1. logistics [ləˈdʒɪstɪks] (n.) 物流;后勤。
- 例句:Good logistics is crucial for the success of e - commerce.(良好的物流对电子商务的成功至关重要。
)2. warehouse [ˈweəhaʊs] (n.) 仓库;货栈。
- 例句:The goods are stored in the warehouse.(货物存放在仓库里。
)3. inventory [ˈɪnvəntri] (n.) 存货;库存。
- 例句:We need to check the inventory regularly.(我们需要定期检查库存。
)4. transport [ˈtrænspɔːt] (v.) 运输;运送;[ˈtrænspɔːt] (n.) 运输;交通工具。
- 例句:They transport the goods by truck.(他们用卡车运输货物。
)- The transport of goods is very efficient.(货物的运输非常高效。
)5. delivery [dɪˈlɪvəri] (n.) 交付;递送。
- 例句:The delivery of the package was on time.(包裹按时递送。
)6. package [ˈpækɪdʒ] (n.) 包裹;包。
- 例句:She received a large package yesterday.(她昨天收到了一个大包裹。
)7. shipment [ˈʃɪpmənt] (n.) 装货;装载的货物;装运。
- 例句:The shipment will arrive next week.(这批货物将于下周到达。
1. courier [ˈkʊriə(r)] (n.) 快递员;信使。
常见物流英语50句1.Modern logistics is one of the most challenging and exciting jobs in the world.现代物流是世界上最富挑战性和最激动人心的工作。
2.Logistics is part of a supply chain.物流是供应链的整体组成部分。
3.Logistics is anything but a newborn baby.物流不是新鲜事。
4.Logistics is a unique global “pipeline”.物流是独特的全球通道。
5.Logistics is related to the effective and efficient flow of materials and information.物流所涉及的是物料和信息有效、快速的流动。
6.Logistics operation and management include packaging, warehousing, materialhandling, inventory control, transport, forecasting, strategic planning, customerservice, etc.物流操作和管理包括包装、仓储、物料搬运、库存控制、运输、预测、战略计划和客户服务等方面。
7.Logistics consists of warehousing, transportation, loading and unloading,handling, carrying, packaging, processing, distribution and logistics information.物流由仓储、运输、装卸、搬运、包装、加工、配送和物流信息所组成。
8.Logistics may be divided into supply logistics, production logistics, distributionlogistics, returned logistics and waste material logistics.物流可以分成供应物流、生产物流、销售物流、回收物流和废弃物物流。
物流专业单词1.物品article2.物流logistics3.物流活动logistics activity4.物流作业logistics operation5.物流模数logistics modulus6.物流技术logistics technology 7.物流成本logistics cost8.物流管理logistics management 9.物流中心logistics center10.物流网络logistics network 11.物流信息logistics information 12.物流企业logistics enterprise 13.物流单证logistics documents 14.物流联盟logistics alliance 15.供应物流supply logistics16.生产物流production logistics 17.销售物流distribution logistics 18.回收物流returned logistics 19.废弃物物流waste material logistics 20.绿色物流environmental logistics 21.企业物流internal logistics 22.社会物流external logistics 23.军事物流military logistics24.国际物流international logistics25.第三方物流third-part logistics (TPL)26.定制物流customized logistics27.虚拟物流virtual logistics28.增值物流服务value-added logistics service 29.供应链supply chain30.条码bar code31.电子数据交换electronic data interchange (EDI) 32.有形消耗tangible loss33.无形消耗intangible loss 奖罚物流作业术语1.运输transportation2.联合运输combined transport3.直达运输through transport4.中转运输transfer transport5.甩挂运输drop and pull transport6.集装运输containerized transport7.集装箱运输container transport8.门到门door-to-door9.整箱货full container load (FCL)10.拼箱货less than container load (LCL11.储存storing12.保管storage13.物品储存article reserves14.库存inventory15.经常库存cycle stock16.安全库存safety stick17.库存周期inventory cycle time 18.前置期(或提前期)lead time 19.订货处理周期order cycle time 20.货垛goods stack21.堆码stacking22.搬运handing/carrying23.装卸loading and unloading24.单元装卸unit loading and unloading 25.包装package/packaging26.销售包装sales package27.定牌包装packing of nominated brand 28.中性包装neutral packing29.运输包装transport package30.托盘包装palletizing31.集装化containerization32.散装化containerization33.直接换装cross docking34.配送distribution35.共同配送joint distribution36.配送中心distribution center37.分拣sorting38.拣选order picking39.集货goods collection40.组配assembly41.流通加工distribution processing42.冷链cold chain43.检验inspection 奖罚物流技术装备及设施术语1.仓库warehouse2.库房storehouse3.自动化仓库automatic warehouse 4.4立体仓库stereoscopic warehouse5.虚拟仓库virtual warehouse6.保税仓库boned warehouse7.出口监管仓库export supervised warehouse8.海关监管货物cargo un der customer’s supervision 9.冷藏区chill space10.冷冻区freeze space11.控湿储存区humidity controlled space12.温度可控区temperature controlled space 13.收货区receiving space14.发货区shipping space15.料棚goods shed16.货场goods yard17.货架goods shelf18.托盘pallet19.*车fork lift truck20.输送机conveyor21.自动导引车automatic guided vehicle (AGV)22.箱式车box car23.