
1.新的医学模式是A.生物一生理一社会医学模式B.生物一心理一社会医学模式C.生物一技术一环境医学模式D.生物一生理一心理医学模式E.生理一心理一社会医学模式2.我国的第一所护士学校位于A.南京B.北京C.上海D.广州E.福州3.全国首次护士执业考试在A.1983年B.1992年C.1993年D.1995年E.2000年4.临床护理包括基础护理和A.社区护理B.专科护理C.护理教育D.护理管理E.护理研究5.属于主观资料的是A.呼吸困难B.腹痛C.发细D.心率100次/分E.颈项强直6.不能开展有效而切题的交谈的情形是A.安排安静的交谈坏境B.事先说明交谈的目的C.交代交谈所需的时间D.交谈中打断患者的表达E.按准备的提纲交谈7.护埋诊断公式中的S代表A.健康问题B.患者的症状和体征C.患者的既往史D.患者的过敏史E.发生健康问题的原因8.属于远期目标的是A.住院期间患者不发生感染B.l周内患者体重下降0.5kgC.24小时内患者疼痛缓解D.5天内患者能自己行走2OOmE.3天内患者体温恢复正常范围9.屈膝仰卧位适用于A.昏迷B.瘫痪C.休克D.心衰E.腹部检查10.关于医院内感染的分类,正确的是A.按病原体的来源不同,可分为内源性感染和外源性感染B.内源性感染又称自身感染,病原体通过直接或间接的途径传播给患者C.外源性感染又称交叉感染,病原体来自于患者自身和体外D.体表寄生的正常菌群在健康状况良好时也致病E.抗生素的广泛应用,使外源性感染的机会增加11.煮沸消毒时,海拔每增加300m,需要延长消毒时间A.2分钟B.3分钟C.4分钟D.5分钟E.6分钟12.日光暴晒法消毒毛毯,为达到消毒效果,应照射A.2分钟B.3分钟C.4分钟D.5分钟E.6分钟13.对视觉障碍的患者能传递关怀之情的非语言性行为是A.倾听B.抚摸C.微笑D.沉默E.社交距离14.属于中效消毒剂的是A.过氧乙酸B.环氧乙烷C.戊二醛D.碘伏E·84消毒液15.取用无菌溶液时,先倒出少许溶液是为了A.冲洗瓶口B.检查溶液的颜色C.冲洗无菌容器D.检查溶液有无污染E.检查溶液有无浑浊16.己穿过的隔离衣被视为清洁部位的是A.衣领B.袖口C.腰部以上D.腰部以下E.胸部以上17.不宜在床上洗发的患者是A.感冒初愈B.慢性胃炎C.肝移植后第2天D.肱骨骨折E.剖宫产术后第5天18.灭头虱操作中,护士应A.严格执行无菌操作原则B.防止灭虱液与头皮接触C.观察患者有无皮肤过敏D.将剪下的头发及时扔进污物箱E.使用50%的含酸百部酊19.关于体温的生理性变化,正确的是A.老年人基础代谢率高,故体温偏高B.儿童基础代谢率低,故体温较低C.女性在妊娠早期受孕激素影响,体温偏低D.女性在排卵期受孕激素影响,体温偏高E.运动、进食可使体温略有增高20.体温骤降时年老体弱者易出现虚脱现象,其主要表现不包括A.血压下降B.四肢湿冷C.脉搏细速D.口唇干燥E.寒战无汗21.消毒体温计的消毒液应A.每日更换B.隔日更换C.每周更换1次D.每周更换2次E.每两周更换1次22.正确的测量呼吸的方法是A.观察胸部或腹部起伏次数,一起一伏为2次,观察30秒,结果乘以2B.患者剧烈活动后应休息10分钟再测量C.测量呼吸前要主动与患者沟通,征得患者同意D.危重患者观察棉花被吹动的次数30秒E.诊脉结束后护士的手不离开诊脉的部位即开始测量呼吸23.为鼻饲患者灌食后,注人少量温开水的目的是A.避免胃胀气B.防止患者恶心C.防止鼻饲液反流D.冲洗胃管,避免堵塞E.便于测量和记录灌注量24.为昏迷思者插胃管时,当插至会厌部要将患者头部托起,其目的是A.减轻患者痛苦B.避免患者恶心C.避免损伤食管黏膜D.加大咽喉部通道的弧度E.使喉部肌肉松弛25.鼻饲适用于A.鼻息肉者B.咽炎者C.拒绝进食者D.食管静脉曲张者E.肠梗阻者26.高胆固醇血症患者每日的胆固醇摄入量(成人)应低于A.200 gB.250 gC.300 gD.350 gE.400 g27.为鼻饲患者更换胃管时,要求A.晚上拔管,次晨插管B.上午拔管,晚上插管C.上午拔管,次晨插管D.上午拔管,中午插管E.随拔随插28.乙醇拭浴时,禁忌擦拭的部位是A.肘窝B.后颈C.手心D.足背E.腘窝29.脑外伤患者头部用冰槽的主要目的是A.减轻疼痛B.减轻局部出血C.减轻深部组织充血D.控制炎症的扩散E.降低体温30.采用温水拭浴降温,水温应选用A.30-40℃B.40-45℃C.45-50℃D.50-55℃E.55-60℃31.新鲜尿液即有氨臭味,提示A.尿液正常,因尿内有挥发性酸B.尿路感染C.糖尿病酮症酸中毒D.肾功能不全E.尿毒症32.在病情许可的情况下,指导尿失禁患者每日白天摄人2000一300Oml液体,目的是A.训练膀胱功能B.训练肌肉力量C.促进排尿反射,预防泌尿系统感染D.增强控制排尿能力E.锻炼膀胱壁肌肉张力33.导尿术中,第二次消毒的原则为A.由上至下,由外向内B.由上至下,由内问外C.由下至上,由内向外D.由下至上,由外向内E.根据患者的要求进行消毒34.女性患者导尿术中,第二次消毒时,首先消毒的部位为A.大阴唇B.小阴唇C.肛门D.尿道口E.阴阜35.女性患者导尿术中,第二次消毒时,需消毒两次的部位有A.大阴唇B.小阴唇C.肛门D.尿道口E.阴阜36.大量不保留灌肠时,患者应取A.屈膝仰卧位B.头高脚低位C.左侧卧位D.右侧卧位E.截石位37.禁忌大量不保留灌肠的是A.肝性昏迷者B.急腹症者C.糖尿病者D.伤寒者E.充血性心力衰竭者38.应冷藏在2-1O℃冰箱内的药物是A.甘草片B.氨茶碱C.乙醚D.糖衣片E.青霉素皮试液39.服药方法正确的是A.助消化药饭前服B.止咳糖浆服后多饮水C.强心苷类药服前测心率D.发汗药服后不宜饮水E.健胃药饭后服40.注射中能用手直接接触的注射器的部位是A.活塞轴B.针尖C.针梗D.针栓外侧E.乳头41.股外侧肌的注射范围是A.大腿外侧,膝关节以上B.髋关节以下,膝关节以上大腿外侧C.髋关节以下lOcm,膝关节以上lOcm大腿外侧D.大腿内侧,膝天节以上lOcmE.髋关节以下lOcm,膝关节以上lOcm 大腿内侧42.青霉素过敏反应中最严重的是A.皮肤过敏反应B.血清病型反应C.呼吸道过敏反应D.过敏性休克E.消化道过敏反应43.