流电动机需要输入三相正弦电流的最终目的是在电动机空间形成圆形旋转磁场;从而产生恒定的电磁转矩..把逆变器和交流电动机视为一体;以圆形旋转磁场为目标来控制逆变器的工作;这种控制方法称作为“磁链跟踪控制”磁链轨迹的控制是通过交替使用不同的电压空间矢量实现的;所以又称为“电压空间矢量PWM控制”..电压空间矢量控制是一种新的控制理论和控制技术;它的基本思想是:按空间矢量的平行四边形合成法则;用相邻的两个有效工作矢量合成期望的输出矢量;设法摸拟直流电动机的控制特点来进行交流电动机的控制..调速的关键问题是转矩控制问题;为使交流电动机得到和直流电动机一样的转矩控制性能;必须通过坐标变换理论;按转子磁链定向把交流电动机的定子电流分解成磁场定向坐标的励磁分量和与之相垂直的坐标转矩分量;把固定坐标系变换为旋转坐标系解耦后;交流量的控制变为直流量的控制便等同于直流电动机..即如果在调速过程中始终维持定子电流的励磁分量不变;而控制转矩分量;它就相当于直流电机中维持励磁不变;而通过控制电枢电流来控制电机的转矩一样;能使系统具有较好的动态特性..SVPWM控制模式的特点:1、逆变器共有8个基本输出矢量;6个有效工作矢量和2个零矢量;在一个旋转周期内;每个有效工作矢量只作用1次的方式;只能生成正六边形的旋转磁链;谐波分量大;将导致转矩脉动..2、用相邻的2个有效工作矢量;可合成任意的期望输出电压矢量;使磁链轨迹接近于圆..开关周期越小;旋转磁场越接近于圆;但功率器件的开关频率提高..3、利用电压空间矢量直接生成三相PWM波;计算方便..4、与一般的SPWM相比较;SVPWM控制方式的输出电压可提高15%..异步电动机按转子磁链定向的矢量控制系统通过坐标变换和按转子磁链定向;可以得到等效的直流电动机模型;在按转子磁链定向坐标系中;用直流机的方法控制电磁转矩与磁链;然后将转子磁链定向坐标系中的控制量经逆变换得到三相坐标系的对应量;以施以控制..由于变换的是矢量;所以坐标变换也可称作矢量变换;相应的控制系统成为矢量控制系统..图 3 矢量控制系统控制原理结构图按转子磁链定向的矢量控制系统的关键是准确定向;也就是说需要获得转子磁链矢量的空间位置;根据转子磁链的实际值进行矢量变换的方法;称作直接定向..转子磁链的直接检测相当困难;实际的系统中;多采用间接计算的方法;即利用容易测得的电压、电流或转速等信号;借助于转子磁链模型;实时计算磁链的幅值与空间位置.. 在计算模型中;由于主要实测信号的不同;分为电流模型和电压模型两种..电压模型更适合于中、高速范围;而电流模型能适应低速..有时为了提高准确度;把两种模型结合起来;在低速时采用电流模型;在中、高速时采用电压模型..矢量控制系统的特点:1、按转子磁链定向;实现了定子电流励磁分量和转矩分量的解耦;需要电流闭环控制..2、转子磁链系统的控制对象是稳定的惯性环节;可以采用磁链闭环控制;也可以是开环控制..3、采用连续的PI 控制;转矩与磁链变化平稳;电流闭环控制可有效地限制启、制动电流..异步电动机按定子磁链控制的直接转矩控制系统矢量控制方法的提出使交流传动系统的动态特性得到了显着的改善;并且具有调速范围宽的特点..但是经典的矢量控制方法比较复杂;它要进行坐标变换;且需精确测算出转子磁链的大小和方向;比较麻烦;且其精度受转子参数变化的影响很大..继而又出现了一种对交流电动机实现直接转矩控制的新方法;它避开了矢量控制中的两次坐标变换及求矢量的模与相角的复杂计算工作量;直接在它的转速环里面;利用转矩反馈直接控制电机的电磁转矩;其基本原理是根据定子磁链幅值偏差和电磁转矩偏差的符号;再根据当前定子磁链矢量所在的位置;直接选取合适的电压空间矢量;减少定子磁链幅值的偏差和电磁转矩的偏差;实现电磁转矩与定子磁链的控制;响应较快;控制性能比矢量控制还好..