



选择电脑适用的系统如windows xp,选择(Windows Vista Vista x64 xp xp64 2000 Server2003 Server2003x64)点击打开或双击
系统弹出如下窗口,选择FTDIBUS.INF文件点击打开,下面会弹出一个已经选择好 FTDIBUS文件的窗口。
系统弹出硬件类型窗口,拉动滚动条选择(通用串行总线控制器)点击下一步。 系统弹出选择要为此硬件安装的设备驱动程序窗口,点击[从磁盘安装(H)]
系统弹出从磁盘安装的窗口,点击(浏览)选择安装驱动程序的路径。 系统弹出查找文件窗口,选择光盘路径,如下图选择(USB 2.0 TO Rs232 Cable) 打开或双击,
安 装UT-880接 口 转 换 器 前 请 先 仔 细 阅 读 产 品 说 明 书, 将 产 品USB端 通 信 电 缆 接 入 电 脑 USB接 口 端 , 本 产 品 采 用USB/DB9M、 通 用 连 接 器 为 输 入/输 出 接 口, 无 需 设 置 自 动 实 现 RS-232通 信 方 式 , 可 使 用 双 绞 线 或 屏 蔽 线 , 连 接 、 拆 卸 非 常 方 便 。 转 换 器 为9线 制 , DCD RXD TXD DTR GND DSR RTS CTS RI 全 信 号 连 接。
五 、连接器和信号: 1、RS-232C 引脚分配
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
RS-232C 接口信号
保护地 接收数据SIN (RXD) 发送数据SOUT (TXD) 数 据 终 端 准 备DTR 信号地 GND 数 据 装 置 准 备DSR 请 求 发 送RTS 清 除 发 送C T S 响 铃 指 示R I



边缘数据中心管理系统CloudOpera NetEcoCloudOpera NetEco 是华为开发的新一代边缘数据中心管理系统,致力于为客户提供多网点SaaS 管理服务。


产品简介特性价值FusionModule800华为云应用场景极简多网点集中监控,快速交付,平滑扩容,TCO 节省7-15%。


企业分支政府学校医院酒店银行网点NetEco APPFusionModule800FusionModule800版权所有©华为技术有限公司2020。



产品特性功能模块特性描述GIS 地图•GIS 地图,支持地图风格变换•基于在线地图实时监控全网运行黄台,异常网点位置一目了然网点监控•提供环境监测,如温湿度、水浸、烟感、防雷器等•可统计IT 负载率、PUE 等信息•支持温控设备、UPS 、PDU 等设备的监测告警管理•支持当前告和历史警的浏览和查询功能•支持告警屏蔽设置,减少无效告警•支持专家经验库,可记录告警处理经验与建议安防管理•支持实时视频浏览•门禁支持指纹、密码、刷卡,支持非法开门告警、远程开门移动访问•支持APP 告警推送•支持查看当前告警、配电、制冷参数、门禁状态与现场实时视频画面。



Go 黄金版 ld 最大域数 最大用户账户数 最大会话数 Web 客户端 虚拟路径 配额 传输率 虚拟主机 FTPS (通过 SSL 的 FTP) 自定义 HTTP 标志 用户和群组统计 HTTPS 通过 SSH2 的 SFTP CA 证书 远程管理 ODBC 验证 Windows 验证 事件 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Serv-U Ver8.X 文件服务器用户安装配置使用手册
3.Serv-U Ver 8.X 文件服务器配置
3.1 初次安装新域配置导向
Step1. 确 认 完 成 安装
在安装完成后 Serv-U 服务自动 启用,在系统托 盘中会出现如右 图的图标红色方
Ver8.0.0.7 的
Step5. 域 配 置 导向第二步 确认服务端口, 注意 Http 服务 的 80 端口避免 与 IIS 或 Apache 有 冲 突,确认完毕, 点 击 下 一 步 (Next)继续
Serv-U Ver8.X 文件服务器用户安装配置使用手册
Serv-U Ver8.X 文件服务器用户安装配置使用手册
2.Serv-U Ver 8.X 文件服务器的安装及注册
Step1. 确 认 安装文件
右图为 Serv-U Ver8.0.0.7
Step2. 开 始 运行安装程 序 选择安装的 语言, 点击确 定继续安装。
Step7. 完成域 配置继续用户 配置
完成域配置后自 动弹出用户配置 导向,点击是 (Yes)继续
Step8.进入 Serv-U 用户配 置导向


2.1 概述 .......................................................31 2.1.1 装置使用范围 ................................................... 31 2.1.2 特点 ........................................................... 31 2.1.3 主要功能和性能 ................................................. 31
1.6 组态软件简介 ................................................30
2. RCS-9698C/D 远动通信装置................................................................................ 31
1.5 总控 VQC 说明 ................................................18 1.5.1 VQC 的应用 ..................................................... 18 1.5.2 VQC 的功能 ..................................................... 18 1.5.3 VQC 的原理 ..................................................... 18 1.5.4 VQC 的使用 ..................................................... 24