可降低血液黏稠度,改善微循环的胶体溶液是A.低分子右旋糖酐B.中分子右旋糖酐C.25%山梨醇D.羟乙基淀粉E.浓缩白蛋白44.输液过程中巡视发现茂菲滴管内液面过高,正确的处理是A.立即更换输液瓶B.拔出针头重新穿刺并更换输液瓶C.取下输液瓶并倾斜,使瓶内针头露出液面,滴管内液面降至所需高度时继续输液D.夹闭滴管下端输液管,用手挤压茂菲滴管,将药液挤人输液瓶使液面降至所需高度E.分离输液器与针头连接处,放去多余液体45.肺水肿患者四肢轮流结扎时,应A.每隔1-5分钟轮流放松一侧肢体的止血带B.每隔5-10分钟轮流放松一侧肢体的止血带C.每隔1-5分钟放松四肢止血带D.每隔5-10分钟放松四肢止血带E.每隔10-15分钟轮流放松一侧肢体的止血带46.正确使用冰冻血浆的方法是A.每100ml加入生理盐水2Oml稀释后使用B.每100ml加入枸橼酸钠5ml使用C.放在37℃的温水中融化后使用D.每100ml加入冷蒸馏水5Oml稀释后使用E.在热源上加温融化后使用47.检查阿米巴原虫,采集粪便标本的正确方法是A.留新鲜粪便,立即送检,注意保暖B.取新鲜粪便最上部少许C.清晨留便少许D.在同次便中多取几个不同部位E.留少许异常粪便48.采集咽拭子的时间不宜安排在A.清晨B.上午9时C.餐后2小时内D.午后4时E.睡前49.在尿标本中加人甲苯的目的是A.防止尿中激素被氧化B.保持尿液的碱性环境C.保持尿液的化学成分不变D.保持尿液的酸性环境E.固定尿中有机成分50.双侧瞳孔扩大常见于A.颅内压增高患者B.有机磷农药中毒患者C.吗啡中毒患者D.氯丙嗪中毒患者E.深昏迷患者51.为保证安全用氧,氧气筒应远离暖气A.lm以上B.2m以上C.3m以上D.4m以上E.5m以上52.强酸强碱中毒患者应A.采用口服催吐法洗胃B.尽快洗胃C.只用生理盐水洗胃D.禁忌洗胃E.采用拮抗剂洗胃53.死亡过程的最后阶段是A.临床死亡期B.脑死亡期C.生物学死亡期D.代谢衰竭期E.濒死期54.尸体护理的目的,不包括A.使尸体清洁B.使尸体无流液C.使尸体姿势良好D.易于尸体鉴别E.利于尸体保存55.如死者的眼睑不能闭合,正确的护理操作是A.冷敷后闭合B.热敷后闭合C.冷热交替使用使其闭合D.缝合E.局部按摩后闭合56.属于临时医嘱的是A.安定5mg,qnB.一级护理C.平卧位D.肥皂水灌肠,明晨E.吸氧,prn57.关于脉搏的绘制,下列正确的是A.以红"○"表示B.脉搏短促时,心率以红“●”表示C.相邻心率用红虚线相连D.以红"○"表示E.脉搏与体温重叠时,先画脉搏再画体温58.1/E表示A.灌肠后排便1次,自行排便2次B.灌肠后排便一天2次C.灌肠后排便两天1次D.两次灌肠后排便1次E.自行排便1次,灌肠后排便2次59.需做特别护理记录的患者是A.进行特殊治疗后的患者B.次日晨空腹抽血的患者C.手术前检查准备阶段的患者D.次日手术患者E.阑尾切除术后的患者60.当对医嘱内容有疑问时,护士应A.拒绝执行B.询问护士长后执行C.与同组护士商量后执行D.询问医生,核对无误后执行E.凭经验执行61.患者男性,48岁。

广东中职英语模考试题库:单项填空单项填空(共15小题;每小题l分,满分l 5分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
1.---Our holiday cost a lot of money.----Did it? Well,that doesn’t matter you enjoyed yourselves.A.as long as B.unless C.as soon as D.though2.We were caught in a thunderstorm,without anywhere to .A.escape B.1eave C.shelter D.part3.He speaks English well indeed,but of course not a native speaker.A.as fluent as B.more fluent than C.so fluently as D.much fluently than 4.We don’t have the b ook in stock but you can it.A.order B.write C.buy D.return5.---If you keep on breaking the rules,you will be fired.---- ? I don’t care.A.What for B.How comeC.So what D.Why so.6.James Naismith,the inventor of basketball,made l3 original rules of basketball . A.at all B.on average C.in total D.at length7.I'll give you my friend's home address, I can be reached most evenings.A.which B.when C.whom D.where8.team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships.A.No matter what B.No matter C.Whatever D.Whichever9.---Must I see a doctor right now?