石 油 炼 制 与 化 工PETROLEUM PROCESSING AND PETROCHEMICALS2021年2月第52卷第2期油品与添加剂摩擦改进剂在重负荷柴油机油中的应用吉祥,蔡璐,吉泽鹏,刘杰(中海油气(泰州)石化有限公司,江苏泰州225300)摘要:以中海油气(泰州)石化有限公司生产的石蜡基润滑油基础油为原料,添加一定量的复合添加剂、黏度指数改进剂、有机钼摩擦改进剂、高分子聚合物摩擦改进剂等,制备了符合GB/T 11122—2006质量标准的4种重负荷柴油机油CI-4 15W-40,主要考察摩擦改进剂对重负荷柴油机油的理化性能、抗磨极压性能、行车性能的影响。
关键词:柴油机油摩擦改进剂行车试验燃油经济性随着我国物流行业和基建行业的大力发展, 商用车产销量呈现逐年递增的趋势,其中增长最快的是重型柴油货车[1]。
重型卡车优点是功率 大,缺点是排放量大,其尾气排放含有大量的氮氧 化物、碳氧化物、烃类和可吸入颗粒,污染严重,同时重型卡车的燃油耗油量大,燃油经济性不好。
最近几年,对重型卡车尾气排放改进效果明显,而 对燃油经济性改进的要求越来越迫切。
提高重型卡车的燃油经济性,一方面,重卡柴油 机的技术不断更新,包括柴油机四气门、顶置凸轮轴、可变喷嘴涡轮增压器(VNT )技术23等;另一方面,减 少发动机运转时的摩擦损耗。
柴油机油最新API 规格FA-4的推出45],也主要是针对这两个方面的问题,具有节能性能的柴油机油也受到生产商、物流公 司及车队的广泛关注。
收稿日期:2020-07-31;修改稿收到日期:2020-09-11.作者简介:吉祥,硕士,工程师,主要从事润滑油研发、生产工 作,已发表论文3篇。
Comes complete with operator’s manual. Other materials and lengths (up to 120") available. Consult OMEGA flow Engineering Department.For 230 Vac operation, add suffix “-230V” to model number, for additional cost. For 24 Vdc operation, add suffix “-24V” to model number, no additional cost. For 12 Vdc operation, add suffix “-12V” to model number, for additional cost.Ordering Examples: LVU-265S, 316 stainless steel, 2-wire, 4 to 20 mA output sensor,91.44 cm (36")�sensor immersion length. LVU-230S, 316 SS sensor with 10 A relay.K-34K LVU-230/260 Series U 1000:1 Wet-to-Dry Ratiowith 316 SS Machined Body SensorU E poxy Painted EnclosureU N o Calibration orSpecial Installation RequirementsU A C or 9 to 36 VdcPowered Models U Standard 3⁄4 NPT FittingsThe LVU-230 and LVU-260 liquid level switches are the ideal solution to a host of liquid-level sensing and control applications. Their small size and standard 3⁄4 NPT fittings make them suitable for new or existing applications. The LVU-230 models have a relay output along with a 316 SS or PVDF sensor and an integral miniaturized, encapsulated electronic control unit mounted in a cast aluminum, explosion-proof, watertight enclosure. The LVU-260 is a 2-wire, 4 or 20 mA output system.Both use an ultrasonic wave propagation sensor mounted in the liquid medium. The electronics generates a continuous wave ultrasonic signal that completely illuminates the liquid-sensing area. The absence of liquid in the sensing area causes the ultrasonic signal to dissipate, which the electronics senses as a “dry” condition (and provides a 4 mA output signal in the LVU-260). When liquid is present, the amplitude of the ultrasonic signal increases, indicating a “wet” condition. This signal is converted by the electronics and energizes the 10 A relay (LVU-230) or a 20 mA output signal (LVU-260). The LVU-230 electronics may be set to provide the control output to an alarm, pump, or other device on either a dry or wet condition.SPECIFICATIoNS Repeatability: 2 mm (0.08") typical Delay (on): 0.5 s Input Power: LVU-230: 115 Vac 50/60 Hz standard; 230 Vac 12 Vdc, or 24 Vdc (optional) LVU-260: 9 to 36 Vdc outputs: LVU-230: 10 A DPDT LVU-260: Low-level fail-safe: 4 ±1 mA dry; 20 ±1 mA wet; high level: 20 ±1 dry, 4 ±1 wet ¾ NPT THREAD Ultrasonic liqUid level switchesLVU-230S, shown smaller than actual size.Housing: NEMA 4/NEMA 7 watertight, explosion-proof enclosure, cast aluminum Class I, Group C and D, Class II, Groups E, F and G; and Class III, Division I and 2Sensor Material: L VU-230S, L VU-260S: 316 L SS L VU-230K, L VU-260K: PVDF Temperature: Sensor: -40 to 149°C (-40 to 300°F) Electronics: -29 to 77°C (-20 to 170°F)operating Pressure: Up to 1000 psig Mounting: 3⁄4 NPT standard Weight:453 g (1 lb)。
OTS60PB, 60AF/2, 80AF/2, 100AF/2, VCM100 Automatic Oil Test SetsDESCRIPTIONThe Megger range of automatic oil testers offer fully automatic testing with many advanced features. The design allows the operator to simply prepare an oil test vessel, load it with the sample oil, place it in the chamber and initiate the test sequence. The test set then carries out, the series of tests as specified in a large number of oil testing specifications. These define the sequence of tests including the stand and stir times, rate of voltage rise and number of tests resulting in a calculation of the average value of the oil breakdown strength. Withstand or proof testing can also be selected. This test subjects the oil to a preselected voltage for 1 minute to check for a breakdown.The OTS60PB is a fully automatic, battery powered, portable oil test set. The test voltage is electronically controlled to the maximum of 60 kV.Designed for on site testing, the instrument is supplied in a rugged carrying case with a handle for ease of transportation. An internal rechargeable battery gives a large number of tests before recharging. A clear display shows a menu of test options and guides the operator through the set up programme, illustrates the correct test electrodes and gap to use, shows the progress of each test and gives the results of the test sequence. The result can be set to give either a numerical average (with standard deviation where specified) or a pass/fail message. The display can be set to read in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. An optional printer kit enables hard copies of results to be produced. Accessories, such as the battery charger,spare vessels, spare electrodes and a spacing gauge are located in an attached compartment. Stirring is carried out by a motor driven paddle stirrer.The OTSAF/2 range are laboratory instruments with many advanced features. Three versions are available with maximum test voltages of 60 kV,80 kV and 100 kV.They offer fully automatic operation plus the benefit of a builtin printer to produce a hard copy of the test results andthe ability to program up to five user defined tests for individual applications. The withstand test can be set to operate at any test voltage and with an initial stand time. The dot matrix liquid crystal display can also be set toread in one of six languages. An oil test vessel, configured to suit the IEC156 test specification, is supplied with the instrument.A large, backlit, liquid crystal display shows test menus,set up screens and results. The resolution of the high voltage output is displayed to 0,1 kV.Results can be printed on the internal dot matrix printer or transferred via the RS232 interface to an external printer or PC. Printouts are automatically time and date stamped. Standard stirring with the OTSAF/2 is achieved by a magnetic stirrer bar.Additional vessels are available optionally, including one suitable for testing to the ASTMD1816 specification. This calls for stirring to be carried out by a motor driven impeller. Each test can be selected with either magnetic stirring, propeller stirring or no stirring. The VCM100 is a calibration meter suitable for verifyingthe calibration of oil test sets. The meter will enable thes Microprocessor controlled fully automatic oil test setss Wide choice of vessels and accessoriess Portable and laboratory unitsSPECIFICATIONPanel meter scaling0Accuracy±3% of full scaleTemperature RangeOperational0°C to 40°C (32 to 104°F)Storage-30°C to +70°C (-22 to 158°F)Humidity RangeOTS VCM100 Scale Plate(programmed in OTS60PB, OTS60AF/2, OTS80AF/2 and OTS100AF/2)Intermediate Number Maximum Duration of SelectedStand Time Of T ests test sequenceOTS60BOTS60PB OTS60AF/2, OTS80AF/2 AND OTS100AF/2Electrode Shape B12,7 mm (0,5 in) Spherical Electrodes Electrode Shape D25,4 mm (1 in) Cylindrical Electrodeswith 0,5mm edge radiusPRINTER INFORMATIONThe OTS60PB Printer Kit includesa24 column impact printer withintegral rechargeable batteries anda mains adaptor which operatesfrom 85 V to 265 V a.c. (50/60 Hz).The printer is 105 mm x 195 mmx90 mm and weighs 625 g.UKArchcliffe Road Dover CT17 9EN EnglandT+44 (0) 1304 502101 F+44 (0) 1304 207342UNITED STATES4271 Bronze WayDallas TX 75237-1088 USAT800 723 2861 (USA only)T+1 214 333 3201F+1214 331 7399OTHER TECHNICAL SALES OFFICESNorristown USA, Toronto CANADA,Mumbai INDIA, Trappes FRANCE,Sydney AUSTRALIA, Madrid SPAINand the Kingdom of BAHRAIN.Registered to ISO 9001:2000 Cert. no. Q 09290Registered to ISO 14001-1996 Cert. no. EMS 61597OTS_AF_AUTO_DS_en_V11Megger is a registered trademark。
