



基因组学题库一基因组学介绍1 基因组与基因组学基因组是指生物的整套染色体所含有的全部DNA序列,是生物体所有遗传信息的总和。


2 C质与C质悖论C值(C value)通常是指某一生物单倍体基因组DNA的总量。

C值悖论(C Value Paradox):生物的复杂性与基因组的大小并不完全成比例增加。

3 人类基因组计划及其8个目标人类基因组计划(human genome project, HGP)是由美国科学家于1985年率先提出,于1990年正式启动的。



其8个目标:1)人类DNA序列(Human DNA sequence);2)开发测序技术(Develop sequencing technology);3)识别人类基因组序列变异(Identify human genome sequence variation);4)功能基因组学技术(Functional genomics technology);5)比较基因组学(Comparative genomics);6)伦理、法律、社会问题(ELSI: ethical, legal, and social issues);7)生物信息学和系统生物学(Bioinformatics and computational biology);8)Training and manpower。

4 什么是宏基因组(metagenomics)?研究一类在特殊的或极端的环境下共栖生长微生物的混合基因。







4.基因家族:来自一个共同的祖先, 因基因加倍和趋异产生许多在DNA序列上基本一致而略有不同的成员。



6. DNA标记->限制性片段长度多态性( RFLP)同一物种的亚种、品系或个体间基因组DNA 受到同一种限制性内切酶作用而形成不同的酶切图谱的现象->简单序列长度多态性(SSLP)可变排列的简单重复序列, 即重复次数不一,在染色体的同一座位重复序列拷贝数不同;包括俩种类型:小卫星序列(VNTR)、微卫星序列(SSR)->单核苷酸多态性(SNP)SNP是指同一物种不同个体基因组DNA的等位序列上单个核苷酸存在差异的现象。


7.序列间隙:因覆盖率的原因而留下的未能测序的序列,仍存在于克隆文库中, 这类间隙称为序列间隙。

物理间隙:因克隆载体自身的限制或DNA顺序特殊的组成等原因造成某些序列丢失或未能克隆, 这类间隙称为物理间隙。

































β折叠:由侧向平行的多肽链组成,羰酰O和酰胺H 形成氢键。







N-值悖理:基因数目与进化程度或生物复杂性的不对应性,称之为N值悖理2)什么是序列复杂性?基因组中不同序列的DNA总长,用bp 表示。

3)RNA分子有哪些种类?mRNA tRNA rRNA scRNA snRNA snoRNA 小分子干扰RNA4)不编码蛋白质的RNA包括哪些类型?tRNA rRNA scRNA snRNA snoRNA 小分子干扰RNA5)什么是假基因?假基因是如何形成的?来源于功能基因但已失去活性的DNA序列,有沉默的假基因,也有可转录的假基因。


6)假基因能否表达? 为什么?能,假基因相对于原来的基因已经失去功能但是可能产生新的功能。

最初人们认为, 假基因是不能转录的基因, 随着基因组数据的积累, 现在已知有不少假基因仍然保持转录的活性, 特别是起源于重复基因的假基因和获得启动子加工的假基因,但假基因的转录产物已失去原有的功能, 如产生残缺蛋白质。

7)如何划分基因家族? 什么是超基因家族?基因家族:将来自共同的祖先,因基因加倍或变异产生了许多在DNA序列组成上基本一致而略有不同的成员划分为一个基因家族。


8)低等生物与高等生物基因组组成有何差别?为什么会产生这些差别?低等生物:1)结构紧凑,一般不存在内含子(古细菌除外);2)大小在5 Mb以下;3)缺少重复序列;4)很少非编码序列。

高等生物:1)结构松弛,含有大量重复序列;2)基因大多为断裂基因,由内含子和外显子构成;3)由线性DNA与蛋白质组成染色体结构; 4)含有细胞器基因组。





基因组学包括3个不同的亚领域结构基因组学(structural genomics) :以全基因组测序为目标功能基因组学(functional genomics):以基因功能鉴定为目标比较基因组学(comparative genomics)二、基因组序列复杂性1、C值是指一个单倍体基因组中DNA的总量,以基因组的碱基对来表示。


C 值悖理(矛盾)(C-value paradox):在结构、功能很相似的同一类生物中,甚至在亲缘关系十分接近的物种之间,它们的C值可以相差数10倍乃至上百倍。



包括编码RNA的基因和编码蛋白质的基因2、隔裂基因(split gene):指基因部被一个或更多不翻译的编码顺序即含子所隔裂。



反义基因: 与已知基因编码序列互补的的负链编码基因,参与基因的表达调控,可以干扰靶基因mRNA转录与翻译。



基因组学期末试题第⼀章⼀、单项选择题1. 下列不属于核苷酸的基本结构是()A. 五碳糖B. 含氮碱基C. 磷酸基团D. 硫酸2. 碱基配对中A与T之间有⼏对氢键()A.1B.2C.3D.43.核苷酸单体之间连接的键为()A.⼆硫键B.氢键C.磷酸⼆酯键D.范德华⼒4.DNA所含有的核苷酸是()A.dAMP、dTMP、dCMP、dGMP B.dAMP、dTMP、dCMP、UMP C.AMP、dTMP、GMP、UMP D.dTMP、CMP、GMP、UMP5. 碱基配对中C与G之间有⼏对氢键()A.1B.2C.3D.46.在DNA双螺旋结构中,有()种化学作⽤稳定双螺旋结构。

A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 47. 以下哪种⽣物基因组在⽣活史中有线性DNA与环状DNA两种状态。