集装箱container24.换算箱twenty-feet equivalent unit (TEU)25.特种货物集装箱specific cargo container26.全集装箱船full container ship27.铁路集装箱场railway container yard28.公路集装箱中转站inland container depot29.集装箱货运站container freight station (CFS)30.集装箱码头container terminal31.国际铁路联运international through railway transport32.国际多式联运international multimodal transport33.大陆桥运输land bridge transport34.班轮运输liner transport35.租船运输shipping by chartering36.船务代理shipping agency37.国际货运代理international freight forwarding agent38.理货tally39.国际货物运输保险international transportation cargo insurance 40.报关customs declaration41.报关行customs broker42.进出口商品检验commodity inspection 奖罚物流管理术语1.物流战略logistics strategy2.物流战略管理logistics strategy management3.仓库管理warehouse management4.仓库布局warehouse layout5.库存控制inventory control6.经济订货批量economic order quantity (EOQ)7.定量订货方式fixed-quantity system (FQS)8.定期订货方式fixed-quantity system (FIS)9.ABC分类管理ABC classification10.电子订货系统Electronic order system (EOS)11.准时制just in time (JIT)12.准时制物流just-in-time logistics13.零库存技术zero-inventory logistics14.物流成本管理logistics cost control15.物料需要计划material requirements planning (MRP)16.制造资源计划manufacturing resource planning (MRP II) 17.配送需要计划distribution requirements planning (DRP) 18.配送资源计划distribution resource planning (DRP II) 19.物流资源计划logistics resource planning (LRP)20.企业资源计划enterprise resource planning (ERP)21.供应链管理supply chain management (SCM)22.快速反映Quick response (QR)23.有效客户反映efficient customer response(ECR)24.连续库存补充计划continuous replenishment program (CRP)25.计算机付诸订货系统computer assisted ordering (CAO) 26.供应商管理库存vendor managed inventory (VMI)27.业务外包outsourcing物流中级英语(共145个)基本概念术语1.物品article 2.物流logistics 3.物流活动logistics activity 4.物流作业logistics operation 5.物流模数logistics modulus 6.物流技术logistics technology 7.物流成本logistics cost 8.物流管理logistics management 9.物流中心logistics center 10.物流网络logistics network 11.物流信息logistics information 12.物流企业logistics enterprise 13.物流单证logistics documents 14.物流联盟logistics alliance 15.供应物流supply logistics 16.生产物流production logistics 17.销售物流distribution logistics 18.回收物流returned logistics 19.废弃物物流waste material logistics 20.绿色物流environmental logistics 21.企业物流internal logistics 22.社会物流external logistics 23.军事物流military logistics 24.国际物流international logistics 25.第三方物流third-part logistics (TPL) 26.定制物流customized logistics 27.虚拟物流virtual logistics 28.增值物流服务value-added logistics service 29.供应链supply chain 30.条码bar code 31.电子数据交换electronic data interchange (EDI) 32.有形消耗tangible loss 33.无形消耗intangible loss 奖罚物流作业术语1.运输transportation 2.联合运输combined transport 3.直达运输through transport 4.中转运输transfer transport 5.甩挂运输drop and pull transport 6.集装运输containerized transport 7.集装箱运输container transport 8.门到门door-to-door 9.整箱货full container load (FCL) 10.拼箱货less than container load (LCL 11.储存storing 12.保管storage 13.物品储存article reserves 14.库存inventory 15.经常库存cycle stock 16.安全库存safety stick17.库存周期inventory cycle time 18.前置期(或提前期)lead time 19.订货处理周期order cycle time 20.货垛goods stack 21.堆码stacking 22.搬运handing/carrying 23.装卸loading and unloading 24.单元装卸unit loading and unloading 25.包装package/packaging 26.销售包装sales package 27.定牌包装packing of nominated brand 28.中性包装neutral packing 29.运输包装transport package 30.托盘包装palletizing 31.集装化containerization 32.散装化containerization 33.直接换装cross docking 34.配送distribution 35.共同配送joint distribution 36.配送中心distribution center 37.分拣sorting 38.拣选order picking 39.集货goods collection 40.组配assembly 41.流通加工distribution processing 42.冷链cold chain 43.检验inspection 奖罚物流技术装备及设施术语1.仓库warehouse 2.库房storehouse 3.自动化仓库automatic warehouse 4.4立体仓库stereoscopic warehouse 5.虚拟仓库virtual warehouse 6.保税仓库boned warehouse 7.出口监管仓库export supervised warehouse 8.海关监管货物cargo under customer’s supervision 9.冷藏区chill space 10.冷冻区freeze space 11.控湿储存区humidity controlled space 12.温度可控区temperature controlled space 13.收货区receiving space 14.发货区shipping space 15.料棚goods shed 16.货场goods yard 17.货架goods shelf 18.托盘pallet 19.叉车fork lift truck 20.输送机conveyor 21.自动导引车automatic guided vehicle (AGV) 22.箱式车box car 23.集装箱container 24.换算箱twenty-feet equivalent unit (TEU) 25.特种货物集装箱specific cargo container 26.