直接转矩控制系统简称DTC 系统;是继矢量控制系统之后发展起来的另一种高动态性能的交流电动机变压变频调速系统;在它的转速环里面;利用转矩反馈直接控制电机的电磁转矩..图4 直接转矩控制系统原理结构在转速环里面设置了转速内环;可以抑制定子磁链对内环控制对象的扰动;从而实现了转速和磁链子系统之间的近似解耦..根据定子磁链幅值偏差s ϕ∆的符号和电磁转矩e T ∆的符号;再依据当前定子磁链矢量s ψ所在的位置;直接选取合适的电压空间矢量;减小定子磁链幅值的偏差和电磁转矩的偏差;实现电磁转矩与定子磁链的控制..转速双闭环:ASR 的输出作为电磁转矩的给定信号;设置转矩控制内环;它可以抑制磁链变化对转速子系统的影响;从而使转速和磁链子系统实现了近似的解耦..转矩和磁链的控制器:用滞环控制器取代通常的PI 调节器..与VC 系统一样;它也是分别控制异步电动机的转速和磁链;但在具体控制方法上;DTC 系统与VC 系统不同的特点是:1、转矩和磁链的控制采用双位式控制器;并在 PWM 逆变器中直接用这两个控制信号产生电压的SVPWM 波形省去了旋转变换和电流控制;简化了控制器的结构..2、选择定子磁链作为被控量;计算磁链的模型可以不受转子参数变化的影响;提高了控制系统的鲁棒性..如果从数学模型推导按定子磁链控制的规律;显然要比按转子磁链定向时复杂;但是;由于采用了非线性的双位式控制;这种复杂性对控制器并没有影响..3、由于采用了直接转矩控制;在加减速或负载变化的动态过程中;可以获得快速的转矩响应;但必须注意限制过大的冲击电流;以免损坏功率开关器件;因此实际的转矩响应的快速性也是有限的..1、同步电动机的分类与异步电动机相比;在稳态时同步电动机的稳态转速等于同步转速;即1n n =;定子除了定子磁动势外;在转子侧还有独立的直流励磁或者永久磁钢励磁;同步电动机的气隙是不均匀的有凸极和隐极之分;异步电动机要靠加大转差后才能提高转矩;而同步电动机只需加大功率角就能增大转矩;同步电动机比异步电动机对转矩扰动具有更强的承受能力;动态响应快..同步电动机按励磁方式分为可控励磁同步电动机和永久同步电动机..可控励磁同步电动机在转子侧有独立的直流励磁;可以通过调节转子的直流励磁电流;改变输入功率因数;可以滞后也可以超前..永磁同步电动机的转子用永磁材料制成;无需直流励磁;具有体积小、重量轻;运行效率高;结构紧凑和动态性能好的特点..2、同步电动机的特点与异步电动机相比;同步电动机具有以下特点:1、交流电机旋转磁场的同步转速1n 与定子电源频率1f 有确定的关系:异步电动机的稳态转速总是低于同步转速的;而同步电动机的稳态转速等于同步转速..2、异步电动机的磁场仅靠定子供电产生;而同步电动机除定子磁动势外;在转子侧还有对立的直流励磁;或者靠永久磁钢励磁..3、同步电动机转子除直流励磁磁阻外;还可能有自身短路的阻尼绕组..4、异步电动机的气隙是均匀的;而同步电动机则有隐极和凸极之分;隐极式电机气隙均匀;凸极式则不均匀..同步电动机按励磁方式分为可控励磁同步电动机和永磁同步电动机两种..其中;永磁同步电动机按气隙磁场分布分为正弦波永磁同步电动机和梯形波永磁同步电动机无刷直流电动机..分析同步电动机恒频恒压时的稳定运行问题;在20πθ<<的范围内;同步电动机能够稳定运行..在πθπ<<2的范围内;当负载转矩加大时;转子减速使矩角θ增加;但随着θ增加;电磁转矩反而减小;由于电磁转矩的减小;导致θ继续增加;最终;同步电动机转速偏离同步转速;出现失步现象;同步电动机不能稳定运行..当同步电动机在工频电源下起动时;定子磁动势以同步转速旋转;电动机转速具有较大的滞后;不能快速跟上同步转速;在一个周期内;电磁转矩平均值等于零;故同步电动机不能起动..同步电动机中转子有起动绕组;使电动机按异步电动机的方式起动;当转速接近同步转速时再通入励磁电流牵入同步..3、同步电动机的调速方式。






