2-3-1 显示状态下的键盘操作 .........................................................................................5 2-3-2 在配料时的键盘操作 .............................................................................................5 2-3-3 在菜单下的键盘操作 .............................................................................................6 2-3-4 参数设置下的键盘操作 .........................................................................................6 2-3-5 配方设置下的键盘操作 .........................................................................................6 2-3-6 调校下的键盘操作 .................................................................................................6 参数设置...........................................................................................................................................7 3-1 设置操作 ............................................................................................................................7 3-2 F1 仪表基本参数设置 .......................................................................................................7 3-3 F2 仪表配料参数设置 .......................................................................................................9 3-4 F3 仪表通讯参数设置 .....................................................................................................11 配方设置.........................................................................................................................................13 4-1 设置按键操作说明 .........................................................................................................13 4-2 操作及指示灯说明 ..........................................................................................................13 4-3 操作步骤 ..........................................................................................................................14 秤的标定操作.................................................................................................................................15 5-1 标定按操作说明 ..............................................................................................................15 5-2 两点式全量程标定 ..........................................................................................................15 5-3 单点式零点标定 ..............................................................................................................16 5-4 标定过程中的注意事项 ..................................................................................................16 5-5 设备可能显示的错误代码 ..............................................................................................16 配料进程.........................................................................................................................................17 6-1 配料原理简介 ..................................................................................................................17 6-2 配料说明 ..........................................................................................................................18 6-3 配料过程中的时间参数 ..................................................................................................19 串行通讯接口.................................................................................................................................20 7-1 通讯接口方式 ..................................................................................................................20 7-1-1 RS—232 一对一接法图解 ...................................................................................20 7-1-2 RS—232 一主多从式接线方法 ...........................................................................21



目录1.运行ROCLINK800 (1)2.启动DL8000程序 (5)3. Copy 显示文件到安装路径 (6)4.显示屏 (8)5. 基本组态 (9)5.1 时钟设置 (9)5.2. 流量计算机信息 (10)5.3 标志位信息 (13)5.4 I/O配置 (14)5.5 MODBUS通讯配置 (16)5.6 查看报警和事件记录 (19)5.7 保存配置文件及下载配置文件 (19)5.8 FST下载 (22)5.9 升级固件(Firmware) (24)6.批控器具体各项组态 (26)ROCLINK800使用说明1.运行ROCLINK800在与ROC809在线连接时需注意以下事项:需要更改电脑的语言及区域设置,具体步骤如下:1.从电脑左下角的开始菜单中选择设置—>控制面板;2.在控制面板里选择“区域及语言选项”后出现如下画面:3.在“高级”选项卡中,将语言设置从中文(中国)改为英文(美国),如下图所示。



6.双击ROCLINK800图标,打开组态软件,显示如下登陆界面:7.鼠标放在“User ID”字母上,单击左键;8.如果使用LOI编程口组态,则点击直接连接后,等ROCLINK800软件右下角的红色“OFF-LINE”标记变为绿色“ON-LINE”后,连接成功。

点击此图标,建立电脑和ROC809的连接9.如果使用以太网口,需要使用交叉网线(即电脑与电脑连接所用网线),建立连接步骤如下:新的DL8000默认IP地址为:IP:子网掩码:网关:连接前首先确认将电脑IP配置到同一网段,Ping是否能通,然后点击Ethernet Device的属性,如图:检查IP是否为10.0.0.2如果是,可以点击上方的Connect按钮,或者双击Ethernet Device图标,等待连接。


BRAS(SE800)设备 业务配置手册
北京华软路迈信息科技有限责任公司 2008 年 12 月
SE800 业务配置手册
1 前言...........................................................................................................................................4
业务网关虚接口配置 ..................................................................................... 18
loopback 接口配置及命名规则 ...................................................................18
OSPF配置 ......................................................................................................... 21
BGP配置 ........................................................................................................... 22
SE800 业务配置手册
现网配置范例 ................................................................................................. 27

LT800安装手册v2.0 20100916

LT800安装手册v2.0 20100916
LT800 安装手册
本文介绍了 LT800 基站安装方法、规范等
工程技术部 重庆无线绿洲通信技术有限公司 2010-9-12
目录........................................................................................................................................... 2 图表目录................................................................................................................................... 3 1 概述................................................................................................................................... 4 2 安装流程........................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 安装准备工作................................................................................................................... 6 2.2 安装工具准备........................