HACH 2100 N 型实验室浊度计使用说明手册(用软件 1 版)一九九七.六HACH 2100 N 型实验室浊度计使用说明(用软件 1 版)目录操作页1 概述1.1 仪器介绍1.2 规定的随机附件1.3 工作原理1.4 使用前的准备1.4.1 开箱1.4.2 工作环境1.4.3 工作电源选用2 浊度测量2.1 操作控制和指示2.2 测量浊度2.2.1 步骤2.2.2 备忘录2.3 测量技术2.3.1 清洗样品管2.3.2 应用硅油2.3.2.1用硅油的步骤2.3.3 制备稀释水2.3.4 标志和样品管配套2.3.4.1标志单支样品管2.3.4.2样品管配套2.3.5 去除汽泡(脱气)用真空2.3.5.2加表面活性剂2.3.5.3用超声波浴槽2.3.5.4用加热2.3.6 信号平均2.3.7 测量超量程样品2.3.8 样品稀释2.3.8.1用样品管配件2.安装与拆下样品管配件 2.3.9 冷凝(结雾)2.3.10 校核2.3.11 有代表性采集样品3 操作3.1 操作控制和指示3.1.1 RANGE 键使用3.1.2 UNITS Exit 键使用3.1.3 SIGNAL AVG 键使用3.1.4 RA710 键使用3.1.5 PRINT 键使用3.1.6 CAL 键使用3.1.7 ENTER 键使用3.1.8 Arrow 键使用3.1.9 报警音键(信号音)3.2 标定3.2.1 Formazin 贮备液3.2.2 稀释水3.2.3 制备推荐的 Formazin 稀液3.2.4 用 Formazin 标定 2100N 浊度计复查标定序列3.2.5 Gelex 二级浊度标准的使用3.2.6 配制 Formazin 贮备液3.3 特别研究的应用(不推荐)3.3.1 扣去稀释水浊度3.3.2 编辑标定数据点3.3.3 制备用户自选的 Formazin 稀液3.3.4 用用户自选标准标定 2100N 浊度计装置 / 维护4 空气清洗系统4.1 连接空气清洗5 流通样品管套件的使用6 数据输出7 维护7.1 清洗7.2 换灯8 排除故障8.1 绪言8.2 错误信息8.3 诊断功能8.3.1 基本诊断码8.3.2 其他诊断8.3.2.1显示节和插图8.3.2.2冷起动8.3.2.3闪烁“9”闪烁“0”9 零部件和附件更换10 维修服务11 规格12 担保1 概述1.1 仪器介绍Hach 2100N 型实验室浊度计(图1)是用于 0-4000 NTU (散射浊度单位)的浊度测量。
四:粘度范围:0.2-10000mm2/s,品氏毛细管带有Φ0.4mm 、Φ0.6mm、Φ0.8mm、Φ1.0mm、Φ1.2mm、Φ1.5mm、Φ2.0mm,如有特殊要求可以按照客户要求提供毛细管,毛细管拆卸方便,并且刻线位置可调。
六:计时检测:采用高温光纤检测计时通断,不受新油和旧油的影响,检测灵敏度可以实现数字化调节,计时时间0-3000S,重复性:≤0.01S 再现性:≤0.02S七:清洗装置:脉冲式清洗器,反复清洗粘度计,(清洗液用石油醚),仪器自动抽取清洗液,废样和清洗后的液体会自动抽取到废样瓶中,清洗液瓶和废样瓶都带密封盖,操作过程中人体不会接触到任何腐蚀性液体,八:显示功能:10寸彩色液晶触摸显示屏,全中文操作界面,16组可设定和选择的程序,同时,具备权限管理功能,有效避免非专业人员对本测定仪关键参数进行设定。
※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ ※美国凯能仪器 世界粘度权威※ ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※CANNON AUTOMATIC VISCOMETER凯能无人监管型全自动运动粘度测定仪The most advanced and versatile fullyAutomatic viscometer available当今世界最先进和最万能的真正全自动运动粘度测定仪CANNON全自动运动粘度测定仪(CAV2100)特点:● 运动粘度测量范围宽0.5 ⎯⎯ 5000cSt(mm2/s)/40℃1⎯⎯ 2000cSt(mm2/s)/100℃可扩展到上限10000 cSt(mm2/s)每个粘度计具有100倍的粘度测量范围,做样时绝不需更换粘度计● 可测量透明及不透明液体到同样精度,包括原油、轻重质燃料油、 润滑油、添加剂、废油的运动粘度。
● 恒温浴温度范围:20℃~150℃(全范围任意可调)● 符合ASTM D445, ASTM D446, ISO 3104, GB 265 标准● 新型快速粘度测量管可使测量速度达到每小时80个样品● 全自动进样、恒温、粘度测试、清洗、干燥粘度计,不需人员随机操作,操作员在放样后,可以离开现场,仪器可以自动完成全部任务 ● 计算机控制并储存数据。
可通过计算机网络传输数据● 设计容许仪器24小时,365天无间断长期运行● 可对高粘度及含蜡样品盘和废液排放系统进行预热(50℃~70℃)● 对难清洗样品可选用双溶剂清洗系统● 粘度指数和赛波特通用粘度自动计算,具计算机自我故障诊断程序,可以通过网络进行远程故障诊断● 为世界上绝大多数的油品分析实验室所大量采用● 降低质量成本,真正提高测试效率,彻底解放劳动生产力● 积木式设计,用户可任意选择订购1-4个恒温浴,方便以后扩容美国凯能仪器公司的全自动运动粘度测定仪(CAV2100)是一台不需要人员跟随操作的全自动仪器,因为它很容易使用,操作人员不需要接受专门训练,当样品注入样品槽,操作人员通过计算机键盘输入样品的编号后,测量就开始,不需要操作人员进一步介入,仪器将自动测定粘度并以实验报告的形式打印。
Units °C °C Volts Volts Amperes Amperes Amperes Amperes Watts N·m N·m Grams Vrms
Static Electrical Characteristics, Tj = 25 °C unless otherwise specified
7 5 3 2
Tj = 25°C
IC = 400A
一、概述本仪器是依据国家标准《GB265-88 石油产品运动粘度测定法》设计制造的专用测试仪器,适用于测定液体石油产品的运动粘度。
3、采用高性能微处理器,数字PID 控温技术,控温范围宽,控温精度高。
6、实验记录可保存,最多存储255 个,方便以后查看。
7、实验次数1 到6 次可调,方便您的实验。
三、技术指标1、控温范围:室温-120℃2、液浴孔数:4 孔3、控温精度:≤±0.05℃4、控温范围:全程可调5、输入电源:AC220V±10V50Hz6、加热功率:1000W7、转速:0-4000r/min四、使用条件1、环境温度:0℃~40℃2、相对湿度:<80%五、仪器结构主要由加热管、毛细管、预热架、搅拌电机、机箱恒温浴缸、照明灯、控制部分、计算机接口、液晶屏幕、键盘等组成。
六、控制面板结构仪器面板上有6 个白板按键,不同的界面,键的功能不同。
2000-LB. CAPACITYPORTABLE WINCHOWNER’S MANUALWARNING: Read carefully and understand all INSTRUCTIONS before operating. Failure to follow the safety rules and other basic safety precautions may result in serious personal injury.Thank you very much for choosing a Northern Industrial. Product! For future reference, please complete the owner’s record below:Model: _______________ Purchase Date: _______________Save the receipt, warranty and these instructions. It is important that you read the entire manual to become familiar with this product before you begin using it.This winch is designed for certain applications only. The distributor cannot be responsible for issues arising from modification. We strongly recommend this winch is not modified and/or used for any application other than that for which it was designed. If you have any questions relative to a particular application, DO NOT use the winch until you have first contacted the distributor to determine if it can or should be performed on the product.For technical questions please call 1-800-222-5381.INTENDED USE1. Convenient, portable power for pulling boats, stuck vehicles and other heavy items.2. Powerful 2000-lb. pulling power.3. 12 Volt powered for convenient use without extension cords or small gas engines.4. Portable, with built-in carrying handle and quick-attach mounting plate.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSItem DescriptionCapacity: 6000 Lbs. Rolling.5000 Lbs. Marine2000 Lbs. Pulling CapacityMax. Boat Size: 18 Feet (5.5m)Max. Boat Weight: 5000 Lbs. (2268 kg)Line Speed: 6 Feet/Minute with LoadCable Length: 30 Feet (9m)Hook Size: 3/4in. Opening x 3-3/4in.LPower Supply: 12 VoltsPower Cord: 6 Foot (2m) Negative Lead14 Foot 9 Inches (4.25m, 230mm) Positive LeadRemote Switch: 9 Feet 9 Inches (2.75m, 230mm)Mounting Plate: 8-3/4in. x 4-15/16in. x 3/16in.Overall Dimensions: 9-1/2in. x 7-1/2in. x 10in.INCLUDED ACCESSORIES:1. Power lead, fitted with water resistant plug and circuit breaker.2. Remote switch with water resistant plug, for safe operation.3. 30-ft. aircraft cable with attached hook.4. Mounting bracket for trailer hitch.5. Emergency crank handle and adjustable clutch.PULLING CAPACITY1. This winch has a pulling capacity of 2000 lbs. Applying this capacity to practical applications, you can use this winch to move the following:a. Move a load from a dead stop of up to 2000 lbs. on level ground.b. Move a watercraft of up to 4800 lbs.c. Maintain movement of a wheeled vehicle of up to 6000 lbs.2. Pulling Capacity is reduced as incline increases. For example, rolling capacity is reduced from 6000 lbs. on flat ground to 1100 lbs. on a 45°incline.Refer to the following chart for estimated pulling capacity (rolling weight) on various inclines.Maximum (Rolling) Weight Capacities on an InclineGENERAL SAFETY RULESWARNING: Read and understand all instructions. Failure to follow all instructions listed below may result in serious injury. Do not exceed indicated weight capacity.WARNING:The warnings, cautions, and instructions discussed in this instruction manual cannot cover all possible conditions or situations that could occur. It must be understood by the operator that common sense and caution are factors which cannot be built into this product, but must be supplied by the operator.