2.V-M 系统(晶闸管-电动机调速系统):通过调解器触发装置GT的控制电压Uc来移动触发脉冲的相位,即可改变平均整流电压Ud,从而实现评平滑调速,这样的系统叫V-M系统。

3. (SPWM):按照波形面积相等的原则,每一个矩形波的面积与相应位置的正弦波面积相等,因而这个序列的矩形波雨期望波的争先等效,这种调制方法称作正弦波脉宽调制(SPWM)。










本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译毕业设计(论文)题目:变频电机设计及调速系统研究外文题目:Performance Analysis of Z-source Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive 译文题目:Z源逆变器的驱动性能分析学生姓名:专业:电气工程及其自动化指导教师姓名:评阅日期:Z源逆变器的驱动性能分析摘要:本篇论文提出了三次谐波输入逆变器时最大恒定升压控制的仿真及其性能分析,该方法可在固定的调制指数下获得最大的电压升压。



并且所有传统PWM 调制法都可以应用于Z源逆变器的控制。


最大升压法仅适用于相对较高的输出频率,然而最大恒定升压控制法中的Z 源网络的设计仅取决于开关频率,而与输出频率无关。











这些PWM 波形可以通过使用带无源和有源元件的模拟电路产生,也可以由微处理器和微控制器产生[4]。



一、调压调速措施 获取交流调压电源旳措施:
(1)调压器调压 如图(a)所示。
图5-2 异步电动机调压调速原理
3~ (c)
(2)饱和电抗器调压 如图(b)所示,饱和电抗器LS是带有直流励磁绕组旳
(3)晶闸管交流调压器调压 如图(c)所示。单相调压电路如图所示,其控制措施
1. 系统构成
U*n +
M 3~
图5-6 带转速负反馈闭环控制旳交流变压调速系统
2. 系统静特征
A A’U*n2
Us min
图5-6b 闭环控制变压调速系统旳静特征
当系统带负载在 A 点运营时,假如负载增大 引起转速下降,反馈控制作用能提升定子电压,
2)开关控制方式 把晶闸管作为开关,将负载与电源完全接通几种半波, 然后再完全断开几种半波。交流电压旳大小靠变化通断时 间比t0/ tp来调整。输出电压波形如图所示。
图5-5 晶闸管开关控制下的负载电压波形












5.串级调速:在转子侧串入一个与转子回路频率相同的交流附加电动势,可以通过调节该装置的相位来达到调速的目的.附加电动势E add的特点:1.附加电动势Eadd的频率要和转子频率相同,即E add的频率可调,2.电压可变.3.能可逆的传输功率。








一、现代交流调速技术的发展现代交流调速的法阵可分为几个阶段20 世纪60 年代中期,德国的ASchonung 等人率先提出了脉宽调制变频的思想,他们把通信系统中的调制技术推广应用于变频调速中,为现代交流调速技术的发展和实用化开辟了新的道路。



迄今为止,电力电子器件的发展经历了分立换流关断器件(第一代)→自关断器件(第二代)→功率集成电路PIC (第三代)→智能模块IPM (第四代)四个阶段。

20 世纪80 年代中期以前,变频装置功率回路主要采用晶闸管元件。


20 世纪80 年代中期以后用第二代电力电子器件GTR (Giant Transistor)、GTO (Gate TurnOff thyistor)、VDMOS-IGBT(Insulated GateBipolar Transis2 tor)等创造的变频装置在性能与价格比上可以与直流调速装置相媲美。

随着向大电流、高电压、高频化、集成化、模块化方向继续发展,第三代电力电子器件是20 世纪90 年代制造变频器的主流产品,中、小功率的变频调速装置(1-100kw)主要是采用IGBT,中、大功率的变频调速装置(1000-10000kw)采用GTO 器件。

20 世纪90 年代至今,电力电子器件的发展进入了第四代。






优势- 高精度控制:US-52交流电机调速控制器采用先进的调速算法和高性能电路设计,能够实现对电机转速的精确控制,使电机在工作过程中能够达到所需的精度要求。

- 多种调速方式:US-52交流电机调速控制器支持多种调速方式,如恒定转速、自动调速和外部控制,用户可以根据具体需求选择合适的调速模式。

- 可编程性:US-52交流电机调速控制器具有可编程的特性,可以根据用户的要求进行参数设置和功能配置,以满足不同应用场景下的需求。

- 稳定可靠:US-52交流电机调速控制器采用高质量的元器件和先进的生产工艺,具有良好的抗干扰能力和稳定性,能够在恶劣的工作环境中稳定可靠地工作。

使用场景US-52交流电机调速控制器适用于各种交流电机的调速控制,可以广泛应用于以下场景:- 工业生产线:在自动化生产线上,电机的转速控制对产品质量和生产效率有着重要影响。


