


的学习者 。
益 的 外 在 型 动 机 和 学 习 者 出于 对 于 英 语 本 身 热 爱 而 产 生 的 内在 型 动机 。 周 燕 、 高 一 虹 等 人 近 年 来 对 英 语 学 习 动 机 进 行 了 一 系列量化 和质化分析 。他们将 我国本科大 学生 的动机 类 型 分 为 主 要 七 种 :内在 兴 趣 、成 绩 、情 境 、 出 国 、社 会 责任 、个 人 发 展 和 信 息 媒 介 。 兴趣 是 英 语 成 绩 较 好 同 学 的主要动机 ( 高一虹等 , 2 0 0 3 ) 。而 以信 息 媒 介 和 个 人 发 展为主 的 “ 工具型 ”动 机是我 国大学生英语 学习 的主 要 动 机 。并 且 , 以成 绩 为 主 要 动 机 的 同学 在 大 三 、大 四 时 英 语学 习出现 了停滞 ,甚至 出现 了 目标缺 失的现象 ,同 时 , 情 境 因 素 , 即学 习 的 氛 围也 是 影 响 学 生 的 学 习动 力 的主 要 因 素之 一 ( 周燕等 , 2 0 1 1 ) 。
l 动 机激 发策略
■‘ ●
目 动 机 研 究
多年来受 G a r d n e r 和L a m b e  ̄ ( 1 9 7 2 ) 理 论 的 影 响 ,对 于 动机理 论的研 究一直处在 社会心 理学的框架 中 。但 是 这种 理论 因为缺 乏对 教学环境 中的语 言学 习者 动机 的考 虑而 受到批判 。 C r o o k e s 和S c h mi d t ( 1 9 9 1 )对 于 社 会 心 理 学 角 度 下 的 动 机 理 论 进 行 了具 有 前 瞻 性 的 批 判 , 并 要 求 给 予动 机一个 更实 际的、 以课 堂教学为基 础 的定 义 。这使 得语 言学家们 在上世 纪九十年 代对动机 的定义 进行 了大 规模 的讨论 。虽然 心理学界和 语言 学界对于动机 给 出了 多种 多样 的定义 , Do r n y e i ( 1 9 9 9 )认为这 些理 论都包含 , 或应 该包 含三种 最核 心的 因素:选 择、坚 持和努 力 。正 如 U s h i o d a ( 2 0 0 8 : 1 9 )所 说 , 动 机 包 括 促 使 语 言 学 习者 在 语 言 学 习 的过 程 中做 出 某 些 恰 当 的 选 择 , 将 这 些 选 择 运 用到 行动 中去并能坚 持这种行 动 。从这 条定义 来看 ,动 机 绝 不 是 某 种 一 时 的 心 理 活 动 , 而 是 一 种 能 够 指 导 、监 督实 际行 动,即语言学习这一行动 的长期心理状态 。 Ga r d n e r 和L a mb e r t 认 为动机主 要分 为将语 言作为某 种 工具而进 行学 习的 “ 工 具 型 ”动 机 和 以获 得 目标 语 背 景 文化 习俗 为 目的的 “ 融合 型 ”动机 。文秋 芳将动机 分 为 两个部 分 : 表层 动机 和深层 动机 。表层 动机关 系到 学 习者 的 前 途 , 深 层 动 机 与 G a r d n e r &L a m b e  ̄的 理 论 一 致 ,



行了因子分析和多元方差分析,以探索动机的类型以及个人因素对动机类型的影响.因子分析得出七种动机类型,分别是:内在兴趣动机、成绩动机、出国动机、学习情境动机、社会责任动机、个人发展动机和信息媒介动机.多元方差分析表明,专业和英语水平对学习动机有显著影响.此外,专业与英语水平、年级与英语水平有交互作用. 作者:高一虹[1]赵媛[1]程英[1]周燕[2] Author:作者单位:100871,北京大学英语系100089,北外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心期刊:现代外语PKUCSSCI Journal:MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES 年,卷(期):2003,26(1) 分类号:H195 关键词:英语学习动机中国大学生本科生机标分类号:G64 H31 机标关键词:中国大学本科生英语水平多元方差分析动机类型因子分析方差分析表专业英语学习学习英语