富士通存储ETERNUS CS800数据保护设备说明书

富士通存储ETERNUS CS800数据保护设备说明书

In the digital age, the share of business-critical data is skyrocketing. At the same time, the virtualization of infrastructures continues to advance rapidly and the cloud is increasingly being used for business processes. This poses many backup and recovery challenges for IT organizations. With the ETERNUS CS800 data protection appliance, they can reliably master all the challenges of today and tomorrow.Backup and recovery becoming increasingly dif ficultThe more data-driven the business, the more dependent it becomes on data available around the clock. With the rapid growth of data and virtualized infrastructures, it is very difficult for companies to cost-effectively ensure reliable compliance with service levels, not to mention effective protection against disasters or cyber attacks. The simple reasons are incompatible technology silos, size and performance issues, difficulties in managing the backup of multiple sites, or complex management and disaster recovery.How to resolve your data protection issues Limited multiple backup solutions can cause many problems. But you can resolve them immediately with a solution that specifically meets all of your requirements. Simply switch to ETERNUS CS800. The turnkey data protection appliance ensures extremely fast backups and restores with the very latest in backup-to-disk technology. Powerful deduplication, flexible scalability, integrated replication for disaster recovery, easy management, plus support for all leading backup applications make ETERNUS CS800 the most complete and easy-to-use solution on the market. The appliance lets you consolidate heterogeneous environments comprehensively and achieve dramatic operational cost savings.Ultimate Data Protection for your BusinessFast backup and restoreHigh-speed disks within the backup appliance accelerate the deduplication process and all aspects of the system performance. In addition, a special functionality, called SPEED mode, shifts the deduplication to a media server enabling faster backup up to 99 TB/h. The data is deduplicated there before being transferred to the ETERNUS CS800. Simultaneous disk access ensures that data backup and recovery are possible at the same time.High and flexible scalabilityETERNUS CS800 offers leading scalability with a proportional price model and fair licensing. The appliance makes it easy to start with just the right capacity for the current backup environment and add capacity with high granularity. There are no hidden costs for unlocking additional features. Thus configurations can grow dynamically in step with rising capacity requirements. At the same time operations remain simple – with just “one box.”Disaster recovery through replicationThe ETERNUS CS800 Data Protection Appliance offers replication options that use low-bandwidth links because only deduplication data is moved from site to site. This bidirectional replication is not limited to one location: It can be enhanced with parallel replication to another location or to an ETERNUS CS800 in the data center of a cloud service provider. Advanced deduplication drastically reduces required network bandwidth up to a factor of 20. An intelligent mechanism supports efficient full remote backups by transmitting only new and modified data blocks to the target site. The system constantly transfers these new data blocks to the remote site and updates the remote copies already stored there. Snapshots can also be taken and replicated to recover any day of an entire month. If necessary the data is encrypted for maximum security.Cost-ef fective backup through deduplication ETERNUS CS800 uses a variable-length deduplication algorithm that reduces the backup storage by approximate l y 95%, depending on the data structure. You gain time for more complete backups and fast restores, even of older data. Because replication uses deduplicated blocks, you need significantly less bandwidth for the network connection between the replication source and replication target.Easy to deploy. Easy to manageETERNUS CS800 is a turnkey appliance which is easy to deploy and easy to manage. Its intuitive graphical user interface and integrated wizards for configuration tasks relieve administration workloads comprehensively. Intelligent automation provides additional relief and security. For example, the backup and replication process is automated – no administrator intervention is required.Works very well with all backup software suites ETERNUS CS800 supports all major backup software now available for easy integration in existing storage infrastructures. You can consolidate several backup solutions with one central ETERNUS CS800 – without replacing the backup software.Integration with Veritas and Veeam opens up many optionsBoth Veritas NetBackup software and Veeam Data Mover Service (VDMS) support synthetic full backups on ETERNUS CS800 from previous full and incremental backups, allowing super-fast backup and recovery processes, while also reducing demands on client devices, backup servers and networks. Hybrid deduplication with activation of the SPEED mode gives backups an additional boost and reduces network loads. In addition, users can restore and put a virtual machine back into production by running it directly from the backup file, thus helping to minimize system downtime.How ETERNUS CS800 makes data protection easy and future-proof9995% less disk space requiredKey functions and benefits at a glanceCost-effective backup through deduplication saves time on backup and recovery, lowers mediacostsFast backup and restore eliminates bottlenecks,ensures fast access to filesHigh and flexible scalability allows cost-effectivegrowth without hidden costsEasy to deploy, easy to manageminimizes administrationwork, boosts reliabilityDisaster recovery through replication makes unrivaledprotection affordableSupport of all backup software suites simplifies consolidation in one centralsolution Immutable snapshots and path-to-tape provideoptimal protection against ransomware and othercyber attacksRunning backup software directly on ETERNUS CS800eliminates the need toinvest in media serversApplianceRansomware attacks are skyrocketing and can directly lead to downtime which subsequently damage your business success. An important component of an effective ransomware recovery plan is immutability through isolation of backup data. For this purpose, ETERNUS CS800 offers secure backup, a powerful solution for meeting backup needs and SLA requirements.1.P ath-To-TapeThe appliance offers an application-specific direct path-to-tape (PTT) for copying backup data to an external tape library like ETERNUS LT. Tape technology provides the last line of defense against ransomware with offline, air-gapped backup which prevents data from corruption. The backup data can be written directly from ETERNUSCS800 to the tape library without any load on the backup server. The management of the copy-to-tape process is performed by the backup software server.2. S ecure snapshotBy using the new feature, the ETERNUS CS800 places snapshot data to an isolated, secured location within the appliance. This data cannot be deleted or encrypted,making backups (snapshots) immutable which means high defense and fast recovery. Last but not least, securesnapshot meets the RTOs and RPOs required by SLAs and is free of charge.Protect data from ransomware with ETERNUS CS800Secure snapshot provides a first-level defense against ransomware:1. S napshots of shares taken on customer defined schedule and stored in a non-network addressable location on ETERNUS CS8002. K ept for specified time, then automatically deleted (no manual deletion possible)3. A dmin chooses snapshot(s) to restore via management interfaceImmutable snapshots to isolate your data.Quickly and successfully recover to meet SLAs.Always be in control of your data. Never losevisibility with user-friendly management interface.No additional licensing fees required.Never pay ransom again – No loss of reputation, customers, or trust.© 2022 Fujitsu T echnology Solutions GmbHFujitsu, the Fujitsu logo, and Fujitsu brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of Fujitsu Limited in Japan and other countries. Intel, the Intel logo, the Intel Inside logo, and Xeon are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owners. T echnical data are subject to modification and delivery subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual, or correct is excluded. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner . All rights reserved. FUJITSU-PUBLICNo matter what data protection challenges you face, Fujitsu provides a one-stop-shop for all data scenarios and storage needs. Combining Fujitsu storage systems with leading partner technologies, we safeguard data integrity and ensure always-on data availability - a key factor determining business success. With over 50 years ofexperience providing storage solutions, we master any challenge arising from digital transformation and data growth.Visit us on /dataprotection and discover more about Fujitsu data protection.• F or medium and large enterprises:powerful replication of backup data for comprehensive consolidation • F or branch offices with few or no IT resources:high degree of automation for daily backup operations • F or IT organizations with multiple backup applications: a single appliance for all applications • F or cloud service providers:enable easy delivery of backup services• F or physical, virtual and hyper-converged environments: simple, reliable backup with one applianceIdeal solution for a wide range of applications。