---No,you see a doctor for the time being.A.can’t B.shouldn't C.needn’t D.mustn’t10.If I had seen the movie,I you all about it now.A.would tell.B.will tell C.have told D.Would have told11.,they set out to break the record for cross-channel swim.A.Well equipping B.To be well equippedC.Well equipped D.Being equipped well12.I to go for a walk,but someone called and I couldn't get away.A.was planning B.planned C.had planned D.would plan13.I'm thinking of doing something creative in the interview to myself other interviewees.A.refer;to B.name;after C.distinguish;from D.attach;to 14.He was robbed last night, but he didn't have much money on him then.A.fortunately B.eventually C.certainly D.surprisingly15.----When did it begin to snow?----It started the night.A.by B.during C.on D.at第一节单项填空(共15小题:每小题1分,共15分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

塑模模具考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 塑料模具的主要组成部分不包括以下哪一项?A. 型腔板B. 型芯C. 顶针D. 螺丝2. 在注塑成型过程中,以下哪个因素对产品的精度影响最大?A. 材料选择B. 注塑压力C. 模具温度D. 冷却时间3. 下列哪项不是塑料模具设计时需要考虑的因素?A. 塑料的流动性B. 塑料的收缩率C. 模具的强度D. 操作者的技术水平4. 注塑模具的浇口系统通常不包括以下哪个部件?A. 主浇道B. 分浇道C. 冷料井D. 型腔5. 在模具制造过程中,以下哪种材料通常不用于制作型腔?A. 钢B. 铝C. 铜D. 塑料6. 下列哪一项不是塑料模具的常见问题?A. 翘曲B. 缩水C. 熔接线D. 腐蚀7. 以下哪种冷却方式不属于塑料模具的冷却系统?A. 水冷B. 风冷C. 油冷D. 电冷8. 在塑料模具的顶出系统中,以下哪个部件不是必需的?A. 顶针B. 顶针板C. 弹簧D. 型腔板9. 以下哪种塑料不适合使用热流道系统进行注塑成型?A. ABSB. PCC. POMD. PVC10. 在模具设计中,以下哪种方法不用于提高模具的使用寿命?A. 使用耐磨损材料B. 表面硬化处理C. 减少模具的复杂度D. 增加模具的尺寸二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 塑料模具的型腔数通常由________、________和________共同决定。
12. 注塑机的注射量应该________(大于/小于)模具所需的塑料量。
13. 塑料模具的排气系统的主要作用是________和________。
14. 在模具设计中,冷却管道的布局应________以确保制品的均匀冷却。
15. 塑料模具的分型面选择应尽量避免在制品的________。
16. 热流道系统中的分流板通常由________材料制成。
17. 塑料模具的顶出系统设计应确保制品的________和________。
18. 注塑成型过程中,背压的调整可以影响塑料的________和________。
模板工培训考试试题 答案

模板工培训试题(答案)单位:_某某某队_____ 姓名:__某某某______ 得分:________一、填空题2、模板分为底模、侧模、端模和内模四部分。
3、制梁场根据承担的制梁任务、工期要求及台位数量,决定制作32米底模板 9 套,24米底模板 1 套。
5、整体式内模拆叠分 3 次进行,两侧翼板部、底部拐角部位模板,均为接,可以进行该部位的折叠合伸展。
6、内模系统:内膜系统由走行机构、液压系统、内模板、3 部分组成。
(4) 最后拆除外模。
顶滑移梁施工培训试题(答案)单位:_某某某队_____ 姓名:__某某某______ 得分:________一、填空题1、顶落梁时,让一端两台千金顶串联均匀受力、从而保证四点在同一平面内,千斤顶受力大小油压表来放应,只需控制四台千斤顶的油压表读数一致即可满足四支点均匀受力的要求。


()A:3m B:C:4m D:2、拼装高度为以上的竖向模板,不得站在下层模板上拼装上层模板。
()A:1m B:2m C:3m D:4m3、当模板安装高度超过时,必须搭设脚手架,除操作员外,脚手架下不得站其他人。
()A:2m B:3m C:4m D:5m4、在有斜支撑的模板工程中,应在两侧模间采用连接成整体。
()A:45O B:60O C:70O D:90O6、当采用散拼定型模板进行墙模板支模时,应进行。
()A:100mm B:150mm C:200mm D:250mm8、采用扣件式钢管作模板支架时,立杆纵距、立杆横距不应大于。
()A:1m B:C:2m D:9、采用扣件式钢管作模板支架时,扣件螺栓的拧紧力矩不应小于,且不应大于。
()A:65% B:70% C:75% D:100%11、拆装方便、通用性强、周转率高的模板是()A:滑升模板B:组合钢模板C:大模板D:爬升模板12、已知某钢筋混凝土梁中②号钢筋外包尺寸为4480mm,钢筋两端弯钩增长值共计156mm,钢筋中间部位弯折的量度差值为36mm,则②号钢筋的下料长度为()mm。
A:4516 B:4600 C:4627 D:463613、当梁上部纵筋多余一排时,用什么符号将各排钢筋自上而下分开()A:/ B:;C:* D:+14、受力钢筋的接头位置不宜在()A:最小弯矩处B:最大弯矩处C:中性轴处D:截面变化处15、钢筋对焊接头处的钢筋轴线偏移,不得大于(),同时不得大于2mm。

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it. read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