全集装箱船full container ship 27.铁路集装箱场railway container yard 28.公路集装箱中转站inland container depot 29.集装箱货运站container freight station (CFS) 30.集装箱码头container terminal 31.国际铁路联运international through railway transport 32.国际多式联运international multimodal transport 33.大陆桥运输land bridge transport 34.班轮运输liner transport 35.租船运输shipping by chartering 36.船务代理shipping agency 37.国际货运代理international freight forwarding agent 38.理货tally 39.国际货物运输保险international transportation cargo insurance 40.报关customs declaration 41.报关行customs broker42.进出口商品检验commodity inspection 奖罚物流管理术语1.物流战略logistics strategy 2.物流战略管理logistics strategy management 3.仓库管理warehouse management 4.仓库布局warehouse layout 5.库存控制inventory control 6.经济订货批量economic order quantity (EOQ) 7.定量订货方式fixed-quantity system (FQS) 8.定期订货方式fixed-quantity system (FIS) 9.ABC分类管理ABC classification 10.电子订货系统Electronic order system (EOS) 11.准时制just in time (JIT) 12.准时制物流just-in-time logistics 13.零库存技术zero-inventory logistics 14.物流成本管理logistics cost control 15.物料需要计划material requirements planning (MRP) 16.制造资源计划manufacturing resource planning (MRP II) 17.配送需要计划distribution requirements planning (DRP) 18.配送资源计划distribution resource planning (DRP II) 19.物流资源计划logistics resource planning (LRP) 20.企业资源计划enterprise resource planning (ERP) 21.供应链管理supply chain management (SCM) 22.快速反映Quick response (QR) 23.有效客户反映efficient customer response(ECR) 24.连续库存补充计划continuous replenishment program (CRP) 25.计算机付诸订货系统computer assisted ordering (CAO) 26.供应商管理库存vendor managed inventory (VMI) 27.业务外包outsourcingAabc classificiation abc分类法.A Circular Letter 通告信/通知书Accomplish a Bill of Lading (to) 付单提货acquisition cost ordering cost 定货费Act of God 天灾activity cost pool 作业成本集activity-based costing 作业基准成本法Actual Displacement 实际排水量Ad valorem freight 从价运费Addendum (to a charter party) ( 租船合同)附件Additional for Alteration of Destination 变更卸货港附加费Additional for Optional Destination 选卸港附加费Address commission (Addcomm) 回扣佣金Adjustment 海损理算Advanced B/L 预借提单advanced shipping notice (asn) 预先发货通知A fixed day sailing 定日航班A fortnight sailing 双周班A Friday(Tuesday / Thursday)sailing 周五班agile manufacturing 敏捷制造Air Express 航空快递airline operator/freight forwarder 不营运船舶的多式联运经营人Air Waybill 航空运单Alliance 联盟All in rate 总运费率All purposes (A.P) 全部装卸时间All time saved (a.t.s) 节省的全部时间allocation―――中转?Always afloat 始终保持浮泊American Bureau of Shipping (A.B.S.) 美国船级社A monthly sailing 每月班AMT (Advanced Manufacturing Technology) 先进制造技术Anchorage 锚地Anchorage dues 锚泊费Annual survey 年度检验anticipation inventory 预期储备Anti-dated B/L 倒签提单APICS (American Production and Inventory Control Society,Inc.) 美国生产与库存管理系统Applied Manufacturing Education Series 实用制造管理系列培训教材Apron 码头前沿Arbitration award 仲裁裁决Arbitrator 仲裁员Area differential 地区差价Arrest a ship 扣押船舶AS/RS (automated storage/retrieval system) 自动化仓储系统assemble-to-order 定货组装assembly 组配Article reserves物品储备ATP (available to promise) 可供销售量automatic replenishment (ar) 自动补货系统automatic warehouse 自动化仓库Automatic guided vehicle (AGV)自动导引车automated high-rise warehouse 自动立体仓库Average adjuster 海损理算师Average bond 海损分摊担保书Average guarantee 海损担保书A weekly sailing 周班axle housing桥壳Axle load 轴负荷Bbackflushing 反冲法Backfreight 回程运费back-hauls―――回程空载Back (return) load 回程货backlog 拖欠定单back order 脱期定单, 延期交货成本(back order costs)。
国际物流常用英语汇总Gross Registered Tonnage(GRT)注册(容积)总吨Net Registered Tonnage(NRT)注册(容积)净吨Deadweight Tonnage (AllTold)(DWT or D.W.A.T)总载重吨位(量)Gross Dead Weight Tonnage 总载重吨位Dead Weight Cargo Tonnage(DWCT)净载重吨Light Displacement 轻排水量Load (Loaded)Displacement 满载排水量满载排水量Actual Displacement 实际排水量Over weight surcharge 超重附加费Bunker Adjustment Factor(Surcharge)(BAS or BS)燃油附加费Port Surcharge 港口附加费Port Congestion Surcharge 港口拥挤附加费Currency Adjustment Factor(CAF)货币贬值附加费Deviation surcharge 绕航附加费Direct Additional 直航附加费Additional for OptionalDestination 选卸港附加费Additional for Alterationof Destination 变更卸货港附加费Fumigation Charge 熏蒸费Bill of Lading 提单On Board (Shipped)B/L 已装船提单Received for shipment B/L 备运(收妥待运)提单Named B/L 记名提单Bearer B/L 不记名提单Order B/L 指示提单Blank Endorsement 空白备书Clean B/L 清洁提单In apparent good order andcondition 外表状况良好Unclean (Foul, Dirty)B/L不清洁提单Direct B/L 直航提单Transshipment B/L 转船提单Through B/L 联运提单Multi-modal (Inter-modal,combined)transport B/L 多式联运提单Long Form B/L 全式提单Short Form B/L 简式提单Anti-dated B/L 倒签提单Advanced B/L 预借提单Stale B/L 过期提单On Deck B/L 甲板货提单Charter Party B/L 租约项下提单House B/L 运输代理行提单Seaworthiness 船舶适航Charter Party (C/P)租船合同(租约)Voyage charter party 航次租船合同Time Charter Party 定期租船合同Bareboat (demise)CharterParty 光船租船合同Common carrier 公共承运人Private carrier 私人承运人Single trip C/P 单航次租船合同1206Consecutive single tripC/P 连续单航次租船合同Return trip C/P 往返航次租船合同Contract of Affreightment(COA)包运合同Voyage Charter Party onTime Basis 航次期租合同Fixture Note 租船确认书Free In (FI)船方不负责装费Free Out (FO)船方不负责卸费Free In and Out (FIO)船方不负责装卸费Free In and Out ,Stowed and Trimmed (FIOST)船方不负责装卸、理舱和平舱费Declaration of ship'sDeadweight Tonnage of Cargo 宣载通知书Dunnage and separations 垫舱和隔舱物料Lump-sum freight 整船包价运费Weather working days(W.W.D)良好天气工作日Notice of Readiness (NOR)船舶准备就绪通知书Idle formality 例行手续Laytime statement 装卸时间计算表Damage for Detention 延期损失Customary Quick Despatch(CQD)习惯快速装运International MaritimeDangerous Goods Code (IMDG)国际海上危险品货物规则(国际危规)Booking Note 托运单(定舱委托书)Shipping Order (S/O)装货单(下货纸)Mate's Receipt 收货单Loading List 装货清单Cargo Manifest 载货清单(货物舱单)Stowage Plan 货物积载计划Dangerous Cargo List 危险品清单Stowage Factor 积载因素(系数)Inward cargo 进港货Outward cargo 出港货Container yard (CY)集装箱堆场Container Freight Station(CFS)集装箱货运站1209 Container Load Plan 集装箱装箱单Conventional ContainerShip 集装箱两用船Semi-container Ship 半集装箱船Full Container Ship 全集装箱船Full Container Load (FCL)整箱货Less Container Load (LCL)拼箱货Delivery Order (D/O)提货单(小提单)Dock receipt 场站收据Twenty equivalent unit(TEU)二十尺集装箱换算单位Equipment InterchangeReceipt (EIR)集装箱设备交接单Demurrage 滞期费Crew List 船员名册Log book 航行日志Liner transport 班轮运输Tramp transport 不定期(租船)运输Minimum Freight 最低运费Maximum Freight 最高运费Accomplish a Bill ofLading (to)付单提货Ad valorem freight 从价运费Address commission(Addcomm)回扣佣金Adjustment 海损理算Average adjuster 海损理算师Average bond海损分摊担保书Average guarantee 海损担保书Act of God 天灾All in rate 总运费率Annual survey 年度检验All purposes (A.P)全部装卸时间All time saved (a.t.s)节省的全部时间Always afloat 始终保持浮泊Anchorage 锚地Anchorage dues 锚泊费Arbitration award 仲裁裁决Arbitrator 仲裁员Arrest a ship 扣押船舶Area differential 地区差价Addendum (to a charterparty)(租船合同)附件Apron 码头前沿Bale or bale capacity 货舱包装容积Back (return)load 回程货Back to back charter 转租合同Backfreight 回程运费Ballast (to)空载行驶Barge 驳船Barratry 船员不轨Barrel handler 桶抓Base cargo (1)垫底货Base cargo (2)起运货量Bundle (Bd)捆(包装单位)Beam 船宽Bearer (of a B/L)提单持有人Both ends (Bends)装卸两港Boatman 缆工Buoy 浮标Bunker escalation clause 燃料涨价条款Derrick 吊杆Fork-lift truck 铲车Boom of a fork-lift truck 铲车臂Both to blame collisionclause 互有过失碰撞条款Book space 洽订舱位Bottom 船体Bottom stow cargo 舱底货Bottomry loan 船舶抵押贷款Breakbulk 零担Breakbulk cargo 零担货物Broken stowage 亏舱Brokerage 经纪人佣金Bulk cargo 散装货Bulk carrier 散货船Bulk container 散货集装箱American Bureau ofShipping (A.B.S.)美国船级社Bureau Veritas (B.V.)法国船级社Cabotage 沿海运输Canal transit dues 运河通行税Capsize vessel 超宽型船Captain 船长Car carrier 汽车运输船Car container 汽车集装箱Cargo hook 货钩Cargo sharing 货载份额Cargo superintendent 货物配载主管Cargo tank 货箱Cargo tracer 短少货物查询单Cargoworthiness 适货Certificate ofseaworthiness 适航证书Cesser clause 责任终止条款Chassis 集装箱拖车1210Claims adjuster 理赔人Classification certificate船级证书Classification register 船级公告Classification society 船级社Classification survey 船级检验Paramount clause 首要条款Clean (petroleum )products 精练油Clean the holds (to)清洁货舱Closing date 截至日Closure of navigation 封航Collapsible flattrack 折叠式板架集装箱Completely knocked down(CKD)全拆装Compulsory pilotage 强制引航Conference 公会Congestion 拥挤Congestion surcharge 拥挤费Con-ro ship 集装箱/滚装两用船Consecutive voyages 连续航程Consign 托运Consignee 收货人Consignor 发货人Consignment 托运;托运的货物Consolidation (groupage)拼箱Consortium 联营Constants 常数Container barge 集装箱驳船Container leasing 集装箱租赁Containerization 集装箱化Containerised 已装箱的,已集装箱化的Containership 集装箱船Contamination (of cargo )货物污染Contributory value 分摊价值Conveyor belt 传送带Corner casting (fitting)集装箱(角件)Corner post 集装箱(角柱)Crane 起重机Crawler mounted crane 履带式(轨道式)起重机Custom of the port (COP)港口惯例Customary assistance 惯常协助Daily running cost 日常营运成本Deadfreight 亏舱费Deadweight (weight)cargo 重量货Deadweight cargo(carrying)capacity 载货量Deaiweight scale 载重图表Deck cargo 甲板货Delivery of cargo (a ship)交货(交船)Despatch or Despatch money速遣费Destuff 卸集装箱Det Norske Veritas(D.N.V.)