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSYou will need this manual for the safety warnings and cautions, assembly instructions, operating procedures, maintenance procedures, trouble shooting, parts list, and diagram. Keep your invoice with this manual. Write the invoice number on the inside of the front cover. Keep both this manual and your invoice in a safe, dry place for future reference.WARNING: When using powered equipment, basic safety precautions should always followed to reduce the risk of personal injury and hazards.WORK AREAKeep work area clean, free of clutter and well lit.Cluttered and dark work areas can cause accidents.Do not use your winch where there is a risk of causing a fire or an explosion; e.g. in the presence of flammable liquids, gasses, or dust. Electrically powered tools can create sparks, which may ignite the dust or fumes.Keep children and bystanders away while operating a winch. Distractions can cause you to lose control, so visitors should remain at a safe distance from the work area.Be aware of all power lines, electrical circuits, water pipes and other mechanical hazards in your work area, particularly those hazards below the work surface hidden from the operator’s view that may be unintentionally contacted and may cause personal harm or property damage.Be alert of your surroundings. Using winches in confined work areas may put you dangerously close to cutting tools and rotating parts.PERSONAL SAFETYStay alert, watch what you are doing and use common sense when operating a winch. Do not use a winch while you are tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol or medication. A moment of inattention while operating a winch may result in serious personal injury.Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing, dangling objects, or jewelry. Keep your hair, clothing and gloves away from moving parts. Loose clothes, jewelry or long hair can be caught in moving parts. Air vents often cover moving parts and should be avoided.Use safety apparel and equipment. Use safety goggles or safety glasses with side shields which comply with current national standards, or when needed, a face shield. Wear heavy leather gloves when handling a wire rope. Use as dust mask in dusty work conditions. This applies to all persons in the work area. Also use non-skid safety shoes, hardhat, gloves, dust collectionsystems, and hearing protection when appropriate.Avoid accidental starting. Ensure the switch is in the off position before connecting winch into power supply. In the event of a power failure, while a winch is being used, turn the switch off to prevent surprise starting when power is restored.Always stand clear of wire rope and load during operation, and keep bystanders away as well.Do not try to guide the cableAlways be certain the anchor you select will withstand the load, and the strap or chain will not slip.Never use as an overhead hoist, or to suspend a load.Never use to lift or move persons.Never exceed the winch or wire rope rated capacity.Never apply load to hook tip or latch. Apply load to only the center of the hook.Never use a hook whose throat opening has increased, or whose tip is bent or twisted.Never touch wire rope or hook while in tension or under load.Never hook wire rope back onto itself.Do not apply a load to the winch when the cable is fully extended. The cable fastener is not capable of holding the rated capacity.Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance at all times.Remove adjusting keys or wrenches before connecting to the power supply or turning on the winch. A wrench or key that is left attached to a rotating part of the winch may result in personal injury.MAINTENANCEMaintain your winch. It is recommended that the general condition of your winch be examined before it is used. Keep your winch in good repair by adopting a program of conscientious repair and maintenance in accordance with the recommended procedures found in this manual. If any abnormal vibrations or noise occurs, stop using the winch immediately and have the problem corrected before further use. Check for damage to the cable, including bending, fraying or kinking.Have necessary repairs made by qualified service personnel.e only soap and a damp cloth to clean your winch. Many household cleaners are harmful to plastics and other insulation. Never let liquid get inside a winch.Replacement parts and accessories. When servicing, use only identical replacement parts.Use of any other parts will void the warranty. Only use accessories intended for use with this winch.!Maintain winch with care Follow instructions for lubricating and changing accessories. Inspect power cord periodically and, if damaged, have it repaired by an authorized technician. Inspect all moving parts and mounting bolts prior to use. Control handle and power switch must be kept clean, dry and free from oil and grease at all times.!Lubricate the cable occasionally with light oil.!Grease the gears every 6 months. To do this, remove the clutch knob and separate the left and right housing. Use any good quality waterproof grease.AssemblyWiring your Electric WinchYour Winch may be used with temporary or permanent wiringNOTE: Mount the winch prior to completing the wiring.Temporary Wiring1. Lift the rubber seal and plug the POWER CABLE (#39) into the PLUG (#36) on the right side ofthe winch body. This plug is labeled “power.” Route the Power Cable from the winch to your battery, being careful to avoid tangling it in moving equipment, or causing a tripping hazard.2. Connect the Black Clamp Handle of the POWER CABLE (#39) to the frame of your vehicle,establishing a ground connection. Connect the Red Clamp Handle to the Positive (+/Red) terminal of your battery. Note:Be sure you are using a 12V automotive battery or equivalent, in good condition.3. Lift the rubber seal on the left side of winch body. Taking the Remote Control Unit, insert theSocket at the end of the cord into the Plug on the left side of the winch body labeled “Remote Control.”4. Set the remote control aside in a safe place until ready for use.Permanent wiring1. Attach the OVER-CURRENT PROTECTOR (#31) to the Positive (+/Red) terminal of your battery,using the battery terminal clamp bolt.2. Plan a route for the wiring from the point of the vehicle where the winch will be mounted or usedto the battery. This route must be secure, out of the way of moving parts, road debris, or any possibility of being damaged by operation or maintenance of the vehicle. For example, you may wish to route the wires under the vehicle, attaching it to the frame using suitable fasteners. Donot attach the wires to the exhaust system, drive shaft, emergency brake cable, fuel line, or any other components which may create damage to the wiring through heat or motion, or create a fire hazard.3. If you drill through the bumper or any part of the body to route the wires, be sure to install arubber grommet in the hole to prevent fraying of the wires at that point.4. Route the POWER CABLE (#39) from the point the winch will be used to the battery. Followingthe precautions discussed above.5. Remove the Red Clamp handle, and attach the red wire to the OVER-CURRENT PROTECTOR(#31) which is mounted onto the Positive (+/ Red ) terminal of your battery.6. Remove the Black Clamp handle, and attach the black wire to the frame of your vehicle, creatinga secure electrical ground.WARNING:Always connect Red to Red (Positive to Positive) and Black to the vehicle’s frame, making a ground connection, when using battery power from your vehicle.Never continue use of your winch or other accessory until the battery is completely run down.This can permanently damage your battery!You may wish to keep your engine running while using this winch, to continually recharge the battery. However, exercise extreme caution when working around a running vehicle. (See USING YOUR WINCH on page 7 of this manual.)Do not use a dirty, corroded or leaking battery. You may suffer injury from acid burns.Always wear ANSI-approved safety glasses when working