文档属性项目名称: 中国联通增值业务综合网管项目 文档主题: UltraNMS 配置要求文档编号: 2006UNI-ULTRA-TECH04-01 文档版本: 1.0 版本日期: 2006-8-6 文档状态: 初稿 作者: 张仲书文档变更版本 修订日期 修订人 描述1.0 2006-8-6 张仲书 初稿文档送呈 神州泰岳 许芃 审阅 陈伟 审阅 廖小方付勇本文档仅北京神州泰岳软件股份有限公司和被呈送方内部使用,未经双方许可,请勿扩散到第三方。

目 录1 前言..........................................................................................................................4 2UltraNMS 配置要求 ...................................................................................................5 2.1 拓扑组织.....................................................................................................5 2.2 采集调度任务..............................................................................................6 2.3 状态轮询................................................................................................... 12 2.4 配置管理(网络配置文件上传下载)......................................................... 14 2.5 性能管理................................................................................................... 16 2.6资源管理................................................................................................... 19 2.6.1 维度属性配置..................................................................................... 19 2.6.2 设备属性配置..................................................................................... 20 2.6.3 针对联通项目资源的一些特殊设置 .. (20)2.7故障管理................................................................................................... 25 2.7.1 事件标准化规则 ................................................................................. 25 2.7.2告警通知规则 (25)2.8 安全管理................................................................................................... 26 2.8.1 功能权限............................................................................................ 26 2.8.2内容权限 (26)本文档仅北京神州泰岳软件股份有限公司和被呈送方内部使用,未经双方许可,请勿扩散到第三方。

远望谷系列固定式读写器 NET版 用户手册

远望谷系列固定式读写器 NET版 用户手册
(1)通讯模式的选择................................................ 39 (2)选择好通讯模式后点击连接按钮。................................ 39 (3)设置串口参数.................................................. 39 (4)IP地址设置 ................................................... 40 (5)连接成功 ..................................................... 41 (6)连接失败...................................................... 41 (7)断开连接...................................................... 42 3.软件读写控制................................................ 42 (1)读写前配置.................................................... 42 (2)读TID码....................................................... 42 (3)停止读卡...................................................... 42 (4)读卡显示的数据................................................ 42 (5)读用户数据.................................................... 43 (6)写用户数据.................................................... 43 (7)导出数据...................................................... 44 4.配置菜单.................................................... 45 (1)跳频管理...................................................... 45 (2)IP设置........................................................ 46 (3)I/O控制....................................................... 46 (4)提示音........................................................ 47



PT800用户手册手册版本号:V2.2目录1 产品分类及功能配置 (1)2 标准配置和选购件 (2)3 注意事项 (5)3.1安全注意事项 (5)3.2使用注意事项 (6)3.3电池信息 (6)4 性能参数 (7)5 熟悉PT800 (8)6 电源 (10)6.1电池的拆装 (10)6.2外接适配器 (11)7 手提带 (12)8 指示灯和键盘 (13)9 使用PT800 (14)9.1开机、休眠、关机、充电 (14)9.2系统运行界面 (15)9.3系统设置 (15)9.4运行程序 (22)9.5系统信息 (22)9.6文件管理 (22)9.7识别条码/RFID (23)9.8下载程序 (24)10 故障排除说明 (25)11 附录 (26)11.1 样码 (26)11.2 PT850/853的设置码 (28)11.3 附表Prefix,Suffix1,Suffix2 (39)NLS-PT800系列便携式(条码)数据采集器分为如下三大类:PT850,采用laser 识读头,可识读ISO 标准的各一维条码。