- 机械制造:在机械制造过程中,电机的转速控制对机械设备的运行和工作效果至关重要。


- 航空航天:在航空航天领域,对电机转速的控制要求非常高。


使用方法1. 连接电源:将US-52交流电机调速控制器连接到交流电源,确保电源电压稳定。

2. 连接电机:将电机与US-52交流电机调速控制器相连接,确保连接可靠。

3. 设置调速参数:通过控制面板或远程控制设置US-52交流电机调速控制器的调速参数,包括转速范围、加速度、减速度等。

机械 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 直流电动机调速控制

机械 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 直流电动机调速控制

Speed Control of DC MotorAbstract Conditioning system is characterized in that output power to maintain stability. Different speed control system can use a different brake system, high starting and braking torque, quick response and quick adjustment range of degree requirements of DC drive system, the use of the electric braking mode. Depends on the speed control of DC motor armature voltage and flux. To zero speed, or U = 0 or Φ = ∞. The latter is impossible, it only changes through the armature voltage to reduce speed. To speed to a higher value can increase or decrease the U Φ.Keyword DC Speed Feedback BrakeRegulator SystemsA regulator system is one which normally provides output power in its steady-state operation.For example, a motor speed regulator maintains the motor speed at a constant value despite variations in load torque. Even if the load torque is removed, the motor must provide sufficient torque to overcome the viscous friction effect of the bearings. Other forms of regulator also provide output power; A temperature regulator must maintain the temperature of, say, an oven constant despite the heat loss in the oven. A voltage regulator must also maintain the output voltage constant despite variation in the load current. For any system to provide an output, e.g., speed, temperature, voltage, etc., an error signal must exist under steady-state conditions.Electrical BrakingIn many speed control systems, e.g., rolling mills, mine winders, etc., the load has to be frequently brought to a standstill and reversed. The rate at which the speed reduces following a reduced speed demand is dependent on the stored energy and the braking system used. A small speed control system (sometimes known as a velodyne) can employ mechanical braking, but this is not feasible with large speed controllers since it is difficult and costly to remove the heat generated.The various methods of electrical braking available are:(1)Regenerative braking.(2)Eddy current braking.(3) Dynamic braking.(4) Reverse current braking(plugging)Regenerative braking is the best method, though not necessarily the most economic. The stored energy in the load is converted into electrical energy by the work motor (acting temporarily as a generator) and is returned to the power supply system. The su pply system thus acts as a”sink”into which the unwanted energy is delivered. Providing the supply system has adequate capacity, the consequent rise in terminal voltage will be small during the short periods of regeneration. In the Ward-Leonard method of speed control of DC motors, regenerative braking is inherent, but thyristor drives have to be arranged to invert to regenerate. Induction motor drives can regenerate if the rotor shaft is driven faster than speed of the rotating field. The advent of low-cost variable-frequency supplies from thyristor inverters have brought about considerable changes in the use of induction motors in variable speed drives.Eddy current braking can be applied to any machine, simply by mounting a copper or aluminum disc on the shaft and rotating it in a magnetic field. The problem of removing the heat generated is severe in large system as the temperature of the shaft, bearings, and motor will be raised if prolonged braking is applied.In dynamic braking, the stored energy is dissipated in a resistor in the circuit. When applied to small DC machines, the armature supply is disconnected and a resistor is connected across the armature (usually by a relay, contactor, or thyristor).The field voltage is maintained, and braking is applied down to the lowest speed. Induction motors require a somewhat more complex arrangement, the stator windings being disconnected from the AC supply and reconnected to a DC supply. The electrical energy generated is then dissipated in the rotor circuit. Dynamic braking is applied to many large AC hoist systems where the braking duty is both severe and prolonged.DC Motor Speed ControlThe basis of all methods of DC motor speed control is derived from the equations:ωΦ∝Ea a R I E U +=the terms having their usual meanings. If the IaRa drop is small, the equations approximate to ωΦ∝U or Φ=U ω。




2 无级调速和有级调速无级调速又称为连续调速,指电动机的转速可以平滑调节。







4 恒转矩调速和恒功率调速在调速过程中,在流过固定电流(电动机发热情况不变)的条件下,若电动机产生的转知维持恒定值不变,则称这种调速方式为恒转矩调速。










在电压空间矢量按磁链控制的同时,也接受转矩的砰-砰控制。 例如:以正转(T*e > 0)的情况为例 当实际转矩低于T*e 的允许偏差下限时,按磁链控制得到相应的电压空间矢量,使定子磁链向前旋转,转矩上升。
当实际转矩达到 T*e 允许偏差上限时,不论磁链如何,立即切换到零电压矢量,使定子磁链静止不动,转矩下降。
VC系统强调 Te 与Ψr的解耦,有利于分别设计转速与磁链调节器;实行连续控制,可获得较宽的调速范围;但按Ψr 定向受电动机转子参数变化的影响,降低了系统的鲁棒性。
第3章 基于动态模型按定子磁链控制的 直接转矩控制系统
直接转矩控制系统简称 DTC ( Direct Torque Control) 系统,是另一种高动态性能的交流电动机变压变频调速系统。
概 述
3.1 直接转矩控制系统的原理和特点
The End
直接转矩控制系统的控制规律和反馈 模型
5. 主要的改进方案





① 降电压调速;


Pm = Pmech + Ps
Pmech = (1 – s) Pm
Ps = sPm


1. 转差功率消耗型调速系统
3. 转差功率不变型调速系统
同步电机的调速:同步电机没有转差,也就没有转差功率,所以同步电机调速系统只能是转差功率不变型(恒等于0 )的,而同步电机转子极对数又是固定的,因此只能靠变压变频调速.可分为他控变频调速和自控变频调速两类。