around or with a battery.OPERATIONMOUNTING YOUR WINCHYour winch is designed to be mounted temporarily, using the Trailer Hitch Mounting Bracket. However, you may also mount your winch permanently.Permanent Mounting1. Select a mounting site on the bumper of your vehicle, truck bed, boat trailer, or other suitablelocation. NOTE: This winch can generate 2000 lbs. pulling force. Be sure the location you select can withstand this much force. You may need to use steel reinforcement plates, or weld on additional bracing, depending on the desired mounting location.2. Align the winch with the desired location, and mark for drilling the locations of the 4 holes on thebase of the winch.3. Drill these locations on your vehicle.4. Using hardened steel bolts at least 3/8in. in diameter, install your winch to the location.Temporary Mounting1. Attach the three Plate Stud Bolts to the Adapter Plate, as shown, (see Diagram on page 9)usingthe supplied Nuts. Tighten securely.2. Index the heads of the Plate Studs into the keyhole slots on the back of the winch.3. Attach the Winch/Adapter Plate assembly to your trailer hitch, by inserting the trailer hitch ballthrough the shaped hole in the Adapter Plate.WARNING!Keep hands, clothing, hair, and jewelry clear of the drum area and cable when winching.Never use the winch if the cable is frayed, kinked or damaged.Never allow anyone to stand near the cable or in line with the cable behind the winch while it is under power. If the cable should slip or break, it can suddenly whip back toward the winch, causing a hazard for anyone in the area. Always stand well to the side while winching.USING YOUR WINCHCAUTION:Never touch wire rope or hook while operating the winch, or while the rope is under a load.1. Put your vehicle in Neutral. (Never winch with your vehicle in Gear or in Park, since this coulddamage your vehicle’s transmission.) PUT YOUR EMERGENCY BRAKE ON. BLOCK THE WHEELS FROM ROLLING, USING SUITABLE CHOCKS. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAN CAUSE YOUR VEHICLE TO ROLL WHILE WINCHING, CREATING AN EXTREMELY DANGEROUS SITUATION!!2. To pull out the cable, turn the CLUTCH KNOB (#19) counterclockwise to loosen it, and then pullout the cable you need. ALWAYS LEAVE AT LEAST THREE TURNS OF CABLE ON THE SPOOL TO PREVENT PULLING THE CABLE OUT OF THE WINCH!3. Hook onto the object using a pulling point, tow strap or chain. Never wrap the cable around theobject and hook onto the cable itself. This can cause damage to the object being pulled, and kink or fray the cable.4. Re-tighten the clutch knob.5. Stand clear, and when it is safe to do so, use the power switch in the remote control to retract thecable, and winch the item as desired.6. After moving the item, secure it. Do not rely on the winch to hold an item for an extended periodof time.SPECIAL WARNINGS WHEN USING THIS ELECTRIC WINCHUsing this powerful tool may create special hazards.Take particular care to safeguard yourself and those around you.The Cable.Be sure the cable is in good condition, and is attached properly.Do not use the winch if the cable is frayed.Do not replace the cable with a cable of lesser strength.The Battery.Be sure the battery is in good condition. Avoid contact with battery acid or other contaminants.Always wear ANSI-approved eye protection when working around a battery.Have the engine running when using the winch, to avoid running the battery down.Stand Back.Stay out of the direct line that the cable is pulling. If the cable slips or breaks, it will “whiplash” along this line.Do not stand between the winch and the load when operating.Keep hands, clothing, hair and jewelry clear of the winch while in use.Use a spotter to assist you in assuring that it is safe to operate the winch. Make sure this person is out of the way of the vehicle and the cable before activating the winch.Power Limits.Do not attempt to exceed the pulling limits of this winch.Never use the hand crank to “assist” the winch. This will damage the winch and may cause personal injury.USING THE EMERGENCY HAND CRANKWarning:Do not use the crank to assist an operating winch. This will damage the winch and may cause personal injury.1. Turn the clutch knob clockwise until hand tight. Do not force it or over tighten.2. Place the end of the hand crank over the flattened end of threaded shaft on the left side of thewinch.3. Rotate the hand crank clockwise to tighten the cable. Continue to turn until the cable has beencompletely retracted.DIAGRAM & PARTS LISTPart# Description Part#Description1 Electrical wire 34 Spring2 Lock washer 35 Left shell3 Nut 36 Nut4 Adapter plate 37 Lock spring5 Screw 38 Plate6 Remote control housing39 Cord protector7 Self-tapping screw 40 Screw8 Control wire 41 Switch9 Nut 42 Relay10 Hand crank 43 Screw11 Spring lock 44 Motor12 Nut 45 Fast plate13 Lock washer 46 Screw14 Gear 47 Fast plate15 Clutch knob 48 Bearing16 Friction plate 49 Nut17 Steel plate 50 Shaft18 Steel plate 51 Gear19 Gear assembly 52 Plate20 Friction plate 53 Lock washer21 Screw 54 Lock spring22 Lock washer 55 Nut23 Lock washer 56 Shaft24 Frame 57 Lock washer25 Gear 58 Gear26 Lock spring 59 Lock washer27 Screw 60 Nut28 Lock washer 61 Split-pin29 Screw 62 Jack30 Lock washer 63 Cover31 Claw lock 64 Right shell32 Shaft lock 65 Steel cable and hook33 Shaft lockFor replacement parts and technical questions, please call 1-800-222-5381.WARRANTYOne-Year Limited WarrantyDistributed byNorthern Tool + Equipment Co., Inc.Burnsville, MN 55337-0499Made in China。
SVM3000斯塔宾格黏度计测定液体石油产品的运动黏度宋昌盛;王群威;王晶;徐臻瑾;满国瑜;谈啸【摘要】The SVM 3000 Stabinger viscometer provided by Anton Paar GmbH ,is used to determine the kinematic viscosity of petroleum products such as base oil ,lubricant oil ,fuel oil and crude oil. The successive testing results of several types of base oil with different viscosity grade ,comply with the repeat-ability limits of ASTM D7042. Furthermore ,the RSD values for lubricant oil ,fuel oil and crude oil from three different laboratories are all below 1%. In addition ,the kinematic viscosity of base oils is determined by Stabinger viscometer and glass capillary viscometer respectively. The correlation analysis between two methods show that Y=0.9995 X at40℃ ,and Y=1.0033 X at 100℃ ,w herein X and Y a re the testing re-sults by glass capillary viscometer and stabinger viscometer respectively. It suggests there is no obvious bi-as between two methods.%利用奥地利Anton Paar公司生产的SVM 3000斯塔宾格黏度计(Stabinger viscometer)测定了基础油、润滑油、燃料油和原油等透明和不透明石油产品的运动黏度。
1. 准备工作:a. 检查粘度测试仪器是否完好无损,如有损坏应及时修理或更换。
b. 清洁和消毒样品室及操作台面以防止样品受到外界污染。
c. 根据所需测试的物质选择合适的探头或测量装置,并进行校准。
2. 打开设备:a. 开启粘度测试仪器的电源,等待仪器的启动及初始化过程。
b. 根据仪器的型号和使用说明打开仪器的仪表显示和控制面板,保证仪器处于待机状态。
3. 样品准备:a. 制备所需测试的样品,并注意样品的温度和湿度要符合测试要求。
b. 根据仪器的要求,将样品装入样品室,确保样品的量与仪器要求相符。
4. 仪器校准:a. 根据仪器的使用说明和校准方法对粘度测试仪器进行校准。
b. 使用标准液体或已知粘度的样品进行校准,校准的目的是确保仪器具有准确、精确的测量能力。
5. 进行测试:a. 将样品室放置在测试仪器的样品台上,并将样品室与仪器相连接。
b. 根据仪器的操作界面上的提示,设置测试温度、转速和测量时间等参数。
c. 开始测试后,仪器将自动运行,根据样品的粘度进行测量并显示结果。
d. 在测试过程中,可以观察测量结果的变化并记录下来以备后续分析使用。
6. 数据处理:a. 测量结束后,将测试结果保存到仪器的存储器中,或将数据导出到计算机中进行进一步处理和分析。
b. 如果有需要,可以使用仪器自带的软件或其他数据处理工具对测量结果进行统计分析和绘制图表。
7. 仪器清洁:a. 测量结束后,首先关闭仪器的电源。
b. 清洁和消毒测试仪器的样品室及操作台面。
c. 清洁探头或测量装置,保持其清洁和无污染状态。
8. 维护和保养:a. 定期检查和校准粘度测试仪器,确保其正常工作和准确测量。
b. 对于仪器的维护和保养,应按照仪器的使用说明和维护手册进行操作。
c. 如果发现仪器有故障或异常情况,应及时联系厂家或专业维修人员进行维修和处理。
HTHS 高温高剪切动力粘度测定仪
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凯能高温高剪切动力粘度测定仪HTHS-Serial II
CANNON公司生产的新一代高温高剪切动力粘度测定仪-HTHS SERIAL II.该仪器在原高温高剪切动力粘度测定仪的基础上带对仪器安全,性能和使用方便性方面都重新作了设计.