PT853,采用CCD 识读头,可识读ISO 标准的各一维条码。

PT810,采用RFID 识读头,可根据需要配置不同RFID 识读模组。

具体功能配置如下表:产品分类及功能配置便携式(条码)数据采集器1部(选购无线功能模块才带有天线)** USB数据线** RS232数据线** 电源适配器789103.2 使用注意事项3.3 电池信息◆uBase和uT ools版权归福建新大陆自动识别技术有限公司所有◆PT810配置不同的RFID模块可分别识读不同的RFID卡片1.扫描窗口2.手提带轴3.天线(选购无线功能模块才有天线)4.指示灯5.液晶6.键盘5.1 PT800正侧面1.警告标志2.产品标牌B通讯口4.产品序列号5.复位孔6.电池盖锁7.蜂鸣器音孔8.电池盖9.电池盖开盖槽10.充电电极1.通讯口保护橡胶2.红外通讯窗口5.2 PT800背面5.3 PT800底部6.1 电池的拆装(外接适配器可以为电池充电,也可在没有电池的情况下,借助通讯线为设备供电。



LBI-38902BTABLE OF CONTENTSSynthesizer/Receiver/Exciter . . . . . . . . . LBI-39070Power Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LBI-39071PA Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LBI-38994Control logic/IF Board . . . . . . . . . . . . LBI-39072Control Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LBI-38992Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LBI-38909Service Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LBI-39073Maintenance ManualORION ™ 800 MHzSCAN AND SYSTEM MOBILE RADIOericssonzEricsson Inc.Private Radio Systems Mountain View RoadLynchburg, Virginia 245021-800-528-7711 (Outside USA, 804-528-7711)Printed in U.S.A.Copyright © June 1994, Ericsson GE Mobile Communications Inc.SPECIFICATIONS*Frequency Range:806-825 MHz (TX)851-870 MHz (TX and RX)Battery Drain:Receiver Squelched 1.1 Amperes at 13.8 V oltsUnsquelched 3.0 Amperes at 13.8 V olts (15 Watts Output)Transmitter 12 Watts 7 Amperes at 13.6 V olts 30 Watts 14 Amperes at 13.6 V olts Frequency Stability:0.00015%Temperature Range:-30°C (-22°F) to +60°C (+140°F)Duty Cycle:80% Receive, 20% TransmitTransmitterTransmit Output Power:12/35 Watts (806-825 MHz)12/30 Watts (851-870 MHz)Conducted Spurious:-70 dBModulation:±5 kHz, (±4 kHz on NPSPAC Channels)Audio Sensitivity:55 to 110 millivoltsAudio Frequency Characteristics:Within +1 dB to -4.5 dB of a 6 dB/octave pre-emphasis from 300Hz to 3000 Hz per EIA. Post-limiter filter per FCC and EIA.Distortion:Less than 2% (1000 Hz)Less than 5% (3000 Hz)Deviation Symmetry:0.3 kHz maximum Maximum Frequency Separation:19 MHz (806-825 MHz) TX 19 MHz (851-870 MHz) TX Microphone Load Impedance:600 OhmsPower Adjust Range:100% to 50% of rated power RF Output Impedance:50 Ohms FM Hum & Noise:-45 dB Carrier Attack Time:50 milliseconds Audio Attack Time:50 milliseconds Channel Guard TX Tone Distortion:5%ContinuedThis manual covers Ericsson and General Electric products manufactured and sold by Ericsson Inc.NOTICE!Repairs to this equipment should be made only by an authorized service technician or facility designated by the sup-plier. Any repairs, alterations or substitution of recommended parts made by the user to this equipment not approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment in addition to the manufacturer’s war-ranty.NOTICE!This manual is published by Ericsson Inc., without any warranty. Improvements and changes to this manual necessi-tated by typographical errors, inaccuracies of current information, or improvements to programs and/or equipment, may be made by Ericsson Inc., at any time and without notice. Such changes will be incorporated into new editions of this manual. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechani-cal, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Ericsson Inc.The software contained in this device is copyrighted by the Ericsson Inc. Unpublished rights are reserved under the copyright laws of the United States.NOTICE!LBI-38902B1DESCRIPTIONSynthesized ORION™ 800 MHz mobile radio combina-tions are completely solid-state, utilizing microcomputer tech-nology and integrated circuits to provide high-quality, high-reliability radios. Standard combinations may be equipped with:•Microcomputer Controlled Frequency Synthesizer•Up to 192 Conventional Channels•Up to 800 EDACS Systems/Groups•0.00015% Frequency Stability•Other Structured OptionsThe basic radio consists of three printed wiring boards mounted in a cast aluminum frame. The three boards are:1.The System Control Logic/IF Board,2.The Frequency Synthesizer/Receiver/ Exciter Board3.The Power Amplifier Board.The radio is of double-layer construction with minimal tun-ing