挪威船级社Deviation 绕航Direct discharge (车船)直卸Direct transshipment 直接转船Dirty(Black)(petroleum)products ( D.P.P.)原油Disbursements 港口开支Discharging port 卸货港Disponent owner 二船东Dock 船坞Docker 码头工人Door to door 门到门运输Downtime (设备)故障时间Draft (draught)吃水;水深Draft limitation 吃水限制Dropping outward pilot(D.O.P.)引航员下船时Dry cargo 干货Dry cargo(freight)container 干货集装箱Dry dock 干船坞Demurrage half despatch(D1/2D)速遣费为滞期费的一半Efficient deck hand(E.D.H.)二级水手Elevator 卸货机Enter a ship inwards(outwards)申请船舶进港(出港)Entrepot 保税货Equipment 设备(常指集装箱)Equipment handover charge 设备使用费Estimated time ofcompletion (ETC)预计完成时间Estimated time ofdeparture (ETD)预计离港时间Head charter (charterparty)主租船合同Head charterer 主租船人Heavy lift 超重货物Heavy lift additional(surcharge)超重附加费Heavy lift derrick 重型吊杆Heavy weather 恶劣天气Heavy fuel oil (H.F.O)重油Hire statement 租金单Hold 船舱Home port 船籍港Homogeneous cargo 同种货物Hook 吊钩Hopper 漏斗House Bill of Lading 运输代理行提单Hovercraft 气垫船Husbandry 维修Inland container depot 内陆集装箱Ice-breaker 破冰船Identity of carrier clause承运人责任条款Idle (船舶、设备)闲置Immediate rebate 直接回扣International MaritimeOrganization (IMO)国际海事组织Import entry 进口报关(注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)。
物流专业英语 十
• • • • • • • • 1. raw materials 原材料; 2. finished goods 成品; 3. production cost 生产成本; 4. product cost 产品成本; 九 5. aggregate product cost 产品总成本; 6. logistic activity 物流活动; 7. railway 铁路; 8. highway 高速公路.
物流专业英语 十一
• • • • • • • • 1. port of unloading 卸货港 2. port of loading 装运港 3. container 集装箱 九 4. FOB 离岸价 5. CFR 到岸价(无保险) 6. CIF 到岸价(含保险) 7. the time of shipment 装运时间,船期 8. shipping space 仓位
物流专业英语 十二
• • • • • • • • 1. FCL 整箱货,整柜装箱装载 2. LCL 拼箱货,散货拼箱 装载 3. TEUs 20英尺标准箱 4. FEUs 40英尺标准箱 九 5. international freight forwarder 国际代运公司 6. customs 海关 7. forwarder 货代(货运代理) 8. shipping agent 船运代理人
物流专业英语 九
• • • • • • • 1. motor transportation 汽车运输; 2. rail transportation 铁路运输; 3. air transportation 航空运输; 4. water transportation水路运输; 5. pipeline transportation 管道运输; 6. point-of-origin 原产地(origin place); 7. point-of-consumption 消费地点(place of consumption); • 8. logistician• • • • • • • • 1. logistics 物流 2. article 物品 3. goods 商品 4. cargo 货物,船货 5. logistics activy 物流活动 6. logistics cost 物流成本 7. logistics management 物流管理 8. supply logistics 供应物流
物流英语词汇如果你是学习物流的话,一定要知道这些英语单词哦!下面是店铺整理的一些物流英语词汇,欢迎大家阅读!贝业新兄弟 boyol newbrother物品 article物流 logistics物流活动 logistics activity物流成本 logistics cost物流管理 logistics management物流中心 logistics center物流网络 logistics network物流信息 logistics information物流企业 logistics enterprise物流单证 logistics documents绿色物流 environment-friendly logistics供应链 supply chain部门 Department运输部 Transportation Dept.仓储部 Storage Dept.项目部 Project Dept.财务部 Finance Dept.营销部 Marketing Dept.客服部 Customer Service Dept.行政人事部 HR and Admin Dept.IT部 IT Dept.岗位 position驾驶员 driver车队 Vehicle Fleet车队长 Chief of fleet场地 field配送员 deliverer文员 Clerk项目文员 Project Clerk订单 order订单文员 Order clerks客服文员 Customer Service Clerk 仓库文员 Warehouse Clerk提货员 Members of delivery销售员 Salesman叉车工 forklift worker装卸工 stevedore仓管员 warehouse keeper理赔员 Members of claims搬运工 transport worker会计 accountant财务 Finance出纳 Cashier审计 auditor助理 Assistant组长 Chief主管 supervisor经理 Manager总监 Director总经理 General Manager董事长 Chairman of the board 资源 Resources货车 Truck箱式车 van平板车 flat bedtruck公务车 business car柴油 Diesel汽油 Gasoline机油 Oil润滑油 Lubricating Oil 电瓶 Battery充电器 charger轮胎 Tire发动机 Engine灯光 Lighting刹车 Brake灭火器 Fire extinguishers 叉车 forklift worker高位叉车 Forklift high电动叉车 Electric Forklift 柴油叉车 Diesel Forklift 液压车 Hydraulic car托盘 pallet塑料托盘 plastic pallet 木质托盘 wooden pallet 标准托盘 Standard pallet 货架 Shelf雨布 Rain cloth雨棚 Canopy车棚 car shelter仓库 warehouse横梁 Beams立柱 Column库位号 Digital Library货物名称 Goods name标签 Labels工具 Tools物料卡 Materials card 缠绕膜 entanglement 封箱机 Sealing machine 打包机 Balers打包带 Packaged with 安全帽 Helmet安全鞋 Safety shoes安全带 seat belt电子秤 Electronic Scale 护栏 Barrier木框 Wooden Frame。