D. Because the quality of the gas in the station is terrible.
A. 5 dollarsB. 6 dollarsC. 7 dollarsD. 11 dollars
D. The new movie wasn’t welcomed by the critics.
A. They will be home on time.
B. Her mother is in an area with poor signal reception.

模具考试试题一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 模具设计中,通常采用的公差等级是:A. 精密级B. 标准级C. 粗糙级D. 一般级2. 注塑模具中,塑料材料在模具中的流动状态是:A. 层流B. 湍流C. 混合流D. 非牛顿流3. 以下哪项不是模具制造过程中的常见问题:A. 材料选择不当B. 模具设计不合理C. 模具加工精度高D. 模具使用寿命短4. 模具的冷却系统设计的主要目的是:A. 增加模具使用寿命B. 减少成型周期C. 提高产品精度D. 以上都是5. 模具的锁模力主要用于:A. 保证模具的密封性B. 保证产品的精度C. 保证模具的强度D. 保证模具的稳定性二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)6. 模具的制造材料通常包括_________、_________和_________等。
7. 模具的热处理工艺主要包括_________、_________和_________等。
8. 模具的排气系统设计是为了_________和_________。
9. 模具的顶出系统设计需要考虑的因素包括_________、_________和_________。
10. 注塑模具的型腔设计应考虑产品的_________、_________和_________。
三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)11. 简述模具设计的基本流程。
12. 描述模具制造过程中的质量控制要点。
13. 阐述模具的维护和保养的重要性及其基本方法。
四、计算题(每题15分,共30分)14. 假设有一个塑料制品的投影面积为500平方厘米,模具的锁模力为50吨。
15. 给定一个模具的冷却系统设计参数,冷却液的流量为5升/分钟,冷却液的温差为10摄氏度。
五、论述题(共30分)16. 论述现代模具制造技术的发展对模具行业的影响。

福厦高铁于2017年9月全线开工,正线全长277.42公里,设计最高行车时速350 公里。

模具工程师考试题《塑件产品结构设计》测试题(总分120分)一、填空题:每空格题0.5分,共24分1、硬质塑料比软质塑料的脱模斜度大,收缩率大的塑料比收缩率小的脱模斜度大前模脱模斜度大于后模脱模斜度;精度要求越高,脱模斜度要越小;,晒纹脱模斜度应取较大值,一般为3-9度;2. 塑料成型工艺性能包括流动性,收缩性,结晶性,吸水性,热敏性。
壁厚过大,不但浪费材料,而且加长成型周期,降低生产率,还容易产生气泡、缩水等暇疵4、产品配合位设计时不能设计成零对零(即两零件之间不能没有间隙,),一般都要预留_0.10_mm的间隙,结构设计中把0.15mm以下称死配合,0.15_mm以上称运动配合5、加强筋基本厚(筋宽)度应等于0.5-0.7倍壁厚,高度宜小于等于3倍壁厚, 加强筋的作用:增加强度和刚性;改善走胶,功能的要求。
9、塑件上成形的标记符号(晒字),符号的高度不应小于0.2 mm,但晒字一般也不高于0.5mm,线条宽度不应小于0.3 mm,通常以0.8mm为宜。
两条符号间距离不小于0.4 mm,边框可比图案纹高出0.3 mm 以上,标记符号的脱模斜度应大于10度以上。
10. 塑料制品的在超生波焊接是容易产生错位,溢料(批锋),表面刮化,焊接不牢,内部零件损伤等不良问题。
11.塑料制品常见的缺陷有缩水,批锋,顶白,变形,填充不足,熔接痕,表面拖花,气泡(气纹、烧焦),蛇仔纹,等等(可任写6种)12. 塑料制品螺纹的常见加工方法有注射成型,机械加工,自攻螺纹,螺纹嵌件。

[单选题] *A、压强B、压力(正确答案)C、顶力2.注射成型的生产周期(),生产率高。
[单选题] *A、短(正确答案)B、长C、一般3.注射成型在生产过程容易实现()。
[单选题] *A、自动化(正确答案)B、人工化C、集成化4.注塑设备()于单件小批量的塑件生产。
[单选题] *A、适合B、不适合(正确答案)5.常用脱模剂包括()、()和()。
*A、硬脂酸锌(正确答案)B、液态石蜡(正确答案)C、硅油(正确答案)D、酒精6.注射过程包括()、( B )、保压补缩、浇口冻结后的冷却和脱模。
[单选题] *A、大于B、小于(正确答案)C、等于13.塑料的主要成分是(),占塑料总重量40%~100% 。
[单选题] *A、着色剂B、合成树脂(正确答案)C、润滑剂14.按塑料的使用特性可分为()、()和()。

模具维修工考试试题与答案(二)模具部考试试题(二)一、单项选择题(每题2分,共30分)1、立式钻床的进给箱升降时通过(B )来实现的。
A.螺旋机构B.齿轮与齿条机构C.凸轮机构D.链传动2、对于剖视图,不正确的说法是:( C )。
A.剖视图按的剖切范围可分为全剖、半剖和局部剖三个种类B.剖视图一般都应进行标注C.剖切时可采用一个或多个平面对物体进行剖切,但不能采用其他剖切面D.剖视只是一种假想画法,除剖视图外,其他视图不受影响4、外形简单内部结构复杂的零件最好用以下图表达:( A )。
A.全剖视图B.半剖视图C.局部视图D.阶梯剖视图5、在机用虎钳的装配图中,螺母块是重要的零件,与活动钳身的间隙大小是通过( C )来调节的。
A.垫片B.调整螺母C.螺钉D.弹簧6、一般选用装配尺寸链的公共环作( D )。
A.组成环B.减环C.封闭环D.补偿环7、尺寸链按应用场合划分为装配尺寸链和( A)A.工艺尺寸链B.长度尺寸链C.直线尺寸链D.组合式尺寸链8、工艺尺寸链的封闭环是( D )。
A.精度要求最高的环B.经过加工直接保证的尺寸C.尺寸最小的环D.经过加工后间接得到的尺寸9、某制品一关键中心距尺寸为10±0.10mm,收缩率为1%,模具设计时,该成型尺寸设计较好的是( C )。
A、10.00mmB、10.05mmC、0.10mmD、10.15mm10、下列注塑模零件中不属于支承零件的是( C )。
A、动模座板B、垫块C、推板D、支承板11、对于注射模,导柱可以安装在动模,也可以安装在定模,导柱的布置一般采用( C )。
A、两个导柱对称布置B、三个导柱不对称布置C、四个导柱对称布置D、四个导柱不对称布置12、关于模具保养,正确的是( B )A、模具连续生产,无需保养B、定期保养可以延长模具寿命C、拆卸保养模具会影响模具精度D、模具保养是指将模具擦干净13、当塑件侧壁带有通孔、凹穴、凸台等形状时,开模顶出之前须抽出,合模时又须复位,这种机构称为( C )A、合模结构B、导向机构C、抽芯结构D、复位结构14、注塑模具零件可以分为( D )。

在进行非手术治疗期间,梗阻解除的标志是A、肛门排便排气B、呕吐后腹胀减轻C、胃肠减压后腹痛减轻D、肠呜音亢进转为消失E、轻度压痛无肌紧张正确答案:A8.男性,30 岁,因车祸撞伤腹部,诉腹痛,伴恶心.呕吐.呕吐物量少,X 线透视可见隔下游离气体,拟诊为胃肠穿孔。


A、应设置在塑件外形的最大轮廓处B、确保开模后制品留在动模侧C、要便于模具的加工D、不影响制品的外观正确答案:A, B, C,(江南博哥) D2、单选热固性塑料制品的后处理包含()。
A.主流道B.分流道C.浇口D.冷料穴E.浇口衬套正确答案:A, B, C, D5、单选AutoCAD中,不属于基本的尺寸标注类型的是()。
A.使用合格的原材料B.使用前对聚合物进行严格的干燥C.塑件设计时尽可能避免侧孔D.确定合理的加工工艺和加工条件E.使用附加剂,如抗氧化剂、稳定剂正确答案:A, B, D, E8、单选在挤出成型中,下列()又称为计量段。


A、不会发生层流状态B、不发生紊流状态C、才发生紊流状态D、才发生层流状态正确答案:D2、密度的单位是()A、千克B、升C、立方米D、千克/立方米正确答案:D3、在研究流体运动时,按照是否考虑流体的粘性,可将流体分为()A、牛顿流体及非牛顿流体B、可压缩流体与不可压缩流体C、理想流体与实际流体D、均质流体与非均质流体正确答案:C4、有压管道的管径d与管流水力半径的比值d /R=( )A、1B、8C、2D、4正确答案:D5、不可压缩流体的特征是()。
A、仅仅取决于内聚力B、仅仅取决于分子的动量交换C、当流体处于静止状态时,由于内聚力,可以产生D、当流体处于静止状态时不会产生正确答案:D10、伯努利方程中P/ρg表示()A、单位体积流体具有的机械能B、通过过流断面的流体所具有的总机械能C、单位重量流体具有的压力能D、单位质量流体具有的机械能正确答案:C11、沿程损失的损失系数和哪个参数无关?()A、雷诺数B、长度C、管径D、表面粗糙度正确答案:B12、管路水力计算中的所谓长管是指( )。
A、总能量损失很大的管路B、局部损失与沿程损失相比较可以忽略的管路C、局部损失与沿程损失均不能忽略的管路D、长度很长的管路正确答案:B13、下列说法正确的是( )A、液体不能承受拉力,但能承受压力B、液体能承受拉力,但不能承受压力C、液体能承受拉力,也能承受压力D、液体不能承受拉力,也不能承受压力正确答案:A14、伯努利方程说明,流体在等直径管内定常流动中,位能增加()A、压力上升B、压力下降C、压力不变D、都可能正确答案:B15、不随时间变化的流动称为()A、定常流动B、理想流体C、不可压缩流体D、实际流体正确答案:A16、水平管段中有效截面1和有效截面2的压力方向( )A、都向右B、与坐标轴方向一致为正C、与坐标轴方向一致为负D、都向左正确答案:B17、水力学中,单位质量力是指作用在单位()液体上的质量力。

该卫星( )A.入轨后向心加速度大于地球表面赤道上物体随地球自转的向心加速度B.入轨后的速度等于第一宇宙速度C.该卫星的机械能小于同质量的近地卫星的机械能D.该卫星可以定位在天津上空一定高度处第(3)题带电粒子进入云室会使云室中的气体电离,从而显示其运动轨迹。
下列说法正确的是( )A.粒子带正电B.粒子先经过a点,再经过b点C.粒子运动过程中洛仑兹力对其做负功D.粒子运动过程中所受洛伦兹力逐渐减小第(4)题热机中卡诺循环是效率最高的,它是由两个等温过程和两个绝热过程组成。
该循环过程中,以下判断正确的是( )A.过程中,气体对外界做功,放热B.过程中,气体分子的平均动能增加C.过程中,单位时间内碰撞单位面积器壁的分子数减少D.过程中,气体分子的速率分布曲线发生变化第(5)题如图所示,水平固定的光滑细长杆上套有一物块Q,跨过悬挂于O点的轻小光滑圆环的细线一端连接Q,另一端悬挂一物块P。
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Section 31.To criticize a disaster film for being ________ is a bit silly, since people do not go to disaster movies to see an honest portrayed of reality.A.expensiveB.harrowingC.derivativeD.convolutedE.implausible2.Though many avant-garde writers ________ traditional distinctions among literary categories, combining elements of biography and fiction, prose and poetry, this fusion of forms has been slow to catch on with publishers.A.floutB.presupposeC.exploitD.imitateE.illuminate3.Despite the abundance and importance of maize, its biological origin has been a long-running mystery. The bright yellow, mouth-watering treat does not grow in the wild4.If newspaper consumers are concerned about more than (i)________ and prefer to read news that is consistent with their beliefs, then (ii)________ is not a journalistic flaw, but, rather, a cultivated feature. In a competitive news market, producers can use slant to5.China’s rapidly growing population is the main threat facing large carnivores in the People’s Republic. Increasingly, policies aimed at limiting population growth have been (i)________: nevertheless, the country’s vast size and the isolation of many its re gions mean that human populations in areas where large carnivores still occur(ii)________. This6.The slow pace of job creation was without precedent for the period of recovery froma recession, but the conditions that conspired to cause the