介绍世界各地的风筝节庆活动,如美 国芝加哥的国际风筝节、澳大利亚的 悉尼风筝节等。
硬翅风筝是最常见的风筝类型 之一,其特点是具有硬质的骨 架和翅膀,可以产生较大的升
软翅风筝是一种结构较为简单 的风筝,其翅膀是软质的,通
确保风筝线没有磨损或断裂, 连接器牢固,防止飞行过程中
保持干燥、通风的存放环境, 避免阳光直射和高温,以防风
将风筝按照厂家提供的折叠方 式折叠好,整理好风筝线和连
龙骨风筝是一种具有特殊骨架 结构的风筝,其骨架呈龙骨状 ,具有很高的稳定性和抗风能
立体风筝是一种具有三维造型的风筝,其 设计灵感来源于建筑设计或雕塑艺术,具 有很高的艺术性和观赏性。
夜光风筝是在传统风筝的基础上添加了 LED灯带等发光装置,可以在夜晚发出亮 光,增加了风筝的观赏性和趣味性。
使用专用的风筝线,定期 检查线是否磨损、断裂, 确保线完好无损。
放风筝时要远离人群,避 免误伤他人或被他人误伤 。
夜间放风筝难以看清风筝 和周围环境,容易发生意 外。
Weifang International Kite Festival is the most influential kite sports activities, held once a year. Weifang International Kite Festival every year the general is scheduled to be held from April 20th to 25 in Weifang kite. Since 1984, held the first session of the Weifang International Kite Festival, attracting a large number of Chinese and foreign experts and enthusiasts and tourists kite ornamental,athletics and the tour.
Techniques for making Traditional Chinese Kites: “Tie, Paste, Paint, Fly”
“Tie”(扎)- make a frame. Need to make it symmetrical, balance, so that both wings will receive same air pressure. Include: select(选), split(劈), shape(弯), chop(削), and connect(接); “Paste”(糊)- glue a piece of paper or silk onto the frame. Need to make it flat and neat. Include: select(选), cut(裁), glue(糊), edge check(边), and adjust(校); “Paint”(绘)- draw an image. Need to paint clear image with details, so that it can be seen from far away, and looks vivid. Include:color(色), background(底), trace(描), paint(染), and modify(修); “Fly”(放)- fly a kite. Need to adjust string’s angle according to wind. Include:wind(风), string(线), release(放), adjust(调), and retrieve(收).
Wei Fang International Kite Festival
Thank you!
The classification of kites:
• • • • • Board- kite(平面型风筝) Hard-winged kite(硬翅风筝) Soft- winged kite(软翅风筝) Composite kite (复合风筝) Three-dimensional kite(立体风筝)
There are three kites originated in the legend.
• Some people say that kites originated by tents in the north of China, people imitated the first kite in the air because of the wind blowing the tent by the phenomenon of flying. Then its gradually evolved into a recreational activity.
Bamboo hat 竹帽
• . Farmers found it is very interesting, and later evolved into a kite.
• Through historical records and discovered ,most people agree with this view that kites formed by birds.Because of its structure, shape, painting techniques. The conclusion: the first kite was inspired by birds.In the ancient times, people advocating the birds, love birds, birds and kites simulation, is that people seeking a better life.
湘少版五年级下册英语教案:Unit 3 Let's make a kite Period 3
![湘少版五年级下册英语教案:Unit 3 Let's make a kite Period 3](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7565857fef06eff9aef8941ea76e58fafab045ba.png)
湘少版五年级下册英语教案:Unit 3 Let’s make a kitePeriod 3教学目标•能够口头表达如何制作风筝的过程•能够口头表达自己的想法和想象•能够合作完成一个小组制作风筝的任务教学资源•教材:湘少版五年级下册英语Unit 3 Let’s make a kite•PPT演示文稿教学内容1. 复习老师可以上一堂课程的知识点进行复习,帮助学生夯实基础。
2. 教学新知本堂课的内容为Let’s make a kite Part 2,主要是帮助学生掌握如何制作风筝的过程,并且需要进行小组合作完成一个风筝制作任务。
Step 1首先,老师可以提前准备好制作用具,让学生观看制作过程的演示,并和学生一起讨论每个制作步骤的重点。
Step 2学生分组,每组2~3名学生,开始制作自己的风筝。
Step 3制作完成后,老师可以要求每组向全班展示自己的作品,并请其中一名同学口头介绍一下制作过程。
3. 课堂反思在课堂结束前,老师可以和学生一起进行课堂反思,让学生表述自己的学习收获和不足之处,并帮助他们进一步完善自己的学习。
风筝 英语
![风筝 英语](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9b177d13ec3a87c24028c4b5.png)
The culture of kite
❖ During the long history, Not only have our ancestors created words and paintings which contain Chinese national intelligence, but also many patterns which reflect people’s yearning and pursuit(向往和追求) towards happiness and propitious connotations(吉祥寓意).We can realize the shadow of the propitious connotations and auspicious(吉祥的) patterns from the Chinese traditional kites. It makes people feel happy and lucky from the patterns. It mixes the masses’s habits of appreciating, reflecting kind and healthy emotions, permeating (融合) Chinese tradition and folk customs,so it spreads widely among the people.