常用物流英语单词基本概念术语1.物品 article2.物流 logistics3.物流活动 logistics activity4.物流作业 logistics operation5.物流模数 logistics modulus6.物流技术 logistics technology7.物流成本 logistics cost8.物流管理 logistics management9.物流中心 logistics center10.物流网络 logistics network11.物流信息 logistics information 12.物流企业 logistics enterprise 13.物流单证 logistics documents14.物流联盟 logistics alliance15.供应物流 supply logistics16.生产物流 production logistics 17.销售物流 distribution logistics 18.回收物流 returned logistics19.废弃物物流 waste material logistics 20.绿色物流 environmental logistics21.企业物流 internal logistics22.社会物流 external logistics23.军事物流 military logistics24.国际物流 international logistics25.第三方物流 third-part logistics (TPL)26.定制物流 customized logistics27.虚拟物流 virtual logistics28.增值物流服务 value-added logistics service 29.供应链 supply chain30.条码 bar code31.电子数据交换 electronic data interchange (EDI) 32.有形消耗 tangible loss33.无形消耗 intangible loss物流作业术语1.运输 transportation2.联合运输 combined transport3.直达运输 through transport4.中转运输 transfer transport5.甩挂运输 _drop and pull transport6.集装运输 containerized transport7.集装箱运输 container transport8.门到门 door-to-door9.整箱货 full container load (FCL) 10.拼箱货 less than container load (LCL) 11.储存 storing12.保管 storage13.物品储存 article reserves14.库存 inventory15.经常库存 cycle stock16.安全库存 safety stock17.库存周期 inventory cycle time18.前置期(或提前期) lead time19.订货处理周期 order cycle time20.货垛 goods stack21.堆码 stacking22.搬运 handling/carrying23.装卸 loading and unloading24.单元装卸 unit loading and unloading 25.包装 package/packaging26.销售包装 sales package27.定牌包装 packing of nominated brand 28.中性包装 neutral packing29.运输包装 transport package30.托盘包装 palletizing31.集装化 containerization32.散装化 containerization33.直接换装 cross docking34.配送 distribution35.共同配送 joint distribution 36.配送中心 distribution center 37.分拣 sorting38.拣选 order picking39.集货 goods collection40.组配 assembly41.流通加工 distribution processing 42.冷链 cold chain43.检验 inspection物流技术装备及设施术语1.仓库 warehouse2.库房 storehouse3.自动化仓库 automatic warehouse 4.4立体仓库 stereoscopic warehouse 5.虚拟仓库 virtual warehouse6.保税仓库 boned warehouse7.出口监管仓库 export supervised warehouse8.海关监管货物 cargo under customs’s supervision 9.冷藏区 chill space10.冷冻区 freeze space11.控湿储存区 humidity controlled space12.温度可控区 temperature controlled space13.收货区 receiving space14.发货区 shipping space15.料棚 goods shed16.货场 goods yard17.货架 goods shelf18.托盘 pallet19.叉车 fork lift truck20.输送机 conveyor21.自动导引车 automatic guided vehicle (AGV) 22.箱式车 box car23.集装箱 container24.换算箱 twenty-feet equivalent unit (TEU) 25.特种货物集装箱 specific cargo container26.全集装箱船 full container ship27.铁路集装箱场 railway container yard28.公路集装箱中转站 inland container depot29.集装箱货运站 container freight station (CFS)30.集装箱码头 container terminal31.国际铁路联运 international through railway transport 32.国际多式联运 international multimodal transport 33.大陆桥运输 land bridge transport34.班轮运输 liner transport35.租船运输 shipping by chartering36.船务代理 shipping agency37.国际货运代理 international freight forwarding agent 38.理货 tally39.国际货物运输保险 international transportation cargo insurance40.报关 customs declaration41.报关行 customs broker42.进出口商品检验 commodity inspection 奖罚物流管理术语1.物流战略 logistics strategy2.物流战略管理 logistics strategy management3.仓库管理 warehouse management4.仓库布局 warehouse layout5.库存控制 inventory control6.经济订货批量 economic order quantity (EOQ)7.定量订货方式 fixed-quantity system (FQS)8.定期订货方式 fixed-quantity system (FIS)9.ABC分类管理 ABC classification10.电子订货系统 Electronic order system (EOS)11.准时制 just in time (JIT)12.准时制物流 just-in-time logistics13.零库存技术 zero-inventory logistics14.物流成本管理 logistics cost control15.物料需要计划 material requirements planning (MRP) 16.制造资源计划 manufacturing resource planning (MRP II) 17.配送需要计划 distribution requirements planning (DRP) 18.配送资源计划 distribution resource planning (DRP II) 19.物流资源计划 logistics resource planning (LRP) 20.企业资源计划 enterprise resource planning (ERP) 21.供应链管理 supply chain management (SCM)22.快速反映 Quick response (QR)23.有效客户反映 efficient customer response(ECR) 24.连续库存补充计划 continuous replenishment program (CRP)25.计算机付诸订货系统 computer assisted ordering ()26.供应商管理库存 vendor managed inventory (VMI) 27.业务外包 outsourcing。
1.M o d e r n l o g i s t i c s i s o n e o f t h e m o s t c h a l l e n g i n g a n d e x c i t i n g j o b s i n t h e w o r l d.现代物流是世界上最富挑战性和最激动人心的工作。