recession were also (i)________. The stock market declined sharply, and rampant business investment slumped. Then an ensuing spate of scandals (ii)________ public trust in the way companies were run. AndIn 1755 British writer Samuel Johnson published an acerbic letter to Lord Chesterfield rebuffing his patron for neglecting and declining support. Johnson’s rejection of his patron’s belated assistance has often been identified as a key moment in the history of publishing, marking the end of the culture of patronage. However, patronage had been in decline for 50 years, yet would survive, in attenuated form, for another 50. Indeed, Johnson was in 1762 awarded a pension by the Crown—a subtle form of sponsorshi p, tantamount to state patronage. The importance of Johnson’s letter is not so much historical as emotional; it would become a touchstone for all who repudiated patrons and for all who embraced the laws of the marketplace.7.The author of the passage mentio ns Johnson’s 1762 pension award in order toA.reveal that Johnson remained consistent in his rebuke of Lord Chesterfield well after 1755B.provide evidence for a general trend in the later half of the eighteenth century of private patronage’s being replaced by state sponsorship.C.situated the debate over the end of patronage within the wider realm of eighteenth-centuryD.suggest that Johnson’s letter to Chesterfield was noticed by the crown only years afterE.emphasize that patronage still helped support Johnson’s writing after his letter to Lord Chesterfield8.Which of the following best describes the function of highlighted sentence in the context of the passage as a whole?A.It points out the most obvious implications of Johnson’s letter to his patronB.It suggests a motivation for Johnson’s rejection of Chesterfield’s patronageC.It provides information that qualifies the assertion that Johnson’s letter sharply defined the end of a publishing eraD.It provides a possible defense for Chesterfield’s alleged neglect of Johns onE.It refuses the notion that patrons are found primarily among the nobilityMassive projectiles striking much larger bodies create various kinds of craters, including multi-ring basins–the largest geologic features observed on planets and moons. In such collisions, the impactor is completely destroyed and its material is incorporated into the larger body. Collisons between bodies of comparable size, on the other hand, have very different consequences: one or both bodies might be entirely smashed, with mass from one or both the bodies redistributed among new objects formed from the fragments. Such a titanic collision between Earth and a Mars-size impactor may have given rise to Earth’s Moon.The Earth-Moon system has always been perplexing. Earth is the only one of the inner planets with a large satellite, the orbit of which is neither in the equatorial plane of Earth nor in the plane in which the other planets lie. The Moons mean density is much lower than that of Earth but is about the same as that of Earths mantle. This similarity in density has long prompted speculation that the Moon split away from a rapidly rotating Earth, but this idea founders on two observations. In order to spin off the Moon, Earth would have had to rotate so fast that a day would have lasted less than three hours. Science offers no plausible explanation of how it could have slowed to its current rotational rate from that speed. Moreover, the Moons composition, though similar to that of Earths mantle, is not a precise match. Theorizing a titanic collision eliminates postulating a too-rapidly spinning Earth and accounts for the Moons peculiar composition. In a titanic collision model, the bulk of the Moon would have formed from a combination of material from the impactor and Earths mantle. Most of the earthly component would have been in the form of melted or vaporized matter. The difficulty in recondensing this vapor in Earths orbit, and its subsequent loss to the vacuum of outer space, might account for the observed absence in lunar rocks of certain readily vaporized compounds and elements.Unusual features of some other planets might also be explained by such impacts. Mercury is known to have a high density in comparison with other rocky planets. A titanic impact could have stripped away a portion of its rocky mantle, leaving behind a metallic core whose density is out of proportion with the original ratio of rock to metal.A massive, glancing blow to Venus might have given it its anomalously slow spin and reversed direction of rotation. Such conjectures are tempting, but, since no early planet was immune to titanic impacts, they could be used indiscriminately to explain away in a cavalier fashion every unusual planetary characteristic; still, we may now be beginning to discern the true role of titanic impacts in planetary history.9. According to the passage, which of the following is true of the collisions mentioned in the highlighted sentence?A. They occur less frequently than do titanic collisions.B. They occur between bodies of comparable size.C. They occur primarily between planet-sized bodies.D. They result in the complete destruction of the impacting body.E. They result in mass being redistributed among newly formed objects.10. The author of the passage asserts which of the following about titanic collision models?A. Such models are conclusive with respect to certain anomalies within the solar system, but leave numerous other anomalies unexplained.B. Such models are more likely than are earlier models to account for the formation of multi-ring basins.C. Such models may be particularly useful in explaining what happens when the impacting bodies involved are of highly dissimilar mean densities.D. Such models have been tested to such a degree that they are quickly reaching the point where they can be considered definitive.E. Such models are so tempting that they run the risk of being used indiscriminately to explain unusual planetary features.11. The passage suggests that which of the following is true of the cited compounds and elements?A. They were created by reactions that took place