A. ⼤肠杆菌染⾊体B. 叶绿体C. 哺乳类DNA病毒D. λ噬菌体染⾊体8. ⼆级结构中α螺旋,β折叠,转⾓的稳定性决定于()A. 多肽链长度B. 多肽链中氨基酸形成的氢键C. 多肽链中氨基酸的数量D. 多肽链中氨基酸的种类9. 结构域介于蛋⽩质()之间A. 1级和2级结构B. 2级和3级结构之间C. 3级和4级结构10. 以下不属于氨基酸残基化学修饰使蛋⽩质构象变化的是()A. 糖基化B. 甲基化C. ⼄酰基化D. 底物结合11. 当使DNA分⼦变性的外界条件撤销后,互补单链DNA恢复双链螺旋结构的过程为()A. 突变B. 变性C. 杂交D. 重组12. 真核⽣物基因组DNA组分为⾮均⼀性,可分为集中类型()A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 413. ⾼等真核⽣物⾼度重复序列DNA在氯化铯介质中作密度梯度离⼼时,可形成特意的()A. 卫星带B. 辐射带C. 纺锤状D. 梭形14. 哺乳动物基因组有⼏⼤类中度重复基因()A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 415.真核⽣物中⼤型基因有()⽐例的重复序列A. 很⾼B. 较⾼C. 较低D. 很低16. 下列不同进化地位的⽣物C值分布范围最⼤的是()A. 开花植物B. ⽀原体C. 昆⾍D. 真菌17. Cot1/2=1/k表⽰特定DNA序列的()A. 重复性B. 复杂性C. 单⼀性D. 稳定性18. 真核⽣物基因组DNA组分为⾮均⼀性,其类型不包括()A. 快速变性组分B. 中间变性组分C. 居间变性组分D. 缓慢变性组分19. 快速变性组分代表了()A. ⾼度重复序列B. 中度重复序列C. 单⼀序列D. 多样性序列20. 原核⽣物基因组重复序列的含量()A. 很多B. 较多C. 很少D. ⽆21. 组成基因的DNA成分包括()①编码初级转录物的全部序列。















典型的表皮毛结构包括一根主干(main stem) 以及主干顶端的三个分枝(branches) 组成。






该突变体被命名为abnormal branching(abc)。

遗传分析表明abc 是一个核基因隐性突变。

之后,该研究生克隆了ABC 基因,发现ABC基因编码一个转录因子。

DNA测序分析发现在abc突变体中,一个单碱基的突变导致了在一个富含碱性氨基酸的区段(5 个连续的赖氨酸或精氨酸)中的一个赖氨酸突变为甘氨酸。

该研究生制备了抗ABC 蛋白的多克隆抗体。



思考题第一章1.简述学习基因组学的意义和面临的挑战①全面鉴定人类基因组所编码的结构和功能成分②发展对人类基因组的可遗传变异的详细理解③发展基于基因组学的方法来预测疾病的敏感性和药物反应,疾病的早期检验,以及疾病的分子分类④应用新的基因和代谢通路的知识开发有效的、新的疾病治疗方法发展⑤理解物种间的进化变异及其机制⑥关键农作物基因的克隆和功能验证⑦基于基因组的工具来提高农作物产量,解决世界粮食危机及全球温饱问题2.简述DNA作为遗传物质的优点有哪些●信息容量大,集成度高●碱基互补配对,保证精确复制●核糖2′碳位脱氧,在水溶液中稳定性好●以T 取代U,没有C 脱氨变U 的危险3.简述基因是由DNA组成的两个重要实验●Oswald Avery 和同事,转化要素实验肺炎病菌有二种,一种是光滑型(S)肺炎双球菌:有荚膜、菌落光滑且有毒。






这说明R 型肺炎双球菌变成了致死的S型肺炎双球菌。


(e)从加热杀死的S 型肺炎双球菌中提取DNA,并且尽可能地将混在DNA中的蛋白质除去,然后将除去了蛋白质的DNA与粗糙型肺炎双球菌混合后,再注入小鼠体内,小鼠死掉。

●Hershey-Chase 放射性标记实验(噬菌体感染大肠杆菌的研究)用放射性同位素32P标记噬菌体DNA,使标记的噬菌体感染大肠杆菌,经短期保温后,噬菌体就附着在细菌上。