它指 的是激励人去行动的内部 动因和力量 ( 包括个 人的意
图、 愿望、 心理 冲动或企 图达到 的 目的等 )它是个体发动和维 ,
持 行 动 的一 种 心 理 状 态 , 有 启 发 性 、 择 性 和 目的性 , 可 以 具 选 并
了破罐子破摔 的心理。 这些不 良因素严 重影 响了他们的英语学
生 才 能 在 教 师 的鼓 励 中找 到 学 习 的动 力 , 好 英 语 。 学
学习语 言是一个漫长的过程 ,需要长时间 的积累和实践 , 而要使艺术生改变多年的错误学 习观念和学 习习惯 , 则需要学
真正贴合学生实际 , 才能让学生生学习动机 的强度 以及维持时 间的长 短等 。
外 语 学 习 的 动 机 研 究 ( oi tn R sac ) 于 二 十 世 纪 M t ao eerh 始 vi
或创设具有一定情绪色彩 的虚拟现实场境 ,让学生 亲身体验 ,
帮助学生收集有效信息 , 学生 的英语综合能力有所发展。通 使 过情 境教学 , 能激发 学生的创造力 , 为学 生提 供 良好 的暗示 或
同学 持反 对或 比较反对 的态度 ,可见 职校 学生学 习态度不 明
确 。对看淫秽 书刊和影视的大多数持反对态度 , 说明他 们的是
非观 比较 明确 ;
职业 教育是一块肥沃的土地 , 教师要让这块土地上 的禾苗 生生不息 , 茁壮成长 。 受伤的小苗需要教师扶植 , 美好的心灵需 要教师精 心呵护 。教师要高度关注违纪学生 , 指导他们 的学习 与生活 , 引导他们改正错误 , 上正确的人生轨道 , 走 顺利毕业 , 幸福 就业 , 为祖 国的未来建设添砖加 瓦。
做到和平相处 。大家也希望 老师宽容对待违纪学生 , 为有些 认

















生英语 自主学 习能力 问卷调 查 ” 问卷 二 为“ 工科 , 理
大一学生英语学习动机 问卷调查” _ 根据高一虹 。 5
等的分类 , 本文把动机分成 7 种类型 , 分别是 内在兴
趣动机 (, ,8 I ,I 2 ) 成绩 动机 ( ,7 2 , 17 l ,9 2 ,3 、 3 1 ,2 2 , ) 社会责任动机( ,,0 2 ) 个人发展动机 O2 、 4 2 6 1 ,5 、
3 研 究结果与 讨论 .
本研究 的问卷选项一共有 5个程 度 ( 5=非常 同意 , = 4 较同意, = 3 不清楚 , = 2 较不 同意, = 1 非常
不 同意 )所得 问卷数 据 的平均 分在 35到 5 0之 间 , . .
但关系到英语 口 , 语 上课积极发 言等方面 自主性略 微低下 。当今社会需要的是听、 读 、 译全面发 说、 写、
21 0 2年 2月
Ju a fAd l E u ain C l g fHu e Unv ri o r lo ut d c t ol e o b i ie s y n o e t
F b ,0 2 e .2 1
V 1 3 NO. 0.0 1
第3卷 第 1 0 期
(017 ) 2 137 及黄石理 工学院校 级教 学研究项 目“ 情感 因素与应用 型人才 自主发展 的关 系研 究” 2 13 ) (014 成果
收稿 日期 :0 I 0— 1 2 1 —1 3
作者简 介 : 李金妹( 9 3一 ) 女 , 1 8 , 湖北荆州人 , 师, 讲 硕士, 研究方 向:应用语 言学与英语 教育。
可以满足学生的个性化需求 , 也可 以作为解决外语 课堂教学费时低效的有效方法。Lt 认为 自主学 ie t l

































































问卷包括 30个有关为什么学习英语的问题,主要根据在多个省区采集的开放式反馈编制而成。

我们用SPSS 统计软件对数据进行了因子分析和多元方差分析,以探索动机的类型以及个人因素对动机类型的影响。





Gardner 和Lambert认为学习动机或取向主要有两大类:一是“工具型”,即用语言做工具达到某个实际目的;二是“融合型”,即了解和融入目的语文化。









浅谈英语专业学习动机的培养与激发 文档

浅谈英语专业学习动机的培养与激发 文档






他们经过长达25年的研究把学习动机归纳为两大类,即“融入型动机”(integrative motivation)和“工具型动机”(instrumental motivation)。