during a titanic collision.B. They were supplied by an impactor that collided with Earth.C. They were once present on the Moon but were subsequently vaporized.D. They are rarely found on planet-size bodies in our solar system.E. They are present on Earth but not on the Moon.12. In the second paragraph, the author is primarily concerned withA. Arguing in favor of a particular theory about the formation of the EarthMoon system.B. Summarizing conventional theories about the formation of the earth-Moon system.C. Anticipating and responding to criticisms of a particular theory about the formation of the Earth-Moon system.D. Explaining why the Earth-Moon system is considered scientifically perplexing.E. Questioning an assumption underlying one theory about the formation of the Earth-Moon system.13. Although legislators on both sides of the issues have repeatedly________ a desire to find a middle ground, until now no acceptable compromise has been achieved.A.discussedB.proclaimedC.professedD.rejectedE.disownedF.betrayed14. Even before she went to art school, Veronica found the standard design categories________: she didn’t understand why designing buildings and designing tables should require different sensibilities.A.provocativeB.limitingC.stimulatingD.confusingE.confiningF.exhilarating15. The author engages this issue from diverse perspectives, supports his arguments with many examples, and manages to avoid antagonizing others in dealing with a very _____ subject.A.contentiousB.pedestrianC.controversialD.perplexingE.mundaneF.intriguing16. To call Kermode the finest English critic of his generation be a_________ compliment, since not many of its population are professionally engaged in literary criticism.A.sincereB.backhandedC.paltryD.heartfeltE.meagerF.plausibleAlthough several ancient cultures practiced mummification, mummies from ancient Egypt are generally more well preserved than mummies of similar antiquity from other cultures. One possible explanation for this difference is that the mummification techniques or materials used by ancient Egyptians were better than those of other cultures. A second, more likely, explanation is that the extremely dry climate of ancient Egypt was largely responsible, given that dryness promotes the preservation of organic remains generally.17. Which of the following provide the most support for the argument?A. The materials used by ancient Egyptians for mummification were not used by any other ancient culture that practiced mummification.B. Some ancient Egyptian mummies are better preserved than other ancient Egyptian mummies from around the same time.C. No ancient people living in very damp areas practiced mummification.E. Bodies from ancient Egyptian tombs dating from before the practice of mummification began are almost as well preserved as ancient Egyptian mummies.F. Ancient mummies discovered in places other than Egypt have typically not been as well protected from the elements as ancient Egyptian mummies were.Attempts to identify New Guinean’s hunter-gatherers face the well-known difficulty of defining what constitutes a hunter-gather group. According to the common definition, hunter-gathers are those who subsist by hunting wild animals and gathering wild plants. Yet those criteria beg numerous questions, including the issue of what constitutes “wild”. The very presence on a landscape of humans who are consumers affects food resources, blurring the lines between wild and domesticated and, hence between hunting and pastoralism, and between gathering and cultivation. Moreover, it is unclear how groups should be classified that are hunter-gatherers in their procurement strategies but that make use of pastoralism and cultivation in their consumption patterns––subsisting, for example, by trading wild foods to neighbors in return for domesticated crops.18.The primary purpose of the passage is toA.suggest that there are not as many hunter-gathers in New Guinea as is commonly thoughtB.explain why identifying N ew Guinean’s hunter-gathers is not a straightforward processC.point to certain difficulties in establishing what constitute a wild plant and a wild animalD.establish new, more relevant criteria for what constitutes a hunter-gather groupE.discuss the implication of an inappropriate definition of pastoralism19.Replacement of the word “common” with which of the following results in the LEAST change in meaning to the passage?A.triteB.mutualC.unexceptionalD.collectiveE.conventionalColumnist: Until very recently, Presorbin and Veltrex, two medications used to block excess stomach acid, were both available only with a prescription written by a doctor. In an advertisement for Presorbin, its makers argue that Presorbin is superior on the grounds that doctors have written 200 million prescriptions for Presorbin, as compared to 100 million for Veltrex. It can be argued that the number of prescriptions written is never a worthwhile criterion for comparing the merits of medicines, but that the advertisement’s argument is a bsurd is quite adequately revealed by observing that Presorbin was available as a prescription medicine years before Veltrex was.20. In the columnist’s argument, the two highlighted portions play which of the following roles?A. The first is a claim that the columnist’s argument seeks to clarify; the second states a conclusion drawn about one possible interpretation of that claim.B. The first identifies the conclusion of an argument that the columnist’s argument is directed against; the second states the main conclusion of the columnist’s argument.C. The first states the main conclusion of the columnist’s argument; the second states a conclusion that the columnist draws in defending that conclusion against an objection.D. The first identifies an assumption made in an argument that the columnist's argument is directed against; the second states the main conclusion of the columnist’s argument.E. The first is a claim that has been offered as evidence to support a position that the columnist opposes; the se cond states the main conclusion of the columnist’s argumentSection 4 1. The idea of a “language