附录附录A: 中英文参考文献此英文文献摘自参考文献:Donescu V ,Charette A ,Yao Z,et al.Modeling and simulation ofSaturated induction motors in phase quantities [J].IEEE Trans. On EnergyConversion ,1999,14 (3) :386-393..Modern type of AC Drive SystemExchange into a modern AC motor speed control system, power electronic power converters, controllers and four major detector components. In accordance with the object of different types of AC motor, speed of modern communication systems can be divided into induction motor and synchronous motor drives. Here are introduced the system of induction motor.1.1 induction motor speed control system of the basic types ofBy the induction motor working principle, we can see that from the stator intop=(1-s)M p is the effective electromagnetic power can be divided into two parts: mp=s M p and s is power load drag; another part of the deterioration of quality of power sproportional to slip . How to deal with deterioration of quality of power is consumed or feedback to the grid, and measurable system of induction motor efficiency. Therefore by poor power to the different treatment of modern induction motor can be divided into three types of speed control system.(1) power consumption and deterioration of quality-based speed control systemPoor power switch are converted to the form of calories consumed. Thyristor Surge speed fall into this category. In the induction motor speed control system, the minimum efficiency of such systems is to increase power consumption and deterioration of quality in exchange for the cost of lower speed.(2) to poor power feedback-based speed control systemTo deteriorate to a small portion of power consumed by the majority of variable flow control devices to the power grid feedback. Lower speed, more power to repay. Wound cascade induction motor speed and doubly-fed fall into this category.(3) to deteriorate to the same power-based speed control systemAnd deterioration of quality of power in the rotor part of the consumption of copper loss is inevitable, but in such systems, both high and low speed, power consumption and deterioration of quality is essentially the same, therefore high efficiency. VVVF fall into this category. AC Drive System is currently in, the application of a maximum of VVVF, the most extensive, can constitute a high dynamic performance of AC Drive System to replace the DC drive.1.2 AC speed control system of modern development trends and developmentsLooking at the speed of development of the exchange process and the status quo, we can see that speed of modern communication technology trends and future development trends.(1) to replace the DC drive system for the purpose of exchange of high-performancespeed control system for further research and development;(2) the new power converter topology of the research and development;(3) PWM mode of improvement and optimization;(4) medium voltage variable frequency device research and technology development.1.2.1 Control concepts and control technology research and developmentApplication of more than a decade show that the theory of vector control and other application of control theory has yet to be governor with the development of the exchange continued to be refined, so as to further enhance the exchange of the control performance speed control system. Various control structures are based on mathematical model of the object, therefore, in order to establish a reasonable exchange of speed control system applicable to the control structure, need to exchange the motor mathematical model of the nature, characteristics and the inherent law of in-depth study and discussion . AC Drive System in particular, the synthesis and calibration methods of the theory and engineering design of future AC Drive System is an important research topic. By the rotor flux-oriented induction motor vector control system to achieve the excitation current and torque current full decoupling, the mathematical model and the DC torque motor torque exactly the same model. However, the estimated rotor parameters and parameter changes do not affect the accuracy of directional coordinates of the offset caused by a problem which has not really solve the problem at home and abroad, so the rotor parameter identification and parameter changes for the future of the adaptive control of the critical study of vector control issues. In recent years, do not rely on the electrical model of fuzzy self-optimizing control, such as artificial neural network intelligent control method has been introduced to the AC Drive system, as a governor to control the exchange theory, control technology research and development of new directions. Direct Torque Control technology practice in the application of continuous improvement and upgrading of the main direction of its research to address low speed motor flux parameters on the impact of trajectory to further improve the control of low speed performance, the scope of the expansion speed. Cancellation through the mechanical connection of the tachometer generator and other gun sensor, Speed sensor hardware realization of a speed control system of the exchange of their own applications, but the accuracy and speed of the projected real-time control to be further in-depth research and development.1.2.2 PWM mode to improve the study and optimizationIn recent years, with the emergence of medium-voltage inverter, the voltage space vector PWM control mode to improve and optimize the research, which to resolve the three-level medium voltage inverter midpoint voltage offset issues, studied the synthesis of voltage vector PWM mode (no offset voltage at the midpoint of the long vector and short vector, a combination of zero-vector), has been made with research results of practical value for multi-level cascade inverter voltage pulse phase-shift PWM technique own application.Medium voltage frequency converter1.2.3 Research and DevelopmentMedium voltage refers to voltage levels for the 2300 ~ 10000V, in high-power means the power level in more than 300kW. Medium voltage, high-capacity research and development of AC Drive System has been in practice for more than 20 years have gradually embarked on the practical application stage, in particular, high-pressure full-controlled power devices have been in the application of pressure transducer rapidly accelerated. Among them, the current application is more IGBT, IGCT medium voltage three-level cascade inverter and multi-level medium voltage Transformer. Today's multi-level medium voltage AC inverter speed control has become a new field of study is one of hot topics in the pressure transducer and the direction of future development of research topics are:(1) technical aspects of safety devices are in series power device technology, triggering technology, isolation technology, insulation technology, the protection of technology, remote control and communication technology, electromagnetic compatibility, harmonic suppression technology.(2) control technologies will be the vector control technology, the introduction of direct torque control of pressure transducer technology, as well as research and development for medium voltage PWM inverter technology.(3) the development of medium voltage frequency converter by the voltage level of power electronic devices are not restricted. At present, the United States Cree Inc., Germany's Siemens, Toshiba, as well as European companies such as ABB money into the development of a silicon carbide (Sic) power electronic devices, the PN junction voltage up to 10kV level and above is expected the next 10 years , SiC devices will be a breakthrough in the development of a new generation of medium voltage frequency converter to the birth attendant.Thinking of vector control technologyMathematical model of asynchronous motor is a high-end, non-linear, strong-coupling multi-variable system, through the coordinate transformation that allows the Reduction and simplification, but did not change its non-linear, multi-variable nature. AC Drive System dynamic performance was less than desirable, difficult to adjust design parameters, the key is the linear approximation is only single-variable control system to the neglect of non-linear, multi-variable in nature. Many experts and scholars have conducted research with great concentration, and finally succeeded. 70s from the 20th century, German engineers created a new control theory of vector control in order to achieve the induction motor and DC with the same effect of a good governor. Vector control is a high performance induction motor control method, which is based on dynamic mathematical model of the motor, through the coordinate transformation, the model will be converted to AC motor DC motor model. Based on induction motor dynamic mathematical equation, it has a DC motor and the dynamic equation of the form of the same, so if you select an appropriate control strategy, induction motors and DC motor should be similar to the control performance, and this is the idea of vector control. Transform because of the current space vector, therefore, be achieved through the coordinate transformation is called vector control system control system transformation (Tran vector Control System), or vector control system (Vector Control System). Simply put, vector control is to decouple flux and torque, respectively, in favor of the design of the two regulators to achieve high-performance AC motor speed control. Vector control and slip frequency control based on vector control, sensorless vector control mode and speed sensorless vector control mode. This can be a three-phase induction motor equivalent to DC motor control, which was the same with the DC drive system of the static and dynamic performance. Vector control algorithm has been widely used inSIEMENS, AB, GE, FUJI international companies, such as the inverter.Vector control using a common frequency converter can not only scope in the speed DC motor with the match, and can control the torque generated by induction motor. As a result of the manner in which vector control is based on the precise parameters of induction motor was charged, and some general-purpose inverter is required in the use of accurate input parameters for induction motors, and some general-purpose inverter need to use the speed sensor and encoder. In view of the electrical parameters may change,will affect the frequency converter of motor control performance, the new current vector control inverter has universal asynchronous motor parameters automatically detect, automatic identification, adaptive features, with such a feature common frequency induction motors in drive before normal operation can be carried out automatically on the induction motor parameters identification, and in accordance with the results of the adjustment control algorithm to identify the relevant parameters of the induction motor of the ordinary for effective vector control.译文:现代交流调速系统的类型现代交流调速系统分为交流电动机、电力电子功率变换器、控制器和检测器四大部分组成。