(二)内在动机和外在动机外语学习中有关于学习动机另一较为经典的的纬度划分是WdwardDeci(1975)的“内在动机”(intrinsic motivation)和“外在动机”(extrinsic motivation)。



A Study on Motivation of College Students inEnglish LearningAbstract:Based on the concept of the learning motivation and its development,this paper points outs the main factors influencing the English learning motivation in Chinese college students. Through the motivational questionnaire of 60 students in Yinxing International Hospitality Management College,this article draws from the related scholars' and historical reviews,and analyzes the main factors affecting the English learning motivation of college students from the students' internal,social and educational perspectives. The purpose of this paper is to put forward four strategies to stimulate the English learning motivation。

These four strategies can help students enhance the ability to learn English that:1)to communicate with the English teachers actively,in order to establish a good relationship between teachers and students; 2) to evaluate and attribute reasonably the students' English learning; 3) to enhance their interest in English learning through a variety of ways;4) to develop students’ sense of social responsibility and self—worth。












Guangzhou, China
Modern Foreign Languages (Quarterly) Vol. 26 No.1 January 2003: 28-38
Motivation Types of Chinese College Undergraduates
GAO Yi-hong, ZHAO Yuan, CHENG Ying, ZHOU Yan
我国有关外语学习动机的实证研究,也大多循着经典及扩展模式的路子,探索动机对学习成绩的促进作用, 以及动机与其他影响成绩的学习者因素之间的关系(石永珍 2000,王慧莉 2000,王湘玲等 2002,文秋芳等 1996,文秋芳 2001,吴一安等 1993,杨国俊 2002,张文鹏 1998)。比较有影响的研究大多着眼于关系模式的 建立,以现有的动机理论为框架编制测试工具,或者根据实践经验包括尽可能多的因素,动机是许多因素中的 一个。这样的研究有利于建立各种因素在何种程度上以及通过什么途径影响学习成绩的整体模式,把握学生学 习的宏观规律。但同时包括许多学习者因素的研究也有局限,即每个因素所占测试题项有限,很难对“动机”
This paper presents part of a research project on Chinese college undergraduates’ English learning motivation and self-identity changes. Previous studies on Chinese students’ English learning motivation mostly followed the classical model (Gardner & Lambert 1972; Gardner 1985) and their expansions (Tremblay et al. 1995), which were originated in contexts different from EFL in China. The basic motivation types of Chinese students remained to be inducted from data of the actual context. The purpose of the present research was to achieve such a basic classification. The subjects, obtained from a stratified sampling, were 2,278 undergraduates from 30 Chinese universities in 29 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. The instrument was a Likert-scale questionnaire. It included 30 items regarding learning motivation, based essentially on a summary of open responses collected in different provinces. Factor analysis and MANOVA were performed on the data, to explore motivation types and examine the effect of demographic features.












关键词:大学生;英语学习;动机;激发;保持AbstractEnglishlearningmotivationiscloselyrelatedwiththelearner’sstudyperformance,anditpromotesthela nguagelearningeffectively.Theforeignlanguagelearningmotivationcanbedividedintointegrativemot ivationandinstrumentalmotivation.Itcanalsobedividedintoextrinsicmotivationandintrinsicmotivati on.EnglishlearningmotivationofChinesecollegestudentsincludesfourtypes,whicharesynthetictype, personalperspectivetype,obligation-performingtypeandindistincttype.Thegoodatmosphereinthecl assroomandthesenseofachievementarefavorablefactors,whereastheanxietiesinthelearningproces s,incorrectcompetitionmentalityetc.areunfavorablefactors.Inordertoinitiateandsustainthecolleges tudents’Englishlearningmotivation,teachersandstudentsneedtoworktogether.Teachersneedtofost erthestudents’interestconsciously,givingthemappropriatecomments,adoptingdiversifiedmethodst oevaluatethestudents’performances.Studentsneedtobeself-consciousandconfident,establishinglo ng-termgoalsandshort-termgoals,eliminatingunfavorablefactorsintheEnglishlearningprocess,stud yingconscientiouslyandadoptingscientificstudyingmethods.Keywords:collegestudents;Englishlearning;motivation;initiation;sustaining一、引言动机是激励人们采取行动的心理动因。