第四章基因与基因组学(答案)一、选择题(一)单项选择题1.关于DNA分子复制过程的特点,下列哪项是错误的A.亲代DNA分子双股链拆开,形成两条模板链B.新合成的子链和模板链的碱基互补配对C.复制后新形成的两条子代DNA分子的碱基顺序与亲代的DNA分子完全相同D. 以ATP、UTP、CTP、GTP和TDP为合成原料E.半不连续复制*2.建立DNA双螺旋结构模型的是:and Crick and Schwann*3.下列哪个不属于基因的功能A.携带遗传信息B.传递遗传信息C.决定性状D.自我复制E.基因突变分子中核苷酸顺序的变化可构成突变,突变的机制一般不包括:A.颠换B.内复制C.转换D.碱基缺失或插入E.不等交换5.下列哪一种结构与割(断)裂基因的组成和功能的关系最小A.外显子B.内含子框 D.冈崎片段 E.倒位重复顺序*6.在一段DNA片段中发生何种变动,可引起移码突变A.碱基的转换B.碱基的颠换C.不等交换D.一个碱基对的插入或缺失个或3的倍数的碱基对插入或缺失7.从转录起始点到转录终止点之间的DNA片段称为一个:A.基因B.转录单位C.原初转录本D.核内异质RNAE.操纵子8.在DNA复制过程中所需要的引物是;9.下列哪一项不是DNA自我复制所必需的条件A.解旋酶多聚酶引物D. ATP、GTP、CTP和TTP及能量E.限制性内切酶10.引起DNA形成胸腺嘧啶二聚体的因素是A.羟胺B.亚硝酸溴尿嘧啶 D.吖啶类 E.紫外线11.引起DNA发生移码突变的因素是A.焦宁类B.羟胺C.甲醛D.亚硝酸溴尿嘧啶12.引起DNA分子断裂而导致DNA片段重排的因素A.紫外线B.电离辐射C.焦宁类D.亚硝酸E.甲醛13.可以引起DNA上核苷酸烷化并导致复制时错误配对的因素A.紫外线B.电离辐射C.焦宁类D.亚硝酸E.甲醛14.诱导DNA分子中核苷酸脱氨基的因素A.紫外线B.电离辐射C.焦宁类D.亚硝酸E.甲醛15.由脱氧三核苷酸串联重复扩增而引起疾病的突变为A.移码突变B.动态突变C.片段突变D.转换E.颠换16.在突变点后所有密码子发生移位的突变为A.移码突变B.动态突变C.片段突变D.转换E.颠换*17.异类碱基之间发生替换的突变为A.移码突变B.动态突变C.片段突变D.转换E.颠换18.染色体结构畸变属于A.移码突变B.动态突变C.片段突变D.转换E.颠换*19.由于突变使编码密码子形成终止密码,此突变为A.错义突变B.无义突变C.终止密码突变D.移码突变E.同义突变*20.不改变氨基酸编码的基因突变为A.同义突变B.错义突变C.无义突变D.终止密码突变E.移码突变21.可以通过分子构象改变而导致与不同碱基配对的化学物质为A.羟胺B.亚硝酸C.烷化剂溴尿嘧啶 E.焦宁类*22.属于转换的碱基替换为和C 和T 和C 和T 和C*23.属于颠换的碱基替换为和T 和G 和C 和U 和U(二)多项选择题*和RNA分子的主要区别有;A.戊糖结构上的差异B.一种嘌岭的不同C.嘧啶的不同D.在细胞内存在的部位不同E.功能不同2.乳糖操纵子包括:A.调节基因B.操纵基因(座位)C.启动子D.结构基因E.阻遏基因3.真核细胞基因调控包括下列哪些水平A.翻译水平的调控B. 翻译后水平的调控C.水平的调控D. 转录后水平的调控E. 转录前水平的调控*要经过下列哪些过程才能形成成熟的mRNAA.转录B.剪接C.翻译D.戴帽E.加尾*5.按照基因表达产物的类别,可将基因分为:A.蛋白质基因基因 C.结构基因 D.割裂基因 E.调节基因*6.基因突变的特点A.不可逆性B.多向性C.可重复性D.有害性E.稀有性7.切除修复需要的酶有聚合酶聚合酶 C.核酸内切酶 D.连接酶8.片段突变包括A.重复B.缺失C.碱基替换D.重组E.重排9.属于动态突变的疾病有A.脆性X综合征B.镰状细胞贫血C.半乳糖血症舞蹈症 E.β地中海贫血10.属于静态突变的疾病有A.脆性X综合征B.镰状细胞贫血C.半乳糖血症舞蹈症 E.β地中海贫血二、名词解释* 基因基因组gene 断裂基因转录expression 基因表达*突变mutation 动态突变shift mutation 移码突变三、问答1.何为基因突变它可分为哪些类型基因突变有哪些后果2.简述DNA损伤的修复机制。



c.遗传图分析、物理图分析及dna 测序等是主要研究内容




N-值悖理:基因数目与进化程度或生物复杂性的不对应性,称之为N值悖理2)什么是序列复杂性基因组中不同序列的DNA总长,用bp 表示。

3)RNA分子有哪些种类mRNA tRNA rRNA scRNA snRNA snoRNA 小分子干扰RNA4)不编码蛋白质的RNA包括哪些类型tRNA rRNA scRNA snRNA snoRNA 小分子干扰RNA5)什么是假基因假基因是如何形成的来源于功能基因但已失去活性的DNA序列,有沉默的假基因,也有可转录的假基因。



最初人们认为, 假基因是不能转录的基因, 随着基因组数据的积累, 现在已知有不少假基因仍然保持转录的活性, 特别是起源于重复基因的假基因和获得启动子加工的假基因,但假基因的转录产物已失去原有的功能, 如产生残缺蛋白质。



8)低等生物与高等生物基因组组成有何差别为什么会产生这些差别低等生物:1)结构紧凑,一般不存在内含子(古细菌除外);2)大小在5 Mb以下;3)缺少重复序列;4)很少非编码序列。

高等生物:1)结构松弛,含有大量重复序列;2)基因大多为断裂基因,由内含子和外显子构成;3)由线性DNA与蛋白质组成染色体结构; 4)含有细胞器基因组。

第四章 基因与基因组学(答案)

第四章 基因与基因组学(答案)

