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Assets =Liabilities + Stockholders’ Equity

Assets =(Current + Fixed)Assets

Net Working Capital= Current Assets–CurrentLiabilities

Revenues — Expenses =Ine

Salesor Revenues(-)Cost of goodssold(=)Grossprofit毛利(—) Administrative/marketingcosts行政管理/营销成本, Depreciation折旧(=) Oper ating Profit营业利润(—)Interests, Taxes

(=)Net ine净收益(-) Dividends to preferred stocks(=)Earning available to mon shareholders

Cash Flow From Assets(CFFA) =Cash Flow to Creditors+ Cash Flow to S tockholders

Cash Flow From Assets = Operating Cash Flow营运现金流量–NetCapitalSpending净资本支出–Changes in NWC净营运资本得变化

OCF (I/S)营运现金流=EBIT息税前利润+ depreciation –taxes =$547

NCS净资本支出(B/S and I/S)= endingnet fixedassets–beginningnet fixed assets + depreciation = $130

Changes inNWC(B/S)=ending NWC –beginning NWC=$330

CFFA = 547 –130 – 330 = $87

CF to Creditors (B/S and I/S) = interest paid – net new borrowing = $24

CF to Stockholders (B/S andI/S)= dividends paid – net new equity raised= $63

CFFA= 24 +63=$87

Current Ratio流动比率= CA /CL2,256/ 1,995 =1、13times

QuickRatio 速动比率= (CA – Inventory)/ CL (2,256 – 301)/ 1,995 =、98 times

CashRatio 现金比率= Cash / CL 696/ 1,995 = 、35times

NWC to Total Assets = NWC /TA (2,256– 1,995)/5,394=、05

Interval Measure区间测量=CA /averagedaily operatingcosts 2,256 / ((2,006+1,740)/365)= 219、8days

Total DebtRatio资产负债率= (TA –TE)/TA (5,394 – 2,556) /5,394=52、61%

Debt/Equity资本负债率=TD /TE(5,394–2,556)/ 2,556=1、11 times

Equity Multiplier权益乘数=TA /TE = 1 +D/E

1+1、11 =2、11

Long-term debt ratio长期债务率= LTD / (LTD+ TE)


Times Interest Earned利息保障倍數= EBIT息税前利润EarningsBeforeInterest and Tax/Interest 1,138/ 7= 162、57times

CashCoverage现金涵盖比率= (EBIT+ Depreciation)/ Interest

(1,138 + 116)/ 7= 179、14times

InventoryTurnover存货周转= Cost of GoodsSold/ Inventory

2,006 /301 =6、66 times

Days’ Salesin Inventory 销售库存得天数= 365/ InventoryTurnover

365 / 6、66 = 55days

Receivables Turnover应收帐款周转率=Sales / Accounts Receivable5,000 / 956 = 5、23 times

Days’ Sales in Receivables=365/Receivables Turnover365/ 5、23 = 70days

Total Asset Turnover= Sales / TotalAssets


It is not unusual for TAT < 1,especiallyif afirm has alarge amount of fixed assets

NWC Turnover =Sales/ NWC5,000 /(2,256 –1,995)= 19、16times

Fixed AssetTurnover = Sales /NFA5,000/3,138 = 1、59 times Profit Margin利润率= Net Ine /Sales 689/ 5,000 = 13、78%

Return on Assets资产收益率(ROA)= Net Ine/ Total Assets689/ 5,394 = 12、77%

Return on Equity股本回报率(ROE) =NetIne / Total Equity689 / 2,556 =26、96%

PE Ratio市盈率= Priceper share每股价格/ Earningsper share每股收益87、65/ 3、61= 24、28times

Market—to-book ratio市价与账面值比率=marketvalue per share/book value pershare每股市价/每股账面价值87、65 / (2,556 /190、9)=6、55t imes



FV = PV(1 +r)t PV=FV/ (1 + r)t

FV =futurevalue

PV = present value

r= period interest rate,expressed as a decimal(用小数表示)

t =number ofperiods

Perpetuity永续年金:PV =C / r


Growing Annuity增长年金


APR年度成本百分率EAR EffectiveAnnual Rate


Bond Value=PVofcoupons息票+PVofpar票面价值

BondValue = PV of annuity年金+PV of lump sum总金额

Current Yield现价息率=annual coupon / price

Yield to maturity = current yield+capitalgainsyield资本利得收益率(1+R)= (1+ r)(1+ h), where