符合试验方法:ASTM D5481, SAE J300, SH/T0703-2001
新的CANNON高温高剪切(HTHS)毛细管粘度计用来测定发动机润滑油和其它油在高温高剪切条件下的粘度.HTHS SERIAL II测量条件为150℃和1.4X106S-1,符合ASTM D5481和中国标准SH/T0703-2001的所有精度要求.
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赛默飞世尔科技Orion 2100系列抓斗采样器安装指南说明书
![赛默飞世尔科技Orion 2100系列抓斗采样器安装指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/08345d0de55c3b3567ec102de2bd960590c6d9f2.png)
Thermo Scientific Orion 2100 Series Grab Sampler Installation Guide for the 2111XP Sodium AnalyzerROSS and the COIL trade dress are trademarks of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. U.S. patent 6,793,787. AQUAfast, Cahn, ionplus, KNIpHE, No Cal, ORION, perpHect, PerpHecT, PerpHecTion, pHISA, pHuture,Pure Water, Sage, Sensing the Future, SensorLink, ROSS, ROSS Ultra, Sure-Flow, Titrator PLUS and TURBO2 are registered trademarks of Thermo Fisher.1-888-pHAX-ION, A+, All in One, Aplus, AQUAsnap, AssuredAccuracy, AUTO-BAR, AUTO-CAL, AUTO DISPENSER, Auto-ID, AUTO-LOG, AUTO-READ, AUTO-STIR, Auto-T est, BOD AutoEZ, Cable-Free, CERTI-CAL, CISA, DataCOLLECT, DataPLUS, digital LogR, DirectCal, DuraProbe, Environmental Product Authority, Extra Easy/Extra Value, FAST QC, GAP, GLPcal, GLPcheck, GLPdoc, ISEasy, KAP, LabConnect, LogR, Low Maintenance T riode, Minimum Stir Requirement, MSR, NISS, One-T ouch, One-T ouch Calibration,One-Touch Measurement, Optimum Results, Orion Star, Pentrode, pHuture MMS, pHuture Pentrode, pHuture Quatrode, pHuture T riode, Quatrode, QuiKcheK, rf link, ROSS Resolution, SAOB, SMART AVERAGING, Smart CheK, SMART STABILITY, Stacked, Star Navigator 21, Stat Face, The Enhanced Lab, ThermaSense, T riode, TRIUMpH, Unbreakable pH, Universal Access are trademarks of Thermo Fisher.© 2009 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries.The specifications, descriptions, drawings, ordering information and part numbers within this document are subject to change without notice.This publication supersedes all previous publications on this subject.Table of ContentsGrab Sampler nstallation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Air Pump Shutoff and Start-up Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Required Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Grab Sampler Installation Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Grab Sampler Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Grab Sampler Measurement Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Returning the Analyzer to Process Sample Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . .12Customer Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13Servicing the Particulate Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Ordering Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Chapter 1Chapter 3Chapter 2Chapter 1 Grab Sampler nstallationThe grab sampler allows for rapid sample measurement where no online instrumentation is present and provides troubleshooting to validate readings without disturbing process operations . Operators can temporarily interrupt the flow of process sample to the 2111XP sodium analyzer and substitute it for a sample coming from the grab sampler . In this way, samples from other parts of the plant or validation and calibration standards can be analyzed .Warning: T urn off the air pump prior to removing reagent bottle . The air pump will spatter caustic reagent outward as bottle is removed . Wear rubber gloves and safety goggles to avoid possible injury from reagent residues in the system .1 . T o access the air pump setting, press .2 . Press / to scroll though the setup parameters until TEST appears in marquee window .3 . Press to access the TEST menu .4 . Press / to scroll through the TEST menu until AIr appears in the main display .5 . Press .6 . Press / to toggle between On and OFF settings for the air pump power . To turn the air pump off, select the OFF setting . T o turn the air pump on, select the On setting . Changing the air pump setting to On or OFF will be indicated by a click sound .7 . Pressto accept the setting and return to the TEST menu .8 . Press to return to the measure mode .General nformation Air Pump Shutoff and Start-up ProcedureFigure 12111XP Analyzer ComponentsScrolling MarqueeLCD DisplayMounting HoleKeypad Flow Cell ReservoirSiphon TubeFlow Cell BlockInlet ValveReagent Bottle Adapter Assembly Pressure Regulator Flow MeterCalibration PortReference Filling Solution Restructor Tube AssemblyAir PumpBypass/Needle ValveInlet FilterReagent ManifoldDiverter Valve Diffusion Tubing AssemblyReagent Bottle• Phillips head screwdriver• Adjustable wrench• T ubing cutterRequired ToolsWarning: The reagent is hazardous . Use protective glasses and gloves whenworking with the reagent . Refer to the reagent bottle label and MSDS for precautions and work in a well ventilated area .1 . Shut down the analyzer .a . T urn off the air pump . See the Air Pump Shutoff and Start-up Procedure section .b . Disconnect the power to the analyzer .c . S hut off the process pressure to the analyzer . The process sample supply must be shut off upstream of the analyzer . Do not just close the inlet valve on the analyzer .2 . Remove the reagent bottle from the analyzer and set it aside .a . L oosen the thumb nut that secures the bottle to the manifold block and slide the bottle assembly off the mounting stud .b . N ote that some process sample may drip out of the manifold when you remove the reagent bottle .c . S et the reagent bottle aside for later use . The reagent bottle should be stored in a well ventilated area .3 . Disconnect the process sample feed line to the inlet valve on the analyzer .4 . Remove the regulator bracket .a . L oosen and remove the ring nut that holds the pressure regulator to the regulator bracket .b . R emove the two screws that secure the bracket to the analyzer panel .c . S lide the bracket off the regulator . The regulator will be held