关于高一虹外语学习者身份认同的文献综述赵吉霞2011200186通过中国知网搜索的资料可知,关于外语学习者身份认同的研究,近些年来虽然鲜有学者涉及,然而,成逐年上升的趋势, 如下图所示,这其中对于研究外语学习者身份认同研究最多的当属北京大学的高一虹在2002年的<大学本科生英语学习动机类型与自我认同变化的关系>中,研究根据对全国2,278名大学本科生的分层抽样问卷调查材并,用典型相关的方法分析了英语学习动机类型与自我认同变化之间的联系。














作者简介:高一虹(1959-),教授、博士生导师,研究方向:社会语言学;程英(1976-),硕士研究生,研究方向:社会语言学;赵媛(1979-),硕士研究生,研究方向:社会语言学;周燕(1954-),教授,研究方向:语言教育与教学收稿日期:2002-12-032003年第5期总第170期外语与外语教学Foreign Languages and Their Teaching2003,№5Serial №170本科生英语学习动机强度与自我认同变化*高一虹1 程英2 赵媛3 周燕4(1.北京外国语大学中国外语教育中心、北京大学英语系2.3.北京大学英语系 4.北京外国语大学中国外语教育中心,北京 100081) 摘 要:本文运用定量研究的方法,以30所高校的2278名本科生为调查对象,分析了学生英语动机强度与自我认同变化的关系,以及个人背景因素对动机强度的影响。






关键词:英语学习;动机强度;自我认同;中国大学生;本科生 Abstract :This research examined the relationship between Chinese college undergraduates 'English learning motivational intensity and their self -identity changes ,and the effect of demographic features on motivational intensity .The subjects were 2,278undergraduates from 30Chinese universities .Res ults s howed that motivational intensity had significant effects on all the 6types of self -identity changes .Students with higher motivational intensity demonstrated more self -confidence ,productive ,and additive changes .Subtractive chan ges also tended to increase with the increase of motivational intensit y ,but the difference between the high and mid motivational intensity groups was not signifi -cant .On the other hand ,students with higher motivational intensity scored lower on zero change .With split change ,the high motivational intensity group ranked at the bottom ,and the mid group ranked at the top .It was also found that year in college ,English proficiency and field of stud y had significant effects on motivational intensity .Key words :English learning ,motivational intensity ,self -identit y ,Chinese college students ,undergraduates中图分类号:H319 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-6038(2003)05-0025-041引言1.1研究背景根据有关语言学习的社会心理理论(Gardner ,1985),学习动机影响学习效果;学习效果既有“语言的”,即目的语水平的提高,也有“非语言的”,包括学习者自我认同(sel f -identit y )的变化。



青岛理工大学琴岛学院毕业论文题目The effects of motivation on English learning学生姓名:_________王佩_________________指导教师:_________徐莹_________________外语系商务英语专业081班2011年5月30日毕业论文任务书摘要在人们日常生活中,无论做什么事,都会有动机这个因素存在。