第四章基因与基因组学(答案)一、选择题(一)单项选择题1.关于DNA分子复制过程的特点,下列哪项是错误的?A.亲代DNA分子双股链拆开,形成两条模板链B.新合成的子链和模板链的碱基互补配对C.复制后新形成的两条子代DNA分子的碱基顺序与亲代的DNA分子完全相同D. 以ATP、UTP、CTP、GTP和TDP为合成原料E.半不连续复制*2.建立DNA双螺旋结构模型的是:A.MendelB.MorganC.HookeD.Watson and CrickE.Sthleiden and Schwann*3.下列哪个不属于基因的功能?A.携带遗传信息B.传递遗传信息C.决定性状D.自我复制E.基因突变4.DNA分子中核苷酸顺序的变化可构成突变,突变的机制一般不包括:A.颠换B.内复制C.转换D.碱基缺失或插入E.不等交换5.下列哪一种结构与割(断)裂基因的组成和功能的关系最小?A.外显子B.内含子C.TATA框D.冈崎片段E.倒位重复顺序*6.在一段DNA片段中发生何种变动,可引起移码突变?A.碱基的转换B.碱基的颠换C.不等交换D.一个碱基对的插入或缺失E.3个或3的倍数的碱基对插入或缺失7.从转录起始点到转录终止点之间的DNA片段称为一个:A.基因B.转录单位C.原初转录本D.核内异质RNAE.操纵子8.在DNA复制过程中所需要的引物是;A.DNAB.RNAC.tRNAD.mRNAE.rRNA9.下列哪一项不是DNA自我复制所必需的条件?A.解旋酶B.DNA多聚酶C.RNA引物D. ATP、GTP、CTP和TTP及能量E.限制性内切酶10.引起DNA形成胸腺嘧啶二聚体的因素是A.羟胺B.亚硝酸C.5-溴尿嘧啶D.吖啶类E.紫外线11.引起DNA发生移码突变的因素是A.焦宁类B.羟胺C.甲醛D.亚硝酸E.5-溴尿嘧啶12.引起DNA分子断裂而导致DNA片段重排的因素A.紫外线B.电离辐射C.焦宁类D.亚硝酸E.甲醛13.可以引起DNA上核苷酸烷化并导致复制时错误配对的因素A.紫外线B.电离辐射C.焦宁类D.亚硝酸E.甲醛14.诱导DNA分子中核苷酸脱氨基的因素A.紫外线B.电离辐射C.焦宁类D.亚硝酸E.甲醛15.由脱氧三核苷酸串联重复扩增而引起疾病的突变为A.移码突变B.动态突变C.片段突变D.转换E.颠换16.在突变点后所有密码子发生移位的突变为A.移码突变B.动态突变C.片段突变D.转换E.颠换*17.异类碱基之间发生替换的突变为A.移码突变B.动态突变C.片段突变D.转换E.颠换18.染色体结构畸变属于A.移码突变B.动态突变C.片段突变D.转换E.颠换*19.由于突变使编码密码子形成终止密码,此突变为A.错义突变B.无义突变C.终止密码突变D.移码突变E.同义突变*20.不改变氨基酸编码的基因突变为A.同义突变B.错义突变C.无义突变D.终止密码突变E.移码突变21.可以通过分子构象改变而导致与不同碱基配对的化学物质为A.羟胺B.亚硝酸C.烷化剂D.5-溴尿嘧啶E.焦宁类*22.属于转换的碱基替换为A.A和CB.A和TC.T和CD.G和TE.G和C*23.属于颠换的碱基替换为A.G和TB.A和GC.T和CD.C和UE.T和U(二)多项选择题*1.DNA和RNA分子的主要区别有;A.戊糖结构上的差异B.一种嘌岭的不同C.嘧啶的不同D.在细胞内存在的部位不同E.功能不同2.乳糖操纵子包括:A.调节基因B.操纵基因(座位)C.启动子D.结构基因E.阻遏基因3.真核细胞基因调控包括下列哪些水平?A.翻译水平的调控B. 翻译后水平的调控C.水平的调控D. 转录后水平的调控E. 转录前水平的调控*4.hnRNA要经过下列哪些过程才能形成成熟的mRNA?A.转录B.剪接C.翻译D.戴帽E.加尾*5.按照基因表达产物的类别,可将基因分为:A.蛋白质基因B.RNA基因C.结构基因D.割裂基因E.调节基因*6.基因突变的特点A.不可逆性B.多向性C.可重复性D.有害性E.稀有性7.切除修复需要的酶有A.DNA聚合酶B.RNA聚合酶C.核酸内切酶D.连接酶E.DNase8.片段突变包括A.重复B.缺失C.碱基替换D.重组E.重排9.属于动态突变的疾病有A.脆性X综合征B.镰状细胞贫血C.半乳糖血症D.Huntington舞蹈症E.β地中海贫血10.属于静态突变的疾病有A.脆性X综合征B.镰状细胞贫血C.半乳糖血症D.Huntington舞蹈症E.β地中海贫血二、名词解释*1.gene 基因2.genome 基因组3.split gene 断裂基因4.transcription 转录5.gene expression 基因表达*6.mutation突变7.dynamic mutation 动态突变8.rame shift mutation 移码突变三、问答1.何为基因突变?它可分为哪些类型?基因突变有哪些后果?2.简述DNA损伤的修复机制。



基因组学与基因编辑考试试题一、选择题(每题 2 分,共 30 分)1、以下哪个是基因的基本组成单位?()A 氨基酸B 核苷酸C 葡萄糖D 脂肪酸2、人类基因组计划完成于哪一年?()A 1990B 2000C 2003D 20103、基因编辑技术中,CRISPRCas9 系统所依赖的关键成分是()A 向导 RNA 和 Cas9 蛋白B 限制性内切酶C DNA 聚合酶D 逆转录酶4、以下哪种基因突变类型最可能导致蛋白质功能完全丧失?()A 错义突变B 无义突变C 同义突变D 移码突变5、在基因组学研究中,用于检测基因表达水平的常用技术是()A 基因测序B 蛋白质印迹法C 实时定量 PCRD 免疫组化6、基因编辑技术可以用于治疗以下哪种疾病?()A 艾滋病B 糖尿病C 镰刀型细胞贫血症D 阿尔茨海默病7、以下哪个不是基因编辑技术面临的伦理问题?()A 脱靶效应B 遗传歧视C 基因武器的潜在风险D 实验成本过高8、人类基因组中,编码蛋白质的基因占比约为()A 1%B 2%C 5%D 10%9、以下哪种测序技术可以实现单分子测序?()A Sanger 测序B 二代测序C 三代测序D 以上都不是10、基因编辑技术中,用于修复基因突变的策略主要包括()A 基因敲除B 基因插入C 碱基编辑D 以上都是11、以下哪个是基因表达调控的主要环节?()A 转录B 翻译C 转录后加工D 以上都是12、基因组学研究中,全基因组关联分析(GWAS)主要用于()A 寻找疾病相关基因B 评估基因编辑效果C 分析基因功能D 以上都不是13、以下哪种生物的基因组最小?()A 细菌B 病毒C 真菌D 植物14、基因编辑技术在农业领域的应用不包括()A 改良农作物品种B 增加农作物产量C 生产转基因食品D 防治病虫害15、以下哪个不是基因编辑技术的潜在风险?()A 新的遗传疾病产生B 生态平衡破坏C 医疗费用增加D 物种灭绝二、填空题(每题 2 分,共 20 分)1、基因组是指一个生物体所携带的全部__________。