instinct” may seem________ to those who think of language as the zenith of the human intellect and of instincts as brute impulse. A. jarring B. plausible C. gratifying D. inevitable E. conciliatory 2. The maps in this volume are meant not as guides but as________ they are designed to make the reader think anew about the city. A. adornments B. referencesC. truismsD. provocationsE. valedictions 3. Proponents of international regulation of environmental issues have always struggled against scientific uncertainty and economic hostility, two obstacles which, form a political standpoint, often have been closely related, as economic hostile toward environmental regulation for economic reasons have (i)________the considerable uncertainly underlying most environmental challenges to (ii)________ of environmental regulation.4. It would be imprecise to characterize her scholarship as (i)________: though her etymological discussion is necessarily esoteric, there is nothing (ii)________about the conclusions she derives from it.5. The book is not comprehensive but is, instead, (i)________ in the most positive sense: (ii)_______ rather than settles.6.With the emergence of scientific history-writing in the late nineteenth century, several authors sought to ignore the glowing myths surrounding George Washington and uncover the human being within, but their biographies were still (i)________ enough that Washington remained a marbled and remote figure. Indeed, by the 1920s Washington had become such (ii)________ personage that inevitably someone had to go to the otherEarly life insurers in the United States found themselves facing the problem of obtaining reliable information, as they needed to rely on applicants themselves to provide truthful, complete answers to a standard set of questions. In an attempt to personalize the relationship between insurers and their individual applicants, firms selected highly respecte d local citizens to act as their agents. These agents were expected to evaluate the appearance of candidates, unearth evidence of unhealthy family histories or questionable habits, and attest to the respectability of the people writing testimonial letters on an applicant's behalf. In short, the initial purpose of the agency system was not to actively solicit customers, but, rather, to recreate the glass-bowl mentality associated with small towns or city neighborhoods.7. The primary purpose of the passage is toA. explain the original function of life insurance agentsB. evaluate the effectiveness of early life insurance agentsC. describe how life insurance was first introducedD. illustrate how the life insurance agency system changed over timeE. compare the strategies used by life insurance in cities and in small towns8 . The author suggests which of the following about “city neighborhoods”?A. They were places where family histories where difficult to establishB. They were places where unhealthy behaviors had been successfully addressedC. They were locations that were well suited for recruiting insurance agentsD. They offered a high degree of transparency about a resident's personal history and characterE. They offered potentially fruitful markets for the life insurance industryThroughout much of the Tertiary period (most of the past 65million years), the Arctic supported continuous forests. Only toward the end of that period does the fossil evidence show that certain present-day Arctic plants were established and widely distributed throughout the Arctic. Many Arctic plants are thought to have originated in the high mountain ranges of central Asia and North America, to have spread northward to the Arctic as global temperatures fell in the late Tertiary, and to have achieved a circumpolar distribution by the end of the Tertiary (about 2 million years ago). However, fossil evidence to support these proposals is either lacking or fragmentary. Consequently, the routes by which these plants expanded their ranges during their colonization of the Arctic remain unknown.9. Which of the following statements about Arctic plants is supported by the passage?A. The decline in global temperatures in the late Tertiary prevented many high-mountain plants from becoming established in the Arctic.B. There is not enough evidence to firmly establish the historical migration routes of present-day Arctic plants.C. Present-day Arctic plants are less likely to leave fossil remains than are plants outside the Arctic.10. The context in which it appears, "distributed" most nearly meansA. developedB. isolatedC. dispersedD. dividedE. disconnected9.Even though the original settlement may not hold up, it at least proves that thedeadlock can be broken and that a hitherto________ party is ready to bargain.A.implacableB.unyieldingC.impeccableD.flawlessE.unqualifiedF.capricious10.The company is so old-fashioned and opposed to innovation that it can seem downright________.A.antediluvianB.flightyC.archaicD.chauvinisticE.capriciousF.patronizing11.Space is often referred to as the final frontier, as the only realm of which humankind has still to gain substantial understanding, yet the ocean is also another vast area about which our knowledge is ________.A.erroneousB.confusingC.frustratingD.rudimentaryE.delusiveF.sketchy12.In sharp contrast to the novel’s scenic realism and precise characterized figure is its persistent philosophical ________.A.naturalismB.abstractionC.generalityD.impartialityE.sincerityF.objectivityA mouse’s immune system generally rejects proteins different from those produced by that mouse. The immune system of a pregnant mouse does not, however, reject the mouse’s fetuses, alt hough the fetal tissue a fetus produces as it develops typically contains many such proteins. Some scientists hypothesize that the placenta surrounding the fetus physically blocks the mother’s immune system. But others, noting that the placenta produces IDO, an enzyme that suppresses the immune system, hypothesize that IDO plays a crucial role in protecting the fetus.15. In order to choose between the two hypotheses, it would be most useful to determine which of the following?A.Whether mice sometimes