in position by the system plumbing . d . D o not discard the loose components – they will be reassembled later during the installation process .5 . Disconnect the tube at the inlet of the pressure regulator . a . U nscrew the ferrule nut on the pressure regulator inlet .Grab Sampler nstallation Procedure6 . Remove the inlet valve and bypass valve assemblies from the analyzer .a . U nscrew the ferrule nut on the pressure regulator inlet anddisconnect the sample tube .b . R emove the two screws that secure the inlet valve bracket to theanalyzer panel .c . I f the unit includes a bracket connected to the bypass needle valve,remove the two screws that secure the bracket to the analyzer panel .d . R emove the four screws that secure the bypass valve and particulatefilter to the analyzer panel .e . R emove the inlet valve and bypass valve assemblies from theanalyzer panel .7 . Assemble the new valve module to the analyzer . See Figure 2 .a . P lace the valve module in position on the analyzer panel and secureit with four mounting screws .b . S lide the supplied ferrule nut onto the free end of the black tubingon the new valve assembly .c . I nsert the free end of the black tubing into the inlet port on thepressure regulator . Verify that the tubing fits properly – it shouldbottom out against a stop in the regulator inlet without bucklingor kinking . T rim the tubing if necessary . Tighten the ferrule nut tosecure the tube to the regulator .d . C onnect the inlet line to the empty leg of the quick-connect elbowfitting on the 2-way valve included in the valve module . Insert theprocess tubing until it bottoms out against a stop in the fitting .8 . Re-assemble the regulator bracket .a . S lide the bracket over the pressure regulator .b . S ecure the bracket to the analyzer panel with two mounting screws .c . R eplace the ring nut onto the pressure regulator and tighten itagainst the regulator bracket .Figure 2 2111XP Grab Sampler Valve Module Mounting HolesGrab Sampler Mounting HolesGrab SamplerMounting BracketFigure 32111XP Grab Sampler Mounting Bracket Installation9 . Assemble the grab sampler mounting bracket to the analyzer panel .See Figure 3 .a . D isassemble the restrictor tubing from the flow meter . Loosen thecable clip that secures the restrictor tubing to the analyzer panel andloosen the compression fitting that secures the restrictor tubing tothe top of the flow meter .b . R emove the large cable clamp that secures the various drain lines tothe analyzer panel . Remove the mounting screw and set the clampaside for later use .c . U nscrew the two bolts that secure the flow cell assembly to theanalyzer panel . Support the flow cell assembly so that it does notfall .d . P lace the grab sampler mounting bracket in position between theanalyzer panel and the flow cell assembly . The mounting slots onthe bracket should align with the mounting holes on the flow cell .e . S ecure the flow cell assembly and mounting bracket by re-assembling the two mounting bolts .f . F eed the restrictor tubing through the grab sampler mountingbracket . Re-assemble the free end of the restrictor tubing to the flowmeter and secure the tubing to the analyzer panel with the smallcable clip .g . T hread a mounting screw into the lower-right slot in the grabsampler mounting bracket and secure it to the analyzer panel .h . R e-assemble the large cable clamp through the lower-left slot on thegrab sampler mounting bracket .i . R e-secure the various drain lines to the large cable clamp .j . A ssemble the clear drain line included with the valve module . Insert one end of the tube into the bypass elbow fitting and tighten thecompression nut . Route the tube under the reagent bottle manifold,through the large cable clamp, and down to the system drain .10 . Mount the grab sampler assembly to the analyzer .a . L oosely assemble four #10-24 mounting screws to the threadedholes in the grab sampler mounting bracket .b . R emove the sample bottle from the grab sampler and fit the unitonto the mounting screws on the bracket . Tighten the screws tosecure the unit .c . S nap the sample bottle back into the sampler housing .d . R oute the sample line from the bottle under the reagent bottlemanifold and over to the compression-style elbow connected to the3-way valve on the new valve module . Tighten the ferrule nut onthe elbow to secure the tube .e . R oute the loose tube from the bottom right of the grab samplemodule to the system drain .f . C onnect the power supply to the power jack on the grab sampler .11 . Re-assemble the reagent bottle to the analyzer .a . C heck to be sure that none of the three O-rings on the reagentmanifold block have been lost .b . A ssemble the reagent bottle onto the mounting stud on themanifold block and secure it with the thumb nut .12 . Return the analyzer to service .a . R econnect the power to the analyzer .b . O pen the process sample line to the analyzer assembly .c . T urn on the air pump . See the Air Pump Shutoff and Start-upProcedure section .d . P lace the various valves in the process sample position . The 2-wayinlet valve should be rotated counterclockwise so that it points tothe left . The 3-way sample valve should be rotated counterclockwiseso that it points to the right .e . A djust the pressure regulator to maintain the correct process flow .f . A djust the bypass valve to deliver the desired amount of bypass flowto drain .g . V erify that the various plumbing connections made during theinstallation are sealing properly . If a leak is detected, close the inletvalve and tighten the various fittings as needed .Figure 2111XP Grab SamplerComponentsFigure Components for Operating the Grab SamplerInlet Valve – ASample Valve – BParticulate Filter – CBypass Valve – DPressure Regulator Knob – EFlow Meter – F A B C D E FChapter 2 Grab Sampler MeasurementRefer to Figure 5 for the location of the