2.Logistics is part of a supply chain.物流是供应链的整体组成部分。
3.Logistics is anything but a newborn baby.物流不是新鲜事。
4.Logistics is a unique global “pipeline”.物流是独特的全球通道。
5.Logistics is related to the effective and efficient flow of materials and information.物流所涉及的是物料和信息有效、快速的流动。
6.Logistics operation and management include packaging, warehousing, material handling, inventory control, transport, forecasting, strategic planning, customer service, etc.物流操作和管理包括包装、仓储、物料搬运、库存控制、运输、预测、战略计划和客户服务等方面。
7.Logistics consists of warehousing, transportation, loading and unloading, handling, carrying,packaging, processing, distribution and logistics information.物流由仓储、运输、装卸、搬运、包装、加工、配送和物流信息所组成。
以下是一些常见的现代物流英语词汇和短语:1. logistics 物流2. transportation 运输3. warehousing 仓储4. packaging 包装5. inventory management 库存管理6. distribution management 分销管理7. information technology 信息科技8. supply chain management 供应链管理9. just-in-time inventory 准时制库存10. reverse logistics 逆向物流11. cold chain logistics 冷链物流12. green logistics 绿色物流13. cross-docking 交叉转运14. material handling equipment 物流搬运设备15. inventory turns 库存周转率16. order fulfillment 订单履行17. pick-up and delivery service 取送货服务18. return merchandise authorization 退货授权19. sales and operations planning 销售和运营计划20. demand forecasting 需求预测以上只是一些常见的现代物流英语词汇和短语,实际上现代物流英语涉及的领域非常广泛,需要不断学习和积累。
物流行业常用英文汇总.货代常用英文(一)船代Shipping agent 船舶代理Handling Agent 操作代理Booking Agent 订舱代理Cargo Canvassing 揽货FFF:Freight Forwarding Fee 货代佣金Brokerage / Commission 佣金(二)订舱Booking 订舱Booking Note 订舱单Booking Number 订舱号Dock Receipt 场站收据M/F (Manifest ) :a manifest that lists only cargo, without freight and charges 舱单Cable/Telex Release 电放A Circular Letter 通告信/通知书PIC:Person in Charge 具体负责操作人员The said party 所涉及的一方On Board B/L:On Board提单 A B/L in which a carrier acknowledges that goods have been placed on board a certain vessel。
Used to satisfy the requirements of a L/CCancellation 退关箱(三)港口BP Base Port 基本港Prompt release 即时放行Transit time 航程时间/ 中转时间Cargo availability at destination in 货物运抵目的地Second Carrier (第)二程船In transit 中转Transportation hub 中转港(四)拖车Tractor 牵引车/拖头Low-bed 低平板车Trailer 拖车Transporter 拖车Trucking Company 车队(汽车运输公司)Axle load 轴负荷Tire-load 轮胎负荷Toll Gate 收费口(五)保税Bonded Area 保税区Bonded Goods ( Goods in Bond) 保税货物Bonded Warehouse 保税库Caged stored at bonded warehouse 进入海关监管Fork Lift 叉车Loading Platform 装卸平台(六)船期A Friday(Tuesday / Thursday)sailing 周五班A fortnight sailing 双周班A bi-weekly sailing 周双班A monthly sailing 每月班On-schedule arrival / departure 准班抵/离ETA :Estimated(Expected) Time of Arrival 预计到达时间ETB:Estimated(Expected)Time of Berthing 预计靠泊时间ETD Estimated(Expected) Time of Departure 预计离泊时间The sailing Schedule/Vessels are subject to change without prior notice。
国际物流常用英语词汇一、货物/商品类别1.Freight - 货物2.Cargo - 货物3.Parcel - 包裹4.Container - 集装箱5.Pallet - 托盘6.Bulk - 散装货7.LTL (Less than Truckload) - 零担货运8.FCL (Full Container Load) - 整箱货运9.Hazardous goods - 危险品二、运输方式10.Air freight - 空运11.Sea freight - 海运12.Road freight - 公路运输13.Rail freight - 铁路运输14.Courier service - 快递服务15.Express delivery - 快递16.Intermodal transportation - 多式联运17.Cross-border logistics - 跨境物流三、物流服务18.Warehouse - 仓库19.Inventory - 库存20.Distribution - 分销21.Supply chain - 供应链22.Third-party logistics (3PL) - 第三方物流23.Freight forwarding - 货运代理24.Customs clearance - 报关25.Track and trace - 跟踪查询四、贸易术语26.Incoterms - 贸易术语27.EXW (Ex Works) - 工厂交货条件28.FOB (Free On Board) - 装运港价格29.CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) - 成本、保险和运费30.DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) - 到岸交货价格五、支付方式31.Letter of Credit (L/C) - 信用证32.Bill of Lading (B/L) - 提单33.Payment terms - 付款条件34.Cash on Delivery (COD) - 货到付款35.Advance Payment - 预付款六、其他pliance - 合规性37.Lead time - 交货时间38.Freight rate - 运费率39.Demurrage - 滞期费40.CFS (Container Freight Station) - 集拼货站以上是国际物流中常用的英语词汇,了解这些术语可以更好地理解和处理国际物流业务。
常见的物流英语有哪些?1.Modern logistics is one of the most challenging and exciting jobs in theworld.现代物流是世界上最富挑战性和最激动人心的工作。
2.Logistics is part of a supply chain.物流是供应链的整体组成部分。
3.Logistics is anything but a newborn baby.物流不是新鲜事。
4.Logistics is a unique global “pipeline”.物流是独特的全球通道。