produce IDO when they are not pregnantB.Whether the immune systems of fetal mice are capable of attacking the tissue of the motherC.Whether there are cases in which the immune system of a pregnant mouse rejects some fetuses but not othersD.Whether IDO is the only substance capable of suppressing the immune system produced by miceE.Whether the immune systems of pregnant mice that are given a drug that inhibits IDO production subsequently reject the fetus.Biologists studying wild monkeys sometimes need the genetic material DNA from a particular monkey to determine the animal's parentage. Until recently, DNA could be extracted only from blood. Collecting a blood sample required tranquilizing the donor animal. Now DNA can be extracted from hair. Monkeys shed large quantities of hair in places where they sleep. Therefore, researchers will now be able to determine the parentage of individual monkeys from DNA without tranquilizing the monkeys.16. Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?A. The places in which monkeys sleep are easily accessible to researchersB. Information about a particular monkey’s parentage is the only kind of information that can be determined from DNA that has been extracted from that monkey’s hair.C. For at least some samples of hair collected from monkey habitat it will be possible to associate hairs with the individual monkeys from which they cameD. Examining DNA is the only way to determine the parentage of wild monkeysE. It will be necessary to obtain any hair samples used in determining a monkey’s parentage from a place where the monkey has sleptDuring the 1920s, most advocates of scientific management, Frederick Taylor’s method for maximizing workers’ productivity by rigorously routinizing their jobs, opposed the five-day workweek. Although scientific managers conceded that reducing hours might provide an incentive to workers, in practice they more often used pay differentials to encourage higher productivity. Those reformers who wished to embrace both scientific management and reduced hours had to make a largely negative case, portraying the latter as an antidote to the rigors of the former.In contrast to the scientific managers, Henry Ford claimed that shorter hours led to greater productivity and pro fits. However, few employers matched either Ford’s vision or his specific interest in mass marketing a product—automobiles—that required leisure for its use, and few unions succeeded in securing shorter hours through bargaining. At its 1928 convention, the American Federation of Labor (AFL) boasted of approximately 165,000 members working five-day, 40-hour weeks. But although this represented an increase of about 75,000 since 1926, about 70 percent of the total came from five extremely well-organized building trades’ unions.17. It can be inferred that the author of the passage would probably agree withwhich of the following claims about the boast referred to in highlighted sentence?A.It is based on a mistaken estimation of the number of AFL workers who were allowed to work a five-day, 40-hour week in 1928.B.It could create a mistaken impression regarding the number of unions obtaining a five-day, 40-hour week during the 1920s.C.It exaggerates the extent of the increase between 1926 and 1928 in AFL members working a five-day, 40-hour week.D.It overestimates the bargaining prowess of the AFL building trades’ unions during the 1920s.E.It is based on an overestimation of the number of union members in the AFL in 1928.18. According to t he passage, the “reformers” (line 5) claimed thatA.neither scientific management nor reduced hours would result in an improvement in the working conditions of most workersB.the impact that the routinization of work had on workers could be mitigated by a reduction in the length of their workweekC.there was an inherent tension between the principles of scientific management and a commitment to reduced workweeksD.scientific managers were more likely than other managers to use pay differentials to encourage higher productivityE.reducing the length of the workweek would increase productivity more effectively than would increases in payUnlike herbivores and omnivores, predators have traditionally been thought not to balance nutrient intake because of the assumption that animal tissue as a food source varies little and is nutritionally balanced. But chemical analysis of invertebrate prey reveals remarkable variation in nutrient composition among species; even within species, nutrient composition may vary considerably. Greenstone suggested that predators may select food items according to their nutrient contents. Jensen et al (2011) have shown experimentally that even sit-and-wait invertebrate predators with limited mobility can work to address nutrient deficiencies. The wolf spider, for instance, has been shown to regulate nutrient intake by extracting more dry mass from a prey item if it contains a higher proportion of a nutrient that was deficient in the previous prey.19.The passage supplies information for answering which of the followingquestions?A.Do invertebrate predators with full mobility address nutrient needs in the same fashion as sit-and-wait invertebrate predators with limited mobility?B.Why would there be a considerable variation in nutrient composition within prey of a given species?C.Is all of the nutrient content of invertebrate prey contained in the dry mass?D.What would a wolf spider do if a fly it was eating contained a higher proportion of a certain nutrient than was present in the spider’s recent prey?E.How is a wolf spider able to determine that some prey it is eating contains a higher proportion of a nutrient that was deficient in the previous prey?20.Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage as a whole?A. A phenomenon is described, and an interpretation is offered.B. A claim is made, and the corroborating evidence is evaluated.C. A hypothesis is presented and undermined by recent findings.D. A contrast is noted and shown to be specious based on recent findings.E. A series of assumptions is presented and shown to be based on sound reasoning.。