关键字:动机,英语学习,关系,影响,重要性ABSTRACTIn human’s daily life, no matter what one does, the motivation always exists. It is the motivation that makes one realize what he does for and push him to do everything he want. Just like human’s society, more and more people have begun to learn English, but what is the motivation and how can it influence the English learning? This paper is devoted to the study of the effects of motivation on English learning and how to improve the efficiency of English learning by motivation. It starts with a brief introduction of the definition of the motivation and its classification. The second part of this paper focuses on the relation between motivation and English learning. And the last part stresses the effects of the motivation on English learning. This paper ends with the conclusion that the motivation plays an important role in English Learning; it stirs up the activation of learning and improves the efficiency.KEY WORDS: motivation, English learning, relation, effects, importanceContentsIntroduction (9)Chapter One The Definition of Motivation and Its Classification (10)1.1The definition of motivation (10)1.2The classification of motivation (10)1.2.1The internal motivation (10)1.2.2The external motivation (11)Chapter Two The Relation between Motivation and Learning (13)2.1 The relation between motivation and learning (13)2.2 The relation between motivation and English learning (13)2.3 Reasons for studying the relation (14)Chapter Three The Effects of Motivation on English Learning (15)3.1 How to inspire the motivation of English learning (15)3.2 How to improve the efficiency of English learning by motivation (15)Conclusion (17)Acknowledgements (18)Bibliography (19)IntroductionMotivation plays an important role in human’s daily life, because no matter what one does has its purpose, which can be the so-called reason. Those purposes lead people to do what they want to and give them the direction. When people have their motivation, they will try their best to do things so that they can succeed. But where is the motivation? How to make full use of it, and how much influence can it make? All above, this is what people study for. Besides, with the development of globalization, most people have begun to learn English. Mainly, this paper tries to illustrate the relation between motivation and English learning, analyze the effects of motivation on English learning, and also realize how it can stir up the activation of learning and improve the efficiency, and point out ways to help people who want to learn English.In recent years, college English teaching in China has made great achievements. However, the result of the college English teaching is not satisfactory. Chinese college students’ ability to use English is still poor.What has caused this unsatisfactory situation? What can teachers do to improve their level? How to teach college English effectively? These questions always haunt college English teachers in China. Undoubtedly, many factors result in the inefficiency of college English learning. Most English teachers will agree that motivation of the students is one of the most important factors influencing their success in learning English. They may have to go along with the students’motivation or at least be sufficiently aware of the students’motivation so that problems can be smoothed over.Chapter One The Definition of Motivation and Its Classification1.1The definition of motivationFrom the definitions, it can be found in the area of linguistics.The usual meaning of motivation for the teacher is probably the interest that something generates in the students.Gardner defined motivation as the combination of effort plus desire to achieve the goal of learning the language plus favorable attitudes towards learning the language (1985:10).As Jones (1987) defined it, motivation, or the will to learn, can be considered a component of meta-cognition as it plays a self-regulatory role in learning.In an attempt to characterize a non-theoretical view of motivation, Skehan (1989) puts forward four hypotheses:1) The Intrinsic Hypothesis: motivation derives from an inherent interest in thelearning tasks the learner is asked to perform.2) The Regulative Hypothesis: learners who do well will persevere; those who donot do well will be discouraged and try less hard.3) The Internal Cause Hypothesis: the learner brings to the learning situation acertain quantity of motivation as a given.4) The Carrot and Stick Hypothesis: external influences and incentives will affectthe strength of the learner’s motivation.1.2The classification of motivationMotivation, in educational psychologists’view, is divided into some types: the integrative and instrumental motivation; the internal and external motivation; the state and trait motivation. This paper mainly focuses on the internal motivation and the external motivation.1.2.1The internal motivationThe internal motivation refers to persons voluntary for activities of a kind ofcognition. The internally motivated learners learn a second or foreign language for no apparent reward except the learning activity itself. They seem to engage in the activities for their own sake and not because they lead to an external reward. Namely, intrinsically