❖ 东汉时期,在蔡伦发明造纸术之后人们开始用纸制作风筝。 在那个时期,它被叫做“纸鸢”。唐代后期,人们把琴弦加 在了风筝上,令它发出古筝的声音。因此,从那时起有了风 筝的叫法。
The structure of the kite
❖ The shape of the kite mainly imitates nature's creatures, such as birds, insects and solid geometry (立体几何).Resulted from individual preferences, the pattern of kite can be designed into specific items, such as propaganda(宣传) signs, butterflies as well as birds .Usually The kite is made of silk, paper or plastic materials. Someone, however, even designed a boneless kite. It has a hole made from silk which the wind could go through and form a light air pillow. With the help of air column, it could fly with the wind.
Origin of the name-- Fengzheng
• Getting bored with the silent kite, they tied a bamboo whistle on it. • When they flew kite in the air, the wind blew the whistle and a sound much like that produced by Zheng, an ancient musical instrument, which was very pleasant to the ear. • People then vividly named it Fengzheng-Wind Musical Instrument.
World’s Smallest Olympic Theme of Kite
• For the opening of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, kite artists in Weifang made a set of the world's smallest Olympic theme of kite, these miniature kite has totally 43, the size of each kite in four square centimeters, the patterns of the kite is all Olympic competitions, and each can fly.
• In the Song Dynasty(960-1270AD), people loaded gunpowder on kite. • To assault the enemy is by tying a piece of kindling insence on the fuse and flying it into the sky above the enemy camp, where it exploded and caused chaos. • Then they took the advantage to launch an attack and defeat the enemy. • It is thus evident that kite was originally made for military use.
中国风筝用色的基本原则:传统的中国风筝几乎 只使用品红、槐黄、品绿和“锅烟子”(黑色),这 四种颜色。但画出来的风筝却琳琅满目,绚丽多彩。 这就是风筝制作者巧妙地运用色彩的结果。他们用色 的基本原则是:鲜艳、对比强烈、色块大
脚线就是系结在风筝主体上的根基线,它能起调整风筝迎角的 作用。它的长短、位置和根数,要根据风筝大小和结构情况而定。 脚线拴得好与坏,直接关系到放飞效果。
不仅要比高远,而且要看谁把对方打下来。比赛时,风筝 线上大多涂上掺有玻璃渣子的胶水,加大摩擦力,用以割 断对方的风筝线。 ♣ 老人放风筝,在风筝和线的接头处,插上一柱香,风筝飞 到一定高度,香火将线烧断,风筝便随风飘去,飘得越远, 说明自己越健康长寿。 ♣ 甭管风筝飞得有多高多远,都不能收回来,要把风筝线剪 断,这意味着把一切不好的运气全部送走。所以老人们都 知道,遇见被剪断的风筝,千万不能捡回家去。 ♣ 也有认为“鸢辄引令而上,令小儿张口望视,以泄内 热”;
宋代放风筝是作为一种体育健身运动。宋 代李石著《续博物志》中写道:“春回放鸢, 引线而上,令小儿张口仰视,可以泄内热。”
这个说法是有科学道理的,冬季久居室内, 体热内聚,新陈代谢减缓,春日野外放风筝, 可祛除郁气,健脑益智,同时还能调节视力。
宋后是元,元代的天 空是寂寞的,没有风筝 的影子。因为当时“十 家准用一把菜刀”,何 从谈起劈竹子、扎风筝 呢?而且大家伙儿日子 苦,也没心情玩儿。明 朝也不欢迎风筝,明代 帝王曾下令禁止在京都 放纸鸢,北方地区清明 节放风筝的风俗,受到 一定影响。
如何制作风筝作文英文英文:Making a kite is a fun and creative activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Here are the steps I follow to make a kite:1. Gather materials: You will need some lightweight fabric or paper, a wooden dowel or bamboo stick, string, scissors, and glue.2. Cut the fabric or paper: Cut the fabric or paper into the desired shape of your kite. Traditionally, kites are shaped like diamonds, but you can experiment with different shapes.3. Attach the dowel or stick: Place the dowel or stick horizontally across the center of the kite and glue it in place. This will provide stability and structure to the kite.4. Add the string: Tie one end of the string to the center of the dowel or stick and the other end to thebottom of the kite. This will allow you to control the kite while it is in the air.5. Decorate the kite: Use markers, paint, or stickersto decorate your kite. This step is optional, but it can make your kite look more unique and personalized.6. Fly the kite: Find an open area with plenty of wind and launch your kite into the air. Hold onto the string and let the wind carry your kite.中文:制作风筝是一项有趣和富有创造力的活动,适合各个年龄段的人们参与。