1 .根据您的理解,我们在未来将面临基因组学方面的主要挑战是什么?1.1表征人类基因组的结构和功能1.2更好地理解人类基因组中可遗传的遗传变异的知识1.3应用基因和代谢途径的新知识来开发人类疾病治疗的新有效方法1.4解释不同物种间进化和变异的机制1.5克隆和表征作物中的关键功能基因1.6使用基因组学工具来提高作物产量和解决世界粮食危机2 .脱氧核糖核酸作为遗传物质的优势是什么?2.1。

脱氧核糖核酸包含大量信息2.2 .互补碱基对确保精确复制2.3 .在水中的高稳定性3 .脱氧核糖核酸的功能如何优于核糖核酸?两者都可以作为遗传物质;许多病毒使用核糖核酸作为它们的遗传物质。











使用组成型启动子可以同时引起过表达和外切表达31 .请简单描述微阵列方案。





图像分析软件用于确定荧光强度,以便对阵列上所有基因的测试样本和参考样本进行定量比较32 .什么是蛋白质组及其目的?蛋白质组指细胞中所有蛋白质的总和。



基因组学1. 简述基因组的概念和其对生命科学的影响。







2. Ac/Ds转座因子Ac因子有4563bp,它的大部分序列编码了一个由5个外显子组成的转座酶基因,成熟的mRNA有3500bp。













特 点
获得生理条件下与靶蛋白相互作用的蛋 白质 鉴定出在空间上非直接物理相互作用的 蛋白质 适用于大规模蛋白质相互作用研究
重叠群法:contig,指相互间存在重叠顺序的一组 克隆。根据重叠顺序的相对位置将各个克隆首尾 连接,覆盖的物理长度可达百万级碱基对。在单 个的重叠群中,采用鸟枪法测序,然后在重叠群 内进行组装。由上至下。 直接鸟枪法:首先进行全基因组鸟枪法测序,再 以基因组图的分子标记为起点,将鸟枪法DNA片 段进行组装。根据高密度的基因组图分子标记, 检测组装片段是否处在正确的位置,校正因重复 顺序的干扰产生的序列误排。由下至上
HGP的主要任务是人类的 DNA测序,内容是完成4 张图谱:遗传图谱、物理 图谱 、序列图谱 和转录 图谱,这四张图称为“人 类基因解剖图” 。 样本选择人种:白种、黑 种和黄种3大人种,并在样 本选择前,移除所有的标 识物。
I AABB II AaBb aabb aabb
左图3代家系中, 第3代4同胞中, 1和2没发生重组, 3和4发生重组。
双向凝胶电泳two-dimensional electrophoresis,2-DE):利用蛋白质的等 电点和分子量,结合凝胶化学特性,分离 各种蛋白质的方法。
样品制备(包括蛋白质的溶解、变性及还 原,从而去除非蛋白质杂质等)→ 第一向等 电聚焦(根据蛋白质电荷差异进行分离)→ 第二向SDS-PAGE(以蛋白质分子量差异为基础 )→蛋白质的检测(用考马斯亮蓝、银染、铜 染等方法)→图谱数字化分析(图象扫描、确 定每个蛋白质点的等电点和分子量,寻找差异 蛋白)
生理条件下蛋白质之间的相互作用 所有蛋白质与靶蛋白的相互作用 可检测依赖于修饰的蛋白质相互作用
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1.From your understand, what are the main challenges in genomics that we will confront with in thefuture?1.1 To characterize the structures and functions of human genome1.2 Better understanding the knowledge of heritable genetic variations in human genome1.3 Apply new knowledge of gene and metabolic pathway to develop new effecive methods for human disease treatment1.4 To explain the mechanism of evolution and variation among different species1.5 To clone and characterize the key functional genes in crop1.6 Using genomics tools to increase the crop yield and resolve the food crisis in the world2.What are the advantages of DNA as the genetic material?2.1. DNA contains a large amount of information.2.2. Complementary base pairs ensure accurate replication.2.3. High stability in water3.How dose DNA function advantage over RNA?Both can serve as genetic material; many viruses use RNA as their genetic material. DNA probably evolved as the genetic material for cells so that RNA could be used as messengerRNA which carries the information for protein synthesis to the ribosomes. The mRNA is metabolically unstable because it is rapidly broken down by RNAse. DNA must be stable soRNA had to evolve to fulfill this function.Both DNA and RNA have the same coding capacity. They both are polymers with similar potential length. DNA that commonly exists in all living organisms but is not really common with RNA. Some viruses are exceptional because they exist with a single strand of DNA or with a double strand of RNA.The most important by far is that DNA is typically double stranded. This has a number of advantages, the most immediate being when one strand breaks the entire molecule does not fall apart if an error is made in one strand on one base the other strand is still there in its original order to help maintain the original sequence on the opposite strand when a correction enzyme comes along to clip out the mismatch4.Short descriptions the two important experiments which proved that genes are made of DNA(a)Inject mouse with harmless bacteria, the mouse survive.Inject mouse with harmless bacteria plus transforming principle, the mouse dies, and extract virulent bacteria from mouse Inject mouse with harmless bacteria plus transforming principle and treated with protease ribonuclease, the mouse dies, and extract virulent bacteria from mouseInject mouse with harmless bacteria plus transforming principle and treated with protease deoxyribonuclease, the mouse survives, and can not extract virulent bacteria from mouse(b) 35S is only in DNA, 32P is only in protein. Make 35S and 32P marked phage attached to the bacteria, the phage wasmarked with 32P and 35S, after the phage detached,centrifuge,we can find 32P in the bottom pellet of bacteria,and 35S in the top phage protein capsid.5.Please list the names of three main the types of DNA mutations.(1) Some mutations are spontaneous errors(2) Some mutations are caused by physical mutagens(3) Some mutations are caused by chemical mutagens6.What are the possible effects of DNA mutations on organism?①lethal ②loss or gain some functions ③alter genotype without changing the phenotype④contributive to the survival of species, promote evolution1. The effects of mutations on genomes -Synonymous change -Non-synonymous change2. The effects of mutations on multi-cellular organisms -Loss-of-function -Gain-of-function3. …on microorganisms ①Auxotrophs ②Conditional-lethal mutants ③Inhibitor-resistant mutants ④Regulatory mutants7.What is DNA repair? What is the function of DNA repair?DNA repairing refers to a collection of processes by which a cell identifies and corrects damage to the DNA molecules. It is essential that cells possess efficient repair systems, without these repair systems a genome would not be able to maintain its essential cellular functions for more than a few hours before key genes became inactivated by DNA damage.Direct repair、Excision repair、Mismatch repair、Nonhomologous end-joining:used to mand double-strand breaks、Recombinational repair、SOS repair8.What is the central dogma?DNA replication with DNA polymerase.DNA transcript to RNA with RNA polymerase.RNA reverse transcript to DNA with reverse transcriptase. translation,ribosome9.What is the constitutive expression?1. ConceptExpression of a gene that is transcribed at a relatively constant level regardless of the cell environmental conditions, for example, the expression of housekeeping genes to produce proteins such as Actin, GAPDH and Ubiquitin2. Features①genes are expressed continuously and won’t be influenced by cell environmental conditions②relatively constant expression level3. FunctionTo maintaining the basic cell processes or structure10.What are the two main gene expression patterns?1、Temporal specificityThe gene expression occurs during a specific time and obey strict order. Temporal specificity of multicellular organisms is also called stage specificity2、Spatial specificityIn multi-cellular organisms, the expression level of a certain gene is different among different tissues or organs in a certain developmental stage ,then resulting in different distribution of specific protein in tissues and organs. Spatial specificity is also called cell or tissue specificity.11.What are the three key stages of transcription?