因此,异步交流电机的调速方法可分为变频调速、 因此,异步交流电机的调速方法可分为变频调速、变 变频调速 极对数调速和变转差率调速。 极对数调速和变转差率调速。
第6章 交流调速系统
Motion Control System
VVVF控制 控制
在进行电机调速时, 在进行电机调速时,常须考虑的一个重要因 素是: 素是:希望保持电机中每极磁通量 Φm 为额定值 不变。如果磁通太弱,没有充分利用电机的铁心, 不变。如果磁通太弱,没有充分利用电机的铁心, 是一种浪费;如果过分增大磁通, 是一种浪费;如果过分增大磁通,又会使铁心饱 和,从而导致过大的励磁电流,严重时会因绕组 从而导致过大的励磁电流, 过热而损坏电机。 过热而损坏电机。
第6章 交流调速系统
Motion Control System
6.3 电力变换电路基础
1)整流与逆变 ) 整流技术:AC整流技术:AC-DC 把交流电压变为固定的或可调 的直流电压。(变流器) 的直流电压。(变流器) 。(变流器 逆变技术:DC-AC 把固定的直流电压变为固定或 逆变技术:DC可调的交流电压。(逆变器) 可调的交流电压。(逆变器) 。(逆变器 斩波技术:DC斩波技术:DC-DC 把固定的直流电压变为可调的 直流电压。 直流电压。 变流调压:AC调频技术, 变流调压:AC-AC 调频技术,即把固定的工频交 流电压变为电压、频率可调的交流电。 流电压变为电压、频率可调的交流电。
直流电机的 工作原理
第6章 交流调速系统
Motion Control System
三相异步电动机的工作原理 三相异步电动机的工作原理
三相异步电动机的定子铁心上嵌有 三相对称绕组, 三相对称绕组,接通三相对称电源 后,在定子、转子之间的气隙内产 在定子、 生了以同步转速旋转的旋转磁场。 生了以同步转速旋转的旋转磁场。 转子导条被这种旋转磁场切割, 转子导条被这种旋转磁场切割,在 导条内产生感生电流,磁场又对导 导条内产生感生电流, 条产生电磁力。 条产生电磁力。于是转子就跟着旋 转磁场旋转。 转磁场旋转。 左手定则 决定导条 受力方向