传统风筝制作流程英语介绍The Art of Traditional Kite-Making.Kites, these ethereal creations that dance gracefully with the wind, have been a part of human culture for centuries. They captivate hearts and imaginations, serving as symbols of freedom, joy, and creativity. The process of creating a traditional kite is an intricate blend of art, science, and engineering, involving meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of the principles of aerodynamics.The first step in kite-making is the gathering of materials. These include strong, lightweight materials such as bamboo or plastic for the frame, strong thread or nylon for the strings, and paper or lightweight cloth for thekite's surface. The selection of materials is crucial, asit determines the kite's durability, stability, and flight performance.Once the materials are gathered, the frame is constructed. This involves shaping the bamboo or plastic into a strong, lightweight structure that will support the kite's surface. The frame is typically constructed in a diamond or box shape, with the central crossbar serving as the main support. The frame is then reinforced with additional bamboo or plastic strips to ensure its stability and durability.Once the frame is complete, the kite's surface is attached. This involves cutting the paper or cloth to the appropriate size and shape, and then carefully adhering it to the frame using a glue or tape. The surface is designed to catch the wind and create lift, so it is important to ensure that it is attached securely and evenly.The next step is the painting and decoration of thekite's surface. This is where the artist's creativity comes to the fore, as they design and paint their vision onto the kite. The designs can be anything from simple geometric patterns to intricate landscapes or abstract art. The colors and images chosen not only affect the kite'sappearance but can also influence its flight performance. Bright, contrasting colors, for example, can help the kite to stand out in the sky and catch the wind more easily.Once the painting and decoration are complete, thefinal step is the assembly of the kite. This involves attaching the strings to the frame, and adjusting them to ensure that the kite will fly properly. The strings are typically attached to the central crossbar and to the tips of the frame, allowing the kite to be controlled and steered in the air.The art of traditional kite-making is not only about creating a beautiful and functional object, but also about understanding and mastering the principles of aerodynamics. The shape, size, and weight of the kite, as well as the angle and tension of the strings, all affect how the kite will fly. By carefully adjusting these variables, the kite-maker can create a kite that flies gracefully and stably in the sky.In conclusion, the art of traditional kite-making is ablend of creativity, science, and engineering. It requires meticulous attention to detail, a deep understanding of the principles of aerodynamics, and a passion for creating beautiful and functional objects. As the kite takes flight, soaring gracefully through the sky, the kite-maker's hard work and creativity are brought to life, capturing the hearts and imaginations of all who witness its beauty and elegance.。
传统风筝制作流程英语介绍English:Traditional kite making involves several intricate steps. Firstly, select appropriate materials, traditionally bamboo for the frame and lightweight paper or silk for the covering. Next, cut the bamboo into precise lengths and shapes according to the desired kite design, ensuring symmetry and balance. Then, assemble the frame by carefully joining the bamboo pieces using string or glue, maintaining structural integrity. After constructing the frame, apply the chosen covering material, stretching it tightly over the frame and securing it in place. Decorations such as intricate paintings or calligraphy are often added at this stage to enhance the kite's aesthetic appeal. Finally, attach the flying line and tail, typically made of durable string or fabric, ensuring proper balance and stability for flight. The finished kite embodies not only the craftsmanship of its maker but also cultural symbolism and artistic expression.中文翻译:传统的风筝制作涉及几个复杂的步骤。