• Initiation: describes the synthesis of the first nucleotide bonds in RNA• Elongation: the enzyme moves along the DNA and extends the growing RNA chain• Termination: involves recognition of the point at which no further bases should be added to the chain12.What is the genetic code and what are the stop codons and start code?The genetic code is the set of rules by which information encoded in genetic material (DNA or mRNA sequences) is translated into proteins (amino acid sequences) by living cells.STOP codons:UAA,UAG,UGA Start codon:AUG13.How many types of enzymes involved in gene cloning?①DNA ligases: which join DNA molecules together by synthesizing phosphodiester bonds between nucleotides at the ends of two different molecules, or at the two ends of a single molecule.②DNA polymerases: which are enzymes that synthesize new polynucleotides complementary to an existing DNAor RNA template.③Alkaline phosphatase:which removes the phosphate group present at the 5′terminus of a DNA molecule.④Other enzymes:Taq DNA polymerases、nucleases、end-modification enzymes etc.14.What is restriction enzyme and how many types does it have?A restriction endonuclease is an enzyme that binds to a DNA molecule at a specific sequence and makes a double-stranded cut at or near that sequenceTypesⅠ:less useful because they cut DNA randomly and sequences of the resulting fragments are not precisely known.Such as Eco B、Eco KTypesⅡ:over 2300 typeⅡenzymes, cutting DNA is always at the same place, either within the recognition sequence or very close to it, have palindromic structureTypes Ⅲ: recognize two separate non-palindromic sequences that are inversely oriented (e.g. EcoP15). They do not cut DNA at the same points15.What are the ideal requirements for a plasmid?(1)small size, high copy number, easy for manipulation(2)can replicate independently in the host cell chromosome(3)one or more single restriction enzyme cutting sites(4)several selectable marker genes16.Please outline the four regulatory patterns forming by the interaction of transcriptional regulatoryprotein and small effect factor.Dependent on regulatory protein : •Positive control: active protein, promote gene expression. •Negative control: inactive protein, prevents or inhibits a gene from being expressed.Dependent on small molecule : •Induction: inducer, a small molecule can trigger gene transcription by binding to a protein activator. •Repression: repressor, it refer to inhibition of transcription by binding of protein repressor.1. What is the role of recombination in genome evaluation?Recombination allows for major changes and extensive restructuring of genomes. In the absence of recombination, genomes would undergo little change and be fairly static structures.2. How can the resolution of a holliday structure yield two different results?Resolution of a Holliday junction can generate parental or recombinant duplexes, depending on which strands are nicked. Both types of product have a region of heteroduplex DNA.3. Describe how the double-strand break model explains how gene conversion occurs?In the double-strand break model, homologous recombination initiates with a double-strand break in one of the molecules. One strand in each half of the broken chromosome is shortened, leaving 3' overhangs. One of the overhangs invades the other intact DNA molecule to set up a Holliday junction. The shortened DNA strands are extended by DNA polymerase, with the DNA synthesis in the region being converted using the DNA molecule that did not undergo the original double-strand break as a template.4. Some E.eoli strains that are used for propagating recombinant plasmids contain recA defects to be useful for researchers working with recombinant plasmids?(1)Establishment of hetero-duplex during HR by forming a protein RecA-coated DNA filament that is able to invade intact double helix and set up D-loop(2)An intermediate in formation of D-loop is a triplex structure, a three-strand DNA helix in which invading poly-nucleotide lies within major groove of intact helix and forms hydrogen bound with base pairs it encounters.5. What are the properties of the attP and aftB sites that mediate integration of λDNA into the E.eoli genome?The att sites each contain an identical 15 base pair core sequence. The core sequences are flanked by variable sequences: B and B' (each just 4 hp in length) in the bacterial genome, and P and P' in the phage DNA. P and P' are both over 100 by in length. Mutations in the core sequence inactivate the att site so that it can also no longer participate in recombination.6. How is the new copy of a retroelement inserted into a genome?a.Insertion of new copy of retroelement into genome occurs preferentially at certain position.b.Insertion involves removal of two nucleotides from 3'end of double-stranded retroelement byintegrase enzyme.c.Integrase also makes a staggered cut (交错切口)in genomic DNA so that both retroelement andintegration site now have the 5' overhang.d.These overhang might not have complementary sequences but they still appear to interact in some wayso that retroelement becomes inserted into genomic DNA.e.Interaction results in loss of retroelement overhangs and filling in of gaps that are left, which means thatintegration site becomes duplicated into a pair of direct repeats, one at either end of insertedretroelement.7. What is the role of tRNA molecules in the replication of retroelements?The first step in replication of a retroelement is synthesis of an RNA copy. This RNA molecule is then converted into double-stranded DNA. The