consequences, is the feeling of competence and self-determination.The internal motivation includes three kinds: the first kind is for activity itself interest, the second kind is to perform the activities of pleasure, and the third is a mission to the person’s ability to challenge. For example, some student like reading, resolving questions in math. These activities can make them happy, that is to say, the motivation derives from them, not others.1.2.2The external motivationThe external motivation refers to persons involuntary for activities of a kind of cognition. The externally motivated learners perform in order to obtain some reward, not because they are really interested in the activity for their own sake. Externally motivated behaviors are carried out in anticipation of a reward from outside and beyond the self. It always has contacted with the external factors. For example, most students study hard so that they can get high score. In fact, some of them may be not interested in learning. They do that because they want to make their parents or teachers happy. Besides, they are eager to be admitted by famous college or university.As to the question “which type of motivation is superior in contributing to successful learning?”many researchers choose the internal motivation. Douglas Brown is an important advocator for internal motivation. He suggested too much external motivation such as school curriculum, authority demand, teachers’feedback and parental expectation. These external factors might kill learners’interest to learn for the sake of learning. The reason why internal motivation wins more support is that the internally motivated behaviors result from personal needs, reflecting learners’personal choice, decision, free will, interest and individual evaluation of self and task. According to Mallow’s hierarchy of needs, once the basic needs are met, people will ultimately be motivated to achieve “self-actualization”whether the external rewards are presented or not. Since internal motivation plays an important role in languageteaching and learning, the main task of language teachers is to stimulate students’internal motivation to learn. Meanwhile, they can use external motivation to marshal the productive forces of internal motivation. Regardless of the cultural beliefs and attitudes of learners and teachers, internal and external factors can be quite easily identified.Chapter Two The Relation between Motivation and Learning2.1 The relation between motivation and learningAs people know, no matter what they do, they always have purposes, which generate motivation.Learning motivation is to show individual intentions desire, psychological demand or attempting to reach the goal of a kind of motivation, inner power. Only by greatly stimulating the students’study motivations can the enthusiasm of students’study and the quality of learning be improved.Learning motivation can be divided into two kinds. The fist kind is the internal motivation, and the second is external motivation. In chapter one, the paper has showed their definition and classification. Some students like learning and the view of learning can bring them happiness. This is the internal learning motivation. Others study hard in order to get reward or make their parents happy. This is the external learning motivation.Thus it can be seen both internal and external learning motivation play important role in study. Therefore, the teaching process is the first step to arouse motivation, inspire the students’interests in study, and guide students’purpose of study. Experienced teachers often use the students’competitiveness, rivalry, seek approval, and motives, to create the interest in learning, improve the efficiency, and gradually lead them to set up the correct study purpose.2.2 The relation between motivation and English learningEnglish learning is one of parts of study, so it also needs motivation. English learning motivation refers to learners’English power factor, which is to motivate English learning objective as the internal driving force.People who have high motivation do well in English learning and have better achievements, while, those who have low motivation get little achievements.Students’English learning motivation includes internal and external motivation, but no matter which motivation they have, only if they have, will they getachievements.Nowadays, more and more people begin to learn English. There are many reasons: First, they are interested in English. This is the internal motivation. Second, they want to work in foreign countries. Third, with the development of society, people need to communicate with foreigners. The last two reasons are external motivation.2.3 Reasons for studying the relationMotivation plays an important role in study. In recent years, economic globalization calls for frequent communication of different nations. More than 70% of the publications in the world are printed in English. English has become the basic requirement of communication. But Chinese students are still poor in English.What has caused this unsatisfactory situation? What can teachers do to improve their level? How to teach college English effectively? These questions always haunt college English teachers in