components identified in the following procedure .1 . Verify that the system is configured to take a standard measurement . a . T he diverter valve on the flow cell should be pulled out .2 . Prepare the sample bottle .a . R inse the bottle with deionized water and then with a small amount of the desired sample . Discard the rinse water .3 . Load the sample .a . F ill the bottle with the sample .b . R eplace the cover on the bottle and load the bottle into the grab sampler .4 . Start the grab sampler .a . T urn the grab sampler power switch on . b . A llow the pump to run for 10 to 30 seconds to build pressure .5 . T urn the sample valve (B ) to the grab sample position .a . T urn the knob on the sample valve clockwise until it points to the left . b . T he process stream will still be open to the particulate filter (C ) and will continue to flow through the bypass valve (D ) . This will not interfere with the grab sample measurement and insures that the process stream is fresh when the grab sample measurement is complete .c . A djust the pressure regulator if required (see step 6) .6 . Adjust the knob on the pressure regulator (E ) so the ball in the flow meter (F ) indicates the correct flow rate . The flow rate should be 40 mL/minute for the Ammonia and DIPA Application Packages and 25 mL/minute for the Cation/High Acid Application Package . a . P ull the knob out to unlock the setting and adjust the flow rate .Grab Sampler Measurement Procedureb . T urn the knob clockwise to increase the flow rate .c . T urn the knob counterclockwise to decrease the flow rate .d . P ush the knob in to lock the setting .7 . Wait for the system to stabilize before taking the grab sample measurement .a . T he system will take time to flush any remaining process sample before the grab sample measurement stabilizes . The specific time required will depend on the sodium content of the residual process stream and the grab sample .Refer to Figure 5 for the location of the components identified in the following procedure .1 . After the grab sample measurement is complete, return the sample valve (B ) to the process setting .a . T urn the knob on the sample valve counterclockwise until it points to the right . b . A djust the pressure regulator if required (see step 2) .2 . Adjust the knob on the pressure regulator (E ) so the ball in the flow meter (F ) indicates the correct flow rate . The flow rate should be 40 mL/minute for the Ammonia and DIPA Application Packages and 25 mL/minute for the Cation/High Acid Application Package .a . P ull the knob out to unlock the setting and adjust the flow rate .b . T urn the knob clockwise to increase the flow rate .c . T urn the knob counterclockwise to decrease the flow rate .d . P ush the knob in to lock the setting .3 . Vent any residual pressure in the grab sampler system .a . P ress the pressure relief button on the grab sampler .4 . Rinse out the sample bottle .a . R emove the sample bottle from the system and discard any remaining sample .b . R inse the inside of the bottle with clean, deionized water and allow it to dry .c . R eplace the bottle in the grab sampler .Returning the Analyzer to Process Sample MeasurementChapter 3 Customer ServicesRefer to Figure 5 for the location of the components identified in the following procedure .1 . Close the inlet valve (A ) to shut-off process flow to the system .a . T urn the knob on the inlet valve clockwise until it points upward .2 . Remove the cap on the particulate filter .a . L oosen the panel nut on the bypass valve (D ) .b . U nscrew the cap on the particulate filter (C ) .c . S lide the bypass valve up into the top of its mounting slot and pivot it to allow access to the interior of the particulate filter .3 . Service the filter element .a . R emove the filter element from the particulate filter (C ) .b . C lean the filter element . The cleaning agent should be compatible with the 316 stainless steel filter element .4 . Replace the filter element in the filter housing .a . I nstall the filter element with the open end facing down .5 . Re-assemble the particulate filter cap (C ) .a . S crew the filter cap back onto the filter body .b . T ighten the panel nut on the bypass valve (D ) .6 . Re-open the inlet valve (A ) to restore process flow to the system .a . T urn the knob on the inlet valve counterclockwise until it points to the left .Servicing the Particulate FilterAfter troubleshooting all components of your measurement system, contact Technical Support . Within the United States call 1 .800 .225 .1480 and outside the United States call 978 .232 .6000 or fax 978 .232 .6031 . In Europe, the Middle East and Africa, contact your local authorized dealer . For the most current contact information, visit www .thermo .com/contactwater .For the latest application and technical resources for Thermo Scientific Orion products, visit www .thermo .com/waterapps .For the most current warranty information, visitwww .thermo .com/processwater .21GRABXP Grab sampler / FAST QC ™ upgrade module to fit existing 2111XP , 2111XPEN, 2110XP , 2110XPEN, 2117XP , 2117XPEN, 2120XP and 2120XPEN analyzers(Not currently available for use with 2109XP or 2109XPEN fluoride analyzers)21GRABLLLow level sodium grab sampler / FAST QC ™ upgrade module to fit existing 2111LL and 2111LLEN analyzers 21GRBTReplacement bottle for 2100 series grab sampler 21GRPAAir pump replacement kit for 2100 series grab sampler 21GRFK Fittings kit for 2100 series grab samplerAssistance Warranty Ordering nformationProcess Water InstrumentsNorth America 166 Cummings Center Beverly, MA 01915 USA Toll Free: 1-800-225-1480 Tel: 1-978-232-6000 Dom. Fax: 1-978-232-6015 Int’l Fax: 978-232-6031Europe P .O. Box 254, 3860 AG Nijkerk Wallerstraat 125K, 3862 CN Nijkerk, Netherlands Tel: (31) 033-2463887 Fax: (31) 033-2460832Asia Pacific Blk 55, Ayer Rajah Crescent #04-16/24, Singapore 139949 Tel: 65-6778-6876 Fax: 65-6773-0836/processwater© 2009 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.。