first stage in this conversion is synthesis, by reverse transcription, of a single-stranded DNA copy of the RNA molecule. This strand synthesis reaction is primed by a tRNA that anneals to a site within the 5' long terminal repeat of the RNA copy of the retroelement.8. Give examples of the harmful effects that transposons can have on a genome.9. Why are maps required for the sequencing of genomes? If a map of a genome was unavailable, whatwould be the major difficulties in obtaining a genome sequence?A genome map provides a guide for the sequencing experiments by showing the positions of genes and other distinctive features. If a map is unavailable then it is likely that errors will be made in assembling the genome sequence, especially in regions that contain repetitive DNA.10. How has PCR made the analysis of RFLPs much faster and easier? What was required to map RFLPs prior to the utilization of PCR?The primers for the PCR are designed so that they anneal either side of the polymorphic site, and the RFLP is typed by treating the amplified fragment with the restriction enzyme and then running a sample in an agarose gel. Before the invention of PCR, RFLPs were typed by Southern hybridization, which is time-consuming.11. How does the linkage between genes provide a critical component to genetic mapping? Discuss how genetic markers can be linked to provide maps of individual chromosomes.If a pair of genes display linkage then they must be on the same chromosome. If crossing-over is a random event then the recombination frequency between a pair of linked genes is a measure of their distance apart on the chromosome. The recombination frequencies for different pairs of genes can be used to construct a map of their relative positions on the chromosome.12. Why is a double homozygote used for test crosses in linkage analysis experiments? Why is it preferable that the homozygote alleles be recessive for the traits being tested?The double homozygote will produce gametes that are all the same genetically and if they are recessive then this parent will not contribute to the phenotype of the offspring.13. Genetic mapping techniques require at least two alleles for a given marker, while physical mapping techniques do not rely on the presence of alleles to map genomes. Discuss how the technique of fluorescent in situ hybridization can be used to map genome locations even if there is no genetic variation present at a given position.FISH uses a fluorescently labeled DNA fragment as a probe to bind to all intact chromosome. The binding position can be determined and this information used to create a physical map of the chromosome.14. How does a scientist prepare a clone library of DNA from just a single chromosome?Individual chromosomes can be separated by flow cytometly. Dividing cells are carefully broken open so that a mixture of intact chromosome is obtained. The chromosomes are then stained with a fluorescent dye. The amount of dye that a chromosome binds depends on its size, so larger chromosomes bind more dye and fluoresce more brightly than smaller ones. The chromosome preparation is diluted and passed through a fine, producing a stream of droplets, each one containing a single chromosome. The droplets pass through a detector that measures the amount of fluorescence, and hence identifies which droplets contain the particular chromosome being sought. An electric charge is applied to these drops, and no others, enabling the droplets containing the desired chromosome to be deflected and separated from the rest.15. What are the ideal features of a DNA marker that will be used to construct a genetic map? To what extent can RFLPs, SSLPs, or SNPs be considered "ideal" DNA markers?The text indicates that the ideal features include high frequency in the genome being studied, ease of typing, and the presence of multiple alleles. This implies that SSLPs should be the "ideal" markers, but in reality SNPsare more popular. A discussion of this apparent paradox of the relative importance of each of the three criteria, demands consideration and in particular a realization that the critical feature of an "ideal" marker is high density.16. Which is more useful-a genetic or a physical map?what purpose the map is intended to fulfill. A map designed to aid a sequencing project might not be the same as one designed to enable individual genes to be cloned. If it is concluded that for sequencing purposes a physical map is more useful, and in fact a genetic map has little or no direct value (which is a reasonable inference to make from a reading of Chapter 4), then the discussion could turn to how easy or otherwise it would be to locate the genes in a genome sequence, and to assign functions to those genes without any prior knowledge of where the genes are. These issues are discussed in Chapter 5.From above description we know that the map provide the framework fro carrying out the sequencing phase of the project with both method. If the map indicates the positions of genes, then it can also be used to direct the initial part of a clone contig project to the interesting regions of a genome, so that the sequences of important genes are obtained as quick as possible.Genetic mapping: it is based on use of genetic techniques to construct maps showing the positions of genes and other sequence features on a genome. Techniques includecross-breeding experiments or, in case of humans, the examination of family histories. Physical mapping: it uses molecular biology techniques to examine DNA molecules directly on order to construct maps showing the positions of sequence features, including genes.17. How does a dye-quenching experiment determine if an oligonucleotide has hybridized to a DNA molecule containing a single nucleotide polymorphism?When the oligonucleotide is not hybridized to the target sequence, the fluorescent label and quenching molecule are next to each other and the fluorescence is quenched. When the oligonucleotide binds to a target sequence, the fluorescent label is located away from the quenching molecule. By