adjustments.The Control Logic/IF Board located on the top of the radio, while the Power Amplifier and the Synthesizer/Receiver/Ex-citer Boards are located on the bottom. SYNTHESIZER/INTERCONNECTThe synthesizer consists of a microcomputer, E lectrically E rasable R ead O nly M emory (EEPROM), a frequency syn-thesizer IC, transmit and receive V oltage C ontrolled O scilla-tor’s (VCO) and associated circuitry. The frequency synthesizer under control of the microcomputer generates all transmit and receive R adio F requencies (RF).The EEPROM stores binary data for all radio frequencies, Channel Guard tones/digital codes and the timing function of the C arrier C ontrol T imer (CCT). The microcomputer ac-cesses the EEPROM and provides the correct W ALSH bits to the Channel Guard circuitry to generate the correct Channel Guard tone or digital code on a per-channel basis.PROGRAMMINGThe EEPROM allows the radio to be programmed or repro-grammed as needed to adapt to changing system requirements. Radio Frequencies, Channel Guard tone and digital codes and the CCT function can be reprogrammed.The EEPROM can be reprogrammed through the radio rear connector using a personal computer and personal computer programmer software. This programmer allows all information to be entered from the personal computer screen.Programming instructions are provided in the respective Programmer Maintenance Manuals.TRANSMITTERThe transmitter consists of the exciter, frequency synthe-sizer, transmitter VCO and a Power Amplifier (PA) assembly. The PA assembly consists of a PA board mounted on a heat sink assembly. The PA board also contains antenna switching diodes and a low-pass filter.Audio and Channel Guard circuitry for the transmitter is lo-cated on the System Control Logic/IF Board. RECEIVERThe receiver consists of the frequency synthesizer, RX VCO, injection amplifiers, front end, IF and limiter detector. Audio, squelch and Channel Guard circuitry for the receiver is located on the System Control Logic/IF Board.SYSTEM CONTROL LOGIC FUNCTIONA microprocessor on the System Control Logic/IF Board controls the frequency synthesizer, the TX ON/OFF, the decod-ing of CTCSS tones, the generation of CTCSS tones,... etc. The audio processor circuitry of the transmitter and the re-ceiver are located on the Control Logic/IF Board. Squelch cir-cuitry and a connection to the digital AEGIS circuit is also located on the System Control Logic/IF Board.SPECIFICATIONSReceiverAudio Output:(To 4.0 ohm speaker)15 Watts with less than 3% distortionSensitivity:12 dB SINAD (EIA method)0.35 µVSelectivity:EIA Two-Signal Method(25 kHz Channels)-80 dB (Also -20 dB @ ± 12.5 kHz NPSPAC channels) Spurious Response:-90 dBIntermodulation 25 kHz:-80 dBMaximum Frequency Separation:857-870 MHz .... 19 MHzFrequency Response:Within +2, -8 dB of 6 dB/octave de-emphasis from 300 to 3000MHz (1000 Hz reference)RF Input Impedance:50 OhmsHum/Noise ratio:Unsquelched-45 dBReceiver Recovery Time:200 millisecondsReceiver Attack Time:150 millisecondsChannel Spacing:25 kHzREGULATORY APPROV ALSThe following equipment authorized numbers have been granted:COUNTRY REGULATORY APPROV ALUNITED STATES FCC AXATR - 317 - A2 (12W)AXATR - 318 - A2 (35W)CANADA DOC TR - 317 (12W) (287 194 237)TR - 318 (35W) (287 194 232)* These are typical specifications intended primarily for use of the service technician. Refer to the appropriate Specifications Sheet for the guaranteed specifications.LBI-38902B2OPERATIONComplete operating instructions for the ORION Two-Way Radio are provided in Operator’s Manual LBI-38888for the control unit used.MAINTENANCEThe Service Section in maintenance manual LBI-39073contains the maintenance information to service this radio.The Service Section includes:•Disassembly Procedures•Replacement of IC’s, chip capacitors and resistors •Alignment procedures for the transmitter and receiver •Troubleshooting Procedures and wave formsPARTS LIST Figure 1 - ORION Mobile RadioORION 800 MHz MOBILE RADIOLBI-38902B3LBI-38902BSYSTEM INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM4LBI-38902B This page intentionally left blank5。