China. Undoubtedly, many factors result in the inefficiency of college English learning. Most English teachers will agree that motivation of the students is one of the most important factors influencing their success in learning English. They may have to go along with the students’motivation or at least be sufficiently aware of the students’motivation so that problems can be smoothed over. It is necessary for people to study this relation.Chapter Three The Effects of Motivation on English Learning3.1 How to inspire the motivation of English learningFirst, help students build their confidence, and give correct evaluation, appropriate praise and encouragement. It is important make students realize that as long as they can study hard, the chance of success for everyone is equal. And help them to face to the difficulties.Second, set up good relationship between teachers and students and use the feedback information.Third, hold an English competition and give proper award to students. Teachers must pay attention to the methods of the competition.Fourth,guide students to analyze the failed reasons correctly. If students attribute the action of others to the tendency of internal factors rather than external factors, they will lose their confidence. On the contrary, if they attribute the failure to external factors, they will be hard for them to improve. Therefore, it is important to find the correct reason. B. Weiner said, the internal, stable, controlled factors can be the correct reason.3.2 How to improve the efficiency of English learning by motivationFirst, it is necessary to use methods to improve students’interest in learning English. Teachers can show the English national literature, background introduction to students. Thus students will be interested and acquire the knowledge better.Second, it is good to make a proper evaluation for students’ performance.Third, it is useful to decorate reasonable study tasks.Fourth, it is important to make timely feedback. Learning is a long and hard thing. If there is no timely feedback, many students will find no progress in their study, even lose interest in English learning. Through feedback, students can not only know their progress in study but also realize their insufficiency, and it also can help students enjoy the pleasure of study.Besides, it is vital to make full use of the motivation. The internal motivation isbetter than the external motivation. However, one cannot ignore the external motivation. Both of them have much influence on English learning.ConclusionThe motivation plays an important role in English Learning; it stirs up the activation of Learning and improves the efficiency.The whole paper has divided into three chapters. In the first chapter, it starts with the definition of motivation and its classification, in order to show “what is the motivation?” and its necessity. Its classification is based on the internal and external motivation. Meanwhile, it proves that internal motivation is better than external motivation. In the second chapter, it focuses on the relation between learning and motivation, mainly, the relation between English learning and motivation. At the same time, this paper gives some examples to prove the importance of motivation. In the last chapter, it has two questions to solve. The first is how to inspire the motivation of English learning. The second is how to improve the efficiency of English learning by motivation. The paper makes people find the methods to inspire motivation and make full use of them so that people can improve their English learning as soon as possible. It also emphasizes on the best way to inspire English learning motivation is teachers’teaching function.In conclusion, motivation has much influence on human’s daily life, especially, on English learning. If one wants to learn English well, he or she must inspire their learning motivation. Learning motivation is to show individual intentions desire, psychological demand or attempting to reach the goal of a kind of motivation, inner power. Only by greatly stimulating ones’study motivations can the enthusiasm of ones’study and the quality of learning be improved. No matter when people cannot ignore the importance of motivation.AcknowledgementsI am greatly indebted to all my teachers from the bottom of my heart. During the three years of study in the university, they have given me great assistance. I have learnt not only the academic knowledge but the true meanings of life as well.My thanks go to my supervisor Xuying, who gave me a lot of suggestions, and very willingly revised my paper again and again.Thanks for all my friends for collecting information and paper materials for me.Thanks for my deeply loved parents, without whose love and encouragement, I could not have finished my study in the university. Three years’ education in Qingdao Technological University Qindao College is my precious wealth.BibliographyGardner, Howard. Social Psychology and Second Language Learning. London:Edward Arnold, 1985.Harmer, J. The Practice of English Language Teaching. London: Longman, 1991. Skehan, Peter. Individual Differences in Second Language Laming. New York: Association Press, 1998.高一虹、赵媛、程英、周燕,中国大学本科生英语学习动机类型,《现代外语》第1期,2003。