5.2 针对功率因素问题
1 在三相交流进线上接入功率补偿电容器。 ○ 表1列出了加入补偿电容后,系统仿真得到的功率因数。可以看出,由于在整个调速过 程中无功功率变化不大, 用电容器对其进行无功补偿后, 系统在全程调速过程中功率因数都 得到了明显提高。 表1 不同占空比下加补偿电容后得到的仿真结果
2 采用高功率因数的串级调速系统: 具体方式有斩波式串级调速系统和 GTO 串级调速系 ○ 统。 GTO 称为可关断晶闸管,与普通晶闸管不同之处是该器件具有自关断能力,GTO 串级调 速系统,与晶闸管串级调速系统主电路基本相同,也是转子整流器接有源逆变器,但使用 GTO 的逆变器可以通过控制 GTO 的开通关断时刻,使逆变电路产生超前于电网电压的电流, 从而使串级调速系统的逆变侧呈现电容性,提高总功率因数。
2 串级调速系统的起动方式
2.1 直接起动方式
利用串级调速装置直接起动电动机,不再另接起动设备进行起动。起动时要串入最大 的直流附加电势,因此将逆变角置为最小,然后逐渐增大逆变角,使串级调速系统升到所需 的转速。 直接起动的缺点是所需的串级调速装置容量较大, 直接起动适合于调速范围要求很大的 负载。
1.1 串级调速的基本原理
串级调速是通过绕线式异步电动机的转子回路引入附加电势而产生的, 它属于变转差率 来实现串级调速的。假定异步电动机的外加电源电压
U L 及负载转矩 K L 都不变.则电动
机在调速前后转子电流近似保持不变。 若在转子回路中引入一个频率与转子电势相同, 而相 位相同或相反的附电势
始终处于逆变的工作状态,能将转子的能量反馈回电网,改变触发脉冲发出的时刻(逆变角 B),即可以逆变电压 UB,从而改变电动机的转速,达到调速的目的。