controlling the hybridization conditions, the oligonucleotide will only bind to the target sequence if all the nucleotides arecomplementary.18. Why is it relatively easy to identify ORFs in prokaryotic genomes by computer analysis?Computers can readily scan all six reading frames of a DNA sequence for ORFs. In addition, as a random DNA sequence would possess a stop codon at least every 100-200 by and most genes contain more than this number of codons, it is fairly straightforward to identify coding sequences in bacterial genomes that lack introns and other significant noncoding sequences.19. What are the three primary modifications that can be used to improve the location of ORFs by computer analysis?Computer programs can be modified to screen for codon bias, exon-intron boundaries, and upstream regulatory sequences of genes.20. What are the two major problems that occur when attempting to use computer analysis to identify ORFs in the genomes of higher eukaryotes?Simple ORF scan is less effective with DNA of higher eukaryotes.This is partly because there is substantially more space between the real genes in a eukaryotic genome, increasing chances offinding spurious ORFs. But main problems with genomes of higher eukaryotes in general is that their genes are often split by introns and so do not appear as continuous ORF in DNA sequence.21. What structural features of functional RNA molecules, such as tRNA and rRNA, can be searched for in a genome sequence to identify the genes encoding these RNA molecules?Functional RNA molecules have their own distinctive features, which can be used to aid their discovery in a genome sequenceThe most important of these features is ability to fold into secondary structure. These structures include intermolecular base pairing and stem-loops or hairpins.•Functional RNA genes also have distinctive regulatory sequences.• Functional RNA genes often locate in empty spaces in a genome sequence22. What are two limitations that arise when northern analysis is used to determine the number of genes present in a DNA fragment?Some genes contain optional exons and may encode different-sized mRNA molecules. Also, it is possible that not all of the genes present in a DNA fragment will be expressed in the cells from which the RNA is isolated.23. What is the differences between orthologus and paralogous genes?Orthologous genes are homologous genes present in different organisms and paralogous genes are homologous genes present in the same organism.24. What is cDNA and how to obtain an individual cDNA?A cDNA is a copy of an mRNA and so corresponds to coding region of a gene, plus any leader or trailer sequences that are also transcribed.To obtain an individual cDNA, a cDNA library must first be prepared from all of mRNA in tissue being studied.25.Give example to explain how forward genetics is different from reverse genetics?26.Explain how to use iPCR or plasmid rescue techniques to clone the T-DNA or transposon tagged genomic sequences?27.What is gene knockout and how it is carried out?1.Insert a selectable marker gene inside a gene in vitro and make it inactivation.2.ligate the chromosomal fragment that contain inactivated gene onto vector.3.After Inducing the vector Into the cell via homologous recombination, the inactivated gene will replacethe original normal gene, resulting in inactivated mutant.28.Describe what is RNA interference and how it process?Basic process of RNAi:1.Dicer combines with dsRNA, and cuts dsRNA into siRNA.2.SiRNA combined with RISC, forming an active RISC complex.3.Active RISC binds to the target mRNA (siRNA strand is complementary with mRNA) and then cut theminto pieces.29.Give example/s to indicate how to apply RNAi technique in both functional genomic research and biotechnology?cotton seeds are rich in dietary protein but naturally contain the toxic terpenoid product gossypol, making them unsuitable for human consumption. RNAi has been used to produce cotton stocks whose seeds contain reduced levels of delta-cadinene synthase, a key enzyme in gossypol production, without affecting the enzyme's production in other parts of the plant, where gossypol is important in preventing damage from plant pests.30. Explain what is overexpression and its difference from ecotopicexpression?✓Using the transgenic techniques to transform the target gene driven by high performing promoter into the normal individual cells, and let the cells overproduce the target gene’s protein products. This phenomenon was called “overexpression” and it may cause biological trait alternation.✓If a gene’s promoter is tissue specific expression, using the transgenic techniques to change its original expressing tissue. This gene will therefore display ectopic expression phenomenon. Ectopicexpression may make certain trait/s appear in new tissue/s. Accordingly the function of a gene can be inferred on the basis of these.✓Use of constitutive promoter can simultaneously cause both overexpression and ectopicexpression.31. Please simply describe the microarray scheme.Tiny spots of probe DNA are printed on arrays by robot.Two samples (test and reference) of mRNA are converted to cDNA, labeled with two different fluorescent dyes (e.g. cy3 and cy5) and allowed to hybridized to array.V .. . ..After hybridization, the microarray is scanned with a confocal laser device for fluorescence emission at two wavelengths after independent excitation of the two dyes. The relative abundance of mRNA from each gene in test vs. reference sample is reflected by the ratio green/red as measured by the fluorescence emitted from the corresponding array element. Image analysis software is used to determine fluorescence intensities that allow the quantitative comparison between the test and reference sample for all genes on the array.32.What are proteome and its aims?Proteome: it refers to the sum of all proteins in a cell. Proteome analysis aims at interpretation of protein structure and function, protein metabolic pathway, and protein-protein interactions, and thus toward a better understanding of genome.. . . 资料. .。