风筝的制作流程英语作文英文回答:Kite making is a fun and rewarding activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It is a great way to spend time outdoors and learn about the principles of flight.Materials you will need:Kite paper or Tyvek。
Bamboo sticks or carbon fiber rods。
String or fishing line。
Glue or tape。
Instructions:1. Cut the kite paper: The first step is to cut thekite paper to the desired shape. You can use a template or create your own design.2. Fold the paper: Once you have cut the paper, fold it in half lengthwise. This will create the kite's spine.3. Insert the sticks: Insert the bamboo sticks or carbon fiber rods into the folds of the paper. The sticks should be parallel to each other and evenly spaced.4. Glue or tape the sticks: Glue or tape the sticks in place to secure them.5. Fold the wingtips: Fold the wingtips of the kite up to meet the spine. This will create the kite's wings.6. Glue or tape the wingtips: Glue or tape the wingtips in place to secure them.7. Attach the string: Tie the string or fishing line to the kite's spine. The string should be long enough to allow the kite to fly.8. Fly your kite: Take your kite outside on a windy day and fly it!Tips:Use lightweight materials for your kite. This willhelp it to fly better.Make sure your kite is balanced. If it is not balanced, it will not fly well.Be patient when flying your kite. It may take a few tries before you get it to fly properly.中文回答:风筝制作过程:1. 裁剪风筝纸,首先,将风筝纸裁剪为所需形状。
做风筝步骤的英语作文简单版英文回答:How to Build a Kite.1. Gather your materials. You will need a lightweight frame, some fabric, string, and glue.2. Make the frame. The frame can be made from wood, bamboo, or other lightweight materials. Cut two sticks to make the main frame, and then cross them and glue them together.3. Cover the frame with fabric. Cut a piece of fabric that is large enough to cover the frame, and then glue it in place.4. Attach the string. Cut a long piece of string, and then tie one end to the top of the frame.5. Fly your kite! Find a windy day, and then run and launch your kite.中文回答:如何制作风筝。
1. 收集你的材料。
2. 制作框架。
3. 用布料覆盖框架。
4. 绑上绳子。
5. 放飞你的风筝!找个有风的日子,然后跑起来放飞你的风筝。
制作风筝 英语作文
![制作风筝 英语作文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c35c8a44591b6bd97f192279168884868662b855.png)
制作风筝英语作文How to Make a Kite。
Kite flying is a fun and traditional activity enjoyed by people of all ages. Making your own kite can be a rewarding and creative experience. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to make a simple diamond-shaped kite.Materials:Two wooden dowels (one 24 inches long, the other 20 inches long)。
A large sheet of strong, lightweight paper (such as tissue paper or thin plastic)。
Instructions:1. Begin by laying the 24-inch dowel vertically and the 20-inch dowel horizontally to form a cross. Use the string to tie the two dowels together at the center, creating the frame of the kite.2. Next, cut the paper into a diamond shape that is slightly larger than the frame of the kite. Lay the frame on top of the paper and use tape to secure the edges of the paper to the frame.3. Take the string and tie one end to the top of the vertical dowel, then stretch it to the bottom of the vertical dowel and tie the other end. This will create the spine of the kite.4. Now, cut a piece of string that is slightly longer than the horizontal dowel. Tie one end of the string to the left end of the horizontal dowel and the other end to the right end. This will create the crossbar of the kite.5. To create the tail of the kite, cut several pieces of string of varying lengths and tie them to the bottom of the vertical dowel.6. Finally, cut a longer piece of string and tie one end to the top of the vertical dowel. This will be used to fly the kite.Your kite is now complete and ready to fly! Find an open area with a steady breeze and hold the string as you run to catch the wind. With a little practice, you'll be soaring your handmade kite through the sky in no time.In conclusion, making a kite can be a fun and rewarding activity for people of all ages. By following these simple steps, you can create your own kite and enjoy the timeless pastime of kite flying.。