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附录附录A: 中英文参考文献此英文文献摘自参考文献:Donescu V ,Charette A ,Yao Z,et al.Modeling and simulation ofSaturated induction motors in phase quantities [J].IEEE Trans. On EnergyConversion ,1999,14 (3) :386-393..Modern type of AC Drive SystemExchange into a modern AC motor speed control system, power electronic power converters, controllers and four major detector components. In accordance with the object of different types of AC motor, speed of modern communication systems can be divided into induction motor and synchronous motor drives. Here are introduced the system of induction motor.1.1 induction motor speed control system of the basic types ofBy the induction motor working principle, we can see that from the stator intop=(1-s)M p is the effective electromagnetic power can be divided into two parts: mp=s M p and s is power load drag; another part of the deterioration of quality of power sproportional to slip . How to deal with deterioration of quality of power is consumed or feedback to the grid, and measurable system of induction motor efficiency. Therefore by poor power to the different treatment of modern induction motor can be divided into three types of speed control system.(1) power consumption and deterioration of quality-based speed control systemPoor power switch are converted to the form of calories consumed. Thyristor Surge speed fall into this category. In the induction motor speed control system, the minimum efficiency of such systems is to increase power consumption and deterioration of quality in exchange for the cost of lower speed.(2) to poor power feedback-based speed control systemTo deteriorate to a small portion of power consumed by the majority of variable flow control devices to the power grid feedback. Lower speed, more power to repay. Wound cascade induction motor speed and doubly-fed fall into this category.(3) to deteriorate to the same power-based speed control systemAnd deterioration of quality of power in the rotor part of the consumption of copper loss is inevitable, but in such systems, both high and low speed, power consumption and deterioration of quality is essentially the same, therefore high efficiency. VVVF fall into this category. AC Drive System is currently in, the application of a maximum of VVVF, the most extensive, can constitute a high dynamic performance of AC Drive System to replace the DC drive.1.2 AC speed control system of modern development trends and developmentsLooking at the speed of development of the exchange process and the status quo, we can see that speed of modern communication technology trends and future development trends.(1) to replace the DC drive system for the purpose of exchange of high-performancespeed control system for further research and development;(2) the new power converter topology of the research and development;(3) PWM mode of improvement and optimization;(4) medium voltage variable frequency device research and technology development.1.2.1 Control concepts and control technology research and developmentApplication of more than a decade show that the theory of vector control and other application of control theory has yet to be governor with the development of the exchange continued to be refined, so as to further enhance the exchange of the control performance speed control system. Various control structures are based on mathematical model of the object, therefore, in order to establish a reasonable exchange of speed control system applicable to the control structure, need to exchange the motor mathematical model of the nature, characteristics and the inherent law of in-depth study and discussion . AC Drive System in particular, the synthesis and calibration methods of the theory and engineering design of future AC Drive System is an important research topic. By the rotor flux-oriented induction motor vector control system to achieve the excitation current and torque current full decoupling, the mathematical model and the DC torque motor torque exactly the same model. However, the estimated rotor parameters and parameter changes do not affect the accuracy of directional coordinates of the offset caused by a problem which has not really solve the problem at home and abroad, so the rotor parameter identification and parameter changes for the future of the adaptive control of the critical study of vector control issues. In recent years, do not rely on the electrical model of fuzzy self-optimizing control, such as artificial neural network intelligent control method has been introduced to the AC Drive system, as a governor to control the exchange theory, control technology research and development of new directions. Direct Torque Control technology practice in the application of continuous improvement and upgrading of the main direction of its research to address low speed motor flux parameters on the impact of trajectory to further improve the control of low speed performance, the scope of the expansion speed. Cancellation through the mechanical connection of the tachometer generator and other gun sensor, Speed sensor hardware realization of a speed control system of the exchange of their own applications, but the accuracy and speed of the projected real-time control to be further in-depth research and development.1.2.2 PWM mode to improve the study and optimizationIn recent years, with the emergence of medium-voltage inverter, the voltage space vector PWM control mode to improve and optimize the research, which to resolve the three-level medium voltage inverter midpoint voltage offset issues, studied the synthesis of voltage vector PWM mode (no offset voltage at the midpoint of the long vector and short vector, a combination of zero-vector), has been made with research results of practical value for multi-level cascade inverter voltage pulse phase-shift PWM technique own application.Medium voltage frequency converter1.2.3 Research and DevelopmentMedium voltage refers to voltage levels for the 2300 ~ 10000V, in high-power means the power level in more than 300kW. Medium voltage, high-capacity research and development of AC Drive System has been in practice for more than 20 years have gradually embarked on the practical application stage, in particular, high-pressure full-controlled power devices have been in the application of pressure transducer rapidly accelerated. Among them, the current application is more IGBT, IGCT medium voltage three-level cascade inverter and multi-level medium voltage Transformer. Today's multi-level medium voltage AC inverter speed control has become a new field of study is one of hot topics in the pressure transducer and the direction of future development of research topics are:(1) technical aspects of safety devices are in series power device technology, triggering technology, isolation technology, insulation technology, the protection of technology, remote control and communication technology, electromagnetic compatibility, harmonic suppression technology.(2) control technologies will be the vector control technology, the introduction of direct torque control of pressure transducer technology, as well as research and development for medium voltage PWM inverter technology.(3) the development of medium voltage frequency converter by the voltage level of power electronic devices are not restricted. At present, the United States Cree Inc., Germany's Siemens, Toshiba, as well as European companies such as ABB money into the development of a silicon carbide (Sic) power electronic devices, the PN junction voltage up to 10kV level and above is expected the next 10 years , SiC devices will be a breakthrough in the development of a new generation of medium voltage frequency converter to the birth attendant.Thinking of vector control technologyMathematical model of asynchronous motor is a high-end, non-linear, strong-coupling multi-variable system, through the coordinate transformation that allows the Reduction and simplification, but did not change its non-linear, multi-variable nature. AC Drive System dynamic performance was less than desirable, difficult to adjust design parameters, the key is the linear approximation is only single-variable control system to the neglect of non-linear, multi-variable in nature. Many experts and scholars have conducted research with great concentration, and finally succeeded. 70s from the 20th century, German engineers created a new control theory of vector control in order to achieve the induction motor and DC with the same effect of a good governor. Vector control is a high performance induction motor control method, which is based on dynamic mathematical model of the motor, through the coordinate transformation, the model will be converted to AC motor DC motor model. Based on induction motor dynamic mathematical equation, it has a DC motor and the dynamic equation of the form of the same, so if you select an appropriate control strategy, induction motors and DC motor should be similar to the control performance, and this is the idea of vector control. Transform because of the current space vector, therefore, be achieved through the coordinate transformation is called vector control system control system transformation (Tran vector Control System), or vector control system (Vector Control System). Simply put, vector control is to decouple flux and torque, respectively, in favor of the design of the two regulators to achieve high-performance AC motor speed control. Vector control and slip frequency control based on vector control, sensorless vector control mode and speed sensorless vector control mode. This can be a three-phase induction motor equivalent to DC motor control, which was the same with the DC drive system of the static and dynamic performance. Vector control algorithm has been widely used inSIEMENS, AB, GE, FUJI international companies, such as the inverter.Vector control using a common frequency converter can not only scope in the speed DC motor with the match, and can control the torque generated by induction motor. As a result of the manner in which vector control is based on the precise parameters of induction motor was charged, and some general-purpose inverter is required in the use of accurate input parameters for induction motors, and some general-purpose inverter need to use the speed sensor and encoder. In view of the electrical parameters may change,will affect the frequency converter of motor control performance, the new current vector control inverter has universal asynchronous motor parameters automatically detect, automatic identification, adaptive features, with such a feature common frequency induction motors in drive before normal operation can be carried out automatically on the induction motor parameters identification, and in accordance with the results of the adjustment control algorithm to identify the relevant parameters of the induction motor of the ordinary for effective vector control.译文:现代交流调速系统的类型现代交流调速系统分为交流电动机、电力电子功率变换器、控制器和检测器四大部分组成。