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Results also showed that college major and English proficiency had significant effects on motivations. 1) Major. English majors scored higher than natural and social science majors on “intrinsic interest” and “social responsibility.” They also scored higher than social science majors on “individual development” and “information medium”. 2) English proficiency. Those who were below the level of Band 4 had higher “immediate achievement” motivation than the Band 6 group; their “intrinsic interest” was lower than both the Band 6 and Band 4 students. Interaction effects were also found between proficiency and major, and between proficiency and students’ college year.
2003 年 1 月 第 26 卷 第 1 期
现代外语(季刊) Modern Foreign Languages (Quarterly)
高一虹、赵 媛、程 英、周 燕
Jan. 2003 Vol. 26 No.1
摘要:本文采取问卷的方法考察了中国大学本科生英语学习的动机类型。受试为全国 30 所大学的 2,278 名本科生。问卷包括 30 个有关为什么学习英语的问题,主要根据在多个省区采集的开放式反 馈编制而成。我们用 SPSS 统计软件对数据进行了因子分析和多元方差分析,以探索动机的类型以 及个人因素对动机类型的影响。因子分析得出七种动机类型,分别是:内在兴趣动机、成绩动机、 出国动机、学习情境动机、社会责任动机、个人发展动机和信息媒介动机。多元方差分析表明,专 业和英语水平对学习动机有显著影响。此外,专业与英语水平、年级与英语水平有交互作用。 关键词:英语学习、动机、中国大学生、本科生 [中图分类号] H195 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1003-6105(2003)01-0028-11
Seven factors resulted from the analysis: 1) intrinsic interest; 2) immediate achievement; 3) learning situation; 4) going abroad; 5) social responsibility; 6) individual development; 7) information medium. Among these factors, “intrinsic interest” was related to “integrative” motivation in the classical model, whereas “immediate achievement”, “individual development” and “information medium” all had some features of “instrumental” motivation, but with focus on different goals. “Going abroad” had both “integrative” and “instrumental” elements. “Immediate achievement” and “social responsibility” might be characteristic of the Chinese EFL context.
(2) ZHAO Yuan, English Department, Peking University, Beijing 100871 P. R. China <clarion@>
(3) CHENG Ying, English Department, Peking University, Beijing 100871 P. R. China <cheeringhao@>
二十世纪九十年代以来,一些学者提出需要更广泛地借鉴心理学理论(如马斯洛的需要层次论、管理心理学 有关工作满足状况的研究成果),来扩展 Gardner(1985)的经典动机模式(Oxford & Shearin 1994)。目前不同版本 的扩展模式包括了“学习情境”(Dörnyei 1994)、“自信”(Clément, Dörnyei & Noels 1994)、“目标显著性”、“效 价”、“自我效能”(Tremblay & Gardner 1995)等新的因素。有关语言学习动机的研究都将关注点集中于语言学 习结果(具体化为学习成绩),即什么样的动机导致更好的学习成绩;动机与其他学习者因素——学能、焦虑、 学习策略、认知风格、自我评价、对环境的态度等,如何整体地影响学习成绩,各影响因素之间又是什么关系 (Gardner, Day & MacIntyre 1992; Gardner, Tremblay & Masgoret 1997)。同时,由于在英语教学过程中学习者的 因素越来越引起人们的重视,有关语言学习的研究也越来越关注学习者的个人特征差异(年龄、性别、学习策 略等),认为语言教学应为不同个人特征的学习者“量体裁衣”(Nunan 2001: 10, Cohen & Dörnyei 2002)。
Guangzhou, China
Modern Foreign Languages (Quarterly) Vol. 26 No.1 January 2003: 28-38
Motivation Types of Chinese College Undergraduates
GAO Yi-hong, ZHAO Yuan, CHENG Ying, ZHOU Yan
* 本研究得到了北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心的资助。作者感谢北京大学社会学系博士生姚立、硕士研究生张磊以及郭志刚 教授、南京大学文秋芳教授在统计技术上给予的指点,感谢各院校老师在问卷实施中给予的帮助。
高一虹、赵 媛、程 英、周 燕
类别做集中、深入的探索。由于关注焦点是学习成绩,“动机”在一些研究中侧重的是“努力程度”这一行为层 面(如吴一安等 1993,刘润清、吴一安 2000)。近来还出现了聚焦于动机内部结构的研究(秦晓晴、文秋芳 2002), 探索学习成绩、结果归因、学习兴趣、自我效能、目标定向等因素之间的复杂关系。
This paper presents part of a research project on Chinese college undergraduates’ English learning motivation and self-identity changes. Previous studies on Chinese students’ English learning motivation mostly followed the classical model (Gardner & Lambert 1972; Gardner 1985) and their expansions (Tremblay et al. 1995), which were ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้riginated in contexts different from EFL in China. The basic motivation types of Chinese students remained to be inducted from data of the actual context. The purpose of the present research was to achieve such a basic classification. The subjects, obtained from a stratified sampling, were 2,278 undergraduates from 30 Chinese universities in 29 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. The instrument was a Likert-scale questionnaire. It included 30 items regarding learning motivation, based essentially on a summary of open responses collected in different provinces. Factor analysis and MANOVA were performed on the data, to explore motivation types and examine the effect of demographic features.
(4) ZHOU Yan, National Research Center for Foreign Language Education Beijing Foreign Studies University, 100089, P. R. China <zhouyan@>
我国有关外语学习动机的实证研究,也大多循着经典及扩展模式的路子,探索动机对学习成绩的促进作用, 以及动机与其他影响成绩的学习者因素之间的关系(石永珍 2000,王慧莉 2000,王湘玲等 2002,文秋芳等 1996,文秋芳 2001,吴一安等 1993,杨国俊 2002,张文鹏 1998)。比较有影响的研究大多着眼于关系模式的 建立,以现有的动机理论为框架编制测试工具,或者根据实践经验包括尽可能多的因素,动机是许多因素中的 一个。这样的研究有利于建立各种因素在何种程度上以及通过什么途径影响学习成绩的整体模式,把握学生学 习的宏观规律。但同时包括许多学习者因素的研究也有局限,即每个因素所占测试题项有限,很难对“动机”