CCS-2100 发动机油表观粘度全自动测定仪
![CCS-2100 发动机油表观粘度全自动测定仪](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a67aa84efe4733687e21aa63.png)
※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ ※美国凯能仪器 世界粘度权威※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ CCS-2100发动机油表观粘度全自动测定仪(冷启动模拟机法)● 仪器符合ASTM D5293,SAE J300- 99,GB/T 6538标准● 试验温度范围:-5 ~ -35℃● 粘度范围:900 mPa·s ~ 25,000 mPa·s● 半导体制冷,绿色环保,无可燃有害介质● 计算机自动控制,自我校正● 一次测量30个样品,不需要操作人员随机跟踪操作● 自动计算粘度,提供更多更准确的数据及测试结果文件● 清洗过程具升温程序,确保彻底洗净粘度槽,提高测试精度美国凯能仪器公司生产的CCS-2100F型全自动发动机油表观粘度测定仪,全部由计算机控制,不需要操作人员随机跟踪操作,操作人员只要将样品注入样品瓶并给出样品编号后,操作人员不需要再介入。
技术及性能要求:1符合方法:符合ASTM D5293标准及GB/T 6538标准。
2测量精度:符合ASTM D5293标准及GB/T 6538标准。
3性能指标3.1温度范围:-5℃~-35℃(可根据将来SAE规格新要求升级),控温精度:±0.02℃3.2粘度范围:1500mPa·s - 27000mPa·s3.3制冷方法:环保型热电制冷(不使用甲醇或乙醇)。
动物营养系统使用手册Kjeltec 2100 凯氏定氮蒸馏系统Soxtec Avanti 2050自动脂肪检测仪Fibertec 2010半自动纤维分析仪Kjeltec 2100凯氏定氮蒸馏系统1.样品准备对于凯氏定氮分析法中样品的制备问题应认真加以考虑,避免产生错误进而影响最终结果。
如下给出了一个粗略的标准:均质样品(烘干)0.1-1 g非均质样品 1.0-3.0 g 或更多液体样品(依据含氮量) 1.0-100 ml2.消化在消化管中分别加入等量样品、等体积浓硫酸(10-15 ml)和一片催化剂后,放到消化炉上进行消化,当消化炉温度到达420℃后计时30 min。
3.蒸馏开始之前请检查桶中碱液的体积,必要时配制并灌入足够体积的40% NaOH溶液。
锥形瓶中预先盛有含指示剂(3-4滴)的25 ml 2%硼酸溶液,注意消化管要密封紧密防止漏气。
分析程序设定:默认的分析程序是加入碱体积60 ml蒸馏时间 5 min按住键的同时按或键可以分别调整加入碱的体积数和蒸馏时间。
(4) 实验完成后,取出消化管支架下方的槽子擦拭干净。
4.滴定用标准盐酸(0.1000 N或0.2000 N)滴定锥形瓶中的液体,当溶液呈现灰绿色时为滴定终点。
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美国凯能仪器公司的全自动运动粘度测定仪 (CAV2100) 是一台不需要人员 跟随操作的全自动仪器,因为它很容易使用,操作人员不需要接受专门训练, 当样品注入样品槽,操作人员通过计算机键盘输入样品的编号后,测量就开始, 不需要操作人员进一步介入,仪器将自动测定粘度并以实验报告的形式打印。 假如需要的话,粘度指数(VI)和不同测定温度下的粘度可通过软件自动计算 出 来。当液体通过二个微型探 测器时,电子计时器可将流速的测量精确到 0.003 秒。使粘度测量的精度达到和超过 ASTM D445 标准所规定的要求。 热敏元件提供的 信号和相关的电路与液体的颜色和导电率无关 ,因此黑色 和不透明液体可以如同透明液体一样精确测量。 由于玻璃毛细管 粘度计具有较大的 直径,因而粘状物体堵塞的 可能性减低 到最小。超长毛细管的设计特点可使样品很快达到测量温度,从而缩短了样品 从进入粘度计到测量结束的时间。单个运动粘度的全程测量速度(包括二个连续 流量时间的测量和粘度计为下一样品运行所作的准备)需要 6 到 15 分钟,这取 决于样品的运动粘度和运行参数。CAV2100 典型的测量速度是每小时 32 个样品 (4 个恒温浴) ,采用新型快速粘度测量管,在一定使用场合下,测试速度可达 到每小时 80 个样品(最大测速是指测一个流量时间,且样品具有低运动粘度和 容易清洗的状况)。13 位样品槽允许操作人员为一个粘度测量管一次配置 13 个 样品,大约 18 毫升的样品就 够一次或两次测量。计算机控制和组合型设计使 CANNON 全自动运动粘度测定仪可适合用户的各种需要。故障分析程序、格式化 数据输出、同一样品测量次数的选择和计算信息都包含在软件中,测试所得数 据和计算所得数据均储存在磁盘上以备查用。 每 个标准玻璃毛细管 粘度计 具有 100 倍 的粘度测量 范围 。 例 如 0.5 到 50cSt(mm2/s),1 到 100cSt(mm2/s),6 到 600cSt(mm2/s)等等,选择适当的粘度 计就可保证很大的灵活性。若仔细选择 ,在一个恒温浴中的二根粘度计的粘度 测量范围可以从 0.5 到 5000cSt(mm2/s)。每一款凯能全自动运动粘度测定仪附 带一个 34 升(9 加仑)溶剂的容器,一台真空泵,每一粘度计附带一个样品槽、 充足的样品瓶、带显示压力调节器、压 缩空气及真空电磁阀、管道、电缆、计 算机接口、软件和文件以及一大批备件用于日常维护,只需将电源、冷却水和 干净、干燥的压缩管道空气接至仪器。 每一台凯能全自动运动粘度测定仪由凯 能仪器公司技术代表进行安装、调试、 现场培训操作人员运行和操作仪器、指 导操作人员进行仪器日常维护。超过 400 台的凯能全自动运动粘度测定仪在世 界各地实验室中连续运行 20 年以上的事实证明该仪器的适应性和可靠性(详见 全世界用户名单)。
快速粘度测量管 :运行速度快,减少清洗时间,以提高样品测试速率,见上述 提到的各种型号 CAV 的样品测试速度。 双溶剂系统:使用二种溶剂对粘度计清洗。 加热样品槽 :在样品测量前,使样品维持在提高了的温度状态下,这一选择特 别有助于含腊或含有一种或多种在室温下不融化成份的样品,有二种型号可供 选用: 1.标准样品加热槽:可将样品维持在 50℃到 60℃左右。 2.高温样品槽: 可将样品维持在 100℃左右。 水循环冷却器:提供冷却循环水,用于 40℃或更低的恒温要求。 计算机要求: 凯能全自动运动粘度测定仪是由 IBM/AT 兼容计算机系统控制, 建议采用 IBM 或 兼容机奔腾 4 或更好。256M 内存,40G 以上硬盘,键盘,彩色显示器,80 列连 续供纸打印机,一个 3.5 英寸软驱动器,一个 CD-ROM。 凯能全自动运动粘度仪的基本规格
特点: ● 运动粘度测量范围宽 0.5 5000cSt(mm2/s)/40℃ 1 2000cSt(mm2/s)/100℃ 可扩展到上限 10000 cSt(mm2/s) 每个粘度计具有 100 倍的粘度测量范围,做样时绝不需更换粘度计 ● 可测量透明及不透明液体到同样精度,包括原油、轻重质燃料油、 润滑油、 添加剂、废油的运动粘度。也适用于测量含蜡量高样品,或含有在室温下不 溶化成分样品的运动粘度。 ● 恒温浴温度范围:20℃~150℃(全范围任意可调) ● 符合 ASTM D445, ASTM D446, ISO 3104, GB 265 标准 ● 新型快速粘度测量管可使测量速度达到每小时 80 个样品 ● 全自动进样、恒温、粘度测试、清洗、干燥粘度计,不需人员随机操作,操作 员在放样后,可以离开现场,仪器可以自动完成全部任务 ● 计算机控制并储存数据。可通过计算机网络传输数据 ● 设计容许仪器 24 小时,365 天无间断长期运行 ● 可对高粘度及含蜡样品盘和废液排放系统进行预热(50℃~70℃) ● 对难清洗样品可选用双溶剂清洗系统 ● 粘度指数和赛波特通用粘度自动计算,具计算机自我故障诊断程序,可以通过 网络进行远程故障诊断 ● 为世界上绝大多数的油品分析实验室所大量采用 ● 降低质量成本,真正提高测试效率,彻底解放劳动生产力 ● 积木式设计,用户可任意选择订购 1-4 个恒温浴,方便以后扩容
粘度计: 矽硼玻璃制毛细管粘度计具有宽广的范围(根据型号的不同,粘度上限可以是下 限的 100 倍)四个热敏电阻安装于每根管内。 恒温浴: 各恒温浴都可在 20℃到 100℃间(也可以选配 20℃到 150℃)到任意设定温度, 恒温浴介质由磁力离心泵循环、热敏温 度传感器、不锈钢加热管等组成,固态 温度控制电路提供可调式比例控制。恒温浴中介质可用硅油,在不超过 100 ℃情况下,硅油使用寿命约为五年。CANNON 仪器公司在仪器出厂时附带硅油。
操作程序: 1.操作人员将样品注入一次或多次性样品瓶,并将样品瓶置于样品槽内,将样 品槽插入自动运动粘度测定仪主机的槽沟内。
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2.当操作人员通过计算机键盘输入样品编号后,第一个样品就开始测量。 3.样品槽自动提升到粘度计的底部,使其浸入样品中。 4.计算机指令电磁阀动作使粘度计顶部真空并将样品自动吸入管内。 5.计算机检测从真空开始到样品接触第 一个探测器所需的时间,从而确定该样 品粘度是否合适。 6.当样品通过第一探头(热敏电阻)后,开始新的时间测量,当样品通过第二个 探头时,测得的时间用于选择合适的液体球泡来测量。低粘度的试样继续往上 抽至顶端的探头(球泡 3);高粘度试样将往上抽至第二个探头(球泡 1);而中等 运动粘度的试样抽到第三个探头(球泡 2)。 7.当液体触及由自动球泡择选器选择的 最高的一个探头时,真空即被解除,而 液面固定在此液位上直至试样达到测量温度。 8.在温度达到平衡时,样品被下放到样品槽内,粘度测量管顶部开通常压。 9.液体开始返回样品瓶,当顶部探头暴露时开始测量流经时间,当底部探头暴 露时测量完毕。 10.若需第二次测量流量时间,样品瓶可再次提升,重复步骤 3 至 9,样品将在 上次所选择的球泡中被再次测量。 11.一旦样品在第二次测量后,立刻打印出运动粘度,并显示于计算机屏幕上, 同时显示的还有样品编号,流经时间和二次测量的百分差率。 12.废液收集器移动到粘度测量管下面,溶剂开始清洗测量管,清洗过程需用 20 到 40 毫升溶剂。 13.溶剂从粘度测量管顶部吸入,同时溶剂也吸入测量管末端,溶剂及废样被废 液排放系统冲入废液收集器。 14.在清洗结束时,压缩空气进入粘度计顶部,以挥发管中剩余的溶剂,管子底 部外围的溶剂通过周围空气挥发掉。 15.干燥完毕后,废液收集器回到原位,样品槽前移,重复下一样品测量。 凯能全自动运动粘度测定仪 CAV2100-ONE BATH 拥有一个恒温浴,每一浴内有二支粘度计,共有二支粘度计。典型样品测试速 度为每小时 8 个样品,若采用新型快速粘度测量管,样品测试速度可达每小时 20 个样品(需在订购 CAV2100 时注明)。 凯能全自动运动粘度测定仪 CAV2100-TWO BATH 拥有二个恒温浴,每一浴内有二支粘度计,共有四支粘度计。典型样品测试速 度为每小时 16 个样品,若采用新型快速粘度测量管,样品测试速度可达每小时 40 个样品(需在订购时注明)。 凯能全自动运动粘度测定仪 CAV2100-THREE BATH 拥有三个恒温浴。每个浴内有二支粘度计,共有六支粘度计。典型的测量速度 是每小时 24 个样品,若采用新型快速粘度测量管,样品测试速度可提高到每小
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时 60 个样品(需在订购时注明)。 凯能全自动运动粘度测定仪 CAV2100-FOUR BATH 拥有四个恒温浴,每个浴内有二个粘度计,总共有八个粘度计,典型样品测试 速度为每小时 32 个样品,若采用新型快速粘度测量管样品测试速度将提高到每 小时 80 个样品(需在订购时注明)。
※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ ※美国凯能仪器 世界粘度权威※ ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※
The most advanced and versatile fully automatic viscometer available 当今世界最先进和最万能的真正全自动运动粘度测定仪 CANNON 全自动运动粘度测定仪 (CAV2100)
总重 704 公斤 40V 50Hz 10A (注:CAV4 需二路电源) 2 空气: 实验室需提供压力在 3.5 ~6.3kg/cm 的管道风。 实验室环境温度:25℃~28℃ CANNON CAV 典型应用领域: l 废油分析测试 l 油库储存油分析测试 l 添加剂分析测试 l 调合油(润滑油)分析测试 l 船用燃料油分析测试 l 原油分析测试 l 液压油分析测试 l 轻质和重质燃料油分析测试 CANNON CAV 典型工业部门: l 炼油厂质量控制实验室 l 炼油厂附属研究所实验室 l 研究开发应用实验室 l 润滑油调合和罐装工厂 l 油品分析实验室 l 发动机制造工厂 l 道路交通研究所 l 铁路研究所 l 轮船运输公司 l 船用燃料油试验室 l 发电厂 l 化学工厂 l 石油转运站 l 油品监督抽查部门 l 油脂生产厂 l 液压机器制造厂