5.Logistics is related to the effective and efficient flow of materialsand information.物流所涉及的是物料和信息有效、快速的流动。
6.Logistics operation and management include packaging, warehousingmaterial handling, inventory control, transport, forecasting, strategicplanning, customer service, etc.物流操作和管理包括包装、仓储、物料搬运、库存控制、运输、预测、战略计划和客户服务等方面。
7.Logistics consists of warehousing, transportation, loading andunloading, handling, carrying, packaging, processing, distribution andlogistics information.物流由仓储、运输、装卸、搬运、包装、加工、配送和物流信息所组成。
8.Logistics may be divided into supply logistics, production logistics,distribution logistics, returned logistics and waste material logistics.物流可以分成供应物流、生产物流、销售物流、回收物流和废弃物物流。
常用物流英语词汇总结大全以下是一些常用的物流英语词汇:1. Shipment: 货物,装运2. Freight: 运费3. Carrier: 运输公司4. Consignment: 托运5. Warehouse: 仓库6. Cargo: 货物7. Packaging: 包装材料8. Customs: 海关9. Export: 出口10. Import: 进口11. Bill of lading: 提单12. Tracking number: 运单号13. Delivery: 交货14. Transit: 运输15. Supply chain: 供应链16. Distribution: 分销17. Logistics: 物流18. Inventory: 库存19. Pallet: 托盘20. Container: 集装箱21. Manifest: 舱单22. Clearance: 清关23. Invoice: 发票24. International: 国际25. Domestic: 国内26. ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival): 预计到达时间27. ETD (Estimated Time of Departure): 预计离港时间28. LTL (Less than Truckload): 零担货运29. FTL (Full Truckload): 整车运输30. Palletizing: 托盘包装31. Carton: 纸箱32. Air freight: 空运33. Sea freight: 海运34. Rail freight: 铁运35. Road freight: 公路运输36. Warehouse management: 仓库管理37. Reverse logistics: 逆向物流38. Cross-docking: 直通配送39. Supply chain management: 供应链管理40. Third-party logistics: 第三方物流。
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1.M o d e r n l o g i s t i c s i s o n e o f t h e m o s t c h a l l e n g i n g a n d e x c i t i n g j o b s i n t h e w o r l d.
2.Logistics is part of a supply chain.
3.Logistics is anything but a newborn baby.
4.Logistics is a unique global “pipeline”.
5.Logistics is related to the effective and efficient flow of materials and information.
6.Logistics operation and management include packaging, warehousing, material handling, inventory control, transport, forecasting, strategic planning, customer service, etc.
7.Logistics consists of warehousing, transportation, loading and unloading, handling, carrying,
packaging, processing, distribution and logistics information.
8.Logistics may be divided into supply logistics, production logistics, distribution logistics, returned
logistics and waste material logistics.
9.Logistics is now the last frontier for increasing benefits in industrial production..
10.Logistics is unique, and it never stops!
11.Logistics performance is happening around the globe, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and fifty-two weeks
a year.
12.Logistics is concerned with getting products and services where they are needed and when they are desired.
13.Logistics is the process of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption
for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements.
14.Logistics is a hot topic in China。
15.The overall goal of logistics is to achieve a targeted level of customer service at the lowest possible total cost.
16.It is important that persons involved in day-to-day logistics work have a basic understanding of
17.Logistics must be managed as a core competency.
18.Logistics competency directly depends on a firm’s strategic positioning.
19.Logistics service is a balance of service priority and cost.
20.A lot of books on logistics, either in Chinese or in English, were published in 2002.
21.There is great room for logistics development in China.
22.I wish to make logistics my lifetime career.
23.ABC classification is quite useful in inventory control.
24.The JIT production system was developed by the Toyota Motor Company about 50 years ago.
25.Just-in-time (JIT) techniques are sometimes referred to as just-in-time production, just-in-time purchasing and just-in-time delivery.
26.The key to JIT operations is that the demand for components and materials depends on the finalized production schedule.