UNI800 称重显示控制器

UNI800 称重显示控制器
UNI800 使用说明书
初次使用前,请详细阅读本说明书,现场使用许多疑难问题,在本说明书中将找到答案。 使用前,请检查称重系统其他部件是否匹配。 使用本仪表,注意防晒、防雨水、防撞击。 使用本仪表,请尽可能配备常用安装、检修工具:小型一字螺丝刀,数字式万用表,称重传 感器模拟器(mV 信号发生器) 。
安装.......................................................................................................................................................................8 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 安装注意事项 ..............................................................................................................................................8 称重显示器输入灵敏度...............................................................................................................................8 传感器与显示器之连接法...........................................................................................................................8 称重终端最长可联接的称重信号电缆长度表 ...........................................................................................9 称重传感器接线方式...................................................................................................................................9 安装尺寸图(单位:MM) ......................................................................................................................1-2 1-3 2

Fujitsu ETERNUS CS800高级部署服务数据表说明书

Fujitsu ETERNUS CS800高级部署服务数据表说明书

Data SheetFujitsu ETERNUS CS800 Advanced Deployment ServiceAdding value to your dedup applianceETERNUS CS800ETERNUS® CS800 is a turnkey data protection appliance and provides a simple and affordable solution for customers which follow a disk backup strategy with deduplication. The advanced deduplication technology reduces typical capacity requirements for disk to disk backup by up to 90% to reduce costs. ETERNUS CS800 provides maximum disk performance and highest scalability. Backup data replication between sites uses global deduplication and reduces typical network bandwidth needs by factor 20 or more. ETERNUS CS800 is also supporting the Symantec® OpenStorage™ for replication and Direct Tape Creation.IntroductionTwo of the unique features of the “ETERNUS CS800” are its versatility and flexibility concerning data duplication: You can either use its native replication functionality to move deduplicated data between systems, or you can replicate data in an application-controlled manner by using Symantec NetBackup® in combination with the Symantec OpenStorage (OST) API. Additionally, NetBackup™ and OST can be used to copy data directly to a tape library attached to your ETERNUS CS800 (path-to-tape). Both options will give you disaster recovery protection across sites, fault tolerance as well as local high-speed backup and restore combined with a high degree of flexibility and granularity.You are looking for support to implement your ETERNUS CS800 appliance’s advanced replication/ deduplication functionalities or for an on-site transfer of CS800 knowledge.You may choose from one of the following:■CS800 Replication (native)■Symantec NetBackup/ Backup Exec™ with Symantec OpenStorage (OST)■Path-To-Tape for Symantec OpenStorage (OST)■On-Site workshop with an FTS expert Our Fujitsu ETERNUS specialist will implement the ETERNUS CS800 advanced features for you. You will benefit from:■A customized configuration, carried out according to a predefined setup plan■Deployment, on-site support and detailed answers tocustomer questions■Seamless integration into your existing backup / storage environment ■Configuration hints for you NetBackup/ BackupExecsoftware environment■An enterprise-grade solution that is part of Fujitsu ETERNUS storage product family■Transfer of storage and integration know-how from an qualified ETERNUS CS Fujitsu expert to your IT staff■Reduced deployment time and costsService ConditionsFor the successful implementation of this service, the necessary provisions are:■A working CS800(result of the QuickStart service)■Network bandwidth for replication services must meet requirementsfollowing the replication plan■Physical Installation and FC Connectivity of Tape Library to CS800appliance(s) and Backup Server should be completed beforeimplementing Path-To-Tape (optional)■Physical and logical FC Connectivity of CS800 FC ports to support OSTPath-to-Tape (optional)■A fully functional Symantec NetBackup/BackupExec environment withconnectivity to the CS800 appliance(s) (needed for OST Integration)■Correct CS800 model and licensingOptional ServicesThe following service elements can be ordered additionally: ■Backup strategy and design ■Configuration of backup software ■Formal CS800 Training■Project management■VTL (Virtual Tape Library) ImplementationTerms and conditionsThis Professional Service is provided under the conditions valid for a Fujitsu standard service.Ordering and delivery This Professional Service is available from your local Fujitsu sales office.When ordering please quote:Service Description The “ETERNUS CS800 Advanced Deployment Service” contains the following elements, separately or combined:“Replication Implementation”Setting up Data Replication between physically separatedCS800 appliances■Setting up a replication plan (choosing replication type, replicationmethod, replication schedules, additional replication scripts if needed)according to customer requirements■Verification of CS800 QuickStart Implementation■Customization of CS800 network configuration for optimized replicationsupport (optional)■Configuration of the target and source system(s)■Enabling and running data replication■Recovering replicated data on the target system (optional) ■Implementing manual replication/ post backup scripts (optional)■Documentation of the implemented solution“OST Integration”Your ETERNUS CS800 appliance will be configured to be a fully-functional Symantec OpenStorage (OST) server including Logical StorageUnits (LSUs)■Verification of CS800 QuickStart Implementation■CS800 Path-To-Tape (PTT) configuration (optional) ■Configuring the CS800 for OST (Storage Server and Logical Storage Units (LSUs)■Installing the OST Plug-in (NetBackup/ BackupExec Backup Server)■Configuring Symantec NetBackup/ BackupExec Backup Servers(incl. Media Server)■Registering the Storage Server with NetBackup’s Media Server and Discovering Logical Storage Units ■Configuring Disk Pools and Storage Units in NetBackup ■Initiating an OST Backup (optional)■Initiating an OST Optimized Duplication (optional) ■Documentation of the implemented solution One Day On-Site Workshop■Joint definition of customer goals and requirements ■Hands-on CS800 workshop tailored to customer needs■Testing of different implementation scenarios with customer (advanced replication testing, stress tests etc.)Service ResultsAs a result of this service, you will receive one or more of the following: ■A production-ready dedup-enabled data replication environment ■Seamless integration of your CS800 appliance(s) into your existing Symantec NetBackup/BackupExec Backup environment■A highly focused, time- and cost-effective workshop of your IT staff forthe ETERNUS CS800 applianceAbout Fujitsu AmericaFujitsu America, Inc., is a leading ICT solutions provider for organizations in the U.S., Canada and the Caribbean. Fujitsu enables clients to meet their business objectives through integrated offerings and solutions, including consulting, systems integration, managed services, outsourcing and cloud services for infrastructure, platforms and applications; data center and field services; and server, storage, software and mobile/tablet technologies.For more information, please visit: / and /fujitsuamericaContactFUJITSU AMERICA, INC.Address: 1250 East Arques Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085-3470, U.S.A.Telephone: 800 831 3183 or 408 746 6000Website: Contact Form: /contact Haveaquestion?Emailusat:*********************.comIn addition to FUJITSU ETERNUS CS800, FUJITSU provides a range of platform solutions. They combine reliable FUJITSU products with the best in services, know-how and worldwide partnerships.Dynamic InfrastructuresWith the Fujitsu Dynamic Infrastructures approach, Fujitsu offers a full portfolio of IT products, solutions and services, ranging from clients to datacenter solutions,Managed Infrastructure and Infrastructure as a Service. How much you benefit from Fujitsu technologies and services depends on the level of cooperation you choose. This takes IT flexibility and efficiency to the next puting products/global/services/computing/ ■PRIMERGY: Industrial standard server ■SPARC Enterprise: UNIX server■PRIMEQUEST: Mission-critical IA server ■ETERNUS: Storage system ■BS2000 mainframesSoftware/software/ ■Interstage:Application infrastructure software ■Systemwalker:System managementLearn more about FUJITSU ETERNUS CS800, please contact your FUJITSU salesrepresentative or FUJITSU Business partner, or visit our website./fts/eternus_csFujitsu Green Policy Innovation is ourworldwide project for reducing burdens on the environment. Using our global know-how, we aim to resolve issues ofenvironmental energy efficiency through IT. Please find further information at:/global/about/environment/Fujitsu, the Fujitsu logo, ETERNUS and PRIMEQUEST are trademarks or registered trademarks of Fujitsu Limited in the United States and other countries. PRIMERGY is a trademark of or registered trademark of Fujitsu Technology Solutions in the United States and other countries. SPARCENTERPRISE is a trademark or registered trademark of SPARC International, Inc. in the United States and other countries. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Symantec, OpenStorage, NetBackup and BackupExec are trademarks or registered trademarks of Symantec corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners.Copyright ©2013 Fujitsu America, Inc. All rights reserved. FPC58-3192-01 03/13 FCI_13.0134DisclaimerThe statements provided herein are for informational purposes only and may be amended or altered by Fujitsu America, Inc. without notice or liability. Product description data represents Fujitsu design objectives and is provided for comparative purposes; actual results may vary based on a variety of factors. Specifications are subject to change without notice.。