制作风筝 英语作文
![制作风筝 英语作文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1aeb56e768dc5022aaea998fcc22bcd126ff4239.png)
Making a kite is a fun and educational activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.Heres a stepbystep guide on how to create your own kite:1.Materials Gathering:First,gather all the necessary materials.You will need a lightweight but sturdy frame material such as bamboo sticks or plastic straws,a lightweight fabric or plastic sheet for the kites body,a spool of strong thread,a needle, and some adhesive like glue or tape.2.Designing the Kite:Decide on the shape of your kite.Traditional kites are often diamondshaped,but you can get creative and design your own shape.Sketch out your design on paper first to get a clear idea of what you want.3.Cutting the Fabric:Once you have your design,cut out the fabric to match the shape. Make sure to leave some extra material around the edges for attaching the frame.4.Assembling the Frame:Cut your frame material into the necessary lengths according to your design.For a diamond kite,youll need two longer pieces for the top and bottom,and two shorter pieces for the sides.Attach the frame pieces to the fabric using adhesive, making sure they are securely fastened.5.Reinforcing the Joints:To ensure your kite is strong and durable,reinforce the joints where the frame pieces meet with additional glue or tape.6.Attaching the Flying Line:Find the center of the top and bottom frame pieces.These will be the points where you attach the flying line.Make a small hole and thread the line through,securing it with a knot.7.Tail Attachment:A tail can help stabilize your kite in the air.Cut a long strip of fabric or use ribbon,and attach it to the bottom of the kite.The tail should be long enough to provide stability but not so long that it becomes a hindrance.8.Testing the Kite:Before you head out to a field,test your kite indoors to see if it balances properly.Hold it by the flying line and let it hang,adjusting the position of the tail or the length of the line if necessary.9.Flying the Kite:Find an open area with a good wind.Hold the kite up and let the wind catch it.As it lifts,gradually release more line.Adjust the tension on the line to control the kites altitude and direction.10.Safety Tips:Always be mindful of the wind conditions and other people around you.Keep a firm grip on the line and be ready to reel in your kite if it starts to dive or if the wind picks up too much.Remember,making a kite is as much about the process as it is about the end result.Enjoy the creativity and craftsmanship involved in bringing your kite to life.。
风筝制造的过程作文英语The Process of Making a KiteKite making is a fascinating and intricate craft that has been practiced for centuries. The process of making a kite involves several steps, each of which requires careful attention to detail and precision. In this essay, I will outline the steps involved in making a traditional kite.Step 1: Gathering MaterialsThe first step in making a kite is to gather all the necessary materials. This includes bamboo sticks for the frame, paper or fabric for the sail, string for the bridle, and glue for assembly. The quality of these materials is crucial to the performance and longevity of the kite, so it is important to select the best available.Step 2: Building the FrameThe next step is to build the frame of the kite using the bamboo sticks. The sticks are carefully measured and cut to the appropriate lengths, and then joined together to form the basic structure of the kite. This step requiresprecision and attention to detail to ensure that the frame is