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Guangzhou, China
Modern Foreign Languages (Quarterly) Vol. 26 No.1 January 2003: 28-38
Motivation Types of Chinese College Undergraduates
GAO Yi-hong, ZHAO Yuan, CHENG Ying, ZHOU Yan
(2) ZHAO Yuan, English Department, Peking University, Beijing 100871 P. R. China <>
(3) CHENG Ying, English Department, Peking University, Beijing 100871 P. R. China <>
(4) ZHOU Yan, National Research Center for Foreign Language Education Beijing Foreign Studies University, 100089, P. R. China <>
1. 引言
1.1 研究背景
经典的语言学习社会心理研究(Gardner & Lambert 1972; Gardner 1985)十分关注作为学习者特征的学习“动 机”或“取向”。Gardner 和 Lambert(1972)认为学习动机或取向主要有两大类: 一是“工具型”,即用语言做 工具达到某个实际目的,如找一份薪水高的工作;二是“融合型”,即了解和融入目的语文化。动机取向与智力 因素一起影响学习的结果。另一较为经典的维度是“内在动机”和“外在动机”(Atkinson, McClelland, Clark & Lowell 1953):前者是为了从语言学习活动本身获得愉快与满足,而后者则将此作为途径达到某一目标。这 两个维度一般被认为是对应的,即融合性动机是内在动机,工具性动机是外在动机(Chambers 1999: 52)。
* 本研究得到了北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心的资助。作者感谢北京大学社会学系博士生姚立、硕士研究生张磊以及郭志刚 教授、南京大学文秋芳教授在统计技术上给予的指点,感谢各院校老师在问卷实施中给予的帮助。
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
高一虹、赵 媛、程 英、周 燕
类别做集中、深入的探索。由于关注焦点是学习成绩,“动机”在一些研究中侧重的是“努力程度”这一行为层 面(如吴一安等 1993,刘润清、吴一安 2000)。近来还出现了聚焦于动机内部结构的研究(秦晓晴、文秋芳 2002), 探索学习成绩、结果归因、学习兴趣、自我效能、目标定向等因素之间的复杂关系。
This paper presents part of a research project on Chinese college undergraduates’ English learning motivation and self-identity changes. Previous studies on Chinese students’ English learning motivation mostly followed the classical model (Gardner & Lambert 1972; Gardner 1985) and their expansions (Tremblay et al. 1995), which were originated in contexts different from EFL in China. The basic motivation types of Chinese students remained to be inducted from data of the actual context. The purpose of the present research was to achieve such a basic classification. The subjects, obtained from a stratified sampling, were 2,278 undergraduates from 30 Chinese universities in 29 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. The instrument was a Likert-scale questionnaire. It included 30 items regarding learning motivation, based essentially on a summary of open responses collected in different provinces. Factor analysis and MANOVA were performed on the data, to explore motivation types and examine the effect of demographic features.
Keyword: English learning, motivation, Chinese college students, undergraduates
Correspondence: (1) GAO Yi-hong, English Department, Peking University, Beijing 100871 P. R. China < >
2003 年 1 月 第 26 卷 第 1 期
现代外语(季刊) Modern Foreign Languages (Quarterly)
高一虹、赵 媛、程 英、周 燕
Jan. 2003 Vol. 26 No.1
摘要:本文采取问卷的方法考察了中国大学本科生英语学习的动机类型。受试为全国 30 所大学的 2,278 名本科生。问卷包括 30 个有关为什么学习英语的问题,主要根据在多个省区采集的开放式反 馈编制而成。我们用 SPSS 统计软件对数据进行了因子分析和多元方差分析,以探索动机的类型以 及个人因素对动机类型的影响。因子分析得出七种动机类型,分别是:内在兴趣动机、成绩动机、 出国动机、学习情境动机、社会责任动机、个人发展动机和信息媒介动机。多元方差分析表明,专 业和英语水平对学习动机有显著影响。此外,专业与英语水平、年级与英语水平有交互作用。 关键词:英语学习、动机、中国大学生、本科生 [中图分类号] H195 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1003-6105(2003)01-0028-11
Results also showed that college major and English proficiency had significant effects on motivations. 1) Major. English majors scored higher than natural and social science majors on “intrinsic interest” and “social responsibility.” They also scored higher than social science majors on “individual development” and “information medium”. 2) English proficiency. Those who were below the level of Band 4 had higher “immediate achievement” motivation than the Band 6 group; their “intrinsic interest” was lower than both the Band 6 and Band 4 students. Interaction effects were also found between proficiency and major, and between proficiency and students’ college year.
Seven factors resulted from the analysis: 1) intrinsic interest; 2) immediate achievement; 3) learning situation; 4) going abroad; 5) social responsibility; 6) individual development; 7) information medium. Among these factors, “intrinsic interest” was related to “integrative” motivation in the classical model, whereas “immediate achievement”, “individual development” and “information medium” all had some features of “instrumental” motivation, but with focus on different goals. “Going abroad” had both “integrative” and “instrumental” elements. “Immediate achievement” and “social responsibility” might be characteristic of the Chinese EFL context.
二十世纪九十年代以来,一些学者提出需要更广泛地借鉴心理学理论(如马斯洛的需要层次论、管理心理学 有关工作满足状况的研究成果),来扩展 Gardner(1985)的经典动机模式(Oxford & Shearin 1994)。目前不同版本 的扩展模式包括了“学习情境”(Dörnyei 1994)、“自信”(Clément, Dörnyei & Noels 1994)、“目标显著性”、“效 价”、“自我效能”(Tremblay & Gardner 1995)等新的因素。有关语言学习动机的研究都将关注点集中于语言学 习结果(具体化为学习成绩),即什么样的动机导致更好的学习成绩;动机与其他学习者因素——学能、焦虑、 学习策略、认知风格、自我评价、对环境的态度等,如何整体地影响学习成绩,各影响因素之间又是什么关系 (Gardner, Day & MacIntyre 1992; Gardner, Tremblay & Masgoret 1997)。同时,由于在英语教学过程中学习者的 因素越来越引起人们的重视,有关语言学习的研究也越来越关注学习者的个人特征差异(年龄、性别、学习策 略等),认为语言教学应为不同个人特征的学习者“量体裁衣”(Nunan 2001: 10, Cohen & Dörnyei 2002)。
我国有关外语学习动机的实证研究,也大多循着经典及扩展模式的路子,探索动机对学习成绩的促进作用, 以及动机与其他影响成绩的学习者因素之间的关系(石永珍 2000,王慧莉 2000,王湘玲等 2002,文秋芳等 1996,文秋芳 2001,吴一安等 1993,杨国俊 2002,张文鹏 1998)。比较有影响的研究大多着眼于关系模式的 建立,以现有的动机理论为框架编制测试工具,或者根据实践经验包括尽可能多的因素,动机是许多因素中的 一个。这样的研究有利于建立各种因素在何种程度上以及通过什么途径影响学习成绩的整体模式,把握学生学 习的宏观规律。但同时包括许多学习者因素的研究也有局限,即每个因素所占测试题项有限,很难对“动机”