锐取高清电视墙服务器TWS8000 技术白皮书V1.0-20130312

锐取高清电视墙服务器TWS8000 技术白皮书V1.0-20130312









超强解码功能单台设备最大支持16路高清1080P 30fps或32路720P 30fps解码。

标清解码支持48路4CIF 30fps 或64路CIF 30fps。

同时支持1080P 60fps,720P 60fps解码。




兼容性强兼容性好,可与各品牌MCU、终端配合使用,无需作任何配置修改安全可靠稳定性强,采用嵌入式系统设计,支持7×24运行模式第3章硬件结构产品外观图-前面板图-后面板1-电源指示灯加电以后,绿色指示灯亮2-启动键需要启动机器时,请按下此键3-重启键需要重启机器时,请按下此键4-电源插口连接电源线5-电源开关1--电源接通;0--电源关闭6-配置网口配置网口LAN 1,默认IP地址为10.10.10.107-使用网口使用网口LAN 2,IP地址通过配置网口获得8-DVI输出连接高清显示设备第4章软件结构UI :用户界面Data Receiver :数据接收模块,包括Sniffer(截包模块)、Remote TWS(远端电视墙连接模块)Data Decoder :数据解码处理模块,包括Codec Driver(Codec板驱动)、Codec Hardware本身Display :显示模块,包括VGA、HDMI/DVI驱动模块Control Flow :控制流Data Flow :数据流第5章组网结构图5-1在电视墙服务器距离视频会议MCU设备不远时可以采用组网图5-1的方案。

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Ultralink-Server800 板卡技术规格说明书
一、 板卡形态
主卡 子卡OPV40S
二、 接口示意图
Ref In
LTC 输出
Ultralink - Server800 - E 3 - N X R1


通道数量可以为E(8通道卡,仅主卡)或者T(具有12通道能力,但需配合子卡选件);功能领域用数字表示:3表示I/O通道卡;4表示带有图像缩放和混叠功能的图文卡;5表示具有较高I/O 吞吐速率的图文卡;6表示具有硬编码功能的I/O卡。






主卡支持8路SDI,DIN 1.0/2.3接口,内嵌8声道音频。


SDI In1和SDI I/O2、SDI In3和SDI I/O4、SDI In5和SDI I/O6、SDI In7和SDI I/O8、之间均支持断电直通。

2.Ref In:
主卡带1路Reference输入,支持Bi/Tri Level自适应锁相,DIN 1.0/2.3接口。

3.子卡OPV40S:扩展4路SDI Out
通过在主卡上的接插件,支持4路10bit 3G/HD/SD-SDI输出,内嵌8声道音频,DIN 1.0/2.3接口。

8声道模拟平衡输入,8声道模拟平衡输出,支持2路 +48 V幻象电源麦克风输入,卡侬接口。

8声道AES/EBU输入,8声道AES/EBU输出,1路LTC In,1路LTC LoopOut,1路LTC Out,BNC接口。


PCI-E X8 Generation2接口。


通过子卡1扩展4路专用输出,最高可实现“4路输入+4路输出+4路入出可配置的高清SDI I/O能力”。

2.4K视音频 I/O功能



如下图所示,包含了主卡和子卡1之间的连接线,以及DIN 1.0/2.3接口转BNC接口连接线。