strong and symmetrical.Step 3: Attaching the SailOnce the frame is complete, the next step is to attach the sail to the frame. The sail material is carefully cut to the correct size and shape, and then glued or sewn onto the frame. This step requires patience and skill to ensure that the sail is taut and smooth, with no wrinkles or creases that could affect the kite's performance.Step 4: Adding the BridleThe bridle is the system of strings and attachments that connect the sail to the flying line, and it plays a crucial role in controlling the kite in the air. The bridle is carefully measured and attached to the kite, with precise adjustments made to ensure that the kite flies straight and stable.Step 5: Decorating the KiteThe final step in making a kite is to decorate it with designs and colors. This step allows for creativity and personal expression, and it is often a favorite part of theprocess for kite makers. Once the kite is decorated, it is ready to be flown and enjoyed.风筝制造的过程制作风筝是一项迷人而复杂的工艺,已有几个世纪的历史。
教学目标:1. 学生能够理解并运用关于风筝的词汇和句型。
2. 学生能够通过制作风筝的活动,提高动手能力和创造力。
3. 学生能够了解风筝的文化背景,增强对传统文化的认识。
教学重点:1. 风筝的英语词汇和句型。
2. 制作风筝的步骤和技巧。
教学难点:1. 风筝的英语词汇和句型在实际语境中的应用。
2. 制作风筝的步骤和技巧的掌握。
教学准备:1. 风筝制作材料:竹条、彩纸、胶水、剪刀等。
2. 风筝图片和视频资料。
3. 教学PPT。
教学过程:一、导入1. 教师展示风筝图片,引导学生观察并说出风筝的名称。
2. 学生用英语介绍自己喜欢的风筝。
二、词汇教学1. 教师讲解风筝的英语词汇,如:kite、string、paper、scissors等。
2. 学生跟读并练习使用这些词汇。
三、句型教学1. 教师展示风筝制作步骤的图片,引导学生用英语描述每一步。
2. 学生跟读并练习句型:“First, we need... Then, we cut... After that, we glue... Finally, we fly our kite...”四、制作风筝1. 学生分组,每组准备一套风筝制作材料。
2. 教师讲解制作风筝的步骤和技巧,学生认真观察并记录。
3. 学生开始制作风筝,教师巡回指导。
4. 学生展示自己的风筝,互相欣赏和评价。
五、活动总结1. 教师引导学生用英语总结制作风筝的步骤和技巧。
2. 学生分享制作风筝的感受和收获。
六、课后作业1. 学生用英语描述自己制作的风筝。
2. 学生查找有关风筝的资料,了解风筝的文化背景。
在教学过程中,要注意以下几点:1. 注重学生的参与度,鼓励学生积极发言。
2. 适当调整教学内容和进度,满足不同学生的学习需求。
3. 加强对学生英语口语表达的训练,提高学生的实际运用能力。
4. 注重培养学生的团队合作精神,让学生在活动中学会互相帮助、互相学习。
《I made a kite》PPT优秀课件
![《I made a kite》PPT优秀课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fddabd210a1c59eef8c75fbfc77da26924c5966b.png)
Do and say A: 学生朗读课本的句子,并且了解 句子意思。
B:学生两人一组,根据右边的图片, 模仿课本给出的对话,编写新的对话。
C:不同的小组展示各自的对话,老 师评价对话。
1.听录音跟读课文三遍,请家长签字。 2.给爸爸妈妈描述制作风筝的过程。
Module 8 Unit 2
I made a kite
Let's sing
今天我们要学习如何 制作风筝,以及如何 用英语句子描述制作
What can you see?
drew 是draw 的过去式,画
cut 的过去式也是cut. 剪
made 是make的过去式, 制作
How did Lingling make the paper-cut? 1. She had a piece of red paper. 2. She drew a picture on a piece of red paper.
3. She cut the paper. 4. She put the paper-cut
1.有表情地朗读,并注意 模仿语音语调。
全班分成两组, 分别朗读课本的句子, 评选优秀朗读小组。
Listen read
Listen and answer questions What did he make?
a piece of yellow paper
1.有表情地朗读,并注意 模仿语音语调。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Create your structure. Place the shorter one of the
bamboos in this crease(折痕) and tape(与—— 粘合) it.
Making methods and steps
Two:making skeleton
Use your other banboo and tape it with the end corner of your paper
You can picture beautiful images on the surface of the kite, or write some wish, etc.
Making materials and tools
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Making methods and steps
One: the surface of the kite and ribbon.
Zhang yuheng’s Work
Make your own kite
Reporter:Mr Small two
Making material
Making tools
Transparent adhesive
Nylon line
Knife and scissors
Making methods and steps
Four:tie line Tie the end of the line where the two root bamboo stick crossed
Making methods and steps
Five:beautify the kite
1、The paper is cut to a length of about 40 cm square, making kite surface. 2、 Cut the other paper into three rectangular shapes about 4 cm long and about 40 cm wide,making Ribbons.
Making methods and steps
Three:Stick a ribbon Use one of the ribbon stick in the end of the bamboo the rest of the two open about 30 degrees and stick in the middle on the opposite side of the ribbon.
Making methods and steps
Two:making skeleton
Fold your paper in half diagonally. Crease the paper well and ing methods and steps
Two:making skeleton